#AnneBelle’s writing
annebelle93 · 2 years
Oi meus horrores! I’m sorry for the one year absence, life’s been hectic in 2022 Brazil. But I thought I might brake the fast with a little fun headcannon as I go through the requests and write then! Thank you so much for the mutuals that came to my private messages to check on me in the long year, you guys are AMAZING! Without further ado
Things my family said with top “The Brothers energy”: Spouse edition!
• Lucifer
Text with a silly selfie while spouse at work: “guess who’ll be half naked eating pizza in bed now” Reply: “For the love of God, please let join you” “Love of god? I thought you were against God” Reply: “listen very carefully because I’ll only say this once, if it means being with half naked you, I am willing to swallow my pride and ask assistance from a vengeful inhuman entity of my dislike.”
• Mammon
Spouse, who is a computer engineer, playing on on-line cassino for fun, after lecturing me not to do it because it is made to make you lose money. “Didn’t you say this Is made to F you up?” Spouse roll eyes and smile confidently. “Maybe you, I’m build different” Loses ridiculously small amount of money. “Welp” throws phone away “time for onlyfans, I guess” “Oh, so you lose money gambling and now I have to sell feet pics?” Looks at me really confused. “What? No, why’d I be sharing your glory with the world? No, I’m doing onlyfans, you’re taking the pictures”
• Levi
Me distracted going through the phone waiting for the pump to fill the gas. “Amor, have you decided yet the song you’ll use in the wedding?” Spouse begins to fidget, look slightly insecure. “I kind of thought of one, but I’m not sure you’ll approve it” remains silent “Go on” “Before you say no, keep an open mind, please! It is a very important song for me, from my childhood, and if you’re willing to pay attention to the lyrics, you’ll see it’s very pretty too!” Plays ‘Dragon Ball Z’ opening song on radio, apprehensive. (The Brazilian version is indeed very well translated and is, overall, a really nice song). “Make sure to write it down, so I won’t forget when talking to the musician” goes back to the phone. “Is that ok with you? You won’t say no?” “Wouldn’t I be a hypocrite if I did? I want to use ‘Howl’s moving castle’, which is a movie, but technically an anime too” Proceeds to hold both my hands with a teary look. “I’m literally building a shrine for you in my closed when I get home”
• Satan
Spouse laying on the floor playing with my cats, trying to lure the calico one (who is very apprehensive of humans) out. “Here, Fionna! Come play with daddy!” “Excuse me, ‘daddy’? These cats are mine, you’re step dad AT MOST” “Babe, love, light of my life” gets up, holding my hands with a fake smile “the moment you said ‘yes’ to me, you are sharing half of your life with me, that includes the cats” “No, but…” “That includes the cats” looks deep into the eyes, with a determined expression “and make no mistake, I am willing to battle you in court for them. I wouldn’t like to, but I am willing to.” Looks at spouse silently “it would be a bloodbath and you know”
• Asmo
Me in front of mirror trying to close a pair of jeans after returning home from carnaval (for those not familiar with Carnaval, it means that I basically spent a whole week walking all over Rio feeding exclusively of fast food and alcohol from 7am to 9 pm, EXCLUSIVELY). “Amor, do you think I’ve put on weight?” “Hell yeah you did!” “Why do you sound so excited?” Replies without missing a single bit, “more ass for me to grab”
• Beel
“Let me just say how happy I am you decided to work out, amor!” Spouse says at lunch “Me too, I’m sleeping better and it’s definitely helping with the anxiety!” “Sure, that too” “Is it because I’m hotter?” “You’ve always been hot” serving a second plate “it because now you’re hungry all of the time and let me be the first one to tell you, your cooking is exquisite when you’re hungry! Also I’m very happy that you’re eating like a human being and not like a little bird”
• Belphie
4 am, me cleaning the bathroom in the middle of a insomnia crisis. Spouse gets up and looks very confused. “What are you doing?” “I don’t know, I’ve been feeling really hyper lately and sleeping kind of feels like a waste of time when I’m hyper.” “No!” Proceeds to grab my hand and drag me to the bed, with an angry expression “in this house we don’t say such heresies”
For those who haven’t seen it, I have a nephews edition right here! I hope you enjoy it!
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lizzyk137 · 1 year
I'm All Yours - A Chani Fanfic (Chani X Reader)
Description: You and Chani get paired for a school project. When the project material starts to ignite secret feelings between you two, what will happen when your project is finished? Warning: Absolutely none, just pure fluff and love :3 Materials mentioned: Jane Austen's Persuasion, Mamma Mia's 'Lay All Your Love on Me', Dirty Dancing's 'I've Had the Time of My Life' dance scene.
Want to read more, visit my Masterlist!
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"Okay, drama nerds! Please welcome your new classmates for the rest of the semester!" Mrs. Elven announced as she made her way down the aisle to the stage area. "Classes have been meshed this semester with our writing friends so they can get an idea on how to write for those preforming on stage, tv or movies, along with getting better feelers out for how things get imagined in our minds when we read." She pointed to her head for affect.
"Along with the switch for this semester, we will be switching next semester also. You will all be writing together so you can get a feel for what a good script is and how the writer wants the characters to feel so when you act you can better understand what you're portraying." Mr. Alvis stepped in next.
"You'll be partnered up with one person from each class to help each other better understand the other's major. Now each class will still have one class each week away from each other to focus on our own curriculum. Mr. Alvis will call out partners, please stand up, find each other and introduce yourselves."
"Ally and Cole, Sam and David, Mark and John, Tyra and Annebelle." Mr. Alvis started calling off names, and you squirmed in your seat, nervous of who you would be paired up with. You took this class because you loved writing and a good challenge while writing, but acting was something new to you and something that you knew you weren't good at.
"Chani and Y/N." Mr. Alvis called, and you stood up and looked around to find a tall, attractive boy standing up in the front row looking around.
His brown eyes caught yours, and he gave you a small wave and made his way over to you. You sat down, smoothing your skirt, nervous about what you got yourself into. You took a deep breath in and turned to look at one of the most handsomest guys you've ever seen.
He was tall, with kind brown eyes, a bright smile that made you warm inside, and sturdy but thin build. His brown hair was short, but his bangs hung almost into his eyes. He smiled more, showing off a perfect row of teeth that made your stomach go a flutter.
"Hi, I'm Chani. It's nice to meet you!" His head tilted at the end so cutely, making the butterlfies in your stomach freak out even more.
You gave a small wave and a nervous smile. "Hi, I'm Y/N."
Chani dropped his bag and sat down next to you. "So, are you excited to be learning everything there is to know about theater?"
"Kind of," you said while nervously playing with your hands. "I'm a bit nervous. I've never done anything like this before. I'm not one to really put myself out there."
"Ah, well, I'll help you through it. If you have any questions, just ask! I'm more than happy to help, plus the theater teacher is great at helping you get over any nerves you have."
