#Animal biology is unironically so much fun like
solradguy · 8 months
You tied weights to my legs and threw me into Furry Penis Lake and now I’ve seen all the wild fish (genitalia) that live on the bottom
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devine-fem · 6 months
whats ur biggest damijon hc
biggest? no idea. my hc are usually boring asf and any headcanons i do have get put into a fic some where down the line.
i just have a bunch of headcanons altnerating through my head.
the most recent i was thinking about jon having a habit of collecting things. i headcanon jon keeps trinkets that just happen to belong to damian in one of his drawers, he has robin batarangs, he has a torn out page of dami’s sketch book, he has a picture of them together ofc, he also keeps love letters in there, not written by him but girls in his school that asked jon to give them to damian, lastly i feel like he has torn out pages of his diary he’s too anxious to leave around inside that drawer… its a hobby he tells himself, its no concern most of those things relate to damian. (ill post this today seperste from this post)
i also headcanon that damian subconsciously tries to climb jon at times and jon doesn’t even bat an eye to it because his kryptonian biology makes him numb to it
i also headcanon that damian will perch up/sit on one of jon’s shoulders when he’a lazy, just like a bird
i also feel like damian is subconsciously clingy, nuzzling up to jon like a cat at times.
i also feel like after a mission damian gets all nervous and looks around like hes bracing for an attack and his teammates are confused as to whats wrong but suddenly theres a streak of blue and jon’s crashing into damian with a hug sending him feet across the ground. which damian was expecting the whole time
i headcanon that damian climbs through jon’s window and sneaks up to him to give him a kiss while jon pretends he didnt know cause that would ruin the fun
i headcanon for the span of like weeks damian and jon had this inside joke where damian would speak in arabic and jon would speak in kryptonese.
and thats putting aside the possibility theyll call each other pet names in those languages
headcanon damian as the little spoon
headcanon jon’s terrified of horror movies even though hes a superhero and damian can’t focus on movies because his eyes are always stuck on jon’s expressions
headcanon that damian will get art block but he can still draw jon for some reason
headcanon that damian does all the house work like sewing jon’s capes and helping him get dressed in the morning
headcanon that damian hates kissing jon first because the act of getting on his tippy toes is mortifying
imagine jon getting his cape put on with the help of damian and damian’s somewhat struggling to do it due to his height so jon spreads his legs apart like he’s doing the splits to meet his height
jon is still stuck in his crush phase and gawks at damian
jon says “damian deprived” unironically like its a condition
its canon that they watch anime together so its fun thinking of the type of stuff theyd watch
jon asks before he does anything “can i kiss you” “can i see you” “can i hug you” ugh, i love it so much
they love to cuddle, fish, nap or talk on the back of goliath for no reason just because it feels homey since it was the first few things they did when they met
thats a few
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cocoa-rococo · 29 days
Koopaling Headcanons: Iggy
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Larry | Morton | Wendy | Iggy | Roy | Lemmy | Ludwig
The wild child, the mad lad, the resident scientist himself! I think about him a regular amount.
His powers are more plant-based, and he's very good at controlling them, but inventing is a big hobby of his that plays into how he attacks. To put it in other terms, he's got Artificer software running on Druid hardware.
His eye color is a rare mutation of his draconic koopa biology, though it does give him some issues with his vision, hence the glasses.
He's definitely wacky, but he's not actually ‘demented’ or ‘insane’ like most think he is. That being said, he likes to play up the whole ‘mad scientist' act around other people because he enjoys their reactions. Maybe a little too much…
April Fool's is a banned celebration in the castle because of him. Not that it stops him from pulling pranks on any other day of the year.
His favorite fruits are more tropical things; kiwis, pineapples, and starfruit.
Prefers Chain Chomps and other animals to people, as he's not great with conversation nor predicting people. Rumor has it that he can actually speak with them, but whether it's true remains to be seen.
He occasionally gets nonverbal when an experiment goes awry, or when he’s so upset he can’t find the words for it. His siblings check in on him every once in a while, and he does end up speaking again after a few hours / a day.
His hair naturally falls into a mohawk like in his earlier depictions; he just likes styling it back to differentiate himself from Lemmy.
Doesn't have much of a sweet tooth, but he's a big fan of savory things. That said, he does have a fondness for carrot cake.
He actually made his glasses when he realized his eyes didn’t see well with traditional lenses… and because he needed something that was fireproof, blast-proof, and freeze-proof, just to name a few. When he realized he could market it on a professional basis, Iggy’s Glass was created.
He's a big fan of his veggies! He's not a strict vegetarian, nor is he opposed to meat whatsoever, he just likes his greens more. Like I said, Druid hardware.
Speaking of food, if he's craving something, he often decides what to have not by flavor, but by texture. He looooves crunchy stuff or things he can rip into, like sandwiches with hard bread or jerky sticks.
He helps Wendy with her baking hobby! Baking is just another form of chemistry, after all, and he likes having something to do with his hands. He doesn't like cooking much, though. Too much guesswork.
His love language is gift giving. He makes so many things for his siblings for holidays and birthdays, and is always touchingly surprised if they get him something personal or practical (not that he shows it).
He got Morton a camera for his tenth birthday to support his scrapbooking hobby, and is secretly very pleased that Morton takes such good care of it. He also denies crying when Morton showed him the page he made of the two of them with the photos he took.
His handwriting is the worst out of the seven. Given how fast he needs to write to keep up with his experiments, and his habit of using short phrases that only he understands, it's really legible to just him.
He genuinely is pretty funny. His humor is skewed towards shitposter memes thanks to Roy and Larry, but his sense of comedic timing to drop a bomb or punchline is perfect.
Will respond to highly cursed memes and images along the lines of "Oh, that's AWFUL. I LOVE IT."
His currency is amusement. You wanna get on his good side or impress him, making him laugh. This is harder then it sounds; if he can tell you’re trying too hard, he’ll just blast you with sarcasm.
Ludwig is teaching him how to play the accordion. It’s just as chaotic as it sounds.
He's a big fan of bad B-movie horrors, making fun of them while also unironically enjoying how terrible they are. He's got a few posters of them in his room.
He was the dog version of a warrior cats kid. I'm sorry, but it's true.
He likes to collect bugs! It's not a very big collection, seeing as the Darklands is uninhabitable by a majority of insects, but he likes learning and talking about them to anyone interested.
One of the most terrifying generals out of the Koopalings to the troops; not because he’s especially mean or strict or anything, but because you’ll have no idea how he’ll react to something. He is, however, perhaps also one of the the least military-inclined out of his siblings, much preferring his lab to a war room.
Will wear the UGLIEST aloha shirts with zero concerns. Will also wear socks and sandals. Wendy loathes him.
Doesn't like coffee; the taste makes him nauseous. He's more of a soda guy, anyway.
He and Larry are huge sci-fi nerds, and enjoy bonding over comics and mecha anime and going to cons together. Also a big fan of horror; the more gore, the better.
Cannot draw people for shit. Animals and plants he can do okay at, but more in an anatomical kind of way then any artistic sort of style. Blueprints, however, are a different story.
Genuinely likes pistachio ice cream. None of his siblings know why, nor do they want to know.
Like Lemmy, he's very much a fan of pulling a prank and doing the "ohhhh I'm just a little guy, and it's my birthday, I'm a lil birthday boooy" routine. Unlike Lemmy, this rarely works for him.
His lab is his safe haven; it may be a mess in some places, but it's his mess. If you touch something you shouldn't, be prepared to get whacked.
Can and will pick up bugs and eat them. Bonus if they’re dipped in chocolate.
He doesn’t have any particular favorite flowers, but he's got a side hobby of cross-breeding and mutating plants for both science and in the sense of, in his own terms, “fucking around and finding out.”
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I'm actually writing this post specifically for @deepwoodenheart because they followed my main and were not a porn blog. Thanks! They've recently expressed an interest in Yuichiro Umehara (a voice actor), and @msyuksanh is his number one fan who is the one who actually introduced me to this specific voice actor. Since I watch a ton of anime (an unhealthy amount), I will be running through some of the stuff I have watched (and some stuff I haven't). Some of these are just to make fun of these anime, but I don't fault any seiyuu for taking a bad role because you do what you need to to make that bread 🍞
His list of roles is big but not as big as some other voice actors, so I was able to go through which ones I had watched or heard of quite quickly. He has made some random appearances in other anime that I've watched where I went "Huh, definitely know this guy from somewhere" like Fire Force, Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun, and Kaguya-sama.
