#Anon this is a galaxy brain idea
distort-opia · 1 year
I was thinking about Batman:Europa... how fun it would be if other villains/authorities realised that by yeeting Batman and Joker somewhere and making them work together Gotham got to rest from those two's exhausting dances? And for every villain to cook up a scheme similar to Bane's and make those two go on a roadtrip? (And maybe each scheme represents a fanfic trope, first it was kiss or die, next it will be there was only one bed, then bdsm or die)
Alright that would be fucking hilarious =))
Gotham Rogues just fucking... parent-trapping Batman and Joker so that they could get some goddamn peace. I mean if Bane could do it, why can't they?? They come up with a schedule where they don't do this too often, 'cause then Batman and Joker would get suspicious. It's Poison Ivy's turn this month and she's gleefully making plans to tick off the "sex pollen" trope and trap them in an Amazonian forest.
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hekateinhell · 2 years
The Coven of the Articulate is a large scale sex work company run by the mysterious Queen and her King. They cater to a multitude of world's depending on what floor or building you go into. Want to go to ancient Rome and find what's in Pandora's box? What about spending an evening in the Venetian renaissance with beauties out of a Botticelli painting? Or perhaps pre-revolutionary Paris with a runaway aristocrat? There's someone and something for every taste from shy and chaste, awaiting debauchery to people ready to break bones along with breaking your back. The employees live in residence and half the fun is had outside of operational open hours between them. You could request more than one and see it some of their fun for yourself, but it's going to cost you.
... I'm going to need the 100k on my desk by the end of the month. Also going to repost over on the kink meme account because this prompt deserves a fair chance. 🙏🏼
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gennianydots · 1 year
I lovd the idea of a m9 atla au, and cabbage seller Veth is galaxy brained, and also i see your earth kingdom Caduceus, and I raise you swamp bender Cadueces?
Okay, ummm Yes.
Swamp bender Cad? Love that for him. Using the “decay and life is sacred and all around us” ideals in a swamp? That’s really kinda perfect for him. Which makes him technically a water bender…
Another thought: former fire nation soldier Caleb secretly surrounding himself with as many water benders as he can (Jester, Caduceus, Beau - maybe - the blue she wears is also very water tribe-ish) so he has damage control if/when he lights shit on fire because he hates his fire-bending (like Jeong Jeong, who says it only brings destruction) due to his (very traumatic) backstory hurting innocents for the fire lord during the war…
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venusandsaturnsrings · 6 months
Many thoughts of guard dog boothill... -chubby darling anon
MY SWEET!! thank u for sharing the boothill brain mwah mwah!! love u always U^ェ^U
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there’s an issue, however… boothill doesn’t make a very good bodyguard, much less a guard dog. he has a habit of causing more trouble than he protects you from, something about his ego, which means that the second he gets even the slightest idea that someone’s looking at you a bit too long?? he’s lunging at them. all sharp teeth on display as he loads his gun with whatever bullets he can grab, inside or outside his body. even if the person was just looking past you, boothill sees it as a personal slight; they were obviously trying to rile him up!!
he’s not exactly the kind of guy i can imagine in a hybrid scenario, mainly because he’s such a mashup of parts already, but a being a dog would suit him… perhaps an australian shepherd… food for thought…
anyways, hiring him as your body guard?? a bad choice and also very bold of you to assume he’d agree!! he’s the travelling type, being a galaxy ranger, so consider this: forbidden lovers.
you were the esteemed child to an esteemed set of parents that expected no less than perfection of you. on one such interastral expedition, boothill happened to be on your planet for reasons he wouldn’t disclose but it all came down to an evening you shared. there was a reception of sorts for an upcoming book your family had endorsed, so you were expected to attended and, at your mothers word, perhaps look for a suitable partner. this particular breed of gathering wasn’t your speed, nor did you have any interest in scouting amongst the primarily geriatric body of people for a potential spouse. inevitably, you ended up tucked off on a balcony, some sort of fruity cocktail in hand as you idly played with the stir stick and waited out the party to its end. that was until a tall and out of breath gentleman stumbled onto the same balcony with a sharp whistle and sigh. it took a couple moments for him to notice you timidly staring, but when he did he jerked out a hand for you to shake and announcing himself as ‘boothill’ with a strangely charming accent. thus began a series of secret meetings and stolen kisses between giggles and the walls of places you’d never been; boothill was quite good at expanding your comfort zone.
eventually, your parents did find out and were livid that you’d been fooling around with a ‘no good wanted criminal,’ and demanded you see him one last time to have him turned in to the authorities. they didn’t realize just how slippery he could be or just how you had been waiting on the chance to finally leave so, you slipped out with all that you needed in the middle of the night to a grinning boothill. he promised to take you to even better bars and shooting ranges on much cooler planets so long as you stayed with him (you couldn’t possibly leave now).
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Hi!!! How’s it going?
I have a brain cleansing idea 😂
So Hunter is always alert and worried about everyone. How about the reader trying to sooth his worries late at night? Kissing his hands, stroking his hair. With him laying his head in the crook of your neck or trying to hear the steady rhythm of a heartbeat 😭😭. Whatever floats your boat.
