#anna jay fic
beccalovesyu · 3 months
nick wayne x female reader? fluff please ☺️ the reader is hook’s younger sister and she has a huge crush on nick. but hook goes into big brother protection mode so dante and darius help her out by setting them up. and eventually hook (and taz) approve of them
Sorry it took a little bit I tried my best 🤍
The secret
Pairing: fem! Reader x Nick Wayne
Warnings: arguing with hook/ Tyler, any grammar mistakes I made, swearing
Genre: fluff
< oneshot >
( not my gifs )
Backstory: read the request ☝️ ( that was actually so perfect )
You were playing truth or dare with Darius and Dante. You picked truth because the last dare was discussing you never wanted to do a dare again.
Dante: “ y/n truth or dare “
Y/n: “ truth “
Dante: “ why you scared we’ll make you eat cat food mixed with crayons again? “
Y/n: “ yes, I’m never coloring again. “
Dante: “ alright your truth is would you date anyone in our friend group? “
Y/n: “ why? “
Dante: “ because your alone “
Y/n: “ oh thanks Dante. anyways maybe “
Dante: “ who? “
Y/n: “ actually my turns over Darius truth or dare “
Darius: “ um uno reverse “
Y/n: “ hm? “
Darius: “ truth or dare “
Y/n: “ that’s not apart of the game “
Darius: “ it is now “
Y/n: “ that’s so unfair “
Dante: “ pick before I pick for you “
Y/n: “ alright alright truth “
Darius: “ who do you like at least give us a hit “
Y/n: “ fine he’s my age “
You were blushing to hard to get out of this.
Y/n: “ omg. “
Dante: “ IM NICK WAYNE “
Y/n: “ Alr Alr you guys don’t need to sing the whole Thing “
After the game of truth or dare they keeps asking questions.
Dante: “ when are you guys getting together “
Darius: “ OH what about married “
Dante: “ can you name your kids after me “
Y/n: “ omg you guys are so childish “
They bugged you for the rest of the night about it. Until they FINALLY fell asleep.
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The next day:
You woke up early to get to the gym before collision. You wore some black leggings and a dark blue sports bra. You got in the gym then started on the treadmills. You seen someone in the mirror behind you. It was Nick. You immediately got butterflies. He was so handsome and sweet. He’s was just so perfect. You always tried to talk to him without blushing but it never worked. At this point he has a nickname for you. “ pinky “ why name me after a finger??? You stopped the treadmill and caught your breath, then you walked over to him and greeted him with a huge smile. Then you heard the children.
Dante: “ hey lovebirds “
Y/n: “ Dante why are you literally a 6 year old “
Dante: “ hey that’s not nice “
Y/n: “ mhm “
Darius: “ nobody invited me to this wedding ? “
Y/n: “ oml “
Nick started laughing. You didn’t know if that was good or bad. Was he laughing at them or you?!?
Nick “ guys you were supposed to bring the cake “
Y/n: “ I’m Surrounded by children. “
Dante: “ you and Nick should get used to that “
Y/n: “ oml.. “
You were obviously embarrassed. You’ve had a crush on Nick since you met him. This whole thing was stupid they sounded like middle schoolers. Nick and you just kinda clicked it wasn’t hard to fall in love. You were just scared you would ruin your friendship. After dealing with the “ pre-k squad “ you finally finished your workout and you left for collision.
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At the arena:
You seen your brother sitting on a crate eating chips obviously that’s all he does. He was more quiet and he Seemed mad? For once he didn’t have a poker face. You greeted him and you got no reply.
Y/n: “ hey Ty “
Tyler: “ .. “
Y/n: “ you ok? “
Tyler: “ I’m fine “
Y/n: “ are you mad at me? “
Tyler: “ stay away from Nick “
Y/n: “ why he’s my friend. “
Tyler: “ I heard him Talking to Sam ( darby ) just stay away “
Y/n: “ what’d he say? “
Tyler: “ don’t worry about it “
Y/n: “ but why if you won’t tell me why should I stay away “
Tyler: “ I just don’t want you around him end of conversation. “
You were pissed why does Tyler have any authority to tell you who to hang out with. Yeah he was your older brother but if anyone would tell you anything you would actually listen to was your dad Taz. So obviously you were gunna be sneaky about talking to him. And what did Nick say to Sam???
Earlier his pov:
I was Talking to my best friend for as long as I can remember. I was telling him about this girl about my crush.
Nick: “ this girl is so sweet and kind and she’s just so beautiful and I don’t know how to ask her out she’s the girl of my dreams can you help me please. “
Sam: “ who is she? “
Nick: “ Tyler’s little sister y/n “
Sam: “ be careful with her Nick her brother is really protective and her dad is well her dad is Taz “
Nick: “ I know but I really like her and I don’t care who her family is “
Sam: “ alright so try to give her compliments and laugh at any jokes she says even if they aren’t funny “
Nick: “ thanks Sam “
Sam: “ your welcome “
You seen Nick in the viewing room and you walked up to him to say hi. But that was short lived thanks to Tyler.
Y/n: “ heyyy nicky “
Nick: “ why are you whispering “
Y/n: “ because of my brother being annoying and mad about something. “
Nick: “ what’s he mad about and why does that explain why your whispering “
Y/n: “ he said that- “
Tyler: “ am I interrupting something “
Y/n: “ no Ty “
Nick: “ hey Tyler “
Tyler: “ mhm come on y/n “
Y/n: “ this shits unfair. “
You were pissed Tyler was being serious he didn’t want you around him he even was following you everywhere just so you wouldn’t talk to him it’s been multiple failed conversations with Nick and a week a whole week and Tyler hasn’t left your side all to make sure you wouldn’t talk to him. You were annoyed. you needed extra help. It was 2:00 Am and you were in your hotel room when you texted the “ pre-k “ brothers.
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You had no idea how they would help you were actually a little scared.