"That's good to know. How about you with the writing assignment next semester?"
He shrugged and gave a grimace. "I know it won't go too well for me. I'm not exactly great at creating words."
"Well, like you said, you can always ask if you have any questions."
You both smiled at each other, and then silence filled in the rest of the convo. It wasn't awkward but it wasn't comfortable either and you sat there clutching your skirt waiting for the end of class to draw near.
"I heard there are three different scenes that we need to preform. They're short, possibly five minutes for each scene which is good but they can range from different topics or different types of things a performer may do, like singing or dancing." Chani whispered, while you both took notes on the course direction and what was required for you to pass.
You looked at him scared. Dancing? Singing? You could barely tell a lie, how were you supposed to do all three things in the course of a few months?
Chani offered you smile as he watched your face turn to panic. "Don't worry, they'll prepare you for it all beforehand but i guess we get our scenes within a few weeks."
You nodded and went back to trying to pay attention to as much as you could from Mrs. Elven's lecture on theater. You needed to be prepared as much as you could for the amount of stress the next few weeks was going to bring.
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"Alright, pair up and we'll be going around and handing out your scenes and explaining them."
"Now theater kids, you will be letting our new friends take the lead on the everything, while you are directing and helping." Mrs. Elven explained.
Mr. Alvis continued where Mrs. Elven left off. "Throughout the course of the next few weeks you will be practicing and perfecting your scenes under the guidance of myself and Mrs. Elven. Schedules will be posted to let you know when we will be reviewing your progress."
You spotted Chani on the steps of the stage talking to a few of the theater girls and your slowly made your way over there. Chani was nice but he didn't go out his way to get to know you the past few weeks of lectures. You noticed he was more interested in his friends or staying by himself than he was with you, and you were just too shy to go over and start up a conversation. You passed each test so far with flying colours and you were hoping you'd be able to do the same physically all while praying that Chani would help you out.
"Oh, hey, Y/N." Chani said as he spotted you lingering near the front row." He got up and leaped down the stairs with ease. "Are you excited to see what we got for our scenes?"
You nodded and gave a smile smile. Words didn't come easily to you when Chani was involved you've noticed and you could tell it was putting him off by the awkward silence that always followed.
"Chani, Y/N, good I found you. I gathered up some great scenes for you." Mrs. Elven said as she rustled through to find a greeen folder with both of your names written on the top. "Now, Chani, I know you're great at what you do when it comes to a happy or serious scene but I have yet to see you do romance."
"Wait, I can do romance." Chani spoke up defensively.
"Not that I've seen, nor have I seen it in person yet from you. And I hear that miss Y/N, enjoys a good romance story and that Jane Austen is a favourite of yours. So open up and see what you got." She gave you the green folder and you opened it up to find a piece of paper detailing your topics and scenes.
Topic One: Musical- Lay All Your Love On Me (Mamma Mia Musical)
Topic Two: Dance- I've Had The Time of My Life (Dirty Dancing Dance Scene)
Topic Three: Acting- Persuasion's Letter Confession Scene (Jane Austen)
"Wait these are all love scenes, Mrs. E." Chani exclaimed as he took the folder from you looking at the rest of the material in it.
"Why, yes it is. It's supposed to be challenging and a learning opportunity for my students. Have fun, my lovelies!"
You watched her walk away while Chani quietly complained to himself as he looked over the material.
"Great, class is basically over. Let me research these scenes and next class we'll start learning, okay?" Chani gathered up his bag and walked away before you couold say anything.
This is awesome, you thought, you're stuck doing love scenes with someone who clearly does not enjoy doing them all while you learn a new skill set so you can pass your class this semester. Welcome to hell.
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The next two weeks where absolute shit, constant studying on your part to get the dance down while trying to protray a confession to someone who stares at you with annoyance as you fumble everything anf that's not even including the singing lessons that he quickly gives. You really needed this class to pass so you could keep your scholarship and with two weeks of barely getting nowhere, you were starting to get pissed off.
Setting your bag down on the dance studio's floor, you connected your phone to the stereo's bluetooth and put on your small heeled shoes. You didn't let it on but Dirty Dancing was one of your favourite movies and you wanted to do it justice. You had gathered from the costume department an outfit that was similar to Baby's and you were hoping it would channel your inner Patrick Swayze.
Turning on the song, you closed your eyes and started dancing by yourself as you remembered each move that was created during the movie all while remembering Chani's notes and tips.
The song slowly ended and your eyes flashed opened to the sound of clapping behind you. You quickly twirled around to find Chani leaning against the door frame smiling. "Chani! You scared me!"
"You did really good. I'm impressed to see you practicing on your own." He said as he walked over to you.
"Well, I need to pass this class in order to graduate and keep my scholarship." You said irriated that he didn't think you'd actually take this class seriosuly, unlike him who was clearly uninterested during class.
"I haven't gotten much help so far, so I've been learning on my own."
"I haven't been a great teacher the past couple of weeks have I?" He sat down next to you as you wiped off some sweat on a small towel.
"Not really."
He sighed and leaned back on his palms. "I just don't get romance. I've never really liked anyone so I don't know how to feel it in order to protray it correctly."
"Really?" He looked at your shock face with some annoyance. "Don't think of me as rude but you're constantly flirting with the girls in class, so I figured you've must have been ina relationship."
"Nope. I just flirt to work on my presentation for auditions or characters, that's all. I have no feelings for any of them. In fact, most of them annoy me."
"I must annoy you a lot then with not knowing what to do." You laughed.
Chani chuckled, "Actually you don't surprisngly. It's nice to have someone focused on their work like I am. I may not have shown it the past couple of weeks, but I've got the best grades in my department."
The next hour was spent talking as you both got to know each other, and you noticed Chani opening up to you as the next few classes went by as you practiced your dance sequence and song.
"I think it's good, but the characters are in love and I don't see it being shown." Mr. Alvis said after Chani and you showed your dance and music scene.
"I agree, the characters are in love and both sets of characters have a sort of sexual attraction during each number. For your song, I want your lips barely brushing while you sing back and forth with each other. PLay around with it. PLus I'd like to see you lay her down during the chorus as your hands play down her arms."
Chani looked at you, his eyes asking for permission to do what the teacher asked and you hesitated for a second before nodding your reply.
"Oh and Y/n, for your singing part can we get the crawl towards Chani then I'd like to see how it looks with your chest to chest before the chorus." Mrs. Elven said as she turned the music back on.
"I don't know what you've you done to me" you sang as your sank onto your knees the on all fours.
Chani fell to his knees a small smirking playing on his lips as he watched, a slight hunger burning in him as he saw you in a barely there swimsuit starting to crawl towards him.
"A grown-up women should never fall so easily."
