#Apartments for the whole family in Gretna
Quality Apartments in Gretna, LA | Townbridge Apartments
Looking for quality apartments in Gretna, LA? Look no further than Townebridge Apartments! Our apartments are perfect for the whole family and come with a wide range of amenities to make your living experience as comfortable as possible.
Our pet-friendly apartments are available in a variety of floor plans, including one and two bedroom apartments. No matter your living situation, we have a floor plan that will fit your needs. And with affordable rates, you won't have to break the bank to live in a quality apartment.
At Townebridge Apartments, we understand that location is key. That's why we're located on the Westbank, giving you easy access to all the activity in Gretna and beyond. Whether you're looking for shopping, dining, or entertainment, there's something for everyone near Townebridge Apartments.
Our apartments come loaded with amenities to make your life easier. With an on-site laundry facility, you won't have to worry about lugging your laundry to a laundromat. And with our pool and fitness center, you can stay in shape and relax in style without ever leaving your apartment complex.
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latitudeapartments · 5 months
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wrentannerrp · 4 years
Father: Arthur Tanner, 62, divination professor, halfblood. PB undecided. Arthur attended Hogwarts, like his family before him, and was placed into Ravenclaw, much to the surprise of his family. He was a clever student but much preferred to think of the future rather than his own studies. As a result, he excelled at divination, astronomy, and muggle studies, though not many other subjects. When he left Hogwarts he studied for a while and eventually returned to be come the divination professor at the tender age of 21. It was during this time he met Willow, and the two instantly fell in love. After a quick wedding in Gretna Green, the two gave birth to Wren not long after, with Robin following after a time. They seem very much polar opposites. Arthur often has his head in the clouds, consulting the cards and the stars when he had decisions to make rather than trusting his gut.
Mother: Willow Tanner (née Skylar), 68, radio broadcaster, muggle. PB undecided. Willow was born to two ‘free spirits’, and so she never really knew her father. She travelled a lot with her mother, but as soon as she was old enough she set off on her own into the world, eager to make her mark. She discovered that her personality seemed to draw others to her, and so she set about using it for good, securing a job at a radio station. Over time, she managed to transition from behind the scenes to taking a real shift and now runs a popular breakfast show during the week. While climbing her way up the radio tower she met Arthur, and despite the age difference between them, the two eloped and quickly had two children. Willow is a much more logical person and more impulsive than her husband. But somehow the two work really well together.
Brother: Robin Tanner, 35, inventor, halfblood. PB undecided. Robin always took more after their father, though at Hogwarts he was placed into Gryffindor. He had a great amount of creativity and always was in detention for scribbling and doodling during class. However, at the tender age of 16 he invented a device to help increase safety for anyone using a broomstick. The device worked like a tether, connecting the witch or wizard to the broomstick. If they should be displaced, the connection would break and create a cushion of air around them to soften the impact when they hit the ground. It proven to be a huge hit, especially in schools, and so by the time he had graduated, Robin had earned enough money to have him set for life. He met Brook at a convention, where she was shadowing some Ministry official and acting as their secretary. After many meetings, the two began a relationship. It wasn’t a strong start and, although they are now married with three kids, things aren’t easy for them. They often argue, with many almost-divorces between them, and unfortunately they are not making any progress in their relationship.
Sister-in-law: Brook Tanner (née McGowan), 34, Ministry of Magic secretary, pureblood. PB undecided. Brook comes from a long line of purebloods, and while they don’t traditionally go for the whole blood purity thing, they do want their family members to marry well. As far as they are concerned, Brook could have done better in her life. A Slytherin with great ambitions, Brook is eager to work her way up the chain at the Ministry, and has aspirations to move into politics for herself.
Niece: Emily Tanner, 10, student, halfblood. PB undecided. Emily is an exceptionally bright young woman, but the fighting between her parents and other factors mean that she is quite a timid individual. When things get too intense between them, she’ll go to her Auntie Wren’s office during working hours or to her apartment to hang out. Wren always welcomes her with open arms, but the earful her brother gets is something to behold.
Nephew: Owen Tanner, 7, student, halfblood. PB undecided. The eldest of the twins, Owen is a lively kid. He loves moving around and is a big fan of quidditch, supporting the Wimbourne Wasps and so he can be seen in yellow and black often.
Nephew: Dylan Tanner, 7, student, halfblood, PB undecided. The youngest of the twins, Dylan is a little more reserved than his brother, though he is also a fan of quidditch. He doesn’t want to play it like Owen does, but he enjoys watching matches and supports the Wasps alongside his brother.
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alcalavicci · 5 years
(Disclaimer: treat 1950s articles like they’re RPF/fanfiction. This is from 1960, but it still reads very much like a 50s article)
Photoplay Magazine- July 1960
When Millie Perkins and Dean Stockwell slipped off to Las Vegas for a secret marriage just before Easter Sunday, people in Hollywood didn't have the nerve to ask them, "But why the runaway? What's all the hush-hush about?" Hardly anyone knew them intimately enough to ask such personal questions. But they wondered plenty. For if Millie and Dean were older, or anyone of Hollywood's multi-divorced-and-married couples, you could more easily imagine them climbing into his three-year-old Chevy or her tiny English job and casually taking off for the Gretna Green Wedding Chapel in Vegas. But Millie and Dean are young! And though the newspaper stories were as brief and uninformative as this secretive couple themselves, you still read seven very romantic little words. "It was the first marriage for each." First marriage! To any girl that's a big-wedding dream woven of satin and lace, perfumed with flowers, set to organ music whispering in a hushed church till it swells triumphantly for a radiant bride and bridegroom. Mostly this is a girl's dream, a magic charm to keep romance alive forever. It's Her Day, her audience smiling and weeping just a little at the lovely vision coming down the aisle to meet her waiting bridegroom.
Millie had no part of the dream. You could understand Dean's not caring for it - many a male goes through the ordeal only because a girl loves a big wedding and he loves his girl. But Dean loves his girl, too. And wouldn't you expect a little girl from Fair Lawn, New Jersey, to want her family around when she says "I do" to the first love of her life? Why, then, did Millie Perkins, with a great big wonderful family - father and mother, four sisters and a brother - who could have made her wedding the most wonderful, exciting day in her life, settle for slipping off to a secret ceremony like a pair of runaways?
They drove up to Las Vegas just before eleven, that Good Friday morning. Millie was wearing a simple little blue dress. Everything about her is always tiny and unfancy, and her wedding outfit was no exception. But, for Millie, this was quite dressed up - a nice change from her eternal blouse-and-skirt-and-high-socks.
Their first stop was the Gretna Green, one of the many "marrying chapels" in Vegas and one of the nicest. They told the hostess, Mrs. Anderson, what they wanted in the way of a ceremony - a simple one, naturally. Then they headed immediately for the Clark County Courthouse to take out the license. A Las Vegas newspaperman just chanced by a stroke of luck - his - to be in the County Clerk's office. Hopefully, he followed Millie and Dean to the elevator, asking when and where they were getting married.
"No publicity," Dean said flatly. All further tries got the reporter nothing but a brush-off. What frustration! The only newspaperman on the scene and he was getting nowhere. He pleaded plaintively, "I wish you'd help me!" Dean shook his head, took Millie's arm and walked her away without another word.
Back at the Gretna Green, with the license, they found a minister summoned by the management, the Rev. Alan Robertson, pastor of the Church of Christ. The single-ring ceremony didn't take long. Millie
and Dean, alone with their love, seemed completely unaware that there were no attendants for a girl with four sisters, no best man for a boy with an older brother. No mother smiling through tears, no father choking down a lump.
"I now pronounce you man and wife," the minister said. They were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dean Stockwell, looking into each other's eyes as they spoke a Beverly Hills address for the license to be forwarded to after it was duly recorded. Then, they left town - all this within a few hours. Nobody had seen the star of "Diary of Anne Frank" married to the star of "Compulsion" except a stranger, the chapel hostess.
Secrecy? Hollywood says that Millie's idol is Greta Garbo the Sphinx, and that Dean deals curtly with the press like HIS idol, Marlon Brando. Millie's studio got a taste of the same. All they knew about the marriage was what they read in the papers. Their frantic phone calls finally reached Millie after the weekend, and when they asked, pointblank, "Are you married?" she answered, "My personal life is my own."
But is a passion for privacy all that was back of the slip-away marriage? Hollywood thought not. People who wouldn't dream of asking either of them such an outright blunt question, immediately began asking each other more round-about ones. "Why do you suppose they had to run off like that, dodging reporters, and refusing to say if THEY DID or THEY DIDN'T marry?" For a while, there was even a revival of an old rumor - that this celebrated pair of "loners" were actually married more than half-a-year before, when a top movie columnist reported their secret union from "very reliable sources."
Now, this was all some people needed - Millie and Dean refusing to deny or confirm a new report of a new secret marriage - and the old one was stirred to life. Some began insisting, all over again, that they must have been husband and wife the whole time.
If all the uproar and theory doesn't seem to make sense, neither do most rumor binges in small towns where everybody knows everybody - except the rare handful who REFUSE to be known. Actually nothing could be simpler than to explain Millie's and Dean's kind of wedding, once you accept them not merely as two secretive people, but two highly individual ones.
Both are what Millie calls "little people" - meaning they make no pretenses and are sturdily against being pushed into any. And before they fell in love, each had a shattering capacity for loneliness. But right there is a nub of difference. For Dean has known, since childhood, what it is to be so apart from others and so hurt by the apartness that he'd die before he'd let it show. That's loneliness, from way back and deep down.
But Millie was never a hermit girl - not until she came to Hollywood. Home in Fair Lawn, in the tree-shaded house full of lively Perkinses, you couldn't be sad unless you worked at it. "A lot of living went on there" she recalls wistfully, "and I was always part of it." Her chief grief was peering into the mirror and deciding she was the one ugly Perkins. She still isn't sure the duckling has, as yet, made it to swan.
That's a tell-tale symptom. The ground isn't firm under Millie's feet because her big breaks came with luck, not the hard work she believes in. When she left the safe nest for New York, fashion modeling fell
into her lap - someone liked photos he saw of her. It spiraled. Twentieth Century-Fox talent scouts, searching the world for a girl to play Anne Frank, also liked Millie's face in a magazine. They chose her
over 10,000 applicants who wanted to be movie stars, when she didn't particularly want to be one. She came to Hollywood looking fourteen, indeed, in dark knee socks, a rumpled skirt and blouse. These are still her favorite kind of clothes - she's indignant when they're called her "Anne Frank costume."
But she came quivering with fear. She was an amateur, a worrier, the pros were watching for her to fall on her face. She never got over her dread of failure. She cried under pressure, she walked alone. But to those on the set who were patient and kind, she was sweetly courteous. Director George Stevens beame an ideal in the place of her papa, the Merchant Marine officer she used to greet rapturously after each sea trip when she was home. Dodie Heath, who became Millie's friend while both were in the "Anne Frank" cast, loved her for the gentleness that many mistook for weakness - till they found she couldn't be stepped on.
Dodie told a writer, "When Millie finds someone who understands her, she gets all excited." Prophetic words. For when she met Dean, they both found understanding. And this he had been groping for all his life. From then on they walked together. They shared the outdoors, on a sailboat, on horseback, anywhere away from people and night clubs. They sprawled in secluded grassy fields and read to each other. And they talked - about everything in both their worlds. Millie even confided how sad it was for a little girl to be an ugly duckling. She didn't care that girls never admit to ugliness, past, present or future.
Anyway, Dean topped her. He said, "It's worse to be such a pretty little boy that the kids you want to play with laugh in your face. You're different - a child actor, and that's a terrible thing to be!" At six, Dean was a stage veteran starting a film career in "Anchors Aweigh." He worked too hard and played too little, till at sixteen he'd completed high school and more than twenty pictures for M-G-M. Then he rebelled.
"I'm through with all this," he told his mother and older brother Guy. "I'm going to college. I don't know what I want to be - but I want to be something." A year at Berkeley, and the "apartness" got under his skin again. He felt he'd always be "that actor" or "that conceited ham." Restless, unfulfilled, he took off for anonymity. As "Rudy Stocker" he wandered to find himself. He did everything from lugging office mailsacks, in New York, to driving railroad spikes in Texas. After a few years, satisfied he could live by the sweat of hard labor, he came back - first to the New York stage, to co-star in "Compulsion," then to Hollywood. And eventually to meet and fall in love with Millie Perkins.
The mixed-up rebel was a man now, and Millie saw this in him; leaned on him for strength. She worried with him, wept on him, laughed with him, shared his quiet times with music and books, his exciting times in the big outdoors. Dean had been close to other girls, but never one like Millie. He listened to her joys and troubles, comforted and praised her, poured out his own complicated heart to her - and never, never tried to change her.
"This is my girl," he introduced her at his birthday party, where she showed up in the same old kind of skirt and blouse - and the others were all so dressed! He kissed her and said, "My girl looks different from any other - because she IS different." He loves her exactly as she is and doesn't want to change her.
This is the all-accepting love that Millie never wrote her family back home about; they read it for themselves in the columns. Friends said then, "Millie isn't sure how the Perkinses will take it, they being Catholic and the boy Jewish." They described the pictured fragment of the Ten Commandments framed and hanging over Dean's fireplace, and the Torah, the Hebrew Law, among his books.
But if difference of religion finally prompted them to go off to Vegas, secretly, and be married by a Protestant pastor, that's only part of it. The whole story is that Millie and Dean have something together far more important to them then religion, family, career, anybody or anything.
They're young, but wise. They know love is something you can't describe in words that anybody but your own beloved will truly understand. And suppose, not understanding, your family or studio or friends disapprove? They can't stop you, not when you're of legal age. But to two sensitive people, criticism of their best, dearest treasure would be harsh as a rough finger bruising a petal.
No, say the few people who really know Millie Perkins and Dean Stockwell, they took no chances. They thought about how they felt toward each other, and decided it WAS their own and very precious. That was why they ran away - to protect their love.
-The End -
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pennywaltzy · 5 years
Ever Changing, Ever Growing (2/? - A “The Curious Case of Love & Family” Story)
Here’s another oldie but goodie chapter in this story...
Ever Changing, Ever Growing - They make the arrangement to present what society wants from them to the world as husband and wife, but childhood friends Sherlock Holmes and Margaret Hooper agree that their lives are their own. But with the death of Sherlock’s brother and an unexpected scandal, their marriage of convenience is shaken. Will their friendship remain intact as their marriage falls apart, or will they decide that it is in their best interest to make this a true marriage between partners instead?
In order for the ruse to work, she knew they would have to share a bed at Gretna Green. That was the whole point, after all; her reputation should appear to be in tatters and Sherlock would, diligently, step in and do the proper thing and marry her with little fuss. She did not have clothing with her suitable to sleep in, so she simply stripped down to her petticoat while Sherlock took care of his needs in another part of the room.
