#Ania Solo
legends-expo · 1 year
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Panel Announcement: Dark Horse Comics
Randy Stradley, Corinna Bechko, Henry Gilroy and Michael Stackpole discuss their work and tell tales of behind the scenes on Star Wars projects at Dark Horse Comics from 1991 to 2014.
This panel will take place on Saturday, September 9th at the Marriott Convention Center in Burbank, CA. Buy your tickets today at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/legends-consortium-2023-tickets-541786186067
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renposter · 2 years
Star Wars: Legacy (2013)
This might be my new favorite Star Wars character... omg... Issue #1 page 26
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cquity · 1 year
ania & open 
“crap i think i forgot how nice the sun was.” she joked, a wicked grin on her lips as she passed the napkin over to the other. “ thanks for joining me for this picnic by the way - i was starting to worry i’d have to blackmail someone into joining.” 
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percentstardust · 2 years
here’s all my jewish muses cause i don’t feel like posting all of them separately in separate head canons:
barry al.len
ania solo
zed necrodop.olous
yelena belo.va
eden hughes
jessie emerson
rey skywalker
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tragcdysewn · 2 years
closed starter for ania solo!! ( @cquity​ )
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“this yours?” allana asked, holding out a phone as she shot the girl a grin. “i think it fell out of your bag.”
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a-k-a-l-i · 13 days
The Skywalker Invasion
Family Revelations
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The Jedi Council Chambers was filled with Jedi Knights, masters, and senators. Yoda’s eyes were closed, focusing on the Force.
The newcomers were occupying different rooms at the temple, as the Jedi Masters believed they shouldn’t have the time travelers interact.
“We need the names of the people you met,” Mace Windu asked, a frown forming on his lips.
“I met two men, both claiming their name to be Skywalker,” Plo Koon said slowly, turning to look at a certain Jedi Knight who was surprised.
“That’s impossible, I mean no disrespect, Master, but I too have met someone claiming to be a Skywalker,” Aayla was quick to inform them.
Anakin crossed his arms, “I would also like to join this confusing conversation, my padawan and I met this boy, going by the name ‘Ben Skywalker’ I’m now curious to know who these others are.”
Ahsoka nodded her head in agreement.
Obi-wan stroked his beard.
Padmé came forward, “Jedi Masters, I have met two women, a young girl, and a young man, one of the women says she is the empress of the Fel Empire, which just happens to be our galaxy.”
Yoda now hummed, “the last names, I need, yes, to uncover the truth. Your hand you must raise, if you met one, going by the name Skywalker, you must.”
Four people raise their hands.
Aayla Secura.
Anakin Skywalker.
Plo Koon.
Master Yoda.
“Going by the name Solo,” Yoda continued.
Padmé Amidala.
Bail Organa.
Adi Gallia.
Mon Mothma.
Obi-wan Kenobi.
Each raised their hand.
“By the name Fel.”
Padmé Amidala and Bail Organa were the only ones.
“And do not forget the young one who goes by the name ‘Jade’, she was in the company of one ‘Luke Skywalker’.” Mace Windu reminded. Yoda nodded.
Anakin’s brows furrowed, more Skywalkers?
“Something on your mind, young Skywalker?” Yoda prompted, his face softening.
“The…other Skywalkers, I’m curious,” Anakin sighed.
The old green Jedi Master chuckled, “revealed, everything will be, with time.”
“I believe we should gather everyone and question them all at once, they must be very powerful if the Force reacted this way,” Ki-Adi Mundi proposed.
“Agree, I do, talk with them, gain their trust, we will.”
Gathering the newcomers, the Jedi Council led them all to a large room where privacy can be assured.
Luke and Leia found each other and crashed into each other’s arms, happy to know that the other was safe. Mara and Han only laughed quietly at the sight.
Ania looked around, noticing that she shared certain features with other people in the room. Her eyes stopped on a woman.
Marasiah turned, her face broke out into a grin. The two girls ran forward and brought each other into a hug.
“It has been so long, cousin, I am delighted to know that I will have a familiar face with me here,” Marasiah exclaimed. Someone cleared their throat behind them, and Ania saw her other cousin.
“Why, Cade, this is turning out to be a family reunion.”
Cade chuckled, “a very weird one, the Force is a tricky one.”
Now confused, the Jedi Council watched as Ania, Marasiah, and Cade all chatted together.
“You’re…related?” Adi Gallia wondered, her eyes wide. Ania nodded. 
Now this just got more interesting.
“But, how?” Obi-wan asked, his face scrunched.
“We have the same ancestor,” Cade crossed his arms.
“And who would that be?” Mace narrowed his eyes.
“Anakin Skywalker.”
Said man faltered, “w-what.”
Luke, was just as confused, they too were related to his father?
“Anakin Skywalker? Here?” Han groaned.
Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker came forward, his arms crossed against his chest. The time travelers’ eyes widened comically, gasps were heard, and disbelief rang throughout the Force.
Bail Organa coughed softly, “maybe you can tell us what Knight Skywalker means to you.”
Luke casted his gaze over to the man who claims to be Anakin Skywalker, and there he is, standing in all his glory. Anakin Skywalker.
“He…well…Anakin Skywalker is my father.”
Ahsoka’s eyes grew, oh dear, how is Master going to get out of this one?
Leia nodded, “He is…my biological father, Luke and I are twins,” her face soured slightly as she admitted the fact. She had not forgiven him yet, but in the light of things, she believed it was best to just go along with it.
Jacen, Jaina, and Anakin giggled, “we’re his grandchildren!”
“Jacen is the eldest, then it’s me, Jaina, and our younger brother, Anakin!”
The elder Skywalker felt his face grow hot, his heart racing a mile a minute. He caught the gaze of his wife, who sent him a reassuring smile, she too, was having a difficult time handling this.