Next Wednesday:
You finally got to the arena after a long flight with Ty. When you went in Dante immediately went up to Ty as if he was waiting even though that seemed creepy he actually got Ty away from you, you finally didn’t have him following you but where was Darius? You were walking to your locker room to get changed for your match because it was the starting match of the night when you seen a note on your door. What was this about? You took the Note that was taped on your door off of it and read it. “ meet in Nicks locker room after your match asap “ you were shocked was this plan actually working? You were so excited you couldn’t wait for your match to end and it didn’t even start. You got changed and waited for your music to hit you hit your opponent with a cutter and won the match. You rushed backstage and got a quick shower and got into some jean shorts and a plain black crop top. You were beyond scared and excited. You walked to Nicks locker room and knocked on the door when it was opened Darius was there it was so sweet a little indoor picnic that him and Sam set up for us. It turns out that Sam found out about the plan from Dante and he wanted to help too. There was one thing though Nick wasn’t there. You were confused but after Sam explained that Nick had a promo to film and he didn’t even know about this yet you understood. You eagerly waited for Nick to finish with his promo you were too excited. This was so cute the best little set up you ever seen you were beyond excited when you realized it would technically be a date. You seen the door handle move you immediately got butterflies in your stomach. When the door open it was Nick the most beautiful guy you’ve ever seen the sweetest guy you would ever meet. He seen you Sam and Darius and he seemed happy. He asked what this was and Darius was stupid and said it was your wedding Nick laughed at it then Sam explained what happened with Tyler and that this is your secret first date. You couldn’t stop smiling you were so happy to finally have a date with the guy of your dreams. Darius and Sam went out of the locker room and sat on a crate by the door so in case Ty tried anything he would hopefully… possibly be stopped. You sat on a blanket on the floor with Nick and a little basket full of snacks and some sandwiches. Nick sat across from you and was wearing a black shirt with some black jeans.
Y/n: “ hey Nicky “
Nick: “ hey pretty girl “
You obviously started blushing when he said that you just couldn’t get over his voice and how he said pretty girl.
Nick: “ or should I call you pinky “
Y/n: “ shush pretty boy “
There it was the nickname he came up with.
You talked for a little bit and had some laughs while eating your food. ( use your imagination because I’m not the best with conversations on dates 😭 )
Darius knocked on the door and asked if you were having fun and if you guys finished your food.
Darius: “ how’s the wedding going “
Y/n: “ amazing “
Nick: “ um the best obviously you planned it “
Darius: “ are you guys done eating? because when you are by the couch there’s a blanket, a stuffed animal, popcorn and the remote for the tv you guys can watch a movie or something if you want a longer date “
Y/n: “ a stuffed animal? “
Darius: “ yeah consider it a gift from Nick “
Nick: “ so that’s why you asked me to help pick out a stuffed animal for a girl “
Darius: “ yeah we were in the store for a hour because I wouldn’t tell him who it was for so he didn’t know what you liked but we settled on a blue Dinosaur just for you “
Y/n: “ awe that’s so sweet thank you “
Darius: “ don’t thank me thank him “
Darius left you to the rest of the date. You and Nick watched your favorite movie. And cuddled.
Nick: “ you know your really beautiful y/n “
Y/n: “ why thank you not to bad yourself “
Nick: “ how much luckier could I get I have you as a beautiful girlfriend “
Y/n: “ so it’s official? “
Nick: “ if you want it to be “
Y/n: “ of corse I would nicky “
Nick: “ my pinky “
You smiled while he kissed your forehead. You were so happy you finally had the guy of your dreams. But how would Ty react? You ended up falling asleep in nicks arms when you got woken up by a terrified Dante.
Dante: “ wake up I lost Ty he’s looking for you he’s gunna kill us if he finds out your in here “
Y/n: “ shit sorry Nicky I have to go “
Nick: “ it’s ok pinky I get it “
You gave him a kiss on the cheek goodbye and snuck back to your locker room. When Ty finally found you he was pissed.
Tyler: “ y/n where have you been? “
Y/n: “ I was hanging out with the girls and I just got out of the shower is a girl not allowed to take a shower? “
Tyler: “ your hair isn’t wet. “
Y/n: “ it’s called a blow drier dumb ass “
Tyler: “ watch your language “
Y/n: “ your not dad I don’t need to listen to you “
Tyler: “ you should listen to me I’m your brother “
Y/n: “ nah I’m good “
Tyler: “ if I find out you were with Nick your dead “
Y/n: “ I wasn’t I stopped trying after you locked me in my hotel room for 5 hours “
Tyler finally left after the long interview of where you were and why you at work 2 hours after the show. Tyler was going to drive you to your hotel so he waited in the car for you. You seen Nick on the way out and checked if anyone was around before you gave him a hug and kiss goodbye.
Y/n: “ bye Nicky boy “
Nick: “ bye pinky “
You went back to your hotel and the whole way there you got asked about who you were texting. It was obviously Nick but you couldn’t tell Ty that so you just said your friend Anna Jay. You got back to your hotel room and he finally left you alone so you could sleep before you feel asleep though Nick texted you a mini good night paragraph.
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The next day:
You woke up to another mini paragraph it was so sweet and cute your heart literally melted.
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You were so beyond happy that Nick is your sweet caring loving boyfriend. But you had to tell your dad and Ty soon and you had no idea how though.
1 month later:
You and Nick have been dating for about 1 month you’ve kept it a secret for that long but it was getting harder you wanted to spend time with your boyfriend but Ty didn’t even want you talking to him. So you made a plan to tell your dad and Ty. You just hoped Nick would be alive for your next anniversary. You were at collision waiting for Ty to get to the arena. You were terrified what if they made you break up with him or something. You waited for about 20 minutes for Ty and your dad to show up you asked them to come to your locker room because you need to talk about something with them. You didn’t want to tell them alone so you asked Dante and Darius to wait outside of the door just in case things didn’t go to plan. You had your dad and Ty sit on your couch while you stood in front of them waiting for Nick to come to help tell the news to them.
Taz: “ you aren’t quitting are you “
Y/n: “ no dad I’m not I’m happy here “
Tyler: “ this better be good I should be asleep right now “
Taz: “ a promotion “
Y/n: “ no “
Taz: “ you winning a title? “
Y/n: “ no “
Taz: “ your mom ask you to ask us something? she does that a lot but I digress “
Y/n: “ no dad “
Taz: “ alright just asking kiddo “
Finally Nick walked in your locker room and you were relieved you could finally tell them no more hiding.
Tyler: “ y/n what’s he doing here “
Taz: “ who’s this fine young man? “
Y/n: “ um we have something to tell you “
Taz: “ y/n your only 18 you can’t be “
Y/n: “ no not that dad “
Taz: “ ok continue “
Tyler: “ no don’t you shouldn’t even be talking to him “
Y/n: “ me and Nick are dating and I don’t care if you don’t want it he’s the sweetest guy I know and I’m not going to leave him because your over protective. “
Taz: “ well welcome to the family kid “
Tyler: “ no this isn’t supposed to be happening you aren’t allowed to talk “
Taz: “ hey give this kid a chance Ty your sister deserves love and she shouldn’t have to listen to you about your opinions but I digress “
Tyler: “ fine. “
You knew Ty didn’t like it he was your big brother you felt bad about going behind his back and dating someone he didn’t even want you talking to but after a couple weeks of you Ty and Nick hanging out he realized that Nick wasn’t so bad and he’s actually a big sweet heart so you officially got your bothers approval on one condition.