Note: I haven't watched Jojo Part 6 yet or that parody magic anime with the wombat. The anime will go in no specific order, but it generally goes from "good" to "mediocre" to "these anime can go suck cheese" with anything below the "keep reading" being literal trash-tier anime. There's also some missing stuff, especially in terms of idol anime because I haven't watched those and don't plan on it for now. From looking at the cast list, I think his major idol roles are in Magic Kyun, Tsukipro, Ensemble Stars, and Idolmaster SideM (regular Idolmaster is for female idols).
Akagami no Shirayuki-hime
I was talking to a friend of mine recently when we went Christmas shopping, and when he saw this manga he went, "I didn't like that one." I personally did like this one. His complaint was that too much time was given to the secondary love interest. Umehara plays a supporting (but recurring) character.
((This scene still makes me laugh to this day. Kaori Nazuka was really funny here.))
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Fruits Basket (remake)
Okay, Umehara admittedly barely shows up in this one, but people should watch Fruits Basket no matter who they are. It's good for the soul. That is all.
((It took me so long to find a fricking gif of this bir-- guy.))
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Romantic Killer
Anyone who reads this or anyone who has Netflix should go watch this.
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Tenchi Souzou Design-bu
This anime is surprisingly not directly creationism, but it sure comes close! As a biology major, this anime was pretty neat, but some of it made me go, "What am I watching anyway?" I'm not an ecology specialist though, so maybe this makes more sense to others. His character is a supporting character, but he has some funny bits.
((He also gets to rap in this role, so that was kind of funny. My other favourite lines are "Wow, Mercury is dead!" and "WOO! SAIKOU NI COOL!!!"))
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This one was not nearly as good as Gridman which was already divisive in the mecha community (that I'm not a part of). I heard from others that it was enjoyable, but I personally thought it was a bit of a bore. Props to the casting director for getting Chika Anzai and her cousin Junya Enoki. There are some subbed radio segments that are funny too.
((Also, this is the first anime I watched where he was cast as an ugly adult. Ain't nobody falling for kinoko hair over here. He has also played a piece of sperm, but I digress.))
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Dame x Prince
This anime was built for cringe, and it succeeds at cringe. But because it embraces the cringe, it unironically becomes one of the better anime adaptations of an otome game which is like saying you're the tallest dwarf of the seven dwarfs. It also gave a long-running radio with Kaito Ishikawa and Soma Saito.
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Shingeki no Bahamut: Virgin Soul
I genuinely remember so little about this anime that I went to go watch clips to refresh my memory, and this anime wasn't even bad. It was mediocre, but for something based off a card game, they did really well. I actually watched this for Sumire Morohoshi and her bubbly character Nina. This is technically a sequel, so you'd need to watch the previous one to fully understand it. Oddly enough, I didn't know the first season was a romance until some characters kissed.
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Gakuen Babysitters
This one was essentially built to be a comfort watch. It works at what it wants to do, but I don't like kids. The ending theme is cute, but Nishiyama looked way more into it (Umehara was there to get paid).
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Shinchou Yuusha
I personally thought this anime was gonna be a Konosuba, and it kind of was, but it was far more palatable for me (I was not able to make it through Konosuba and will try again at a later date). Aki Toyosaki carries 99% of the comedy in this anime.
((That slime never did anything to youuuuuuu)
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Orenchi no Furo Jijou
Fun fact: I watched this before knowing what a shounen ai was! I saw the shounen part and went "Oh, so my demographic" watched it, came out, and went "What. Was. That?!" I don't remember a whole ton about it, but I don't remember it being horrendous. It's just some mermaid in a bathtub. I think this was his debut role, and he does play a main character.
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Juuni Taisen
This is probably in a similar boat as Tenkuu Shinpan (later in the list). It's just a bloodbath of an anime, but I will give it credit that it has fanservice for both sides (they sexualize men and women). Anyways, it has a stacked seiyuu cast for something that is so incredibly mediocre.
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Tada-kun wa Koi wo Shinai
He had to be replaced partway through due to his acute immune disease. However, I think he recorded it in post-production. Either way, it's a supporting character in an anime that I think wasn't worth the watch besides the banger of an opening. Masayoshi Ohishi has a knack for writing openings for romcoms (he likes romcoms himself).
((He's the glasses guy))
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Tenkuu Shinpan
I kinda want to watch this one just to turn off my brain and watch some Battle Royale-style gore.
((That character looks sick.))
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Darling in the Franxx
Apparently, you're supposed to watch the first 12 episodes then dip, but come on, when the mechas are built like that, I'm not touching that thing. Even though it has Haruka Tomatsu and one of her most famous characters, I'm not watching it.
((It took me over 100 gifs to find one with Gorou in them despite typing in "Gorou Darling in the Franxx", and he is part of the main cast.))
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Goblin Slayer
You know, for such an edgy first episode, this series is so mid at the genre it tries to take on after. Umehara said himself, "He doesn't really say much of importance." This anime has sexual violence (and it's explicit), and it's not even good.
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I haven't watched this one, but he does star alongside his bandmate Yoshiki Nakajima. Both of them have been in better anime that is certainly not this one. I even read a chapter or two of the manga when it first started airing and went, "They're really making that, huh?"
((He forgot one streak of hair when dyeing it haha))
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I couldn't make it through three episodes, but maybe I'll try again-- actually, no I won't.
Hmm... I haven't watched this one. It's not hard to see why, but basically, I have not reached that level of degeneracy, and if I do, someone should put me out of my misery.
Fun fact: This anime is so bad that it has a rating similar to Boku no P-- I'm not finishing that title. I obviously didn't watch this one.
Makura no Danshi
I didn't watch this one, but I saw a video on it and was near tears from laughter and despair because there's no fricking way someone made an anime about this concept AND got Masayoshi Ohishi to write an OP for it. This is the stupidest thing I've seen in a while, and just being close to it made me even more embarrassed that I watch anime. I also listened to Masayoshi's version of the OP before I knew what it was connected to or how to understand some words in Japanese. After learning its association, I was legally obligated to take that song off my playlist.
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lizisshortforlizard · 2 years
Living Dangerously - Chapter 15
Jurassic Park’s animal handlers: none of them ever mentioned by name in Michael Crichton’s original novel. Who were they? What were their lives like on Isla Nublar? Did any of them survive the disaster?
A year in the life of those responsible for the care of the dinosaurs. Many people would kill to have their jobs.
But would they die for it?
Jurassic Park novel/Jurassic park film (1993)
Viewpoint: 3rd person female oc
Warnings: one c-bomb, one mention of pregnancy and one mention of physical abuse by a parent
Word count: ~38.7k (15 Chapters) [incomplete]
Tagging: @howlingmadlady @heresthefanfiction @ocfairygodmother
Read on Ao3
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Chapter 14 | Chapter 16
Kickstart My Heart - Mötley Crüe
Govan, Scotland
Her right palm was stinging. Govan High School, still stuck in the Dark Ages, showed no sign of moving with the times and giving up corporal punishment for its students. Lizzy had been issued with the doom-laden words wait behind after class, and then given ten of the best for talking back.
Her Biology teacher, Miss Crawford, placed the wooden ruler back in the chipped mug full of chalk fragments on her desk and sat down.
At least it wasn’t the tawse this time. That leather strap stung like a mother-
“What’s going on with you, Lizzy?”
Lizzy just shrugged and kept her head down, rubbing the burn out of her skin.
“I spoke with your sister. She told me you hadn’t been home recently?”
“No’ fer a while. Ah live wi’ Granny and Granda’ noo.”
“And your father?”
Straight to the heart. Lizzy tried her utmost not to snap when she answered, she didn’t want her other hand to receive the same treatment.
“I heard Da lost his job at the shipyard, and then-“ She swallowed hard. “-ah’ve no seen him.”
I miss him so much.
“I see.”
“Can ah go noo?”
“Not just yet.”
Jings, whit’s she got planned fer me?
Miss Crawford hesitated, tapping her heel, trying to decide what to say next. “You’re a clever girl, Lizzy. It’s upsetting to watch you give up.”
“Ah’ve no’ given up.” Lizzy was indignant. “Ahm still comin’ tae school.”
“You’ve given up on yourself.” Eyebrows raised high over the top of wire frames.
Life hadn’t been the same since that fateful birthday the year before. Lizzy had started smoking, and drinking more. A lot more: Granda was stunningly oblivious that his whiskey bottles were getting weaker and paler almost by the day. She hated herself for it.
She’d stumble through the school gates, late; clothes unironed and hair blowing wild in the wind. Maisie wouldn’t be seen dead with her now, Connor had dumped her after the pregnancy scare. Her shoulder still ached when it rained, which was often. It hadn’t healed well, and every dull pain reminded her of what her own mother had done.
Lizzy had resigned herself that this was how life was going to be from now on. Sad and grey. Forever.
