#Ansible Training
shrutimahendru · 1 year
Apart from this, you get a 5-hour video, 2 articles and 1 downloadable resource. So, do join this program if you want to learn about this IT automation software in detail. To learn about the Yum module in detail feel free to join our Ansible Online Course.
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narveymanvi · 2 years
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Ansible Online Training | Croma Campus
Croma Campus is one of the most well-known and reputable companies in the field of Ansible Online Training in India. At a reasonable price, we provide the most comprehensive Ansible Online Training and certification. We provide the most recent and up-to-date training course modules designed by industry experts.
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webashatech · 2 years
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ravicotocus · 2 years
No Fee - No Registration | Learn Everything for FREE | No need to pay Money. ----------------------------------------------------- 👉Learn DevOps - Cloud - Containers Technologies for FREE - https://bit.ly/3ZkCSz0 👉Subscribe to #AiOps_&_MLOps_School YouTube channel to avail 1000+ hrs of FREE materials
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jpitha · 11 months
Don’t worry, I know someone.
Gev, Palitan, and Vivian stood in front of the door. It was at least three meters tall, 2 wide, and made of metal. It was inscribed with words in at least 4 different languages.
It was unfortunate that nobody knew any of them.
“Well, It’s clearly a warning.” Gev gestured towards the text. His furry, clawed hand tapping the lowest text, which was at their eye level. “Whoever made this would not have done it in so many languages if it wasn’t something important to be read by everyone who came by. I’m sure whatever is behind this door is dangerous.”
“No, it’s clearly a proclamation. Something some ancient Ruler wanted to be known far and wide. Information that was important to their peoples. They might have ruled a large swath of land, home to many peoples who spoke many languages. It’s designed for intelligibility. That’s why it’s in so many languages.” Palitan’s upper tentacles stroked the sunken carved letters while Vivian made a face. Her archeological training was screaming in her head at them touching this clearly ancient thing.
Gev’s laquered claws slid in and out of their sheaths. “It’s unfortunately really that we’ll never know what it says. We could learn so much about these people.”
Vivian looked up from her notes. “Why wouldn’t we know what it says?”
Gev laughed his barking cough of a laugh. “The people who wrote this are millennia passed. There hasn’t been anyone who has spoken this language in at least one thousand solar cycles. Viv, you humans need to understand that sometimes there are just things in the universe we’ll never learn.”
Vivian scoffed. “Well, then if you think you’ll never learn this, you won’t mind if I give it a try. You can continue your survey.” She began unpacking a portable sensorium from its carrying case.
Palitan’s chromatophores swirled and flashed confusion. “Vivian, you’re not a linguist, you’re an archeologist. How can you learn an ancient language?”
”I’m not a linguist, but I know some. Don’t you network Palitan? Don’t you make friends outside of your discipline?” Vivian didn’t look up from the case as she clipped together a framework and started attaching recording devices at regular intervals.
Palitan’s swirling colors stopped, and they settled on the cool blue of curiosity. “I mean, I do but… I have a feeling humans do it differently.”
Vivian chuckled. “I doubt it Palitan. Humans are just human. We’re not some kind of strange and special people.”
Gev’s fur rippled. “Now you’re being modest. I’ve seen your homeworld, and its gigantic moon. Another planetary body that large that close? It must have done something to your development.”
That was enough to make Vivian look up from her work. “Gev, you’re telling me that moon power makes humans unique? Do you hear what you’re saying? Can you hear how that sounds?”
Gev’s small ears - looking oddly like teddy bear ears - waggled. He was being deliberately silly.
After about a tenth of a cycle of work Vivian had the sensorium completely set up. The framework was positioned around the door and the projectors and emitters were in place. She signaled to their ship in orbit, and it dialed a connection that she provided in the ansible. As Gev and Palitan watched, there was a short tone, and the holoprojectors resolved the image of someone. It was a Gren, tall and imposing with their reverse articulated legs and many sets of eyes. It turned and looked around and seeing Vivian their mouthparts opened wide in their version of a grin. “Vivian! You old battlestar! How have you been?”
Smiling, Vivian put her hands on her hips and faced the Gren directly. The sensorium sensed her reaction and focused on her. “I’m doing well Tami’tarr. I’m pleased to see you’re still taking my calls.”
“How could I not, Vivian? Your calls always show me something… interesting. What do you need today?” They gestured towards the door. “Something to do with this I presume?”