You reached him and you let your hands slide up his torso to his neck where you looped them around your chest pressed against his as he wrapped one arm around your waist as the other tangled into your hair.
"I feel a kind of fear, when I don't have you near."
He pulled your closer as your hands slide down to his chest and hsi head moved in closer your lips barely brushing as you sand the rest of the bridge.
His head moved away as he looked at you longingly before slowly pushing you down till your back gently touched the floor and he crawled on top of you straddling your legs and he sang out the chorus. Your arms moved above your head as he pushed them up his lips close to yours before getting off of you as he completed the song.
You laid there stunned as the teachers clapped as you replayed what had just happened between you and Chani and the burning fire you had in your gut for him.
"That was perfect!" Mr. Avis said. "Please just repeat that for when you preform it."
Mr. Elven smirked as she watched Chani help you up off the floor. "Keep practicing the dance. Incorporate what you did just now into it."
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A week blew by and you were back in the dance studio covered in sweat as you rewatched the final dance scene in Dirty Dancing on your phone while you had 'I've Had the Time of My Life' play on loop in the background. "Ugh!" You shouted and fell back onto the floor. You were never going to get this down, and without this being completed you weren't sure you both would even start the acting portion of Jane Austen's Persuasion.
"Taking a break?"
You opened your eyes and looked behind you as you laid on the ground to find Chani once again leaning against the doorframe. A playful smile on his lips as he gazed down at you. He gently licked his lips and you quickly turned away as you felt your face burn under his gaze but the mirror on the wall betrayed you showing your face flush a dark pink.
Smirking he walked over and stood over you looking down. "So, Baby," he said teasingly using the name from the main character of the film as he offered you a hand, "Shall we dance?"
You took his hand in yours and he pulled you up as your body slid up against his. Chani's other hand slid to your waist as you danced to the music. The music looped over again and you continued, forgetting the steps and what you were there to do as your gazes were locked onto each other. Each spin and and hip grind sent you over the edge, making you feel like you were floating on cloud nine.
Sweat poured off your bodies as your clothes clung to you as he twirled you into his body, his leg between yours as your body grinded in his, your thigh being lifted up by one of his hands as your skirt shifted down showing your bare thigh, your lips dangerously close. He opened his eyes and looked into yours, his eyes darkening at the sight of you. Drenched looking, your heaving chest, your lips slightly parted as you looked at him with innocence. He pulled you closer to him, your breath hitting his cheek and he dipped you slightly, pulling you up slowly before dipping you again, swinging your body to the other side of his before pulling you up sharply, noses touching.
He almost kissed you right there but the music stopped and the room fell silent besides the sound of your chests rising and falling as you tried to catch your breath.
"Um," his breath shaky, "I think we're good on the dance portion."
You took a deep breath in, "Yeah I think we definietly are."
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It was the day of your performance. The auditorium was filled and your musical and dance number went by without a hitch.
You stood in the side wing as they announced the next group to go on. All that was left of your final assignment was to get over the monologue part, the ending letter in Jane Austen's Persuasion, and you were nervous about it. Spending so much time with Chani and getting to know him for the past months has been nerve-wracking. He was handsome for starters. He could make any girl blush under his gaze, and he certainly knew how to make you turn a dark shade of red.
Your relationship started off as one of annoyance then turned into something else once you got to know each other. Every time you saw Chani, it was like your body was on fire and only he could extinguish the flames he created.
Every time you met up with him to practice, the feelings you had kept growing, and now everything he does sends you over the edge. You didn't know how you got through the musical and dance number without being completely red. You weren't an actor, and the feelings that needed to be portrayed by the characters in those scenes you didn't have to act for - they were your own feelings. Every touch, every smile, every almost lip touch was all you. Even though you were friends, you knew more than likely nothing would grow past that, so if you had to be selfish and take those chances during practice and your performance, then so be it.
You weren't popular like Chani. He made friends wherever he went and had a line of girls to choose from when he wanted to. While you kept your nose in a book or writing one, blocking the world out besides the one that was in print. The only experience you had with relationships and love was just in books. Imagining how it felt to be kissed or your hand held. How it would feel to be kissed in the pouring rain as the main male lead said a love filled confession.
But Chani had been giving you that recently. The looks, the touches, the little flirts. You thought he felt the same as you, just too shy to admit it or ask you out. But every day, those small touches to your back, the slight hand holds, the hair tucking behind the ear made you feel his affection and possible love. But there was one thing you couldn't get your brain wrapped around. Heartbreak.
You could feel longing, happiness, love, a high that you didn't want to come down from when you were with him, but for the past couple of months, he didn't leave your side. You weren't alone. And to portray that emotion of loneliness and breaking apart was difficult.
Chani had given you every tip and trick to getting your body and acting skills to understand it. You couldn't cry on command, and you couldn't use fake tears. It's not like you couldn't cry at the scene. From reading to watching it in countless movies, every time the scene came up, you couldn't stop the overflow of tears, and when Chani performed the whole thing, you were left a crying mess.
The scene started off just reading the letter, and you were supposed to break down as you read it. But you just couldn't cry. You had been trying for weeks, but you were on cloud nine because of Chani. Nothing had brought you down. And now that the time had come, you were nervous to perform it.
You looked across the stage to find Chani standing in the other wing. He saw you and gave you an encouraging smile. You put down your script, which you had for a last-minute refresher, and straighten your dress out. It was a beautiful ocean blue historical dress with gold accents, and you had some white gloves on to match. In the pocket of the dress, you made sure you had the fake letter in which you were supposed to read from.
Looking back up, you saw Chani chatting with one of the other actresses, her back to you. One hand wrapped around her waist and the other on her back. At first, it looked like a hug, but looking closer, you could see it was a romantic touch.
Chani tucked a hair behind the girls ear, something he did so tenderly to you not so long ago, and the smile on his face was of pure affection and fascination as his eyes took in the girl's face.
Your breath caught in your throat as he dipped his head down towards her, his hands holding her face tenderly. Your eyes closed, and you turned away, not wanting to see more. It felt like you couldn't breathe.
You gripped your chest, your other hand finding its way to your mouth so a cry didn't escape from your lips. Over head, you could hear your names being called out and the roar of the crowd clapping, waiting for your entrance.
You quickly wiped your tears, taking a shaky breath in as you pulled out the letter from your pocket and walked on stage, not bothering to look in Chani's direction.
The lights had dimmed till there was just a mellow blue spot light on you. You looked at the envelope in your hands, your breath still shaky, which suddenly hitched in your throat when you saw your name printed on the front with Chani's handwriting. You had thought it was supposed to be the actual letter from the novel inside, but now you weren't so sure, and it scared you a little.
Your hands shook as you undid the envelope and opened up the letter. Your name was written neatly on the top and you tried to read it as the violin started to play, signaling the start of your speech, your eyes having a hard time focusing on the paper.
