#Ann Nadeau
savelindsaylohan · 2 days
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Emanuel Ungaro Spring/Summer, 1986 Ready-to-Wear
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prometheankat · 1 year
Used book haul!
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The Vampire Lestat by Anne Rice
In Cold Blood by Truman Capote
Angel Face by Barbie Latza Nadeau
The Queen of the Damned by Anne Rice
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aspho-dele · 1 year
[…] François-Xavier Fauvelle, professeur au Collège de France et spécialiste de l’Afrique ancienne, et Anne Lafont, historienne de l’art, ont réuni une série d’études qui viennent à bout, s’il en était encore besoin, de cette mythologie qui considère l’Afrique comme un continent à part, étranger à la globalisation, un continent immobile, qui ne serait pas entré dans l’histoire, ou qui n’y serait entré que grâce à la colonisation. Ce livre, exceptionnel à plus d’un titre, démontre tout le contraire…[…]
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virtchandmoir · 1 year
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ecoleexcellencerosemere: Quelle semaine incroyable! Nous avons eu le privilège d’accueillir à Rosemère, l’exceptionnel chorégraphe de renommée internationale David Wilson. Il a fait les nouveaux programmes d’Edward Vasii, Anthony Paradis et du couple Kelly Ann Laurin et Loucas Ethier.
Pendant ce temps, Emmanuelle Proft et Nicolas Nadeau était à London en Ontario afin de travailler avec Scott Moir et Madison Hubbel. Tous ces nouveaux programmes ont été créés en collaboration avec le talentueux designer musical Hugo Chouinard Studio Unisons et le compositeur Karl Hugo Music Merci pour votre précieuse contribution auprès de nos athlètes! What an incredible week! We had the privilege of welcoming the exceptional, internationally renowned choreographer David Wilson to Rosemère. He did the new programs for Edward Vasii, Anthony Paradis and the couple Kelly Ann Laurin and Loucas Ethier. Meanwhile, Emmanuelle Proft and Nicolas Nadeau were in London, Ontario to work with Scott Moir and Madison Hubbel. All of these new programs were created in collaboration with talented music designer Hugo Chouinard and composer Karl Hugo. Thank you for your valuable contribution to our athletes! #EER #figureskating #teamwork #nextgen #skatecanada #patinagequebec
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jefrozyul · 6 months
Les non-binaires au nom de la parité?
La convention de Québec Solidaire était malaisante en ta***.
Alors que le parti politique se réunissait à Gatineau pour le vote de la prochaine co-porte-parole femme, un vote confiance pour Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois et des propositions. Or, le parti s'est retrouver dans l'eau chaude à propos de la parité.
Les hommes sont désormais exclu des candidatures d'élection partielle. Mais on nous dit que c'est temporaire.
Qui croit vraiment à ce genre de parole?
Recherche de parité
QS qui se veut progressiste nous démontre une fois de plus que la gauche canadienne se radicalise au nom de la diversité, l'inclusion... et par conséquence la discrimination.
Alors qu'il compte plus de 8 hommes et 4 femmes, c'est pas demain matin ou même avant 2026 que la parité va être exaucé. Pour eux, il croit d'une élection partielle peut tomber du ciel à tout moment comme leur version fantasmée de la transition écologique donc la doctrine est plus qu'un rêve au lieu d'un avenir envisagé.
Pourtant, ces derniers sont hypocrite à un tel point qu'ils ont réussi à faire élire Guillaume Cliche-Rivard dans la partielle de Saint-Henri--Sainte-Anne en mars 2023 sans critiques. Mais cette de Jean-Talon en octobre 2023 fut l'électrochoc tout ça à cause d'une personne qui voulait influencer le vote des membres.
N'empêche que cette épisode nous sert de devoir mémoire soi-disant que ce parti est visiblement condamné à s'enfoncer dans ses idéologies qui sont majoritairement déconnecté de la réalité. Est-ce que la construction sociale du candidat va changer de quoi aux crises actuelles?
En autre la question est: Est-ce que Québec Solidaire rêve d'un monde sans les hommes pour l'instant?
On aurait pu s'attendre à un retour de flamme massif fasse à cette proposition mais QS est comme Cuba aux moindres critiques de la gouvernance. Mais quelle réalité minable dans ce parti politique, seul Olivier Bolduc claque la porte à tous jamais avec courage. On est très loin des réponses d'Alexandre Leduc et Etienne Grandmont qui se rangent derrière la banalisation de la discrimination positive.
Ne cherchons pas à trouver des raisons pour contourner la réalité des mots. Il y a désormais une présence naissante de misandrie chez Québec Solidaire.
Ne nous inventons pas de scénarios mais il est possible que Québec Solidaire exagéra prochainement en se plaignant à nouveau parce qu'il n'y a pas assez de diversité au sein de la formation et vont faire la une pour avoir adopter une proposition raciste soit bannir les candidatures de personnes blanches.
Manon Massé misandre?
Voilà la pièce pyrotechnique de cette folie misandre soit la députée de Sainte-Marie--Saint-Jacques qui approuve une telle sottise. Rappelons la circonscription que représente Manon Massé compte le quartier montréalais Le Village (Le Village Gai pour les vieilles âmes) qui abrite la communauté LGBTQ+. Massé met elle son siège en jeu pour 2026?
Est-ce les femmes transgenres peuvent devenir misandre ou encore les hommes transgenres peuvent devenir sexiste? Question difficile à répondre.
Tout fois rappelons nous le bonheur LGBTQ+ n'est qu'aujourd'hui de façade et s'assombrit.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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"UN ETRANGE ENLEVEMENT RUE FABRE!" La Patrie. May 22, 1933. Page 3. ---- Une jeune fille aurait été attaquée et enlevée par deux inconnus voyageant en auto. ---- Une jeune fille, dont on ne mit ni le nom ni l'âge aurait été enlevée par deux inconnus voyageant dans une automobile peu après minuit cette nuit. Le drame se serait déroulé sur la rue Fabre au dire de doux femmes qui racontérent à la police en avoir été témoins.
