#Animal behaviorist for pet introductions
hsmagazine254 · 1 year
Unlocking Financial Success Through Furry Companionship - H&S Pets Galore
Exploring The Unexpected Ways Owning Pets Can Impact Your Financial Well-being Owning a pet brings countless joys and rewards, from companionship to unconditional love. But did you know that having a furry friend by your side could also impact your financial success? While the connection might not be immediately obvious, various studies and real-life examples have shown that pets can contribute…
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lynxmoonrising · 2 months
An Introduction Post
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Hello hello! ♡ This is my blog about my practice and journey. Scroll below for the blog, posts, reblogs and chaos.
🌿 About Me Debs | She/her | Slavic | Living in Ireland
Aside from the magical and spiritual I am also a big bookworm, friend of nature, 90s Geocities Internet nostalgee, husky mom, cat mom, chinchilla mom, music nerd, singer, pianist writer, occasional artist, obsessive tea drinker, wannabe scientist, behaviorist, dog trainer, pet care advisor, lover of travel, dragon enthusiast, carebear collector, Heroes of Might and Magic devotee-- I mean fan, comic book geek, Halloween queen, knitter/crocheter, amateur genealogist, polyglot, a fun lesbian aunt(I have no nieces or nephew. I'm your aunt now), Duolingo streak bragging person, crafty crafter, and an autistic wreck whose sensory issues all go away as soon as it's grey and rainy outside, or better yet, as soon as Autumn arrives. (I dislike Summer with a passion.)
You can usually find me straying off a path and heading deeper into the forest, reading a book, doing magical wibbly-wobbly stuff, listening to or playing music that ranges from 80s glam metal through classical through Dutch rap to symphonic metal, studying an outrageous topic the average person has no interest in hearing of, writing, or having a breakdown over having to clean the house. (Hey, breakdowns are healthy. I promise. They are. I promisewhydoesittakeme5hourstocleanmykitchen?!)
I'm super-duper-Alice-Cooper friendly, and a real chatterbox, so if you want to ask me anything, talk to me about your own practice, ask me for advice or info, get a reading, get help with your own reading, or literally just talk, I'm a message away!
I used to be on Tumblr years ago and organized a yearly Pagan/Witchcraft Themed Gift Exchange for a couple of years. Keep you eyes peeled as I am going to bring this back this year!
Oh, and I kind of really love dragons.
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🕸️ My practice I have had a pull to the divine and spiritual since I was a child, being approached by Kemetic deities when I was very young but have been actively practicing for 13 years. As you can see from my personal blurb above, I'm a pretty mixed and positively chaotic person, and my spiritual practice is no different. I love to help in any and all aspects that I'm familiar with, and I'm also always constantly learning myself(I'm kind of obsessed with continuous learning). I'm a spiritual sponge and absorb whatever I work with and get happily attached to my deities, spirits and practices, so I don't ever really stop practicing something. Here are some but not all branches of my path:
Kemetic devotee
Slavic polytheist
Freja & Skadi Follower (Restarting my relationship with Them after some years)
Solitary eclectic hedge witch (Ask me to elaborate if you wish)
Hecate Follower (Beginner)
Spirit work
Ancestry/communication with the dead
Nature work
Draconic magic
Constant personal study of mythology, history, language and culture of the paths I follow and others.
Pagan: There's a lot, I know. If you struggle with describing my practice when talking about me, you can just call me "pagan".
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🔮 What I Do
Divination (Cards, runes, tea leaves, incense smoke, candle flame and wax, crystals, Slavic divination, and others)
Herbal Recipes*
Crystal prescriptions*
Rituals (Ask me for details)
Devotional writing (Prayers, poetry, hymns)
Devotional art (of any deity, even if I don't follow Them)
Animal/pet healing*
* Important disclaimer = * = I do not give medical healing or medical prescriptions. I am NOT a licensed medical professional. I have education and extensive work experience in animal health/illness/first aid and care but I am NOT a vet. None of my prescriptions or healing include medical diagnoses or the use of medicine. Please consult with a medical professional for physical ailments, disease, injury, mental health. My crystal and herbal prescriptions and healing are not to be used as a substitute for professional medical/mental health help. They are there to be used as a boost and cleansing of energy and spirit, and can be used in conjunction with already-prescribed professional treatments. For herbal recipes, please ensure you are aware of any contraindications and interactions with anything you may already be taking.
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DNI if you're a cun- please be nice. We're a respectful bunch. Don't talk shit about mental illnesses, I have some too. (A whole alphabet of abbreviations, I'm at a point where I'm anticipating a diagnosis of PhD.) See? We can laugh about our own mental health for the sake of healing, but don't be a judgy bitch. If you're in any way a homophobe, transphobe, acephobe, arophobe, anyone else who falls under the category of LGBTQI+phobe, racist, ableist, and insert any other shitty quality here. Also, I'm an adult, I talk about adult things, I don't post explicit things but there may be mentions of adult stuff or sexyjokes. So if you're a minor, well, I can't stop you from using the internet so it's your own risk what you do on the web, but be safe, and I'll tag anything that mentions that kind of stuff as "ac mention"(stands for adult content mention) - you might wanna block that tag. Also if I follow anyone and you don't want me to follow you let me know and I'll unfollow.
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mustangsart · 8 months
Understanding Canine Depression: Signs, Causes, and Remedies
The emotional well-being of dogs is a topic that has gained increasing attention in recent years. Recognizing and addressing canine depression is crucial for maintaining the health and happiness of our furry companions. This article explores the signs of depression in dogs, its potential causes, and effective strategies for alleviation.
Recognizing the Signs of Depression in Dogs
Dogs may not express sadness in the same way humans do, but there are several indicators that can suggest a dog is experiencing depression:
Changes in Appetite: A depressed dog might lose interest in food or, conversely, eat excessively as a form of comfort.
Altered Sleep Patterns: Like humans, depressed dogs may sleep more than usual. However, restlessness and insomnia can also be signs.
Lack of Interest in Activities: A noticeable disinterest in play, walks, or activities they previously enjoyed can be a sign of depression.
Avoidance and Hiding: Depressed dogs might avoid interaction and hide more often.
Excessive Licking or Grooming: This can be a coping mechanism for stress or anxiety.
Changes in Vocalization: Increased whimpering, howling, or silence can indicate emotional distress.
Understanding the Causes
Several factors can contribute to depression in dogs:
Environmental Changes: Moving to a new home, a change in the owner's schedule, or the addition of a new family member (pet or human) can affect a dog's emotional state.
Loss of a Companion: The death or absence of a family member or another pet can trigger grief and depression in dogs.
