answerguiltygear · 1 year
I feel like I should be embarrassed for saying this but The Answer is unironically like my favorite band now, thank you guilty gear wiki for telling me he might have been named after them I don’t even care if it’s actually true or not
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serpulalacrymans · 3 months
You paying attention to all those people makes me angry.
Oh? Um.. Uh.. Why?
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impulsivitytm · 11 months
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tvintedspvrk asked: [ 📲 message sent: ]  i bet you smiled when you saw my name pop up on your phone just now.
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[ 📲 message sent: ] actually it was more like a sigh of, 'what the fuck does this motherfucker want now'.
[ 📲 message sent: ] but if it helps you sleep better at night, totally smiled at my phone.
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boyfeminism · 9 months
i watched a very good video about like recapping gtn and htn before ntn (which tbh i should have watched before reading ntn bc boy did i forget a lot) and somehow i have more questions but tbh mostly i got answers
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team-council-two · 2 years
Hello, small question for Alphameter, what's something a French speaker would explain if caught off guard?
To be clear it's when you're thinking in your native lang so when you get spooked you often loudly exclaim in it
Sorry for incoherency, hope everyone has a great day! :)
good question. we are more prone to using noises ? like AH (alternatively BAH) or OH and things like that. I would also refer to curses like oh putain, merde, and so on, but im not sure. might be because we lack those precious very short words americans have like FUCK or DAMN that are easy to exclaim without a thought. maybe QUOI ? or sth like that ?
ngl ive been thinking about this for the past two hours and im genuinely just. i have no idea. my dad and i troll a lot my mom by like, turning the lights off when shes a room or things like that, shes v easy to spook, and she always just screams yknow ? so im just. yeah. genuinely got no idea.
what i can tell you tho is that its usually followed by, bah tu m'as fait peur ! (oh you scared me), ah je t'avais pas vu (didnt see ya) or things like that.
i will sit here and cry and hope other french people will have ideas
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impulsivity-aa · 10 months
Send in 💗 for me to use a love meter to check the compatibility of our muses.
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fluentmoviequoter · 27 days
Love, The Man Under the Hood
Part 2 of The Man Under the Hood (requested by @fried4chicken)
Pairing: Jason Todd x fem!reader
Summary: After learning that Jason Todd is the Red Hood, he tells you everything.
Warnings: angst, mentions of death in nightmares, fluff, comfort at the end, lots of Jason Todd storyline spoilers (Batman: Under the Red Hood spoilers for sure)
Word Count: 1.8k+ words
A/N: Ignore the fact that this pic is a different Jason than the pic for the first part. I didn't use a specific one while writing so just pick your fav! (Mine's WFA Jason!)
Picture from Pinterest
Masterlist | DC/Jason Todd Masterlist | Request Info
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“But you can protect me. Right, red?”
Jason wanted to tell you about everything, but you figured it out before he could. After a frightening encounter with the Red Hood, you learned that the big, unreadable guy who terrified you was the same one who held you and comforted you afterward.
Now, though, Jason knows that he was right from the beginning. Regardless of what Dick said or the fact that you stayed beside him after your life-changing realization, Jason shouldn’t have told you. Not because he doesn’t love or trust you but because he put you in danger. He failed to protect you from himself, Gotham, and the people who made him what he is.
“You didn’t protect me, red,” you whisper weakly.
“Hold on for me,” Jason begs.
Your blood coats his hands, and the light in your eyes dims before Jason wakes. Alone in his apartment, he pulls his legs up and drops his head heavily into his hands. It’s a new nightmare, but losing you forever hurts worse than watching you walk out of the door.
Jason looks at his phone beside him. His heart begs him to call you, to hear your voice and know without a doubt that you are okay, but his mind says no. He already put a target on your back and won’t bring you closer to the Red Hood than he has to.
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Your life hasn't changed much since you discovered Jason Todd is Red Hood. You haven’t talked to him about his vigilantism as you work through your questions alone. You continue inviting Jason into your life and home regardless of your questions or doubts. He told you the moment you first called him red that he would wait for you, and in the meantime, Jason would take what he could get. Neither of you want to lose each other, but the nagging questions in your mind – Why didn’t he tell me? What really happened when we were kids? – threaten to push you away from him.
As you walk home after a late night at work, questions about Jason, his “death,” and Red Hood fill your mind. You’re only drawn from your answerless wonderings by someone moving in the shadows. Gotham may be full of vigilantes, but it will never be safe.
You remove your phone from your pocket and press Jason’s contact, increasing your speed as it rings. The line connects nearly immediately.
“Hey,” Jason answers. “You okay?”
“Yeah. Just walking home. Don’t want another incident like last time.” You try to keep your voice steady, but it shakes when you turn and notice someone behind you. “Jay?”
“I’m here.”
“I think someone’s following me.”
“Where are you?” 
His voice drops as if he’s speaking through the hood. You make another surprise turn, and the man behind you seems closer now.
“Red,” you whisper quickly.
“We’re on the way,” Jason promises. “Talk to me.”
“I’m sorry,” you admit. “I’m sorry for not talking to you, but I was scared.”
“I know.”
“Not of you.”
“I know.”
“He’s getting closer.”
“Breathe,” Jason demands. “Nothing is going to happen to you.”
“I trust you.”
As soon as you say it, Red Hood and Nightwing drop from a fire escape and land at your side. You feel safe standing between them, knowing who one is and suspecting the other. That doesn’t mean you throw caution aside, so you duck behind Jason’s shoulder.
“I got this,” Nightwing says quickly.
“Let’s go,” Jason tells you as he turns toward you. “Hold on.”
He wraps an arm around your waist, and your arms circle his shoulders. When he tightens his grip to pin you tightly against his chest, you nod. He raises a hand and fires a grappling hook over his head. You close your eyes against the wind over Gotham and squeeze them tightly until you feel solid ground beneath your feet.
“I got ya,” Jason murmurs.
You blink your eyes open slowly but only see Jason’s mask. 
“Thank you,” you whisper.
The red hood before you nods once before he takes your hand to lead you to your apartment. It’s less than a block away, and as Jason enters your window, you know you’re ready to talk about everything.
“I have to go,” Jason says suddenly. “They-“
“Go,” you reply. You lay your hands on his shoulders and tilt your chin to kiss his mask. “I’ll be here when you’re done. If you want.”
“I’ll be back,” Jason promises.
He disappears out of your window but ensures it locks behind him before he jumps over the railing of your fire escape. You watch the window for a while after he leaves, and when you finally turn away to change out of your work clothes, you smile. You love Red Hood because of the man under the mask.
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Red Hood moves silently through Gotham, but Jason’s mind is on you. You kissed his mask, which solidifies his belief that you love him. You love Jason, so you accept Red Hood because of that love. The big, unreadable guy you ran from was your first call when you were in danger. Being in a position to help you today eliminates part of Jason’s memory of scaring you. Now that he has been seen with you and approached you as someone Red Hood cares about, a target is being drawn on your back. And it looks suspiciously like his mask.
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Three quick taps to your window draw your attention away from the news report about Batman. You turn off the television as you stand. The moment you raise the window, Jason climbs inside. He forces the window back down before he pulls his helmet off, and you smile at the sight of the domino mask underneath.
“Hello there,” you murmur as he peels the mask away from his eyes.
“Hey, pretty girl.”
You shake your head at Jason’s flirtation but step closer to him. He pulls you into a warm, comfortable hug, and you sigh as you relax against his chest.
“Thank you,” you say again as Jason leads you toward your couch.
“Dick did all the hard work,” Jason deflects, turning away from your attention.
“I knew it was Dick,” you whisper.
Jason sits back with an arm around your shoulders. You lean against him; you want to stay close and crave his comfort more than anything. Not because you’re scared but because you love him. 
Your touch helps Jason, too, and he falls asleep on your couch. You could get used to this, welcoming him into your arms after he goes on patrol. Jason is important to you, and he deserves to know why you stepped back even after accepting his formerly violent counterpart. After kissing his forehead, you lie beside him and quickly fall asleep. No matter how good Jason thinks you are for him, he’s better for you.
