#Anyway this is longwinded
catastrxblues · 9 months
soo disappointed that they removed arachne’s funeral. i get that they had to cut many things to fit the film’s run time, but i was so surprised when they didn’t put it. because i took it as a pretty bold event, displayed to highlight how far the capitol would go to remind the district of their control and power. so urgent for them, that they would even surrender to blowing the what should’ve been a respectable funeral of one of their own out of proportion for propaganda use.
even snow saw it as such, that so many soldiers have died in the war, and yet they passed with such little recognition and honor compared to the girl who died stupidly as a “casualty of cheap laughs.” there was a speech from the president and dr. gaul, overstated praises and exaggerated claims, fabricated statements inching to lies, battalion of peacekeepers, quartet of horses, pulling the tributes in the cage for a show. how the gore of brandy’s body displayed hung in the air, dangling from its hook, causing more horror than the respect one would’ve expected for a funeral.
what grated me the most when i was reading this was that, from what i got, the capitol was still on shaky ground with the economy, especially with the ruins of the war still evident in every corner, so many things to fix. and yet they still spent what they had on this, just to show the people in the districts things they had already known from their starving stomachs and overworked hands—that they lost, and the capitol won.
and they did this twice, again for didi and pollo’s funeral. with what was left of the fallen tributes sickly paraded behind them.
i just keep thinking how these carefully put together events only show how the capitol truly had no genuine respect even for children of their own. their sympathy was only used when they had a political goal of their own, if there was something to make a propaganda out of. to sway the masses’ views and their perspective and will the spotlight on them to bring on their crocodile tears.
how, when it comes to medias and gaining sympathy and feeding fear and terror to the opposition, the capitol spares no expense, showed both in the hunger games, and even their own students’ funerals.
this just emphasizes the main theme of this entire series, how children were always the ones at the most disadvantage when it comes to war, and are so often used and exploited by the reigning governments, no matter what side are they on. really really wish they could’ve kept this one in honestly.
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incredubious · 3 months
your modern acesan comic is SO good, your linework and expressions are so much fun!! I'm curious, if you're comfortable sharing,= what the ooc part you were struggling with was bc everything about that comic was so in-character my face hurts from grinning so hard
THANK YOU!!!!!! I was stuck for a while because my first written draft/script of it was just ace pushing luffys face away to get some blond action and I was like ok funny but no. Wrong. He wouldn't impose on luffy talking to a friend of his or manhandle him without reason also why would they be sitting on the same side (insane but kinda funny too) but without those the rest of the comic fails. so I thought This shit kinda sucks ass and Im gonna flush it down the toilet. and then after a while I was like ok no I want this to work so what the hell could luffy do to make ace pissed while they both make a racket. 💡URETHRA! Arm wrestling while they wait for sabo who also wants food but hes battling bathroom demons. luffy tries to pull a fast one and ace gets him back Older Bro style
it sounds silly and simple but I would rather die than make something that I didnt feel was #Real enuff or doesnt make sense even if its for the bit (<- has definitely still posted off kilter stuff before but I have Limits)
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this is the poll I used to decide where it was set IT TOOK ME SO LONG TO CONTINUE WORKING ON IT.
anyway. Im glad its outta my system and finally outta my notes app doc where I keep all my stupid ideas/scripts so I can work on my other comics YAY!!!!!!!!!!!
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fleetwood-cheese · 3 months
This is really random but I saw your reblog tags on my Sherliam coffee and tea post and that was very fun to read! Also thanks for looking at and enjoying the details 😆❤️
I’d also thought similarly, Sherlock is probably a lot more whatever when it comes to brewing tea LOL.
Love these hyper fixating nerds
Sherlock’s tea making methods probably give Louis an aneurism and also another reason to kill him lmao. I’m a long time, die-hard tea fan but only started buying loose leaf regularly very recently so William is very relatable. idk how many times ive done the math on how many tsp of tea i need for my teapot and i STILL think im getting the ratio wrong, but im also not a mathematician like he is so i’ll give myself some leeway.
But yeah i love your art!!! I only really got into moriarty this past november so finding someone who’s still into it and actively making such lovely art for it was really heartening to me tbh. I know how much it means to an artist to get feedback on work so i try to leave comments when i can
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kate-bot · 5 months
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OKAY SO I've gotten two asks about my Noisette cosplay AND THANK YOU SM FOR THE KIND WORDS !!!!!!!! It was sm fun to make this cos, so I will gladly explain everything I did in hopes that it might help someone else!! also both anons please share your cosplays with me when theyre done i would love to see them....
