#Anyways I couldn’t do much so I drew in the back of one of my notebooks since I HAVE NO PAPER LEFT- 💀💀
whereismyhat5678 · 6 months
I kept myself QUITE occupied after my test-
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Here’s them individually:
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Love all these guys 🫶🫶 (Some more than the other but love ‘em’ none-a-less!!)
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ragingbookdragon · 5 months
She blinked in her drunken haze at the bartender who nudged a glass of water towards her; her brows drew in confusion, and he said, “Look if you want to keep paying, I’ll keep serving, but you look like you need a ride home rather than more drinks. Drink some water and find a ride.”
Throwing a poor thumbs up, she watched as he walked off and she pulled out her phone, thumbing her password in so she could go to her contacts; his was one of the first and she managed to press call, laying the phone down on the bar, her head laying atop it. They picked up on the second ring.
“Lt,” she slurred. “Will you come get me?”
You’re drunk, aren’t you?
It was rhetorical, she knew that, but she responded anyway. “Yeah, drank too much.” She closed her eyes. “Will you please come get me?” she smiled when she heard the annoyed sigh come across the line. “Pleeeeeeeeeeease,” she whined.
Pay your tab and I’ll be there in a few minutes.
“You’re not going to pay it for me?”
You’re pushing your luck much farther than how much you think I actually tolerate you.
“You tolerate me more than most.”
The line went dead, and she fished around in her pocket for a few bills, laying them on the counter as she lifted herself up and headed for the door. As she stepped out into the night, she drifted to an enclosed corner and sat down on one of the paved bricks that extended from the outside wall, shutting her eyes as she rested her head on the cold stone. She listened as people walked past her, taking in the laughter, the random bits of conversation, sometimes arguments, and breathed deeply as her brain rolled around in her skull.
It wasn’t until she felt the shift of the moonlight from her face to shadow that she cracked an eye open and gazed up at the masked man glaring back at her. “Hi, Lt,” she murmured, and he didn’t even blink.
He turned and started walking towards the parking lot when she whined and said, “You aren’t even going to help me up?”
His feet stopped on the pavement, shoulders lifting up and down before he spun around and walked back over, holding out his hand.
“Thank you,” she chirped and took it, letting him pull her up; she didn’t let go of his hand as they walked and at one point in her drunken stumbling, he stopped and let out a tired sigh, bending his knees to kneel beside her. “What are you doing?” she asked.
“Get on,” he retorted, and she looked between his face and his back.
“You mean on your—”
“Get. On.” He growled and she hurriedly draped herself on his back, letting out a startled noise as he stood up suddenly, large hands clasped on the bottoms of her thighs as she wrapped her arms around his neck.
She blinked as she rested her head on his shoulder and murmured, “Wow, the air is so clear up here.” She heard it, the slight snort and she couldn’t help but smile as he carried her. “Lt?”
“Thank you for coming to get me. I know I’m a pain in the ass.”
“At least you’re self-aware of how much a major pain in my arse you are. Bigger than Soap is on his worst days.”
“Now that’s just plain mean,” she mumbled, sniffling slightly. “I’m sorry.”
He stopped again and turned his head, looking at her. “I’d rather you be a pain in my arse than be nothing to me at all.”
She gazed at him with wide eyes, unable to stop her mouth from flopping open and he looked down then back to her eyes. “Really?” she asked in disbelief.
“You might be the biggest pain I’ve ever had the displeasure of having, but you’re my pain and I intend for it to stay that way.”
Her mouth shut and she melted against his back as he continued walking, gingerly snuggling closer to him, knees hugging his hips, arms tighter around him as she joked, “I love you too, Lt.”
“Nope, we’re not there yet.”
She paused, then wondered aloud, “You think we’ll ever be there one day?”
It was a long moment before he finally murmured back, “…yeah, maybe one day, pet.”
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spicyspiders · 3 months
something that never existed
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Francis Mosses x male reader smut
1.4k words
This is really dark. Francis gives the reader a bottle of milk that makes him feel funny, follows him home, and then takes care of him.
It hits you during the middle of your shift. You aren’t sure of what, but the feeling of it has grown more intense each hour since it began. Pushing through the double doors is harder than when you did it this morning, your arms feeling heavy. 
The cool evening air against your skin nearly has you moaning. Your skin burns, and the refreshing air makes you want to tear off your clothes. Each step against the pavement feels heavy as you slug your way to your home. If you were a passerby, you would probably be annoyed hearing the loud sound of your shoes against the sidewalk, but even though the noise filled your ears again and again, you could also hear the quieter steps of someone behind you. 
Someone fucking drugged you. Or maybe something made it through the slot in your workstation. Or maybe–
You didn’t fucking know. All you knew was that because of it, you were half-hard by the time you made it to your front door. 
“Are you following me?” You asked loudly as you leaned your sweaty forehead against your door. You panted against the door as you waited for a response. You laughed to yourself as you stuck your hand into your pocket to get your keys. Great, alongside the lust, you were also going crazy. 
“You looked like you needed help. So yes, I followed you,” a voice said from behind you. 
Your eyebrows drew together, trying to recognize the voice. It only took a few moments to pinpoint where you knew it from. You heard nearly a hundred voices a day at your job, but there was something about the man’s voice that was different and made it memorable. 
You just couldn’t remember his name though. Frank? Fraser? Frederick? You didn’t really care to try and remember his name. You had more pressing matters, like picking up the keys you had finally pulled from your pocket and then dropped on the fucking ground. 
“Let me,” Frank, Fraser, or Frederick says, his voice much closer behind you. “Here,” he says, now beside you. 
You hold your hand out to accept the cold metal into your palm. You hope the man will just leave as you close your fingers around the keys and the sharp metal digs into your palm, but the man stays. 
“I’m fine,” you say to the man, sticking the key into the knob with your shaky hands. 
“Let me at least help you get inside,” the man responds, one of his hands moves to your shoulder, while the other goes to your waist to hold you upright.  
“Fuck,” you whisper. Where he touches you somehow feels warmer than the rest of your body feels, even over your clothes. His voice brings you back to earlier in the day when he showed up to the window to be let in. You thought it was pretty weird for a milkman to deliver to his own apartment building, but it definitely wasn’t the weirdest thing you saw during your shift. 
“Let me in?” He had asked you earlier that day. Through the window, you could see his carrier full of milk bottles, but you could also see an extra bottle in his other hand. 
“Making an extra delivery for today?” You asked as you looked over the papers he gave you. 
The man didn’t answer. He must not have heard you, you thought. He nodded in appreciation when you gave his papers back and pressed the button to unlock the door. You thought that was going to be that, but the man got your attention again after you had started going through other papers on your desk. 
“This is for you, actually,” he said as he held the bottle up. One corner of his mouth twitched up, making it look like for once, he wasn’t miserable. 
“Oh,” you said in surprise. You weren’t sure if you were allowed to accept gifts, but took the bottle anyway through the slot under the window. 
“You must get thirsty back there.”
“Yeah,” you chuckled lightly, “my mouth can get dry with all of the talking I do.”
He left after that, but you swore his eyes had flicked down to your lips before he walked through the door. 
“Did you put something in that milk?” You asked, pulling the key from the knob. 
Francis. You remembered as his hand went over yours on the knob. You could see the document in your head, as you tried to remember if the man with you now was the same from earlier in the day. 
“Did you like it?” He asked, “I made it just for you,” he said into your ear, his warm breath puffing across your ear. 
With strength you didn’t know you still had, you sent your elbow backward into the man’s chest. You thought that would be enough, but found yourself on the other side of the door with Francis on your back. 
“What’d you do to me?” You moaned against the door. His weight on your back was heavy as he held you against the door. This close, you could feel the length of his cock digging into your lower back. 
You let out another moan, but this time, Francis lets out one that matches yours when he grinds his hard cock into your back. His hands go to your hips to maneuver you around so he can grind his cock into the meat of your ass. 
“You don’t know how long I’ve wanted this,” Francis says, laying his body along the length of your back so he can say the words directly into your ear. 
Enough to drug you, you guessed. Whatever he gave you was enough to turn your brain to mush, and the only control you had was dedicated to pushing your ass back into his cock. 
“Please,” you whined, “it hurts.” Francis lets you fall slowly to the floor and makes his way to hold himself tightly against your back. What hurts is your hard cock, but of course, Francis knows that the relief you need comes in the form of his hands between your legs. 
“I’ve got you, sweetheart,” Francis whispers. His fingers skillfully get your pants open, and then his fingers– the same ones you saw earlier today hand you his papers, wrap around your cock. 
You immediately fuck your hips into his fist, much closer than you expected. You hoped that with your release, Francis would be leaving along with it. Maybe you had fallen asleep at your station and this was some fucked up dream you were having. Letting your head fall forward to thunk into your door didn’t wake you up, so it’s likely that this was real. 
“You’re so wet here,” Francis says in amazement as his fingers collect the precum from the head of your cock and what had already leaked down the shaft. He hooks his chin on your shoulder before he pulls his hand from your cock, and up to his mouth. 
He groans into your neck when he gets the taste on your tongue, “Francis,” you whisper, hoping that saying his name would be enough. You didn’t want to beg, after all, your hard cock should be evidence enough of what you needed. 
“I’m sorry,” Francis says, kissing his apology into the soft skin of your neck. Though it wasn’t on your lips, the press felt electric. “I just needed a taste.”
His words go straight to your cock and you feel another bead of precum drip from the head, just in time for Francis’ fingers as they wrap around the base. 
You cum to Francis’ long fingers around your cock and to the feel of his cock digging into your back. With his chest pressed to your back, the groan he lets out as you come undone under his hands travels through your body. It almost feels as if he’s so close that he’s a part of you and the noise comes from your mouth. It makes you feel crazy. What makes you feel even crazier though is how much you moan for the man as your orgasm courses through your body.    
Francis holds your body up with an arm wrapped around your stomach as you pant against the door and come down from the orgasm that just shot through your body. “Let’s go to bed, sweetheart,” Francis says, his voice full of promise, “it’s been a long day.”
It must be the drugs, you thought as you let him pull you up from the floor. Your soft cock gives a twitch from where it hangs between your legs. You weren’t even sure if it was worth buttoning your pants back up. 
Francis was right, it had been a long day, but you had a feeling that you also had a long night ahead of you. 
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lady-ashfade · 10 months
Mates By Fate
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Various Hybrid!Characters x Human!Fem!Reader.
Plot: The adoption center is filled with many different hybrids from all sorts. But when one gets a whiff of your scent that they can’t help but get excited to see you.
Characters: Rabbit!Izuku midoriya, Wolf!Katsuki Bakugo, Dog!Eijiro Kirishima, Cat!Shoto Todoroki
Warnings: quick adoption, licking, love at first sight, mention of dark past, not much.
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Rabbit! Izuku Midoriya
The building was filled with all types of noises, from barks to meows, even some growls. Some hybrids were out playing and doing their own things, some playing in groups outside or maybe they enjoyed their own company. Izuku was watching a movie that had come on just in time for his break. All hybrids get a break from the others to focus on themselves if needed, and he decided to watch his favorite movie. Super Hybrid: All might. Oh, how he adored the movie and the man it was about. His room filled with decorations of Allmight himself, posters on every wall.
He couldn’t keep his eyes off the screen when the scene came on. Allmight fighting a bad guy, his tail smacking him around from place to place. It was like watching it for the first time, he was on the edge of his seat cheering at the screen for his hero. Not much could get his attention away from this movie, so when a scent came into his nose it peaked his interest. What was that smell? So sweet, soft yet bold, how could something smell so perfect? His flappy ears stood up and his attention drew to the hallway where his door was cracked open. Grabbing the remote be paused the movie and walked to the door.
He poked his head out slowly to see what was going on and if he could find the source of the smell. Then he saw the owner of the adoption center in the middle of the hallway, then a woman standing next to her about three doors down. A hybrid with droopy ears likes his but brown, the hybrid rubbed her head against the new woman’s hand as she smiled. When he saw you, he felt the world crash onto him with a kick to the chest.
The words rang through his head and made his body tense up at the thought of having you in his life. But, he couldn’t have a mate? And not someone as pretty as you? He cheeks heated up while staring at you with wide eyes frozen in the doorway to his room. He could hear your conversation but didn’t truly listen, the words sounding like muffles to him. But a few seconds later your head turned when the owner said something and you looked right at him.
He yelps and slips back into his room quickly from being caught and your attention. His heart raced as fast as it could go as he panicked over every detail. Did you really see him? Was he imagining you here? What if this was a dream and he’d wake up mateless again? What if you don’t want him as a mate anyway? So many questions ran through his speedy head and made him panic.
“Izuku,” the old woman’s sweet voice called him out of his thoughts as she walked into the open room. “We have a visitor, like to meet them?” Your frame shuffled into the room and waved softly, the smile on your lips look like heaven. All he could do is stare and mumble nervously with words you couldn’t understand.
“He’s shy, but he’s a good hybrid to have around.” You nodded and reached into your pocket and his attention calmed down at the other scent he loved. Treats. A brown little heart shaped treat rest in your hands and pushed it towards him. “Hello, Izuku. My names Y/n.” The name engraved itself into his brain. The excitement finally washed over him and shot throughout his body, making him so happy that his leg started to tap and take the treat into his mouth.
He was so happy as he chew and you watched his nose crinkle with each bite, his happy feet bouncing. You giggled at the sight, he was your favorite by far. “I’ll let you have some time with him, seeing as he’s your perfect match. I shall be just outside with the other hybrids, call if you need anything.” She bowed and walked out the room.
You look at izuku and a nervous smile spread your face as he inched closer, no threatening gestures but with a curious look. His noses sniffed around your hand and up your wrists, he looked so focused. Then he nudged his faces across it like he was petting himself and your heart exploded. He looked so happy and relaxed with your touch.
“Mate.” He muttered and you froze up. Did he say that or was it a mistake…Mate? That’s interesting but you can’t help but feel like it was right. “Tell me, do you want me to take you home?” He jumped up and hugged your leg and you almost fell. Laughing you reach down to pet this hair.
He was interesting, he couldn’t get himself off of you. But he was perfectly sweet.
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Wolf! Katsuki Bakugo
Katsuki is wasn’t one for social interaction, especially with new people he had just meet. Whenever someone came to look at the hybrids he wouldn’t let them get near and just walk off or give them attitude. He was adopted once before and it was the worst time of his life, humans were cruel and he knew damn well they couldn’t put up with him. So he put off the idea that he would find someone nice enough.
Kats didn’t get along with the other hybrids, only a selected group he allowed near him. If he wasn’t hanging around them then he was outside in the shade, or playing with a chew toy that need to be replaced each day. He loved to be outside a few hours because he had a lot of energy he couldn’t release inside. Today he decided to take a break and lay on the ground to take a quick nap, the shade and sun making him tired. Then, his nose picked up a scent. Shooting his head up from his resting place his head looked around for the scent he was smelling.
This wasn’t food, it wasn’t like anything he’s ever smelled before. It was the perfect smell for him. He craved to get near the source. So he stood up and looked around, his tail wagging behind him. Big and thick with blonde and white with brown tips like his ears. “Shit.” He smelled it out and followed trail. A beautiful laugh caught his ears and he looked up to see a woman smiling with the owner, a hybrid getting their head pat. Her. It was coming from her.
Mate. Claim. Mate.
She was his mate, his tail wagged harder but his head gave him trouble. He didn’t need a mate, and not a shitty human at that. What was she trying to do? He’s a alpha and not some pet she could keep in her house- But he wanted it. To be close to her at every second to keep he safe and sound. He groaned and fell close to the ground and behind the flowers, the garden being filled with big places with high planted flowers. It was easy for him to crawl closer without being caught, after all it was in his blood to hunt.
He got closer and watched for a second. “I’ll leave you to look around, I know of a few hybrids out here. A snake one, he’s usually in the trees and many others.” She smiles and took the cat hybrid inside, leaving you alone. Smiling to yourself and straighten your blouses then walk over to the flowers, smelling them. Bakugo wiggled his body and got ready to pounce on you, why? He just felt like it. But when you giggled and looked over at his direction he froze in shock and confusion.
“There’s a mirror wall behind you,” you look a seat on the bench beside you. “But don’t be discouraged, you would of had me.” The lighthearted tone in your voice made him heat up, and your smile with no anger in it. He rolled his eyes and stood up, inching closer to you with a glare, a low growl leaving his lips to imitate you with fear. You only smiled and pulled out a big threat, a bone shaped one.
“I apologize if I offended you, it was not my intention.” Standing up slowly you tossed the treat softly before him.  “But I hope you’ll take this treat as a apology, great wolf.” His ego built up at your praise and felt better. He took the treat and took a few bites. While he was focused on the treat you backed up to leave him alone, not wanted to anger him. Wolfs can be very territorial when it comes to it, so you wouldn’t egg him in. 
“I didn’t say go, damn human.” His tough voice caught you off guard. You turned around to see him soften his glare and look at the bench you once sat at. “Sit.” You smirked for a second and walked back to the bench and did as he said. He was adorable. You stuck out your hand for him to sniff and he hesitated, looking up at you like asking permission or to get a read on you. But you only flashed him a eye closing smile.
His noses poked your hand and sniffed all around to take in your scent in, and his body turned into mush. Your scent, he craved it. “Damn, of course it be a human.” He huffed and crossed his arms. You looked at him confused, “Hmm?” Kats rolled his eyes hard and pointed at you, “Mate.” He enjoyed how you looked at him in shock and flustered.
“Now, go get the paper work done so I can leave. I wouldn’t let anyone leave with you today wether you like it or not.” His tail stomped the ground as his teeth really showed to threaten the people he thought of. “Well? Go!” You giggled and rushed away from the shouting hybrid, a rough one.
He was demanding and didn’t care. He however, was loving on the way to your house so you didn’t mind.
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Shoto Todoroki
Shoto is a hybrid that likes to take naps, his cat like nature is strong. The sunlight can make him fall asleep anywhere, no matter the place. He also loves to climb up on things to take a nice nap, mostly on a cat like tree they have for hybrids. He also has a scratching problem but not in a bad way, he just needs to stretch often. Those are the things he does in a day. Wake up, scratch, eat, Nap, scratch and then repeat. However he does hang out with some hybrids on occasion.
