#Anna Jay x reader
sarcasticlcves · 1 year
Dating The Aew Women Includes
A/n~ strictly fem x fem
Anna Jay:
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Being in the J.A.S
Being best friends with Tay
Hand holding 24/7
Visiting popular sites everywhere you guys travel
Photo shoots together
You taking pictures of Anna all the time
Anna being very sweet but also cold and closed off at the same time
Allie/The Bunny:
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Allie interfering in your matches to help you
Being friends with Penelope Ford
Both of you loving horror
Having 2 dogs together
Allie being very silent and stoic most of the times
You being the only person she opens up to
Britt Baker:
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Her being the one "in control" of the relationship
Has Jamie follow you around everywhere to make sure your safe
Being best friends with Jamie plus living with her
Britt being very affectionate
You being the calm and collected one in the relationship
Britt throwing hands at whoever does as much as look at you
Overall Britt is a sweet and caring lover <3
Jamie Hayter:
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Her arm around your waist every time you guys are in the same room
Jamie being very possessive
Her getting very jealous very easily
Jamie is very protective over you so get ready to not be able to go anywhere without her
Sweetheart inside and out
Wouldn't do everything for you but damn near close to it
Julia Hart:
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Being a part of H.O.B
Gaining three big brothers in the forms of Malikai Black, Buddy Mathew's, and Brody King
You being severely protective of Julia considering how often she gets knocked out during H.O.B's matches
Her accompanying you to the ring for your matches
She may seem very cold shouldered but she's the sweetest person you've ever met
Kris Statlander:
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Her attacking you when she turns heel
That caused a rift in your guys relationship
Her finally making her way up to you two months later and apologizing profusely
Very long embraces all the time (it's Kris way of saying sorry for everything she's done)
Not much pda
Her going out to your matches to make sure your ok
Your relationship getting better as time passes
Penelope Ford:
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Not clingy but wants to keep a hold of you to show people she's yours
You, Penelope, and Allie being the best women's trio in aew history
Being close friends with Allie
Her being ringside for all your matches
Occasionally will help you cheat
A lot of pda
You have a very sassy confident woman on your hands
Part 2 coming very soon!
And then I'll be finished with hcs for awhile
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wardlowsbabydoll · 2 years
Hide and Seek- Dark Order
Dark Order x Fem! Reader
Behold an intrusive thought from a Yandere A-Z prompt list I found.
Warning for Dubious Content
Read at your own caution
Word Count: 713
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I couldn’t think of anything else other than to run. Run to safety. Run to a nearby gas station or police station, I just needed to run. It was their fault I escaped, they left the bathroom window unlocked. I didn’t know if that was a test or not but I dared to take a chance. I knew they could kill me, they had killed everyone else.
            I could hear the leaves crunching behind me, they were getting closer. I could hear my blood rushing in my ears, I could feel myself slowing down and getting tired. I could most likely outrun Uno, but if I knew them, they would’ve sent Ten after me, he’s the strongest of them. Anna’s the fastest so it would be all too easy for her to catch up to me.
            I let out a squeal when I tripped over an exposed tree root and groaned when I tried to get up and my ankle twinged. This wasn’t good. Not at all. Without question they would find me now. I managed to drag myself behind a tree before trying to steady my breathing. My panting would surely give me away.
            The footsteps got impossibly closer and I put my hand over my mouth as if to silence my breathing. Then it got quiet, too quiet. “Here kitty, kitty.��� A voice cooed. Anna. She was always the smartest of the lot, and I knew she would be the one to catch up first. “Here kitty, kitty.” She called again, this time her voice was closer. Too close for comfort. I placed my other hand over my heart as if to silence the pounding beat that I’m sure everyone could hear. “Come on kitten, that wasn’t very nice. We’ve been so good to you and this is how you repay us? By running away?” Her voice was way too close now, she was within feet of me and I could feel myself trying to mold into the tree, hoping she would turn and leave.
            It got quiet again, the kind of quiet that you can hear a pin drop, the kind of quiet that you could hear the thrumming of a rapid heartbeat. I couldn’t help the shriek that rose out of my throat when someone yanked me from the side. Even in the darkness, and even though he wore a mask, I could see the unforgiving eyes of Ten. I was right, they sent their smartest and strongest after me, knowing they would catch me. Anna’s silhouette was soon in my line of vision and there was no mistaking the smirk that was on her face.
            “Silly little kitten, making us chase you. You know we like games, this one might be our favorite yet now. But you cheated, Kitten,” I swallowed slightly, I knew they didn’t like cheaters, especially during a game. “And cheaters never win.” Ten said in that deep baritone voice that made me shiver. He rarely spoke but when he did, I was certain to send a shiver down my spine.
            Ten tried to move me again but I let out a small yell when my ankle twinged again, the pain much sharper than the last.
            Anna opened her mouth to say something else but I quickly muttered “yellow” and the atmosphere shifted entirely. “What happened?” Anna immediately asked as she put her hands on my cheeks. “I tripped over a fucking tree root, I think I messed up my ankle.” Preston without question, hoisted me completely into his arms as if I weighed nothing. “We’ll put some ice on it back home. I’ll go ahead and let the others know we’ll pick this up another time.” My girlfriend said but before she could leave I grabbed her hand.
            “Sorry we couldn’t finish the scene.” I said, disappointedly. This was our first time trying this kind of kink and mother nature ruined it. “Don’t apologize, Princess. It happens, we’ll try again once you’re all healed up.” Preston said as we could see the lights of the house getting closer. I didn’t say anything but just snuggled deeper into Preston’s chest as we went back home, and prayed for the healing process to be quick.
            We had way too much fun to not try that again.
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What about headcanons for yandere Anna Jay?
Yandere Anna Jay
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Taglist: @fiskers7136 @peachmango-kombucha @kcloveswrestling @bellalutionn @xkennyxomegax @tummyyellin @cuzimacomedian @auburnwrites @damnnhausen @thesusbunny @blaquekittycat @writtingrose
It would start with you just being friends with the women
And she would slowly get more protective over you
She wants to be the only friend you hang out with, she wants to see you every day, she wants to stay up on the phone all night with you
The rest of the dark order would start to make fun of her for obviously liking you
Anna would be a very prepared Yandere
She spends time fantasizing about what it will be like once she gets you
Spends a lot of time getting a home set up for the two of you, making sure everything is perfect for you
She would be prepared for you not wanting to be there, but believes you will learn to
I do think the dark order would know
But they want Anna to be happy
And she’s nicer after being around you
So they chose to help her
If she gets even the hint that you want something, she gets it for you
She would never put a hand on you
Sex would be very rough, but she doesn’t see it as a punishment
Loves how you look when being edged, but it’s all pleasure!
At first Anna wouldn’t want anything around you that would take some of your love from her
But latter on I think she could be happy having one kid with you
As long as she doesn’t have to get pregnant
Anna would kill, but she wouldn’t enjoy it
At the end of the day she wants you all to herself, and it’s not her fault that person got to close
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madhatterbri · 9 months
Second Chance | Hook Part 4
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Summary: You find out Jack is cheating on you with Anna.
For @99hook
The time flew by and soon you were in another city for your job. You had butterflies in your stomach. This was the first time you were ever going to defend a championship title. You didn't want to lose the title for a long time. As usual, your boyfriend was nowhere to be seen to make you feel less nervous.
"You are going to be fine," Skye pointed out to you. She watched you have multiple panic attacks that night. Now you were fidgeting with your gear. You had to be perfect. Everything had to be perfect. "You are doing an open challenge. Tony hasn't decided who that is going to be yet,"
"I need the people to like me so I stay champion for a long time, Skye. I have wanted to be a wrestling champion since I was a little girl," you informed her. Your new fixation was wondering if the belt should be around your waist or on your shoulder. Skye groaned and placed her air pods in her ear. At least she was still a comfort.
You walked out of the locker room and towards the entrance to the arena. You shook your hands and placed them on your head. The nerves were worse than your debut.
"Hey," a familiar voice called to get your attention. You looked to see Hook. His match ended a few minutes ago. Had he lingered to talk to you? The devil smiled briefly at you. "You got this,"
"Thanks, I..."
Your entrance music sounded. An apologetic look was sent his way. You stepped out to cheers. As you walked down the ramp you high fived several members of the audience. Some took quick selfies with you. The butterflies slowly left as you smiled. You were the people's champion.
You hyped the town you were in. An usual tactic made by wrestlers that were a face. You talked from the heart about how proud you were to be their champion and how you will be a fighting champion. You issued an open challenge as you stood in the middle of the ring.
The familiar sound of Queen Slayer played throughout the arena. People cheered as they stood up. The crowd went wilder once Anna appeared at the top of the ramp. A wicked smile on her face. Her music played as she made her way to the ring.
"Nice belt. I will be the one taking it from you," Anna smiled once she stood in front of you.
"Really?" You asked and looked behind her. "None of your posse is here. How can you possibly win without them?"
She laughed and looked at the ground. You could tell she was contemplating something. Was she going to attack you or take a dig at you? You could have never possibly thought of what she would do next.
"I'm only out here to take the belt from you because I took something else from you recently," she confessed. "You wanna know where Jack was when you won this little belt?"
"He was busy with-"
"Me. While you were getting the championship I was taking your man. It wasn't too hard. Looks like your skills in the ring and outside of the ring are the same... boring and dull,"
"You are lying," you tried to pretend that you weren't falling for her words. The truth was you knew it had to be someone else. It couldn't possibly be someone you both worked with. They could have told you in private not with everyone watching.
"Am I?" She asked. A picture of them appeared on the jumbotron. Jack was asleep next to her. His curly brown hair covered some of his face. Anna had a smile on her face. The words 'she doesn't know 🤪' written across the middle. "I guess you know now,"
Your mouth dropped open in shock. The arena sprung in an uproar at the disrespect towards you. You dropped the belt and took a swing at her. Anna dodged the punch and rolled out of the ring. She walked backwards up the ramp blowing you kisses.
You screamed at her to get back in the ring and fight you. Defending the belt was a distant memory now. Anna and Jack needed to catch these hands. To add insult to injury, her entrance music played once more.
You stormed up the ramp towards her. She ran and before you knew it she was gone. You were never humiliated so much in your life. Tears spilled as you cupped your face in your hands. Skye wrapped her arms around you and led you to the locker room.
"I gotta get out of here. Where is my phone?" You sobbed. You felt like you couldn't breathe. All the oxygen must have been sucked out of the arena.
"Here. I will get the rest of your stuff. Just call me please when you get to the hotel," Skye pleaded while giving you your phone. You nodded and rushed towards your car.
"Your name, wait!" Hook called out. He was now in a hoodie with sweatpants.
"Hook?" You asked weakly. Fresh tears sprung to life in your eyes. "This hurts so much,"
Hook opened his arms to you. You collapsed in his arms. Your face buried in his shoulder. He rubbed your back. The familiarity of him comforting you felt like old times. His scent made you feel like you were home. "I'm sorry this happened,"
"I need to get out of here,"
You pulled away from him and took off towards your car. He watched you leave with a sigh.
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Executives Love
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Warnings- don’t think there is any?
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Noa had basically shut down. In the days after finding out everything, she barely spoke much, which was just like with her postpartum depression. She tried to get TK to get her to room alone while they traveled- as she knew taking more time off would prove detrimental to her in ring abilities- but TK was already worried for the girl he saw as his sister. When she was out after losing the baby, he and the Massie brothers would check up on Noa during her time off, so they knew the signs she gave off with her depression.
After his little debacle with Noa in her first night back, Matthew would try to text her about how she was but she would only text back about work. He would try to confront her at roster wide practices but she would just kind of shake him off.
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Noa was walking down the hall to the women’s locker room after her match, as she turned the corner, she saw Jeff leaning against the wall. Noa rolled her eyes. She proceeded to the locker room door and opened it. She was almost through the door when she felt a hand on her upper arm.
“Noa…” Jeff’s voice was soft. Noa blinked and turned around to look at him. Jeff’s blood ran cold at the emptiness in Noas eyes. She didn’t look like herself but still looked like herself.
“Mhm?” Noa hums. Jeff blinks stunned.
“Can we talk?” He asks. Just as Noa was about to respond, Matthew cut in.
“Noa, me and Nicholas need to talk to you”Matthew says, his eyes watching Jeff in the corners of them.
“Can I clean up first” Noa asks looking at Matthew.
“Yea” Matthew nods. She nods back to him and looks at Jeff.
“Good luck with everything Jeff.” Noa says, her eyes not meeting his. She hoped he got the hint she wanted to never talk. Noa turns and enters the locker room to clean up. Jeff turned to look at Matthew.
“You know believe it or not, I really do love Noa…” Jeff starts. Matthew looks at him, with almost a blank stare.
“I just got caught up. Losing our baby…made me lose a part of myself…” Jeff trails off. Matthew shot him a glare.
“Think about how Noa felt. She literally had to birth your baby and go through labor as if she was going to have her baby in her arms. But she got nothing. Nothing but sadness. You were there for her what a week before you asked to come back to work to work on your storyline. How could you do that? I get she probably tried to push you away but I mean how would you feel, losing something that’s literally growing inside of you? Her entire body changed for your guys’ child. She really loved that baby and you. I can’t even imagine how she probably feels seeing you have another baby. Just couldn’t wait til she was healed enough to make love to her ag-” Matthew says, a slight twinge of anger in his voice, getting cut off.
“Matthew.” Nicholas says with sterness. Matthew internally rolls his eyes at his baby brother. This tone was coming from his hot headed baby brother, the one he usually had to do damage control for…now he was doing damage control on Matthew. It didn’t matter if Jeff had known Noa longer -since wwe-, once Matthew and Nick met her when they were doing a surprise appearance at an NJPW show in 2019, Matthew became fiercely protective of Noa. Matthew thought Jeff really loved Noa, he was all he talked about, but like he said after her losing the baby things changed…even his feelings for Noa. His heart stung for his friend. He lost respect for Jeff.
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Noa stood in the shower for an extra twenty minutes, wanting to be away from everyone and everything. Noa was numb. Dori had already posted sonogram photos with a happy looking Jeff, so why would he possibly want to talk to her? To give her some half assed apology about his cheating and having another baby? Noa didn’t want to hear it. She was sick of everyone apologizing for the loss of her baby. She didn’t want to hear anything, not about her baby, not about his baby, nothing. It didn’t help the looks were getting worse each week. It was known that Jeff and Noa were together, so it was quick knowledge when Jeff cheated. Noa rolled her eyes at the thoughts and rinsed off, getting ready to go see Matthew and Nicholas. Once she was dry and had on underwear, she made her way to her locker and grabbed her clothes out. She put them on, sighing at the fact she still had to be there.
“Hey Noa wanna get drinks tonight?” Anna asks peeking out from her locker.
“Maybe…” Noa says. Anna nods. It was a better answer then ‘I don’t know’, which she had been giving Anna a lot whenever she invited Noa out, she didn’t feel like going out at getting stared at by her coworkers. Noa finishes dressing and puts her gear in her bag. She zips her bag and shoulders it before leaving the locker room. Noa makes her way down the halls to find the room Matthew and Nicholas were put in. Upon finding and knocking on the door, it opened to reveal Matthew. Matthew motioned Noa in and closed the door behind her. Noa looked around to find Nicholas was not there. Noa turned around and looked at Matthew.
“Where’s Nicholas, Matthew?” Noa asks him. Matthew runs a hand through the end of his ponytail.
“Not here.” Matthew says. Noas face goes blank.
“I wanted to talk to you, you’ve been avoiding every other way” Matthew shrugs.
“Why? There’s nothing to talk about Matthew” Noa states. Matthew lets out a sigh with an undertone of frustration.
“Because you can’t just tell me I’m different and then ignore me. Sure maybe me and Nicholas go a little far with the character, you know we can’t always be ourselves in public. So just being in constant kayfabe is easier…but I’m still the same Matthew” Matthew says. Noa puts her hands up in frustration.
“Is that why you aren’t even calling yourselves by your nickname right now? Hmm ‘Matthew’” Noa sasses. Matthew kisses his teeth.
“What Matthew” Noa rolls her eyes.
“I’m trying to apologize, shit Noa. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about hearing the rumors, in some honesty though im surprised Anna didn’t tell you-“
“She did but about 3 minutes before I got to gorilla…” Noa says quietly. Matthew almost wants to glare at her.
“You for real Noa. And you’re giving me shit? She’s your best friend!” Matthew says frustratedly. He shakes his head.
“Nonetheless, Dori had literally told me, Nick, and TK about her pregnancy 2 minutes before she went out. All we knew is that she had asked for a segment a few days prior.” Matthew says. Noa soaks in what he’s telling her and it still doesn’t make her feel any better. She lost the two most important things to her.
“Okay” Noa says. Matthew sighs. He knew she had mentally clocked out on this. Matthew nodded in resignation. Noa starts walking to the door and Matthew looks at her.
