#Aoki Hina
sundoodle · 5 months
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gotta add raana and stella to my lil seiyuu bandori/revstar outfit swaps
...i did those 3 years ago. damn
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strikerjoshy · 1 year
Not to be a creep, but someone needs to hide Aoki Hina from me. Want to keep her in a golden cage (●´ω`●)
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ta-ni-ya · 4 months
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Guys guysssss does anyone want to guess who is hina shipped with?? 🤭
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meyecy · 9 months
my last reblog was entirely reblogged just to have an excuse to talk about umineko no naku koro ni ~ stage of the golden witch ~
its so good. its so fuckign good. here. look at the opening. its so good
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cage-cat-yt · 1 year
Tlt cast (except Geist) if alternate outfits
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This took me days to do and I almost forgot to share it lol.
Some outfits are from the internet, but it was more so just an excuse to have fun and draw!
Rust, wiw guy, Snooze, and Haru's outfits are my favorite outfits sbsbsb
Also reblogs are appreciated/nf !!
Anyway, thanks for reading! Remember to hydrate and I hope you have a good day :)
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enbyboiwonder · 1 year
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks...
Of course! I’m picking one character per piece of media, and the numbers are just the order I think of them in rather than ranking, and they may not even actually be my top 10 favorite series. I’m bad at ranking things.
Warning that I will ramble a lot (especially about Aoki) and this will get very long.
01) Ao no Hako - Chouno Hina
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I just started this manga so it may be too early to judge (and I’m reading with a book club, so I won’t be advancing very quickly—the current pace is 1 chapter/week, but I’m hoping it’ll pick up later on), but I love her so far. She’s great. She’s in the gymnastics club and seems like a little force of chaos, and she enjoys teasing our MC Taiki.
02) 2.43 Seiin Koukou Danshi Volley-bu - Aoki Misao
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While it may seem like my fave 2.43 character is Yuni, based on the amount of content I make (fics, drawings, incorrect quotes, etc.), that’s just because Yuni’s the easiest for me to draw and write and the most fun to put into Situations—my actual #1 is Aoki. He makes me feral.
He’s a good person but not a nice one, though he’s certainly capable of playing nice. If he doesn’t wanna do something and you don’t have the authority over him to make him do it, he ain’t doing it, and he ain’t gonna feel bad about not doing it either (you can’t tell me he doesn’t ruthlessly exploit loopholes)—unless, of course, you are one Oda Shin’ichirou, in which case he’ll put aside his own feelings on the matter and do it willingly. He’s also a scheming bastard and isn’t afraid to play dirty, especially if it’s for the sake of those important to him (which is mostly Oda, though he does care about the rest of the team, and not only because it’s Oda’s team. We don’t see much outside that, but he seems the type to generally keep his distance from others).
He doesn’t much care for people in general, but he has a weakness for the underdog (he’s getting a law degree at KyouDai, and while I don’t know what he’s planning on doing with it, he’s probably most likely to become one of those lawyers who draws up and negotiates contracts, but if he became a court lawyer, I can see him being a defense attorney just as well as I can see him being a prosecutor)—and even if that’s part of why he originally became interested in Oda, it’s not why he’s so devoted to him now. If that’s all it were, it would not have lasted 2+ years, much less beyond.
He’s selfish, but since meeting Oda, a good portion of that selfishness has been for him rather than for himself. Oda sees himself as selfish and thinks Aoki’s just being pulled along by his selfish whims, but he’s a lot less selfish than he thinks he is and Aoki’s a lot more selfish than he gives him credit for—Aoki does very little unwillingly, and Oda doesn’t see that Aoki is the one selfishly going along with what he wants and even selfishly doing things that Oda can’t and/or won’t ask for (and sometimes doesn’t necessarily want). Because he never knew Aoki before and doesn’t see how he is with other people all that often, really only sees the way Aoki is with him, he can’t really fathom Aoki being selfish. And when Aoki’s default misanthropy shows through, he gets exasperated, and sometimes he scolds him but sometimes he’s basically like, “Well he’s got a lot on his plate right now, he’s stressed, he deserves to complain/vent.” Obviously something would have to change moving forward, probably on both ends, even if it’s just letting themselves properly and honestly communicate with each other, but just. That the Aoki whom Oda sees is so different from the Aoki whom everyone else sees?
He doesn’t like sports and never planned on joining a club, but he allowed himself to be convinced by Oda into joining the volleyball club despite turning all other invitations down and despite not liking that the upperclassmen only saw him for his height (and despite, this early on, Oda doing the same)—and despite not caring for volleyball, he devoted himself to it seriously; if he decides to do something, he doesn’t half-ass it—and he got himself elected as vice prez of the student council at the end of second year so Oda would have to be captain—both because he deserves it and Aoki doesn’t care about the captaincy, and so that Oda couldn’t be switched to libero from his chosen position as left wing spiker. Though in reality they’re more like co-captains than captain and vice captain lol. He just wants a break, but also he brought like at least half of this on himself.