Today Shotos place of choice was in front of the art rooms door, so close to getting hit if someone opened the door fully. The hybrid didn’t notice this when he went to sleep or he would have scooted a bit further. You wanted to explore the place and decide to check the art room to see what’s it was like. When you opened the door you didn’t see the hybrid behind you, only a tail that curled and swung slowly. Stopping and not pushing the door any further you walked through the gap and poke your head around to see the hybrid laying there.
His hair mix toned, red and white. His tail thin but long, white fur all the way down. But his ears matched the hair on each side, he was gorgeous. You smile and push all the way in the room and close the door as quietly as you can, trying not to startle him. Kneeling down a few inches from him you start to call out softly for him to walk up. Clinking your tongue, “Little buddy, wake up please.” You repeated that line over and over. But he wasn’t little, only a small frame but you could see the muscles he had and how tall he was.
He slowly opened his eyes with a yawn, confused on what was going on. When he noticed you his demeanor changed slight. His face dropping and staring you, with almost a cold glare. Chuckling to not be afraid you step back, “Sorry, I just didn’t want you to get hurt. You were sleeping in front of the door.” You glanced at the door and showed him what you meant. But he didn’t stop staring at you with a unreadable expression.
Shoto was freaking out inside. Your scent drove him insane, one he wanted to run and nuzzle up to. He couldn’t look away from your pretty face or he would have. What was this? Had you have some sort of magic to bewitched him? Why was his body on fire? He had so many emotions and non of them made sense. Until his mouth started to water..
The clicking sound echoed through his brain when he realized what you were to him. A mate. Fate was funny about bringing people together and he didn’t have to find you, you found him. “Hello?” You waved a hand in front of your face as he continued to be silent and frozen. He blinked finally and you felt relieved. “Call me shoto.” You hummed at the calming tone. “Y/n.” You reached out your hand with a smile. Of course he couldn’t hold himself back from taking it and sniffing you.
Your scent was so nice to smell, calming but made his blood pump. You had weird affects on his body. You watch him sniff you and it made you laugh as he kept hitting his nose against the center. He was booping his own nose. Then he did something unexpected and licked your hand softly. To give affection he kept doing it, small licks. Nothing more to the eyes. Only he did it to get his scent on you.
“Adopt me.” He look up at you blankly and you were taken aback by his boldness. “We just met, don’t you want to get a know me first?” You asked. Most hybrids take a week at least before getting comfortable with a owner, or at least a whole day. “I know all I need, you are my mate of course.” He nuzzled against your hand as his tail swayed around smoothly.
“Mates?” You questioned but couldn’t help but rub his cheek, he purred so loudly you could feel it. “Hmm, smell you. Us hybrids have mates, or some do and mine is you.” He shrugged like it wasn’t a big deal. “Now, I’m tired. Could you go get everything done so I can’t go back to napping?”
You took shoto home that night and he fell asleep on your nap. Followed you around the house with his head in your shoulders.
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Eijiro Kirishima
Kiri likes to be with other hybrids and people, a social butterfly if you will. He always has a smile on his face to cheer and play with the others, the big brother of the estate. His dream is to one day have a forever home with a family that loves him but worries about being worthy. Despite always tell the others they’d get adopted or cheer them up, he felt the same way. But he puts it off and has fun instead, he’s very active. They had to build a new playground area just for him and hybrids like him who are rough but playful.
Kiri today was in the playroom all by himself and it saddens him, no one to play with. He’d have the rope in his mouth and swing it around almost like a weapon. Or jumping around from the bars to places, or his favorite. Catch. They had a device to throw the ball automatically and he loved it, almost as much as someone actually throwing him the ball. Kiri watched the ball get shot out and hit the table making it change direction to the door. To his surprise the door opened just as the ball rolled on the floor and stop between someone’s leg. His mind focused on the ball he chased after it.
His legs ran to catch the small object and only to be caught in another trance caused by a smell, a delicious smell. Stopping in his tracks he froze and looked up at the person at the door who now looked at the ball between her feet. A smile spread on her lips when she bent down to pick it up. The smell was coming from her. Was it a treat in her pocket? What flavor was it? That smell was heaven to his nose, like it was made just for him.
Giggling you looked at the pup in front of you, a grip on the ball “Want me to throw it?” You wiggled it slightly. Thump thump. The sound of his huge fluffy tail hit the floor as he panted quietly. He was so excited. “Get it.” You threw it past him and made sure not to hit anything but far for him to have fun. He leaped up and chased after it, so fast and quick. It was cute to watch him bite the ball and chew down on it slightly then look back at you. He pranced back to you with his tail wagging, a pride filled aura as he puffed out his chest.
He dropped the ball at your feet and sat back on the floor, his tongue sticking out. “Awe, such a good boy.” You reached down to pet his head but gave him enough time to pull away if he’d like. But he didn’t so your hand patted the red hair, slightly touching the ears on his head. “My names Y/n.” Without a warning he jumps up and knocks you down, leaning onto of you and starts to lick across your face. His hands on your chest and tail making a breeze.
You laughed and tried to move but he didn’t let up on his actions. You smelled too good. You called him a good boy. A perfect mate for him. He leaned up and didn’t let his hands up from your stomach. “Eijiro Kirishima.” His smile was so wide you saw his teeth that looked perfectly white and sharp. Taking a breath you smile up at the hybrid you just met. “Nice to met you.” He jumped off you and waited for you to get up.
When you did you brushed off yourself and whipped your face off. Kiri stood up finally and you looked up at him, he was one of the biggest hybrids you have ever seen. Blushing at his height you giggled, he was just a huge puppy. “Are you here to adopt?” He asked, his ears and tail stopping and going down. You could tell he was sad and you wondered why.
“Yes, I am.” You see him look at the floor and a sad smile grew on his face. “They’d be luck to have you.” The heart in your chest shattered at his tone, so quick to dismiss himself. “Would you be willing to get adopted? I was looking for a dog hybrid…If you’re willing.” Kiri’s head shit up and his body started to wage and bounce. The sparkle in his eyes reappeared and his happiness coming back.
The next thing you know his arms are wrapping themselves around you and pulling you closer, his tongue licking your cheek. You patted his head, “I’ll take that as a yes.” You didn’t expect to meet the hybrid of your dreams on the first day of looking but here he was. “Mate, going home with my mate.” His words made you tense up. Mate? Does he think you’re his mate… Why doesn’t that not sound wrong?
“Okay, let’s go so I can go to the office.” He whined and hugged you closer. His head rested on your shoulder and he refused to let you go, he had a person for the first time. Too soon to let go. “You can come with him, but I need to walk.” He felt your chest vibrate with laughter and he huffed. His arms let your waist go but hooked on your arm instead.
You didn’t expect him to be so clingy and protective over you but that’s what he was. You’re now his home. But there’s no other pup for you.
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Imagine Sanji jumping overboard at the last second because he refuses to sail without you…
The ship was leaving. You smiled as you waved goodbye truly happy for Sanji’s next adventure despite feeling a heartache in the uncertainty of seeing him again. Zeff and the rest of the cooks had returned to the Baratie but you chose to stay until the Going Merry was no longer in sight.
As you watched, you saw heard a distant shout and a dark figure falling overboard into the water with a splash. There were a few more muffled noises but the ship was too far away to discern it.
You noticed something in the water moving your way so you lowered to kneel on the pier. The visual suddenly disappeared and you scanned the area to try and catch sight of it again. When you couldn’t find anything, you convinced yourself that you were seeing things - that is, until you looked more directly below.
Sanji’s head broke through the surface of the water, blue eyes sparkling against the reflection of the sea. His blonde hair wet and sticking to his face while his darker roots peeked through. It took you a moment to realise that his shirt was absent leaving his skin on display with droplets of water rolling off to rejoin its source.
Lifting his arm, he brought his hand to cup your cheek. He lowered your head to meet his, thumb dropping to your lips and slowly dragging it down while leaving a light trail of sea water. You gripped the edge of the pier with the hope to not fall in after him but Sanji was intoxicating.
He pushed himself a little higher until his mouth was in line with yours and took no hesitation in claiming it. He was gentle, lips warm despite being drenched in the cold sea. Unable to help yourself from humming in bliss, you felt Sanji smile through the kisses at the sound.
Your hands were slowly losing their hold on the wooden planks wanting nothing more than to grab onto him and dive in. Sensing the temptation, Sanji carefully guided one of your hands to his shoulders - and then the other. He was more stable than Zeff’s rickety boardwalk anyway.
Very slowly, he moved back, further into the ocean while still connected to your mouth taking you with him. You let him pull you out to sea and as your chest touched the cold water, you let your legs fall in as well. You tightened your arms around his shoulders and drew your whole body against him until your legs wrapped around his waist.
Sanji had an arm around you while the other was lovingly against your neck. His legs doing all the work in keeping you both high enough above the waters surface to breathe through the love he was pouring into you.
It was unspoken but you both knew that he wasn’t travelling the vast sea without you. He couldn’t.
A/n: I just woke up and this is what my brain blurt out - I have no regrets. Used the song Sand by Dove Cameron to help the creativity.
Also, 3,000 followers? I have to do something special for this! Love you all so much x
Masterlist here (for more One Piece)
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dantakeyoman · 1 year
Hi! I wanna cry out my heart tonight so is it alright for you to make a neteyam x reader where neteyam comes back home after the war but hears that reader is mated/bonded with someone else?
Btw I love your works omg! 🥹
Neteyam Returns From the Metkayina and Falls In Love With You Again After Seeing You (SFW / Comfort)
Reader is Fem! Omaticaya
CW: i'm sorry but i couldn't bring myself to do it :'), i had it all planned out but it was just too sad, i hope you're alright with the change tho, fluffy fluff, simp Neteyam appearance, reader is one too, Lo'ak and Kiri are, yet again, Lo'ak and Kiri, skeezy is when someone is weird or creepy, figured I’d slide some black slang in there
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"Someone's excited," Kiri giggles, turning to Neteyam as her and Lo'ak's ikran approached the entrance to the Omaticaya Stronghold.
The boy had had this childlike expression plastered on his face nearly the whole way home, which grew in giddiness the closer the family drew to their forest home.
Even in the earlier days when they had stopped for rest, she clearly remembered how much he mumbled your name in his sleep, as if it were a prayer.
It made her want to swoon and gag at the same time.
He's so hopeless.
"Yeah. We all know what your excited to see," Lo'ak smirked, pulling his ikran closer to Neteyam's, wiggling his eyebrows.
"Or should I say...who?"
Neteyam scoffed, rolling his eyes at their antics.
Ever since their journey started, the teasing had been relentless. So much so that it didn't even faze him anymore.
What's a few more minutes of it anyway?
Seeing you again would be his greatest reward.
Four years of pining and longing would all be worth it. 
The hard days, the cold nights, the times where he felt like he couldn't anymore. You came to him, be it a dream, or a memory, and told him you could.
It was what made him love you so much.
Even if you weren’t there, you were there for him, easing his body, mind, and soul.
Back when he lived with the Omaticaya, you two had a special spot that one would go to if they were sad, mad, tired, or simply overwhelmed.
The other would comfort them, hold them close, say sweet nothings, make the other feel loved. 
It became a regular thing. And now that he was coming back, it was the very first thing he wanted to do with you.
He wanted to feel you run your hands through his hair, he wanted you to trace his glowing freckles, he wanted you whisper how much you loved him into his ear.
“You know what would be hilarious? If she found a mate already,” Lo’ak poorly joked, turning to Kiri.
This quickly brought Neteyam out of his reverie, a nervous frown quickly replacing his smile
Kiri was quick to catch this.
“Don’t joke like that, skxawng!” she scolded, flicking him harshly on the head, earning an angry ow! from him.
“Last I checked, (y/n) was obsessed with Neteyam. She wouldn’t shut up about him. I highly doubt she would ever find someone else.”
But the words went through one ear and out the other.
The thought you would mate with someone else never crossed Neteyam’s mind. But now that it did, it made perfect sense.
Four years was a long time, and you were a beautiful woman.
No doubt some skeezy warrior tried to snatch you up the moment you came of age.
The thought made his blood boil, and his heart wrench.
This couldn’t be the case.
After all he’d been through throughout these four years, the only thing that was keeping him going was the thought of you waiting for him at home.
Now that there was a possibility of you no longer being his, he was truly contemplating turning back.
“Look alive kids. We’re here,” his dad smiled, pulling his ikran to the front of the pack.
“Yay! Home!” Tuk cheered from her spot with Neytiri, earning a laugh from the woman.
She was quite excited to be home, too.
They swooped into the cave, perching the ikran on the stone ledge before dismounting, the entirety of the clan running towards them, crowding the family.
Shouts and cheers of excitement echoed throughout the cave, the cave happy to see their former Olo’eyktan had returned, hopefully ready for him, or his son, to resume the mantle.
Despite the thick crowd, Mo’at managed to make it to the front of the mantle, along with the new Olo’eyktan.
“Jakesully, oel ngati kameie,” Mo’at nodded, pointing her hand from herself to Jake.
“Mo’at, oel ngati kameie. Olo’eyktan, oel ngati kameie,” Jake did the same, turning to the Olo’eyktan as well.
Once the formalities were out the way, Mo’at smiled, enveloping her family in a large hug.
“Welcome home,” she greeted.
The entire family hugged her back, the children happy to see their grandmother again.
“Grandmother! You will never believe what we have seen! All of the sea animals and the plants! Oh, and the tulkun!” Tuk happily rambled, hanging onto her grandma a little longer as the rest of the family broke away.
“I am sure you will tell me all about it tonight. My, you have gotten big!” Mo’at assured, hugging her granddaughter tightly.
While Neteyam was happy that his family was fully reunited once again, he still found his eyes scouring the crowd, looking for a familiar face.
Your familiar face.
“She is in the healing tent,” Mo’at whispered, recognizing her grandson’s distress.
He smiled, giving her a quick peck on the cheek before running off through the crowd, down the familiar path that always led him to you.
Visions of the day he left flashed through his head, reminding him what he was coming back to.
“Are you sure you have to go?” you tearfully asked, cupping his face in your hand.
“I must. My family will put everyone in the clan in danger if we stay,” he sighed, pulling you in closer by your waist, resting his forehead on yours.
“Well if you must,” you sniffled, quickly wiping a tear from your eye. “Then I support you. I will wait for you, Neteyam. For as long as it takes.”
When he snapped himself out of it, he was already at your tent flap, the piece of cloth the only thing keeping you two apart.
He was about to grab it, but stopped mid-way, hesitating.
What if you had really found someone else to love?
“I will wait for you, Neteyam. For as long as it takes,” your words repeated in his head.
He sighed, steeling his nerves, before yanking open the tent flap, walking in.
“Tsahey! How many times have I told you, Ateyo! You have to be more careful when climbing trees. If you had fell any different, you would have cracked your skull open,” you scolded, smoothing a mushroom salve over a large cut on a young boy’s forehead.
You back was turned, and you didn’t hear the flap sound over the boy’s complaints.
“Hitxoa, (y/n). I tried to be extra careful this time! But a syaksyuk came out of no where and shook the branch!” Ateyo whined, wincing at the sting of the paste.
The air caught in Neteyam’s throat as he got a good look at you, his eyes raking up and down your body.
You had grown so much.
Your hair had gotten longer, your chest had gotten larger, and your hips had gotten slightly bigger, with a slightly deeper curve to them.
It was making something stir in his stomach.
The feeling reminded him of that word he had caught his dad calling his mom once. The one that Neytiri hissed at him for when she realized the children were around.
What was it?
When you stopped rubbing the salve on him, the little boy opened his eyes, only for them to land on the tall, warrior behind you, who gave him a polite wave.
The boy gasped in shock, his eyes growing wide with awe.
He knew exactly who he was, every Omaticayan boy did. 
Neteyam the Warrior, brother to Lo’ak the Warrior. 
Stories of the brothers’ adventures were known throughout the clan. And they practically became legends to the children. 
You cocked a brow, slowly turning around. 
“What are you-.” Your breath hitched when your eyes met that of the warrior before you, his smile growing at the sight of your face.
You had gotten more beautiful, too.
You slowly stood up, looking the boy...no, man, up and down, a dark shade of blue growing on your cheeks.
He had gotten incredibly tall, and beefier, too. 
And with new muscle, came new scars, which now littered his body, in a good way.
In an attractive way.
You would enjoy hearing stories about them as you traced them later tonight.
“Oel ngati kameie, my love,” he smirked, doing the gesture along with it, deeply hoping those words were still true.
The biggest smile you had smiled in four years found their way to your lips as you broke into a run, tackling the poor man in a bear hug.
“My Neteyam! You have returned!” you exclaimed out of pure happiness, throwing your arms around his neck and going on your tippy-toes to kiss him on the lips.
You were no longer tall enough to kiss him normally.
He laughed into it, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you closer to him ( if that was even possible ).
After your display of affection, he felt foolish to think you would ever mate with someone other than him.
As the two of you broke apart, he looked into your beautiful, honey eyes, and smiled as saw they held so much love behind them.
You were looking at him as if he hung the stars right before you.
And he recognized this because this was the very same look he would give you.
When you weren’t looking, of course.
“Look how beautiful you have grown. You must be the most sought woman in the clan,” he smirked, sensually tucking a stray braid behind your ear.
You smirked right back, bringing your hands to rest on his chest.
“Ah, yes. It has come to that,” you playfully sighed, leaning in closer so your mouth lay just outside his ear, bringing your voice down to a whisper.
“But I have saved myself for you.”
Neteyam quietly growled, the stir in his stomach increasing tenfold as he thought of what would happen if he took you to Utral Aymokriyä tonight.
“As have I,” he huskily whispered back, giving your neck a quick peck.
His tone made you shudder, suddenly begging for eclipse to come so you two could sneak off.
“GROSS!” the little, forgotten boy exclaimed from the corner, holding his stomach as if he were about to throw up.
