#Apollo solar roofing system
eco-smart · 2 years
3 Best Solar Energy Solutions For Your Home
You see, there are many reasons why you should switch over to solar energy solutions. And among them is the federal investment tax credit, which makes you eligible to offset 30 percent of your total solar investment.
That means you can have tax savings of up to 30 percent of the amount of the solar systems you purchase.
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xtruss · 2 years
National Geographic Reveals Its 2022 Pictures of the Year
— December 02, 2022 | Jaron Schneider
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National Geographic has published its 2022 Pictures of the Year. The headline story of its December issue, these selections are the result of reviewing more than two million photos that were captured in the field this year.
The photos are a selection of images captured by National Geographic photographers from around the world. The publication says that they offer breathtaking glimpses of a shared human journey and serve to remind viewers of the unique elements of the planet.
“From the discovery of the shipwreck Endurance and the impact of climate change on endangered species to the first summit of Mount Everest by an all-Black team of explorers as well as emotional and striking shots of Ukrainian refugees standing in solidarity, National Geographic captures it all in Pictures of the Year 2022,” the publication writes.
This past year, 132 photographers were sent on assignments to 60 countries and National Geographic says they shipped a total of 4,000 pounds of gear into the field. Together, these photographers filed an astounding 2,238,899 images from 120-degree temperatures in Pakistan’s Sindh and Balochistan provinces to days reaching 49 degrees below zero in Canada’s Northwest Territories. National Geographic says that in the process, nearly every continent was covered, resulting in “a robust and diverse look at life across the globe.”
Below are just a few of the images PetaPixel selected from the full list of photos that are featured both in National Geographic’s December print edition and on its website. Many of them may be new to viewers while some might be familiar, such as the photo of Native American Quannah Rose Chasinghorse or the day-to-night photo of the Grand Canyon thanks to lengthy features on each that PetaPixel featured earlier this year.
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Istanbul-based photographer Rena Effendi traveled to Armenia and Azerbaijan in search of Satyrus effendi, a rare and endemic butterfly named after her father, the late Soviet Azerbaijani entomologist Rustam Effendi. While Effendi hasn’t yet spotted the butterfly in the wild, she did photograph a preserved one in the specimen-packed cabin of her father’s protégé Parkev Kazarian, a taxidermist in the mountainous town of Gyumri, Armenia. “I loved that it was still beautiful, even dead,” she says. | Photo by Rena Effendi/National Geographic
A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket, launched from Cape Canaveral in the early hours of June 19, streaks above a stand of bald cypress trees. This was the second time in less than a year that a SpaceX rocket unexpectedly made its way into photographer Mac Stone’s frame while he was shooting at night in a remote swamp. Stone says that the increased frequency of launches without fanfare “suggests that we have crossed over into a new era where cosmic missions are simply business as usual.” | Photo by Mac Stone
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Draped in morning mist, NASA’s Space Launch System (SLS) looms over Kennedy Space Center’s Launch Complex 39B in March as the rocket awaits testing. The 322-foot- tall vehicle is the linchpin of NASA’s Artemis program, a stepping stone to Mars that also aims to land the first woman and the first person of color on the moon. With two boosters and four main engines, SLS can fling
a crew capsule moon- ward with 8.8 million pounds of thrust—15 percent more oomph than the Apollo program’s Saturn V rocket. Each SLS will be used only once. After this rocket’s launch during an uncrewed test flight planned for this year, its pieces are expected to either fall into the ocean or enter orbit around the sun. | Photo by Dan Winters/National Geographic
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A small refinery on the roof of a laboratory at ETH Zurich pulls carbon dioxide and water directly from the air and feeds them into a reactor that concentrates solar radiation, generating extreme heat. That splits the molecules, creating a mixture that ultimately can be processed into kerosene or methanol. Researchers hope this system eventually can produce market-ready, carbon-neutral jet fuel. One Swiss airline has already announced plans to use the fuel. | Photo by Davide Monteleone/National Geographic
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Visitors ascend the spiraling 150-foot- high boardwalk in the yellowing autumn at Denmark’s Camp Adventure to gain a new perspective on the forest southwest of Copenhagen—and, perhaps, on life itself. “Forest bathing,” among the woods’ most powerful and least tangible benefits, has been shown to reduce stress, improving mental and physical well-being.| Photo by Orsolya Haarberg/National Geographic
Around Vostok and other southern Line Islands, in the remote central Pacific, abundant small reef fish support a thriving population of top predators. Here a gray reef shark swims over Montipora corals in a sea of fusilier damselfish and Bartlett’s anthias. Enric Sala, a National Geographic Explorer in Residence, visited the area in 2009 for his Pristine Seas project, which conducted the first scientific surveys of marine life around the islands and recommended protection. Now the sea around the islands is a reserve, which may have helped it recover from a dramatic coral die-off in the wake of a 2015-16
El Niño warming event. On this more recent trip, Sala captured the reefs restored to their former glory. | Photo by Enric Sala/National Geographic
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Wearing a protective suit, Armando Salazar steps carefully across sizzling rock, carrying a chunk of glowing lava on a pitchfork. It’s just another day on the job for Salazar, a member of the Spanish military, as he helped scientists collect samples during a 2021 eruption at La Palma’s Cumbre Vieja volcanic ridge. Scientists and others also ventured across fresh flows to monitor gases, record earthquakes, and more, hoping to better understand the event, which lasted for almost 86 days. Their findings can help them determine Cumbre Vieja’s potential for future blasts. | Photo by Arturo Rodriguez
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With its Artemis I mission, NASA is kicking off an ambitious plan to return humans to the moon. For the scheduled launch, this uncrewed trip’s commander would be the “moonikin” Campos, named after a NASA engineer who helped save the lives of the Apollo 13 crew. During a trip around the moon slated to last more than a month, Campos is sitting in for crew in the Orion capsule. Sensors in Campos’s headrest and behind its seat track vibration and acceleration, expected to reach four times that of Earth’s gravity. Campos wears radiation sensors and the survival suit that future missions’ flesh-and-blood passengers will use during launch, reentry, and other critical moments. NASA hopes a crew of four will make the next trek aboard Orion as early as May 2024, as part of Artemis II. | Photo by Dan Winters/National Geographic
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Vitale showcased these six- month-old cubs snacking and playing as part of her long-term focus on giant panda conservation. | Photo by Ami Vitale/National Geographic
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Quannah Rose Chasinghorse uses her visibility to advocate for concerns of Indigenous peoples. “We are still here,” the model and activist says, but “our voices, experiences, stories, cultures, and traditions aren’t recognized the way they should be. We carry so much knowledge, strength, and power, not just trauma and pain. And we are so much more than those harmful stereotypes.” Chasinghorse is Hän Gwich’in and Sičangu/Oglala Lakota, but was born on Diné (Navajo) land in Arizona. Here, she stands in Tse’Bii’Ndzisgaii (Monument Valley), a park the Diné administer. | Photo by Kiliii Yuyan/National Geographic
National Geographic shared a few interesting statistics regarding the Pictures of the Year:
The photos in the issue are the top 118 photos from the field. This includes 44 photographers who completed their first National Geographic assignment and the 4000 pounds of gear that Nat Geo staff photo engineer Tom O’Brien shipped into the field
29,032 feet of elevation was attained by Photographer Evan Green as part of the first all-Black team to summit Everest
9,869 feet in depth of the Endurance shipwreck, whose discovery was documented by Photographer Esther Horvath
9 Remote cameras were used by photographer Dan Winters, who had them pointed at Artemis I on Sept. 27 – until its launch was halted as Hurricane Ian formed
4 types of transport, including a powered paraglider that photographer Ben Depp used to document Louisiana’s coast
1 Tripod taken by a hyena when Jen Guyton was photographing hyenas in Kenya
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Along with these photos, National Geographic has also launched its first photo contest in years to support the issue. From now until the end of December, the publication is inviting people to submit their favorite picture for a chance to be included in National Geographic Magazine, as well as get featured on Nat Geo’s Your Shot Instagram page. The details of the contest can be found on natgeopicturesoftheyearcontest.com/. Full coverage of National Geographic’s Pictures of the Year can also be found on natgeo.com/photos.