Peu après minuit Mme J. L Tremblay et Mlle Tanguay, 4456 rue Garuler, passaient sur la rue Marie-Anne près de Fabre, quand elles virent une automobile routière, dont les toiles étalent baissées, arrêter près du trottoir de la rue Fabre où passait une jeune fille. L'auto filait du nord au sud rue Fabre et s'arrêta en face du numéro 4390.
Deux hommes descendirent de l'automobile et se jetèrent soudain sur la jeune fille qu'ils entrainerent dans l'automobile, malgré les cris qu'elle poussait.
Des que la jeune fille fut dans l'automobile, dirent les deux femmes témoins, le véhicule démarra à toute vitesse vers le sud de la rue Fabre et s'engagea dans le parc Lafontaine où elle disparut.
Le sergent Nadeau envoya immédiatement des agents dans parc et l'automobile de l'escouade radiophonique du district 25 s'y rendit, mais on ne retrouva aucune trace de l'auto mystérieux ou de la jeune fille. La Sureté fit également enquête.
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carolinanadeau · 11 months
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lapdropworldwide · 1 year
U.S. Spy Anne Sacoolas Avoids Prison Time in British Teen Harry Dunn’s Death
U.S. Spy Anne Sacoolas Avoids Prison Time in British Teen Harry Dunn’s Death
Barbie Latza Nadeau/The Daily Beast LONDON—Former U.S. spy Anne Sacoolas avoided jail Thursday when she was sentenced to eight months in prison suspended for 12 months for the wrongful death of 19-year-old Harry Dunn in August 2019. She did not attend her sentencing hearing on Thursday after the U.S. government, described in court documents as her employer, advised her not to. “There is an…
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thegrapeandthefig · 4 years
You got any resources on anything related to mushrooms as offerings? Just found out the author of a book I cherished is extremely racist.
Kinda. Yes and no. 
Mushrooms are quite badly documented tbh but here are a few paths to consider taking, though not necessarily as offerings: 
1. Ancient source-wise, you want to check Historia Plantarum by Theophrastus. The ancients had a hard time defining what mushrooms were, and for the most part, considered them plants, though weird plants. For later Antiquity, consider Pliny’s Natural History. 
2. Academical source-wise, the only author I know who has really focused on mushrooms is Anne Helttula. Unfortunately, the most relevant article isn’t, to my knowledge, available online. Here’s the reference:  Mushrooms in ancient Greece and Rome, in: OpusculaIRF 4, 1989. If you find it, please tell me lol. 
However, are available online 2 more specialized ones. One is about truffles (Truffles in Ancient Greece and Rome in: Arctos, Acta Philological Fennica, 1996) and the other explores possible mushroom vessels (read here). 
More generally, however, you can also explore food-related books: 
John Wilkins, Robin Nadeau, A companion to Food in the Ancient World
John Wilkins, Shaun Mill, Food in the Ancient World
John F. Donahue, Food and Drink in Antiquity
And that’s only for the food aspect, which is probably the most likely one to make you think about mushroom in an offering context. That is, the logic was probably less “this is a mushroom thus I can offer it” rather than “this mushroom I can eat, thus I can offer it”. 
I think there’s a lot of knowledge we’ve lost there. Mushrooms appear in sources as a new, luxurious delicacy for the roman elite... but it’s possible that knowing which mushrooms were good for consumption was known by populations in foresty areas like Arcadia for example. So while, maybe, and this is just a hypothesis, a hunter or a shepherd would have known and offered mushrooms to Pan and the Nymphs, it’s possible this knowledge never made it through the cities and/or literature.
I wish I had a more satisfying answer but yeah, it’s kind of a blind spot. 
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reading list - 400: language
☐  400: McKEAN, Erin – Verbatim ☐  401: STEINER, George – Real Presences ☐  402: JACOBS, Noah J. – The Toils of Language ☐  409: TURNER, James – Philology ☐  413: KENDALL, Joshua – The Man Who Made Lists ☐  414: WENNERSTROM, Ann – The Music of Everyday Speech ☐  417: MOHR, Melissa – Holy Sh*t ☐  418: STEINER, George – After Babel ☐  419: LIDDELL, Scott – Grammar, Gesture, and Meaning in American Sign Language ☐  420: ABLEY, Mark – The Prodigal Tongue ☐  420: BRYSON, Bill – The Mother Tongue ☐  422: GARG, Anu – The Dord, the Diglot, and an Avocado or Two ☐  423: WINCHESTER, Simon – The Professor and the Madman ☐  427: HARRISON, Mim – Wicked Good Words ☐  427: MENCKEN, H. L. – The American Language ☐  428: GRAMBS, David – Dimboxes, Epopts, and Other Quidams ☐  431: ANTONSEN, Elmer – Elements of German ☐  439: WEX, Michael – Born to Kvetch ☐  440: NADEAU, Jean-Benoit & BARLOW, Julie – The Story of French ☐  445: BRUCE, Mary Stone – Grammaire Française ☐  450: HALES, Dianne – La Bella Lingua ☐  457: POLETTO, Cecilia – The Higher Functional Field ☐  460: PHARIES, David A. – A Brief History of the Spanish Language ☐  465: LATHROP, Tom – The Evolution of Spanish ☐  468: HOLT, Marion P. & DUEBER, Julianne – 1001 Pitfalls in Spanish ☐  470: SOLODOW, Joseph – Latin Alive ☐  471: HUMEZ, Alexander & HUMEZ, Nicholas – ABC Et Cetera ☐  477: OSTLER, Nicholas – Ad Infinitum ☐  481: HUMEZ, Alexander & HUMEZ, Nicholas – Alpha to Omega ☐  493: MEYERSON, Daniel – The Linguist and the Emperor ☐  494: RAMASWAMY, Sumathi – Passions of the Tongue ☐  495: GU, Sharron – A Cultural History of the Chinese Language ☐  496: FABIAN, Johannes – Language and Colonial Power ☐  499: OKRENT, Arika – In the Land of Invented Languages
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lowly-waters · 3 years
The living wage in the United States is $16.54 per hour, or $68,808 per year, in 2019, before taxes for a family of four (two working adults, two children), compared to $16.14 in 2018. The minimum wage does not provide a living wage for most American families. A typical family of four (two working adults, two children) needs to work nearly four full-time minimum-wage jobs (a 75-hour work week per working adult) to earn a living wage
A Calculation of the Living Wage 
New Living Wage Data for Now Available on the Tool, 
Written by Ms. Carey Ann Nadeau on 03/03/2020
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creepingsharia · 4 years
540 Local Elected Officials From All 50 States Urge Prez Trump to Import More Refugees to U.S.
Joe Biden has promised to make this happen, including taking in foreigners from terrorist hotspots around the world. In fact, Joe Biden was one of the original architects of the fraud-ridden refugee program that has destroyed neighborhoods across the U.S.