“Your last names?” Kit Fisto asked politely.
Han sputtered, “what!? How do you kids have my last name!?”
Jacen looked unimpressed, “it’s cause we’re your kids.”
Anakin Jr. put his hands on his hips, “and Leia is our mother.”
Leia and Han paled at the thought, scooting away from each other.
Mon Mothma could only sigh. A red headed boy stepped up, blue eyes twinkled when he saw his grandfather pale.
“The name’s Ben Skywalker, I’m Luke Skywalker’s son.”
Luke turned sharply to stare at the red headed boy. But, who is the mother? The only woman who popped in his head was the one who was standing next to him. Mara Jade.
Ki-Adi Mundi put his hand under his chin in thought, strange.
Nat and Kol also stepped up, introducing themselves, garnering another round of surprise coming from the Jedi of the Old Republic.
Allana quietly said her name, stating who her father was, making Jacen go red and Jaina to laugh quite loudly, teasing him relentlessly. Ania had a small on her face, watching the smaller versions of the first Skywalker-Solo lineages goof off. 
“What about Marasiah Fel then? If I remember correctly, you said Ania was your cousin,” Mon spoke, trying hard to ignore the fact that the people of the future are Jedi Skywalker’s descendants. Does he ever follow the rules?
“My great great grandmother is Jaina Solo. Ania is Jacen’s descendant, and I, Jaina’s. Making us cousins,” explained the future empress, her hands folded neatly across her stomach.
Ahsoka now only had one question remaining on her mind and she was sure it was on everyone else’s.
“Who’s the mother of Master Skywalker’s children then?”
Several pairs of eyes snapped to her direction making her fix her posture, not wanting everyone to see her as only a child padawan.
The senators and Jedi Masters looked at the future Skywalkers who looked anywhere but at the front of the room where the people of the Old Republic stood.
“W-we don’t know,” Leia finally spoke up, “we thought…well, we thought that our father had a one night stand.”
The people of old looked highly skeptical of this theory.
The other time travelers muttered their own theories, some stating that they thought she was also a Jedi, possibly a smuggler, and other crazy stories.
“We just know she would have to look like Leia, since I look like my father, at least according to Be–I mean Obi-wan Kenobi,” Luke explained.
The auburn haired master coughed as he was now put in the spotlight.
“I’ve noticed that Miss Leia Skywalker,” Shaak Ti started, making Leia sour instantly, “young Allana Solo, young Jacen Solo and Miss Ania Solo all share close resemblances to Senator Amidala.”
The young female senator was now under scrutiny of her colleagues, the Masters of the Jedi Council, and the people of the future.
“Master Ti is right,” Aayla said in her heavy accent.
“Skywalker, do you have anything to say about this?” the face of Mace Windu was clouded, as his anger seeped through. The ones bearing the last name Skywalker all turned to the Korun master.
“What did I do?” The Skywalkers exclaimed in unison, making Mace quickly back track his words.
Anakin wisely kept quiet, his own thoughts getting to the better of him. I have a family…Padmé  and I made a legacy oh how I wish we could talk in private.
Padmé, feeling a headache coming on, could not help the joy that spread through her. She and Anakin made a family, their family made a family and so forth. She was excited and words could not describe the feeling. Oh no, the Jedi Council, she forgot about them in the heat of the moment.
She took a glance to her husband, giving him an unnoticeable nod.
The blonde Jedi Knight coughed, making the attention come his way. 
“Contrary to your…beliefs, I’m married.”
The entire room was not prepared, as a matter in fact, those weren’t the words that they expected to come out of the patriarch of the Skywalker clan’s mouth.
“To who?”
“Me,” Padmé stepped up, her head held high, this wasn’t how she imagined she would reveal their marriage, but no time like the present, right?
Bail and Mon were extremely surprised, their colleague, who had no interest in romantic relationships, was married? They had told her to pursue such things, saying that it was a wonderful thing to be connected to a person, who would love and cherish you. Yet, here she was, steps ahead of them.
“Hm, how many months, were you?” Yoda asked, his glimmer stick thumping softly. 
“Two and a half years, just after the Battle of Geonosis,” Anakin answered, his voice firm, Obi-wan pinched the bridge of his nose.
Force, help me.
“This is going against the Code–”
“What code?” Luke was now confused, while he was thrilled to know that he was a product of his parents’ love, at least he hoped so, he wondered about the code they seem to obsess and worship.
“The Jedi Code states that one should not hold romantic attachments,” Anakin explained to his son.
Kol was now laughing, “that wasn’t in the Code, as a Jedi Master myself and knowing history, Luke Skywalker made the Code after he rebuilt the Order and it never stated that.”
“How can one person, especially a Skywalker, change a code that existed well over two thousand years?” An angered Agen Kolar grit out.
“Rebuilt the Order?” Anakin had a bad feeling about this. Mara rolled her eyes, this was becoming too much, they’ve been here for hours and she needed some rest.
“The Jedi Order was destroyed, Jedi were killed and an empire, under the rule of the sith,  rose the day Luke and I were born, allegedly,” coughed Leia.
There was nothing but silence.
Pure unadulterated silence.
“Take a break we will, come back later, we must, to your rooms, the padawans will take you,” Yoda finally decided, he needed the Force to show him the way.
There were no signs or sounds of disagreement, they moved out of the room, leaving only a few Jedi left in the room.
“Skywalker,” Yoda called out to Anakin, “expel you, I will not, need you here, the Force demands. Until the agenda of the Force is finished, your status of your knighthood, you may keep,” he hobbled away with Mace Windu, Obi-wan Kenobi, and Shaak Ti.
 Anakin slumped against the wall in relief.
Obi-wan was disappointed. That much was obvious.
But he couldn’t place it.