Vivian nodded and walked over to the projection. Standing next to them, Gev and Palitan marveled at how it looked like the Gren was here next to them. They knew about the sensorium of course. Ever since the humans came onto the scene they brought their multi-sense recording device with them. They especially liked using them in interviews so that the whole room could be recorded. The sights, sounds, smells, even touch and temperature could be recorded and played back so anyone could almost be where the event was recorded. They were unaware of them being used as a projection device however. Vivian took out a small digital pointer. “It’s a door - we think - looks like pre-fall Heliman. None of the languages carved into the door are Heliman however. I know they had relations with a few of the sapients in their nearby section of space, but we don’t recognize any of the languages here. Do you?”
“Hmm.” Tami’tarr peered at the words on the door. His body made a rumbling noise that Vivian couldn’t help think sounded like a contented purr. Tami’tarr always liked a mystery. He leaned back and gestured with his own pointer. “Here, near the top. This one looks like it’s Late three hundredth dynasty Uutipan. I can’t read it though, I just recognize the shape of the words. Do you know Professor Filomina at Brekin University?”
Vivian nodded. “I met her two years ago at the conference. You were there. I think you introduced us.”
Tami’tarr’s mouthparts waggled a nod. “Ah yes, you are correct. She can translate Uutipan. I don’t know if she understands all the way back to the late three hundredth dynasty, but she’ll know it better than me.”
“Thanks Tami’tarr. I’ll give her a ring.” Vivian reached up and patted Tami’tarr through the sensorium.
“Let me know what she finds. I must admit I haven’t seen something like this before either.”
“Of course, Tam. Talk to you soon.” The Gren disappears as the connection is broken.
Vivian spends the next solar day making calls, making small talk and describing her problem. Gev and Palitan spend the time taking measurements and gathering other information on the site. “Vivian is wasting her time.” Gev shakes his head irritatedly. “She should be helping us take measurements. The words are untranslatable.”
Palitan’s color shifts to a acquiescing yellow. “That may be Gev, but she has gotten permission to run the dig in her own way. If we could translate the text, it would be helpful. We can afford to have her burn a day going through her address book pestering her friends.”
‘Hmmph. That’s their problem.”
“What? Vivian?”
“Humans in general. You tell them something can’t be done and their first reaction is to go ‘I bet I can actually do it.’ They wind up wasting time and resources on things that were declared impossible a century ago.”
Palitan says nothing, but continues to work.
Just before evening meal, Palitan and Gev save their work and upload their measurements and notes and make the way back to the door. Now, Vivian is talking with a K’laxi they’ve never met. They’re one of the few sapient species that is actually shorter than the human and they’re both standing very close to the door, looking at the bottommost carvings. The K’laxi is talking very animatedly as they walk up.
“…haven’t seen things like this in decades! I can’t believe you found another example Viv! This completely upends our research on what we knew about the late three hundredth dynasty! You’ve given me enough here to write three papers at least. You’ll get co-authorship of course.”
Vivian laughed. “I appreciate your generosity Lem. Let me know when you need my notes.”
Lem snapped their pad closed and stood. “As soon as you have them compiled please.”
Vivian bent straight and stretched. “You got it Lem. See you soon.”
Their tail flicked and they winked and the holo disconnected. Vivian stared disassembling the sensorium.
“Have you given up Vivian? Ready to continue the work we were assigned to do?” Gev’s fur bristled. “Well, too bad, we’ve completed the measurements. I’ll be sure to let the head know about this.”
Palitan’s color switched to a pale pink of surprise. “Gev! There’s no need to be hostile. The head stated that Vivian’s main job was to learn more about the people who built this.”
Gev’s head bobbed vigorously. “Indeed. And spending all day calling the entire galaxy to translate a door tells us nothing about who built this site!”
Vivian finished putting the sensorium away in its case and stood. She calmly walked over to Gev and Palitan. Palitan was only a little taller than her, and Gev was nearly two meters tall and was more than a bit intimidating. She looked down at her pad.
“This door shall remain open from dawn to dusk without exception. The offices herein will be open according to the hours mounted on their doors. All who enter shall surrender their weapons. A chit will be provided verifying their ownership. Those with appointments with the Head Builder are to check in with the front desk before proceeding to the Builder office.
“What’s that? What are you talking about?” Gev looked down at her irritatedly.