Feel free to change things up to your liking (if you like my idea). It can be an established relationship or a friends to lovers thing, whatever you prefer,
Don’t forget to take breaks and to prioritise your health
Hi anon! Thanks for the request. I loved this idea, so I ran with it and tweaked it ever so slightly. Thank you for the little reminder to take breaks - I've been a bit burned out with work, but writing this brought me joy 💕
For a while, I’ve wanted to do a HC’s piece on the Batch looking after reader who has chronic migraines (super self-indulgent), but giving Hunter the migraine worked in this story, so poor bby suffers a little. But it’s okay; he also gets cuddles and love 😂
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A Moment of Stillness
Worrying and caring about his brothers all the time weighs heavy on Hunter. So, it’s a good job you’re there to worry and care about him.
Pairing: Hunter x f!reader
Word count: 2.6k
Warnings: fluff, sweetness, comfort, mutual pining, use of strong prescription medicine for migraine, very light scent kink/Hunter finds readers scent comforting, pet names, cuddles, confessions of love, friends to lovers, first kiss.
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Another storm had rolled in, the crack of lightning throwing flashes of bright light across your room and the rumble of thunder creating white noise as you worked late into the evening. Several mission reports had already been completed and submitted, but there was still a small stack. That was the downside of sending the boys on back-to-back missions.
Twirling your stylus in one hand, your chin rested in the other, elbow perched on the edge of your desk as you stared off through the window, watching the rain lash against the transparasteel. When you had signed up to assist the GAR, you’d anticipated adventure and thrills, near-death experiences and seeing more of the galaxy. Instead, you had politics to play with Command, bad news to break to your boys when the next mission would see them needed on a skughole of a planet, and an endless supply of paperwork. But you were doing your bit – playing your part and keeping the wheels of the GAR turning. And, ultimately, that was what you’d wanted.
A light rap at your door captured your attention between the rumbles of thunder. Abandoning your desk, stylus discarded next to your datapad, you moved across the small room you’d been given in Tipoca City. It wasn’t much, but within these four walls, you could escape. The door slid open quietly, and a soft smile crossed your lips at the sight that greeted you.
“Hey, cyar’ika.” The smoky rasp of Hunter’s voice felt like a warm blanket on a winter’s day. Eight months, you’d been working with him and his brothers, feeding them missions, directing them to the nearest outposts for supplies, and cheating the system occasionally to get them any extras they needed. They were the closest thing you had to family out here, and the longer you spent with them, the more you grew attached to them – especially to Hunter.
As you moved aside to let Hunter in, the dark circles under his eyes looked worse than before, and every step he took was slower than usual, like the weight of the galaxy rested on his broad shoulders. It wasn’t uncommon for them to swing by when they were back on Kamino, usually to drag you to their barracks for a catch-up, but something about this visit felt different.
“Hey, H.” You answer gently, sliding effortlessly into the small nickname you’d adopted for him, the door shutting once he was inside. “It’s good to see you.”
With a weary sigh, Hunter lifted a hand and rubbed at his forehead. He was exhausted, still in pain from a few injuries he’d sustained at the start of their recent back-to-back missions, and the storm had been the final straw, frazzling his senses and dragging in a migraine. While he loved his brothers dearly, they’d started their usual rounds of bickering and chatter the moment they’d stepped foot in their barracks and, in need of peace, Hunter’s feet had guided him to you.
“Here…” You kept your voice low, pulling out the chair at your desk for Hunter to sit. As he lowered himself gingerly into the seat, you rooted around in the fresher for your medkit. As you turned back to the room, your heart ached. Hunter was propping his head up with one hand, not too dissimilar to the way you’d been earlier, but his eyes were closed, brows furrowed in pain. While you appreciated that his senses were a benefit out on the frontlines, you wanted to shoot whichever Kaminoan had decided having the ability to sense electromagnetic fields would be fantastic for someone whose home was on a stormy planet.
Quietly, you approached, pulling a small blue box from the medkit. Prying it open, you popped one of the pills from its packet. “Take this.” You murmured, waiting for Hunter’s eyes to open.
Hunter had heard your approach and slowly opened his eyes at your words. He had mixed feelings about the pill you offered up – one of your personal ones, prescribed for your own migraines. The side effects you experienced were intense; he’d witnessed it firsthand while looking after you a few times. He’d only used them once before, and the side effects, thanks to his mutations, were even worse. However, he knew that come morning, should he take the tablet, his migraine would be gone. He could regroup and refocus on the next mission. 
It was worth the side effects for sweet relief.
Reaching out with one hand, he took the tablet from you, placing it onto his tongue. The medicinal tang as it fizzled made him grimace, a film coating his mouth as it dissolved. Before it kicked in, he’d have ten minutes to return to his barracks. Summoning his little energy, Hunter pushed himself up to stand, using your desk to keep his balance.
“You’re not going anywhere.” You insisted, a firmness to your voice that brokered no argument. “You won’t make it back there before collapsing from exhaustion. Take my bunk.” You gestured to the bed pressed up against the far wall. The standard issue linens had been replaced long ago with softer sheets. Extra pillows had been procured, and Lula sat nestled against them. Wrecker often handed her to you before they left, asking you to look after her until he returned. You weren’t sure if the gentle giant was doing it to try and comfort you – to reassure you they’d be back – or whether he did it because he didn’t want to risk her being misplaced. Either way, she kept you company. And the smile on Wrecker’s face whenever you returned her was brighter than Tatooine’s two suns.
“Don’t want to get in your way.” Hunter mumbled, wincing at the pounding in his head and the slight bout of nausea that rolled through him.