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“What did you do?” you accuse.
“I did it to protect you!” Jason replies. “I love you.”
“This isn’t love.”
Jason steps toward you with his hands outstretched. The fear you showed when you first met the Red Hood returns as you flinch away from him.
“I’m not going to hurt you,” Jason promises. His voice breaks as he watches you step back.
“I wish I could believe you.”
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Jason thrashes beside you, and it’s impossible to ignore on the small couch. When he mumbles, “No, no. I’m sorry,” you move off the couch. Kneeling beside his head, you keep your hands away from him as you try to wake him.
“Jason,” you say. “Jay, baby.”
You lay your fingertips on his arm, and Jason wakes quickly. He grabs your wrist gently as his eyes meet yours. 
“You’re still here,” Jason whispers.
“Of course. I’m not going anywhere, Jay,” you reply.
Jason sits up and pulls you against him. You move your knees to either side of his thighs to hold his head to your chest.
“It was just a dream,” you soothe.
You push your fingers through his hair as your heartbeat comforts Jason. His grip tightens on you as he pushes his head closer to you.
“I’ve had nightmares,” he begins quietly. “Since I came back to Gotham. You always left. You saw me for who I really am and then you left. But, last night… you died, and then today you flinched away from me like the first time. I can’t lose you.”
“You won’t,” you promise firmly. You pull back, keeping your hands on Jason’s cheek as you sit back to look at him. “I’m right here.”
“I was Robin. The second one, uh, after Dick. Bruce and I followed the Joker.” Jason pauses and takes a shaky breath.
“It’s okay,” you whisper as Jason quiets. “Take your time, Jay.”
“He killed me. Bruce let him kill me. And then, suddenly, I was back. But the Lazarus Pit, the thing that resurrected me, put this storm in my mind that never ended. All I wanted was revenge, but you were always in my mind. So, I came back and found you as soon as I could. Since then, every time I close my eyes, I dream about losing you… I can’t lose you, I won’t. That’s why when Dick told me to tell you, I said no. He said you loved me through worse, but- but I’m not the man you think I am.”
“Dick was right,” you interject. “I loved you through everything, Jay. Including your death. When I lost you, I lost a piece of myself. But you came back. You came back to me, Jay.”
“I shouldn’t have. That pit ruined me.”
“It didn’t.” Jason shakes his head, and you brush your thumbs over his cheeks as you repeat, “It didn’t. You’re still Jason. And I still love you.”
“I’m putting you in danger just by being near you.”
“And I’m not letting you leave. Not again.”
“What if I can never be the Jason I was before?”
“People change, no matter what. I love you, Jason, and you will always be my Jason Todd.”
“I can protect you from Gotham, from the Joker, all of it. But you- you’ve been protecting me from the storm in my mind since I came back.”
“And I always will. Whether I’m looking at this pretty face or the red mask,” you promise. “I stopped talking about it because I thought you were doubting me, you would have told me if you wanted me to know, but I found out on my own. Whatever I thought was wrong, I know that. All that matters right now is that I love you, Jason.”
“I love you more,” he replies.
You smile and lean forward to meet Jason halfway. Kissing him is safe and makes you feel loved. Now that you know everything (including Batman’s secret identity), you will never doubt why Jason kept secrets from you when he returned. You love Jason Todd, the man under the mask, and every part of him.
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dearorpheus · 1 year
Real poems, Celan wrote, are “making toward something   ...    perhaps toward an addressable Thou.” I would argue that, for any poet writing toward such a subject, regular words and syntax soon become inadequate. Celan is an extreme case though, because he also had to contend with the inadequacy of the German language to express the experience of the Jewish poet, post-Holocaust. [...]  Celan’s mother’s language was German. This German-speaking mother, who makes fitful enigmatic appearances in his poems, was shot by Germans. [...]  Celan chose to protest from inside German, in “death-rattling,” “quarreling” words. Though he spoke numerous other languages (Romanian, Russian, French), and though he had written previously in Romanian, he nevertheless decided to remain in German, which he broke and reclaimed. German, for Celan, was the language that had to “pass through its own answerlessness, pass through frightful muting, pass through the thousand darknesses of death-bringing speech.”
Why break a language? To wake it up. “We sleep in language,” writes Robert Kelly, “if language does not come to wake us with its strangeness.”
— Ilya Kaminsky, “Of Strangeness That Wakes Us”
I am reminded of the (Marie Howe sourced) Joseph Brodsky quote: “You think evil is going to come into your houses wearing big black boots. It doesn’t come like that. Look at the language. It begins in the language.”
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uvuii · 7 months
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depend on you. @uvuii works
꒰ genre. ꒱ ۪ neighbor!yang jungwon + femreader ⌇ ⌗written 4.2k : strangers -> lovers features eunchae + hanni.
“who’s turn is it?” hanni asked , causing you to sigh into the phone.
“..mine” you replied, swaying your legs lazily from your position on on the couch , sinking further into the pillows that lined the comfy sofa.
“okayy! see you guys laterr!” you heard eunchae squeal from her end, before you hung up the call.
You and your friends had a little routine for dinners, every weekday one of you would make food for the group. Tuesdays and Fridays were your responsibility.
Sitting upright from the couch and stretching your arms, you shuffled over to the kitchen to start a meal.
“What’s wrong?” you asked with a pout, your friends faces unreadable upon trying your dish. “Well..” eunchae coughed out,
These are burnt girl…” hanni confessed, silence following the three of you before hanni and eunchae broke out in giggles.
“Yeah yeah, laugh it up.” you spoke, rolling your eyes at the duo.
“Seriously though, could you not see the black on the bottom?” hanni asked genuinely, motioning to the pieces on her own plate.
“I did.. I thought I cut all of the burnt ends off!” you confessed, standing from your seat to throw the plates of burnt food away.
Soon, it was your turn to make dinner for again, praying in hopes that you wouldn’t mess anything up this try.
Your prayers didn’t work. Because not much later, the smell of smoke quickly filled up your dorm. There were pots and pans scattered across the counters, and various containers were spilling over.
You froze as a knock on your door was heard, quickly turning of the stove and moving the pans over to the sink, touching up your hair and brushing off of your sweater in the process, hoping that your charms would distract whoever was at your door away from the mess that was unfolding behind you.
Creaking open your door, you were met by a boy with the cutest face, his dark hair complimenting his lips so nicely. However, his eyes seemed wide with worry, pulling you out of your daze as he asked
“Are you okay? I smell smoke”
you cheeks almost instantly flushed pink from the embarrassment of this cute stranger seeing you and your home in such state. Really a horrible first impression.
Struggling to meet his gaze, you quietly answered the worried boy. “Yeah, I messed up while making dinner.” you heard him sigh with relief, before he spoke up again “I’m glad you aren’t hurt, do you need any help cleaning up?”
You we’re about to reject the stranger, until the sound of multiple pans shifting loudly in the sink was heard, making you wince in frustration. Finally looking up to the boy, who wore a sheepish grin, you nodded, stepping to the side so he could walk in.
“I’m jungwon, by the way.” He introduced himself as you directed him further into your dorm. “Yn” you replied, the two of you shaking hands before he allowed himself further.
You noticed jungwon eyeing the framed photos of you hanni and eunchae, the taller boy smiling at them, before he turned to you with a wide grin,
“Where do we start?”
Time flew by as jungwon helped you cleaned the mess you made. Half an hour later, your kitchen was practically sparkling, his cleaning skills were really incredible. You were grateful you and the stranger quickly and easily got along. Soon, you found the job long finished, and the two of you genuinely conversing.
Jungwon leaned back on your counter comfortably, his long arms crossed and head nodding while he listened to you rant on about your love for charlie brown movies.
You had completely forgot about making backup food for your friends, your phone ringing with a very curious eunchae on the other line.