I've tried to link everything where I can, where I got stuff etc... I only rarely cosplay (although I am thinking of going as the noise in May Comiccon) and this was my biggest ever project so!! It's very trial-and-error! But without further ado
Okay i’m gonna be real my mum helped me so much she basically did all the sewing for me. Sewing is the fucking bane of my existence I hate doing it so much so we planned it out together and she basically executed it. Props to her for that she’s so real… She also wrote down what she did!! So i’ll just paste and colour that in for you to read!!
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“The black material (seen in the above image) was originally a beanie hat that was picked apart to use as a template…
This was game changing basically. We had experimented with making the hat from scratch but it was far too difficult and we were both too stupid so we just unstitched a pre-existing hat and stole the template. The hat we cut up was one we had lying around for years so i cannot tell you where to get one from, but any beanie that is stitched together will work i guess! So I would recommend finding a hat that fits you snugly and doing the same thing!
…and the wool fabric that was utilised gave the finished product was stiff enough to be structurally sound.
I just got this from my local fabric shop, I would recommend wool over something like felt because it’s super sturdy and I was pulling on my mask a LOT.
Once sewn together, I attached a stiff card facemask to the front to help provide some structure, and to locate where the eye holes should be cut.
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I think this picture shows it pretty well, my mum was able to curve the shape of the fabric to fit a pre-existing mask- we got ours from Hobbycraft, just one of those stringed white template masks yknow. We cut off the string, made the eyeholes a little bigger and just stuck it straight on!! I should mention this was pretty much all done with a sewing machine as well!
After that, we made two ears from a paper pattern, stuffed them and put some wire inside to allow them to be positioned, before sewing them onto this headband, which was then sewn into the hat. The bottom of each ear was also stitched to the crown to give it some additional stability and to secure the headband correctly in position (having fitted it on the wearer).
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Yeah it was actually less of a mask and more of a headband!! That was what gave it most of the support and meant the ears would stay up, I’m not sure how it would work without it!! The ears were the only part that I could actually help with LMAO i just freehanded a little template, stuffed it, and then put in some modelling wire to make them able to be posed :)
Then it was a lot of hand sewing, and glueing the eyeholes to the mask to create a cohesive look.
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AND YEAH that’s pretty much all it was! I also attached some little felt eyelashes to add to it as well. Honestly I could never come up with a step-by-step guide for the process because it was such a trial and error thing (i’d made two test-hats before we even came up with the method) but it was so fun!!
I would 100% recommend if you want the ears to stay UP to stuff them AS MUCH AS U CAN and/or put wire in them!! :) I also made some cute little bows to clip into my wig in the same fabric to make it more cohesive!! I also put a bow (and a bunny tail heheh) on the back of the dress too!!
Super simple! I just found one online (okay for some reason the link has been taken off of the website, but just look up "overall dress" on google shopping and you will 100% find something super cute)- I made sure to buy the dress first, and then take it to the fabric shop to try and colourmatch the mask fabric as best as I could. Then it was just buying some big ol buttons off eBay and sewing them on!! (I could actually do that bit by myself, I'm bad at sewing but im not THAT bad)
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Cute patterned knee-high socks cuz shes cute like that. Leg warmers, I think I got them both off of Amazon... Converse I got from Depop and I had wanted to buy a pair anyway so I was super stoked to get them cheap!! I chose converse over a pair of high-heels or Mary Janes just for comfort reasons, I was walking around loads at the con so... Everything else apart from the shirt was from Amazon or just. Somewhere online(I have no idea where to get fancy white gloves LOL) and the shirt was from Depop as well! I liked how frilly it was, re: Noisette is cute like that!!
oh yeah and the wig. I hate wigs it was awful. I have no idea how to style them. underneath the hat was the most awful bowl cut ever I just. It wasn't my best moment. Dont ask me about wigs please .