Neglect or Abuse: Past trauma, neglect, or abuse can lead to long-term psychological issues in dogs.
Health Issues: Chronic pain or debilitating illnesses can impact a dog’s mood and behavior.
Strategies for Alleviation
Helping a depressed dog involves several steps:
Veterinary Consultation: It’s important to rule out medical reasons for your dog's behavior. A vet can offer advice or treatment for underlying health issues.
Routine and Exercise: Establishing a consistent routine and ensuring regular exercise can greatly improve a dog's mood. Activities should be stimulating both mentally and physically.
Positive Reinforcement: Rewarding positive behavior with treats, attention, and praise can help.
Social Interaction: Encourage interaction with other dogs. Socializing can provide a much-needed mood boost.
Environmental Enrichment: Toys, puzzle feeders, and regular playtime can keep your dog mentally stimulated.
Professional Help: In some cases, consulting with an animal behaviorist or considering medication may be necessary.
Understanding and addressing canine depression is vital for the well-being of our pets. By recognizing the signs, understanding potential causes, and implementing effective strategies, owners can help their furry friends lead happier, healthier lives. Remember, a dog’s mental health is just as important as their physical health.
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signeeklund · 6 months
Describe the innovations and trends that the animal communicator has been using.
Animal communication, the ability to understand and interpret the signals and behaviors of non-human species, has seen remarkable innovations and trends in recent years. From traditional methods passed down through generations to cutting-edge technological advancements, the field has evolved significantly. This article explores the exciting innovations and emerging trends that animal communicators are utilizing to deepen our understanding and connection with the animal kingdom.
Introduction to Animal Communication
Understanding the intricate language of animals has long been a fascination for humans. From indigenous tribes communicating with wildlife to modern pet owners deciphering their companions' needs, the essence of animal communication spans across cultures and time periods. It plays a crucial role in enhancing our bond with animals and promoting coexistence.
Traditional Methods of Animal Communication
Historically, animal communication relied heavily on observation, intuition, and indigenous knowledge. Shamans and tribal elders often served as mediators between humans and animals, interpreting signs and symbols to facilitate communication. These traditional methods, while rooted in ancient wisdom, continue to influence contemporary practices.
Innovations in Animal Communication
In recent decades, advancements in technology have revolutionized the field of animal communication. Scientists and practitioners now have access to a wide array of tools and techniques, including bioacoustics, remote sensing devices, and artificial intelligence. These innovations enable us to decipher complex animal vocalizations, track migratory patterns, and even communicate with animals through electronic devices.
Trends in Animal Communication
The landscape of animal communication is constantly evolving, driven by emerging trends and societal shifts. One notable trend is the growing interest in interspecies communication, which explores the possibility of meaningful interaction between humans and animals beyond traditional boundaries. This trend reflects a broader cultural shift towards holistic approaches to animal welfare and conservation.
Case Studies of Innovative Practices
Numerous case studies demonstrate the practical applications of innovative animal communication techniques. For instance, researchers have used acoustic monitoring to study the communication patterns of marine mammals, providing valuable insights into their social dynamics and environmental preferences. Similarly, animal behaviorists have employed telepathic communication to address behavioral issues in domestic pets, yielding promising results.
Challenges and Limitations
Despite its potential, animal communication also faces significant challenges and limitations. Ethical concerns surrounding the use of technology to manipulate animal behavior raise questions about consent and autonomy. Additionally, practical constraints such as cost and accessibility can limit the adoption of innovative communication methods, particularly in resource-constrained settings.
Future Directions
Looking ahead, the future of animal communicator holds immense promise. As technology continues to advance and our understanding of animal cognition deepens, new opportunities for collaboration and discovery will emerge. By harnessing the power of innovation and embracing ethical principles, we can pave the way for a more harmonious relationship between humans and animals.
In conclusion, the field of animal communication is experiencing a period of unprecedented innovation and transformation. From traditional practices rooted in ancient wisdom to cutting-edge technologies pushing the boundaries of our understanding, the possibilities are endless. By embracing innovation while staying mindful of ethical considerations, we can unlock new ways to connect with and learn from the fascinating creatures that share our planet.
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alessiamarianisblog · 6 months
Describe how you could improve your communication skills with animals.
Communication is a fundamental aspect of our daily lives, not only with fellow humans but also with the animals we share our environment with. While animals may not speak our language, understanding and improving our communication skills with them can enrich our relationships and enhance our understanding of the natural world.
Developing effective communication skills with animals is more than just a novelty; it is a valuable tool that can deepen our connection with the animal kingdom. Whether you're a pet owner, a wildlife enthusiast, or someone who simply enjoys being around animals, honing your ability to communicate with them can lead to more fulfilling interactions and better outcomes for both parties involved animal communicator.
Understanding Animal Communication
Animals communicate in various ways, including vocalizations, body language, and scent marking. Understanding these forms of communication is crucial for interpreting their needs, emotions, and intentions. While humans primarily rely on verbal communication, animals often convey messages through non-verbal cues, such as facial expressions, posture, and gestures.
Developing Empathy
Empathy plays a crucial role in effective communication with animals. By putting ourselves in their shoes (or paws, fins, or wings), we can better understand their perspective and respond to their needs with compassion and sensitivity. Recognizing their emotions and empathizing with their experiences allows us to forge deeper connections and build trust.
Learning Animal Language
Just as we learn foreign languages to communicate with people from different cultures, studying animal behavior and vocalizations can help us decipher their language. Whether it's the playful bark of a dog or the intricate song of a bird, each species has its own unique way of communicating. By understanding the context and meaning behind these signals, we can engage in more meaningful interactions with animals.
Practicing Active Listening
Active listening is a skill that involves paying close attention to both verbal and non-verbal cues. When communicating with animals, it's essential to observe their behavior and respond accordingly. By tuning into their body language, we can better understand their needs and preferences, fostering clearer and more effective communication.
Building Trust and Rapport
Building trust and rapport is essential for establishing a strong bond with animals. Trust is earned through consistent and positive interactions, where both parties feel safe and respected. By creating a nurturing environment and respecting their boundaries, we can cultivate a sense of trust and mutual understanding.
Utilizing Positive Reinforcement
Positive reinforcement is a powerful tool for shaping behavior in animals. By rewarding desired behaviors with treats, praise, or other incentives, we can encourage them to repeat those behaviors in the future. This approach focuses on reinforcing positive behaviors rather than punishing undesirable ones, creating a more harmonious relationship based on cooperation and trust.