“Disgusting! You’re a warrior! You’re not supposed to like this lovey-dovey stuff!” he groaned, pointing to his mouth and gagging.
“Get out of here!” you scolded, turning around and placing your hands on your hips.
But not before Neteyam pulled you into him, your back resting on his strong chest.
“Yeah. Before I start kissing her again,” Neteyam teased, placing a long, dramatic kiss on your cheek, making you giggle.
“GROSSSSS!” the boy loudly groaned in agony, covering his eyes as he ran out the tent.
The two of you laughed at the boy’s antics before you turned around, wrapping your arms around his neck once more.
You both stayed in comfortable silence, having a silent conversation as you stared into each others eyes, taking in every detail and committing it to memory.
Just in case you two would have to separate again.
“You know,” you started, smirking as one of your hands find it’s way to Neteyam’s hair, rubbing it in the way you remembered he liked.
“I was being serious before. I have saved myself.”
You gave a light tug to some of his hair, and the man let out a strained groan, using every ounce of his strength to keep him from closing his eyes in pleasure.
You massaged his head so well.
“You don’t know how long I’ve wanted to hold you again,” he sighed, tightening his grip around your waist.
You smiled, inching your face closer to his, to the point where your lips were a hair away.
“Then what are we still waiting for?” you purred.
That was his tipping point.
With a growl, he enveloped your lips in a passionate kiss, and you kissed him back with just as much fervor.
Hooking his hands under your thighs, he picked you up, carrying bridal style as he took you the back way out the tent.
“Neteyam!” you squealed, pulling out the kiss and tightening your grip around your neck, keeping yourself from falling.
“Quiet, my love. Or people will hear us,” he smirked, placing a quick kiss on your lips before running the both of you out the back entrance of the Stronghold.
Sure, you were serious about what you said. But past Neteyam would’ve never been bold enough to actually go through with it.
He had changed in these four years. He had grown confidence.
It was making something stir in you, even more so as you knew your destination would be Utral Aymokriyä.
This is going to be fun.
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thegettingbyp2 · 3 months
maybe something like feyd x fremen reader.
Maybe she captured him he is just like strong women marry me.
A/N: So I have changed the request slightly simply so it was a bit easier for me to write but I have kept the strong woman, I hope that's okay!
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You could feel the blood dripping down your face from the cut just above your eye and your hands instinctively moved to try to wipe it away, only to be snagged by the cuffs that were keeping them behind your back. You had been a part of Paul’s plan to defeat the Harkonnens and it was your job to plant a trap for them. You’d almost managed it until one of the soldiers found you, overpowering your quickly and calling for the Na-Baron Feyd-Rautha.
You’d heard many things about Feyd-Rautha, heard about the way he would fight in the arena and how skilled he was with a knife. His reputation made fear fill your body at the idea of coming face to face with him but you were determined to stay strong and not let him see that fear.
When he walked into the room where they had been holding you, you were surprised to find yourself attracted to him with his broad shoulders and ridiculously pretty eyes and you felt yourself shake yourself out of it before you let him see any weakness in you. You were so preoccupied in your own thoughts, you failed to notice his eyes light up slightly when he looked at you.
‘Leave us,’ Feyd commanded in a strangely seductive voice, not once taking his eyes off of you. As soon as the door closed and it was just you and Feyd in the room, he stepped closer, tilting his head as he looked at you. ‘When they told me that a Fremen had made it through our defences, I can’t lie, I was expecting a man.’
‘Sorry to disappoint,’ you replied sarcastically, causing Feyd to raise his brow at you.
‘I didn’t say I was disappointed,’ Feyd replied, pretty much cutting you off, a smirk beginning to play on his lips. ‘Tell me,’ he said, crouching down in front of you and running a finger down your cheek, making you shiver violently, ‘why are you following Paul Atredies?’
‘He’s the chosen one,’ you replied simply, meeting his gaze and refusing to be the first one to look away. Feyd seemed to like your attitude as he smiled at you, showing you a glimpse of his black teeth. You knew that you shouldn’t find him attractive, but there was something about him that drew you in. However, all for the strong front you’d been putting on in front of him, you couldn’t stop the gasp from escaping your lips when, in a flash, you felt the sharp edge of a knife pressing against your throat, but still, you refused to look away.
Feyd made a sound of approval in the back of his throat, keeping the blade against your skin as he leaned in further, completely invading your space as he looked at you. ‘You’re impressive,’ he said, sounding amused, ‘most Fremen I encounter end up begging me to spare their life but I have a feeling you’re not the type of person to do that, are you?’
‘Why would I do that when you’ll just kill me anyway? You might as well just get on with it.’
‘I’m not going to kill you,’ he replied, much to your surprise, ‘I think I’d rather keep you around a bit longer.’
‘Then do you mind taking the knife away from my neck?’ The bluntness of your tone had a laugh escaping Feyd’s lips and you struggled to hide the surprised expression on your face. Feyd slowly lowered the blade before discarding it on the floor and pulling you to your feet, keeping his hands on your arms to keep you balanced before one of his hands slid up to cup your face, his thumb brushing your bottom lip gently.
‘Pretty and strong-willed,’ Feyd mused, tugging on your bottom lip slightly as he looked at you. ‘You’ll make the perfect Na-Baroness.’
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frenchkisstheabyss · 1 month
♡Housewarming (2)♡
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♡ Pairing: dom!fiance!yeosang x sub!chubby!fem!reader x best friend!wooyoung, best friend!seonghwa, best friend!hongjoong
♡ Genre: smut/angst
♡ Summary: You thought things were settled after your not so innocent sundress drew a bit more attention from your fiance's friends than he would've liked but things are far from over for you. If it's attention you want then it's attention you'll get and only he gets to decide when you've had enough.
♡ Word Count: 2.2k-ish
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♡ Warnings: dom Yeosang, possessiveness, choking, gagging, cockwarming, nipple play, unprotected sex, creampie, double penetration (oral/vaginal), oral sex (m receiving), overstimulation, rough sex, reader's super needy/has full on baby girl vibes, probably a strength kink, voyeurism, Hwa & Joong are watching but not involved (this time), pet names (good girl, baby girl, etc), praise, dirty talk, strong language (obviously), Yeosang is daddy, and it's reaaaal wet in here
♡ A/N: Babes, I mean, like, look, I thought I wasn't into Yeosang but am I into Yeosang? Is dom Yeosang my thing now? I already have too many biases in this group. I'm gonna go to that concert in August and simply die on the spot now, I fear.
Anyways, as always, I hope ya'll enjoy my chaos and let me know what you think!
♡ Part One Here
♡ Part Three Here
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It’s difficult to load the dishwasher when your head’s still fuzzy from the events of the last few minutes. All of this over a dress? A dress you hadn’t put the faintest thought into when you first put it on. Naturally you thought it was cute, you wouldn’t have bought it otherwise, but sexy? That was the last thing crossing your mind when you picked this sundress off the rack. It’d crossed Yeosang’s though, enough to make him jealous. And his friends…had they really been looking at you? 
Leaning down to close the dishwasher, your thighs squeeze together a bit bringing back the tingling between your legs. If his friends were looking or not, you aren’t particularly mad at the consequences you had to face for it. Riding your fiance’s thigh in your hallway within earshot of his closest friends made you feel absolutely filthy and you'd 10/10 do it again. You love how determined Yeosang was to make it known to all of you that you belong to him. That he can reduce you to a whimpering, dripping mess wherever and whenever he wishes. 
You catch yourself staring into space, your thighs slippery once more with your arousal. “Get it together” you say to yourself, clicking a few buttons to turn the dishwasher on. You still have to meet Yeosang in the living room—for whatever reason—and you can’t go like this. Readjusting your sundress to cover as much skin as possible, you fill your brain with the least sexy thoughts you can to flush out the horniness. By the time you make your way out to the living room, memories of volunteering at a nursing home have made you sufficiently turned off.
You let out a sigh of relief as you position yourself on the arm of the chair Yeosang’s seated in. Hongjoong, Seonghwa, and Wooyoung are scattered across the remaining couch and chair, their attention seemingly dedicated to the random Youtube video playing on the flat screen.
“What are you guys watching?” you ask, laying your arm around Yeosang’s shoulders and petting his cheek. The side eye from the guys is instant. They couldn’t make it more obvious that they’re trying not to acknowledge you if they tried.
Yeosang slips an arm around your waist, smiling up at you, “Mmm, nothing…yet.”
“Okaaay, well, what are you gonna watch?” you ask, hoping to push through the awkwardness.
“Come here. I’ll show you” Yeosang says, guiding you onto his lap so that your back rests against his chest. There’s that side eye from the guys again but you now recognize it for what it is. It isn’t from awkwardness, it’s from…anticipation?
Trailing his fingers down the side of your neck, Yeosang tilts your head back to whisper into your ear, “They heard you, you know that right?” He spreads his legs, opening yours along with them, “Heard you grinding that pretty little cunt on my leg. Fuck, it is so pretty, isn’t it?”
“Yeo—” you gasp, attempting to snap your legs closed, but he stops you, tucking his knees inside yours so that you have no choice other than to sit here exposed. Magically whatever’s on the TV doesn’t matter anymore. Every set of eyes in the room is fixed on you and the gorgeous space between your legs. You wiggle in Yeosang’s lap, attempting to get away but the muscular arm locked around your waist isn’t budging. “Yeo, baby, what is this?”
Yeosang plants kisses behind your ear, his hand reaching around to fully grip your neck. He squeezes your neck, not too hard but just enough to make you gasp for air, your body arching from how good the pressure feels. You press harder into his lap and his cock presses right back, twitching against the plush of your ass.
“What is this?” he teases, mimicking your voice, “Consequences. You can’t just go around teasing our guests. That’s not very nice is it?”
The hand by your waist gathers the front of your dress, yanking it up so that your soft, cute belly pops out. A smile tugs at Wooyoung’s lips, the bulge forming in his pants becoming more and more obvious by the second.
“I…I didn’t mean to” you swear, your face the picture of innocence.
But your body betrays you. Yeosang dips his fingers down to stroke your entrance and they’re wet before he can even touch you. “My dirty little girl, dripping already. You want me to punish you, don’t you?” They sink into you and your walls eagerly suck them in, clenching as he lazily fingers your core.
“No, I’m sorry. So sorry, so…” you mewl, your voice trailing off into angelic moans.
He adds another finger and your body weakens, your head threatening to fall back but Yeosang won’t let it. He won’t let you ignore how badly the others want you. You have to see it this time. You have to see Hongjoong biting his nails, thinking of all the ways he’d fuck you if you were his. And Seonghwa almost squirming in his seat, unable to find a comfortable position to conceal how hard you’ve gotten him. 
“Are you really sorry, baby girl?” Yeosang asks, pretending to be sympathetic to your struggle. You manage a weak “yes” that’s cute but could be better. “Say ‘Yes, daddy’” he instructs, choking you a little harder, his fingers curling into your gspot as he fucks you with them as hard as he can.
You grab onto the arms of the chair, your eyes wide and shimmering, “Yes, daddy. I’m, ah…I’m sorry. I’m, fuck, I’m so sorry.”
It takes minimal effort now for Yeosang to keep your legs open. You spread them willingly for all the men to see, surrendering to the pleasure of being watched so intently by the four of them. It has you so wet that you’re leaking down to your fiance’s wrists, the splashing of your juices audible over the TV.
“Show daddy how sorry you are” Yeosang says, depriving you of his fingers. They leave your core with a pop that’s music to their ears. Without them there your pussy still clenches, your clit twitching and begging for attention. Yeosang lifts you in his lap ever so slightly, unzipping his pants to free his cock. He lowers you down onto it inch by inch, teasing you with that delicious stretch until your mouth’s watering.
He fits perfectly inside of you, the way he always has. Your walls cling to him so desperately that you can feel the blood rushing through every vein traveling down his length. It has the perfect curve to it, intensifying that pressure behind your belly. You want friction.  You want it so badly that you’re already rocking in his lap. Behind you Yeosang lets out low, controlled grunts, raising his hips to bottom out.
This self control thing is like torture when you’re this cute and needy but he has to keep it together. He grabs you by the waist, keeping you both as still as he can while leaving you whining for more. You glance back at him, pouty and sad, with a face that it tears him apart to deny.
“Aww, I know, baby” he coos, kissing you on the cheek, “You want daddy to fuck you but I need you to do something else first.”
“Mmm, like what?” you ask, sneaking in a bit of movement that he let’s slide just this once.
Yeosang brushes his fingers across your lips and they fall open for him like they just know. “I know they’re all wondering what my pretty girl’s mouth can do,” he whispers, easing his fingers between your lips and coating your tongue in your own arousal. “You gonna open up and show them for me?” 
“Mmhmm” you hum, wide eyed, suckling and drooling around them.
Pleased by your obedience, Yeosang’s gaze drifts around the room, “Who do you want first?”
You take your time, pretending that you don’t already know who you want, “Woo, please.” This entire time Woo’s been glowing with admiration for you and you long for more of it.
Woo approaches you casually, the same as he would any other time. There’s that familiar sense of playfulness you adore so much about him but also something darker, more intense. Yeosang pulls his drenched fingers from your mouth and Woo, cradling your chin in his palm, replaces them with his tongue. Woo’s kisses are sloppier than Yeosangs, the excitement of the moment too much to contain, but you enjoy it as much as you imagined you would.
When he pulls away to see your lips glistening, your mouth hanging wide open for him, he swears he’s dreaming. Yeosang watches attentively as Woo undoes his pants, slipping his cock between your hollowed cheeks. It’s impossible, with how tightly you’re wrapped around his cock, for you not to feel your fiance pulsing inside of you at this display.
Woo clasps his hands behind your head, snaking his fingers in your hair, “Fuck, you feel amazing. I see why he wants to marry you.” You look up at him, batting your eyelashes, and relax your throat to take him deeper. Woo makes small thrusts, the suction between your cheeks milking him of every drop of precum. 
“Look at you, taking that cock so well. Good girl” Yeosang beams, pulling down the front of your dress to cup your breasts.
There’s a sense of relief as he massages your neglected tits, shaping them under his touch. His thumbs curve around the sides, coming together with his pointer fingers to pinch your sensitive nipples. You make a muffled squeaking noise when he does, urging him to pinch them harder.
At the same time, Woo’s hips are picking up speed, the head of his cock knocking at the back of your throat. Your tongue wiggles on the underside of his length, dipping left and right to explore the finer details of his cock. Your brain goes fuzzy again, your body overstimulated by being stretched to your limits at both ends.
“Aah, shit, so fucking perfect” Woo hisses, enjoying the view of your tits bouncing with each thrust. “You know how long I’ve wanted to do this to you, baby? Hmm?”
Your mouth’s too full to answer and even if it weren’t you couldn’t string a sentence together to save your life. You’re nothing but an incoherent, moaning mess of a girl, on the edge of coming from being used like a toy.
“Oh my god, what’s this? Don’t tell me you’re about to come” Yeosang taunts, his right hand venturing down to stroke your clit.
Woo smiles down at you, dragging his cock out to paint your lips in his arousal,“Yeo, you’re being cruel. Look at this pretty thing. All fucked out and she hasn’t even been fucked yet. Let her come.” 
Yeosang lays his fingers flat on your clit, rubbing it as fast as his wrists will let him. Woo shoves his length back into your mouth, forcing you to take him down to the base. Your body’s on fire in the best way, every sense is heightened to the point that it’s making the room spin.
“Go ahead, baby, do it” Yeosang says, easing down lower in the chair, “Squirt all over daddy’s cock. Show everyone how much my girl’s pussy loves me.”
Those words from your fiance are enough to break you. You come hard down his length, creaming and leaking, ruining his pants. “Look at you, mmph, fuck” Woo moans, his breaths growing quick and short. The tension in him snaps and he’s squirting come down the walls of your throat. You swallow it just as mindlessly as you bounce in Yeosang’s lap, ignoring earlier implications not to do so.
Your fiance knows he should stop you, stick to his own rules, but he’s been ready to come since he first felt you and he’s too close now to stop it. He’s already hitting his high, pumping you full of his come  just as the last few drops of Woo’s dribbles down your chin.
The room’s chaotic for a short time, wonderful and utterly feral all at once, and then a serene silence. You fall back into Yeosang’s arms, your lids heavy and your lips a little puffy. Woo gives you a grateful peck on the lips, kissing down your neck…your shoulder…your arm.
“Thank you” he says, kissing the back of your hand. Your ability to talk remains limited but you’re able to give him a smile that lets him know you enjoyed it too. Yeosang turns you in his lap, draping your legs over the arm of the chair so that your head rests on his shoulder. Woo hands him a throw blanket and he covers you in it, making sure you’re nice and cozy.
“Are you okay, my love?” Yeosang asks, inspecting you while he awaits your answer.
You cuddle up to him, your eyes falling closed, “Mmhmm, I’m okay.”
“I’m happy to hear that. Now let’s get you some water and a snack. Let you rest a bit and then…”
Your eyes shoot open and you perk up, “And then…what?”
“And then,” he sighs, booping you on the nose like a kitten, “You finish your punishment. You’re still a little disobedient but we’ll fix that, won’t we?”
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cottondo · 5 months
vox x reader ; please?
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Nobody really understood how it happened— it just did one day.
You ended up really hitting it off with the man of Voxtech himself; and wow lookathat, you’re dating him now.
It wasn’t unusual to be waking up in his bed, either. But what something Vox wasn’t used to, was a sunshine personality like yours. Of course you have your devilish charms still, as thats what drew him into you to begin with. But, the small appreciations you had for just about everything? It was weird, right? For a sinner in hell, it was marked as a rare occurrence to see someone like you.
( Other than the Princess of Hell, though she was much more over the top than you were. )
As your eyes opened, surroundings gaining a much clearer focus, you let out a tired little sigh.
There’s a soft buzzing beside you, where Vox was passed out in a deep sleep. It was such a nice state to see him in. Calm, not stressed out and dealing with everyone’s chaotic bullshit.
Honestly, it was nice being awake before everyone else. You could just take in the small beauties of silence before everything got obnoxious.