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spacenutspod · 2 months
Craters are a familiar sight on the lunar surface and indeed on many of the rocky planets in the Solar System. There are other circular features that are picked up on images from orbiters but these pits are thought to be the collapsed roofs of lava tubes. A team of researchers have mapped one of these tubes using radar reflection and created the first 3D map of the tube’s entrance. Places like these could make ideal places to setup research stations, protected from the harsh environment of an alien world.  Lava tubes have been hotly debated for the last 50 years. They are the result of ancient volcanic activity and develop when the surface of a lava flow cools and hardens. Below this, the molten lava continues to move and eventually drains away leaving behind a hollow tunnel. Exploring these tunnels can mean we can learn more about the geological history of the Moon from the preserved records in the rocks.  The lava tubes have been the subject of analysis by NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) which began its journey in 2009. It’s purpose was to gather information about the Moon’s surface and environment and to that end has a plethora of scientific equipment. LRO has been mapping the lunar surface using high resolution imagery capturing temperature, radiation levels and water ice deposits. All with a view to identifying potential landing sites for future missions. Artist’s rendering of Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) in orbit. Credit: ASU/LROC A team of scientists from around the world have been working together to make a breakthrough in the quest to understand these tubes. The research was led by the University of Trento in Italy and the results published in Nature Astronomy. They have identified the first, confirmed tunnel just under the surface of the Moon that seems to be an empty lava tube. Until now, their existence was just a theory, now they are a reality.  The discovery would not have been possible without the LRO and its Miniature Radio-Frequency instrument. In 2010 it surveyed Mare Tranquilitatis – location for Apollo 11’s historic lunar landing in 1969 – capturing data which included the region around a pit. As part of this new research the data was reanalysed with modern complex signal processing techniques. The analysis revealed previously unidentified radar reflections that can best be explained by an underground cave or tunnel. Excitingly perhaps is that this represents an underground tunnel on the surface of the Moon but it is an accessible tunnel too. Buzz Aldrin Gazes at Tranquility Base during the Apollo 11 moonwalk in an image taken by Neil Armstrong. Credit: NASA The discovery highlights the importance of continued analysis of historical data, even from decades ago for hidden information that modern techniques can reveal. It also highlights the importance of further remote sensing and lunar exploration from orbit to identify more lava tubes as potential safe havens for lunar explorers.  Travellers to the Moon can experience temperatures on the illuminated side of 127 degrees down to -173 degrees on the night time side. Radiation from the Sun can rocket – pardon the pun – to 150 times more powerful than here on Earth and that’s not even considering the threat of meteorite impacts. We are protected from thousands of tonnes of the stuff thanks to the atmosphere but there is no protective shield on the Moon. If we build structures on the surface of the Moon then they must be built to withstand such a hostile environment but look to lava tubes and many of the problems naturally go away making it a far safer and cheaper prospect to establish a lunar presence.  Source : Existence of lunar lava tube cave demonstrated The post The Entrance of a Lunar Lava Tube Mapped from Space appeared first on Universe Today.
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ltwilliammowett · 4 years
Antikythera Wreck
The shipwreck was accidentally discovered in October 1900 by a group of sponge divers who were trying to escape a storm and decided to make a stopover on the island of Antikythera. During their stay on the island they decided to take advantage of this and dived into the sea to find sponges. However, they discovered something much more significant than that. Together with the Greek Ministry of Education and the Royal Navy, they started the excavations.
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The Sponge divers and the first excavation 1900
Later, the world-famous Cousteau continued their work by carrying out excavations in 1976. Then, the Greek archaeologists, in collaboration with foreign archaeological institutes, decided to take over the underwater excavation and finish the work of their predecessors. The excavations continue to this day, and recent investigations have revealed another skeleton and new artifacts.
The ship
The ship was made of oak and elm wood. The planks were joined together with bronze nails and partly coated with lead sheet. Peter Throckmorton, who was the first to examine the parts of the ship, determined a length of about 30 m, a width of about 10 m and a capacity of about 300 tons. Since crucial parts of the ship such as the bow, stern and decks have not been preserved, only limited conclusions can be drawn about its construction. The preserved planks are remarkably thick, so the ship was built very stable. A lot of roof tiles were found in the wreck, which probably belonged to the ship and covered part of the deck. A lead pipe is interpreted as part of a drainage system.
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Reconstruction drawing and aa original plank (Drawing by Nektaria Roumelioti)
14C dating revealed that the trees from which the ship planks were made were felled around 220 BC (±40 years). If these results are correct, the ship must have been exceptionally old when it sank. Antique ships are normally expected to have a much shorter life span, as the wood showed too much damage after only a few decades.
The artifacts
The thing that made the wreck so incredible were the artefacts. Beside numerous ceramics, glass, household items, bones and metal pieces that are probably meant to be used for decorationon klinai, coins were also found that allowed a dating.
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Mosaic glass bowl and klinai decoration parts
In addition, some very well preserved Parian marble and bronze sculptures have been found. One of them is the so-called Ephebe a bronze from the 3rd quarter of the 4th century BC.
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Transport amphorai and coins of the 1st century BC
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The rear of a badly corroded statue of Apollo leaning on a tripod, c. 100 BC. And the Philosopher of Antikythera, 3rd century BC
The most impressive piece is the so-called mechanism of Antikythera. For a long time the research has been more complex than expected and the mechanism has been the subject of much debate.
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The Antikythera Ephebe, 4th century BC and the wrestling boy, 1st century BC
With the help of modern imaging techniques they managed to dive into the inside of the mechanism, which contained a series of gears and dials; far too many components for a simple calendar. Deciphering the function of the mechanism took many years and a lot of teamwork. Thanks to this intensive study, we now know that this construction is a highly complex mechanism.
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Three major parts of the mechanism, at all there are more the 86, 2nd century BC
It was able to show the position of the Sun, the Moon and most likely the five planets known in ancient times, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. It could display the phase of the moon and predict the dates of solar and lunar eclipses, possibly based on the Babylonian Saros cycle. At least two calendars were displayed on his screen: a Greek calendar based on the metonic cycle (also known as "Enneadecaeteris" from the ancient Greek "εννεαδεκαετηρίς", meaning "nineteen years"), and an Egyptian calendar. Based on the parts of the inscriptions that were not damaged by the centuries and therefore still legible, the mechanism also predicted and displayed the dates of the Panhellenic Games, which took place in Nemea, the Isthmus of Corinth, Delphi, Dodoni and Olympia.
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Reconstruction made by Tony Freeth, 2013
To understand this device even better, however, more is research needed.
The coins mainly dated around 70-60 B.C. and the so-called Easter Sigillata of fine ceramics from the period around 60-50 B.C. made it possible to limit the time of sinking in this period. If one takes all the dateable finds together, it is possible to say that the ship probably sank between 70 and 60 BC.
Based on the finds that were loaded, it can probably only be a merchant ship. And It was probably on its way to Italy. It sank off the east coast of Antikythera, so it was probably on its way in the eastern part of the Aegean. Discussed is the starting point of the journey. The cargo of goods from different regions of origin, spread over the whole southern and eastern Mediterranean area, speaks for a busy port like Delos or Ephesos, which were supra-regional transhipment points at this time.
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But the origin of the individual art treasures is questionable. In his study of the sculptures, Peter C. Bol came to the conclusion, through typological comparisons and investigations of the working technique, that they came from workshops on the island of Delos. He suspects that the sculptures were stolen from Delos when the island was destroyed in 88 or 69 BC. Another possible place of manufacture of the sculptures is Pergamon. Which would then argue for assuming Delos as the port of departure.
There is also a discussion about how the cargo got on the ship. The two main theses put forward are that the cargo was regular merchandise or looted goods or spoils of war. It has been suggested that it could have been Sullah's loot from Athens or the loot of pirates from Melos. The astrophysicist Xenophon Moussas of the University of Athens thinks it is possible that the ship was part of a convoy that brought loot from Rhodes to Rome for a triumphal procession planned by Julius Caesar.
