#Anyway I am absolutely losing my god forsaken mind over this ridiculous thought
analyzingadventure · 3 years
Okay so I had a weird Ghost Game related dream last night and, well this post has nothing to do with that dream but that dream gave me A Thought and I’ve been overthinking it severely and losing my got damn mind and I need to get it out of my system so let’s go
Do Digimon Breathe???
And, apologies in advance, this is not a well-constructed post, it’s just a series of bizarre questions with no real answers because I am just 100% overthinking this and it’s really not that deep
Also, this is not based on any specific franchise entry, I’m overthinking this from the POV of like, null lore/the general concept of Digimon
Is there "air" in the Digital World, or is "air" just empty space?
As we all know (I hope), the empty space that surrounds us in our beloved really real human world isn’t truly empty, it’s filled with various gasses that we interact with (along with some other things). But in a Digital World, where everything is constructed out of data, is there anything “there” in the empty space? Is there like, data that’s programmed to behave like air in our world, or is that space no different from the void of space??
   A Digital World is meant to exist on a computer server (usually Yggdrasil’s but not always), and computers only have so much data they can store, so like. One could wonder if it’d make sense for there to be “air data”, taking up valuable resources on the computer... (That said, the deeper you go into the logistics of this, the more video game-y this discussion will get, which might not be ideal)
If there isn't "air"-data that's similar to oxygen, should the DW be a lethal place for humans?
Like?? Does a human converted into data still require oxygen?? How does the human body react to being converted into data, do you continue functioning just the same as before or does shit get weird??
Honestly that’s its own separate discussion of its own and if go into that now we’ll be here forever (like does a data human’s heart still beat? Do they still grow new cells and do their old cells continue to die? Can you grow older in the Digital World or will you stay in an unchanging statis? If you get wounded, will your wound heal? Like, Rei from V-Tamer was able to walk in the Digital World despite being disabled (her disability didn’t get “cured”, just being in the DW somehow bypassed it)--- if a human dies in the Digital World, will their body decay???), but still. If there is “oxygen data” in the DW, sure, humans could probably breathe it in and it’d probably function in their data-fied lungs just like molecule oxygen would in their atom-based lungs. But if there’s no oxygen data?? Would you just suffocate?? Should you just suffocate?? Or, once you’re data, would you become immune to suffocation?? And if you did, would you also be immune to like, drowning??
Are Digimon required to breathe in "air"? Like, can Digimon suffocate?
Like. Why would you be programmed to need “air”. Also, the DW existed before Digimon did, so before the first Digimon was born, there was a world for it to exist in (be it DW Proper or just the Net Ocean). If my memory doesn’t fail me, all we know about The First Digimon is that it was a Virus, which doesn’t really tell us much, and it’s likely that Digimon is extinct. But whatever it was, either it was a Digimon that didn’t require “air data” to survive and thus lived in a Digital World where there didn’t have to be air. Or. If it DID need air, then the DW must’ve had air from the very begining, otherwise, it would suffocate. This observation does not help answer my question in any direction at all, it’s just a thought.
If Digimon overall do need air, are there exceptions?
Like could robotic/undead/ghost/etc Digimon not need air at all? Because they’re not “alive” the same way “flesh” Digimon are? Or would they need air too because regardless of how their bodies are constructed, that construction is just how the DigiCore has decided to dress itself up like and won’t reflect the Digimon’s actual physical needs? (Also answering such age old questions like “how does a robot Digimon poop”)    And on the opposite side of the spectrum, could there be like, certain Digimon that require air at all times, like a Meramon for example? Like if you yeeted a Meramon into a true airless void, would its flames die out? And if that did happen, would it kill the Meramon?
If Digimon do breathe, how do they do it?
Digimon can see even if they have no eyes/their eyes are covered. Digimon can speak even if they have no mouths, or even if they don't move their mouths. Digimon can fly even without wings, or without flapping them. Digimon can smell things even if they don't have (visible) noses. So if a Digimon doesn't have a nose, does it need to breathe?    Like I’m saying that because many Digimon really don't have noses (at least not visible/easily recognizabe ones). Do they require a specific "organ" to absorb/ingest "air", or like. Can they just absorb it all through their skin? By just having most of their body surrounded by air? Is there like a universal rule there or is it a case-by-case thing? If they could absorb air through anywhere on their skin, is there a limit there? Like if you put an Angemon in water, would it need to have its head above water to not "drown", or could it still breathe through its hands or feet if it kept just one above the surface?     Okay so in the past I’ve joked about Tamers’ take on the DW (in good spirit), and how when Adventure is like “water is real and water is wet”, while Tamers is like “water isn’t real and so it’s not wet if you believe so”, when the Big Brain way to interpret water is “water applies the Status Effect ‘Wet’ to whatever touches it“    So could drowning maybe follow that kind of logic? Maybe it doesn't matter if a Digimon can breathe or not, maybe water just has the effect of "takes damage/dies if submerged for longer than X minutes" on Digimon, unless a one has a passive ability of "breathing underwater" (or like "immune to drowning" or something)? (The same logic applying to like, an empty void, or a pool of lava)
If Digimon don't breathe, can they become out-of-breath?
