#Anti Asian Hate
Nothing is funnier then seeing liberals shit their pants on this website over @/heritageposts… seeing North Koreans as human beings.
Like we are all really going mask off these days. You guys see the humanity of Asians, the humanity of Koreans, as something that can be awarded and taken away by you. You believe you should control our lives and our bodies and our countries, and you believe that you get to decide when the Asian body is given a soul and a humanity.
It’s not even clever racism it is straight up “Asians I don’t agree with aren’t human and shouldn’t be treated as such.”
Hope you all fuck off into a ditch and shoot yourselves in the head because there is no redemption possible for what you’ve done.
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got an interesting one for you.
multiple posts about this, i couldn’t even read all of them i got so bored of the regurgitation
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hates Jews, asians, asexuals and anyone who likes the Jedi, likes fictional fascists and their blorbos, talks forever makes no point
This person either is part of the Lily Orchard cult of personality or her sockpuppet because both the views and the language fits hers to a T
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hussyknee · 1 year
People on Twitter are being horrible to Asians and Hispanos on Twitter for pointing out that making a movie from the perspective of a white man who helped commit atrocities that neither mentions (downwinders, human experimentation) nor features its victims is still white supremacy in service of the US military industrial complex, even if the man in question was a Jew, no matter how conflicted and complex he's presented. Leftist Filipino and Chinese people who point this out being ratioed to hell by being called clout-chasers and race-traitors because their people were genocided by the Japanese in WWII. White jews calling all criticism of Oppenheimer and the movie antisemitic and blood libel. Insisting Oppenheimer wasn't white and shouting down Jews of colour when they point out that white Jews weren't white in Europe but have always been white in the US. That women and Black scientists were also part of The Manhattan Project and were also erased from this movie that's supposed to be true to life. That this wasn't even the first time Christopher Nolan has done this (seriously count the number of actors of colour in his entire body of work. Must clash with the copaganda idk). Dudebros bdoubling down on praising Nolan for "bringing movies back".
I'm heartbroken and sick to my stomach honestly.
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alpaca-clouds · 8 months
The thing that bugs me about Cazador
Allow me to ramble about a thing that really bugs me about Cazador and his character design.
Let me start out with the fact, that it is super iffy that Cazador is the one recognizable east asian character in the entire game. At least from what I came across. And, you know. It is iffy if you take a minority and make their only representation the "sadistic vampire who wants to sacrifice 7000 mostly white people to become a god". I hope I don't have to explain that.
And yes, technically speaking... yeah, Karlach is technically also East Asian. With just one problem: Her being red-skinned and having the make-up very much hides this fact. Like, I did not realize this until I saw the mod that removed the make-up from the companions.
But outside of the basic issue with the trope... Well, look. I do not think that the folks Larian were like: "Hehe, we will use this character to show how evil the Asians are!" or something like this. But the game very much shows that there was a lot of internalized biases. And be it just in the fact, that we barely come across non-white characters in the entire fucking game. All non-white characters are basically tokens.
And before someone comes in with: "Faerûn is based on medieval Europe!" First off: "Shut up." Second: Going by official DnD Lore Faerûn is a super diverse place, where you will find all sorts of Asian, Arab, and Black people. I mean, just look at the DnD movie, where they made an effort to have half of the cast be non-white. Like, the Faerûn that Larian depicts is basically the Faerûn of 3e, not 5e.
And then... Well, when it comes to Cazador, then there is the Early Access design.
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Now, this is actually where WotC stepped in and was like: "Yeah, you cannot do this." Officially by explaining that elves do not have facial hair. But I do imagine that someone at WotC actually looked at this design and was like: "... Do they realize that this is Fu Manchu?"
Because yeah, this design is simply just Fu Manchu. And for those who are not aware: Fu Manchu is a character popular in pulp fiction of the early 20th century, that arose mostly from Yellow Peril stereotypes.
He was a Chinese magician, who was up to all sorts of evil schemes, which suspiciously often involved sacrificing white people (mostly white women) to evil gods or demons. He made appearances in all sorts of media back then, including movies (where he obviously was portrayed by white actors in yellowface) and some off-brand Sherlock Holmes novels that were not written by Doyle but other writers.
Fu Manchu was also what the original Mandarin in the Marvel Comics was based on.
This is one of the Renditions of Fu Manchu in one of those off-brand Sherlock Holmes stories.
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And here is the earlier Mandarin design:
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And, like, I am sorry. But that stuff leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.
Again, I do not really think that this stuff was done on purpose. My best guess is, that Cazador was either based on the Mandarin, or on some of the other "Chinese Magician" villains that some American Kung Fu movies put into their media in the 70s and 80s.
But I also think there was nobody at Larian who did any sort of sensitivity consulting when it came to the inclusion of non-white characters.