Palitan nudged Gev with one of his tentacles. “It’s the translation of the door.”
Gev looked down at Vivian and at the translation she showed him. All of the different languages were translated and sure enough, they said what she read off to him. It was a protocol note on what to do at the Builder Administration building.
Palitan gestured excitedly. “Gev! That means this was a Builder building! Part of the original Empress! Not only did they have local influence, but they either traded with, or were a part of the full empire. We’re far away from a Gate too, I wonder if one was destroyed, or they just flew a long way.”
Vivian nodded. “See Gev? Now that we know what the door says, it opens up so many new questions that we can try an answer. Even though the door is ‘just’ protocol rules, it implies so much more.”
“Hmmph.” Gev says nothing but his ears twitch.”
Palitan’s coloring changes to an impressed green. “Vivian, this is amazing. You figured all this out in just one day!”
“That’s just is Palitan. I didn’t do it. I knew people who could help. I wound up calling five different experts while you were working. It pays to know people.” Vivian picks up the sensorium case. “It’s not what you know, but who you know.”
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onlycosmere · 1 year
Cheyenne Sedai: What research about the aethers is Xisis hoarding?
Brandon Sanderson: His biggest interest is how aethers break down, and he's really researching the water cycle, and trying to figure out how the seethe happens, because he's very interested in the decomposition of aethers, which is what's causing the seethe. That's what he is hoarding there.
He's got quite the establishment in Silverlight as well. Silverlight was once upon a time a bunch of dragon palaces, they all still have their skyscrapers there, basically. He's taking a little detour for some decades on Lumar, but his home base would be in Silverlight.
Cheyenne Sedai: That kind of answers my follow up question, that was, is his scholarly seclusion typical of dragons, or just something unique to him?
Brandon Sanderson: He's taken a bit of seclusion, but I wouldn't say... There's a whole bunch of different things about dragons. If you've got a Tamu Kek, you can contact them, you can pray to them, and they can actually influence your emotions. They're all kind of like little mini gods. They're not immortal immortal, but they're pretty long lived and functionally immortal.
They've been around for a while doing all kinds of stuff, so there's all kinds of things going on with them. Some of them will be secluded. Some of them take their duties very seriously, like Frost takes his duties very very very seriously. Other ones just don't care.
You will get some themes with dragons, they do like bargains, they do tend to have their interests, they do tend to collect people and have either followers or corporations or things like that--I don't want to go too cyberpunk on us, but yeah. You'll notice some themes the more you get to know them.
I will warn you, in the cosmere, there are more Anne McCaffrey style dragons, lesser dragons if you want, that do not have a human form. The greater dragons, as well call them, they're basically like amphibians, they have to spend a part of their life cycle in a humanoid form. They give birth in humanoid form, then have a transformation in puberty to dragon form, and then can go back and forth after that. But we've got some Anne McCaffrey style dragons, we've even got some little drakelings on one planet that are not six limbed and stuff like that.
We'll eventually have some more dragons, but when I was writing the early books in the cosmere, we were a little dragon flooded with Eragon and How to Train Your Dragon, so I didn't write the dragon stories. But maybe some day.
Cheyenne Sedai: That's fascinating. And also, that means we got our Tamu Kek, which seems to be a theme with these because we always have a Tamu Kek somewhere.
Brandon Sanderson: One of the few ways to have an ansible in the cosmere in the early days, pre technology, if you wanted to communicate between planets, this is one of the only ways.
Really handy to get a hold of one of those, or to get some seons. Before we get technological solutions, those were your two main ways to communicate across planets.
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emi-maru · 1 year
I want to do 500 different things.
I want to get more into mtg.
I want to practice playing guitar.
I want to set up a proper home server.
I want to learn new programming languages/tools (Rust and Ansible specifically).
I want to get back into reading.
I want to play a metric fuckton of videogames that I find interesting and/or fun.
I want to develop a somewhat coherent style of clothing.
I want to get better at make-up.
I want to make my flat the coziest place on earth.
I want to do voice training.
I want to watch more movies/shows.
I want to deepen what few friendships I have.
I want to meet more queer people irl.
I want to learn more recipes.
I want to bake more.
I feel like I could take a year off work and still wouldn't be able to do everything. I tried/started most of this and because I dont have enough time the progress is ass slow.
The fact that I have to plan out how I want to use my few precious hours of free time each day is both insane and frustrating.