You looked out in the crowd, your voice somehow strong but quiet as you spoke a loud. "I can listen no longer in silence. I must speak to you by such means as are within my reach."
You paused for a second as a lump in your throat grew when your eyes caught the first sentence of the handwritten note in front of you. 'I'm surprisingly not good with words, but if there is one word I would use to describe you, it would be perfection.'
"You pierce my soul. I am half agony, half hope." Your voice started to shake, as you continued reading what was written to you.
'You have struck my every being. Every inch of you is perfection. Every touch. Every glance. Perfection.'
Your voice cracked, tears finally spilling down your cheeks. "Tell me not that I am too late, that such precious feelings are gone for ever. I offer myself to you again with a heart even more your own than when you almost broke it, eight years and a half ago."
'Oh, god, Y/N. I love you. I think I always have since our first encounter. How you looked so nervous and adorable. My thoughts had started to be consumed of you, ever growing the more I saw you. When you brought me down to earth that day in the dance studio, I knew. I knew it was you.'
Chani's footsteps echoing on the stage brought you back, your head turning to see Chani on the other side of the stage, waiting for you so you could speak the next passage together. "Dare not say that man forgets sooner than woman, that his love has an earlier death." He turned to face you, small tears forming in his eyes. "I have loved none but you. Unjust I may have been, weak and resentful I have been, but never inconstant. You alone have brought me to Bath. For you alone, I think and plan."
How could he love you and still kiss another girl? Was this a game to him? His sweet words filled you with hope, but you'd rather have none if the aching feeling in your chest was always constant with him. But how could he love you? True, he spent the past few months with you constantly, but how could one night, tonight of all nights, turn his love into nothing. If you consume his thoughts, then how could another women stray him so easily?
You looked out at the crowd before you, each person intently listening as Chani spoke the next part. "Have you not seen this? Can you fail to have understood my wishes?" He walked towards you, his hand motioning to the letter in your hands. You looked down again, a few tears falling onto the paper in front of you. "I had not waited even these ten days, could I have read your feelings, as I think you must have penetrated mine. I can hardly write. I am every instant hearing something which overpowers me."
'Y/N. My dear, sweet Y/N, I can't picture my life without you in it. It's only been a few months, but all I can think of is you. You're the sun, the sky, the darkest and most stormy of days, you're the ray of light breaking through the crowds. You're my dreams, my hopes, and my ambitions. You're my everything. I couldn't face tomorrow if you weren't in it.' You looked up to find him standing in front of you, a tearful smile on his face, his hands finding yours and cupping them in his as he raised the letter closer to you to finish reading. 'Every smile, every almost kiss, every touch. I can't imagine not being able to do all those to anyone else but you. Please, my darling Y/N, be mine and mine alone. I'll cherish and protect every minute we have together and shower you with love. Lovingly yours, Chani'
You looked up to find him finishing the monologue, his face dangerously close to yours, his eyes searching for an answer in your eyes. You stared back for a second before the thought of his letter being a lie struck you again, your heart cracking under his beautiful gaze.
Turning away and towards the wings of the stage, you saw the same girl from earlier dressed up in battle gear with a woman in a dress. Her arm around her waist, and then she carefully cupped her cheeks, giving the girl a passionate kiss.
"It was a fake kiss. Yours is the only lips I want to touch mine with." Chani whispered, his voice barely audible over the loud violin, his one hand which was still holding yours squeezed yours. You turned slowly towards him, the violin cut off, leaving the room in silence. Tears formed in your eyes as his whispered, "I love you, my dearest."
He pulled you close, one hand holding the small of your back and the other gently cupping your cheek. His lips touched yours, sending waves of pleasure and love through your body. You stood in shock for a second before your hands found their way to his chest, his heart beating hard beneath your hands.
The crowd around you exploded with applause, tearing you both away to look at the crowd, a laugh escaping from your lips as you looked back to Chani, who had the biggest smile on his face. He gently pulled you in again for a small kiss, his forehead resting on yours as he looked longingly into your eyes.
The curtain closed, and you stood still standing in each other's embrace, not wanting to let go of one another.
"Be mine?" Chani whispered, his lips brushing your cheek.
"I'm all yours."
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I literally finished this on the train cause I couldn't get this story out of my head :3 Hope you enjoy! -Liz
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nerdtronica · 4 months
evil oc lore
hi guys this is my ref sheet for my EVIL oc. please do not ask what drove me to do this…
tag for her is #annie tag
name: annebell “annie” springer
age: 25 (this takes place somewhere in the 1980s)
height: 5’5
date of birth: may 1, 1964
faceclaim: saw 3 amanda young
distinguishing marks: scar on neck, jagged scar above left knee
crimes committed: cannibalism, rape, domestic abuse, sexual assault, shoplifting, driving under the influence/DUI, purchasing firearms illegally, animal cruelty, matricide, patricide
illnesses: schizophrenia, depression, insomnia
relations list:
louise phillips (mother, deceased)
bill springer (father, deceased)
tina springer (older sister, alive)
greg springer (younger brother, alive)
john linnell (boyfriend, alive)
lore: annie was born on may 1, 1964 in detroit, michigan. when she was just 5, her mother heavily abused her psychologically and physically. her father was gone most of the time, as he was a salesman. her mother had sex with the neighbor, which resulted in annie gaining 2 siblings.
she developed an interest in serial killers like charles manson when she was young. when she was 10, she fatally stabbed her mother twice in the chest and four times in the knee. she convinced her siblings to help her hide the body by bribing them with treats.
when she was 16, she began living with her father in los angeles, where he spent most of his time working. she murdered him in his sleep by beating him with a hammer brutally.
she started prostitution at 17 before moving to massachusetts. there, she met john linnell, a high schooler at lincoln sudbury. they become friends quickly, taking interest in photography.
later, the two met again in brooklyn, new york in the early 1980s. linnell and his friend, john flansburgh, were living together in an apartment. annie moved in with them, failing to contribute to the two johns’ musical career. later, annie murdered flansburgh by spiking his coffee and proceeding to stab him fatally with a kitchen knife in the bathtub. linnell later found the body and called the police to have the body removed.
as linnell’s career ended, he and annie adopted a child, which annie suffocated in her sleep and threw the body out the apartment window, which resulted in the body getting run over.
in late 1983, annie was sent to an asylum, in which she went through shock therapy, which barely worked. a few months later, she was released back to new york, which resulted in her starting prostitution again.
the hammer she uses frequently was given to her as present from her father when she lived with him in L.A. the hammer was designed for her specifically, it being lightweight and easy for her to use, as well as having her name engraved onto the polished wooden handle. she lied to her father that she wanted to become a carpenter and that she wanted a hammer to practice with.
in early 1985, her and linnell went on a killing spree, raping 4 eighteen year old girls who were camping and brutally beating them with hammers and axes before dragging their bodies and burying them. the two were later arrested, but pleaded innocent and got off scot-free. annie was dubbed “a brutal little lady” by a journalist in a newspaper article.
linnell got evicted from his apartment because of annie’s brutal activities, which resulted in the two moving to a different apartment under pseudonyms. a week after they moved in, they got evicted due to annie destroying a window on purpose.
they finally relocated to chicago, where they lived in a row house. annie began writing her memoir, but gave up after burning the notebook she began writing it in. the two got married later on in november.