Tyler: “ don’t hurt her or your going to be mounted on my wall “
That was the one condition but now you and Nick have movie nights in his locker room every Wednesday and Ty sometimes tags along because he’s still protective but you don’t mind.
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This took abt 3 days? Thank you Abby for helping me with the Dante and Darius texts lmk if u want another one keep in mind that this is only my second fic so sorry if it isn’t perfect hoped you liked it 🫶 I tried to proof read lmao 😭
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cigaretteslutz · 3 months
cigaretteslutz' masterlists
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hi hi hello! this is my collection of writing organized into one spot so that you don't have to search around for my works! under this you will find my rules for requests, and the different things you can request. (im not the best at this so pls be nice)
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things i will NOT write: pee/scat/puke, abortion/forced abortion/miscarriages, things with no consent, addiction, actual wrestlers fucking each other (unless its a 3some with the reader but other then that no), things featuring age play/little space, incest/step-cest. if you request any of these you're blocked.
if you make a request and want a wrestler to have a child, please give their name and age because im not using anybody's REAL child in a fanfic thats just...😭
things i WILL write: marriage/divorce, pregnancy, violence, mommy/daddy kinks, praise/degradation kinks, rough sex (??), more to come as i write
please dont translate or steal my work! i work hard on these and if i want my work to be translated, i will ask someone, but as of right now no.
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who i write for/request inspo;
wwe: austin theory brie bella cm punk cody rhodes cora jade damien priest dominik mysterio drew mcintyre finn balor grayson waller jade cargill john cena la knight liv morgan logan paul maryse miz nikki bella randy orton rhea ripley ridge holland roman reigns seth rollins aew: alicia atout (my friend held a gun to my head and forced me to add her. you know who you are) adam cole adam copeland adam page bryan danielson buddy matthews claudio castagnoli darby allin hook jay white kenny omega kyle o'reilly mjf orange cassidy sammy guevara saraya tay melo wardlow
inspo: officer porn star/cam star professor pirate/mermaid ex-partner single parents model actress sorority/frat princess/prince/king
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if you like my work, please consider following me! comment if you would like to be added to the tag list !!
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haytertime · 1 year
you’re going for blood (that’s so adorable) | kris/anna jay | 831 words | rated t | read on ao3
Kris isn’t sure what Anna’s problem is, but she is sure that whatever it is has been steadily intensifying over the past several weeks.
Before, it was just a snide comment made by her whenever they passed each other; Kris stopped listening to what was actually said after the third time, but whatever it was was always enough to make Tay cackle at Anna’s side as the two walked to class, blonde hair bouncing and smelling of some floral perfume that made Kris’s nose itch.
When Anna realized that the comments had no effect on Kris is when she started escalating. Suddenly there were notes and drawings left at her desk in their shared class (the latter, Kris noted, getting better and better over time and Anna even started to include Kris’s tattoo additions as she got them and Anna really could pursue art if she wanted to even if she used it to make fun of Kris’s larger frame and her brightly dyed hair-) and vandalized photos of her snuck into her backpack and weird, spray-painted eyeballs with tentacles left on her car. And each time Kris found one of Anna’s calling cards, Anna would somehow pop up not much later, feigning casualness and indifference that quickly turned to indignation as Kris continued to ignore her and continue on.
It all comes to a head when Anna corners her after class today, the older building they have their class in cleared out and Tay apparently sent ahead to give them privacy. Kris is tucking Anna’s latest drawing of her (featuring Kris dressed up as some sort of alien which she assumes is Anna’s way of implying she’s an “out-of-this-world” girl and is simply amazing, what other meaning could possibly be inferred from the picture, and Anna really put a lot of detail into alien Kris’s makeup and outfit and-) away in her bag to later add to her shoebox collection of others at home when she feels someone grab her arm and throw her into an empty classroom.
It takes Kris a second to register that it’s Anna that did that because her mind can’t comprehend how the smaller woman was able to manhandle her so easily. When she does get her mind back to the present, she sees Anna standing across from her, arms crossed and face clearly waiting for Kris to answer the question she hadn’t heard.
“Um, what?”
Anna scoffs and somehow crosses her arms even tighter.
“Fucking typical, what is it gonna take to get to you? Because apparently, a face-to-face conversation isn’t even it!”
Kris doesn’t bother to close her mouth she can feel hanging open. She looks around the classroom like maybe Tay or those guys Matt and Angelo she hangs out with are watching in secret and possibly recording for some weird prank Anna’s concocted.
When Anna doesn’t continue to speak, instead just stares at Kris expectantly with her eyebrows raised, Kris decides she needs to use here-and-now to try and finally get Anna off of her back. As much as Kris will miss the “gifts” she’s gotten so used to receiving, they are more of a nuisance than anything else and she still hasn’t been able to remove the purple spray paint entirely from her car.
“Look Anna, whatever this shit is,” Kris waves one of her hands around in front of her to signify it, “I really, really don’t know what you want from me. I truly, deeply, don’t know. I don’t even feel like you’re getting anything out of all of this, and honestly I’ve come to like some of the drawings you leave me, so I-”
Kris talks and watches Anna stare back at her, watches Anna move closer to her and raise her hands to Kris’s shoulders, but it still catches her off guard when she feels Anna’s lips on hers, cutting her off mid-sentence. In the split-second it takes for her to kiss Anna back, Kris recalls the time when Chuck told her of a girl he had a crush on in middle school and, instead of confessing to her, he left her a letter stating “get out of my school”.
When Kris breaks her lips away from Anna’s to get air, she has her pushed against the wall, or Anna’s pushing herself back against it in her effort to pull Kris closer, she isn’t sure. Kris blinks and stares at the smear of lipstick going across Anna’s lower cheek.
“God you’re so fucking slow, was almost starting to think you really did have nothing going on in that big head of yours-” Anna starts, and this time it’s Kris that cuts her off.
The drawings still continue after that, but now Anna will include herself in some of them, and if Kris asks then she’ll sign them with a lipstick print before laying one on Kris as well. She keeps her favorite one - the two of them as alien lovers - framed on her bedside table.