Upon hearing your friends answerless questions about food, jungwon quickly motioned a “be right back” as you nodded, and later returned with small plastic compartments that smelled absolutely delicious.
You shook your head at him, the guilt sinking in at everything he had done, before he mouthed “I insist.” and placed the boxes on your dining table, turning his head comically to ignore your silent pleas of “it’s really okay!” You quickly explained to eunchae that you’d her meet her soon, hanging up the phone and thanking jungwon for everything he had done for you, including the food. The taller boy nodded as he flashed you a bright smile in return, thanking you for giving him company. After the two of you said your share of goodbye’s at your door, jungwon pointed to the dorm across the hall.
“Thats mine. Feel free to come over if you need anything.”
you smiled at the dark haired boy, feeling a tinge of excitement in your chest at the invitation. However, before you had the chance to answer him, jungwon quickly walked over to his own door, turning to you and whisper yelling
“see you soon?”
You needed jungwons help.
you ended up with a huge mess in you kitchen upon an attempt to make dinner for your friends. Again. This time however, you cleaned your kitchen before walking over to your new friends door.
The taller boy leaned comfortably against his doorway. Your eyes wandered on him for a long moment, catching the cute glasses that he wore, and how the specs complimented the stray pieces of hair that fell on his forehead. But none of that matched to the smile that on his face upon seeing you at his door.
“Yn! What can I do for you?” his voice rang, snapping you out of your daze.
“Jungwon. You said I can come over if I need anything, right?”
the boy gave you a curious glance, nodding eagerly.
taking in a large breath, you nodded before speaking up
“Do you mind helping me make dinner for me and my friends every tuesday and friday?-lll pay you ofcourse! I know it’ll take up your time, and I completely understand if your not-“
“Yn. Ofcourse I’ll help you.”
A cheesy smile found its way to your face as you flooded jungwon with “thank you sooo much!’s” and ‘your the best!’s”. Relief washed over you at the thought of not having to scrub burn marks off the bottom of your pans every night.
The two of you exchanged phone numbers, jungwon noticing the slight tint of pink that appeared on your cheeks when he popped the question, so you could text him whenever you “needed stuff”.
He silently celebrated when you complied.
“See you friday then?”
Opening your door, you were met with jungwons toothy grin, the contagiousness of it leaving your face plastered with a smile of its own as you welcomed him into your apartment.
You sat up on your counters, explaining to jungwon what you wanted to make for your friends as he allowed himself to wander further into your living room, grabbing for the remote that was placed on your sofa.
“Mind if I put something on?”
Half an hour later, you were cutting up strawberries as jungwon was was washing a bowl of grapes to your right. The two of you chatted through the tedious work easily, as the peanuts movie jungwon put on played in the background.
Although you and jungwon hadn’t known eachother for a long while, you had gotten comfortable with one aother as the time went on, enough to where you playfully nudged up to each other while passing plates and other utensils.
As you finished up packing the food into small compartments, you handed the extra box you made to jungwon, who’s eyes lit up in a confused glance at your gesture.
“For the other day” You smiled, the taller boys heart skipping a beat at your kindness.
He thanked you, making it clear that he would return the manner eventually, before waving his goodbyes.
“I’ll text you”
“Wow, yn this is really good?” Eunchae gasped, hanni nodding aggressively in agreement. “Seriously, have you been taking cooking lessons and not telling us? This is really impressive.” Hanni said, giving you a suspicious look. You didn’t think it would hurt telling your two closest friends about your really cute, helpful neighbor, the story leaving your two friends kicking their legs and twirling their hair.
whisperes of “He wants you sooo bad” and “your soo inlove” fell from the two girls giggling lips as they finished their food, helping you clean up.
Two weeks had passed, and more tests, nights out, and fall afternoons spent in jungwons company passed, the lingering tension hanging in the air more intense then ever. There were numerous nights where you would lay wide awake in your bed, resisting the urge to show up at your neighbors door, and kiss his face silly, but you knew you would never work up the courage to actually do that. Unknowingly to you, jungwon was fighting similar urges himself, lying awake most nights, stuck on the thought of how much better life would be if you were his.
Jungwon appeared at your door on a wednesday morning, striking your interest at the appearance on a day when you didn’t need any help.
The two of you said at the same time, silence following until the you shared a quiet laugh. “What can I help you with?” god he swore your voice could put him to sleep.
“I was actually wondering if you wanted to go to dinner with me tomorrow night? We’ve cooked so much together, I think we deserve a night off. What do you think?”
silence followed as you took in the words he just spoke. Was this a date? Was he asking you out? Looking up at him in awe, you flashed the dark haired boy a bright smile, a happy “see you tomorrow.” falling from your lips, before closing the door behind you, squealing as you hurriedly unlocked your phone to update hanni and eunchae.
“Don’t worryyy It’s totally normal for you to be nervous!” hannis voice rang from your phone, eunchae nodding in agreement at the corner of your screen. “Yeah, he’s probably freaking out right now too, like holy shit a pretty girl just agreed to go out on a dinner date with me!” eunchae added. You frowned and sighed “I don’t think it’s even considered a dinner date guys, he probably just meant it in a friendly way.” silence followed your statement as eunchae sighed, and hanni shook her head in disappointment. “I don’t think he would ask you out in a “friendly” way after spending almost every weeknight with you...” hanni attempted to explain to you. “willingly.” eunchae added, the comment making you roll your eyes and hanni laugh. “Whatever, I’m gonna get go ready.” You told the girls, the both of them wishing you luck. “Don’t have too much fun without us!!” eunchae said before you left the call, laughing at your friends comments.
You had just finished putting on your choice of shoes for that night, when your heard a quiet knock coming from outside your dorm.
Nervously, you opened the door, immediately met with jungwons pretty eyes. A soft pink fell on your cheeks as you took in jungwon in his loose polo, eyeing his hair fell perfectly into place.
You looked up at his eyes, the blush on your cheeks becoming more evident as you watched jungwon look you up and down, his ears red before he looked up to you, smirking when he noticed you had caught his wandering eyes.
“Can I come inside?” he cut you off.
“Oh! …Yeah! Come in.” you stepped aside so he could walk in, closing the door behind him.
“What did you need?” You asked curiously, shifting your stance.
He stood there, in your hallway, silently, before looking in your eyes,
“Do you know how pretty you look right now yn? I mean seriously, you are so gorgeous.”
you could feel the blush rising up on your cheeks again. No longer in the right senses to be nervous, you answered replied honestly
“Do you know how good you look right now?”
Jungwon smiled sweetly, slowly making his way towards you, until he was dangerously close to your face.
“Can I kiss you?” the whisper fell from his lips as he inched closer. You nodded eagerly in response, as he hesitated for a moment, looking into your eyes in adoration, before his lips made contact with yours. The kiss was sweet, and you could feel his lips tugging into a smile as you deepened it. You both backed away for a breath of air, as jungwon pulled you into a hug.
“Should we leave now?”
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answerguiltygear · 1 year
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stealing my heart
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deadmenandthedivine · 4 months
chapter fifteen: dragons have horns
Maetilda Targaryen, First of her Name, was supposed to be many things. What she became was entirely different.
table of contents
trigger warning!!! this fic contains many graphic topics and depictions. such as but not limited to: dead parents, abusive parents, toxic family systems, incest, medieval misogyny, forced marriage, threats of assault (sexual § physical), actual assault, imprisonment, kidnapping, murder, blood/gore, uxoricide, familicide, disassociation, thoughts of self harm and annihilation, PTSD and other neurodivergence. i will do my best to update as i go along, but please let me know if i have missed anything!
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word count: 5207
“You will leave and never come back whole.”
Helaena always had a way of knowing too much. Too much for her own good. She saw everything coming. Even when they were children. Whether she saw it in her dreams or predicted it outright, she was no fool. She was something far greater. Someone who had been blessed by the Gods themselves. Only a fool would take her warnings for granted. Only a fool would deem her mad. Her words echoed in the princess’s ears into the afternoon.
