#Andrew and Cassidy are Twins
waluigisgaybf · 2 years
I forgot just how many of my OCs have siblings holy shit.
In the tags I just counted 13 different OC sibling groups.
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artificervaldi · 11 months
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Golden Children
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rotomartsblog · 10 months
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Realises I forgot to post him here woops
Anyways Cassidy and Andrew’s dad
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glitch-in-the-code · 3 months
Andrew is included in my au, I just gotta move some things around
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ducklingtheunited · 18 days
random hc's for FNAF I have
The year is probably around 2033.
Julius and Reed are dating
Kimberly and Greg are dating
Kelsey = Andrew
Eleanor is possessed by Elizabeth Afton.
Andrew and Cassidy are twins
Toby = 🏳️‍🌈
Isaac, John (silver eyes), Greg, and Kasey = 💀
Chris Watson and his clone get along quite well
Platonic San x Chris
Andrew, Cassidy and Devon are siblings. Except Devon was born 1985 and Cassidy and Andrew died 4 months later.
Four fnaf bullies are Michael Afton, Jeremy Fitzgerald, Fritz Smith and Oswald's dad (Freddy mask in attic from game)
Alec is quite smart in mathematics.
Oscar wants to avenge Isaac by bringing him back with Remnant but Isaac is afraid to tell him that Remnant can't bring him back.
Raj is a lawyer, Oscars lawyer to be exact.
Certain people can see through a mist like border that shows the truth of FNAF.
Jeremiah, Parker, Hope and Pickle = Vannified except Pickle wasnt Vannified by Glitchtrap.
Julius's love language is physical touch.
Sammy Ded at 4
Henry ain't a saint guys
Andrew is most of the antagonists of FNAF just possessing the animatronics
Sam (Blackbird) did die and Eleanor was being Eleanor yk
Eleanor doesn't have to pretend to be someone who has died. The person can still be alive, she just prefers death tbh.
Detective Larson being one of the 'clones' however he is still alive, he doesn't even know Eleanor is pretending to be him.
A friendship group was made between all fazbear frights characters and all game characters. - Detective Larson
Pickle is friends with Julius after learning the only reason Julius bullied him is due to him not ever knowing how to express friendship.
Kasey and Julius are twins.
Devon is German
Alec is Malaysian
Julius and Kasey are Japanese
Colton and Aidan are Finnish
Greg is Dutch
And Mandy Mason is Greek.
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superstarzolar · 2 months
hello. I have a question: in your AU, did William kill the missing children and Charlie for the sake of immortality or for some other reason?
i was literally JUST about to post abt this so thank you for giving me a reason to!!!!
charlie was an accident; he hit her with his car while he was drunk driving and was scared to face the consequences, so he drove off. he did feel a slight bit of power and thrill after getting away with it.
as for the missing kids, however, it was a mix of both vengeance and power-trip [one more than the other]. he hated michael for killing sammy [cc], but decided since killing his own kids would be counterproductive, he would just kill other people’s kids instead. make them feel the same pain, yada yada yada .
he chose the kids [susie, gabriel, jeremy, fritz, andrew, and cassidy] specifically because they all reminded him of sammy/they were friends with him/charlie before they died. ESPECIALLY cassidy, since they were best friends with the emily twins.
[fritz was kind of caught in the crossfire bcuz he had just moved to hurricane when sammy died, but him being friends with the other kids just sealed his fate sort of]
only after they had all died did william ever delve into the weird and wacky world of immortality, the afterlife, and magic goo….