Against this theory speaks, however, that some marble sculptures with the matching pedestal were found and thus were not removed from the pedestal. Therefore it can be assumed that these were legal commercial goods.
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alien-rainbow · 4 years
By Your Side Until My Death(9/?)
Chapter 9: The World We Made
Available on AO3
Princess Artemis, the eldest daughter of the kingdom of Olympus is to be married to her childhood nightmare. In a land where anything remotely magical is banned, Zoë fears for her and Ladon's life but knows that she could never leave the princess's side if she tried. Magical beings, a forbidden romance, family secrets, and safety for magic all wait beyond the kingdom's borders.
- 3rd person, will be completed eventually, teen, not completed, Zartemis
READ PLEASE. Okay, so there was a lot of background going on in this chapter.
Cohorts: These are like the cabins, there are 20 of them for the 20 cabins in the PJO series, I decided to use greek names and move some people around if they are Romans. The only time I used Roman names is if the greek counterpart was part of the royal family.
Praetors: Two people who are elected from any of the twenty cabins and are (presidential system) like the president.
Centurions: These are like the vice presidents, but there are a lot of them. They can make decisions but need the approval of both of the Praetors but if 75% of the Centurions want an action to be taken, they can go forward without Praetor's approval. But Chiron can put a stop to anything he believes is really bad but for the most part, he just guides and observes.
Normal People are just called campers and each Cohort has a cabin that corresponds with gods and their skills. If you want the full list of Cohorts/Cabins and their god/skills, look at the endnotes (There is more explanation in the chapter too)
Annabeth with the help of Will and commentary from Nico gave the girls a quick tour of the camp. The first stop was the big house where the leaders met to talk. The leaders consisted of one immortal, a centaur named Chiron, and a group of twenty centurions that represented the twenty different cohorts, and two elected praetors from any of the twenty centurions. The centurions were divided based on skill and dominant traits, and in some cases who you were born to.
Percy for example was one of the only members in cohort three, the cohort of water. People that lived in the cabin were closely related to Poseidon, the immortal of seas, or water nymphs, or were incredibly good when it came to any water activity.
Annabeth was a mortal who was incredibly good at changing any form of magic and was in Cohort 6, where the children of Minerva usually went. They were known for Strategic thinking and Leadership, Annabeth was the centurion. Nico is a child of Hades, the immortal Death, The Underground, and Darkness, and is the centurion of Cohort 13. His younger sister Hazle was the only other occupant of Cohort 13.
Will pointed to a solid gold cabin, which seemed to either reflect the sun or was glowing itself. Cohort 7 was for children born to Helios, the immortal of Day. Healing was another large part of Will's Cohort. Will told them that he was a few generations removed but was a descendent of Helios.
"So you have solar powers?" Athena asked after Will finished talking about his Cohort.
"I'm honestly a better healer but I can heal and control light," Will said smiling bright enough to rival the sun itself.
"He also glows," Nico said smirking at the puppy-eyed glare Will sent his way.
"That's not important," Will shoot back at the smaller boy.
"He's the best medic we have," Annabeth said trying to get the conversation back on topic. The two continued to quietly bicker but there was no real heat.
"So how long has Jason been here for?" Thalia asked out of the blue looking away from the two boys over to Annabeth.
"He's been here since he was a toddler, why?" Annabeth asked confused.
"His surname isn't by any chance Grace?" Thalia asked quickly. Nico stopped his conversation and turned to look intensely at Thalia. Artemis, just like Annabeth was confused by the woman's question. She knew that Thalia had a little brother who was said to have died in a wolf attack but besides that had no family that she cared about.
"Why do you want to know?" Nico said before Annabeth could answer.
"I don't see why you need to know?" Thalia said narrowing her eyes at the shorter boy. Before another fight could be started Annabeth jumped in to supply Thalia with her answer.
"Yes, his full name is Jason Grace," Annabeth said still looking confused but trying to stop an oncoming storm.
"Where is he now? Can I see him?" Thalia's voice was shrill and urgent.
"Probably at the arena sparring with Percy, and I guess so?" Will offered to take them while Nico stated that he would be coming with them. Reyna opted to go with Thalia saying that they would meet up later that night. With that, the four hurried off towards the arena.
"What was that about?" Annabeth asked after the group had disappeared from sight.
"I don't know..." Artemis said turning to Zoë who shrugged. Annabeth then continued on with the tour as if nothing had happened. She showed them the climbing wall which was cover in lava. The amphitheater where the campers met at night for a sing-along, campfire, and a variety of other things. The stables held more Asseros' and a few unmagical horses, and pegasi. They then walked past the cabins, each held one Cohort and a number of campers. They ended their trip by walking past the armory then heading to the arena.
They entered the opened roofed area to see Thalia and Jason stabbing at each other. Nico, Will, Percy, and the feather girl sat on the sides watching them spare. Thalia had her long golden spear out, her shield sat on one of the benches next to her brown leather bag. Jason on the other hand was fighting her with a golden gladius.
The three walked over to the group that was already sitting to watch the two dance around each other.
"What did we miss?" Artemis asked sitting down next to Reyna who turned to her with a sarcastic smile.
"Nothing much, except that Jason is Thalia's presumed dead little brother. And they are both the children of Jupiter, the immortal of the sky. But besides that, not much." Artemis and Zoë both gave out shocked reactions before turning to watch the two reunited siblings spar.
The match ended with Thalia disarming her brother and a golden spear pointed at his chest.
"I win," Thalia said grinning at her brother.
"My turn!" Percy yelled grabbing a bronze sword running up to the spot where Thalia had just stood.
"Water first," Jason said grabbing a cantine and drinking the water that poured from it. He then walked over to the blond positioning himself lower to the ground getting ready to go again.
"Bro... what if we had a homoerotic sword fight..." Percy said smiling like an idiot before striking, they exchanged a few blows before backing away giving the other time to think. "jk, jk," Percy said referring back to his earlier comment. The two exchanged a few more swings before Percy spook once again, "...Unless?" The ravenett struck once more causing Jason to get knocked to the floor.
"I am literally the straightest person here," Nico said shaking his head at the Percys comment.
"What do you mean by that?" Artemis asked. The elder princess was confused at their language, straight? homoerotic? And why no one else found it strange that the two boys were acting playfully romantic towards each other.
"By what?" Nico asked looking at her instead of the stone floor.  
"Straight?" Artemis asked her cheeks burning as the others looked at her like this was a ridiculous question.
"Straight is another word for someone who likes the opposite gender," Annabeth explained.
"Are you implying that males can love other males? And females other females?" Athena asked astonished at the information.
"While yea, there's nothing wrong with loving who you want to love," Will said softly. "I mean Nico's my boyfriend," He said smiling and gesturing to the boy next to him. A blush covered the pale boy's cheeks as he mumbled something about 'Significant annoyance.'
"Really?" Zoë and Reyna said simultaneously.
"Yea, and don't let anyone ever tell you differently," Nico said his eyes darkening "Because they are  wrong."
Artemis felt a weight lift from her that she never knew she was carrying. She had never been interested in being intimate with any male. The thought of marrying any man and having his children make Artemis sick. The news that this wasn't a bad thing, that she could love a  female, a girl!  It made her happier than she could say. Zoë, Reyna, and Thalia wore a similar expression. Athena just looked thoughtful and happily surprised.
Artemis turned to look at Zoë and smiled at the older girl, for some reason her aunt's words from the day before came back to her,  "So who is it? I also know the face of heartbreak, whether you know it or not. " Artemis remembered telling her aunt that she loved no one, only for her aunt to ask her if she was sure. Then before her aunt could say who she believed her heart belonged to, Hermes had interrupted. Artemis wished now more than anything that she had gotten to hear her aunt's last words before they fleed.
