adhd-fanficwriter · 5 months
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ꕤ Pairing ꕤ Daryl Dixon x Fem Reader
ꕤ Rating ꕤ Typical TWD stuff, so always 16+ I will let you know when it’s 18+
ꕤ Disclaimer ꕤ I do not own any of the TWD characters. This story takes place in the TWD universe. I use the character and I might not follow the tv series. We’ve all seen the serie, you know the gore that it brings, the kills, the walkers. This al will be coming back in this series. So be warned.
ꕤ A/N ꕤ Please let me know what you think of the series! Tell me what you liked most of this chapter. ALSO if you’d like to know what Bailey and Lizy look like, let me know. I’ll post some pictures.
ꕤ Song Used ꕤ The Night We Met - Lord Huron
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Intro - Chapter 1 > Intro
"Bailey?" Someone tugged at my shoulder. "Hmm?" "Come on sweetheart, we have chores to do." Mom woke me up. "I'm coming, just five more minutes." I turned around. I was getting tired of doing the same chores over and over again, every single day. But they had to be done, or we could be kicked out of this camp. I woke up and walked out of our tent, searching for mom. Now you may think:' Bailey, you're 30 years old and still live with your mom?' And the answer is yes. Yes indeed. But we need each other. After the outbreak happened, I went straight to her home and picked her up. Her body isn't young anymore and someone needs to remind her that. We've been living inside these walls for half a year now, I think. We all got our own tents; mom and I share one.
Our morning begins with looking at the crops, watering them and harvesting them when needed. After that we start our daily routine of washing clothes, including everyone else's. After that we get a little break, so we can take a breather. 'Is that all Bailey?'
No, unfortunately. We also have to make diner for the whole camp. Every. Single. Day.
But I do all this with love. Because I need my mom to be save. I need her with me, she's my everything. She raised me alone, and now I take care of her. Easy as that.
"What do we have for dinner?" John, one of the group members asked. "We're making a vegetable soup." Mom smiled kindly. "I hate soup, make something else." He demanded. "But this is all we have right now" mom said, her voice small.
"I don't care!" John raised his voice. Fuck this. "Hey, back off alright?" I glared at him, holding my head high. "What was that missy?" "I said, shut the fuck up!" I began to stand between mom and him. He looked me up and down. "I don't know if you know, but we make diner here. If you don't like it then that's your problem. Don't eat then. Now fuck off." I could see a vain popping on his head. "You cunt." He said and walked away. I looked behind me, mom was clutching her chest. "Dear, don't smart mouth them. We need this place." She looked down. I gave her a hug. "I know mom, but I won't let them walk over you, you know that." She nodded. I pressed a kiss to her cheek, and we went on with the day.
It's funny how some men thing they are better then woman? Like I mean, hello? Haven't seen the biters walking around? There's an apocalypse going on? Men are equal. Dicks. Daddy issues much? Yes. My dad was never around. Like I said, mom raised me alone. We lived in an apartment, till I moved out. She always made me food, cleaned my room, did my laundry. She was just the best mom you could have. She was, and still is, my shoulder to cry on, my personal therapist and so much more. I love her.
"She had a big mouth." I look over my shoulder and see John coming towards us with the group leader, Matthew. "Care to explain?" He asked. "He was giving my mother a hard time and I just told him to please be calm, and if he didn't like the soup we made, that it wasn't our problem." I shrugged. Matthew could see right trough me.
"We don't tell each other to 'fuck off' here, Bailey, you know that." Ah shit. "It won't happen again, Matthew, she's sorry." My dear mom spoke for me. "This was the last strike, Jenny, I'm sorry. But you both have to leave." I couldn't believe it. "He was harassing my mom for god's sake!" John smirked, "you heard him, out." Oh no, no no no. I stormed up to him and gave him a square one in the jaw. "You ruined us. You know that?! All because you thought you were better than us? Well guess what? You'll be dead if I ever find you again. You hear me?!"