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by Ann Corcoran
I told you here that the refugee industry was working on a letter to the President urging him to get the refugee flow into America moving again.
Yesterday they sent the letter with 540 signatories.
Says Amnesty International:
By signing this letter, these elected officials have joined together to voice their commitment to welcoming refugees in their communities and reviving the United States’ legacy as a leader in refugee resettlement.
I notice something missing from the letter. It avoids giving the President a number, but the industry has made it very clear!
They want 95,000 refugees to begin arriving on October first.
The President could make a decision this month on how many refugees might be invited to live in the US in FY2021. He could also legally set the ceiling at zero.
All of my posts on the topic are tagged FY2021.
Here are the signatories from yesterday.  The list is handy for identifying those local elected officials who are changing America by changing the people.
I don’t know why the organizers think that these open borders advocates will hold any sway with the President, but they sure make it handy for you to identify the other side where you live. Target them for retirement when they come up for re-election!
(For a little additional fun, see last year’s list here.)
They say the list is bipartisan, but there is no indication of party affiliation.  You will need to look through those listed in your state to see if Republicans are among those looking to import more poverty to your city.
[Find your state in the list below the fold]
Gary Palmer, State Representative, Birmingham Neil Rafferty, State Representative, Birmingham
Alaska Elvi Gray-Jackson, State Senator, Anchorage Andrew Josephson, State Representative, Juneau
Arizona Ylenia Aguilar, School Board Member, Phoenix Lela Alston, State Senator, Phoenix Richard Andrade, State Representative, Phoenix Andres Cano, State Representative, Tucson Steven Chapman, Governing Board Member, Phoenix Cesar Chavez, State Representative, Phoenix Paul Cunningham, Vice Mayor, Tucson Andrea Dalessandro, State Senator, Green Valley Devin Del Palacio, School Board Member, Tolleson Elora Diaz, School Governing Board Member, Phoenix Paul Durham, Councilmember, Tucson Diego Espinoza, State Representative, Avondale Charlene Fernandez, State Representative, Phoenix Kristel Ann Foster, School Board President, Tucson Randall Friese, State Representative, Tucson Rosanna Gabaldon, State Representative, Sahuarita Kate Gallego, Mayor, Phoenix Carlos Garcia, Councilmember, Phoenix Betty Guardado, Vice Mayor, Phoenix Daniel Hernandez, State Representative, Tucson Berdetta Hodge, Tempe Union Governing Board President, Tempe Steve Kozachik, Councilmember, Tucson Lauren Kuby, Councilmember, Tempe Pedro Lopez, Governing Board Member, Phoenix Adam Lopez-Falk, School Board Member, Phoenix Lindsay Love, Chandler Unified School District Governing Board Member, Chandler Juan Mendez, State Senator, Tempe Patrick Morales, Vice President of the Tempe School Elementary Board and Governing Board Member, Tempe The Honorable Channel Powe, Governing Board President, Phoenix Stanford Prescott, Governing Board Member, Phoenix Union High School District, Phoenix Martín Quezada, State Senator, Phoenix Rebecca Rios, State Senator, Phoenix Diego Rodriguez, State Representative, Laveen Regina Romero, Mayor, Tucson Athena Salman, State Representative, Tempe Lane Santa Cruz, Councilmember, Tucson Raquel Teran, State Representative, Phoenix Monica Trejo, School Board Member, Tempe Corey D. Woods, Mayor, Tempe
Arkansas Andrew Collins, State Representative, Little Rock Megan Godfrey, State Representative, Springdale Sonia Gutierrez, Councilmember, Fayetteville Lioneld Jordan, Mayor, Fayetteville Matthew Petty, Councilmember, Fayetteville Joy Springer, State Representative, Little Rock
California Cecilia Aguiar-Curry, Assemblymember, Sacramento John J. Bauters, Councilmember, Emeryville Bob Blumenfield, Councilmember, Los Angeles Maya Esparza, Councilmember, San Jose Kevin Faulconer, Mayor, San Diego Eric Garcetti, Mayor, Los Angeles Sam Hindi, Councilmember, Foster City Johnny Khamis, Councilmember, San Jose Paul Koretz, Councilmember, Los Angeles Sheila Kuehl, County Supervisor, Los Angeles Gordon Mar, City and County Supervisor, San Francisco Peggy McQuaid, Vice Mayor, Albany Lisa Middleton, Councilmember, Palm Springs Hillary Ronen, Supervisor, San Francisco Philip Y. Ting, Assemblymember, San Francisco Norman Yee, President, Board of Supervisors of the City and County of San Francisco
Colorado KC Becker, State Representative, Boulder Yadira Caraveo, State Representative, Thornton Lisa Cutter, State Representative, Littleton Stephen Fenberg, State Senate Majority Leader, Boulder Stacie Gilmore, Councilmember, Denver Julie Gonzales, State Senator, Denver Michael Hancock, Mayor, Denver Eva Henry, County Commissioner, Thornton John Kefalas, County Commissioner, Fort Collins Chris Kennedy, State Representative, Lakewood Cathy Kipp, State Representative, Fort Collins Robin Kniech, Councilwoman At-Large, Denver Jacob LaBure, Councilman, Lakewood Pete Lee, State Senator, Colorado Springs Susan Lontine, State Representative, Denver Dominick Moreno, State Senator, Commerce City Crystal Murillo, Councilmember, Aurora Deborah Ortega, Councilmember At-Large, Denver Dylan Roberts, State Representative, Avon Amanda P. Sandoval, Councilwoman, Denver Lauren Simpson, Councilmember, Arvada Sam Weaver, Mayor, Boulder Steven Woodrow, State Representative, Denver