Cohort 1: (Jupiter) Sky and Justice [Jason] Cohort 2: (Juno) Family and Unity [OC] Cohort 3: (Posiden) Sea and Freespirt [Percy] Cohort 4: (Demeter) Earth and Stability [Katie] Cohort 5: (Mars) War and Physical strength [Clarisse] Cohort 6: (Minerva) Strategic thinking and Leadership [Annabeth] Cohort 7: (Helios) Day and Healing [Will] {Apollo is his name in both Romand and Greek, I did what I could} Cohort 8: (Diana) Moon and Independence [Bianca] Cohort 9: (Vulcan) Medal and Inventions [Leo] Cohort 10: (Venus) Munlipltiveness and Indisisviness [Piper] Cohort 11: (Mercury) Trickery and Stealth [Connor] Cohort 12: (Bacchus) Madness and Facetious [Pollux] Cohort 13: (Hades) Death, The Underground and Night [Nico] Cohort 14: (Iris) Messenger and Color [Butch] Cohort 15: (Hypnos) Dreams and Self-preservation [Clovis] Cohort 16: (Nemesis) Balance and Vengeance [OC] Cohort 17: (Nike) Pride and Victory [Holly and Laurel] {They refused to pick one} Cohort 18: (Hebe) Forgiveness and Childress [Paolo] Cohort 19: (Tyche) Good Luck and Balance [Chiara] Cohort 20: (Hecate) Magic and thoughtful [Lou Ellen]
Praetors: Frank and Hazle
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cosmicdatabase · 5 years
Mars is the next step for humanity – we must take it
Not the Red Planet but Utah, one of the more Mars-like areas on Earth. Ashley Dove-Jay, Author provided
Ashley Dove-Jay, University of Bristol
Elon Musk has built a US$12 billion company in an endeavour to pave the way to Mars for humanity. He insists that Mars is a “long-term insurance policy” for “the light of consciousness” in the face of climate change, extinction events, and our recklessness with technology.
On the other hand, astronaut Chris Hadfield is sceptical: “Humanity is not going extinct,” he told me. He added:
There’s no great compelling reason to go, apart from curiosity, and that’s not going to be enough to sustain the immense cost necessary with the technology that exists right now.
But I question our future, stuck here on Earth. Our environment is a highly balanced system and we are the destabilising element. Pursuing “green” initiatives is no long-term solution to the wall we’re hurtling towards, they’re speed bumps. If this is where humankind is destined to remain, then we shall find ourselves fighting over whatever is left of it.
Politically speaking, sending humans into space brings nations together – the International Space Station stood as the physical manifestation of the reunification of the USA and Russia and is now a platform for broader international co-operation.
Space exploration is also inspiring: during NASA’s Apollo programme to the Moon, the number of graduates in mathematics, engineering and the sciences in the US doubled. Igniting the imagination of that generation helped propel the US into the dominant position it’s held since the 1960s. What could a Mars programme do?
The Moon is not a stepping stone
Wouldn’t the Moon, so much nearer than Mars, be a better first step? Actually, no – it’s just too different. It’s better to test hardware and train people in analogs on Earth, such as the geologically similar high-altitude desert in Utah or the cold and dry Canadian Arctic desert. Why the European Space Agency has declared the Moon a stepping-stone to Mars is beyond me, as doing so increases the cost of a Mars programme hugely.
It takes about 50% more energy to put something on the surface of the Moon than it does on Mars. The Martian atmosphere can be used to slow down approaching spacecraft, instead of the need for extra fuel to slow the descent. It would also mean developing two different sets of landing techniques and hardware. There are reasons to go to the Moon, just not if your ultimate destination is Mars.
Even colonising the Moon is questionable: it simply hasn’t the resources to sustain an advanced colony. Mars has fertile soil, an abundance of water (as ice), a carbon-dioxide rich atmosphere and a 24-and-a-half hour day. The Moon’s soil is not fertile, water is as rare, it has no effective atmosphere, and a 708-hour day. It’s feasible to introduce biological life to Mars, but not the Moon.
T-shirts on Mars
With only a relatively small push, Mars could be returned to its former warm, wet, hospitable state. Raising the temperature at the south pole by a few degrees would see frozen CO2 in the soil begin to gasify. As a greenhouse gas, it would further raise the temperature, gasifying more CO2 in a self-sustained global-warming process.
Eventually, water frozen into the soil would liquefy, covering half of the planet. After about a century, Mars would settle down with an atmosphere about as dense as the lowland Himalayas and a climate suitable for T-shirts.
The terraforming of Mars, to a world not unlike ours. Daein Ballard, CC BY-SA
The technological hurdles
Hadfield warns that “we need to invent a lot of things” before going to Mars, and that “there’s no great advantage to being the early explorers who die”. Few would disagree with that, but what are the challenges a crewed mission to Mars faces?
Radiation: An astronaut would receive a lifetime allowable dose of radiation in a single 30-month round-trip, including 18 months on the surface. But this is only equivalent to increasing the lifetime cancer risk from about 20% to 23%. As the majority of this is received in transit between planets, with proper radiological protection on the ship, it would actually be (radiologically speaking) healthier for an astronaut to live on Mars with a radiation dose of 0.10 sieverts per year than to smoke on Earth at 0.16 sieverts per year.
There is no single practical solution to the radiation problem. One strategy I helped develop was to optimise the internal layout of the equipment and structures in the Mars habitat module to minimise exposure – placing existing bulk in all the right places. This reduced exposure by about 20%, without adding any mass. Even taking empty sandbags, packing them with Martian soil and putting them on the roof would be a simple and effective measure on Mars. Radiation is an issue to tackle, but it’s not a deal-breaker.
Power: “We need a compact energy source,” says Hadfield. “We cannot be relying on the tiny bit of solar power that happens to arrive at that location.”
While the solar energy reaching the surface of Mars is about half that on Earth, this isn’t a show-stopper. A quick back-of-the-envelope calculation shows that to power the equivalent of an average US household on Mars, even through dust storms, one would need an array of solar panels totalling six metres square – very achievable.
Mars receives between 500-700 Watts of solar energy per square meter in daylight. Mars One
Reduced gravity: The effects of microgravity on astronauts’ health have been studied for decades, and a range of techniques have been developed to mitigate the wasting effects on muscle and bone.
With Martian gravity around a third of that on Earth, it would take astronauts a couple of days to acclimatise, and perhaps a few months to fully adapt. NASA and ESA have been developing an under-suit that compresses the body to overcome the negative effects of a reduction in pressure and gravity.
Gravity Loading Countermeasure Skinsuit. NASA / ESA
However, biological adaption could be made easier if microgravity were avoided altogether. The spacecraft could be spun in-transit to generate an artificial gravity that slowly decayed, simulating a transition from Earth to Mars gravity (and vice versa) over the six-month journey.
Ultimately, until humans are actually living on other planets it’s unlikely we’ll solve or even recognise all the subtle long-term health problems associated with reduced gravity. And who’s to say what the advances in bio-engineering and technology will make the human body capable of when that time comes?
The social hurdles
Life on Mars: If there’s life on Mars, even if it’s microbial, should we be allowed to spread to the planet, potentially risking its extinction? I find this question strange – as Chris McKay put it: “We commit microbial genocide every time we wash our hands”. We engineer and farm the complex life around us as systematically and as cheaply as possible. Billions of people eat the carcasses of organisms that were thinking and breathing only days before. Why, all of a sudden, should Martian microbes be given such sanctity? It should certainly be studied, but it shouldn’t prevent our spreading.
Back contamination: Conversely, the question of whether some Martian plague might accidentally be introduced to Earth should be taken seriously – but not blown out of proportion. There’s only a remote chance that Martian life might be hazardous. The things that kill us do so because they’ve evolved in lock-step with us in a continual evolutionary arms race. Any Martian life will have evolved independently and is unlikely to be capable even of interacting with Earth life on a molecular level. As Robert Zubrin put it: “Trees don’t get colds and humans don’t get Dutch Elm Disease.”
Sunshine (2007) epitomises psychological difficulties and human fallibility in deep-space. Fox Searchlight Pictures
Psychology: Depending on relative orbits, sending a message between Earth and Mars can take between three and 22 minutes. This loss of real-time communication will leave astronauts feeling cut-off and alone. Hadfield says that it’s vital to keep up crew morale and motivation:
Once you get any distance away on any sort of voyage, the epic-ness disappears, the reality becomes the foreground, and the applause is long gone.