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elitehunter · 1 year
Anna Jay: I Think I Might Be Going Crazy ('Cause All I Really, Really Want Is To Be With You)
Pairing: Anna Jay x OFC
Summary: When Rowan starts working backstage with AEW, she quickly becomes close the Dark Order - especially Anna Jay. As time progresses, it feels like something more might be happening until suddenly Anna joined the Jericho Appreciation Society and things change. Will they figure out what's happening between them? Or will new alliances fracture even their friendship?
Rating: G Word Count: 4,217 Warnings: none, really Notes: Written for 2023 series of Bingo Card Prompts. All requests are full but the card is here for anyone interested. Prompt: “Don’t mind them. They do that a lot.”
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radiocurrency · 12 days
Hi, my name is Jay and I like to write gay vampire smut.
My AO3 account is brandedforeverlame
I am currently publishing a Devil's Minion fanfic series entitled 'If You Had Life Eternal' :
All Rated E. All with Armand x Daniel as the main pairing.
1. Loving You's A Bloodsport
(4016 words)
Post 2x08 turning fic.
After Louis leaves the apartment in Dubai to head to NOLA, Armand decides to reveal all to Daniel.
2. Lestat and Daniel's Grand Adventure (Lessons In How To Provoke Your Maker)
Currently WIP, multichapter, Lestat and Daniel friendship buddy fic.
It's been one year since Daniel was turned and he still hasn't heard from his maker.
Daniel decides (against his better judgement) to reach out to the only other immortal he knows besides Louis for help to track down Armand.
Also please check out the absolutely awesome fanart my lovely friend Anna @once-delight made for this fic right here. Anna is also the official beta reader for this fic.
3. My kingdom for a kiss upon his shoulder
(3,788 words)
San Francisco, 1978:
Daniel makes a spur of the moment decision and Armand reacts accordingly.
4. Arms Tonite
(4,760 words)
Yes. The fisting fic -
It lay on their kitchen bench, framed in golden light which streamed in through the window of their Tuscan apartment.
“Uh… whose arm is that?”
Daniel has never been fisted and when Armand offers to change that, Daniel can't help but make a comment that brings out the Gremlin™️
5. To All Besotted Souls
(2,564 words)
The first time Armand and Daniel have sex during the chase years.
Pompeii Ruins, Naples, 1976
And now he was here - waiting on this strange demon with whom he was pretty sure he was in love with.
Could you fall in love with the monster under your bed?
Could you fall in love with a guillotine blade as it hung over your neck?
And there's plenty more on it's way. I'm almost always writing and love to talk to any fellow DM writers. Please feel free to follow/ask/dm me :)
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hooked0n-wrestling · 2 months
Writing coming soon!
Hi angels! Quinn here, i've been around tumblr for a while now but this is a fresh account! I wanna get back into writing so i'll leave a list for who i write for, feel free to leave me some requests!
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Adam Copeland
Adam Page
Anna Jay
Brody King
Buddy Matthews
Daniel Garcia
Britt Baker
Jamie Hayter
Jay White
Jon Moxley
Juice Robinson
Julia Hart
Kenny Omega
Kris Statlander
Kip Sabian
Kyle Fletcher
Malakai Black
Matthew Jackson
Nicholas Jackson
Orange Cassidy
Ruby Soho
Swerve Strickland
The judgment day (Poly! and individually, i do not write for JD however.)
Liv Morgan
LA Knight
Seth Rollins
Cody Rhodes
Jey Uso
Gigi Dolin
Trick Williams
Carmelo Hayes
Cora Jade
Roxanne Perez
CM Punk
Drew Mcintyre
Karrion Kross
Harry Hook
Chloe Charming
Chad Charming
James Hook
Bridget/Queen of hearts
Red dead redemption
Arthur Morgan
Dutch Van Der Linde
Javier Escuella
John Marston
Rachel Roth/Raven
Dick Grayson
Jason Todd
Garfield Logan / beast boy
Donna Troy
Tim Drake
I write for MLM, WLW, Gender Neutral reader, trans reader and so on. I'll write headcanons, fics and maybe mini series in the future. i WILL NOT write smut for now, it may be hinted but my smut writing skills are... not tumblr acceptable. I won't write about anything triggering (e.g R@pe, age gap with anyone under the age of 18, incest, @buse etc.). Fluff and angst are my specialties, so request away!
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bbytae07 · 10 months
can someone write a hook fic of hook and yn at the media scrum answering questions after a ppv match or maybe after all in wembley?? (opponents could be anna jay and jack perry or any of your choosing)
ik he would either shake his head or not talk at all but i’m just curious if yn is by hook’s side, would he answer some questions or be his usual quiet self haha just a lil fun curiosity :)
what do y’all think about the idea ^-^
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discow1tch · 10 months
Summary: Austin Gunn confronts you over "ass boy" chants after a match
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚.・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚.・ ───
Tags/warnings/tropes: reader insert, aew employee reader, implied romantic relationship, light teasing (giving), PDA, kayfabe compliant
Authors Notes: I am unfortunately very into Bullet Club Gold. This fic hasn't been beta-read. If you notice any errors please let me know!
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When the match ends you make your way backstage. Production staff are nice enough to direct you towards the arena's dressing rooms when you show them your badge. Normally, you'd just meet the boys out in the parking lot or at their hotel after the show but you want to congratulate them on their victory while it's still fresh.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚.・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚.・ ───
You can tell you're in the right area when you start seeing wrestlers you recognize. First, it's Hook looking sullen as ever seated on a stack of palettes with a bag of chips. Then Caster and Bowens workshopping their next rap. And then finally, Anna Jay who breaks off the animated conversation she's having with 2point0 to say hi. The two of you talk for a minute before you notice Austin coming out of the dressing room at the far end of the hallway.
His hair is still damp from showering and he's changed into sweats and a t-shirt. He gives a big stretch of his arms over his head before leaning up against the wall and pulling out his phone. A few specks of errant glitter glint on the exposed skin at his collar as he moves. It's a good look on him.
You say your goodbyes to Anna and rush to greet him.
At the sound of your approaching footsteps he looks over. You send him a smile and give a little wave but he doesn't return it. When you reach him he pushes off the wall to face you with a frown on his face.
"Hey! You guys were great out there tonight!" You throw an arm around his side to give him a quick hug that he just barely reciprocates.
"I saw you joining in on the chants." Austin accuses as you separate. You cringe but quickly cover it with a smile.
"Of course I did. That's what you're supposed to do at a wrestling show." You'd hoped that maybe he hadn't noticed or that in the excitement of winning he'd forgotten seeing your lips move at ringside.
