dvgsart · 1 month
My BG3 Tavs
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I made the damn template, so I should post my versions of my Tavs too haha. idk why I held off until now
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I made myself cry about my dnd character. 
“Anton, my name is Anton.” 
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kaiotisk · 2 years
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au: dragonborn adventurer meets strange fish man that won’t stop flirting
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caelmewedd · 5 months
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Aramil and Rosalyn's wedding!!!
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Vengo con información fresquita sobre el foro.
He empezado a plantear la ambientación y quería abarcar razas, clases y otros detalles. Y pensé, ¿qué tal si se abarca el mayor alcance posible?
Aquí dejo una pincelada de los grupos que habrán en el foro y su descripción (basado en los diferentes mundos de D&D:
Al-Qadim: Este grupo lo forman aquellos que viven en los reinos exóticos de Zakhara, donde las caravanas comercian con tesoros perdidos en los desiertos y los piratas surcan los peligrosos mares de Anauroch y el Mar de los Lamentos.
Dragonlance: Habitantes del mundo de Krynn, donde los caballeros de Solamnia luchan por la justicia, los elfos de Qualinesti protegen los secretos de su antigua magia, y las huestes del mal amenazan con sumir al mundo en la oscuridad.
Eberron: Territorio de Khorvaire, donde las casas nobles luchan por el control de la magia y la tecnología, y los secretos ancestrales acechan en las junglas de Xen'drik y las ruinas de antiguas civilizaciones.
Falcongris: Oscuro y peligroso mundo, donde la magia y la intriga se entrelazan en una lucha constante por el poder entre los clanes y las ciudades-estado de Illiyar, Aramil y más allá.
Ravenloft: Dominios de la oscuridad, donde los horrores acechan en cada sombra y los señores vampiros gobiernan con puño de hierro sobre sus dominios, atrapando a los intrépidos en un laberinto de pesadillas y desesperación.
Reinos Olvidados: Reinos de Faerûn, donde los héroes se alzan para enfrentarse a los peligros de Aguas Profundas, Baldur's Gate y otros lugares, mientras los dioses y las deidades observan desde lo alto.
Sol Oscuro: Aquellos que moran en un mundo de esclavitud y opresión en Athas, donde los poderosos hechiceros gobiernan sobre las ciudades-estado y la magia es una fuerza destructiva que consume la tierra misma.
Multiverso: Seres que viajan a través de los planos infinitos del Multiverso, explorando los reinos celestiales, los infiernos ardientes y todo lo que hay entre ellos, mientras luchan contra dioses y demonios por el destino del universo.
Lógicamente, esto es solo un avance y puede ir cambiando, dado que pretendo que el forito sea lo más completo posible.
PD: se aceptan comentarios :D
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steel-and-fire · 10 days
Hows the Feywild big boy?
"Stressful.", the blacksmith sighed heavily, leaning his face on his hand. He was clearly tired, both physically and mentally.
"You gotta be careful of everything you say, words have insane power and accountability. Everyone and everything is out to get you, one wrong move, one wrong word, and you're dead..
..or worse...
It's beautiful, but I'm glad to be home again...heh, although I bet Aramil is even more so. He had it rough on this one."
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thegreatstrongbow · 1 year
“I’ll stay with you. I’m worried your wounds might open up again” (Aramil)
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“I will be careful.” He insisted, sitting himself up and examining the wound for a moment. “I am a fast healer, and this is hardly my first time.” His laugh ended in a soft groan, as the movement strained him.
“But thank you for the help,” he got to his feet. “I will be fighting shape by the end of day, I should think.”
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thebloodychampion · 1 year
' Are you hurt? ' (Aramil)
Lia sighed and looked at her arm and the blood on her hands. "Well not really. Maybe a bit bruised. And i think I hit my head." She smiled for a moment. "Don't worry I had worse."
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the-rogue-dragon · 10 months
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@caelmewedd liked my starter call, so Aramil gets a starter;
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🔥SURVIVING THE FIGHT AGAINST HIS NEPHEW was not something he had expected - and yet it was exactly what has happened. He had lived way too long yet the Gods seemed determined to keep him alive. Why? He couldn't know. And sure he wouldn't know until he recovered consciousness. Not aware of how he had made it to a ship from the God’s Eye, the Prince - known to them formerly as the King of the Stepstones and Narrow Sea - was captured eventually by Pirates, who were traveling to Volantis from Braavos. He was going to be sold as a slave, when they realized who he truly was.