I want to play this game that I really like, but wouldn't that time be better invested into learning Ansible? What about that corner in my bedroom that I wanted to make plans for because it looks empty and could use some color? I also wanted to read that novel, what about that? Is today the day I finally set up a proper domain for my self-hosted apps? I could also practice guitar, but I'm still at the beginning so do I even bother? I better not spend too much time planning or else I won't have any time left at all.
This results in a stunlock about half the time and I just end up being overwhelmed and scrolling.
A colleague of mine retired about a year ago and he says that his schedule is just full of stuff and he didn't know how he fit it in when he still worked. Well, he didn't. He can fully commit to what he wants to do and I'm jealous (not just of that but also of getting to retire before your mid 70s).
I want to be able to control my own time. Why do I have to spend almost 10h (8 + lunch + commute) a day working for someone who does not give a fuck about whether I actually work or not (see my activity on this site lmao) and drives to work with a car that costs twice as much as I'm paid in year (before taxes)?
I know this is some of the most privileged shit ever bc there are so many people who want to get into new things but don't have the means to do so. This post is an incoherent mess. I genuinely feel like I might delete this bc I feel a bit pathetic tbh.
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Revanth Technologies Provides Ansible online training in Hyderabad India
At Revanth Technologies, we offer industry-leading Ansible online training that is designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in the fast-paced world of IT. Our expert trainers have extensive experience in the field and will provide you with personalized guidance and support throughout the course.
Our Ansible online training covers a wide range of topics, including installation, configuration, management, and automation of IT infrastructure. We use cutting-edge tools and techniques to ensure that you get hands-on experience with real-world scenarios and projects, giving you the practical skills you need to succeed in your career.
For more details please call / whatsapp to +91 9290971883 or call to 9247461324
For course content please visit https://www.revanthtechnologies.com/ansible-online-training-from-india.php
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scottacon · 2 years
There's nothing in the rulebook that says a dog -can't- commit Formic genocide via an ansible which it believes is merely a simulation for training purposes
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takdevs · 2 days
DevOps Best Practices: Bridging Development and Operations for Better Outcomes
In an era where speed and efficiency are paramount, the traditional barriers between development and operations teams can hinder an organization’s ability to deliver high-quality software rapidly. Enter DevOps—a transformative approach that combines these functions, fostering collaboration and enabling faster, more reliable releases. By adopting DevOps best practices, organizations can enhance their workflows, improve product quality, and ultimately achieve better business outcomes. Let’s explore the key practices that facilitate this integration.
What is DevOps?
DevOps is a cultural and technical movement that aims to unify software development (Dev) and IT operations (Ops). It emphasizes collaboration, automation, and continuous improvement to enhance the software delivery process. The ultimate goal? To shorten development cycles, reduce deployment risks, and increase the frequency of releases.
Key DevOps Best Practices
1. Cultivate a Collaborative Culture
A successful DevOps transformation starts with a culture that encourages collaboration. Break down silos between teams by promoting open communication and shared responsibility. Regular meetings, joint planning sessions, and cross-functional teams help foster relationships and build trust, ensuring that everyone is aligned toward common goals.
2. Implement Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)
CI/CD practices are at the core of DevOps. Continuous Integration involves merging code changes frequently into a shared repository, enabling automated testing to catch issues early. Continuous Deployment automates the release process, allowing for rapid delivery to users. By implementing CI/CD, teams can quickly identify bugs, improve code quality, and accelerate release cycles.
3. Automate Wherever Possible
Automation is a game changer in DevOps. By automating repetitive tasks—such as testing, deployment, and configuration management—teams can minimize errors and free up valuable time. Tools like Jenkins for CI/CD, Ansible for configuration management, and Docker for containerization help streamline workflows and improve efficiency.
4. Monitor and Measure Performance
Effective monitoring is crucial for understanding application performance and user experience. Implementing monitoring tools like Prometheus or Grafana allows teams to gather real-time data, identify bottlenecks, and respond to issues proactively. Establish clear metrics to track system performance, deployment frequency, and lead time to gain insights into your processes.
5. Adopt Infrastructure as Code (IaC)
Infrastructure as Code is a practice that enables teams to manage and provision infrastructure using code. This approach promotes consistency and repeatability, making it easier to replicate environments across development, testing, and production. Tools like Terraform and AWS CloudFormation simplify infrastructure management and enhance collaboration between teams.