“However, your last homework task was excellent.” Miss Crawford said quietly.
“Wis it?” Lizzy tugged uncomfortably at the hem of her green tartan skirt, suddenly too tight. “Ah wis…takin’ the piss.”
She’d gotten bored and frustrated with the questions, and instead scribbled over the top of the worksheet. She’d ended up writing an Attenborough-esque blurb for the Loch Ness Monster that wouldn’t have been out of place on Zoo Quest, complete with diagram.
Miss Crawford rummaged in her desk and pulled out the homework task with Nessie proudly front and centre. “Maybe so, but you’ve no idea how dull it is reading the exact same answer thirty times over. I gave you full marks.”
“But ah didnae dae it right?” Lizzy was scowling, expression dark as the clouds outside. “Miss, are ye makin’ fun o’ me?”
“No- forget the homework for the moment.” The teacher took her glasses off and rubbed her eyes, sighing. “Let’s try something else, alright? If you could go anywhere in the world, be anything you wanted to be, what would you do?”
Lizzy decided to humour her teacher. The red-haired, headscarf-wearing young woman stuck out like a sore thumb among the other faculty members. She was almost glamorous, and you didn’t often see female science teachers, not in the depths of Govan at least. Lizzy actually liked her rather a lot. Even if she was on the quick side with dishing out ruler-related punishments.
“Ah dunno. Just awa’. Somewhere else.” She looked around the classroom walls, faded posters with torn edges and graffiti in the corners (Cuddy waz ere, Heather F. smells) boasting titles such as The Wonder of Frogs, The Mesozoic Era and Wild Cats of The World. She picked one that had always caught her eye, a grainy black-and-white silhouette of giraffes walking past a big tree with a wide base and spindly branches high up. “Where’s that?”
Her teacher turned to look, trying not to grin, just internally bursting that her lost student was finally responding to something. “Africa I think, maybe Tanzania or Kenya. Would you like to go there?”
“Uh-huh.” Lizzy nodded and stared out of the window, growing uncomfortable now that she had opened up.
The teacher sensed she was losing her. “You know the University of Glasgow has an excellent Zoology school?”
Lizzy shook her head firmly, getting a whiff of stale cigarette smoke as her curls bounced. “Lassies like me dinna go tae university, Miss Crawford. Ah thought it wis fer posh fowk. Fowk wi’ money. Rich families.”
“Not necessarily. If you get a little part-time job you could just about survive.”
“If ah git a wee job…whit are ye’ sayin’, Miss?”
“I can’t sit your exams for you, Lizzy. But if you pull yourself together and get the marks you need for a place, I’ll help you apply. It’s not too late.” Miss Crawford pushed her glasses back up her nose. “You’re more than capable.”
Lizzy slumped back in disbelief. “Why wid ye’ dae a daft thing like help me? Ah’ve been such a cunt tae ye’ this year! Aw, sorry-“
Her teacher just blinked and muttered out of the side of her mouth. “Well at least you’re aware you’ve been an…ah, cunt.”
“Miss!” Lizzy was startled, afraid to giggle in case she got the ruler again. But she did like Biology, liked her tough but fair teacher. Really liked the idea of seeing a real-life giraffe one day. Maybe a lion. Maybe even an elephant.
She felt something she hadn’t in a very long time. A spark of excitement, that maybe her life didn’t have to end in the same place it began, down by the grim, dreary shipyards of the River Clyde.
“Lizzy, let me help you. That-“ Miss Crawford pointed at the poster again. “That’s within your grasp. You’ve got more fight in you than this. Don’t you dare give up.”
Sitting in Richardson’s office, covered in drying dinosaur blood, Lizzy rubbed the palm of her hand anxiously, itching with some old memory.
All her boss had done so far was shuffle around, making a big show of pulling her personnel folder out of his filing cabinet and laying the leaves of paper flat on his desk. Lizzy could see her own face blankly staring back from her passport photo.
One of her professors that she’d had a less than favourable opinion of had done exactly the same routine before her PhD viva, trying to rattle her. It hadn’t worked. And it wasn’t going to work this time either.
Lizzy knew what she had to do. Make the first move and take control, assert herself, even if all she wanted was to flee out into the jungle and never return. She cleared her throat.
“I would like to apologize-“ gritting her teeth, not sincere in the slightest, but it would have to do. “-for the part I played with the Maiasa-“
Richardson slammed his fist on the desk with a bang, right down on top of her photograph, making her jump and grip the seat beneath her to keep from toppling over.
“Oh, we’ll get to that. We’ve got an altogether different problem, you and I, Miss Armstrong.”
Don’t bloody well cut me off!
Lizzy clenched her fingers so hard on the base of her chair that it started to creak, her mouth forming into a snarl. “Doctor Armstrong, please, if you don’t mind.”
Kathy was reliving the past quarter hour over and over again. Dropping Lizzy off with the goats, waving her goodbye, and making abrupt but pleasant conversation with Muldoon on the way back to base. She’d been waiting in line beside him in the canteen when every radio had screamed in unison with the mayday call from the paddock.
They had stared at each other then bolted for the door at the same moment, Kathy throwing herself headfirst into the passenger seat of the Jeep and yelling “Drive, drive, drive!”
There was no mistake that they had heard Lizzy shouting in the background of the garbled message. As they bounced along the track Kathy knew, she just knew somehow that her girl would be there, elbow deep in the mess of it all. Lizzy couldn’t help herself. God, she hated being right sometimes.
They arrived too late, and witnessed the way Richardson had spoken to her. Suspended. It didn’t seem fair at all, it had all happened so quickly. One moment everything fine, and the next just…not. She had better not be thrown off the island.
I am not wrangling the rest of these boys without her, never mind the dinosaurs. It would be like herding goddamn cats.
Kathy could feel herself being gently buffeted by the waves of annoyance radiating from Muldoon. He had been standing rigid beside the prep room door, but then sprung into action. “To Hell with this. They can manage without us. Baker, come with me.”
Kathy scurried after him back to the Jeep.
“I need you to do me a favour. You’re a fast runner.” The Jeep engine turned over for a good few seconds before finally starting.
“Go to the control room and talk to Arnold. Get him to pull up the video footage of the paddock from just before the stampede.”
“Gotcha.” Kathy clung onto the door handle as they tore along after the other Jeep. “You don’t think Lizzy did it.”
“I don’t think the damn woman started it, but she did her best to fix it and the rest of them saw someone who could take all the blame.”
“Because she’s a troublemaker.”
“Of sorts, and she’s too proud to ask for help.”
Kathy nodded in agreement. “You like her.”
In an instant Muldoon was transported back in Kenya, years ago, with his daughter in the passenger seat instead of Baker, clutching her schoolbag and swinging her legs. Grinning ear to ear because of an encounter they’d had driving home from school through a market.
Baba, that pretty lady smiled at you! She had yelled in Kiswahili through the open window, which had made the woman in question beam even more.
But he’d ignored both the woman and his daughter.
No, still too soon.
“She’s alright.”
Kathy tutted. Lizzy was obviously so much more than alright to him, but she wasn’t going to argue when he was this fired up. “Yeah, okay. I’m totally down for mission Save Her Ass. But if I’m going to the control room, where are you going?”
“To find out what Richardson’s up to. I don’t like him dragging Li- Armstrong off like that with no explanation. If it’s a formal disciplinary both of us need to be there.”
“He didn’t even yell at any of the guys, he went straight for her.” Kathy was still seething at the injustice of it all.
“Indeed. Just hope she hasn’t ran her damn mouth off at him before I catch up or there’s not much I can do.”
Matters were quickly escalating in Richardson’s office and Lizzy was beginning to see the red mist when a worrying noise cut through her senses. The office door handle moved repeatedly but the door itself wouldn’t budge. Lizzy’s head shot around. Someone was trying to get in and couldn’t.
She was locked in. “Why is-“
Lizzy had already formed an exit route in her head before Richardson could answer.
Plant pot on the desk. I can crack that over his head. Window. Chair. Throw chair through window. Throw self through window. Escape. He wasn’t that much taller than her, she could take him if necessary. Easily. She was from Glasgow, she’d certainly taken bigger.
Three very angry-sounding thumps were visited upon the office door.
Her boss was quick to recover himself. “Oh, silly me. Just a reflex. You can’t be too careful with people going where they shouldn’t.”
Lizzy didn’t return his smile. “You’d better get that. It might be important.” She leaned as far away as she could when Richardson hurried past to answer.
She swivelled around to look when she heard the familiar voice.
“Everything all right?” Muldoon wasn’t looking at Richardson, instead looking past him.