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The last chapter with some unexpected surprises!
But what to write next….🤔
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Meeting at the Coconut Hut
Word count-1,147
Gladstone couldn’t believe that he fell for the old ‘get me a drink’ trick. He should have known by the tone of Donald’s voice that he was planning some payback.But Gladstone wasn’t going to give Donald the satisfaction of knowing that he got his revenge on him for essentially calling him a woman repellent.
No,he was going to talk to one woman in the Coconut Hut, and get her number.After all,there had to be at least one woman who wasn’t enamored by Launchpad.
And,there was.
Gladstone saw her,alone,at a table wearing a sleeveless light blue dress,open toe silver heels with brown hair that was put up in a cascading waterfall ponytail while drinking Cognac, and reading.
‘Who reads at a bar?’ thought Gladstone.
But it didn’t matter.Gladstone doubted that she would trick him into getting drinks so she flirt with some other guy.She would probably tell him to leave,or get up, and leave herself.
“Hi, I’m Gladstone Gander.Luckiest guy in the world.”Gladstone said in a flirtatious, and confident,to the point of almost arrogant tone of voice when he sat at the table that the woman was at.
The woman looked up at him.He noticed that she had gray eyes.
“Has that been scientifically proven?”she asked.
“Wow.You’re fast.”said Gladstone.What else could he say to a response like that?
The woman simply raised an eyebrow.Clearly this was not a woman that was easily impressed.
“So,what’s your name?”asked Gladstone.
“Emilie.Emilie Duckman.”she said.
“What are you doing here?You don’t look like you want to be here.”
Emilie simply pointed her thumb at the bar while continuing to read her book.
Literally sitting on the bar was a woman with wavy,waist long blonde hair, and wearing an extremely short pink dress(or was it a silk pink towel?It barely covered anything.)surrounded by men who looked college aged-as opposed to herself.She looked like she was in her 30’s.
“Oh.Designated driver.”said Gladstone.That was the only thing he could think of.
“No.That’s my sister.Annebelle.”corrected Emilie.
“Really?Are you sure?”
“Yup.She drags me here every Saturday night believing I need some fun in my life,or I need to find a guy to loosen up.But she always ends up kicked out for doing something stupid.Or inappropriate. Or both.Which I find funny.”
“Oh.Well,what do you find fun? I mean,besides your sister getting kicked out of the bar.”
“Oh,well,”said Emilie,finally putting down her book,which was The Diary of Anne Frank, “I like writing fanfiction,watching true crime documentaries,reading true crime novels,trolling people online, and protecting my loved ones.”
“You like trolling people online?”said Gladstone.
“I know it’s wrong, but it’s funny how people fail to realize that if you just ignore a troll,they’ll go away.”
Gladstone opened his mouth to see something,only for someone to start screaming.
“I wasn’t doing anything wrong!”
It was Annebelle.
“You just asked a bunch of college boys to throw olives into your cleavage!”the bartender yelled back at her.
“Just ask!They have the choice not to!”
“After what you offered to whichever one throws their olive deepest into your cleavage?!No!You’re out!And don’t come back until you’re wearing something that doesn’t look like a silk towel!”said the bartender as he picked Annebelle up, and literally threw her out of the bar.
“Oh,good. I thought I was the only one that what she was wearing looked like a silk towel.”said Gladstone after the bartender returned to the bar.
“Yeah.Don’t ask me where she got that thing from.”asked Emilie.
Gladstone sat there for a while,wondering how to ask Emilie for her phone number.Obviously not like any other girl he would ask.He suppose he could just ask her casually.
But before he could ask Emilie for her number, she asked him something instead.
“I noticed that you didn’t have a drink.Can I buy you a drink?”
Gladstone felt himself turn pink at the question.Usually he was the one who asked if the woman would like a drink,not the other way around.Gladstone shook his head to get-certain-thoughts out of his head.
“Sure.Why not?”said Gladstone.
“Okay.”said Emilie,putting her book in her purse, and getting up.
Thankfully, the college boys were gone,so it was easy to get to the bar.
“Excuse me!Mr.Bartender!I'd like to have some more Cognac, and-what would you like?”said Emilie,turning to Gladstone when asking the question.
“A Tequila Sunrise.”answered Gladstone.
“And a Tequila Sunrise!”continued Emilie.
“Okay.”said the bartender.
It took a while, and it was obvious by the look on Emilie’s face that it annoyed her.For some reason.
“There you go,miss.”said the bartender when he handed her, and Gladstone their drinks.
“Thanks.”said Emilie before adding “How hard is it to be a bartender anyway?All you have to do is pour drinks into glasses.” under her breath.
Unfortunately, the bartender heard her.
“Hey! I’ll have you know Miss Stuckup that it takes a lot to be a bartender!A lot of knowledge about alcoholic beverages!How to make them,what they taste like, and various other things!”the bartender yelled at Emilie.
“But apparently no knowledge about what to do when a woman in her 30’s is taking advantage of a bunch of college boys.”Emilie said foolishly.
The bartender kicked her, and Gladstone out after she said that.
“Wow.So sensitive.”said Emilie as she got up.
“And I didn’t even do anything!”protested Gladstone as he got up also.
It was true.He didn’t.
“I still stand by what I said.He apparently has no knowledge about what to do when a woman in her 30’s is taking advantage of a bunch of college boys.”said Emilie.
“Can I have your phone number?”Gladstone asked Emilie.
He didn’t know why he asked at that moment.He just did.Perhaps it just felt appropriate.
Emilie looked at him before answering.
“Sure,why not?”she said before taking out a piece of paper, and writing her number on it.
“Okay,thanks!”said Gladstone,surprised that Emilie actually gave him her number, and secretly hoping that she didn’t give him a fake number.
“Well,see you later!”said Emilie before walking off.
Gladstone looked at the piece of paper.
Emilie certainly didn’t seem like the woman who’d give out a fake phone number, and he did accomplish his goal of getting a phone number from her.
“Oh, I can’t wait to tell Donald about this.”said Gladstone smugly as he remembered his phone conversation earlier that evening as he walked away also.