“I shall see you once your family has left.”
It was as if Maetilda had been knocked off her feet. Her family had no plans to leave, not that she had been aware of. They had a wedding to plan. They needed to pick flowers, performers, foods, and more. There was still so much left to do. Of course, arrangements would be made for her belongings at Dragonstone and for the transportation of Shrykos, but neither of those would require her family to leave. Not any time soon. Such a small statement had thrown the princess into a complete tailspin. What did she mean? What had she been trying to tell her? Was that supposed to be a warning? And if so, what is she to do? At some point, the answerless questions began to make her head pound. Maetilda tried to keep herself distracted so that she would not continue to ruminate. To keep herself sane. First, she stopped at the library. Shamefully, she had yet to even attempt reading the books she had taken the other night. Pacing the shelves with Ser Eddrin in tow, she felt as if she could not pick up any others. Instead, she scanned the spines and gathered what she could from the covers she would stop to glance over. The library was much different during the day. Far less creepy and intimidating, making it easier to allow her imagination to run wild with each book she felt drawn to. Yet even so, the library soon grew boring. One could only stay entertained for so long without actually opening a book. Especially when a future of pain and misery loomed overhead. It seemed that no matter where her imagination ran, the path always led back to everything she was trying to avoid. After the library lost its shine, the princess wandered over to the Godswood. The day was more humid than it had been previously. It felt like the air clung to her skin. Ser Eddrin’s armor squeaked and clunked more than usual. Together, the princess and her knight willfully strode the muddy path that would only get muckier with more rain, which the heavy air suggested to be just around the corner. But when she glanced up toward the clouds, or lack thereof, the sky was clear and blue. Not a sign of rain in sight. 
“There are no clouds.” The princess told her knight.
“Aye,” Ser Eddrin nodded, “No clouds.”
“Seems like there should be, does it not?”
“You want me to do somethin’ about that?” His voice was strained.
“No,” Maetilda shook her head with a ghost of a smile, “But you could do something about the humidity.”
Ser Eddrin’s face was blank and serious before he erupted into laughter. He gave her a pat on the back before his howling stopped quickly, too quickly. The abruptness of his silence was jarring, but the pat had been comforting. Even if it would have been considered unbecoming in good company. As if she were in need of comfort. The knight looked at her with wide eyes as he realized what he had done. Immediately, he bowed his head and began a long tirade of apologies. “Mi’lady, I don’t know what came over me. ‘Won’t ever happen again. You have my sincerest apologies. As your knight, it is my duty to—”
The princess tried to flash a comforting smile as she cut him off, “No harm was done. I won’t tell anyone if you don’t.”
“You are far too forgiving.”
“You have been by my side for as long as I can remember.”
“Proudly.” His nod was firm and absolute.
“And so, there is nothing to forgive.”
“Princess, it was not honorable of me to touch you. I will not make light of it. I am sorry it happened. There will not be a second time.”
All she could do was cross her arms. She felt on edge, and the weather was not helping. She felt like she had offended him. Riddled with guilt and uncertainty, the princess spent her journey recounting every instance in which she had asked too much of the people around her. Forcing Ser Wyllam to follow her around the castle in pursuit of Helaena at his old age. Expecting Ser Eddrin to dig her out of the hole that was the rune-carved stones. Forcing Ser Gunthor to stand outside in the cold while she slept. Her knight was undoubtedly tired of her. Even so, he did his job effortlessly. He managed to successfully distract her, whether she had asked him to or not. Instead of ruminating over Helaena and her vague warnings, Maetilda had become consumed by the appropriateness of her own behavior. And as soon as the silver honey haired royal arrived at the entrance of the Godswood, she was overwhelmed with even more turmoil. Reminded of her dream just the night before, locked in horror from the very thought, her legs refused to cross the threshold. What if the cloaked figure was hiding in there? What if it was waiting with the jagged rock in hand? Would Ser Eddrin be able to stop it? How would one fight a ghost? The uncertainty was a definitive deterrence. She did not want to find the answers to those questions. Instead, she scanned the courtyard for alternative options. Anything to get her out of there. Anything to get her away from her own mind.
The courtyards were fairly busy that day, as well as the  browning gardens. Subjects and attendants littered and meandered about the grounds. Some dressed in fine silks and gowns, many more dressed in their working attire. The princess quickly decided to avoid the crowds. As she looked around, her eyes caught sight of the Dragonpit in the distance. Sat at the top of Rhaenys’s Hill, the structure domineered over the horizon. King Maegor had ordered its construction, and it showed. The infamously cruel king had never seen the masterpiece to completion, the construction having lasted into his cousin’s reign, but his essence oozed from every crevice. It was built to house every dragon left in the world and any dragon yet to be born. Large and imposing like a castle, yet was still too small for Balerion or Vhagar — who had never stopped growing. But could it hold Shrykos? Having hatched in Valyria just the same, she was smaller but not by much. A beast who was large and domineering, yet not enough to hold a candle to her late stepmother’s mount. While Shrykos was not there, it seemed that she would soon be visiting frequently. She would need to have a place of her own to stay, to nest. And it would be no one but the princess’s job to see to that standard. No one knew Shrykos like Maetilda. Almost immediately, the princess’s heart was set. There would be no other way to spend her afternoon. Tunnels that sprawled beneath the ground could lead her there discreetly. Or she could travel by horse and carriage. As the princess weighed her options, Ser Wyllam made his way over to them in order to relieve Ser Eddrin of his duties. They smiled and nodded to each other like old brothers. 
“Mi’lady has been feeling adventurous today. Good luck!” The younger knight teased.
The older knight chuckled, “Our princess likes to keep us young!”
“Young knees and full pockets.” Eddrin joked.
“To think it was love for my mother that brought you into my service!” Maetilda gasped teasingly.
“It was,” the Tollet nodded with a smirk, “And it’s the money and the laps through castles that’s kept us.”
“You are feeling quite funny today!” The princess placed her hands on her hips as she returned a smug smile.
“Ser Eddrin, watch your tongue.”
“No,” The princess snapped, “His jokes are fine.”
“Do they not reveal his true feelings?” Ser Wyllam argued.
“Do you discredit me?” She challenged.
“Of course not, princess.”
“Then we shall allow Ser Eddrin to have his jokes, and I shall punish him when he has done something worth punishment.”
The younger knight gave the older one verbal directions as the three began to pace in the same path the princess and her betrothed had taken to welcome her sisters and their grandmother to the castle. Ser Eddrin excused himself soon after. Ser Wyllam and the princess continued on their way in a tense silence. The knight had been red faced ever since she had corrected him. She watched him out of the corner of her eye as he glanced about with his head on a swivel. Strange feelings churned within her stomach as she thought about how Ser Eddrin did not trust him to not betray her to her father. Ser Wyllam had been quick to defend her, quick to attempt to knock her fellow knight down a peg. Perhaps too quick. And as quick as his mouth was, his pace was slower that day. While he led the way, he lagged behind. The princess kept her own strides smaller in order to not overwhelm him as they walked in silence down an exterior corridor lined with arches and columns. She studied the breathtaking architecture as they passed.
Without Ser Eddrin, it was harder to keep distracted. The Coldwater knight was no help in that regard. Instead, she had no choice but to take in the details of the tiles on the wall.  Otherwise, she would go mad before she made it down the corridor. As she passed the stones, she tried to picture those who had built it. She tried to picture the attention to detail and the painstaking work. The sweat on their brows and determination in their eyes. She wondered if someone — or many someones — had dedicated their entire lives to building the keep and its walls. If it had taken more than a generation to build the Dragon Pit, certainly the Red Keep would have been the same. Masterfully built to house her family for generations to come. To stand until the world, itself, opened up and swallowed the great castle whole. She couldn’t help but wonder how her own castle compared. If the walls held the same intricacies and mastery of craft. If the grounds were anywhere near as expansive. She knew that if Shrykos were near, they would have already flown off to go see for themselves. They would have left together as soon as her betrothal was announced. Perhaps they would have never come back. Depending on how her people received her, of course. 