6. Integrate Security into the Pipeline
Security should not be an afterthought in the DevOps process. Adopting a DevSecOps approach integrates security practices throughout the development lifecycle. Automated security testing, vulnerability assessments, and compliance checks help identify and mitigate risks early, ensuring that security is a shared responsibility.
7. Embrace Continuous Learning and Improvement
DevOps is an evolving practice, and fostering a culture of continuous learning is essential. Encourage team members to pursue training, attend conferences, and participate in knowledge-sharing sessions. Regular retrospectives can help teams reflect on their processes, identify areas for improvement, and adapt to new challenges.
8. Utilize Agile Methodologies
Integrating Agile methodologies into your DevOps practices can enhance flexibility and responsiveness. Agile promotes iterative development, allowing teams to deliver small, incremental changes based on user feedback. Implementing practices like daily stand-ups and sprint reviews can improve communication and keep projects on track.
9. Define Roles and Responsibilities Clearly
While collaboration is key, it’s also important to define clear roles and responsibilities within teams. Establish ownership for various aspects of the development and deployment processes to streamline workflows and ensure accountability. This clarity helps prevent misunderstandings and keeps everyone focused on their objectives.
10. Choose the Right Tools
The right tools can significantly enhance your DevOps journey. From version control systems like Git to container orchestration platforms like Kubernetes, selecting tools that fit your organization’s specific needs is crucial. Evaluate your workflow and choose tools that promote collaboration, automation, and monitoring.
Implementing DevOps best practices can lead to a seamless integration of development and operations, resulting in improved efficiency, higher quality products, and faster time-to-market. By fostering a collaborative culture, automating processes, and prioritizing continuous improvement, organizations can bridge the gap between teams and enhance overall performance. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, embracing these practices will empower teams to respond swiftly to changing demands and deliver exceptional outcomes. Embrace DevOps, and unlock your organization’s full potential!
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sanapatil123 · 2 days
Join the Future of IT with Ievision’s Advanced DevOps Master Diploma
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Advance Your Career with the DevOps Master Diploma from Ievision
In today’s technology-driven landscape, DevOps has become a critical framework for enhancing collaboration between development and operations teams, enabling faster and more efficient software delivery. The DevOps Master Diploma offered by Ievision is a comprehensive program designed to equip professionals with advanced knowledge, tools, and practices essential for success in the rapidly evolving IT industry.
Why Enroll in Ievision’s DevOps Master Diploma?
Our DevOps Master Diploma stands out for several reasons:
Comprehensive Curriculum:
 The program covers all key aspects of DevOps, including automation, continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD), containerization with Docker and Kubernetes, and infrastructure as code (IaC). You will gain deep knowledge of popular DevOps tools such as Jenkins, Git, and Terraform.
Hands-On Training:
 At Ievision, we emphasize practical learning. You’ll engage in real-world simulations and hands-on labs that allow you to apply the theory in live environments. This immersive approach ensures that you’re prepared to implement DevOps solutions effectively.
Expert Instructors:
 Learn from industry veterans who bring extensive experience in implementing DevOps strategies across diverse industries. Their expertise provides you with the latest trends and actionable insights needed to excel.
Globally Recognized Certification:
 Earning the DevOps Master Diploma from Ievision will enhance your professional credentials. The certification is recognized globally, making you a desirable candidate for top-tier jobs in DevOps, automation, and cloud management.
Key Benefits of the DevOps Master Diploma
By completing the DevOps Master Diploma, you’ll gain:
Proficiency in setting up CI/CD pipelines for fast, reliable software releases.
Expertise in using cloud-native technologies and managing infrastructure with AWS, Azure, and GCP.
Hands-on experience with Docker and Kubernetes for containerization and orchestration.
Skills to implement and maintain infrastructure using automation tools like Ansible, Chef, and Puppet.
Career Opportunities
With a DevOps Master Diploma, you can explore lucrative career paths, including:
DevOps Engineer
Cloud Architect
Automation Engineer
Site Reliability Engineer (SRE)
DevOps is a growing field, and companies are constantly on the lookout for certified professionals who can help streamline their development processes and boost efficiency.
