artcollectorninja · 5 months
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royals-weddings-blog · 8 months
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Prince Mateen of Brunei and Anisha Rosnah binti Adam after their Bersanding Ceremony.
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myhusbandsasemni · 5 days
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Eepy doodles of the Adventurers. I lobe them
Adventurers Masterlist
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lustrumlane · 1 month
Anisha nods along with what Ephemerael says.
"Honestly, yeah, no, I think it's definitely not Ephemeral. Even if her hair appeared more blonde in the light of the fire, which I can believe, her hair is... I mean. You guys, it's massive! Plus, she strikes a very different silhouette from the rest of us- aside from Packet, she's probably one of our most recognizable characters. Although her alibi is looser than the others, I really do not think she's who Kit saw."
She rolls her wrist. "I also agree with Uroro- I think figuring out who that scrap belonged to is our highest priority. I can say that I think it's obvious I don't have a place on my person to hide that- I don't really wear undershirts."
A beat. 
"Or... shirts. But a lot of us probably do! We could pass around the bloody tank top for try-ons, as yucky as it is... But even if Uroro is a bit more eccentric, I think following his lead about the scrap is our best bet."
She then blunk, seeming to think of something. "With the wig thing, though, I should probably come clean about something." 
Anisha cards her fingers through her thick, blue-black hair. "I don't want someone to point this out and make me look dishonest for not bringing it up when wigs are part of the conversation, so lemme just make something clear for a sec, even if I have a rock-hard alibi."
She reaches... Under her hair.
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Anisha's wearing a wig and takes off her wig cap as well, revealing an overgrown buzz cut of exceptionally curly black hair. Eagle-eyed viewers would see a Sadiq logo on the inside. Brand loyalty.
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finalrespite · 1 year
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domono08 · 1 year
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Art trade with @animorphic-arts , Anisha and jingles together. Naturally I didn’t think sloth bears stretch that far.
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neggsbenedict-art · 1 year
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i really like how they looked in these outfits, also how i dre the faces and everything??? this is so silly but i love this drawing idc
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clickerflight · 1 year
do you have anything like a character info or picrews for your adventurers story? since there seems to be a bunch of lore outside of what you’ve posted so far :)
i already thought the whump week story was interesting so i’m definitely going to have a look at what you’re writing about them this time !
— honey <3
Of course!
This story is one I started developing when I was 14 and it has grown with me. The whole worldbuilding and everything is so complicated it takes literal hours to explain it.
So, the general idea is that in the entire universe there are thousands of galaxies and plenty of them have some inhabited planets here and there. People can travel to other planets, but most of them don’t get involved in space travel. Most people instead use the complicated art of portology (this is mentioned in the story and I could sit an explain portology by itself for an hour)
Anyways. In the beginning there were five base races. One of these were the Telari, the first dragons. They were meant to be the protectors of the universe (protecting planets, helping end wars, guarding ambassadors, stopping apocalypses etc) and they did a good job until about 1000 years ago when they vanished. Most people believe some malevolent force set a trap to capture them, leaving the universe vulnerable.
So people stepped forward and created an organization called the Kahtir (this generally translates to memorium) and now they perform the jobs that the dragons left behind.
This whole story/thought project/daydream fodder thing is named The Adventurers because this story focuses on a team called that. Explaining how they all met is another hour of exposition but they became Teliar, agents of the Kahtir. They’re specifically a resource team which means they’re sent into most of the really fun jobs. The big magical catastrophes and whatnot.
Got distracted giving context. This story was built this way so that I could make my own worlds, but also include worlds from books and movies and such (this also has an in universe explanation but I won’t get into it now) so in the story of you see references to things like Star Wars and whatnot, that’s why.
And on to the actual character lore!