A flash of silver and black springing out from behind a column pulled her out of her ruminations. But despite his abruptness, he smiled sweetly, “Good day, princess.”
“Good day, Prince Aemond,” She avoided looking at his face.
“Are you feeling better?”
“I feel fine. I never felt ill.”
“Where are you going?”
“You are not very good at lying.”
“You think that will make me tell you?”
“What has made you so upset with me?”
“Do not pretend like you do not know.”
“You cannot still be angry for that, can you?”
“I can, and I am. For that and much more.”
“Then why do you not tell me?”
“Because I cannot.”
“How can I fix anything if you do not tell me what is wrong?”
“Figure it out. Or ask Helaena.”
“Will you please at least tell me where you are going?”
The princess sighed as she finally conceded, “The Dragonpit.”
A devious look, filled with plots and pride, smeared across his features. His back straightened as his interest piqued. He turned so that he stood next to her and stuck his arm out for her to grab. Recoiling away from him, she feared she had said too much.
“May I join you?”
“I fear you shall follow me, even if I say no.”
He laughed, “You might as well compare me to a fly.”
“More like a vulture.”
“That’s a bit more morbid,” He frowned.
“But far more accurate.”
Nonetheless, the princess hesitantly took her betrothed’s arm and they continued walking in the direction of the training yards. Under her fingers, she could feel his arm tighten ever so slightly. Holding her to him as if she would run away at any second, which she very well might have. Their first steps were taken in silence. Ser Wyllam loudly followed behind them. It was a wonder how not one of her knights could be quiet.
“I apologize for my mother and myself yesterday. We have not been as sensitive as we should.”
“I have been nasty.” The princess replied softly, “I have not acted like the wife that you should want.”
“I have already forgiven you. I am willing to forget.”
“But I cannot forgive. I cannot forget.”
“Because you and your mother and your grandfather, the whole lot of you,” She seethed before stopping herself.
“What is it that we have done? What is it that you hold above my head?”
“I will not smile as you take what belongs to my mother. What belongs to me. What belongs to my family. It is not yours to take.”
“Listen to me, ñuha dōna, I am not marrying you for your castle. I do not know how else I may prove it to you.” (my sweet)
“Never step foot on my castle grounds.”
He stopped and turned to me. He was silent, mouth firmly shut, as his eye scanned my face four times over. After a long pause, he finally nodded, “Alright. I shall never step foot in Runestone. It’s yours.”
“Truly?” She gasped incredulously.
“I swear it. I shall live here, and you shall visit the Red Keep often. I will send you ravens every day. Once there are children, we can meet at the Gates of the Moon. Less of a distance for the little ones. I’ll take our sons hunting and our daughters riding. We’ll decide together who they marry.”
His words made her heart flutter, yet her mind continued to scream ‘no.’ She looked away from him, desperate to be clear of mind. But all she could picture was a future in which she ruled over Runestone and her husband stayed away out of respect. Where he refused to set foot in her castle, just because she told him to. Where he proclaimed her birthright to be hers, and only hers. The smile on her face was subconscious, but radiant and large, “I would like that very much.”
“Besides, you shall have to visit Helaena too. You won’t be able to hide from me.”
“Is that a challenge?”
“You are such a jester.” He chuckled.
She only smirked to herself, ready to carry out the challenge just to prove a point. A light hand moved to brush against her cheek before lifting her chin to face the prince again. Never in her life had she felt so bashful. It was like he knew exactly what to do to overwhelm her senses, and disarm the little guards in her head.
“In our youth, I always told myself that I was going to be a good man, a good husband, a good father. Better than my own. I shall make good on this promise. I shall make good on all my promises.”
“Allow me to start by escorting you to the Dragonpit, where we shall…”
“See to the preparation of Shrykos’s nest. For when I visit, of course.”
The two walked arm-in-arm with wide smiles across their faces. Like two children becoming friends for the first time. Their strides synced without them even looking down. The two did not notice the servants who passed by and whispered. Not a single one of them. They stared into each other’s eyes only briefly glancing forward to watch for a clear path.
“I am excited for us to finally ride together. The two oldest dragons left in the world will be quite the spectacle.” Aemond spoke proudly.
“Perhaps it is a good thing we both do not live at Runestone. The townspeople would starve trying to keep both our dragons fed.” Maetilda pointed out.
Aemond nodded and laughed, “You are right. A disaster for the rations.”
“When I see what the funds look like, perhaps I shall build you a tower to stay in. A hidden one some distance away from my keep. But you shall have to fly elsewhere to feed Vhagar. I have seen how much that lady eats.” She thought aloud.
“I would help fund such a tower.” He nodded enthusiastically.
“It’s settled then, you’ll pay for it.” She laughed, to which he only shrugged.
“You shall make a very fine leader.” He smirked, “You are already a skilled diplomat.”
“Do not ever forget.” She retorted.
“You are not someone that can easily slip my mind, princess.”
The giggle that left her was unlike any she had ever emitted. It was almost shameful, “Good.”
He paused for a moment before he spoke again, “If our children are nearly half as clever as you, I’ll be doomed.”
His words felt foreign, setting off all sorts of distress signals in her head. He spoke so casually of a future she had not thought she would have. Ever. She thought it was impossible. That such a future would take a miracle from the gods.
“Our children shall be raised in the Vale. May all seven kingdoms beware.”
Aemond let out the most excited laugh she had ever heard. There was practically a skip in his step. The princess bit her lip to keep back any more shameful giggles. In that moment, he reminded her of the boy she knew in her youth. The one she would only see from time to time on her occasional visits to the castle, who would always end up attached to her and Helaena as if he were their shadow. She had never been more excited for her future. While she was not paying attention, he placed a lingering kiss on her temple. It nearly caused her to trip. Just as she had when they had danced together the other evening.
“They’ll write about our family in all the history books. Perhaps we shall even be dedicated our own.” He smiled, “A chapter for each of us.”
“The Dragons of the Vale.” 
“Yes, a perfect title.” Another lingering peck in the same place punctuated his sentence, as if her knight was not walking right behind them.
“You are shameless.” She laughed.
“I am elated. I have never been so happy.”
Maetilda laid her head against his arm in place of a hug. He had practically swept her off her feet with a single conversation. She did not question it. Not for a single moment. Together, they descended the stairs into the training yard. The same steps she had taken with her brothers only six days ago. Just as before, the steps were narrow, barely wide enough for one person. But Aemond held his betrothed tight, placing her body on the inside as he took the outer edge. His frame was almost like a shield, blocking both the breeze and the direct sunlight. His presence was such a small luxury, but it felt utterly priceless. She knew immediately that she would miss it the next time she went without it. Her knights never walked close enough to do the same. Her brothers never troubled themselves, saving such attention for ladies they actually fancied. And when her father walked next to her… well. Casting a glance over the yard, it was almost ironic how she immediately spotted said two brothers sparring in a corner together while her sisters watched. They were engrossed in their match. Using real swords and shields, not sparring ones. Jacaerys had the clear upperhand. Aemond’s entire body tensed as soon as they reached the bottom of the stairs. She looked up to find that he, too, had spotted the party. Just as the princess was putting the pieces together in her brain, the prince had already started bee-lining in the direction of the gates. Clearly determined to make it to their destination unnoticed. But of course, Maetilda’s sisters could not let that happen.
“Til! Where do you think you’re going? Maetilda!” Baela teasingly called after them.
The pair froze, the knight behind them halting too. The last thing the princess wanted was for her siblings to ruin their moment. Or worse. It also seemed that Aemond preferred to avoid them too. A reasonable reaction considering dinner the other night. But the twins had stayed out of the fighting. They did nothing but encourage her to find a good husband. Rhaena had even encouraged Aemond’s flirting just the other day. At least with the twins, there was nothing to fear. But Baela was on the fence. Luke and Jace were another story.