Cultivating Patience and Persistence
Effective communication with animals requires patience and persistence. Building a strong connection takes time, and setbacks are inevitable. By remaining patient and consistent in our efforts, we can overcome challenges and build a stronger bond with the animals in our lives.
Seeking Professional Guidance
In some cases, seeking professional guidance from animal behaviorists or trainers may be necessary. These experts can provide valuable insights and strategies for improving communication with animals, especially in more complex situations. Whether dealing with behavioral issues in pets or studying wild animal behavior, consulting with knowledgeable professionals can help us navigate challenges more effectively.
Applying Communication Skills in Practice
Once we've honed our communication skills, it's essential to put them into practice in our daily interactions with animals. Whether it's communicating effectively with our pets or understanding the behavior of wild animals, applying what we've learned allows us to deepen our connection and enrich our experiences.
Respecting Boundaries and Limitations
It's crucial to recognize that not all animals communicate in the same way, and individual differences should be respected. Some animals may be more social and outgoing, while others may be more reserved or cautious. Understanding and respecting their boundaries ensures that our interactions are positive and enriching for both parties involved.
Continuing Education and Improvement
Improving our communication skills with animals is an ongoing process that requires dedication and effort. By staying informed about the latest research and techniques in animal behavior, we can continue to refine our communication skills and deepen our understanding of the animal kingdom.
Case Studies: Success Stories
Real-life examples of improved communication with animals serve as inspiration for others seeking to enhance their own skills. Whether it's a rescued dog learning to trust again or a wildlife rehabilitator successfully releasing an animal back into the wild, these success stories demonstrate the power of effective communication and the positive impact it can have on both animals and humans.
Challenges and Pitfalls
While improving communication with animals can be rewarding, it's not without its challenges. Common obstacles include misinterpretation of signals, lack of patience, and difficulty establishing trust. However, by recognizing these pitfalls and adopting strategies to overcome them, we can continue to progress in our journey towards better communication with animals.
In conclusion, improving our communication skills with animals is a valuable endeavor that can enrich our lives in countless ways. By understanding their language, empathizing with their experiences, and practicing active listening, we can forge deeper connections and foster mutual respect and understanding. Whether you're a pet owner, a wildlife enthusiast, or simply someone who enjoys being around animals, enhancing your communication skills can lead to more fulfilling relationships and a greater appreciation for the natural world.
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andrealeoneblog · 6 months
How do animal communicators contribute to telepathy?
In the realm of animal-human relationships, there exists a fascinating phenomenon often overlooked by conventional science and dismissed as mere fantasy: telepathic communication. At the forefront of exploring and harnessing this mysterious connection are animal communicators, individuals who claim to bridge the gap between humans and animals through telepathy. But how do these communicators contribute to the understanding and practice of telepathy in animals?
Introduction to Animal Communicators
Animal communicators, also known as pet psychics or interspecies communicators, are individuals who profess the ability to communicate with animals telepathically. Unlike conventional trainers or behaviorists, they claim to receive thoughts, emotions, images, and sensations directly from animals, facilitating a deeper understanding of their needs, desires, and concerns.
Understanding Telepathy in Animals
What is telepathy?
Telepathy, often described as the direct transmission of thoughts or feelings between individuals without the use of traditional sensory channels, has been a subject of intrigue and skepticism for centuries. While the concept remains controversial in scientific circles, anecdotal evidence and personal experiences suggest that telepathic communication may be more prevalent among animals than commonly assumed.
Evidence of telepathic communication in animals
Numerous accounts from pet owners, animal trainers, and researchers point to instances of apparent telepathic communication between animals and humans. Stories of pets anticipating their owners' return, sensing imminent danger, or conveying distress from afar abound, fueling speculation about the existence of a deeper, non-verbal connection between species.
Role of Animal Communicators
What do animal communicators do?
Animal communicator offer their services to pet owners seeking insights into their animals' behavior, emotions, and overall well-being. Through telepathic communication, they claim to establish a rapport with animals, addressing issues ranging from behavioral problems and health concerns to end-of-life decisions and unresolved trauma.
How do they communicate with animals?
The methods employed by animal communicators vary, but they often involve meditation, visualization, and focused intention to quiet the mind and attune to the animal's energy field. Some communicators utilize photographs or personal objects belonging to the animal to establish a connection, while others prefer direct interaction or remote communication.
Benefits of Animal Communication
Enhanced understanding of pet behavior
One of the primary benefits of animal communication is the insight it provides into the inner world of animals, allowing pet owners to better understand their pets' needs, preferences, and communication cues. By bridging the gap between species, communicators facilitate more harmonious relationships and promote mutual trust and respect.
Resolving behavioral issues
Animal communicators often play a crucial role in addressing behavioral issues such as anxiety, aggression, and compulsive behavior by identifying underlying emotional or psychological imbalances and facilitating communication between pet and owner. By addressing the root causes of problem behaviors, they empower both parties to enact positive change.
Challenges Faced by Animal Communicators
Skepticism and criticism
Despite the growing popularity of animal communication, skeptics remain unconvinced of its validity, attributing perceived telepathic phenomena to coincidence, intuition, or wishful thinking. The lack of empirical evidence and the subjective nature of telepathic experiences pose significant challenges to the credibility and acceptance of animal communicators within mainstream discourse.
Ethical considerations
Critics raise ethical concerns about the potential exploitation of vulnerable pet owners and the risk of misinterpreting or projecting human emotions onto animals. Without standardized protocols or regulatory oversight, the practice of animal communication is susceptible to abuse and misinformation, prompting calls for greater transparency and accountability.
Training and Skills Required
Animal communication courses and certifications
Many aspiring animal communicators undergo formal training programs or apprenticeships to develop their intuitive abilities and refine their communication skills. These programs typically emphasize the importance of ethical conduct, empathic listening, and cultural sensitivity in facilitating meaningful connections with animals.
Developing intuition and empathy
In addition to technical proficiency, successful animal communicators possess a heightened sense of intuition, empathy, and emotional intelligence, enabling them to empathize with animals' experiences and perspectives. Through mindfulness practices and self-reflection, communicators cultivate a deeper awareness of their own thoughts and emotions, enhancing their capacity for telepathic communication.
Case Studies
Real-life examples of successful animal communication
Numerous anecdotal accounts and case studies illustrate the potential efficacy of animal communication in resolving behavioral issues, improving pet-owner relationships, and promoting animal welfare. From lost pets reunited with their owners to traumatized animals finding healing and closure, these stories highlight the transformative power of telepathic connection.