“You know, you just because you lost the baby and Jeff, doesn’t mean you’ve lost anyone else. I’m still here, Nick is still here, Anna, TK, Jericho…” Matthew says.
“It’s easier to be alone” was all Noa said before leaving the room.
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Noa ended up at the hotel bar, which is luckily where Anna was. Noa took a deep breath and sat down next to her at the bar.
“Hi” Noa says. Anna looks to her right and sees Noa. She lets out a smile.
“Hey knockout” Anna continues to smile at her. Noa orders herself a few shots and downs them in record time. Anna lifts an eyebrow but stays quiet. Noa is quiet for a little while and Anna lets her stay quiet, letting her get comfortable. Anna can feel the tension emanating off of Noa as the minutes passed.
“Fuck” Noa groans, waving the bartender over to order a few more shots.
“Y-you okay?” Anna asks hesitantly. Noa looks over at Anna and lets out a sigh.
“I’m mad that you didn’t tell me about the rumors. How long did you know about them?” Noa asks her, looking down at her manicured fingers that lingered on the bar.
“About a week after he came back to action…” Anna says just loud enough. Noa sighs.
“I didn’t think they were true at first, just some dumb shit. And I didn’t want to tell you when you were already in a dark place…I didn’t want to set you down into a darker hole.” Anna quickly explains. Noa nods taking in what she was being told. She knew Anna would never cause her any harm, they looked out for each other, and in a way, Noa was grateful. But boy did she still feel like the world was against her.
“I get it. Just wish you would’ve told me because I could’ve dealt with it head on, instead of dealing with it now…but I understand why you did it, you were looking out for me.” Noa says, some of her words starting to slow and slur. Anna nods.
“I am sorry though.” Anna says.
“I forgive you” Noa says. Anna smiles at her weakly, knowing she had screwed up a little of her trust with Noa.
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Noa stumbled out of the elevator onto her floor. She took a deep breath before navigating down the hall to her room. She approached her door and stuck her key card but noticed it wasn’t working.
“Oh come on” she groaned. She tried again and it still didn’t let her have access.
“Fucking hell” Noa was about to kick the door when it opened and there stood Matt Massie, shirtless, hair down-sweeping over his shoulders over his pecs…Noa’s mind nearly stumbled as her heart rate picked up. Matt looked hot. It’s not like Noa hadn’t seen him shirtless before but something about him right now made Noa a little weak minded, but confused. Why was he in her room.
“Why are you in my room and why is my key not working?” Noa rubs her forehead.
“This is mine and Nicks room” Matthew says, a tiredness in his voice.
“Well fuck, okay thanks.” Noa closes her eyes and takes a deep auditable breath, but makes no move to leave.
“You know I’m still partially upset.” Noa sighs. Matthew watches her closely.
“Y’know, I sometimes wonder what it would’ve been like if you were the baby’s father. At least I know you would’ve been there after I lost her. Who knows maybe I wouldn’t have lost her” Noa babbles.
“What?” Matthew asks, trying understand what he just heard. Nicholas sees Matthew’s face flush red and Noa realizes what she just said. There was no denying what she said. Over the last few months that she’s been out, Matthew-with the exception of Nicholas, TK, Jericho and Anna- had checked in on Noa quite a bit. When he had a few days off, he took a trip out to Noa and stayed with her. Meanwhile her own boyfriend basically ignored her, only really answering texts here and there. She found that she really liked have Matthew close to her and that had scared her because she loved Jeff. Seemed all pretty ironic to her now, She let out a small laugh at the horrible irony. Matthew looked at her in question.
“I’m gonna go now” Noa says embarrassed. She turns on her heel and goes to walk but falls off balance and stumbles backwards. Matthew moves quick as lightning and catches Noa. Noas breath gets caught in her throat. Noa looks up at Matthew and sees his brown eyes looking down at her. He had pretty brown eyes, Noa had thought to herself. Matthew tried calling to bring her to reality but she seemed so zoned out on him. Matthew helps her stand upright and that’s when she breaks out of her trance. She lets out a small breath and shakes her head. Matthew closes his room door and wraps Nos arm around his shoulder so he can assist her to her room.
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As they got to Noas door a few doors down from Matthew and Nicks, Noa stopped in front of it before turning around to find Matthew in her personal space. Noa looked up into Matthew’s eyes and watched as he looked her over with care. Matthew looked down at where Noas baby had sat, without realizing it, his fingers traced her stomach. He could only imagine how beautiful she would’ve been full term. Matthew heard her breath hitch and as he looked up at her face he noticed her eyes were closed lightly. Matthew’s fingers continued to gently run over Noas warm skin -her wearing a crop top being a heaven sent gift to Noas skin-, causing Noas breath to falter, egging on Matthew’s ego. Matthew looked back down at her stomach where his fingers laid, his thoughts running wild.matthews thoughts and breathing became feral, not going unnoticed by Noa. She opened her eyes and somehow Matthew knew and looked up at her. His eyes were dark and it drew in Noa. Matthew looked down at her stomach then up at her again.
“One day…” he says quietly to her, his fingers tips leaving gentle kisses on her skin before disappearing. Noa was confused and looked at him qurstionably. Matthew looked back up at her.
“Go get some rest, I’ll bring aspirin in the morning” Matthew says, leaning on and pressing a kiss to the corner of Noas mouth. Noa was left frozen as Matthew turned and walked away. When he turned his head to look back, he saw Noa still there. He sighed.
“Noa. Bed.” Matthew says sternly. Matthew’s authoritative voice sent chills down Noas spine. Noa quickly snapped out of her daze and unlocked her room. Once inside she let out a breath.
‘What the fuck was that?’ Noa thinks to herself.
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plentyoffandoms · 1 year
Hi could I request an Anna jay x fem reader where the reader is a member of BCC and they are in a secret relationship
Uncover Our Love
Anna Jay x f/Reader
Main Masterlist ♡ AEW Masterlist ♡ Anna Jay Masterlist
Warnings: Some swearing.
Just like all my other stories, this has not been proofread, but please enjoy
Gifs & photos do not belong to me. 1st gif @leakees 2nd gif @thedivine-elite
I hope you like it
WC 1153
Summary: Anna Jay & f/Reader are in a secret relationship due to them belonging to two separate factions, The JAS & BCC.
I was sleeping with Anna curled into my back and her leg thrown over mine to keep me there. We never start off this way, usually facing the opposite direction when we do get to sleep in the same bed, but we always end up curled into one another.
Her alarm on her phone had us both groaning as I asked for five more minutes and put the pillow over my head so I could hide and live in this very moment with her.
"Come on love, I have to meet with Tay today to get some training in and you," Anna lifted the pillow from my head and was smiling at me, like the morning person she is, "have to meet up with Jon and Renee for breakfast."
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"I don't wanna," I grumbled.
"I know YN, but we both agreed to do this."
I sighed, knowing she was right. As the two of us got our day started, we took a bit longer to get ready as Anna insists on picking out my clothes for me.
"You know I got a long just fine before you," I told her as she held up the third shirt.
"I know, but I want you to look good."
I could have rolled my eyes at that but I know in her heart, she was being sincere. With one final kiss goodbye, the two of us went our separate ways.
I enjoyed my breakfast with Renee and Jon. The two of them usually invite me out for breakfast or lunch as they know I can get so involved with something, that I forget to eat until dinner.
Jon told me that Tony wants to see the two of us and I was wondering why, but he wouldn't tell me.
"You will have to wait and see YN."
I kept pestering him, but he never faltered. Jon could know where buried treasure was, and he wouldn't tell any of us just to spite us. Well, I mean he would tell Renee but she isn't one to crack under pressure either.
Anna and I could only text throughout the day until she could sneak into my hotel room tonight. The moment I heard our knock, I opened the door and practically pulled her into my arms and kissed her.
I kept muttering how I missed her and how I am sick of hiding us, which had her pulling back. "We agreed to keep this a secret."
"I know, but it has been months Anna. Eventually, this," I pointed between the two of us, "needs to be publicly acknowledged."
She started to stutter and to come up with excuses on why we can't tell anyone, the more I realized that she didn't want anyone to know.
"I think you should go, Anna."
"Come on baby, don't be like that," She tried to give me another kiss, but I just moved my head away.
"You know coming out isn't plausible right now YN."
"I get that, but we need to come out eventually, but I see you want to keep me a secret and I just need time to think if that is what I want."
I didn't look away as I could see the tears start to form in Anna's eyes, even though I felt my resolve breaking, I held my ground. With one final look at me, Anna turned and walked out my hotel door, slamming it shut behind her.
I placed my hands in my head and all I could do was scream out, "FUCK!"
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I haven't talked to YN since that night. I put all my time and focus on our upcoming match and I was excited to work with Danny.
He could tell I was down and wasn't myself, so he kept making me laugh. At first, I didn't want to, as I wanted to wallow in self-pity, but he didn't allow that and even never pushed for the reason why.
Even as we were waiting in the ring, listening to  Wild Thing, wondering where the BCC was coming from today.
We didn't have to wait for long as the two of them joined Danny and me, and all I wanted to do was talk to YN instead of fighting her today, but the bell rang and she hasn't once looked at me, I knew I fucked up.
When we were close enough to one another, I would mutter we need to talk, but she wasn't listening. I know we are in the middle of a match, but we have had matches against one another before and always communicated when we were close.
I had enough and decided to finish this as JAS was supposed to win this match, so there can be another match between our two factions.
I did my finisher, The Queen Slayer and YN fought against it a bit longer than she was supposed to, but she finally tapped out, but I didn't let her go.
"Listen to me YN, we can tell people. We can and we don't need to put it off any longer," that had her stop struggling against me.
I pushed the bit of hair that fell in front of her eyes back, "Yes, I love you baby and I am not gonna lose you."
We told our groups separately, and most of the JAS was okay with it, except for one but I hardly ever talk to them anyways.
Claudio came running at me and lifted me into his arms, giving me a bone-crushing hug. "You break her heart, I break your ribs," I got he meant business when he gave me another squeeze.
We told more and more people until it finally got out on social media, but YN and I didn't care, not when we can finally go out on proper dates and didn't have to sneak around anymore.
Tag List: if you would like to be added, please let me know. @lghockey @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch @anaeve @crowleysqueenofhell @thenerdybaker523 @nicoleveno14 @1rsolideranna @legit9thlunaticwarrior @blaquekittycat @wwenhlimagines @melissahausen @tahiri-veyla
20 notes · View notes
heecyon · 2 years
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pairing: ceo!park jongseong x brother's best friend!fem!reader
genre: arranged/forced marriage, accidental pregnancy, brother's best friend, slight age gap (reader's 22 and jay's 24), angst, fluff and second chance love.
warning(s): grammar mistakes, curse words, nicknames, arranged marriage, suggestive scenes, mentions/allusions to sex, toxic/abusive mother, verbal abuse, vomiting, mentions of food, accidental pregnancy, sort of toxic relationship between jay and reader.
word count: 14.0k words
summary: Just a year ago, you were forced to marry Park Jongseong, CEO of the Southern Branch, part of the vary famous Park Enterprises. It was all for the sake of your family, a marriage for the benefit of gaining more traction as a company. Jongseong was attentive, caring, sometimes even sweet, but your relationship was more about sex than it was about the marriage itself. At some point, everything got bad, and it was just mere sexual intimacy that anything else, and just when you were close to ending things...you found out you were pregnant.
playlist • backburner by niki • common by zayn • dos mil 16 by bad bunny • used to this by camila cabello • astronomy by conan gray • lovers by anna of the north • lover of mine by 5sos • this love by taylor swift • julia by lauv •
volume two
taglist (open): @iloveoceaneyesss @abdiitcryy @chimajeyn @sjakewrld @loves0ft @duolingofanaccount @ufoundme @sunghoons-mole @tobiosbbyghorl @dasa3040 @monkeybabyzz @snowysung @wonyofanclub @prdxinvade @dearhee @zhrtics @woinswoo @rerequire @in2jhae @darkreymbow @ahnneyong @uuwonniee @hueningluvbotsworld @iwuvjay @zen003xx @pshchives
author's note: So sorry for the delay, I'm still not done with volume two, and I wanted to have ready before publishing volume one, but I'm very impatient. The story is so long (it's 39k long at this point) that I had to divide it in two parts. I'm really anxious, because I don't know if this is good... but here you go. Also, the story is narrated mostly on the MCs views, not in first person, but mostly in the ambience that she is around.
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PROLOGUE; And for once, I don't care about what you want. As long as we keep talking
It wasn't that the hospital bed was uncomfortable. It's the ambience, the situation that you just got into that made you uncomfortable.
Jongseong wasn't showing any type of expression, he was just standing, staring at the floor, maybe at his feet. You swore that his soul was wandering somewhere around the room.
You should've ended things sooner.
Maybe it was your fault, somehow.
ACT ONE; I can't lie, it feels nice that you're calling. You sound sad and alone, and you're stalling
Ever since you had memory, Sunghoon has been your best friend. You were both polar opposites, but somehow you still got along perfectly. While Sunghoon was way more reserved, introverted and shy, you were outgoing, talkative and extroverted. Wherever Hoon went, you would follow him as well, as a baby chick following her mother.
And of course you weren't a stranger to Sunghoon's family. The Parks were very well-known around the continent, but it wasn't because of that. Your parents knew very well the five-membered family. As well, you were born in an old money family, from a very old business in the country. They had a very good friendship with The Parks, and that's how you met Sunghoon.
You would always visit the mansion with a huge smile on your face.
"Do you want more donuts, Bellie?" Hoonie asked, his cutesy twelve-year old face, stuffed with the strawberry jam-filled dessert. You held back a giggle, trying hard not to laugh. "Yes, obviously." Soon, you grabbed a donut from the counter. It had a delicious vanilla frosting, but on the inside it contained a nutella filling.
Bellie, Belle.
Those were the nicknames that the family gave you, well… Jay gave you that nickname. It started when you started dressing up as Belle from 'The Beauty and The Beast' every single halloween. Jay kept the name to joke around with you, but it soon became a way that they called you to express how dearly they loved you.
When you played around with dolls, it was a completely different story. With your friends, you used to play with baby dolls, pretending to be mother's taking care of their children.
But some of them didn't truly believe the name that you gave to your "baby".
"What's her name again?" The four year old in front of you asked. She didn't understand what you were saying.
While your friends gave their "babies" names like: Areum, Young-sun, and Lily. You, on the other hand, gave your "child" the following name…
"Noa, her name is Noa."
The kids looked at you weirdly, it wasn't a name that you usually heard, but you had always liked it.
Your parents had taken you on a business trip to Japan, alongside your older sister. They took you both to their offices in the country, where other kids would wait for their parents.
You were left alone, your sister leaving you behind to play with other children. You tried to play around with other kids, but they seemed to ignore, find you annoying, even, because of your chatty attitude.
The only kid who did not ignore you was a girl two years older than you, she was obviously smaller, but she was educated and sweet, and with the knowledge that she had, she held your hand taking you somewhere else to play.
"Play hide and seek?" Those were her first words towards you. "Of course!"
You were only happy that you got to play with somebody, that somebody was not ignoring. You just played around with her, both of your tiny legs looking for places to hide around the building.
And when the end of the day came, and you were being scolded by your mother to hurry up, you finally asked her:
"What's your name?" You said grabbing your glitter backpack.
"My name… is Noa."
The name sounded beautiful to you, something that you'd never heard before. And you remembered her, because she was the only kid who did not blatantly ignore you.
"Daddy, what does Noa mean?"
Your father had complete knowledge of that foreign language, within seconds he had answered your questions.
"It's a really nice name, it means 'from love' in japanese. Why do you ask?"
"I met a girl today, she was named that way, and I thought that the name was pretty."
That was the origin of that name that caused your friends to turn their heads, with time they got used to it, but they always found it curious.
As you were both enjoying your dessert, a presence came into the room. "I thought I told you to leave me one of those." You both turned around to see his older brother.
You were four years old when you first met Jay. Sunghoon had become your play partner and the rest of the kids were on a trip to the United States.
They had finally come back home and at first you weren't that interested, but when you first saw Jay coming through the entrance door, your heart gained experience for what a palpitation was, at least that's what your younger self thinks. For you, he was the most handsome boy you had ever seen, that childhood love that every girl would like to have for themselves.
"Sorry, they were way too delicious, they might have gone to waste." You said with a smirk on your lips. Nearly shoving the donut to his face.
Jay rolled his eyes, a small laugh coming out of his mouth.
"You are something else, if you continue like this you might as well just corrupt my brother with your silly personality."
"I'm sorry, but my personality is not silly." You got up from the seat, standing up in front of him.
For him, you could be a beautiful ray of sunshine one day, and the other you could be a huge gremlin, there was no in between.
"Sometimes it can be… you don't need to get so mad just because somebody finds you cute most of the time." "But I thought-"
He said lowering down his eyebrow, his hands laying on top of your shoulders. Jay sometimes made you feel things that you simply couldn't explain. You weren't in love with him, you just found him very attractive, and handsome…If someone would've told you would be feeling this way towards a boy, you were pretty sure that you wouldn't be friends with Sunghoon if it was because of that.
