#Archer Yves
the-bi-library · 5 months
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Here are bisexual books out in April!
Books listed:
In Universes by Emet North Dear Bi Men: A Black Man's Perspective on Power, Consent, Breaking Down Binaries, and Combating Erasure by J.R. Yussuf Truly, Madly, Deeply by Alexandria Bellefleur Of Blood and Aether (Harbingers, #1) by Harper Hawthorne Saint-Seducing Gold (The Forge & Fracture Saga #2) by Brittany N. Williams Darker by Four (Darker by Four, #1) by June C.L. Tan Rough Trade by Katrina Carrasco The Last Love Song by Kalie Holford Moon Dust in My Hairnet by J.R. Creaden What Is Love? by Jen Comfort Finally Fitz by Marisa Kanter The Boyfriend Fix by Lee Pini Playing for Keeps by Jennifer Dugan She Came for Blood (Dreamers & Demons: Sapphic Monsters Book 3) by Darva Green Call Forth a Fox by Markelle Grabo I'm The Same by James Ungurait Something Kindred by Ciera Burch Calling of Light (Shamanborn, #3) by Lori M. Lee Off With Their Heads by Zoe Hana Mikuta Even If We're Broken by A.M. Weald Harley Quinn: Redemption (DC Icons Series Book 3) by Rachael Allen Rainbow Overalls by Maggie Fortuna Smile and Be a Villain by Yves Donlon Lights, Camera, Passion by Isabel Lucero Hearts Still Beating by Brooke Archer Aubrey McFadden Is Never Getting Married by Georgia Beers Court of Wanderers (Silver Under Nightfall, #2) by Rin Chupeco Good Mourning, Darling (Darling Disposition, #1) by Azalea Crowley All the Hype (Oak Haven Romance) by S. Bolanos The Devil to Pay by Katie Daysh Every Time You Hear That Song by Jenna Voris
You can find these books in this list on goodreads
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flo-barr · 8 months
Promise braids -part 2
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Just wanna say I hate this so much but y'all deserve something.
Part one is here 👇
I might right a part 3 but honestly part 2 took a lot out of me.
@goose-gremlin love you gurl! Tysn for hyping this up for me❤️
@maeriel-arnosel you too 🤗
I'm so sorry everyone else who wanted tagged it's just not working 😞
Warnings: legolas, injury, shitty writing on my part, adult theme?, lil rushed, violence, smut, public sex,
When the time came for you both to rise from the floor and say goodbye you felt your heart sink into your stomach. So little time had been spent between you two.
You both walked to the door, a fresh braid in your hair.
"I shall miss you my love," you whispered to him in elvish.
"as I shall miss you," he hugged you tight and snuck kisses along your neck.
Then he joined Gimli and Aragorn outside.
"you know I happen to own a certain cloak that makes the wearer completely undetectable to those she does not wish to find her."
"and what about an unbetrayed heart? Because I happen to be in need of one," you sighed.
"no I don't however I do have a spare horse if one was to need it."
"I can't go with you," you looked him dead in the eye.
"why not?"
"because he needs to know I'm safe," you replied honestly.
"then stay safe with him," the old wizard smiled, and you returned it.
"he wouldn't let me leave," you could feel giddy butterflies in your stomach.
"then wait for us to be out of sight then head northwest."
"thank you," you grinned before dashing off to gather your things.
By the time you had everything together and changed into riding clothes the others were well on there way. Checking you had everything you glimpsed the bow legolas had trained you with many years ago.
Grabbing it you brought everything outside.
Just as you packed everything onto the horse Gandalf had left you, you heard a horn blowing of in the distance. Your stomach dropped.
The orcs had arrived.
Your heart in your ears you quickly mounted your horse and directed her north west.
You could hear the beginnings of fear as screams rang through the town.
You felt sick to your stomach as you kicked your horse's sides and galloped off.
Praying you'd made it out in time you glanced back at the town which was gradually being ingulfed in flames.
You let out the breath you'd been holding.
You rode faster up the steep hill, when you turned around you saw them the orcs unlike any you'd ever seen.
Bigger, stronger, scarier.
They had swords the size of ponies and spears to match.
The archers had bows the size of saplings. The arrows as sharp as broken hearts.
The same arrows that were souring through the sky.
Quickly you forced your horse faster, but not fast enough.
You could hear the others. They had stopped in a valley with a lone tree near the edge and a small stream gurgling around.
There chatter blurred almost as much as your vision as you slipped from your horse. Hitting the ground with a thud.
Legolas turned his head picking up his bow as he went.
"what are you doing?" Asked Aragorn.
"I heard something," legolas answered simply.
Quietly Aragorn, and Gimli followed him.
Then legolas saw you lying on the ground your breath coming in uneven gasps.