The next morning we were thrown out. The big metal doors closed behind us. "Mom, I'm so sorry. I was just standing up for you." "It's alright love, we will find a better group, with kinder people." I love how she held her head high. If there's one person that stayed positive during this whole apocalypse then it's mom. Whatever happens, she never blamed me. She always knew how to keep me going.
We began our journey. We heard that there's this place in Virginia that had walls, houses, warm water even. It would take us weeks to get there, but it was the best for my mom. I don't even know if that place is overrun. It's a big gamble and it's a fifty fifty change that the place is ok. ''Mom, you do want to go see if that place in Virginia is still running?'' ''oh yes dear, it sounded wonderful.'' She smiled up to me. ''But it will take us weeks to get there.'' My voice trailed off. I don't know if she can handle that. ''Bay, we'll see how far we come. I can see the worry in your eyes, but I can be strong. We just have to be smart. We have weapons, well you have weapons, you can protect us. Maybe we even find a car?'' She chuckled, ''we don't know what's coming for us. And we'll never know if we never try, right?'' I nodded and sighed loudly. ''Okey, yes, Okey let's go then.'' I said and hugged her tight. And so we began walking.
The air was thick and the stench of dead and decay was getting worse and worse. The sun was getting warmer and around us the flesh was rotting. We have been walking for a week or so, finding small sheds to hide in overnight. The last shed we went in to was not the best one. We woke up with 4 pairs of hands sticking through the holes in the walls. Mom stayed inside while I tactically took them out. ''You can come out!'' I yelled as I wiped my brow. ''Where did they came from?'' she asked and I just shrugged my shoulders. They can come from everywhere nowadays. We began our daily walk to Virginia. ''Here, mom , have some water.'' It wasn't a question. She need me to remind her to drink water, especially in this heat. She grabbed the bottle from me and took a sip. ''Don't you want anything dear?'' ''Nah mom, I'm good.''
As the day went by, and we walked some miles, we stumbled upon an abandoned school bus. ''Look mom, maybe we can hide in there for tonight.'' I smiled. I was happy to see a vehicle, even though it didn't look like it turned on. All the doors were still in tact so we could close them over night. Mom was already at the side of the school bus, ''Careful there, there might be walkers around or under it, hell maybe even in the bus.'' I said and carefully walked over, looking around. I bend my knees to look under the bus and there was no one. I did a lap around the bus, and even that was clear. A scream pierced my ears as I ran to the back. ''Mom!'' I yelled. She had mindlessly opened the door and there were two walkers on top of her. I quickly put a knife to their head and pulled them off of her. I kneeled down beside her. ''Mom, please tell me you weren't-'' she held up her arm. A bite mark. ''Honey, I-'' she began to panic. ''No, mom, it's ok. Look, we can but this rag over it and you wont see it anymore.'' I said and wrapped up her arm.
We both know the ending. I don't want to think about it now. It could take a couple of days before the fever starts to set in, she'll slowly lose consciousness and eventually turn. Mom began to sniffle and I turned to her, ''Mom, hey, look at me. You're going to be okey.'' I reassured her. We both know she wouldn't be okey. But we have to keep our head up high, like she always did. I quickly checked in the bus and it was save. I helped mom up so she could sit on one of the benches. At least this is comfortable for her. ''We can have diner here, and maybe even sleep on one of the benches.'' I told her and she just nodded. I can already see that she's fading mentally. She preparing herself for what's to come. I need to do the same, because I'll be lost without her.
We tried to make the most of the night, knowing we had a heard time coming.
Her body was old, old for her age. That might sound crazy, but sometimes, due to lack of selfcare, your body grows older quicker than your mind. It didn't take days for her.
                                ''I had all and then most of you...
                                     ... some and now none of you''
A day later and I was already preparing myself for what I'll have to do.
She was very sick, couching up a storm and blood. Her body was weak.
''Hey mom,'' I sat down beside her, ''You know I love you right?'' I said, my eyes brimming with tears. She nodded weakly. ''I... love you... too... dear''.
                      ''When the night was full of terrors...