"When I say silly…I mean cute. Don't really want another cute person close to me, except you."
A sudden flush took over your cheeks, and till this day you are way too sure that something inside of him lighted up, right inside his soul.
But that wasn't the first close encounter you had with Jay.
Sometimes, things got way too intimate.
People knew you in high school as the witty, and silly girl, a ray of sunshine that illuminated the beautiful light blue sky. You made friends very easily, and were actually a good student.
You still hung out with Sunghoon during the school breaks, but because you were in different classes, you didn't see each other as much at school…but you did at home.
Still, the both of you tried your best to see each other at school.
It was one of those days where you waited for Sunghoon at lunch hour, the rest of the Parks were in the same class as Hoon. So, it wasn't a surprise for them that you were waiting for their youngest brother.
Even though you felt fazed at the moment, going back to what happened that morning. You had a small problem with one of your classes, chemistry to be exact.
It wasn't your forte, but you always gave your all, even though sometimes you felt a little bit lazy.
When your mother received your report card, a few days ago, she just focused on the B- that you had gotten in that class.
Among the various 'As' that you'd gotten, she only focused on that class. She scolded you, not only that… She yelled at you.
"Such a disappointment! How are you going to take care of a business with these horrible grades?!" She pressed her hand on your arm, as you looked at your sister, she gave you back a look of pity.
"Eunji, you don't have to be that way, it's just a grade, she does great in every single other class." "If you keep justifying her, she'll stay behind her sister and will continue to be a failure."
It wasn't like you weren't used to being called that way, it didn't bother you anymore, other than that it just made you realize that you would prove your mother wrong no matter what, you would be nothing like her.
"Hey, Sunghoon isn't done yet. You'll have to wait for a little while." Jay said getting close to you at the doorway
You still didn't understand why he never wore his uniform correctly. His school jacket was on, with the unbuttoned school shirt underneath.
And for some reason, he always wore a rock band t-shirt underneath his outfit.
By that time, Jay's hair was cut short. Bangs hanging on his forehead. Which was a problem, because for you… He looked hot. Jay was a good student, but with his image it didn't seem like it.
Girls were always trying to get his attention, as well as his brothers'. It was reasonable, they were incredibly handsome, but for you, Jay was something else.
"Yeah, I don't really mind." You responded, shrugging your shoulders
Jay examined you from head to toe. The way you looked down at your feet, the way your dark bangs covered your face, the way your skin glistened close to the sun and how your pink tinted lips would perfectly fit on his.
He also noticed your scent, a scent of cinnamon and vanilla glaze. It just made him more attracted to you.
Jongseong let a finger get close to your face, he then used three of his digits to move a piece of hair from your face placing it behind your ear. It felt like a light brush against your skin.
"You had a hair sticking out." The boy said with confidence. Your scent makes its way into his nostrils, as if you were tempting him into kissing you. He wondered what your lips tasted like? Did they taste exactly how you smelled like? Sweet and yummy?
On the other hand, your heart was beating irrationally, and soon you felt like your stomach was pressing against your ribs. Why was Jay making you feel such things?
"I can take you somewhere else, that way you won't miss your lunch." Jongseong's voice took you out of your trance in a complete surprise.
"And where would you take me?" You asked suddenly, gaining confidence.
"I know a place." He said getting closer to your body. You felt yourself heat up on the inside. "What about Sunghoon?" You came up with an excuse.
Jay looked back into the classroom. A focused Sunghoon getting in his view, still invested in his notebook.
"He won't mind." The boy said looking back at you, a smirk adorning his lips. "But-"
"Trust me, Y/N. Let's go." He held a grip on your arm, carefully guiding you to wherever he was taking you.
He somehow managed to take you to a place outside of the school territory. It was a burger place, decorated with hanging plants, cacti on the floor and white long couches that sat around the restaurant.
Jay guided you towards one of the couches, a table in front of you.
You both proceeded to order from the menu. Shy to order anything without having your wallet in hand, just having a few dollars in your pockets, Jay said the following. "Don't worry, order anything you want. Lunch is on me."
You nervously shook your head. "No, no. I'll pay for my own food." "It's alright, I'll pay for you. I don't mind." He smiled.
In the end, both of you ordered what caught your interest from the menu. And when it arrived, you were ready to devour. You know those delicious hamburgers with a juicy patty and that magnificent melted cheese? Well, that's what you were devouring, including those delicious cheese balls that you always liked.
"Can I have some?" Jay asked, pointing at the basket full of the delightful appetizers.
"Well… Let me think about it." You said while grabbing a cheese ball. A hum escaped your lips as you pretended to think about giving him the snack. "Ok, you can have it."
Jay happily grabbed the cheese ball from your hand, and just as he cheerily ate the snack you giggled underneath your breath. For you, he looked cute. And you continue to enjoy your lunch together, sometimes the silence that you would be in after a conversation, would be comfortable and warming.
Sometimes you didn't notice how he would stare at you in awe, as if he was seeing a hidden wonder from the world.
And then you asked him something, "Have you thought about what your grandfather told Sunghoon?" The inquiry you made had caused Jay to get out of his trance. He looked at you with strange eyes, as if he was thinking about what he wanted to answer.
His grandfather had always been skeptical, also a little bit stressful. When the boys were just little kids, he kept talking about how they had to continue the family business. They were just five at the moment, and they didn't understand what he meant. But as they grew older they soon got a hold of the situation.
'Park Enterprises' has been a family business since 1962, exactly founded by Mr. Park, it started as a small office, a business to start technological advancements. Soon, the company grew to be huge, having three different branches in South Korea.
SPE, or The Southern Branch, is the one in charge of the Nanotechnological Advancements. NPE, also called The Northern Branch, is the one who takes care of the Communicative Technological Advancements. Meanwhile WPE, or The Western Branch, is the one in charge of Healthcare Technological Advancements.
The enterprise had become an empire that had spread around the world. With different sucursals in Italy, U.S, even some countries of Latin America. It was clear that it was a very successful business, a well known name that was stuck to the public's mouth.
No matter what happened, the brothers saw this business as their future responsibility. They wanted to make their family proud, and they were ready for whatever they had to do for the family business, even if it was not what they wanted.
"If my family thinks that it's for the best, then I'll do whatever they want me to do." You looked at him, raising your eyebrows with curiosity and surprise. You always say Jay as a man that was stubborn and obstinate, if he didn't like something he would say it, and he wasn't someone to give in easily.
So, you scoffed. "That sounds so weird coming from you." He raised his head looking at you. Jay knew that somehow you were right. He didn't want to be brainwashed by his family, but that business was his family's pride and joy. He wasn't ready to let them down.
"What do you mean?" Jongseong pretended to be clueless. A sigh escaped your lips.
"Jay, you can't have kids when you are just 17." You stated calmly. "You also can't get married at your age, you are too young."
It wasn't that you were saying it just because of Jay. You were saying that to yourself too. The reason why you had met 'The Park Family' in the first place was because you came from an old money family.
Your family owned a business, 'Baezen Corp'. An investment company that has been led by your family from various decades and generations. Your older sister was the first in line to take charge of the president position in the company, meanwhile your family still analyzed what position you would have under the business (if that's what you wanted), as you were still young and they still wanted to check if you were perfect for the family business… and with the way that your mother saw you, you found it a little far away.
"They didn't say when they plan to engage me with someone." He muttered under his breath.
You slightly shook your head in disappointment, trying your best to alleviate the bad energy that you had just provoked.
"Also, do you even have an idea of who you want to marry? What exactly do you look for in a girl?"
Jay, then raised his head to look at you. He parted his lips getting ready to start talking, as if he already planned what to say even before you asked the question.
"I'm looking for a girl that is sweet, a girl that looks like an exact representation of the moon, but that her personality is just like the very rays of the sun falling into the ocean waves." He proceeded to stare at you, looking deeply into your eyes, as if he could read your soul. Jay's cat eyes shone from enchantment, anticipation, almost as if he was under a spell.
A spell that you might have put on him, his gaze was enough to make your heart race, and to make your fingers tingle from excitement.
"I want a girl who is intelligent and has a passion for learning. A girl that smells like cinnamon spice and vanilla. I'm looking for a girl whose lips will taste just like an exquisite dessert. And lastly, her eyes have to shine like the moon reflects itself on the water when she looks at what she loves and desires… Just like you, right now."
His last words made you blink in shock, you hadn't noticed how hard you were staring at him. But it seemed that at some point you might have been under the spell that he had been just a few seconds before.
"Sorry, it's just that your description sounded so poetic, I didn't know you could be so romantic." "There are some things that you don't know about me." He smiled.
You cleared your throat before proceeding. "Where have you seen a girl like that, anyway?"
You saw the boy get closer to you, moving his seat right beside you. Then, he moved his hand close to your locks, moving them away from your face.
"It might surprise you, but I'm staring at her right now."
That was the moment that your breath got stuck somewhere around your respiratory system. As if you had forgotten all of a sudden how to breathe.
You had expected Jay to tell you all those things. Yes, he was a tease sometimes, but never intimate with his words.
For a second your lips parted, and you felt that you were getting closer to each other, as if your lips were to touch at any time. The boy creeped a hand down to your neck, causing small tickles on your skin. His eyes were now dazed, left with nothing but a small glimmer.
And then the phone rang, Jay's phone to be exact.
You both backed away quickly, and you nervously passed your hands on your skirt, as if you were trying to keep it clean.
"I-It's Sunghoon, we better hurry. Class is about to start." This time he didn't look at you. It was like he was ashamed or was simply just shying away from you.
"Yeah, you are right."
It wasn't a few hours later, when you were at their house that things got intense. You had asked Hoon to help you with some homework, but he told you something that you weren't expecting.
"I don't really remember any of this, but you can ask Jay for some help."
And that's how you ended up at their study room, with Jay right beside you, giving a quick eye to your chemistry book, before turning to the next page.
How was it that he smelled so good? Just like amber and citrus, a small touch of wood but also warm.
How was it that he caused you to want to crawl out of your skin? The fact that he wasn't bothered to help even though he had better things to do, was causing a small race in your heart.
"It isn't that hard, it's actually quite easy. You just have to identify the components and use the formula. The formula is not that hard either- Bae, are you listening?" He waved his hand in front of you, causing you to wake up from your trance.
"I thought I lost you there." You looked directly at his lips, the mark at the middle of the skin calling your attention. It was as if they were calling you, calling your lips. You wanted to kiss him.
You inhaled deeply, getting ready for what you were going to say.
"Can you finish what you started?" Jay looked at you confused. "What do you mean?"
It was now you, who got close to him. Your hand making itself comfortable at his cheeks, the naughty of your thumb rubbing the end of his sharp jaw.
"Can you finish what you started? Please." You said with a little plea in your voice, like your body was desperate for his lips.
Jay looked hesitant, but he didn't waste a second to pull the same move that he did at the restaurant. His fingers guiding themselves to your hair, and softly caressing it in a comforting way.
"If we kiss then, I don't think I will be able to stop." "Then don't, just stop until you've finished what you provoked in me."
And that's when it happened, when the soft flesh touched yours, how you felt them pressing against your upper lip. He then moved them trying to start a monotonous movement. You felt his hands then at the bottom of your hips, your skirt being the only thing that stopped them from touching your skin.
You both felt as if you were running out of air, so you slowly disconnected your lips from the other.
Your hand was still stuck to his jaw, and you stayed like that until you came out from your dazy phase.
"I-I have to go back home." You stood up from the sofa, grabbing your stuff and letting your feet lead you to the door.
A while after that, both you and Jay pretended that nothing ever happened, and getting close to each other caused certain things on your skin, you were way too nervous to be around each other.
The Park Brothers graduated high school and that just meant that they were a step closer to getting what their family wanted.
You followed their steps two years later, and even though they were occupied with college, they still had some time to enjoy with you. It wasn't the same as it was before, but it was still fun and joyful.
But, it wasn't until you were twenty-one that something happened. It wasn't disheartening, it was just weird and obviously unexpected. You knew that you had feelings for Jay, you couldn't deny it. It was the butterflies and pixie dust that you felt every time you were with him.
"Unnie? Is something going on?" You asked as you walked into the backyard. Your parents were sitting across the huge table that decorated the garden. Your sister, Juni stayed at a distance, like she was trying to keep the situation from getting more awkward. She wanted to be there, but not didn't really want to invade your space.
"Mom and Dad have something to tell you. We thought that it would be better if we stayed here so you could take fresh air." Juni softly grabbed your arm guiding you towards a chair that was just in front of your parents seat.
You adjusted the skirt of your dress, and then noticed the serious expression on their faces. Mr. Bae and Mrs. Gwan, two successful business leaders that were well respected by the public. These were their faces when they had a critical meeting, when they needed to be direct and strict towards some clients.
"Is something wrong?"
And that was the same expression that they taught you just by doing it themselves. Something that no client wanted to see, neither any single worker and worse, their own daughters.
"Dear, you know how important Baezen Corp is to us. It's been an essential part of our family for a long time, and the thing is that joining our hands with other companies wouldn't be a bad idea, especially if it means for the future of the business."
You frowned at your father's words. Not because you found it weird, but because you already knew all those things.
"I know, father. You've been telling me that ever since I have memory, but it terrifies me what you want to tell me."
Your parents glanced at each other. Getting ready to tell you the news.
"Darling, your sister is soon becoming the president of Baezen Corp. and that means that she is going to need a vice-president by her side to help her manage the company. And you've proven to us that you deserve that spot." Your jaw fell in surprise, you never thought that you would be vice-president for Baezen Corp. You thought that you weren't good enough, but your parents have now proved you wrong.
"Is it really? I can't believe this. Thank you so much, I promise that I won't fail you." You stood up from happiness, but your sister put her hands on your shoulders for you to sit back down.
"That's not all we have to say, dear. There's more to communicate, and we don't know how you'll react." The smile from your face fell.
"How I'll react? How I'll react to what?"
Juni gave them a short glance before they continued speaking.
Your mother cleared her throat. "Y/N, we've been talking a lot with The Park Family, about how we want our business to grow and how we want it to last for many years."
"And we thought that it would be better if we join our businesses to make a new branch, where the next generation of our family will be in charge. So, not only are our companies joining together, but also our families."
This was the moment where you knew what they were talking about, this wasn't about you taking the position of Baezen's future vice-president. This was about your family making sure that you kept on for various generations. That was when your father spoke up again.
"Dear, you are getting married to Park Jongseong."
There was a huge fog that fulfilled your mind, and it felt like the world was moving all of the sudden. You weren't ready to get married, and it wasn't because of Jay, it was just that you wanted to get married in your own will, with somebody you loved and that loved you back.
Your body went numb and you felt your legs shutting their nerves down, as if you had gone paralyzed by the shock.
"Y/N, you got to understand that it's all for a major good." The voice of your mother sounded so distant and incoherent, as if you were underneath the water. You could feel your sister's hand across your shoulders, soothing you into a state that was supposed to be calm, but instead you just felt confused and lost.
You didn't want to get married.
You could not get married.
Jay didn't love you.
At least, that's what you feared...
ACT TWO; And whether we're free-willed or predestined, clearly I've not learned my lesson, even now. Hope he doesn't strike me down.
For the following week, you were dazed, nervous and stressed. Your special task was to maintain a peace of mind that you simply didn't have at that moment.
It was as if your brain was on fire, you were full of a million questions that weren't being answered for you.
Did Jay know any of this?
Was he in the same state as you were?
Did he approve any of it?
Did he hate you?
The less that you wanted was Jay to hate you, you wanted the exact opposite. But you didn't want to force him to love you.
At the moment, you were at one of the tables from a luxurious hotel. It was a company party… Park Enterprises' party, to be exact.
You felt embarrassed to be there, but your mom's tightening grip kept you in that place, her fingers hurting the delicate skin of your arm.
How red would it be after that…
Your entire family was there, not only because they were friends, but because your engagement had a lot to do with it.
Hands went to a glass of wine that had been given to you by one of the waiters, you drank a few sips, enjoying the taste of grapefruit and kiwi that the alcoholic drink contained.
The clinking of a spoon against a wine glass was heard across the room. The Parks had rented the whole building just for this event, and even though it didn't seem pleasing for the management, it was beneficial for the hotel owners.
"Dear guests, I hope you are having a pleasing evening. Thanks for coming to the celebration of Park Enterprises' 60th anniversary." Mrs. Park wore a long black dress, it had small pieces of diamonds decorating the torso of the clothing, she wore long sleeves and her jet black hair was down.
She looked so young and happy, like she had just found a lucky charm for a special collection. She looked… Proud.
"But, we are not only here for that. We are here also, to celebrate something really important."
"Soon next year, our son, Park Jongseong will become the chief executive officer of Park Enterprises' Southern Branch." Those sudden words made your heart leap up to your throat. Jay was finally taking his family's footsteps and for some reason that got you scared. That could mean that you both wouldn't spend as much time together as a couple. You would be vice-president of Baezen Corp. and Jay would lead the Southern Branch as its CEO.