"You know that's not what I'm talking about." he turns to cage you against the wall, forearms at either side of your head. Austin isn't tall for a professional wrestler but he still towers over you. Pale eyes stare you down with an angry frustration that's usually reserved for his opponents. You've never seen it directed your way before.
"If it was just 'holy shit' or 'ay-ee-dub' it wouldn't be a problem but I saw you chanting 'ass boys'." he continues.
"What, you don't like me calling you an Ass Boy?" you ask with exaggerated obliviousness as you bring your hands up to rest on his sides.
"It's not exactly something I appreciate." he says as he presses his weight into you. It occurs to you that he's close enough now that you could kiss him if you wanted to.
"So you're denying that you have an incredible ass?" you question. His angry facade cracks into a smile and a wave of laughter that's more like the Austin you know overtakes him. His head falls forward to rest against yours.
"Let's not go that far. My ass is pretty great."
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judgementdaysunshine · 11 months
Can i get a angsty Hook fic but with a happy ending please
Oooh first aew request!
Standing up
Pairing: Hook x Fem reader
Description: Hook fights Ethan Page after he steps up to page for harming you
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You became afraid when you see Ethan Page in front of you grabbing and pinning you with his hand to your throat against the wall trying to fight back especially when he lifts you up and you see the table. You knew that you would be hurt if you hit the table due to your previous back injury that could have been the end of your career from how bad and painful it was but no matter how hard you fought you were no match for the strength page had until you were suddenly on the ground looking to see Hook on top of him beating the life out of him as Danhausen comes around the corner pulling off page and managing to throw him in the table as hook gets to his feet immediately helping you up wiping blood from your nose off his face not noticing any other injury other than the mark on your neck that was likely the start of a forming bruise which made him more mad as the three of you get ready for your matches taking out all your pent up anger and emotions out in the ring against Anna Jay smiling as hook pulls you in a hug backstage. You roll your eyes when page talks shit in the ring then he starts talking about you making you boil with rage but before you could run out you suddenly see hook walking in the ring vibrating with anger "You want a match with me? You got one! And plus I'm doing this after that shit you pulled earlier almost throwing Y/N into a table!" he has the footage rolled and every fan boos page as hook gets good hits in before leaving the ring sharing a hug together after anxiously waiting as the next two weeks go by always becoming afraid when you saw or heard page but hook was not far behind ready to give a beat down and he sure did when page tried to interfere in your match against Hikaru Shida only to be shoved down by danhausen then beaten down by hook, accompanying him ringside to the match cheering him on and smiling when you get your great hits in while hausen distracted the ref before sliding out as hook gets the pin and win. A hug is shared between the two of you in the ring before heading backstage with smiles feeling stunned when he grabs your face and kisses you but you burst into joy by the action returning another kiss wrapping your arms around him in another hug as laughs are shared "Thank you Hook you didn't have to do that for me" he smiles holding your face in his hands gently "I wouldn't do that for anyone but you" you melt hiding your rosy face in his palms before he chuckles kissing you again before the two of you sat in his locker room for the rest of collision enjoying small sips of soda and bites of chips planning to spend the next day together for your day off.
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bullet-clubs-bitch · 5 months
can I request a zack sabre jr fic? Maybe leading up to forbidden door the reader is in a feud with a wrestler that has a male partner who interferes and zack comes out to save them, surprising the crowd. Even the commentary table seems confused. When the reader asks why he came out he just gives a flirty response. You can end it however you want 😁
Forbidden Love
Summary: Zack saves you from JAS
Zack Sabre Jr X fem reader
Main Masterlist
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That familiar door was soon about to open and although I was excited I was also nervous. Forbidden Door was my favourite event of the year, not only because I would get to see old friends with the joint event but I would also get to see my boyfriend Zack Sabre Jr. As far as I knew it looked like Zack wound’t be able to make it out to the event. Of course, I was devastated but I was more upset about the predicament I was currently in. I have spent the last few weeks feuding with Anna Jay, we are supposed to end this whole rivalry at forbidden door but If you ask me this storyline has overstayed its welcome. Every week it’s the same old boring thing. 
I told Zack about my frustrations but he was no help. “Y/n you should be lucky you are even a part of the show,” Zack told me “I know but I wish you would be too. I miss you, I’m bored. Save me, Zack!” I dramatically told the Brit on the phone. “I’ll see you soon love, you don’t need to worry,” he told me soothingly. What was that supposed to mean? “Tell me again why you won’t come to forbidden door?” I asked him “I’m tied up with meetings in Japan, it’s not easy being a champion,” he told me 
That week me and Anna would put an end to the ongoing rivalry, two weeks before we initially intended it to be. The two of us were given the main event spot of Dynamite and a slot of 15 minutes to put together a clean fight. I should have known that nothing about this fight would be clean. Anna and I beat the living hell out of each other, this needed to be over for good. I had her beat. Anna lied in the ring lifeless after I delivered my finisher, all I needed to do was pin her and it was over. I hocked the leg and went for the pin. 1…2… just as referee Aubrey Edward’s hand was about to hit the canvas for the third time I felt someone pull me out of the ring. My body crashed hard to the floor as I didn’t have time to brace myself for the fall. I looked up to be greeted by Daniel Garcia and Daddy Magic. 
“What the fuck!” I yelled at the men who stood over me. “We can’t let you win,” Daniel told me. 
Just as I started to get up I felt Anna kick me in the back of the head, forcing me back to the ground. This had become a 3 on one assault. Just then I was greeted with a familiar song I didn’t think I would get to hear. It was Zack Sabre Jr. Once his theme started to blare around the arena the three stopped their assault, too shocked to move an inch. The crowd erupted at the surprised, even the commentators were shocked. 
Zack came to my aid and helped me fend off the JAS. My match with Anna ended in a DQ and it was announced for Forbidden Door it would be me and Zack Vs Anna and Daniel Garcia in a no-holds-barred match. The two of us were far from being over. 
Once we got backstage I just had to ask Zack “What was all that for?” to which he replied, “I thought you told me you needed to be saved?” 
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beccalovesyu · 4 months
Hooked on a feeling
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Pairing: fem! Reader x Hook/ Tyler
Warnings: None really a little bit of swearing and arguing and any grammar mistakes I made
Genre: Angst and a little fluff
< yes im doing a pt. 2 >
( not my gifs )
~• this is my first fic so pls read the notes at the end :) •~
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Backstory: You and Tyler didn’t really talk much. You worked at the same place but never really clicked. It seemed he was always wrestling, eating, or at a club bringing girls to his hotel room.
