#Anna x Carl
doodle-do-wop · 2 years
(don't mind me just gonna hop onto the train late)
credit to @superbcoffeedrinkersubparwriter for the Gallagher version of the prompt list made by upsidedownwithsteve
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Why did it have to be pumpkins?
Carl considered himself a simple guy. He didn't ask too much of life. He wasn't too tall, too short (thank the Lord). He wasn't prom king back in high school but he wasn't a social outcast either. He was perfectly in the middle. The best candidate for a boyfriend! He wasn't picky about anything.
Except pumpkins. He hated pumpkin. Everything about them drove him nuts, the smells, the shapes, the way people put them in everything during the fall!
Now this wasn't to say he hated fall, he just hated pumpkins. Fall was the perfect time of year for an average guy like him and even better for a boyfriend like him. I mean come on, you can give your super awesome, super smart girlfriend your coat and be all suave like the guys in the movies.
You could cuddle with said super awesome, super smart girlfriend instead of doing anything else. Have tea and watch Hocus Pocus. Rake leaves in big piles so her little brothers can cannonball in. Fly kites with the autumn wind.
So many options for perfectly romantic dates....and yet Carl's here...in a pumpkin patch, surrounded by hundreds of tiny, stinky, orange pumpkins.
"-And if you scoop out the seeds and leave them to dry you can use them too for-" Anna chattered on as she spoke to her brothers, half crouched as she held a pumpkin in her arms. Her brothers listening intently as she told them everything she knew, their eyes light up like candles and their head bobbing like bobbleheads.
Carl sighed. Anna Fetterman was the strangest girl in town, going off every year every since middle school to some strange snooty school in Virginia, coming back every summer bolder and brighter. Nowadays she’s off with the air force or something, getting ready to fly off to new adventures. 
She could’ve chosen any boy in the whole wide world, but she chose Carl. And he wasn’t complaining one bit. She was just so...Anna! She was clever and knew more about anything than Carl and his whole family combined. She was crafty and a wiz in the great outdoors(even if she managed to uproot every rock she came by). 
Anna and Carl, they were what people called soulmates, sweethearts since the summer Anna climbed a tree to retrieve his kite. Carl would do anything for her at the drop of a hat. Even stand in a pumpkin patch for an hour as she explained pumpkins to her little brothers, Wally and Parker. 
“-Right Carl?” Anna asked and turned to look at him and Carl froze. 
Quick! Quick! Quick!
“Uhhhh yep!” He nodded and gave her a thumbs up. When it doubt? Agree. 
Apparently his flawless plan left him in the dust as Anna stared at him in bewilderment as Wally and Parker race off down the rows of pumpkins in search for whatever it is two 5 year olds want out of stinky pumpkins. 
Anna turned and stood up, tucking the pumpkin in her hands under one arm as she dusted the other off on her jeans. Carl froze and he wondered for the millionth time if she could read minds or something. Whenever she looked at him what that knowing gaze of hers he either cracked or she figured it out herself. 
“What’s wrong?” She asked and gently reached out, taking his hand in hers and he shivered from the cold that shot up his arm. 
“You’re freezing.” He deflected because while Car didn’t go to a fancy school and wasn’t a hotter, female Sherlock Holmes, he did have at least some brains. And a grandma who drilled chivalry into his brain.
So he took his time taking his jacket off and then his hoodie, handing them to Anna who stood patiently waiting in her simple grey shirt since Wally stole her aviator jacket. 
“Do you not wanna talk about it?” Anna wiggled into his hoodie and jacket and Carl held her pumpkin(even the texture was gross). 
“It’s just...” He tried and his brain stopped for a moment and he put the wretched fruit down and gently pulled her hair out from the hoodie. 
“Carl.” She warned and he knew time was up. Carl took a big breath and then let it out, readying his nerves of cotton and then rested his head on her shoulder as he revealed to her his humiliating secret. 
For a moment...she said nothing at all as the words floated quietly around them and settled into the earth. 
“You don’t...” She trailed off and Carl nodded against her shoulder, too scared to pull back and see her face. 
“Carl?” And he caved, he pulled back to face her and was met with a sweet smile, sweeter than any tart or treat ever created in the whole wide world. Her hands reached up and cupped his faced and he couldn’t take it anymore. He leaned into her touch and covered her hands with his, kissing her palms. 
“I’m sorry.” He whispered but Anna shook her head, brown curls flying softy around her. 
“No, I should’ve realized I just...” She struggled and Carl tried to help.
“Didn’t know because every October you’re in Virginia?” She blinked and then blushed, and Car decided he liked the pink that dotted her cheeks. 
“Yeah,” She whispered and then looked over as the boys called her name. She bit her lip and while he was no Sherlock, Carl did his best to be a good boyfriend. He knew what was going on in that big brain of hers. 
“Let’s find a nice pumpkin for Wally and Parker,” He suggested and before Anna could protest staying the field any longer now that she knew, he kissed her and left her speechless. “It’s their first Halloween with their big sister.” 
Anna shifted her weight, thinking, calculating but Carl knew better than to let her come up with a convincing argument. He kissed her again, softer this time and then begun to leave a trail of quick soft kissed down her jaw and to her neck. 
He felt her relax against him until the boys called her name again and she stood up straighter than a stick and Carl took her hand and dragged her over to her brothers as she sputtered and said words Carl was sure weren’t English. 
After picking out two more pumpkins Carl had to make a quick run to his car after realizing(with surprise) he forgot his wallet inside but when he started his jog back over Anna and the boys were walking his way, pumpkins in hand. 
“Sorry I thought I-” He started but then paused, he looked at Anna then smiled. “Nevermind.” 
Now, Carl isn’t one to keep secrets from Anna but he knows she had it. Even if it was in his back pocket, tucked safe and secure he knew Anna had managed to slip it out so he’s run to the car and be free of the pumpkins. And he’ll never admit it, but he was thankful for it. 
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heckcareoxytwit · 6 months
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The X-Men take a break from the Danger Room training session when they received a call from Beast. He tells the X-Men about the news of Dazzler's abduction at the hands of the mutant-hating group, the Friends of Humanity. Hearing the news, Jubilee is in dismay because she had been waiting to go to Dazzler's concert. Everyone (except Jean Grey and Beast) leave the X-Mansion for the rescue mission. Jean Grey is forced to stay behind for her pregnancy while Beast is busy repairing Bishop's time travel device. Meanwhile, Gambit and Rogue are on a shopping trip when they received a call from Storm to aid their team in a mission.
Just as the X-Men arrive at the Friends of Humanity's hideout, they see Rogue and Gambit had already at the hideout where they are kicking the bigots' asses. The X-Men are fighting the mutant haters while Jubilee managed to locate Dazzler and rescue her. Just then, the authorities led by Valerie Cooper, arrive at the hideout where they arrest the Friends of Humanity goons. During the arrest, one of the Friends of Humanity goons sneer at the FBI agents for siding with the mutants but the scarred agent forces him to keep his mouth shut as he promised him that he would go free if he cooperates. While Valerie Cooper is talking to the X-Men, Wolverine sniffs out a familiar scent among the agents or the Friends of Humanity but he could not tell which one of them is the familiar enemy. Little did the X-Men know that the familiar enemy is actually Carl Denti, the FBI agent with scars on his face, he is the one who became X-Cutioner in one episode of X-Men 97 cartoon.
X-Men 97 #1, 2024
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sirpotys · 4 months
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Trios that give me the same vibes
I rewatched Van Helsing from 2004 and couldn't help but think of my favorite Criminal Minds trio
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thatbloodymuggle · 9 months
SUMMARY: in a world where everyone has a predetermined match, JJ Maybank and Y/N Montgomery want nothing to do with theirs. it has to be a cruel joke; the universe forcing two people to love each other when they don’t know how.
PAIRING: jj maybank x reader / soulmate au
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You never liked tennis, despite being forced into lessons since the ripe age of 6. You greatly preferred more physical sports, like lacrosse or soccer, as opposed to prim and proper tennis.
Yet, here you were, at the annual mid-summer Outer Banks amateur tennis tournament. Any other year, you would have been in bed with an unfortunate "cold". But due to recent events, you didn't dare protest when the entire Montgomery family hiked their tennis bags onto their shoulders and drove to the country club. 
Georgia was the most excited of the Montgomery clan, as she never failed to remind everyone that she was the reigning North Carolina 13U tennis champion. Of course, daddy's favorite would be playing with Clyde.
Dixie would be playing with your mother, as her boyfriend Brad was still away on business. Margaret knew Dixie was only participating for the open bar, but of course, so was she. 
Much to your relief, you partnered up with Anna. You thanked God that Anna's dad was out of town; otherwise you would be stuck with your own father's creepy college roommate, Carl. 
"I hate this sport," you grumbled while readjusting your ponytail, "Why can't we play, like, soccer or something? I feel like kicking something. Or someone."