People clapped from joy, or maybe compromise, you could care less, but being at the party just made you wish for some fresh air.
Maybe it was because you couldn't keep your eyes away from Jay, he looked so elegant with his tux, not only that, but he also looked hot.
You walked away from the room, going towards the pool area, the water being an artificial blue, looking just like a blue flame. The area was big and nice, with a clear view towards the city lights of Seoul and its buildings. There were various pool beds, big and round with white sheets, but gray borders. You sat on one of them, right below a louvered roof that was connected to a wall.
The thought of Jay being your soon-to-be- husband was terrifying, not because you were marrying him, but because the thought of him hating you because of it was eating you alive.
But there was another thought on your mind. Your first kiss. It was with Jay, he was your first kiss, and for you, the fire that was coming up inside your body that day was coming back the moment you saw him with that tux, he looked so professional and mysterious, as if his aura was different.
Jay had always been confident, but this time it was different, he looked… powerful. Ready for everything and anything.
You caressed your exposed leg, eyeing the soft fabric of your white, short dress. You kicked off your heels, feeling them press against your ankle.
The water from the pool was moving, but in a calm way, you tried concentrating on it, trying to forget about everything that was going on. For one night you just wanted to relax and forget.
A shriek escaped your lips when you felt contact within your skin. It was a hand, and when you turned around, you fell deeply into that familiar and deep gaze.
"Why aren't you at the party?" You brushed Jay's hand off from your shoulder. "I needed some fresh air, it was a little bit suffocating in there."
Jongseong passed a hand through his hair, keeping it away from his face. "Are you okay? Be honest with me, Y/N."
No, you weren't okay, there was something strange building up inside you, the fingerprints of your hands wanted to touch him so bad, it was a necessity at that point.
"I'm okay, it's just… you know, things have been weird recently and it can be kinda overwhelming."
Jay knew that there was something that you weren't telling him, you were hiding something, and deep inside him, he wanted to uncover it and at the same time he wanted to kiss you so profoundly that you would both forget your names.
"You are lying, baby." He grabbed your chin, making you look at him. Jay needed you so bad, he was done hard for you, head over heels.
You inhaled before answering again. "I don't want to be your wife if you don't love me."
"This isn't about love, Y/N. This is about our families… but that doesn't mean that I don't feel something for you right now." Jay looked at your lips, they were glossy and red.
Beautiful, he thought.
"Do you love me, Ms. Bae?" You feared what would happen if you answered that question truthfully, and Jay did too.
"I don't, Mr. Park." You lied with an awkward smirk, you shamelessly lied, and somewhere inside him, Jay knew that you were lying.
And Jay swore that his heart shattered when he heard those words come out of your mouth. So, he came up with the next question.
"Do you lust for me, Ms. Bae?" His eyes turned dark with curiosity.
"I do, Mr. Park." You whispered underneath your breath. Your face being inches from touching. "Do you lust for me, Mr. Park?" You said feeling his lips almost brush yours.
"You already know the answer to that." And with that, he kissed you. And he did roughly, it was so rough that you grabbed his hair as your lips crashed against each other.
His hands moved towards your hips as they did the first time. He didn't want to ruin this, you didn't want to ruin this.
You loved each other and you knew it, but your biggest fear, for the both of you, was that your arranged marriage would kill off that passionate love that you felt ever since you were teens.
You both knew you lied, but it was better to know that lie than knowing the truth and then it being shattered.
And when he laid you on that bed, you both knew that this was the start of something new.
A beautiful and lustful lie.
ACT THREE; After everything you put me through, I somehow still believe in you.
Your heart was about to break through your chest, all because what was happening at the moment was completely unbelievable. When you were little, you always had this fantasy that you would get married to Jay, your parents always said it as a joke and to play around with you, but you never thought that it would actually become a real thing.
Because right now, you had Jay dressed up as a groom in front of you, his hair back, only a few strands in front of his face.
The way his warm hands held your cold ones, and the way you felt your heart fluttering because he was right there, in just a few minutes Jay was going to be all yours, your husband.
It was just the way that you felt your feet go numb by knowing that he was about to say his vows to you.
He looked so unreal and so elegant, but if you could be inside his mind in that instant you would've been overwhelmed by how overestimated Jay's brain was at the moment.
Jongseong thought you looked so beautiful, and the way you pressed your lips in nervousness was heartwarming. He knew that at heart he wanted to be with you, so bad. He'd never had such strong feelings for anyone before, in his entire life.
Seeing you right now, Jay realized how bad he wanted things to work out, how bad he wanted you to be his wife. But he was afraid, he was afraid to grow attached to you, because he was afraid that after this you would both end up heartbroken.
"I, Jay, take you, Y/N, for my lawful wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part. I will love and honor you all the days of my life." He meant that last part, with his whole heart he meant it, how could he not love you.
But how can you love someone and also be afraid of loving them?
"I, Y/N, take you, Jay, for my lawful husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part. I will love and honor you all the days of my life."
Your parents were watching, both of your families were watching how their kids were fearful to love somebody with such passion. How could you be able to survive something like this? Pretend you both didn't love each other just for the mere fact of fear.
The ring exchange was just around the corner and everything just felt more surreal, as if you were stuck in a dream, a dream that was magical, but also painful.
The rings were presented to you, Jay grabbing yours, a beautiful ring with a shining heart-shaped diamond on its center.
You swore you saw his hand change, but he was shaking in anticipation, in amusement. Jay held back a chuckle, trying to keep it cool, but he gave a quick glance to you with a nervous smile, lips sealed together.
"With this ring I, Jay, take you, Y/N, to be no other than yourself. Loving what I know of you, and trusting what I do not yet know, I will respect your integrity and have faith in your abiding love for me, through all our years, and in all that life may bring us." Jongseong slides the ring on your finger, feeling the cold sensation of the sacred ring in your digit.
You gave him a warm smile, a smile that he dearly loved ever since he was a kid.
"With this ring I, Y/N, take you, Jay, to be no other than yourself. Loving what I know of you, and trusting what I do not yet know, I will respect your integrity and have faith in your abiding love for me, through all our years, and in all that life may bring us." Now the both of you had a ring in your fingers that joined you together, you were now one and only one.
You could daydream a life with Jay, but you couldn't envision it in your day to day life. Not because you didn't desire it, because it all felt so unreal.
You were now getting married to somebody whom you were afraid to admit that you loved. And he was feeling exactly the same.
The both gave each other a glance, your eyes connected, not being able to pull them apart from the other.
"By the power vested in me by the state, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now seal your union and the promises you've made to each other this day with a kiss."
You looked at each other for a moment, this was it, you were now sealed by sacred union.
"May I?" Jay whispered.
You nodded your head with a shy smile on your lips. "You may"
The feeling of Jay's soft lips on top of yours was warm, candid, and sweet. Cheers from people could be heard from behind you…
From now on, you were husband and wife.
"This place is really nice, it's really pretty."
You had arrived at a hotel in Bali, something that your parents had planned, which was not a surprise. The flight was quiet and peaceful, Jay fell asleep on your shoulder, which caused your stomach to do weird tricks in you, you were more than nervous.
"I want to get to the pool first." Jay said placing your bags at a corner of a room. You felt his presence coming closer to you, his warmth betrayed him completely.
"So, can I call you Mrs. Park now? It has a nice ring to it." He placed his head near the crook of your neck, causing your skin to go ticklish that it made you shrugged. "Somebody's sensitive." Jay got away from your neck, but before getting away could do that, he placed a quick peck on your skin, which caused your cheeks to redden.
"And also shy."
He propped himself on the bed, his back resting against the bed frame. Jay took off his black leather jacket, letting it fall beside him.
You walked up to him, setting yourself on the large queen bed, sitting right beside him. "Can't believe I'm married to you." Jay murmured.
"Is that supposed to be a good thing or a bad thing?" You asked him with curiosity, he could feel your gaze on him. "I don't know, you'll have to figure it out." He turned his to the side to look at you, raised eyebrows, cocky expression. "You are such a tease." You whispered.
Something overpowered you, as you let your legs guide you to where your soul wanted to go. You found yourself resting on top of Jay, on his lap, your eyes looking at his lips and then looking at his sharp cat eyes.
You felt his hands naughtly making themselves comfortable on your hips, the right one rubbing your lower back, he roughly pulled you closer to him and you grabbed his shoulders adjusting your body to his figure.
"I want you to kiss me right now." His smirk was such a provocative point and the way he missed the taste of your lips made him want you closer to him. "I was already thinking about that."
He pulled you closer to him, your lips sealed against the other as he tasted your lips and the vanilla flavor they had. He continued to caress your hips in a caring manner and you finished the night with the both of you feeling the warmth of each other's skin as you hugged the other.
The sun fell through the window as you blinked trying to keep the sleep away, you got up to the bathroom just to wash your face and do your skin care before finally washing your teeth.
You heard the water running and knew that Jay was getting ready for work.
"Good morning!" You said with your mouth full of toothpaste foam. "Good Morning!" Jay responded as he washed away his soap.
You continued with your routine as the morning went on, you cooked breakfast and prepared Jay's lunch bag.
"Belle I'm leaving!" You heard his voice soon, noticing that he was already by the exit. "Wait, your lunch bag." You sprinted towards him.
"Thanks." You saw his sweet smile, being completely grateful for your efforts and your food.
He loved when you did that, when you cooked for him, but he preferred when he cooked for you, he loved doing things for you and it was slowly becoming a habit of his.
"See you at night." Jay pulled you closer to give you a quick peck in your lips, before caressing your cheek.
You saw him go away and you stayed at the frame of the door as you heard the engine go off and him driving away.
With that, you got ready yourself and packed your stuff to get ready to work. That was the way that you started your day ever since you got married, and you definitely liked it.
"Thanks as always, Heeseung."
You had gotten off from your car, whose driver was your secretary, Heeseung. He was new to the business, but he was organized and really respectful. He parked your car at the covered parking lot of the company.
The small sound of your sneakers pierced through the walls of the underground lot. You had Heeseung behind you, who wore a dark suit with a blue-patterned tie.
You walked right through the glass double doors that guided to the building offices, you checked yourself through the glass, making sure that your outfit was well arranged.
A satin primrose dress was adjusted to your body, but it kept itself away from your shoulders, a similar colored belt defined your waist, a pair of beige shorts hugged your thighs and a pair of platform sneakers covered your feet.
"Heeseung, please contact President Bae. We have a meeting with the council, do you think you can remind her of it?" The young man agreed, quickly taking out his phone to contact your sister.
"Good Morning, Mrs. Bae!"
"Good morning, Mrs." A pair of coworkers greeted you after they heard you walk through the doors.
You greeted back with a warm smile as you led yourself to your office. Heeseung opened the other set of glass doors for you, and then you left your bag on the desk to sit on the soft white leather chair.
It annoyed you that your mother had called just to tell you that she thought that your work could be better, that she was disappointed with your levels of work. Even though you slept late most of the time to make up for what your sister missed, and taking care of the arrivals of new clients.
Throughout the rest of your day, you checked the work of the staff and completed the work that your sister couldn't do at the time, you scheduled some meetings and at some point of the day you received a visit from a dear friend of yours.
"How's my Bellie doing?" Hoon was always occupied, ever since he took charge of The Northern Branch he was always taking care of something in the company building, not only that but, also overseas, it was like he lived farther away than before. He was always somewhere far, like the U.S, Europe, even other countries of Asia.
"Sunghoon, it's good to see you." You got up from your desk to hug him. He'd recently been in Los Angeles, to make a deal with a communication company for a further partnership. "I was just walking around the area, decided to pay you a visit." He ruffled your hair making it a small mess
You both sat down at one of the tables in your office, you offered an ice coffee with a dessert.
"I thought you would have a girlfriend already, you know, have settled down." "You know that I don't really want a relationship right now." Sunghoon had always been like that, he had always thought that he needed some time for himself before getting into a relationship. He felt bad for rejecting various girls, he wasn't capable of breaking their heart, but he wasn't gonna force himself into a partnership either.
"How's married life going?"
He bit down the glazed donut with strawberry jam filling, it reminded him of his childhood years and how much fun he had during those.
"Everything is going great, though I believe that we can improve some things."
You remembered how things were a few months ago, and how you had been feeling since.
The fact that your parents planned a honeymoon after your wedding was just perfect for you.
Jay was excited that day and you were more than him. After all, you were finally married, which sounded so weird to say out loud.
You spent a lot of time together, but back at home it wasn't any different. You stuck to each other for everything. If Jay was cooking, you were there, if you were working at the home office, he was there.
And the intimacy… was the way to compensate for the words that you feared to say.
But, you sometimes doubted if what you felt was lust, or if it was love. You knew there was love, but there was always some fear to express it. And that wasn't really healthy.
You thought that if you just kept it there, you would both be perfect as it was. You didn't want to ruin anything, because then…there was no turning back, there was no fixing anything.
And you didn't want to lose Jay, and he didn't want to lose you.
So, if that meant being inside each other's backburner, then you would do anything to keep him.
Sometimes it was sad, you wanted to hear Jay saying "I love you." You wanted to scream those words out loud.
A time later after having a conversation with Sunghoon, he left.
You got out of work, bring various documents with you. Waving goodbye to your co-workers, you got your phone out to contact Heeseung.
Your white nails clicked against the back of your cellphone. The fake gems in your fingernails shined because of the sun reflecting on them.
The phone rang a few times, but then it sent you to voicemail. You rang it a few more times, waiting for Heeseung to pick up, but he never did. So you called Haewon instead.
"Hey, Haewonie! Have you seen Heeseung? He isn't picking up my calls."
"Sorry dear, I haven't. He went out in a hurry a few hours ago, so I haven't seen him since." You then thanked her and hung up quickly.
A thought came into your mind.
Jay has picked you up before, but you didn't wanna bother him. It was wednesday, so I went out of work early that day.
You gave it a second thought before finally calling him.
You waited a few rings, before you finally heard his voice. "Hello?"
A sigh from relief came out of your throat. "Hey! How's everything going?" You asked, trying to be polite.
"I'm good, a little bit tired, but I'm heading back home. Are you there already?" A finger unconsciously rolled one of your locks, you continued playing with your hair as you enjoyed the sound of your husband's voice.
"About that… You think you can pick me up from the office? I don't know where Heeseung is, so I was wondering if-"
"I'll be there in a minute."
He interrupted you all of the sudden, making you smile warmly.
You waited a few minutes outside of the building, before seeing the characteristic car that was always parked in your house's driveway.
The windows lowered down, showing a Jay that was adjusting his blazer, unbuttoning his piece of clothing revealing his white shirt.
In your eyes, he looked handsome, like always, and you kept on wondering, how was it that you got married to such an attractive man. You forced yourself to get out of your mind maze, and then let your feet guide you to the car, straight up opening the door.
"Thanks for picking me up. Don't know what happened to Heeseung, he was supposed to be here." You murmured looking at your phone. "You don't need to thank me, I'm your husband after all, I'm supposed to take care of you." You shook your head in negation.
"You can't be taking care of me all the time. I can take care of myself." Jay squeezed your thigh and then proceeded to rub his hand against it, but you put your small hand on top of his and he took it as an opportunity to grab it and rub his thumb on the skin.
"I ordered some burgers, they come with cheeseballs if you were going to ask." He looks at you for a quick second before turning back to the street.
When you reached home, you got some comfy clothing and quickly sprinted into the kitchen to hunt down your food.
It wasn't surprising that Jay was there, he was taking out the plates from the pantry and he placed them on the aisle of the kitchen. You then sat on top of it, which was a common occurrence.
Jay turned back to the aisle to see you sitting on it. He liked the view, you were wearing his oversized t-shirt with a pair of shorts, it made you look cute, but he always thought you looked cute, he always thought you were beautiful.
"Alright, there's your food, young lady." He pointed at the plate. "Cheeseburger with extra cheese, french fries and with your favorite, cheeseballs."
"Thank you, young man." You bowed how you could with your position, but you then grabbed his hands and put them around your waist. "I should give you a kiss to repay you." You softly place your lips below his, all with the usual sweetness that you carried around with you.
"You should be careful, miss, or I will die from how cute you are." You felt your heart beat stronger than before, leaving a little blush in your cheeks. You turned away trying not to get disheartened.
Don't get too attached!
And when you and Jay acted as a couple, sometimes you wished that was your normal.
With that, the weeks passed and even though it seemed like you were newlywed, you soon turned one year of marriage, and obviously, Jay's family was already asking for a grandchild, his grandfather to be exact.
You visit often, with Jay or without him. You saw him as your own grandfather, he could be grumpy sometimes, but you quickly got why Jay was so sweet and caring towards you.
His grandfather was exactly the same.
You knew where he got it from.
"Shouldn't you be resting, papa?" You played your hands on his shoulders. "I have way too much energy to be in bed, darling."