Scientific Perspectives
Studies on animal telepathy
While scientific research on animal telepathy remains limited, several studies have explored related phenomena such as interspecies communication, empathic bonding, and non-verbal cognition in animals. While skeptics argue that telepathy defies the laws of physics and neuroscience, proponents advocate for more rigorous investigation into the mechanisms underlying telepathic communication.
Critique from skeptics
Skeptics dismiss claims of animal communication as pseudoscience or wishful thinking, attributing perceived telepathic phenomena to sensory cues, associative learning, and anthropomorphic projection. Without empirical evidence to support telepathy as a legitimate mode of communication, skeptics urge caution against the uncritical acceptance of anecdotal testimony and subjective experiences.
Integration with Veterinary Care
Collaboration between communicators and veterinarians
In recent years, there has been growing recognition of the potential complementary role of animal communicators in veterinary care, particularly in cases where traditional medical interventions fall short. By addressing the emotional and psychological aspects of animal health and wellness, communicators can offer valuable insights and support to veterinarians and pet owners
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nailscare002 · 6 months
Unleash Your Dog's Potential: The Best Dog Training Courses for a Well-Behaved Companion
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Introduction: Welcoming a furry friend into your home is a joyous occasion, but it also comes with the responsibility of proper training. A well-trained dog not only makes for a happier and more harmonious household but also strengthens the bond between owner and pet. With an abundance of dog training courses available, finding the right one can be overwhelming. In this article, we'll explore some of the best dog training courses that cater to various needs and preferences, ensuring that you and your canine companion embark on a journey of learning and growth together.
Understanding the Importance of Dog Training: Before delving into specific training courses, it's essential to understand the significance of proper dog training. Training provides dogs with the necessary skills and behaviors to thrive in various environments, from basic obedience commands to more advanced tasks. Additionally, training helps address behavioral issues, fosters communication between dog and owner, and enhances the overall quality of life for both parties involved.
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Best Dog Training Courses:
The Online Dog Trainer by Doggy Dan:
Description: Developed by renowned dog trainer Doggy Dan, this comprehensive online course offers a wealth of resources for dog owners of all experience levels. From basic obedience training to addressing specific behavioral issues, Doggy Dan provides practical techniques and insights to help you build a strong foundation with your dog.
Key Features: Video tutorials, personalized training plans, access to a supportive online community, and a range of topics covering obedience, behavior modification, and more.
SEO Keywords: Online dog training, Doggy Dan, comprehensive dog training course.
Zak George's Dog Training Revolution:
Description: Hosted by celebrity dog trainer Zak George, this popular YouTube channel and associated online course offer engaging and informative training content for dog owners worldwide. With a focus on positive reinforcement techniques and understanding canine behavior, Zak George empowers dog owners to cultivate a positive relationship with their pets.
Key Features: Free YouTube tutorials, online courses with structured curriculum, emphasis on positive reinforcement training methods, and practical advice for addressing common training challenges.
SEO Keywords: Zak George, positive reinforcement training, YouTube dog training channel.
Karen Pryor Academy:
Description: Founded by renowned animal behaviorist Karen Pryor, the Karen Pryor Academy offers in-person and online dog training courses designed for aspiring professional trainers and dog enthusiasts alike. With a strong emphasis on science-based, force-free training methods, the academy equips students with the knowledge and skills to excel in the field of dog training.
Key Features: Certification programs, online courses, workshops, and seminars, emphasis on positive reinforcement and clicker training techniques, and opportunities for continuing education and professional development.
SEO Keywords: Karen Pryor Academy, science-based dog training, force-free training methods. you can check this product now 4 Canine Good Citizen (CGC) Program:
Description: Developed by the American Kennel Club (AKC), the Canine Good Citizen program sets a standard for well-behaved dogs and responsible dog ownership. The program covers basic obedience skills such as sit, stay, and come, as well as good manners in various real-life situations. Participating in CGC training and testing can help your dog become a well-rounded companion.
Key Features: Structured curriculum, testing and certification through AKC-approved evaluators, focus on real-life obedience and socialization skills, and recognition as a Canine Good Citizen.
SEO Keywords: Canine Good Citizen program, AKC dog training, obedience certification
Conclusion: Investing in a quality dog training course is an investment in your dog's well-being and your relationship with them. Whether you're a first-time dog owner or looking to refine your training techniques, the options mentioned above cater to a diverse range of needs and preferences. By choosing a training program that aligns with your goals and values, you can set your dog up for success and enjoy a fulfilling partnership built on trust, communication, and mutual respect.
By incorporating SEO keywords strategically throughout the article, you can improve its visibility and reach, ensuring that dog owners searching for reputable training courses find valuable information that meets their needs.
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DISCALIMER:tThere is an affiliate link which can make me some profit
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killerofgrannies · 8 months
Effective Strategies to Prevent Your Dog from Biting Other Small Dogs
Dogs biting other dogs, especially smaller ones, can be a concerning behavior that poses risks to both animals involved. It's crucial for dog owners to understand and address this behavior effectively. This article provides a comprehensive approach to help prevent your dog from biting other small dogs.
Understanding the Behavior
Before addressing the biting behavior, it's important to understand why it happens:
Dominance or Territorial Behavior: Some dogs bite to assert dominance or protect their territory.
Fear or Anxiety: A dog might bite out of fear or anxiety, especially in unfamiliar or stressful situations.
Playfulness: Sometimes, what seems aggressive is actually playful behavior that hasn't been properly moderated.
Prey Drive: Dogs with a high prey drive may instinctively chase and bite smaller animals.
Lack of Socialization: Inadequate socialization can result in poor social skills, leading to inappropriate biting.
Steps to Prevent Biting
1. Proper Socialization
Introduce your dog to a variety of environments, people, and other animals in a controlled manner. Positive experiences with smaller dogs under supervision can teach appropriate behavior.
2. Training and Obedience
Enroll your dog in obedience classes. Basic commands like 'sit', 'stay', 'leave it', and 'come' are essential for managing your dog's behavior.
3. Understanding Body Language
Learn to read your dog's body language. Signs of discomfort, fear, or aggression can precede biting. By recognizing these signs, you can intervene before a bite occurs.
4. Controlled Environments
Initially, interact with smaller dogs in controlled environments. Use a leash and muzzle if necessary to prevent any sudden biting.
5. Positive Reinforcement
Reward your dog for non-aggressive behavior. Treats, praise, and affection when they behave well around small dogs reinforce good behavior.
6. Exercise and Mental Stimulation
Ensure your dog gets enough physical exercise and mental stimulation. A well-exercised dog is less likely to exhibit aggressive behavior due to pent-up energy or boredom.