Your eyes flicker over to the windows, and see a bright neon sign with arrows pointing downward towards its front door.
A brand new building had just opened up, and it was a place you’ve been waiting to check out for a while now. Honestly, you couldn’t contain the excitement. It seemed like it took forever to finish, as most demons tried to overrun it while it was still in a vulnerable state.
With a little gasp, your hand falls to vox’s shoulder, and shake it lightly. “Oh my god, Vox, wake up!”
A static noise enters the air, as a small groan of annoyance leaves the tv screen. “What—”
You smirk, leaning over his shoulder to view his annoyance. “It’s finally open~ we gotta go!”
He heaves out a heavy sigh, turning to lay on his back with a dull, tired expression. “Y/N,”
“Please?” The little pout you made usually got him to do what you wanted, but this time it didn’t. He looked tired and visibly annoyed. Honestly, fair. You did kinda just wake him up in one of the worst ways possible.
“Can you at least let me wake up a little, first?” His lopsided smile made your heart flutter. Fuck, he was just so cute no matter what.
“Okay, fine. Just don’t fall back to sleep.” You fully sit up, crawling over his figure, and hoping to avoid stepping on any part of him in the process of getting off the bed. Standing to your feet on the floor, he **almost** chuckles. “What the hell even is the place you wanna go to, anyway?” His one eye widens out of curiosity over at you.
You roll your eyes, annoyed that he never usually remembered the little things. “The first like, ever, plant shop in hell. Somebody actually got things to grow down here,” you inform, taking a step in front of the mirror. “I think they used, like, human world magic or something.”
Vox sat up, stretching his neck and letting out a little groan. “Since when can anybody just get access to earth?”
You deadpan him briefly, “Does it even matter? I need one.”
He shakes his head, sitting up.
“I don’t know how you can be this happy so early in the morning.” He smiled at you. Holy shit, he actually smiled at how stupid your little obsession with this place was.
“Did— did you just smile~?” You decide to point it out, a smirk curling up to your features.
His eyes widened, body slightly startled at your reaction to him. “What?”
You inch closer to him, a brighter look of excitement as he stares at you in curiosity. “Oh my god you did! I saw you, so there’s no denying it.”
Vox takes on the tv effect to his tone as he looks up at you. “Alright, alright.” He then stands, and you notice how he slightly towers over your idling frame. “Only you can convince me to do shit I normally wouldn’t do.” His screen looks away with an almost embarrassment to it.
Your arms gently slip around his waist, causing him to tense up, arms raising.
“Thank you.” You smirk up at him. It didn’t take much to get him wrapped around your finger.
Vox sighs, lowering his arms, and slinking a hand around your waist. He gently guides you forward into his figure. His little smile comes back, and for a moment, you can actually feel him soften his outer shell with you. “Anything for you, my dear.”
I’m so sorry my writing hasn’t been up to par lately lmao 🥲 Not loving this one rn
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aglaias-blog · 9 months
"Sleep well, my Queen"
Aemond Targaryen x Reader
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Author's note: This is pure smut. Porn without a plot. MDNI!!!
I felt inspired by this post, found on @hamatoanne 's blog, made me want to write again. Please be gentle with me, it's been a while 😭 anyway, have fun!
TW: afab!reader, corruption kink if you squint, somnophilia, just porn basically
Summary: Aemond wakes one morning, needing you badly. But you are fast asleep. What is he to do?
“Fuck��, he cursed under his breath, as he turned on his back, hiding his face from the sun under his arm. You were still sleeping next to him on your side, your soft body naked under the covers.
The sun rays playing on his face were the first thing that woke him up. The light that was reflecting on his sapphire eye drew colourful patterns on the wall. The warmth was pleasant, the blinding light – not so much. And then came the crushing realization that it was all a dream.
It was a dream that made him wake up with his cock already leaking precum. The dream being a continuation of what happened last night, when you gave yourself to him completely, allowing him to take control. Your body writhing beneath his, no way to escape. And yet you looked so content, so in your own blissful space, so vulnerable, so pure, so open with him - submitting yourself to him, knowing that you were completely safe…
He groaned at the thought, and he couldn’t help himself as his hand travelled down, over his chest, his abdomen and down to his cock that was laying hard on his belly. His fingers wrapped around it, hard, trying to give himself some form of relief as quickly as possible. He kept yanking at it almost angrily, but it wasn’t enough – it wasn’t enough! Fuck!
 It never was enough when he tried to pleasure himself, he always ended up frustrated! It was as if he betrayed his own body, knowing that he needed you, but still trying to find release by himself.
The exasperation was clearly written on his face. His lower lip began to swell slowly as it was trapped between his teeth and he bit down on it hard, his brow furrowed in desperation and his cheeks flushed. It was clear that this wouldn’t do, it wouldn’t do, he needed more, he needed you, he needed-
He snapped around the moment he heard the moan. The moan that he was sure left your mouth. He wasn’t imagining things now, was he? He turned on his side hastily, laying one hand on your upper arm gently. Were- were you awake?
“My love?”, he tried, now slowly tracing your spine with his fingers.
No response. Just another one of those damned soft moans that he usually loved, but now he was sure they were going to drive him mad. If only you knew how badly he wanted you right now.
“Don’t do this to me…”, almost sounding pained, he threw himself back on his back, rubbing his hands over his face.
He was suffering at your hands, and you didn’t even know it! The situation was ridiculous, if he wasn’t so frustrated, he would laugh at it. Running his hand through his loose hair roughly, he tugged at the strands, his other hand buried in the sheets with his knuckles turning white.
Your soft breathing continued, but the quiet moans that kept coming from you made him wonder if you were having the same dream that he had not long ago. He remembered slowly that you two had talked about situations like this - but until now the opportunity had never presented itself, he always had to be somewhere, he always was required by somebody early in the morning, but now…If he had any doubt about taking action, the soft whine that left your body made sure to make any resolve falter. He couldn’t fight the storm that was raging inside him any longer.
“Gods”, he murmured. Turning back on his side, he brought his hand up to your shoulders and traced them gently, before moving down to let his hand slide down your sides, and over your hip. Goosebumps rose on your skin, but there was no change in your breathing pattern, no sign that you were going to wake up. And no sign that you knew what was happening. His heart was beating brutally in his chest - never had he thought that he would find this so arousing. But when his fingers finally found their way to your cunt, every thought was wiped from his mind. He bit back a moan when he realized how wet you were, your wetness already smeared between your upper thighs. It was clear now what kind of dream you were having.
His mouth found its way to your shoulder, pressing open-mouthed kisses there. He easily slid a finger inside, then two, groaning into your shoulder at the obscene wet sound. Pumping them in and out of you slowly, he quickly knew that you were more than prepared.
If he wasn’t so frustrated, he would be embarrassed about how desperately he wanted to be inside you. But his precum had already formed a wet spot on the bed linen and his mind was foggy with the need for you, for anything you could give him. Any thoughts about his dignity and virtues like patience were left for later. And so, not wasting anymore time, he lined himself up with you quickly, grabbing your hip gently. He couldn’t help the guttural moan that tore from his throat as he finally, finally, was sheathed deep inside you. Your wet, hot core enveloping him completely. He stayed still for a while, doing other wise would have surely made him cum embarrassingly quickly.
He fought the urge to rut into you savagely, trying to keep some form of dignity, trying to hold back, trying to prove to himself that he wasn’t doing any of this selfishly – but there was no denying it. You made him lose control. And the worst part was that you didn’t even know it. You weren’t even aware of the kind of effect you had on him.
Slowly, his hand found its place on your breast, tracing slow circles around your nipple, feeling it harden. He squeezed it hard, the flesh spilling over between his fingers. Then, his fingers slowly ran between your breasts, down over your soft stomach, further down, down, until he finally reached your clit.
He tried to be gentle when he pulled out slowly and pushed himself to the hilt inside of you again. But there was no use, the moment he felt your heat and wetness again, he couldn’t hold himself back. It was addicting.
So he slammed himself into you, over and over again, whimpering into you shoulder, praising you, although he knew that you weren’t even awake.
The moment he touched it, he felt you clench around him. Hard. And he couldn’t hold back his pathetic moan at the sensation. He wanted to feel it again and again, so, encouraged, he rubbed lazy circles around it, circles that quickly became more urgent, the more he felt you squeeze around him.
You awoke with your body spasming, not knowing what was happening. The hot, white pleasure you felt was almost akin to the one you felt in your dream – but this one felt so much more real. A desperate moan tore from your throat before you could realize why it even formed, and you felt him inside. Instinctively you knew it was him. Only he could reach that spot deep inside you, only he could make you shiver and tremble like this. You felt his warmth, his tall body behind you, moving in and out of you ruthlessly, his moans falling freely from his lips, his hot breath on your shoulder…
And then your orgasm crashed over you like a wave, unforeseen. It completely overwhelmed you, your body trembling so hard you thought he would slip out of you, your body searching for the sensation he gave you, but at the same time trying to escape it, it was too much, too much…
“Aemond!”, you gasped out, your hand blindly reaching for him behind you.
He heard your unsaid plea and held you close, grabbing your hips in a bruising grip and stilling his movements, so that he could feel you completely, holding you in place. His angel, his only salvation, spasming on his cock; the only innocent being in his life was having no part in his doing and he almost felt guilty, like you were losing more of your innocence the more time you spent with him.
“Oh, Gods”, you heard him groan through gritted teeth, only now did you realize what was truly happening. The fogginess of sleep had left you now, the confusion you had in the beginning making place for giddiness. You had fantasized about mornings like this, but now that it was happening, you couldn’t believe it. The thrill you felt went through your body like an electric shock.
He knew now that you were awake, if your reaction and the way you held his hand in a tight grip was any indication. Your moans became louder the moment he picked up his merciless pace again, touching that sensitive spot inside you over and over and over again.
“My love – fuck, you’re going – you’re going to make me cum- please”, you heard him moan behind you, as if you were the one in control. He was the one who had his arm wrapped tightly around your torso, while his other hand now had your throat in a tight grip – and yet it felt like he gave himself over to you.
Your moans turned into desperate sobs, the moment he lost control. You were so close to the edge again, your senses heightened to the max. You felt him trembling behind you, drawing one shuddering breath after the other, trying to restrain himself, trying to keep some form of control, but his thrusts grew rougher and rougher and when he felt you clench around him, he couldn’t help himself. He came inside you with a growl, his hips thrust up into you involuntarily, spilling everything inside you, while sinking his teeth into your shoulder, trying to stifle his helpless moans. He felt you clenching down on him hard, your own whimpers and moans spilling from your mouth. His jaw went slack, engrossed in the sensation, he pressed you down on his cock to feel every squeeze of your peak, not allowing you to escape his bruising thrusts.
“Gods, you feel so good, you’re being so good for me”, praises fell from his lips, as he kept you close to his body, littering little kisses on your shoulder. “So, so good for me, princess.”
His frantic breathing slowly calmed down; he was still reveling in the aftershocks of your second orgasm.
“Holy Seven”, he groaned behind you, coming down from his high. His grip on your relaxed slowly, and he began to gently stroke your side with one hand, the other caressing your chest. You relaxed in his embrace, the weight of sleep on your eyelids.
“You did so well, my love”, he murmured, “I’m so proud of you.”
You only hummed in return, your sleepiness catching up to you. But when he tried to pull out of you, your hips chased his to not let him slip out. You heard him chuckle lightly. “Alright, alright…”, he said, and if you only turned around, you’d have seen a cocky grin on his face.
He pulled you close by your hips again, his hand caressing them lazily.
“Sleep well, my Queen”, he whispered in your ear, before drifting off to sleep himself.
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auras-moonstone · 11 months
hockey player ethan/jack?? what do we think
HOT!!! that’s what we think. anyways happy august season to the august girlies<3 this was very painful yet fun to write btw
august — ethan landry
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word count: 3,180
pairing: hockey player!ethan landry x fem!reader
based on: august by taylor swift
summary: y/n and ethan had never seen each other with romantic eyes, until she pulls up her car. after that, their summer love adventure starts.
warnings: angst, fluff, cheating and that’s it i guess
part one part two
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Y/N WAS CERTAINLY NOT PROUD OF WHAT SHE DID, BUT SHE COULDN’T LIE TO HERSELF, SHE DID NOT REGRET IT. Did that make her a bad person? Probably, and maybe that’s why karma got her, because sneaking around with someone’s boyfriend—even if it that someone was Betty, whom Y/N absolutely despised—had been a dick move, and she knew it all too well. But then again, Ethan’s puppy brown eyes had been like a trap. A trap she had fallen for unexpectedly and deeply.
Ethan Landry was the captain of the Blackmore Hockey Team—which Y/N’s brother, Drew, was a part of—, and Blackmore University’s golden boy. He was beyond untouchable, and taken by the captain of the cheerleader squad: Betty Harkness. They were the perfect couple on papers, but everyone knew they didn’t get along very well, and that they broke up and made up back and forth.
Everyone wanted Ethan—he was gorgeous, confident, hilarious, kind, athletic and pretty much every positive adjective you could find. But Y/N always saw him as Drew’s friend and Ethan always saw her as Drew’s little sister (although she was only a few months younger than them). Until one action completely changed the course of their lives.
“Eth? Are you on your way to hockey practice?” Y/N pulled up her car when he saw the tall boy walking on the sidewalk, hockey stick over his broad shoulder.
“Y/N! Yes. My car broke down, and now I have to walk” Ethan said, scrunching his nose.
“Get in the car, dumbass. I’ll drive you” she said, opening the shotgun door.
“Are you sure? Aren’t you heading somewhere else?”
“No, actually I was going to see the practice too. My best friend left to visit some relatives, so I have no plans. Drew invited me to the practice when he saw me mopping around the house”
Ethan laughed, and got into the car “You’re a life saver. But hey, does that mean you have to spend your whole summer all alone? That’s awful”
Y/N shook her head “Only a week and a half. Now I kinda wish I had more friends, although staying at home watching rom-coms doesn’t sound that bad”
“God, you depress me” Ethan groaned.
“Sorry Mr. So Popular I Get Invited To Every Party” she teased him.
“You could get invited to parties too, if you didn’t have that bitchy face whenever someone approaches you with an invitation” Ethan said, trying to contain a smile.
“I do that?” she asked, genuinely surprised.
Ethan raised his eyebrows “You don’t do that on purpose?”
“No! I mean, I would take the invitation even though parties aren’t my thing and will probably not go”
“Why? Because you’re not like other girls?” he joked.
Y/N scoffed “No, you dick. I get anxious around big crowds, especially intoxicated crowds” she explained.
“Oh… now I do feel like a dick”
The girl sent him a reassuring smile “It’s okay”
“You know, this is the first time we talk without Drew around” Ethan said.
“You’re right. What’s your veredict? Am I better company than my brother?” she asked, playful smile on her lips.
“Oh, most definitely” he said mirroring her smile “Jokes aside, you’re actually fun to be around”
“You doubted that?? What a wrong thing to assume from someone who was the authority to kick you out of her car” Y/N tried to keep a serious expression, but Ethan’s laugh ruined it.
“True, true. I’m sorry I ever doubted you, Y/N/N. Please don’t leave me stranded” Ethan said, putting his palms together and looking at her with his deep brown eyes.
Had he always had those cute puppy eyes? And holy shit was he handsome, and charming. How did that go past her all this time?
Y/N did an exaggerated sigh “Fine, I guess I am feeling a little kind-hearted today, so I’ll give you a pass”
“Oh, thank you, benevolent Y/N” he said, and then both bursted out laughing.
Ethan sneaked out glances at her throughout the rest of the ride, wondering how he had never noticed how funny and gorgeous she was. And had she always had that shiny smile?
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what are you wearing? 😏
um my grandma’s camisole
who is this?
you’re supposed to say i’m just in my underwear or something sexy jesus y/n🙄
you’re absolutely disgusting, stranger
who are you??
a very handsome and espectacular hockey player (the best on the team, if you want my opinion)
omg julian hi!! i was going to ask for your number but i never had the courage tbh
you’re fricking adorable ethan
oh you knew it was me
what gave it away? the handsome part or the espectacular hockey player??
your ego🫤
ah yes makes sense🤔
so… no crush on julian?
nope :)
why are you texting me tho?
i’m bored and you told me you had no plans
so, meet me behind the mall?
we can go see a movie or something
if you want to, ofc
oooh i heard they are playing twilight 🥺🥺
not gonna happen
pretty please????? don’t be judgemental
it’s a classic
we have very different opinions on the term “classic”
come on don’t be like that😫😫 i really want to go
plus we can watch a movie you want another day???
okay fineeee
see you in an hour?!
see ya👹
what the fuck is that emoji
it’s the closest thing to a vampire 😭
🧛🏻🧛🏻‍♂️ there you go, the emojis actually exist
you’re the dorkiest dork i’ve ever met
a cute one tho ;)
thank you but get your ass moving
robert pattinson is waiting for me!!!
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ETHAN WOULD ABSOLUTELY HATE THE MOVIE IF THE SIGHT OF Y/N’S EXCITED FACE WASN’T SO GODDAMN HEART WARMING. Ethan didn’t know what was going on with him, but he hadn’t been able to stop thinking about her ever since the drive—which was a week ago. He yearned for her sarcastic remarks and funny comebacks. He found himself going to Drew’s house more often just to catch a small glimpse of the gorgeous girl, who would smile brightly at him when she caught him staring.
Yes, they were definitely flirting. And he felt like he was fifteen again having his first crush. But the attraction was obviously mutual, so he didn’t hesitate to make a move.
“How many times have you watched this movie again?” Ethan whispered in her ear, and she felt goosebumps all over her body. How could a voice be that sexy?
“Like… ten times? I don’t know. Why? Am I reciting the lines too much?” she asked embarrassed.
Ethan bit his lip softly, his heart not taking her cuteness “No, just wondering if you could miss five minutes of it”.
“Because I want to kiss you”
“But I wanna keep on watching Robert” she teased as she got closer to the tall boy.
“You’re seriously talking about another guy while I am one second away from kissing the fuck out of you?”