Connecticut Roland Lemar, State Representative, New Haven Matthew Lesser, State Senator, Middletown Edwin Vargas, State Representative, Hartford
Delaware Bruce C. Ennis, State Senator, Dover
District of Columbia Brianne K. Nadeau, Councilmember Brooke Pinto, Councilmember Elissa Silverman, Councilmember
Florida Trish Becker, Special District County Commissioner, St. Augustine Christopher Benjamin, State Representative, Miami Gardens Lori Berman, State Senator, Delray Beach Mack Bernard, County Commissioner, West Palm Beach Marlon Bolton, Mayor, Tamarac Emma Collum, Supervisor, Fort Lauderdale Fentrice Driskell, State Representative, Tampa Bobby DuBose, State Representative, Fort Lauderdale Nicholas Duran, State Representative, Miami Buddy Dyer, Mayor, Orlando Anna Eskamani, State Representative, Orlando Jelani Harvey, Supervisor, Plantation Sabrina Javellana, Vice Mayor, Hallandale Beach Evan Jenne, State Representative, Hollywood Shevrin Jones, State Representative, West Park Dotie Joseph, State Representative, Miami Vanessa Joseph, City Clerk, North Miami Sarah Leonardi, Broward School Board Member-Elect, Pompano Beach Amy Mercado, State Representative, Orlando Cindy Polo, State Representative, Hialeah Tina Polsky, State Representative, Boca Raton Harold Pryor, Broward County State Attorney-Elect, Broward County Chelsea Reed, Councilmember, Palm Beach Gardens Alissa Schafer, Supervisor, Soil & Water Conservation District, Pembroke Pines Joshua Simmons, Commissioner, Coral Springs Nick Sortal, Councilmember, Plantation Carlos Guillermo Smith, State Representative, Orlando Linda Stewart, State Senator, Orlando Annette Taddeo, State Senator, Miami Victor Torres, State Senator, Orlando/Kissimmee
Georgia Becky Evans, State Representative, Atlanta Anthony Ford, Mayor, Stockbridge Steve Henson, State Senator, Stone Mountain Zulms Lopez, State Representative-Elect, Atlanta Pedro Marin, State Representative, Duluth
Hawaii Stanley Chang, State Representative, Honolulu Roy Takumi, State Representative, Honolulu Tina Wildberger, State Representative, Kihei
Idaho Shawn Barigar, Councilmember ember, Twin Falls Jimmy Hallyburton, Councilmember, Boise Kendra Kenyon, County Commissioner, Boise Diana Lachiondo, County Commissioner, Boise Lauren McLean, Mayor, Boise Lauren Necochea, State Representative, Boise Melissa Wintrow, State Representative, Boise
Illinois Alma Anaya, County Commissioner, Chicago Scott Britton, County Commissioner, Glenview James Cappleman, Alderman, Chicago Melissa Conyears-Ervin, City Treasurer, Chicago Daniel Didech, State Representative, Buffalo Grove Laura Fine, State Senator, Glenview Robyn Gabel, State Representative, Evanston Edgar Gonzalez, Jr., State Representative, Chicago Will Guzzardi, State Representative, Chicago Lindsey LaPointe, State Representative, Chicago Daniel La Spata, Alderman, Chicago Lori E. Lightfoot, Mayor, Chicago Raymond Lopez, Alderman, Chicago Matthew Martin, Alderman, Chicago Kevin Morrison, County Commissioner, Schaumburg Jonathan “Yoni” Pizer, State Representative, Chicago Ann Rainey, Alderman, Evanston George Van Dusen, Mayor, Skokie Andre Vasquez, Alderman, Chicago
Indiana Zach Adamson, City Councilor, Indianapolis John Hamilton, Mayor, Bloomington Blake Johnson, State Representative, Indianapolis
Iowa Marti Anderson, State Representative, Des Moines Tracy Ehlert, State Representative, Cedar Rapids Lindsay James, State Representative, Dubuque Mary Mascher, State Representative, Iowa City Andy McKean, State Representative, Anamosa Brent Oleson, County Commissioner, Marion Art Staed, State Representative, Cedar Rapids Zacharia Wahls, State Senator, Coralville Stacey Walker, County Supervisor, Cedar Rapids
Kansas Lacey Cruse, County Commissioner, Wichita Joyce Warshaw, Mayor, Dodge City Rui Xu, State Representative, Westwood
Kentucky Nima Kulkarni, State Representative, Louisville Susan Westrom, State Representative, Lexington
Louisiana Cyndi Nguyen, Councilmember, New Orleans
Maine Pious Ali, City Councilor At-Large, Portland Brownie Carson, State Senator, Harpswell Kristen S. Cloutier, State Representative, Lewiston Jim Handy, State Representative, Lewiston Thom Harnett, State Representative, Gardiner Deane Rykerson State Representative, Kittery Point Denise Tepler, State Representative, Topsham
Maryland Malcolm Augustine, State Senator, Annapolis Colin Byrd, Mayor, Greenbelt Julie Palakovich Carr, Delegate, District 17 Kathleen Dumais, State Representative, Annapolis Cindy Dyballa, Councilmember, Takoma Park Brian Feldman, State Senator, Annapolis Jessica Feldmark, Delegate, Columbia David Fraser-Hidalgo, Delegate, Annapolis Dannielle Glaros, County Councilmember, Upper Marlboro Evan Glass, County Councilmember, Montgomery County Edouard Haba, Councilmember, Hyattsville Tom Hucker, Montgomery County Councilmember, Silver Spring Julian Ivey, Delegate, Cheverly Anne Kaiser, Delegate, Silver Spring Kacy Kostiuk, Councilmember, Takoma Park Clarence Lam, State Senator, Columbia Susan Lee, State Senator, Annapolis Mary Lehman, State Representative, Laurel Sara Love, Delegate, Annapolis David Moon, Delegate, Takoma Park Joseline Peña-Melnyk, Delegate, Annapolis Paul Pinsky, State Senator, Hyattsville Sheila Ruth, Delegate, Baltimore Emily Shetty, Delegate, Kensington Jeffrey Zane Slavin, Mayor, Somerset Kate Stewart, Mayor, Takoma Park Deni Taveras, County Councilmember, Adelphi Jeff Waldstreicher, State Senator, Kensington Jheanelle Wilkins, Delegate, Silver Spring Patrick Wojahn, Mayor, College Park