Also I should mention I got this bag for the cosplay (which I now use all the time cuz its so cute) because i needed space to store shit and I wanted something on-brand with her cafe... this isnt the exact link I used but I just got it off of ebay :P
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Unfortunately I don't have a lot of WIP pictures of my props but they were pretty simple to make!! The coffee cup was literally just spraypainting over a reusable coffee cup and using POSCA pen to draw on the front! Fun fact the cup says "To Peppino" because originally my boyfriend was gonna go with me as Peppino before the Cruetly Squad brainrot got to him so. YEA
And the tip jar was also pretty simple, I just painted on the lid a plastic jar (can't be glass, not allowed at ComicCon) and cut out a bit of vinyl to work as the sign. The cobweb was just hot-glued 3D printer filament, and the spider was made with foam modelling clay (literally the best thing ever if you're making small models like that) and i stuck him to the lid of the jar with Kandi string so he'd bounce around :]
AND I THINK THATS IT!! i may as well post a pic of the full cosplay since I dont think many people would have made it this far.... But I think it turned out pretty cool!! I got recognised a few times as well which was amazing!! (cropped out my bf cuz idk if he wants his face on tumblr gfhhfg)
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SO YEAH!!!! if anyone has any questions please let me know.. but GOOD LUCK IN UR COSPLAY MAKING FRIENDS!!!! :D
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Reincarnation AU
Poor Mom of Triplets Rodimus so Exhausted. Luckly the Lost Lighters have heard the phrase "It takes a vilage to raise a child." Suprisingly Whirl is up there in compatition for most beloved uncle with Drift. Seriously who knew the Psychocopter was really good with bitties.
It's probably a good thing since Roddy wasn't the only one to fall to the Reincarnation shenanigans. He was merely the first. When Drift, Ratchet and Megatron all fall pregnant the call back to Cybetrton reveals Optimus, Starscream, and Prowl are all greatly gravid.
[Meanwhile somewhere off stage Tarn is feeling Things™️. He kept his array pure for Lord Megatron The Cause. And somehow he is experiencing the mechpreg.]
He's having such a hard time lmao. Even tho the crew adores the bitties and are always happy to help out their captain, they're still very young and can't really be away from their carrier for too long. Offers to babysit last perhaps a megacycle, tops, before the bitties get squirmy and cranky and their tiny sparks begin reaching for their maternal bond, and Rodimus has to hurry back to them
Funny enough, he actually gets the most rest when he's not by himself: though he trusts Drift and Ratchet completely with the triplets, and go an extent Ultra Magnus as well, Roddy struggles to actually relax when he's alone in his habsuite or office and his kiddos are elsewhere. It's like a reflex he can't control: whenever his sparklings are out of sight it's like a switch just flips in his mind. His thoughts swirl around them, always insistently pulled away from whatever he's supposed to be doing. Wondering if they're alright, if they're hungry, or if Pinky is getting anxious without him like he tends to, or if Maroon was still trying to choke himself by sucking on his own fingers. What if they miss him, what if they're too much for their sitters to handle, what if they think he's abandoned them, what if they trip and fall and hurt themselves and he's not there to make sure they're ok?! What if something terrible happens, like what if they fall down the stairs and break their cranial casing? What if there's another psychotic sociopath hiding aboard somewhere that takes his sparklings hostage when he's not there to protect them?! What if they get attacked by space pirates?! What if they DIE?! Of they die it'll he all his fault and he's the worst mom ever and-
On and on it goes. Whenever the exhausted carrier tries to nap by himself, his thoughts just spiral and throw him headfirst into a fit of anxiety. Rodimus has some of the worst imposter syndrome we've ever seen, and i think that would carry over to how he sees himself as a parent: he has no idea what he's doing and he loves these sparklings more than life itself; the only thing he wants, more than anything, is to do right by them. To give them the life they deserve, to be the mother they deserve. He's scared to death about raising them, honestly, so afraid to make a mistake and ruin their lives. He'd never forgive himself if he let them be hurt or, worse, if he hurt them. Having them out of sight exacerbates his anxieties, because he can't possibly know exactly what they're getting up to.
And because of all that, exhausted mama Rodimus gets his best sleep either on his berth with the three ragamuffins puppy piled on top of him, or in common areas when someone else can keep the kiddos occupied and he can keep an eye on them. Knowing they're safe and right in front of him but also knowing that he's not the only pair of adult hands available, the combination let's his body finally relax and he is out. Either helm down on the table or crashing onto the nearest shoulder, Rodimus drops into such a deep recharge so fast the first few times it happened the crew worried he had actually fainted. And when I say out I mean out, face completely limp in exhaustion, mouth open, and snoring. Everyone in the vicinity is happy to let him recharge, Primus knows he needs it. Drift makes sure to get him a blanket, and it's not long before the triplets are lured in by the warm softness and their mother's form, getting all comfy in the little blankie nest at his side 🤭
Sorry, that Rodimus part went on waaay longer than I expected it to, I just love him sm ok 🥺
Ratchet and Drift and Megatron all at roughly the same time? Damn. I feel like idw Megatron would be quietly horrified because, in his (probably correct honestly I love him but I shouldnt lie) opinion, he is not fit to be a carrier. Ratchet is crabby with Drift when he finds out, grumbling about outdated contraceptives and overly affectionate conjunx, until he's able to actually do a paternity test at Rodimus's prompting. His babies don't have a sire, so maybe...?