Lizzy widened her eyes and shook her head minutely, grimacing. Get me out of here.
“Just having a chat about Elizabeth’s attitude problem.” Richardson moved to block Muldoon’s view to Lizzy.
“I see…does that usually require a closed and locked office door?
“Just a reflex.” Richardson muttered again.
“In your hurry to tell her off, did you forget that for a suspension at least two of us need to agree to it? And Armstrong can have a witness, if she wants?”
Lizzy stiffened. Oh, really?
“It was more about the way she spoke-“
“And I’ll remind you she’s still due a break. Can’t have her suing InGen for unfair treatment, can we? Her man’s a lawyer, she’d win.”
“Fine. Maybe we do all need some time to calm down. We’ll resolve this later today.” Richardson knew he was beaten. “You can go for now, Elizabeth.”
Didn’t have to tell her twice. Lizzy practically hurdled the chair in her hurry to leave and let the office door slam behind her, near-jogging down the corridor.
“Everything alright, Carrie?” Realising she still resembled a burgundy-toned Jackson Pollock of blood and dirt, Lizzy managed a tiny laugh. It didn’t sound like Muldoon was that angry with her. Or at least he was doing a bloody good job of hiding it.
“Thanks for-“
“Save it. For future reference-“ and Lizzy shrank back. “-wait for my permission before you go into the paddocks. And certainly don’t ever do anything Kennedy tells you to again. Yes, I know it was him.”
“I’m sorry.” This time Lizzy was nothing but sincere, she really meant it.
“It’s done now. But noted.”
“It just happened so fast-“
“It usually does. I am, of course, very disappointed in you. That’s what I’m supposed to say, anyway. Let’s go to my office and you’ll tell me what really happened.”
“Our office?” Lizzy said hopefully.
“You’ve got some nerve to ask at a time like this.”
“I prefer to call it tenacity.”
In that moment, her bravado was all a front. The adrenaline had caught up and she was exhausted. Lizzy forgot what she was covered in and leaned against the pristine magnolia wall while she waited for the door to be unlocked.
“Don’t-“ Muldoon started. “Never mind.”
Lizzy sighed, couldn’t anything go right today? “Apologies. Add it to my list of offences: destruction of company property.”
“Bit ominous.”
“Yes…” She’d left various smudges on the wall, including two faint red handprints. “A warning to those who dare approach. Could have been worse, could have been an arse print.” Lizzy mumbled, then snorted at the mental image.
“Not sure what kind of thing that would be a warning against.” Muldoon, drier than a desert wind as usual.
Just laugh, once. I’m really trying.
“No, but the comedy value would be terrific. Hurry up and let me in.”
The mix of fatigue and frustration meant that there was something she really had to do to settle herself, something she hadn’t needed for a very long time.
“Please excuse me.” Lizzy dropped to the middle of the floor and lay on her back looking up at the ceiling, parallel to the desk. Unlike the walls, the carpet tiles were a fetching dark blue and wouldn’t show up any blood.
“Do I want to know?” Muldoon stepped over her legs to get to his desk.
“I just- it’s a trick I do. It makes the angry fall out.”
“Oh dear.”
“Yeah. Lotta angry up here right now.” Lizzy tapped the side of her head. “How much trouble am I in?”
“Depends on how Baker’s getting on in the control room.”
“Oh!” Lizzy realized. “Ray! The cameras!“
Of course, why the Hell hadn’t that been Richardson’s first port of call before he blew up at me?
Muldoon glanced at the pair of boots sticking out from the other side of his desk and shook his head. Christ, but she’s strange. “You know, in spite of the inevitable mountain of paperwork from this I should probably be thanking you.”
“I can’t wait to hear this.” The voice from the floor said.
“You’ve proved that once again, I was right and operations in the park aren’t quite up to scratch.”
At that precise second Kathy knocked and leaned around the doorframe. “Hey, girl! He rescued you?”
“Not a moment too soon.” Lizzy scrambled to her feet. “What’s up?”
“Ray’s found it. Come and see. Why were you on the floor?”
“Jee-hee-heez…” Ray’s cigarette nearly fell from his mouth when Lizzy walked in. “You weren’t kidding, honey!”
“Little early for Halloween, huh Ray-Ray? Check it out, you two.” Kathy pointed.
Playing over and over again on the screen behind Arnold from multiple camera views was a loop of the Maiasaurs stampeding, Julian and Travis running outdoors, then Lizzy sprinting up to the prep room door as the timestamp ticked forward.
The engineer grinned widely at her. “How’s that for candid camera? Ray Arnold, Eye in the Sky, what’d I tell ya?”
Lizzy practically pounced on him but stopped herself just in time. “Thank you, so much.”
“No big, I’m on your side. There’s more, babygirl.”
“Oh yeah?”
Ray tapped some keys and twirled a dial, switching to a different camera view and zooming in on Lizzy hiding behind a tree.
Kathy burst out laughing. “Hot damn, look at your face!”
“Yeah, okay, okay. What would you do if you heard Rexy roar from someplace she wasn’t meant to be?” Lizzy groaned and gently tapped Kathy’s arm.
Ray zoomed in even further so Lizzy’s grainy features filled the screen. “That’s some good shit. I’m putting that one on the wall for when I’m having a bad day.”
“Except every day is a bad day for you.” Lizzy murmured.
“Don’t. What else can you do when the List of Doom is neverending?” Ray span his chair around to face them. “I had to call Cambridge about all these bugs. They’re talking about sending one of their computer guys down here to do some work on site.”
“Please be a hot guy, please be a hot guy…” Kathy crossed her fingers and prayed.
“Talking of things sent to the island, Liz, parcel for you in the mail.” Arnold handed her a chunky parcel wrapped in brown paper.
“Oooh!” Lizzy started tearing it open.
Early birthday gift from her darling fiancé? As much as she’d rather not be reminded that day was fast approaching.
Thankfully not, but it was something she’d ordered and then promptly forgotten about. Two new books: Dinosaur Detectives and Planting the Past.
Muldoon picked up on the fact that Lizzy was probably used to reading a much smaller font. “Little below your level, aren’t they? How did you find out about them?”
“Never you mind.” Lizzy started thumbing her way through Detectives. Fully illustrated. That was a good sign. “Actually, I got it out of Gennaro during one of our many stimulating conversations that these guys are already on our radar. They’re in Montana, Snake- oh, look! This is one of ours!”
Already distracted, Lizzy flipped the book around and showed everyone the Apatosaur skeleton on the page.
“Hey, can I read the plant one too?” Kathy leaned over Lizzy’s shoulder. “Need to brush up on my herbivores. Just in case.”
“Not necessary.” Muldoon contradicted.
“Hey, I’ll read it if I want to!” The realization dawned on Kathy’s face. “Wait, you mean- you’re putting me on Carnivores? Permanently? For real?!” Her expression turned into unconfined glee and she looked like she might start crying any second.
“Keep it to yourself. Both of you. It’s not official, yet.”
“Oh my God. Oh my God. Liz, hold me.”
“I’m still covered in-“
“I don’t care.”
Lizzy obliged. “See, I told you you’d get it.” Kathy’s success made her beam with pride, the best she had felt all day, even with the possibility they still might be split up, sorted into different teams. It was brilliant news for her friend, who’d had her heart set on working with the meat-eaters since day one.
The control room was calm again apart from the hum of the computers and the breathless sounds of Kathy quietly losing her mind, still crushed against Lizzy’s side in a bear hug.
I still have to go back and talk to Richardson later.
Lizzy pushed the unwelcome thought away and tried to keep her smile in place.
Things will work out. I’m needed here. And I have people who are on my side.
“Gosh, I daren’t ask what you’re planning on doing with me, where I’ll end up after the incident in the paddock. So what happens now?” Lizzy queried Muldoon.
“You need to get yourself cleaned up before your next bollocking and I need to go and have a few words with young Master Kennedy.”
Gennaro had to admit he may have panicked a little in summoning Hammond back to Isla Nublar at short notice. The tycoon was not happy about having his plans nixed for something so apparently trivial as one-and-a-half missing fingers.
“For Heaven’s sake, Donald! What was the bloody creature even doing out of the kennel? Was she taking it for a walk? A little stroll around the compound?”
“Lori- ah, Dr Ruso has made it very clear that the animal opened the cage by itself. She has some concerns about the relative intelligence at such a young age-“
“Poppycock!” Hammond waved his arms. “Someone didn’t shut the door properly, a mistake they won’t be making twice, let me tell you!”
“Dr Ruso wants the animal moved over here.” Gennaro said quietly. She had demanded, actually. Get that [redacted] thing out of my facility had been yelled down the phone at considerable volume.