The eldest sister hesitated, “Nowhere.”
Aemond snickered as quietly as he possibly could, but the older twin caught on anyway. Baela smirked, “You too are up to something. I can tell.”
“That’s quite the accusation.” The princess crossed her arms.
“Should you not have a chaperone?” Baela argued smugly, swaying backwards and forwards in mock innocence.
“Would that mean we need one as well?” Rhaena pointed out as she caught up to them.
“Certainly!” Maetilda gasped in mock horror, “Where are your chaperones, sisters? What of your honor?!”
“Funny of you to bring up honor, sister. Your accomplice looks rather smug.” Baela crossed her arms too.
“What sort of insinuation is that?” The eldest gasped genuinely.
“Whatever it needs to be.” The older twin nearly boasted.
“You cannot avoid the question, Til. You have been caught.” Rhaena grinned more sweetly, but she was just as visibly hungry for gossip, “Where are you going?”
“I had only ran into Princess Maetilda in the lower courtyard and asked to accompany her.” Aemond butted in, “Took quite a bit of convincing, actually.”
The corner of Baela’s lip tilted upward. Proud of herself before she had even opened her mouth, “Did you really ask her? Or did you send your knight to ask her instead?”
Snorts and giggles filled the air as the twins fell into stitches. Maetilda’s jaw practically hit the ground as she turned to look at her red faced betrothed. She could feel his arm flex beneath her hand as she remained attached to him. The air felt uncomfortably heavy. Heavier than just humidity. Thick with unresolved tension. The older twin had only meant to tease, but her jokes were hitting far too close to home. Maetilda knew instinctively that she would be the only one to fix it, but was clueless as to how. They already hated each other. Baela said herself that she would never forgive him for claiming Vhagar. That entire night had burned so many bridges. But it was Aemond and Maetilda’s marriage that was supposed to rebuild them, if the King’s decree was to be honored. 
“Baela!” The princess finally scolded.
“S’alright. I am sure your sister is quite tired from watching her intended play sticks.” Aemond chided.
“Play sticks!” Baela exclaimed incredulously.
“I am sure with practice he shall be ready for the lists eventually.” He laughed.
“My intended—“ Baela started to sneer.
“What about me?” Jacaerys made his presence known as he approached, Lucerys flanking his side.
“Sticks or no sticks! Jace shall inherit far more than Aemond ever will.” Baela spat.
“The whole Seven Kingdoms!” Luke proudly clarified.
“And yet, I swing a sharper sword and claim a bigger dragon.” Aemond gloated nonchalantly, “How shall you defend your holdings, nephew?”
“You stole her! You stole Vhagar.” Baela corrected, “Don’t lie!”
“Baela, put it to rest!” Maetilda tried.
“One cannot simply steal a dragon,” Aemond barked, “Get that through your thick head.”
“Aemond!” Maetilda gasped.
“You will not talk to her like that.” Jacaerys growled.
“Then mind how your sheep-biting scut speaks!” Aemond spat.
“She is not a dog! I will not muzzle her. Do you question my lady’s virtue?” Jace snapped.
“Clearly after dinner the other evening, it is you that needs muzzling.” Luke added.
“I question nothing of the sort,” Aemond pivoted to stare at the younger Velaryon, “However I do question, why your ladies must suffer.”
“Suffer?” Rhaena searched for clarification.
“To be stuck at the beck and call of two soft bellied cowards until death, I could not imagine a worse fate.”
Luke crossed his arms with pride, “Call us what you wish. Closer to the throne than you’ll ever be.”
“It is Prince Aemond who is the coward.” Baela glared at him like she wanted to spit fire, “He is the one who hides his face.”
The princess stood with her jaw wide open, completely powerless to stop anything. The silver haired prince turned to the older twin, “I see that grandmother of yours has failed to teach you basic decency. There won’t be any kingdom for your husband to inherit with your mouth at his side.”
“I know jealousy when I see it. What do you have to your name, Aemond?” Jace reversed his tactic.
“Don’t they call you One Eye now?” Luke jabbed.
“Don’t they call you bastard?” 
The training yard moved in slow motion as the royal bunch acted all at once. Jace and Luke sprung toward their uncle, fists first. Aemond pushed Maetilda behind him, shielding her from any stray swings. Baela came around the side and got her own shoves in. Rhaena tried in vain to grab at her older sister’s dress, her betrothed’s arm, crying for the heir to stop. Punches, claws, and kicks. The brothers ganged up on their uncle who stood his ground as long as possible before Baela launched a sneak attack from the other side. Ser Wyllam immediately bolted, heading straight in the direction of more guards. Blinking rapidly, it took the princess a few moments to sync up with the world around her again. Her eyes zipped between each of their faces. The three boys were close to the ground as they flailed and swung. Ready to pounce again, Baela crouched to gain momentum. She was aimed directly at Aemond’s back. Maetilda’s feet moved of their own accord as they frantically carried her straight into her younger sister, effectively tackling the future heir’s betrothed. Baela did not hesitate to start yanking at her older sister’s hair, trying to pull the princess off by force. The girls rolled in the dirt, soiling their dresses, until they collided with legs. 
Bodies toppled over bodies. Grunts and yelps and growls. Rhaena’s voice of opposition was a distant buzz. A knee collided with the princess’s head as she used all of her strength to pin Baela down. Fingernails scratched like cat claws, stinging all the same. Both girls tried not to flinch so as to not let the other gain any more of an upperhand. When Maetilda stared down into the older twin’s eyes, all she could see was blind rage. A completely unrecognizable look, one never before scrunched onto her face. The princess did not want to hurt her, but she did not know how to stop her, how to subdue her. Frustrated tears threatened to blur Maetilda’s vision in the struggle. Fighting to lasso Baela’s wrists into her hold, the princess couldn’t seem to feel her hands. They instinctively snapped, jerked, tightened, and more to meet each of the younger’s attempts at freedom.
“You shall never hear me silent! And you shall never see a day of peace! I shall rot in each of the seven hells before you ever! EVER! breathe a sigh of relief!” Baela bent over backwards to shoot daggers at Aemond with her eyes, “That is a promise!”
“If I must lose an eye, what allows you to keep your tongue?!”
CRACK. Maetilda’s head flicked sideways to see nothing but blood. Jacaerys’s hands went to cradle his nose as Luke and Aemond only continued their brawl. Except the younger was much too small to take his uncle on by himself and was quickly thrown to the ground. Jacaerys tackled Aemond to keep him off of his brother. They rolled similarly to the sisters and were soon oblique to each other. Blood continued to pour out of Jace’s nose and splattered everywhere. While Maetilda was distracted, Baela gained the upper hand. They rolled again until the younger sister sat on top.
“Seize them!”
Armor clanked all around them. But not that of Maetilda’s three nights. It was a smoother, lighter sound. One that could only belong to the white armor of the Kingsguard. A tighter grip weaved around the roots of her hair, clamping down before the hands of knights tried to pull the noble sisters apart by the arms. Baela did not let go.
“I don’t care what grandmother says! I won’t hear it!” The older twin bellowed resolutely.
“Baela, let go!” Rhaena cried.
“You are such a child!” Maetilda sneered.
The knights began to pull harder, but Baela’s grip did not budge. She was a dragon rider after all. “You attacked me first!”
“Because you were piling onto Aemond like a dog!”
“Were you listening to the words leaving his mouth?!”
“Yes, and I heard the ones leaving yours too!”
“Who’s side are you on?”
With one final yank, two knights holding onto each girl, Prince Daemon’s daughters were successfully pulled apart. The usual cascading waves and curls had shifted to the left in a mess of tangles and frizz. The formerly fine combed front bumped up unevenly. The various braids and smaller details lost in the rats’ nest. Plucking loose strands of silver honey hair out from in between her fingers, Baela upturned her nose as she turned her back and marched her way over to Jacaerys. Blood continued to drip steadily out of his nose. The cartilage in his bridge looked broken. He suddenly looked older and angrier, more like a man. The same scarlet red that poured out of his nostrils had puddled everywhere. That which was smeared across his face had already started to dry, clumping hard atop his skin. Lowering their heads so as to not be heard, Baela and Jace whispered to each other. Rushed, impassioned whispers. Spit flying from their mouths despite the lack of volume. Just as quickly as they started, they stopped.
