fenris-returns · 6 months
as a christian myself i think your more right than wrong vis a vis christian pagan relations like many christians will be more accommodating and use kid gloves when interacting with a gay atheist than a pagan or 'far right' person, especially in person. christians are falling victim to many modern mistakes and are politically very naive like it wasnt christians who cleaned up the weimar republic, but when christians stopped punching right in spain and portugal and focused on common enemies with non christian antileftists they won and established very pro christian states, its a waste of time to be making unnecessary enemies and very tiresome
I just think that with some encouragement, right leaning Christians would find that they have MUCH more in common with right leaning pagans than they might otherwise realize, and that it’s a lot more constructive to focus on cutting out degeneracy instead of also picking a fight with us just because the religion is different.
It’s kind of a leftist mentality to be honest, the way that hardcore leftists will still think you’re a piece of shit if you support ALL of their world views but you’re not vegan or some shit like that. I’ve seen it in real time far too often, and people try to tell me, “oh that never happens”… bro I grew up in California I’ve seen leftist hellscapes you couldn’t even imagine, and I’ve also dealt with extremely reactionary Christians who absolutely don’t help their cause by being so narrow-minded.
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schooltrashers · 3 years
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The 5 pics above contains proof and comparisons showing how similar the Left are to the KKK and Nazis. In fact both the KKK and Nazis are still left-wing, no matter how much this Anarchist Social Justice Incel wants to deny it in the 2 screenshots below. Everything he just said is false and I'll tell you why that is.
See unlike him, I can back up my claims with various sources. BLM/Antifa did kill innocent black people such as 8-year-old Secoreia Turner because she was at a CHOP zone where Rayshard Brooks died. Then of course they/them(Antifa/BLM) killed Horace Lorenzo Anderson Jr who died at a CHOP zone in Seattle, Washington.
Let's not forget that during a riot they/them killed David Dorn, a retired black police officer who is married to a white woman. And we all know how angry racist white people with small dick energy hate interracial relationships. Yes Antifa/BLM are comprised of mostly angry white leftists with small dick energy.
So yes police should use deadly force against violent domestic terrorists who riot on the streets & murder innocent people. This is why I oppose anarchists groups like Antifa and BLM. Their evil actions and lack of moral values is what I oppose. The lies and deception of this anarchist clearly shows.
He does not give a shit about the victims I just mention or any truth that I posted in my previous post about "Anti-Extremism" where I condemn extremist groups and ideologies because anti-extremism is both ANTI-NAZI and ANTI-COMMIE. But he doesn't get that because he's a moron thinking his views are the "right one".
So rather than agree with me on anything I've said, he just says "you're a liar" and "you're a nazi". Even though both those things are untrue. See when it comes to the Left, they always lie and accuse you of something you're not. I prefer peace, I'm against murderers, I'm against riots, and I'm against liars.
As far as WWII goes, yes it was the conservatives who went into war and fought against Nazis. We're the ones who often join the military while the Democrats such as the KKK were the ones supporting the Nazis and terrorizing innocent black people in the U.S. like the cowards they are. Antifa & BLM are doing the same things now, that the KKK was doing back then. Also, the Republican Party was originally created to help black people, hence why they freed the slaves and fought for their rights.
The parties obviously never switched, the Democrats just switched their methods in order to deceive blacks into voting for them. The parties switching never happened, hence why Joe Biden and Robert Byrd(the KKK Grand Wizard) are pictured holding hands together. Here's a source that proves the parties never switching... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UiprVX4os2Y
Furthermore, I've been anti-Nazi long before supporting Donald Trump in 2020. I use to be an anti-Trumper, believing in the lies told about Trump & his supporters. My past videos on YouTube are proof of that. Because you see, back in 2016 I didn't vote for either Trump or Hillary, I voted for Jill Stein. I've been against Nazis and extremists in general for so long, that I've made a video against MGTOW and FemiNAZIS (look at the thumbnail)... https://youtu.be/GZn5FK0deJ4
As well as calling out racists like Hulk Hogan and Mark Fuhrman for using the N-Word. Mark Fuhrman by the way is a Nazi and a corrupt cop. Here's the video proving what I just said. https://youtu.be/IsiDuyiYvK0
(This comment is directed to the Anarchist only). So before you make an ass of yourself by lying about me and making up shit, better make sure you got sources and proof to back up your claim ya Extremist Nazi Commie Scumbag.