                            ...and your eyes were filled with tears''
''Mom, you don't want to turn, do you...'' I asked, breathing heavy. She looked scared. ''.. no..'' her voice small. I know I had to do it, I just didn't know how. I held her in my arms as we both cried. I'm not ready to say goodbye yet. ''I'll miss you, mom.'' I whispered. ''I'll.. always be.. with you..'' she cried. She slowly put her hand on my cheek. She wiped away the tears. ''You... have to.. make it.. to Virginia.... For me..'' she breathed. I nodded, ''I will mom, I will.'' I hugged her.
I felt her slipping away, her body limp in my hands. Soon she would turn. I wiped my tears. I know what I have to do. ''Why us?'' I asked looking up at the sky. ''Why did you have to do this!'' My head hung low. I slowly unsheathed my knife, my hands trembling. I had killed enough walkers to know how to do this. Never a human, and never in a million years would I thought that I had to put my own mother down.
I held her tight against me, her head laying in my lap. I lay over her, hugging her tightly before sending her to heaven. ''I'm so sorry. I'm sorry, sorry sorry sorry.'' I cried out and fell backwards, hugging my knees...
                   ''I don't know what I'm supposed to do...
                                   ... haunted by the ghost of you''
It's been a week since mom died. I left the bus two days later. I buried her there, it's the least she deserved. I have been feeling numb ever since. I'm alone now. It's still weeks' worth of walking till I reach that place, but its what she wanted. So I kept going. I eventually found car that could bring me closer, but not close enough. I killed some walkers here and there. Never saw any people.
And so I continued our journey,
                            which has now become my own... Intro - Chapter 1 >
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1 John 3:4 🔥Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law.🔥 Ezekiel 18:27 🤴🏾Again, when the wicked man turneth away from his wickedness that he hath committed, and doeth that which is lawful and right, he shall save his soul alive.🤴🏾 Ezekiel 18:28 🤴🏾Because he considereth, and turneth away from all his transgressions that he hath committed, he shall surely live, he shall not die.🤴🏾 Ezekiel 18:29 ⚔️Yet saith the house of Israel, The way of the Lord is not equal. O house of Israel, are not my ways equal? are not your ways unequal?⚔️ Ezekiel 18:30 👉🏿Therefore I will judge you, O house of Israel, every one according to his ways, saith the Lord GOD. Repent, and turn yourselves from all your transgressions; so iniquity shall not be your ruin.👈🏿 Ezekiel 18:31 👉🏿Cast away from you all your transgressions, whereby ye have transgressed; and make you a new heart and a new spirit: for why will ye die, O house of Israel?👈🏿 Ezekiel 18:32 👉🏿For I have no pleasure in the death of him that dieth, saith the Lord GOD: wherefore turn yourselves, and live ye.👈🏿 #AnotherChance #AnotherOpportunity #Blacks #Commandments #GetRightWithTMH #Grace #Hispanics #HouseOfIsrael #Israelites #Laws #Mercy #NativeAmericans #RemnantScatteredAbroad #Repent #Repentance #Statutes #TheMostHigh https://www.instagram.com/p/CpKsuvkr5sT/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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babyawacs · 8 months