When he came out it was his time to have wide eyes, looking at her attire, and she gestured to it. “If we’re found, it would be so much the better,” she pointed out. “Not that anyone would doubt we have already been intimate, because Lord knows that’s the rumour of the ton, but still. Proof to see with one’s eyes makes a better experiment, does it not?”
His eyes took on a more speculative look, as did the rest of his expression, and then he removed his dressing gown and left himself in his sleeping attire. “So I suppose we should get what rest we can before we are found out,” he said. “Which side of the bed would you prefer?”
“The right,” she said.
He relaxed. “Good. I prefer to sleep on my left side.” They went and pulled the covers back and went into the bed, facing each other. “So we know we’ll be found out at some point, either tonight or in the morning, but what are our plans for the rest of the time we play this charade?”
“Well, we have our current blood spatter experiments to continue,” she said. “And I would love to see more of what your tobacco ash study brings about. I find it fascinating.”
“You must be the only one,” he said with a soft smile.
“No, surely there are others,” she said. “When you can publish your results, I’m sure more will be interested. And I can help more with the consulting business. Not as your partner, I suppose, but handling the rest of the aspects of the business, the things I know you will ignore once the cases come in.”
“You would be a godsend for that,” he said. “What of your social causes?”
“I’ll continue to work on that, and getting my own education furthered. I know my family does not come from money but yours does, and if I am your wife and we have a marriage that seems unusual to others, no one would find it too inconceivable that I would go abroad to attend a medical university.”
“Should I go with you?” he asked.
“No, no. I can go alone and you and I may live apart for a time. That is, of course, if I can find a university abroad that will accept a married woman.” She gave him a smile. “So there may be some small drawbacks to this plan, but we’ll work around them.”
“My family’s influence could set the beginning of your education here in England,” he mused. “My mother is a woman of great intelligence and she has been fond of you since we were children. She may throw her weight behind the cause of your furthered education.”
“That would make things a tad easier,” she admitted. “I think it would only need to be medical training I would need to go abroad for, then.” She reached over hesitantly and clasped his hand. “Do you...have regrets? That you are to have me by your side for as long as we need this ruse to last?”
“None,” he said, leaning forward and pressing a kiss to her forehead. They both knew they would need to show some signs of intimacy towards each other, or at least the socially acceptable forms, and it was easier to start now that later, but there was still a sense of peace that settled through her, much to her surprise. She had thought she might feel dread or even disgust at his lips pressed upon her skin, but she only felt comfort. That further made her think that this was, indeed, the right choice for them. “We should sleep now.”
“Yes,” she said with a nod. “Good night, Sherlock.”
“Good night, Margaret,” he said before moving to turn the light off. He pulled her close when he returned to bed and she settled in, that same sense of peace flowing through her. Yes, indeed, marriage to Sherlock would be a good thing, she thought to herself. What could go wrong when one married their best friend?
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LGBTQIA Historical Romances with Scholars, Booksellers, Playwrights, Bluestockings, and Journalists - Updated June 19, 2018
The Shakespeare Company by Ted Bacino
- How could Christopher Marlowe, a known spy and England’s foremost playwright, be suspiciously murdered and quickly buried in an unmarked grave just days before he was to be tried for treason? How could William Shakespeare, an unknown actor who “held horses for the gentry while they watched the plays,” become England’s star playwright virtually overnight? As Marlowe and his sponsor/lover, Sir Thomas Walsingham realize that the sentence for heresy is always death by being “drawn and quartered.” So they fake Marlowe’s murder and arrange for an unknown actor to front the new works by Marlowe.
Quickly the crown becomes suspicious of Marlowe’s mysterious murder and the similarities of his works with those of Shakespeare’s. (There are actually more than 100 identical or similar lines in the works of the two authors.) A manhunt begins with Marlowe being chased from city after city in Italy. He flees the Venetian city just as he finishes “The Merchant of Venice” and “Othello.” He runs from Padua as he writes “The Taming of the Shrew” and he must leave Verona after a close call while he tries to finish “Romeo and Juliet” and “Two Gentlemen of Verona.” The chase continues to Rome and Sicily where Marlowe in finally cornered.
Meanwhile back in London, Shakespeare is trying to hide from the investigations of Constable Maunder and defend his writing of plays he’s never read. And the homoerotic references in the recent works plague Shakespeare with his drinking buddies, his concubines and his wife. The whole chase culminates in a final confrontation of excitement and murder.
All the historical facts presented in the book and play are accurate. Yes, it was made into a play!
Unfit to Print by KJ Charles (July 10, 2018) Review
- When crusading lawyer Vikram Pandey sets out in search of a missing youth, his investigations take him to Holywell Street, London’s most notorious address. He expects to find a disgraceful array of sordid bookshops. He doesn’t expect one of them to be run by the long-lost friend whose disappearance and presumed death he’s been mourning for thirteen years. Gil Lawless became a Holywell Street bookseller for his own reasons, and he’s damned if he’s going to apologise or listen to moralising from anyone. Not even Vikram; not even if the once-beloved boy has grown into a man who makes his mouth water. Now the upright lawyer and the illicit bookseller need to work together to track down the missing youth. And on the way, they may even learn if there’s more than just memory and old affection binding them together…
A Seditious Affair by KJ Charles (Installment 3 of the SoG series) Review (One of my favorite novels in this genre. Dominic is a cinnamon roll, but also quite impressive when it needs to be. Book one actually starts the bookshop content, but this novel contains philosophy on Blake and M. Shelley.)
- Silas Mason has no illusions about himself. He’s not lovable, or even likable. He’s an overbearing idealist, a Radical bookseller and pamphleteer who lives for revolution … and for Wednesday nights. Every week he meets anonymously with the same man, in whom Silas has discovered the ideal meld of intellectual companionship and absolute obedience to his sexual commands. But unbeknownst to Silas, his closest friend is also his greatest enemy, with the power to see him hanged—or spare his life.   A loyal, well-born gentleman official, Dominic Frey is torn apart by his affair with Silas. By the light of day, he cannot fathom the intoxicating lust that drives him to meet with the Radical week after week. In the bedroom, everything else falls away. Their needs match, and they are united by sympathy for each other’s deepest vulnerabilities. But when Silas’s politics earn him a death sentence, desire clashes with duty, and Dominic finds himself doing everything he can to save the man who stole his heart. (pansexual MC, wonderful D/s dynamic)
An Unnatural Vice by KJ Charles (Book 2 of the SotC series) Review (Enemies to lovers to family. Just a fantastic read.)
- In the sordid streets of Victorian London, unwanted desire flares between two bitter enemies. Crusading journalist Nathaniel Roy is determined to expose spiritualists who exploit the grief of bereaved and vulnerable people. First on his list is the so-called Seer of London, Justin Lazarus. Nathaniel expects him to be a cheap, heartless fraud. He doesn’t expect to meet a man with a sinful smile and the eyes of a fallen angel—or that a shameless swindler will spark his desires for the first time in years.
Justin feels no remorse for the lies he spins during his séances. His gullible clients simply bore him. Hostile, disbelieving, utterly irresistible Nathaniel is a fascinating challenge. And as their battle of wills and wits heats up, Justin finds he can’t stop thinking about the man who’s determined to ruin him.
But Justin and Nathaniel are linked by more than their fast-growing obsession with one another. They are both caught up in an aristocratic family’s secrets, and Justin holds information that could be lethal. As killers, fanatics, and fog close in, Nathaniel is the only man Justin can trust—and, perhaps, the only man he could love.
Wanted, A Gentleman by KJ Charles (Review pending. This one involves a journalist, but there is also a twist.)
- Theodore Swann is a jobbing writer, proprietor of the Matrimonial Advertiser lonely hearts gazette, and all-round weasel. He’s the very last man that Martin St. Vincent would choose to rely on—and the only one who can help. Martin is a wealthy merchant who finds himself obliged to put a stop to a young heiress’s romantic correspondence in the Matrimonial Advertiser. When she and her swain make a dash for Gretna Green, Martin drags Theo on a breakneck chase up the country to catch the runaway lovers before it’s too late. Theo guards his secrets. Martin guards his heart. But as the two of them are thrown irresistibly together, entanglements, deceptions, and revelations come thick and fast…
The Professor’s Assistant by Bren Christopher (Time travel steampunk)
- Lured by rumors of a momentous invention, Agent Julian Blake steps into the New York Gate and emerges outside London. It is the same year, 1885, but an earth parallel to his own. The two timelines are almost identical, but the slight variation is enough to threaten his mission as it includes an attitude toward same-sex attraction that is less than accepting. He never expected that difference to pose a problem. Julian has an important mission to complete–a mission with far-reaching consequences not only across the alternate earths, but into their pasts. For the momentous invention is a working time machine. And the inventor’s assistant is a beautiful, auburn-haired young man named Daniel who causes Julian to disregard the Department rules he has lived by for so long. But there are others interested in the professor’s new invention, and when tragedy strikes, the professor’s lovely assistant might just be the only person left with the knowledge to recreate the device. Now Daniel is a target, and Julian is in a race to protect him and retrieve the knowledge of the time machine from those who would misuse it.
Penn’s Woodland by David Connor (Review pending, but let me just say…strange. Not bad, but strange. Circa 1950′s? Southern US)
- Years ago, Penn’s lover was attacked in the woods, and most think Penn is to blame—including Penn. Ever since, he’s been a prisoner in his home and his mind. When world renowned architect Ewan Parish arrives to construct a secure, enclosed walkway through those woods, Penn is surprised, suspicious, and also fearful. Ewan finds himself intrigued by the mysterious, reclusive Penn, his journals, and the beautiful artwork he’s drawn, which Ewan recreates in the walkway’s iron scrollwork. Determined to free Penn, Ewan sets out to unravel the mystery that has resulted in Penn’s imprisonment by his family and conscience all these years…
Merrick by Claire Cray (Reviewing pending, paranormal, lovely world-building and resumes in second novel)
- New York, 1799: the future looks bright for the charming young book dealer William Lacy, until a raucous night of drinking lands him in shackles. He narrowly avoids the brutal prison system thanks to his mother, who negotiates with the judge to secure him a five year apprenticeship in lieu of a prison sentence. And so William finds himself in a carriage bound for the remote woods upstate, where he’ll spend the next years of his life learning a new trade under some old master. When he first sees Merrick, William thinks he’s been dropped into a medieval horror story. Tall and gruff, dressed in a hooded robe that completely conceals his features, and riding a black mare, Merrick might as well be the Grim Reaper. But appearances are deceiving. A skilled apothecary and healer, Merrick proves to be a generous host and a gentle teacher, and William soon finds himself surprisingly comfortable in his new surroundings. And yet troubling mysteries abound: Why does Merrick never show his face or hands? Why do his movements seem so young and sure beneath his robes? What lies within the cave behind the stone cottage? Something unnatural is afoot. But most alarming by far is William’s own reaction to his new keeper. For Merrick’s strange charms are bewitching enough by day; but by night, in the darkness of the room and the bed they share, William finds himself entirely overwhelmed by desires he never imagined…
A Private Gentleman by Heidi Cullinan Review
- To seal their bond, they must break the ties that bind. Painfully introverted and rendered nearly mute by a heavy stammer, Lord George Albert Westin rarely ventures any farther than the club or his beloved gardens. When he hears rumors of an exotic new orchid sighted at a local hobbyist’s house, though, he girds himself with opiates and determination to attend a house party, hoping to sneak a peek. He finds the orchid, yes…but he finds something else even more rare and exquisite: Michael Vallant. Professional sodomite. Michael climbed out of an adolescent hell as a courtesan’s bastard to become successful and independent-minded, seeing men on his own terms, protected by a powerful friend. He is master of his own world—until Wes. Not only because, for once, the sex is for pleasure and not for profit. They are joined by tendrils of a shameful, unspoken history. The closer his shy, poppy-addicted lover lures him to the light of love, the harder his past works to drag him back into the dark. There’s only one way out of this tangle. Help Wes face the fears that cripple him—right after Michael finds the courage to reveal the devastating truth that binds them.
The Tutor by Bonnie Dee
- Gothic romance with a twist. Elements of The Sound of Music, The Enchanted Garden, Jane Eyre, and “true” ghost hunting shows make this story feel familiar. Gay love makes it unique. Seeing an ad for a position at a Yorkshire estate, typesetter Graham Cowrie decides to make an upward career move by passing himself off as a tutor. How hard can it be to teach a few subjects to a pair of nine-year-old boys? But on his arrival at the ancient house, he finds the staff creepy, the twins odd, and the widowed master temporarily absent. His first meeting with brooding, stern, but oh-so-attractive, Sir Richard doesn’t go well, but with no other prospects vying for the teaching position, Graham manages to keep it. His mission soon becomes clear, break down the walls of reserve both father and sons have erected and attempt to bridge the gap between them. But strange sounds, sights and experiences keep Graham on edge until he finally admits the Hall is haunted by two entities with very different agendas. Graham works to appease one and combat the other while protecting the broken family he’s grown to care for.
Seducing Stephen by Bonnie Dee and Summer Devon (Review pending, quite a good rake vs ingenue novel, with the former learning some lessons from the student.)
- Visiting a wealthy friend during university holiday, Stephen wakes to find his bed invaded by a late arriving, drunken houseguest stumbling into the wrong room. From this dubious beginning, a romance slowly develops. At first Lord Peter Northrup is only interested in the young man as a lusty diversion. He tutors him in secret pleasures shared by men like them, intending to keep their special liaison brief, light, and temporary. But after Northrup leaves, he can’t forget the young man who managed to touch his jaded heart. During their time apart, Peter and Stephen change, and when they meet again, their affair flames hotter than ever. Can a peer of the realm and a middle-class young man bearing heavy responsibilities maintain a lasting relationship? Will Peter accept the possibility of true love in his shallow life, and will Stephen risk everything and trust a man who’s already hurt him once?
The Gentleman’s Madness by Bonnie Dee and Summer Devon
- Two men imprisoned. One in body, the other in mind. Caught in the throes of passion with another man, scholar John Gilliam agrees to asylum treatment for perversion at the request of his worried parents. He intends to fake a cure then return to his normal life, but an attack on his person leads him down a darker path. Transferred to another facility, he is denied any devices by which he might harm himself—even books and writing materials. Half crazed by isolation John finds an unexpected friend in his caretaker, Sam Tully. Tully feels sorry for the patient everyone calls “the professor,” but he must keep his head down and perform his duties. His family relies on his earnings. He refuses to acknowledge the stirring of excitement inside him every time he is in Gilliam’s presence. Thirst for the knowledge the scholar offers wars with the carnal hunger he must deny. In John’s small cell, learning and mental freedom blossom as the two forge a friendship. Forbidden attraction evolves into physical action. But in the asylum there is more than curative treatment taking place. The pair uncover a terrible secret and must fight not only for their freedom but their very lives.