Y/N shrugged “Deal with it”
“As you wish”
The arm rest was stabbing her ribcage but Y/N didn’t care about anything else other than that intoxicating kiss. She didn’t feel anything but the heat of his touch on her waist, on her jaw, on her neck—everywhere. And Ethan didn’t care about anything else but her soft lips, the feel of her fingers on his hair, the little whimpers she was making as his tongue explored her mouth.
“Now that I think about it, I can miss the rest of the movie” she spoke against his lips.
Ethan smirked “My house?” Y/N nodded eagerly.
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THE SILKY SHEETS FELT SOFT AGAINST HER NAKED SKIN AND THE WARMTH OF ETHAN’S BODY MADE HER WANT TO NEVER GET UP. But it was practice day, so Ethan’s alarm went off, and they both groaned. The night had been amazing, after whispers of ‘are you sure?’ and ‘never have i ever before’, they ended up twisted in his bedsheets and the memory of the passionate rounds were the first thing that came to their minds as they woke up.
“We need to get up, Eth. You have practice” Y/N said as the sleepy boy pulled her towards him.
“But you look so pretty beneath the sun and in my sheets” he whispered, kissing her collarbone.
Y/N blushed “Come on, we have to go”
“We? Are you coming to the practice?” Ethan said excitedly.
Y/N nodded “If that’s okay”
“Yes! Prepare to be left enchanted by my hockey skills”
“I’ve seen you play hundreds of times, Eth” she laughed. “I know you’re fantastic”
“I will dedicate every score to you” he kissed her softly.
“Wow, I’m so excited and honoured” Y/N said in a high-pitched voiced.
“You’re so mean” Ethan laughed. “By the way… are you feeling okay? Aren’t first times painful?”
“Well, my legs feel a little bit weird, but I’m okay. Thank you” Y/N smiled sweetly, and he pressed his lips to her temple.
Was it too soon to say she had, maybe, fallen for him? Could he possibly feel the same? Y/N could only hope it wasn’t just a summer thing for him, because she certainly knew it wouldn’t be for her.
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AUGUST HAD SIPPED AWAY LIKE A BOTTLE OF WINE AND SOON CLASSES STARTED AGAIN. And the feeling of anxiety filled Y/N’s chest. What would happen now? Would Ethan break up with Betty or was he going to let the memories of august slip away into just a moment in time? They had never talked about it, they just enjoyed their moments together.
“Well, well, she’s alive! Who would’ve thought?” the voice of Willow, her best friend, filled her ears.
“Hi, my gorgeous beautiful pretty friend” Y/N said with a guilty smile as she approached her.
“No, no. There’s not enough adjectives in the world to remediate the fact that you cancelled our plans all summer” Willow crossed her arms in front of her chest.
“I’m sorry… I need to confess something”
Willow raised her eyebrows “I’m hearing”
“Promise not to freak out? It’s important that you stay calm, we’re in the hallway”
“I promise”
“I’ve been seeing someone during the summer” she whispered.
Willow’s eyes almost popped out of her face “Holy shit! Who?”
“Remember your promise, okay?” Y/N reminded her, and she nodded impatiently. “Ethan”.
Willow didn’t scream, or gasp, or choked in surprise. She laughed. “Oh my god, imagine!” wow, was it that unbelievable? Y/N stared at her with a serious expression and soon Willow realized it wasn’t a joke. “Are you fucking kidding me, Y/N/N? Are we talking about Ethan Landry? Captain of the team? Your brother’s friend? Mr. Popular? Betty Harnkness’ boyfriend?”
“Yes, Willow. Congratulations, you know him!”
“Don’t use that tone with me right now! Y/N he has a girlfriend”
Y/N sighed “I know, okay? And I feel a little bad. But it’s too late, okay? It’s done”
“A little bad?” Willow repeated, trying not to laugh.
“Well, it is Betty we are talking about. And are they really into each other or is just for social status?”
“Yeah… what is going to happen? Are him and Betty over? Are you two dating?”
“I don’t know, I don’t know and no” she answered. “We haven’t talked about it”
“I bet you didn’t talk at all” Willow smirked.
“Actually… we did. I mean, we did have fun doing… physical stuff but we also talked a lot” Y/N said with a smile “He’s so amazing, Willow. He’s so easy to talk to, he’s funny, sweet, laughs at my jokes, takes care of me, compliments me every chance he has, he’s an amazing kisser… he dedicated me every single score he did when he played. It was so sweet”
“Holy shit, Y/N you really fell for him”
“I know” you could almost see the sparks radiating off her.
“Well, lover girl. Let’s go to class, and then you’ll tell me all the details”
And as they walked through the hallway they caught sight of Ethan’s group. Against the lockers were Drew, Julian, Chad, Tara, Mindy, Anika, Betty and Ethan, whose arms was draped around Betty’s waist.
Y/N felt her surroundings get frozen, a knot appeared on her throat and she was pretty sure she was about to cry. Just like that, every hope and excitement left inside her turned into ashes. She wanted to keep walking, but her feet were glued to the floor.
“Fuck, Y/N/N” Willow whispered, as she saw what had left her best friend in such state “Let’s keep walking” she grabbed her friend’s hand and started to guide her towards the classroom.
But to do that, they had to walk past the group. The two friends set their eyes on their goal—the classroom—praying they wouldn’t notice them.
“Y/N/N!” shit no, no no. Willow squeezed her friend‘s hand tightly as they heard Drew calling her. She had no choice.
“It’s okay, I’m here” Willow whispered as they dragged their feet towards them.
“Hi” they said, Willow’s tone was dry while Y/N’s was just low and unstable.
“Hey, just wanted to give you these” Drew said, handing her two tickets. “For the hockey match this weekend. You are going, right?”
“I don’t know. Willow and I have plans” Y/N said, only looking at Drew.
“But it’s our last match. And we’re pretty confident we’re winning, with our star player right here” Drew said, patting Ethan’s arm. The boy laughed, and Y/N felt her heart clench at the beautiful sound.
“Yeah, Y/N/N come on. You enjoy hockey” his voice addressing her did nothing but make her want to cry in the spot. Was he mocking her? Y/N didn’t look at him, and Willow threw him a dirty glance.
“Y/N’s thing is to stay home with her lame romantic comedies” Betty’s annoying voice said.
“Shut up, Betty” Tara said harshly.
“Please? I really want you there” Drew told her.
How could she say no? She loved her brother “Okay, okay. We will be there” she faked a smiled so he won’t see how miserable she was feeling.
But he was her brother, and knew her like the back of his hand “Hey, what’s wrong?” he grabbed his sister by the cheeks, eyes reflecting how worried he was.
“Nothing” god she felt so pathetic. It was now obvious she was about to cry. And she was doing it in front of her brother’s friends, the boy who broke her heart and his girlfriend “I need to go to class, see you later”.
By the end of the day, Y/N felt absolutely defeated. Her energy was drained, the knot on her throat didn’t want to go away and her mind was making fun of her by replaying the memories of her summer love thing with Ethan. But as if God took pity on her, the last class of the day got suspended so she got to go home early.
But apparently it was the Let’s Make Y/N Feel Like Shit day, because Ethan had been waiting for her in the hood of her car, with his perfect mullet hair and his hockey jersey that looked absolutely amazing on him. She had no escape.
“What the fuck are you doing?” she spoke. Now she felt furious, how dare he show his face after that morning?
“I needed to talk to you” Ethan said in a soft voice.
“I have things to do. So, I’m really sorry, but not right now”
“By ‘things’ do you mean go home, make cookies and watch 10 things I hate about you?” he asked with a knowing smile.
“Don’t act as if you knew me” she spitted in anger.
The smile fell from his face “I do know you, Y/N/N”
“Well then, you might’ve realized that I don’t want to talk to you at all” she said, trying not to let the tears fall. Why was he there? Wasn’t the pain he put on her that morning enough?
“Please… I- I need to explain what happened. It’s not what it looked like” Ethan said.
“So, you’re telling me that you actually broke up with Betty?” she asked, already knowing what the answer would be. Ethan sighed and shook his head no. “Then it was exactly what it looked like. And you even had the audacity to mock me!”
“What?! I didn’t mock you” Ethan said truthfully.
“Y/N/N come on. You enjoy hockey” she imitated his voice. “You were mocking me. You know I don’t care about hockey, I just cared about seeing you and my brother”
“I- god yes, it sounded bad. But I swear I didn’t mean it like that. It was my way of telling you everything was okay”
“What the fuck?!” she laughed dryly “Nothing is okay, Ethan! You are still with her. And I know we didn’t state you were breaking up with her to be with me, but I just thought… I thought you would do it. That we had something going on. I thought it was more than a summer thing”.
“It was more than that, I promise. It was so much more than a summer thing. I’ve never felt something so strong towards someone”
“Then why are you still with her?”
“I… don’t know. I just-she saw me and everyone was watching us… I couldn’t break up with her. I’m sorry. With the match coming up, I didn’t want to add any unnecessary drama… I just thought it wasn’t the right time to break up”
“Unnecessary drama? The match? Are you fucking serious? It didn’t cross your mind how would I feel when I saw you with your arms around her? Well, in case you were wondering it was fucking devastating. I was just telling Willow what an amazing guy you are… how in love I am with you. And then I saw you two… it sucked, Ethan. So I’m sorry if your apologies aren’t enough. Now I need to go”
“How in love I am with you” were the words that resonated on Ethan’s head as he watched Y/N drive away. She was in love with him, and he was very much in love with her too, but he wrecked everything.
“Hey, man. What’s wrong? Why are you crying?” Drew found him in the empty hallway.
“I screwed it up, Drew. I hurt her”
“What’s are you talking about?” but Ethan did nothing but sob with his head in his hands. “It’s okay, man. Just breathe, just relax, it’ll be okay”
But Ethan didn’t know if it was going to be okay. He cursed for having been so careless with the relationship, for having though that wanting would be enough. It wasn’t. He should’ve been clear with Betty. His top priority should’ve been Y/N, not Betty nor the hockey match. He ruined it, but he was going to do everything in his power to make it up to her. He was determined to win back the girl he loved.
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little-diable · 28 days
Let the Rain Wash Away Our Secrets – Charlie Swan (smut)
It's been some time since I've last written for one of our fave DILFs, so here we go. Please like and reblog if you enjoyed reading this, your comments keep us writers motivated! Enjoy my loves. xxx
Summary: The reader is one of Bella's best friends. But as she comes to Forks to visit her younger friend, Bella is too distracted by her boyfriend, giving (y/n) and Charlie the chance to get to know one another.
Warnings: 18+, smut, piv, car smut, best friend's dad trope, quite fluffy, age gap (reader is legal ofc)
Pairing: Charlie Swan x fem!reader (3k words)
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Clouds covered the sky, adding to the gloomy atmosphere (y/n) found herself trapped in. Her eyes kept wandering, taking in her surroundings as she shifted her weight from one foot to the other. Protected from the light rain by her jacket, (y/n) cuddled herself further into the fabric, while she hoped that somebody would finally open the door. 
Once again, she rang the bell while wondering where Bella was. It had been days since they had last spoken, but while (y/n) had reminded her friend of her approaching trip, Bella had seemed distracted, as if she was barely listening. (Y/n) had been hesitant to visit after the call, and yet she had missed her friend too much to back out of the trip. 
With a sigh clawing through her, (y/n) reached for her phone to call Bella, hoping that she had fallen asleep or was wearing headphones, so she wasn’t hearing the ringing doorbell. But Bella didn’t pick up the call, letting it go to voicemail as (y/n) plopped down on the stairs leading up to the house. 
Annoyance flushed through (y/n) as she ended the call. Bella had sent her Charlie Swan’s phone number a few weeks ago, telling her that she could always call him if (y/n) needed her but couldn’t reach her. But (y/n) had never spoken to the man before, unsure what to say to him, and if he would even know who she was, given Bella’s distraction these past weeks. 
Uneasiness clung to (y/n) as she clicked on Charlie’s contact, having to deeply exhale before pressing the phone to her ear. She counted every ring, while slowly losing hope that the Chief would pick up the phone if he was currently working. But seconds before she’d be sent to voicemail, she was graced by Charlie’s raspy voice. 
“Hello?” Something about the man’s voice left (y/n) trembling, having to clear her throat before she could focus on what she wanted to ask him.
“Hello, Chief Swan, this is (y/n), Bella’s friend.” She pressed her free palm against her trembling knee, hoping that she could ground herself as her nervousness kept flushing through her. 
“(Y/n), yes, of course. Are you alright? Is Bella okay?” The concern dripping from his voice left (y/n) smiling. Bella hadn’t told her much about Charlie, but the things the young girl had told her, had been enough to leave (y/n) intrigued. Something about the things Bella had told her, hadn’t matched up, leaving her aching for the man who was undoubtedly missing his daughter. 
“I don’t know. She was supposed to wait here for me, at your house, but it seems as if nobody is at home, I can’t reach her.” The groan leaving Charlie drew a soft gasp from (y/n), wondering why he was overcome by this clear wave of annoyance. 
“I’m so sorry, (y/n), she’s out with her boyfriend. Give me a few minutes, I’ll come home to let you into the house!”
“I honestly wouldn’t mind taking the couch, Charlie.” Charlie had arrived at the house a while ago, greeting (y/n) with a soft smile that had instantly made heat buzz through her system. She had only seen a few pictures of the man before, and none of them were doing him justice. Charlie Swan was handsome, more handsome than (y/n) had imagined, leaving her slightly distracted as he guided her through the house. 
“No, don’t worry. I have to get up for work early anyway, I would only wake you.” She followed him back downstairs into the kitchen, watching him reach for two cups. “Coffee?”
“Yes, please.” The smile playing on her lips kept growing as Charlie poured both of them their coffee before placing the cups down on the table. “So, Bella didn’t tell me about her boyfriend. Who is he?” 
“His name is Edward, they met at school. He’s the son of Doctor Cullen, a friend of sorts.” The lack of emotions dripping from Charlie’s words left (y/n) smiling, instantly picking up on the chief’s dislike of Edward. (Y/n) studied him for a moment, taking in the clear confusion and annoyance as well as a hint of sadness. 
“Well, you know, I’ve been around Bella for years now, and I’m sure he takes good care of her if she is that focused on him.” (Y/n) couldn’t stop her hand from finding Charlie’s, softly squeezing before she pulled away again. His eyes followed her movements, seemingly as shaken up by the electricity that had buzzed through them the second their hands touched. 
“She should be proud to call you her friend, (y/n).” She had met Bella years ago, had helped around their house every now and then and had stepped in as a helping hand whenever Renée and Phil had left the city, given that (y/n) was a couple of years older than Bella. She had always supported the girl through whatever she needed, feeling like her older sister – ready to help her through every uneasy water she had been forced to sail through. 
“That’s nice of you, thank you, Charlie.” Their eyes held contact as (y/n) took another sip of her coffee. “So, do you have any tips for me? I think I’d like to explore Forks while Bella is out.” 
“Dad?” Bella’s voice echoed through the house. It was dark out, a comforting darkness that wrapped (y/n) and Charlie in its embrace as they found themselves surrounded by soft lights and candles. 
Charlie had shown (y/n) around town for the past hours before they had eaten out at the diner. The conversation between them had flown all too effortlessly, guiding them from one place to the other as if they were old friends, connected through shared memories and unspoken emotions. 
“Hey, Bells.” The girl stepped into the room, freezing in her step as her eyes found (y/n)’s features. Bella’s smile instantly fell, groaning with her head rolling back while speaking a few curses. “(Y/n), god, I am so sorry! I completely forgot you were coming today.” 
“It’s alright. Your dad kept me company.” Her eyes found their way back to Charlie, who shot (y/n) a soft smile, before redirecting his gaze towards his daughter. Bella seemed all too oblivious, not picking up on whatever was lingering between Charlie and (y/n), seemingly still focused on her afternoon with Edward. 
“How are the Cullens?” Charlie’s soft voice left (y/n) smiling. He had told her all about his dislike for the boy, and yet he still cared enough to hear about Bella’s experiences, her adventures, and whatever she was doing when she met up with the rather tense boy. 
“Good! I can’t wait to introduce you to them, (y/n). I think I’ll head to bed now, but how about we grab some breakfast in the morning?” (Y/n) could only nod as Bella disappeared upstairs, leaving her wondering if Bella even cared about her visit after all. Charlie seemed to pick up on her confused expression, letting his hand rest on her knee to softly squeeze it. 
“As much as I hate it, she’s in love. I’m sorry, she is so distracted these days. But feel free to call me tomorrow if she bails on you again, I’m not working in the afternoon.” 
“Hi, excuse me, is Chief Swan still in?” She smiled at the policeman who studied her with an unreadable expression. He turned from her to call for Charlie, watching the chief appear a moment later. (Y/n)’s eyes found his, drawing a soft smile to his lips as he guided her towards him with a simple hand movement. 
“Where’s Bells?” Charlie allowed her to step into his office, closing the door behind them to offer some privacy. (Y/n) plopped down in one of the leather chairs as Charlie took a seat himself, keeping his eyes on her with every movement. His office had an almost cosy touch to it, warmer than she had expected it to be. 
“She seemed quite antsy the longer I kept her from Edward, so I told her I’d roam the town on my own for a bit.” (Y/n) could tell that Charlie struggled to keep his eyes from rolling, while he sunk further down into his chair. They held eye contact as she let go of a soft chuckle, feeling sympathy for the dad of her friend who clearly struggled to accept his daughter’s boyfriend. 
“Well, I’m off in a few minutes, how about I take you to the beach I told you about yesterday?” The gratefulness she felt pushed heat through her body, a desperate heat that made it harder for her to ignore the growing crush she had on her friend’s father. (Y/n) could only murmur a barely audible “That’d be lovely” as Charlie turned back towards his computer to finish his report. 
It didn’t take long for him to stop writing, before guiding her out of the station and to his car. Soft music filled the small space as they drove through Forks, allowing Charlie to tell her some more stories of the town he had loved for years. She felt unusually comfortable around Charlie, searching his closeness as if he were an old friend, a lover she had been with for years, an all too familiar sensation she hadn’t felt with anybody else. 