Ratchet is surprised and suspicious when the same turns up for him. Once is a random occurrence, twice is a coincidence, thrice makes a pattern. For the three of them to all turn up carrying at roughly the same time was already very unlikely, but for two out of the four pregnancies onboard to be asexually conceived... the chances of that happening randomly is astronomically small. He pulls Drift in for the same test, and wouldn't you know it? No sire. Same story with Megatron. When they get in contact with Cybertron, he finds they're all thankfully on the same page. Starscream had pegged it as incredibly statistically unlikely, though he hadn't had paternity tests performed to determine the lack of a sire. It's almost surreal, once said tests are done, hearing that every single one of them is expecting what is, essentially, a naturally occurring little clone of themselves.
Final closing thoughts because I've rambled enough: I'm still incredibly amused by the idea Tarn in labor, high as a kite from the epidural, tell Nickel, "Nooo don't touch my seal, that's for Lord Megatron" 😂 poor Tarn man, saved himself for all these years, only to get slapped with virgin mary syndrome and BOOM, magic baby. He gets all the pains of childbirth without even experiencing the act of conceiving the baby in the first place. Press F
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irenespring · 9 months
House MD Characters and Their Mentors
Oh look it's more of this very niche character analysis. This time I'm looking at which of @lorata's District Two Victors would be good mentors for House characters. House fans reading this: you would really like Lorata's writing. Only limited Hunger Games knowledge required (basically you need to know the premise); lots of messed up people making the best of things, found family shenanigans, emotional angst, and queerness.
Anyway, time for mentors!
James Wilson: Devon. The essence of a Devon tribute. Really wants to make the world better. Fairly messed up and depressed, but does genuinely care about the district, and even the kid he volunteers for. The one bit of really key information we are provided about Devon's tributes is that Devon's dreamers burn bright, but flame out as the reality of the Games shatters their world view. This reminds me a lot of how House says that "Wilson thinks that if he cares enough he'll never have to die" contrasted with Wilson's feelings of betrayal and devastation that he, a oncologist who gave his life to treating cancer, is dying of cancer. He served the Capitol, believed everything the Center told him, and the truth of the Games ---the pain and the guilt and the injustice of it all--- is a sudden betrayal that completely unbalances him. The only way he wins is through temporary Arena madness, the kind of desperation that caused him to double his dose of chemo in a last ditch effort to survive and make the world make sense again during canon. Devon's main challenge post-Arena is helping him rebuild his shattered sense of self: Wilson thought he was a good person, but you can only win the Hunger Games by being vicious. Devon, as someone who had a similar break, is the best choice to help him form a cohesive identity. Devon can see him for who he actually is, all of it, and still say he cares. Devon can cite his own struggles with accepting care without "enough work" in return to get Victor!Wilson to step back from compulsively ignoring his needs to "earn" affection. Devon can pull him out of spirals about how his mental state is worse than his brother's now and show him how there is a way forward. The Victory Tour almost kills him, all those people hate him even though he only ever did what was asked of him and what he thought was right. Along with Devon, there is probably only one other person who could help him embrace that he does not need to be perfect or liked by everyone, which brings us to...
Gregory House: Adessa. I went through multiple avenues with this one. First I thought Callista, because viciousness and unapologetic attitude. Then I thought Lyme, because abusive childhood, resentment of the rules, and attachment issues. So we had option A and option B...and we somehow landed around option L. I dismissed Callista because of the reasons I thought Lyme. I moved away from Lyme because she works best with tributes who want to open up but can't until after they win. Claudius wants a family, Misha wants affection, etc. House wouldn't want to open up--- he would want respect, validation, and someone to make everything make sense. The reasons Adessa wasn't a good fit for Nero would make her a great fit for Victor!House. Nero wanted to be told Adessa loves him, but House wouldn't trust any obvious display of affection---instead perceiving his mentor's care for him through nonverbal actions she takes: exactly what Adessa expected to be true of Nero. Adessa can make recovery and all the chaotic, swirling feelings fit within a reasonable framework. She can answer his questions and treat him like someone with a rational mind. She knows that if he opens up, he probably doesn't want to be touched. She understands why he doesn't want the cuddly relationship that Victor!Wilson would have with Devon. She wouldn't pressure him to talk about feelings before he was ready and would give him space when he was ready. She understands his intellectual curiosity. She's probably the only one who could get him to invest in therapy. He wouldn't go based on "I've been there" talks or "I care about you" talks, he would go because "after a significant trauma the logical course of action is to seek medical care, so that one can be assigned medications to regulate neurotransmitters, and to remove unwanted chaos so one can better focus on more important matters." Oh, and also if John House every showed up to take credit for shaping his son into a Victor, Adessa has a briefcase full of knives and decades of fantasizing about taking revenge on behalf of her Victors. They would find his body in pieces...probably. If Adessa was feeling nice and wanted Blythe to have closure.