It was a rainy day. Dynamite started in a hour. You were getting ready when Dante texted you and asked if you wanted to go to a bar after the show.
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< Dante 🍃 …
Dante🍃: “ hey y/n do u wanna go to a bar after the show today? “
Y/n: “ ofc! what time? “
Dante🍃: “ how about 10:30? I’ll pick you up at your hotel “
Y/n: “ that sounds great! I’ll be ready and waiting! “
➕ ( | 🎤 )
q w e r t y u i o p
a s d f g h j k l
⬆️ z x c v b n m ⬅️
123 | Space | return
😀 🎤
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ •~
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At the show :
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U were in the Gloria waiting for your music to hit you were going to face Anna Jay. Your music hit and you were pumped. You went out and had fun. Anna was a good friend of yours so when your match got announced you were excited. You hit Anna with a code red and then your finisher the moon salt. You pinned Anna 1… 2… 3… you beat Anna.
After the match you shook Anna’s hand as a sign of respect. Both of you went back stage after your match and were talking when she asked if you hand any plans.
Anna: “ you have any plans tonight? “
Y/n: “ yeah im going to a bar with Dante “
Anna: “ like a date? “
Y/n: “ Anna he’s like a brother to me we’re just hanging out “
Anna: “ Alright but let me know if anything happens “
You laughed a bit. You and Anna went to the viewing room. Usually after one of your matches or a promo you watched the show together. You guys kinda just talked most of the time. Not really watching the show it was more of a catch up. When you guys went to the viewing room you seen whose match it was. It was Tyler’s match. You never really talked but had a few conversations here and there. You thought he was cute obviously but the lack of expression on his face and lack of speech never really gave you any signals so you assumed that he wouldn’t really go for you. His music hit and your eyes were glued to the screen. Anna tried to talk to you but usually got a yeah or ok or sometimes a that sounds good but you weren’t really listening. You were watching Him. Anna picked up after a bit and teased you.
Anna: “ hey y/n you like your boyfriend’s match so far? “
Y/n: “ yeah, huh? wait what? “
You payed attention real quick. Anna laughed at you.
Anna: “ you so think Ty is cute “
Y/n: “ do not “
Anna: “ you so do I can tell “
Y/n: “ sure Anna “
Anna: “ is it just you and Dante going to the bar? “
Y/n: “ im not sure but I guess I’ll find out “
Anna: “ let me know what happens at the bar with Him if he goes “
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He’s not going. Right? That got you thinking what if he did come? How would you talk to Him? It always seems like you talk and he never listens he doesn’t really talk to you. Anna said she would help you get ready. Of course you said yes. Anna helped you do your makeup and gave you some clothes. You wore ripped jeans and a Red Lacey top. You waited outside of your hotel waiting for Dante. You waited for about 15 minutes. It wasn’t Dante’s fault you were early. But it was cold and you didn’t have a jacket. You were shivering. you were freezing. Finally you seen Dante’s car and rushed over to it. When you got in the back seat someone was there to “ greet you “ it was Him. You were still cold and shivering. You said hi to Dante and hi to Ty but all he did was give you a death glare while eating his chips.
Y/n: “ alright then “
Tyler: “ you cold? “
Y/n: “ im fine “
Tyler: “ you want my hoodie? “
Y/n: “ I said I was fine “
Then he took off his hoodie and handed it to you.
Tyler: “ it’s to cold to be wearing that anyway “
Y/n: “ mhm thanks “
Tyler: “ yeah “
Your pov:
You put his hoodie on. You liked it but didn’t show it. The rest of the car ride was silent except for the chip bag that Tyler was eating out of. We got to the bar and we all walked in. Tyler already seen his hookup for the night. You seen his eyes go to her. You were a little jealous but that didn’t stop you from having a good time. The bar tender was pretty cute but not Tyler cute. You still thought you would at least try. At least he actually talked to you and actually listened to what you had to say. You looked over at Tyler who looked to be giving you a death glare. Or maybe it was The bartender? Probably both of us.
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His pov:
I seen a girl when I walked in. I knew her from somewhere. It turned out she went to my high school. I walked over to her to catch up. We haven’t talked in ages. After I was done talking to her I walked back over to Dante. I started talking to him but I seen Her Y/n she was flirting with The bartender. It seemed like she always was upset or had an attitude when she tried to talk to me. I wanted to talk to Her but I never knew what to say. Dante kept trying to talk to me.
Dante: “ but then I was like.. hey man you Ok? “
Tyler: “ im fine “
Dante: “ your death starring y/n and the bartender “
Tyler: “ im not “
Dante: “ I can tell you’re on edge “
Tyler: “ it’s nothing “
Dante: “ listen I see the way she looks at you she so likes you don’t worry dude “
Tyler: “ whatever Dante “
I zoned out looking at them when she started waking towards me.
Your pov:
I was sick of Him looking at me like that. I walked up to Him and asked what his problem was.
Y/n: “ what’s your problem? “
Tyler: “ nothing your just basically giving The bartender a lap dance “
Y/n: “ why do you care don’t you have a whore to fuck? “
Tyler: “ do you think that’s all I do? “
Y/n: “ it is all you do. You don’t even talk when someone talks to you you just say your listening when your not. “
Tyler: “ well it’s hard to talk to someone with a constant attitude “
Y/n: “ it’s hard to talk to somebody with no emotion. “
Tyler: “ I have emotions im still a human y/n “
Y/n: “ it doesn’t seem like it you don’t even look for a relationship you just fuck people like your collecting cards. “
Tyler: “ collecting cards? “
Y/n: “ yes, and when someone try’s to talk to you, you just sit there and don’t even pay attention. “
Tyler: “ I do pay attention. I pay more attention then you think “
Y/n: “ more attention to hookups “
Tyler: “ I hear more then you think y/n “
Y/n: “ what do you hear other then girls moaning in your ear? “
Tyler: “ no I hear you say im a piece of shit because I don’t listen to anything. When you were upset about losing your title I listened. When you were talking about your new gear you were excited for I listened. When you were talking about how excited you were about your match with Anna I listened. I hear a lot. “
Y/n: “ im sorry I didn’t know you actually heard me. “
Tyler: “ who wouldn’t listen to you “
You heard Him say it he listened to you. You felt so bad about all the times you left the conversation because you didn’t think he heard you, or the times you talked to the girls in catering about it always seems like a one sided conversation, or that he didn’t listen and all he cared about were hookups. You didn’t know how to make it up to Him.