"Shouldn't your husband be here with you, instead of you being here following me around." Jay chuckled, coming right to your side. "It's just that Y/N sneaks away from me, it doesn't mean that I don't want to be with her." Jay's fingers softly traced your neck, causing a shiver to run down your spine.
"She's so sneaky that she's cute at this point." You could feel his breath right at your neck, tingles spreading through your body. "So cute that you seem heavenly to me." A blush went across your cheeks and your ears. You looked at him right in the eyes, his gaze was penetrative but it shone when he saw you, like little sparkles that flew around his orbs.
"When are you two planning on giving me a grandchild?"
You felt a shock of electricity attack your heart, it hit so hard that it made your heart beat like crazy, and for Jay it wasn't any different.
"We are still not thinking about that, we are trying to enjoy what we have right now."
"Then enjoy it quickly, I'm pretty sure that you two will have a little one running around our family house in no time."
And with that, things became a little bit uncomfortable on the way back home, you both stayed quiet for a while.
That was until…
"Do you wish to have children, Belle?" The question took you out of your thoughts, but it didn't surprise you after what had happened but at the family house.
"I-I mean, if you don't want to have children it's fine, I'll be fine with whatever you want."
His words stroke your heart, he wasn't forcing you to have kids just for his family's sake. He was dealing to go with whatever you wanted to go with.
And that's what moved your heart.
"Jay… I do want children, it's just- we just got married, we just turned a year and maybe we just need more time just for us."
Jongseong nodded at your words, and his hand stroked your naked thigh, sometimes reaching the fabric of your dress, but with your finger you tickled his knuckles causing him to chuckle.
He pulled the car towards the sideway, the tigles that he provoked on your thighs were starting to go through your body, his hands moved from your thigh to the flesh of your neck, he softly shifted you towards him, being careful with your spine.
Jay's breath could be felt on top of your lips, he leaned closer finally closing the space between you, he moved his lips with a soft pace, until you fought with his to make the movement rougher and passionate. The butterflies that were accumulating inside your stomach were too much to bear, so parted your lips from his, just to move your legs in a way that you would be on top of him, both legs on his side.
After that, you kissed him again, your tasty lips being his temptation and his sweet dream. Jay's hand caressed your waist, making you fully sit down on top of him.
And with that you both started that night with a passionate fire.
Maybe something within you made things uncomfortable between the two of you, because after that, Jay started to realize that maybe you would never have a normal marriage, you both knew about it, but throughout this time, he just became more subconscious about the topic.
Your footsteps could be heard from downstairs, even though you were barefooted. A black blazer staring at you from the living room, resting at the sofa… Beside it were a few oversized sweatshirts that you wore all the time.
The smell of sweet honey and orange juice could be smelled around the house. Jay likes that smell, it was his second favorite, right after your scent and the taste of your lips, that cinnamon scent.
Even though he could feel the smell of his breakfast go through his nostrils, he was actually in a hurry, he'd actually been in a hurry since a month ago. You hadn't had the time to speak to him a lot like before and that saddened you, really deeply.
You heard the sound of his shoes through the stairs as you packed his lunch bag. It contained pancakes covered in honey and caramel, and his lunch, which was pasta salad.
Jay was already near the exit, with his bag already packed, so you sprinted with his lunch bag in your hands.
"Jay, here's your food." You said with a smile, but his face didn't express the same, it was as if he was bored, mad to say the least.
"Yeah, thanks." He grabbed the bag and opened the door in a hurry. "I'll see you at night." And with that, he left. You heard the sound of the car engine turning on, and then it drove through the streets.
"See you at night."
You whisper sounds depressive, it even caused you to feel dizzy.
He didn't even say goodbye, he didn't kiss your cheek as he always did… That's how it had been a few weeks ago.
And you wondered why you expected it to be different. You thought about that moment in the morning the whole day, even in the office, you couldn't stop thinking about it.
"Has Jay not answered your calls?" Your friend, Haewon was right behind you as you dialed your husband's number for the fourth time.
"No, he's being really busy these days." You rubbed your forehead in a little bit of stress. Recently, you felt really tired, dizzy, nauseous even. You knew that an upcoming deal with a foreign company was coming up, and you were stressed out, so that could be provoking your symptoms. "You've been busy and you still bother to call, you should talk to him. Didn't you say that he was really distant recently."
Actually, you were both distant, work had a lot to do, but also the fact that you couldn't take it anymore. Even when you acted like a couple, not being able to express the love you had for each other was a real deal breaker.
The days that you felt like telling him how much you missed him, you stayed away. The days he felt like telling you how beautiful you were, he looked away. The days where you felt like finally telling each other how much you loved the other, you both parted away.
You weren't ready to be fond of him, yet. Even though you already had strong feelings for him. What if something happened and you ended up heartbroken? You weren't a conventional couple, you were arranged married, and your fears were so big that you were incapable of getting too comfortable with him.
The sound of the telephone hanging was just the thing you needed. The way your mom called once again was not a surprise to you, but it was still tiring.
"How can you be so incompetent, so stupid?!"
"You are such a failure, I don't know how you still work here?"
"Such a high position in the company and you're still a fucking idiot!"
"You look really pale, Y/N. Do you need me to bring you something to eat, drink?" "Do you think you can bring me a peppermint lemonade, Haewonie?" She nodded as you muttered a 'thank you'.
The sound of your fingers touching the keyboard was enough to cause you a big headache. You knew you could continue at home, but things were too tense there for you to peacefully work at any space of the house.
"Here's your lemonade." "Thanks, Haewon." Your hand grabbed the lemonade, taking a quick sip, enjoying the flavor of sweet peppermint, but sour lemons.
"With Hanni and Isa we are going to a brand new restaurant that they opened last week. We heard that they have great caviar and side dishes. You should come with us, have a girl's night, get your mind free from work and from everything going on at home."
You thought about it, and it sounded really fun, but the least that you wanted was to go out and then remember that you had a lot of work to do.
"I would love to, but I have a lot of papers to check on, and I need to get everything ready for the next meeting. You know that I would go if I could." "Yeah, don't worry about it. I'll make sure that next time you are completely free so we can all be together."
You nodded, thanking her for being understanding.
By the end of the day, you drove your car towards your home, with eyes heavy and a tremendous nausea that was also brought to you with dizziness.
You pulled the car away from the road as you felt a curious vile rise up your throat wanting to escape your mouth.
The car door was flung open with desperation, your feet touched the grass as you felt the vile free itself out of your mouth and go straight into the natural floor.
You gagged as you felt how the remains of your food choked you. You felt as if the air was being cut out for you and that you would stop breathing at any moment.
As you finished, you let out a sharp breath and wiped your mouth with the end of your sleeve.
A few tears fell down your cheeks and blurred your view. The thought of sitting right beside your car became true, you let your legs rest on the ground and the back of your head felt the cold material of the vehicle.
It was such a weird feeling, you'd never thrown up before ever since you were eight years old. You started to analyze how your health had deteriorated a few weeks ago, you thought it was just a bug, or maybe it was just the huge amount of work that was causing problems on your body.
You kept on saying that you needed to rest and that you would do it, but that never happened and you always postponed it.
With the little strength that you had, you managed to get to your car and let your head fall against the driver seat. You felt a little bit relieved as you felt the nausea wave get out of your body.
It took you about fifteen minutes to take a turn back home. You drove back slowly, trying your best to prevent your stomach from getting upset.
When you reached home, you noticed that Jay's car wasn't there yet, which meant that he wasn't back home.
You felt your muscles relaxed as you felt the water coming from the shower fall into your shoulders. You got into a comfy pink sweater and a pair of shorts that made your skin fuzzy. And you combed your wet hair feeling a sudden pressure at the side of your head.
The fingertips of your hands applied some weight into your head trying to stop the possible migraine that was bothering your tired body.
You went through the night trying to distract yourself from the discomfort that you felt the whole day. Even let your phone ring a few times trying to call Jay, but he never actually answered.
You didn't feel that much appetite, so you avoided making dinner for yourself and just focused on your husband's.
But you waited for him to get home, and even though the time passed he still wasn't there with you. And that was maddening, because the only thing that you wanted was him to be there.
The clock was pointing at 11:46, and just by then Jongseong was arriving. The sound of the door closing woke you up, you had fallen asleep on the couch.
At least my headache's gone.
Jay noticed that the lights were on, he knew that you were waiting for him. He didn't want you to do that, you had enough at work and you needed to rest. At least, one of you had to be well-rested.
You rubbed your eyes in an attempt to draw the sleepiness away from your body. The numb feeling, soon running away from your limbs.
He reached the living room, the first thing he saw was your exhausted figure. Jay wondered why you were still awake… Did you wait for him?
"Hey, why are you still up?" Jay put his bag down beside one of the sofas.
Even the question was maddening. He was back at home so late and you waited for him even though you had been so distant.
"I was waiting for you to arrive."
Jay sighed with disappointment. "You shouldn't be waiting for me." He blurted out, which kind of confused you. "Why?"
He smirked in annoyance, he wasn't annoyed at you, or maybe he was.
Jay wanted you to admit that you loved him, just as much as you wanted him to do the same for you. He wanted to break the cycle of lies, he wanted to stop pretending that he didn't love you. Why did you both have to lie to each other?
Because it was so obvious that you couldn't tolerate it anymore.
"Y/N, why are you acting like you actually care about me?"
You furrowed your brows in confusion, also in annoyance… How could he say that? And why would he believe that?
Hadn't you shown how much you cared for him?! Wasn't all you had done for him enough?
You couldn't believe what he was saying.
"What are you saying? Have I actually not shown how much I care about you?!" You kept your voice at a normal level, you tried not to raise your voice, you tried your best to take the situation away from the worst. "Stop lying, Belle! We know that we are both liars in this situation!"
"And that's what maddens me, because we fake every single thing as if our marriage came out of a normal situation."
Your breath shrieked in despair, as your heart continued to crumble as if it was a piece of paper that you could ruin. Why are you doing this to me? That was the only thought that could go through your mind.
Tears threatened to escape your eyes, you looked to the side trying to prevent them from going any further.
Jay just stepped up closer to you, his own heart breaking as well, just as it was beating against his chest.
He was nervous...
He was scared.
All because he felt that things were falling apart.
"You said that you didn't want to get married to me if I didn't love you… But you are still here."
Jay's hand was placed on your chin, his whispers were enough to break you, to tear you apart in a million pieces.
"I asked you if you loved me… you said no, but you never asked if I loved you." You tried to hold in your sobs, but your shaky breaths betrayed you.
Something inside you was falling apart in rage. Where was all of this coming from?
Why was he telling you all of this? Why now?
"You've already proven me why I shouldn't have asked…" You spat your words in fury. "You are asking me if I actually care about you, but…"
"Have you ever actually cared about me?"
You grabbed his hand and slowly got it away from your chin. If you ever feared about being heartbroken, now you are more afraid about what would happen next instead of what would happen in the moment.
"Y/N." Just hearing your name slip out of his tongue shattered your heart into pieces. He was heartbroken as well, he was hurt and he was more than afraid, he was terrified.
He was disappointed with himself.
"Get your shit together, Jay."
The remainder of the night was tense, it was quiet and a little bit disturbing. Jay couldn't sleep, he knew that he'd messed up and he fully understood why you were mad at the moment.
He completely let himself go because of the hardship that he was feeling. Jay hated it, he despised that he knew that you loved him, but you wouldn't say, and he also despised the fact that he knew how much he loved you but he wouldn't say anything.
Was this how it was going to be forever?
Pretending that you didn't have feelings for the other just because you didn't want to get hurt. For some reason, that decision was the best that you could ever take, at least that's what you both thought.
Nobody will get hurt if something happens.
That's just bullshit!
As he wrecked his head with thoughts, you laid on the sofa, with a navy blue blanket covering your body. The least that you wanted was to sleep in the same bed as Jay, you didn't need that at the moment.
Throughout the night, you thought about your relationship with Jay. You've known each other ever since you were kids, and you love him with your whole heart, he made you feel things that you never thought that you could feel, the thought of marrying him was far from your mind, but when your families engaged you, something inside of you thought that you could make things work, you wanted a future with him, but at the same time you feared that loving him would break you at some point, all because it wasn't at your own will and it wasn't that you married at each other because of love.
The problem was, that if you kept up pretending you didn't love him, you would just hurt each other, and it was already happening.
You didn't notice at what time the morning came, your body shut down the moment that those thoughts hit your head. The sound of the air conditioner going off got to your senses, you pulled the blanket off your body, and your neck was stiffened from the uncomfortable position that you slept on.
The cold floor sent shivers down your spine as your feet made contact with the tiles, you got up, walking immediately towards the bathroom near the living room. You walked quickly trying your best to avoid Jay, but also trying your best to keep the vile that was rising up your throat.
You reached the bathroom, hitting your knees with the cold tiles as you threw up inside the bowl, something that you found impossible because your stomach was empty.
A huff escaped your mouth, you cleaned your lips with the back of your forearm, getting up with weak legs to walk towards the sink. A sudden but quick ring consumed your ears, and it left as fast as it came, your senses were altered, almost distressed.
You didn't understand a single thing of what was happening with your body, but your mind always came up with the same answer.
It's just stress, you thought, you brushed your teeth. Your limbs were wobbly, almost numb… But you still made your way to the kitchen after you finished washing your mouth.
The feeling that somebody was close to you, came in. Your heart leaped when you saw Jay in the kitchen, his almost tan skin came across your mind, he always had that scent every time he was close.
He always smelled elegant, luxurious, even mysterious sometimes.
It felt like a temptation being so close to him. And the way you sat on the counter chair was not helping, you bounced your barefoot leg as you looked at the material of the kitchen aisle, not wanting to look at him.
But still, you could feel the heat of his skin near you.
"Drink some water, you need to stay hydrated if you are losing fluids." He left a glass of water beside your arm, on the counter. You didn't even dare to look at him, but by the sound of the furniture moving, you could see what he was going to do. "Do you have a stomach bug or something? Have you gotten that chec-"
"I don't know why you're asking me this? I thought you didn't care." You raised your head to look at him, his sharp eyes looking into yours, making you want to look away.
"Y/N, I didn't mean to make you feel that way. You know that I do care about you." He said trying to get a hold of your arm, but you pulled away from him.
Deep down you knew that he did, he cared and he cared more than what he showed you, but you couldn't be like this anymore, continuing a lie that would only hurt the both of you.
"Something inside of me tells me that you do. But you are so distant, and we keep on lying to each other as if that is going to solve anything, and we both know that isn't doing anything anymore." Jay sat straight after hearing your words.
"Jay… I, Why do I keep feeling like this isn't working out?." Jay stood up from his seat, he was impressed with your words, words that he didn't want to hear. "W-What do you mean?"
"We are hurting each other and that's the least that I want, and I know you feel the same… But we are so blinded by each others' company that we haven't noticed that we truly aren't doing anything for our relationship, and that says a lot." "I thought that maybe we could make it work, but I feel like I'm in the wrong, here."
Were you saying that you wanted to be away from him? Was he truly hurting you that bad?
Jay's mind was completely wrecked, he clenched his jaw trying to keep away his tears, just as you… he wanted to make things work, because he truly did see a future by your side.
You were all he wanted.
He was all you wanted.
But if that was what you wished, then he wasn't going to say otherwise, because that's how much he loved you.
"Maybe you are right, maybe this isn't working out, because I really don't wanna hurt you and I know that you don't want to hurt me."
Your heart broke, because you truly weren't expecting him to agree with you, you wanted him to fight for you and finally tell you how much he loved you, but your mind knew that he was going to agree with you.
"Being together just feels wrong at this point."
"But what if we make it work out." He said hopeful. "I don't know, Jay."
Your heart hit your chest with intensity, you were still hoping that things would get better, but at that point it just felt something completely impossible.
To be clear, you had to continue with your day as if nothing happened, pretending that your relationship wasn't crumbling down and your heart wasn't shattered into a million pieces.
Heeseung kept looking at your saddened expression, knowing that you were down, and he kept an eye on you throughout the ride to the office.
He asked a few times if you were okay, but you always responded with a smile, repeating that you were fine.
Even Juni noticed your state, you felt numb and confused, if you truly loved someone how could you suggest such thing. Maybe it was because you simply couldn't tolerate the fact that you were being lied to.
In comparison to you, Jay was stressed. He didn't want things to go this way, you were everything that he dreamed of, and ever since he was a kid, he imagined a future with you. Yes, he was in a relationship with you, but it wasn't what he had always wished for.
He wanted to be one of the reasons you smiled, not one of the reasons why you hurt. Jay couldn't concentrate on his work, and he couldn't stop thinking about how hungry he was. Shit, he truly did miss your cooking!
You placed a foot on your doorstep and you felt the need to throw up, it was becoming a normal occurrence, it had happened twice at work, and that was the second time you did it at home ever since the morning.
The sink water was heavy for your stomach, but really cool and nice for your face, you washed it a few times, before finally heading out of the bathroom and getting into some comfier clothes.