Frost Fair by Erastes
- Gideon Frost is willing to do whatever it takes to earn enough money to save the printing shop that was left to him by his father. But when faced with the prospect of having to engage in acts society deems unnatural and the law declares punishable by death, he realized there are limits as to how far he'll go. Then he meets the privileged and handsome Joshua Redfern, the one man who tempts Gideon to break his own rules. Joshua Redfern has no title or important relations, but his independent fortune allows him a life that is more than comfortable. And more importantly, it enables him to offer assistance to the unfortunate but beautiful Gideon just when the man needs it most. Joshua realizes his interest in Gideon is far more than charitable, but is the man similarly attracted or merely indebted? When the Thames freezes over and London hosts the great Frost Fair of 1814, trouble and necessity bring Gideon and Joshua together. But just as ice is destined to eventually crack, will the circumstances break these two men as they learn that life isn't always fair?
Sweet William by Dianne Hartsock
- William Wilkerson leads the life of the privileged rich. Head of his father’s shipping business, he indulges to his heart’s content in the pleasures of the flesh with Boston’s finest young men. That is, until he reunites with Fredrick: his former tutor and the one man who captured his heart. But William’s father has declared Fredrick off limits. And Fredrick, himself, believes he’s beneath the attention of the Wilkerson heir. After having lost his current pupil to graduation, and with no prospects of a replacement, Frederick is homeless, hungry, and easy pickings for the men on the docks. When Frederick is shanghaied into service on William’s own merchant ship, will William discover his plight in time to rescue him?
Whyborne and Griffin series by Jordan L Hawk (Fave, fave, fave)
- Widdershins: Book One: A reclusive scholar. A private detective. And a book of spells that could destroy the world. When handsome ex-Pinkerton Griffin Flaherty approaches Dr. Percival Endicott Whyborne to translate a mysterious book, Whyborne wants to finish the job and get rid of Griffin as quickly as possible. Instead, he’s drawn into the hunt for a merciless cult bent on resurrecting an evil necromancer from the dead…and finds himself falling in love with the impertinent detective. But will Griffin’s secrets cost Whyborne not only his heart but his life?
The Lady’s Guide to Petticoats and Piracy by Mackenzie Lee (aro/ace female MC)
- A year after an accidentally whirlwind grand tour with her brother Monty, Felicity Montague has returned to England with two goals in mind—avoid the marriage proposal of a lovestruck suitor from Edinburgh and enroll in medical school. However, her intellect and passion will never be enough in the eyes of the administrators, who see men as the sole guardians of science.
But then a window of opportunity opens—a doctor she idolizes is marrying an old friend of hers in Germany. Felicity believes if she could meet this man he could change her future, but she has no money of her own to make the trip. Luckily, a mysterious young woman is willing to pay Felicity’s way, so long as she’s allowed to travel with Felicity disguised as her maid.
In spite of her suspicions, Felicity agrees, but once the girl’s true motives are revealed, Felicity becomes part of a perilous quest that leads them from the German countryside to the promenades of Zurich to secrets lurking beneath the Atlantic.
Purgatory & Salvation novels by Jeff Mann (Have not read, but tw: extreme violence)
- During the Civil War, two young soldiers on opposite sides find themselves drawn together. One is a scholarly, war-weary Southerner who has seen too much bloodshed, especially the tortures inflicted upon the enemy by his vicious commanding officer, his uncle. The other is a Herculean Yankee captured by the ragtag Confederate band and forced to become a martyr for all the sins of General Sheridan’s fires. When these two find themselves admiring more than one another’s spirit and demeanor, when passions erupt between captor and captive, will this new romance survive the arduous trek to Purgatory Mountain?
- The American Civil War still threatens to tear the nation in twain. Private Ian Campbell betrayed his company and his duty because he fell in love with a handsome Yankee prisoner-of-war, Drew Conrad. Both men are on the run, desperate to reach Campbell’s family home in West Virginia, which may have escaped the conflict unscathed and may offer them both peace and salvation from the cruelties and hatreds heightened by the war. But the trek is dangerous. Both men are wounded, deserters, and their love for each other is viewed by so many as a crime against nature—hanging for any of these offenses threatens every moment they tarry to rest. They must rely on the kindness of strangers, but every household they enter seeking sanctuary for even a single night on a bed and scant provisions for hungry stomachs might betray them should the truth be discovered. Acclaimed author Jeff Mann’s sequel to his beloved historical novel Purgatory will instill in readers an ardent expectation over Privates Campbell and Conrad’s fate.  Winner of the Lambda Literary Award for Best Gay Romance!
Bound to Him and Bound Forever (Books two and three of the Bound series) by Ava March (Review pending, but this series is excellent. It begins with Oliver paying a madame to allow him to take the place of one of her employees, so he can have just one night with the man he loves. Contains BDSM)
- Lord Oliver Marsden’s life is perfect…well, almost perfect. His bookshop is doing well, his bank account isn’t empty, and his nights are filled with a deliciously dominant man…who tends to be a bit too domineering outside of the bedchamber. But Vincent loves him, and that’s all that should matter. Right? And of course Vincent still firmly holds the reins of control. Yet while Oliver feels Vincent is finally ready to give himself fully to him, to make good on the offer Oliver refused a year ago, the looming threat that his lover could someday be forced to marry keeps him from tugging the reins from Vincent’s grasp.
Then Vincent receives a letter that changes everything. Oliver seizes the moment and pushes Vincent toward a night neither of them will ever forget. Yet come dawn, Oliver awakens to an empty bed. Lord Vincent Prescot knows he loves Oliver. The man’s his best friend, and he trusts him. So why does submitting to Oliver leave him so shaken? It doesn’t take him long to find the answer, yet his solution could drive his lover away for good.
The Mistletoe Kiss by Ruby Moone (Review pending, but I loved this book. Most of it actually takes place within the bookshop owned by Fenton, so it’s a nice setting with a family-feeling.)
- By 1816, widowed bookseller Lawrence Fenton has spent a lonely lifetime hiding who he is. He has convinced himself his feelings for his far too young, gorgeous, but troubled assistant Christy Shaw are nothing more than pride in his protégé and concern for his plight. Christy’s life involves walking fine lines: one between his mother and his abusive stepfather, one where he must keep his needs hidden, and hardest of all, one where he must keep his feelings for his serious employer to himself. Lame since birth, Lawrence cannot imagine anyone wanting him, least of all Christy. But when Christy’s life threatens to spiral out of control, Lawrence steps in. Then Christy’s emotions spill over into a kiss under the mistletoe at Christmas. Will Lawrence be able to face the long-buried truth about himself and keep Christy by his side?
The Wrong Kind of Angel by Ruby Moone (Reviewing pending, but I’ve read this novella/prequel six times.)
- A reluctant angel, three not terribly wise men, two gorgeous men on a starlit chase to find a child … It can only be Christmas. It’s Christmas 1817 and Captain Charles Farrington has accepted that he is destined to live alone. That is, until Christmas Eve, when a startlingly handsome man crashes into his home and his life. Harry Valentine is a man on the run. A man with secrets. He hasn’t time to fall for the angel who rescued him and, in any case, he knows that once Charlie realises the truth about him, there will be no future for them. Harry’s warmth makes Charles face up to the demons in his past and shows him that he can have a family. All he has to do is persuade Harry to stay. But Charlie knows that, despite whatever Harry says, he’s the wrong kind of angel for happy endings.
The Master of Seacliff by Max Pierce (Review pending, but I had mixed impressions of this novel.)
- It is 1899, and young Andrew Wyndham has accepted a position tutoring the unruly son of wealthy industrialist Duncan Stewart in the hopes that the work will be brief yet provide an avenue to pay for his passage to France to study art. But Seacliff is a dark mansion enshrouded in near-eternal fog, dark mystery and suspicion—perhaps a reflection of the house’s brooding master. An imposing Blackbeard of a man, Duncan Stewart is both feared and admired by his business associates as well as the people he calls friends, for Stewart may have murdered his own father to gain control of his business. And his home, in which Andrew Wyndham must now reside, holds terrible secrets—secrets that could destroy everyone within its walls. For pure gothic escapism with a decidedly masculine point of view, The Master of Seacliff is an enthralling and satisfying read.
Fagin’s Boy: The Further Particulars of a Parish Boy’s Progress (Oliver & Jack Book 1)  by Christina Pilz
- Oliver Twist has one desire: to own a bookshop and live a simple, middle-class life as far as possible from his workhouse-shadowed past. One thing stands in his way: Jack Dawkins–The Artful Dodger–who’s just returned to London and is seeking Fagin’s old gang. Jack’s visits cause Oliver nothing but trouble, but he finds himself drawn, time and again, to their shared past, Jack’s unguarded honesty, and those bright, green eyes. Oliver craves respectability, and doesn’t think he will find it with a forbidden love. Can Jack convince Oliver that having one doesn’t mean losing the other? Fagin’s Boy is the first book in Christina E. Pilz’s Oliver & Jack series, a gay historical romance. If you like Dickensian tragedy, suspense, crime, poverty, and hope, as well as a slow-burn forbidden romance, then you’ll love Fagin’s Boy: The Further Particulars of a Parish Boy’s Progress.
The Blue Ribbon by Katherine Marlowe Review (I will say that most of Marlowe’s novels do not entail much period-typical homophobia, if any at all.)
- Theo Aylmer’s perfectly satisfactory life as a chemistry professor at Cambridge is upended when he receives word of his father’s illness. Forced to return to Cornwall, he is robbed for everything he’s worth by a dashing young highwayman. When he finally reaches his father’s stagecoach inn, he finds it dilapidated and the village around it groaning beneath the thumb of the hateful Earl of Glynn. All Theo wants to do is return to his life and work in Cambridge, but as he tries to recoup the funds necessary to travel, he finds himself plagued by brandy-smugglers and rumours of ghosts. And at the center of all Theo’s problems is a certain handsome highwayman who has charmed his way into Theo’s bed and heart. When the highwayman turns up shot, Theo can’t turn him away, even though doing so risks bringing the wrath of the customs men, the law, and the Earl of Glynn upon them both.
Protection by S.A. Reid
- When Gabriel MacKenna enters Wentworth Prison in 1931, he promises himself two things: never to be buggered and never to turn prison queer. Tough, smart, and ruthless in a fight, he quickly makes a name for himself inside. But Gabriel, saved from the noose by a social crusader, is serving two life sentences. And life is a very long time to endure Wentworth with no comforts but prison food, card games and cigarettes. To survive endless days without the touch of another human being… Five years after Gabriel’s incarceration, Joey Cooper arrives at Wentworth. Every convict claims imprisonment through a miscarriage of justice, but Joey is truly blameless. Trained at Oxford as a physician, the young doctor is innocent of prison culture and too handsome for his own good. Facing eighteen years behind Wentworth’s towering gates, Joey cannot hope to survive without protection. And protection is just what Gabriel MacKenna offers. At a price…
Adrian’s Librarian by Hollis Shiloh
- One night at a masquerade party, rakish Adrian Knowles kisses the wrong man by mistake and meets Oliver Windham. Feisty yet wary and broken, Ollie desperately needs a friend. Almost against his will, Adrian finds himself playing the hero… and falling in love.Adrian hires Ollie to set his library to rights—after having his servants put all the books out of order. He promises himself he’ll treat Ollie only as a friend, but Ollie quickly becomes the only man he wants.
Eden Springs by Ada Maria Soto
- In the boomtown of Eden Springs, someone is spilling the blood of children. Desperate, the sheriff calls in ex-Union scout Aaron Byrne to stop them. For the lawman for hire, it’s just another job-until he meets Jonah Mann, the town’s Oxford-trained astronomer-cum-schoolteacher. Aaron never stays in one place for long, but a few stolen glances from the eccentric professor begin to test his resolve to move along once the job is done. Now a telescope, a whorehouse bathtub, and a cup of Chinese tea could change Aaron’s own stars forever. A Timeless Dreams title: While reaction to same-sex relationships throughout time and across cultures has not always been positive, these stories celebrate M/M love in a manner that may address, minimize, or ignore historical stigma.
A Light Amongst Shadows (Dark is the Night series Book 1) by Kelley York and Rowan Altwood Review
- James Spencer is hardly the typical troubled youth who ends up at Whisperwood School for Boys. Instead of hating the strict schedules and tight oversight by staff, James blossoms, quickly making friends, indulging in his love of writing, and contemplating the merits of sneaking love poems to the elusive and aloof William Esher. The rumours about William’s sexuality and opium reliance are prime gossip material amongst the third years…rumours that only further pique James’ curiosity to uncover what William is really like beneath all that emotional armor. And, when the normally collected William stumbles in one night, shaken and ranting of ghosts, James is the only one who believes him. James himself has heard the nails dragging down his bedroom door and the sobs echoing in the halls at night. He knows others have, too, even if no one will admit it. The staff refuses to entertain such ridiculous tales, and punishment awaits anyone who brings it up. Their fervent denial and the disappearance of students only furthers James’ determination to find out what secrets Whisperwood is hiding…especially if it prevents William and himself from becoming the next victims.
LGBTQIA Historical Romances with Detectives, Inspectors, Agents, and Coppers (including some Holmes) - May 2018 List
@love-in-mind-palace @ghislainem70 @depth-of-loyalty-and-love @artemisastarte @tehanulilac @romancingthebookworm @bakerstreetcrow @lmirandas @the-moon-loves-the-sea
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omahahs · 3 years
Housekeeping Services and Cost Omaha NE |   Omaha Household Services| more information is at : https://service-omaha.com/housekeeping-near-me/
More information is at; https://commercialcleaningOmaha.com/housekeeping-near-me/
Looking for housekeeping services near Omaha NE ?   Omaha Household Services is industry leader in providing you with top Housekeeping Services and maids service in Omaha NE . Free estimates! Call today or schedule online easily! Offering professional house cleaning services in Omaha NE . We offer outstanding customer care and timely service to our community.
Whether you are looking for a one-time housekeeping service, a regular service such as daily, weekly, bi monthly, or monthly, we want to help you and make sure your cleaning is as convenient for you as possible.
The teams and companies we work with must go through a rigorous review to make sure we can call them our certified partners. We make their, and your life simpler by offering only the best possible customer service, and reduced   Omaha Household Servicesfrom strategic marketing strategies. Smart, simple, and easy.
Considerate Residential Cleaning Services in Omaha NE from   Omaha Household Services
There is only so much that cleaning products and general Housekeeping can do to keep your home clean and sanitary. To superbly clean a home, one must have a genuine concern for the quality of life and well-being of the occupants. Extra Time combines a sincere desire to help others with a talented staff and innovative cleaning products and techniques to provide homeowners in Omaha NE and surrounding areas, with Apartment cleaning services that are exceptional in every way
Looking for reliable Housekeeping Services in Omaha   Omaha Household Servicesis a dependable cleaning service provider in the area of Omaha NE for over 12 years. As a family owned and operated company, we offer a wide arrange of services such as Housekeeping Services, commercial cleaning, house cleaning, carpet cleaning, move in/out cleaning, handyman services and more. We proudly serve the Omaha areas here in NEBRASKA.