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Hey this is my first fic so sorry if it’s not perfect I did try to proof read and I even got a friends opinion I was debating on not posting this and giving up but with a lot of motivation from my friends Abby and Kinsey I actually did post it Lmk if I should fix anything or any tips about writing TYSM FOR READING 🫶
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deanstead · 1 year
Coming Soon: CEO!Jay Halstead x Reader
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Series Summary: As Y/N struggles to find a way out of a toxic work environment, a new CEO arrives to change things up. Just as she thinks things are taking a turn for the worst, she finds herself surprised by the changes Jay brings with him both personally and professionally.
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For the record, this is all @halsteadlover 's fault. I wasn't even gonna write this and now there are a couple of chapters written and endorsed by @sheetsonfire ?? I probably won't be releasing this yet but just to let yall know that there are things coming up! I'm still working on my Dean series too but I've been having a horrible time at work and in true coping mechanism... a fic was born. I will blame @halsteadlover forever!!!!!
Will post/update again once I've gotten ahead with the writing and I've got a schedule down. Meanwhile, I'm starting to feel a little excitement for this cos Anna capslocked our entire chat while I was asleep last night HAHAHA
Still very early but if you're on the Jay Halstead taglist, you'll be tagged and a series taglist will also be started for this so yknow what to do!
love, Resa.
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vintagelacerosette · 1 year
Tag game catch up ✨️
I'm doing some tag games & picrews I've missed 🫶🏼 and I was tagged by these dearhearts Macy @celestialmickey Cross @crossmydna Evie @energievie Laurel @lupeloto Anna @rereadanon Ling @lingy910y Cherry @too-schoolforcool Ajax @transmickey Lyle @milkovetti Vey @look-i-love-u Coralie @shinygalaxyperson Becki @francesrose3 Ri @tanktopgallavich Jay @surviving-maybe Michelle @michellemisfit Deanna @deedala Julissa @heymrspatel Paola @mishervellous Melodie @sirrudo Thanks y'all 🥰
Name: Myn
Pronouns: She/they
Where do you call home? Sydney
Favourite animal: Cats, ducks & otters i can't choose 🐈‍⬛️🦆🦦
Cereal of choice: Gosh I love american cereal I gotta say I'm now a cinammon toast crunch fiend & lucky charms used to be my fave haha
Are you a visual, auditory, or kinesthetic learner? Kinaesthetic/visual
First pet? A tank of fishes but I also count a black & white stray cat we took in which we named Gato & oh how i miss him
Favourite scent? Something woodsy or citrusy
Do you believe in astrology? Kinda like I believe some aspects but wouldn't take it so literally in life
How many playlists do you have on spotify/apple music? I'm not one for playlists but I do have like 8 music ones on youtube lol
Sharpies or highlighters? Hightlighters all the colours yall 🌈
A song that makes you cry:
A song that makes you happy:
and finally, do you write/draw/create? if so, use this as an opportunity to shamelessly (😉) promote yourself! Yes I draw & make crafts which you can check out on my tag myn's art 💘 I also definetly gunning to write fic omg the amount of gallavich plot bunnies I have may be in the double digits??
Picrew 1
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Last week tag game tuesday ✨️
Name: Shermyn
Age: 26 (27 in 12 day!!!)
Favorite color: Pink
Beverage of choice: Yukult I shot em back like shots lmao
Do you have push notifications turned on for tumblr? I do & for some ppl's blogs too. It can be a lot lol
Opinion on fireworks? Pretty & loud 🎆
Favourite childhood toy? This stuffed bunny I had since I was a kid which I use play pretend like they were real & to pet it so softly 🥰
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The store you shop at the most: uhhh maybe ubereats lol does that count 😅
Do you swear a lot? As an aussie fuck is like a brother to me
Favourite trope: Sexual attraction at first sight then falling in love
An album with no skips: Infinity on High by fall out boy
If you could play any instrument, what would you choose? something whimiscal maybe a lyra or ocarina or a steel drum
Your biggest pet peeve: Getting told I'm being disrespectful bc I have a tone that was 'hard'
Favourite time of day: Sunset
and finally, did you drink water today? Yes indeed!
Picrew 2
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I'll still tag some loves if they wanna play 💘 @ian-galagher @scarcrosseduntouched @bekkachaos @sisitrip @darthvaders-wife @suchagallabitch @iansw0rld @arrowflier @milkmaidovich @auds-and-evens @callivich @mikhailoisbaby @creepkinginc @mikcrymilkovich @sleepyfacetoughguy @suzy-queued @gardenerian @sickness-health-all-that-shit @stocious @shameless-notashamed @mmmichyyy @xninetiestrendx @intotheblindinglight @skies-below @notherenewjersey @psychicskulldamage @silvanshadow
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mamamittens · 1 year
Spooktober 2023
Here will be the masterlist for the 2023 Spooktober event where I intend to link all the fics I post for it with the requestor tagged so they may find this post easily.
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Please mind the tags on each post and titles may change. (If the summary sounds wrong for your fic, please message me so I may clear up any misunderstanding on my summary list)
(Vampire) Of Noble Blood - @sabo-has-my-heart
Astra never expected to be swept off her feet by a charming man at a Halloween party, but she's not against it either. But Sabo has a secret he's been keeping from her--and it's only a matter of time until someone endangers them both.
(Werewolf) Room for One More+18 - @marco--the--phoenix
Marco and Ace are two lonely werewolves hoping to fill out their alpha/beta/omega trifecta. And they believe they've finally found him, whether he knows it or not. Now it's only a matter of finding out if the transformation blesses them with an omega of their own.
(Siren) High Note of a Punchline - @idiashroudds
Anna had never heard such an enchanting voice. And Buggy had never met anyone who genuinely liked his song.
(Serial Killer) STALKED IN THE WOODS (NOT CLICKBAIT!!!) - @raptures-finest
Andreas, wild at heart, only wanted to explore abandoned places with his friends. But this time, while venturing into the woods to find a forgotten mansion, he seems to have bitten off more than he can chew. And his list of friends shrinks as their corpses start piling up.
The Blair Witch Project (1999) inspired SaboXKoalaXKakuXOC(Andreas!Urban explorer)
(Dullahan) Don't Lose Your Head about It - myself
Thatch supposed he should ease up on the partying if he always ended up lost somewhere away from his body. Though he'd argue that this time, at least, it wasn't his fault. He's been found by a very helpful and lovely lady though, so really, he has no room to complain until that bastard Teach decided to come finish the job. Hopefully he can reunite with his body before it's too late.