Massachusetts Kenzie Bok, Councilor, Boston Candy Mero Carlson, City Councilor, Worcester Harriette Chandler, State Senator, Worcester Jo Comerford, State Senator, Florence Natalie Higgins, State Representative, Leominster Adam Hinds, State Senator, Pittsfield Kay Khan, State Representative, Newton Daniel Koh, Selectboard Member, Andover Jack Patrick Lewis, State Representative, Framingham Michael Moore, State Senator, Worcester David J. Narkewicz, Mayor, Northampton Tram Nguyen, State Representative, Andover William Reichelt, Mayor , West Springfield Lindsay Sabadosa, State Representative, Northampton Jeffrey Thielman, Arlington School Committee Member, Arlington Martin J. Walsh, Mayor, Boston
Michigan Rosalynn Bliss, Mayor, Grand Rapids Brandon Haskell, County Commissioner, Lansing Steve Maas, Mayor, City of Grandville Gwen Markham, County Commissioner, Novi William Miller, County Commissioner, Pontiac Kurt Reppart, City Commissioner, Grand Rapids Monica Sparks, County Commissioner, Kentwood Robert Wittenberg, State Representative, Huntington Woods Milinda Ysasi, City Commissioner, Grand Rapids Doug Zylstra, County Commissioner, Holland
Minnesota Peter Fischer, State Representative, Maplewood Jacob Frey, Mayor, Minneapolis Cam Gordon, Councilmember, Minneapolis Alice Hausman, State Representative, Saint Paul Kaohly Her, State Representative, Saint Paul Melissa Hortman, State Representative, Brooklyn Park Mitra Jalali, Councilmember, Saint Paul Frank Jewell, County Commissioner, Duluth Andrew Johnson, Councilmember, Minneapolis Sydney Jordan, State Representative, Minneapolis Fue Lee, State Representative, Saint Paul Jamie Long, State Representative, Minneapolis John Marty, State Senator, Roseville Rena Moran, State Representative, Saint Paul Beth Olson, County Commissioner, Duluth Rafael E. Ortega, County Commissioner, Saint Paul Sandy Pappas, State Senator, Saint Paul Dave Pinto, State Representative, Saint Paul Victoria Reinhardt, County Commissioner, White Bear Lake Cory Springhorn, Councilmember, Shoreview Jay Xiong, State Representative, Saint Paul
Mississippi Christopher Bell, State Representative, Jackson Chokwe Antar Lumumba, Mayor, Jackson
Missouri LaDonna Appelbaum, State Representative, St. Louis Shane Cohn, Alderman, St. Louis Marlene Davis, Alderwoman, St. Louis Christine Ingrassia, Alderwoman, St. Louis Kip Kendrick, State Representative, Columbia Lyda Krewson, Mayor, St. Louis Heather Navarro, Alderwoman, St. Louis Lewis Reed, President, Board of Aldermen, St. Louis Annie Rice, Alderwoman, St. Louis
Montana Dick Barrett, State Senator, Missoula Mary Ann Dunwell, State Representative, Helena John Engen, Mayor, Missoula Moffie Funk, State Representative, Helena Katharin Kelker, State Representative, Billings Marilyn Marler, State Representative, Missoula Penny Ronning, Councilwoman, Billings David Strohmaier, County Commissioner, Missoula Juanita Vero, County Commissioner, Missoula Tom Winter, State Representative, Missoula
Nebraska Leirion Gaylor Baird, Mayor, Lincoln Sue Crawford, State Senator, Bellevue Machaela Cavanaugh, State Senator, Lincoln
Nevada Yvanna Cancela, State Senator, Las Vegas Howard Watts, Assemblymember, Las Vegas
New Hampshire Amanda Bouldin, State Representative, Manchester Andrew Bouldin, State Representative, Manchester Lisa Bunker, State Representative, Exeter Joyce Craig, Mayor, Manchester David Doherty, State Representative, Pembroke Nicole Klein Knight, State Representative, Manchester Patrick Long, State Representative & Alderman, Manchester Dr. Peter Somssich, State Representative, Portsmouth George Sykes, State Representative, Lebanon Suzanne Vail, State Representative, Nashua Mary Beth Walz, State Representative, Bow Safiya Wazir, State Representative, Concord Matthew B. Wilhelm, State Representative, Manchester
New Jersey Jim Boyes, Councilman, Westfield David Cohen, Council President, Princeton Leticia Fraga, Councilwoman, Princeton Roy Freiman, Assemblymember, Hillsborough Sadaf Jaffer, Mayor, Montgomery Township Devra Keenan, Committee Member, Montgomery Township, New Jersey Michelle Pirone Lambros, Councilwoman, Princeton Liz Lempert, Mayor, Princeton Gayle Brill Mittler, Mayor, Highland Park Eve Niedergang, Councilmember, Princeton Mia Sacks, Councilmember, Princeton Dwaine Williamson, Councilman, Princeton
New Mexico Karen Bash, State Representative, Albuquerque Timothy Keller, Mayor, Albuquerque Gerald Ortiz y Pino, State Senator, Albuquerque Bill Tallman, State Senator, Albuquerque Renee Villarreal, Councilwoman, Santa Fe
New York Alessandra Biaggi, State Senator, Bronx Karla Boyce, County Legislator, Honeoye Falls Noam Bramson, Mayor, New Rochelle Byron W. Brown, Mayor, Buffalo David Buchwald, Assemblymember, Mount Kisco Bill de Blasio, Mayor, New York City Margaret Chin, Councilmember, New York City Patricia Fahy, Assemblymember, Albany Vincent Felder, Minority Leader of the Monroe County Legislature, Rochester Andrew Gounardes, State Senator, New York City Brad Hoylman, State Senator, New York City Timothy Kennedy, State Senator, Buffalo Liz Krueger, State Senator, New York City Charles Lavine, Assemblymember, Glen Cove Donna Lupardo, Assemblymember, Binghamton Rachel May, State Senator, Syracuse Félix W. Ortiz, Assemblymember, Brooklyn Amy Paulin, Assemblymember, Scarsdale Karines Reyes, Assemblymember, Bronx Carlina Rivera, Councilmember, New York City Linda B. Rosenthal, Assemblymember, New York City Nily Rozic, Assemblymember, Queens Sean Ryan, Assemblymember, Buffalo Kathy Sheehan, Mayor, Albany MaryJane Shimsky, County Legislator, White Plains Jo Anne Simon, Assemblymember, Brooklyn Colin D. Smith, Westchester County Legislator, Peekskill Fred Thiele, Assemblymember, Sag Harbor Daniel Torres, Deputy Supervisor, New Paltz Lovely Warren, Mayor, Rochester Steven Weinberg, Mayor, Village of Thomaston David Weprin, Assemblymember, Fresh Meadows Gregory Young, County Supervisor, Gloversville