Oh, and most characters who are as devoted to another as he is to Oda are ranked below the object of their devotion in some way. Technically he is too, but only because he deliberately put himself there. Otherwise, they’re equals. He was captivated by Oda’s passion and determination back in first year and decided he would do everything he could to get him as close to realizing his dream as possible. Even if it meant Oda coming to dislike him and wanting nothing more to do with him after high school, though of course he still wants to be in his life, if Oda will have him.
He makes me insane. I hate him (lying).
03) Haikyuu!! - Tsukishima Kei
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…Probably. My fave is definitely one of the autistic characters or else maybe Suga or Take-chan (okay so maybe not exactly “definitely”…), but it’s so hard to choose! I love so many of the characters in this series. But I have been leaning toward Kei lately. I do have two main basic types of fave characters that most fall into—the dumbass sweetheart (also “idiot (affectionate)”) and the asshole who does actually care (also “grumpy bastard”)—and he certainly fits pretty well under the latter.
He’s an asshole, yeah, but he’s not a bad guy, and probably neither of those things is ever gonna change. His snark and assholery are part of the walls he puts up around himself not just to keep others from getting too close but also to keep himself from caring, but he just is snarky and sarcastic and assholish even without them. And seeing him gradually start to let himself care (and/or acknowledge that he does care) and let himself be passionate about volleyball again… I love his character development. It was probably the one I was most excited to see, and it gets me every time, no matter how many times I rewatch/reread. That fist pump!
04) Cool Doji Danshi - Mima Takayuki
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Mimaaaa. I adore him. Well, I adore all of them, but I relate most to him and Hayate, and he’s the one I kind of have a crush on, so I guess that makes him #1 lol. He’s a lil dumb, but he’s sweet and earnest and his heart’s in the right place. He never stops trying. He’s also voiced by Umehara Yuuichirou, which is always a bonus.
05) Bungou Stray Dogs - Kunikida Doppo
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My ideal was born when I realized a world where people died in front of me was not my ideal world.
The love of my life. I was introduced to BSD through the anime, and I fell in love with him the moment he appeared on screen. He’s super serious but also a giant dork. He’s grumpy and has a short temper and tries to keep his distance, but he cares more deeply than anyone else, so deeply it’s broken his heart more than once already and certainly will again. But still he cares and still he doesn’t give up and chooses to do and be good, rather than become jaded completely.
I haven’t gone near this series in years, but he’ll always have a special place in my heart. (Also, Asagiri-sensei, please just let my man be happy!)
06) My Time at Portia - Arlo
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Don't go getting hurt when I'm not around. I couldn't bear it if such a thing happened.
The other love of my life. I had started this game originally intending to wait and see who all is romanceable before aiming for one, but when he kicked open the door to the Commerce Guild, he also kicked down the door to my heart. I immediately knew he would be the one I’d romance, and as I continued to play the game, I only grew more certain. He’s, like, perfect. He’s handsome and kind and a total sweetheart and always tries to do what’s right. (Also I love his voice and his accent.) I’ve seen him likened to a German shepherd before, and honestly, yeah.
I’ll romance other characters in other play-throughs, but he’s always gonna be my #1.
07) Yotsubato! - Koiwai Yousuke
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I love Yanda’s dynamic with Yotsuba and the antics they get up to, and he might possibly have been my fave when I first read this series in middle school, but I really love Yoh-san. I’d always liked him, but more on the periphery; I didn’t actually come to appreciate him until my recent reread. He may not have planned to become a father or really know how to be one, but he still tries his best to be the good father Yotsuba deserves (and succeeds at it, imo) and not fall into toxic parenting norms. He tries not to get angry with her or yell at her for no reason that she can understand, and he doesn’t give punishments that don’t befit the “crime.” He encourages her to be curious and to try new things and to learn by experience and to not be afraid of making mistakes—and teaches her that even if one does make mistakes, rarely is it so bad that it can’t be fixed. And! He lets himself be soft and willingly participates in femininity. (I know toxic masculinity is more of a Western/Christian thing, but it does still exist in Japan, even if it doesn’t always look the same.) He lets Yotsuba put flowers in his hair and doesn’t take them out when she goes out. When she plays with beads, he joins in without any hint of reluctance, and he proudly wears all the jewelry she’s made him. All of it’s really nice to see, and I fell in love with him a little bit this latest reread. Also he’s kind of gender, and him working as a translator from home has made me realize that maybe that’s something I can do too, if I ever learn enough Japanese.
08) Uramichi-oniisan - Daga Iketeru
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No thoughts, head empty, only onigiri.
He’s one who falls squarely into the “dumbass sweetheart” category. I adore him.
I wish I could say more, but it’s been a while, so I don’t have anything more specific.
09) Ookiku Furikabutte - Mihashi Ren
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I dunno if he’s actually my fave (maybe Abe? or Izumi), but currently he’s #1. I’ve been rewatching lately and I love this anxious lil birb so much. I relate to him, like with feeling like you’ll never be good enough but still not wanting to give up anyway, being torn between not wanting to be an annoyance to or be hated by others and not wanting to stop doing what you love, and with never really having a support system and feeling alienated from your peers (though he’s got one now at Nishiura, which, ♡♡♡), and of course with the anxiety and social awkwardness. Oofuri was one of my first anime and it was my first sports anime and it’s always been special to me, but it was really only with my last rewatch a couple years ago that I could really start to appreciate it. Just, the team are so good with Mihashi, and seeing it is ♡♡♡. Like, I want that. Also I wanna give him a hug.