#obvious #satisfaction #stateofmind #notwehr_nothilfe_selbstverteidigung #inert #precondition #aaaw_had_i_o nly_known_the_magic_cocacola_think_of_all_the_wonderful_sssexxx_with_germans #control_institutions # pros #rubbertitttts #tothem #hitler #labels #sexuell #actionability #gefahrimverzug #tattippen #labels #bats hxitnuts #hideous (((@judge))) .@judges @law @all @world @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild .@bild @phoenix_de @dw .@dwnews .@law @deutschland .@deutschland @hamburg @berlin .@berlin .@ hamburg @muenchen @stuttgart #logic_consistency #forcertain #no #commandchain #not #immunised #too #buzzword #decoypingpong #itis #inverted #inferior #safe #were #thegermans #dowhatyouwant #means #please #govt #obvious #medival_freeforall_vogelfrei_in_contrary_to_ta boo #squeakybox #itis #sgermany #sgerman #ai #factually #mischievious_intent #howiexplainmykids #defaulttrick   #the #eclowniomagnifico #howitworks #logic #how #description _precision #decoys #nuclearhedge #default #allexplained #intel_explained_to_mykids # aeh  #‎ jesus #at #pentagon #jesus_at_pentagon #and #harvard_angels #harvard #angels .@harvard .@ harvard_law @harvard .@ussocom #moredaggerthancloak #people: #mercyalways #factuality  #caused #thrownobjets #whostheproblem #quicknow #hooooow #thequell #notsotrivial #witnesses #sympathy #wellsurvivethemfirst #effect #ai #asis #revolutions #participants  #possible_shxitball_twist _s #wisdom_is_precise #realmcontrol #itis #acceptance #interest #layEr #youknowit #it. #is. #how. #them. #rule. #_ #reframed #decoyed #abysmal #this #andnowyouknow #s #intel #map #vibe #criminalgovernance #criminalsecurity policy #mystery #meadows #optionsleft #andthe #proof #by #rubbertitttts #countless #tricks #criminal #inte l #bananarepublic #germany #furiouschina ‎ #cause #hooray #impliedparticipation #ambiguity #relay #witnessprotect #interests #blammogame #ordered #rule #palletten #fact #allknew #itis #thenorthkorea #some #bio #messes #listed #always #mercy #in lawyers banks insurances judges the german govt turned things they coverup  efforted all in  to s o w h a t  thereon daytime charging it you pingpong criminalisation psychiat risation and sssexxxsleaze decoys thrown objects that they turned whatthey must coverup into a sowhat tocommit more crimes is o b v i o u s and then not started with the wounds and staying damages  letalone allthe efforted degradation letalone compensation fortheircrimes they quell acces  to what is mmmmmmine instead and  as germansolution toss mykids intoharms without any chance forme toknow and when i wish hope iguesed atleast a name right thatthey f e e l ilovethem thattheyarenotalone itis then anotherchance to nut or criminalise thecase it is obvious criminal securitypolicy for 23years and the survival ofthis case was how the governments hit eachothe r inblackwars including protege babies and diplo licenses ////
#obvious #satisfaction #stateofmind #notwehr_nothilfe_selbstverteidigung #inert #precondition #aaaw_had_i_only_known_the_magic_cocacola_think_of_all_the_wonderful_sssexxx_with_germans #control_institutions #pros #rubbertitttts #tothem #hitler #labels #sexuell #actionability #gefahrimverzug #tattippen #labels #batshxitnuts #hideous (((@judge))) .@judges @law @all @world @bbc_whys @france24…
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hrexach · 1 year
Wednesday Wisdom .... "Each Day is a Sacred Gift .... "!!
~~August 16, 2023~~ IT’S ALWAYS A GIFT Every day is a gift, it’s another opportunity, it’s another chance. Make it work. HortyRex© =============================== ~~Spiritual Quotes & Beautiful Photographs Facebook Page~~ https://www.facebook.com/S.Q.M.B.P #WednesdayWisdom #ExperienceEachDay #SacredGift #HeartOfWonder #AlwaysAGift #AnotherOpportunity #AnotherChance…
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bloghrexach · 1 year
Wednesday Wisdom .... "Each Day is a Sacred Gift .... "!!
~~August 16, 2023~~ IT’S ALWAYS A GIFT Every day is a gift, it’s another opportunity, it’s another chance. Make it work. HortyRex© =============================== ~~Spiritual Quotes & Beautiful Photographs Facebook Page~~ https://www.facebook.com/S.Q.M.B.P #WednesdayWisdom #ExperienceEachDay #SacredGift #HeartOfWonder #AlwaysAGift #AnotherOpportunity #AnotherChance…
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pallavijaiswal09 · 1 year
Every Day Is A Second Chance!!