Devon is terrified when Adessa requests a meeting with him. Misha asks him what he did like fifty times and he doesn't know. He almost calls his mentor, but doesn't because he's a mentor too now, dammit and Adessa totally shouldn't scare him anymore. When he shows up she opens with: "Our Victors appear to have significant romantic attraction to each other. Shall we hasten their union via jointly planned manipulation, culminating in an arranged one-on-one meal over candlelight, perhaps involving the exchange of flowers?"
Lisa Cuddy: Nero. This one is hard. Cuddy is a lot more difficult to analyze than House and Wilson even though I actually prefer her over House (Wilson is my favorite, he just has so many problems, weird habits, and hidden depression). She has a lot of contradictions. She's manipulative, but empathetic. She genuinely advocates for the rules, but allows for crazy ass things to take place. She seems to argue for the rules because she has to, but is inherently drawn to the more chaotic, vigilante tendencies of House. She puts on a show of obeying regulations set by those above her, but seeks power so that she can facilitate what she thinks is right (she repeatedly says she's the only one who would employ House). This is reflective of a Nero tribute. She doesn't know why she is drawn to violence and competition of the Centre, but she is. She completes her kill tests with the highest scores in her year, but she mainly only feels guilty for not feeling guilty. She doesn't have a rationalization for why she is like this the way someone with House's history has. She should want to join the Peacekeepers or be a medic. But the more time passes in the Centre, the more she wants to win the Hunger Games. She goes into the Games a year early, the youngest District Two volunteer in history, and even though she knows the killing is wrong she still wants to win because why shouldn't it be her? She's better at this than the others. However, the inner conflict causes problems post-Games, as the criticisms from other districts actually hurt her, because she agrees. She knows there's something wrong, she fears she might secretly be evil. Nero, with a lifetime of dealing with conflicted, crazy tributes, knows how to reassure her that even if that something is actually wrong, she still has people who love her.
Bonus! Ducklings:
Foreman: Brutus. He's just here to do his job. He knows he's better than his Centre rivals, so his job is the Games. Trying to make it right or wrong will only drive you crazy.
Chase: Lyme. Daddy issues, alcoholism in the family history, wants the authority to like him. Lots of weird hidden triggers.
Cameron: Emory. Wants to be a decent person, just kept going in the Centre because she figured no one would pick her and she owed it to her district to keep trying. She had a baby Victor crush on House and Adessa had to take Emory aside and be like "the baby is making my Victor uncomfortable, tell her to calm down."
Thirteen: Misha. Rules are for suckers, enjoy your life while you have it, desperately try to find meaning in the world while pretending you don't give a shit.
Kutner: Lyme. Wants to find a place to belong, shoves his emotional issues down because he thinks nobody cares. Thinks outside the box, but still responds well around authority he respects.
Taub: I have no fucking idea. Seriously, the more I try to think about this the more I have no thoughts, head empty. Maybe Odin? Odin has a "do what you're supposed to do no matter what, no matter the cost" ideology that would cause a mentor mismatch like Adessa and Nero but at least that mismatch is something.
Anyway if one (1) person requests a Victors!House/Wilson I will write scenes so you have been warned.
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storytellering · 1 year
the moment I see someone unironically make a "deadweight" nero joke or seriously refer to him as "deadweight" i know i can't trust them
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lucalicatteart · 2 years
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Poll adventure (paventure? lol) Day 4: read the small story tidbit below the poll for more details, OR just vote based on initial impression
(✦ see past poll results + further information HERE (link) ✦)
The winning option of yesterday's poll was that the adventurer should offer the Well Creature some bread and soup ….
"Completely unsure how to even begin to interact with the strange creature from the well, The Adventurer recalls reading in a book once that 'food is a universal language', or uh.. something like that.. thus, some hearty soup and bread would surely bridge any communication barriers... probably. He serves the little cannister of broth cold, straight from his bag just dumped into a wooden bowl, mostly because he's far too nervous to try and start a fire with someone watching.. hopefully they won't mind the food not being warmed..