The DevOps Master Diploma from Ievision is your gateway to mastering the key skills and technologies that drive innovation in today’s IT landscape. Whether you're looking to boost your career, enhance your expertise, or lead digital transformation in your organization, this comprehensive program equips you with the advanced knowledge and practical experience required to excel. By becoming a certified DevOps professional, you'll be in a prime position to take advantage of the growing demand for skilled experts in cloud computing, automation, and IT operations. Take the next step in your career and become a DevOps leader with Ievision’s globally recognized certification.
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qcs01 · 10 days
Red Hat Training Categories: Empowering IT Professionals for the Future
Red Hat, a leading provider of enterprise open-source solutions, offers a comprehensive range of training programs designed to equip IT professionals with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in the rapidly evolving world of technology. Whether you're an aspiring system administrator, a seasoned DevOps engineer, or a cloud architect, Red Hat's training programs cover key technologies and tools that drive modern IT infrastructures. Let’s explore some of the key Red Hat training categories.
1. Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)
RHEL is the foundation of many enterprises, and Red Hat offers extensive training to help IT professionals master Linux system administration, automation, and security. Key courses in this category include:
Red Hat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA): An essential certification for beginners in Linux administration.
Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE): Advanced training in system administration, emphasizing automation using Ansible.
Security and Identity Management: Focuses on securing Linux environments and managing user identities.
2. Ansible Automation
Automation is at the heart of efficient IT operations, and Ansible is a powerful tool for automating tasks across diverse environments. Red Hat offers training on:
Ansible Basics: Ideal for beginners looking to understand how to automate workflows and deploy applications.
Advanced Ansible Automation: Focuses on optimizing playbooks, integrating Ansible Tower, and managing large-scale deployments.
3. OpenShift Container Platform
OpenShift is Red Hat’s Kubernetes-based platform for managing containerized applications. Red Hat training covers topics like:
OpenShift Administration: Learn how to install, configure, and manage OpenShift clusters.
OpenShift Developer: Build, deploy, and scale containerized applications on OpenShift.
4. Red Hat Cloud Technologies
With businesses rapidly adopting cloud technologies, Red Hat’s cloud training programs ensure that professionals are prepared for cloud-native development and infrastructure management. Key topics include:
Red Hat OpenStack: Learn how to deploy and manage private cloud environments.
Red Hat Virtualization: Master the deployment of virtual machines and manage large virtualized environments.
5. DevOps Training
Red Hat is committed to promoting DevOps practices, helping teams collaborate more efficiently. DevOps training includes:
Red Hat DevOps Pipelines and CI/CD: Learn how to streamline software development, testing, and deployment processes.
Container Development and Kubernetes Integration: Get hands-on experience with containerized applications and orchestrating them using Kubernetes.
6. Cloud-Native Development
As enterprises move towards microservices and cloud-native applications, Red Hat provides training on developing scalable and resilient applications:
Microservices Architecture: Learn to build and deploy microservices using Red Hat’s enterprise open-source tools.
Serverless Application Development: Focus on building lightweight applications that scale on demand.
7. Red Hat Satellite
Red Hat Satellite simplifies Linux system management at scale, and its training focuses on:
Satellite Server Administration: Learn how to automate system maintenance and streamline software updates across your RHEL environment.
8. Security and Compliance
In today's IT landscape, security is paramount. Red Hat offers specialized training on securing infrastructure and ensuring compliance:
Linux Security Essentials: Learn to safeguard Linux environments from vulnerabilities.
Advanced Security Features: Cover best practices for maintaining security across hybrid cloud environments.
Why Red Hat Training?
Red Hat certifications are globally recognized, validating your expertise in open-source technologies. They offer hands-on, practical training that helps professionals apply their knowledge directly to real-world challenges. By investing in Red Hat training, you are preparing yourself for future innovations and ensuring that your skills remain relevant in an ever-changing industry.
Red Hat training empowers IT professionals to build, manage, and secure the enterprise-grade systems that are shaping the future of technology. Whether you're looking to enhance your Linux skills, dive into automation with Ansible, or embrace cloud-native development, there’s a Red Hat training category tailored to your needs.
For more details click www.hawkstack.com 
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pandeypankaj · 26 days
What is the scope, as a career, for a Python developer?
With the flexibility of the versatile and increasingly popular Python, a lot of scope has been added for a Python developer. Here are some of the key areas:
1. Web Development
 Backend Development: Write server-side logic and APIs for web applications, using frameworks such as Django, Flask.
 Full-stack development: Be able to do both frontend and backend development, quite often in Python frameworks and JavaScript libraries.