10) Dragon Quest - Terry
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He's another of those characters who's been hurt before and tries to keep themself closed off so they don't get hurt again. He also falls into the "asshole who does actually care" type. I first met him in Heroes 1, where several characters from main games get sucked into a different world/timeline. Despite being more of a lone wolf, he does join the party, but he's not interested in becoming friends or anything. As soon as he finds what he's looking for and finds a way back, he's leaving. I haven't gotten very far in this game yet, so I dunno how much character development any aside from the original characters may go through, but he does seem to get along with the others and care about them at least somewhat. But I loved him pretty much immediately, and I love him more out of spite any time I come across someone who dislikes him, starting with the person in the comments on Steam who was like Terry Is Actually A Woman Crossplaying As Link (also when I started headcanoning him as trans out of spite, but now I do it because it's fun).
In DQ6, the game he first appeared in, his sister Milly was taken away when they were young, and he was powerless to do anything to stop it or get her back, and in fact was nearly killed because the people who took Milly don't care about killing young children. He decided to become strong enough to rescue her, but somewhere along the way, he forgot his real goal and it morphed into becoming the strongest swordsman. Fast forward about a decade to the present day, and Milly has since escaped and has joined the Hero's party. The party crosses paths with him a few times, and while Milly recognizes him, he no longer recognizes Milly. Eventually we battle him, and after he's defeated, he remembers it wasn't power for power's sake that he was after and he recognizes Milly, and he joins the party. It takes some adjusting for him, and he's still kind of a snarky asshole, but he softens some and learns to start caring about people again.
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roseunspindle · 1 year
Books by “A” authors I own and need to read. (Part 2)
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landofanimes · 7 months
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Sailor Moon Musical - Nogizaka46 5th Generation Version 2024
Cast reveal
Team Moon (from Nogizaka46)
Nagi Inoue as Sailor Moon / Usagi Tsukino
Aya Ogawa as Sailor Mercury / Ami Mizuno
Hina Okamoto as Sailor Mars / Rei Hino
Mao Ioki as Sailor Jupiter / Makoto Kino
Teresa Ikeda as Sailor Venus / Minako Aino
Team Star (from Nogizaka46)
Satsuki Sugawara as Sailor Moon / Usagi Tsukino
Aruno Nakanishi Sailor Mercury / Ami Mizuno
Miku ​​Ichinose as Sailor Mars / Rei Hino
Nao Tomisato as Sailor Jupiter / Makoto Kino
Sakura Kawasaki as Sailor Venus / Minako Aino
General Cast
Yuzuha Uesegi as Naru Osaka
Miyu Nakano as Gurio Umeno
Tenju Mitsuki as Tuxedo Mask / Mamoru Chiba
Tsukasa Hiryu as Kunzite
Aya Akane as Zoicite
Makise Rui as Nephrite
Mayuko Ohara as Jadeite
Rinko Matsubara as Queen Beryl
Iroha Okuda as Queen Serenity (appears in projection) from N46
Misato Matsumoto and Hiroko Wakasa return as Luna's puppet operators
Ensemble: Misaki Aoki, Yazawa Asuka, Amane, Haruka Ikeda, Misakura Ikeda, Ito Wako, Nanaka Suzuki, Mina Minoru Suzuki, Akari Matsushima, Ayano Watanabe
The musical will be playing in Tokyo from April 12 to 29, 2024!
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azumi-kun · 1 year
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Aoki Hina is just perfect as Jessica!
The Rena cosplay suit her so much ;w;
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ashimonaki · 6 months
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i never post my art but here is unfinished stella in that one outfit she wore for 5 minutes of the stage play when hina aoki was doing her opera singing (don’t be too harsh on me i am visually impaired/blind) (i hate shading clothes it is the death of me)
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numberonepeacock · 26 days
Smile Pretty Cure! Characters as Mobians
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Miyuki Hoshizora/Cure Happy - Magenta Hyena
As Cure Happy, she represents sparkling light and holds the power of Holy Light
Akane Hino/Cure Sunny - Dark Red Coyote/Orange Coyote
As Cure Sunny, she represents brilliance and power and holds the power of fire
Yayoi Kise/Cure Peace - Yellow Leopard
As Cure Peace, she represents glitter and fun and holds the power of lightning
Nao Midorikawa/Cure March - Dark Green Golden Retriever/Bright Green Golden Retriever
As Cure March, she represents intense courage and holds the power of wind and breeze
Reika Aoki/Cure Beauty - Dark Blue Lynx/Vibrant Blue Lynx
As Cure Beauty, she represents nobility and beauty and holds the power of ice
Candy - Cure Chao (Fairy)/Angel Sheep (Queen)
Magical Allies:
Pop - Lion Flicky
He is the big brother of Candy
Royale Queen - Golden Sheep
Is the former ruler of Märchenland and Candy’s mother.