"Y/n," he rushed towards you dropping his bow and arrow to the ground. He picked you up in his arms.
Then he saw the blood streaming from the arrow wound in your lower back.
"She's hurt," Aragorn called to Gandalf.
"Bring her to me," Gandalf called and legolas sprung to his feet almost running over to the wizard.
Your eyes fluttered open as legolas placed you down on your stomach.
"I have something that may help," said Gandalf and he took a small bottle filled with a clear liquid out of his pocket.
"will it hurt her?" Legolas asked.
"extremely," replied Gandalf. "I need to access her back."
Legolas undid the laces at the back of your dress top, leaving your back exposed but he made sure your breasts would be mostly hidden.
"elavate her head and chest so she can breath," Gandalf said.
Legolas shifted so that your top half lay across his lap, his legs crossed.
Then Gandalf removed the cork from the bottle and poured a little of the liquid onto the wound.
It smoked and sizzled. And you screamed.
Legolas tried to comfort you by holding your hand and stroking your hair but it did nothing.
Pain racked your body as the liquid entered your blood stream and ripped its way through your entire being.
Gandalf flinched away momentarily before pouring more liquid onto the gash.
You screamed louder.
"STOP!" You screeched. "PLEASE!" Legolas bent over you holding you tight to him.
Gimli turned away and Aragorn stared at the ground.
"please make it stop," you whimpered tears stinging your eyes.
Gandalf looked at you simpatheticly.
Your wound had disappeared leaving nothing but a faint red mark.
Legolas tied your top closed and sat you up in his arms cradling you into his chest.
"I'm sorry my love," legolas muttered to quietly for anyone else to hear.
"why did you leave?" You murmered before losing conciousness.
Legolas felt tears escape his eyes for the second time that day as he sobbed over your unconscious form.
When you awoke you were on a fine white horse with someone riding behind you.
As the horse jostled you about you felt yourself sliding right but the person behind you quickly righted you pulling you into his chest.
"I'm here," Legolas replied from behind and stroked the side of your face with the back of his hand.
"where are we going?" You asked sleepily.
"into the mountains," he answered leaving a sweet kiss on your neck. "Don't worry you will be safe there."
"Your leaving me?" You turned to look at him.
"We have to my love," he whispered his name for you in elvish.
You sighed and looked at your surroundings, you didn't want to argue with him right now.
You could see the level path gradually steepening, higher and higher until it disappeared amongst the trees.
Once you had traveled for what seemed like hours you reached a small cave in the mountain side. The cave extended about 5 meters back and 3 wide.
Silently you all dismounted your horse's.
"here we are," said Gandalf jesturing to the cave.
"and I'll be safe here?" You asked unsure. Trying to resist the urge to cling to legolas even with his hand in the small of your back. Especially with his hand on the small of your back.
"yes," said Aragorn, "no one will pass through here and if they do they shalln't see you."
"ok," you smiled and you took your small amount of luggage with you into the cave.
"oh and y/n, if someone does happen to come this way do not make a sound. Even if you are bleeding out onto the ground do not let anyone find you. They cannot enter this cave unless they see or hear you. You understand?"
Slightly taken aback you agreed and the company moved on.
"GOODBYE!" Called Gimli and legolas waved.
Wishing legolas was there you searched through your bags for the book you knew you'd packed, as it was your favourite and you had often spent whole nights with your nose stuck in between the pages.
Finding said book you settled down in a small alcove at the back of the cave with your bags resting beside you and began reading.
The story was on old one written by the first elves to travel to middle earth. It was about valinor, a place so pure that many elves were now traveling back to it.
Alas you could not return, not because of your human father. But you could settle for your imaginery version.
You would love to hear how it was now but no elves ever returnes from valinor.
The last thing you heard before drifting of to sleep was a horn blasting through the still silence.
When you awoke it was mid-day and the sun was streaming into the cave.
Rubbing sleep from your eyes you looked out at the lone tree gaurding the exit to your cave you saw shadows moving across the entrance.
Stiffling a gasp you shot back into the alcove.
You could hear bustling around outside before it all went silent. Peaking around the rock you could make out vague shapes lingering by the door.
Hurriedly you ducked back down reaching for the double recurve bow at your feet.
A voice came from outside and you let out a shaky breath collapsing your head into your hands.
"I swear she was right here," said Gimli.
"She was, she was right here," added Aragorn.
"maybe something happened?"came gandalfs voice.
"hopefully she's close by," said Gimli.
You made to stand up but froze. There were four shadows, three voices.
Legolas was there but hadn't spoken.
Silently you sat back down.
"where is she?" Gimli asked.
When you realise your name hadn't been mentioned you thanked your lucky star you hadn't walked out.