Laurance is actually based off a character in a show I watched as a kid but he’s changed so much that you can’t really tell anymore lol. He was born on a medieval planet and trained to be a guard. He got caught up in a cult on a pocket dimension and got killed and brought back to life as a demon and kept as a slave when he would swear to the ‘god’ the cult worshiped. He ended up escaping with a part dragon (scaleon) named Anisha who later became his wife. So here’s some are of him.
And yes, I drew them.
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And a drawing I did last night for my Halloween wallpaper of his demon form
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And then the other main character in this short story I’m writing is Matsu. He’s also based on an anime character I watched as a kid, but he’s changed so much that all that really remains the same is the color of his hair.
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I have a yearly tradition of drawing him with a boba drink.
Matsu is a half mer so his other form really only shows up when his gills are immersed. This drawing was done by my friend.
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Here’s a drawing I did of Laurance and Matsu I did a while back.
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The other two members of the Adventurers show up in the short story towards the end so I’ll throw a couple of images here. I don’t have much are of Kira because she has been going through a redesign and it has been a mess.
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She is a part dragon known as a scaleon but she is actually stunted, 2-4 feet shorter than normal scaleons and her face is way more human looking than a scaleons is meant to be.
And we have kira. She is fully human but has slight abilities with shapeshifting. Only enough to change her hair and eye color occasionally. She’s from a high tech society and her parents while traveling through space to a new planet when she was still in the womb were in a radiation accident. Not enough to cause too many problems, but enough that any unborn children on that ship were later born missing limbs. She’s missing one arm but that’s not a big deal. She’s a techno wizard (a literal wizard that mixes magic and technology) so her prosthetics are nearly perfect
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So, that’s the lot of them. (Not including all the kids they keep adopting over the years)
There is so much lore. I could talk about this all for days if anyone showed interest.
Thank you so much for asking!!! I’m very proud of this story and it’s complicated worldbuilding so I love getting the chance to talk about it, especially done I don’t usually get to because of how complicated the lore all is and how long it takes to provide adequate context for it.
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anishavs · 1 year
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artcollectorninja · 5 months
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pandesalsims · 6 months
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Theo isn't the biggest fan of Anisha and Kaden's PDA Thanks to the cc creators! @coloursul @pralinesims @rona-sims @yin-shimo @atomiclight @evellsims @ohmybunnnyy @sewerwolfx @valley-tulya
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terrovaniadorm · 1 year
10. our muses have a secret relationship (any of our ships?)
I feel like this trope would fit them perfectly so Quinn and Anisha it is!
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[10. our muses have a secret relationship]
"Seriously? You want to-"
"Don't make me repeat myself!"
Despite turning her head to the side, the light blush on Anisha's face was obvious, Quinn didn't expect her to call him and tell that she wants a serious relationship with him.
"I... I'm not sure if I'm ready for everyone to know but i want to be with you." Quinn has heard of her last relationship it also helped that her ex boyfriend Emmett is also in their school, he nodded "Well how about this! We keep our relationship secret, no one could interfere or ask questions. How does that sound?" the vampire nodded, it wasn't a bad idea. They could make it work.
No one needed to know them behind closed doors.
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Ace and Arisu usually has their breakfast together, their other friends usually joined later on. The duo usually sat in the courtyard, eating their sandwiches and watching the few students waking up early as they did.
"YAAAWNNN prefect did we have to get up this early?" Ace complained pulling his breakfast out, Arisu rolled his eyes "Come on Ace just eat." as they were eating they noticed other people in the courtyard, they stopped chewing, just watching their interaction under the tree.
"C'mon gimme a kiss before class i won't be able to see you till the night."
"Fine. One last kiss."
Arisu immediately recognized the noises, as did Ace who watched with shock. "Is that-" "Yeah.. Yeah it is." they both went silent briefly as the not so secret couple kissed. Anisha slowly raising her wings to cover them both as if the tree isn't offer enough shadow.
The lovers went to their own ways, Quinn slowly talking towards the first years, the duo immediately got up, their sandwiches in their hands.