Pierrot - Black Lion 
The sinful emperor of Bad End Kingdom, who invaded Märchenland to steal the Cure Decor and bring about the "Worst Ending".
Joker - Dark Purple Cockatoo
At Pierrot's service.
He is the superior of Wolfrun, Majorina, and Akaoni, of the Bad End Kingdom.
Wolfrun - Gray Wolf (Bad End Kingdom)/Black Wolf (Mobian)/Arctic Blue Wolf Flicky (Märchenland)
One of the Bad End Generals.
He is based on the Big Bad Wolf from Little Red Riding Hood and The Three Little Pigs.
Akaoni - Red Oni (Bad End Kingdom)/Dark Red Komainu (Mobian)/Pale Red Oni Flicky (Märchenland)
One of the Bad End Generals.
His appearance is based on red Oni in Japanese folklore.
Majorina - Black Cat (Bad End Kingdom)/Pale Green Raven (Younger Bad End Kingdom)/Dark Green Cat (Mobian)/Neon Green Spider(Hyper Form)/Cream Raven Flicky (Märchenland)
One of the Bad End Generals.
She is a little witch who resembles the Evil Queen from Snow White.
Bad End Pretty Cure
Bad End Happy - Magenta Hyena
Bad End Sunny - Orange Coyote
Bad End Peace - Yellow Leopard
Bad End March - Green Golden Retriever
Bad End Beauty - Blue Lynx
Hiroshi Hoshizora - Brown Mouse
Miyuki's father.
Ikuyo Hoshizora - Dark Pink Hyena
Miyuki's mother.
Tae Hoshizora - Light Gray Mouse
Miyuki's grandmother and Hoshizora Hiroshi’s mother.
Daigo Hino - Brown Fox
Akane's Father.
He owns an Okanoyaki Shop called "Akane" after his daughter when she was born.
Masako Hino - Dark Red-Brown Coyote
Akane’s mother.
She works in the family restuarant, "Akane Okonomiyaki" as server/waitress and sometimes chef.
Genki Hino - Brown Fox
Akane's younger brother.
He is a first- year student at Nanairogaoka Middle School.
Yuuichi Kise - Brown Leopard
Yayoi’s late father.
Chiharu Kise - Dark Caramel-Brown Leopard
Yayoi’s mother.
Genji Midorikawa - Brown Labrador Retriever
Nao’s father.
Tomoko Midorikawa - Dark Green Golden Retriever
Nao’s mother.
Keita Midorikawa - Brown Goldador
Is the second-oldest sibling and the oldest boy in the group, seeming about elementary school age.
Haru Midorikawa - Brown Labrador Retriever
Is the third sibling in the group, seeming about elementary school age.
Hina Midorikawa - Brown Goldador
Is the fourth sibling and the second-youngest girl, seeming about elementary school/preschool age.
Yuuta Midorikawa - Brown Labrador Retriever
Is the fifth sibling and the third-youngest in the group.
Kouta Midorikawa - Brown Golden Retriever
Is the sixth sibling in the group.
Yui Midorikawa - Brown Goldador
Is the youngest sibling in the group.
Shizuko Aoki - Dark Blue Lynx
Reika's mother.
Junnosuke Aoki - Dull Blue Lynx
Reika's older brother
Soutarou Aoki - Polar Bear
Reika's grandfather and father of Shizuko.
Supporting People:
Taylor Brian - Dirty Blonde Lion
Is a transfer student who came from England to learn Japanese.
He befriended Akane and became her first crush.
Council President Irie - Brown Owl
Is the President of Student Council in Nanairogaoka Public Middle School.
Officer Matsubara - German Shepherd
He appears when Majorina loses her inventions and usually Majorina leaves running off without saying good-bye.
Namie Sasaki - Brown Mongoose
Is the homeroom teacher for class 2-2 of Nanairogaoka Middle School.
Hidekazu Toyoshima - Brown Crocodile
He is a student in Nanairogaoka Middle's School's Class 2-2.
Previously: 🎶🎹 | Next: ♥️♦️♠️♣️
Masterpost of AU: Jewel Sonicure AU Masterpost
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spicyveggiesub · 1 year
[ENG] Shoujo☆Kageki Revue Starlight -The STAGE Junior High- Regalia Blu-ray Booklet Messages
These messages from the Siegfeld Junior High were included in the lyrics booklet in the Regalia Blu-ray. The messages are long, so beware of that and take your time to read their thoughts about the play and the struggles they had to overcome. I recommend reading after you've seen the play!
Aoki Hina
Something I'm grateful for is that the Junior High has had many opportunities to speak with people who support us in person, and before the [first] Junior High stage play started, we received a lot of words of support, such as "I'm looking forward to it" and "Please do your best". However, at the time that we received such words, we hadn't received the script yet, so as much as I was happy that people were looking forward to it, it felt sort of irresponsible to reply "I'll do my best!" to something I hadn't even started yet.
I'm sure if I was someone who could act, sing, dance, and fight well then I wouldn't have been worried about anything, but I wasn't even sure what the play would be like or how much I was capable of, and I felt a vague sense of anxiety towards my first Revue. I didn't feel very good about responding "I'll do my best!" while everything felt so up in the air to me. I think I was a little afraid of not being able to meet the expectations of the people who were looking forward to it, since I was aware of how underdeveloped I was as an actor.