Your home or building needs to look at its best the whole time. For that, you should always consider the touch a professional Housekeeping Services Omaha company. To ensure that your home is perfectly maintained, we ensure that our Housekeeping Services practices meet the highest quality standards and your expectations are exceeded. Whether you are in need of our services weekly or just one-time, we get the job done with a 200% satisfaction guarantee.
We are committed to providing you with the very best Housekeeping Services in the Omaha area. However, we understand that occasionally mistakes can be made, stuff can be missed, and sometimes things don't go exactly as planned. That's why we are happy to offer a 200% Satisfaction Guarantee with each and every cleaning. Just let us know within 24 hours and we'll either come back and fix things, free of charge, or give you a discount off your next cleaning service.
CONTACT US: Omaha Householad Service We Offer Cleaning Junk Removal Movers Handyman Services Call: (402) 715-9578 Website - https://service-omaha.com/ SERVICE AREA: Communities we serve: Communities we serve: Omaha, Carter Lake, Council Bluffs, Crescent, Bellevue, Boys Town, La Vista, Papillion, Honey Creek, Offutt A F B, Bennington, Fort Calhoun, Washington, Elkhorn, St Columbans, Underwood, Kennard, Mc Clelland, Mineola, Waterloo, Springfield, Missouri Valley, Treynor, Cedar Creek, Gretna, Blair, Valley, Neola, Pacific Junction, Plattsmouth, Silver City, Glenwood, Louisville, Yutan, Arlington, Minden, Modale, South Bend, Logan, Murray, Ashland, Mead, Persia, Memphis, Manley, Magnolia, Macedonia, Malvern, Fremont, Carson, Oakland, Herman, Murdock, Nickerson, Shelby, Weeping Water, Hastings, Mondamin, Henderson, Ithaca, Hancock, Nehawka, Tabor, Union, Greenwood, Thurman, Portsmouth, Woodbine, Colon, Wahoo, Avoca, Emerson, Winslow, Avoca, Elmwood, Little Sioux, Cedar Bluffs, Pisgah, Tekamah, Alvo, Randolph, Ames, Hooper, Panama, Craig, Waverly, Ceresco, Percival, Otoe, Imogene, Malmo, Sidney, Uehling, Walnut, Harlan, Westphalia, Eagle, Lincoln, Dunlap, Moorhead, Red Oak, Morse Bluff, Weston, Griswold, Blencoe, Earling, Davey, Dunbar, Nebraska City, North Bend, Unadilla, Elliott, Lewis, Prague, Syracuse, Marne, Scribner, Oakland, Palmyra, Pilot Grove, Walton, Riverton, Farragut, Shenandoah, Valparaiso, Lorton, Essex, Soldier, Hamburg, Defiance, Kirkman, Raymond, Dow City, Stanton, Atlantic, Decatur, Bennet, Elk Horn, Snyder, Lyons, Kimballton, Irwin, Arion, Malcolm, West Point, Panama, Roca, Dodge, Manilla, Yorktown, Northboro, Coin, Hickman, Denton, Bancroft, Aspinwall, Sprague, Clarinda, Martell, Blanchard, Manning, Beemer, College Springs, Shambaugh, Braddyville, 50022, 51432, 51446, 51447, 51454, 51455, 51501, 51502, 51503, 51510, 51520, 51521, 51523, 51525, 51526, 51527, 51528, 51529, 51530, 51531, 51532, 51533, 51534, 51535, 51536, 51537, 51540, 51541, 51542, 51543, 51544, 51545, 51546, 51548, 51549, 51550, 51551, 51552, 51553, 51554, 51555, 51556, 51557, 51558, 51559, 51560, 51561, 51562, 51563, 51564, 51565, 51566, 51570, 51571, 51572, 51573, 51575, 51576, 51577, 51578, 51579, 51591, 51593, 51601, 51602, 51603, 51630, 51631, 51632, 51636, 51637, 51638, 51639, 51640, 51645, 51647, 51648, 51649, 51650, 51651, 51652, 51653, 51654, 51656, 52648, 68002, 68003, 68004, 68005, 68007, 68008, 68009, 68010, 68015, 68016, 68017, 68018, 68019, 68020, 68022, 68023, 68025, 68026, 68028, 68029, 68031, 68033, 68034, 68037, 68038, 68040, 68041, 68042, 68044, 68045, 68046, 68048, 68050, 68056, 68057, 68058, 68059, 68061, 68063, 68064, 68065, 68066, 68068, 68069, 68070, 68072, 68073, 68101, 68102, 68103, 68104, 68105, 68106, 68107, 68108, 68109, 68110, 68111, 68112, 68113, 68114, 68116, 68117, 68118, 68119, 68120, 68122, 68123, 68124, 68127, 68128, 68130, 68131, 68132, 68133, 68134, 68135, 68136, 68137, 68138, 68139, 68142, 68144, 68145, 68147, 68152, 68154, 68155, 68157, 68164, 68172, 68175, 68176, 68178, 68179, 68180, 68181, 68182, 68183, 68197, 68198, 68304, 68307, 68317, 68336, 68339, 68346, 68347, 68349, 68366, 68372, 68382, 68402, 68403, 68404, 68407, 68409, 68410, 68413, 68417, 68418, 68419, 68428, 68430, 68438, 68446, 68454, 68455, 68461, 68462, 68463, 68501, 68502, 68503, 68504, 68505, 68506, 68507, 68508, 68509, 68510, 68512, 68514, 68516, 68517, 68520, 68521, 68522, 68523, 68524, 68526, 68527, 68528, 68529, 68531, 68532, 68542, 68583, 68588, 68621, 68633, 68648, 68649, 68664, 68716, 68788
#omaha #NE #junkremoval #handyman #householdservice #movers #cleaning
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lnkhauler · 3 years
Trampoline Removal Junk Trampoline Disposal Trampoline Recycling Service And Cost | Lincoln NE | LNK Hauling Junk & Moving More information is at: https://junkremovallincoln.org/trampoline-removal-near-me/
Trampoline Removal Services near Lincoln NE: Getting Rid of a Trampoline in Lincoln NE Trampolines can be tricky to dismantle. If it is not at the right level when pulling the pieces apart, it will. When it's time to get rid of your trampoline LNK Hauling Junk & Moving Junk Removal will take care of it with amazing service. Cost Of Trampoline Removal? Free Estimates! Call Today Or Schedule Trampoline Removal Online Fast!
TRAMPOLINE REMOVAL IN LINCOLN NE LNK Hauling Junk & Moving Trampoline Removal
Did your kids grow up and get too old for your trampoline that is taking up too much space in your back yard? If so, you need to remove it because if they aren’t getting any use then they are just sitting there collecting dirt and dust. But the question is, how do you get rid of these big bulky things?
Well, the good news is that we can handle this type of job. We are a hauling company with great prices to better serve our customers.
We start out by taking a look at the trampoline to see what tools we need to gather to disassemble it. Then we go to the truck to grab the appropriate tools and get to work. The safety net is the first part to be taken down and then we move on to the bounce net. After the bounce net is on the ground, we remove all the springs and put them in the center so we can easily move the springs. Then we unhook all the poles and move those to the truck. That’s it! We remove it fast and also recycle all the parts.
We have a great reputation for these types of jobs all over the area so contact us today by phone or online so we can get that bulky item out of your backyard. You won’t be disappointed and we will leave you highly satisfied!
Junk Trampoline
Trampolines can be tricky to dismantle. If it is not at the right level when pulling the pieces apart, it will stick. So the whole DYI thing can turn into a whole lot of OMG real fast. It’s always nice to higher professionals like the ones at LNK Hauling Junk & Moving Junk Removal to take care of your trampoline removal needs all throughout the metro Lincoln!
Trampolines so bulky and take up a ton of room in your yard. When the Winter months come, no one uses it and they just sit there gathering rust. Eventually your kids grow out of it and it will be left there permanently with no one using it. So basically the day will come when the trampoline has to go, it’s not a matter of if, but when.
Once you have come to the realization that the trampoline no longer is of value to your or your family then now, it’s time to remove it. Your busy schedule doesn’t match well with you getting rid of it yourself and it’s such a pain in the butt that you don’t want to do it anyways. That’s where we come in.
LNK Hauling Junk & Moving Junk Removal Crew is a licensed and insured company that makes your removal needs stress free. We offer affordable and reliable services that fit around your schedule. Since your trampoline is outside, you can schedule anytime of day and you don’t have to even be there yourself. We will come with two guys, call and give you a quote over the phone and take it right then and there for you. This way we make it as easy as humanly possible on you.
Trampoline removal is a two man job no matter how you look at it. Especially, if rust is in the equation. LNK Hauling Junk & Moving are experienced and because of this experience we can have that old junk trampoline down in the blink of an eye. We take the trampoline apart piece by piece in order to make the process as simple as possible. Also, getting rid of it in pieces is a lot better on your wallet as well.
Trampolines are big and cumbersome when together, which would cost you a lot of money to get rid of as a whole. Well we don’t like to hurt our customers wallets, so we make sure to take them apart and make the trampoline as small as possible so that it takes up as least amount of room as possible.
Do yourself a favor and let us take apart and haul your trampoline. Once you have experienced LNK Hauling Junk & Moving, you will not go anywhere else.
CALL US FOR: • Trampoline Removal • Trampoline Disposal • Trampoline Hauling • Trampoline Moving • Trampoline Assembly
CONTACT US: LNK Hauling Junk & Moving Lincoln`s famous junk removal hauling services! CALL (402) 875 7271 JUNK REMOVAL CALL (402) 881 3135 CLEANING CALL (402) 875 7305 HANDYMAN CALL (402) 590 8095 MOVING Open Monday to Sunday Lincoln Nebraska WEBSITE: https://junkremovallincoln.org http://www.lnkjunkremoval.com/ https://lnk-hauling-junk-and-moving-lincoln.business.site SERVICE AREA: Lincoln Nebraska Metro Area: Bennet Ne, Firth Ne, Hallam Ne, Hickman Ne, Lancaster County, Lincoln Nebraska, Malcolm Ne, Milford Ne, Panama Ne, Seward County, Seward Ne, Staplehurst Ne, Utica Ne, Walton Ne, WAVERLY NE, Lincoln NE | Lincoln NE | Lancaster County NE | Seward County NE | Milford NE | 68501, 68510, 68512, 68514, 68516, 68517, 68520, 68524, 68526, 68529, 68531, 68532, 68542, 68544, 68583, 68588. Omaha-Council Bluffs Metropolitan Area: Downtown Omaha, Central Omaha, Southwest Lincoln and Sarpy County, including the communities of Lincoln, Omaha, Bellevue, Blair, Carter Lake, Elkhorn, Fort Calhoun, Fremont, Gretna, La Vista, Millard, Papillion, Ralston, Springfield, Plattsmouth, Arlington, Ashland, Louisville, Wahoo, Yutan and Waterloo, NE, and Missouri Valley, Avoca, Glenwood, Council Bluffs, IA. Zip codes: 68007, 68010, 68022, 68102, 68104, 68105, 68106, 68107, 68108, 68110, 68111, 68112, 68114, 68116, 68117, 68118, 68122, 68124, 68127, 68130, 68131, 68132, 68134, 68135, 68137, 68142, 68144, 68147, 68152, 68154, 68157, 68164, 68178. #junkremoval #movingservice #cleaning #commercialjunk #residencialjunkremoval #lincoln
LNK JUNK REMOVAL (402) 590 8090 http://www.lnkjunkremoval.com/
LNK HAULING JUNK & MOVING (402) 875 7271 http://junkremovallincoln.org/
LINCOLN HOUSEHOLD SERVICES (402) 875 7274 http://www.lincolnhouseholdservices.com/
LNK CLEANING COMPANY (402) 881 3135 http://www.servicelincoln.com/
LINCOLN JUNK REMOVAL (402) 413-1090 http://lincolnjunkremovalcompany.com
LINCOLN JUNK DISPOSAL (402) 413-1092 http://lincolnjunkdisposal.com
A1 JUNK REMOVAL OF LINCOLN (402) 875 7271 http://a1junkremovaloflincoln.com
A1 JUNK REMOVAL & DEMOLITION LINCOLN (402) 413-1090 http://lincolnjunkremovalservice.com
PRICE MOVING & HAULING LINCOLN (402) 590-8095 http://moverslincoln.com
LNK MOVING COMPANY LINCOLN (402) 590-8095 http://lnkmovinglincoln.com
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lnkjanitors · 3 years
Eco Cleaning Services and Cost in Lincoln NE|   LNK Janitorial Services
Eco Cleaning Services and Cost in Lincoln NE|   LNK Janitorial Services
More information is at: https://cleaningserviceslincoln.org/eco-cleaning-near-me/
Looking for reliable eco cleaning services near Lincoln NE?   LNK Janitorial Services provides a full range of quality natural cleaning services for the commercial and domestic customers, all delivered to the highest standards. Best eco cleaning company. Cost? Call for a free estimates.
-Green Cleaning  or Eco Cleaning Is the use of effective cleaning practices and products that protect human health and the environment. . Our eco green cleaning is much more than just using environmentally friendly cleaning products. we have developed a complete eco cleaning system to help you maintain a healthy home. Green cleaning is not only good for the environment ; it means better conditions for your children, pets and family cisitors. Using eco cleaning program helps to improve indoor air quality, which,in turn, leads to greater health and safety for your loved ones.
Why is our program a green one?   LNK Janitorial Services
• We use quality microfiber cloths to keep dust becoming airborne in your home • We use microfiber mops and color-coded cloths that use less water and cleaning materials, and help prevent cross-contamination. • We use only environmentally friendly cleaning products. • Our cleaning operatives are trained to keep the dirt and dust away, and advise you on eco practices .
Why Eco products/environmentally friendly products?   LNK Janitorial Services
• Reduce Illness
Less exposure to harsh chemicals means improved indoor air quality and lower illness rates in the family
• Improved Cleaning Efficiency
Eco Cleaning products work just as well, if not better, than traditional products. We are still amazed by the results; you will be constantly pleased too.
• Environmentally friendly Eco green products reduce the negative impact of cleaning on the environment, such as indoor air quality. Many eco products have less packaging than traditional cleaning chemicals, which means less waste.
• Cost control Using microfiber cloths instead of kitchen paper means we rely on reusable resources instead of building on waste, and the benefit is the final result is noticeable better. In our eco cleaning program we reduce the use of cleaning products because of the good quality microfiber cloths we use. Here at   LNK Janitorial Services we can also advice you on buying concentrated products-which means less packaging (environmental benefit), less trips to the shop (financial and environmental benefit) ,less cost for your Apartmenthold(financial benefit). Leading busy life, not having the time to spent with the loved ones or just to relax, let us help you with all boring chores in your Apartment. You can book an eco cleaning service on a weekly or fortnightly basis and our green cleaning operatives can step in with eco cleaning program suitable for you property and ironing help if requested.