"where is she?" Gimli's voice asked again.
It wasn't them.
"probably gone," said Gandalf.
Suddenly you felt a sharp twing of pain in your head and you massaged your temple.
"I can feels it," whispered a wet voice.
Clasping your forehead you curled in on yourself. Wishing for the pain to end. You could feel your consciousness disappearing.
"it's in here," rasped another.
Then you heard the twang of a bow string and the thud of an arrow finding its mark.
Then three more times, before silence.
The throbbing in your head stopped and you straightened your back. Tempted to peer around the corner you shuffled further back against the wall.
You could hear footsteps outside quickly closing in.
"Y/N! Y/N ARE YOU OK?" Came legolas's frantic voice.
You peeped around the wall of the alcove and saw him walking inside the cave.
"yeah, I'm here," you called back meekly.
"oh thank god," legolas rushed to your side and knelt before you, "are you alright are you hurt?"
"no, I'm fine," you replied truthfully and he sighed in relief.
"I was worried."
"where are the others?"
"they sent me ahead, they are just coming," he said but his eyes didn't meet yours.
"legolas?" You raised an eyebrow.
"I ran ahead when I saw you weren't alone "
He helped you to your feet. Then he peaked outside seeing that the others were quite far off legolas turned back to you.
"we have five minutes," he said before slamming his hand beside your head and pulling you into him, kissing you agresively.
Melting into him you trailed your hands up his side's, resting them on his cheeks.
Legolas pushed your back up against the wall, his hand which was previously gripping your waist found its way to your breast, slowly needing it.
You moaned into his mouth and you felt his tongue lick your bottom lip before he took it in-between his teeth and rolled it around.
You pulled him impossibly closer and rapped your arms around his neck.
Panting he stopped gazing into your eyes. His own filled with longing.
"I love you," he whispers you tried to reply but he silenced you with his mouth. You gasped and opened your mouth wider, this must have been what he wanted because seconds later he had his tongue in your mouth.
The sounds of footsteps haulted your kiss.
"Y/N!" Called a voice much to close.
"I thought you said five minutes?" You whispered to legolas. He merely shrugged and walked out of the alcove.
"we are here!" He called out and suddenly Aragorn was upon you checking you to see if you were ingured.
"are you hurt?" He flustered about you.
"I am unharmed Aragorn," you assured him and pushed him back.
"I told you so," said Gimli as he hobbled up to you a humungus grin on his face.
"what bet did you win?" You asked him cheerily.
"Forty three!" Cried Gimli before he turned to see if Gandalf had arrived.
You turned to legolas for an explanation.
He merely looked at his feet and mumbled "one, it was one point," before sneeking his hand into yours looking for simpathy.
You gave it, squeezing his hand tight and rubbing your thumb across his nuckles.
Aragorn watched this exchange closly.
"so you two are really close then?" He asked.
"oh god yeah," you smiled back. "We're like siblings."
"Ah Y/n you are alright?" You nodded in response to Gandalfs question, "good, then we must make hast too Isengard."
"wait what about me? Legolas said I shan't be going to Isengard?" You pointed out.
"oh did he?" Said Aragorn. "Legolas failed to mention that."
All three looked to legolas sternly.
"in my defense," legolas trailed off unable to think of an excuse.
"well I suppose you could stay with the woman if Rohan," suggested Gandalf.
"Then I must stay aswell, harm befalls her whenever I leave," legolas objected.
"yeah, or legolas who is needed could go and I can fight with you guys?"
"No way," they all responded in unison.
"Tch," you tutted and walked too the entrance whilst the others discussed what to do with you.
Hopping down over rocks you walked further away. Following a small burn trickling down next to you.
That's when you heard it a rasping choking sound. The throbbing in your head returned.
"Gots you," gurgled the thing at your feet.
"Legol-" you tried to call out but you fell to your knees the pain in your head intensifying.
As the thing slowly crawled towards you, you kicked out landing a solid kick to its eye making it squeal in pain as it rithed around.
"Help," you cried a lot quieter but the thing at your feet heard.
"No helps for you," it said before lurching forward knocking your head against a rock. Blood poured into your eyes and you fumbled around for a weapon.
Finding a loose rock your turned to the creature bringing the rock down around its head. In the back of your mind you heard the twang of an arrow. But the creature seemed unbothered as it sunk its teeth into your calf.
You screamed an ear piercing scream and attempted to kick off the thing. Holding your rock more tightly you brought it down a second time this time hitting its jaw.
With a sickening crunch the creatures eyes flicked up to yours.
"Fiesty it is," a mix of saliva and blood pooled on your leg. You squeeked and tried to shuffle backwards but the pain in your leg was unimaginable. "Oh it's not leaving, it's not leaving," it laughed.