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when you thought prismatic-bell couldn’t get more racist & islamophobic
that’s because i somehow missed this one
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ID: screenshots of a post that was reblogged by @prismatic-bell
@girlactionfigure: “NORTH KOREA VS PALESTINE
JUN 20
If you can imagine what a bubble the people of North Korea are in - ruled by their dictatorial supreme leader - what their minds must be like - how lacking in the intellectual skills of modernity they are - how they’ve been denied any contact with critical thinking - a veritable fantasy island separate from the actual reality of the real world - then imagine what the Palestinians in Gaza are like after decades of hardline Islamic fundamentalist rule - living in a bubble of jihad and racism - all their experiences from kindergarten to mosque to media tightly controlled by Hamas - no free press - no free media - taught jihad and racism every day - a dictatorship that daily removes them from the fresh air of truth and critical thought - taught to kill yourself for Allah every day - taught jihad - taught racism - taught kill the Jews - every day - no art in your house other than images of conquered Jews - no music other than songs of killing Jews - all of this pumped into your head every day from birth - taught never to question things and any rare moments of dissent met with lethal force - if you can understand this then you will see that if Kim Jong Un is removed - North Korea will still have a lot of problems to solve with its population - and so will Gaza when Hamas are gone…
Palestinians are not like you
You want to believe they are because you've been brainwashed into believing everyone and every culture is ultimately the same
But it's not true
Palestinians are different from you
Not because they are biologically different - but because they've been made different
Our hardware is the same but our software is different
Palestinians have been made ignorant
Yes - ignorant
If you live in a dictatorship that brainwashes you and removes critical thinking skills - you are made ignorant
You are taught not to question things or think
Palestinians have been made racist
They've been made violent
You might not like these words - because you are western-centric and lack actual empathy
Empathy isn't just seeing the love and beauty in others - it's also being able to accept other people might be very different to you and see the universe in very different ways - some of those ways negative
The Palestinian people don't think or feel like you because you haven't grown up in an Islamic fundamentalist dictatorship - denied all critical thinking skills - and brainwashed in jihad to such an extent that you think blowing yourself up and killing and raping people are beautiful things you hope to do again
This is the fundamental problem of the conflict
After Hamas are destroyed there is a multigenerational challenge to deprogram and de-Nazify Palestinians of the worst ideas and worst ways of thinking that exist in the world
There will never be actual peace until this challenge is met openly, honestly and head on.”
@prismatic-bell’s tags: “#hamas #Gaza”
End ID.
as always there are receipts on @disgustingechoes because you have to fucking see it to believe it
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millenniumfae · 11 months
so my white co-worker was complaining about her (community college) field trip last weekend:
for lunch, her school had catered from a Thai restaurant. usually, if a university/school/workplace was covering pack lunches, they'd do sandwiches from Panera, or pasta from Olive Garden, or maaaybe burritos from Chipotle.
Her: I didn't even know the difference between the offered options. I ended up grabbing this weird, peanut-buttery, spicy noodle dish.
this was the most foreign she'd ever ventured with her food. i pointed out that her lunch didn't sound weird to me in the least, and she responded;
Her: So you'd intentionally serve foreign food to a bunch of people, not knowing if they'd like it or not, and it'd be their fault if they happened to find it weird or gross?
me, who grew up eating my homeland's food at home, and then American 'foreign food' every day at school? me, who mostly made friends with other Asian kids, so their parents fed me Vietnamese/Laotian/Burmese/Chinese/Sakha/Turkish food whenever i played over? me, who grew up in an international graduate student housing complex, so potlucks and gifts and Halloween and birthdays were a toss-up between Indian, Trinidadian, Ivorian, Russian, Ashkenazi Jewish, Norwegian, etc and so forth?
i told her that the majority of Americans are very much used to eating food from multiple cultures, especially us younger generations. we grew up eating from multiple cultures every single day, staring blankly every time someone told us that mac-and-cheese is a 'universally loved dish'.
it's fine to have food preferences. like, i personally hate asparagus and pineapple, and i prefer dry thin rice over the wetter, short-grain ones.
but never have i considered any deviation from my cultural cuisine be a huge undertaking. so what that a catered lunch was pad thai instead of turkey sandwiches? so what you came over to someone's house and they dare serve you pig ears instead of meatloaf? so what it's Japanese buckwheat noodles instead of spaghetti? so what you're handed a bowl of rice instead of a slice of bread?
and it's fine if that'd be a huge culinary leap for you. but don't try to convince me that it's humanity's "normal" to expect only (these) cuisines and not (those) at any given time.
(and don't get me started on how many times i'd recommend the mango-dragonfruit refresher to customers, only to be given an awkward smile and a "no thanks, i've never tried mango or dragonfruit".)
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The Pro-Palestine movement re-inventing racism against Asian people but for “progressive reasons” was not on my 2024 Bingo Card but at this point who even knows.