"Come on, it won't be that bad," Anna chimed while double-knotting her shoes, "Topper and Kate will beat us first round and then we're off the hook for the day."
You scoffed, "Even if we lose there's no way in hell I'm getting out of here. My mom's got me on a short leash. She’s not letting me out of her sight."
"Well you had quite the night without her around on Saturday," Anna grumbled, jumping up from the bench. She didn't bother waiting for you as she sauntered over to the court to stretch and get the game started.
Your cheeks flushed red as your mind was infiltrated with flashbacks from the night at the Kegger, which in turn, reminded you of the other day in JJ's beat-up pickup truck. You could almost smell the rain pouring down, feel the warmth of his flannel, taste his-
"Let's get a move on, Y/N!"
Topper's booming voice startled you, shaking you from the unwanted thoughts. You jumped from the bench and ran to the court, willing the blush covering your face to go away. You'd gone all morning without thinking about your other half, and you weren't about to let him ruin your already horrible day. 
"Let's get this show on the road," you feigned a grin.
Kate shot you a weird look from across the net--everyone knew how much you didn't want to be there. But regardless, you tossed a ball across the net for Topper and Kate to serve. 
To no one's surprise, the loving couple immediately took the lead. You found yourself actually putting effort into the game in an attempt to distract yourself from all the chaos plaguing your mind. But still, you sucked.
Kate and Topper cheered as they shot yet another ball across the net that neither Anna nor you could track down. You huffed, and trudged back to your position on the court. Sweat beaded on your forehead, and you tried to wipe it away with your arm in vain. A squeal sounded from the court opposite you, and you glanced over to see Georgia cheering and your father spinning her around in a celebratory manner. You fought the urge to roll your eyes. 
You instantly regretted letting your eyes wander away from the court as a tennis ball came flying at your face and a sharp pain exploded in your nose. 
"Shit!" you screeched, cupping your nose. 
You glared across the net at Topper who was in a fit of laughter.
"What the hell?" you yelped.
"That's 30-15, losers!" he laughed back, high-fiving Kate.
"You're an ass," you grumbled back, just loud enough for Topper to hear. You turned expectantly to Anna, waiting for your best friend since 3rd grade to back you up. Your frown deepened as you found Anna staring in the opposite direction, oblivious to Topper's antics. 
You followed Anna's gaze to find her staring at the Pogue you were desperately trying to avoid; JJ Maybank.
"You've got to be fucking kidding me," you fought the urge to snap your racket in half. 
JJ's nose scrunched up in discomfort, and his fingers pressed against the bridge of it. Your eyes widened as you realized you were holding your throbbing nose in the same manner. You ripped your hand away from your face and cleared your throat, "Anna!"
Your counterpart ripped her gaze away from the Pogue and shot Topper a tight-lipped smile. 
"Nice one, Top," Anna called to the pair across the net.
"Anna--" you hissed at your friend, trying to pull her attention away from the game.
"30 serving 15, right?" Anna ignored you, getting in her ready stance for the next point.
Your lips parted, but you shut your mouth as you realized there was nothing to say. What would you say? You had no idea what was going through Anna's mind, and you were in the middle of Kook central. 
You could feel JJ's gaze burning into you, but you didn't dare turn to face him. Instead, you mimicked Anna's ready stance, and pretended to give a shit about the game, internally praying it would be over soon.
The first set ended without a hitch, and then the second. By the end of the game, you were sweating profusely despite losing miserably. 
With one last serve, you tossed the ball in the air and swung the racket with the little energy you had left. You sighed in relief as your serve flew about two feet out of bounds. Topper and Kate cheered across the court.
"At least it's over," you sighed, your arms falling limp by your sides.
You didn't even bother walking up to the net to shake hands with your opponents. It was Topper and Kate; they wouldn't be offended. Instead, you trudged over to the bench. You didn't hesitate to lay down on the bench with a sigh of relief. You threw an arm over your face to shield yourself from the sun and blindly reached for your water bottle. 
"You suck at tennis," a grating voice disturbed your moment of recovery.
You lifted your arm and squinted one eye open. You groaned when you caught sight of the striking blue eyes that seemed to follow you everywhere you went.
"Go away," you spit, closing your eyes again.
"No can do, sweetheart," JJ quipped.
"You're interrupting my peace and quiet."
"And you're interrupting my job," he shot back, "Go get your peace and quiet somewhere else."
You grunted, hauling yourself up from the bench. your legs felt weak, but you forced yourself to stand. You turned to face JJ with your arms crossed.
His signature mud-caked boots were replaced with a slightly cleaner pair of sneakers. His uniform khaki shorts were a far cry from his usual attire; not to mention the white polo shirt with a shiny name tag clipped to it. Despite the Kook-ish uniform, his messy blond hair was a dead giveaway that he did not belong in the Outer Banks Country Club. Not to mention he was very hard at work folding dainty white towels. 
"Nice polo," you snorted.  
JJ diverted his attention back to his towel folding. You rolled your eyes, ready to walk away when a sweaty, used towel was flung in your direction. You screeched as it landed on your face, and flung it back at the culprit. 
JJ laughed at your overreaction and dodged your retaliatory attack. 
"You're a pig," you scowled.
"You're one to talk, Miss Bourgeoisie."
Your lips curled into a sneer, "I despise-"
"Y/N Montgomery!" a cold voice shut you up immediately.
Your cheeks flushed and you subconsciously cowered as you turned to face your mother.
"Come watch your father and sister play," Margaret Montgomery ordered. "And stop associating with scum," she lowered her voice, but kept it just loud enough so the Pogue could hear. 
You were swept with embarrassment and guilt. As much as you didn't want JJ around, he didn't deserve to be equated to scum by your mother for merely doing his job. Nevertheless, you hung your head and followed your mother obediently. Your body screamed at you to turn around and apologize, but you didn't dare spare JJ another glance. 
The Pogue scoffed, and flung the towel he was holding onto the bench in frustration. He fought the urge to curse the evil witch out, and instead searched for Pope, who was on catering duty. He caught a glimpse of his friend a couple of courts away. JJ abandoned his towels and strode towards the other Pogue. What was the worst that could happen, he'd get fired? He was ready to get out of there anyways. 
Just as he was a few strides from stealing Pope away from his work, a freshly manicured hand dug into his arm, yanking him into the doorway of the club entrance. 
"What the hell-"
"Stay away from her."
JJ let out a dry laugh as he stood face to face with a very pissed off Anna Kim. Her arms were crossed and her eyes narrowed with malice. 
"Well shit, I'm popular today. I'm like a Kook chick magnet," he smirked, "This has been a great ego boost, but I'm not interested, Kim."
JJ tried to brush past her, but you caught his arm yet again, turning him back to face her.
"I mean it," Anna hissed, "Leave her the hell alone, Pogue. She doesn't need you fucking up her life; she deserves better than that."
JJ's jaw ticked, and he yanked his arm out of her piercing grip, "I know you Kooks like to think that you run this island and all of us lowly peasants are just dying to infiltrate your perfect little lives, but you'll be shocked to hear that silver spoons and high teas are my own personal hell. I have absolutely no interest in your friend."
Anna's glare only deepened at the thinly veiled insult, "Glad we're on the same page." 
She pulled a dollar bill from the back of her phone and passed it alongside her dirty towel from the tennis match to the Pogue. "For your troubles, towel boy," she sneered, venom dripping from her lips. She swiftly turned on her heels, and sauntered back over to her friends.
JJ shook with rage as he crumpled up the dollar bill in his fist and carelessly threw the used towel aside. He had never wanted to clock a girl so badly. "Entitled bitch," he grumbled while ripping off the shiny name tag pinned to his chest, and tossed it alongside the dirty towel. JJ marched swiftly towards Pope, who was manning the grill. 
"Hey man, you wanna dip early?" JJ's words caused Pope to jump, nearly sending a patty flying through the air. 
"Shit dude, don't sneak up on me like that!" Pope cried, turning to face his friend. He frowned as he took in the sour expression painted across JJ's face, "What happened to you?"
"If I have to serve one more of these pigs I'm gonna lose it," the blond snapped, "you coming?"
Pope cocked a brow at his friend's nonresponse, but decided against pushing him any further as he really did seem ready to burst. "I can't dude, you know my dad will kill me. Why don't you just stick it out for another hour?"
JJ huffed, "No way, I'm out of here." He turned on his heels and weaved his way through the mass of polo shirts and tennis skirts, leaving a very confused Pope behind. 
For as long as he could remember, JJ had been certain that the soulmate thing wasn't for him. Still, he used to feel bad for whoever his other half was. He felt guilty for the pain he constantly put them through. He routinely laid awake at night, mulling over the impending disappointment his soulmate would feel when they inevitably found out who he was, and the life he led. 