It felt so nice when you got off your pleaded skirt and your white shirt, your tennis shoes were also a little bit tight, but you didn't pay that much attention to it.
Just when you were rising up your shorts, the bedroom door opened, revealing a tired Jay, trying to take off his tie. He turned his head to the right out of impression, feeling a little bit nervous .
Embarrassed, you quickly pulled your shorts up, lowering your head in a timid manner, before heading towards the door. "Sorry, I shouldn't even be ashamed, but this is very uncomfortable."
"Don't be sorry, I should've knocked." You brushed his fingers in reassurance. "None of us should be sorry, we've seen each other naked, anyways." You mentioned the last thing, in an attempt to make things better.
Jay looked in your way, just as you started to let go of your shyness. You noticed how his tie was hanging lower, and some of the buttons of his shirt were open, showing a little bit of his chest and the marks of his clavicles. He saw your black hair covering some parts of your arms, tank top that showed a slight part of your abdomen, and the cotton gray shorts that covered your thighs.
His skin looked beautiful with the dim warm light of your bedroom, and his fingers slightly brushed with your skin. You didn't notice that you were so close to him, how his gaze softened when he looked into your eyes and you noticed the little line at the middle of his lower lip, you always liked it, he had it since he was in high school.
Jay felt the blood rushed through his veins as he felt you closer to him. You could only think that if those were going to be the last days that you spent together as a "normal" couple, you should at least be able to feel his skin a few more times.
"Why do I keep feeling that this is wrong?" He murmured, as you got so close that you could feel his warmth breath. "At least, if I'm going to hurt while we are together, I wanna do it right." You whispered in his ear, looking at him once again. "I don't want you to hurt, Belle." His hand caressed your cheek, pretty fingers lingering on your skin. "But I want you to love my body, as if you just hurt me."
There had always been a difference between lust and love, even though you both didn't express the love for the other, you always felt a feeling of lust towards him, just like he did for you.
Maybe your relationship wasn't working out, but you felt a magnetic reaction towards him, something that made you look his way even if things were going wrong.
That was the lustful feeling that consumed your body.
"...At least just tonight, Jay." You whispered, knowing deep down that if you had sex with him that night, it would become a cycle until you finally came to a conclusion of what you wanted to do with your relationship. Your breath was hitched, as the air going through your lungs was heavy and slow. "You sure that's what you want?"
You felt his lips brush against your forehead, his palm making contact with your wrist.
His lips kissed your forehead, just for him to go down and focus on your neck, he gave tender kisses on that area of your skin, sometimes he sucked the points that he knew were sensitive.
You could only grab the ends of his hair as you felt those nice sensations, and how some of your senses started to blur a little.
Sometimes, your tummy felt butterflies flying around as he kept a hand on your neck, now paying full attention to the soft flesh of your lips, kissing them hard, leaving them red and kinda swollen.
You leaned on a wall, letting all of the feelings come to you, his kisses, how his hand was grabbing your neck, while the other kept itself on your waist.
Your tricky hands grabbed his tie, looking into his eyes knowing very well that his heart had just skipped a beat just like yours already did. You somehow undid his tie, throwing it to the side, and then proceeded to unbutton the rest of his shirt, leaving the top of his chest uncovered, his pretty skin glowing because of the beads of sweat.
"You are going to be the end of me, Belle." Jay whispered, kissing you once again, keeping his hand in your neck, as you placed yours on his shoulders, slowly taking his blazer off, letting it fall on the floor.
That night, you knew that this was going to be a common occurrence until one of you had to break off the relationship.
Because the morning after that, Jay offered to take you to your office, just for you to hook up in the car before he finally drove you off to your workplace.
When you arrived back home, you would both make out as if it was the last time that you would see the other.
You hurt most of the time, feeling that this was the most that you could have with, sexual intimacy just to compensate for the hurt that you felt, and the sadness that would consume you.
For the next few weeks, this was your new normal, you would both have a few words before you finally had intimacy. And clearly, to be honest, Jay's heart ached with sorrow, but also passion.
How was it that you could make your intimacy work, but not your relationship?
That's what he always wondered for the past few weeks.
A few days before your family reunion, you arrived home late, and you noticed that Jay was there already, his car parked on the sideway.
When you entered the house, you took off your shoes at the entrance. You brushed your hands with your skirt, because of how could it was outside, you threw up on your way back to your house, so the air had definitely affected a little bit of your body
Then, you heard it.
"I really don't want to get a divorce, but I feel like this isn't working out."
Jay wanted to say how much it hurt him that he could feel your body with every single touch, but not your heart.
"Y/N said she knew things weren't working out, and I know she's hurting because of me, and that's the opposite that I want for her."
"I want her to be happy and to not stick to a relationship that will only burn us down."
You didn't know what was worse, the fact that your relationship was now based on just sex, because you wanted a part of him to be with you, or was it the fact that Jay wanted you away from his life completely.
What hurt more was the fact that he mostly was doing it because of you, and you weren't going to beg for him to stay, because you knew that you needed to be apart.
"You want a divorce?"
Jay heard your fragile voice coming from the living room, he knew there was no turning back now.
He hung up the phone, surprised by you and your sorrowful expression.
"You don't have to say anything, I understand." You would be lying if you said that your heart wasn't shattered, and that there weren't tears slipping down your cheeks.
Until then, you would love your bodies, as if you had just hurt the other.
That's what you thought it would be.
Because you both just did.
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thesupreme316 · 10 months
hiiiiii I hope you have a amazing day,
I was wondering how the Aew boys react if someone try to use you against them like during the matches with them or in backstage with them busy with a other match ( like the attacker interrupt the match to show you being attacked) , I hope this makes sense 😭
i gotchuuuuu sweetheartttt
AEW Stars React To: You Being Attacked by Their Opponents
Pairings: Kenny Omega X Reader, Ricky Starks X Reader, Hook X Reader, Darius Martin X Reader, Nick Wayne X Reader, Daniel Garcia X Reader, Eddie Kingston X Reader
Word Count: 1.2K
Supreme Speaks: Thanks to anon for this request (YALL KEEP EM COMING), this was really fun and a little bit different than how I typically post these. please know that you are loved and appreciated
Warnings: ANGST and fluff but ANGST, GIFS are NOT mine, not proofread
Taglist: @hooks-martin @hookerforhook @wwenhlimagines @eddie-kingstons-wifey @triscillal @cassie0sstuff @sheinthatfandom
**Every person has their own backstory (in a wrestling world where I am a fantastic booker/producer) and the person who attacked them are in ()**
Eddie Kingston (BCC)
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This happened during Eddie’s match against Christian Cage
Eddie didn’t want you out there in fear that Christian might rizz you up (or even Luchasurus no judgment)
So as he’s about to finish the match; the titantron shows up with you on the floor as Wheeler Yuta and Claudio tower over you
Eddie goes berserk; he no longer cares about the match; fuck the match
He leaves the match to rush to your aid with a kendo stick; whacking and cursing anyone who dares get in the way
He gets to you and hits Claudio and Wheeler as they run away; he holds you with so much care and curses himself out too
“Fuck Claudio and his Yorkie bitch! Fuck, I should have kept an eye on you doll. I’m sorry, it’s my fault”
Legit feels bad about the situation (it almost reduces him to tears) as you are put in an ambulance
Looks at Mox and says “You betta pray that she’s okay or Renee won’t be able to recognize her husband”
Darius Martin (Kingdom)
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Okay hear me out; the Kingdom attacks you and then throws you on stage during Darius’ match to distract him
He looks at Action Andretti and Matt Sydal as they tell him to check on you; Darius goes with you backstage as doctors check on you
He’s silent….which is unusual and almost unsettling for you; he’s really taking everything to heart and is angrily simmering
“I’m so sorry that they dragged you into my mess, but I promise I will fix this”
He really feels remorseful about everything and certainly disappointed with himself that he allowed this to happen
Next week; he comes out with a chair and whoops ass
But I think he would go so far to the point where Andretti and Matt have to come out and say stop
He calms down and sits with you backstage for the rest of the show (he prolly will never take his eyes off you again)
Hook (Jack Perry)
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Mans is fucking up everyone in sight
Bad enough that Jack took his title and refused to give him a rematch; so Hook is wrestling a jobber
As Hook has his opponent in the Redrum; Jack pops up on the screen with Anna Jay who is just choking you out (wish it was me)
Hook keeps the submission on long enough for the bell to ring before zooming backstage; just as Anna and Jack getaway
He is livid and starts throwing people left and right until he realizes that you are still on the ground
I think he feels exposed at the fact you were attacked cause he really does care about you
He helps you up and is visibly upset; vows to get revenge but then has a better idea
Two weeks later; he returns with you in tow and you two start WHOOPING THOSE TRICKS (to the point where the FTW championship is on the line in a tag team match; ex Edge and Kelly Kelly vs Dolph Ziggler and Laycool)
Nick Wayne (Swerve)
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He honestly doesn’t know what to think (and what he did to deserve Swerve hating him so much)
I feel like as soon as he sees your unconscious self on the screen, he would immediately dash backstage (like Eddie)
He would run up to your body “Y/N! Are you okay?” Before getting attacked by Swerve and AR Fox; who would then be run off by Best Friends
As he falls to the ground and when he wakes up, Nick would think that he’s a failure (DESPITE NOTHING IS HIS FAULT)
It would really take you constantly reassuring him that he was fine and nothing is his fault
“Yeah sure, but if I can’t protect you from attacks; then what kind of a man and wrestler am I?”
Like Darius, Nick would never allow you to leave his sight
Not until he ended this feud with Swerve
Kenny Omega (Will Ospreay)
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Kenny would be that person who would just fill his mind continuously
During his match against Jon Moxley (sorry), The United Empire shows up with you about to go through a table
He turns his attention as Jon rolls him up and wins; Kenny immediately runs to the back
The Bucks attack the group and you are dropped on the floor (not through the table); you have no injuries
As he approaches backstage, mans is worried and anxiety has filled his body
Subconsciously declares war with Opsreay and will allow guilt to take over his mind
“I swear to you that Ospreay, that son of a bitch, will pay for this shit. And he will literally pay for your therapy (bitch take the free therapy plz)”
So much to the point where he’s not smiling anymore and treats every match like a deathmatch
Tbh, as long as Will shows up, Kenny will attack him without fail
Ricky Starks (CM Punk/The Factory)
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OKAY LISTEN TO ME I believe that CM Punk would do some fucked up shit (as a true heel)
So during after Ricky’s match on Collision (who hasn’t seen you all night), Punk would show the footage of you being attacked by The Factory
But then he would say; “but that was earlier tonight”
And then BAM Punk attacks Ricky from behind and leaves him the ring
Ricky is upset at himself for not recognizing that you were missing all night and mad that he allowed Punk to attack him and you
Immediately checks on you and apologizes profusely
“I’m so sorry; I should have noticed, I should have made sure you were beside me-” “Ricky, you have been saying I’m sorry for the past hour” “Because I am!”
Would cut a vicious promo on Punk that embarrassed and angered him at the same time
Vows to get his revenge and starts it by attacking Punk
Daniel Garcia (Chris Jericho)
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Danny is on the verge of leaving the JAS due to differences and Chris’ power trips, and you are his escape from it all
Chris knows this and tries to use it to his advantage; he tries to talk to you about Danny and keeping him in the JAS
To which you disagree and say it’s his decision; to which he got angry….and to which he may or may not have hit you with the baseball bat (CAUSE HE’S A JACKASS)
All of this was shown during Daniel and Sammy’s tag team match; Danny immediately jumped down from the apron (essentially leaving Sammy hanging) and ran to the back
He would be so angry that he would quit the JAS right then and there
Time skip, you were okay; when Danny told you the news, you were happy but you wouldn’t show it to him, asking him if he was sure
“Y/N, your safety, and well-being is more important to me than Jericho’s trash ass club. And it always will be.”
The following weeks are filled with confrontations until Daniel joins the BCC (who are not complete assholes in this universe)
Thank you for coming to my TedTalk
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delilahcalicocat · 20 days
Can you do Aew Cody Rhodes x reader, where Dustin calls reader backstage to calm Cody down after he gets into a heated argument with someone.
A/n: yeah. Sorry I had to baby sit again so I didn't see this immediately.
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Again full credit to; @mxmoth for the gif
You had just gotten done with your match, you were catching your breath since you got the wind knocked out of you by Anna Jay.
Suddenly you saw Dustin running towards you, Cody's brother only ever talked to you if something happened.
"What is going on?" You asked
"Y/N.. Cody got in a fight with Matt and Nick.. can.. you go calm him down?" Dustin Asked
You sighed and walked towards Cody's office.
You knocked on the door a couple times. Not getting a response.
You opened the door and walked in
"Go away Dustin..." Cody Muttered
"I ain't Dustin..." You said
Cody's head snapped up to meet your eyes. A shocked look on his face.
"C'mere.. tell me what happened." You said, opening your arms for a hug
Cody dashed towards you and hugged you. Telling you about how the Young Bucks tried to gaslight him and it lead to a heated argument between them and he was upset.
You cuddled him and assured you weren't mad and it was fine but you'd have a talk with Matt and Nick later on in the day.
You just needed to be with Cody in that moment
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seeingstarks · 8 months
hips don't lie
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summary : having a huge crush on danny, anna encourages you to act on it. his lil' dance being both a blessing & curse. pairing : daniel garcia x afab!reader (ft. anna jay & chris jericho) cw : cursing, teasing, slight babygirl/daddy dynamic, french/kissing, fondling/touching, begging, cockwarming, lap-sitting, fingering, piv (wrap it b4 you tap it), biting, slight praise/ownership kink, scratching a/n: reblogs are very much appreciated! had this in the drafts for a bit but y'know - got in my head n' all. x) word count : 1,626 words tag list : @harmshake , @adamjf , @josiewrites gif credit : @allelitewrestlings
the moment daniel started doing his little dance you were fucked. being enemies ever since signing with all elite, the two of you were constantly bickering with one another but the moment his hips swayed and hands were up in the air you were at a loss for words. luckily, he never seemed to take notice.
staring up at the monitor, you watched silently as the match went on between chris and daniel. a simple house show as the two men battled in the ring.
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daniel managed to slip out of the codebreaker, he was known for his swift reflexes so it came to no surprise.
telling others you weren't impressed with the outcome, daniel winning via pinfall however your facial expressions gave it all away.
"woah, you actually know how to smile - and for danny of all people?" anna questioned with a nudge to your shoulder.
rolling your eyes over at the georgia native you shrugged off her playful nudge, "no idea what you're on about -"
anna held back a chuckle and shook her head, "uh-huh tell that to the big ol' smile on your face, y/n. maybe i should call danny boy over here or get photo evidence, hm?"
no matter how much you denied, your lips couldn't help but curl upwards at the mere thought of daniel. he may be a real pain in the ass sometimes but you liked him, a lot.
a few moments passed by as the next match went on for the night, you pulled out your phone and scrolled through tumblr not finding anything that caught your eye, choosing to ignore anna for the time being.
"ah, i see. we're playin' the quiet game now? bet you and danny can get on real well together - wonder who would lose first." she teased.
not looking away from your phone as the screen shined bright, "anna, you're the only one i've told about my so-called crush on danny. we wouldn't last one night in the same room together."
"without ripping each other's clothes off?" an all too familiar voice rang in your ears, too distracted by your phone to even hear his footsteps, practically jumping off the crate and hiding into anna's arms.
"shit, do you think he heard everything?" you asked anna in a hushed voice while looking up at her, your grin turning into an embarrassed face as you scrunched up your nose, the same one you used to make seeing his dance.
"well, he certainly did now." anna confirmed as you felt a weight shift on the crate and hot breath near your neck, red death himself.
"so, little ms. y/n has a crush on me? should've known when i caught you staring at my hips that one time and not my face.. all that yelling and i only had to shake my hips a lil', hm?" he asked in a taunting tone.
you didn't even move a muscle to look over at daniel but every single fiber in your being wanted to, cheeks starting to heat up the more you hid your face against anna's shoulder shielding his view.
"y'know - y/n really likes watching scary movies. maybe you two could have a night in together, as friends or something more." anna suggested and flashed an encouraging smile.
the georgia native was always there for your ups and downs, especially those you took interest in. once you revealed your crush on danny you never heard the end of it.
"if he's up for it i'm down." your voice was muffled due to hiding against anna, "what's that, babygirl? couldn't hear you.. gonna need you to speak up - you'll be screaming for the neighbours tonight." he winked.
"i'll uh- leave you two be." anna waved goodbye giving you a soft hug as you turned to face daniel, "i'd love to spend tonight with you but i don't think i can wait that long.