That's why being able to finish Regalia's run gave me all the more confidence. Everything I gained from the experience of this play is a valuable asset. Compared to before rehearsals begun, my way of thinking changed after I was able to finish the play, and I can really feel how much more I'm capable of now. Moments when I notice that I changed and grew without realizing it make me really happy, and the fact that I'm able to have a lot of those realizations is one of the things I love the most about the stage.
Of course, I don't mean that I'm satisfied with my current skill level, but I feel like from now on, when receiving support for the next play, I'll be able to reply "I'll do my best!" with confidence. These kinds of changes in my feelings make me really happy, personally.
One thing I've often thought about after experiencing the play is that if I knew this would be my future, I would have wanted to learn dance or ballet when I was younger. Even now, I sometimes think of it in passing, even though I can't change it. For all of middle and high school, I wasn't part of any clubs, and I hadn't exercised for my whole life, and I realized that it was necessary if I wanted to shine more in my role. When I told this to my mom, she said, "Then you probably wouldn't have learned piano." My family wouldn't have been able to enrol me in that many lessons, so maybe if I chose dance or ballet, then I really wouldn't have learned piano, and in that case, I think it's good that this is how I am now. If I never studied music, then I wouldn't be here in the first place, and I don't think I would have sung opera at the beginning (lol).
I ended up talking about something kind of dark, but I like to think of my public self as someone who entertains others, so I'd be happy if you had fun or gained energy from watching the Junior High's activities. From now on, we'll have lots of opportunities to meet, so please come and see us if you'd like. I'll do my best for the second stage play too!
Matsuzawa Kanon
At the start of this past year full of discoveries, which has gone by in a flash, was the pep rally. I felt a mix of emotions, nervous and excited, wondering what could happen with these five people.
The five of us have completely different personalities. None of us are similar at all, enough that it made me think, "Can even we be this different?" But I think the fact that we're made up of people like that is what makes the Junior High so special. I never thought that we'd get to perform in a play where we're the leads. During this play, I think I was able to show you various sides of my face, such as my face as a part of the Junior High, my face as Shiro, and my face when I'm with all of you.
When I first received the script, I was so worried about whether I would be able to do it. We were able to stand on stage for the play Delight in February, but this time we're the ones taking the lead, so I was worried that we might destroy what our seniors have been building up all this time. However, even though I was worried, I was looking forward to it a hundred times more. With such a wonderful script, director, and cast, amazing music, stage fighting I get to try for the first time, dancing, and warm staff, I get to think more deeply about my role, test things out, and act to my heart's content. Whenever I thought about that, I was beside myself with excitement. Meanwhile, we had a prerehearsal a step in advance. I get really nervous in any situation, and I didn't want that to pose an obstacle to my acting, and it helped to decrease my anxiety a bit. We also played a minigame, which left a deep impression on me, and thanks to that as well, I was able to face the actual rehearsals without stiffening up. The director, Ichimura-san, taught us a lot. If we were stuck, we could discuss it with him; if we did something well, he praised us right away; and if we started to hold back a little, he could see it clearly. Every day, I ended up thinking that he could really see everything.
There were some things I started to see as I got the hang of things. Instead of just working nonstop, it's better to take a step back and start over, watch others act, absorb it and make use of that for yourself. I also realized that it's important to accept and enjoy praise when you're given it. It was really fun to make discoveries like that every day. When I went home with the members, we talked about a lot of things, and when there were just two of us, we had deep conversations, and I talked a lot with people outside of my members as well. All of that is what keeps me going. For some reason, time passed so quickly when I was in that rehearsal hall. I often went home when it was dark outside, so when I saw the bright evening sky for once, I smiled while looking at the sky without realizing it because I hadn't seen it in so long. For this play, I learned a great deal of genres, such as singing, dance, acting, and stage fighting, and I really feel like it's an amazing production. I was very moved when I actually performed on stage. It felt different from February. I remember being really happy when I was told that I was standing on stage confidently. I think I was able to channel all of the motivation and feelings I felt during rehearsals into the stage. It was a dense and extremely fun time. There wasn't even a single thing I'd call painful.
I was able to experience a ton of different things before the play. Events, handing out business cards, and livestreams; I believe all of it helped us get to where we are today. We can only walk forward because all of you are creating a path for us. I only hope that we'll be able to repay the kindness we've received from so many people through the stage and other methods. Please continue to support the Junior High in the future!
Fukagawa Ruka
The Junior High was announced in November 2021, and then through the seniors' stage play in February 2022, we were able to introduce ourselves as Stage Girls to all of you. Then, when I heard that we would be putting on a play with the Junior High as the leads in October, I was nothing but worried about whether we could create a play that wouldn't bring shame to Starlight and whether we would be accepted by all of you, the Stage Production Department. 