Hammond spun around, quite nimbly for his age. “That’s her problem to fix. Tell her to take it up with Wu and Richardson, if she isn’t up to the job anymore.”
Gennaro trembled at the thought of having to talk to Ruso again so soon. “And about her injury, Mr Hammond-“
“Just deal with it, Donald. Pay Ruso what she wants and get her to sign whatever we have to for her to keep mum.”
Gennaro’s shoulders drooped. He didn’t like when Hammond was in this sort of dismissive mood, quoting his trademark spare no expense here, there and everywhere. “I’ll get right on it, sir.”
“Good. Can’t have her going to the press. At least it was her and not a paying visitor. Now where’s María got to with that tea? This isn’t good for my blood pressure, you know-“
Gennaro supposed Hammond had a point. Staff injuries were to be expected, unavoidable really, even with the best intentions, but if something happened to a guest once the park finally opened…
Well, it was better to troubleshoot these sorts of problems and deal with them early on. Just in case.
Gennaro glanced down at the daily American newspapers on Hammond’s coffee table, the front page catching his attention.
That damned Biosyn was at it again, always lurking just a few corners behind InGen. Must have a Hell of a good team over there. Nothing sticks to them, that Dodgson fellow especially. He was notorious.
Would it hurt to take some inspiration from them?
The headline combined with Hammond’s words gave him an idea. What Jurassic Park needed was a public relations manager, and fast.
Just in case.
Thanks for reading!
A bit more lighthearted than the last chapter, but still a storm is coming!
I am having A TIME but writing my stupid wee story and living the lives of these characters helps a lot.
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the types as I know them irl, by an esfj
estj (PB/S(C)):
 -my mom!
-obssessed with things “that work”. I own so many pretty shiny things that have no actual use and are only taking up space, and she has a lot of opinions about that.
-super smart. Not knowledge smart, but you could give her a riddle and she’d ask all the right quesitons and get the correct answer. It’s a superpower.
-loves to guess what happens next in TV shows, is usually always right
-not pushy at all, lets her kids breathe, lets us manage our stuff on our own (where do all these bossy estj stereotypes come from?)
-good at talking
-loves children
isfj (SB/C(P))
-my dad!
-has a Phd in molecular biology
-knows so much about the randomest of topics (sea creatures, history, chinese literature, tech news, recently developed technology)
-”go ask ur mom”
-i like making fun of him lol
-likes building models of anime characters from scratch, like he would cut the pieces himself and spray paint it and polish it it’s fascinating
intp (SC/P(B))
-little brother
-smart but doesn’t do that well academically
- has trouble controlling his emotions, it’s a legitimate problem in his life
-takes jokes too literally
-kind bean but is ruthless when it comes to mario kart
-really similar to my dad in terms of personality
-sometimes we would just sit in the living room together. He’s playing his video games, I’m reading my book, when it gets to the boring part i look up and watch him play and after a while he hands me a controller and beats my ass in the game and i go back to reading and he keeps playing, repeat until mom says its dinnertime.
-we have our own “eye contact language” lol it’s really beautiful
-best friend!!!!
-not at all antisocial, but acts super cringey and weird when she talks about people (“Everyone-is-out-to-get-me syndrome” that is shared by all IxxPs and ExxJs)
-funny as hell
-stressed about the “social norms” (demon Te) and overthinks courtesies and stuff like that when she talks to older people
-where does the stereotype of infps being soft smol beans come from? she’s super tough and has a “don’t fuck with me” attitude going for her 
-likes twilight unironically
-just kind of... there (she fits the stereotype of intuitives just being in their head all the time. she doesn’t really do anything)
-doesn’t take part in a lot of extreacurricular activities
-likes complaining. a lot.
-when she laughs it’s super funny. you could just say something to her like “i don’t like turtles” and she’d laugh even harder
-no problem insulting people and making fun of them and then turn around and praise them (enfjs are jealous)
-we’re not that friendly despite being the same type
-really mature tho, i said something mean to him a while ago and he’s still really eager to at least get along 
-i don’t really want to give in to sterotypes here but he has tons of friends
-likes cringey deep posts he found on pinterest
-super athletic
-loud laugh
-really funny, his joke making skills are better than some entps’
another esfj:
-i think she’s my exact type (esfj BS/C(P))
-super introverted (yeah they exist)
-really awkward with people (it’s a thing with esfjs!!! i think when we’re hyper aware of other people’s reactions to us it makes us act kind of unnatural? kind of like when you’re walking in front of your crush and you want to walk normal but then you end up flailing you arms around and laughing too obnoxiously)
- “i hate people” *goes on and obssess about every one of their most trivial opinions* 
-super defensive about her opinions, takes them really personally even when it’s only for a school essay (i get it as a fellow esfj)
-tries really hard to be funny, ends up being an accidental asshole and insulting everyone
-big science nerd
-we talk on a daily basis
-sends me posts about hatsune miku
-loves having inside jokes with his friends
-small dick energy but it’s ok
-other best friend
-her laughter is funnier than the joke
-notices a lot of little things
-math god
-shares 1 braincell with my infp friend
-loves kdramas and kpop
-can be a (playful) meanie to you then switch to people pleaser nice mode within ten seconds  it’s really confusing (i think all IxxJs and ExxPs have that superpower)
-has borderline ocd and she knows it
-deadpan delivery of her jokes
-good at archery
-sometimes we’d video call each other and study in silence together cause her attitude really motivates me
-i love sharing silences with her, you don’t have to yak about bullshit to be comfortable
-soft uwu girl
-100 percent made of Queen Material
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shy-marker-pliers · 5 years
High school AU thingamabob
17 year old senior
class president and is kinda high and mighty about it tbh
“yes i know student council can’t really make any changes without the input of the superintendent but IM THE PRESIDENT AND YOU’RE NOT SO SUCK MY DI-“
does sound/lights for all the shows the school puts on
dating wilford and no one knows how or why they’re together
had a deep as hell voice and a beard the second he hit puberty
takes every ethics/psychology class he can
wants to be a lawyer
that one kid that everyone fears but is actually kinda chill if not a little surly
wears a collared shirt and tie to school every day and would totally get made fun of for it if he wasn’t terrifying
listens to classical music unironically
“oh my god i’m so going to fail this test” *proceeds to get the highest grade in the class*
protector of the gays™️
person: *says something mean to a student because they’re lgbtq+*
Dark: *teleports in front of said student* omae wa mou shindeiru
19 year old senior
Yes he still has the mustache
doesn’t give a fuck about what anyone thinks of him
deadass wore a dress to school after one of his friends got made fun of because she wore a suit to a school dance
b u f f a s h e l l
could bench press a teacher if he really tried
on the cheer team
“no i’m not wearing pants, this miniskirt makes my ass look great!”
everyone’s bodyguard
usually attracts a crowd of nervous underclassmen
has mild dyslexia
gives his friends piggyback rides
president of the drama club
works hard enough in school to pass his classes but that’s pretty much it
sleeps in class
15 year old freshman
vice president of the drama club
wilfords shadow
first freshman to help run the drama club and shoves it in everyone’s face
shouts his gayness from the rooftops
secretly super insecure
loves plants and helps out in the schools greenhouse
named all of the plants but if you tell anyone he’ll stab you
gets mostly B’s and C’s
has mild ocd but not enough to affect him severely
talks like a game show host cause he thinks it makes him sound attractive
it doesn’t
16 year old juniors
identical quadruplets
they have to wear different colors every day or else no one knows which one is which
they’re called the googles because their backpacks match the colors of the chrome logo and they’re super smart
straight A 4.0 GPA students but Oliver has to try a little harder than his brothers
all of them are in the robotics team except for ollie
Blue works on programming and red and green are on the build team
Ollie is the sweetest day of sunshine to ever exist and everyone loves him
he’s basically adopted Eric as his lil bro
tutors people in the library every tuesday and thursday
the other googles disapprove of his relationship with bing but he makes ollie happy so they don’t do anything about it
they all work in a supermarket and they’re saving up for college
ollie wants to be a vet, red and green want to be engineers, and blue wants to be a web developer
17 year old junior
mostly A’s, a few B’s.
his full name is zachary bing but people call him bing because he’s always trying to one up the googles
was pining after ollie for months before chase finally felt sorry for him and told ollie how he felt
they’re dating now and it’s adorable
so soft for his boyf
a really good skater and wins a lot of local competitions
doesn’t study but still gets p good grades
wears sunglasses all the time because he has light sensitivity
s t r o n k
always challenges people to arm wrestle him
can sing really well and plays gitaur
shares a youtube channel with chase where they skate and to challenges and stuff
Dr. ipiler
18 year old senior
Everyone calls him doc because he helps the school nurse and takes every single biology and health class there is
all A’s
really wants to be a surgeon
best friends with Schneep
huge star trek/harry potter nerd (ravenclaw if you’re wondering)
almost always at schneep’s house studying or just chillin’
kind of a control freak
thinks he’s charismatic but he’s actually kinda annoying
but annoying in a funny way
has a pet ferret that he sneaks into school
espresso and sugar flows through his veins
“i actually got a good sleep last night.” “oh really?” “yeah bro i got a whole half hour!”