"Yes she is," cried Aragorn bringing his sword down splitting the creature's head in two. You let out a weak gasp.
Catching your breath you let your head fall back against soft moss.
"Thank you, I owe you one."
"You owe me nothing," he said pulling you into a tight imbrace.
"Where's legolas?"
"You know he heard you scream and ran out with naught but a single arrow and his bow."
"Then why is he not here?"
"Isn't it obvious, he missed,' Aragorn gestured to a singular arrow in the wood of a tree a few feet away.
"Oh," you said momentarily forgetting the pain in your leg but it was remembered harshly when you attempted to move.
Cursing Aragorn lifted you up holding you tight against him.
Tears soaked your cheeks as you cried in agony.
Aragorn started to run back up the mountain. Calling out as he did.
The blood loss would have knocked you unconscious but the pain kept you awake.
The cold stone of the cave floor did nothing to cool the hot pain searing through your body.
"Y/N!" Legolas knelt next to you but didn't touch you.
"Legolas," you reached your hand up to his face and he held it there.
You could hear gandalf ordering the other two around but your pain deluded mind didn't register it, you couldn't take your eyes off of him.
"Y/n I so sorry, I should have brought more arrows I should have helped more," his tears streaked his fave and landed on yours.
"It's ok, it's not your fault," you could feel someone wrapping bandages round your leg and you squeezed your eyes tight shut so you didn't scream. "Can I go with you know?"
"I am never leaving your side again."
"Thank you."
The road was rough everyone was tired as you trekked through marsh and forest alike.
You were camping out in a small gorge fire crackling and spitting.
***skipable smut from here till the next cut***
Everyone lay a few meters away from were you and legolas were sitting, all fast asleep.
You were proped up against a tree whilst he was leaning on your shoulder.
You were quite a bit away from the others so it came as no surprise to either of you that they hadn't heard you yet.
Legolas's hand was buried beneath your skirt, 'checking your bandages'.
His face was nestled in your hair his fingers working a silent apology on your clit.
You struggled to stay quiet his long fingers spreading your wetness around your folds.
you squirmed slightly and he picked up the pace rubbing circles around your sensitive bud making you whimper.
His fingers moved faster as you ground your hips against them desperate for more.
His other hand moved from your thigh up to your breast slowly massaging it and pinching at your nipple.
Wet squelching sounds erupted as he slipped his finger inside your soaked entrance quickly adding a second as you clenched around him.
His fingers pumped in and out of you in time with his hand on your breast making you moan and grip his thighs your legs spreading outwards.
He slowly let go of your breast his hand joing his other between your things only this one drew slow circles around your clit.
Your breathing quickened as his hands worked you faster.
suddenly you came letting out a silent moan.
He kept going through your orgasm until you had finished and her slowly pulled his fingers out of you and popped them in his mouth sucking them clean.
****end smut****
silence rung loud through the clearing broken only by gimlis uneven ear splitting snore.
The moon was high in the sky casting long shadows, and the cold air hung like a weighted blanket.
you fell asleep leaning against Legolas his breathing luling you to sleep.
Even with the ground poking you uncomfortably his arms were like a weighted blanket on your thoughts.
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sangre · 2 months
A VERY DESCRIPTIVE PROFILE OF YOUR MUSE.  REPOST, DO NOT REBLOG, with the information of your muse,  including headcanons, etc.
pawn and arisen edition!
TAGGED BY: no one i stole this from myself :}  TAGGING: @reides @the-lovely-lady-luck @interstices @ritens @soloavengers
@muracasardis @pawnguild @lepidopteralabyrinth @edgier-than-a-diamond
@ishgard @hit-tab @lesbianbreastmilk if you like!