However, that feeling of wanting to meet expectations is what I set my heart on and I went into the production desperate to achieve it. Compared to when I stood on stage before, I was more nervous; there was more fighting, singing, and dancing; and there were a lot of things I was doing for the first time. I remember my head being full every day during the rehearsal period. This time around, I fought with a weapon for the first time. My boomerang is named "Wild chaser". When I looked it up, it seemed to mean a chaser of the wild, and I think it's a very Ryoko-like weapon. Since I can't throw it on stage, I wasn't sure how I was going to fight. After discussions with the staff as well, the boomerang that had a blade in Starira ended up as a weapon without a blade in the play, and I held and fought with it on stage.
Personally, I'm not great at expressing myself or putting emotion into my facial expressions or movements, and at one point I wanted to run away because I was frustrated by the difference in skill level between myself and the people around me, but even so, what made me want to stand on stage was the fact that the four other Junior High members and the seniors were there. 
Hina-chan, who is a hard worker, a dependable leader, and rehearsed fight scenes with me every day after rehearsal. Kanon-chan, who is the easiest to talk to about my worries because we're the same age, and who managed to express Shiro's complex and restrained feelings well through trial and error. Kokoro-chan, who portrayed the strength at Minku's core, as even while she puts a smile on everyone's faces with her innocent demeanor, she faces her reason for standing on stage head on in spite of Kuina pushing her away time and time again. Yuria-chan, who expressed Kuina's frustration at realizing how far she is from her ideal upon meeting Stella, despite having put in hard work to become Frau Platin; and her complex feelings towards Minku.
And then Nomoto Hotaru-san who plays Yukishiro Akira, who supported the Junior High as Siegfeld's king. Ozaki Yuka-san who plays Otori Michiru, who watched over the Junior High and Minku warmly while supporting Akira from the shadows. Takeuchi Yume-san who plays Liu Mei Fan, who resolved to shoulder the responsibility of Siegfeld after the upperclassmen graduate. Along with Tono Hikaru-san who plays Yumeoji Shiori and Kudo Haruka-san who plays Tsuruhime Yachiyo, who only appeared once in the concert and after-talk sections this time, I'm looking forward to the day when we can stand on stage as all ten Siegfeld members from the bottom of my heart.
When that time comes, rather than being a junior who just gazes at the seniors' backs, I want to become an actor who can work together in friendly rivalry with them. Even though I'm inexperienced, please enjoy the brilliance you can feel from that gaze, those words, those movements, and that resolve, as many times as you'd like. 
Please continue to support the Junior High as we aim to be noble students of Siegfeld, and continue to grow as Stage Girls with the resolve to stand and live on the stage!
Kuge Kokoro
The first time we met all of you in the Stage Production Department was the pep rally. On that day, it was the first time the Junior High met in person, and we were so stiff and polite that it was laughable, but now our dressing room is lively and all five of us are carefree. Hina-san is always straightforward and disciplined, and Yuria-san is the onee-san in charge of being the straight man, I guess~. Kanon-chan is always being silly somehow and is the most cheerful and energetic in the Junior High, and Ruka-chan is always going at her own pace and her smile is cute………………. I think when I heard that we would be putting on a play with the Junior High as the leads, my mind went blank and I just spaced out alone at home.
We stood on stage together for the first time in Delight, and because I practiced a lot during rehearsals, I felt a lot of pressure and worried about whether I would be able to see it through to the end. Meanwhile, rehearsals passed by in a flash, and maybe I was actually taking it pretty easy... Whenever we had time to rest, we all went to go find the snacks provided by catering! Although, now that I think about it, I think I was pretty awkward with the people I met for the first time... I was nervous when I met the director Ichimura-san in the first rehearsal, after the Junior High had finished prerehearsals ahead of everyone else. I'm the type of person who takes a while to open up to others, so I was pretty nervous and unsure while acting too, and I might have put emphasis in weird places.  But Ichimura-san is just a really bright and enthusiastic person, so!! When introducting himself, he said "Please call me Keiji-san!" lol. I'm always nervous, so I ended up just calling him "Ichimura-san!". My next goal is to be able to call him without getting nervous. Ichimura-san told that stiff and awkward me, "First off, just do what you want to do and act freely," and from there I thought about what I wanted to do and I think I was able to get more comfortable. Even so, when something wasn't going well, he gave suggestions, and I received a lot of help from him while marveling at how many ideas he had. 
Speaking of being helped, the Edel seniors and the three guests lent us a lot of their strength. I just got helped a lot, it seems...... lol. Especially for the Revue, they really whipped us into shape...!!
At first, the five of us were muttering "ugh, we can't fight while singing", and then Nomoto-san said "It's okay! If you keep doing it, you'll end up being able to do it!! (smile)" lol. I was rather involved with the three guests, and I felt like my head was going to deflate because of the different weapon sizes every day! When I looked back on it, I thought things like "Well~ This day was the giant scythe day..."
When a Revue rehearsal finished, everyone was lying on the floor or eating glass noodles. By the way, I was part of the glass noodles camp!! Before I realized it, those rehearsals were over, and then the 15 performances passed by in a flash. I think I went to the theater while fighting with my body that was getting heavier and heavier every day. It made me realize once again just how amazing the seniors' stamina is. 
I'm totally changing the subject, but Minku actually didn't fight with Yukishiro-senpai even once. If there's an opportunity to, I'd like to fight with her a little bit~ Just being silly☆ I tend to end up talking randomly about this and that, but once again, I'm so happy that the five of us are together!! Every day is so fun!!