Was he disappointed at his padawan? At himself? At the Code?
What had happened?
When Yoda had called a recess break, he inwardly refused, he wanted answers.
What happened to him? Anakin? The padawans?
Sitting in a meditation position, he searched the Force for guidance.
Though a small part of him was happy, happy that Anakin had a family, though the Code absolutely refuses such a thing. Spending the small amount of time with the Solo children, he could already feel fondness growing, and knowing it was his padawan’s great offspring, made his fondness grow.
Somewhere in his mind, he was proud that the Skywalker lineage were accomplished Jedi Masters, or politicians.
At least he found the answers to that, knowing how much Anakin hated politics.
Padmé was–is–good for him, no doubt about that, she grounded Anakin when he could not, she gave him peace, peace that the Jedi Knight so often searched for, looked for, meditated for.
He only hoped that it did not end in disaster.
Opening his eyes, he left his room and went to the cafeteria. Already there was talk about the strange occurrence of the strange beings who appeared out of nowhere.
Force help him.
Force help Anakin.
Force help the galaxy.
The appearance of the Skywalkers could either mean two things.
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ania Vazquez revista H Hombres septiembre 2011. es la nueva chica de portada que en el mes de septiembre por fin se animo a posar como nunca antes la habias visto y es que la ex "Mis Nuestra belleza de Mexico" no solo es apreciada por caballeros sino tambien por las chicas..
Tania vazquez en su carrera en la pantalla chica se ha desempeñado tanto de modelo como actriz y como una actora multifacetica,ya ah tenido la oportunidad de hacer papeles dramaticos, asi como tambien incursionar en la comedia pero sobre todo requerida para comerciales de Tv o una que otro sección de desfile de moda.
Ha participado en telenovelas como: "Al diablo con los guapos", "mañana es para siempre", "Hasta que el dinero nos separe" y actualmente la vemos en "Esperanza de corazón".
La sesión fotográfica corrió a cargo de Uriel Santana, quien viajó junto con la modelo a las playas de Punta Mita en Nayarit, para realizar el “shooting”, en el cual Vázquez vistió siete modelos de lencería.
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muses-inn · 8 months
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AU & Plot Wishlist 2024
Jerry > Independent Solo Adventure plots/crossovers for the poor dad. > Cozy slice-of-life stuff, also open for crossovers. > Threads with Jerry Prime/Hermit Jerry. > Potential threads with a 'Doofus Jerry' verse.
Ania > Exploring the wilderness of foreign planets together. > Explorations with Leck included. > Generally more interactions with her.
Leck > Leck got tasked with the murder of your muse. > Your Muse hires Leck for a Job. > Your muse joins forces with Leck. > Just hanging around at Quark's for a couple of drinks and games.
T'Ana > She's taking care of your sick/injured muse. > Threads with Shaxs as a guest muse > Independent verse threads with her being a freelance doctor.
Carrion > Threads with Stage 1 Carrion at the underground facility. > Stage 4 Carrion trying to find its purpose. > General horror threads with Carrion being the monster your muse has to survive against.
Ashton > Ashton visiting different worlds. Plenty of funny crossovers. > AUs/Crossovers that are on the Fantasy-side. > Your muse gets to talk with Creepy & Weepy (banter threads only).
Rough > Trying to move on from Sonic and returning to mercenary business. > He's picking up a new feud with your muse. May Include Tumble as a guest muse.
Mikey > Mikey living out his creative side as a street painter. > Alternatively, he's aiming to become a tv chef. > The ball of sunshine attempting to befriend your muses. All of them.
Pimple > Pimple trying to do normal work again as a masseur. > Pimple is just out to help your muse/s. May include Zitz & Rash as guest muses.
Tapeta > Fantasy-themed crossovers. > He gets transported to a modern or even futuristic world. Still completely oblivious to everything.
Leon > Leon visiting different worlds. Plenty of funny crossovers. > AUs/Crossovers that are on the Fantasy-side.
Quark > Trying to do business with your muse. Like opening a new Quark's. > Adventurous plots, maybe with Brunt or Gaila as guest muses. > Generally just threads with him.
Rom > Rom takes some short vacations from his Grand-Nagus duties. > Your muse is helping him out or vice-versa (he is quite a skilled mechanic) > Generally just threads with him. General Stuff > More angst? > More actual threads in general. > Romantic plots if there's chemistry.
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EU/Canon Character Pairs
For fun - characters from the old EU and canon I think are similar in some way and some are more superficial than others (since I’m not necessarily familiar with all these EU characters nor the High Republic). I imagine them drawn together in pairs in the same way as the Legacy comic covers of Adam Hughes, but that's for good artists to do.
Ania Solo & Rey
Galaxy-roaming scavengers. 
Vergere & Ezra Bridger
Jedi lost somewhere far, far away.
Yord Fandar & Ganner Rhysode
Self-important Knights.
Dass Jennir & Kanan Jarrus 
Jedi forced to adapt to the dark times. 
Soontir Fel & Soren Keize 
Respected Imperial aces.
Mirta Gev & Sabine Wren 
Mandalorian women with complicated family history.
Ferus Olin & Cal Kestis 
Padawans on the run.
(As for Jedi Survivor, I’d pair that Cal fighting on his alone against impossible odds with Kerra Holt.)
Nomi Sunrider & Avar Kriss
Exceptional Jedi from long ago. 
Ysanne Isard & Gideon 
Imperial warlords and knowledgeable schemers.
Winter Celchu & Vel Sartha
Agents of the early rebellion.
Celeste Morne & Dagan Gera
Jedi of old, sealed away to receive a rude awakening in the future.
Ordo Skirata & Hunter 
Leaders of a family of unique clones.
Fenn Shysa & Bo–Katan Kryze 
Mandalorian leaders fighting against Imperial occupation.