They can complete the same cleaning tasks every visit,  or have half an hour/ hour left with tasks to rotate –the ones that are not done on a regular basis, but once left behind consume much more time( inside cupboards and draws, ovens, fridges , behind radiators, inside windows etc.) We have a supervisor that evaluates the work completed by the eco cleaners in Lincoln-You will have all the support and attention needed thought the whole duration of the service. We will not forget about you once you book eco cleaning service.
REQUEST MORE INFORMATION NOW.  CONTACT US: LNK Janitorial Services CALL: CALL (402) 875-7346 JANITORIAL SERVICES CALL: CALL (402) 590 8090 JUNK REMOVAL CALL: CALL (402) 881 3135 CLEANING CALL: CALL (402) 875 7305 HANYDMAN CALL: CALL (402) 590 8095 MOVING WEBSITE: www.cleaningserviceslincoln.org http://www.servicelincoln.com/ http://www.lincolnhouseholdservices.com/ SERVICE AREA: Lincoln Nebraska Metro Area: Bennet Ne, Firth Ne, Hallam Ne, Hickman Ne, Lancaster County, Lincoln Nebraska, Malcolm Ne, Milford Ne, Panama Ne, Seward County, Seward Ne, Staplehurst Ne, Utica Ne, Walton Ne, WAVERLY NE, Lincoln NE | Lincoln NE | Lancaster County NE | Seward County NE | Milford NE | 68501, 68510, 68512, 68514, 68516, 68517, 68520, 68524, 68526, 68529, 68531, 68532, 68542, 68544, 68583, 68588.Omaha-Council Bluffs Metropolitan Area: Downtown Omaha, Central Omaha, Southwest Lincoln and Sarpy County, including the communities of Lincoln, Omaha, Bellevue, Blair, Carter Lake, Elkhorn, Fort Calhoun, Fremont, Gretna, La Vista, Millard, Papillion, Ralston, Springfield, Plattsmouth, Arlington, Ashland, Louisville, Wahoo, Yutan and Waterloo, NE, and Missouri Valley, Avoca, Glenwood, Council Bluffs, IA. Zip codes: 68007, 68010, 68022, 68102, 68104, 68105, 68106, 68107, 68108, 68110, 68111, 68112, 68114, 68116, 68117, 68118, 68122, 68124, 68127, 68130, 68131, 68132, 68134, 68135, 68137, 68142, 68144, 68147, 68152, 68154, 68157, 68164, 68178. #cleaning #Lincoln #nebaraska #junk #moving #Janitorial #handyman
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the-busy-ghost · 6 years
I think as much as I generally am pretty fond of regency romances, my big problem with Scottish ones is that they don’t really tend to engage with late eighteenth and early nineteenth Scotland on the same level as the writers do for England, and it just doesn’t seem realistic so much as a suitably Wild setting for the brooding hero and nothing more. And I don’t need total historical accuracy in my books but like something that I can vaguely recognise as my country would be nice (and although some Jacobite romances are a bit more accurate, I’ve never been much into the Jacobites so I’m talking really 1770s-1830s here, Jacobite romances are a whole other rant). 
I mean I’m sure there must be at least some writers who do their research and everything for Scotland. But often I’ve come across writers who have really researched regency period England for their books, and even included some of the important social conditions and background politics, but then they’ve turned there hand to Scotland and it’s this same old ‘dark and brooding kilted hero sweeps the heroine off to his forbidding castle in the mountains, where he lives like it’s the fifteenth century and has nothing but loyal clansmen surrounding him, and is probably fighting a ‘clan war’ with a neighbour, or being attacked by English invaders despite this being the year of our lord 1828’ and while that’s fun sometimes, it’s frankly not realistic for either the actual reign of George III, the regency period, or the reign of George IV.
Apart from the fact that this is a relatively modern period we’re talking about, and not mediaeval, this was a period of immense change people. This was the period of the Enlightenment- of Lord Monboddo speculating about evolution and Watt’s steam engine and Adam Smith’s ‘Wealth of Nations’ and Dr Johnson’s tour of the Hebrides- but it was also a period where serfdom for the colliers and salters had only been ended in 1775, when Scots were profiting off sugar and cotton plantations in the West Indies and the slave trade (it became illegal to own a slave in Scotland in 1778 but the Scots had a dab hand for colonialism after the Union), when the tobacco lords who gave Glasgow its first great economic boom had just been put out of business by the American wars. It was a time when the Kirk was still able to put the fear of God into local communities but David Hume’s philosophical ideas were some of the most important of the day. It was a revolutionary and difficult time in many places- anti-conscription feeling accidentally led to the Massacre of Tranent, and weavers marched on Carron Ironworks in the Radical War of 1820 with ideas that weren’t so dissimilar to the ideals of the French Revolution. It was the time of the United Scotsmen but also of Henry Dundas. Dundee was making money from the whaling industry and was about to have its jute and linen boom which made it an important centre of female employment, Aberdeen was being transformed into the Granite City and had as many universities as the whole of England, the New Town of Edinburgh was being built in all its classical splendour and the Old Town was still tumbledown and poverty-stricken, while Glasgow was in the middle of its growth from a minor burgh to the biggest city in Scotland and the second city of the Empire, the workshop of the world. Robert Burns was making toasts to the lassies, while John Anderson provided for women to be able to attend lectures in physics (or rather natural philosophy) and other sciences at the college he founded, though women wouldn’t be able to graduate university in Scotland until the 1870s. Scots were becoming a major feature of the British army, sometimes reluctantly, sometimes eagerly. Cattle droving was about to come to an end, and sheep farming began to boom. It was the time of the Sutherland Clearances and all the breakdown in the old clan structures and economic problems and mass emigration and  that was occurring across the Highlands- and elsewhere- at that time. 
Other than the Clearances, which were partly linked to the erosion of the old clan system in the late eighteenth century, perhaps the most important thing happening at the time which would concern regency romance was the beginnings of Tartan tourism. Because under James MacPherson and Sir Walter Scott and others like them, and especially after George IV’s visit to Edinburgh, this was a time when the romantic image of Scotland began to be developed intensely- its formerly unprofitable and dreary Highlands became wild and beautiful pleasure parks for the rich, the Highland chief, the Jacobite, and (though less enduring) the border Scot became figures of romance rather than reasons to keep Scotland down. Highland landowners were suddenly eager to show off their kilts and parade around in tartan even if many of them, for example MacDonnell of Glengarry, were clearing their clansfolk off the land at the same time. So basically, regency romance is set in a time where the conditions that CREATED the Scottish romance were flourishing (for better or for worse), and yet they very rarely acknowledge that. 
I’m a person who’s more into the Middle Ages and I’m no expert on eighteenth or nineteenth century Scotland, so I could have missed things but it’s a fascinating period. I’m hardly an expert in romance novels either- and as I say there could be some out there that DO do their research, while at the same time I understand the escapist side of romance. But I feel it’s just not common enough to rather see Scottish romances address some of the things that were ACTUALLY going on in Scotland during the regency period and the years around it, even if it was just in the background, because I promise you they make a far more interesting setting for a story than a Brooding Highland Chieftain who would have been more appropriate two centuries earlier (and even then would need more research). 
 Or if you really want your brooding Highland landowner, why not explore the way that his life is different to his predecessors- his relationship with his people not as strong as it was, struggling to keep his estate afloat without driving off his tenants (if he’s a good guy, which is about as escapist as we’ll get for the period), or he’s in the process of transforming an ancient tower house into a fine and imposing baronial residence worthy of a Scott novel, or dealing with the fact that his father was exiled for supporting the Jacobites (and also the moral problems of his father maybe fleeing to run a plantation in the Carolinas or wherever) and yet now he’s feted for his family’s Jacobite connections in the very circles of Edinburgh society that are Whig to the core, or maybe the fact that all his neighbour landlords- usually Scots by the way- are pouring their money into English educations and fashionable carriages and balls in Edinburgh and London while their people are driven off the land (does your local Scottish rake at a London ball give a rat’s ass? Is he even FROM the Highlands?). And that’s just the traditional Highland story with a different twist- it doesn’t even begin to go into the regional variation, or the different classes, or the culture of the cities, or old Lowland burghs and farming communities contrasted with new mill towns like New Lanark, the growth of coal mining, or the Carron Ironworks. That I think would be much more recognisable as Scotland, and probably also really develop the world of the regency romance, where Scotland plays a role beyond that of Gretna Green and Highland Holdfasts. Just give me the real Scotland, its bad bits and its good bits, because that was always better than the fictional version, no matter how many bare-chested and kilted Noble Savage types you throw in my direction (and I like a man in a kilt as much as the next person, but come ON).
On a final note, consider this- this is the period where kilts become Fashion Items, rather than functional wear (oh and they were also banned for a bit before this too). And also why would you pass up the opportunity of seeing George IV in a kilt and pink pantaloons?
Oh and lastly people need to learn what a laird is it’s... it’s a very specific thing...it’s not just a lord.
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Apartments for the whole family in Gretna, LA | Townbridge Apartments
Looking for quality apartments in Gretna, LA? Look no further than Townebridge Apartments! Our beautiful community offers spacious apartments for the whole family, complete with luxurious amenities and a prime location on the Westbank.
Our pet-friendly community is perfect for those looking for a comfortable home with their furry friends. We offer a variety of floor plans to choose from, including one and two bedroom apartments. Each unit is thoughtfully designed with your needs in mind, featuring modern appliances and finishes.
At Townebridge Apartments, we believe that community is everything. That's why we offer a variety of amenities that are perfect for socializing and relaxation. Take a dip in our resort-style pool, work up a sweat in our fitness center, or enjoy a game of tennis on our courts. We also have a clubhouse that is perfect for hosting events and gatherings with friends and neighbors.
Looking for things to do near Townebridge Apartments? There is no shortage of fun activities and entertainment options in the area. You can explore the vibrant culture of New Orleans, just a short drive away, or enjoy shopping and dining at nearby Oakwood Center.
We understand that finding affordable apartments in Gretna, LA can be a challenge. That's why we offer competitive rental rates and special promotions to help you find the perfect home for your budget. Our apartments are also conveniently located near major highways, making commuting a breeze.
Don't just take our word for it – see what our residents have to say! Our community has received numerous positive reviews, with many praising our friendly staff, excellent maintenance service, and beautiful surroundings.
Whether you're looking for a studio apartment, one bedroom apartment, or two bedroom apartment in Gretna, LA, Townebridge Apartments has you covered. Contact us today to schedule a tour and see for yourself why we are one of the best apartments for rent in Gretna, LA. We look forward to welcoming you home!
Name - Townbridge Apartments
Website- https://townebridge.apartments/
Address - 1615 Carol Sue Ave, Gretna, LA 70056  (Louisiana)
Phone Number- (504) 394-4095
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latitudeapartments · 5 months
Luxury Apartments at Latitude | Rent Apartments New Orleans
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Welcome to Latitude
Latitude is an upcoming residential tower designed to deliver an aspiring lifestyle to the urban nomad. This 196-unit complex, being built in Metairie, Louisiana, is conveniently located on Lake Pontchartrain's south shore near New Orleans. Often touted to be one of the best places to live in Louisiana, Metairie's spirit of a mixed urban-suburban feel is captured beautifully in Latitude's architectural design.
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The city exudes a unique cross-cultural charm making it a favorite tourist spot and a proud home to many enjoying its arts, unique entertainment profile, and French-accented Southern grace. Surrounded by water—the lake to the north and the Mississippi River to the south—and papered with parks, entertainment venues, and historic businesses and eateries. There are a lot of bars, restaurants, and coffee shops frequented by locals and tourists alike.
Latitude is located at 3100 Lake Villa Drive at the intersection of Rye Street and is easily accessible by Interstate-10. And is minutes away from many major employers as well as shopping, dining, and entertainment.
Visit Us: 3100 Lake Villa Dr, Metairie, Louisiana. Call: +1 985 618 1600 Email: [email protected]
Follow Us: Facebook | Instagram | Twitter
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Affordable Move in Move Out Cleaning Gretna Nebraska | Eppley Handyman Services
More Information At: http://www.handymanomahane.com/move-in-move-out-cleaning-services-gretna-nebraska.html
 Youtube Link: https://youtu.be/dbUDFaFd7Is
  Facebook Link: https://www.facebook.com/1953961368162102/videos/1255703891298427/
 Move out Cleaning and Move in Cleaning Companies in Gretna Nebraska: Performing a deep clean before moving out or moving in is beneficial to both parties, especially if you have a security deposit on the line. Make your move an easier one with the help of Eppley Handyman Services. We offer move in and move out cleaning services for homes, apartments, and condos. Contact us for free estimates. Located in Gretna Nebraska.
Professional Move In and Move Out Home Cleaning Service: Book your move-in / move-out cleaning today!
Move Out Cleaning: Moving isn’t easy, the last thing you need to worry about is getting the old/new home cleaned. Leave it to the professionals, let the experts at Eppley Handyman Services take care of the move-in / move-out cleaning for you.
Whether you’re a renter moving out or a landlord with a new tenant on the way. The move-in / move-out cleaning is important.
When a place gets rented it’s crucial that the new resident moves into a clean space. As a renter, it’s important to clean on the way out to get the deposit back.
Either way, the move in / move out cleaning is crucial.
What’s the difference between a move-in / move-out and a regular cleaning?
Move Out Cleaning services: The standard cleaning is for general upkeep. This includes cleaning the countertops, floors, bathrooms, kitchens and other standard cleaning items you’d expect.
When doing a move in / move out cleaning there are some extra considerations taken to make sure the residence is ready for the next family.
Move in / Move Out cleaning includes
·         Everything in the standard cleaning
·         Dusting ceiling fans (as needed)
·         Dusting window sills
·         Dusting blinds
·         Cleaning the inside windows panes.
·         Cleaning baseboards
·         Sweeping, mopping, and vacuuming.
·         Extras Available Upon Request
A number of extras are available à la carte for move-in/move-outs that need a little extra TLC. Make sure to let us know if you’re looking for anything on this list. That way we can make sure it get’s done.
·         Inside Oven
·         Inside Cabinets
·         Inside refrigerator
Remember, these are NOT included by default. Please, let us know if they’re needed. 🙂
Move Out Cleaning companies Gretna Nebraska: We’ve done a lot of move-in/move-out cleanings and know a thing or two about making sure they go smoothly!
Leave a key: Most move-in/move-outs are for empty homes. It can feel like an eternity waiting through an hour-long arrival window in an empty house. Especially if the Internet has been shut off! Because of this, we always suggest leaving a key to get in. Either under the mat, in the mailbox, or in a lock-box if ones available. Just let us know in the comments where the key will be. 🙂
Have running water and power: Often we won’t have running water or power when we show up to a move-out cleaning. It goes without saying, not having power or water makes for a not so great home cleaning. We need both for a successful cleaning! If you’re having either of these turned on, make sure to schedule the cleaning for at least 24 hours after. If the water is being turned Tuesday schedule the cleaning for Wednesday at the earliest. This way the utility company has plenty of time to turn things on and will save us all headaches later.