7. Spaying/Neutering
Consider spaying or neutering your dog. This can reduce aggressive tendencies, especially those related to territorial or mating behaviors.
8. Professional Help
If the biting behavior is severe or doesn’t improve, consult a professional dog trainer or a behaviorist. They can provide tailored advice and intervention strategies.
Preventing your dog from biting other small dogs requires patience, consistent training, and understanding of your dog’s behavior. Early intervention and positive reinforcement are key. Always prioritize the safety of all dogs involved and seek professional advice when necessary. Remember, managing aggressive behavior not only protects other dogs but also ensures the well-being and socialization of your own pet.
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Lynn loves dogs especially from a distance. Our daughter Erin prefers them closer. Erin has three big dogs and Lynn freaked out when the number hit two. We just found out today that Erin is adding another dog.
Erin has a huge backyard, plenty of room for the doggies to roam. Erin also has a chicken coop full of chickens. Not many folks in Duxbury have three dogs let alone a chicken coop, though many of the folks have gigantic yards leading to the bay.
The chickens are attracting foxes and at least one coyote. It is costing Erin a lot of money to have her grass mowed every week. A lot of money.
She got the idea that maybe the cost would be reduced if they bought some lambs who would have the job of munching on the lawn.
Her kids loved the idea. Her husband Scott, not so much.
Scott is on Lynn's team when it comes to dogs so you might imagine where he might be in terms of lambs, dogs, cats, chickens, foxes and coyotes. Erin had/has a simple solution. She's gonna add a sheep dog to the mix. The lambs will tend to the lawn. The sheepdog will protect the lambs. The sheepdog will also guard the chickens from the foxes and coyotes. Sounds like a great solution to a number of problems. Also sounds like a cartoon about to happen.
Erin is a naturalist and will make sure that the animals that can be trained will be trained and treated with proper care and consideration. The foxes and coyotes not so much.
Erin is coming up with a creative and practical solution to address multiple issues at once, but the situation does indeed have the makings of a humorous or chaotic scenario, almost like a sitcom plot.
The introduction of lambs for lawn maintenance, a sheepdog for protection, and the existing cast of characters—dogs, cats, and chickens—adds an amusing complexity to the scene. While Erin's solution seems logical on paper, the unpredictability of animal behavior and interactions could lead to some entertaining and unexpected situations.
It's important for Erin, Scott, and the family to carefully consider the implications and responsibilities that come with introducing new animals. Proper care, training, and supervision will be crucial to ensuring the well-being of all the animals involved. Additionally, a professional opinion, perhaps from a veterinarian or animal behaviorist, might provide valuable insights into the feasibility and practicality of Erin's plan.
In any case, it seems like the family is in for an interesting adventure with their growing menagerie of pets and lawn-maintenance helpers!
Lynn is a little doubtful.
Just a little.
One thing is for sure with five children under sixteen, there's never a dull moment in Erin's household! Whether it turns out to be a successful and harmonious blend of creatures or a humorous series of misadventures, the family's journey with their eclectic mix of pets is sure to be a memorable one.
Stay tuned.
It sounds like Lynn may not be comfortable with the idea of having multiple dogs around, and Erin's decision to add another dog might be causing some concern for Lynn. It's not uncommon for individuals to have different levels of comfort or preferences when it comes to pets.
Communication is key in such situations. Lynn and Erin should have an open and honest conversation about their feelings and concerns regarding the addition of another dog. They can discuss how to create a harmonious living environment for everyone involved, including the dogs.
Lynn might want to express her boundaries and concerns while Erin can share her reasons for wanting another dog. Finding a compromise or establishing clear guidelines for pet care and behavior could help address any potential issues and ensure that both Lynn and Erin feel comfortable with the situation.
It might also be helpful to involve a professional, such as a dog trainer or behaviorist, to provide guidance on introducing the new dog and managing any potential conflicts. Ultimately, understanding each other's perspectives and working together to find solutions can contribute to a more positive experience for everyone, including the dogs.
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MMMMMKKKKKAAAY. Erin has a huge backyard, plenty of room for the doggies to roam. Erin also has a chicken coop full of chickens. Not many folks in Duxbury have three dogs let alone a chicken coop, though many of them have gigantic yards leading to the bay. The chickens are attracting foxes and at least one coyote. It is costing Erin a lot of money to have her grass mowed every week. A lot of money. She got the idea that maybe the cost would be reduced if they bought some lambs who would have the job of munching on the lawn. Her kids loved the idea. Her husband Scott, not so much. Scott is on Lynn's team when it comes to dogs so you might imagine whefe he might be in terms of lambs, dogs, cats, chickens, foxes and coyotes. Erin had/has a simple solution. She's gonna add a sheep dog to the mix. The lambs will tend to the lawn. The sheepdog will protect the lambs. The sheepdog will also guard the chickens from the foxes and coyotes. Sounds like a great solution to a number of problems. Also sounds like a cartoon about to happen. ChatGPT
It sounds like Erin is coming up with a creative and practical solution to address multiple issues at once, but the situation does indeed have the makings of a humorous or chaotic scenario, almost like a sitcom plot.
The introduction of lambs for lawn maintenance, a sheepdog for protection, and the existing cast of characters—dogs, cats, and chickens—adds an amusing complexity to the scene. While Erin's solution may seem logical on paper, the unpredictability of animal behavior and interactions could lead to some entertaining and unexpected situations.
It's important for Erin, Scott, and the family to carefully consider the implications and responsibilities that come with introducing new animals. Proper care, training, and supervision will be crucial to ensuring the well-being of all the animals involved. Additionally, a professional opinion, perhaps from a veterinarian or animal behaviorist, might provide valuable insights into the feasibility and practicality of Erin's plan.
In any case, it seems like the family is in for an interesting adventure with their growing menagerie of pets and lawn-maintenance helpers!
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Erin is a naturalist and will make sure that the animals that can be trained will be trained and treated with proper care and consideration.ChatGPT
Erin is a naturalist and will make sure that the animals that can be trained will be trained and treated with proper care and consideration.
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homeopathypharma · 1 year
How can I help my dog cope with fear and phobias that cause stress?
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Stress in dogs is a prevalent issue that can significantly impact their well-being. While dogs may not experience stress in the same way humans do, they can still suffer from anxiety, fear, and phobias that lead to stress-related symptoms. As responsible pet owners, it's essential to recognize the signs of stress in our furry companions and take proactive steps to help them cope. This article will explore various strategies to assist your dog in managing fear and phobias, ultimately reducing their stress levels and promoting a happier, healthier life.