Almost completely in unison, all four of Maetilda’s siblings turned to look at her. Disgust, betrayal, confusion, hurt, shock. A different emotional concoction on each face. She felt her heart shatter, heat rising in her cheeks. When she went to take a step toward them, they all stepped back. Even Rhaena, who lightly shook her head. What had she done? For the gods’ sake, what had she done?
A/N: another apology for taking so long with this chapter! thank you for sticking with me as i write this. writing is a big passion of mine, and i’m hoping that if i can finish a fanfiction then i can one-day write a novel! maybe even a series! i’ve tried to write this here lady *slaps hood* with all sorts of parallels and shit. i think this chapter slaps you on the face with that the most. constructive criticism is always welcomed!
also, let me know if you still want tagged!! i wasn’t sure since it had been so long and don’t want to be annoying.
xoxo messy
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shyyubin · 7 months
ˋ°•*⁀➷ OFFICE MASQUERADE ┊͙✧˖*°࿐
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A Jaemin x Reader fake dating + office romance
"Please help me, just this once. I promise I'll pay you back!"
Summary: Yn is the solo type. She doesn't have time for romance. But after her friends bug her endlessly on getting a boyfriend, she's suddenly forced to bring someone to a group date night. Who could she possibly bring when there was never any man in her life?
Chapter 01
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Yn clears her throat and steps in front of the mirror, checking her dress out. White with pearls wrapping around her chest and sleeves.
You got this, you’ll be fine. she tells herself as she can feel her heart pound from nervousness.
She takes out her phone and opens up her chat app…
YN: Don’t forget today!
YN: 9pm, I sent you the location above
YN: Please don’t be late…
“It still didn’t send…” she tells herself while closing her phone and placing it in her pocket.
With a few extra breath-ins, she wraps a thick scarf around her neck, covering her face up to her mouth as she steps out the door and starts her walk to the restaurant.
Her steps slow down when she reaches the fancy door which had a large OPEN sign plastered on it. She looks around and there was no sign of Jungwon.
“Where is he..? It’s almost 9pm…”
Her phone suddenly rings, “Hyebin”
“Hello?” Hyebin asks from the phone.
“Hyebin-ah! I’ll be there in a sec! Wait for me..! Thank you! Bye!!!” she quickly closes her phone and her eyes dart to the clock which turned 9:05pm.
Yn quickly dials Jungwoo’s number but it’s left answerless.
Just when she’s in complete dispair, a tall guy catches her eyes. He was wrapped up in a coat and had a long and thick scarf covering half of his face. His eyes looked beautiful enough to convince yn to approach him.
“Good evening. I’m so sorry to disturb your night…uhm..well…” her words leave her mouth. Her hands get sweaty and fidgety, not stopping from moving one moment.
The man looks at her worried. “Are you okay, miss? Can I help you?” he asks, reaching to hold her hands from picking at her skin.
“Um, well…would you mind pretending to be my boyfriend for the night? I’m really desperate here…Please help me, just this once. I promise I'll pay you back!” she asks pleadingly and the man is left speechless.
“I’m sorry?…Well..I guess I could do that. I don’t know you. Will it be okay?”
“Yes! Yes, it’s perfectly fine!! Thank you so much, you’re a life saver!!” she bows low and grabs his wrist, pulling him into the restaurant.
“Hyebin-ah! Yoon-ah! Hello!” she waves, pulling her new boyfriend into the room.
The two wave back and start whispering to eachother about the wrapped up guy walking next to yn. They’re slowly starting to believe her.
The man unwraps his scarf and reveals his face to yn. A young looking man with a beautiful smile and charming eyes. His hair was dyed a dark blonde and his cheeks were slightly pink from the cold weather outside.
The two girls are left in shock at his visuals. Yn turns her face around and her eyes widen in shock. That can’t be…
“Hello.” the man bows politely. “I’m…” he suddenly noticed he never got her name.
Yn whispers quietly to him, “yn..!”
“I’m yn’s boyfriend, Na Jaemin.”
Yn’s heart stops. THE NA JAEMIN?!
Jaemin turns to look at yn and his eyes squint as he notices a familiar face. “Oh!” he spontaneously says before reminding himself of the situation he’s in. That he shouldn’t act as if it’s the first time meeting her.
Yn’s eyebrows furrow while her head rush with thoughts. She smiles at him awkwardly and lightly bows. There’s no way I just asked my boss to be my boyfriend for the night.
“Yn, you okay? You look worried.” Yoona intervenes, noticing something off between the two.
“Ah, well…uhm…” her hands fidget with the tablecloth. “Well, Jaemin is very busy. Lately he had to travle too, right Jaemin..-ah?” her head turns to Jaemin who sat on her right. Her eyes were big and her smile was slightly apologetic.
Jaemin nods, trying to get into his character. “Yes, darling.” His words make yn’s stomach weirdly turn despite him being her boss.
Yoona and Hyebin smile to eachother, “Let’s go drink after this! Are you two in?” Yoona asks impulsively.
Yn gulps before turning to Jaemin, raising her eyebrows. “I’m okay. What about you..dear?”
Jaemin smirks seeing her playing along. “Of course..!” he adjusts his suit after saying that, clearing out his throat.
“But..” Hyebin leans in, “…How did you two meet?”, Yn is left thinking of an answer. “I mean, yn said you two became a couple only recently…” Hyebin continues looking to the side and sipping her water.
“Um…” yn starts fidgeting under the table again. Jaemin’s eyes dart to her hands and he gently places his on top of them, calming her down. He decides to take over the conversation,
“I noticed her at work, she was so beautiful, so I asked her out. We got along well so, we ended up together,” his thumb rubs on yn’s.
“At work, huh? I didn’t know you were into office romance, yn~” Hyebin teases.
Yn laughs looking away.
Her phone vibrates her pocket. She picks it up reading out Jungwoo’s name on it. She rolls her eyes excusing herself from the table and rushing to the bathroom. Jaemin notices her weird behaviour but chooses to let her be and continue his conversation with Hyebin and Yoona.
“What do you want?” she asks irritated as she hits the bathroom.
“Yn-ah, I’m so sorry—“ but before he could finish yn groans.
“It’s fine. Don’t come anymore.”
“What? Why? Did you tell your friends you have no boyfriend?”
“No. I asked someone else…”
“You won’t believe it…Na Jaemin-ssi..our company’s CEO!!!” she freaks out, pulling her hair. Just then she sees Jaemin waiting for her at the entrance of the bathroom, looking at her with a light smirk.
“No way?! How did you get him to do that? He’s such a busy guy…Yn? Yn??”
“Jungwoo-yah, I’ll call you later, okay?” she doesn’t wait for his answer and closes the call, awkwardly smiling at Jaemin.
She bows politely. “I’m…so sorry for doing this, PD-nim…” she says, her head still low.
He chuckles seeing her so eager to apologise. He pets her head lightly. “I hope I won’t have to do this multiple times,” he says with his charming smile.
Yn chuckles nervously. “I’ll pay you back somehow…I’ll work overnight a full week!”
“No need to.” he turns around and walks back to the table.
Their conversations continue until clock his 11pm and it was time for their drinking rounds.
They all step out wrapped up in their coats and thick scarves. Yn was wearing a short skirt underneath so her bare legs were exposed to the cold air.
“Are you not cold, dear?” Jaemin asks with a kind smile.
“Ah..! N-no, I’m fine…” she says back, trying to continue to play along with their roles.
Jaemin wraps his hand around her waist and pulls her closer, rubbing his thumb on her hips.