super dark bags under his eyes
17 year old junior
all A’s except for in gym class
he has eyes in this
his real name is Simon Charles Teller (there are specific meanings to those names btw look them up) but he’s called The Host because he does morning announcements every day.
has gold eyes and a lot of people find it unnerving
“hey i have a podcast you should totally listen to it”
spends all of his free time in the library
always reading in class but the teachers don’t really care bc his grades are good and he does his homework
wants to be an english/poetry teacher
crushing on the cute shy kid from his english class
doesn’t talk much but he’ll still be nice to you
that one kid who’s always correcting the teachers
Runs the D&D club (he’s the dungeon master)
Eric Derekson
16 year old junior
Mostly high B’s, a couple of A’s.
lives with his uncle mark after he ran away from his abusive dad and is living a happy life
the guy that always volunteers to take care of the class pets over the weekend
animals love him
has anxiety, mild paranoia and autism.
animals, harry potter, and pokémon are his hyperfixations.
he also really likes gardening
crushing big time on hostioli
spends his entire english class staring at him and blushing
is seriously considering joining D&D club just to be able to talk to him
he’s in the art club
wants to be a vet and maybe do some freelance art stuff on the side
Ollie keeps yelling at him to just ask host out already but he’s too nervous
my poor bb boi
Wears sweaters all the time
wears headphones to block out noise if it ever gets too loud at he goes into sensory overload
disaster bi
18 year old senior
gets C’s
has a makeup tutorial channel on youtube and has a pretty decent following
That one weeb
dyes their hair a new color every week
also has a new crush every week
everyone knows who their newest victim is because they never stop watching them
draws anime or cute animals for every art class
wants to be a a fashion designer
does MMA
everyone kinda stears clear of them
writes their first initial along with their crush’s on every notebook they own
has gotten suspended for beating kids up on multiple occasions
doesn’t really have that many friends but they don’t mind
spends their lunches watching their crush
in the drama club and the art club
Randall Voorhees
18 year old senior
C’s and D’s
Eric’s cousin/bodyguard
they have a lot of the same classes and walk everywhere together
loves animals and has like 10 pet rats
he doesn’t really care about his grades because he knows that he wants to be a woodworker/construction guy
makes little houses out of scrap wood for his rats and Eric thinks it’s adorable
always sneaks his rats to school and lets them have play dates with dr. iplier’s ferret
used to live in nyc in queens and still has a pretty strong accent
completely incomprehensible when he’s excited or angry bc of the accent
everyone is jealous of his hair
spends like 100 dollars on shampoo and conditioner and stuff but it’s worth it
acts like the straightest guy in existence but could not be more gay
his boots are always muddy
16 year old sophomore
his name is Yancy Bird
g...get it? like jailbird? ahaha...ok i’ll stop
permanent resident of the detention room
but he gets to just chill out and read for an hour so he doesn’t really mind
mostly gets detention for beating up kids that bully others
fuck the system
always wears a leather jacket and blue jeans
“hey, the 50’s called and they want their-“ SMACK. “shut up.”
takes a lot of criminal justice and psychology classes ironically
in the botany club but if you tell anyone they’ll never find your body
everyone is surprised when they find out he’s friends with Eric and ollie
pan but in denial
“i’m not gay guys, that ain’t me, i’m just comfortable with my sexuality. so i can admit when i see a guy with a handsome face and pretty eyes-“
that song is great btw you should listen to it
always makes really dark jokes and everyone is like “are you ok?”
except for his friends they just laugh
“lmao wouldn’t it be funny if everyone like...died”
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tcdarkeststorms · 4 years
Mother’s Day special
Since it’s Mother’s Day, I wanted to give some tribute to the moms we see in Trauma Center, along with headcanons about how a couple of ‘em are as moms and generally exploring stuff. This is my ship hell, just a fair warning.
Cybil Kasal
Cybil and Greg, honestly thought long and hard about starting a family. Neither, were entirely sure, because of their GUILT and worrying if it would potentially cause issues with having kids or create issues for the kid once they were born. Privately, they got gene screening done.
They were so relieved when they were told they could in fact have a family safely.
Kari was born 10 months later.
Greg gleefully was telling those they were comfortable telling “She’s Gregnant.” including his mother in law. Cybil was bemoaning the fact, that this was his first dad joke and only the start of a lifetime full of them.
During her pregnancy with Kari, Cybil didn’t even stop working. While anesthesia isn’t an easy specialty by far… It was pretty much a situation of let her or lose a hand. Greg just kept a careful eye on her but put his foot down finally when she was in her last trimester.
The night Kari was born, Greg actually nearly missed it because of an emergency patient. He wanted to pass them off to another doctor, but Cybil insisted he go, she was gonna be fine. He made it with literally seconds to spare as the first thing he heard when he came into the room was Kari’s first cries.
Kari’s name actually has some significance to them both. Derived from HIkari since she was their little light of Hope.
For the first few months, Kari could only fall asleep if she was nestled between them. Cybil lost a LOT of sleep making sure their little girl was fine. (She had a little cot that she was tucked into that was above their own blanket)
Kari’s first words were….
Greg would never forget the LOOK Cybil gave him when that happened. He tried to convince her, she really said Mama but they both knew.
She took her first steps for Cybil though and that was enough for her. (And Greg got it all on film including the crying from Cybil.)
As she grows, Kari and her mom are very close and Cybil does her best to be there as much as she can. She still works, but she’s not ashamed that she did indeed bring her little one to work a few times.
The first time Kari got sick with something more serious than a cold, it was a good number of sleepless nights. (Poor kiddo had food poisoning. It was not fun for Kari who was five at the time and Greg and Cybil were taking shifts all night to make sure she was comfortable/hydrated)
Kari was born on Mother’s Day of 2021. (May 9th) Cybil boasts that she was the best present she ever got.
Cybil is THAT Mom during sport events at school and the like. Cheering as loud as she can, booing the other team, boasting: “THAT’S MY LITTLE GIRL!!!” And generally just… embracing the role of “embarrassing mom” with utter pride.
They never had another child. They only planned for one and they got their little miracle child.
Naomi Kimishima
Naomi after she woke up from surgery had Alyssa moved to her room. Alyssa actually never slept in her hospital bed again, they slept in the same one together.
Alyssa doesn’t really sleep in her own room all that often. She prefers being near her mother, since she’s so busy… and Alyssa privately, feels safer being right next to her. When she gets older she’ll gradually sleep in her own bed more and more but Naomi doesn’t mind…. Privately, she feels better having her kid right there.
Alyssa, doesn’t remember the first time she called Naomi “Mom” however Naomi does. It was while she was dropping Alyssa off to play at Joshua’s house and Alyssa shouted over her shoulder “Bye Mama! I’ll see you later!”
She’d never admit this out loud to anyone (Except Little Guy) that she sat there in her car for nearly ten minutes crying.
Naomi… doesn’t really get along with the other moms that volunteer at Alyssa’s school. She comes across as intimidating to them and she thinks they’re too protective. (She got a pretty nasty set of glares, when waiting for the kids to be done messing around after school, Alyssa fell. Instead of rushing to her and fretting, she just called across:
“You good!?”
“Good, get up and keep going.”
She could FEEL the judgement)
She… generally dislikes parental participation during events. She loves spending time with Alyssa, but she’ll be the first to admit, she’s more of an introvert now than she used to be and being around so many people is exhausting. She’ll suck it up for her sake though…
Except for Bake Sales.
She refuses to bake. She’s not a disaster chef like Gabe jokes, she can make basic meals and the most advanced thing she can make is various curries (all from scratch and both Indian and Japanese style curries) but unfortunately, that’s not exactly… welcomed at bake sales. She has no shame buying stuff at the store and dropping it onto the table.
There’s a few other moms she works with at CIFM, but they don’t talk…. And actually, Naomi avoids talking to them in particular, because she… really, REALLY hates how often they try to envelope her into their “Mom Clique” at work.  (She got enough of it, after being told how often Alyssa should be snacking, ect and flat out said: “She’s breathing and suffered no brain damage from the explosion. But you know, let’s hear again how I’m a terrible mom for letting her stay up late on weekends and letting her eat candy.”)