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name: adamaris solvesal nicknames: “ada” to her sister, only. “maris” with close friends. “ves” in a formal/informal sense, and obviously, pawn titles/endearments. age: thirty-three. race: human. gender: fluid, predominantly she/her but happy with he/him. Especially likes masculine titles – lord, king, sir. mx. and mistrex (acofaf reference). are also good. orientation: bisexual. zodiac: cancer. moral alignment: chaotic neutral. class/subclass: warfarer; mystic archer + sorcerer. briefly trained in spearhand, but she liked the on-hand brutality more than she wanted to deal with at the time and didn’t like it as an outlet. effectively “i’m not unpacking all that” and moving on. very proficient spellcaster, exceptional archer. the back definition hehe background: she and her younger sister (diantha) were taken in by their grandma, who was already rather old when she took them in. their grandmother was a fish and abalone/jewelry merchant who had adamaris take lessons at the apothecary so that she might be helpful in an emergency. diantha helped her grandmother with fishing and collecting things for the shop! (adamaris did this too of course, i think she just spent more time at lessons as elder sib.) interests/hobbies: mapmaking, navigating, astronomy, sailing, reading. spoken languages: dd2 equivalent of common as well as pseudospanish. also, the arisen's innate ability to understand the dragons after losing their heart. profession: the arisen, sovran-to-be. height: 5’7” colors: deep pink reds, pale red-browns, dark purple-red, almost black-red, wine red. the wine dark sea. fruits: raspberries, cherries, mango, lime, strawberry. drinks: ciders, guava and citrus juices, pulpy drinks like with aloe vera... alcoholic beverages: sweet/white wines, fruit sangrias, mango margarita with tajin, in theory... smokes: nope drugs: not really. just kind of hasn't had the time. drivers license: CAN drive a carriage. ever been arrested: almost and then she lifted the guard and threw him off the cliff in the inside of the jail. that's their fault for having cells that open up into cliffs of endlessness
pawn info under readmore:
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name: yvaine nicknames: yve (adamaris), vaine. age: ??? race: pawn - yvaine is more draconic in NG+, admittedly. his pointed ears and fangs are from plague overexposure. and other things. :-) gender: transmasc, he/him. orientation: bisexual. zodiac: sagittarius somehow. moral alignment: neutral good in first run, but chaotic neutral later and then in NG+ class/subclass: he was a mage to begin with! he was also a fighter, but his steady class now is thief. i think he likes having his 2 big knives. background: a somewhat eccentric summoning. adamaris attempted to frankenstein a body prior to becoming an arisen (with parts from corpses) but could not bring it to life/reanimate it/give live to it as what would have been a homunculus/a familiar. however! adamaris' first rift summoning brought her face to face with the animate version of that body she built. except... this time, he's very much alive. so there's a sort of inexplicable tether to his coming to life and rift-traveling! he doesn't remember much of his life prior to being summoned, so he and adamaris are in the same boat to start with. but. much has happened since then. interests/hobbies: he's a bit of a history and the arts dweeb. i think he loves seeing where things come from and learning about the stories that make up people's lives. music makes him cry like all the time. so he has been studying how to play the lute! spoken languages: dd2 equivalent of comic, and the language of dragons as well. profession: effectively the sovran's 'seneschal'/advisor/right hand/assassin. before that point, he's just my party's sweetheart. :-) height: 5'9" colors: lavender! pale lilac/desaturated brown, silvery purples! like silk, moonlight, like opal and fluorescent purple. and crimson red. fruits: honeydew..! kiwis, passionfruit, plums :) and papayas drinks: mulch. just kidding umm. very strong things! like i just think he's weirdly fond of VERY strong flavors or bitterness! i can't think of anything to describe this outside of black coffee but you get the vibe alcoholic beverages: i don't think alcohol affects him much but i also think he doesn't like the way it does feel for him. smokes: no. drugs: no by happenstance but he would try some substances recreationally with maris if it ever came up haha. drivers license: NO! ever been arrested: no he's too fast.
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🌈 Queer Books Coming Out in April 2024 🌈
🌈 Good morning, my bookish bats! Struggling to keep up with all the amazing queer books coming out this month? Here are a FEW of the stunning, diverse queer books you can add to your TBR before the year is over. Remember to #readqueerallyear! Happy reading!