Stormtroopers of the Fel Empire & First Order Stomtroopers 
Soldiers of the future.
Garm Bel Iblis & Saw Gerrera
Opposed to Mon Mothma and fighting their own war against the Empire.
Fordo & Rex 
Captains with Jaig eyes. 
Jacen Solo & Ben Solo 
Descendants of Anakin Skywalker, seduced to follow the footsteps of Darth Vader.
Natasi Daala & Ellian Zahra
Tarkin’s failed protégés.
Lorana Jinzler & Shin Hati 
Dutiful apprentices involved with Thrawn.
Hanharr & Krrsantan 
Powerful, fierce and estranged from their people. 
Tsavong Lah & Grievous
Proud warriors and commanders with a grudge against Jedi.
The Hand of Judgment & Clone Force 99
Deserters from the Empire.
Pors Tonith & Trench
Brilliant Separatist commanders foiled by Anakin Skywalker.
Warb Null & Marrok
Armored tools of the dark side.
Bria Tharen & Qi’ra 
Han Solo’s first love.
AG-37 & IG-11
More than just assassin droids. 
The Imperial Knights & The Inquisitors  
Force-wielding servants of the Empire. 
C-3PX & 0-0-0 
Protocol droids specialized in a different form of human/cyborg relations.
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renposter · 2 years
Star Wars: Legacy (2013)
From page 25 of Issue #1,
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cquity · 2 years
ania & leia 
“hey!” the brunette greeted the other, a wide grin on her lips. “how are you? this looks amazing you should really be proud of yourself.” she agreed, nodding at the thought. “don’t tell me you did this all by yourself - not that i don’t think you’d be able to, more that it seems like a lot of effort and time went into it.” 
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percentstardust · 1 year
sexualities & gender identities | star w.ars edition
rey skywalker | pansexual demigirl
ania organa solo | bisexual cisgender
han solo | pansexual cisgender
leia skywalker vader | bisexual cisgender
asteria vidalis | demisexual cisgender
jheti skott | pansexual cisgender
reena koni | lesbian cisgender
althea desai | pansexual agender
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infcinity · 2 years
wrecker && ania solo (( @cquity​ ))
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“know anywhere around here that I can get some good food?” he asked, looking at the other - wrecker hadn’t been here too long, but he’d forgotten when he’d last had something to eat - his memories from back home were slightly foggy. 
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ahaura · 2 years
also for meme , star wars , rainy days , adrenaline ? tears too…. wanna work ur brain w/ these muahah !
star wars: if there's one thing i love about it, it's the possibilities. it is such a vast universe in which it feels almost anything is possible whether we're talking about leia in the present or revan thousands of years before the battle of yavin takes place or ania solo in the non too distant future. whether it's for preexisting characters or ocs, jedi or non-force users, past or present, books or comics or movies or games... there's just so much there <3
rainy days: cozy days perfect for naps and being in bed and cuddling with kitties. they also remind me of @ligaw which adds a layer of love to them <3
adrenaline: the human body never ceases to amaze me like across thousands of years of evolution and survival it has developed chemical and physical responses to make sure we don't fucking die and i think that's pretty sick <3
tears: ever since i learned that crying releases chemicals built up in the body and can work through whatever is going on in your system i have been a very big fan of crying. i cried a lot growing up and now that i'm older i cry a little less but a lot of things can still make me cry like a tearful scene in a book or movie or a particularly striking situation/topic like. it feels human and good to be moved so easily by things in the world <3
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a-k-a-l-i · 2 days
The Skywalker Invasion
In Hiding
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After the much needed break, Yoda gathered everyone back into the large room. He observed everyone, watching their body language. 
Anakin orbited wherever Senator Amidala was. Luke was with his twin, Leia. The Solo children were with their new found cousin Ben Skywalker. Ania, Cade, and Marasiah were catching up. Nat and Kol conversed with Plo Koon and Kit Fisto. Mara Jade and Han Solo looked extremely uncomfortable with the many Skywalkers present. His council, minus the two that were with Nat and Kol, were discussing furiously about this new phenomenon. 
Yoda lowered his head, an action that was missed by many but his great-grand padawan, Obi-wan. Why were the Skywalkers here? What was their importance? They were no doubt powerful, that much was clear. But what was their purpose? Why is it only the Skywalkers? Minus Han Solo and Mara Jade, but they too were part of the huge destiny that this clan seems to be tied to. All the questions almost made Yoda’s head dizzy.
Never an easy time, it is, with a Skywalker, thought the wisened Jedi Master. He chuckled lowly, his glimmer stick tapping the floor softly. His small frame walked past the crowd, hopping up to a cushioned seat, closed his eyes and cleared his throat. The occupants in the room stopped their chatter and diverted their attention to the old but wise Grandmaster of the Jedi Order.
“Meditate, I did. Found answers through the Force, I did not. Confused…lost…disappointed, I am,” Yoda’s eyes were downcast, he heaved a great big sigh, one that had everyone worried. What does this mean for them?
Ania’s face scrunched, her brows furrowing, and reminded the senators of Alderaan and Chandrila of Padmé when she tended to think hard.
“I…this is what we call the Skywalker chaos, isn’t it?”
Laughter bubbled out of everyone at Ania’s question, diffusing the heavy tension.
“Yes? Why?” Aayla Secura asked, tugging down on the hem of her top. Ania shrugged, grinning.
“Let’s just say this is the first Skywalker Family Reunion in…decades, and there hasn't been this much chaos in one room in a long while.” After the hearty laugh, everyone went back to their solemn mood. 
The Jedi created a large circle, attempting to meditate and find answers. Hopefully a solution as well, but many did not hold onto that wishful thinking, the Force loves cryptic answers as much as Yoda. At least, according to the Jedi Council.