They give her a wide berth now as if she’s cursed.
That’s perfectly fine with her.
While they eat out often, Naomi does ensure Alyssa and her both eat a variety of food. Lot of vegetables, fruits, ect.
She became closer with her own mother, after adopting Alyssa since her mom was elated at having a granddaughter… and elated her child was going to live.
Naomi and her mom were close when she was growing up and she wanted the same for her and Alyssa… Luckily for her, Alyssa utterly adores her.
Alyssa shows interest in biology, but she’ll admit, she doesn’t think she could do the work Naomi does. She knows how hard it is emotionally on her at times and has stayed up with her, distracting her after some rough cases. Mainly in the form of watching movies and lots of cuddles in a blanket nest.
On her days off, Naomi always tries to see what Alyssa wants to do, before making plans… most of these plans, include teaching her about meditating, telling her stories, or facetiming with Naomi’s parents. Making blanket forts and watching cartoons, or reading together. (Naomi’s just… baffled at how easy going of a kid Alyssa is. She realizes she lucked out with having a child that’s so calm)
Chloe is still a problem cat and Naomi laments frequently, she didn’t expect to share a familiar with Alyssa.
She’d do it all over again for her sake.
When she and Little Guy get married, Naomi makes one thing clear - she wants ONLY one child and she’s got that already. Navel happily agrees.
Tomoe Tachibana
I like to imagine, Tomoe does want to be a mother someday. It’s just a matter of getting there… and being patient, even if it’s hard sometimes…. Sooo here we are.
In every timeline, when she gets with CR-S01, they struggle for awhile to have kids.
And in each timeline, they adopt after a certain point. They take in a little girl, named Rizabelle who is the utter light of their lives and they adore everything about her. Later on, they’ll have another child, a son (Galen, who you can find here: https://theblueskyphoenix.tumblr.com/post/612419824029777920/citra-torres-teresa-cunningham-galen-muller
Tomoe’s a very gentle and nurturing parent. While their daughter’s pretty hyper, she does her best to help her slow down and appreciate the life around them.
Their little girl, is generally just a ray of sunshine to everyone she meets and a very kind little girl. She adores her parents and spends as much time as possible with them when their home… and even at work.
Tomoe wants to teach both of her kids, martial arts, only if they want to though.
Rizabelle wants to. SO BADLY. Unfortunately, she’s a bit of a frail little thing so it’s not until she’s a little stronger that she starts learning the basics. There is absolutely no desire to take over the Tachibana clan though.
With both of her children, Tomoe emphasizes wanting them to know about their family’s background. A lot of history lessons, Japanese lessons… but she emphasizes she wants them to be kids as well. She never wants them to feel the pressure she did growing up, to do everything a proper “lady of the clan” would do.
Tomoe and Erhard both are guilty of being WAY too excited, to shop for their kids back to school supplies. Rizabelle had JUST turned six when they adopted her, so she was phasing out of Kindergarten when that happened. (They both went overboard. A LOT of books, too many backpacks, specialized stationary, Rizabelle genuinely lost count of how many bento boxes she has for her lunches. They were just so excited to have a kid to shop for. The same thing happens with Galen when it’s his turn, except he does use a few of Rizabelle’s hand-me-down’s since at least there were a few backpacks that weren’t too girly for his tastes and bento boxes didn’t really matter if they were cutesy or not)
Tomoe, privately really enjoys anime unironically, it’s just what she grew up with. It was a real joy to her, to get to share some of her favorite series with her kids. (Black Jack, the original Sailor Moon, stuff she remembered fondly as a little girl).
Movie nights are frequent in the Tachibana-Muller household, with everyone taking turns.
When Tomoe did fall pregnant with their son finally, she was excited, nervous, terrified. She was just… so looking forward to meeting him.
Oddly enough, she didn’t have much in the ways of severe symptoms. She was one of the lucky ones, who didn’t deal with morning sickness and she worked a good deal of the way into her pregnancy.
Erhard came home from work, quite a bit to find his wife and daughter fast asleep, with Rizabelle having her ear pressed to her mom’s stomach trying to hear what her new sibling was up to.
He has a lot of pictures of those times.
Tomoe is… VERY protective of her kids. Rizabelle got pushed and almost punished in the third grade, because it counted as a “fight”.
That was the last time, someone messed with a Tachibana child, as Tomoe went NUCLEAR. (Erhard took a step back and focused on making sure Rizabelle was alright).
No one ever picked on the Muller kids again after that.
Tomoe intimidates the other moms just as much as Naomi and… she honestly doesn’t care. As far as she’s concerned, if they don’t like how she raises her children, they can keep their opinions to themselves.
She admits, she’s a little lost sometimes initially and wishes she could ask her own mother for advice.. But she picks herself up and keeps going. (And asks for advice a LOT from Lisa and Naomi at the start. She realized very quickly to not worry so much since as long as their kids were eating enough, sleeping enough, ect then she couldn’t really mess up)
Lisa Cunningham
Lisa wanted to be a mom, ever since she could remember. When she fell in love with Gabriel, the first thing she warned him was that she did want kids and if he didn’t, then she would let him go right then and there, during their first date.
Luckily he agreed… When they had Joshua, it was still when Gabe was in the reserves. She quickly got on with the other military moms, who all had husbands in the same program as Gabe was. They got along pretty nicely and frequently lamented how often their husbands were busy.
Gabe only had to report to training so many times, never deployed. She still held things together though, when he needed her to.
They lived in California for part of Joshua’s life, before moving to Portland. Both are actually from Portland, but due to Gabe’s work lived in Cali for awhile. She misses it… especially when it’s cold.
When she first became pregnant with Joshua, she was mostly exhausted all the time… and mostly cried at stuff, when her hormones got to her. She could never remember actually being mad. (And Gabe would agree. He just felt bad when she was having a hard time.. And he also wishes he could forget some of the cravings. (“Who the heck dips pickles in peanut butter? For the matter, how many jars of those did you even eat!?” “Your son, wanted them.”)
They had a few names picked out but Joshua was the one they both liked the best. (It’s actually Gabe’s middle name, since he didn’t wanna saddle the kid with being “Gabe Jr.”, Lisa thought it was sweet… and it’s actually a family name, since it was also Gabe’s grandfather’s first name.)
They had some trouble deciding on a middle name though. It was a week long debate, over dinner because both wanted Joshua to have one of his grandfather’s names as a middle name.
They literally had this discussion until Joshua was born.
They settled on Joshua Thomas Cunningham… Neither grandfather's name won. Instead, Joshua’s named after one of the members of the band Styx, Tommy Shaw (Gabe’s favorite band EVER)
Joshua was a C-section baby. He was in distress and they both agreed it was best to just get him out ASAP. (Lisa was honestly terrified and tried to put on a brave face. Gabe stayed by her side the whole time. She can look back on it with humor nowadays though. “He didn’t want a squished head. He was already fluffy thanks to his dad here.” “Hey!”)
Lisa’s a doting mother on Joshua. Loves her baby more than anything else and does whatever she can for him… even if for part of his life, Gabe wasn’t in it.
They are very, very close due to this. Joshua wants his mom happy and does his best hoping not to worry her… even if she still worries like crazy.
They have tried to reconcile several times, meeting privately and talking over the course of the last year or so.
She was mentally burnt out by the time the outbreak had ended. She was so stressed out, it took a toll on her. She and Gabe were together again by this point and… yeah. It was rough. She was having trouble relaxing, neither were sleeping well.
Gabe declared they needed a vacation and they headed to California for two weeks.
Lisa… honestly gets a kick out of the fact, she gets asked for advice from one of Gabe’s old friends, about parenting… and happily will offer it if it’s wanted
A year later, they have another child, their daughter Terry… this time, everything goes nice and smooth and Lisa thanks her lucky stars it went just as planned.
She’s a loving dedicated mother and will do anything for her kids and husband.
While being married to Gabe wasn’t easy at times… she is glad they were able to work it out. (Though she gave him SUCH a look when someone at Resurgam said: “Didn’t you say you were gonna divorce her?”
“Oh please, he wouldn’t survive without me.”
“It’s true.”)
They both have had to put a lot of work into making their marriage work but it’s worth every second.
Angie Thompson
Angie and Derek’s first kid came along exactly 9 months after they got married. They really wanted a family of their own. They were blessed with their first daughter, Luna Stiles.
Derek has quite a few photo’s and notes from over the course of that particular pregnancy, to put in Luna’s baby book later…. Including some of the sillier things. (“Please tell me you didn’t take pictures of that time I cried because you made me eggs with a bacon smile.”
“Noooooo. NOOOOO never….” He did. He got a smack on the arm for it later. It was worth it.)