It was a young Pirate from Tyrosh who recognized him as the one who had killed the Crabfeeder. When the Captain declared they should kill the Targaryen Prince and throw him out of the ship, this young tyroshi pirate, came to the Captain and told him that he could recognize the Dragon Prince who had killed the Crabfeeder and ended the war of the Triarchy - at least for a time. The intentions of the young pirate had been to protect him - or so it was said - but with this knowledge, the Captain decided it would be best to sell the Prince as a slave instead.
However, his condition was not good, and Daemon spent most of the journey unconscious, which prompted the young Tyroshi pirate to try and help him. Given that his health was of no use for a slaver, and would not be paid enough for, the Captain allowed the young pirate to help him recover. He had several wounds from the fall to the God’s Eye, but at the same time he was mourning the loss of his dragon, a loss that had severed his heart. Fever took upon the Prince by the fourth night of their journey.
The Captain was not content with the poor health of the Targaryen Prince, and preferred to dispose of him due to that, so the young pirate decided to help him the second they stopped on Pentos. At night when everyone on the ship were sleeping, the young Tyroshi pirate, helped Daemon out of the ship, and carried a semi unconscious Prince towards one of the houses by the coast, knocking several times, before leaving the Prince by the door, and vanished in the darkness back to his ship.
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starwrittenfates-a · 1 year
@caelmewedd continued from X
Avallac'h couldn't help but chuckle at the young elflings questions and behavior. Children were really precious to elves, but even more so for their spirited and inquisitive ways. He was in no hurry to return to the royal palace, deciding to take a seat next to them.
"Yes, my real name is Crevan, and as an Aen Saevherne, I know a great deal of many things. It's a knowledge I won't share with too many, especially if they are not an equal in it. But to answer your question about the one-horns, they can live as long as us Aen Elle can." Which could be nuisance at times for them, but it was why the elves and unicorns were always in a quarrel, among other reasons. The sage chuckled, continuing on. "I believe Nevermore would be the first dragon I've seen, and as for General Eredin...he's always, as you say; a 'pompous buffoon'."
He glanced over at his fellow mage, smiling. "Aramil, you have such a spirited little one. You should bring her to court more often." Avallac'h wouldn't mind seeing her call Eredin an idiot either.
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cryocannon · 1 year
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raffle prize for @this-is-your-last-dance , who requested their sister’s oc aramil! 🌹✨🌸
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❝Just let me take care of you. Why are you so stubborn?❞ (Aramil)
Glorfindel sighed deeply as he settled back down onto his couch. "I have been stubborn my entire life. I doubt that fact will change any time soon," he said grumpily.
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kaiotisk · 2 years
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my perfect boy aramil and his good boy blu!!
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caelmewedd · 1 year
“  i  thought  they’d  killed  you  so  i  lost  my  temper.  ” (from Lia to Aramil)
"Thank you for your concern, but the bloodshed was not necessary." Aramil replied, looking at the bodies lying in blood on the ground. Besides, Lia had forgotten that he was a mage, Aen Saevherne, and could handle himself. "Are you all right? Are you okay, Lia?"
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"Thank you." Aramil replied, finishing brewing the magic healing mixture. He was a healer and when he prescribed medicine he usually knew what he was doing. He also knew that not everyone likes magic, and not everyone trusts magic and chooses to take this route of treatment. It was always nice when someone said a nice thing and showed ordinary common gratitude.
When the mixture was ready, the elven mage poured the measured amount into a bottle then handed it to the man.
"Take this after meals in the morning and evening. You will soon feel better."
"You're more than welcome" He says as he watches the other prepare the mixture for him. Magic fascinated Marcus and he would go the magical route every time that he could. It was just something that he did. "Why wouldn't someone trust you when you tell them what a mixture is supposed to do, I mean I know that a lot of people don't trust magic but that's no reason not to believe a healer." Marcus looks at the other with a cocked eyebrow "Don't you get tired of it sometimes?"
He takes the bottle and tilts his head to the side "After meals in the morning and evening, got it. Is there a certain amount that I need to take or just to my discretion?" Marcus look back to the elven mage and cocks an eyebrow at him "I don't want to use it all before it has a chance to help." He gets a thoughtful look on his face and his brow furrows "This must be some potent stuff anyway if it only takes one bottle to make a man feel better." Marcus smiles then
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POV: a weird sad old man is lost in fantasy walmart
This is Aramil, our resident quiet and reserved ranger who recently lost his right ring finger to a cursed item! (not reflected in drawing).
rip quality bc i had to resize him but alas. The rest of Dennis’ Menaces are soon to come!
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