I'm a small star right now, but I'll work hard to become a big star one day!!
Hey, hey, ho!!!!!
Sato Yuria
My assignment to myself for this play was "escape from my self-importance". Kuina hates losing, and she's a girl who aims for the top and works harder than everyone else. Even when rehearsals are over, she practices alone. 
When I think back on my student days, I think I resembled Kuina in a few ways......... During exam periods, I shut myself in the library to study. Even for baton twirling which I did for a long time, before a large team competition, I would practice by myself before group practice. The biggest thing I have in common with her is being able to work hard and persistently by myself. However, this trait that could be thought of as a strength became a huge obstacle for me this time around. 
One day, the director Ichimura-san pointed this out to me. "Your acting is self-important, you can't respond to your partner's lines properly." Due to my single-mindedness and practicing by myself, I froze up when exchanging lines with my partner, and I could do nothing but try to overcome that part of myself. 
I faced the exact same worries that Kuina experienced within the play. Just listen to your partner's lines and answer them with how you feel. Even if my brain understood these simple things, it was really, really hard to put into practice... Honestly, I found myself being unable to enjoy one of the greatest pleasures of theater; the feeling of being there.
"You're always so tense and practicing all by yourself… As you are now, it doesn't look like you enjoy standing on stage, Kuina."
"You always try to solve everything by yourself, and that's why your acting is so self-centered, too!"
These are lines that Minku says to Kuina, but they struck me so hard it hurt in those days. 
And then, Minku's lines that I heard over and over again resonated with me in a good way on the first day of performances. 
In a theater with an audience and a tense atmosphere, the two of us threw our lines back and forth. There were changes in facial expressions and differences in the sway of our emotions that I couldn't notice during rehearsals. This is what it's like to feel your partner through your heart, eyes, ears, and skin. I understood it for the very first time then. It's a very sensory experience, so it's difficult to describe how it changed with words, but I'm certain that it was the environment around me that pulled that realization out of me.
The countless words I received from the audience, my co-stars, and Ichimura-san. In that moment, I felt the truth of the statement that you can't make a stage by yourself, deep in my bones. Starting from that day, as the performances piled up, I started to enjoy the feeling of being there and acting there in the flesh. And in the important scenes where I was alone with Minku, I think the atmosphere of our exchanges changed every day. 
In the final performance, I was saved by these words: "Since neither of us listened to the other's lines, our lines couldn't get through to each other. But it's different now. We're really performing together." They're lines from Minku to Kuina, but I felt like they were lines from Kokoro-chan, who helped me SO much with practice, to me. I hope that it's true (lol). I'm sure I'll stumble, freeze up, and hesitate many more times from now on, but I hope I can make progress day by day with this experience as a foundation.
Fun isn't all the stage is. But right now, the stage is fun!
(JP text)
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imasallstars · 1 year
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Further information regarding the Shout out Live!!! has been revealed! The live will occur in AICHI SKY EXPO on the 9th and 10th of September 2023.
The voice actresses participating in this stop are as follows:
Kotomi Aihara (Shiki Ichinose), Yukari Anzai (Kotoka Saionji), Megu Umezawa (Chitose Kurosaki), Yui Makino (Mayu Sakuma)
Shiki Aoki (Asuka Ninomiya), Yuko Iida (Kanade Hayami), Karin Takahashi (Nono Morikubo), Suzuko Hara (Hijiri Mochizuki), Sayaka Harada (Miyu Mifune), Mai Fuchigami (Karen Hojo), Eriko Matsui (Nao Kamiya), Rana Morishita
Yuuki Kaneko (Aiko Takamori), Juri Kimura (Yumi Aiba), Yuuki Takada (Yoshino Yorita), Hina Tachibana (Nagi Hisakawa), Kiyono Yasuno (Natsuki Kimura), Nanami Yamashita (Yui Ohtsuki)
Day 1 Only [Ayaka Asai (Mirei Hayasaka), Ayaka Ohashi (Uzuki Shimamura), Miyu Tomita (Akira Sunazuka)] Day 2 Only [Kana Ichinose (Layla), Teru Ikuta (Natalia), Satsumi Matsuda (Syoko Hoshi)]
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ta-ni-ya · 5 months
I’ve noticed I’m very biased towards few of my ocs and I keep drawing them :,) so I drew ALLLLLLLLL of my ocs hehe
Time taken: 4 hours
Kirika Shimizu
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Haruka Kaneko
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Hina Aoki
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Hikaru Sano and Hikari Sano
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Naomi Masaki
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Yukitora Kiyomi
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Haru Aikawa
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Tsukiko Koizumi
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Sora Baji
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haruthinks · 2 years
olá pessoal, tudo bem? escrevi essa masterlist pra quem, como eu, curte fazer uns personagens japoneses em seus 1x1 e em comunidades e sempre tem que ficar procurando uns nomes no google. aqui tem alguns dos meus nomes femininos, masculinos e neutros preferidos que coletei pela internet afora. espero que gostem!
obs: alguns nomes da lista dos nomes femininos e masculinos também podem ser considerados neutros, assim como alguns neutros são ditos como masculinos/femininos em alguns sites, então não levem tão ao pé da letra!