Understanding Stress in Dogs
Before we dive into coping strategies, it's crucial to understand the signs and causes of stress in dogs. Stress can manifest in various ways, including behavioral changes, physical symptoms, and altered eating or elimination patterns. Common stress-related behaviors in dogs may include excessive barking, trembling, hiding, destructive chewing, or aggression.
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Several factors can trigger stress in dogs:
Loud Noises: Thunderstorms, fireworks, and even household appliances can be terrifying for some dogs.
Separation Anxiety: Dogs are social animals, and being left alone for extended periods can lead to anxiety and stress.
New Environments or People: Dogs may feel uneasy when introduced to unfamiliar places, animals, or people.
Past Trauma: Dogs with a history of abuse or traumatic experiences may suffer from long-term stress.
Medical Issues: Pain or discomfort caused by medical conditions can lead to stress.
Now that we've identified potential stressors, let's explore ways to help your dog cope with fear and phobias.
Create a Safe Space: Dogs often seek refuge when they're stressed. Provide your dog with a safe, quiet space where they can retreat when they feel overwhelmed. This can be a crate, a cozy corner, or a specific room in your home. Make this space comfortable with their favorite toys and blankets.
Desensitization and Counterconditioning: For specific fears and phobias, such as fear of thunderstorms or fireworks, you can employ desensitization and counterconditioning techniques. Gradually expose your dog to the trigger in a controlled manner, rewarding them with treats and affection when they remain calm. Over time, this can help them associate the fear-inducing stimulus with positive experiences.
Behavioral Training: Enroll your dog in obedience classes or seek the assistance of a professional dog trainer to address behavioral issues related to stress. Training can help build your dog's confidence and improve their overall behavior, reducing stress in the process.
Regular Exercise: Physical activity is an excellent way to reduce stress in dogs. Regular walks, playtime, and exercise sessions can help your dog burn off excess energy and feel more relaxed. A tired dog is less likely to exhibit stress-related behaviors.
Gradual exposure to new environments, people, and other dogs can help your dog become more confident and less anxious. Controlled socialization can be beneficial in reducing fear and phobias.
Medication and Supplements: In some cases, medication or supplements prescribed by a veterinarian may be necessary to manage your dog's stress effectively. These options can provide relief for severe anxiety or phobias.
Calming Products: There are various calming products available for dogs, including pheromone diffusers, anxiety wraps, and herbal supplements. These can help create a more relaxed environment for your pet.
Professional Help: If your dog's stress and fear-related issues persist or worsen, it's essential to consult with a veterinarian or a certified animal behaviorist. They can provide tailored guidance and solutions for your dog's specific needs.
Maintain a Consistent Routine: Dogs thrive on routine. Establish a consistent daily schedule for feeding, exercise, and playtime. Predictability can help reduce anxiety and stress by creating a sense of security for your dog.
Unconditional Love and Patience: Lastly, never underestimate the power of your love and patience. Be understanding and supportive of your dog during stressful moments. Your calming presence and affection can provide significant comfort to your pet.
Stress in dogs is a serious concern that requires attention and care from responsible pet owners. Understanding the causes and signs of stress in dogs is the first step towards helping your furry friend cope with their fears and phobias. By implementing the strategies discussed in this article, such as creating a safe space, desensitization, behavioral training, exercise, and seeking professional help when needed, you can significantly improve your dog's quality of life and reduce their stress levels. Remember that each dog is unique, so it's essential to tailor your approach to their specific needs. With love, patience, and the right strategies, you can help your dog lead a happier, stress-free life.
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puppyschoolzetland · 1 year
The Importance of Socialization for Dogs
Dogs are not just pets; they are members of our families, and their well-being is of paramount importance. One crucial aspect of a dog's life that often goes underestimated is socialization. Socialization plays a vital role in a dog's overall health and happiness. In this article, we'll explore the significance of socialization for dogs, why it matters, and how it can positively impact your furry friend's life.
What Is Dog Socialization?
Before delving into its importance, let's clarify what we mean by "dog socialization." Socialization refers to the process of exposing dogs to a variety of people, animals, environments, and experiences during their developmental stages. This helps them become well-adjusted, confident, and comfortable in different situations.
Developmental Stages of Socialization
Puppyhood: The critical window for socialization typically occurs between 3 and 14 weeks of age. During this time, puppies are more open to new experiences, making it an ideal period to introduce them to various stimuli.
Adolescence: While socialization continues throughout a dog's life, adolescence (around 6 to 18 months) is another essential stage. Here, dogs may become more wary of new experiences, making positive interactions crucial.
Why Socialization Matters
Socialization is not just a luxury; it's a necessity for your dog's well-being. Here's why:
1. Builds Confidence
Exposure to different people, animals, and situations helps dogs build confidence. Dogs that are well-socialized are less likely to be fearful or anxious in unfamiliar environments or around strangers.
Reduces Aggression and Fear
Proper socialization reduces the likelihood of fear-based aggression in dogs. When they are exposed to different people and animals from an early age, they learn to react calmly to new situations rather than defensively.
Promotes Positive Behavior
Well-socialized dogs tend to exhibit better behavior. They are more likely to respond positively to training and are easier to manage in various situations.
Prevents Behavioral Problems
Unsocialized dogs are at a higher risk of developing behavioral problems like separation anxiety, phobias, and aggression. Socialization helps prevent these issues from arising in the first place.
Enhances Safety
A well-socialized dog is safer to be around. They are less likely to pose a threat to people or other animals, reducing the risk of accidents or incidents.
How to Socialize Your Dog
Now that we understand why socialization is vital, let's look at how you can socialize your dog effectively:
Start Early
As mentioned earlier, the critical period for socialization is during puppyhood. Begin exposing your puppy to different people, animals, and environments as soon as they are old enough to venture out.
Gradual Exposure
Take a gradual approach to socialization. Introduce your dog to new experiences in a calm and controlled manner. Start with familiar and non-threatening situations and gradually increase the complexity of the exposures.
Positive Reinforcement
Use positive reinforcement techniques like treats, praise, and play to reward your dog for calm and confident behavior during socialization experiences. This will help them associate new experiences with positive outcomes.
Variety is Key
Expose your dog to a wide range of people, including children, adults, and seniors. Introduce them to other dogs of different sizes and temperaments. Take them to different environments, such as parks, beaches, and urban areas.
Enroll in Puppy Classes
Puppy socialization classes can be highly beneficial. These classes are designed to provide controlled environments for puppies to interact with other puppies and learn valuable social skills.
Consult a Professional
If you're unsure about how to socialize your dog or if you're dealing with a dog that has missed crucial socialization periods, consider seeking guidance from a professional dog trainer or behaviorist.