Cost: A crewed Mars programme would cost the equivalent of a few weeks of the US defence budget. The US plans on spending about ten times more on nuclear weapons than on space exploration over the coming decade. The UK government spends about as much on gastric band surgery through the NHS as it does on its space activities.
So while a Mars programme certainly has challenges to overcome, the technological gap between us and Mars is far smaller than it was for the Moon programme in the 1960s. And the prospects the Red Planet holds for humanity are far greater.
Ashley Dove-Jay, PhD researcher in Aerospace Engineering, University of Bristol
This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.
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jkottke · 6 years
Remembering Apollo 8's Iconic Earthrise Photo
In 1968, the crew of Apollo 8 became the first ever humans to leave the cozy confines of Earth orbit. From Wikipedia:
The three-astronaut crew -- Commander Frank Borman, Command Module Pilot James Lovell, and Lunar Module Pilot William Anders -- became the first humans to travel beyond low Earth orbit; see Earth as a whole planet; enter the gravity well of another celestial body (Earth's moon); orbit another celestial body (Earth's moon); directly see the far side of the Moon with their own eyes; witness an Earthrise; escape the gravity of another celestial body (Earth's moon); and re-enter the gravitational well of Earth.
That's a substantial list of firsts. But before setting out on the mission, neither the crew or anyone else at NASA gave much thought to perhaps the most significant and long-lasting achievements on that list: "see Earth as a whole planet" and "witness an Earthrise". In this gem of a short film by Emmanuel Vaughan-Lee, Anders, Borman, and Lovell recall what it was like for them to be the first of only 24 people to see, with their own eyes, the Earth from that distance, a blue marble hanging in the inky blackness of space.
What they should have sent was poets, because I don't think we captured the grandeur of what we'd seen.
The day after Apollo 8 orbited the Moon, a poem by Archibald Macleish published on the front page of the NY Times tried to capture that grandeur: Riders on Earth Together, Brothers in Eternal Cold.
Men's conception of themselves and of each other has always depended on their notion of the earth. When the earth was the World -- all the world there was -- and the stars were lights in Dante's heaven, and the ground beneath men's feet roofed Hell, they saw themselves as creatures at the center of the universe, the sole, particular concern of God -- and from that high place they ruled and killed and conquered as they pleased.
And when, centuries later, the earth was no longer the World but a small, wet spinning planet in the solar system of a minor star off at the edge of an inconsiderable galaxy in the immeasurable distances of space -- when Dante's heaven had disappeared and there was no Hell (at least no Hell beneath the feet) -- men began to see themselves not as God-directed actors at the center of a noble drama, but as helpless victims of a senseless farce where all the rest were helpless victims also and millions could be killed in world-wide wars or in blasted cities or in concentration camps without a thought or reason but the reason -- if we call it one -- of force.
Now, in the last few hours, the notion may have changed again. For the first time in all of time men have seen it not as continents or oceans from the little distance of a hundred miles or two or three, but seen it from the depth of space; seen it whole and round and beautiful and small as even Dante -- that "first imagination of Christendom" -- had never dreamed of seeing it; as the Twentieth Century philosophers of absurdity and despair were incapable of guessing that it might be seen. And seeing it so, one question came to the minds of those who looked at it. "Is it inhabited?" they said to each other and laughed -- and then they did not laugh. What came to their minds a hundred thousand miles and more into space -- "half way to the moon" they put it -- what came to their minds was the life on that little, lonely, floating planet; that tiny raft in the enormous, empty night. "Is it inhabited?"
The medieval notion of the earth put man at the center of everything. The nuclear notion of the earth put him nowhere -- beyond the range of reason even -- lost in absurdity and war. This latest notion may have other consequences. Formed as it was in the minds of heroic voyagers who were also men, it may remake our image of mankind. No longer that preposterous figure at the center, no longer that degraded and degrading victim off at the margins of reality and blind with blood, man may at last become himself.
To see the earth as it truly is, small and blue and beautiful in that eternal silence where it floats, is to see ourselves as riders on the earth together, brothers on that bright loveliness in the eternal cold -- brothers who know now they are truly brothers.
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eco-smart · 2 years
4 Best Residential Solar Energy Solutions In 2022
Powering your home with solar is more than just saving up on energy costs, as you also stand to make your home sustainable.
As residents of the sunshine state, we have enough sunlight to cover all our energy needs with solar power; all the more reason you should consider solar solutions for your home.
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At Eco-$mart Inc, we have the most extensive collection of best-in-class solar shingles, lights, heating systems, energy storage systems, and more. And we can provide you with your ideal solar solutions at the most cost-efficient prices on the market.
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rooftopsolar · 3 years
Featured Reviews of the Best Solar Power Systems in Townsville · Central Solar Services · Bellingers Electrical · Apollo Solar · SOLARGAIN
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painterlegendx · 5 years
You Will Never Believe These Bizarre Truth Behind Sea Turtle Painting Images - Sea Turtle Painting Images
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Discover concealed moments apparent through the lens of our photographers.
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Sea Turtle Realistic Acrylic Painting Tutorial Ocean Nautical Step by Step Lesson - sea turtle painting images | sea turtle painting images Photograph by Brent StirtonRead CaptionEaster agency a day of blow and anniversary for the families of accomplished rangers and agents in Garamba Civic Park, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). The park, in the war-torn northeastern allotment of the DRC, attracts rebels agog to appropriate elephants because tusks can pay for munitions. The rangers are accomplished and directed by the nonprofit attention accumulation African Parks to assure the continent’s wildlife, and restore and run civic parks.Photograph by Brent StirtonDiscover concealed moments apparent through the lens of our photographers.PUBLISHED December 19, 2019And the runners-up: The best abstruse photos of 2019.
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Green Sea Turtle Painting, Ocean Paintings, Sea Life Painting, Original Acrylic Painting on Canvas Canvas Print by mae10designs - sea turtle painting images | sea turtle painting images What’s bigger than actuality able to accept the best photographs of the year? Getting to accept 19 added that flash a ablaze on the year’s best important and annoying stories.Putting calm a beheld adventure requires not aloof a columnist and writer, but the abounding editors who assignment abaft the scenes. These assorted players accomplish endless decisions forth the way—from which ablaze to abduction at which second, to which photos will fit into the beyond anecdotal of a story. So abounding capacity are advised in presenting the across and abyss of a Civic Geographic feature.But this additionally agency that abounding of our favorites acreage on the acid allowance floor.There’s the bobcat bottomward through sunbeams in Mozambique’s Gorongosa Civic Park, a agitate of sea turtles that looks about like abstruse art, and those bare-chested men on a Pakistani beach.Then of advance there’s that rat diving headfirst into some New York Burghal abyss of abandoned its knowing, and with such aplomb.So we’re abduction this moment to allotment the photos that still stick in our minds—and that we can’t abide administration afore the year is out. Enjoy.A adolescent lioness greets the morning in Gorongosa Civic Esplanade in Mozambique. The park’s wildlife was decimated during the country’s 1977-1992 civilian war and the atrocious years that followed. Now Mozambican and all-embracing conservationists are bringing the esplanade aback to activity by bolstering the beastly population, convalescent animal lives by aperture schools and clinics, and announcement acceptable agriculture in adjacent communities. In 2018 there were 30 bobcat cubs built-in in the park, a key assurance of revitalization.