Also most of this stuff is painfully detached from reality. Taking the example of Asian-Americans, they are most likely to vote Democratic. 68% of Filipinos, 68% of Indians, 67% of Koreans, and 56% of Chinese people consider themselves Democrats or lean towards the Democratic Party. The only exception being Vietnamese Americans, 51% of whom consider themselves Republican and 42% Democratic. But regardless, racism is bad, it doesn’t suddenly become good because you feel like a certain group of marginalized people aren’t supporting your cause.
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findmeinthefallair · 1 year
Happened the other night but we had a minor racism incident where a teen slammed into my brother on purpose, blamed him for knocking into them, and shrieked at him to eff off to China. He was uninjured but I heard it happen quickly, a few metres behind me. For this to happen in peak summer tourist crowds, in central Edinburgh..apparently this kind of attack has worsened a lot since Brexit, though I hear London is cosmopolitan enough that it is generally much less frequent there. But it's pretty brazen of these racists. And ofc..they get the home country wrong, assuming we all come from there.
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goawaywithjae · 2 months
I find it incredulous that my own life experiences as an Asian American aren't enough for some, and not believed by others. Would it help if academics said the same thing? Well here you go. The reality is that while the slur 'ch!nk' was originally used  against Chinese men in the U.S., it became the defacto slur of choice to insult Asians in general. Per the Philadelphia Bar Association:
“Chink” originated in the 19th Century as a racial slur against people of Chinese descent after a movement was started to expel Chinese workers from the United States... The word “Chink” is now widely used throughout the United States as a racial slur against people of Asian descent
And the late Dr. Michael M. Ego — a Japanese American professor who had taught at the University of Connecticut — wrote:
One may probably think that the word “chink” is only a targeted slur aimed at persons of Chinese ancestry. Regrettably, the term “they all look alike” rings true with persons of East Asian and Southeast Asian heritage, and thus the person using the ethnic slur is ignorant of the heterogeneity of these groups and calls all of us a “chink.”
For the record, I do not like hearing or using any slurs. They are words of hate that I have a visceral reaction to. But sometimes, in a teaching moment, they can be used to illustrate why something is inappropriate. And racist.
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itsawritblr · 8 months
"All white people are racist--"
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No group is all bad.
In any group you have a range of horrible assholes and blessedly wonderful people.
To say of any group that they're all racist, evil, oppressive is racism.
And yes, black and brown people can be racist. I've experienced it both because they thought I was white or because they saw I'm Hapa.
I'm sick and fucking tired of racist black folk getting away with saying ALL whites are racist and not looking to their own community.
My late mother was white. She was a wonderful, loving woman, to everyone. But people claim that because she was white she HAD to be racist. Even though she married an Southeast Asian man back when it was illegal in half of the American states.
And I am sick of white Liberals, especially self-hating white women, kissing ass and bowing to racist blacks in order to Signal Boost what Allies they are, so they can say "Other whites are racist, but not me." Girls, I guarantee when your back is turned they're saying nasty things about you, too. Racists think it's hilarious that you think they respect you.
And white Liberals:
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Because you never do. Even with all the security videos and TikToks showing black folk beating up elder Asians, you haven't spoken out that those are Hate Crimes.
And I'm appalled by black folks who've gone all anti-Semitic. If you want white folks to remember Jim Crow and feel guilty (even if they didn't live then), how about you feel guilty about your willful ignorance about the Jews who marched for civil rights? Who were attacked. And those who were killed by the KKK. Who didn't have to put their lives at risk at all. They could have ignored the marches. But they didn't. They left safety and put themselves in danger.
And your thanks is to call Jews every horrible slur and tear down posters of Jewish people, including children, who are currently being held hostage.
Do you have mirrors? How about you go look in them. Ask yourself what Dr. King, who marched side-by-side with rabbis, would think of you?
Oh. Wait. I forgot. Y'all canceled Dr. King because he was "too nice." Talk about ingratitude.
I'm tired of being polite. If you say "all whites are" or "all Jews are" or "all asians are" you are racists as bad as any white person. You have no right to feel holier than thou, to feel superior, or more moral.
I remember the black folks I grew up with -- my mother was the only white in our neighborhood, and my dad and I the only asians, but there were a lot of mixed black kids, as there always are -- those folks who grew up with serious oppression. They became doctors, lawyers, educators, scientists, even in the worst of times, because they and their community believed in achievement, not victimhood.
Instead of moaning about racism, which is less legally than it was when I was a kid, why don't you tell children to concentrate on achievement? Because if black folks in the 1920s and 30s became professionals, you sure as hell can.
And stop being mad if we asians -- even half-Asians like me -- and Jews choose achievement instead of pointing fingers at others and crying that you can't get anywhere because Racism.