"daniel became speechless as he eyed you up and down taking in every last feature from head to toe, absolutely stunning.
he hummed and carefully wrapped his arms around your hips before leaning in to plant his lips on yours.
returning the kiss you deepened it and he allowed your hands to wander as they danced along his abs, sweat still glistening on them from his previous match. you never wanted to come up for air because kissing him felt like the best thing in a long time.
daniel gnawed at your lower lip before slipping his tongue in your mouth, you doing the same as they moved around in no particular motion, hands reaching for any body part as you and daniel sat backstage on the crates fondling each other like two horny teenagers.
that was until someone walked up to the two of you and did a fake cough, "ahem, not that i mind whatever you two have going on but let it happen somewhere else." chris chuckled and threw a locker room key between you both, silently thanking the man as you stood up from the crates and stretched a bit.
"looks like your little friend came out to play-" you giggled.
"trust me, y/n. there is nothing little about chris." daniel added.
"oh- okay. i meant that little friend," you point to his growing buldge moving closer to him trying to hide from the view of others but he thrusted his hips up against you. "but i could say the same thing. making me so needy, danny. let's go, please?"
"don't have to ask me twice, beautiful."
you two swiftly made it to the locker room of which formerly belonged to j.a.s. but would now be used for other purposes. daniel shut the door behind you and took a seat on the sofa, patting his thigh.
"sooo... anna told me a few things you like. wanna come here and warm daddy up?" he asked in a low tone.
your jaw practically fell to the floor hearing those words come out of daniel's mouth. never thinking the day would happen. you nodded your head but instead of walking, crawled over to daniel seductively.
once making your way over to the sofa he pulled his ring gear down and sat you on his lap, "such a good girl, already listenin' so well for daddy danny." he praised.
"mhm.. you're so big. already wet just thinking about it."
"is that so? lemme' see-" you wrapped an arm around daniel and ran your hand along his abs, caressing them as a moan escaped your lips the moment his fingers met with your wet lower lips.
"fuck, you truly are soaked babygirl.. look at you almost making a mess on my thigh. let's get you taken care of, shall we?" he asked.
"yes please, danny. so needy all for you. 'wanna warm your cock up."
not a single word more and he was tearing your shorts and underwear to threads, starting with the tip as he lifted you up and your mouth made an "o" shape daniel wasted no time inserting the entirety of his length inside you.
you squirmed and bucked your hips against his lap, him taking hold of them as you adjusted to his size while small moans of pleasure escaped your mouth, being full of someone never felt so good.
"d-danny.. o-oh my." you nearly moaned his name and he was completely still, you squirming slightly as his warmth consumed you.
"you're so tight, baby. fuck.." daniel bit his lower lip and groaned, "moaning for me and we barely even started, tonight's gonna be fun." he smirked.
daniel began with placing love bites along your neck, starting soft and building up to where they would definitely leave a mark.
"mm, you're all mine now, isn't that right?"
you simply nodded but guessed daniel didn't find that satisfactory enough because he bit harder on your neck and thrusted into you deeply, "d-danny!" you yelled out in pleasure.
"yes, daddy. i'm all yours. every last inch of me." you cooed.
"i could never get tired of this or you, y/n. seeing you sitting on my cock like the good girl you are.. can't help but moaning my name when i," daniel stopped talking briefly and thrusted up into you, feeling hot breath against your neck, "do this.. the noises you make are music to my ears. no matter if we're fucking or going on cute dates together i want it all with you." he confessed his feelings to you, pulling you into a passionate kiss.
the kiss lasted until either one of you had to come up for air, moaning in between it as you felt his cock twitch inside you, "that's all i ever wanted to hear, danny. you and your silly dance make my heart beat twice."
he smiled against your neck before teasing with a few slow and taunting thrusts then doing deep ones which felt like he was up in your stomach, "daniel, motherfuckin' garcia!!!" you scratched along his abs marking him up as he glanced up at you enamoured by the way your breasts bounced when he thrusted into you and how much tighter you squeezed when he went deeper.
sweat beaded on both of your foreheads, feeling a release near however a knock could be heard on the door and it didn't halt daniel's actions.
"be quiet for me, babygirl? wouldn't 'wanna ruin all this fun now would we?"
you shook your head and bit down on your lip, "d-daddy.. feels so good!" you cried out hardly even trying to keep quiet as you came on his cock feeling him burst with one last thrust as you panted.
"good thing i remembered to lock the door." daniel laughed and you playfully punched him.
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sarcasticlcves · 1 year
I know i put a poll out yesterday but I want to see who you guys like written the most. And who you'd like to see me write more of.
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bullet-clubs-bitch · 9 months
Anyway I can request a Christian Cage x Female!Reader imagine where she’s married to Christian and on screen she’s paired with him & Luchasaurus onscreen as the top heel for the Women’s Division and maybe during a match with Anna Jay, Jack comes out and tries to run interference to she’ll win, but he accidentally ends up injuring the reader which reignites the feud between student and Mentor with Jack & Christian?
Pay for it
Summary: When Jack Perry helps Anna Jay win her match against Y/n he didn’t realize he dug himself his own grave when he injured Christians wife. 
Word count: 739
Main Masterlist Christian Cage Masterlist
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I sat backstage getting checked out by one of the trainers. Fortunately I hadn’t dislocated my knee like they initially thought but I would need six stitches just above my right eyebrow. I watched Christian pace around the small room angry. “I’m going to kill that bastard” the bastard he was referring to was Jack Perry who was the reason I was in this situation. 
That evening I had an eliminator match with Anna Jay for my TBS championship. Which ment if she won the match she would be granted a title opportunity. Being the biggest heel of the women's division here in AEW meant there was a lot of weight on my shoulders, yet I felt light as a feather. I was the current TBS Champion and Christian was the TNT Champion, making us the power couple of this company. I made my entrance championship in hand as I walked down to the ring, Christian on left and Luchasaurus on my right. I looked down at a nervous Anna Jay, I mean she wanted the match, she was planning her own funeral. I knew this would be a piece of cake and of course it was. I had the upper hand for the majority of the match, since I was considered a veteran within the world or pro wrestling. It meant that I served as a bit of a mentor for the young talent in AEW just like Christian. Anna was no different. I knew her moves so it was easy. I climbed to the top rope about to secure the win when I felt the ring shift. I looked behind me to notice Anna gone. I saw Jack Perry trying to start a fight with Luchasaurus. I switched my position so I could attempt a corkscrew moonsault outside of the ring, hoping to land on Jack and Anna. As I launched my body into the air I was greeted with nothing, my picture perfect corkscrew moonsault meating nothing, body landing hard as I was greeted with the floor. On the way down I tried to land on my feet noticing no one was there but of course  that was not the case. I heard the crowd gasp and could feel my body tense up, although I had done this move a million times before all it takes is a nasty landing to cause an injury. As I lied on the ground I felt someone grab me and throw me back into the ring, it was Jack. The official was too busy dealing with Christian they didn’t see Jack kick me into an exposed turnbuckle, busting open my face. Anna ended up getting the victory leaving me lying in a puddle of my own blood. 
Now here I was sitting backstage getting stitches in my head. At one point Anna came in to apologize for Jack, she said she didn’t know he was going to do that and Anna felt bad. The plan was for her to get a quick roll up and get the win, creating a feud between us but the little stunt Jack pulled changed it all. Looking back at the match I watched as Anna tried to catch me on my moonsault (being a safe professional ofc) but Jack pushed her out of the way, leading me to a hard fall. 
The feud between Christian and Jack had died down, it was over but this little stunt would reignite the flame that was once burnt out. My head was pounding and Christian’s angry huffing and puffing was only making it worse. “Can you please stop, my head hurts, you explaining all of the ways you are going to murder Jack is only making it worse” 
Christian came up to me and examined the fresh stitches in my head. “How many stitches?” He asked me, eyes still burning with anger. “Luckily only six, it could have been way worse” I told him. I could see the gears running in his head. “Well six stitches means me killing him six times” Did we really need another mentor and student feud? “So I guess this means you are not done with him after all then?” I asked, knowing this new feud would be even more violent than the last. “Not in the slightest, he’s going to pay for this. I will show him what happens when you try to mess with my Wife!” With that he left. 
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wardlowsbabydoll · 2 years
Taylor Swift Breakdown- Dark Order
I’m honestly going to just tag this under my miscellaneous Masterlist and Anna Jay’s Masterlist, I’m a bit lazy to do much else
Word Count: 984
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‘Haunted’ by Taylor Swift blew through your headphones as you sat on your bed in your hotel room reflecting on how you got to this point.
 It was the Dynamite before All Out and you had blown it; you had competed to try and get into the four-way match for the Interim Women’s Championship and that required you facing the lowest ranked women in that match- Britt. The interference between Rebel and Jamie grew to be too much, and with no one to second you since Anna turned to the JAS, you were simply overwhelmed and ended up submitting to Lockjaw. After suffering a beatdown as well afterwards you were just done.
            You avoided Dark Order’s locker room the whole time afterwards because you didn’t want your friends to see you like this- defeated. Once you were sure that they were gone you scampered into the locker room to grab the rest of your stuff before you headed out. As you made your way to your rental you heard some of the fans cheering for you. Faking a smile you decided to walk over and thank them for coming.
            “You’re my favorite!” a little girl came up to you, she couldn’t have been older than 7. She was missing her two front teeth which made you smile a bite more genuinely at her. “I am? I’m sorry I didn’t win.” You said and tried to keep face, the last thing you wanted was to cry in front of your fans. As if sensing how sad you were (most children were quite perceptive like this) she wrapped her arms around you and gave you a hug. You could see who you assumed was her parent recording the interaction but also looking slightly mortified, you gave the parent a reassuring look and squeezed her back just as tight. “You’ll win next time.” She said to you and you squeezed her just a bit harder to show her that you heard. “I wanna be just like you when I grow up.” And that was what made the dam break. A few tears slipped down your face as you gave the girl a smile. You signed so many things and had so many photos taken, each one with you crying harder as each little kid that came up to you told you that you had inspired them to become a wrestler, only making your defeat that much harder to come to terms with.
            When you finally made it back to the rental car, you quickly wiped your eyes and swiped on your Taylor Swift playlist. ‘Haunted’ happened to be the first song that circled through and you immediately set it to loop. When you parked in the hotel parking lot you put your headphones on and headed inside, the sad Swift song enveloping you as you made your way back to your room, and sat on your bed.
            You had no idea how long you had been sitting there but you knew you should probably change and go to sleep, you had a flight to catch in the afternoon. A knock on your door broke you out of your depressing stupor. When you opened it you immediately saw the rest of Dark Order, you could see they were trying-but failing to not give you looks of pity. They knew how disappointed you were that you couldn’t pull it off. You slipped your headphones off and placed them around your neck, the sounds of Taylor Swift filling the empty space.
            “Hey.” You said quietly, they didn’t say anything in response but just plowed their way inside. You were stunned to see at the very back of the pack was Anna. Before you could even say anything Anna cut you off “I know technically we’re supposed to be enemies now and I’m not even a member of Dark Order anymore but I saw your match, and I’m sorry I didn’t second you. These boys wanted to come and take care of you but to be honest you and I both know they couldn’t find their way out of a wet paper bag, much less deal with an upset woman. But, I’m here if you’ll have me.” She finished her small tangent. “You’re forgiven, I understand you have to save face with Jeriblow but I’m glad you’re here now.” You smiled at her and let her inside.
            Anna gently pulled your headphones from around your neck and laid them on the small bench by the door. “No more Taylor honey.” She said as you leaned your head on her shoulder, your loss still dragging you down. You were led back over to your bed where the remnants of Dark Order had become comfortable. You were soon sandwiched between Uno and Anna as you finally cried over your loss, over how unfair it was. You didn’t deserve friends like Dark Order, they were too good to you, they stayed with you the whole time as you cried and grieved over this lost opportunity.
            After about an hour of you crying you sniffled and swiped at your eyes with the heel of your hands. “Would he be disappointed in me?” You asked quietly. Everyone knew who the ‘he’ you were referring to was. Brodie. He had handpicked you because he saw greatness in you, now you were doubting it. “No. He would be proud that you gave it your all. He’s still here you know? Just because he isn’t physically here doesn’t mean he isn’t here.” Uno said as he pet your hair. The rest of your night was spent with your friends as you shared memories of the great Mr. Brodie Lee, and watching movies, successfully making you feel a bit better.
            They were happy to make you feel better too, especially after your last Taylor Swift Meltdown as they called it. It was not a fun experience they’d want to repeat.
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e-dubbc11 · 5 months
(Hoping this gets in time for the end of your sleepover) Does little raven ever draw on her arms with markers and show her parents her 'tattoos'? I love The Sweetest Pain series💙💙
My darling Nonnie,
Thank you for coming to say hello and for participating in my sleepover. And thank you for reading and loving The Sweetest Pain series.
So of course Little Raven loves to draw on her arms to show her parents her “tattoos!” This was SUCH a good ask and I hope you like what I did here and know that you can stop by my inbox anytime you’d like. ♥️
A Work of Art
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Photos are not mine except middle picture in the left hand column. My daughter painted that one. The rest are courtesy of Pinterest/Google.
Pairing: Tattoo Artist Billy Russo x F! Reader
Warnings: Pure fluff
Word Count: 1.6K-ish
Summary: Little Raven draws a LOT just like her father and she’s also a talented little artist. She has a special picture for Billy when he picks her up from daycare.
Part of The Sweetest Pain Series
As always, thank you for reading!  I appreciate it so much and comments, reblogs are welcome and encouraged. Don’t be shy to tell me your favorite part. 💕💕 💕
She was just a toddler but you could tell that she loved to draw.
Sure, give a child pieces of paper and some crayons and they’ll draw pictures for hours if you let them.
But Anna Raven was different.
She concentrated very hard on what she wanted to draw and if it didn’t come out the way she wanted it to, she became very frustrated. She was a perfectionist…like her father. And like you too, to some extent, but Billy was certainly, a perfectionist.
A trait that he definitely passed on to your little miss.
“Hi, Mommy!” Exclaimed Anna as she looked up from the table where she was drawing.
You had left work earlier than usual so you decided to surprise Little Raven and pick her up early from daycare. Sneaking up on her was tough; that little girl had very acute hearing, yet another trait she inherited from her father.
You’d always try and catch her playing with the other kids or drawing at the table. All you had wanted to do was sit and watch her for a minute without her noticing but she always did.
She dropped the blue crayon she was holding and ran over to you. Scooping her up in your arms, you placed her firmly on your hip and kissed her cheek.
“Hi, baby girl! You drawing again?” You asked her.
Anna pointed at the table she was sitting at before you came in.
“I show you!” She said, full of excitement.
Wiggling in your arms to be put down, you set her down on the floor and she took off to pick up the paper she was coloring when you walked in. The paper she handed over to you had a picture of a bird, more accurately, a blue jay.
“You drew this?!” You asked her with raised eyebrows and a wide smile.
Little Raven was swinging her arms back and forth with a big smile on her face when she answered you.
“Uh huh! I give it to Shortcake.” She said.
Shortcake was another artist that worked at Billy’s studio and she was also Anna’s favorite babysitter. Her nickname for Anna was “Little Bird.”
“Well, I think Shortcake will love that, baby.” You said, giving her a kiss on the forehead. “You ready to go home? Go see, Daddy?”
There was another picture on the table that she gave to you. It was a picture of a flower but when you looked closely at it, you realized it was a rose…like the tattoo you have on your hand.
“You keep, Mommy.” Said Little Raven.
“For me? Thank you, Anna! You’re so thoughtful.” You said. “I’ll hang it up on the board when we get home, ok?”
“Ok, Mommy. Let’s go!” And she grabbed your hand to head toward the door.
Very few things on earth are more adorable than a three-year-old, fist pumping and singing along with Cherry Bomb from her car seat. The two of you loved to sing along to music in the car while on the way home from daycare.
You had started to cook dinner, when you heard keys in the door. Billy was home.
“Hey beautiful.” He said, walking through the door.
“Hi handsome, hey can you put some soap on my hands? I was just touching raw meat.” You said.
“Can I put my stuff down, first?” Billy asked sarcastically.
“Can you bite me? How long does it take you to put your backpack down, lieutenant?” You said, returning the sarcasm with a smile. “Come kiss me, while you’re at it.”
“Alright, alright. Keep your shirt on, my little firecracker.” He said with a warm smile.
Billy walked over to the kitchen sink, picked up the soap bottle and dispensed a few drops onto your hand. He gently tugged on the back of your hair to tilt your chin up so he could kiss you. Billy always kissed you like he hadn’t seen you in a week.
You definitely didn’t mind.
Billy smiled against your lips while he kissed them; he cupped your cheeks and peppered kisses all over your face.
He was so happy to see you.
“You have a good day, sweet girl?” He asked.
You replied, “Mmmm hmmm. How ‘bout you, my love?”
“Oh, I gotta show you the tattoo I did today, baby.” Said Billy, excitedly.
He pulled out his phone and showed you all of the pictures he took.
“Hey, where’s our mini firecracker? Anna?!” Billy called out.
The two of you heard little footsteps running down the hallway.
“Daddy!!!” Yelled Little Raven.