“I wasn’t asking, I was telling.” You double-down, taking matters into your own hands as you guided him the few steps across the room to your bed. Easing him down onto the edge of the mattress, you started to unfasten his armour. Working quickly, you unlatched each piece and set it down neatly beside your bed until he was left in nothing but his blacks. It bothered you a little that they were dirty, and he was about to get into your nice clean bed, having spent Maker knows how long wearing them, but you pushed that aside as you pulled back the sheets for him.
A tattooed hand wrapped around your wrist, and you paused in your actions, head tilting to look up into Hunter’s tired eyes. “I know you.” His voice was whisper soft, words blending a little as the medication started to kick in. You watched as he let go of you, hands slowly dragging the top half of his blacks off, depositing it onto the floor. His pants came next, kicked off haphazardly before he slumped into the bed and closed his eyes.
Most of the time, you saw the boys in their armour, sometimes just in their blacks, and on one occasion, you’d accidentally walked into their barracks just as Crosshair had been coming out of the fresher, copping a load of the man with just a towel around his waist. You’d been mortified, cheeks warming as you turned around quickly to offer privacy. He’d found it hilarious, smirk tugging at his lips as he’d made a risqué comment.
Now, you had a near-naked Hunter in your bed.
Mild panic laced through you, along with appreciation and a coil of heat. Hunter was a good-looking man who you cared for deeply, and you were a red-blooded woman. And those abs of his…
With a shake of your head, you composed yourself and lifted the sheets to cover him.
Hunter couldn’t help the slight hum of appreciation he let out as you placed the sheets over him. Your bed was much comfier than the thin mattresses he and his brothers had in their barracks, and the extra pillows felt like clouds. Not to mention, everything around him smelt like you - a soft, floral scent he’d grown to adore. Another noise slid past his lips as he felt your fingers in his hair, gently undoing the knot of his bandana. The fabric slipped away, and while he felt naked without it, he knew it would otherwise bother him while he slept.
Confident Hunter wouldn’t go anywhere, you laid his bandana on your nightstand. Turning to finish some more reports while he rested, the low rasp of his voice stopped you. “Stay with me?”
“I’m right here.” You countered gently, brows drawing downwards. You weren’t about to leave him in the room to fend for himself.
Reaching out blindly, Hunter patted the vacant spot in the bed. “You’re not.”
A soft laugh escaped you. “H…” You whispered, wanting nothing more than to comfort him but at the same time not wanting to make things weird.
“Please.” Hunter persisted.
You really couldn’t deny him anything, especially when he was unwell and vulnerable. “Alright.” You conceded, returning to the bed. Hand sliding under the sheets in the vacant spot, you found your sleep shirt. Turning your back, you quickly changed and slid into the bed. Reaching up to the panel in the wall, you adjusted the lights – turning them off entirely and plunging the room into darkness would force Hunter’s other senses to overcompensate, so instead, you settled on a dim glow.
As you settled beside Hunter, the room became a cocoon of warmth and soft shadows. The storm outside continued, but it was tranquil within the small confines of your room. Silence lingered for a moment, broken only by the rhythmic patter of rain on the window. Hunter moved slightly onto his side, trying to find a more comfortable position. He was restless, his breathing uneven, and you could tell that the pain and exhaustion were still sitting heavily with him. Without a word, you shifted closer to try and offer some comfort, and Hunter took the invitation.
Although his mind was starting to go blissfully foggy as the medication worked its magic, Hunter’s heart felt as if it were racing. For months, he’d played his cards close to his chest, quietly admiring you, enduring the teasing from his brothers whenever they noticed his gaze lingering on you, and yet now he was sharing a bed with you.
As you shifted towards him, laying on your back, he scooted in and closed the gap between you. Carefully, he slid an arm around your middle, fingers finding your waist as he pressed against you, burying his face into the crook of your neck. Nose pressed to your throat, he inhaled deeply, his overworked senses relaxing as he was surrounded by nothing but you – your scent, your heartbeat, the rise and fall of your torso with every breath you took.
Your hand found its way to his hair, fingers smoothing through the brown curls, nails dragging lightly over his scalp. The tension in his muscles gradually gave way to relaxation, and, in the darkness, the worries that had weighed on Hunter’s shoulders dissipated, replaced by the comforting warmth of your presence.
For a while, neither of you spoke, content in the quiet. Hunter’s breathing evened out, signalling that the pain and stress were finally loosening their grip on him. “Need anything?” You whispered, breaking the silence.
A low, almost content hum vibrated against your neck as Hunter nuzzled closer. “No, ’m good.” He admitted, the words muffled against your skin. “Thanks to you.”
A smile tugged at the corners of your lips. “Anytime, H.” As the storm outside began to calm down, you found yourself lost in thought again. The war raged on, and the future remained uncertain. “I worry about you.” You confessed, your fingers still moving through his hair. “The constant missions, the danger you face, the weight on your shoulders. It’s a lot.”
Hunter lifted his head slightly to meet your gaze in the dim light. His eyes, usually sharp and focused, were hazy and soft. “Worry about you too. But we’ve got each other.” Hunter’s words were slower than usual as he struggled to piece them together through the brain fog.
You could only nod in response as Hunter dipped his head back down, pressing his face back to where it had been before. “Smell good.” He mumbled, uncaring in the moment to censor himself.
You chuckled softly, the sound vibrating through your chest. “I don’t think I’ve ever received that compliment before. But thank you.” Amusement curled through your words.
“Appreciate you. Can rely on you.” Hunter continued, unable to stop the honest words from coming out, his voice a mere murmur against your skin. He shifted, his arm tightening around you. The medication was working in full force, but he fought against it a little longer. “Need to say something.” He whispered.