By @backgroundshipper inspired by this drawing by @frava8 (I hope they don’t mind)
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okay, so i think there are 3 ways to think about Martin’s “I know, right?” at the end of MAG166
1) he’s agreeing with the worm people, and yeah, maybe not the most sensitive thing to do at the time given what we, the audience really understand about their situation that Martin isn’t privy to in the same way we are. he asks Jon not to tell him about how awful everything is, purposefully doesn’t want to know the world as it is now. it’s not denial, but evasion. it’s closing your eyes while your partner dissects a frog because part of you thinks you can picture what the insides look like but you don’t want the confirmation or to see something you weren’t expecting.
2) it’s about what Annebelle was just saying. about his own conflicting thoughts about the apocalypse. he’s just hung up but he’s responding to her saying “i know, right” because he’s thought about whether Jon needs him but like someone else on here pointed out, he pushes himself through traumatic situations before he really processes them. how else can someone cope? like, we make fun of movie characters who stop running from Big Bad™️ to have a deeply emotional conversation (although sometimes that the fault of cheesy writing) because in our own minds that conversation should wait until they’re away from danger. but the new world is all danger, not strictly dangerous for either of them, but Martin knows danger (Prentiss, Elias/Jonah, the Lonely) and it’s so much worse to talk about something while it’s happening as opposed to after. so yeah, Annebelle, he’s had those nagging thoughts you’re trying to coax to the surface to watch them pop, but Martin can prioritize and he knows, alright?
3) the last is a reassurance to himself that he does know. he knows what he means to Jon. Annebelle tells him Jon doesn’t need him with his new power, that he may not know where they stand with each other but Martin does know, right? they’ve talked about it, about getting through this together, about choosing to leave the safe house. hell, even when he first started working for the archives he had less power/authority than Jon but that doesn’t mean he didn’t know where he stood with the man - his boss. he might not have always felt useful, given the lengths he went to with Prentiss to collect data, but he understood their working relationship just fine. and now it’s different, sure, but he knows where they stand. in number 2 he’s saying he knows about his own self doubts, but this one is different because he’s saying he does know where he and Jon stand, what they hope to change and that they want to do it together.
if i’m honest i’m leaning towards number 1 for how the line was supposed to be taken, but like, the others are interesting too
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amintyworld · 4 years
“But our love it was stronger by far then the love Of those who were older than we- Of many far wiser than we- And neither the angels in Heaven above Nor the demons down under the sea Can ever dissever my soul from the soul Of the beautiful Annabel Lee.”
- Edgar Allen Poe’s ‘Annebel Lee’
My favorite line ever in writing history.
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bunbelle · 3 years
wanting to Write but just not knowing What 
so instead here’s that trivia that annabelle goes by a One Strike You’re Out rule for those outside her circle of loved ones.  while she is undeniably kind, she is not some dangerously selfless protagonist.  she will help, and if you make an effort to accept it, she will do her best.  but those who do not, be they unapologetic villains or simply too deep in the dark, annebelle will leave that to someone else.  as soon as it becomes detrimental to herself or god forbid her loved ones, she’ll drop you like a hot potato.  however, while she won’t take any more steps, she will still help if approached later on.
and she is not naive either.  she recognizes manipulation for what it is and is incredibly difficult to string along.  villains will have a really hard time to play the pity card with her, let alone regarding morals.  annabelle is this post.  give her the gun, she’ll do it. 
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backgroundshipper · 4 years
Just finished writing Chapter three.I’m going to start writing Chapter four tomorrow.That one will introduce Emilie’s sister Annebelle.
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mistajsqueen-blog · 7 years
anonymous asked:
so i just watched annebelle creation and i got this idea popped up in my head. since you’re my fave writer, may i ask for a joker x reader request where J is posessed by some demons and y/n has to help him? omg this is weird but I thought would be interesting so I came to you haha
I probably won’t write out this whole excorcist thing that the reader does so just pretend the demons go away on their own ok thx I know this isn't how it works just let me live :) also i kinda used the ideas from the movie deliver us from evil because it’s the only movie that involves demonic possession that i’ve ever seen :)))
warnings: paranormal activity, violence, cursing
word count: 1,568
“The fury of a demon instantly possessed me. I knew myself no longer. My original soul seemed, at once, to take its flight from my body; and a more fiendish malevolence, gin-nurtured, thrilled every fibre of my frame.” -Edgar Allan Poe
I was awoken by a rather loud scratching noise on the floor. Rolling over, I reach my hand up and find the on button on the bedside lamp. I rub the sleep out of my eyes and blink a few times. Searching along the floor to find the source of the scratching, expecting to find a mouse chewing on a piece of furniture, but instead I find something that scared me worse than a little mouse ever could. 
J was on the floor, crouching on his knees, and he was hunched over so I couldn’t see what he was doing. His arms were moving back and forth vigorously.
“J? What the hell are you doing?” I ask, squinting my eyes as they get used to the bright light. He stops moving, and the scratching noise stops, He whips his head around and looks at me. I gasp when I see his bloodshot eyes and foam forming at the corners of his mouth like he was some sort of rabid dog. He bares his teeth at me and growls, then runs over to the other side of the room on all fours. He continues to scratch at the hardwood floors. His nails and fingertips are torn to pieces and stained with blood. He must have been scratching at other things before I woke up. I notice scratch marks all along the bedroom walls, and some of the wood and bright pink, fluffy insulation peeking through in some places.
Keeping a close eye on J, I slowly step onto the floor and make a beeline for the door. I dash down the hallway and stop in front of Frost’s bedroom door. I bang on the door, glancing behind me to make sure J, or whatever that is in our bedroom, isn’t running down the hallway after me. 
The door opens, and I don’t even bother saying anything as I push Frost to the side and run into the room. I jump onto his bed and bring my knees up to my chest and hug them. Frost notices something is up by the way I’m not speaking and how badly my entire body is shaking.
“What’s going on? Where is Mr. J?” Frost asks, a worried look on his face as he sits beside me. I can see that he’s trying to makes sense of why I’m running into his bedroom at three in the morning.
“H-He’s being weird.” I stutter as I point a shay finger in the direction of our bedroom. “He’s acting like a wild animal.”
“What do you mean ‘a wild animal’?” 
“He’s foaming at the mouth and scratching at the floor. Our walls are torn all to hell from him.” 
“I’m going to go check on him.” Frost stands and begins to walk towards the hallway.
“No!” I grab his arm and yank him back down onto the bed. 
“(Y/N), we can’t just leave him in there alone.” He says, pushing my hand off of his bicep and continues his trek towards the door.
“Wait,” I say, grabbing his gun off the bedside table. “Take this, just in case.” I toss the gun to him, praying he doesn’t have to use it.
While Frost is gone, I lay back on his bed and stare at the ceiling, hoping this is all just a fucked up dream my twisted mind created. I try to think of what could be wrong with J, but all I can think of is some kind of hardcore drug side effect, but he doesn’t do hardcore drugs. At least I don’t think he does.
Frost barrels back into the room with a panicked look on his face. I sit up and stare at him, waiting or him to say something.