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megamaster64 · 6 months
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Charlie from an AU that I'm not going to write! But I will info dump about it! Okay so first off the AU is called FNaF: Ties that bind, and it would've taken place in 2005. William Afton isn't the murder although he was framed by Charlotte. The reason she does the whole murder thing was to experiment with souls to find a way to bring her father back to life after he died from leukemia(It was going to be a different disease but I forgot what it was going to be) Charlie figured out that ghosts exist after getting continuous visions around Elizabeth and figuring out that she's a robot. So she forces her father to possess a Sonic jam disc she borrowed from Liz. In the game compilation he takes the form of sonics worst enemy, Dr. Robotnik! After playing Sonic 1 and figuring out her fathers spirit took this form she began targeting four collage kids from her campus who were once orphaned as children. With the help of her twin brother Sammy she killed and stuffed 3 of them into Toy Bonnie, Toy Chica, and Toy Foxy. However Andrew was a special case since Charlie didn't have access to Toy Freddy she put him in the Sonic Jam disc with her father. Creating a monster that would haunt her until she gave the disc back to Liz to which he then begins to haunt her, although after some talking Andrew calms down and joins his friends at Freddy's. after hearing their cries. Eventually Sammy begins to regret his actions and threatens to put both him and Charlie in prison. She responds to that threat by shooting him in the face. She stuffs his corpse into the Fredbear suit he used to preform in. Meanwhile, Elizabeth, her friend Cassidy, and her girlfriend Mary begin to solve the mystery of the disappearances and with the help of Sammy and Andrew the three of them confront Charlie and after a brief skirmish Elizabeth triggers the springlocks although this doesn't kill Charlotte it just traps her in the suit. She laughed as she reached for a hand crank only for Sammy to possess the suit and force the internals to implode on her. 6 years later Charlotte gets set on fire by Elizabeth at Fazbears fright. There were some other story elements that would've been included. Like Evan being manipulated by his father into thinking that his sister, older brother and mother abandoned him. Evan being forced into a rock band with his girlfriend Marla. He survives the bite in this au, it's less of a bite and more of a powerful electric shock that leaves one side of his face permanently disfigured. Cassidy has a twin sister that she's trying to track down for the whole story, her twin is part of Evans rock band. Evan has Paranoid Schizophrenia and Will refuses to get him therapy for it instead opting to constantly medicate him. Elizabeth was given a robot body built out of Circus baby after she was killed by her. Which she didn't know about until her father told her when she began to put the pieces together.
Reblogs are always appreciated!!!!
My commissions are open!!!!
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officermaddie23 · 8 months
Not alone after all possessed bots fact sheet Monty and Derick
Derick the animatronic dragon
Derick is possessed by Cassidy as her spirit never truly found rest because she feels that she needs to protect children from sharing the same fate as her
When Cassidy is in control of Derick his normal blue eyes will switch to deep black and Derick's voice will become garbled
Cassidy does not hold any ill will towards Officer Vanessa despite Vanessa's grandfather being the one responsible for her death
Cassidy has also revealed herself to Officer Drachenfire and has shared some information about scientist Dr Charlie Emily (Charlie Emily is still alive in this au and she is continuing her father's work in defeating Afton)
Montgomery Gator
Monty is possessed by Cassidy's twin brother Andrew and like his twin sister he does not hold any ill will towards Officer Vanessa despite Vanessa's grandfather killing both him and Cassidy
Andrew is very patient and has been a big part of helping Gregory get over his trauma
Like his twin sister he has reveled himself to Officer Drachenfire and told her to look up the person Cassidy has mentioned
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tawneybee · 1 year
A couple facts about C.C/Nicky in my Trial & Error AU.
- Elizabeth and Mike are twins, both 15, while Nicky (C.C) is 3.
-Nicky is nonverbal autistic. It is selective, so they know how to talk, they just choose not to. Sometimes they'll speak in eerie whispers (on purpose to creep ppl out) to people they don't like specifically. And since they love their siblings, the twins have hardly ever heard them speak. Nicky mostly communicates in body language and a yes/no/unsure button toy. Sometimes they'll even babble incoherently if they're feeling excited/stressed.
-Adding on to the whispering to people they don't like, if either of their siblings has said or done something to make them upset (as caring as the twins usually are, they're still siblings and still assholes) they'd go in the culprit's room at night and freak them out by talking to them in the dark. And since the twins have never seen Nick talk, they always think they're going crazy.
-Nicky has an oral fixation. They have a pacifier that they use most of the time, but without it there's quite a bit of biting. When they're feeling underwhelmed and need stimulation they'll just find something to chew on, and it doesn't help that biting is their love language and their teeth are quite sharp. You'll see the twins or Cassidy with a lot of indents and scars on their skin from this habit. Only real way to make them stop is to find their pacifier.
-Intersex because I said so
-Would you believe me if I said they've committed tax fraud before
-Elizabeth taught them to cry their way out of consequences and they accidentally got someone arrested through this
-Sees William as the man who pays for their stuff, nothing more
-They go to a babysitter when the twins are in school, and this babysitter is Jeremy Fitzgerald's adult sister, Autumn Fitzgerald.