But now, any trace of guilt he previously felt was gone; crushed by the pristine, designer shoe of Y/N Montgomery. 
As he stomped aimlessly along the side the road and spat at the gaudy white houses (both figuratively and literally), JJ tried with all of his might to take his mind off of his soulmate. But, much to his frustration, every train of thought led back to you. 
You were an enigma; the object of his unwavering hatred, and of his deepest desire.
After a long day under the beating sun, Georgia and Clyde Montgomery were crowned the Kildare County Annual Tennis Tournament doubles champions, to absolutely no one's surprise. 
You, on the other hand, were left with a blistering sunburn and an equally scorching feeling of resentment in the pit of your, or should you say JJ's, stomach. 
With your family caught up celebrating the youngest Montgomery child's win, you were able to slip away from the post-tournament award dinner to accompany your friends to the neighboring docks. The sun had set, and you welcomed the soothing touch of the ocean breeze against your skin as you sat with your feet dangling over the water. You let your eyes flutter shut, and just for a minute, tuned out the voices around your and your own thoughts. 
"Are you alright, Y/N? You're quiet today," Kate's voice jerked you away from the temporary relief. Your eyes fluttered open, and you turned to your three friends staring at you; Topper and Kate's brows furrowed in concern, whereas Anna remained stoic.
"'M fine, just exhausted from the tournament, I guess," you sighed with a soft smile which didn't quite reach your eyes, "Are you implying that I'm a bore?"
Kate rolled her eyes, "Yeah, I actually can't stand you," she nudged you jokingly.
"I second that," Topper interjected, earning a glare from you.
"You're one to talk, you grouch," you flicked your foot to kick up a splash of water towards him.
Topper shrieked at your assault, and reached over the dock to send a splash of water right back, "Don't test me, Montgomery. I will throw you in.  You know I'm--"
Topper was cut off by another splash of water, this time from a giggling Kate. His jaw dropped at his girlfriend's betrayal, and you seized the moment to send and your spray of water towards him. His eyes narrowed, and you bolted up before he could lunge towards you. You ran away giggling as Topper scrambled up to chase after you, all the while continuously getting splashed by water from both Kate and Anna now, who had joined in on the action. 
"You are so dead!" Topper shouted after you, as you tried your best to outrun him. It wasn't long until he caught up to you and grabbed you, throwing you over his shoulder.
"Owww, Topper put me down!" you squealed. You kicked your legs blindly and tried to squirm out of his grip, but to no avail. 
"You made your bed, Montgomery, now lie in it," Topper quipped. Although you were unable to see his face, you could hear the smug grin in his tone. Kate and Anna were cackling. 
Your eyes widened as Topper neared the edge of the dock, "Topper don't you dare throw me in, I will not hesitate to kick you in the balls!"
You pleaded with your friend, but he had already made his mind up. You screeched as he dumped your rather ungracefully over the edge of the dock. You squinted your eyes shut and braced yourself for the impact milliseconds before you was submerged under the cool water. You swam back up and gasped as your head broke the surface. Kate and Anna were now laughing so hard, tears were streaming down their cheeks. You wiped the water from your eyes, and glared up at a smirking Topper. 
However, a devilish grin took over your face as you noticed Kate's legs were dangling over the edge of the dock in your fit of laughter. Before Topper could stop you, you lurched forward and tugged your friend down into the water with you. Kate screamed as she fell over the edge and into the water. She coughed violently as she came up from underneath the water, "What the hell was that for?"
You sent a splash of water towards Kate, "For enabling your boyfriend!"
Before Kate could splash you back, a wave of water engulfed both of you as Topper cannon-balled between you. You both cried out, and assaulted him with splashes as soon as his head peeked out from underneath the surface. 
You giggled as you fought with your friends in the moonlit water. This was the first time in days that your mind wasn't plagued with thoughts of piano, or college applications, or your soulmate. Even if for just a few minutes, you felt an unwavering bliss like no other.
But just as quickly as it engulfed you, bliss slipped away.
The feeling of sharp nails dragging down your back wiped the wide grin off of your face instantly. In an instant, you became acutely aware of your whole body. You felt teeth nipping harshly at your neck, and a familiar feeling bubbling in the pit of your stomach. You felt your gut twist and wrench; but this feeling was your own. 
You had felt your soulmate getting it on many times in the past. Sure, it annoyed your; but only because it would interrupt your own activities. You had never thought of it as anything more than a nuisance.
But things were different now. You had felt the electrifying touch of his skin on yours; of his lips on yours. You had stared into his ocean eyes. He was no longer some faceless, nameless agitation. He was JJ Maybank.
"You're feeling him, aren't you?" Anna's icy tone sent a shiver up your spine.
Anna frowned down at you from your seat on the dock. You were suddenly aware of your surroundings and whipped around to find that Topper and Kate had drifted off on their own. You diverted your attention towards Anna again, feeling small under her punitive gaze. You felt the invisible nails clawing at your back again, and clambered out of the water as if you could escape the feeling.
"I don't know what you want me to do about it, Ann," you barely spoke above a whisper, "It's not like I can break the bond." you hugged yourself as the combination of your dripping wet clothes and the soft sea breeze made you shiver. 
"No, but you're entertaining the idea of it," Anna coolly replied, "I saw how you looked at him today."
You frowned and clenched your fists as the feeling of pleasure in your gut returned. You sunk your nails into your arms with the hope that JJ would receive your message. 
You composed yourself before you bit back, "I don't know what you're talking about, Anna. I barely looked at him. But even if I did, then so what?"
"I'm just looking out for you here, Y/N. He's bad news, and you're above that. You don't need that kind of chaos in your life," Anna replied in a condescending tone, eliciting a scoff from you.
"Do you think I'm fucking dense? I am fully aware of who he is and where he comes from, and frankly, I don't have a rat's ass what side of the island he lives on," you seethed, "I won't be associating with him because I don't want a soulmate, not because he's beneath me. And my decision to do so will not be to satisfy you, or my family. That decision will be made for myself, and myself only."
As you ranted, your voice raised and captured the attention of Kate and Topper. 
"Well someone has to look out for you if you won't look out for yourself," Anna sniped back, matching your volume. 
You groaned, and stomped your foot in frustration, "Get your head out of your ass, Anna. You and I both know that you're only looking out for yourself and your reputation."
Anna opened her mouth to reply, but you cut her off, "I'm out of here."
You spun on your heels, and marched away from your angry friend. You ignored Kate and Topper's confused shouts asking you what happened, and where you were going. 
As you walked further from the scene, your composure cracked with each step. It wasn't until you were completely out of earshot that you allowed it to shatter completely. Just as the first tear trailed down your face, the first sob wracked your trembling body. Your bottom lip wobbled as you willed yourself to calm down, but to no avail. Your legs felt like jelly as you stumbled along the side of the road, tears streaming down your face. Your vision blurred, and you couldn't contain the wails escaping you. It was as if your body was dispelling all of the events from the past week. The fight with your parents, the stress from Madame, and the unavoidable, mind splitting confusion you felt over JJ Maybank.
You were doing just fine until he came into the picture. You had a handle over things. But the small semblance of control you had felt over your own life had cruelly slipped between your fingers, as you sobbed over a boy you barely knew. You cried over the image of him with another girl. And you cried over the prospect of accepting him as a part of your life. Above all, you cried because you felt helplessly alone. No matter how suffocating your secret became, you couldn't talk about it with anyone, as Anna had proven to you that evening. 
You stumbled over your feet, but before you could collapse a pair of wet arms caught you, wrapping around you from behind. 
Your cries only escalated as Topper held your frail body against his chest, "Shhh, Y/N. It'll be okay. You're okay. You're safe."
Despite his soothing tone, you shook your head violently, unable to respond through your wheezing sobs. He delicately turned your body to face him and wrapped his arms around you once again. Topper held you firmly against his chest and rubbed circles in your back, all the while whispering affirmations in your ear. Breathe, Y/N. You can do this. You're strong. You buried your face in the fabric of his soaking shirt, muffling your cries. 
You weren't sure how long you stood there crying into Topper's arms, but his hold on you did not waver until your sobs subsided into hiccups, and your breathing slowed to a normal rate. Eventually, you were able to unravel yourself from his limbs. Your red, puffy eyes trained on his, and you opened your mouth to speak. But your voice was hoarse, and you didn't know what to say. 
"You don't have to say anything," Topper read your mind, "But at least let me walk you home."
Your shoulders sagged in relief, and you nodded gratefully. You began the mile long trek to the Montgomery estate in a silence filled only with the sound of your hiccups and chirping cicadas. Your eyes remained trained on the ground below, but true to his word, Topper did not ask you any questions. You felt his concerned gaze trained on you, but didn't dare to meet his eyes. As you walked side by side, you felt a fogginess overcome your mind. A haze brought on by crying until you had no tears left. For just a moment, you allowed yourself to dissociate from the chaos. You felt a temporary relief; one you knew wouldn't last long, but that you welcomed all the same. Because you knew that tomorrow it would pass, and you would have to confront the mess you had the misfortune of calling your life.