Tilting your head to look at him, the dim glow revealed the faint outline of his face as he pressed his nose to your pulse point. “What is it?” You asked, curiosity lacing your words.
Hunter didn’t want to make things awkward or weird, but at the same time, he didn’t want to keep hiding things from you. And now felt as good a time as any to come clean. “I care about you. A lot.”
Your heart skipped a beat, and that earlier warmth in your body grew hotter. Hunter’s admission hung in the air.
Hunter shifted again, focusing on your delicate scent and the slightly quickened thud of your heart. His fingers on your waist started to rub soft, clumsy circles. “Think I’m in love with you.” Nervousness rolled through him. “Didn’t plan on sayin’ it like this, but I can’t keep pretendin'.” Pushing the words out took monumental effort, but he wouldn’t let sleep pull him under until he’d said his piece.
The atmosphere in the room shifted, and a sense of rightness filtered through you. “You mean you didn't plan on saying it while heavily medicated?” You couldn’t help but tease, your voice soft but steady. Hunter’s low grunt of agreement, his warm breath fanning across your skin, drew a smile from you. “You should know you’re not alone in feeling that way.” You confessed quietly, figuring it only fair that you also laid your cards on the table.
Delight bloomed in Hunter’s chest, and he inhaled deeply, his grip on you tightening. “You mean...?”
“Yeah.” You confirmed as your hand moved, fingers trailing across the darkened half of his face.
Contentment washed over him, his earlier nervousness chased away by your words and soft actions. “Wanna kiss you.” He admitted.
You felt a smile play on your lips, matching the warmth in your chest. “That can be arranged.” You whispered, leaning in as you closed the small gap between you.
Hunter’s lips met yours in a soft, tender kiss. His hand slid from your waist, sweeping up your body to cup your face as he deepened the kiss, lips moving against yours with a gentle urgency. In that moment, nothing else mattered - no worries or fears, no past or future. There was only the two of you.
Hunter’s eyes met yours in the dim light as you both pulled away. “Get some rest.” You murmured, concerned by the fatigue you could see on his face. While it was sweet that he’d fought against it to share his feelings, he needed to rest. “We can figure everything out tomorrow.”
Hunter nodded, finally giving in to the tiredness as he settled against you. The pain that had etched lines on his face had begun to fade, his shoulders dropping as tension eased. With a sense of newfound comfort, he closed his eyes, safe and content with you, and allowed the soft rhythm of the rain and the steady beating of your heart to lull him into a much-needed sleep.
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allastoredeer · 3 months
Hear me out!
Zoot 👏 Suit 👏 Lucifer! 👏
Imagine the Devil attempting to seduce Alasor in one of those wide suits and it working! In fact, it works so well that Alastor willing shifts his clothes into a flapper-esq outfit to dance with him while staying in theme.
Both take turns dramatically swooning only to start a wild swing dance!
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Oh my god, Lucifer in a zoot suit. Hey Anon, how does it feel to have the most galaxy brain idea ever? I am tucking this away until I sit down to draw flapper!Al, but zoot!Lucifer WILL be making an appearance 100%.
Also, not bring Staticradio into this, but I can totally see Vox wearing a zoot suit to woo Alastor too.
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eldritch-spouse · 4 days
Pin I just had a galaxy brained idea regarding this post with Vinnel.
What if he makes a pearl that is the exact shape and size of your missing? eye. Maybe it's his weird possessive obsessive apologetic?, way of truthfully fully telling you he loves you. The eye is gone. There's no changing that. Maybe it was a punishment for you being too disobedient, ungrateful, whining too fucking much. Or it could have been taken in an accident. You both know he goes too far, forgets your limits, disregards them all together.
What matters now is that things are different. Better in a few ways. The eyepatch was cute but this is a much better much more meaningful replacement. And now when he looks into your eyes he can see his three favorite colors at the same time. 🖤♥️🖤♥️🖤♥️🖤♥️🖤♥️
[Anon. I will be taking one (1) of your brain wrinkles.]
TW: Brief gore.
Things have changed. The world. The place you're trapped in. Vinnel.
He's someone else now. Perhaps not to the world at large, but to you. You had known he was a slime for a while now, an ill monster hiding his vulnerability behind the figure of a tormenting jester. He's still that ruthless sadist today, hasn't lost a wink of his cruel prowess... But he's no longer ill. He's in tip top shape for that matter. This "gift" won't undo a lifetime of wrongdoings and trauma, but...
You suppose having less chronic pain will make you slightly more tolerable.
It will clear your mind just long enough to make you realize some of what you have done in the past has been much too harsh.
Vinnel isn't one to openly show remorse, you don't think he's ever truly apologized to you. But what is this, if not an apology?
When he presents the intentionally misshapen pearl to you, holds your face so very softly and slots it into palce with care, mimicking the gesture he's seen you make a million times with your other eyes... What is that if not a motion of regret? When he kisses you, wipes the silent tears off his own eyes and proclaims "My poppet, the fairest in the garden.", is that not a promise of a better future?
You'll never forget the day he chose to rip your eyes out. The flashes of pain and your own wild screaming will never fade, neither will the sight of an orange and purple holding silverware -The last thing you saw with two eyes, really. You won't forget shrieking and throwing up as it hung limply from your socket, before it was severed. He still has it somewhere, you just don't want to see it. Maybe, if you try hard enough, you'll forget where it is.