Leave a few days after in case a re-cleaning is needed: If your lease is coming up or you’re handing over keys. Always try and leave a few days after the cleaning just in case we need to go back. If you require a re-cleaning and are giving the keys back in a few hours we might be SOL!
Schedule other services on different days: If you’re planning on having movers, carpet cleaners, or plumbers schedule them all on different days. It’s difficult to clean when other services are working. We also know they feel the same way. Make sure we all get a little bit of space so we can do a great job. 🙂
Our Home Cleaning Service Will Make It Look Like You Were Never There
Moving can be stressful enough without worrying about having to tidy up after you’re finished. Eppley Handyman Services® is here to take the stress out of moving. The last thing you want to worry about is having to clean your home or apartment and prepare it for the next owners or tenants. We provide thorough move-in and move-out services that will allow you to focus on what matters most—your new home.
Our trained cleaning professionals will leave no corner of your home or apartment untouched. With advanced techniques and processes, we will make your space look better than when you moved in.
Convenient Services for Tenants & Landlords
Move Out Cleaning services near me: Whether you are a renter trying to get your security deposit back or a landlord that wants to quickly get a new tenant into an open unit, Eppley Handyman Services® is here to help you. We go beyond vacuuming and dusting and get deep into the corners to rid your space of all dust, dirt, and grime. We’ll spot-clean walls, clean the inside of stoves, and rid your fridge of those old food smells. Focus on everything else that comes along with moving and leave the dirty work to our team.
What is included in a move out cleaning?
Move Out Cleaning: All Move-In or Move-Out Classic Package Cleanings will include the following: Dust Top-to-Bottom: every horizontal and vertical surface from ceilings to the floors, including fans, light fixtures, blinds, cabinets, baseboards, etc. Wipe Mirrors, Glass Doors. Vacuum Inside All Cabinets, Closets/Shelves, and Drawers.
How much does a move out cleaning cost?
Move in move out cleaning services: Cleaning services can provide deep cleans for your old home. Move out cleaning costs somewhere between $150 and $250 on average, will $200 being the rough price for a 1,000 sq. ft. home. Of course, if your carpet is heavily soiled, or you need a clean deeper than the Mariana Trench, then the price might go up.
How long does a move out cleaning take?
When calculating how much time a thorough clean will take, a good rule of thumb with a four-person cleaning crew is 60 minutes for every 1,000 square feet cleaned during an initial deep cleaning. This time is due to the well-orchestrated, team approach to cleaning.
Do you tip for move out cleaning?
$10 to $20 per cleaning is a good ballpark range. If you have a home cleaner year round, it is probably not necessary to tip each time. Instead, you can give a cash bonus or gift at the end of the year. This is a nice way to show your appreciation and make the house cleaner feel good about his or her service.
How much should I pay for move out cleaning?
Move Cleaning: Get a more accurate price with our move out cleaning calculator. However, if you need additional services like: Carpet Cleaning – Anywhere between $75 and $200 for a whole house; otherwise, $.25-.50 per sq. ft. is a good rule of thumb. Furniture – Expect at least $50 and at most $100 to de-stain and de-stench a couch.
Q: Am I required to be home for the cleaning?
A: No, it’s perfectly acceptable to give the cleaning team access without you being present. We’ll even lock up for you when we’re done.
Q: How long will the cleaning take?
A: Move-in/ move-outs require more detail work than a typical cleaning. Because of this, we always assume a move-in/move-out will add an hour or two to the time of a standard cleaning. A 1 bedroom / 1 bathroom would take around 2-3 hours where a 3 bedroom could take up to 4 or 5 hours.
What’s NOT Included?
We get a lot of questions about certain tasks in regards to move-in/move-out cleanings. Because of this, we’ve felt compelled to add a few notes on what’s NOT included in a move-in/move-out cleaning.
Outside Windows: We don’t carry equipment and aren’t insured for cleaning the outside windows. If there’s dirt or grime on the outside it may leave the inside windows looking dirty after we’ve left. If you need help cleaning the outside windows, let us know. We’re always happy to refer to a business we know and trust.
Carpet Cleaning: We don’t carry equipment for steam cleaning or carpet stain removal. For serious carpet stains or if you’re in need of a steam cleaning. Please, contact a carpet cleaning specialist. If you’re looking for a referral, we’d be happy to provide one!
Other Things: There are a number of things we can’t help with due to lack of equipment or for safety reasons. The full list can be found here. If you have any questions about what is or is not included. Feel free to reach out directly and ask.
Eppley Handyman Services
Move out cleaning services near me: Whether you are renting a home or apartment and need a thorough cleaning to get your deposit back or a realtor or property manager needing to have a clean home for your new residents moving in, the Perfectionist Home Services are available to do affordable move in and move out cleaning services in Gretna Nebraska and Scottsdale.
Move in and move out cleaning services are our specialty. Our employees offer exceptional customer service by thoroughly cleaning and sanitizing all areas of your house or apartment. We have great relationships with realtors and property managers in Scottsdale and Gretna Nebraska that have us continually provide cleaning services at their properties.
Contact us for a free estimate on any of our services or simply give us a call now!
Below is a list of items included with our move in or move out cleaning services:
·         Empty trash
·         Wipe lighting fixtures, vents and fans
·         Remove cobwebs
·         Vacuum inside and wipe out cabinets and drawers
·         Vacuum inside and wipe out inside linen closets
·         Clean and polish furniture
·         Fold towels and straighten
·         Clean mirrors with squeegee
·         Clean and disinfect sink and countertops
·         Clean and disinfect showers, tubs and toilets
·         Remove hard water deposits (our specialty)
·         Wipe switch plates, baseboards and trim
·         Wipe door frames, hinges, handles and door
·         Vacuum floor
·         Hand wash floor
·         Clean windows inside and outside
·         Wipe light fixtures, vents and fans
·         Remove cobwebs
·         Dust top to bottom
·         Clean shutters, blinds and windowsills
·         Dust wall hangings
·         Dust shelves
·         Empty trash
·         Wipe switch plates, baseboards and trim
·         Vacuum stairs
·         Wipe door frames, hinges, handles and door
·         Vacuum carpet and hard floors
·         Mop floors
·         Clean windows inside and outside
·         Wipe light fixtures, vents and fans
·         Remove cobwebs
·         Clean washer and dryer inside, outside and behind
·         Wipe door-frames, hinges, handles and door
·         Wipe switch plates, baseboards and trim
·         Vacuum floor
·         Mop floor
·         Clean windows inside and outside
·         Clean light fixtures, vents and fan
·         Remove cobwebs
·         Clean inside, outside and behind refrigerator
·         Vacuum inside and wipe out cabinets and drawers
·         Clean and polish cabinets
·         Wipe appliance exteriors
·         Clean microwave inside and out
·         Wipe counters
·         Clean stovetop and drip pans
·         Clean oven and oven storage drawer
·         Clean stove behind and beneath
·         Wash stove hood and hood filters
·         Scrub sink
·         Clean window and sill above kitchen sink
·         Clean sliding door
·         Wipe switch plates, baseboards and trim
·         Empty trash
·         Wipe door frames, hinges, handles and door
·         Vacuum floors
Best move out cleaning companies Gretna Nebraska: Whether you’re moving out or moving into a new place, let Eppley Handyman Services handle all the dirty work for you. Our thorough and experienced cleaners will clean every nook and cranny for a sparkling home from floor to ceiling. Our services will get you back your security deposit if you’re moving out or enable you to start settling into a pristine new home the moment you walk through the front door. As a BBB-accredited business that has provided more than satisfactory cleaning services to numerous customers in the GRETNA NEBRASKA, NE, area, we are the cleaning company you can count on to leave your place looking spotless. Contact us today to get our unbeatable clean team on your side for an equally unbeatable price.
Our Move Out Cleaning Services
Ensuring your place is spotless when you move out is more than just a courtesy to the next tenant—it’s also a way to make sure you get your entire deposit back from your landlord. You can try and tackle cleaning the entire house or apartment by yourself, but the truth is you may not have the training and the experience that professional cleaners have. Eppley Handyman Services will go through every room of your home to make sure there’s not even one speck of dust left.
Our move out house cleaning services include:
·         Wiping of lighting fixtures, vents, and fans
·         Vacuuming, mopping, and steam cleaning
·         Inside and outside window washing
·         Removing hard water deposits
·         Cleaning and polishing furniture
·         Removal of cobwebs
·         Emptying of trash
·         Scrubbing and disinfecting surfaces
·         Shining of appliances
Whether it’s subtle dust on the windowsill or a small buildup of grease on your stove, Eppley Handyman Services has the trained eye to detect dirt and get rid of it.
 Our Move In Cleaning Services
Move in cleaning services near me: If you’ve bought a new home or signed a lease, you probably expect to move into a clean, welcoming space. This, however,might not be the case, and the property may not be as clean as you’d hoped. Maybe the old tenant has left dust in the corners or the whole place is not up to your standard of clean. That’s when you call us! Count on Eppley Handyman Services to go through every room and every corner of your home to make sure every surface is free from dust and dirt.
Our move-in cleaning services take care of:
·         Removing hard water deposits
·         Cleaning and polishing furniture
·         Emptying the trash
·         Wiping down the window sills
·         Removing cobwebs
·         Changing the linens and making the beds
·         Fluffing and straightening cushions and pillows
·         Steam cleaning furniture upholstery and area rugs
Starting a new life in your new home means a new feeling, and you can’t get that if there are still remnants of the old tenant around. We’ll make sure your home feels like your own the second you step foot in it.
Carefully Screened Staff
All of the cleaners we hire for Eppley Handyman Services are carefully screened in the hiring process. We’ve never had issues with cleaners stealing or damaging property while on the job, so you can breathe easy and calm your fears about your possessions being stolen while you have unfamiliar people in your home. We’re reliable, with over two decades of dependable cleaning experience under our belts. We’ll always respect your property and your belongings.
A Deep Clean You Can Depend On
Detailed cleaning takes a lot of time and patience that could be utilized for other tasks during your move. We understand that if you’re moving, the last thing you want to worry about is cleaning up. Eppley Handyman Services promises you a deep clean that goes beyond the light, routine cleaning that other cleaning companies perform. Because a move in or move out house cleaning involves tidying a property that possibly hasn’t been cleaned in a long time, we provide deep cleaning services to ensure your home is thoroughly polished. Our in-depth work sets us apart and provides that thorough clean you’re looking for.
Schedule A Cleaning Today!
Cheap move in move out cleaning services: If you’re moving out of your home soon, let the Eppley Handyman Services specialists give you a hand!Our deep cleaning goes above and beyond for a result you’ll love. Plus, our attention to detail, honed by over 20 years of experience, means you’re guaranteed a spotless home. We know you already have a lot on your plate while you’re moving, so let us make the process easier for you by taking time-consuming cleaning tasks off your hands. Let the experts do it for you. Not only do we offer move in and move out cleaning services, but we also offer carpet cleaning, tile and grout cleaning, upholstery cleaning, window cleaning, and more. Call us for cleaning services in GRETNA NEBRASKA, NE, today!
Schedule cleaning services today! Call now!
If you’re determined to clean on your own, check out our move out cleaning checklist to help with your move.
Move Out House Cleaning - Pricing Notes
Cleaning effort includes spot cleaning of fingerprints, water stains and residue from fixtures, door hardware, cabinetry, furniture, appliances, etc.
Floor cleaning includes vacuuming carpets, sweeping and mopping vinyl, tile or stone floors and dry mopping wood floors with manufacturer approved dusting agent.
Estimate includes labor for removing dust, cobwebs and light surface dirt from doors, window frames, moldings, lighting fixtures, cabinetry and furniture surfaces.
Bathroom and kitchen costs include labor typically required to scrub clean and sanitize sinks, countertops, fixtures and flooring.
Includes allowance for equipment expenses typically required to complete Move Out House Cleaning properly.
Estimate includes costs for disposable materials, equipment consumables and supplies used in Move Out House Cleaning.
Bathroom cleaning includes time typically needed to scrub clean, disinfect and remove spots from shower basin, bathtub, wall surrounds and shower/tub doors.
General cleaning includes labor to clean glass, mirrors metallic/glossy surfaces to a spotless and streak-free condition.
·         Clean bathroom vanity, tub, mirrors, toilet, shower tracks, hand wipe bathroom baseboards, and interior and exterior of bathroom cabinets
·         Clean kitchen counters, sink, table, stove top, interior and exterior of microwave, interior and exterior of fridge, oven (range hood and drip pans), and hand wipe interior and exterior of kitchen cabinets
·         Dusting of blinds, window sills, furniture, and light fixtures (within arms reach)
·         Mopping, vacuuming all rooms, washing of interior windows and sliding glass door (within arms reach)
·         Interior trash cans emptied and brought to outside trash can
·         Hand wipe bedroom baseboards, wipe down interior and exterior of laundry room and living room cabinets
What is the difference between deep cleaning and move out cleaning?
Move out cleaning includes a more detailed cleaning touching more areas of the home. Move out cleaning includes additional tasks such as in cleaning of bedroom baseboards, cleaning the laundry room and living room cabinets, interior fridge cleaning etc...
Why should I hire a pro to do my move-out cleaning?
Moving is already an exhausting process, without adding a deep cleaning to your to-do list. Bringing in a pro to do the cleaning can help you stay focused on all the logistics involved in getting your belongings from your old home to your new one.
What happens next? How long will the cleaning take?
You'll get an email from your house cleaning pro to confirm the appointment date and time, size of your home, and other details. When the pro arrives they will review the scope of work with you and discuss how many hours the cleaning will take. Prior to the pro beginning your cleaning you should discuss any priorities or tasks that fall outside of the listed scope of work which may result in an updated price.
Should my house/apartment be empty prior to the cleaning?
You'll want to have your house/apartment be as empty as possible so the pro can clean all areas of your home thoroughly. Not having cabinets and closets emptied will prevent the pro from touching all areas and may result in a price adjustment.
In the United States, nearly 6 million new and existing homes are sold each year. Add to that amount the number of people coming and going from apartments and other rental properties and you begin to appreciate the fact that people are moving constantly!
For better or for worst, every year a countless amount of people are tasked with packing up their homes, restoring them to pristine condition and hauling all of their valuables away into new spaces.
And in case it wasn’t obvious, all of that packing, cleaning, and moving can be a serious pain.
Fortunately, there are services that exist that can help you with all of your home cleaning needs.
Below, our team has created a comprehensive guide on what a typical moving out cleaning cost might be and whether or not pursuing these services is worth your money!
 When you are trying to figure out what a move out cleaning cost might be in your area, you’ll likely be presented with flat or hourly rates.
With a flat rate, you’ll need to describe your home to the cleaning service you’re engaging and they will give you a unique quote based on the amount of labor they estimate.