After gently placing a single bread roll next to the soup, he steps back, gesturing towards the meal with an uncertain smile. The creature pauses, sniffs around, then promptly disappears back into the darkness. Just as The Adventurer begins to sulk over his apparent rejection, something stirs behind him... With a rush of creaking and plopping noises, the creature resurfaces, revealing it's massive serpent-like body as it hoists itself over the crumbled stone of the well's edge with it's many arms. It cracks open it's mighty jaw just far enough for a tiny blue tongue to slither out, then politely slurps at the soup, delicate enough not to spill any.
Stumbling backwards in shock, The Adventurer simply sits there staring the entire time whilst the creature happily (and rather quickly) enjoys their meal... Seemingly appreciative of his kind offerings, another strange slinking arm creeps up from the depths of the well, daintily opening a velvet sack with it's claws and laying out a small assortment of items onto the grass. Still a bit shaken, but also never one to turn down a free gift, The Adventurer senses that the creature intends for him to take any single item of his choosing... but, which one?"
#paventure posting#polls#choose your own adventure#what can I say.. I like the trope of a smaller creature actaully being a much larger scarier creature which you just dont see because the#creature is in a place/position where most of it's body is obscured lol#sometimes a little guy is actually secretly a much bigger guy of mysterious origins that spans the length of an entire#underground cave system obscured by the facade of a simple well#AND MOST important of all.. the cat is scared.. :( bapy...#also I hate writing for these it's so impossible for me to be short and simple with writing. I always want to make it#extremely detailed and 500 paragraphs long. Giving myself a limit of like 3 paragraphs and a time limit of 20 minutes#is actually impossible for my brain gjhbjhbhj#but I have to post it anyway otherwise I'd spend forever on it and never actually get these done but..hhhh#Just know I am going into my evil vampire library to collapse onto the fainting chair in anguish each time after I hit post#Telling a chronically longwinded details obsessive rambler to ''keep it short'' is like telling a cat not to meow. not to run around the#house at 3am. not to be round and perfect. It is simply against nature#ANYWAY. These items might be useful later. As he continues on his journey - he does indeed have an inventory in my mind#like he can lose and aquire things. has a limited amount of money. Can change his outfit or etc. depending on the choices#people make in the polls. These may not have an immediate purpose (though some can) they'll be factored in down the road
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judesstfrancis · 5 hours
like as a mexican person who was raised catholic I do think there's nuance to exploring eddie 911's relationship with religion on a deeper level esp considering the little things that he's picked out and personalized to give him comfort. often times in latino communities catholicism becomes just a Part of cultural identity even if u or your family don't actively practice. it's just there as something that's been folded into that identity. even now it's hard for me to divorce being mexican from the catholicism I was raised with and my family weren't even active church goers! and even THEN, with the extent of my "practicing" catholicism being a rosary on my bed and a prayer candle that I light every time one of my sports teams are in the playoffs, if u asked me I'd probably still say I was catholic. bc that's just. part of my cultural identity to me. it is woven into the way I see myself as a mexican bc that's the way my family has experienced it. they're intertwined. (and there's something to be said here for colonization and how deeply it roots itself into a community until that community's ancestral practices have been abandoned and forgotten for the colonist's practices but that's not what this post in particular is about.) I've never been an active participant in any religion and now I'm even less an active participant but it is a part of me still and idk how else to explain that. there are still pieces of it that I pick and choose to keep bc they give me comfort. and that's something that mr eddie diaz 911 knows extremely well, bc we have seen it on screen. he doesn't believe much in god but he does believe in his son. and he takes that religion he was raised with and picks it apart and continues to carry the pieces of it that matter (the st. christopher medallion he keeps with him). and from THAT stance the exploration into eddie's relationship to catholicism is endlessly fascinating. it is also, I think, an exceptionally important step to unlearning any sort of religious repression or guilt u may still feel despite not being an active participant. so I think if they take that route it's going to be an insanely good story arc and I'm excited to see how that plays out however I must always remember how many white people write for cable dramas and do not understand a word of what I am saying so I am tempering my excitement and once again I will say: if they turn eddie into a devout catholic churchgoer who has found god and therefore has found peace I am going to lose my fucking mind
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feeling tired of fandom spaces built around definitely aroace spec character haveing no tolerance towards anything that isn't just purley aroace. Like as someone demi aroace, I hate to say it, but wheres my rep? I've only ever had 2 real life actual crushes, neither of which ever amounted to anything. Wheres the rep for people who know they feel romantic love, but dont feel it 'enough'? I'm just tired of it man
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fixedfour · 1 month
Hi can you look into how this season plays out for Ja’Marr ?? He’s been doubted and disrespected as an elite wr and I truly feel like this year he makes his case as the BEST at his position??
hi! 🩷
so i'll be honest, when it comes to ja'marr's chart, i don't feel confident making strong predictions about the season, mainly because i can't confirm his moon (or ascendant) sign 😭
i can mention that he is going to be going through a mildly challenging time until rahu and ketu exit their current signs, which isn't until May 2025.