Looking in the mirror however, feeling the jester's bare arms wrapped around your middle... You can't help but think this is a new Vinnel. That maybe things will be better than ever.
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leth-writes · 2 months
wolf pack x reader who shifts into something aquatic? Like a whale or a dolphin? :>
🌌 anon
Hello, lovely galaxy anon!
When it comes to the reader, I know you listed a couple of mammals but for some reason I couldn't get the idea of an alligator or reptile shifter with the wolf pack.
I can imagine a reader who is quite quiet, stern, very serious, and not prone to much activity. I can also imagine the reader starting to experience brain fog and slowing down during the winter, for some reason.
Sam really connects with your serious, quiet personality. As someone who has a personality that’s quieter as well, the two of you get along really well. You’re able to spend time just around each other, calmly going about your days together without even a word. It’s a very comfortable silence. He’s always sure not to let you out of the house without a sweater or three, just in case it gets cold and you get too tired to continue. He’s worried you’ll fall asleep while in the woods one day, so just show you’re taking your safety seriously.
Paul is very hot-headed, so you tend to play well with his more assertive personality. He’s the one loudly yelling at someone, but you’re the one who quietly whispers a death threat. In some ways you’re scarier just because everyone knows you don’t make empty promises, and if you’re motivated to action it must be serious. Paul forces you to wear his clothes, or just his hat if it makes you more comfortable. Will buy you a million thermal blankets and always has an arm around you, “just in case,”. Everyone knows he’s just soft for you.
Jacob likes your independence. He enjoys a little more space between himself and his partner and requires plenty of time alone. With your quiet, lazy vibes, he feels comfortable letting down his guard and just being himself. He doesn’t fear judgment around you. Loves hugging you, and is quite touchy, though he denies it’s for any other reason than your health.
Embry is also quiet, but unlike you, isn’t so serious. You’re there to help him with difficult situations; you love defending him, even though you have a resting face that makes everyone think you’re angry. You probably are; you just want to be alone with Embry, cuddling. You’re the one who really has to initiate the physical affection, but he always melts into your hugs.
Quil is very playful. Everyone thinks you’d be incompatible, but you appreciate someone who doesn’t expect you to do all the work in the relationship. You can let yourself be wooed and talked to kindly, though you usually aren’t very excited about the mushy shit. Loves slinging a casual arm around your shoulder but doesn’t even pretend it’s for the cold.
Seth is the nicest, so at first he’s definitely intimidated. Once he sees through that soft exterior and understands you’re not angry with him, you just have low energy, he really clicks with you. He’s able to read the subtle differences in your faces, and can communicate what you’re thinking even when it confuses everyone else, especially Paul. The cuddliest of the bunch, always very wholesome.
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spicybylerpolls · 7 months
I genuinely think your anons need to stop gossiping because it IS gossip and they also need to let go of noah schnapp and stop talking about him. He’s cancelled. A piece of shit who got called out and no one likes him anymore except some of your weird anons. Idc if we can stick to spicy byler or anything, but stop jumping the gun and mentioning that man. I have no problem of mentioning Finn unless it’s not weird, he’s a model and he’s unproblematic unlike noah schnapp.
Foah isn’t real either gtfo with that stuff finn would never love noah they aren’t even friends and he probably makes fun of him too.
You have no idea how dumb and immature and silly you sound.
"He is cancelled."
Get out of here and leave that nonsense to Twitter. The idea that you think an anti-censorship blog would encourage your kind of obnoxious behavior is beyond me. This is an immaturity free zone.
"I have no problem of mentioning Finn unless it’s not weird, he’s a model and he’s unproblematic unlike noah schnapp."
Wait until you realize no one is truly "unproblematic" and holding people to impossible standards like that is unwise. Your mindset is the exact same thing that literally tried to get Finn cancelled this week for going to Starbucks, so I guess Finn's not so "unproblematic," is he? And also Noah literally models too, so you sound extra silly.
"Finn would never love noah they aren’t even friends and he probably makes fun of him too."
Lying and practicing faux activism? Wow. Pick a struggle. The fact that you're attacking my anons for "gossipping" while thinking you have the moral high ground for calling Noah a "piece of shit who got called out and no one likes anymore" is disturbing.
"Stop jumping the gun and mentioning that man."
Noah isn't Voldemort. You don't have to like him anymore or agree with him or accept his apology or whatever- that's on you. But to come on here and talk about how excited you are for Byler endgame while pretending Noah doesn't exist, while pretending he isn't probably acting his heart out right now playing 1/2 of your favorite ship (and probably playing your favorite character in that ship?)
Galaxy Brain Absurdity.
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chaifootsteps · 13 days
Maybe this is a weird comparison since I’ve never seen it from anyone else. But to me if Blitzø is like any Bojack character, he’s not the horse. Stolas is the horse. He’s PC.
A career oriented perky, resilient, hopeful person who came from nothing, who is full of ideas, whose tired of giving an arrogant rich douchebag constant help, constant favours, sex whenever he wants, and compulsively taking care of others while neglecting themselves. Hell she was even forced by an alcoholic parent to mooch off of the neighbouring rich folks.
Seeing Blitzø go back to stolas in AT felt a lot like Princess Carolyn going to Bojack for help in the restaurant, and still giving him jobs despite how he disrespects her. Still feeling sorry for him despite the fact he doesn’t care as much (But Bojack still loves Princess Carolyn way more than stolas could ever love Blitzø)
And despite all the help she gave, just because she made one mistake, he’s grown cold and deeply callous. Just like the striker thing. I think of when Bojack was at his lowest, when he did those interviews, PC struggled to leave, kept saying “I’m here aren’t I?” or “we can still spin this!” Until it’s too much to deny. That’s like Blitzø in sinsmas. And when PC refuses to be used by him any longer, and says “I’m going home to my daughter” All I can picture is that being Blitzøs perfect happy ending.