And boy, what a mess you were in.
...so it's been a minute, but I felt inspired to pick this back up again. taglist is super old, so please message me if you would like to be added or taken off! (repost)
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aviradasa · 9 months
Welcome to my masterlist
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{Picture from Pinterest}
The umbrella Academy
The walking dead
Miraculous ladybug
How to train your dragon (all spin-off shows)
The dragon Prince mysterys of Aaravos
Once upon a time
Tokyo ghoul
Death note
Van helsing 2004
Hellboy 1 and 2
Labyrinth 1986
The MCU as a whole (Marvel cinematic universe)
Same with the DC universe
Avatar 1 and 2
Pirates of the Caribbean (all movies)
Lord of the rings (lotr)
Sally face
Call of duty
Legend of Zelda breath of the wild/ tears of the kingdom
Assassins creed 2
Stardew valley
(Work in progress I’m reading a lot more recently so give it time any book suggestions are welcome.I’m a huge fantasy fan!!!)
David Bowie
(I’ll add more here once my will to live dies again.)
Characters I will write for:
The umbrella academy:
Different characters react to you stoned/couch logged
Different characters react to you stoned/couch logged
Different characters react to you stoned/couch logged
Different characters react to you stoned/couch logged
(I'm only on season 5 so if you want more characters let me know and I'll do my best!)
The walking dead:
Different characters react to you stoned/couch logged
Miraculous ladybug:
Jagged stone
Meeting the kids jagged stone x fem!reader HC
How to train your dragon:
The dragon Prince, mystery of Aaravos:
Love long lost Aaravos x Fem!reader pt 1
Love long lost Aaravos x Fem!reader pt 2
Love long lost Aaravos x Fem!reader pt3
Love long lost Aaravos x Fem!reader pt4
The sight of two stars Aaravos x Startouched elf! Reader
Aaravos introducing you to his daughter pt 1
Aaravos getting ready to propose to you with the help of leola Pt 2
Teenage!leolas first partner is human! How do you and Aaravos react?
You and Teenage!leola sync up during that time of month. Aaravos is done
Once upon a time:
Mr.Gold ( Rumpelstiltskin )
Captain Killian ‘Hook’ Jones ( Captain hook)
Emma Swan
Regina Mills (the ‘Evil’ queen)
Mary Margaret Blanchard (Snow white)
David Nolan (Prince charming)
(work in progress)
Van Helsing (2004):
Gabriel Van helsing
Anna valerious
Velkan valerious
Hellboy 1 and 2 (live action 2004-2008 movies)
Different characters react to you stoned/couch logged
Prince Nuada
Different characters react to you stoned/couch logged
Princess nuala
Labrynth 1986
Jareth the goblin king
Peter Parker
Tony Stark
Dr, Stephan strange
Nick Fury
Bruce banner
Steven Rodger
Bruce Wayne
Barry allen
Oliver Queen
Clark kent
Poison Ivy
Avatar 1 and 2
Jake sulley
Miles Quaritch
Javier “spider”
Pirates of the Caribbean:
Captain jack sparrow
Captain Hector Barbossa
Will Turner
Elizabeth Swan
James Norrington
Bootstrap bill turner
Davey jones
Lord Cutler Beckett
Calypso ( Tia Dalma)
Lord of the rings/the hobbit (lotr)
Sally face:
sal fisher
Sal,Larry,ash (separately) x reader Makeout hc
Larry and sal (separately) x Chubby!fem!Reader Hcs
Larry johnson
Sal,Larry,ash (separately) x reader Makeout hc
Larry Johnson general hcs
Larry and sal (separately) x Chubby!fem!reader hcs
Sal,Larry,ash (separately) x reader Makeout hc
Call of duty:
Ghost Mw2 and 2009
Balgruuf the greater
Legend of Zelda Botw/totk:
Assassins creed 2:
Stardew valley (Sdv):
The wizard
Papa Emeritus 1 (primo)
Papa Emeritus 2 (secondo
Papa emeritus 3 (terzo)
Papa emeritus 4/cardinal copia
Aurora (we have the same name irl lol)
David bowie(going by era current stage persona):
Ziggy stardust
Aladdin sane
The thin white duke
Major tom
David bowie
My chemical romance
Gerard way
Party poison
Mikey way
Kobra kid
Frank iero
Fun ghoul
Ray toro
Jet star
I will add Other characters to any of these lists if you would like to request a character go on ahead!
What I will write/Rules:
No bullying or harrassment to anyone or groups of people in the comments. BE NICE TO OTHERS
No homophobia
No racism
No hatred
What I will write:
No self harm. I've struggled with it in the past and still sometimes do so I won't write for it
No Pe*o*hili* (this includes age play)
No R@pe
No Necro
No poop or pee shit
If there is anything else I find out exists that I don't like I will add to this list.
Anything you want I will add
I don't write for Male readers anymore. Due to some uncomfortable and unnessasary comments and requests. I apologize for this. I will write for trans folks though
PS. When requesting please be specific to what fandom/character you want(I will do crossovers.) just so I can make sure to get everything right for ya!
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themuseumwithoutwalls · 4 months
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MWW Artwork of the Day (5/30/24) Carl Wilhelmson (Swedish, 1866–1928) Vid Västkusten (On the West Coast)(1898) Oil on canvas, 41.5 x 33 cm. Konstmuseum, Göteborg
This small painting in portrait format was painted in Fiskebäckskil where Carl Wilhelmson grew up. Miss Danielsson from Gothenburg (not Sister Anna as it is sometimes claimed) was the model. The water reflections and rocks are painted in a painterly manner, while the color in other parts of the image is more evenly applied. The woman sits in the shade and stands out as a collective form against the lighter background of water, rocks, houses and sky.
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aimmyarrowshigh · 2 years
List of Jewish Characters for the Panfandom Hanukkah Bingo
I've gotten a few requests for a list of Jewish characters to help people brainstorm for the bingo -- just as a reminder, Jewish headcanons and fanons are totally allowed for the event, so if you don't KNOW whether your character is Jewish, it's totally fine to make them Jewish for your fanwork! :)
But, since people asked, here is a little starter-list of 225 fictional Jewish and Jew-ish characters (characters who are "nebulously Jewish," played by Jews, are Jewish in at least one variation of the character, only make sense if they're Jewish, etc.)
Feel free to add! This list is alphabetized by first name.