-They're really smart and really well-developed mentally, so they were gonna be put in school early the year they turned 4.
-Though they died a mere week before their first day so- whoops 🤷.
-Fredbear's was built and shut down a few years before Nick's birth, so the most Nick saw of Fredbear was through the Fredbear & Friends TV show and old VHS tapes. It was still their favorite animatronic.
Post Death
-Due to Fredbear's being shut down before Nick was born, Nick didn't die due to the prank. Though their death was somewhat similar.
-Nick shares Fredbear with 5 other souls; Cassidy, Michael Brooks (TSE), Andrew (various FF books), Kelsey (FF: The New Kid), and Devon (FF: The New Kid).
-The Nightmares have a similar purpose here to canon, but long after Nick died, they found the old remains and managed to hijack the robots, so they're now able to use what William built against him.
-Elizabeth has had to fight them for the key to the explosives cabinet in Mike's office once.
-Even when in the massive form of Fredbear they always want to sit in the shopping cart.
-The pacifier followed them to the afterlife, and so did that goddamn oral fixation.
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marionedde · 3 months
Mike and his (remaining alive) friends all realize there's a conspiracy around the old restaurant from their childhood. Donning fake names, they all go to separate restaurants to research their siblings/friends disappearances, and most likely deaths.
Mike's friends (+ parents and siblings)
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Elizabeth Afton- 11. Mike's middle sister. Kind of a brat, loves her red doll.
Abby Afton- 7. The youngest Afton kid. Has a doll named Ella.
Vannessa- 17. Spunky, bright. Mike's best friend. Loyal to a fault. Likes arcade games.
Mike Afton- 17. Trauma galore. Bully that is bullied. Cares more than he lets on.
George Fitzgerald- 17. Mike's best friend. Super supportive and caring. Has a little brorther named Jeremy.
Jess Smith- 18. Slowly coming out to her inner circle. Can be a bit mean but means well. Has a little brother.
Angel Hernandez- 16. Jess's best friend. Major sweet tooth.
Millie Fitzsimmons- 17. Super goth. Dissappeared around Christmas. Last seen around the old dump.
Sarah Harvey- 18. Super fun, but major self esteem issues. Disappeared after Millie. Last seen in her house.
Tessa- 17. Called "Tape Girl" due to her tendency to record anything she finds strange on her recorder.
Connor- 18. Says hello twice. Will disappear in 4 years.
Clara Schmidt- 40. William's divorced wife. Used to do ballet. Was going to fight for custody of her children before disappearing.
William Afton- 48. The genius behind Freddy Fazbear's.
Henry Emily- 50. William's business partner. Last seen a week after his son went missing.
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Garrett Evan Afton- 9. Got in a tragic accident at his birthday party. Had history of night terrors. Rushed to the hospital, presumably dead.
Cassidy Brooks- 8. G.E.'s best and only friend.
Susie Estelle- 7. Has a younger sister. Used to have a dog named Sparky.
Fritz Smith- 6. Loved to swim.
Gabriel Markman- 10. Played piano.
Jeremy Fitzgerald- 8. George's little brother.
Charlie Emily- 9. Henry's daughter.
Sammy Emily- 9. Charlie's twin. Likes clowns.
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Anton Stitch- 18. Bullies Mike's friends due to unresolved trauma from his brother dying. Mysterious disappears at age 20.
Andrew Stitch- 10. Killed. Liked alligators.
Oswald Harvey- 11. Killed. Liked the ballpit. Sarah's little brother. Had a rabbit plushie that was a "fingertrap."
Jake Davis- 9. Died in the hospital.
Kelsey- 10. Friendly boy. Disappeared.
Mick + Devon. Both 11. Best friends, inseparable.
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starry-skies-116 · 2 years
Drops this pile of headcanons on everyone because my new hyperfixation is Psychology~:
Me at the MCI Squad and their siblings “You know what, I like you!” (makes them all weird and wonderful ND’s because we love those peeps):
Cassidy: OCPD, Autistic, and Hypercalculia (Sensory Processing Disorder, some textures are just garbage for her :'D)
Andrew, Cassidy’s twin brother: Histronic Personality Disorder (HPD), Autistic, Hyperlexia- is nearsighted so he wears glasses.
Gabriel: ADHD (Primarily Hyperactive), Dysgraphia, Dyslexia.