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nomes femininos:
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yuribracket · 1 year
With that, the Maligned Yuri Bracket's preliminary round has come to an end!
There are some things I wish I'd set up differently in retrospect, but the results stand!
It will take a while longer to build a bracket, but for now, I present you with the final list of pairings that will be included in the competition!
Winners of the preliminary round:
Kay Faraday/Ema Skye (Ace Attorney)
Susato Mikotoba/Haori Murasame (The Great Ace Attorney)
Aiho Yomikawa/Kikyou Yoshikawa (A Certain Magical Index)
Ichigo Hoshimiya/Aoi Kiriya (Aikatsu!)
Annaliese/Erika (Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper)
Talia Al Ghul/Selina Kyle (DC Comics)
Stephanie Brown/Cassandra Cain (DC Comics)
Kazuha Toyama/Ran Mouri/Sonoko Suzuki (Detective Conan)
Erika Satonaka/Chiyoko Shiraishi (Kamen Rider OOO)
Aurora/Mulan (Once Upon a Time)
Elesa/Skyla (Pokemon)
Nemona/Penny (Pokemon)
Cyllene/Zisu (Pokemon Legends Arceus)
Setsuna Higashi/Inori Yamabuki (Fresh Pretty Cure!)
Saki Hyuuga/Mai Mishou (Futari wa Pretty Cure Splash Star)
Yuko Omori/Hime Shirayuki (Happiness Charge Pretty Cure!)
Bibury/Ciel Kirahoshi (KiraKira☆Pretty Cure A La Mode)
Reika Aoki/Miyuki Hoshizora (Smile Pretty Cure!)
Hosshiwa/Sasorina (Happiness Charge Pretty Cure! and Heartcatch Pretty Cure!)
Laura La Mer/Asuka Takizawa (Tropical-Rouge! Pretty Cure)
Sora Harewataru/Mashiro Nijigaoka (Hirogaru Sky! Pretty Cure)
Elena Amamiya/Hikaru Hoshina (Star☆Twinkle Pretty Cure)
Amane Sumeragi/Hina Yayoi (Waccha Primagi)
Penny Polendina/Ruby Rose (RWBY)
Hotaru Tomoe/Chibiusa Tsukino (Sailor Moon)
Sayaka Miki/Kyoko Sakura (Puella Magi Madoka Magica)
Nao Egokoro/Reko Yabusame (Your Turn to Die)
Tomoyo Daidouji/Meiling Li (Cardcaptor Sakura)
Aizawa/Ichigo Momomiya (Tokyo Mew Mew)
Hitori Gotoh/Kita Ikuyo (Bocchi the Rock!)
Goombella/Vivian (Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door)
Gideon Nav/Harrowhark Nonagesimus (The Locked Tomb)
Katya Michailov/Sofia (Goncharov)
Jenny Dolittle/Lynn Lambretta (Mouretsu Pirates)
Sophia Ascart/Katarina Claes (My Next Life as a Villainess)
Bloom/Stella (Winx Club)
Misa Amane/Rem (Death Note)
Nobara Kugisaki/Maki Zenin (Jujutsu Kaisen)
An Lili/Yona (Yona of the Dawn)
Mayura Ransaika/Urara Ransaika (Akane-banashi)
Irisviel von Einzbern/Artoria Pendragon (Fate/Zero)
Kyoshi/Rangi (Avatar: The Last Airbender – The Rise of Kyoshi)
Lain Iwakura/Alice Mizuki (Serial Experiments Lain)
Svetlana Sergievsky/Florence Vassy (Chess)
Rin Hoshizora/Nozomi Tojo (Love Live!)
Ranma Saotome/Akane Tendo (Ranma 1/2)
Morena Prudo/Theta (Hunter X Hunter)
Marcille Donato/Falin Touden (Dungeon Meshi)
Rei Ayanami/Asuka Langley Soryu (Neon Genesis Evangelion)
Shirayuki/Kiharu Toghril (Akagami no Shirayuki-hime)
Karen Aijo/Mahiru Tsuyuzaki (Revue Starlight)
Foo Fighters/Jolyne Cujoh (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure)
Shanoa/Laura (Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia)
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon/Yuzuriha (Hell's Paradise: Jigokuraku)
Sun Jing/Qiu Tong (Tamen de Gushi)
Pairings that received multiple submissions:
Riko Ayano/Shirakaba Yuki (Catulus Syndrome)
Mako Mankanshoku/Ryuko Matoi (Kill la Kill)
The Boss/Strangelove (Metal Gear Solid)
Quiet/Venom Snake (Metal Gear Solid)
Marika Katou/Chiaki Kunihara (Mouretsu Pirates)
Rikka Hishikawa/Makoto Kenzaki (Doki Doki! Pretty Cure)
Haruka Haruno/Yu Nanase (Go! Princess Pretty Cure)
Rin Natsuki/Nozomi Yumehara (Yes! Pretty Cure 5)
Mari Maya/Moe Morita (Samurai Flamenco)
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