Or would "out-of-breath" be essentially the same as "tired", but visualized slightly differently? (Remember the comment about the questionable applicability of of video game logic I made earlier? Well here we again)    Are Digimon "animated" the same way a video game character might be? Would they have idle animations, movement animations, attack animations etc etc? And if they do, are they animated to breathe regardless of if they actually need to do so?
Do Digimon understand humans need to breathe?
If a Digimon observes a human breathing, would it understand what that was? That it’s crucial for a human to survive? Do Digimon know what a heartbeat is?
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scruffandyarn · 6 years
That One Time Scruff Wrote an Avengers Fic (part 9)
That One Time Masterlist
Bucky x enhanced!female!reader
Warnings: profanity, physical pain, medical testing, guilt and fear
Thanks, as always, to these wonderful human beans:  @siriuspiggyback (you are the absolute best) @fangirl-library (you kick-ass, wonderful person) @written-loki-imagines (thank you for your fantastical support)  @bkwrm523(where would I be without you in my life) @thejamesoldier (you’re amazing and deserve every good thing) @samingtonwilson (you’re super duper awesome) @invisibleanonymousmonsters (thank you so much for all your inspiration) @feelmyroarrrr (this is all your fault, still love you)
@shirukitsune @electraphyng  @l0kisbitch @yafriendlyfangirl  @marydragneell
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Previously: Loki was still sitting in front of you, his arms hovering close to your head.  Except, his skin–his skin was blue.
As soon as he saw your eyes open, he dropped his arms and his skin returned to a normal color.  “We are done.”  He moved to stand.
“Wait!” You grabbed his arm to keep him on the floor with you.  His skin was still cool to the touch, but you held on.  “What the hell was that?  What are you?”
“Explaining my past was never part of our agreement.”  He yanked his arm out of your grasp.  “You have refused to follow my directions.  I will not be helping you.”
“Hold up.  Following your directions was never part of our agreement either.” You glared at him, in spite of your protesting head.  “We made a deal.”
“Very well,” Loki sighed.
Now: Between the meditation Bruce insisted you start practicing and whatever magic Loki was doing to your brain, it took two days before Loki finally deemed your brain relaxed enough to start with the ‘happy place’ shit.  Hell, when you walked out of Loki’s room on that second day, you swore you could almost see the hint of a smile on his face.  Of course, that could have been because he had actually trapped you in upholding your end of the oath.  But, given that his emotions were leaning towards the positive, you chose to accept that you were making progress.
“Where are you right now?”  Loki’s voice seeped into your brain.
“The moon.” In your mind, that’s exactly where you were.  Currently, you were sitting on the edge of a crater, your feet dangling, as you looked over the barren landscape.  “No people, no animals--I’m all by myself.”
Forget the mountains.  This was where you needed to live.
But then, you’d be alone.  
With nothing but your thoughts.  
The image around you began to flicker and fade out.  “Fuck.” Your eyes popped open and you gasped for breath.
Loki frowned.  “What was wrong with that one?”
You supposed you could understand his irritation.  First, you’d imagined your cabin in the woods, but then a bear came out of nowhere to eat you.  Then you’d tried the bottom of an ocean, only to be met by a giant jellyfish that had wrapped you up in its stinging tentacles.  And now, the moon was proving to have its own nightmares.
“Aliens?” You tried, weakly, not wanting to reveal what had actually scared you.  Although, there was no point in lying--he was the one person who would know when you were.
For whatever reason, though, he let you play it off.  “You Midgardians consider me to be an alien.”
“Yeah, and that’s pretty terrifying all on its own.”
“We are wasting our time if you cannot imagine your brain as a space.”  He sighed.  “Why don’t we end our session for today?  You can spend the afternoon trying to think of a place where nothing will eat you or sting you or whatever about your planet’s moon was scaring you.”
“Fine.”  Your head wasn’t feeling so groovy, anyway.  Maybe after a nap, you could dink around online to find something that could inspire you as a possible ‘happy place.’
Loki watched you, curious, as you grabbed your tablet from its spot next to you on the floor.  After a few quick taps, you knew exactly what you needed to know.
“Guess I’ll be eating a little later.”
“What does that thing tell you?”
“It lets me know if there’s anyone in a particular room I want to go in.  It’s set up with F.R.I.D.A.Y. and she can help me avoid people when my head starts to hurt.”
“At least one of you in this forsaken place has a sense of self-preservation.”
“Fuck!” Yet another place you tried to invision had been completely ruined by some unforeseen fear.  In your frustration, you took your pillow and chucked it across the room.  “What am I doing wrong?”
Nothing was working.  Not the heat of the desert.  Not a cool, dark cave.  Not a boat abandoned in the middle of the water.
“What can I help you with?”
“If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go to get away from people and scary things?”
“I believe the North Pole is the only place completely devoid of humans.”