North Carolina Vickie Adamson, County Commissioner, Raleigh John Autry, State Representative, Raleigh Mary Belk, State Representative, Charlotte Natalie Beyer, School Board Member, Durham Javiera Caballero, Councilmember, Durham Heidi Carter, County Commissioner, Durham Susan Fisher, State Representative, Asheville Pam Hemminger, Mayor, Chapel Hill Wendy Jacobs, County Commissioner Chair, Durham Jillian Johnson, Mayor Pro Tempore, Durham Lydia Lavelle, Mayor, Carrboro Esther Manheimer, Mayor, Asheville Graig Meyer, State Representative, Raleigh Robert Reives, State Representative, Raleigh Susan Rodriguez-McDowell, County Commissioner, Charlotte Steve Schewel, Mayor, Durham Damon Seils, Councilmember, Carrboro Kandie Smith, State Representative, Greenville Terry Van Duyn, State Senator, Asheville Braxton Winston, Councilmember, Charlotte
North Dakota Tim Mathern, State Senator, Fargo
Ohio Elizabeth Brown, Council President Pro Tempore, Columbus Phyllis Cleveland, Councilmember, Cleveland Valerie Cumming, Vice Mayor, Westerville David Donofrio, Board of Education Member, Southwestern City School District, Columbus Rob Dorans, Councilmember, Columbus Basheer Jones, Councilman, Cleveland Wade Kapszukiewicz, Mayor, Toledo Brian Kazy, Councilman, Cleveland Leeman Kessler, Mayor, Gambier David Leland, State Representative, Columbus Dale Miller, County Councilperson, Cleveland Bhuwan Pyakurel, Councilmember, Reynoldsburg Emmanuel Remy, Councilmember, Columbus Matt Zone, Councilmember, Cleveland
Oklahoma Carrie Blumert, County Commissioner, Oklahoma City James Cooper, Councilperson, Oklahoma City Carri Hicks, State Senator, Oklahoma City
Oregon Chloe Eudaly, Commissioner, Portland Kathryn Harrington, Washington County Commission Chair, Hillsboro Susheela Jayapal, County Commissioner, Portland Alissa Keny-Guyer, State Representative, Portland Teresa Alonso Leon, State Representative, Salem Eddy Morales, Gresham City Councilor, Gresham Sharon Meieran, County Commissioner, Portland Jessica Vega Pederson, County Commissioner, Portland Carla C. Piluso, State Representative, Gresham Carmen Rubio, County Commissioner, Portland Jeff Reardon, State Representative, Portland Ricki Ruiz, Reynolds School Board Member, Gresham Deian Salazar, Precinct Committee Person, Portland Marc San Soucie, City Councilor, Beaverton Lori Stegmann, County Commissioner, Portland Stephanie Stephens, School Board Member, David Douglas School District, Portland Andrea Valderrama, Chair, David Douglas School Board, Portland Marty Wilde, State Representative, Eugene
Pennsylvania Janet Diaz, Councilmember, Lancaster Ronald Filippelli, Mayor, State College Jordan Harris, State Representative (Democratic Whip), Philadelphia Timothy Kearney, State Senator, Springfield James F. Kenney, Mayor, Philadelphia Kevin Madden, County Commissioner, Media Joanna McClinton, State Representative, Philadelphia William Peduto, Mayor, Pittsburgh Joseph Schember, Mayor, Erie Michael Schlossberg, State Representative, Allentown Judith Schwank, State Senator, Reading Brian Sims, State Representative, Philadelphia Jared Solomon, State Representative, Philadelphia Danene Sorace, Mayor, Lancaster Erika Strassburger, Councilmember, Pittsburgh
Rhode Island Jorge Elorza, Mayor, Providence Raymond Hull, State Representative, Providence
South Carolina Carol Jackson, Councilmember, Charleston
South Dakota Shawn Bordeaux, State Representative, Mission Linda Duba, State Representative, Sioux Falls Reynold Nesiba, State Senator, Sioux Falls Ray Ring, State Representative, Vermillion
Tennessee John Ray Clemmons, State Representative, Nashville Indya Kincannon, Mayor, Knoxville Seema Singh, Councilwoman, Knoxville Tangi Smith, County Commissioner, Clarksville
Texas Nicole Collier, State Representative, Fort Worth Vikki Goodwin, State Representative, Austin Donna Howard, State Representative, Austin Celia Israel, State Representative, Austin Clay Jenkins, County Judge, Dallas Ina Minjarez, State Representative, San Antonio Christin Morales, State Representative, Houston Ron Nirenberg, Mayor, San Antonio Letitia Plummer, Councilmember, Houston Edward Pollard, Councilmember, Houston Carl Sherman, State Representative, Lancaster Sylvester Turner, Mayor , Houston
Utah Patrice Arent, State Representative, Millcreek Joel Briscoe, State Representative, Salt Lake City Luz Escamilla, State Senator, Salt Lake City Ann Granato, Salt Lake County Council, Millcreek Stephen Handy, State Representative, Layton Suzanne Harrison, State Representative, Draper Timothy Hawkes, State Representative, Centerville Sandra Hollins, State Representative, Salt Lake City Jani Iwamoto, State Senator-Assistant Minority Whip, Salt Lake City Dan Johnson, State Representative, Logan Brian S. King, State Representative, Salt Lake City Erin Mendenhall, Mayor, Salt Lake City Carol Spackman Moss, State Representative, Holladay Angela Romero, State Representative, Salt Lake City Jeff Silvestrini, Mayor, Millcreek Steve Waldrip, State Representative, Eden Raymond Ward, State Representative, Bountiful Elizabeth Weight, State Representative, West Valley City Mark Wheatley, State Representative, Salt Lake City Jenny Wilson, Mayor, Salt Lake County Mike Winder, State Representative, West Valley