Seeing Blitzø look so ashamed as he gets the finger pointed at him, and stolas doing nothing to defend him only to more or less say “he means nothing to me I didn’t choose him, I only care about you because you’re the only good thing in my life!” It stings the same way it stung when Bojack said “Sarah Lynn wasn’t like those others I loved Sarah Lynn” right in front of Princess Carolyn’s face.
Anon, what's it like to go through life with such a galaxy sized brain on your shoulders?
That ending scene where they dance, and BoJack talks about this sitcom disaster he envisioned where she runs off from her wedding and he's the only one who can talk her into going through with it?
"It's a better story if you had cold feet."
"It's a better ending for you. I think I like it better this way."
If that isn't Stolas all over.
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thegoldenshi-shi · 5 months
Hey there! It's been a while, but I'm the same anon that asked for advice redesigning the Aerialbots (still haven't gotten around to that...)! But I'm here to ask for some more advice, if that's okay...
I wanted to make a fanfic including Sunstreaker, but there's barely any canon content (specifically animated, which I watch the most) on him... any advice on writing him? You're the Sunny expert, after all... 💛
Hello Aerialbot Anon, nice to have you back hehe. I don't know about being the Sunny expert, all this just started with the brain-rot from @shyspider fanfics and fell into Lambo hell… But! I'm happy you sent in an ask and will do my best to help!
I've been thinking hard about how to answer your ask. Since I'm an artist, I spent a lot of time designing how he looked and worked his personality into his finished design. Writers don't have the luxury of just adding visual cues though, so I scratched around in my head and made up a quick list of the main points I kept in mind that might help you figure out what kind of Sunstreaker you want.
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When he manages to show up in canon, he's usually a narcissist and very difficult to get along with, so I made him very confident in his looks and very good at his job while being dismissive of people who don't outright impress him.
I wanted him to have more than one dimension, so I decided that he bases most of his worth around his appearance and competence. He's a little jaded and belittles those around him because he doesn't want attachments that can hurt him later. (Also, I made him sarcastic and difficult to get along with in contrast with Sideswipe as the "friendly" twin.)
He's used to, and dislikes, superficial relationships. Sunny is always getting surface-level compliments and so he's numb to them and actively avoids them. That scene in Guardians of the Galaxy where Drax said "beautiful people never know who to trust"? That's Sunny.
Looking at this list, my Sunstreaker is essentially a beautiful but aggressive shelter cat.
Of course, all of this is just for my interpretation of Sunstreaker. Yours might be a bright-eyed sparkling or a pretty-boy assassin, or a battle-hardened old coot with loads of scars. Who knows? With so little canon content for the mech, he's almost a blank slate, which can be a little daunting to work with.
If you can find a fanfiction with Sunny that you like, or even a similar character to get ideas from, that'll help too... I hope I went into enough detail and that this can help you out?
Feel free to drop by my inbox any time if you have any more questions or just want to chat~
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necrotic-nephilim · 9 days
i'm sorry but the idea that tim got caught on the very first night he and jason were together is somehow more hilarious then jaytim having been going on for months bc tim lies like he breathes but he couldn't even keep his relationship with jason a secret for 1 night
anon you are galaxy brained for putting that fic and that concept together oh my god. it is exponentially funnier for Tim to get caught the *first time* he sleeps with Jason. especially because Jason would also find that to be absolutely hilarious. he'd have no shame about it, and he's not going to give up something that gives him a chance to fight with Bruce. if Tim had just waited five more minutes he would've been fine, but outting himself the minute he caves to sleep with Jason, just to see if Jason can really back up all the filthy things he's been saying would be his luck. he cannot catch a single break. the worst part is, it won't even deter him from sleeping with Jason, bc now there's the fun allure of doing something Bruce openly doesn't approve of. it's a win-win for Jason, bc now he has new dirty talk to use in bed about how Tim is willing to defy Bruce just to sleep with him, and isn't that just a joy. it really is a matter of time before Jason convinces Tim to fuck in the Batcave.
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walpu · 7 months
Reading your Nameless!reader and pre-relationship with Aventurine gave me a brain blast because I merged both ideas into one. (Word vomit, send help-)
You're either just an acquaintance of his or just a mere fling during the lively nights of sucking the bettors' cash dry in the casino, he won a bet against you and spent a date. That’s all there is to it, and that’s the extent of your relationship with him. That’s what he initially thought. What fate brought you two to meet at certain intervals are too good to be a coincidence, you caught the glances of that one they call a ‘Stoneheart’.
Cerulean and magenta would drift their attention away from whatever once they saw you behind his shades, just listening to a guitarist express their soul on the bench just by the road, right there when you’re alone did he propose for another bet and an upcoming date.
And you’d just drag him with you to do something, no bets, no losers would do anything the winner wants. You know your chance of winning against Aventurine is little to none, so if he wants to do an encore he’s gonna get an encore, no bets needed.
And this would happen for quite a while after coincidental encounters in planets, star systems, galaxies, it reached the point he’d touch you freely like an old friend. Aventurine doesn’t know what led him to take attraction to you, was it boredom from that second time he saw you? Was it how you seem to enjoy just with him being there? Or was it how you held him so gently like an angel’s touch as you danced with him in your first fling?