…A temple…
…Red lightsabers.
Pairs of eyes reopened, gasps were torn, many were confused. Yoda felt weak, what was that? What happened? Glancing at Mace, he noticed that the Korun Master was silently fuming, but also sad. This new vision was not reassuring.
Finding his wife’s eyes easily, Anakin gave her a small smile, shaking his head silently promising her he will tell her soon.
“Well, there is no doubt that the Sith have gotten stronger,” Nat grumbled, standing up using the Force to pour him a glass of water. The rest of the Skywalkers looked perturbed.
“Surely you must know who the identity of this Sith Lord you keep talking about,” Bail spoke up, not liking the mood of the room. 
“The Force doesn’t want us to reveal him just yet…I’m not sure why though,” Luke trailed off. “But I’m sure all will be revealed in time.”
Leia had enough of this and marched over to the senators, “in the future, I’m a senator and I believe it’s time for us to take a more political route. I noticed that Palpatine is still in power, yes?” At the nod that they had given her, the young girl nodded and delved into a very deep, but insightful conversation, something that the senators of the past were very much looking forward to. And Padmé had to try very hard to keep the proud smile off her face.
The mention of Palpatine made many Skywalkers stiffen at the name, but it was too quick to be noticed. Although the Jedi still felt a hateful emotion towards the chancellor coming from the clan through the Force, a feeling that the Jedi Council didn’t dare ask after they took a fleeting look at the Skywalker’s faces, one full of contempt.
Bail and Mon started to speak with the Jedi Council, both old and new, figuring that the New Order would help give useful suggestions.
Walking over to her Jedi husband, Padmé rubbed her fingers over Anakin’s arm, soothing his nerves. They spoke in hushed whispers together, not paying any mind to the others.
“Their our children, Angel,” he laughed out in a breathy sigh, “I know this isn’t the place to be–to be talking about, especially here, but–”
Padmé lifted her pointer finger and planted it upon her stuttering husband’s lips. She gave him a smile, one that only Anakin has the privilege to see, “I know, it’s wonderful…isn’t it? Luke and Leia, they look so much like us. Their kids,” she huffed out a disbelieving laugh, “grandkids, great grandkids. Ani, we hold a small legion of Jedi and politicians here, just think about all the ones who haven’t had the chance to time travel. The galaxy would be in trouble from your charming, powerful Skywalker genes and my stubborn, trouble-attracting Naberrie genes, ”  Once again the young senator laughed and her husband joined her. Padmé connected her forehead with Anakin’s, they allowed a small, but brief, moment to pass through them, enjoying the idea that they created wonderful beings.
The moment was unfortunately interrupted by Mace Windu, who gave a frown at the scene. “Let’s not display such inappropriate acts, Knight Skywalker, you are still under much scrutiny after blatantly disobeying the Code.”
Sighing, Anakin removed himself from the comfort of his wife and followed the Jedi Master. When he looked to his right, he saw his son–looking like him when he was a padawan–mouth gaping wide open and his daughter, who looks just like her mother, glaring at him, for reasons unknown to him. What’s with the reactions?
He had no time to dwell on the matter when his attention was forced elsewhere.
“We need to know more about the future, if we are to discover this problem. I suggest you start talking.” 
“And just who do you think you are?”
Small gasps were heard. Did Marasiah just object to a revered Jedi Master? Yes, yes she did. But not only that, she sassed Mace Windu. 
The dark-skinned man had a noticeable frown and glare, he was miffed at the audacity this woman had. Did she not know that he was a Jedi Master? He really hoped he could change the future enough to where possibly all these Skywalkers wouldn’t be running around, one was plenty.
“I am Jedi Master Mace Windu. I suggest more respect from now on, your Order isn’t even valid.”
At this, many future Skywalkers shouted in outrage, the Force could be felt trembling with indignation and that made the old Jedi Council freeze in fear. The temperature of the room dropped, making many shiver and goosebumps appear.
Blue eyes found brown. Marasiah glared as well, not backing down from this imposing man. She shifted her crown making it straight, smoothing the creases in her dress, straightened her posture, and proceeded to move forward, stopping just before the older man. 
“It is very valid, considering yours has been destroyed. I am part of the new Jedi Order, one that Uncle Luke had to rebuild everything from scratch. He’s as much of a Jedi as his father is. Surely you wouldn’t desert a group of people who need the Jedi’s help?” A single eyebrow raised, she folded her arms and lifted her chin, a small quirk tugged at the corner of her mouth. 
This was a challenge, many realized, Marasiah Fel would not back down to pressure.
“I agree with her,” Kol spoke up, “we cannot destroy the future anymore than we already have done. By revealing more than we should, we could potentially shatter the fragile timestream and send everyone in this timeline to a much more dangerous and hostile future.”
Allana slowly backed away from the group, disliking the ever growing tension and walked over to a window. She felt a great darkness brewing somewhere over the large mass of buildings, while she didn't realize the Force signature, she knew it was a dangerous one.
Yoda nodded slowly, “agree, I must, believe them, I do. Find a suitable home for them, we need,” he turned to the senators, “trust you , I can, mhm? To keep this a secret from the senate?”
Glancing among themselves, Mon sighed, “that may be hard to do, Master Yoda, everyone in the senate saw Miss Marasiah fall through a portal, we may need to take them away from Coruscant for now.”
“The only problem is where?” Plo Koon placed a hand under his chin. He watched the young Solo girl, Allana he remembered, wondering what she felt. This young girl might be the answer to their questions about the Force.
Padmé casted her eyes downward, deep in thought, she then got an idea. “What if,” many looked at her, all in hope for a solution. “They stay at the Varykino Lake House? It’s located on Naboo, and is known for its privacy furthermore, no one can get access to it unless they ask the owners.”