“There we go, do you have a jacket with you?” Rain was falling from the sky as Charlie parked the car. Their eyes met, and for a second, (y/n) lost all strength to speak, fighting against the pull she felt deep inside of herself. She couldn’t cross that line, couldn’t try and move closer to her friend’s father, but it almost pained her to keep her distance. 
“Uhm, no, but it’s alright, I don’t care about the rain.” Charlie’s soft chuckles filled the car before he opened his door and stepped outside. She watched him open the trunk to pull out an umbrella before he found his way to her side. With the umbrella covering both of them, Charlie guided her towards the empty beach, watching the waves rush ashore as if they were racing one another. 
No words were spoken between them as she kept clinging to him, with her arm wrapped around his. The warmth Charlie emanated left her searching for his closeness, set on feeling him as close as he allowed her to. They walked along the beach with wandering eyes, taking in their surroundings, the dark sky and the high waves, letting an unusually calm atmosphere flush through them. 
“It’s funny how nothing around here has changed over the years.” He almost whispered the words, luring (y/n)’s curious gaze towards his handsome features. Charlie was already looking at her, wearing a soft smile on his lips as he slowly moved his hand, stroking one of the hair strands that had fallen into her face behind her ear. Shudders shot down her spine, pulling her closer to Charlie. 
“Did you ever think of leaving?” (Y/n) matched the quiet tone of his voice, she kept staring up at him as Charlie’s hand lingered on her cheek. His thumb explored her cheek, stroking her soft skin as if he had lost all will to fight against what was buzzing between them. She tried not to move, tried to stop herself from crossing the small distance between them, but the longing swimming in his pupils made it harder for (y/n) to hold still. 
“Tell me to stop, (y/n).” It was a soft plead, words (y/n) couldn’t reply to as she shifted her weight and finally pressed her lips against Charlie’s. The kiss left her lips tingling, letting the sensation buzz through her body as if lightning had struck them. She slung her arms around his neck, groaning at the sensation of his beard scratching her skin – a sensation that made heat pool between her thighs. 
His free hand found her waist to pull her against him, while their tongues met, deepening the kiss as rain kept pouring down on them. Only as the sound of thunder roaring in the sky echoed through their ears did they pull away. Both were heavily breathing, staring at one another with bright smiles that left them chuckling, feeling like teenagers in love. 
“Come, let’s get back to the car.” Charlie guided her along the beach, back to the empty parking lot. She felt giddy with every step they took, wondering how the next moments would play out while very well knowing that she hadn’t gotten enough of Charlie. She needed more, needed whatever he could offer her. 
Charlie pressed her against the car without another warning, kissing (y/n) again as if they were lovers reunited after years apart. Their movements were guided by an unfamiliar longing, something both hadn’t cared for these past years. 
He parted from (y/n) with a soft sigh before he opened the car door for her, letting her get inside as he did the same on his side. The comfort the car offered wrapped them in its embrace, drawing relieved sighs from them while the rain kept pitter-pattering down on his windows. Their eyes kept holding contact as (y/n) pondered over her choices, unable to bite down her grin. 
“Pull back your seat, Charlie.” He needed a moment before he set into motion, pulling back the seat enough for (y/n) to climb over the middle console and find comfort in his lap. Their lips searched one another like pilgrims, drawing groans and moans, filled with a desperation that urged (y/n) on to move her hips, grinding against his middle. The throaty groan that broke through Charlie left her grinning in success while she moved her hips again, feeling him grow beneath her. 
“We have to stop before I won’t be able to pull away, baby.” His words drew a whine out of (y/n), her lips were kissing their way down his throat as her hands worked on his belt, not daring to think of stopping. Charlie’s hand found her throat, forcing (y/n) to look at him as her hands stopped moving. 
“Charlie, I want this, I want you.” (Y/n)’s whispers left him groaning, forcing him to slowly nod to wordlessly allow her hands to keep on moving. With a grin stuck to her lips, she freed his hardening cock before she spat into her hand to pump him. Her walls fluttered around nothing, begging to be filled by him, needing to feel Charlie spread her. 
“I don’t have anything on me.” She let her eyes flicker up to meet his stormy ones, getting lost in his gaze for a few seconds as she kept moving her hand, feeling him twitch in her grasp. 
“I’m on the pill.” Grateful that she was wearing a dress, (y/n) began to shift on his lap, searching his lips for another kiss as she positioned herself over his cock. Their moans were swallowed by the kiss, echoing through the car while (y/n) sank down on him. For a moment, both held still, having to adjust to the new sensation, getting used to the way their bodies fit together all too perfectly. 
“You feel so good, baby, fuck.” His words encouraged (y/n) to keep on moving, supported by his hands that guided her. She grew wetter by the second, letting her arousal coat his cock with every hasty movement, chasing an orgasm that was already close. Both knew that this wouldn’t last long, having to get this first orgasm out of the way before he could properly fuck her back at home, touching her like she deserved to be touched. 
“Such a good girl, my pretty girl.” Charlie’s praises made her walls flutter, clenching down around him to push them both closer to the edge. (Y/n) kept moving, kept fucking herself on his cock with cries breaking out of her the second his fingers found her pulsing bundle, adding more friction to every movement. 
“Charlie,” she sobbed his name as her eyes fluttered close, knowing she’d cum soon, letting go with his name clawing through her any moment now. He began to meet her thrusts, pushing his cock even deeper into her tightness to watch her come undone on top of him. 
“Look at me, baby, look at me when you cum.” Their eyes found back together as (y/n) came with a cry, letting his name break through her. His hands kept supporting her, chasing his own orgasm while fucking into her. They were a trembling mess of tangled limbs, and yet both felt more relieved than ever before, thanking their lucky stars for pushing them together. Charlie followed her seconds later, letting go with a deep growl that forced (y/n) to shudder against him. 
“Fuck,” Charlie’s pants left (y/n) chuckling. He was still buried inside of her, even as she pressed herself against his chest, focused on the racing beat of his heart. He held onto her with his arm slung over her back, not daring to let go of the woman who fit into his grasp a tad bit too well. 
“I don’t know how we will tell Bella about this.” Her whispers rang in his ears, forcing a gritty chuckle from Charlie while pondering over her words. 
“I doubt she will notice anything while she is that distracted by her boyfriend.” And with a hum clawing through (y/n), she lifted her head to look at him. Another soft kiss was shared between them, wordlessly communicating their every emotion that grew stronger by the second.
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pedropascallme · 1 year
Pairing: Joel Miller x f!Reader
Summary: “The door opened and you turned toward it out of impulse. The man that was suddenly in front of you was Tess’s age, you guessed. Dark hair greying, sleeves of his denim button down rolled up to the elbows, face…mean. Joel Miller in the flesh.”
Warnings: Smut (18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT), age gap (reader is late 20s/early 30s, Joel is canon typical age), p in v sex, fingering, oral (m and f receiving), kinda mean!Joel, degradation, praise kink, orgasm denial/edging, I will sprinkle in queer Tess. If I missed anything please let me know!
Soundtrack: Crush by Ethel Cain
Joel had a problem with saying no.
He knew it made him seem soft, but he just couldn’t get it out. There was something about becoming a father that increased the negative connotation of the word; using it as a response meant hampering the needs of someone who trusted you. Or the wants. And it was always the wants he fell victim to. Sarah knew his weaknesses—she was his biggest one. A goldfish, extra dessert, a slumber party— “Sure, darlin’.”
Sarah was all he cared about, and he’d give her everything she ever wanted, even when it meant looking like a pushover.
But his window had passed; all will to live drained and replaced by pure survivalism. He pretended to get over it out of instinct, willing himself to push everything down in order to keep going.
He didn’t mind saying no anymore. He had nobody to say it to, anyway.
Maybe that made him a bad man.
You had befriended Tess by chance. She frequented the same spots you did—speakeasies and back allies, surrounded by men she wanted nothing to do with. 
At least you had that much in common with her.
Tess was older than you by maybe twenty years, and you knew nearly nothing about her. You knew her name, you knew what she did to get the extra rations she kept in her front pocket, and you knew she lived with Joel Miller. You had never pried about their relationship, and all you knew of Joel was that he was as gorgeous as his reputation was mean.
She had the tendency to be hot headed, there was no doubt that she could be rough, although you felt her fire was what drew you to her in the first place. Another person who had lost everything obviously wasn’t inaccessible, but it helped that she was one of the few women that you had seen around. When she had thrown a punch so hard it nearly shattered her hand, you grabbed her and walked her home while she stumbled along with you.
No matter how watered down the whiskey in the QZ was, enough of it would do the trick.
“You ok?” You grabbed her by the waist, catching her before she fell, distracted by the blood on her knuckles. You didn’t know if it was hers or the man whose bottom tooth she had loosened.
“Guys here are as bad as fucking raiders…” She mumbled, looking down at her feet. “Could’a walked home myself.” You knew she could’ve, but the thought of letting her stagger home by herself so close to curfew made you uneasy. 
Some things never change. 
“Didn’t want you to,” You kept walking, one stride ahead of her at all times. “Could’ve been dangerous.”
“They know not to fuck with me,” she was giggling now, and she looked almost girlish with her features softened. “Living with Miller has its perks.”
“Wouldn’t want your boyfriend having to exact revenge just cause I let you walk home drunk.”
“What?” Tess stopped walking.
“Aren’t—sorry, are you and Joel not—?”
Tess snorted, “Joel and I are not an item. I don’t, y’know. He’s not my type.” She had sobered almost instantly. “I like my partners…feminine.”
Oh. Oops.
“Don’t be. We get it a lot. Easy living with each other cause we’re the only two that know how to empathize with the other.” She started walking again, leaving you with space to catch up. You didn’t inquire further about what she meant, it wasn’t something anybody wanted to discuss, ever. Loss and death were everywhere, there was no need to reflect on past experiences. Especially with someone like Tess who, in all honesty, intimidated you mightily. You just jogged to meet her pace. 
You followed her into the building, not that you could really explain why.
She had pushed the door open and motioned to you, silently telling you to come into what once could’ve been passed off as a $3,000/month studio apartment. She dropped her belongings on the kitchen table, getting two glasses and pouring watered-down sambuca into each one. You hated the taste, but appreciated that she seemed to genuinely want to spend time with you.
“You remember anything?” She prompted after finishing her drink.
“What?” You had barely touched yours. The anise flavored booze had a different burn than whiskey.
“I was little. I remember seeing Attack of the Clones. And that Scooby Doo movie.”
“I was in my thirties when those came out,” she laughed, “I fucking loved Scooby Doo.” You found yourself laughing along with her. She deadpanned after a moment, examining you.
“You’re still young. Not fair to you to have seen all that as a kid.”
“I guess. But I didn’t think episode two was all that bad.” You tried to laugh through the sudden solemnity. Tess rolled her eyes and smiled, shaking her head as she reached for the bottle to refill her glass.“But it’s not fair that anybody had to see any of that. Ever.” You could hardly call yourself eloquent, but she knew what you meant.
“What are you doing here?” She took smaller sips of her drink this time.
“Same thing as you.”
You didn’t know. “Gotta do something.” 
She nodded, “I want you with me.”
“Tess, I’m flattered—I am, but I don’t, I mean—”
“I want you to work with me.” She smiled into her glass, amused by your flustered response.
Oh. Oops.
“Oh. I...mean, ok. Yeah, ok.”
The door opened and you turned toward it out of impulse. The man that was suddenly in front of you was Tess’s age, you guessed. Dark hair greying, sleeves of his denim shirt rolled up to his elbows, face…mean.
Joel Miller in the flesh.
“Joel.” Tess was stern.
“What’s this?” Joel’s voice sent a shiver down your spine. You realized you had never spoken to him, never been spoken to by him. You’d only ever gawked from across the room. You felt yourself straighten your posture.
“Business. New teammate.” Tess took another sip from her glass.
Joel walked across the room, grabbing the liquor bottle and taking a swig from it before placing it back into a cabinet. He looked at you, giving you the up-and-down from where he stood at the counter.
“No.” He turned, walking into the bedroom.
Wide-eyed with concern and embarrassment, you looked at Tess. 
“Be here at nine tomorrow. PM.” She said, finishing her drink and getting up to take her place on the couch.
You let yourself out.
It was obvious when you arrived the following night that Joel was still irked by your presence. Also obvious was that Tess had made him swallow his pride. She gave you your instructions at the kitchen table while you nodded along. Joel was statuesque and showed no signs of emotion or consideration towards her words. 
And when Tess had explained that it would be you and Joel and only you and Joel, your brows furrowed and he still hadn’t budged. 
“I’ve gotta be here,” she dictated, words coming out slowly as though she was speaking to children, “Don’t need all of us gone, it’d be too much attention. I’ll cover.”
“I can cover.” You blurted out, suddenly nervous about being alone with Joel.
“No.” Joel spoke for the first time all night. You shrunk back into yourself and kept listening.
“—Into the sewer, out to the east, all we need is booze, maybe some pharmaceutical shit if you can grab any.”
You probed, “Pharmaceuticals?” 
“For us.” Tess had finished giving you the rundown, getting up from the table and walking into the bedroom, leaving you alone with Joel.
Saying nothing, he immediately started towards the door, leaving you to follow.
Contrary to popular belief, the sewers were not your ideal hang out. No matter how many times you went down there, it took days to scrub the feel and smell off of your body. If Joel cared about the dank surrounding, he didn’t show it.
When you popped the grate to crawl out, he moved to lift you slightly, but that was the only interaction you’d had on your journey. You wanted to get this over with, desperately wanted to be back in the company of anybody you could converse with. You made quick work of collecting what you needed and making your way back into tunnels below. Joel hadn’t said a word since he had objected to you taking watch, and you didn’t know why that bothered you so much; plenty of people didn’t speak to you, and you relished in it. You could walk around the QZ and not a soul would approach you—it was safer that way. Easier, too. But Joel’s silence made your head spin almost as much as his voice did. You kept looking at the way his biceps flexed under his shirt, the stern look on his face and the scar on his right temple. 
Despite his cold exterior, you felt at ease in his presence. Sure, his domineering attitude was somewhat troubling to you, but his lack of emotions made you feel less paranoid. You weren’t as preoccupied with looking over your shoulder as you would’ve been otherwise thanks to his presence, and the gun slung over his shoulder acted as additional reassurance. If anything were to happen, you doubted he’d have any trouble dealing with it.
Maybe the smell of the sewer was making you delirious. Or maybe you were experiencing a genuine attraction to him—not that you expected a man that wouldn’t speak to you to feel any sort carnal desire for you. Even so, you found your mind wandering on the route back to the QZ; you could imagine him smoking the cigarettes your grandfather used to buy, Marlboro reds that he kept in a silver case. The thought of a cigarette hanging between Joel’s lips made you shiver, though you tried to tell yourself you were just cold from the clammy tunnels. You tried to hide the curious looks you shot at him, the way you studied his hands and thought up reasons as to why they would be so calloused. It could’ve been from the work he did now, but the thought of him pre-outbreak, working with his hands in the heat, wiping the sweat that dripped down his forehead...
You heard a clang somewhere along the route. Looking up, you could make out a shadow growing larger, then smaller. An unmistakable clicking followed. 
Perhaps it was due to the unexpected encounter, or the daydreams still playing in the back of your head, but you found yourself frozen. If you could think straight, it would be embarrassing, but every noise was deafening, and you could feel your heartbeat in your skull. 
And then you were on the floor. Joel’s full weight pinning you down before he rose up again and two shots rang out. You tried your best to regain your composure, blinking rapidly and staring into nothing. Joel looked down at you, face painted with his routine grimace only inches away from your own.
“This,” he breathed heavily, voice frayed, “is why I said no.” 
But he waited for you to get up and brush yourself off before he kept walking.
“You’re a fuckin’ amateur.” He continued homewards.
You went with Tess after that. Nobody gave you an explanation—you didn’t need one. You had fucked up, made more apparent by the dismay painted on Joel’s face at your continued appearances in the apartment. You couldn’t bring yourself to look at him, let alone speak to him, maybe attempt to apologize. He didn’t want to hear it; you knew as much as he did. You couldn’t even crawl back like a guilty dog with your tail between your legs, because you knew you’d just get swatted by the morning paper. And, worse, despite the obvious friction, Joel was constantly on your mind. It was humiliating that a man who never spoke to you could be the focal point of your private moments. You thought of his hands entirely too often, his name slipping out between hushed gasps in the darkness of your bedroom.
Your breaking point was the night you walked into the apartment, opening the door to barking laughter that ceased on his end the moment you crossed the threshold. It was purposeful, the way he drew his mouth into a frown as soon as your line of sight had connected. Scowling, his eyes followed you. You felt heat rise in your face and pool in your stomach.
You scowled back. You wouldn’t endure his attitude anymore. 
It went on like that for weeks. You figured that if you got under his skin he’d crack, forcing him to interact with you on a higher level—even if it was shouting at you. 
Joel Miller was a bad man, a mean man. You knew as well as anybody, and it pissed you off as much as it turned you on. 
You had let yourself into the apartment, flipping through an old magazine to pass the time you spent waiting for Tess.
When the door opened, your gaze met Joel’s. You turned back to skimming a story about Ewan McGregor, brows furrowed as you internally questioned what had happened to him in all this. 
You started the countdown for the game you were playing: Who would break first? You glanced up once or twice to see where Joel was, and he remained in the same spot in front of the doorway, dark eyes fixed on you. You crossed your legs.
“Tess isn’t here.” He spoke, and you stopped your countdown, congratulating yourself as tonight’s winner.
“I know.”
“She’s not coming.”
“I’m reading.” You turned the page, eager to read about who was dating who in August of 2000. 
Joel stayed in his spot by the door before making his way to the liquor cabinet—which you had discovered were most of the cabinets in this house. He put a glass in front of you and sat across, a glass of his own in his hand as he leaned forward to put his weight on the table.
“Jared Leto and Cameron Diaz.” You mused. Joel tipped back his glass, glaring at you. “Do you ever wonder if any of these people are still out there somewhere?”