Billy tossed Anna in the air; her wild dark brown hair blew back away from her face as she fell back into Billy’s arms. With their matching smiles, they greeted each other like they did on any other day.
They were adorable together.
Anna picked up her pictures to show Billy.
“You did this today?” Asked Billy.
Little Raven nodded.
“This one for Shortcake.” She pointed to the bird picture. “And dis one for Mommy.” Anna said, pointing to the picture of the rose.
“Well, where’s my picture?” Billy asked her.
Little Raven shrugged, then said, “I make you one tomorrow.”
You covered your mouth to try and contain your laughter.
Billy narrowed his eyes and playfully said to Anna, “Uh huh, I see. Pictures for Mommy and Shortcake but no pictures for Daddy.”
“You get one tomorrow, Daddy.” She said.
And she toddled off into the other room.
You could see Billy was slightly bothered that he didn’t get a picture.
“Awww, handsome. She said she’d make you one tomorrow. And I did give birth to her, I should get a picture before you.” You said, starting to chuckle.
“Ok, well if I go pick her up tomorrow and she didn’t draw a picture for me, I’m leavin’ her there for the night.” He said, jokingly.
The two of you had a good laugh at that one.
The Next Day
It was Billy’s turn to pick Anna up from daycare and when he pulled into the parking lot, he watched as other parents held their kids’ hands walking down the ramp toward their cars. They asked how their day was before strapping them into their car seats and driving home for the day.
When he walked inside, he didn’t see Anna right away. One of her teachers, Sally, noticed him looking around for Little Raven.
“Hi, Mr. Russo! Sooooo Anna was a little sneak today, got a hold of some markers and well…” Said Sally.
Just as she made mention of the markers, Anna emerged from around the corner where the bathrooms were. She was followed by another one of her teachers, one corner of Little Raven’s mouth curled into a sly smile like she knew she wasn’t supposed to smiling but she did anyway. The exposed skin on her arm was covered in what appeared to be every color of the rainbow and then some.
Anna had done her best to give herself a tattoo sleeve just like you and Billy have. She colored in the flower on her hand and drew more flowers up and down her arm.
Anna saw her father waiting for her. Biting down on his lower lip, Billy tried to keep a straight face and not laugh but it was almost impossible. They should know better not to leave markers out where a toddler could get a hold of them.
Billy bent down as she ran toward him. Covering his mouth so she wouldn’t see him laughing, he asked her, “Anna Raven, what did you do?”
She was laughing a little when she answered him. “I drew a picture for you, Daddy! I want it better but I messed up a little.” She said.
“It’s ok, baby girl. You did a really good job. You made your tattoos look a little like Mommy’s.” Said Billy.
Sally interrupted.
“I’m VERY sorry, Mr. Russo. We should have been paying closer attention.” She said.
Billy wasn’t upset. How could he be? Anna Raven, at almost four years old, was showing an interest in what he did for a living and she really liked it which made his heart swell.
He never thought being a father would make him so happy, so complete, but it did and also made him think about how easily his mother tossed him aside. He was a piece of her and she gave him away like he was an item of clothing that didn’t fit anymore. He didn’t fit in her life and got in the way of what she wanted most.
He couldn’t imagine doing that. Anna was a part of him, he could never outgrow her, and his love for her would always be the perfect fit.
Billy replied. “Oh don’t apologize, please. It will wash off eventually. She didn’t draw on the walls or anything, did she?” He asked.
Anna’s other teacher replied, “Nope, just on herself. She is quite the little artist.”
He pulled out his phone from his pocket and snapped some pictures of his little work of art to send to you.
Your response was,
Well she did say she was going to draw a picture for you today.
And you followed it up with a few shocked face emoji’s.
Laughing at your response, he turned to Anna and said, “Come on, little miss. Let’s go show Mommy the picture you drew for me today.”
“She like it, Daddy?” Asked Anna.
Billy kissed her forehead.
“Oh yeah…Mommy will love it.”
Tag List: @wheresthesunshinesblog @rafaelakelley @idaoftheburningmind @snowkestrel @fakehappy27 @music-indie-tv @fictional-hooman @kayhi808 @munsonownsmyass @gijos @celestialams @k-marzolf @nutmeg17 @rosaleenablack @vaguekayla @qu1etwolf @danzer8705 @fireeyes-on-teller-dixon-grimes
Others that might enjoy: @itwasthereaminuteago @fluffyprettykitty @jvanilly @imagine-a-fictional-boyfriend @russosafehaven @mrsbillyrusso @ittybxttykxttytxtty
If you’d like to be added (or removed from) my tag list(s) for the ever so handsome Billy Russo, just let me know and thank you again for reading! 💕💕💕 If I tagged you but you didn’t want to be, just let me know and I’ll never do it again.
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jordanswwe · 6 months
lovers from the other side
nick wayne x reader
summary: the reader had an impressive match tagging with former aew wrestler jade cargill. a bunch of stars from aew were watching their old friend and y/n. nick wayne takes in interest in the reader and a very strong relationship forms. jade has a party or two and everything changes for them.
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today was finally the day. jade cargill was making her nxt debut. after months of teasers and appearances in wwe, jade was finally having her first match. jade cargill was set to team up with another fast rising star in nxt y/n. the match was apart of the dusty cup tournament, so a lot was riding on this match.
jade had a lot of friends from aew watch her debut. anna jay, darby all in, julia hart, ricky starla, tay conti, and nick wayne. they were all so happy for their friend to be given such a huge opportunity. even though both companies were at war, their friendship didn’t fall because of the competitive atmosphere.
it was time. jade and y/n were making their way to the ring in matching pink gears. they were set to take on the team of jacy jayne and thea hail. jacy jayne and thea hail. y/n was starting off the match with thea hail.
as y/n was wrestling, nick wayne couldn’t help himself but be intrigued on what he was seeing. nick wayne had never seen someone so, so interesting. he immediately searched up facts about the wrestler and they both happened to be the same age. nick searched up y/n’s instagram only to see the follow back. let’s just say, after that nick instantly followed her and browsed through her posts before finally putting his phone away.
nick continued watching the match with a couple of other aew wrestlers as jade pinned jacy to pick up the win. the finals were set. it would be jade and y/n vs kiana james and tiffany stratton.
jade was so thrilled about picking up the win in her debut match. she decided to through a little get together. jade invited her tag partner of corse and she invited her friends from aew. jade had such a huge house and it was nothing but beautiful.
nick wayne finally arrived to the party with darby allin. as nick wayne was making his way through the party, he saw y/n. the girl he had been basically obsessing over. he worked up the courage to go up to her and actually start a conversation with y/n.
“hey” nick said smiling.
“ omg hey, you must be nick. jade has told me so much about you, it’s crazy how fast you’ve been rising in aew.” y/n said smiling back at nick wayne, who she was equally intrigued in.
“yeah, it’s such a dream to be apart of a big company at such a young age. i mean, you would know the feeling to. we’re both 18 thriving in our own worlds.” nick said laughing.
y/n found herself getting lost in his beautiful smile. something about him made her heart pound faster and her stomach to get butterflies. nick sees the reader gazing off in his direction and he wonders what she is thinking in the moment.
scooting closer to nick. y/n breaks the silence. “i’ve watched a lot of your matches in aew and you’re incredible nick. i can see your passion for wrestling during your matches and it’s so inspiring.” y/n said blushing.
nick then, scooted closer to y/n. the tension between the two was through the roof at this point. they weren’t even paying attention to the party happening around them. nick leaned in towards y/n and she did the same for him. with just inches in between them, they both leaned in hoping for a kiss just to be interrupted by darby.
“nick, are you ready to get out of here. i’m getting tired and we have a show tomorrow”.
nick looked upset to leave y/n. “i guess so.” he replied to his friend.
he turned to look at y/n before placing a kiss to her hand. “i’ll text you?” he said in a questioning voice.
“i’ll be waiting for your text.” she said smiling. then she followed up with saying “nick, it was great talking to you tonight. i really enjoyed our conversation.” she said smiling at him before her left.
y/n woke up to a text from nick. it read “goodmorning mini jade cargill” y/n couldn’t help but laugh at nick’s text. “and goodmorning to you to mini darby allin. y/n finally put her phone down and then she had a realization. she hasn’t felt this way ever about anyone. y/n hadn’t personally known nick for a long, but she’s been following his wrestling journey for a while.
when nick wayne finally followed y/n back yesterday and then proceeded to talk to her at the party. y/n closed her eyes so she could just relive it and remember what if felt like to be in his presence. she had even thought about a moment they almost had before darby stepped in.
as she opened her eyes again, she decided to text nick. “hey, jade is having a small get together. it’s not going to be a party like last time. only 10 people at most, but i was wondering if you and darby could stop by after your guys show.”
it was 10pm and aew had been over for nearly an hour. y/n was patiently waiting for nick to come over. there was no sign of him until there was. y/n got lost gazing at him again.
“hey you” nick said smiling at her.
“hey to you to” y/n said laughing. “do you want to follow me?” she also asked.
“i suppose” nick replied laughing. he proceeded to follow y/n to the balcony. when they finally got to the balcony, they sat down. “so why’d you bring me out here” he said scooting closer to her.
y/n didn’t answer. the tension between her and nick was tensioning once again. as she leaned in closer to nick, she was cut off. this time, by nick. “i like you to” he said and then just pulled her in for a kiss. y/n and nick got so lost in their kiss that they lost track of time.
“do you want to be my girl” nick asked.
“i would love to” y/n replied.
“the romeo to my juliet” y/n thought.
“the juliet to my romeo” nick thought.
“i’ve been following you for so long nick. this is everything i’ve ever wanted.” y/n said. nick pulled the reader in for a tight hug and he was never letting go.
sorry if this isn’t the best. i haven’t wrote one of these in a long time and i felt that there should be more nick wayne posts out there.
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Executives Love
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Noa woke up to a series of knocking on her door. She looked over at Anna’s bed and noticed she was gone. Noa sighed lightly and ran her hand down her face. She gingerly got up out of bed, her head slightly starting to come to a headache. She made her way to the door and opened it to reveal a gym dressed Matthew on the other side. Last night came flooding back into Noas mind real fast, nearly knocking her on her ass in embarrassment. She really told Matt she wished he was her baby’s father. Then the way his fingers danced on her stomach, just thinking about it made her feel all warm. And the way he said ‘one day’…it had Noas mind reeling. ‘What did he mean’ Noa thought to herself. Noa was brought out of her revere when Matthew cleared his throat, fixing his gym bag over his shoulder. Noa blinked rapidly a few times.
“Hi” she squeaks out. Matthew lets out a chuckle. He pulls out a pill bottle from the side of his bag- taking out a few, and a water bottle, handing them to Noa.
“Told you I’d bring you aspirin in the morning, here take these.” Matthew says. Noa nods slowly and takes the items from Matthew, following his directions. She swallows both pills and nods at Matthew. Matthew nods.
“Alright I’m off…I’ll see you later” Matthew says. Noa nods.
“Later…” Noa says watching Matthew retreat down to the elevator. ‘Hmm cute butt’ Noa thinks to herself before shaking her head.
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As Noa sat on the plane, her mind went to the last few days. It made her chest tighten, sending Noa to grab onto her necklace that held her teeny tiny babies ashes. She took a deep breath. ‘You’re the last part of him I will ever love.’ Noa thinks to herself and her angel baby. Noa felt someone sit down next to her, causing her to open her eyes. She turned her head slightly and saw that it was Jeff. Her breath caught in her throat and she went frozen.
“I’m guessing you had TK have us sit next to each other before you broke up with me” Jeff says staring ahead. Noa looks at him with wide eyes.
“The audacity you have Jeffrey Parker. Broke up with you? You fucking cheated on me!” Noa whisper yells. Jeff looks over at her and sees her glassy eyes, still dull in color, he missed seeing her beautiful green eyes.
“I’d basically had already lost you Noa” Jeff resigns.
“I just lost our baby Jeff!” She whispers. She felt her breathing get rugged and needed out of the plane. She couldn’t do this. She could hear Jeff’s breathing and sighing. She took out her phone and texted the one person she knew could help her, like he did so many times after the loss of her beloved baby girl, Matthew.
Noa- SOS
EVP1- you okay?
Noa- I need off this plane before it takes off, TK never switched Jeff’s ticket and he’s next to me, shit is going down.
EVP1- we haven’t left yet, you’ll ride with me and Nicholas on the jet. I’m gonna call the airport and get you off. Hang tight sweetheart.
Noa- ty Matty
Within about 5 minutes a flight attendant came through the plane and grabbed Noa. Noa grabbed her bag she held and moved quickly out of the space that held Jeff. Jeff looked at her, not done talking to her but she was getting up and leaving. Jeff stood up and grabbed Noas arm lightly. Noa whipped her head back to look at Jeff. Her eyes were conveying messages he continued to ignore.
“Noa please” Jeff says. Noa moves her arm from his grasp and shakes her head.
“Please just stop Jeff. It’s done. The damage is done. Stop trying to do more please.” Noa practically whimpered out to him. Jeff’s heart ached. Jeff steps back nodding slowly. This is not how we wanted things. Noa turned as fast as she could and got off the plane completely, which stunned Jeff. Noa got off the plane and back to the terminal gates. Once she was back in general population of the airport she felt like she could breathe a little better but not much. Noa went to the desk to ask where the Massies private jet was and that she was suppose to be on it. The guy at the desk called the jet and Nick picked up confirming Noa is suppose to be on the plane. The desk clerk looked at Noa and decided to have one of the baggage guys drive her down to the private jets lot. She looked so exhausted and he felt for her.
“I have one of my baggage guys coming to cart you down to the jet. You look exhausted hun” he tells her. She tries to give a smile but it barely happens.
“Just overwhelmed I guess, thank you though that’s very kind of you and unnecessary but I appreciate it” Noa says. He nods and points behind her. She looks to see a guy with a cart.
“Have a safe flight hun” he tells her. She nods and thanks him again. The cart guy drives her through a garage and out onto the runway. The traveled past a few parked planes before he pulled up to a jet getting ready to leave. He came to a stop and Noa looked at the plane.
“Thank you” Noa says. The man gives her a smile and nods. Noa put on her backpack and climbed out of the cart. Noa looked at the stairs and looked up to the door of the plane to see Matt standing there. She was trying hard to keep her tears at bay. Matt was leaning against the frame, hands in his pocket. When he made eye contact with Noa, he saw her eyes start to gloss over and her breathing falter. Matt immediately moved down the stairs quickly and Noa ran to him. Once she was close enough, she practically jumped into Matt’s arms. He bent down a little and lifted up Noa, fully off the ground, her legs wrapping around his waist. Matts hand fisted into Noas hair, pulling her closer, upon feeling her practically shaking. Matt turns and makes his way up the stairs, Nick standing at the doorway of the plane, a worried look on his face. Nick looks at Matt once he’s close enough with question and Matt shakes his head. He sits down with Noa still clinging to him.
“I’ll tell the pilot we’re ready…” Nick says to no one in particular. Matt rubs Noas back.
“I’m gonna need you to seatbelt in Noa” Matt says quietly, smoothing her hair. She takes a deep shaky sniffling breath and gets off Matt’s lap. She sits in the seat next to him and buckles up. She looks down at her legs, fiddling with her fingers, trying to keep her anxiety at bay. Nick sat down in front of of Matt and Noa, and the plane began its decent down the runway. Nick looked back at Matt and Matt looked at Nick. The pair silently communicating with each other.
“I hate when you two do that.” Noa speaks up. Nick nearly gives himself whiplash and Matt’s head snaps over to look at her.
“Do what” Nick try’s to play off. Matt rolls his eyes at Nick. Noa looks up at Nick and gives him a blank stare.
“Okay jeez” Nick resigns. Noa rolls her eyes and turns to look at Matt.
“Thank for rescuing me. I just couldn’t. It was all to much then he started talking about how he had already lost me, as if that’s a great excuse for why he cheated on me. God…I feel like such a fucking fool for loving him like I did.” Noa rants. Matt felt horrible for Noa. They had been together for years, strong as ever, they’d been through all kinds of injuries together, faced the worst of days and the best of days, even started a small family, but apparently they weren’t strong enough to withstand the loss of a child. Matt grabbed Noas hand, Noas head shooting to look at him.
“You’re no fool Noa” Matt says gently. Noa rolls her eyes looking away. She sure as hell felt like a fool. Matts jaw ticks and he gently grabs ahold of her chin and turns her to look at him, her eyes diverting from his. His eyes are a lit with a small fire.
“Do not roll your eyes at me Noa” Matt says lowly. Noas heart beat picks up and she starts to get warm-she was a natural submissive-, not making eye contact with Matt.
“Look at me Noa” Matt says. Her eyes meet his, seeing the fire in them.
“First, you’re not a fool, love is love, things happen. Two, do not roll your eyes at me or I will have them rolling backwards into your head” Matt says, the last part quietly in a sultry voice. Noa almost lets out a squeak, nodding at Matt. Matt smirks at her and let’s get chin go and faces forward pulling out his phone.
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