As they all reached the bar, they sit at a round metal table and order bottles of soju and beer to mix them up. Hyebin seemed to be the most enthusiastic about this. She loved drinking the most and absolutely loved going partying, so her drinking skills were definitely present.
Hyebin pours in the soju and the beer in a glass, filling it half-way and then handing it to Jaemin and yn. “Bottoms up!!” she says. Her energy is contagious and yn drinks it in one go, slamming the glass on the table and letting the hot alcohol slide down her throat.
Jaemin’s eyes are fixated on her fun behaviour. He’d only seen her at work where she keeps her professional face on and never lets her personal life interfere. She’s always serious at work so he really enjoyed seeing this new side of yn.
Chuckling, Jaemin decides to do the same. He drinks it in one go and savours every drop of it as it slides down his throat.
A couple more rounds of the same one-shotting and yn is already wasted with 2 bottles of soju finished. Jaemin sips on his third small shot of soju as his mind remains sober. He looks at the 3 other girls who look just as drunk as yn. Yoona being the only one who was more sober-looking.
“Jaemin-ssi. You know, your name matches the one yn always mentions about at work..” Yoona says, chewing on a piece of meat.
“Oh, really? Who is this other Jaemin?” he asks with a curious expression, suddenly getting intrigued at what yn had to say about him.
“Hey! Don’t tell him…!!” yn suddenly says firmly, her head soon falling back onto the table.
“Tell me..!” Jaemin insists with a smile.
“There’s this boss at her workplace, right? She says he’s super handsome but takes his work too much like a game. She says he gives too much work to his employees and that he’s sometimes a huge jerk. When he mentioned the name Jaemin I really thought it was you but, you seem way better” she says with a cute smile, chewing on another piece of meat.
“Is that so..?” Jaemin asks with a smirk, looking at the sleeping yn. “I should get going. I’ll call you two a taxi, okay?” he suggests, placing his arm around yn indicating that he’ll take her home.
Yoona nods and they all walk out, waiting for the taxi to arrive. Once it did, Jaemin pays the taxi and Yoona with Hyebin are set off home as he’s left with a drunk yn.
“Yn-ssi..” —no response— “Yn-ssi!!” he shakes her and it successfully wakes her up.
“What..?” her eyes are cloudy but she can make out Jaemin’s figure as he holds her by the shoulders.
“Where’s your home? Your home address? I don’t know where to take you, miss…” he says with a pout. Yn laughs but fails to tell him her location. Jaemin sighs and decides to take her to his place.
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impulsivitytm · 1 year
hvlestorm asked: …i’m  not  the  only  one  who  heard  that,  am  i?
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head canted to the side before facing back towards riley with a look of confusion on his face. "i didn't hear anything. you okay, riley?"
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whovianofmidgard · 2 months
Absolutely moving all your titles (mine feel very plain in comparison lmao) but I have to know more about Light Touched (Elrond's Eldritch Silmaril-touched Parents (all 4 of them))!!!!
Haha its funny you should say that, I very much agonize over coming up with titles. It's often the last thing I add to a fic, so I'm glad they are effective.
Anyway, Light Touched is about how the Silmarils change Elwing, Eärendil, Maglor and Maedhros in both body and soul after the end of the First Age, and how they become legends and rumours and figures of supertitious folktales throughout Middle-earth, doing heroic deeds (some of them more descreetly than others)
Here, have a snippet of Maedhros discovering that he's not so elven anymore:
The Silmaril shone radiantly, still in his hand even after he had let himself fall into the earth’s fire. No, he wasn’t holding it anymore. The gem was literally in his hand, embedded in his palm like it was its rightful place.
Horrified, he reached to touch the gem inside him with his stump, only for a perfectly intact hand to grasp at it.
Air escaped him, and shock seized Maedhros’ body. As his mind began to spiral towards panic and answerless questions, it all became too much, and his right hand was suddenly dissolving and oozing away into a puddle of molten lava.
He yelped and jerked his large frame backwards, animal instinct telling him to get away, despite his hands – the jewelled and the now handless – being attached to his body. Fear and confusion warred within him as he kept backing away.
Then Maedhros caught on fire.
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alenoah · 1 year
Noah Doesn’t Care
Alejandro, if asked in some professional capacity, if he has people he feels safe with, would agree that he had multiple friends and family members he’s known for a long time. If he were asked, not by a doctor or authority figure, but by a peer, he doesn’t know what he would say. Because nobody would dream of asking him such a question. That was part of the benefit for being what he was.
Nobody would dare ask him until he went on Total Drama: World Tour.
He has operated on a set of very well-established rules up to now, that determine the best possible way to come out on top of any negative interaction:
They who mock are less than they who dismiss.
Those who are less affected by the other are greater than those who are more affected.
They who walk away are less than they who do not give up.
Knives in the back go deeper than ones in the front.
They made perfect sense to him. Public mockery is so…deeply offensive that surely the very thought of participating in such nauseous behavior would only fail to suppress the most vindictive of human beings. The list goes on. Everyone around him seemed to know to follow his rules.
Noah doesn’t care.
Good god, Noah doesn’t care anymore about this psychic wave high school social cue bullcrap anymore. Most of the appeal of going on that nightmare reality show a second time was that he could leave all of that at home and hang out with one of his real friends (his only one). Instead, an actual political failson scooched social politics back into the game when he made his way in. And now his…friendly acquaintances feel like they have to treat him more coldly than before, never explaining why the change is happening. But Noah doesn’t need them to tell him why. He knows. He’s felt it before for too many years by now. On the bright side, he’ll have Owen until someone pulls him over to a different table in the cafeteria.
So when Alejandro tries to grab Noah’s arm and lead him to a different table, Noah doesn’t have a prepared answer. There was no reason to account for such a circumstance because it would never naturally happen. So the circuits in his head spark and sizzle until something breaks.
He stops caring about the rules.
“What did you just say to me?”
“What, is there some mythical reason you can’t hear me that I haven’t heard of? I said, ‘Do you actually have people you trust or are all of your friends only talking to you because you made them cut off everyone else?’”
Holy #%&$ did I just say that?
Alejandro stares…and then scoffs, walking away at a pace that was embarrassingly faster than his usual confident saunter. The face of his flesh burns as he enters the confessional bathroom.
“What does he- who does he think- how? How did he do that? That’s not how it’s supposed to go.” He stays angry for a moment, and then slowly starts to deflate of it, despite his best efforts. The whole point of making the rules is that you know everyone is following the same set. Noah just…ruined it, paid no mind to anything, and left Alejandro with a trail leading out of the acceptable bounds. And Alejandro fumbled, answerless. There was no reason to account for such a circumstance because it would never naturally happen.
He stands in the confessional a while longer, and figures he can keep them from using the footage if he covers the lens and doesn’t make any noise. How doesn’t Noah care? How does he know how to make decisions if he’s not abiding by a commandment? Alejandro prays for answers but gets no amendments.
He eventually needs to leave the confessional.
……fine, just…12 more dots, ok?
Alejandro opens the door to Noah reaching for the handle.
The door flies into Noah’s forehead as he attempts to shove Alejandro’s force back towards him. It does bounce off of his forehead with great elasticity, and just faintly graces Alejandro’s cheek with the light, cold kiss of plastic. He’s pretty sure that most of this plane is made of old commercial airline parts- Chris is known to be cheap with them.
“Watch where you’re going, friend! There are plenty of much heavier doors on this plane you could run into.” He hopes the threat goes through. He’ll get the upper hand if he seems upset.
It bounces right off of Noah. “If you really have no one you trust enough to make sure you get a parachute should your legs give out, you need to watch out for doors on this plane much more than I do.”
Neither is sure, a few hours later while everyone tries to sleep, why they don’t feel like they beat the other.
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impulsivity-aa · 10 months
💌⭐️ Send this to your emotional support mutuals, who make your day brighter ⭐️💌
stoooop i’m 😭😭😭😭 i usually dont send these out but I got a lot of emotional support mutuals so
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