Abbi Abrams (Broad City) Abby Stevenson (The Baby-Sitters' Club) Adam Birkholtz (Check Please!) Adam Sackler (Girls) Alec Hardison (Leverage, Leverage: Redemption) Alex Kerkovitch (Happy Endings) Alexis Rose (Schitt's Creek) Amy Green (FRIENDS) Amy Matthews (Boy Meets World) Angela Wexler (The Westing Game) Angelica Pickles (Rugrats) Ann Perkins (Parks & Recreation) Anna Stevenson (The Baby-Sitters' Club) Annie Edison (Community) April O'Neill (Rise of the TMNT) Arnie Roth (Marvel) Arnold Perlstein (The Magic School Bus) Aunt Gayle (Bob's Burgers) Bail Organa (Star Wars) Barney Guttman (Dead End Paranormal Park) Ben Geller-Willick (FRIENDS) Ben Grimm | The Thing (Fantastic Four) Ben Solo | Kylo Ren (Star Wars) Benjamin Sisko (Star Trek) Bernie Rosenthal (Marvel) Billy Kaplan | Wicca (MCU, X-Men) Breha Organa (Star Wars)
Bruce Wayne | Batman (DCU) Carl Foutley (As Told By Ginger) Cassie Howard (Euphoria HBO) Cassie Lang (MCU) Catherine Frensky (Arthur) Charles Deetz (Beetlejuice) Charlotte York Goldenblatt (Sex and the City) Cher Horowitz (Clueless) Chuckie Finster (Rugrats) Cindy Hayes (Orange is the New Black) Cole Tillerman (Central Park) Cory Matthews (Boy Meets World) Craig Manning (Degrassi: The Next Generation) Cristina Yang (Grey's Anatomy) Cyrus Goodman (Andi Mack) Darcy Lewis (MCU) David "Gordo" Gordon (Lizzie McGuire) David Rose (Schitt's Creek) Desi Harperin (Girls) Dil Pickles (Rugrats) Dipper Pines (Gravity Falls) Dodie Bishop (As Told By Ginger) Eddie Munson (Stranger Things) Edward Teach | Blackbeard (Our Flag Means Death) Elaine Benes (Seinfeld) Elijah Krantz (Girls)
Emily Deetz (Beetlejuice) Emma Geller-Green (FRIENDS) Eric Matthews (Boy Meets World) Erik Lehnsherr | Magneto (X-Men) Felicity Smoak (Arrow) Finn (Star Wars) Ford Pines (Gravity Falls) Fox Mulder (The X-Files) Fran Fine (The Nanny) Fran Parker (Girls) Francine Frensky (Arthur) Frankie Landau-Banks (The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks) Gene Belcher (Bob's Burgers) George Costanza (Seinfeld) Gert Yorkes (Marvel Runaways) Ginger Foutley (As Told By Ginger) Gomez Addams (The Addams Family) Grace Adler (Will & Grace) Grace Windkloppel Wexler (The Westing Game) Greg Universe (Steven Universe) Gretchen Weiners (Mean Girls) Hal Jordan | Green Lantern (DCU) Han Solo (Star Wars) Hannah Horvath (Girls) Harley Quinn (DCU)
Harold Berman (Hey Arnold!) Harold Hooper (Sesame Street) Helen (Central Park) Holly Wheeler (Stranger Things) Howard Wolowitz (The Big Bang Theory) Ilana Wexler (Broad City) Isabella Garcia-Shapiro (Phineas and Ferb) Jack Geller (FRIENDS) Jack Zimmermann (Check Please!) Jake Berenson (Animorphs) Jake Peralta (Brooklyn Nine-Nine) Jake Wexler (The Westing Game) James "Bucky" Barnes | Winter Soldier (MCU) James Tiberius Kirk (Star Trek) Jane Foster | The Mighty Thor (MCU) Jane Kerkovitch-Williams (Happy Endings) Jane Smith (Mr. & Mrs. Smith) Janet Perlstein (The Magic School Bus) Janice Littman nee Hosenstein (FRIENDS) Jean-Ralphio Saperstein (Parks & Recreation) Jerry Seinfeld (Seinfeld) Jessi Glaser (Big Mouth) Jill Green (FRIENDS) Jillian Holtzmann (Ghostbusters: Answer the Call) Jimmy Brooks (Degrassi: The Next Generation) Jobal Naberrie (Star Wars)
Johnny Rose (Schitt's Creek) Jonathan Byers (Stranger Things) Josh Lucas (Clueless) Josh Lyman (The West Wing) Joshua Matthews (Boy Meets World, Girl Meets World) Joyce Byers (Stranger Things) Jude Lizowski (6teen) Judy Geller (FRIENDS)
Kady Orloff-Diaz (The Magicians) Karen Wheeler (Stranger Things) Kate Bishop | Hawkeye (MCU) Kate Kane | Batwoman (DCU) Kaydel Ko Connix (Star Wars) Kelsey Pokoly (Craig of the Creek) Kes Dameron (Star Wars) Kimi Finster (Rugrats) Kit Snicket (A Series of Unfortunate Events) Kitty Pryde (X-Men) Klaus Baudelaire (A Series of Unfortunate Events) Krusty the Clown (The Simpsons) Kyle Broflovski (South Park) Leah Birch (Big Mouth) Leia Organa (Star Wars) Lemony Snicket (A Series of Unfortunate Events) Lenny Briscoe (Law & Order) Lenny Bruce (The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel)
Leo Markus (Will & Grace) Leonard Green (FRIENDS) Lexi Howard (Euphoria HBO) Libby Stein-Torres (The Ghost and Molly McGee) Liberty Van Zandt (Degrassi: The Next Generation) Lilly Moscovitz (The Princess Diaries) Linda Belcher (Bob's Burgers) Lorna Dane | Polaris (X-Men) Louis Stevens (Even Stevens) Louise Belcher (Bob's Burgers) Lydia Deetz (Beetlejuice) Mabel Pines (Gravity Falls) Macie Lightfoot (As Told By Ginger) Marc Spector | Moon Knight (MCU) Margaret Simon (Are You There God? It's Me Margaret) Max Blum (Happy Endings) Michael Moscovitz (The Princess Diaries) Michelle "MJ" Jones (MCU) Midge Maisel (The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel) Mike Wheeler (Stranger Things) Min Green (Why We Broke Up) Missy Foreman-Greenwald (Big Mouth) Moira Rose (Schitt's Creek) Molly Tillerman (Central Park) Mona Lisa Saperstein (Parks & Recreation) Monica Geller (FRIENDS)
Moose Pearson (Pepper Ann) Morgan Matthews (Boy Meets World) Mort the Mortician (Bob's Burgers) Morticia Addams (The Addams Family) Ms. Frizzle (The Magic School Bus) Nadia Diamondstein (The View from Saturday) Nancy Wheeler (Stranger Things) Natasha Romanov | Black Widow (MCU) Nick Birch (Big Mouth) Owen Tillerman (Central Park) Padmé Amidala Naberrie (Star Wars) Paige Hunter (Central Park) Paris Geller (Gilmore Girls) Penny Hartz (Happy Endings) Pepper Ann Pearson (Pepper Ann) Peter Parker | Spider-Man (All variants) Pietro Maximoff | Quicksilver (MCU, X-Men) Poe Dameron (Star Wars) Pugsley Addams (The Addams Family) Rachel Berenson (Animorphs) Rachel Berry (Glee) Rachel Green (FRIENDS) Rachel Menken (Mad Men) Ray Ploshansky (Girls) Rebecca Rubin (American Girl)
Ren Stevens (Even Stevens) Riley Matthews (Girl Meets World) Ron Stoppable (Kim Possible) Rose Krensky (American Girl) Ross Geller (FRIENDS) Roza Wasserstein (The Diviners) Ruth bat Seraph | Sabra (MCU) Ruwee Naberrie (Star Wars) Ryoo Naberrie (Star Wars) Sam Manson (Danny Phantom) Sam Windkloppel Westing (The Westing Game) Schmidt (New Girl) Scott Lang | Ant-Man (MCU) Sebastien LeLivre | Booker (The Old Guard) Sergei "Sam Lloyd" Lubovitch (The Diviners) Seth Cohen (The OC) Shara Bey (Star Wars) Shirley Cohen (A League of Their Own) Shoshannah Shapiro (Girls) Sola Naberrie (Star Wars) Spock (Star Trek) Stan Pines (Gravity Falls) Stanley Uris (IT, IT: Chapter Two) Steven Universe (Steven Universe) Sunny Baudelaire (A Series of Unfortunate Events)
T.K. Strand (9-1-1) Ted Moseby (How I Met Your Mother) Ted Wheeler (Stranger Things) The Children (How I Met Your Mother) The Goldbergs (The Goldbergs) Tina Belcher (Bob's Burgers) Tina Cohen-Chang (Glee) Tish Katsufrakis (The Weekenders)
Toby Isaacs (Degrassi: The Next Generation) Toby Ziegler (The West Wing) Tommy Pickles (Rugrats) Tommy Shepherd | Speed (MCU, X-Men) Tsabin | Sabé (Star Wars) Turtle Wexler (The Westing Game) Velma Dinkley (Scooby-Doo) Violet Baudelaire (A Series of Unfortunate Events) Wanda Maximoff | Scarlet Witch (MCU, X-Men) Wednesday Addams (The Addams Family) Will Byers (Stranger Things) Willow Rosenberg (Buffy, the Vampire Slayer) Yelena Belova | Black Widow (MCU) Yitzhak (The Old Guard) Zed Necrodopoulous (Disney Channel ZOMBIES) Zevon Necrodopoulous (Disney Channel ZOMBIES) Ziva David (NCIS) Zoey Necrodopoulous (Disney Channel ZOMBIES)
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aftermidnightfmk · 8 months
Part 1: January 16, 2025 through April 10, 2024
Tumblr limits posts to 100 links, thus the necessity of splitting of the Guests page into parts. It is inconvenient, yes. Click here for a list of all parts.
Alphabetical by last name, unless they don't have a surname, in which case, good luck.
Looking for the host? Try the Taylor Tomlinson tag.
Is a name misspelled? Link broken? Dear god, please tell me.
Please note: “kill” choices are (usually) not tagged. Therefore the links below may not be inclusive of every guest’s appearance on After Midnight.