An hourly rate’s base, on the other hand, won’t vary based on your home size. It will, however, differ from cleaning service to cleaning service and be affected by the average cost of goods and services in your area.
To give you a number to work with, a well-priced move out cleaning service Gretna Nebraska area will run you about $25.00 – $55.00 per hour, or more depending on special needs or requirements your home might require.
Some people are just looking for their cleaning service to assist them with the cleaning of specific items (for example, cleaning a stove or refrigerator).
To help you get an idea of move out cleaning cost on a per item basis, below are some categories coupled with some information on what cleaning costs might be in association with each of them.
Kitchen Move Out Move in Cleaning Gretna Nebraska
Kitchens are a common pain point when it comes to move out cleaning for both homeowners and renters.
Within the kitchen, refrigerator and freezer cleaning will typically run you $25 and over. We recommend that all items be removed from your kitchen and freezer prior to requesting professional cleaning to avoid incurring miscellaneous charges.
Ovens are another tricky appliance that you may want to get professional help with. Expect to pay in the vicinity of $25 for an internal oven cleaning which includes cleaning of its bottom drawer, drip pans, and behind the unit.
Your kitchen’s cabinets can also get cleaned professionally and prices may vary based on how many cabinets you have. For a standard home, expect to pay $40 or so for thorough cleaning and disinfecting of cabinet spaces.
Garage Move Out Move in Cleaning Gretna Nebraska
Garages are prone to attracting a lot of dust, bugs, and other undesirable filth that a professional cleaning service can manage on your behalf. What’s important to note with garage cleaning is that cleaning fees are typically quoted assuming that you’ve already emptied your garage out.
Cleaning for an empty garage will run you $40.00 and up.
  If you need help packing your garage, expect to pay packing fees on top of your cleaning fee. Packing fees are typically offered by cleaning services and will be roughly $20.00 per hour.
Patio Move Out Move in Cleaning Gretna Nebraska
If your patio has seen better days, you can have a cleaning crew come in to de-web it and give it a sweep. Prices for patio cleaning will depend on its condition but should run you $35.00 and up.
We all love dogs and cats but we also all know that they can wreak havoc on the cleanliness of your home. If you have pet-related cleaning issues you need help with like the removal of hair throughout your house, charges can start at $25 and go up from there depending on the number of pets in your household.
General wall cleaning is a task that can get requested for any number of rooms in a house. Unfortunately, given how variable house sizes can be, we can’t give you an average price.
Your best bet is to discuss the square footage of your house with your cleaning crew and get a quote.
If you need help cleaning your blinds (which can get exceptionally dusty) you can expect to pay about $45.00 to have all of your blinds thoroughly serviced if you have a standard sized home. Again, prices can vary if your house falls above or below average size.
Finally, if you need help with laundry, some cleaning services can help you out on a per load basis. A load of laundry will run you roughly $25.00 and up.
Be prepared to provide your own detergent for this service and to have your dirty clothes prepped in a basket.
Move out cleaning cost is variable from area to area and from company to company. In summary, expect to pay either a flat rate given the size of your home, an hourly rate or expect to pay per item prices if there are specific things that need attention.
Ultimately, the time you’ll save by hiring a cleaning service and the maximization of the security deposit you’ll get back make bringing in a team of professionals well worth the cost!
If you live in the greater Gretna Nebraska area and need your home cleaned because you’re moving out or just because you’d like to revitalize your living space, our team at Eppley Handyman Services has you covered!
We’ve been saving people like you time and money on security deposits for years.
Let us take our expertise and help you today!
  Get your free estimate by clicking here!
·         Move Out Cleaning Checklist
·         Move Out Cleaning Services Prices
·         Move Out Cleaning Calculator
·         How Long Does A Move Out Cleaning Take
·         Apartment Move Out Cleaning Services
·         Cheap Move Out Cleaning Services
·         House Cleaning Services
·         Move Out Cleaning Cost Calculator
·         Move In Cleaning Services Near Me
·         Move In Cleaning Companies Gretna Nebraska
·         Move Out Cleaning Companies Gretna Nebraska
·         Cost Of Move Out Cleaning Services
Eppley Handyman Services
#1 Handyman Service in Omaha NE Council Bluffs IA!
CALL 402-614-0895 HANDYMAN 1, http://www.handymanomahane.com/
CALL 402-401-7562 HANDYMAN 2, http://www.omahahouseholdservices.com/
CALL 402-875-7305 HANDYMAN 3,http://www.handymanlincolne.com/
CALL 402-590-8092 JUNK REMOVAL, http://www.omahajunkdisposal.com/
CALL 402-486-3717 MOVING, http://www.moversinomaha.com/
CALL 402-575-9272 CLEANING 1, http://www.maidserviceomaha.com/
CALL 402-810-6320 CLEANING 2, http://www.greencleaningomaha.com/
CALL 402-881-3135 CLEANING 3, http://www.servicelincoln.com/
Located in Omaha NE 68105
Open Monday to Sunday 7:00 am – 11:00 pm
WEB: www.handymanomahane.com
• Handyman Services
• Painting
• Drywall Repair
• Doors and Windows Repair Replacement
• House Renovation
• Bathroom Remodeling
• Kitchen Remodeling
• Sink Installation
• Cabinet Installation
• Air Conditioner Installation
• Flat Screen / Tv Mount Installment
• Furniture and Custom Shelves Assembly
• Bathroom and Kitchen Redesign
• Cleaning Services Indoor or Outdoor
• Concrete / Masonry
• Junk Removal
• Furniture Removal and Hauling
Downtown Omaha, Central Omaha, Southwest Omaha and Sarpy County (La Vista, Bellevue, Omaha, Papillion, Gretna, Offutt AFB, Springfield) Douglass County (Omaha, Bennington, Elkhorn, Boys Town, Valley, Waterloo), Pottawattamie County (Council Bluffs, Avoca, Carson, Carter Lake), Cass County (Weeping Water, Alvo, Avoca, Cedar Creek, Eagle, Elmwood, Greenwood, Louisville, Manley, Murdock, Murray, Nehawka, Plattsmouth, South Bend, Union) including the communities of Bellevue, Blair, Carter Lake, Elkhorn, Fort Calhoun, Gretna, LaVista, Millard, Omaha, Papillion, Ceresco NE, Ralston, Springfield and Waterloo, NE, Lincoln Nebraska and Council Bluffs, IA. Zip codes: 68007, 68010, 68017, 68022, 68102, 68104, 68105, 68106, 68107, 68108, 68110, 68111, 68112, 68114, 68116, 68117, 68118, 68122, 68124, 68127, 68130, 68131, 68132, 68134, 68135, 68137, 68142, 68144, 68147, 68152, 68154, 68157, 68164, 68178, 68073.
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Whole House Clean Out Property Clean Out Services near Glenwood IA | MCC Cleaning Glenwood
More information:- http://www.greencleaningomaha.com/house-clean-out--services-glenwood-ia.html
 Need House Clean Out Services Glenwood IA? MCC Cleaning is the answer. Selling, moving out of, or simply decluttering a whole house can be a messy process. Whole house clean out services cover the removal of furniture, clothing that has been left behind, taking out kitchen appliances and dinnerware, a basement clean out and/or attic. Call MCC Cleaning Glenwood. Free estimates! House Clean out Glenwood Garage Clean out Office Cleanout Storage Cleanout Basement Clean out near Glenwood IA.
Whole House Clean Out Services
We make Glenwood Estate Cleanouts easy! Let our experienced, professional staff take care of emptying and recycling any home or apartment items left behind in preparation of resale.  We understand this is a sensitive time often triggered by a death in the family and our compassionate team is here to help and advise in any way we can.  Call us, message us, or schedule an appointment to discuss a plan.
Save yourself time, headache, and muscle strain! Our friendly, punctual crew will carefully navigate even the largest furniture safely out of the home and dispose of it properly. We come equipped to break-down or deconstruct items too large to move or fit through existing doors and stairways.  Attics and basements of any size are no problem for us.
We remove all types of household items junk in Glenwood.  Almost anything found in a household we have a solution for.  If necessary we will help with bagging and sorting of loose, small items, while taking care not to dispose of anything valuable to our client.
A major advantage we have over the competing franchises is our low turn-over, experienced staff. When you hire MCC Cleaning Glenwood you will feel comfortable with the team you allow in the home. We are locally owned and managed.
We care about the environment!  We are absolutely OBSESSED with donating and re-purposing as many item as possible. Every truck load is meticulously sorted. Items that cannot be recycled or re-purposed are divided by material type (glass, metal, wood etc) and disposed of responsibly.
We can provide Certificate of Insurance upon request which is a common requirement for many Glenwood buildings.
Whether you have a single item or a home full, we are the local Junk Removal experts to contact in Glenwood! Call us for a free estimate or use our online booking tool.
Our junk removal service area encompasses all Glenwood!
Selling, moving out of, or simply decluttering a whole house can be a messy process in Albuquerque. Glenwood Whole house clean out services cover the removal of furniture, clothing that has been left behind, taking out kitchen appliances and dinnerware, a basement clean out and/or attic, plus a garage if needed. These services, depending upon the state of the house, can be provided by anywhere from a pair of workers up to a team of six, seven or eight workers. Servicers break into teams and each of these groups works in unison to clean out sections of the house.
Oftentimes an Glenwood whole house clean out service begins with the removal of loose items. Servicers do this so that they do not need to worry about stepping upon these items as they move through the house. This also enables the servicers to carry the larger items with greater ease, for they will have been emptied and weigh less. If a clean out servicer determines some piece of furniture or item has value, they may attempt to resell it, which should cut into the pricing of the job.
In order to prepare for a whole house clean out service near Glenwood, you must determine what will be left behind, and what will be taken. The more precisely and definitely these decisions are made, the more efficient your provider of the whole house clean out service will be. This is not to say that you cannot change your mind about items, on the contrary, most providers will accommodate your shifting feelings (after all, a whole house is bound to have some sentimental articles). If you are looking to sell a house that is full of somebody else`s belongings, then this aspect of the Glenwood whole house clean out servicing is that much easier.
The knowledge gained from experiencing several whole house clean outs is something which you may not notice, but will most assuredly appreciate. While an inexperienced team puts your valuables and property at risk of damage, the skilled, experienced team understands the value of taking care of these things.
Glenwood Cleanouts are a big part of what the MCC Cleaning Glenwood Junk Removal Crew offer our customers in Glenwood. From cleaning out dusty old attics full of clutter to clearing out dark and dirty crawl spaces, the MCC Cleaning Glenwood get the job done!
Cleaning out an entire space in your home or office can cause major headaches and is an all-around hassle. First, you have to work your fannie off to clear everything out, stack the trash and sweep the floors. Then, when it’s all said and done, you are left with a big pile of junk, which will ultimately need to be removed!
 Save your time and energy by calling the MCC Cleaning Glenwood Junk Removal Crew from the start of your Glenwood clean out project. We’ll make your life and your clean out much easier and stress-free for you and your family/business. It’s another perk of our customer service guarantee!
Don’t waste anymore time. Give MCC Cleaning Glenwood a call today and get your free estimate for your Glenwood property cleanout asap!
Complete Property Junk Removal
MCC Cleaning Glenwood will personally visit your commercial or residential property & provide a FREE Estimate.
Once a price is agreed upon, we’ll haul your junk and clean out the space then and there. When possible we always recycle & donate every possible item.
Related Services
·         Property Management Glenwood
·         Home Junk Removal Glenwood
·         Commercial Junk Removal Glenwood
·         General Services Glenwood
·         Cleanout Services Glenwood
What We Haul
Don’t worry about lifting a finger! The MCC Cleaning Glenwood Junk Removal Crew will take care of all the lifting, loading, cleaning and hauling. All we want our customers to do is sit back, relax and watch as the junk disappears.
·         Apartment Cleanouts Glenwood
·         Attic Cleanouts Glenwood
·         Basement Cleaning Service Glenwood
·         Construction Site Clean-Up Glenwood
·         Crawl Space Cleanout Glenwood
·         Foreclosure Cleanouts Glenwood
·         Garage Cleaning Service Glenwood
·         Office Cleanouts Glenwood
·         Storage Unit Cleanouts Glenwood
Removal Process
How it Works
FILTERING – We filter through all the junk you have in order to find what can be donated & recycled.
LOADING – We do all the heavy lifting & loading of your items from wherever they are.
JUNK REMOVAL – We take all the junk with no recyclable/donation potential to the landfills.
ECO-DISPOSAL – We take all items that we’ve saved & drop them off at local recycling & donations centers in the community.
·         Home Junk Removal Glenwood
·         Residential Removal & Recycling Services Glenwood
·         Appliance Removal & Recycling Glenwood
·         Garage Cleaning Service Glenwood
·         Furniture Removal & Recycling Glenwood
·         Hot Tub Removal & Recycling Glenwood
·         Yard Debris Removal & Recycling Glenwood
·         Commercial Junk Removal Glenwood
·         Commercial Removal & Recycling Services Glenwood
·         Computer Removal & Recycling Glenwood
·         Property Management Junk Removal Glenwood
·         Office Appliance Removal Glenwood
·         Office Furniture Removal Glenwood
·         Apartment Clean Outs Glenwood
·         Full Property Clean Outs Glenwood
·         Full Property Cleaning & Removal Services Glenwood
·         Attic Clean Outs Glenwood
·         Basement Clean Outs Glenwood
·         Construction Site Clean Up Glenwood
·         Foreclosure Clean Outs Glenwood
·         Storage Unit Clean Outs Glenwood
 Omaha`s favorite commercial and residential cleaning company!
 CALL (402) 810 6320 CLEANING - 1 http://www.greencleaningomaha.com/
 CALL (402) 575 9272 CLEANING – 2 http://www.maidserviceomaha.com/
 CALL (402) 875 7274 CLEANING – 3 http://www.lincolnhouseholdservices.com/
 CALL (402) 881 3135 CLEANING LINCOLN http://www.servicelincoln.com/
 CALL (402) 401 7562 HANDYMAN 1 http://www.omahahouseholdservices.com/
 CALL (402) 614 0895 HANDYMAN 2 http://www.handymanomahane.com/
 CALL (402) 590 8092 JUNK REMOVAL http://www.omahajunkdisposal.com/
 CALL (402) 486 3717 MOVING http://www.moversinomaha.com/
 Monday to Sunday 5 am – 11 pm
 Omaha NE | Council Bluffs IA | Lincoln NE
 WEB: www.greencleaningomaha.com
 Downtown Omaha, Central Omaha, Southwest Omaha and Sarpy County Nebraska, including the communities of Bellevue, Blair, Bennington, Valley, Ashland, Carter Lake, Fort Calhoun, Gretna, LaVista, Millard, Omaha, Papillion, Plattsmouth, Ralston, Springfield Nebraska and Waterloo, NE, Lincoln Nebraska, Hickman NE, Milford NE, Seward NE, Waverly NE, Crete NE  and Council Bluffs, Iowa. Zip codes: 68007, 68010, 68022, 68102, 68104, 68105, 68106, 68107, 68108, 68110, 68111, 68112, 68114, 68116, 68117, 68118, 68122, 68124, 68127, 68130, 68131, 68132, 68134, 68135, 68137, 68142, 68144, 68147, 68152, 68154, 68157, 68164, 68178, 51501, 51502, 51503, 61503, 68501, 68502, 68503, 68504, 68505, 68506, 68507, 68508, 68509, 68510, 68512, 68514, 68516, 68520, 68521, 68522, 68523, 68524, 68526, 68527, 68528, 68529, 68531, 68542, 68544, 68583, 68588
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lincolnservices · 5 years
Housekeeping Services and Cost Omaha Lincoln NE - Council Bluffs IA | Lincoln Household Services
Looking for housekeeping services near Omaha Lincoln NE - Council Bluffs IA? Lincoln Household Services is industry leader in providing you with top Housekeeping Services and maids service in Omaha Lincoln Nebraska Council Bluffs Iowa. Free estimates! Call today or schedule online easily! Offering professional house cleaning services in Omaha Lincoln NE - Council Bluffs IA. We offer outstanding customer care and timely service to our community.