Common Socialization Challenges
While socialization is crucial, there are some challenges to be aware of:
1. Fear Periods
Dogs may go through fear periods during their developmental stages. During these periods, they may become more fearful or anxious. It's important to be patient and avoid forcing them into situations that make them uncomfortable.
Negative Experiences
One negative experience during socialization can have a lasting impact. Be cautious and avoid situations that could traumatize your dog. Always prioritize their well-being.
Health Considerations
Ensure your dog's vaccinations are up to date before exposing them to other dogs or public places to reduce the risk of disease transmission.
In conclusion, socialization is a fundamental aspect of a dog's life at Puppy Playground that should not be overlooked. It plays a crucial role in building confidence, reducing fear and aggression, promoting positive behavior, preventing behavioral problems, and enhancing safety. By starting early, using positive reinforcement, and exposing your dog to a variety of experiences, you can help them become well-adjusted, happy, and confident companions. Remember that every dog is unique, and socialization should be tailored to their individual needs and comfort levels. With the right approach, you can ensure that your furry friend enjoys a fulfilling and enriching life.
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hsmagazine254 · 1 year
Silence Is Golden: How To Train Your Dog To Stop Barking - H&S Pets Galore
Techniques & Tools For A Quieter Home And A Happier Furry Companion Barking is a natural way for dogs to communicate, but excessive barking can become a nuisance for both you and your neighbours. Whether your furry companion is barking at strangers, other dogs, or simply out of boredom, teaching them to bark less can create a calmer and more peaceful environment. In this article, we’ll explore…
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jeniferevans98 · 1 year
From Wagging Tails to Heartfelt Tales: Get to Know the Stellar Cast of 'The Dog Lover's Guide to Dating'
Imagine a world where wagging tails and heartfelt tales come together in the pursuit of love. Dogs have long been recognized as faithful companions and sources of unconditional love, but did you know they can also play a role in helping people find their perfect match? In this article, we'll explore the rising popularity of dogs in the dating scene and dive into the intriguing world of 'The Dog Lover's Guide to Dating.' Get ready to meet the stellar cast of this heartwarming journey that combines romance, canines, and a sprinkle of magic.
In recent years, dogs have become more than just pets; they have captured the hearts of millions worldwide. Their loving nature, loyalty, and ability to bring joy and companionship have made them indispensable companions. Moreover, dogs have proven to be excellent icebreakers and conversation starters, especially when it comes to dating. Many dog enthusiasts are now turning to dogs as a way to enhance their dating lives and meet like-minded individuals who share their passion for four-legged friends.
1. The Rising Popularity of Dogs
Dogs have always been popular, but their popularity has soared to new heights in recent years. The companionship, emotional support, and unconditional love they provide have become even more valued in today's fast-paced and sometimes lonely world. Dogs offer a sense of purpose, reduce stress, and provide unwavering loyalty, making them the perfect antidote to the challenges of modern life.
2. The Connection Between Dogs and Love
It's no secret that dogs have an innate ability to bring people together. They have a unique way of breaking down barriers, fostering connections, and creating an atmosphere of warmth and positivity. Whether it's through a shared walk in the park, a visit to a dog-friendly café, or attending dog-centric events, dogs offer endless opportunities for people to meet and connect.
3. 'The Dog Lover's Guide to Dating'
'The Dog Lover's Guide to Dating' is a captivating book that delves into the enchanting world of dog-assisted dating. Written by renowned relationship expert, Sarah Johnson, this book combines practical dating advice with heartwarming stories of individuals who found love with the help of their furry companions. It serves as a guide for dog lovers who want to navigate the dating scene and find their perfect match, all while embracing the power of canine companionship.
4. Meet the Stellar Cast
4.1. Furry Friends and Matchmakers
In 'The Dog Lover's Guide to Dating,' dogs play a crucial role as matchmakers. Their intuitive nature allows them to sense chemistry between potential partners and create opportunities for love to blossom. Whether it's a wag of the tail, a playful nudge, or a knowing look, these furry matchmakers help break the ice and bring people closer together.
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4.2. Love Experts on Four Legs
Within the pages of this heartwarming book, you'll meet a team of love experts on four legs who have mastered the art of spreading love. These charismatic canines, trained by renowned dog behaviorist, Mark Collins, possess a deep understanding of human emotions and are skilled at providing comfort, support, and guidance to those seeking love. With their gentle demeanor and unwavering loyalty, they help individuals navigate the ups and downs of the dating world, offering a paw to hold and a listening ear when needed.
4.3. Wagging Tails and Happy Endings
'The Dog Lover's Guide to Dating' is filled with heartwarming stories of wagging tails and happy endings. From tales of serendipitous encounters at the dog park to unexpected connections forged through volunteering at animal shelters, these stories showcase the transformative power of dogs in bringing people together. Each story is a testament to the incredible bond that can form between humans and their furry companions, and how that bond can lead to lasting love and happiness.
4.4. Celebrity Canines
Among the cast of 'The Dog Lover's Guide to Dating' are some famous furry faces. From Instagram sensations to movie star pups, these celebrity canines add a touch of glamour and excitement to the world of dog-assisted dating. Their presence not only captures the attention of readers but also highlights the universal appeal and impact of dogs in our lives. These celebrity canines serve as inspiration, showing that love can be found in unexpected places, even in the dazzling world of fame and fortune.
'The Dog Lover's Guide to Dating' is a delightful exploration of the intersection between love, dogs, and the magic that can happen when the two come together. With its captivating stories, expert advice, and charming canines, this book invites readers to embark on a journey of self-discovery, companionship, and finding love in the most unexpected ways. Whether you're a dog lover or someone looking for love, this heartwarming guide will warm your heart, bring a smile to your face, and perhaps even lead you to your own romantic tale.
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dogtrainershouston · 1 year
Understanding Dog Aggression in Houston: Causes and Solutions
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Introduction: Houston dog aggression, a vibrant and diverse city known for its warm weather and friendly community, is also home to a significant number of dogs. While most dogs in Houston are well-behaved and friendly, there are instances of dog aggression that can pose challenges to both dog owners and the community. In this article, we will explore the causes of dog aggression in Houston and discuss possible solutions to address this issue.
Causes of Dog Aggression:
Lack of socialization: One of the primary causes of dog aggression in Houston is a lack of proper socialization. Dogs that have not been exposed to a variety of people, animals, and environments during their critical development period may become fearful and display aggression when faced with unfamiliar situations.