Marcella Arguello
Maria Bamford
Suzi Barrett
W. Kamau Bell
Doug Benson
Ashley Nicole Black
Flula Borg
Wayne Brady
Guy Branum
Matt Braunger
Kurt Braunohler
Sophie Buddle
Reggie Conquest
Kelsey Cook
Affion Crockett
Whitney Cummings
Jon Daly
Chad Daniels
James Davis
Bianca Del Rio
Billy Eichner
Jackie Fabulous
Fortune Feimster
Jourdain Fisher
Chris Fleming
Ron Funches
Jon Gabrus
Megan Gailey
Lisa Gilroy
Vanessa Gonzalez
Chris Grace
Max Greenfield
Rob Haze
John Hodgman
Robby Hoffman
Pete Holmes
Sandy Honig
Rob Huebel
London Hughes
Brendan Hunt
Josh Johnson
Joyelle Nicole Johnson
Zainab Johnson
Anjelah Johnson-Reyes
Amir K
Moshe Kasher
Jackie Kashian
Laurie Kilmartin
Joel Kim Booster
Kyle Kinane
Nick Kocher
Nish Kumar
Lauren Lapkus
Natasha Leggero
Thomas Lennon
Dan Levy
Riki Lindhome
Loni Love
Marc Maron
Jack Martin
Mae Martin
Brian McElhaney
Wendi McLendon-Covey
Liz Miele
Will Miles
Amy Miller
Kel Mitchell
Arden Myrin
Aparna Nancherla
Purple Necktie
Dustin Nickerson
Tig Notaro
Jerry O'Connell
Atsuko Okatsuka
Taylor Ortega
Haley Joel Osment
Adam Pally
Caitlin Peluffo
Dewayne Perkins
Pink Foxx
Esther Povitsky
Jeff Probst
Chloe Radcliffe
Mary Lynn Rajskub
Adam Ray
Caroline Rhea
Rob Riggle
Phoebe Robinson
Matt Rogers
Giulia Rozzi
Nico Santos
Anna Seregina
Jason Sklar
Randy Sklar
Dusty Slay
Dulcé Sloan
Kevin Smith
Blair Socci
Beth Stelling
Carl Tart
Jordan Temple
Chris Thayer
Vinny Thomas
Sarah Tiana
Greta Titelman
Paul F. Tompkins
Shane Torres
Zach Noe Towers
Irene Tu
Milana Vayntrub
Melissa Villaseñor
Trevor Wallace
Matt Walsh
Reggie Watts
Mo Welch
Maggie Winters
Monét X Change
Sasheer Zamata
Jenny Zigrino
Zach Zimmerman
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angelkissiies · 2 years
get to know me ! | random fun facts about me !
i was tagged by @pinkchubbiebunnie !!
* my full name is savannah but ive been going by anna casually for the past four ish years ! no ill feelings towards my full name , so if anybody prefers to use that one — go for it !
* my first ever official fandom was the walking dead , that was when i read my first fanfic — i was looking for more carl & enid cuteness because their relationship was everything to me when i found ‘carl x reader’ and now here we are !
* at one time , in middle school , i didn’t have access to online forums so i wrote fanfiction on paper and just passed around notebooks of it to my friends who shared the same interests (screams in pjo ff)
* i can’t drive , like , at all.
* i am legitimately addicted to coconut berry redbull , that flavor and peach are the only ones I’ll drink !
* writing has been one of the most constant things in my life , despite falling in and out of love with it , it just always comes back. i have such a strong need to write that im considering it as a career !
* i know the basics (basic basics) of spanish , italian , korean , japanese , mandarin , and asl !
* i started out posting ff on quotev + fanfic.net — yeah ,,,,, let’s not talk about those lmfao.
- i can’t think of anything else but if you have any questions to ask me feel free to send me an ask !
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loganlostitall · 1 year
C, F, L for ask game.
A ship I have never liked and probably never will:
Oooh girl you trying to get me in trouble LOL. Every ship from my last post probably falls under this category as well, besides Rickyl and Desus because I genuinely don’t think I’ve been in this fandom long enough to say that those won’t be my favorite ships in a few years. I don’t think they’ll grow on me but I also said that Daryl would never grow on me, and the same with Negan, soooo I’m not going to make the mistake of using those words ever again LOL.
I can say for TWD though that Daryl Dixon x Leah Shaw, Negan Smith x Alpha, and.. whew… Bethyl aren’t ever gonna be something I like. You’re gonna get me killed here. But Beth Greene x Daryl Dixon is almost exactly the same age gap as Amanda and I were, and you were already my friend when that whole mess happened so I’m sure that comes as no surprise to you. (Amanda is my ex girlfriend?? who was 38 when I was 15, fun time 😀). And Daryl was I believe 41 while Beth was 18 so that’s quite literally the same number of years. 23. No ty. It doesn’t nauseate me because she’d be an adult but I do try to avoid reading it; my mutuals can talk about it though if they want for all I care. I do in fact believe that Beth had a crush on Daryl and just wouldn’t have pursued him, looked for those traits elsewhere.
Marvel forever dislikes: Tony Stark x Peter Parker, Wanda Maximoff x Puerto Maximoff, Gamora x Nebula, Peter Parker x Morgan Stark (seriously, ew), Thanos x Loki Laufeyson, Odin Borrson x Loki Laufeyson, Odin Borrson x Thor Odinson, Odin Borrson x Hela Odindottir, Freyja Freyrdottir (Frigga) x Loki Laufeyson, May Parker-Jameson x Peter Parker, Norman Osborn x Peter Parker, Otto Octavius x Peter Parker, Skip Westcott x Peter Parker!!!!!!!!, Tony Stark x Sentient Armor, Steve Rogers x Peggy Carter, Steve Rogers x Sharon Carter, Bruce Banner x Natasha Romanoff, Brunnhilde x Hela Odindottir, Thor Odinson x Carol Danvers, James Howlett x Anna Marie, if I listed them all I’d be here all night
DC forever dislikes: Alfred Pennyworth x Bruce Wayne, Bruce Wayne x Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, Jason Todd, Damian Wayne, Lucas Fox, Barbara Gordon, or any of Batman’s sidekicks (I think you get my point by now), Jack Napier x Harleen Quinzel, Jack Napier x Clark Kent, Hal Jordan x Arisia Rrab (she’s an entire child 😐), Dick Grayson x Catalina Flores (sexual assault), there are just so many more
Shameless forever dislikes: Fiona Gallagher x literally everyone she ever dated, Debbie Gallagher x all of her exes as well, Lip Gallagher x Mandy Milkovich (she rped him guys!!! don’t forget), Lip Gallagher x Karen Jackson, Karen Jackson x Frank Gallagher, Frank Gallagher x Sammi Slott (that’s your child dude…), Ian Gallagher x Kash Karib, Ian Gallagher x Caleb Daniels, Carl Gallagher x Kassidi Gallagher (typing that made me laugh 😭), Carl Gallagher x Dominique Winslow, Carl Gallagher x Tish (she rped him as well), Liam Gallagher x Sissy (MORE rpe), please just let my babies be happy and in love
Euphoria forever dislikes: Maddie Perez x Nate Jacobs, Rue Bennett x Jules Vaughn, Cal Jacobs x Nate Jacobs, Cal Jacobs x Jules Vaughn, Cassie Howard x Nate Jacobs, Rue Bennett x Nate Jacobs, Rue Bennett x Fezco O’Neill, Fezco O’Neill x Ashtray
What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom?
I am still a Marvel and DC fan, so it’s gotta be those. I’ve literally been a fan since I was born.
Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves.
Maggie Rhee does her absolute best for her son. I… don’t have much /pos commentary besides that 😭
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doodle-do-wop · 2 years
Takes place many years after Gallagher
Anna stirred and watched the brown dissolve in the white, mixing in the churcing waters as the metal spoon clanged against the walls of the mug. She looked up and out the window at the fall eaves that dotted the lawns down the street, some raked, some falling in a thick coat, leaving no green to be seen at all. She leaned against the counter with her hip and her mind began to wander, keeping her distance but not enough to miss the soft fall of footsteps behind her and the rich smell of mint that fell upon her as arms wrapped around her middle. 
Anna closed her eyes and leaned into Carl’s embrace, his strong arms held her steady, held her here, kept her home and away from the fresh scars of her most recent Op. His nose tickled her neck as he nuzzled his face into her shoulder and placed a few kisses. One hand stayed on her stomach as the other gently guided her hands to the counter so she could set down the mug she held. 
She turned slightly to face him and he lifted his head a little, his bright hazel eyes caught the sunlight and Anna felt her breath catch. So many years of seeing those eyes in all types of light but she could never get over it. Her hand reached up to touch the side of his face, feeling the slight prickle of stubble under her fingertips and Carl closed his eyes, leaning into her hand and then he turned his face to kiss her palm. 
Anna laughed and Carl rubbed his head into her hand next, blonde curls flying in every direction as her laughter filled the small kitchen. He popped up to his full height and they faced each other as he wrapped his arms around her, leaned down to pepper her in small sweet kisses. 
“Hey,” He whispered into her skin before pressing another kiss into her cheek. 
“Hey,” She whispered back breathlessly, her knees growing weak and her arms wrapped around his neck. 
She had her eyes shut but she knew his hand was sneaking around her to try and grab the coco.
“It doesn’t have cinnamon.” She warned and opened her eyes as Carl groaned, pouting as he was caught red handed. 
“Carl,” She giggled and gently tugged at his collar, he leaned down without complaint as she kissed his lips quickly. She felt his lips smile against hers as he kissed back before parting. 