  Whether you are looking for a one-time housekeeping service, a regular service such as daily, weekly, bi monthly, or monthly, we want to help you and make sure your cleaning is as convenient for you as possible.
 The teams and companies we work with must go through a rigorous review to make sure we can call them our certified partners. We make their, and your life simpler by offering only the best possible customer service, and reduced Lincoln Household Services from strategic marketing strategies. Smart, simple, and easy.
 Considerate Residential Cleaning Services in Omaha Lincoln NE - Council Bluffs IA from Lincoln Household Services
 There is only so much that cleaning products and general Housekeeping can do to keep your home clean and sanitary. To superbly clean a home, one must have a genuine concern for the quality of life and well-being of the occupants. Extra Time combines a sincere desire to help others with a talented staff and innovative cleaning products and techniques to provide homeowners in Omaha Lincoln NE - Council Bluffs IA and surrounding areas, with Apartment cleaning services that are exceptional in every way
 Looking for reliable Housekeeping Services in Lincoln Omaha Council Bluffs Lincoln Household Services is a dependable cleaning service provider in the area of Omaha Lincoln NE - Council Bluffs IA for over 12 years. As a family owned and operated company, we offer a wide arrange of services such as Housekeeping Services, commercial cleaning, house cleaning, carpet cleaning, move in/out cleaning, handyman services and more. We proudly serve the Lincoln Omaha Council Bluffs areas here in NEBRASKA.
 Your home or building needs to look at its best the whole time. For that, you should always consider the touch a professional Housekeeping Services Lincoln Omaha Council Bluffs company. To ensure that your home is perfectly maintained, we ensure that our Housekeeping Services practices meet the highest quality standards and your expectations are exceeded. Whether you are in need of our services weekly or just one-time, we get the job done with a 200% satisfaction guarantee.
 We are committed to providing you with the very best Housekeeping Services in the Lincoln Omaha Council Bluffs area. However, we understand that occasionally mistakes can be made, stuff can be missed, and sometimes things don't go exactly as planned. That's why we are happy to offer a 200% Satisfaction Guarantee with each and every cleaning. Just let us know within 24 hours and we'll either come back and fix things, free of charge, or give you a discount off your next cleaning service.
Lincoln Household Services
Best Property Services Omaha Lincoln NE!
CALL (402) 875 7274 CLEANING: http://www.lincolnhouseholdservices.com/
CALL (402) 881 3135 JANITORIAL SERVICES: http://www.servicelincoln.com/
CALL (402) 575 9272 CLEANING OMAHA: http://www.maidserviceomaha.com/
CALL (402) 810 6320 CLEANING OMAHA: http://www.greencleaningomaha.com/
CALL (402) 590-8095 MOVING: http://www.moverslincolne.com/
CALL (402) 590-8090 JUNK REMOVAL: http://www.lnkjunkremoval.com
CALL (402) 875-7305 HANDYMAN: http://www.handymanlincolne.com/
Lincoln NE | Omaha NE | Council Bluffs IA
Open Monday to Sunday
5:00 am to 11:30 pm
WEBSITE: www.lincolnhouseholdservices.com
·         House Cleaning
·         Office Cleaning
·         Janitorial Services
·         Commercial Cleaning
·         Post Construction Cleaning
·         Final Cleaning
·         Move in Cleaning
·         Move Out Deep Cleaning
·         Make Ready Services
·         Housekeeping
·         Maid Service
·         Junk Removal
·         Furniture Removal
·         Appliance Removal
·         Handyman Services
·         Home Repair
·         Building Maintenance
·         Installations
·         Assembly Services
·         Renovations
·         Remodeling
 Lincoln Nebraska Metro Area: Bennet NE, Firth NE, Hallam NE, Hickman NE, Lancaster County, Lincoln Nebraska, Malcolm NE, Milford NE, Panama NE, Seward County, Seward NE, Staplehurst NE, Utica NE, Walton NE, WAVERLY NE, Lincoln NE | Omaha NE | Lancaster County NE | Seward County NE | Milford NE | 68501, 68510, 68512, 68514, 68516, 68517, 68520, 68524, 68526, 68529, 68531, 68532, 68542, 68544, 68583, 68588.
 Communities we serve: Omaha, Carter Lake, Council Bluffs, Crescent, Bellevue, Boys Town, La Vista, Papillion, Honey Creek, Offutt A F B, Bennington, Fort Calhoun, Washington, Elkhorn, St Columbans, Underwood, Kennard, Mc Clelland, Mineola, Waterloo, Springfield, Missouri Valley, Treynor, Cedar Creek, Gretna, Blair, Valley, Neola, Pacific Junction, Plattsmouth, Silver City, Glenwood, Louisville, Yutan, Arlington, Minden, Modale, South Bend, Logan, Murray, Ashland, Mead, Persia, Memphis, Manley, Magnolia, Macedonia, Malvern, Fremont, Carson, Oakland, Herman, Murdock, Nickerson, Shelby, Weeping Water, Hastings, Mondamin, Henderson, Ithaca, Hancock, Nehawka, Tabor, Union, Greenwood, Thurman, Portsmouth, Woodbine, Colon, Wahoo, Avoca, Emerson, Winslow, Avoca, Elmwood, Little Sioux, Cedar Bluffs, Pisgah, Tekamah, Alvo, Randolph, Ames, Hooper, Panama, Craig, Waverly, Ceresco, Percival, Otoe, Imogene, Malmo, Sidney, Uehling, Walnut, Harlan, Westphalia, Eagle, Lincoln, Dunlap, Moorhead, Red Oak, Morse Bluff, Weston, Griswold, Blencoe, Earling, Davey, Dunbar, Nebraska City, North Bend, Unadilla, Elliott, Lewis, Prague, Syracuse, Marne, Scribner, Oakland, Palmyra, Pilot Grove, Walton, Riverton, Farragut, Shenandoah, Valparaiso, Lorton, Essex, Soldier, Hamburg, Defiance, Kirkman, Raymond, Dow City, Stanton, Atlantic, Decatur, Bennet, Elk Horn, Snyder, Lyons, Kimballton, Irwin, Arion, Malcolm, West Point, Panama, Roca, Dodge, Manilla, Yorktown, Northboro, Coin, Hickman, Denton, Bancroft, Aspinwall, Sprague, Clarinda, Martell, Blanchard, Manning, Beemer, College Springs, Shambaugh, Braddyville, 50022, 51432, 51446, 51447, 51454, 51455, 51501, 51502, 51503, 51510, 51520, 51521, 51523, 51525, 51526, 51527, 51528, 51529, 51530, 51531, 51532, 51533, 51534, 51535, 51536, 51537, 51540, 51541, 51542, 51543, 51544, 51545, 51546, 51548, 51549, 51550, 51551, 51552, 51553, 51554, 51555, 51556, 51557, 51558, 51559, 51560, 51561, 51562, 51563, 51564, 51565, 51566, 51570, 51571, 51572, 51573, 51575, 51576, 51577, 51578, 51579, 51591, 51593, 51601, 51602, 51603, 51630, 51631, 51632, 51636, 51637, 51638, 51639, 51640, 51645, 51647, 51648, 51649, 51650, 51651, 51652, 51653, 51654, 51656, 52648, 68002, 68003, 68004, 68005, 68007, 68008, 68009, 68010, 68015, 68016, 68017, 68018, 68019, 68020, 68022, 68023, 68025, 68026, 68028, 68029, 68031, 68033, 68034, 68037, 68038, 68040, 68041, 68042, 68044, 68045, 68046, 68048, 68050, 68056, 68057, 68058, 68059, 68061, 68063, 68064, 68065, 68066, 68068, 68069, 68070, 68072, 68073, 68101, 68102, 68103, 68104, 68105, 68106, 68107, 68108, 68109, 68110, 68111, 68112, 68113, 68114, 68116, 68117, 68118, 68119, 68120, 68122, 68123, 68124, 68127, 68128, 68130, 68131, 68132, 68133, 68134, 68135, 68136, 68137, 68138, 68139, 68142, 68144, 68145, 68147, 68152, 68154, 68155, 68157, 68164, 68172, 68175, 68176, 68178, 68179, 68180, 68181, 68182, 68183, 68197, 68198, 68304, 68307, 68317, 68336, 68339, 68346, 68347, 68349, 68366, 68372, 68382, 68402, 68403, 68404, 68407, 68409, 68410, 68413, 68417, 68418, 68419, 68428, 68430, 68438, 68446, 68454, 68455, 68461, 68462, 68463, 68501, 68502, 68503, 68504, 68505, 68506, 68507, 68508, 68509, 68510, 68512, 68514, 68516, 68517, 68520, 68521, 68522, 68523, 68524, 68526, 68527, 68528, 68529, 68531, 68532, 68542, 68583, 68588, 68621, 68633, 68648, 68649, 68664, 68716, 68788
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Housekeeping Services and Cost Omaha Lincoln NE Council Bluffs IA Price Cleaning Services Omaha 402 575 9272 More information is at: http://www.maidserviceomaha.com/ Looking for housekeeping services near Omaha Lincoln NE - Council Bluffs IA? Price Cleaning Services Omaha  is industry leader in providing you with top Housekeeping Services and maids service in Omaha Lincoln NE - Council Bluffs IA. Free estimates! Call today or schedule online easily! Offering professional house cleaning services in Omaha Lincoln NE - Council Bluffs IA. We offer outstanding customer care and timely service to our community. REQUEST A QUOTE NOW! HOUSEKEEPING SERVICES Whether you are looking for a one-time housekeeping service, a regular service such as daily, weekly, bi monthly, or monthly, we want to help you and make sure your cleaning is as convenient for you as possible. The teams and companies we work with must go through a rigorous review to make sure we can call them our certified partners. We make their, and your life simpler by offering only the best possible customer service, and reduced Price Cleaning Services Omaha from strategic marketing strategies. Smart, simple, and easy. Considerate Residential Cleaning Services in Omaha Lincoln NE - Council Bluffs IA from Price Cleaning Services Omaha There is only so much that cleaning products and general Housekeeping can do to keep your home clean and sanitary. To superbly clean a home, one must have a genuine concern for the quality of life and well-being of the occupants. Extra Time combines a sincere desire to help others with a talented staff and innovative cleaning products and techniques to provide homeowners in Omaha Lincoln NE - Council Bluffs IA and surrounding areas, with Apartment cleaning services that are exceptional in every way PROFESSIONAL HOUSEKEEPING SERVICES IN OMAHA Looking for reliable Housekeeping Services in Omaha Price Cleaning Services Omaha is a dependable cleaning service provider in the area of Omaha Lincoln NE - Council Bluffs IA for over 12 years. As a family owned and operated company, we offer a wide arrange of services such as Housekeeping Services, commercial cleaning, house cleaning, carpet cleaning, move in/out cleaning, handyman services and more. We proudly serve the Omaha areas here in NEBRASKA. Your home or building needs to look at its best the whole time. For that, you should always consider the touch a professional Housekeeping Services Omaha company. To ensure that your home is perfectly maintained, we ensure that our Housekeeping Services practices meet the highest quality standards and your expectations are exceeded. Whether you are in need of our services weekly or just one-time, we get the job done with a 200% satisfaction guarantee. We are committed to providing you with the very best Housekeeping Services in the Omaha area. However, we understand that occasionally mistakes can be made, stuff can be missed, and sometimes things don't go exactly as planned. That's why we are happy to offer a 200% Satisfaction Guarantee with each and every cleaning. Just let us know within 24 hours and we'll either come back and fix things, free of charge, or give you a discount off your next cleaning service. BEST HOUSEKEEPING COMPANY IN OMAHA LINCOLN NE - COUNCIL BLUFFS IA PRICE CLEANING SERVICES OMAHA REQUEST MORE INFORMATION. CLICK HERE http://www.maidserviceomaha.com/ CONTACT US: PRICE CLEANING SERVICES OMAHA Best cleaning services in Nebraska CALL (402) 575-9272 CLEANING 1: http://www.maidserviceomaha.com/ CALL (402) 810-6320 CLEANING 2: http://www.greencleaningomaha.com/ CALL (402) 881-3135 CLEANING 3: http://www.servicelincoln.com/ CALL (402) 875-7274 CLEANING 4: http://www.lincolnhouseholdservices.com/ CALL (402) 486-3717 MOVING, http://www.moversinomaha.com/ CALL (402) 590-8092 JUNK REMOVAL 1, http://www.omahajunkdisposal.com/ CALL (402) 810-6325 JUNK REMOVAL 2: http://www.junkremovalomahane.com/ CALL (402) 614-0895 HANDYMAN, http://www.handymanomahane.com/ CALL (402) 401-7562 MAINTENANCE, http://www.omahahouseholdservices.com/ Price Cleaning Services Omaha Omaha NE | Lincoln NE | Council Bluff IA Best Cleaning Company in Omaha Nebraska Council Bluffs Iowa! Commercial & Residential Cleaning & Carpet Cleaning HOURS: Monday – Sunday 6:00 AM – 11:00 PM WEB    :  www.maidserviceomaha.com http://www.maidserviceomaha.com/ SERVICE AREA | PRICE CLEANING SERVICES OMAHA Downtown Omaha, Central Omaha, Southwest Omaha and Sarpy County, including the communities of Bellevue, Blair, Carter Lake, Elkhorn, Fort Calhoun, Gretna, La Vista, Millard, Omaha, Papillion, Ralston, Springfield and Waterloo, NE, Lincoln, NE and Council Bluffs, IA. Zip codes: 68007, 68010, 68022, 68102, 68104, 68105, 68106, 68107, 68108, 68110, 68111, 68112, 68114, 68116, 68117, 68118, 68122, 68124, 68127, 68130, 68131, 68132, 68134, 68135, 68137, 68142, 68144, 68147, 68152, 68154, 68157, 68164, 68178.
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