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Peaceful Sea Turtle - sea turtle painting images | sea turtle painting images Arctic wolves strategize and beleaguer aback they appear aloft a assemblage of muskoxen, afterward a baton to adapt an attack. Muskoxen are one of the few casualty animals that assignment calm to anatomy a defensive, back-to-back huddle. The wolves booty positions and try to abstracted one of the animals, which can counterbalance up to 650 pounds, from the aegis of the herd.Three Afghan men affectation on Clifton Bank in Karachi, Pakistan. The burghal has been congenital on endless after-effects of migrants and has been alleged the better refugee affected in the world. There are added than a actor Afghan refugees there now. High-rises angle abreast barrio forth Clifton Beach, breadth basic carrion flows into the Arabian Sea and the abuse commonly has led to bloom warnings. Even so, the bank charcoal a accepted amusement atom in Karachi, and visitors can hire horses and band for photos. Read our Cities of the Future advantage to see the appear images.The Empress bazaar in Karachi, Pakistan, traces its origins to the British Raj era. Today, backed up adjoin aeriform rises, the bazaar offers aggregate from spices and condiments to fruits, textiles, and pets. Artificial appurtenances accept fabricated an actualization too, and they accord to a growing all-around decay crisis. The phenomenon actual has fabricated avant-garde activity possible, but added than 40 percent of it is acclimated aloof once, and it’s asthmatic our waterways. Read our Cities of the Future advantage to see the appear images.Ramanzana, about bristles years old, plays, with one of her six brothers. She and her ancestors of nine are internally displaced—forced to abscond their home, but actual in a adjustment wihin their own country. UNICEF letters that some 40 percent of Pakistani accouchement beneath bristles are underweight, and abounding alive afterwards domiciliary sanitation, abnormally in rural areas. Furthermore, girls such as Ramanzana are acceptable to accept beneath aliment than brothers and added macho ancestors members.Green turtles (Chelonia mydas) agitate in the sea at Little Farmer’s Cay in the Bahamas. Already admired for their meat, blooming sea turtles are now admired added as a day-tripper attraction. Sea turtles accept roamed the oceans for 100 actor years, but animal activity—namely in the anatomy of poaching, artificial bits and added ocean pollution, and distance change—are putting the airy reptiles at risk. “People are accomplishing this,” says abyssal biologist David Robinson, speaking about the abounding injuries all seven breed of sea turtles ache about the world. “Everything—every aspect, every blackmail that they face—is anthropogenic.” The acceptable account is that with a little aegis they appearance their resilience. Hawaii’s blooming turtles, adequate by the U.S. Endangered Breed Act, are airy faster than anyone expected.A rat dives for awning in Manhattan’s Tribeca adjacency in New York City. Brown rats, which accomplish up best of the city’s rodent population, are burrowing animals that are widest at the skull, so they can blooper into any amplitude hardly added than that (including the aqueduct arch to a toilet bowl). Rats advance in big cities: The added comestible debris bodies bung out, the added rats there will be to eat it. Researchers appraisal that a clutter of nine pups in a archetypal burghal rat antecedents would abound to 270 pups afterwards 30 weeks—and become a whopping 11,907 rats by year’s end.Torrential rain sends waterfalls bottomward bottomward the walls of the Gua Nasib Bagus—Good Luck Cave—as spelunkers analyze in Gunung Mulu Civic Park. The park, a UNESCO Apple Heritage Site, is in Malaysia’s Sarawak accompaniment on the island of Borneo. Below a rolling blooming carpeting of rainforest, its limestone is riddled with some of the planet’s best all-encompassing cavern systems.
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Pin by Michelle DeLong on art | Turtle painting, Sea turtle .. | sea turtle painting images Archival 70-mm blur recorded the 1969 Apollo 11 mission in 1969, aback bodies aboriginal set bottom on the moon. The film, including this iconic angel of Neil Armstrong, resides today in the Johnson Amplitude Center in Houston, Texas. See added artifacts in Countdown to a new era in space.An aeriform appearance shows gold miners at assignment on La Bella Durmiente, a berg that tumbles bottomward the flanks of Mount Ananea in the Peruvian Andes. A circuitous web of hoses delivers baptize from the berg to the makeshift boondocks accepted as La Rinconada, breadth miners accident their bloom and sometimes their lives in the following of fortune. There are no paved roads, no active water, no carrion system, and—at an distance of over 17,000 feet—50 percent beneath oxygen than at sea level. To absolve gold, workers calefaction a mercury-gold admixture with blowtorches; the baneful mercury abasement abbreviate in the perpetually algid air and aggregate on roofs and on the glacier—both sources of bubbler water.Laurance Doyle of Principia College and the SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) Institute studies the advice systems of dolphins, which could advice scientists break patterns in conflicting languages. New discoveries acknowledge it’s about assertive we’re not abandoned in the universe: We now accept acceptance of some 4,000 exoplanets—those alfresco our own solar arrangement that amphitheater stars like our sun. With a minimum of 100 billion stars in the Milky Way, there are at atomic 25 billion places breadth activity could conceivably booty authority in our galaxy alone.Russian circuses are acclaimed for their dancing bears, like this one that performed for a sold-out army at the Bolshoi Accompaniment St. Petersburg show, breadth tickets go for about $30 each. To accomplish buck cubs able abundant to walk—even jump—on two legs, trainers may force them to advance a continuing position by tethering them by their necks to a wall. See the appear images in The aphotic accuracy abaft wildlife tourism.Nahomy Mendoza, a transgender woman in San Salvador, El Salvador’s capital, was baffled and gang-raped by associates of the MS-13 gang, a accumulation spawned in the United States. Assemblage warfare and abjection are fracturing the country; in 2017 there were 3,962 homicides reported. Assemblage violence, biologic trafficking, and extrajudicial killings by badge and aggressive armament are key factors in the violence. See what its like walking with the casual band in Central America.Adriana Portillo lives with her mother and brother in a one-room home in the Italia commune of Apopa in San Salvador, an breadth accepted to be beneath the ascendancy of MS-13; Adriana’s brother is a affiliate of the gang. Criminal gangs in El Salvador command tens of bags of members. Abounding Salvadorans accept fled against to the U.S., but changes in U.S. action could accelerate bags aback into the chaos. Continue Reading
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Sea Turtle by Sarah Grangier | Sea turtle painting, Sea .. | sea turtle painting images
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Amazon.com: Okoart Canvas Wall Art Prints Colorful Sea .. | sea turtle painting images Read the full article
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company-directories · 7 years
CertainTeed® Upgrades Power in Apollo® II Solar Roofing Systems https://t.co/J2U2YgjDst https://t.co/rFGGydJhSV
CertainTeed® Upgrades Power in Apollo® II Solar Roofing Systems https://t.co/J2U2YgjDst https://t.co/rFGGydJhSV
— Quality Roofing Pros (@QRoofingPros) July 24, 2017
from Twitter https://twitter.com/QRoofingPros July 24, 2017 at 12:24PM via IFTTT from Blogger http://qualityroofingpros.blogspot.com/2017/07/certainteed-upgrades-power-in-apollo-ii.html Roof Repair Denver
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melissasanders · 6 years
Integrated Solar Modules: The Next Step in Solar Design & Technology
As the need for serious progress towards meeting renewable energy goals and sustainability practices becomes more and more urgent, the solar industry is responding by making it easier than ever before for consumers to adopt technology that mitigates our impact on our environment. Solar technology companies continue to grow and innovate their product offerings in order to provide consumers with more efficient, less expensive, and more aesthetically-pleasing options.
Over the past few years, there has been a push to make solar panels less intrusive, longer lasting, and more effective. As a result, integrated solar modules are arriving on the market and increasing the design and installation options for consumers seeking to achieve their energy goals.
Integrated Solar Technology
Integrated solar modules, also known as building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV), are different from “traditional” solar installations (picture solar panels affixed to rooftops or to metal frames) in a number of ways. While different manufacturers and products mean that not every integrated solar module is the same, the primary difference is that these new solar panels can be directly integrated into building construction. So, rather than building a mount and frame for panels on top of a roof, for instance, an integrated panel serves as the roofing material itself.
As the SEIA specifies, “Building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) are dual-purpose: they serve as both the outer layer of a structure and generate electricity for on-site use or export to the grid.” This means that, unlike traditional installations, there is often much less technology exposed to the elements, as connection points, microinverters, and power optimizers are housed inside the panel rather than being external components.
Benefits of Integrated Photovoltaics
This new technology has been developed in response to consumer’s desires as well as the logistics of solar installation and maintenance. The resulting products are easier to install (especially when integrated into initial construction, but also when retrofitting existing structures) and maintain over the lifespan of the panel, which is similar to that of “traditional” external panels at approximately 25 years.