#newday #anotherchance #changeyourlife
#LetsHustleTogether 💪🌞💕
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#prisonpenpals #prison #prisonlove #love #prisonreform #prisonlife #prisonwives #prisonwifelife #prisonwife #inmatelove #inmates #loveafterlockup #inmate #snailmail #inmatesupport #wetv #anotherchance #prisonart #prisoner #jailmail #letters #lonelydays #lonelynights #prisonfriends #lifeafterlockup #incarcerated #penpalswanted #inmateslivesmatter #prisongirlfriend #prisonrelationships
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foxxequalm · 4 years
by your's truly
I am Eureka Bourduex, not your typical girl I must say. Since I was a kid I seem to differ myself from others, I was always fascinated and curious about life. I’ve been asking questions to myself, questions such as "where does life really came from", "why does life end at some point" and "where do our consciousness go when we die?". I am now 20 years old, at current state I am travelling with my closest friends and we are heading to some place just to find fun. I mean working all the time is really boring and this trip was supposed to feel fun, but why do I feel like something unexpected is going to happen.
Then there it goes, suddenly-- I heard screams of terror and agony, I smell smoke coming from I don’t even know where, the world is upside down from my perspective, I also see fire. It was a total chaos, then I blocked out. Moments after, I regained my consciousness. Just then was I able to realize that we were in a car crash by the countryside, but where am I now?. I see nothing but total darkness. Why does my body feel numb? I don’t even feel hurt. Where am I now?
Puzzled by what is happening to me, I tend to search the place where I was at the moment. I kept walking and walking and walked even farther, but all I can see was just darkness itself. Am I dead? For some reasons this thought came across my mind. Just as I was about to lose hope in search for help, I found someone in the darkness, she was alone and there was something creepy about her, but despite that fact, I approached her. At first, I introduced myself to her in a casual manner and we had a bit of a conversation. I knew that her name was Claire.
Everything between us seemed fine until I came to the part of telling her what was really my intention of talking to her. I simply asked her where in the world are we and I also asked if she could give me directions for the nearest town which I could go to. She laughed at me and said “You really have no idea of what is going on. We are in the abyss, where spirits wait for another vessel to open up so that we would be able to penetrate it and treat it as our new body. You are one of us now, you are nothing but another spirit in this abyss waiting for a new vessel as a gateway for you to see the world outside this darkness.”
Astonished by what I heard, I felt scared and creeped out by what I knew, but somehow I felt the urge to believe everything she uttered, because this made sense to me. At the same moment that I knew all of what she had said, flashbacks of memory from my past life played through my mind as if I was watching my movie collections at home. I came to my senses and begged for her to help me, she told me that because she sees kindness in me she would help me. We walked to find a new vessel for me, farther than where I went, after what seems to be an hour of walking we saw a gleam of light not far from what we are standing.
“Eureka run, that is your gate way out of the abyss. Do not let other spirits to reach that light before you.” Claire screamed as she pulled me towards the light. Upon reaching the light she hurriedly told me to take care of my next life and pushed me into the light.
I remembered Claire pushing me into the light, but what is this? I have no control over my body as if I was a new-born baby. As I opened my eyes, I saw unfamiliar faces around me, and it feels like someone is cradling me in his arms. Looking up I saw a man, and a woman beside him lying in what seems to be a hospital bed. Something struck my mind. I felt like any seconds from now my consciousness would fade away, and I won���t be able to remember any of what had happened. After which I heard this words from the man as he says “Welcome Baby Lucile” and I fell asleep.
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『Artwork by Unknown Artist』
This is a short story I made during my senior year in highschool, published on September 26, 2017 on my WPA.
I hope you enjoyed reading🖤 give me a heart if you loved it🖤
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Forgiveness says you are given another chance to make a new beginning.
Desmond Tutu
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westanbrockhampton · 5 years
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adhd-fanficwriter · 4 months
I always see people commenting on other peoples stories. But no one does that to me.
Are you guys able to comment or do I need to do something in the settings? Because I am happy to get feedback!