“He’s gone!” 
“What?!” I stand up and run down the hallway and into our bedroom, stopping in my tracks when I don’t see J. I rush over to his closet and dig through one of the many boxes in there until I find what I was searching for; a tranquilizer gun. 
Running out of the room, I see Frost running down the hallway with two other henchmen. I follow behind them, the tranquilizer aimed and ready to shoot.
As we all walk into the kitchen, Frost is attacked by what I assume is J. I quickly aim the tranquilizer at his exposed back and shoot. A needle lands in his skin, and he goes limp. Frost pushes him off and stands. We all crowd around J’s lifeless body. I can see where he’s been scratching at his own skin, and there is blood dripping from the scratches. 
“Let’s take him to the basement and lock him up in one of the cells.” Frost says grabbing his arms as one of the henchmen grab his legs. They lift him up of the ground and walk down to the basement. I follow closely behind.
Once J is behind the bars of one of the many tiny cells down here, I sit on the floor, a safe distance from the cage in case he wakes up and tries to attack me. Frost stands beside me, looking at J and shaking his head.
“I think he’s been possessed somehow.” He says with a low voice. I snap my head up too look at him, disbelief in my eyes., but I slowly begin to realize the situation and stare off into nothing. My hands start to shake.
Frost leaves me alone, going back up to his bedroom to try and get some more sleep. I don’t move. I continue staring at J, waiting for him to wake up.
I must have fallen asleep while I was watching J last night, because I wake up laying on the cold, cement floor of the basement. I lay there for a moment, my back towards the cell where we put J last night. I could feel eyes watching me. 
Taking a deep breath to prepare myself for what I might see, I sit up right and turn around to face the cell. I jump when my eyes fall onto J’s face. He sitting right up near the bars, his eyes fixated on me. They’re no longer bloodshot like they were last night. Instead, they’re entirely black. His eyes are just two black pools, staring right into mine. When he sees the terrified look on my face, he grins a devilish grin. I begin to shake again.
“Am I frightening you?” He asks, but the voice is not his. It’s much deeper and sends chills down my spine. I wonder if I’ve just heard the voice of the devil himself. I don’t have to answer for him to know he is frightening me. He laughs and rises to his feet. He holds out his arms, and some kind of force drags me along the floor and slams me against the metal bars. I cry out from the intense impact. My shaking intensifies as J crouches down at eye level with me and widens his grin. I try to wriggle away from the bars, but the force has me pressed up against there tightly and doesn’t want me to escape. I begin to scream out for Frost, but J reaches through the bars and slaps me. “Stop being a pussy and let me out.” He demands.
“No!” I shout, squeezing my eyes shut as I wait for another slap to come. But it doesn’t, instead I’m thrown all the way across the room. My back slams into the wall and the wind is knocked out of me. 
As I try to catch my breath, J grabs two of the metal bars and pulls them apart. With his bare hands. My jaw drops at how strong he is now. He slowly walks over to me and crouched in front of me. 
 "Who are you?" I ask, speaking to whoever it is that's possessing my J.
 "Only your biggest fear." It replies, and J throws his head back and laughs. "Oderint dum metuant." He says something in a different language, but I ignore it. I reach up and push a strange of electric green hair behind his ear, watching for some kind of reaction. He flinches and leans backwards a bit.
 "I know you're in there." I say softly, grabbing his face in my hands. 
 "Your lover boy is gone." The voice says, laughing again, but I don't move my hands.
 "Fight it, J. I know you can hear me." I look into his dark eyes, trying to bring him back. He laughs, and I can hear a tiny hint of his voice in it. He hasn't moved away or flinched anymore, so I bring his face closer to mine. "You can do it."
I hesitate to kiss him. I know it's still him, but something evil has taken over his body. I close my eyes and lean in, softly placing my lips on his. He doesn’t move, he doesn’t kiss back, he doesn’t do anything. I open my eyes and notice the blackness is slowly fading away. The whites of his eyes begin to appear, then the iciness of his irises.
“Hey, doll face.” He smiles, wrapping his arms around me and holding me tightly.
“Glad to have you back.”
LMAOOO SHOO that end is so fluffy it’s making me cringe but whatever 
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annebelle93 · 3 years
Hello Annabelle ^^ i haven’t been reading from your account for long but i really enjoy what you write! i was hoping to ask for a simple headcanon (could be short) of y/n standing up for Mammon to the witches, like putting them in their place. I feel so sad whenever mammon is in pain bc of them :(( sincerely anon^v^💕
Thank you, Anon! 💕
Of course I can write it! I actually had been working on a fic with this theme, so it turned out a big longer than a simple HC, I hope you can still enjoy it
MC stands up for Mammon against the Witches
-> Mammon x GN MC
-> TW: implicit violence; minor curse words
-> content: a bit of angst, but with a happy ending
-> word count: 1.6k
It was Mammon’s night.
After all the fighting and bickering you had to come up with a rotation of alone time with the boys.
And today, it was Mammon’s night.
Your head dangled over his shoulder, bravely resisting the sleep creeping over. But the confusing heist movie he chose along with the turned off lights and the warmth of his arm close to you were simply too much. You gave up around the third plot turn of the film, long after you gave up understanding it. And it didn’t seem like Mammon was far behind you, leting his head rest over yours as his breathing got deeper and slower.
And then you felt your head fall.
“What happened?” You ask him massaging the spot of your head that bumped the couch when he sat straight.
“I-I’ll have to go”
“What? Now?”
He walks around the room searching for his jacket under piles of dirty clothes and overall mess. Hadn’t you both eaten the same things you’d assume he was having food poisoning, by his expression and urge to leave.
“Slow down” you stand between Mammon and the door with open arms “what is happening? Did I do something?”
You had known the demon for quite a while now and was sure you knew all of his expressions, but the way his eyes wandered everywhere without rest and his nails scratched his arm nonstop felt foreign.
You tilt your head to look at him. Was Mammon… anxious?
“Ya didn’t do anything” he pushes you by the shoulder gently “I just have to go”
“You’re hiding something”
You see him do his best to smile nonchalantly at you, but it comes out as constipated grim.
So you decide to pull out the big guns.
“Date nights are non-transferrable, unless you tell me why you’re ditching me”
Both staring at each other for a long moment and you are expecting him to raise his voice and tell you you’re being unfair. But after that staring contest, Mammon just turns his eyes back to the door and mutter a weak “fine”.
During your stay in Devildom you were threatened, attacked and even killed once. None of these events shattered you heart as hard as this weak little “fine”.
That was it, you thought while grabbing his arm.
“Tell me what’s going on or I’ll follow you!”