[ Release dates may have changed. ]
❤️ Spring on the Peninsula - Ery Shin 🧡 When I Arrived at the Castle - Emily Carroll 💛 Bloodline - Jenn Alexander 💚 Grey Dog - Elliott Gish 💙 Every Time You Hear That Song - Jenna Voris 💜 I'm in Love with the Villainess v. 2 - Inori and Hanagata ❤️ The Caravaggio Syndrome - Alessandro Giardino 🧡 Leather, Lace, and Locs - Anne Shade 💛 Firebugs - Nico Bulling 💙 I Married My Female Friend v.2 - Shio Usui 💜 The Final Curse of Ophelia Cray - Christine Calella 🌈 A Sweet Sting of Salt - Rose Sutherland ❤️ The Selected Shepherd: Poems - Reginald Shepherd 🧡 Rough Trade - Katrina Carrasco 💛 Aubrey McFadden is Never Getting Married - Georgia Beers 💚 Taming of a Rebel - Eada Friesian 💙 Dayspring - Anthony Oliveira 💜 The Titanic Survivors Book Club - Timothy Schaffert ❤️ Orphia And Eurydicius - Elyse John 🧡 The Fellowship of Puzzlemakers - Samuel Burr 💛 A Good Happy Girl - Marissa Higgins 💙 Winnie Nash Is Not Your Sunshine - Nicole Melleby 💜 Here We Go Again - Alison Cochrun 🌈 Women! In! Peril! - Jessie Ren Marshall
❤️ Blood City Rollers - V. P. Anderson and Tatiana Hill 🧡 The Prospects - KT Hoffman 💛 Crazy Like a Fox: Adventures in Schizophrenia - Christi Furnas 💚 WATCHNIGHT - Cyree Jarelle Johnson 💙 Love From The Sidelines - Tuesday Harper 💜 The Pleasure in Pain - Roxie Voorhees ❤️ Mal - Perla Zul 🧡 The Black Girl Survives in This One - Desiree S. Evans and Saraciea J. Fennell 💛 Darker by Four - June C.L. Tan 💙 Otherworldly - F.T. Lukens 💜 Hearts Still Beating - Brooke Archer 🌈 Tryst Six Venom - Penelope Douglas
❤️ Teenage Dirtbags - James Acker 🧡 The Heart Wants What It Wants - D.M. Batten 💛 Something Kindred by Ciera Burch 💚 Sheine Lende - Dr. Darcie Little Badger & Rovina Cai 💙 Rainbow Overalls - Maggie Fortuna 💜 Flowers for Dead Girls - Abigail Collins ❤️ Canto Contigo - Jonny Garza Villa
❤️ Court of Wanderers - Rin Chupeco 🧡 Molten Death - Leslie Karst 💛 Triad Magic - ‘Nathan Burgoine 💚 You, Me and Bad Movies - Twoony 💙 The Faithful Dark - Cate Baumer 💜 A Case for Discretion - Ashley Moore ❤️ Party of Fools - Cedar McCloud 🧡 The Last Love Song - Kalie Holford 💛 This is Me Trying - Racquel Marie 💙 Dear Wendy - Ann Zhao 💜 Sun Eater - Dre Levant 🌈 The Breakup Lists - Adib Khorram
❤️ Bad Dream - Nicole Maines & Rye Hickman 🧡 If We Were Stars - Eule Grey 💛 The Broken Lines of Us - Shia Woods 💚 Eye of the Ouroboros - Megan Bontrager 💙 Henry Henry - Allen Bratton 💜 Dear Bi Men - JR Yussuf ❤️ Paige Not Found - Jen Wilde 🧡 Mechanic Shop Femme’s Guide to Car Ownership - Chaya Milchtein 💛 Wide Awake Now - David Levithan 💙 Merciless Saviors - H.E. Edgmon 💜 Smile and Be a Villain - Yves Donlon 🌈 Crash Landing - Charmaine Anne Li
❤️ Call Forth a Fox - Markelle Grabo 🧡 Central Avenue Poetry Prize 2024 - Beau Adler 💛 Good Bones - Aurora Rey 💚 Curiosities - Anne Fleming 💙 Someone You Can Build a Nest in - John Wiswell 💜 Revisiting Summer Nights - Ashley Bartlett ❤️ Bright Spring - Emmaline Strange
❤️ Girls Night - I.S. Belle 🧡 Late Bloomer - Mazey Eddings 💛 Withered - A.G.A. Wilmot 💚 A Wolf Steps in Blood - Tamara Jerée 💙 It Always Finds Me - Anthology 💜 Dulhaniyaa - Talia Bhatt ❤️ Moon Dust in My Hairnet - JR Creaden 🧡 Blood Justice - Terry J. Benton-Walker 💛 Relinquishing Control - J.J. Arias
❤️ Selamlik - Khaled Alesmael 🧡 Houseswap 101 - Jaime Clevenger 💛 Earthflown by Frances Wren & Litarnes 💚 Covenant v.1 - LySandra Vuong 💙 Honey - Victor Lodato 💜 The Dragonfly Gambit - A.D. Sui ❤️ Double Dyno - Sharon K Angelici & Taylor Rose
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ballads-and-dirges · 4 months
𝓦𝓪𝓻𝓻𝓲𝓸𝓻 𝓸𝓯 𝓛𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽 𝓟𝓻𝓸𝓯𝓲𝓵𝓮
Name: Kadenza Amadea-Leonis | Kadenza Valdisdottir
Nickname: Kad, Chirrup, Crisanta
Age: 25-27 (ARR) | 27-28 (HW) | 28-29 (SB) | 29-30 (ShB) | 31-33 (EW)
Sex/Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Midlander Hyur
Occupation: Second Lieutenant of the Twin Adder
Class: Archer
Job: Bard
𝒫𝒽𝓎𝓈𝒾𝒸𝒶𝓁 𝒜𝓅𝓅𝑒𝒶𝓇𝒶𝓃𝒸𝑒
Eye color: Brown (ARR-SB) | Pale Blue and Brown (ShB)
Skin color: Espresso with Cool undertones
Hair color: Black (ARR-SB) | Grey (ShB)
Height: 5 Fulms, 1 Ilm
Weight: 150 ponze
Body type: Subtle hourglass shape with a semi athletic build
Fitness level: Kadenza’s fitness level is high since she is constantly adventuring and fighting but a lot of her arm strength comes from her Botany hobby
Tattoos: NA
Scars/Birthmarks: She has a scar running from her left shoulder nearly down to her right hip from where Zenos struck her down on their first dual; due to how fast she was treated the skin healed without leaving too much of a dark mark
Other distinguishing features: Her pale blue left eye after Ardbert’s soul merged with her own. She also wears a yellow chrysanthemum pin in her hair and wears saffron colored eye shadow in the corners of her eyes.