“That sounds--”
“Of course, there are many carnivorous animals that live and hunt in the region.”
“Thanks, F.R.I.D.A.Y.”
“And with Global Warming, the polar ice caps will soon be melted and succumb to the ocean.”
“Great.  Thanks.”  You flopped back on your mattress.  Just what you needed to have in your brain right now. Polar bears and freezing like Jack in Titanic.
Relief flooded your veins.  Something was going on because this feeling wasn’t coming from you.  It felt like the greatest weight you never carried was suddenly lifted from your shoulders.  God, you could almost believe you could fly.
“What is going on?” You opened your eyes to see Loki staring at you crossly.  You pressed your hands to your head, trying to stop the lightheaded dizziness.
“I believe the mission is complete.  Which would explain the relief you are feeling.”
The room was starting to spin. “Mission?”  
“You are aware you are at the Avengers’ compound, are you not?” He scoffed.  “The Avengers seem to have this proclivity towards saving this ridiculous planet, so that is where the Captain, the tin soldier, and the female spy have been for the last week.”
“So, when I got angry--”
““Was when the three of them were first given the assignment.”
“And the fear?”
“That was the day they were supposed to be finished with their mission.  It took longer than originally thought.”
“Oh.  Well, I guess that makes sense.”
“Can we focus now?  The sensations you’re feeling aren’t going to go away with all this frivolous talking.”
“You’re a tough woman to find.”
“Steve.” You forced a smile as you looked up from your tea.  “How can I help you?”
He was not sporting any of the bruising you’d spotted on Natasha when you’d passed her in the hall on your way to get something to drink.  Maybe she’d taken the brunt of the physical abuse?  That didn’t really seem like something he’d do, though.  Bucky had told you how Steve had always been a scrapper, even before he got all buff.
Maybe it was a supersoldier thing?  That’d be cool to be able to heal from everything quickly.  Would that mean you could get over all the headaches and nausea super quick?
“--to Bucky?”
Oh shit.  You should probably pay attention.  “What?”
“Stop.” He sat down across from you.  “Why haven’t you talked to Bucky?”
“He was healed.  He’d been fine for months.  One conversation with you and he’s doubting everything.”
Anger was bubbling just below his calm demeanor.  
“I didn’t--I didn’t mean to do all that.  I promise, it was never my intention to reveal--”
“I get it, I do.  But he needs your help.  He’s been sitting on this for days, questioning if he’s really in control of his mind.  You said you’d meet with him about it.”
“I said I’d try.”
“And have you?  Can you honestly say you’ve tried to talk to him about what’s going on in his head?”
Fuck.  “I don’t know what’s going on in his head.  I can’t get a read on the Winter Soldier.  I just know he’s there.”
“Why can’t you just tell Bucky that, then?  Why hide from him?”
“He’s gonna want me to fix it and there is nothing I can do!”  Your head was pounding and you couldn’t separate Steve’s frustration from your own.  “Do you have any idea what it’s like?  To see people you love in pain and know there’s nothing you can do to help them?”
“That’s called being human, having empathy.”
“No, not like this.  I experience their pain--I live it.  Every bit of it.  I know what it’s like to lose a brother to cancer.  I know what it’s like to have the love of my life sign away twenty years of our life together.  I know what it’s like to bury my child.  I even know all about how it feels to see my best friend on death’s doorstep because he was always so sick growing up.”
He opened his mouth to speak, but you pressed on.
“It’s not just empathy.  It’s that ripping out my hair, clawing at my skin, sobbing until I choke heartbreak that drowns me even though I’ve never had a brother die, been married or a mother.  I’ve been afraid that I’ll have to watch you die even though my only experience with that is thanks to Bucky’s trip down memory lane when I was sick and he had to carry me to the lab.”
You’d worked yourself up only to realize you had nowhere else to go with your speech.  No one ever seemed to really understand the burden you lived with.  Pain that wasn’t your own lived and grew inside you.  Trying to alleviate it was always considered selfish because it was never yours to begin with, just yours to suffer through in silence.
“Look, I can’t say I get what you deal with, because I don’t.  But I think Bucky would.  He’s spent the majority of his life the same as you--having absolutely no control.  He knows what it’s like to have his mind at the mercy of others.  And if you tell him that you can’t fix it, he’s gonna accept that because he knows he can’t fix it either.”
The information you’d read about one James Buchanan Barnes came back to your mind and shame started to trickle in.  The life he’d had--the one that HYDRA stole from him and replaced with the worst possible existence you couldn’t even begin to imagine.
Yes, you had experienced feelings that were never meant to be yours.  You’d never wanted them, but you knew them.  But that was it, wasn’t it?  You knew those feelings.
Bucky had spend most of his life not knowing.  Of having everything ripped from him.  Of not feeling anything.
You felt like such a whiny little shit.  Some superhero you were turning out to be--hiding from your problems, refusing to help someone who just wanted to know what was happening in his head.  
Steve should have just punched you in the throat when you started whining and complaining about what you went through.
“I’ll talk to him.”
“I promise, when I can, I will.”
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