“Imagine killing some infected schmuck and realizing it was Ryan Gosling.” You smiled, enjoying your one-sided conversation. “I’d feel kinda bad…”
“’Least you’d be puttin’ him out of his misery.”
You looked up, surveying Joel, trying to find a trace of anything that could’ve prompted his sudden embrace of your goading. “Uhuh,” you raised an eyebrow, “just don’t think I could do it.”
“You scared?”
“Of you?”
“Of surviving.”
“No. Just of an infected Ryan Gosling.” You put down the magazine. “What’s your problem, Miller?”
“What’s yours?”
“I don’t have a problem.”
“Then neither do I.” He got up to refill his glass, and you had déjà vu, recalling how Tess had sat you down at the table months earlier to invite you into their professional lives. She had been much friendlier even then than Joel ever was. 
“You can’t fight for shit.” You turned to see Joel leaning against the counter, a bottle of whiskey in hand. You tried not to let your frustration at him show. “Hard to get good at this shit when you freeze at the first sign of trouble.”
“Shut up.” You brushed him off. You picked up the magazine again, trying to find your place.
“You know I’m right.” He drank from the bottle. For some reason you couldn’t stop yourself from standing up and facing him.
“Y’know you can’t fight for shit. Couldn’t to save your own life. You know that. I know that. Why’d’ya think Tess always goes with you?” He put the bottle down and crossed his arms. Wrath boiled in your chest; you wanted to rationalize, tell yourself that he was mad you were winning the game he made you start playing so he opted to hit below the belt; but, Jesus, he had gotten you where it hurt. You had long prided yourself in having the ability to survive, taking care of yourself and doing whatever it took for you to see the next day. For him to waltz into the space you had found some form of comfort in, where Tess drank with and felt for you, to imply that you were a failure—just some fucking kid with a knife?
You put as much weight behind the punch you threw towards him as you could muster, aiming at for his face in the hopes that a black eye might help him register your dedication to staying alive. He barely moved, grabbing your wrist to stop any real strength your blow might’ve had.
“You can do better.” Joel provoked you further. You were breathing hard but not heavy, staring into the eyes of the man you wished you could see for the evil everybody said he was. “Do better.” He continued. You grabbed him by the collar, nose to nose; you could smell the liquor on his breath, and you were sure he could smell it on yours. You were far from drunk, and the seething anger sobered you more than a cold shower ever could.
So you had no excuse for kissing him, which is probably why it was a quick peck, testing the waters and feeling as though you owed it to yourself as much as to him to see if this was one-sided. 
“That’s better.” He snaked an arm around your waist and cupped the opposite hand over the back of your head. You didn’t say a word, barely breathed at his response, before you attached yourself to him again. You forgot all about testing the waters and immediately dove in; you kissed him with an open mouth, tongue, teeth and all. He licked into you, pulling you in closer. He separated from you to speak.
“Bed.” Forever and always a man of few words. You stumbled over each other as he pulled you towards the bedroom, neither of you bothering to say anything else as you were pushed onto the bed. Joel straddled your chest, looking down at you and undoing his belt, brown eyes blown out with complete exasperation and lust. 
“Y’been botherin’ me since day one,” he pulled his cock from the confines of his jeans, “bad fuckin’ attitude.” He stroked himself, still looking at you.
“Doesn’t seem to be bothering you now.” You taunted him, reaching up to wrap both hands around him and sitting up as best you could to lick across the tip of his cock. He pushed his hips forward and you took the initiative to swallow as much of him as you could; no small feat, considering his size. You managed half before you gagged. He just laughed. 
“Gonna be quiet ‘round me, might as well put yourself to good use while you’re doin’ it.” He threw his head back as you licked circles over the head of his cock, hand working every inch you couldn’t push past your gag reflex. You made a noise in response to his words, though it was unclear if you meant it as an agreement or a rebuttal. You pulled yourself off of him, placing a kiss on the vein that ran up the underside of his cock. You looked up at Joel, content with your work, his breathing heavy. His hand came up to your jaw, prying your mouth open and sliding his thumb inside. You closed your lips around it and sucked, you heard him groan. He took his thumb out after a few more seconds.
“Open.” He placed his wet thumb on your chin. You opened wide, sticking out your tongue slightly, expecting him to give you his cock again. Instead, he spit directly into your mouth, before pressing on your lower jaw to force it closed. “Swallow.” You did as you were told. He shuffled himself further down your body, leaning down to kiss you, pushing his tongue between your lips before he continued moving downwards; he pulled the buttons of your flannel apart, kissing and sucking on the skin he revealed before licking over the burgeoning bruises. You thanked whatever God was out there that you had given up bras so long ago, as if it was all in anticipation of this moment. Joel’s mouth reached the waistband of your jeans, and he continued placing open mouthed kisses over your stomach as he undid your button and fly, pulling the fabric down your legs and revealing your panties. He bent forward into you, pressing his face into your clothed core, his nose and open mouth fanning hot breath across you. 
“Need a good lay.” You weren’t sure if he was talking about you or himself, though he answered your silent question soon after; “That’ll keep you from bitchin’ over everythin’.” He licked a straight line over your folds, tasting the tangy wet that seeped through the fabric of your underwear. You let out a shrill whine when his tongue danced over your clit, and reached down to shed yourself of the final layer of clothing that covered your bottom half. He caught your wrist and pushed it aside. “No,” He looked up at you as he licked over you again, “been playin’ your fuckin’ game for weeks. S’my turn. Don’t get greedy, now.”
You moaned when he released your wrist from his grasp, only to begin rubbing circles over you. “Pl—ease, Joel!” You arched your back, lifting yourself up to him in an attempt to gain more friction.
“Say it again.”
“Please,” it was barely audible, “please, Joel. Please, please…” Your eyes were hooded as you begged for more. Either he was satisfied by your attempt or took pity on you for coming undone over practically nothing, but he slid the panties down your thighs and threw them over his shoulder. He admired your naked cunt, ghosting a finger over your slit and collecting what you’d already released. He leaned back down and attached his lips to your clit, pushing his finger into you and bending it upwards. You gasped, grabbing a fistful of his hair and tugging, earning a satisfied grunt from him. He rhythmically sucked your clit in time with the movements of his finger, adding another slowly and then increasing the pace. Over and over, he brushed the spongey spot inside of you that made you clench around him, tugging his hair tighter. 
“Go—ing to, Joel, fuck! Joel—!” You were panting, fist gripping his hair.
“Please!” You were trembling.
“No.” He was unforgiving, absolutely ruthless as he fucked his fingers into you faster, licking tight and fast over your clit. You were close to tears now, grabbing onto the pillow underneath you to stabilize yourself. You were sweating, and he was the one doing all the work, but, Christ, it took effort to hold off on cumming when he was knuckle deep in your pussy like that.
“Now.” He said, pushing up against the spot you needed him to touch most, sucking hard on your swollen clit. You all but yelled, body turning to jelly, your eyes screwed tight—all while Joel continued his ministrations. He stared at you open mouthed as you trembled. He slowed once you stopped shaking, sliding his fingers out of you and licking them clean. 
“Still gonna act like a bitch now?” He peppered kisses over your thighs.
“F…fuck y—ou, Joel Miller.” You wheezed out. He laughed, standing up to remove his shirt and trousers. 
“’F’I’d known you wanted it I’d’ve done it a month ago.” He crawled over you, pressing kisses into your neck.
“Fuck you.” You finally caught your breath, and he pushed himself up enough to meet you face to face. “You’re a bad person. Everybody in the QZ knows you’re a bad man.”
“Then why are you in my bed?” He was half sincere.
“You tell me.”
“Can see the way you look at me. Terrible at keepin’ secrets. ‘Nother reason you need someone to protect you out there.” He scoffed, and you pulled him down for a kiss. Though bruising in force, you were gentler with each other. Neither of you felt inclined to use teeth this time around.
Joel pushed himself up and onto his knees, sliding his cock over your clit and pushing his tip into you slightly. You whimpered, trying to wordlessly urge him to sink into you. 
“Ask me.”
“Please, Joel, need it…”
“Need what, sweet thing?” You closed your eyes, savoring the nickname as it rolled off his tongue. 
“Need your cock. Joel, please, I need you to fu—” He cut you off with one sharp thrust, pushing his full length into you and bottoming out. You felt your eyes roll back in your head, and Joel brought a hand down to rest on the side of your face.
“Atta girl,” his mouth hung open as he began shallowly thrusting into you, “take it all, darlin’.”
You whined, hands scrambling to touch him wherever you could reach; his shoulders, his chest, his thigh if you stretched down a bit further. It only spurred him on.
“Fuckin’ pathetic.” He pushed his hips into yours, attempting to get even deeper inside of your warm, inviting pussy. “Been such a bitch with me ‘nd now you’re so eager, huh? Li’l slut, needed t’get fucked s’all?” All you could do was let out a wonton moan, loving how he stretched you. “Gonna be nice from now on?” You couldn’t respond, could only think the word no as he sped up, sliding all the way out and all the way back into your cunt. “Answer me, girl.”
“F—uck, n—no!” You stammered. 
He brought a hand down harsh on your clit, pulling out so just the tip of his cock was seated shallowly inside of you. You squeezed around it. “Don’t be a bitch,” he spanked your pussy again, “tell me the truth.”
Tears pricked your eyes in frustration, and you nodded your head yes.
“Yes! I’ll be good, I’ll be so good, wo—won’t give you attitude, Joel, I—I won’t be such a bitch, I pr—omise.”
“I like you a li’l bitchy,” he slid his cock back into you, resuming the punishing pace, punching up into you. “Like my pretty li’l bitch. Like this tight fuckin’ pussy.” He flattened himself on top of you, chest pressing into yours with every breath he took and every rough shove of his cock against your cervix. The slight pain was worth the abounding pleasure. He reached under your midriff, sliding his hands between the flannel you still half-wore to meet your skin, wrapping his arms around you and pressing you into him further. You wrapped your own arms around his waist, completely lost in him. 
“Y’needed this as much as I did,” he groaned into your ear, “tell me, sweet thing.”
“Needed—oh, fuck, I needed it.” You whispered against the skin of his shoulder. He managed to reach a hand down between you, fingers finding your clit. You buried your face into him, suddenly very aware of what was happening; your daydreams coming to fruition, winning the game in a manner leagues above what you had hoped for. The attention was staggering. The tears you had held back during his earlier taunting escaped, spilling over your cheeks and smudging into the sweat on Joel’s skin. It was overwhelming in the best way. Anxiety inducing in the worst. 
“So good, being so—so fuckin’ good, darlin’.” He was getting sloppy with his thrusts, rhythm failing as he neared his own high. He pulled away from you, shifting positions to hold you so that you could be face to face. You couldn’t count how many times today you had found yourself staring at Joel Miller. “You’re so good.” A fully earnest sentiment, punctuated by every inch of his cock. “Want you to cum, need you to cum for me again.” He was practically begging, words coming out in moaned whispers. He kissed the tear streaks over your cheek and down to your lips, the wiry hair of his short mustache rubbing against your top lip in a manner that made your skin instantly sore, but it felt too good to be connected to him like this to complain at all. He continued his movements, fingers running over your clit at a heightened pace and cock throbbing inside of you. You squeezed around his cock, arms squeezing his torso, and you felt yourself coming undone. 
“There you go. Feel you fuckin’ squeezin’ me. Gimme one more, sweetheart.” You were pushed over the edge, once again cumming for Joel Miller in a way you had only ever imagined. He held you tight, letting you wrap yourself around him while you came, whispering his name and tangling your fingers in his hair. He managed a few more deep thrusts before pulling out and spilling across your stomach, chanting your name. Your breathing was labored, and Joel admired how he had painted you with his spend.
He stood up, walking out of the room, and you felt the urge to cry again, feeling suddenly abandoned after something so new and intimate. But he walked back in with a threadbare towel, wiping down your stomach and the wet between your thighs. You were both silent as he finished cleaning you up. He exited once more to rid himself of the towel before reuniting with you in bed. He lay beside you for a moment before turning to hold you. You turned to face him.
“It’s a shame you wiped me clean. Wanted a taste.” You failed to keep your tone even and unbothered, the crack in your voice apparent as you tried your hand at humor.
“Next time.” You looked up to find him staring at you once again. His usual scowl replaced by something softer. You fell back into a semi-comfortable silence.
“I am a bad man.” He spread his fingers out between your shoulder blades.
“I am,” the words came out harsher than he had meant them to, “I’ve done bad shit just to get by. It’s fuckin’ embarrassin’ to kill someone just to see another day of this. Bad’s an understatement.” He took a deep, shaky breath. “I’m hard on you cause I don’t want you gettin’ hurt. Don’t wanna be out with you if somethin’ happens. Don’t wanna be away from you if somethin’ happens. Wouldn’t be able to—”
“I can take care of myself.”
“I know. S’fuckin’ awful. Shouldn’t have’ta fend for yourself.” He swallowed.
“Have to to survive, Joel. Made it this far.”
“No,” he countered, “shouldn’t have to survive. You should be livin’. Shouldn’t need’a run with a crowd like me ‘nd Tess.”
“Don’t you think we’re a little past that? I’d be doin’ the same thing even if I didn’t have you two to do it with.”
“I’ve seen how you freeze up.”
“I knew you’d be there.” You nearly snapped, astonished that after all this he was still hung up over the first run you did with him, despite the effortless shots he had taken. Even more astonished that he hadn’t realized that despite the external bitterness he had fashioned and the constant stream of “no” that left his mouth, you knew even then that he’d keep you protected. He looked away from you, and you nuzzled your face into the crook of his neck, trying to show him that for all your bite you were capable of being docile when the moment called for it.
“Shouldn’t wanna hang around bad people.” Joel’s eyes looked into the nothing of the distance as he muttered. “Shouldn’t have to risk everything just to do bad things.”
“Good men die, too, Joel,” You were firm, “I wanna be…” You trailed off. He looked back to you and traced a finger over your collar bone, admiring the marks that had formed from his kisses. “Wanna be around you. With you.” You saw a faint smile creep across his face.
“Not a good man?”
You scoffed, “Never a good man. Wouldn’t know how to handle me.” He laughed softly. You allowed his hands to roam over your body while you mirrored his movements, tracing your fingers over the scars that littered his chest. “Come with me on the next run.” You weren’t asking.
For the first time in 20-odd years, Joel was unable to say no.
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saigethearies · 8 months
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saige’s terrortober presents…
unbeknownst to you, zeke has chosen you to be his cult’s next virgin sacrifice. a pining eren knows exactly what he needs to do to save you.
cultist!eren jaeger x fem!reader
contents/warnings: mentions of murder, vaginal fingering, unprotected sex, loss of virginity, praise, corruption kink, breeding, protective and possessive eren, mentions of ‘purity’
wc: 2k
eren felt as if time had frozen around him when the name of the chosen sacrifice tumbled from zeke’s lips.
your name.
you, the kind girl from his english lecture.
you, who gives him a pencil when he forgets his own.
you, who explains assignments to him with patient words.
you, who shares whatever snack you’ve brought without hesitation.
you, with your soft smile and sweet laugh, who was going to be cut to death on the altar zeke stood behind this upcoming equinox.
“she’s a virgin?” floch’s grimy voice pulled eren back to reality, and it took every ounce of the self-control that already came scarce to him to refrain from knocking the ginger’s teeth in. “could have had me fooled, way too pretty for her cherry not to be popped.”
zeke chuckled at floch’s remark. “my source is never wrong, she’s completely pure. she probably will be our cutest offer yet, though.”
they were gonna kill you, he was supposed to kill you. eren thinks about you when he falls asleep, when he wakes up, and all the hours in between. his little crush that’s been festering since the beginning of the semester would come to a thrilling conclusion when he hands his brother the dagger.
he couldn’t let it happen.
to hell with the brotherhood, he wouldn’t let them take you away from him.
eren knew the sacrifice always had to be a virgin, that was the one golden rule since the founders first drew blood centuries ago.
ascending up the hidden catacomb’s stairs after zeke adjourned the meeting, eren already had his plan mapped out- he just couldn’t tell if he was thinking more with his brain or his dick.
it was time for him to make you unqualified.
“thanks for offering to tutor me, i really need it,” eren said with a smile, opening the door to his room.
“it’s no problem! i needed something to do this afternoon, anyways!”
you had that smile on your face again, a little twinkle in your eye as you looked up at him. damn, you were so beautiful. he hoped he could pull this off.
within a few minutes, the two of you were sitting on his bed, you holding a textbook open in your lap as you pointed to different literary techniques. eren’s gaze kept drifting off of the pages and onto the exposed skin of your legs, little skirt you were wearing riding up as you sat.
you trailed off in your description of a motif when you felt a warm hand on your thigh. blinking, you turned to see eren’s face extremely close.
“...is everything okay?” you asked slowly, face heating up. men were never in your personal space like this, much less one as attractive as eren. the proximity was causing you to become flustered.
you tried to stand, get some distance between the two of you, only to trip and land right on eren’s lap. your startled eyes met his shining sea green ones, and the urge to kiss him surged through you.
eren knew he was about to have you right where he wanted, having enough past flings to know the tells of a woman. he just needed to give you one more little push, one more and then he can put his plan into motion.
bringing a hand to cup your cheek, he spoke to you softly. “can i kiss you?”
“we don’t have to do anything if you’re uncomfortable,” he said, stroking your face tenderly as if your life wasn’t currently hanging in the balance.
eren’s care felt genuine to you and your eyelids fluttered shut, leaning your lips up to meet his. the kiss was careful, eren gently applying pressure as if he didn’t want to do too much and scare you away.
you felt a shiver run down your spine when his tongue slid into your mouth, trying not to make your lack of experience obvious as he explored the wet cavern.
a hand going under your skirt, however, had you jolting. grabbing eren’s wrist before he could go further, you broke away from his lips with a pant. “wait!”
“what is it?” he asked, already knowing full well what the answer would be.
“i’ve never…you know…” you trailed off, and something about the look on his face told you that he understood perfectly.