Vermont Thomas Chittenden, City Councilor, South Burlington Brian Cina, State Representative, Burlington Mari Cordes, State Representative, Lincoln Ali Dieng, City Councilor, Burlington Sarah Copeland Hanzas, State Representative, Bradford Kristine Lott, Mayor, Winooski Jim McCullough, State Representative, Williston Ann Pugh, State Representative, South Burlington Marybeth Redmond, State Representative, Essex Robin Scheu, State Representative, Middlebury Joan Shannon, Councilor, Burlington Maida F. Townsend, State Representative, South Burlington Theresa Wood, State Representative, Waterbury Michael Yantachka, State Representative, Charlotte
Virginia Richard Baugh, Councilmember, Harrisonburg Elizabeth Bennett-Parker, Vice Mayor, Alexandria Patrick Hope, Delegate, Arlington Mark Keam, Delegate, Vienna McKinley Price, Mayor, Newport News Sam Rasoul, Delegate, Roanoke Sal Romero, Vice Mayor, Harrisonburg Ibraheem Samirah, Delegate, Herndon Shelly Anne Simonds, Delegate, Newport News Kathy Tran, Delegate, Springfield James Walkinshaw, Supervisor, Fairfax County Justin Wilson, Mayor, Alexandria
Washington Claudia Balducci, County Council Chair, Seattle Reuven Carlyle, State Senator, Seattle Jeannie Darneille, State Senator, Tacoma Mona Das, State Senator, Olympia Jenny A. Durkan, Mayor, Seattle Joe Fitzgibbon, State Representative, West Seattle Jessica Forsythe, Councilmember, Redmond M. Lorena González, City Council President, Seattle Roger Goodman, State Representative, Kirkland Mia Gregerson, State Representative, SeaTac Lisa Herbold, Councilmember, Seattle Sam Hunt, State Senator, Olympia Jay Inslee, Governor, Olympia Karen Keiser, State Senator, Des Moines Jeanne Kohl-Welles, King County Councilmember, Seattle Connie Ladenburg, County Councilmember, Tacoma Liz Lovelett, State Senator, Anacortes Jamie Pedersen, State Senator, Seattle Gerry Pollet, State Representative, Seattle Chris Roberts, Councilmember, Shoreline Cindy Ryu, State Representative, Shoreline Rebecca Saldana, State Senator, Seattle Sharon Tomiko Santos, State Representative, Olympia Tana Senn, State Representative, Mercer Island Derek Stanford, State Senator, Bothell My-Linh Thai, State Representative, Newcastle Dave Upthegrove, Councilmember, Des Moines Javier Valdez, State Representative, Seattle Derek Young, County Councilmember, Tacoma
West Virginia Rosemary Ketchum, Councilwoman, Wheeling
Wisconsin Samba Baldeh, Alder, Madison Shiva Bidar, Councilmember, Madison David Bowen, State Representative, Milwaukee Jonathan Brostoff, State Representative, Milwaukee Ryan Clancy, County Supervisor, Milwaukee Michele Doolan, Dane County Supervisor, Cross Plains Julie Gordon, County Board Supervisor, Oshkosh Michael Norton, County Commissioner, Oshkosh Shawn Rolland, County Board Supervisor, Wauwatosa Sequanna Taylor, County Supervisor, Milwaukee Michael Tierney, Alder, Madison Michael Verveer, Alderperson, Madison
Wyoming Charles Pelkey, State Representative, Laramie Mike Yin, State Representative, Jackson
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larsdatter · 4 years
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Looking over pastoral canvaswork pictures from the 18th century can lead to a distinct feeling of déjà vu.
One of the more common motifs from these schoolgirl projects was a reclining shepherdess, all taken from the same source illustration but worked in different ways.
Here, you're seeing the work of Ann Gardner, Alice Mather, Temperance Parker, Alethea Stiles, and Esther Stoddard along with other anonymous canvaswork panels presumed to have been worked by other 18th century Boston-area students; click on the images for captions, accession numbers, etc.
Want to embroider your own reclining shepherdess? Erica Wilson’s “Shepherd and Shepherdess Needlepoint Kit” occasionally comes up on eBay (click here to search for it); it's based on the Ann Gardner panel at the Met, I think. (Other panels from related 18th century canvaswork embroideries also come up in 1990s kits from It’s Polite to Point.)
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delphinenadeau · 5 years
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❝ i’m like 60% silk, 30% rose water, and 10% glitter. ❞
❄ · · · DELPHINE NADEAU has been in Ellingham for 17 years and they look exactly like WILLA FITZGERALD. Having turned TWENTY-EIGHT years old on their last birthday, they are currently an ACTRESS and ARE HAPPY WITH THAT. Known as the BABY DOLL, it’s no secret that they're MAGNETIC & SOIGNÉE, but also VAIN & MISCHIEVOUS. If you’re to meet them, please remember that they are a CIS WOMAN and use SHE/HER. { SAM + 24 + THEY/THEM + EST }
♡ CHARACTER PARALLELS — Jackie Burkhart ( That 70′s Show ) + Summer Roberts ( The O.C. ) + Aphrodite ( Greek Mythology ) + Rachel Green ( F.R.I.E.N.D.S. ) + Claire Bennet ( Heroes ) + Bubbles ( The Powerpuff Girls ) + Caitlin ( 6teen ) + Veronica Lodge ( Archie Comics ) + Nesta Archeron ( A Court of Thorns and Roses ) + Blair Waldorf ( Gossip Girl )
delphine is the second child (out of three) of an actor and an actress who are quite famous within the province of québec, though they’ve also done some french-canadian/québécois films that also did well internationally (think like, anne dorval in xavier dolan’s movies. not anne dorval’s personality at all though egoierogieroigjer).
delphine’s parents spoilt all of their children equally, and they like....... really spoilt them. like, i wouldn’t call delphine a spoilt brat, but it’s not that far from the truth. delphine nadeau is used to getting what she wants, when she wants it, and how she wants it. she’s not used to being told no, and doesn’t exactly react well to that. (not in like...... a physical/romantic way, though. no’s of that nature are respected and appreciated by delphine.)