Solar Power World notes that “Installers love that integrated panels just plug in to each other without any high voltage DC. This makes installation much safer and panels can be shut down individually if needed.” In addition, “because of their plug-and-play technology, integrated systems can be expanded without problems” which allows consumers to easily scale their installations up or down as their needs change.
For consumers, integrated photovoltaics require less maintenance and may experience fewer complications as a result of housing more components internally. These panels are also less susceptible to environmental factors such as wind, rain, and hail because they are integrated into the building structure rather than separate from it.
Perhaps the most exciting aspect for solar consumers, however, is that integrated panels can be seamlessly included in the design of their homes or buildings. As design elements, they can be almost invisible or create visual interest of their own if desired. Integrated panels are rated for roof construction and are just as watertight, insulating, and durable as the traditional roofing materials that they replace or interface with.
Products to Consider
Among the innovative new products that are beginning to surface on the market are several different takes on integrated panels. Tesla, whose new technologies always generate plenty of press, has released a line of solar roof tiles with options that include textured, smooth, Tuscan, and slate. The “active” solar tiles look exactly like “inactive” tiles to create a truly seamless look. Sunflare’s flexible SUN2 cell modules are ultra-thin and can conform to irregular roof shapes because they do not require framing or glass coverings, while 3 IN 1 solar tiles offer a wide variety of colors and finishes, including completely concealed panels.
Another product line (which we’ve discussed using to create aesthetically pleasing rooftop installations) is CertainTeed, a construction materials company that has recently expanded into solar tiles. Their Apollo II tiles match the profile of other concrete tiles to create a seamless, watertight roof with solar capabilities. MiaSolé offers flexible solar modules that can be fitted onto curved structures or incorporated into framing materials. Their product is so lightweight and low-profile it can even be used on the roofs of semi truck trailers.
As more options continue to become available to consumers, they will have a wealth of options to consider when integrating solar panels into new construction or retrofitting existing structures to include seamless solar capabilities. It’s an exciting time to be a solar designer, and Solar Design Studio looks forward to sharing these new possibilities with our clients as we create PV systems that accomplish their unique goals.
Would you like to learn more about cutting-edge solar technology and how it can save you money and reduce your impact on the environment? Contact us today.
from http://www.solardesignstudio.com/RSSRetrieve.aspx?ID=13199&A=Link&ObjectID=734718&ObjectType=56&O=http%253a%252f%252fwww.solardesignstudio.com%252flearn-from-the-solar-expert-blog%252fintegrated-solar-modules-the-next-step-in-solar-design-technology
from  Solar Design Studio - Blog http://solardesignstudio.weebly.com/blog/integrated-solar-modules-the-next-step-in-solar-design-amp-technology
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marcellajones88 · 6 years
Integrated Solar Modules: The Next Step in Solar Design & Technology
As the need for serious progress towards meeting renewable energy goals and sustainability practices becomes more and more urgent, the solar industry is responding by making it easier than ever before for consumers to adopt technology that mitigates our impact on our environment. Solar technology companies continue to grow and innovate their product offerings in order to provide consumers with more efficient, less expensive, and more aesthetically-pleasing options.
Over the past few years, there has been a push to make solar panels less intrusive, longer lasting, and more effective. As a result, integrated solar modules are arriving on the market and increasing the design and installation options for consumers seeking to achieve their energy goals.
Integrated Solar Technology
Integrated solar modules, also known as building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV), are different from “traditional” solar installations (picture solar panels affixed to rooftops or to metal frames) in a number of ways. While different manufacturers and products mean that not every integrated solar module is the same, the primary difference is that these new solar panels can be directly integrated into building construction. So, rather than building a mount and frame for panels on top of a roof, for instance, an integrated panel serves as the roofing material itself.
As the SEIA specifies, “Building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) are dual-purpose: they serve as both the outer layer of a structure and generate electricity for on-site use or export to the grid.” This means that, unlike traditional installations, there is often much less technology exposed to the elements, as connection points, microinverters, and power optimizers are housed inside the panel rather than being external components.
Benefits of Integrated Photovoltaics
This new technology has been developed in response to consumer’s desires as well as the logistics of solar installation and maintenance. The resulting products are easier to install (especially when integrated into initial construction, but also when retrofitting existing structures) and maintain over the lifespan of the panel, which is similar to that of “traditional” external panels at approximately 25 years.
Solar Power World notes that “Installers love that integrated panels just plug in to each other without any high voltage DC. This makes installation much safer and panels can be shut down individually if needed.” In addition, “because of their plug-and-play technology, integrated systems can be expanded without problems” which allows consumers to easily scale their installations up or down as their needs change.
For consumers, integrated photovoltaics require less maintenance and may experience fewer complications as a result of housing more components internally. These panels are also less susceptible to environmental factors such as wind, rain, and hail because they are integrated into the building structure rather than separate from it.
Perhaps the most exciting aspect for solar consumers, however, is that integrated panels can be seamlessly included in the design of their homes or buildings. As design elements, they can be almost invisible or create visual interest of their own if desired. Integrated panels are rated for roof construction and are just as watertight, insulating, and durable as the traditional roofing materials that they replace or interface with.
Products to Consider
Among the innovative new products that are beginning to surface on the market are several different takes on integrated panels. Tesla, whose new technologies always generate plenty of press, has released a line of solar roof tiles with options that include textured, smooth, Tuscan, and slate. The “active” solar tiles look exactly like “inactive” tiles to create a truly seamless look. Sunflare’s flexible SUN2 cell modules are ultra-thin and can conform to irregular roof shapes because they do not require framing or glass coverings, while 3 IN 1 solar tiles offer a wide variety of colors and finishes, including completely concealed panels.
Another product line (which we’ve discussed using to create aesthetically pleasing rooftop installations) is CertainTeed, a construction materials company that has recently expanded into solar tiles. Their Apollo II tiles match the profile of other concrete tiles to create a seamless, watertight roof with solar capabilities. MiaSolé offers flexible solar modules that can be fitted onto curved structures or incorporated into framing materials. Their product is so lightweight and low-profile it can even be used on the roofs of semi truck trailers.
As more options continue to become available to consumers, they will have a wealth of options to consider when integrating solar panels into new construction or retrofitting existing structures to include seamless solar capabilities. It’s an exciting time to be a solar designer, and Solar Design Studio looks forward to sharing these new possibilities with our clients as we create PV systems that accomplish their unique goals.
Would you like to learn more about cutting-edge solar technology and how it can save you money and reduce your impact on the environment? Contact us today.
Source: http://www.solardesignstudio.com/RSSRetrieve.aspx?ID=13199&A=Link&ObjectID=734718&ObjectType=56&O=http%253a%252f%252fwww.solardesignstudio.com%252flearn-from-the-solar-expert-blog%252fintegrated-solar-modules-the-next-step-in-solar-design-technology
from Solar Design Studio https://solardesignstudiocom.wordpress.com/2018/11/13/integrated-solar-modules-the-next-step-in-solar-design-technology/
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jamesonharbor · 6 years
Integrated Solar Modules: The Next Step in Solar Design & Technology
As the need for serious progress towards meeting renewable energy goals and sustainability practices becomes more and more urgent, the solar industry is responding by making it easier than ever before for consumers to adopt technology that mitigates our impact on our environment. Solar technology companies continue to grow and innovate their product offerings in order to provide consumers with more efficient, less expensive, and more aesthetically-pleasing options.
Over the past few years, there has been a push to make solar panels less intrusive, longer lasting, and more effective. As a result, integrated solar modules are arriving on the market and increasing the design and installation options for consumers seeking to achieve their energy goals.
Integrated Solar Technology
Integrated solar modules, also known as building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV), are different from “traditional” solar installations (picture solar panels affixed to rooftops or to metal frames) in a number of ways. While different manufacturers and products mean that not every integrated solar module is the same, the primary difference is that these new solar panels can be directly integrated into building construction. So, rather than building a mount and frame for panels on top of a roof, for instance, an integrated panel serves as the roofing material itself.