Disabilities: NA
Cleanliness/Grooming: For someone who’s constantly traveling or sleeping outdoors, she’s constantly doing her best to stay clean. Due to her being raised in a small village in the Twelveswood, she’s used to cleaning up in fresh bodies of lakes, rivers, ponds, etc. so she’ll take her time to freshen up whenever given the moment to.
Coordination (or lack thereof): Her coordination is immaculate due to her being a bard. Her father drilled it into her that a good bard must be coordinated and fluid.
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Birth date: Third Sun of the Sixth Astral Moon in 1552
Guardian: Menphina, the Lover
Place of birth: Sharlayan
Key family members: 
Kara Valdisdottir (biological sister)
Lucienne and Yves Amadea-Leonis (adoptive parents)
Ty’rion Amadea-Leonis (adoptive brother)
Notable events/milestones: 
Following in her father’s footsteps, Kadenza finally joined the Archer’s Guild and spent years working her way to becoming a renowned Bard within the guild. The day she became a Bard her family threw a celebration for her to honor her achievement.
As she did her due diligence as a Scion, she also made sure to fulfill her duties as a member within the Twin Adders. Her diligence paid off as she has been honored with merits to become the Second Lieutenant and create her own squadron.
Criminal record: She has a fairly clean slate, she’s kind of too honest to a fault.
The Gridanian Branch of the Adventurer’s Guild
Scions of the Seventh Dawn
Second Lieutenant of the Order of the Twin Adder
The Archer’s Guild
The Fisher’s Guild
The Culinary Guild
Haus de Leonis
Lore: Kadenza had been born in Sharlayan along with her elder sister Kara but they were separated during the Garlean Invasion in 1557. She was only 5 summers old when her parents had been slain by Garlean troops. Kara, her elder sister, did what she could to lead Kadenza to safety but ended up being captured and shackled to other children and teens who were not fortunate enough to escape. Kara’s last word echoing in her head to run and to stay with the others. 
For months Kadenza traveled with a group of survivors that were making their way to Ishgard but with the dangers of dragons and wyvern, many of them were killed trying to defend themselves. After a while she found herself alone following a single moogle to Gods know where. The little sprite led her to safety, using a magick to make her invisible as they traversed the desolate lands of The Churning Mist. It wasn’t too long that she was led to their little village of Moghome, where she was taken care of for a few months until an uninvited person stumbled into their cave; a young Elezen man, with a bow on his back and a small harp placed on his hip, Yves Amadea-Leonis. For weeks the man waited outside the cave trying to convince Kadenza that he meant no harm and only wanted to help. It was the moogle who rescued her that convinced her to join the man, for she would have a better life among those similar to her. From there she followed the man to Gridania where he and his wife, Lucienne, raised her alongside a Vieran boy, Ty’rion, as their own.
Other notes: Being acknowledged as Hydaelyn’s Chosen has caused much dissonance within herself, as having the title as Warrior of Light has been exhausting coupled with her ties to being a Scion and Twin Adder Lieutenant. She constantly wrestles with her identity and has a severe case of imposter syndrome. This is an identity she constantly wrestles with that has pushed her further into being more aloof and reclusive in regards to letting people near her. She’s only recently been allowing herself to open up again after the events of Shadowbringers where she was nearly overwhelmed by corrupted light. Having Ardbert by her side has made her open her heart to relying on others and being more vulnerable with her allies.
𝒫𝓈𝓎𝒸𝒽𝑜𝓁𝑜𝑔𝒾𝒸𝒶𝓁 𝒯𝓇𝒶𝒾𝓉𝓈
Personality type: INFJ-T (Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Judging - Turbulent Advocate)
Focuses on the difficult parts of a problem.
Fueled by their worries and concerns, and these can be used to make significant progress.