2. Data Science and Machine Learning
 Data cleaning: preprocessing, and analysis of datasets
 Development of machine learning models: model construction and training for regression, classification, clustering, etc.
 NLP: application development to understand the processing of human language
3. Scientific Computing and Research
 Simulation: the development of simulations for scientific studies, such as physics, chem, and bio
 Data Visualization: Representation of information with pumping insight using libraries such as Matplotlib and Seaborn
4. Automation and Scripting
Task Automation: Automating basic tasks through the writing of Python scripts. 
System Administration: Automating system-related tasks and also automating the administration of systems. 
5. DevOps
 Infrastructure as Code: Helps in managing the infrastructure with the help of Python tools such as Ansible and Terraform.
 Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD): Helps to auto-automate the software development process. 
6. Game Development 
 Game Logic Writing: The logic of the game and the mechanism are created through this. 
7. Financial Technology (FinTech)
 Algorithmic Trading: Making algorithms for automated trading. 
 Risk Management: Analysis of financial data for risk fetch.
Given the evolving state of Python and its rapid rise in popularity, deep experience Python developers will be in much demand in almost every line of work. In this light, the integration of programming and problem-solving skills and domain knowledge will be very key in successfully tackling challenges in this field.
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ravicotocus · 2 years
No Fee - No Registration
👉Subscribe to #debugschool YouTube channel to avail 2000+ hrs of FREE materials
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DevOps Online Training | AWS DevOps Training
Best DevOps Tools: The Comprehensive List | 2024
DevOps tools are crucial for automating and streamlining the software development lifecycle, facilitating collaboration between development and operations teams, and ensuring the continuous delivery of high-quality software. Here's a comprehensive list of the best DevOps tools in 2024, categorized by their primary function:
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1. Version Control Systems (VCS)
Git: The most popular distributed version control system, widely used for source code management.
Git Hub: A cloud-based hosting service for Git repositories with added features for collaboration and CI/CD.
Git Lab: Another Git repository manager that includes built-in CI/CD and project management features.
Bit bucket: Atlassian's Git solution, which integrates seamlessly with other Atlassian products.
2. Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)
Jenkins: One of the most popular open-source CI/CD tools, known for its vast plugin ecosystem.
CircleCI: A cloud-based CI/CD service that supports fast, efficient builds and deployments.
Travis CI: A CI service integrated with GitHub, popular for open-source projects.
GitLab CI: Integrated within GitLab, it offers CI/CD pipelines directly from your Git repositories.
Azure DevOps: A cloud service from Microsoft that provides CI/CD pipelines, along with other DevOps services.
3. Configuration Management
Ansible: An open-source automation tool for configuration management, application deployment, and task automation.
Puppet: A configuration management tool that helps manage infrastructure as code.
Chef: Another configuration management tool that automates infrastructure provisioning.
SaltStack: Known for its speed, SaltStack manages large-scale infrastructure and can perform tasks in milliseconds.
4. Containerization
Docker: The most popular containerization platform, allowing developers to package applications into containers.
Kubernetes: A container orchestration tool that automates the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.
Open Shift: Red Hat's enterprise Kubernetes platform, with added developer and operational tools.
Rancher: A container management platform that simplifies running Kubernetes clusters.
5. Infrastructure as Code (IaC)
Terraform: An open-source IaC tool that allows users to define and provision data center infrastructure.
AWS Cloud Formation: Amazon’s IaC tool, used to model and set up AWS resources.
Azure Resource Manager (ARM): Microsoft's IaC service for managing Azure resources.
Pulumi: A modern IaC tool that supports multiple languages and cloud platforms.
6. Monitoring and Logging
Prometheus: An open-source monitoring and alerting toolkit, often used with Kubernetes.
Grafana: A visualization tool that works with Prometheus and other data sources for monitoring dashboards.
ELK Stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana): A powerful suite for log management and analysis.
Splunk: A commercial solution for searching, monitoring, and analyzing machine-generated data.
Datadog: A cloud-based monitoring and analytics platform for IT infrastructure, applications, and logs.
7. Collaboration and Communication
Slack: A messaging platform that integrates with various DevOps tools for team communication.
Microsoft Teams: A collaboration tool that integrates with the Microsoft ecosystem, including Azure DevOps.
Trello: A project management tool used for tracking tasks and project progress.