"How much did you two see?"
Of course he noticed. Arisu was sure Anisha must've either, vampire and all besides they weren't really hiding.
"Uuuh... Everything?" Ace shrugged, "I don't get why you're trying to hide it-" "Y'know what Quinn? We won't say anything about it. Trust me as your prefect and his friend. We can talk more about it later, bye!!!" Arisu quickly dragged Ace away, it was way too early to cause a ruckus.
They decided breakfast can wait till everyone is awake.
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maaarine · 2 years
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MBTI & Star Academy
Anisha: ISFP
Source: vidéo. Screencaps: transcript.
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myhusbandsasemni · 1 year
Happy STS, Clicker!
Tell me about one to three of your favorite names — be it of a person, a place, a chapter, a whole work. How did you pick them, and what do you love about them?
Bonus: Is there any placeholder name that stuck and made it into a finished thing?
Let's see.
I'm just going to draw from all of my active stories. Including my stories for my other blog.
1: Hyrum - It's a very cute name, fun to say, and had some religious significance to me, though Hyrum is not anything like the name sake. I love calling him Goldenrod more, though, through Ephraim.
2: Aaron - I've always liked this name and it was a name that belonged to a main character of one of the first shows I ever watched by myself for the sake of watching a show when I was first actively on the internet around the age of 15-16.
3: Anisha - This is tenically from a thought project. I heard this name when I was little and I've always thought it a very pretty name, plus it's similar to my IRL name so I thought it would be fun to name my self insert that in that thought project.
As for the last question, I'm not sure. I haven't actually finished writing anything yet (I keep getting distracted) so I can't answer that.
Thanks for the ask!
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lustrumlane · 1 month
An autopsy of a trial | Anisha
Anisha was wrong, but then she was right, but then she was annoyed.
She can't help but grit her teeth at Eph's monologuing. Treating Upsilon like she deserved it, then backtracking- Barely any conviction in this killing, but of course not. Al Glynn isn't some kill-happy maniac, she's just... Some lady from Chicago who caved. She got scared, and decided that a sacrifice had to be made... So she picked the one girl she thought was weaker than herself.
Her heart cracks in her chest for Upsilon. She was so... Peppy. She genuinely thought she was going to help with an investigation, and for the crime of being a little naive, she was put down like Old Yeller by a cosplayer.
It's hard not to make comparisons. Back in her mind once more was thoughts of that girl- The daughter of her client who died because she just wanted friends who understood her. Anisha's so, so tempted to slot Al into the ranks of those killers, but no. This is a crime of another kind.
Anyone who looks at Anisha sees an angry girl. It's not an expression anyone's used to from Anisha, who always keeps a sort of energetic, devil-may-care attitude about her. When the guillotine falls, Anisha just closes her eyes and slightly jolts in startlement from the noise, then sighs to let out the pressure in her chest. 
She goes over everything- she needed to be more... Put together. Maybe if she took more notes- she needs a proper notepad. Was she right to accuse Maya? Well, someone was going to, and it's better her than certain detectives she respects less than herself. She can feel the gaze of the older detectives, though, even if they aren't directly looking at her. She knows that there are people here who think she's careless now, but Anisha's long since accepted that perception of her. A detective needs to be prepared to make those mistakes and know how to move on.
Her eyes narrow at the knight. It's hard not to see it as just another costume. 
She's not any closer to finding a way out of here, but Anisha's mission here is clear to herself-
"Al's only up there because she caved first, in the end, we discovered her crime. And we're all going to make damn sure nobody else gets into your cruddy little After-Lane Murder Club."
She gestures at the others.
"I'm going to go, then we're going to put our energy into..." Her resolve wavers. In the end, she's just a young girl- a rookie detective, feeling her way around. She's all heart.
"...into a funeral. For Upsilon."
When she's allowed to, Anisha leaves.
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virtual-minotaur · 9 months
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part 3 ^^
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