Zuri (Gabriel’s younger sister): Fibromyalgia, Autistic (semiverbal), Lactose Intolerance, Eczema.
Dorothy (Chica Masked Tormentor, Gabriel’s older sister): ODD (Oppositional Defiant Disorder), Anxiety, Insomnia.
Jeremy: Autistic, ADHD (Combined Type), Seasonal Affective Disorder.
Susie: ADHD (Innattentive Type), BPD, Hypochrondria.
Samantha (Susie’s fraternal twin sister): Chronic speech impediment/stutter, antisocial personality disorder, OCD, misophonia (later develops PTSD).
Fritz: ADHD (Combined Type), NPD, Narcolepsy, PTSD (due to childhood trauma/SA occurring in earlier childhood)
Charlie: Autistic (fluctuates in between semi-verbal and hyperverbal), Anemia, Atelophobia.
Plus our three favorite siblings:
Michael: Dyslexia, Synesthesia (chromesthesia and lexical-gustatory), Misophonia 
Evan: Schizophrenia (Schizoaffective, accompanied by Bipolar Disorder), Autistic (goes either nonverbal or hyperverbal with a LOT of stuttering and slurring when stressed), BPD
Elizabeth: ADHD (Combined Type), Anxiety, Atelophobia (my girl have you heard of Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria being stacked on top of that? It’s the worst /gen).
(all Afton kids and MCI gang later develop trauma disorders, with most of them developing some form of PTSD or C-PTSD. Rip to my children *continues to rotate them in mind like a roasting meat kebab over an open flame anyway* </333).
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crayonverse · 6 months
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Here’s some Cassidy lore + the Puppet (it’s not Charlie) (Cassidy uses he/she btw)
Something horrible to know, Cassidy hated Fredbear’s/Freddy’s. He thought the animatronics were too creepy and only played arcade games there. The week before her birthday she actually started coming around on them. And then on his birthday…
There’s some stuff I changed about my Cassidy/golden Freddy (obviously the first being “It’s You!” For cass) “it’s me” goes to Andrew! (They’re my golden duo in my au :3)
The fredbear plush he has in the drawing used to belong to Andrew. Cass n Andy r twins !!
Cassidy takes on the vengeful spirit mantle n Andrew is classed as “the one you shouldn’t have killed”
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sadesluvr · 1 year
This question is reaching but if the TNP cast had children, what would they name them?
Ignoring the fact that Cassidy’s kid is called *Andrew* for the sake of canon/lore, her middle name is Delilah so she’d definitely name a girl after her. For a guy, something chill or extravagant- no in between - like ‘Cody’ vs ‘Axel/Damon’
Gabriel would be quite simple, probably something like Brandon/Dorian for a boy, or Hannah/Nora - Is on the Delilah train also :)
Fritz would honour his ancestry (meaning his moms wishes lmao) if it was a girl, such as Clara/Elise/Thea, but would go for a more ‘American’ style for a guy: Brandon/Brady - Would definitely go for alliterative names if he had twins/triplets/etc 💀
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tinseltownevents · 11 months
Roommates List
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Robbie Amell
Karl Urban
Chad Michael Murray
Chase Stokes & Madelyn Cline
Matthew Tkachuk & Suki Waterhouse
Taylor York & Hayley Williams
Josh Dun & Debby Ryan
Joe Keery & Dianna Agron
Glen Powell & Sydney Sweeney
Shane West & Leighton Meester
Chris Evans & Minka Kelly
Chris Pine & Katie Cassidy
Chace Crawford & Ashley Benson
Andy Samberg & Anna Camp
Ryan Gosling & Kelli Berglund
Travis Kelce & Taylor Swift
Brie Larson & Anna Kendrick
Jensen Ackles & Caity Lotz
Chris Hemsworth & Danneel Harris
Skeet Ulrich & Emmy Rossum
Lucy Hale & Lizzie Olsen
Tyler Hoechlin & Phoebe Tonkin
Andrew Garfield & Alexandra Daddario
Adam Devine & Samara Weaving
Michael B Jordan & Kathryn Winnick
Emma Mackey & Alexander Calvert
Kat McNamara & Ryan Reynolds
Lance Bass & Louis Tomlinson
Zac Efron & Tyler Seguin
Jon Groff & Anthony Mackie
Evan Peters & Kaia Gerber
Ben Platt & Brittay Snow & Miles Teller
Taylor Kitsch & Aly Michalka & Emma Roberts
Dylan O'Brien & Shelley Henning & Jack Quaid
Sebastian Stan & Margot Robbie & Nico(son)
Bill Skarsgard & Emma Stone & Halsey
Rudy Pankow & Abigail Cowen & Madison Bailey
Cari Fletcher & Cara Delevingne & Empty Bed
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phantomss-pain · 11 months
Back to posting about the Pokémon fnaf AU this time it’s about the gym leaders and we are going to go in order of how Charlie battles them:
First gym leader is Jeremy with him focusing on rock types. Jeremy is the son of the sixth gym leader. He is commonly seen hanging out with gym leaders Fritz and Gabriel.