ALCOHOL TW. she’s had one serious boyfriend in her life; they were high school sweethearts and just broke up because delphine wanted things to get more serious and he didn’t. right now, delphine’s still heartbroken, and her feelings for him are still strong. she’s been trying to distract herself from that a lot, though, by going out to bars and clubs and getting super drunk and things like that. 
she has two best friends she forms a trio with, and another best friend who’s more like the donna to her jackie. she was definitely popular in high school, though whether or not she was liked is debatable. honestly? probably was one of the mean girls in high school. she wasn’t mean, per se, but wasn’t necessarily an angel(tm) to the people outside of her little clique. plus, she’s always had no tact and could be brutally honest with people when she didn’t like something about them, which can be taken quite harshly.
she was also a bit of a trouble maker? like, in a mischievous kind of way, mostly. like playing pranks on teachers but never being suspected bc she looked like an angel and faked being worried about them.
used to be a cheerleader! she did competitive cheerleading since the age of eight, but stopped at the age of sixteen when she decided she wanted to be serious about acting; she couldn’t exactly deal with both at the same time.
takes really good care of her appearance, because she can be quite superficial, and she loves feeling pretty; which she does pretty much all the time, but still.
currently has a recurring small-ish role in a french-canadian cop show, and often does lil roles in international movies and tv shows that get filmed in montréal (which happens a lot; a lot of movies get filmed here, and she takes full advantage of it).
she drives from ellingham to montréal and from montréal to ellingham a lot, but she honestly doesn’t mind it because she loves driving. it makes her feel so free, and whilst she tends to dislike huge responsibilities in general, she does like that responsibility.
please check out my lil connections’ page for connection ideas!!!!!  
OH!!!!! and the nadeau family moved to ellingham when delphine was 11
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la-maison-hubert · 6 years
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avoine-et-miel-blog · 5 years
SÉANCE #4: Angoisses et vertiges du numérique
En 2017, les données recueillies par l’Institut de la statistique du Québec révélaient que 88,1% de la population québécoise utilisait Internet à des fins personnelles (Bernier, 2017 :  En ligne, 1). À l’échelle mondiale, en 2017, on parle de plus de 3,9 milliards d’usagers à travers la planète ( Sergerie, 2018 : En ligne, 1er par.). Alors que certains consacrent peu de leur temps sur le cyberespace, d’autres en consacrent beaucoup plus. Notamment, en 2017, 10,6% de la population québécoise affirmait y passer plus de 30 heures par semaine (Bernier, 2017 :  En ligne, 1). Avec le temps, de nouveaux problèmes reliés à la consommation d’Internet ont fait leur arrivée, créant ainsi de nouvelles inquiétudes chez les chercheurs et chez les populations.
Combien de fois par jour regardons-nous notre téléphone dans l’espoir d’y découvrir de nouvelles notifications, et ce, sans même avoir entendu notre appareil sonner? Combien de temps puis-je passer à naviguer sur le web alors que je sais  pertinemment qu’une tonne de travaux et de lectures plus importants m’attendent patiemment? Bien souvent, mon utilisation d’Internet nuit à mon efficacité et cela me semble parfois inquiétant.
Une question se pose : pouvons-nous développer une dépendance au Web? La cyberdépendance existe-t-elle réellement? Certains acteurs refusent de considérer l’utilisation du Web elle-même comme étant problématique en soi. D’autres pensent que ce sont des applications qui peuvent être la cause d’addictions (Juneau, 2017 : En ligne, iii). Or, certains y voient un sérieux problème et refusent de le négliger. D’ailleurs, la cyberdépendance figure maintenant parmi les troubles traités par les psychologues. Celle-ci peut causer de l’anxiété, des signes de dépression, des troubles d’humeur et peut affecter les relations interpersonnelles (Acier, Kerm, Nadeau et Nadeau, 2011 : En ligne, 21-23).
Finalement, de nouvelles inquiétudes, notamment sur la cyberdépendance, ont fait surface depuis l’avènement d’Internet. Selon moi, nous devons nous ouvrir les yeux sur le problème afin de trouver d’éventuelles solutions.
Bibliographie :
Acier, Didier, Kern, Laurence, Nadeau Carole-Line et Nadeau, Louise. 2011. La cyberdépendance : état des connaissances, manifestations et pistes d’intervention. Santécom. En ligne. URL : http://www.santecom.qc.ca/bibliothequevirtuelle/CDC/9782981090324.pdf. Consulté le 4 février 2019.
Bernier, Marianne. 2017. L’utilisation d’Internet chez les Québécois. Institut de la statistique du Québec. En ligne. URL : http://www.stat.gouv.qc.ca/statistiques/science-technologie-innovation/bulletins/sti-bref-201711-2.pdf. Consulté le 4 février 2019.
Juneau, Sandra. 2017. « La construction sociale de la ‘’cyberdépendance’’ au Canada et au Québec ». Thèse de doctorat. Université Laval. En ligne. URL : https://corpus.ulaval.ca/jspui/bitstream/20.500.11794/27937/1/33571.pdf. 458 p.
Sergerie, Marie-Anne. 2018. Qu’est-ce que la cyberdépendance?. Cyberdépendance.ca. En ligne. URL : https://cyberdependance.ca/cyberdependance/. Consulté le 4 février 2019.
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