“For Diavolo’s sake, MC! Why’re ya so stubborn?” He gazes at you trying to be intimidating, but you know the demon all too well to fall for it. He groans before looking away “Fine. It’s the witches, they are summoning me”
You release his arm to cross yours. You never seen the witches, but heard enough stories about them. You also heard his whimpering during nightmares and the jokes you’ve scolded Satan many times about. You rest your hands on your waist and turn back to him.
“Ok, I’m coming with you!”
“Are ya crazy, MC? These witches are crazy scary”
“Then we better not keep them waiting, ay?”
Mammon groans again, he knows a lost fight we he sees one. Usually, he’d probably try to argue with you a bit longer, but the pull on his stomach every time they called him was growing stronger by the second and he wouldn’t be able to ignore for much longer. Brooding, he let it pull him to the witches and you count to three before following him. It was important for the spell that he was already somewhere for you to follow. Enchanting yourself to appear in a different place was already hard enough with a physical location in mind, but doing it with a person.... oof.
You open your eyes to see Mammon kicking stones in front of an enormous house with both hands deep in his pocket. You stumble to him; the sun is high in the sky making it hard for you to see. Silently he places his sunglasses on your face and point to the door.
A big garden guides to big doors that opens to a big foyer. High ceiling adorned by gold and ivory. You look around and one word comes to your mind: tacky.
Talk about trying too hard, you think climbing up the stair.
Loud laughing and the smell of smoke travel to you. It’s hard to define how many people are in the house, as one particular laugh seems to overlook every other attempt. Mammon opens a second set of doors and the laughing stops.
“Mammon, dear” a woman holding a long pipe between perfect red nails says with a heavy accent “you are late”
“Yeah, I had a thing” she raises one finger
“I don’t care, just zip it” you see his mouth unwillingly close and him burying both hands back on the pockets “I see you brought a little Succubus with you today” she let her eyes walk over you shamelessly “or perhaps a little imp?”
“I’m a human”
“A human!” The witch claps her hands together and walk to you with a smile “I don’t recall allowing dear Mammon to bring more witches to the coven, but since you found us maybe you can be of use”
She walks around you evaluating your form under the worried eyes of the other members of the coven. They sit near an enormous window, holding chalices of dark red wine and gorging on rare meats and exotic fruits. If it wasn’t for mammon standing in the middle of the room, one could assume it was a cult for Beel.
Every single one of them dressed extravagantly. Perfect fitted suits and dresses matching with sparkly eyeshadows and crimson perfect lips.
Now you knew where all of Mammon’s money went to.
“I’m not here for you coven” you spit with as much disdain as you can “I’m just accompanying a friend”
“A friend?” She laughs returning to her chair. The rest of the coven follows and you realize the loud laughter you heard in the stairs were hers “demons don’t have friends, sugar”
“Demons have power” a man with red nose spoke
“And gold” a second woman with dangling pearls rose her hand to show numerous rings
You see Mammon blush under their mean eyes.
“A little word of advice, sugar – mammon, come - don’t get too friendly with demons” She points to the space near her and Mammon’s legs start to follow her finger. You see his face twist in embarrassment and your own burns “they are not trustworthy. They follow power and only stay by your side as long as you have it to control them”
The witches begin to pat his jacket searching for pockets, far too freely for your taste. Their hands roaming around places obviously pocketless.
The moment you see the long red nails of the prime-witch moving to join the search, your feet move too. You grab her wrist, hand hovering way too close to him.
“Stop it”
“Oh honeycomb” she pulls her hand with a condescending smile “you think you can stand up to me? What is your strength? The power of friendship?”
You feel your cheeks burn to their laugh.
“They think they can protect the demon” a different man, with dark slinky hair, mocked
“Listen to your sisters, demon savior” a young woman cooed with open arms “don’t side against us because of lousy demon. Use your head”
The cacophony of cackling and mocking along with the nasty smoke smell on that sultry tacky room made your head spin. Would it kill them to open a window and stop laughing for five seconds?
You bump your fist on the table and a couple of chalices fall, bringing the startled silent you wanted.
“I don’t give a rats ass about what you think of demons” you shout pointing to your chest “Mammon is my first!”
“And what is that even supposed to mean, sugarplum?” She leans in your direction calmly with a rispy tone
“It means he belongs to me and I don’t like it when people mistreat my belongs!”
A shiver runs through your neck. You didn’t mean to feel it, but there was something about the way the witch got up and walked towards you. She stopped so close to you the smell of expensive wine burned your nose. With a whistle she points to her side.
“That is power” Mammon looks at you worried. Her command to “zip it” is still in order when he stops by her side “you think you can do better?”
“I will not going to order him around like a dog in a divorce court.” You reach you hand to him “but I can give him my power to help with anything he needs to dismantle your pact”
You look at her with a sweet smile when Mammon grabs your hand turning to his demon form, making your pact glow on both your arms.
The coven collectively gasps when their leader takes a step back.
Her mark is the first you reach, scratching it open repeating ancient words Mammon whisper in your ear. He guides you one after one, faster than any human could follow.
You come to your senses outside the house, when the bright sunlight begins to burn your skin. Mammon is outside with you, hand glued to yours and a grin too close to your face.
“I should’ve brought ya with me sooner!”
“Yes, you should!” You push him away with an angry face “why did you let those people treat you like this for so long?” Mammon held his neck and stared at the window
“They got collateral on me” he turns back to you with eyes wide open “ah shit, who’s going to take care of her now? I need to find a new human to do it”
“You dum-dum!” You poke his forehead with an exasperated tone “if you need a human to take care of someone especial to you of course I am going to do it!”
Mammon releases your hand and take a step back, blushing harder than you ever seen.
“Ye-yeah, of course you will! Because The Great Mammon is your first, s-so you have to do what I tell you to!”
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There’s probably one more chapter left.
Don’t know what I’m going to write next.
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Did an Emilie edit!
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Now the original comic panel-
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And just so you know, the Ducktales spin-off fanfic series flizzed ou, so I’m back to writing Duckman Universe fanfics.
The first one is “Annebelle’s Story”,where she gets some character development. The second one is “Duckman Universe Short Stories”.
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Only one more chapter left!
Then I’ll be writing something else for a while.First will be a MatildaxLudwig fanfic(still haven’t figured out the plot line yet), and a Ducktales spinoff series.
But don’t worry,after I’m done with those two things I’ll be back with a new story called “Annebelle’s Story”.
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Okay,for several reasons(one of them personal)I’ve decided not to do cutsie.callie’s Piniac with Rosie thing.Instead,while thinking of which story to write next(two of them about the more obscure Duckman family members,but one of them is a sad story, and one of them is focused on Annebelle),I think it’ll be a good idea to answer questions.But since I have yet to receive any questions,here are some screenshots of Gladstone that I have.
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I’m sorry, but I won’t be writing the notes for “Annebelle in Love”. I don’t know when I’ll be doing it. I just found out that my mom has cancer, so I don’t know what I’ll be doing for all this.
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