As the SEIA specifies, “Building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) are dual-purpose: they serve as both the outer layer of a structure and generate electricity for on-site use or export to the grid.” This means that, unlike traditional installations, there is often much less technology exposed to the elements, as connection points, microinverters, and power optimizers are housed inside the panel rather than being external components.
Benefits of Integrated Photovoltaics
This new technology has been developed in response to consumer’s desires as well as the logistics of solar installation and maintenance. The resulting products are easier to install (especially when integrated into initial construction, but also when retrofitting existing structures) and maintain over the lifespan of the panel, which is similar to that of “traditional” external panels at approximately 25 years.
Solar Power World notes that “Installers love that integrated panels just plug in to each other without any high voltage DC. This makes installation much safer and panels can be shut down individually if needed.” In addition, “because of their plug-and-play technology, integrated systems can be expanded without problems” which allows consumers to easily scale their installations up or down as their needs change.
For consumers, integrated photovoltaics require less maintenance and may experience fewer complications as a result of housing more components internally. These panels are also less susceptible to environmental factors such as wind, rain, and hail because they are integrated into the building structure rather than separate from it.
Perhaps the most exciting aspect for solar consumers, however, is that integrated panels can be seamlessly included in the design of their homes or buildings. As design elements, they can be almost invisible or create visual interest of their own if desired. Integrated panels are rated for roof construction and are just as watertight, insulating, and durable as the traditional roofing materials that they replace or interface with.
Products to Consider
Among the innovative new products that are beginning to surface on the market are several different takes on integrated panels. Tesla, whose new technologies always generate plenty of press, has released a line of solar roof tiles with options that include textured, smooth, Tuscan, and slate. The “active” solar tiles look exactly like “inactive” tiles to create a truly seamless look. Sunflare’s flexible SUN2 cell modules are ultra-thin and can conform to irregular roof shapes because they do not require framing or glass coverings, while 3 IN 1 solar tiles offer a wide variety of colors and finishes, including completely concealed panels.
Another product line (which we’ve discussed using to create aesthetically pleasing rooftop installations) is CertainTeed, a construction materials company that has recently expanded into solar tiles. Their Apollo II tiles match the profile of other concrete tiles to create a seamless, watertight roof with solar capabilities. MiaSolé offers flexible solar modules that can be fitted onto curved structures or incorporated into framing materials. Their product is so lightweight and low-profile it can even be used on the roofs of semi truck trailers.
As more options continue to become available to consumers, they will have a wealth of options to consider when integrating solar panels into new construction or retrofitting existing structures to include seamless solar capabilities. It’s an exciting time to be a solar designer, and Solar Design Studio looks forward to sharing these new possibilities with our clients as we create PV systems that accomplish their unique goals.
Would you like to learn more about cutting-edge solar technology and how it can save you money and reduce your impact on the environment? Contact us today.
from Learn From the Solar Expert http://www.solardesignstudio.com/RSSRetrieve.aspx?ID=13199&A=Link&ObjectID=734718&ObjectType=56&O=http%253a%252f%252fwww.solardesignstudio.com%252flearn-from-the-solar-expert-blog%252fintegrated-solar-modules-the-next-step-in-solar-design-technology from Solar Design Studio https://solardesignstudio.tumblr.com/post/180066776184
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solardesignstudio · 6 years
Integrated Solar Modules: The Next Step in Solar Design & Technology
As the need for serious progress towards meeting renewable energy goals and sustainability practices becomes more and more urgent, the solar industry is responding by making it easier than ever before for consumers to adopt technology that mitigates our impact on our environment. Solar technology companies continue to grow and innovate their product offerings in order to provide consumers with more efficient, less expensive, and more aesthetically-pleasing options.
Over the past few years, there has been a push to make solar panels less intrusive, longer lasting, and more effective. As a result, integrated solar modules are arriving on the market and increasing the design and installation options for consumers seeking to achieve their energy goals.
Integrated Solar Technology
Integrated solar modules, also known as building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV), are different from “traditional” solar installations (picture solar panels affixed to rooftops or to metal frames) in a number of ways. While different manufacturers and products mean that not every integrated solar module is the same, the primary difference is that these new solar panels can be directly integrated into building construction. So, rather than building a mount and frame for panels on top of a roof, for instance, an integrated panel serves as the roofing material itself.
As the SEIA specifies, “Building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) are dual-purpose: they serve as both the outer layer of a structure and generate electricity for on-site use or export to the grid.” This means that, unlike traditional installations, there is often much less technology exposed to the elements, as connection points, microinverters, and power optimizers are housed inside the panel rather than being external components.
Benefits of Integrated Photovoltaics
This new technology has been developed in response to consumer’s desires as well as the logistics of solar installation and maintenance. The resulting products are easier to install (especially when integrated into initial construction, but also when retrofitting existing structures) and maintain over the lifespan of the panel, which is similar to that of “traditional” external panels at approximately 25 years.
Solar Power World notes that “Installers love that integrated panels just plug in to each other without any high voltage DC. This makes installation much safer and panels can be shut down individually if needed.” In addition, “because of their plug-and-play technology, integrated systems can be expanded without problems” which allows consumers to easily scale their installations up or down as their needs change.
For consumers, integrated photovoltaics require less maintenance and may experience fewer complications as a result of housing more components internally. These panels are also less susceptible to environmental factors such as wind, rain, and hail because they are integrated into the building structure rather than separate from it.
Perhaps the most exciting aspect for solar consumers, however, is that integrated panels can be seamlessly included in the design of their homes or buildings. As design elements, they can be almost invisible or create visual interest of their own if desired. Integrated panels are rated for roof construction and are just as watertight, insulating, and durable as the traditional roofing materials that they replace or interface with.
Products to Consider
Among the innovative new products that are beginning to surface on the market are several different takes on integrated panels. Tesla, whose new technologies always generate plenty of press, has released a line of solar roof tiles with options that include textured, smooth, Tuscan, and slate. The “active” solar tiles look exactly like “inactive” tiles to create a truly seamless look. Sunflare’s flexible SUN2 cell modules are ultra-thin and can conform to irregular roof shapes because they do not require framing or glass coverings, while 3 IN 1 solar tiles offer a wide variety of colors and finishes, including completely concealed panels.
Another product line (which we’ve discussed using to create aesthetically pleasing rooftop installations) is CertainTeed, a construction materials company that has recently expanded into solar tiles. Their Apollo II tiles match the profile of other concrete tiles to create a seamless, watertight roof with solar capabilities. MiaSolé offers flexible solar modules that can be fitted onto curved structures or incorporated into framing materials. Their product is so lightweight and low-profile it can even be used on the roofs of semi truck trailers.
As more options continue to become available to consumers, they will have a wealth of options to consider when integrating solar panels into new construction or retrofitting existing structures to include seamless solar capabilities. It’s an exciting time to be a solar designer, and Solar Design Studio looks forward to sharing these new possibilities with our clients as we create PV systems that accomplish their unique goals.
Would you like to learn more about cutting-edge solar technology and how it can save you money and reduce your impact on the environment? Contact us today.
from Learn From the Solar Expert http://www.solardesignstudio.com/RSSRetrieve.aspx?ID=13199&A=Link&ObjectID=734718&ObjectType=56&O=http%253a%252f%252fwww.solardesignstudio.com%252flearn-from-the-solar-expert-blog%252fintegrated-solar-modules-the-next-step-in-solar-design-technology
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eco-smart · 2 years
7 Best Green Building Materials To Make Your Home Sustainable
As you can see, when it comes to green building materials, there are endless options on the market. That means you’re sure to find an eco-friendly housing product for just about every section of your home.
And there are enough reasons why you should shift to sustainable housing, as apart from helping protect the environment, you will also benefit from federal incentives and a high return on investment.
If you’re looking to build one such home, you can reach out to us. We have the widest range of eco-friendly building materials for your ideal sustainable home.
Looking to buy an existing sustainable home?
We can get you a green home of your liking.
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