“That seems reasonable, but this only begs the question, who are the owners?” Leia settled her hands firmly on her hips, her stance showed confidence.
Chuckling Padmé could only look at her future daughter, her own confidence mirrored Leia’s, “I do.”
The J-327 Nubian Ship soared through space, coordinates were placed before the jump to hyperspace was initialized. Stars become nothing more than a blue blur, giving everyone the sense of nostalgia when the ship entered the faster-than-light method of interstellar travel. 
The tension within the ship was awkward, there were few whispers here and there, each Skywalker grouped together with those in their timeline.  
Anakin and Padmé were sitting in the main bedroom of the ship, mulling over the fact that their descendants were here, with them, alive and breathing, not just some random wish or thought the patriarch and matriarch had, but actual people. It was both thrilling and terrifying.
“What are we going to do?”
Well, that question certainly broke the silence, Anakin thought wryly. His flesh hand grasped his wife’s, squeezing it to offer her some level of comfort. He chuckled slowly, his own mind still not yet able to comprehend the situation. Those were his –their– children! His twin children. His grandchildren. His great grandchildren. His descendants. He has always wanted a family, and now, he achieved it. This is so much more preferable, so much more satisfying, so much more rewarding, than ever obtaining the title of Mastery within the Jedi Order. 
Seeing how most of the Skywalkers followed in their footsteps made it somewhat scary, or really unbelievable. They had to be one of the most powerful Jedi in the Order, they come from a family of them!
Some are Jedi and some are senators.
Then there are the others who are both.
Yes, definitely scary.
Jedi are respected for their power, their kindness.
Senators are respected for their way of speech and thought, and the ability to sway a million minds.
The Skywalker clan has both power and influence. Now he can see why some Masters were wary of his future family. A Jedi who possesses both certainly is a force to be reckoned with.
Just like Obi-wan, he thought.
Padmé tucked herself into her husband’s side, her head finding a comfortable place to rest. As her mind thought of her future family, one thing came to mind was; they all reminded her of them. The attitude, the courage, the leadership, the kindness, the playfulness, the passion, the confidence, all the separate attributes that made up of her and Anakin were now rolled into one, really one of many, and it was beautiful. She couldn’t wait for the future, she couldn’t wait to raise them. Her eyes widened, a thought forming and dreaded filled her.
“They didn’t know who I was.”
“What?” Anakin now looked at her, her eyes glassy from unshed tears. “What do you mean?”
Padmé’s lip trembled and she knew Anakin could feel her sorrow through the Force, “when the Jedi wanted to know who the mother was, they couldn’t answer it! What happened? And-and, they all looked at you like you were a historical figure who had died way before his time.”
At this, Anakin Skywalker now looked back at expressions the time travelers had made regarding him. Nat, Kol, Cade, Marasiah, Ania, he understood, they were decades if not centuries ahead of this timeline, Yoda probably wasn’t even alive anymore in their time. Allana, possibly does or does not know, depending on when she was born. Ben, Jacen, Jaina, Anakin 2.0, as Anakin likes to refer to his namesake as, they should know him unless his children had them much older and he and Padmé just died from old age. But Luke and Leia? They should know them, they should remember them. Why didn’t they? Why couldn’t they? Why did their children look at them like they were nothing but strangers?
He, too, felt worried. His own thoughts became filled with a desperate need to march right to the other Skywalkers and ask –really demand– what happened to them, to Padmé.
“I’m sure everything will be revealed within time, Angel.”
Padmé giggled despite herself. “Really? I thought you would want to storm in there and demand answers,” her lips quirked at the thought.
“Believe me,” Anakin laughed, head bumping his wife’s gently. “I really do, but at this moment, I’m content with knowing that our family is safe.”
For now, they would just focus on the present.
“Your son looks familiar.”
Luke was startled from his thoughts, he glanced at Mara whose arms were crossed. Biting her lip, Mara felt a growing negative feeling rising from her stomach. It felt like bile, yet she didn’t feel the need to vomit.
What’s happening to me?
“Well…he is my son, he should hold some resemblance to me,” the blond boy laughed quietly, his blue eyes lit up at the thought of having a son. He was more than convinced that the mother of his child was sitting right next to him, who else did he know on a daily basis that has red hair? The only problem is that he doesn’t know how Mara would take the news, he’s not even sure if she likes him romantically.
Mara Jade took a stolen glance at Luke, her heart was heavy, she hoped with every fiber being in her that she could have a chance with the son of Anakin Skywalker.
“I don’t know, Farmboy, he looks more like his mother to me…you sure he’s your son?” A smirk appeared on her face which forced Luke to make a noise between a laugh, chuckle, and a cough.
“Don’t die on me Luke,” interjected Leia who was seated a few feet from them, her attention was still turned to Han, but a noticeable smirk was present in her voice.
Fighting the urge to pinch his sister, Luke resorted to verbally attacking her, which probably wasn’t smart on his part considering she’s a politician…like their mother. “Sure, lil sis, whatever you say.”
“Lukie,” Leia now turned fully to her brother, a grin full of mischief was present. “I’m 100% sure that I am the eldest.”
Luke made a gagging noise. “And what makes you think that?”
“I’m smarter and know way more things than you do,” the way she said it made the conversation finalize and it had no longer held room for arguments.
Luke and Leia stared at one another, giving an identical smile and turned to their future partners. Not that Mara knew it, but Luke won’t tell her that just yet.
“If you had to guess who the mother is…who do you think it would be?” Luke asked her, suddenly feeling very shy.
Mara shrugged. She knew that Skywalker hasn’t interacted with any redheads recently, besides her, so he could have possibly met her in the future.
“No clue, but who knows, knowing you, you probably conceived him by yourself.”
“Mara!” Luke whined, which made the red headed girl cackle. They deviated from the conversation of one Ben Skywalker, choosing more appropriate topics.