Gentle and caring is what he’d describe your touch as, and it scared him. You’re not his first fling oh no no, but you’re the first person he invited to have an intimate night to destress who touched him so gently, and he’s not one to ask hem to be gentle or caring. It’s intoxicating, he craves for more but the butterflies inside him makes him feel vulnerable and weak. Oh how he’d love to take you anywhere in the universe if he’s not a busy, busy man, and a coward that pull away from you the more he realized that you mean so much more to him.
Until he notices that this coincidental encounters starts to lessen, with his position in the IPC he became busier and busier he doesn’t have the time to contact you and you’d reply much later than usual, texts from you would be more rare after a long while. He wants to be relieved for the calmness and solitude but his heart aches at the thoughts of you abandoning him. He fears genuine affection, he’s afraid that you’ll risk your life mingling with someone like him. This is an optimal solution for both of you, right?
Seeing you again in Penacony after a long time of not meeting one another again made him forget how much he misses you, the way you’d run up to him all happy to finally see him again and how you smirked mischievously at your Astral Express crew’s shocked face about your beloved old friend. Aventurine has many things to catch up with you, to be part of the Nameless you follow the tracks forged by the Trailblaze, you’d save worlds and seal Stellarons, to cross path with one another is once in a lifetime.
And he’s calm himself down and take things slowly with you, what do you say about a dinner together?
- 🪽
(I'm normal don't worry. Sorry if it's so LONG! Have a nice day, love your writing!)
DON'T APOLOGIZE ANON IT'S BEAUTIFUL thank you for sharing this with me it really made my evening 🥹💛
Have a nice day as well <з
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nadianova · 7 days
i see what youre doing rin and sakura anon
galaxy brain idea send baity asks to fate accounts just to get everyone to respond to the bait and spread the incest even further so more people get interested in reading fate
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xcarlet1211 · 9 months
Hi there! Big fan of your Showtime Colleagues AU, I can’t wait to see where it goes! :) Do you mind others making content based on your AU? I’ve got my own colleagues/office AU in the works, but your concept of Caine being in the art department is so galaxy-brained and I want to write about it lol. (Totally fine if you’d prefer me not to, I just wanted to check beforehand 😊👍🏻)
Hi, I'm so glad you liked my AU!!!
Well is that I'm new to this, if you wish you can do it and you are free to credit me if you wish anon.
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Regarding Caine I will share my idea: If he is the one in charge of adventures, knowing the world and appearing things, what better than making him an artist who creates his world? Caine would come to be (in my Au) an artist/animator passionate about his work and what he does.
Once again I'm glad you like my Au, I look forward to seeing your ideas!
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watchoutforthefanfics · 9 months
The Curse of the Companion || unrequited! Eleventh Doctor x reader
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Inspiration: Gilded Lily by Cults + anon request "the reader deals with the consequences of being the doctor's companion and unrequited love."
TWS: angst, unrequited love, anguish, and heartbreak.
[[A/N: sorry for taking so long I am mad depressed so get lit. Hope you enjoy, anon :) ]]
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The legends speak so wondrously of the Doctor. It didn't matter where you were, you always saw them -paintings hung up in galactic galleries, stories told to alien children, and even among your city! You'd heard from a coworker (really from another chain of people you assumed) the idea of a man sent only to save Earth every time they needed it. And maybe there was a detail wrong like the box was green or he didn't speak a word -lord knows that wasn't true.
He often said that in every legend there's usually a companion, an equal part of the story.
"You'll be remembered just as I am."
You'd heard of the blonde with big brown eyes, Rose, the one who carried on -Martha, the fiery redhead Donna, or the Ponds -something in your chest stung.
Legends of the Doctor being cursed weren't new, the last Gallifreyan, so many enemies, losing so many people- He was the epitome of a tragic story.
But you wondered, often, just why the companion's curse wasn't so spoken of.
To know the Doctor was a blessing, to explore the world, the galaxy, mind you- was a blessing. It was freeing, exciting, and wonderful.
Learning about so much more than anyone even had the opportunity to was a blessing.
But... loving the Doctor was a curse.
You weren't the first, and you knew somewhere deep in your chest that you wouldn't be the last. Even if you stayed with him until your bones grew brittle and your hair turned grey, the Doctor would keep moving.
And yet still, you loved him.
The world would keep turning, the danger would keep coming, and he would stay the same -saving Earth, no matter what. You knew that he'd loved some of them, truly loved them and part of you wondered if you could be one.
But you weren't. You knew it.
When he spoke of Rose, of River- He'd get this look in his eyes, a faraway look of both love and grief, loss.
He didn't look at you like that.
And one day, you realized it.
You couldn't sleep, the Tardis was whirring, and somewhere distant you could hear the tinkering of his tools. He'd sent you to bed because you were acting odd. All he could think of was sleep.
"Go, sleep. Humans need that, yeah?"
He cared, but not in the way you did.
"I'll be here ready when you wake!" he'd exclaimed so excited, you knew this would hurt. It would hurt either way.
You'd die on this ship for him, you knew you would. You'd never have a family, or see your Mom again, but you'd die here. Happily. Because you loved him-
"Oi, what are you doing up?" he remarked offhandedly, and you took a moment to look at him, "-I told you to sleep."
His big green eyes, his floppy hair, his stupid bowtie.
"Couldn't," you answered, short but honest.