He pulled back and cupped her face in his warm hands and she leaned into his touch, blanketing his hand with hers though they were smaller in comparison. His eyes traced every curve and bump on her face and she watched the way the playful joy in his eyes turned serious as they grazed the bruise on her forehead. 
In her defense, she wasn’t expecting to have a harmonica thrown at her though honestly, she should have at least blocked it. 
“Carl,” She whispered softly and she watched his shoulders sag. 
“I know,” He mumbled, he couldn't ask and she couldn’t tell him, no matter how much she wanted to. The first few years of their relationship once Anna graduated had been rough, she was always somewhere else around the globe and Carl stayed in Ohio, watching the town change right before his very eyes. She could never tell him where she went but she still told him of all the wonderful views of the sky that she could share. When they had gotten their first apartment together it got harder to keep the truth, work was never truly in short supply but it’s harder to lie to someone when they’re around to watch you come home with a sling around your neck. 
The few months they spent, stuck in a limbo of unease, would stick with Anna forever, reminding her of their presence on long missions or when she received an injury she couldn’t think of a convincing story for. When they were engaged she finally told him what little truth her superiors allowed. They had checked Carl, combed through every year of his life, every breath he took. Knowing there were people, spies watching him because of her, it was the hardest thing she had ever had to go through. Having to see him as a speck on a monitor was a torture no blade could ever compare to. 
Anna moved her hand away and stared down at the ring on her finger. It sent out small speckles of soft rainbow lights around them and Carl’s hand gently held hers. Their wedding day had agents undercover as guests and staff, some of them friends, others colleagues. 
Husband and wife, a pair together til death would dare do them part but never could she tell him everything her heart and soul wished she could. To put him at such risk would be the last of her days. 
“What’s that big brain of yours thinking?” He whispered and Anna took a deep breath. 
“Everything,” She squeaked out. “Nothing.”
“Everything and nothing?” He questioned with two raised brows. Anna nodded and played with his fingers, turning his hand over and noticing how little his hands changed. They were tanned slightly from the sun, the little hairs on the backs of his fingers were hard to see and his crooked ring finger still had the scar from when he had crashed his dad’s car way back when he was first learning to drive. 
Anna’s hands changed often. Almost every time she came back home there was a new scar or bruise. If she went somewhere full of sun her freckles were more prominent and if where she went was cold she came back slightly paler than before. 
Carl snapped Anna out of her thoughts by bringing her hands to his lips, he kissed every scar he could and then moved onto the impossible task of kissing every freckle in sight. 
He pulled away and opened a cabinet, grabbing a box of her favorite cookies and some more hot chocolate, happily taking the container of cinnamon from the rack and getting to work. 
She brought her abandoned mug to her lips and watched him, sipping at the warm beverage as his eyes focused on the cinnamon, carefully tapping the glass so he wouldn’t spill too much in. She never understood what he liked so much about cinnamon. She knew his mother wasn’t too fond of it and his dad disliked anything sweeter than black coffee. 
He wasn’t like Cammie who seemed to be physically attached to M&Ms, he could go without cinnamon sometimes but hot coco was always a must. Never in his life did he drink a cup without a little sprinkling in.  Anna wasn’t crazy for the spice but she wasn’t exactly waiting her turn to dump any in her mug. 
“Did you always like it?” She found herself asking and Carl looked up from his squatted position, tapping the glass again. 
“The cinnamon.” She clarified and Carl stood up, putting the lid back on the cinnamon and shrugged his shoulders. 
“I guess so, yeah. My grandma used to make it with cinnamon all the time.” Carl said wistfully as his mind started to replay whatever old memories he held of dearly departed grandmother. 
Anna’s birth mom never really had the chance to leave Anna with memories of cinnamon coated hot chocolate or pass down any recipes like fancy ginger cookies. Anna’s stepmother had been the one to fill in that role in her life, she passed down top secret family recipes more sacred than any NSA code she could ever retrieve. She taught her how to cook Anna’s favorite meals, how much spice was too much(though there was no such thing). 
Wally had their mother’s appreciation for caramel while Anna seemed to have inherited her dad’s need for caffeine before any morning conversation could be had. 
Anna paused before bringing her mug to her lips again and looked over at the electric kettle realizing with a sigh that she would have to put away the coffee for a while. 
“Ann?” Carl’s voice drew her back and she looked up at him and his beautiful hazel eyes. 
“I’m pregnant.”
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heckcareoxytwit · 1 year
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As Rogue had been captured and brainwashed by Power Broker, Gambit spends his time talking her out of her brainwashing, refusing to leave even though she is on her power meltdown. Gambit tries to reason with Rogue but she keeps on punching and zapping but not killing him. When Rogue chokes Gambit, he touches her face to make her absorb the powers and memories so that she could remember who she is. Rogue stumbles over from the overload. When Gambit checks on her, Rogue headbutts him but she's glad that she woke up from the brainwashing.
Then, Power Broker gets bored of watching the couple so he pumps himself up with the Power Chip to make himself stronger and try to take down the couple. Rogue and Gambit fight the Power Broker. While Rogue grapples with Power Broker, Gambit has to take the remote away from him. Lady Deathstrike eventually grows tired of the Power Broker that she snatches the Power Chip from him, causing the brainwashed minions to wake up and for the Power Broker to become powerless. Manifold, Electro, Juggernaut and Absorbing Man had woke up from the brainwashing and they ganged up on Power Broker while Gambit and Rogue walk away from the scene.
Rogue & Gambit v2 #5, 2023
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benkaden · 2 years
Zitate zur Philokartie - 1 (Demokratisierung, Menge, Normierung)
Ein bisschen ernster wird es jetzt tatsächlich mit der Philokartie als Thema. Jedenfalls für mich. Nachdem ich im vergangenen Jahr einen kleinen Aufsatz zur Kinoarchitektur der DDR für den schönen Sammelband Kino in der DDR. Perspektiven auf ein alltagsgeschichtliches Phänomen (herausgegeben von Marcus Plaul, Anna-Rosa Haumann, Kathleen Kröger. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2022) beisteuern durfte und in meiner Kolumne zur Bibliotheksphilokartie bei LIBREAS unlängst nach Jüterbog blicken konnte, wird vermutlich demnächst etwas zur "deltiologischen Methode" erscheinen. Und, noch wichtiger, es gibt Planungen, die Philokartie im Digital Makerspace der Herzogin Anna Amalia Bibliothek bzw. Klassik Stiftung Weimar im Anschluss an ein dort laufendes Projekt auch in Veranstaltungen zu vertiefen.
Mein Anliegen ist dabei, eine offene, über das Sammeln hinaus gehende Perspektive auf die Philokartie zu entwickeln. Die Anschlussflächen zwischen Bildwissenschaft und Soziolinguistik sind offensichtlich. In meiner kleinen Materialsammlung, also diesem Blog, geht es vor allem dazu, das mich mehr findende als gesuchte Material zum Thema in einer Art Rohdigitalisierung handhabbar zu machen. Bisher gilt es das vor allem für Ansichtskarten als Objekte an sich.
Da ich aber hin und wieder verstreut Angaben zur Philokartie und bisher meist in kleine Notizbücher schreibe, die dann in einem Regionalzug liegen bleiben oder in der dritten Reihe eines Bücherregals verschwinden, will ich, immer hoffend das Tumblr so zäh überlebt wie bisher, hier das eine oder andere Zitat oder Faktum festhalten. In der Regel wird dies ganz ohne Kontext und nur mit der Zielstellung einer Erstdokumentation geschehen.
Den Auftakt macht ein in der vom Schwäbischen Heimatverein herausgegebenen Zeitschrift Schwäbische Heimat im vergangenen Jahr erschienener Aufsatz von Uwe Degreif mit dem Titel Vom Kunstdruck zur Ansichtskarte : Verbilligung als Demokratiemotor. (Schwäbische Heimat 73(2022), 2, Seite 26-32)
Aus diesem lassen sich drei Dinge für die Philokartie festhalten. Erstens die Beobachtung, dass die Massenproduktion von Bildmedien, für die Bildpostkarten oder Ansichtskarten seit den 1880er Jahren stehen, zu einer weitreichenden, in der These demokratisierenden Bilderfahrung und zwar gerade sammelnd und zeigend wurden:
"Lithografien wie Ansichtskarten sind Ausdruck einer Demokratisierung. Sie trugen dazu bei, dass Bilder für mehr Menschen zugänglich und neue Motive bildwürdig wurden." (Degreif, S. 32)
Interessanterweise bezieht sich dieser Schritt auch auf die Bildproduktion. Der Zugang schließt ausdrücklich auch eine aktive Auseinandersetzung mit ein.
Weiterhin, zweitens berichtet er von der bemerkenswerten Menge, die allein die Kunstanstalt Carl Garte Leipzig produzierte:
"Die Leipziger Kunstanstalt Carl Garte vertrieb zwischen 1892 und 1897 mehr als 12 Millionen Ansichtskarten mit rund 10.000 verschiedenen Bildmotiven." (ebd.)