Nat Skywalker had seen better days, and he certainly has been in better situations. He doesn’t know where to put this newfound anomaly in his “Places and Situations I have been in” list. He sighed, resting his head against the headrest of the seat. Kol sat next to him, his eyes were trained on the HoloNet in his hands. 
Nat has partial thoughts on his last name, part of him doesn’t enjoy the fame it brings, another part of him does, especially when it comes to gathering information that others might not be able to extract. A powerful, well known name is always helpful.
But, here, being with other Skywalkers, even though most of them are from the past, he feels the little boy from years ago rise up in him again. The child who used to stare starry-eyed into the galaxy when his father used to tell him stories, famous and exciting stories, of his grandfather, great grandfather, his ancestors. Nat knew that due to these stories, Kol was more accepting of their last name than he is.
“What are you thinking about, brother?” Kol murmured, his eyes hadn’t left the screen.
“Our last name,” Nat answered, making his brother sigh.
“Again? Don’t you think you’ve been blaming them for far too long?”
Nat snorted, which made Kol shift his eyes to the elder of the two. Kol shot him an unamused grin, he shook his head.
“Anakin Skywalker became a Sith Lord–”
“Luke Skywalker didn’t,” Kol pointed out, which was a good point, but that didn’t soothe Nat’s worries.
“Fine, Luke didn’t, but he married a Dark Sider, a sith assassin. Ben Skywalker,” at this, Nat lowered his voice, not wanting to disrupt the timestream if his ancestor got word of this. He wouldn’t be held accountable if the future got destroyed because he couldn’t keep his mouth shut. “Married a sith apprentice! Ben followed his father’s footsteps, we already have two well known Skywalkers marry people who used the Dark Side.”
There have been a long line of Skywalkers marrying Sith and Nat couldn’t help but feel wary and afraid, he’s seen first hand how the Dark Side twists and corrupts people, people you’ve loved, people you’ve known, into people you no longer recognize.
“Let’s not forget the Solos, Jacen Solo turned into Darth Caedus.”
Kol closed his eyes, the evidence against the Skywalker name was too great to ignore. “But they turned back, they resisted the Dark Side and became part of the light once more,” and that was what gave Kol Skywalker hope. Hope that no matter how torn, how twisted, their family tree was, the Skywalkers would always return to the Light Side.
Marasiah stood behind the pilots of the ship, letting the blue of the stars blur past them, calming the eye of her storm.
“Is everything alright, milady?” Asked one of the pilots. The young woman turned her head and let her gaze fall to the nametag pinned to his chest.
Smiling, Marasiah nodded once, “I am, thank you…Azmir Olleen.”
Azmir grinned wide, obviously preening with praise. He returned to the control board of the ship, ignoring the snickering of his friend next to him.
The Skywalkers of old, as she called them, were quite a group. She saw many attributes and personalities that were present in Anakin, Padmé, Luke, and Leia reflect in her. No doubt the tempting call to the senate came from Padmé Amidala.
Those are the Skywalker genes.
Those are the Solo genes.
She was never one to use her Skywalker or Solo blood to demand something, but she never forgot her roots. She studied them, relentlessly, and she made sure to make her ancestors proud. Padmé Amidala was her idol, and knowing that she was the matriarch of the Skywalker Clan had driven Marasiah even further into her passion.
Anakin Skywalker’s legendary victories during the Clone Wars lit a fire in her to become a great Jedi Knight.
Unfortunately, she couldn’t meet Shmi Skywalker. That would’ve been thrilling. Her bloodline came from a humble background. One that she feels she shouldn’t ignore.
Marasiah Fel honored her traditions, honored her roots, honored her ancestors. She felt honored that she had the opportunity to gaze and stand in the same room as the famed heroes of the Old Republic. 
And there was no way in all the Nine Corellian Hells that she would allow Palpatine to destroy this. Even if she was arrested for his murder. She would kill him, slaughter him, if it was the last thing she did.
Revenge might not be the Jedi way, but it sure as hell was hers.
Ben laughed jovially. Who knew that his cousins could be such a trouble magnet? Judging by how young Anakin Junior is, no doubt it was before he died in the Yuuzhan Vong War. At the brief memory of the war, his heart felt heavy, and in a way, Ben felt as if he had abandoned his father. Seeing his mother young and somewhat carefree, nearly brought tears to his eyes. He remembered when his father brought him the devastating news that his mom had been killed, by his cousin of all people. Luke had mourned for weeks, Leia never felt more guilty, and he felt the Force tremor with such devastation he was nearly worried for all the Force sensitives of the galaxy.
He may be young, 17 isn’t that young, but he will do anything to stop the Dark Side from winning and taking hold over his family.
“Ben, come on! Jaina is gonna show us a magic trick!” The red headed boy was shaken from his mourning thoughts and glanced down at little Ani. Anakin Solo’s bright blue eyes sparkled with life, enjoying the idea of having an older cousin.
“I’m coming, Junior,” Ben laughed, causing Anakin to pout.
Anakin stuck out his tongue.“I refuse to be named junior.” 
Ben smirked, “sorry, sorry, but we already have an Anakin, so it'll be very confusing if we both called you Anakin,” he ruffled his younger cousin who bit his tongue who was thinking extremely hard. R2-D2 beeped a few times, his cylinder body swaying from side to side as he got excited.
“Then call me 2.0! Now I sound like a droid,” Anakin giggled, Ben sighed in mock exasperation.
“Artoo, it was Little Ani’s choice,” Ben tsked, but he silently agreed it was a good nickname.
Following the younger Anakin, Ben was now surrounded by a younger version of Jacen and Jaina. 
“Come on, Jaina, I bet I could beat you any day,” Jacen’s face morphed into one of mischievousness, his sister only scoffed at him.