Previous traumatic experiences: Dogs that have experienced abuse, neglect, or other traumatic events in their past may develop aggressive behaviors as a defense mechanism. These dogs may require specialized training and rehabilitation to help them overcome their fears and develop trust in humans and other animals.
Poor training and handling: Dogs that have not received proper training and handling may exhibit aggressive behaviors. Inadequate socialization, inconsistent discipline, or the use of punitive training methods can contribute to the development of aggressive tendencies in dogs.
Medical conditions: Some dogs may display aggression due to underlying medical conditions, such as pain or hormonal imbalances. It's essential for dog owners to consult with a veterinarian to rule out any potential medical causes for their dog's aggression.
Solutions to Address Dog Aggression:
Early socialization and training: Dog owners in Houston should prioritize early socialization and training for their puppies. Enrolling puppies in puppy socialization classes and obedience training programs can help them develop good manners, build confidence, and learn appropriate ways to interact with people and other dogs.
Responsible ownership: Responsible dog ownership plays a crucial role in preventing dog aggression. Dog owners should ensure their pets are properly vaccinated, spayed or neutered, and regularly examined by a veterinarian. Providing a safe and enriched environment, along with regular exercise, can also contribute to a dog's overall well-being and reduce the likelihood of aggression.
Professional assistance: If a dog is already displaying aggressive behaviors, seeking professional help from a qualified dog trainer or behaviorist is crucial. These experts can assess the dog's behavior, identify the underlying causes of aggression, and develop a customized training plan to address the issue effectively.
Community education and awareness: Educating the Houston community about dog behavior and responsible pet ownership can help prevent dog aggression. Workshops, seminars, and online resources can provide valuable information to dog owners, helping them understand the importance of early socialization, positive training methods, and appropriate management of their pets.
Conclusion: Dog aggression in Houston can be addressed through a combination of early socialization, responsible ownership, professional assistance, and community education. By understanding the causes of dog aggression and implementing appropriate solutions, we can create a safer and more harmonious environment for both dogs and humans in Houston.
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elaachabe-blog · 3 years
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In the United States, one of the predominant reasons that owners abandon or give up their pets (often leading to euthanasia) is because of unwanted behaviors. Many have tried to instruct proper cat training, but Decoding Your Cat PDF book of its kind to provide an in-depth understanding of the underlying reasons for a cat’s problem behavior, the essential key to unlocking the best for your cat and avoiding pitfalls. Decoding Your Cat gives owners new insight on promoting their cat’s physical and psychological health and wellness and maintaining a long and fulfilling relationship together.Written by the leading experts in cat behavior from the American College of Veterinary Behaviorists, with an introduction by animal expert Steve Dale, this book conveys the newest and best information on cat behavioral science in a fun, interesting, and understandable way. Together with anecdotes from real life situations and the science behind how cats relate to their world, Decoding Your Cat empowers owners to provide a home environment that is happy, safe, and functional, to identify and seek treatment for medical health problems, to understand how to deal with unwanted behaviors, and in general to help cats live longer and fuller lives.
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fbwzoo · 5 years
Ditto needs a new home!
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Ditto was rescued as a stray that was hanging around my apartment complex in September 2017. She was estimated around 10 months & had already had (and lost) a litter of kittens. Pregnancy had taken a toll on her and she was very skinny. After some time to gain weight, we got her spayed & vaccinated. We had already fallen in love with her & considered trying to keep her. I mean, look at this! How could you not love her?
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Unfortunately, we already have a cat & despite over a year of working with both cats, doing slow introductions, building up tolerance to seeing each other, and working with a behaviorist....it’s just not working. Ditto is a more aggressive cat & more prone to confrontation, while our older cat is very avoidant and also has health issues that flare up from stress.. Since our other kitty was here first, we need to find Ditto (and her paper pile) a new home.
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Ditto is extremely people-focused and would love to help with whatever you’re doing! She’s fairly high energy and talkative, and she needs regular playtime. Ditto also LOVES to climb, so cat trees are a must! She’s not much of a lap cat, but loves scritches and will cuddle in bed at night. 
We are located in the Kansas City area, but willing to drive to meet up with the right home. Ditto’s rehoming fee is $100, and she comes with some toys & other supplies. Please click to read on if you’d like to know more about Ditto & her adoption requirements! 
More about Ditto:
- favorite toys include packing paper, ball tracks, ping pong balls & plastic easter eggs, fishing-pole style teaser wands, the Cat Dancer toy, and her cat wheel
- is very good about scratching appropriate surfaces – sisal rope towers/cat tree legs & cardboard scratch pads
- partially harness trained, but very nervous about Outside (after all, lots of bad things were out there)
- gets dry food free-fed in a puzzle feeder toy, a 3.5oz can of wet food each night
- has no known major health issues; short, crooked tail & a missing dewclaw toe (left front paw) were both determined to be congenital by a vet & not due to trauma. She does have a chunky claw on the toe next to the missing one that I worry may need to be declawed at some point, but haven’t had a vet suggest it yet. I plan to ask for opinion if I take her in again prior to rehoming.
- bad habits include shredding toilet paper and plastic bags that contain food, and climbing into cupboards. We just keep the first couple things away from her & have mostly resigned ourselves to the second since she currently doesn’t get left unattended in the whole apartment, but child locks would likely do the trick if you want to keep her out!
Requirements for adopting:
* indoors only, outside only on harness or in catio
* NO declawing
* must have a vet reference
*preferred no other cats/dogs in home; if either are present, a slow & positive introduction will be required and I will be pickier about potential homes that have other dogs/cats (in terms of space, animal experience, training stances, etc.)
* other pets are fine, but must NOT be within reach of Ditto – she is quite prey-driven & will chase/attack
- only older kids – Ditto has gotten much better about not biting or using claws, but is not tested around kids & not likely to be terribly tolerant of inappropriate petting/handling
- must be able to provide 1-2 play sessions a day
- willing to include at least one meal of wet food a day
- must have:
       -  at least one 6ft cat tree (prior to adoption)
       - multiple scratching options (cat tree, cardboard scratchers, etc.)
       - minimum of 2 litter boxes (can provide one with Ditto)
       - ability to ensure vet appointments (wellness & emergency)
       - hard sided carrier for transport
The first five are absolute requirements. The rest is somewhat negotiable depending on the home.
Ditto comes with some non-negotiable supplies (included with the rehoming fee) - her cat wheel, a 5-ft cat tree, her stuffed otter toy, and some ball track toys along with extra balls. Can also provide a small tote litter box & scoop if wanted, and her harness/leash if you would like to continue to work on harness training with her.
Please message if you’d like to discuss adopting Ditto! :)
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