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thepoliticalvulcan · 12 days
Humor is a coping mechanism for horror and pain, I would not shame anyone indulging in it. However, inspired by Brad Onishi of Straight White American Jesus, I would ask that people chuckling at Trump ranting about Haitians eating pets be mindful of the deep history of dehumanizing people who some would like to rationalize behavior towards that would be immoral and savage if it was directed against a “real” person. It’s not just a stupid thing the right has fallen for because of bad media literacy, it’s a belief they are actively choosing against all evidence to the contrary because they want an ex post facto reason to justify treating “dog eaters” like they are lower and less deserving of dignity and safety than a stray dog.
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k00297028 · 10 months
Workshop : Manifesto
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For this workshop we aim into creating poster by using collages, It is very much similar to the past workshop I’ve done ‘Publication’ however the only difference is using images to create my composition rather than drawing or painting my composition. With the pictures shown I’ve got 6 A3 pages of collages. Mainly focusing on my composition for ‘Stop Asian Hate’ along with images of Asians living their own lives and succeeding. I wanted to showcase how we are still here, living and breathing,we will not be going anywhere and that we’ll keep fighting is the message I want to portray in this workshop.
Time lapse of myself working in the Manifesto/Publication Room. Fiona had taught me a lot about the risograph printer and with that I’ve gained a lot of knowledge with how to critically think when using the printer.
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Process of my collages, I took a lot of my images from magazines and newspapers and over all I’m loving how it’s look so far with how they’re a lot of variety of different images of my composition doing different things.
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Ive got multiple prints of my posters and loved how they turned out, Myself and Fiona figured that its much better with using a toned paper rather than white. I personally believe the colours marry each other very well.
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peridot-tears · 1 year
Vagueblogging again!
I think a lot about the argument fandom racists make. It's always "fandom isn't activism," "go do some real activism," etc. etc.
Like, one -- I think quite a few of us have done "real" activism. Organizing, protesting, fundraising, information-sharing, all that good stuff. Especially in these past few years. You can't be Asian American without having at least brushed with activism lately.
Two -- telling someone that what they said hurts or disrespects your culture is not activism. That's literally just an everyday interaction. You could have learned something and accepted it, but the moment you dismissed it and dug your heels in, then yeah, you're making it a way bigger deal than it has to be.
Three -- Asian Americans have always organized, protested, and advocated for better rights on all fronts. The bill in Florida recently passed is part of a years-long effort to make Asian American history part of school curricula (its effects are for another post entirely), Asian Americans in various organizations have been tirelessly doing research, petitioning and lobbying for better healthcare and economic aid access. The burst of Asian American shows like "Beef" and "Everything Everywhere All At Once" are part of a DECADES-long push to have our stories told in ways that aren't stereotypical and degrading. Not to mention to make sure we get equal pay in the workplace.
People have always committed hate crimes against us, but because of COVID, it jumped to a point where there was actual media coverage outside of the community. It got so big, no one could ignore us anymore. It was good to get aid from outside the community, but even now, the people organizing self-defense classes, patrolling Asian dominant neighborhoods and walking with elders so they can go places without being attacked, the people organizing food drives for those of us who are lower-income, raising money for the victims of hate crimes, fighting for us in our court cases against attackers, pushing for our voices to be heard, are us Asian Americans.
It's a lot of work. It's also a lot of work to rally people to our cause, because so many people outside the community, especially white people, will not listen, let alone help in any meaningful way, unless you convince them why they personally should care. To be BIPOC at all in North America is to do the emotional labor that white people think you owe them.
So tell me. If true activism is so important to you, why aren't you doing it?
And you know how I know you aren't doing it? Because if you can't be bothered to listen to an Asian person in small, casual, everyday interactions, what makes you think you're equipped to help us advocate for large social change?
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According to declassified military documents it’s likely that unknown thousands of Vietnamese civilians were killed in Vietnam. Torture was common, even of people who were likely farmers and innocents. It’s very likely that soldiers murdered civilians and lied about them being enemies to boost their body counts; it’s likely that the higher ups were aware of this (discrepancies in body count vs confiscated weapons is INSANE, lots of suspicious stuff, some veterans spoke out & were covered up/discredited). Source: The War Behind Me by Deborah Nelson (2008)
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engagedpureland · 9 months
Seattle Buddhist Temple Attacked by Arson
Seattle Betsuin Buddhist Temple was damaged last night by an arson attack. Details are still emerging. New Year's Day service is canceled. Jodo Shinshu temples in the United States and Canada have long been targets of racist and anti-Buddhist violence. Few if any have never experienced hate-based vandalism, arson, or attacks on members. The first, 100 years ago, killed 10 children at the Sacramento temple. Since then the Pahala, Gardena, Spokane, Fraser Valley, and other temples have been destroyed by arson, and many others have been damaged. Attacks on Buddhist temples accelerated in 2020 following Donald Trump's racist blaming of China for Covid-19.
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