Und schließlich vermerkt er die Normierung des Mediums, was wiederum einerseits auf die Bildproduktion und andererseits auf die Nutzungspraxis zurückwirkte:
"Ab dem 1. Juni 1878 gilt das Weltpostkartenformat 10,5 x 14,8 cm (DIN A 6)." (ebd. Fußnote 11)
(Ben Kaden, Berlin, 21.02.2023)
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6lostgirl6 · 2 years
I just watched van helsing 04 movie today for the first time in years and Carl the monk has always bothered me tremendously because I've always had the 'hey I know that weird little guy' feeling when watching it and only now have I thought dude that's faramir? Googled it and yep tis faramir anyway I love Carl and everyone in that movie and am quite shocked at how void tumblr is of van helsing fics I'd make some myself but I'm shit and never actually finish writing anything but oh my gosh Carl x reader fluff, rival royal family drama with Anna x reader, dracula x reader angst where his old love has been somehow ressurected and is tortured to see what vlads become, witch reader x literally any character, I know a lot of people watch that movie are like wtf 🤣 but the strange character stories, costumes, aesthetic and shitty old effects are so m'wah to me 😍 although upon rewatching I do find draculas wives a teeny bit annoying. Yo the crossbow holy water scene is so cool
Dude, i agree with everything you just said 10000%!! Honestly, it really does suck that Van Helsing (2004) isn't as popular on Tumblr, more when it comes to fanfiction! That's why I took it upon myself to start writing some but I'm in need of requests for them! 😭 Requests are closed rn but I would love to have some when I open them again! Reincarnated love has always been my favorite and I've been so down to do that for Dragula and a fellow monster hunter for Van Helsing, etc! I need them! The crossbow holy water was my absolute favorite scene! Chef kiss!
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mcloren · 2 years
11, 17, and 19 for book asks!
17. top 5 children’s books?
i'm answering this one separately because i was so so desperate for someone to ask so it's going to be so long and i absolutely will be answering this through the lens of being an early years professional so! also if you have young family members absolutely do take this as a shopping list i am correct about all of these
The Gruffalo by Julia Donaldson (also The Gruffalo's Child): it is SO fun for such a wide age range of kids and they all love it so much. so much rhyme and repetition, its so easy for even littler ones to be able to guess what the next animal you're going to see is! helps children learn about nature (i have done a gruffalo hunt at work with my preschoolers and it is SO fun) and different animals and where they live, and also about how to describe the way we look (knobbly knees and turned out toes!!! alliteration is SO essential for teaching children how to read). It also has a lot of touch and feel companion books which are so good and fun to read!
We're Going on a Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen: once again perfect for such a wide age range! we did it as our book of the week and then went on a nature walk where we went on a bear hunt! teaches words like "over" and "under" and "through"!!! good perfect excellent timeless beautiful pictures! all about perseverance and working together!!
The Colour Monster by Anna Llenas: perfect for learning about and discussing emotions! the colour monster changes colour depending on how he is feeling!! yellow is happy red is angry!! really good for helping children talk about the way they feel but also recognising how other people are feeling!!
Horrible Histories Series by Terry Deary: books i genuinely believe every child over the age of 6 should read/have read to them. i read them because i always loved history but i have kids in our out of school club who have discovered a love of history through these books. they show the fun and gross bits of history and it is fun! nothing will get 8 year old boys more interested in history than a timeline of people throwing shit through their window. also one of the rare instances of a tv show inspired by books being good
The Very Hungry Caterpillar by the man the myth the legend Eric Carle: one of the most perfect books in existence i think. so good and fun and teaches so much! life cycles, where food comes from!!! so many fun things you can do after reading this book! go on bug hunts, get a butterfly farm, start growing vegetables, let children join in when you cook!!
apologies for the insane response x pls talk to me about children's books :)
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ulkaralakbarova · 2 months
Five twenty-something friends spend a drug-fueled weekend in Cardiff, Wales. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Jip: John Simm Koop: Shaun Parkes Nina: Nicola Reynolds Lulu: Lorraine Pilkington Moff: Danny Dyer Lee: Dean Davies Felix: Andrew Lincoln Moff’s Father: Terence Beesley Reality (voice): Jo Brand Andy: Richard Coyle Karen Benson: Jan Anderson Pablo Hassan: Carl Cox Fleur: Stephanie Brooks Howard Marks: Howard Marks Jip’s Mother: Helen Griffin Tyrone: Danny Midwinter Ziggy Marlon: Justin Kerrigan Hip Hop Junkie: Tyrone Johnson Koop’s Father: Larrington Walker Jip’s Manager: Philip Rosch Lulu’s Uncle Albert: Peter Albert Lulu’s Auntie Violet: Menna Trussler Jeremy Faxman: Mark Seaman Connie: Lynne Seymour Luke: Patrick Taggart Boomshanka: Anna Wilson Casey: Robert Marable Herbie: Nick Kilroy Matt: Peter Bramhill Moff’s Mother: Carol Harrison Moff’s Grandmother: Anne Bowen Martin: Giles Thomas Jip’s Ex #2: Sarah Blackburn Doctor: Eilian Wyn Asylum Doorman: Neil Bowens Jip’s Ex #3: Nicola Davey Inca: Roger Evans Tyler: Bradley Freegard Trixi: Emma Hall Jip’s Ex #1: Elizabeth Harper Jip’s Secretary: Jennifer Hill TV Interviewer: Nicola Heywood-Thomas Casey: Robert Marrable Cardiff Bad Boy: Louis Marriot Millsy From Roath: Millsy in Nottingham Karen Benson’s Boyfriend: Robbie Newby Tom Tom’s MC: Ninjah Jip’s Mother’s Client: Cadfan Roberts Koop’s Workmate: Mad Doctor X Bad Boy: Jason Samuels Breakdancer / Bodypopper: Tim Hamilton Bodypopper: Alicia Ferraboschi Bodypopper: Sherena Flash Bodypopper: Marat Khairoullin Bodypopper: Adam Pudney Bodypopper: Mark Seymore Bodypopper: Algernon Williams Bodypopper: Colin Williams Bodypopper: Frank Wilson Film Crew: Supervising Sound Editor: Glenn Freemantle Sound Editor: Tom Sayers Dialogue Editor: Gillian Dodders Casting Director: Sue Jones Additional Editing: Stuart Gazzard Associate Producer: Rupert Preston Producer: Allan Niblo Director: Justin Kerrigan Producer: Emer McCourt Co-Executive Producer: Michael Wearing Steadicam Operator: Paul Edwards Second Assistant Director: Marcus Collier Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Craig Irving Editor: Patrick Moore Director of Photography: Dave Bennett Costume Designer: Claire Anderson Original Music Composer: Matthew Herbert Set Dresser: Ed Talfan Sound Recordist: Martyn Stevens Production Coordinator: Andrea Cornwell Post Production Supervisor: Jackie Vance Post Production Coordinator: Claire Mason ADR Recordist: Sandy Buchanan Gaffer: Andrew Taylor Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Nicolas Le Messurier Script Supervisor: Laura Gwynne Assistant Sound Editor: Susan French Music Supervisor: Pete Tong Makeup & Hair: Kerry September First Assistant Director: Charlie Watson Post Production Supervisor: Maria Walker Second Assistant Director: Matthew Penry-Davey Assistant Editor: Amy Adams Foley Editor: Miriam Ludbrook Original Music Composer: Roberto Leite Storyboard Artist: Nick Kilroy Dialogue Editor: Keith Marriner Makeup Designer: Tony Lilley First Assistant Director: Emma Pounds Music Consultant: Arthur Baker Co-Executive Producer: Kevin Menton Electrician: Mark Hutchings Boom Operator: Jeff Welch Costume Assistant: Karen Mason Casting Director: Gary Howe Production Design: David Buckingham Co-Executive Producer: Nigel Warren-Green Executive Producer: Renata S. Aly Art Direction: Sue Ayton First Assistant Director: Hywel Watkins Third Assistant Director: Tivian Zvekan Location Manager: Peter Vidler Location Manager: Frank Coles Assistant Location Manager: Roland Mercer Focus Puller: Mike Chitty Clapper Loader: Ewan O’Brien Key Grip: David Hopkins Construction Manager: Martin Dawes Property Master: John C. Reilly Set Dresser: Riana Griffiths Art Department Assistant: Jacqui Puscher Storyboard Artist: Deena Mathews Costume Supervisor: Anne McManus Makeup & Hair: Hanna Coles Still Photographer: Hector Bermejo Unit Publicist: Jessica Kirsh Movie Reviews: zag: One of my favorite films of all time, its a period movie describing the young party goers of the UK in the 1990’s. It hits the nail on the head, the lov...
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