Actually there’s a high possibility that after May next year, he could get that recognition he rightfully deserves. A Rahu transit can definitely bring about more fame than he already has!
Ja’marr has Mercury and Sun in Aquarius, so Rahu is going to inflate his skills, his sense of self even. Definitely wouldn’t be surprised if by this time he is on more magazine covers and the like.
But he should def practice caution and discernment, because the transit can bring mixed results. While Mercury is friends with Rahu, the Sun is not.
But that's not to say that THIS season isn't going to go well, but the forecast is just.. cloudy in a sense omg. i won't lie, ja'marr is one player i would watch out for in terms of injuries for the season. rahu's transit over his Pisces Mars can cause some unexpected events (mars is a malefic too after all)
so there’s def potential for fame and recognition during this Pisces transit, but a mars-rahu transit makes me immediately think of injuries
thankfully though, rahu is moving away from his Mars now, but until rahu enters Aquarius, he should take all the precautions, times ten
having said that though, i absolutely agree about Ja'marr being an elite wr! That Sun and Mercury conjunction was an unbelievable gift. you know who else has a this same planet conjuction, but in Gemini? Justin Jefferson omg!
(Nick Bosa also has this conjunction, in Libra! So there’s three people around Joe who have this Sun + Mercury influence!!)
well anyway! Ja'marr's conjuction is a bit stronger than Justin's (imo) so between those two, i bet it always feels neck to neck fr lol!
it's actually kind of funny how similar Ja'marr and Justin's charts are tbh!
but yes, i do have faith that Ja'marr will receive his proper flowers. looking at the chart i have now suggests it won't necessarily happen until maybe next year, perhaps the year after that (he has saturn in aries so he definitely has time before saturn matures him omg)
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roitaminnah · 2 years
few doodles from another aggie with my friend ya boy finished the game finally sunglasses emoji
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new-eyes-extra-colors · 10 months
realized i hadn't actually posted any fic snippets of eots with my boy maxie in them so here he is
also. i think groudon and kyogre should be scarier. as a treat.
“Maxie,” she says, tugging gently on his hand. He stops and turns partway around, glancing at her briefly, and follows the direction of her flashlight beam across the cavern to the spot where it illuminates a small x on the rock wall, drawn in white chalk.
“Again?” he mutters.
“This is the third time,” May says, voice high and tremulous, “that we’ve been through here. Every single one of these exits just, I don’t know, loops back here somehow.” She gives him a look that’s halfway between critical and pleading, and he holds her gaze steadily, expression neutral. “Have you seen the passageway that leads back to the entrance? Because it should be right behind us, but we got here through that turn.” She points ahead with her flashlight, to the branch of the cave that heads off to the left. “I mean, how does that even make sense? Coming through the same exit four times from four different directions?”
He turns away, falling silent for a moment. The cavern echoes with the quiet sound of water dripping from somewhere nearby; of Maxie tapping his foot. His hand is warm in hers, and she realizes she’s squeezing it. It’s selfish, but she’s too afraid to let go.
“I think,” he says evenly, “that this is normal.”
She takes a deep breath. “Normal.”
He nods once. “Relatively speaking, of course. But I’ve seen something similar to this before, back at our base.”
She frowns up at him. “I thought that was an abandoned mine?”
He catches her gaze again briefly. “Why do you think it as abandoned? People thought it was haunted, and when they couldn’t find out what was haunting it, they abandoned the project rather than stick around and risk irritating something powerful enough to rearrange a cave system at will.” He looks around the cavern briefly, flashlight beam skating across dripping stalactites on the ceiling. “You have to remember the scale of power we’re dealing with, here. A reasonably powerful psychic-type could achieve something similar to this, and people used to worship Kyogre as a god.”
Maxie’s words hang in the still air for a moment, and May shifts back and forth on her aching feet. She turns and looks behind them, but there’s nothing there except the dark passageway they just walked through.
“You think Kyogre’s doing this.”