Please let me know ❤️
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Undesired author: Minata Tsukuri (not me) (link to fanfiction: https: //ficbook.net/readfic/3121120)
Description: Any fan of anime wants to get into the world of anime even for a day. Any, but not me. But, as everyone knows, the law of meanness is the law of the universe. In addition, I am a winner in life. Indeed, who but me can get into the world of an unloved anime ?! No wonder they say that you get not what you want, but what you need. Check it out?
Unfulfilled gesture or the end of the old life!
A nasty buzzer rang a few meters away. The green monster swept at me at tremendous speed. I did not have time to really get scared, I just closed my eyes. It seems that at such moments all life should fly by. At least that's what they write in books and shown in films. But the only thought stuck in my head - today I did not kiss my mother ... Yes. This day has not been asked in the morning.
Autumn wind burst into the open window. Because of him, the room immediately became cool, smelled of damp and autumn fog, piercing to the bone. Morning frost ran into the room and clawed at my legs and made me sniff. The crumbs of heat immediately dissipated, and I had to wrap myself more tightly in a warm saving blanket.
07.30 a.m. “Hey, Mexico City! Mexico City! Mexico City! Mexico City Caribbean beach, blue wave, Far across the ocean there is a great country! A cheerful people live there, They eat mushrooms and cacti, and they dance and sing! ” cried the alarm clock.
"Shut up you!" I shouted, turning off the hellish device.
"Masha, get up faster, or you’ll be late for school!" I heard a pleasant voice from my kitchen from my mother.
“Yeah,” I muttered, not even about to get out of the heated bed. Let this school go to hell! My person wants to sleep, so she will sleep! My eyes closed again, and a wonderful dream began to arise in his head.
The sun was shining brightly in the sky, curly clouds slowly floated. Nearby there was the sound of the sea surf and the cry of seagulls. What a beauty! The waves eagerly licked the sandy shore, leaving behind only white foam. Small boats loomed on the horizon. But then someone blocked my sun.
"Hey, get away!" I screamed, taking off my sunglasses.
"Excuse me, my lady. Would you like a cool drink?" a tall male figure in a tailcoat was holding a tray of Coca-Cola in his hands. The guy smiled sweetly. A sultry wind waved his black hair. “I will not refuse,” I smiled coquettishly in response, but then recognized Sebastian Mikaelis in the man. Sea, sun, heat, summer and a favorite character. Eh, the soul rushed to paradise!
"Masha, Masha, Masha!" the demon began to shake my shoulders, "you will be late for school! Get up immediately!"
I closed my eyes, then opened. The colorful world was smeared and disappeared after a second, as if it had not existed at all. My small room appeared before me.
"Masha! Didn’t you hear me ?! Get up immediately!" mom started to get angry. In general, she is a very kind person by nature, but it’s better not to abuse it if you don’t want to get to a soft spot!
"But, Mom, another five minutes," I muttered, turning over onto the other side, "Sebastian is waiting for me there, the sea, seagulls ... .."
Without ceremony, my mother tore off my favorite blanket.
"No! I will not survive in this harsh, cold world without my charm!"
"Go have breakfast!"
Life is pain. I instantly felt cold. Definitely I needed to close the damn window. First, I hung one foot from the bed, then the second, and finally, taking a sitting position. A sign appeared in front of my eyes, “Your brain is loading, please wait.” After a few seconds, it was replaced by a running circle.
"Masha!" Mom’s next appeal has accelerated loading.
     I got out of bed, staggering a little. After yesterday's physical education, the whole body ached terribly. Each movement caused discomfort and even pain, from which it was too lazy to move. So why make the girls run, push up and squat until they lose heart rate? We are not going to the army. I do not understand!
I went into the kitchen, instantly flopping down on a chair. Everything was floating before my eyes, but I managed to recognize my mother, who was frying something on the old stove. The table was next to the window. Yes, the view was poor. From our sixth floor, it was hard to make out anything except yellowed trees and thick fog. No guys, I want to go back to the beach to my Sebastian! The clock hanging on the wall showed 07.55. Wow, I’ve been knocked out for 20 minutes! Mom put in front of me a plate of hot fried eggs. Breakfast proceeded in silence. My mother watched the morning news release, and I sleepily picked a fork in food and tried to reproduce in my thoughts a beautiful dream. I wish I could visit the Phantomhive Estate!