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foxgirltail · 4 years
Tilt hat one of the primary motivations for attacking tiktok was because leftists were using it to mobilize. Once Republicans etc learned this they sought a way to take it down, and turned to its spyware (not too different from other social media apps) and the xenophobia of the American population. If they really cared about the spyware they would have worked to ban it when it was first getting popular. End tweet
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twilidramon · 6 years
hey um
just a lil psa
if you in any way support trump’s bullshit right now unfollow me or hey, post insensitive comments so i can block you your choice. either way i don’t support trump in any way and boy i sure don’t want to see your shit.
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funkyness · 4 years
didn't @ thisiseverydayracism use to be a good blog with accounts of racism and microagressions, like i remember seeing good posts from there. why is it that all they post now is antileftist islamophobic propaganda
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queernuck · 5 years
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amerikkkans are dumb as shit
like, even if you want to support protests in Hong Kong, supporting them as a means of enacting proxy war is fascist and critiquing the way that Western solidarity has been presented, often, as a means of reinscribing colonial ideologies, against any meaningful self-determination and moreover as part of a kind of anticommunist liberalism/”leftism”
like the Yellow Vests, protests that lack a mass line, protests that contain numerous different tendencies, protests that see genuine leftists as well as antileftist, anticommunist groups in shared action, a critique of what can be reached is necessary
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schooltrashers · 3 years
So hang on...the cowboys get to be mascots(Dallas Cowboys), but not the Indians? Woke Supremacy is definitely White Supremacy in disguise with how much they are erasing mascots of color off sports teams and food brands. This is why I'm anti-Woke.
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thelegitimatedefamer · 11 years
The Lie of Rape Culture
I tend to hear about how we in the west live in a "rape culture" but I think this is a lie.
1. We already teach boys not to rape, just like we teach them to not steal or murder, but those still take place. What makes rape so different?
2. While very few women get any time in jail for statutory rape, Men are often not even allowed seats on planes due to people thinking they must be a rapist.
3. How is it that if a person drives drunk they are responsible, but if they consent to sex while drunk (If they are female) it suddenly isn't? And no, I'm not referring to roofies or other rape drugs.
4. The idea that we shouldn't automatically think that every man is guilty of abuse doesn't mean we automatically think that every woman or other victim is lying. We have what's called a burden of proof, and our justice system relies upon innocent until proven guilty beyond reasonable doubt. But rape can be a very hard crime to prosecute due to a lack of witnesses.
I want people to respond with actual counterarguments, and not ad hominem attacks and logical fallacies. I will not be likely to respond nicely to those who use emotion and not logic.
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schooltrashers · 4 years
The Truth Behind Leftists Attacking Straight Men & Masculinity
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schooltrashers · 4 years
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schooltrashers · 3 years
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Doesn't respond back to me directly. Instead he falsely accuses me of "lying", while not addressing the issue of Left-Wing violent extremism, which I posted examples of, such as the death of an innocent black girl that they/them(Antifa/BLM) murdered(Secoreia Turner). He's too cowardly to address my valid points, so instead he resorts to lying and false accusations. No matter how many times this social justice incel calls me a "Nazi", doesn't make it true. Especially since I have always been against Nazis since learning about them in school. And unlike his Illuminazi banner(which explains why he is in a Leftist cult), my banner features both anti-nazi and anti-commie symbols.
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schooltrashers · 4 years
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schooltrashers · 4 years
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schooltrashers · 4 years
BreadTube Bans Me On Reddit
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schooltrashers · 4 years
Woke Man Talks About Gender Pronouns
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schooltrashers · 4 years
Commies Are Fascists
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