“do you want to?”
please say yes, say yes so he can protect you.
you bit your lip, unsure. you knew nothing about sex, and the unknown was always nerve wracking to you. on the other hand, you had this nice, handsome guy that you were already acquainted with offering to take your virginity.
not many girls get this type of opportunity…
you nodded. “yeah, can we please just go slow?”
“of course, princess, we can go as slow as you want.”
it didn’t matter how you wanted it, all that mattered was that eren’s cock got to split your virgin cunt open.
his fingers resumed their trek up your inner thigh, tracing the outline of your panties.
“i’m gonna prep you first, okay, baby? make it hurt less.”
“okay,” you replied, breath hitching when you felt eren’s thumb slide into your underwear, immediately going to rub circles into your sensitive nub.
the stimulation had you jerking instantly, not familiar with the pleasure that was being inflicted on you.
“that feel good?” he asked, sliding a finger into your pussy that was growing slicker by the second.
this felt so much different than from when you’d play with yourself, not realizing how electrifying it was to have fingers between your folds that weren’t yours.
he added his index finger into your pussy, dark desire twisting his insides at how tightly you clamped on that one finger. starting to pump in and out slowly, eren cooed at you.
“relax, princess, ‘m gonna take care of you. you’re gonna be okay, yeah?”
you nodded at his words, not knowing the double meaning behind them. eren started to thrust his finger faster, rubbing against your bud with more intent. mewls left your lips at the sensation, humping his hand pathetically.
eren’s eyes were trained on you. the sight of you crumbling and succumbing to a man’s touch for the first time was breathtaking. the brunette was starting to think this could be love.
your thighs were quaking around his hand, slick dripping all over his lap. he relished in the mess, knowing that now you were probably loosened up enough.
“alright, pretty girl,” he kissed underneath your ear. “i think you’re ready for my cock.”
he gently maneuvered you off of his lap and onto his bed, lowering you down with so much care it made your throat feel tight. tugging your panties off before taking his own shirt off, he looked down at you.
“can you show me those pretty titties, princess?”
you blinked up at him dreamily, obeying his command as your shirt joined his on the floor. not even a second had passed after your bra fell from your shoulders when his large hands were cupping your breasts, squeezing at them in a way that had your eyes screwing shut.
he gave you a little kiss on your forehead as he leaned over you, palms leaving your chest as he grabbed a pillow to place under your hips. you took a deep breath, trying to settle your jittery nerves as you observed eren remove the rest of his clothing.
eren stopped you when you tried to take your skirt off.
“leave it.”
he pushed it out of the way, your glossy cunt appearing. the view of you completely naked with just your skirt bunched around your waist had eren’s mind shortcircuiting. he wanted to burn this image into his memory forever, and knowing he would be the first person to ever see you like this was even better.
if he had it his way, he’d be the only.
spreading your thighs open wider, eren slotted himself in between them. he grabbed hold of your hips, bringing them closer in a way that had your whole body being dragged down the bed. you yelped at his display of strength.
“sorry, princess,” he said with a sheepish smile. his tip prodded at your entrance. “deep breath f’ me, okay?”
the way he pierced you open was addicting, every inch of his dick spearing your virgin walls had your toes curling. you didn’t expect penetration to feel this good the first time. all your friends told you it would hurt the first several tries, but leave it to eren jaeger to throw you for yet another loop.
you felt his pubic bone become flush against yours.
“taking all of me your very first go? such a good fucking girl, damn.”
it was done. your virginity was his. zeke could no longer butcher you on that cold, stone altar in front of his whole brotherhood. eren had never felt so proud of himself, the knowledge that his girl was now safe and sound due to his plan had his skin tingling in excitement. he tightened his grip on your hips, trying so hard to keep himself grounded. he had promised you slow.
yet, as always, you proved to be heaven-sent.
“eren,” you babbled to him. “move, please! wan’ you to move.”
the frenzied gleam in his eye made your pussy throb. the brunette wasted no time in listening to your plea, bucking into you like his life depended on it- oh, the irony.
you screamed out, hands flying to fist the sheets beside you as eren kept your pelvis locked in place, subject to thrust after thrust of his cock. the pleasure was already swirling inside you as if it was a tornado, the high that was building from earlier now picking back up its rise.
“feel so good, so good, fuck.”
never had he been in a cunt this warm and tight. eren intended on molding it to the shape of him, ruining it for anyone else. he’d make sure you wouldn’t even want anyone else.
“perfect, princess,” he grit out. “fucking perfect pussy.”
his praise and pace made you feel lightheaded, falling further into the haze of ecstasy he was shrouding you in. you weren’t sure how much more you could take.
“i-i think ‘m close…”
“yeah? me too baby.”
with the way you were gripping him, it was a miracle eren hadn’t already busted. he angled his hips to hit even deeper, adding a finger to your clit again in hopes of finishing the both of you off.
“where do you want me?”
your answer shocked him. “inside!”
fuck, you were gonna be the death of him.
“my princess wants to be filled up, huh?”
who was he to deny you?
one final plunge into your walls timed perfectly with the rub of his thumb had you clenching hard on his dick, muscles spasming as you orgasmed. eren was spurred into his own climax, spilling into you. his eyes were glued to your face, your cockdrunk expression almost enchanting to him as he watched you fall apart.
slowly pulling out, the brunette was in awe at his cum leaking out of you. deciding to worry about his sheets later, he crawled up the bed to see your drooping eyes.
laying down next to you, eren engulfed your frame with his. he held your head against his chest as you drifted off, exhaustion taking over.
zeke put his book down as he heard his phone ping, surprised to see he had gotten a text from eren. his brother hardly ever messaged him.
his interest was piqued even more when he saw it was a picture.
opening the image, however, had zeke wanting to chuck the device across the room.
while eren made sure to have the covers pulled up enough, the blonde could still tell it was you from your side profile resting on his brother’s torso.
another ping.
“you might need to pick a new offering, my bad.”
zeke knew the smug bastard didn’t feel guilty in the slightest.
saige’s terrortober masterlist
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celtic-crossbow · 1 month
You're Pushing Me Sideways, but You Won't Let Go
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader (Vampire!Daryl)
Setting: Saviors Era
Warnings: Blood; Injury; Biting to feed; Suggestive dialogue
Summary: You rescued Daryl, once and then twice.
A/N: Just a quick little thing to satisfy this vampire Daryl obsession that I have.
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You knew breaking him out of the sanctuary would be dangerous. It was a suicide mission. You knew you wouldn’t come out unscathed. You were blinded by your rage, your determination to pull Daryl to safety. Once you saw him, you had not a single doubt that you had made the right choice. They had tortured him with the sun, no animals on which to feed. He was burnt, the right side of his face blistered and raw. He couldn’t heal. He was weak, barely able to run fast enough to ensure the escape you had planned so carefully.
It was that hindrance that left you with a through and through bullet wound to your thigh. The femoral artery had been hit. With a makeshift tourniquet, you had been able to get him out, covered in a blanket to shield him from the dangerous rays that would kill him slowly, drain him of vitality until he was nothing. 
Now, in the cover of the forest, he lay starving while you lay dying. There was really only one resolution and you knew he wouldn’t like it.
“Take my blood.” Your voice scraped against your vocal chords, mouth desert dry. Somehow summoning the energy, you looked up at him. He sat beside you with your head on his shoulder. His jaw was set, but the pain in his eyes remained unhidden.
“Daryl, I’m dying.” You could feel it. You were cold, tired, the wound no longer hurting. Your blood seeped out, soaking your jeans. The tourniquet wasn’t enough against an entry and exit wound. “I can still save you.” You knew he could smell it, his heightened senses reacting unbidden. He was fighting the hunger. He always had, especially when it came to you. He would tell you how sweet your blood smelled while he moved inside you. How just a taste would never be enough. He turned to carnal pleasures to overshadow the desire to feed from you.
“I ain’t bitin’ ya.” He sounded desperately determined, still gazing straight ahead. His breathing was bordering erratic, chest heaving. “I’d kill ya. I wouldn’t—I wouldn’t be able to stop.”
“Then don’t. Take what you need, I’m dying anyway.” You stated nonchalantly. You didn’t need long to come to terms with it. Everyday was a battle to survive. You’d been lucky to make it as long as you had. Now, it was all about saving Daryl. The community couldn’t lose him, and you couldn’t die knowing he would follow. “Please.”
“Said I ain’t doin’ it!” As much as he tried to sound undaunted, his voice cracked. 
“Please, Daryl.” Your vision was graying at the edges. “Let me do this for you.” You felt him shift, his movements stiff but deliberate until he was in front of you, irises an intense red instead of the mountain lake blue. You loved both of them, both sides of him, but you knew what this meant and you hoped against hope that he would follow through. He was grappling for control, on the edge of giving in to your request.
“Can’t lose ya. Won’t.” He ducked his head, intending on avoiding the plea in your eyes, forgetting the bloody mess of your leg. When he snapped his gaze back to your face, his pupils were dilated, he was panting harshly through his mouth with the tips of his fangs visible behind his lips. “I’ll do it, but Y/N—” You shivered, the cold fingers of death scrabbling for a permanent grip on your consciousness. “I ain’t losin’ ya.”
He dove forward, pulling on your shoulders to meet him halfway. You always wondered what it would feel like to have him bite you. It wasn’t as painful as you thought it’d be, but you were pounding on death’s door, your skin cold and on the edge of numb. There was a pull when he drew out the first mouthful, a groan vibrating against your neck. He jerked you closer for a better hold and it actually hurt, but you could feel his strength returning, eager to see his face without the burns, without the pinched lines of pain and hunger. Realistically, you wouldn’t. You knew that. You’d be dead by the time he stopped.
Your heart that had been pounding a tattoo against your ribs was now a gentle cadence, a rhythm that held its melody even as it slowed. He jerked you again with a growl that rattled you to your core. It was enough to know that because of you, he would survive. 
“I—I love you.” And with that, your reserves were spent. You surrendered to the pull of nothingness, ready to exist in the darkness, but Daryl would live.
Then you were cold, chilled to the bone. 
You had always read in the books that vampires were much like walkers in the sense that they held no body heat, there was no heartbeat, but also no reflections in the mirror, they would burst into flames or glitter in the sun. None of that was true. Daryl was a human space heater and you could tell the moment he pulled away from you. 
He didn’t drain you. Why? DId he not realize that you were still alive? Were his senses so scrambled that he couldn’t hear your heart still beating? It really didn’t matter. You were dead anyway. He had only unintentionally prolonged the process. 
“Told ya that I ain’t losin’ ya.” His face was suddenly hovering over you, the moonlight carving out his silhouette like a painting. He was beautiful. He was healing. He was—biting his wrist? You were pretty sure that meant something but your brain was shutting down, making coherency impossible. As the urge to close your eyes grew too intense for you to fight any longer, you let them slip shut, the last image being the glow of red morphing into a bright blue that you prayed would surround you in death.
“Daryl.” You breathed. 
And then there was nothing.
With a deep inhale, you shot upright, the moonlight bright and the sounds around you amplified. You felt your heart begin to race, your breathing a panicked cycle of inhales and exhales. You could smell everything, hear everything. The hole in your leg was gone. When you bit your lip, the sharp tip of an elongated canine broke the skin. Overwhelmed, you sought out your peace, the one thing—the one person— that could tether you to reality, ground you. Daryl was sitting across from you, a fire burning between you.
He smiled, fangs still stained with your blood—and his own.
“Told ya that I wasn’t losin’ ya.” You blinked at him for a moment before you couldn’t help but smile back. “An’ I meant it.”
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k0yaz · 1 month
UGGHHHH hear me out on toxic Yuri with acheron or Topaz like for Topaz it might be a little hard to see but basically she entered the IPC for her own survival. in a voiceline she said "my survival mattered more than my freedom" and as sad as that sounds, imagine her sweetheart (non binary idk preferably female) is back on her planet and her family was killed by the IPC and she can't stand the sight of Topaz anymore because in their eyes Topaz is a traitor for joining the IPC and they're this sad gay couple anyone would cry and throw up at the sight of like this big sloppy mess.
For acheron, I think we can have like acheron travelling and reader crashing into her no matter whag planet who are at each other's throats all the time (one-sided because Ion think acheron would gaf) but reader hates acheron and acheron doesn't go slicey slicey on reader because she wants to keep them around. idk maybe she gets amusement seeing their hateful eyes.
This isn't even toxic Yuri but I BEG YOU WHAHHWHWHHA
ignore this if your uncomfortable lol
I can’t.
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Pairing(s): acheron x fem!reader
CW: mostly js hating and stuff, potential hate love relationship idk im just bullshitting warnings to fill this space, oh and Acheron lowkey scares reader by almost going slicey slicey but she doesn’t even notice it lol
A/N: someone get her google maps anyway I love acheron sm swawswwjsjsjs
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Your muscles tensed up as a familiar face entered your view, her deadpan eyes locking onto you the moment she saw you. Using your free hand, you drew your hand to your eyes, attempting to shield the side of your head and avert your gaze from the Galaxy Ranger.
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”
The woman you despise deeply, the one you couldn’t escape no matter where you went.
Who else would it be? None other than Acheron herself.
Without hesitation, you found yourself furiously making your way to her, and your face scrunched up at the sight of her. Acheron stared back at you, her gaze hollow and emotionless as if she was waiting for you to say something. God. That stupid, unfeeling look ticked you off so damn much.
“What the hell are you doing here? Did you get lost looking for your hotel room again?”
You snapped at her, face flushed from how irritated you were upon seeing her again.
Acheron only let out a sigh in response, closing her eyes briefly before resting a hand on her hip.
“I was just minding my own business. I don’t understand what got you so irritated. Do you seriously hate me so much that you have to yell at me when you see me?”
Her tone was nonchalant and insouciant, which pissed you off even more. Why wasn’t she bothered at all? Why wasn’t she matching your energy and at your throat too? The fact that she didn’t exactly care about how much you hated her just made your blood boil, it made you feel so small and petty every damn time. Without thinking, you spat at her again, this time your words more harsh as if they had been laced with poison.
“Well why do you have to be everywhere, huh?! Every time I hope to get away from you I can’t! So why? Are you following me or some shit?!” you almost near yelled, brows furrowing and your eyelids lowering slightly.
You slam a fist onto Acheron’s shoulder, jabbing it slightly as you stare down.
You shouldn’t haves done that.
Your eyes widened, and you felt your stomach tighten as your breath caught in your throat. Your eyes trailed down to the end of her hair, heart pounding in your chest from fear as you saw a small fade of white at the tips.
It was barely there, almost not at all, yet you saw it. No doubt.
That alone made you remember, no matter how much you hated her, she was still an emanator of nihility. She could slice you apart and turn you into nothing but a memory if she wanted to.
However when you looked up, you ended up jumping back and away a good 4 feet from her stunned at what you saw.
Was Acheron- smiling a bit?
Your scornful gaze was still glued to your face as you stared her down, confused as to why she smiled for a moment and why she didn’t just kill you on the spot.
“I don’t hate you, hope you know that. But it’s…slightly entertaining to see your expression.”
She paused, taking a moment to think up of something else she wanted to say.
“And I’d prefer to keep you around, honestly.”
Acheron remarked, turning her back to you as she walked away and out of your sight. You still stared off into the distance with a puzzled expression, before running your hand through your hair and closing your eyes.
What- just happened?
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Pairing(s): topaz x fem!reader
CW: tragic lovers obviously, reader losing her shit, topaz gets fucking slapped lol idk what else to put here I hope yall know on sfw works there’s usually no warnings, um screaming crying throwing up idk gay ppl wowowow
A/N: meowmoew
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“I’m sorry I-“
“stop. Just…stop. Okay..?”
You snapped, bringing your hand to crease your forehead and lowering your fingers down to the bridge of your nose near the corners of your eyes. Topaz could only stare back at you with a dejected expression while averting her gaze shamefully.
“It was for my survival…my love, please. I didn’t mean-“
You cut her off again, fighting back the tears that pricked at the corner of your eyes. You choked back a sob as you spoke in a pained voice.
“And yet you still joined the IPC? Did you even think to consider how I would feel?”
A quiet sob escaped your lips as your breath hitched and got in your throat. Within moments tears were flowing down your face, crying uncontrollably with your teeth pressed together and small hiccups spilling out as you buried your face into your hands.
“…you didn’t have to see the bodies of your family, knowing that your lover is the reason for it.”
Topaz could only watch, heartbroken by your sorrow—and it was all because of her. She reached out, attempting to place a hand on your shoulder.
“Don’t touch me! You fucking traitor!”
You yelled, breathing heavily from your sobbing, along with your nose being tinted red and the dried tear cracks down your face being run over by new tears.
Your hands balled up into fists as Topaz stared down at the ground shamefully, dragging her bottom lip between her teeth as to not cry herself.
“(Name). Please. Let me explain.”
She breathed out, trying to keep her own composure. She stepped forward, placing her hands on either side of your head, her thumb brushing along your cheek.
“You have to understand…my survival mattered more than my freedom-“
A slap echoed throughout the vicinity all of a sudden. Topaz stumbled back, the hand that was placed on your cheek now shifted over to her own, grasping her reddening skin. Her eyes widened for several seconds as she processed what happened, breathing quickening slightly. Her own beloved just slapped her.
It was obvious now. You didn’t want anything to do with her anymore.
Topaz quickly recovered from the slap and sighed, her cheek still a blistering red. She stepped forward, cupping your face again and placing her forehead against yours. She grasped your head firmly, fingers tightening as she tried fighting back her own tears.
“I get it. I’m a traitor. But I’m not a traitor when it comes to us, just know that before you go. I still love you.”
She sighed, pressing herself against you more until your noses were touching, and closing her eyes. You could only gasp from the sobs clawing at your throat in response, barely able to form a coherent sentence until Topaz walked away.
You fell to your knees when she was gone, being able to do nothing but cry. And just like that. The love of your life was gone. You wanted nothing to do with her. The pangs of regret ate away at you as you wanted nothing more than to just forgive her and lay in her arms as you mourned your family.
You still loved her. So much.
But you just couldn’t.
You couldn’t be with a traitor.
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anyway I have my final tomorrow goodbye yall I’m going back to the dead
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