(Mob/Gang) High Price for a Date+18 - @spitfire-of-the-sea
Saki's considered a lead in her field of research in the secretive government sector. Classified information is basically all she's handled for well over a year now. But apparently not all of it. Now she's seen something she shouldn't have and has to book it into arguably more dangerous territory. The Whitebeard Gang's territory, to be specific. Where she finds herself in the arms of one of the most dangerous men in the city. Sparks fly and she finds he's more than willing to pay for her safety, in exchange? A date... and maybe something more.
(Kraken) A Great Big Family - myself
There are many dangers at sea. You've known this all your life and had lived to tell the tale. This may be where you meet your match though, as everyone knows how ferocious krakens are. As well as territorial. Now, if only someone told them that they're not supposed to be territorial over people.
You're not dead, but at what cost?
Sweet Child Reader & Kraken!WBP
(Old God) Dreams and Rebirth +18- @bookandyarndragon
She'd dreamed of a song her whole life. Faint and distant, it called to her with such beauty she'd been compelled to follow. But he had been patiently waiting long enough. Now that she was in his grasp, it was time to claim what has always been his, and start his family anew.
Marco!OldGod X F!Reader
(Demons) Prosperity and Sacrifice+18 - @cebwrites
An investigator follows the trail of misfortune and murder across an entire continent. And when they finally reach the end of the trail--they realize this is one mystery that should have gone cold.
Law X OC(Kirin!Demon)
(Ghost) Beetles and Juice, Tricks and Treats - @flamingoblubber
Beetlejuice had gone all out for what was arguably the most important holiday for himself. Thankfully, his sweetie, Jay, is willing to reel him in so he doesn't toe the line too hard or scar the neighborhood for life. He still stands firm that a few sand worms would really liven up the place.
Beetlejuice (1988) X OC(Jay)
(Scarecrow) A Heart Made of Straw - myself
Being a professional scarecrow is honest work. And Nikia has contracted with the Whitebeard farm for a few years now with no complaint. The job would be easier if she wasn't so fond of one of Whitebeard's sons, but it wasn't like she expected anything to come of it. Unfortunately, it appears as though he may be onto her... but she'd quite literally rather die than give herself away. So, who will win this stalemate? An honest country boy or an awkward introverted scarecrow?
(Boogeyman) Nothing to be Afraid of (Every Reason to Run) - myself
You never quite liked the wardrobe your new family got you. For weeks you could have sworn something was watching you from it. Stefan and Kotatsu both raising their hackles anytime it creaks open. But you didn't want to raise a fuss. But maybe you should have--if you had, then you wouldn't have been stolen from your bed in the middle of the night.
It's okay though, Echo says they know the way out.
(How our Seeds Grow) child!reader & OC(Echo)
(Mummy) Piece by Piece, You'll Come Back to Me - @sunken-diver
For thousands of years, Zoro has had an uneasy rest. Cursed to never die for his traitorous desire, he waits. Until one day he is awoken and finds he no longer has to wait to reunite with the object of his desire. They're right here. Ripe for the taking.
Mummy (1999) inspired Ft. Mummy!Zoro and AMAB!GN!Reader.
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manyfandomocs · 2 months
Descendants OC Masterlist (K-Z)
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Name: Kirsti Bjorgman (daughter of Anna and Kristoff)
Fic: The First Time In Forever
Love Interest: Ben & Mal
FC: Molly Quinn
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Name: Landon Lahr (son of the Cowardly Lion)
Fic: No One Mourns The Wicked
Love Interest: Lonnie
FC: Drew Ray Tanner
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Name: Lilliana Taylor (daughter of the Good Witch of the North)
Fic: No One Mourns The Wicked
Love Interest: Mal & Evie
FC: Maia Mitchell
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Name: Magnolia Andersdatter (daughter of Morgana)
Fic: Land and Sea
Love Interest: Harry Hook
FC: Laura Harrier
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Name: Nadia Thropp (daughter of the Wicked Witch of the East)
Fic: No One Mourns The Wicked
Love Interest: Uma
FC: Logan Browning
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Name: Opal Baum (daughter of Princess Ozma)
Fic: No One Mourns The Wicked
Love Interest: Ben
FC: Abigail Cowen
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Name: Orion Diggs (son of the Wizard)
Fic: No One Mourns The Wicked
Love Interest: Audrey & Chad
FC: Mike Faist
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Name: Polly Pan (daughter of Peter Pan)
Fic: Second Star to the Right
Love Interest: Harry Hook & Uma
FC: Liana Liberato
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Name: Ruby Fitzherbert (daughter of Rapunzel and Eugene)
Fic: One Step Forward, Three Steps Back
Love Interest: Chad, Evie
FC: Virginia Gardner
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Name: Serafina Stabbington Chapman (daughter of a Stabbington brother Merida)
Fic: Chase The Wind and Touch The Sky
Love Interest: Mal or Jay or OC
FC: Piper Curda
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Name: Stephen White (son of Snow White)
Fic: Foolish Thing of Mine
Love Interest: Poly Core Four
FC: Tom Holland
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Name: Tatiana Chase (daughter of Tiana and Naveen)
Fic: Almost There
Love Interest: Harry Hook & Mal
FC: Keke Palmer
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Name: Wrenley Darling (daughter of Wendy Darling)
Fic: Take Me To Neverland, Baby
Love Interest: Jay, Harry Hook (possibly Jay & Harry endgame)
FC: Mackenzie Foy
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Name: Zinnia Hook (daughter of Captain Hook and Zarina)
Fic: Weightless
Love Interest: Ben or Evie or Uma
FC: Alexandra Shipp
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sainns · 2 months
hi anna 🤗 i wanted to ask what tags should we use in our works to boost them more? Tyyy
hiii :D okay so firstly: never ever use main tags (enhypen, lee heeseung, heeseung, etc) because nobody ever uses those to search for fics !! plus when i go on the main tags it's because i want to see gifs or other content that are not fics and it tends to annoy people when you main tag.
anyways the tags i use are these ones, i just change them for whatever member the post is about and imo are the ones that get the most reach
enhypen x reader, sunghoon x reader, sunghoon x you, sunghoon x y/n, sunghoon fluff, enha x reader, enha x you, enha x y/n, enha fluff, enha scenarios, enhypen x you, enhypen x y/n, enhypen fluff, enhypen headcanons, enhypen scenarios, sunghoon headcanons, sunghoon imagines, park sunghoon x y/n, park sunghoon fluff, park sunghoon imagines, park sunghoon x you
for jake, jay, and ni-ki i usually also include the other names they go by but most people search for their 'stage names' so yay hopefully this helps!!!!
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