Second gym leader is Susie with her focusing on grass types. In her free time Susie likes watching contests and tending around her city. If you are one of Susie’s neighbours and her friend Elizabeth Afton the poison type gym leader is in town you would unfortunately not be able to get much sleep due to the noise the two make.
The third gym leader is Millie who focuses on Ghost types. Occasionally the ghost gym leader will be found hanging around haunted buildings along with her girlfriend Sarah. She is often considered to be one of the hardest gym leaders.
The fourth gym leader is Elizabeth Afton who likes the poison type the most. Elizabeth is the daughter of William Afton head of Afton Robotics. Don’t let her connection to William fool you as she is a very strong battler. In her free time you can find her hanging around bars and with her siblings and her girlfriends
The fifth gym leader is Fritz the water type specialist. In his free time Fritz loves sailing around and is a very proud individual. He is very close to the gym leader Jeremy. Rumours exist that the two’s friendship is something a little bit more than friends but the two deny the claims.
The sixth gym leader is Jeremy Sr who focuses on fighting and steel types (it really depends on the day which type he picks).
The Seventh gym leader is Gabriel who really enjoys ice type Pokémon. He is often seen helping out people get to and from the city he lives in as it often snows there. His closest friends are Jeremy jr and Fritz.
The final gym leader is Andrew who likes the ground type the most. Andrew is actually the twin of elite four member Cassidy and like his twin sister can be very blunt and aggressive. He is widely considered to be the hardest gym leader.
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thelasttime · 1 year
Can you make a list of all your best friends? I would love to know more about them <3
in no order:
claire & olivia: my childhood best friends, we've been friends since 1st grade which means we've been friends for over 15 years, my absolute ride or dies, i love them more than life itself, they're twins!, but i'm like their triplet <3, the SMARTEST people you will ever meet, olivia is going to go to law school in a year and claire is prepping for the LSAT, essentially my sisters at this point
hannah, arthur, andrew, steven: my college friend group, we got extremely close at the beginning of senior year because of orchestra but we've all known each other one way or another for a while, the funniest people i know!!! hannah is in wisconsin as a graphic designer, arthur is premed and working in a clinic in georgia, steven is also in maryland with me doing research (also premed), and andrew is premed and working in a clinic in north carolina. met hannah through orchestra, met arthur through orchestra, met andrew through orchestra, BUT met steven through freshman year chemistry discussion <3. special shout out to hannah because she is willing to facetime me at any moment if i'm in a crisis, shoutout to andrew because he loves laufey and he is extremely funny and a very supportive friend, arthur who is the funniest person i know and willing to give it to me straight no matter what, steven because he's so hardworking and willing to also give it to me straight even when i don't want to hear it
bela: my freshman year random roommate who i have accidentally stumbled upon and never let go since then, one of the funniest people i know, the weirdest person i know, loves cats, lives in new york city, also never afraid to tell it to me straight and knows almost all of my inner thoughts at any given moment, one of the smartest people i know and an amazing writer, loves art history (majored in it), and has the biggest heart, pathological people pleaser though
cassidy: my taylor swift bestie, my concert bestie, my delusional bestie, we feed each other delusions and we LOVE it, the ultimate girl's girl, also in maryland and premed !!!!!!!!, the person i can be the most unhinged with and she'll always get it and support me, probably the first person to throw hands if someone said anything bad about me (although honestly all of my friends would go to war for me and vice versa), A GIRL'S GIRL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, also the best shit-talker in the world, she's the girl who's going to give undying support, the girl who would help me bury a body if needed, if anyone was mean to cassidy i'd be throwing hands in 1 second
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