Angie, didn’t work in the OR at all during this. They worked with too many potential hazards and the smell of the disinfectants made her morning sickness act up BIG TIME. She instead, worked directly with the patients for most of it.
Derek spoiled her rotten and made sure to do as much as he could to make it easier for her… Including, overhauling paperwork duty for them both. (And later realized, he may have made a mistake as Angie now calls him on it every time. “What? Do we need another kid to make you do it on time again!?”
Angie and Derek both agreed, they didn’t want a lot of prying when it came to their children coming into the world. She quietly checked into Hope Hospital and after a long, LONG night… Luna was born and they couldn’t be happier.
Two years later, they were blessed with a little boy, named Glenn.
Angie dotes on them both equally. She was just so happy they were finally here, safe and sound… healthy…
Glenn is a mama’s boy. He happily will cling to her leg when she gets home from work, or if she brings them to work for a bit. He loves spending time with her and getting to know more about her job.
Her favorite part of her day is coming home to their kids and getting to enjoy their evenings with them… or mornings, depending on the shift. Either way, it’s her favorite part.
Angie and Derek both have days where they take one of the kids with them to do an activity solo with that particular parent, along with family outings all together. That way, they get some one on one time along with full out family time. (Derek’s forbidden Disneyland as a “solo parent activity” cause deep down he’s a big kid at heart who loves going just as much)
During the earlier parts of their kids lives, they lived in a few different areas, due to work reasons. They got to see quite a bit of the world before the age of ten, but were very happy to go back home for good. It was around when Luna was 6 and Glenn was 4 that they decided no more international medical work unless absolutely necessary. (“As in, we better be the last ones called.”)
Nap piles are a must. She didn’t understand initially the appeal of mid day naps before she and Derek got together… She admits, there is now nothing better than, taking a midday snooze, her kids her husband all together with her in their big queen sized bed.
Angie is a total helicopter mom when her kids are sick. She’s on top of everything… Derek’s involved with it too, but he’s mainly reminding Angie that they’ll be fine. He’s actually the calm one.
Angie is a member of the now unofficial “Moms who aren’t liked by the other moms at school” club, with Tomoe and Naomi.  It’s more to do with the fact Angie gets recognized from being in the news so often… More so because she refused to give free medical advice.
(“They do know, I’m not allowed to do that right?”
“I got snubbed for not freaking out over Alyssa falling.”
“They were afraid of me.”)
No matter what, she wouldn’t change a single thing.
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poopycrumbs · 5 years
what if queen had tumblr blogs
- is basically the science side of tumblr
- is a nice vegetarian
- “having nice hair is self-care”
- sometimes all he does is reblog pictures of clogs
- is against clog discrimination
- once mother henned freddie on tumblr. freddie
- posts pics of cute animals
- would never hurt anyone
- sometimes ppl visit his blog when theyre sad
- they leave his blog happy
- also has an unhealthy obsession with badgers, so much his bandmates are concerned
- tol bean too precious for this sinning world
- when he’s drunk tho he leaks blackmail of his band mates online
- he also always tags roger on self-help posts
- “i know ur concerned bri but for the love of gOD-”
- cats
- cute cats, fat cats, nyan cats, cats in pokemon costumes
- cATS
- also a fashion blog
- does nsfw fanart
- “,,get rekt bITCH”
- except the one time someone did he cried so hard and turned his tumblr theme black
- “deaky why would they do that im a nice person wHY WOULD THEY HURT ME LIKE THIS”
- tags brian on all the cute animal posts that appear on his dashboard
- always gets trolled by john with weird fucked up dog pics
- big meme energy
- gets rlly serious about his pokemon posts like srsly
- cats
Roger: - has a fandom blog
- actually it’s a shipping blog by day but at night,,, his blog gets weird
- 3am thoughts
- “what if a duck married a chicken would their children be dickens,,, is CHARLES DICKENS A BABY DUCK-CHICK HYBRID”
- frequent reblogs consist of conspiracy theories, biology fun facts, and dank memes
- frequent messages to him start with the words “pls go to sleep roger”
- more often than not it’s brian
- writes car x reader fanfictions
- posts foot nudes just for fun
- loves ironic posts unironically
- posts outdated memes
- “roger im sorry but pepe is dead”
- in spite of his wild thot energy roger taylor is a lowkey virgin
- fan nickname for him is rogerina
- started an online revolution once
- “i know ur disappointed brian bUT IT WAS WILD-”
- “roger nO”
- John is his username (yeah he used his real name) but ppl always call him deaky
- types in proper capitalisation and shit
- is fucken passive aggressive
- tbh loves to troll ppl online
- gifs of himself dancing to disco always goes trending
- his theme is cutesy and shit but his posts are not
- the majority of his followers are big buff men
- is part of the blurred side of tumblr
- “post tagged explicit”
- tags roger on scary posts because he knows it makes him cry
- a raging feminist
- the govt tried to contain him but they couldn’t
- side blog is basically a dedication to cardboard cutouts of his friends
- loves posting tutorials on DIYs and electronic stuff
- fucken salty
- protects his friends
- made an anonymous account once just to like all of brian’s posts on hair care
- disco
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red--dragoon · 5 years
I gotta vent about my roommate’s shitty fiancée again, but this time it’s much more petty and lighthearted lol 
I never really got what “mansplaining” was until I met D, my roommate’s fiancée. This is all so inconsequential but so telling. 
So there was a crane fly (also known as a mosquito eater) in the apartment and my roommate N called me over to take care of it since she doesn’t handle bugs well. I oblige and she thanks me and asks “Is it true they eat mosquitoes? Can they bite?” 
I’m an entomology major, so I spend a lot of time studying insects and other creepy crawlies with no backbones, and despite being an education major she enjoys asking me about them and learning stuff all the time. It’s cool, I always love to rant about how cool bugs are. 
So I tell her “nah, that’s just a misnomer, they usually don’t eat anything at all as adults.” Simple question with a simple answer. My professor is really big on clearing up misconceptions. She operates our department’s pest hotline, and hears a lot of things like “omg I saw a brown recluse imma die” (we’re in California, brown recluses are not) or “I was bitten by a silverfish!” (that is not a thing that happens). Day 1 of talking about flies in Entomology 101 she makes sure to say “btw crane flies and mosquitoes are related but not the same thing, and mosquito eaters don’t eat mosquitoes so don’t even ask”. So I’m like... pretty positive about this. 
Then D walks in and is like “what’s going on?” so N tells him her new fun fact about crane flies. To which he responds, “No, I’m pretty sure they eat mosquitoes. That’s why they’re called skeeter eaters.” 
I tell him the same thing I told N, that it’s a misconception and they don’t feed and blah blah blah. But he sticks to his guns. “No, you must be confusing it with something else.” 
Like, bro... I just explained to you how it’s just a colloquial name and their basic biology literally doesn't allow it. But he just wasn’t having it. I brought up Wikipedia and it was like he just wouldn’t believe me. 
Of course because N has to be a Good Wife™, she’s like “oh okay, good to know” and agrees with D. I let it go because this really isn’t a big deal, but it was so odd for him to just deny the reality of the matter for his own preconceived notion. 
Then another time we were talking about... pokemon, I think? It somehow turned into a discussion on genetics and mutations. I made a mention of how it’s all random chance and there’s often seemingly unrelated side effects to genetic changes. To which he’s like “nah, it can’t be random. isn’t that how evolution works? it makes things better.” 
lolno mutations are just a crapshoot and the things that stick around are because they (usually) make things better. But usually an adaptation in one area leads to a downgrade in another. If evolution had an end goal of making animals ideal, koalas wouldn’t exist. Again, he literally refuses to believe me. Just sort of a dismissive “well, whatever.” I don’t know if it’s due to his heavily religious beliefs or the fact he’s a linguistics/legal studies/Spanish/English/programming/art student (he changes his major as often as he changes clothes), but he just refused to entertain the idea that he could be wrong about something so basic. 
I’m not saying that he doesn’t listen to me because I’m a girl and therefore what I say doesn’t hold as much merit to him, but I’m not saying that isn’t the case. I’ve heard him talking about how dumb he thinks feminism is and he interrupts N all the time even if it’s a conversation between me and her. That’s not to mention the fact he thinks of household chores as “women’s work” and refuses to do them without N around to help. 
Also bonus fun fact about D: although he used to cuss, he doesn’t anymore probably due to his increasingly intense religiousness. That’s fine and dandy. But while he censors words like “bitch” even when quoting something, he has no problem with the n-word (not the hard-R, but still). I don’t like to bring political stuff onto my blog, but he’s a white guy who unironically watches Prager U, so... 
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