Jira: Atlassian's tool for agile project management, integrating well with other development tools.
8. Security
Snyk: A security tool that helps developers find and fix vulnerabilities in open-source dependencies.
Aqua Security: A security solution for securing containerized applications.
SonarQube: A tool for continuous code quality and security inspection.
HashiCorp Vault: A tool for securely managing secrets and sensitive data.
9. Artifact Management
Nexus Repository: A repository manager for storing and managing build artifacts.
JFrog Artifactory: A universal artifact repository manager that integrates with CI/CD tools.
Harbor: An open-source container image registry that secures and manages Docker images.
10. Testing
Selenium: A popular framework for testing web applications.
JMeter: A tool for performance testing web applications and other services.
SonarQube: Besides security, it's also used for continuous inspection of code quality.
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annajade456 · 11 months
DevOps for Beginners: Navigating the Learning Landscape
DevOps, a revolutionary approach in the software industry, bridges the gap between development and operations by emphasizing collaboration and automation. For beginners, entering the world of DevOps might seem like a daunting task, but it doesn't have to be. In this blog, we'll provide you with a step-by-step guide to learn DevOps, from understanding its core philosophy to gaining hands-on experience with essential tools and cloud platforms. By the end of this journey, you'll be well on your way to mastering the art of DevOps.
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The Beginner's Path to DevOps Mastery:
1. Grasp the DevOps Philosophy:
Start with the Basics: DevOps is more than just a set of tools; it's a cultural shift in how software development and IT operations work together. Begin your journey by understanding the fundamental principles of DevOps, which include collaboration, automation, and delivering value to customers.
2. Get to Know Key DevOps Tools:
Version Control: One of the first steps in DevOps is learning about version control systems like Git. These tools help you track changes in code, collaborate with team members, and manage code repositories effectively.
Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD): Dive into CI/CD tools like Jenkins and GitLab CI. These tools automate the building and deployment of software, ensuring a smooth and efficient development pipeline.
Configuration Management: Gain proficiency in configuration management tools such as Ansible, Puppet, or Chef. These tools automate server provisioning and configuration, allowing for consistent and reliable infrastructure management.
Containerization and Orchestration: Explore containerization using Docker and container orchestration with Kubernetes. These technologies are integral to managing and scaling applications in a DevOps environment.
3. Learn Scripting and Coding:
Scripting Languages: DevOps engineers often use scripting languages such as Python, Ruby, or Bash to automate tasks and configure systems. Learning the basics of one or more of these languages is crucial.
Infrastructure as Code (IaC): Delve into Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tools like Terraform or AWS CloudFormation. IaC allows you to define and provision infrastructure using code, streamlining resource management.
4. Build Skills in Cloud Services:
Cloud Platforms: Learn about the main cloud providers, such as AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud. Discover the creation, configuration, and management of cloud resources. These skills are essential as DevOps often involves deploying and managing applications in the cloud.
DevOps in the Cloud: Explore how DevOps practices can be applied within a cloud environment. Utilize services like AWS Elastic Beanstalk or Azure DevOps for automated application deployments, scaling, and management.
5. Gain Hands-On Experience:
Personal Projects: Put your knowledge to the test by working on personal projects. Create a small web application, set up a CI/CD pipeline for it, or automate server configurations. Hands-on practice is invaluable for gaining real-world experience.
Open Source Contributions: Participate in open source DevOps initiatives. Collaborating with experienced professionals and contributing to real-world projects can accelerate your learning and provide insights into industry best practices.
6. Enroll in DevOps Courses:
Structured Learning: Consider enrolling in DevOps courses or training programs to ensure a structured learning experience. Institutions like ACTE Technologies offer comprehensive DevOps training programs designed to provide hands-on experience and real-world examples. These courses cater to beginners and advanced learners, ensuring you acquire practical skills in DevOps.
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In your quest to master the art of DevOps, structured training can be a game-changer. ACTE Technologies, a renowned training institution, offers comprehensive DevOps training programs that cater to learners at all levels. Whether you're starting from scratch or enhancing your existing skills, ACTE Technologies can guide you efficiently and effectively in your DevOps journey. DevOps is a transformative approach in the world of software development, and it's accessible to beginners with the right roadmap. By understanding its core philosophy, exploring key tools, gaining hands-on experience, and considering structured training, you can embark on a rewarding journey to master DevOps and become an invaluable asset in the tech industry.
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