“Please, Uncle Luke said I was on my way to becoming one of the best sword fighters in the Jedi Order!”
Ben coughed immediately stopping the oncoming lightsaber fight, “I think Jacen has what it takes. Who knows, you two are pretty powerful, maybe wait until you both are older then we’ll actually see who’s the best.”
Anakin Junior laughed when Jaina fell on her bottom, gasping out in surprise.
“You Nerfherder!”
Yeah, Ben is gonna cherish this moment.
“I have a feeling Sia is going to do something drastic.”
“What makes you say that?”
Ania looked at Cade, her brown eyes rolling slightly, “you know how she is, she’ll do anything to stop oncoming threats. Especially when it comes to our family,” shuddering a breath, the brunette crossed her arms. “What do you think about this situation?”
Cade snorted. “Besides the fact that the Force loves to meddle in our family business?” He shrugged. “I just want to get back home…to my timeline. I could care less what happens here in the past.”
“Mhm, yeah,” Ania nodded in agreement. “But what about your…”she waved her hands. “Jedi instincts or something, don’t you want to change the timeline?”
“Do you?”
“Absolutely not,” her voice was laced with contempt, “I left the Jedi and became a smuggler for a reason. I don’t want to do anything with the Skywalkers.”
Two pairs of brown eyes locked together. One with compassion the other with denial.
“You can’t leave your destiny behind…” Cade came over and grasped her arms. “Don’t you at least want to try? To know that you could do everything in your power to–to change the past and live the life we all deserve?” His voice was pleading, making his cousin waver slightly in her decision.
“Of course I do. Darth Vader’s choice impacted us all, looming over us with this–this–this shadow!” Ania cried out, burying her head in her hands. “Seeing Anakin Skywalker acting like a normal man, someone who clearly loves his wife despite the secrecy. He was happy to know us, and that’s what scares me.”
She turned away from her male cousin, her brown hair hitting his face slightly.
“Knowing Sia,” Cade started, his voice growing soft with each word. “She would try to change the past, even if it means that she could potentially lose her empire and possibly herself. She would do it, because she would want the best for everyone who came before her.”
“And the Jedi Council?” Ania looked at the closed door, her thoughts slowly forming into an answer.
“Kriff the Jedi Council, if they won’t help us, then we’ll help ourselves. They’re the reason Anakin Skywalker turned to the Dark Side”
“It was still Grandpa’s choice…”
Cade nodded. “It was. But the Jedi should’ve known that Palpatine was the Sith Lord, we could feel it, and we’re star systems away from Coruscant.” He argued, but he knew she wasn’t listening.
Ania knew her choice. Whether or not Cade, Marasiah, or anyone else would agree with her, she knew it and she was going to stick with it. 
Landing on the landing pad, the Naboo Starship had descended gracefully, making the kids of the Skywalker Clan hop with giddy.
The boat ride there was unusually silent, the tension was still there, but not as potent as it was before.
Padmé smiled softly, watching her descendants gape in awe at the house.
“Why in the whole galaxy would you ever want to leave here?” Nat huffed out a disbelieving laugh.
“That’s a question I ask myself everyday,” Anakin grumbles, he was barely able to dodge the swift pinch his wife was about to attack him with. Her glare sent her grandchildren into heaps of giggles.
Now entering the abode, Padmé had shown everyone to their respective rooms, one that everyone had trouble keeping their mouths closed.
Leia shook her head. “Mom sure was rich, imagine living here, Luke, everyday.”
Her brother sat on her bed, staring out at the clear water. “Would it be possible to change the future?”
“What?” Leia whipped her head so fast she had to stretch her neck. “What are you talking about? In order to do that, we would have to change the past, and that’s impossible.”
The blond boy only hummed, silently agreeing with her.
Anakin was playing with his Solo grandchildren, when their supposed father walked in the room.
“Ah…I-I’ll just leave…”
“Hold it.”
Han gulped, he froze and cursed himself in his head, why did he have to fall in love and associate with a girl who had the most terrifying father in the galaxy?
“I don’t think I caught your name,” Anakin was in front of him now, the three children ignoring the tense exchange.
“Uh, Han. Han Solo–sir!” Han gulped silently, electric blue eyes stared him down. Luke’s blue eyes were more soft, so this was a totally new experience.
“You apparently are in love with my daughter, what is your…” Anakin paused for a moment, trying to form the right words. “Profession?”
Oh kriff, I’m so gonna be dead. It was one thing to go up against Vader in a ship, but it’s a whole ‘nother thing when this man doesn’t have his suit on and you can see his every expression.
“I’m well, was, a smuggler, now I’m a general in the Rebel Alliance and I’m also the best pilot in the galaxy,” his smirk was apparent and that made Anakin arch his brow.
“I doubt it,” Anakin Skywalker laughed, which made Han frown irritably.
“Oh yeah? I bet I could beat you!” Han couldn’t believe he was sassing his idol, his girlfriend’s father, the hero of the Old Republic. Oh he was in some trouble now.
The man crossed his arms, a smirk placed on his lips. “You and me, tonight, we race,” he extended his hand which Han took.
“It’s a deal.”
Marasiah was on the balcony, taking in the sweet air, when she turned her head, hearing a soft cough that dispelled her thoughts away.
“We know you’re going to try to change the future,” Cade’s eyes hardened, his arms crossed with a frown tugging at his mouth.
Ania smirked, her left hand firmly placed on her jutted out hips with her right hand expertly twirling her lightsaber in the air. “And we want in.”
With a disbelieving laugh, Marasiah could only shake her head. “I could never keep secrets from you.” She held out her hand, her two cousins grasping it. 
“Welcome to the club.”
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guangchuans · 7 months
songs used to be over 5 minutes and have a full orchestral-jazz solo
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