"You look like a zombie of the third freshness! Again, I suppose, you watched late cartoons ?!"
"Mom, how many times can I say - this is not cartoons, this is anime," I still said lazily.
"Not comics, this is manga," the woman parodied me, "but I don’t see much difference! When will you start to get enough sleep ?!"
“Don't start,” I rolled my eyes. After the divorce from dad, mom became too nervous.
"How do you talk with your mother ?! And don’t roll your eyes! I’ll turn off the Internet for you, you’ll only go to the Internet when you study! And you’ll go to bed at ten!”
"Why are you starting this again !?" my sleepy body was annoyed by any trifle, as well as these cries, "don’t command me! I’m already an adult, and I myself can decide what time I go to bed!"
I jumped from the table and went into the room. How all makes me angry! I was a little ashamed that I yelled at my mother, but, in the end, she herself was to blame! What have I done? What nonsense. It took quite a bit of time to pack things. A white blouse and a plaid skirt hung on a chair, and the briefcase was staffed yesterday. I brushed my teeth, gathered brown hair in a ponytail, dressed and ran out of the apartment. Already beyond the threshold, it dawned on me that my glasses remained on the table. But I did not want to return home. Entering the elevator, I chewed my lip nervously. Without glasses, I’ll somehow interrupt, only one more important detail was not completed. My offended person did not bother to kiss my mother for goodbye. This was a special gesture that brought me a good luck. I felt even more ashamed, but pride did not allow me to return. If I only knew what would happen to me in a few minutes, I would definitely apologize to my mother, kiss her and hug her. But, unfortunately, (or to joy?) People do not know how to look into the future. Therefore, building myself insulted person to the depths of my soul, I flew out of the entrance. Before my eyes, everything was blurry, and even a dull fog reduced the range of visibility. My legs carried me to the road. Immersed in thoughts of a morning quarrel, I did not notice a red traffic signal and continued on my way along a busy highway. A nasty buzzer rang a few meters away. The green monster swept at me at tremendous speed. I did not have time to really get scared, I just closed my eyes. It seems that at such moments all life should fly by. At least that's what they write in books and shown in films. But the only thought stuck in my head - today I did not kiss my mother ...
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kateandnick4ever · 5 years
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Maybe one day we can try again. Maybe the time wasn’t right, maybe the time is now. Maybe we could give it ago. Maybe it will be better than before. Maybe we could try?
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another chance
would you give love another chance after all what happened.?
to surrender yourself to someone who claims to be in love with you since forever. would you believe those word after all what time had shown you. would giving away your soul to someone would be right thing to do ? would trusting again will be right ? will he helps you to heal the wounds from the past ? would this make amendments ? will your heart be able to make some space for someone after all this time ? will he take you with all your flaws ? will this work ? when you know you are a hard person to be with. what could be the end of story ? heartbreak again ??? waste of emotions again ?
but this stupid little heart wants to take the chance again !!! its been years with this soreness and emptiness. would or would not this chance be worth it !!! but living on the edge of vulnerability could be toxic to the feelings. and to kill those craving for love would be lethal to life, so why not grab this chance of happiness and let love knock your doors again and hug him back. 
as they say “ life is all about taking chances “  march2019  
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bolafunmi · 5 years
Come back my love,
To your wholeness before the storm
You need not run anymore -
Drop the crushing guilt and take rest.
Come back to the real you left behind
The war is over;
Leave the ruin and wasteland,
Come back to the sanity you tore away -
Let love fill up that churning void.
Oh my dear,
Come home to rejuvenate
Bury yourself in truth
Forgive your choices;
Retrace your past
Let go of the hurt,
Drop the shame and dry your tears.
The rain is here, the soil is rich
You can bloom again.
Heal! my dear,
Come back home and heal!
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