The Doctor turned to you, tilting his head curiously -bright and twinkly. You wished you could erase it from your brain for a moment because such a look begged you to stay.
"Are you mad at me?"
"No, Doctor-" you sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose.
"Whatever I did," he hummed, standing, "-I do lots of things couldn't tell you what- I'm sorry."
"Do you want me to grovel? I'm not above groveling."
"I want to go home."
He startled for a moment, green eyes fading before brightening, "Is that why you're so grumpy? You could've just-"
And then he looked at you. You looked different, like a stone statue -bags under your eyes and redness blossoming there. He almost asked why you'd been crying, before something in him righted.
"I want to go home," you repeated, but it was empty -hollow like the hole in your chest.
He looked at you for a spare moment, something in you watched his hearts break in his chest, "I have... I have so much to show you. You can't just-"
"Doctor, please," you urged, and now suddenly you were crying, "-I need to go home."
He looked at you even more, like he was trying to read you so desperately trying to understand. You were sure he couldn't. He wouldn't know, you were too good at hiding it -you'd gotten that way one too many River visits.
She was so sweet to him and powerful as a woman, time lady, the perfect match. You couldn't blame her for loving him, you did yourself.
"Why?" He asked, openly, something in you sunk.
"Do I have to tell you?"
"No, you don't have to," he echoed, and slowly flipped a switch like it took all of his energy, "-I'd never force you to do anything, you know that."
"Then-" you started.
"But," he interrupted, soundly, "-I believe I deserve something. Anything. I can't... I can't accept it if you... if you don't tell me why."
You pursed you lips, inhaling a shaky breath, "Doctor, I can't tell you. I'm sorry."
"Did someone... threaten you? Are you in danger?"
"No," you bubbled up, something in your chest throttling, "-no, Doctor, I'm... I'm perfectly safe, I just-"
"Want to leave," he uttered, a little desolate, a little heartbroken. Something in the green, green of his eyes that screamed 'so soon?', and yet you couldn't stop it. Something in you continuing, pushing further, let me out, let me out, let me out-
"You really don't want to tell me, do you?"
"Doctor," you whispered, biting back the instinct, "-I can't."
And then, he looked at you.
Green eyes and floppy hair, stupid bowtie, and tweed jacket, he looked at you in a way that you saw sometimes -far away and distant like he knew everything in the world. Did he know?
His head tilted, his eyebrows pulled together, and he looked at you. Like he... like he recognized what you were doing.
"Oh," he spoke, "...it's... it's the thing, isn't it?"
"The thing?" You questioned.
"I'm an old man, Y/N," he smiled, a bittersweet kind of one, "-I'm not stupid."
"So you- you know," you remarked, slowly -your heart on the brink of beating out of your chest.
He sighed, running a hand through his hair, "I've seen it before. I know that look- You... you-"
Martha, something in your mind dinged, "We don't have to."
"You love me," he finished, his green eyes scattered everywhere but at you, "-don't you?"
"No, no shame in it now," he hummed, rubbing the bridge of his nose, "-I understand. I know."
"Fine," you sighed, sinking to the metal floor, cold pressing into your skin, through tears, "-I do. I love you."
"Y/N," he faltered.
"Don't," you stopped him, "-just don't. I know you don't-"
"How do you-"
"I know," you silenced him, shaky breaths inhaling into your chest, "-Doctor, I know you. More than you know. And I know who you love... it's not me."
He turned to look at you, green eyes scattered across your face, "I could."
"Doctor, please," you echoed out wiping at your eyes, legs pushed into the metal, "-don't pity me."
"Y/N, if you give me time-" he seemed desperate, roaming closer to you -only desperate to keep you.
"Doctor, stop."
He froze.
"This isn't... This isn't something that can change. I could die here and you wouldn't love me," you spoke something in you breaking, "-not really."
"I love you in the way that matters," he spoke with a firm voice -speaking as though it was a fact. Like he could convince you.
"Like a dear friend," you concluded.
"No, no," he started, so close to you (you took a step back), "-like a companion. Like my companion."
"And it's different?"
"Very different," he replaced that step towards you, platonically brushing his hands down your arms -you knew the drill, "-it's... it's hard to explain. I just, sometimes believe the universe is wrong."
"Wrong for what?" You echoed, a little softer.
"Wrong that I chose my companions," he hummed, "-I think in some twisted way you chose me, Y/N. And... and everyone before you did the same. Every companion I've ever had has altered me to who I am today."
"And you're saying I-"
"You are a part of me, my dear, dear Y/N," he spoke, and suddenly you saw tears built at the corners of his eyes, "-I will truly never forget you. No matter what you believe, every companion carves out a space in my hearts."
"So, I can go," you echoed out and suddenly it didn't feel right, "-you will move on but you won't... you won't forget me. No matter how hard I believe it."
"No matter how hard you believe it," he finished and suddenly he was smiling, a big wide smile that made your eyes hurt -just a little.
Something in you healed just a smidge.
"This is a good ending," he clarified, "-no death, no break in the universe if I come to see you, nothing."
"And you promise to?"
"Promise what?" He questioned the tilt of his head not unlike a puppy.
"Come visit me," you clarified, slow and unsure, "-I know, I know I'm leaving... but you're still-"
"The Doctor," he spoke, soft, "-and you're still-"
"Your companion," you let out a big gust of air, and something in you felt light and airy again.
It was the curse of the companion, sure, but nothing would amount to the knowing the Doctor. Being able to love him-
You were certain it was something much different than a curse.
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