“Not doing,” he corrects. “Well. Maybe doing, but I don’t think it’s necessarily a conscious control.” He takes a deep breath. “Obviously, I’m not sure. But have you ever seen anything like this before? Since Groudon… left, we’ve been able to map the entire mine and the cave structure it intersects with. We tried several times before, of course, but were never able to do that successfully while they were still there.”
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happi-tree · 2 years
Can I ask what dndads is? :0
Ofc, lovebird! Buckle in, bc this is gonna be a LOT.
Dndads is short for Dungeons & Daddies (not a BDSM podcast) and it's a D&D podcast centered around dads and their relationships with their kids! Five very talented writers/actors roleplay as dads (or teens, depending on the season) and explore themes of fatherhood, identity, and intergenerational trauma, alongside a metric fuckton of dad jokes and media references.
There's currently 2 seasons up, and they're both absolutely fantastic imo!
The first centers around 4 dads who get transported into a fantasy world on their way to their sons' soccer game. The only trouble is all of the kids ended up disappearing in the shift, so it turns into a quest to find their lost sons and get back to the normal world. It's a really fun fantasy-comedy type of vibe and dad jokes are a constant. This season is completely finished, with 69 episodes total.
The second season timeskips a generation and follows the grandkids of the original dads as they attempt to navigate high school, uncover some family secrets, and repair what went wrong after the events of season 1. While it's still very comedic, this season is a little darker thematically - there's a bit more of an existential horror element to it, which is fun! This season is still ongoing, but as of now there are 28 episodes (episode 28 just came out yesterday!).
The episodes typically clock in between an hour to an hour and a half long, and it does a really good job of pulling you in (I say, having listened to all of s1 within the span of 3 weeks or so). If you wanna give it a listen, you can find dndads on Spotify or wherever else you prefer to listen to podcasts!
This was probably a WAY longer response then necessary, but! Tldr dndads is simultaneously one of the funniest and most emotionally devastating pieces of media I've gotten into in quite awhile and it's about some rowdy dads, their rowdy kids, and their rowdy grandkids getting up to shenanigans and rolling dice. It's a lot of fun and I'm physically incapable of shutting up about it :DDD
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outofthiisworld · 8 months
Smash(???) or pass + fivemind (for doc)
Send Smash or Pass + a name and my muse will say if they would smash or pass on that person
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[🧪] Doc’s head snapped up from his tinkering, enough so that a hard CRAAAACK popped (ouch—!)
“Uh, well— I could have sworn I’d be able to fly under the radar from all this chit-chat…” DOC, YOU’RE DODGING THE QUESTION!!!
He sighed and rubbed at his poor neck.
“How would smashing even work? Mm. You know what, don’t answer that actually, let’s not invade any privacy—”
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“Listen. What I’m about to say does NOT leave this workshop, you hear me? I’ve been around the block a fair amount, more so because of eh— curiosity’s sake, we’ll call it. It’d be… interesting to see how that HYPOTHETICALLY IMAGINATIVE scenario could unfold; particularly on their side of things versus my own.”
A beat of silence.
“We done?”
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volfoss · 8 months
I’ve never seen you talk about themes and tropes you enjoy in media and stuff like that, it’s always about how misogynistic or racist something is, which it’s totally valid of course, but I think we often forget those are not the only types of things we can take from a story. Anyways you’re totally valid for being a hater lol.
if u are referring to the stuff ive been posting lately irt tezuka its because the themes and tropes are pretty well documented but the horrors are not. and id rather any mutuals know about those rather than solely focusing on the themes being there and not addressing that, esp when those are easily found on sites like tezukainenglish or even looking up essays on the matter. i also feel that if its about this topic, it is something i bring up when its there (the one im reading rn handles a lot of anti-war themes in a really good manner and i did get into that pretty deeply in my review of it (which i havent posted yet bc its been taking a while to get through)). imo its something where it is important to discuss issues w media and id rather be getting into both that and thematics of the media vs just an analysis of it (which can tend to overlook issues). w kimba specifically, it was VERY hard to overlook the issues that were in the media as it was glaring and pretty much everywhere bc it was DRENCHED in racism. i did not want to be like ok :) heres the super good themes in this bc quite honestly it was a very miserable experience to read. my posts on tumblr are also not indicative of HOW i enjoy something or if im focusing on themes or not bc often thats something i tend to be messaging friends about as i watch/read something. i love analyzing themes and getting into the nitty gritty of a media but i also think its important to bring up issues when they are less talked about in the general fan space of it all. if you talk to me one on one you KNOW how passionate i get about themes in a story but its just not something i talk about publicly.
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