Often affected by and caught up in the drama of life
Often affected by stress and regret because their regrets weigh on them more, but is more likely to learn from mistakes
Personality traits: Headstrong, Compassionate, Empathetic, Decisive, Sensitive, Aloof, Ambitious, Altruistic, a tad Sarcastic when annoyed
Temperament: INFJ The Empath | The Counselor
Introvert/Extrovert: Introvert
Mannerisms: Since her adoptive family is Elezen, Kadenza is a bit more formal when it comes to speaking and her posture reflects that as well. Though since she lived in a smaller village, when she visits city-states like Gridania or Ishgard the Elezen there believe her manners are not as refined. However to other races are confused when meeting this small Hyuran woman who seems more Elezen than Hyur.
Educational background: Kadenza is more street smart than book smart due to her upbringing. She is well versed in Elezen history and music. All that she has learned is knowledge passed down from the village elders and her Bard father (and his trusty band of Bard friends). Her mother has taught her botany and how to care for smaller creatures and gave her a white Ferret named Vani for her 15th nameday.
Intelligence: She is a fairly decent problem solver but is terrible when it comes to arithmetic. One pro is that she’s open to learning anything, a con is that she has to try extra hard when learning if it’s not something she has engaged with before.
Self-esteem: Kadenza’s self esteem was decent, she was always proud of her accomplishments and reflected on her failures. However there was a major shift in her self reflection and esteem when she was realized as the Warrior of Light. Due to this she suffers from a case of imposter syndrome more often than not. She has been doing her best to cope and get back to herself before that acknowledgment. 
Hobbies: She enjoys logging different plants she’s found on her adventures across Eorzea, it’s one of the things that brings her comfort and reminds her of home. She’s often creating different flower arrangements and decorating her home with the final products. Although not the best at it, she joined the Fisher’s Guild so she could learn how to fish and does it recreationally with her brother Ty’rion when they’re catching up.
Skills/talents: Singing and dancing are among some of Kadenza’s best talents. She had been taught so many folk songs from village elders and her father that these talents ended up becoming second nature to her. She loves playing her crudely crafted ocarina and harp. Due to how often she sang and danced around the village with her little harp in hand she had been given the nickname “Chirrup”, referring to how she fluttered about the village like a little canary.
Loves: Very cliche but she loves chocobos and moogles. Her love for moogles from childhood when she was saved by a moogle that led her to Moghome. And her love for chocobos? She loves the way they “kweh” and how fluffy they are. From scattered pieces of her childhood in Sharlayan, she remembers her family herding and training them so the fondness has just been a part of her life.
Morals/Virtues: Her morals are steeped in never compromising herself or allies to achieve her goals. She never wants anyone to doubt her intentions and will be honest when she feels at odds with certain decisions.Her family has ingrained to her that her bonds and connections to everyone is what strengthens her and she must not forget all those who work alongside her. These morals are what keep her from completely closing off others.
Fear: The biggest fear Kadenza faces is loss due to not being strong enough to save others. Although she knows she can’t protect everyone, it scares her when she can’t save as many as possible… even at the expense of her own livelihood.
Phobias: She thinks bog yarzon are the worst creatures she’s ever encountered and visibly shiver whenever encountering one. On her first venture when she ran into one she nearly dropped her bow. She also has thalassophobia and has to meditate before diving into deep bodies of water. She was stressed the hell out when she had to swim the Ruby Sea.
Angered by: Hypocrisy and two-faced people are the things that sets her off completely.
Pet peeves: Obnoxiously loud sounds, when people blow her off or speak rudely but then act nice when they realize who she is, when she’s expected to do everything 
Obsessed with: Obsessed with chrysanthemums ever since she was a child and learned botany from her mother, Lucienne. They would often make flower crowns and bouquets together. Every year she waits for late Summer and Autumn to come around so she can go visit the chrysanthemum field near her village
Routines: She doesn’t really have a routine besides harvesting in the early hours of the day and late evenings when she is not on official duty. She goes about her days leisurely when she’s not adventuring.
Bad habits: 
She has a hard time saying no to others and can get into tight situations because of it. 
Holding in her emotions, even when they’re justified, until she explodes.
Shouldering burdens for others until the point of emotions;/mental fatigue.
Desires: Her biggest desire is to overcome her imposter syndrome and to fulfill her role as Hydaelyn’s Chosen on her own terms. She detests being seen as a weapon and wants to be acknowledged as a capable person who worked their way up to being as strong as she is and not because it was a fate destined by a God.
Blaming herself for others being harmed due to their association with her
Letting her priorities overwhelm her
Shutting herself off from others when under pressure
Quirks: Kadenza likes to talk to the elemental sprites and refuses to kill/hunt them unless necessary. Talking to her furry companions like they're actual people is another trait she has and has been caught on many occasions having “conversations” with her chocobo, Lavitz. She’s lived in the Twelveswood with so much nature surrounding her, she has always been more in tuned with creatures and sprites. She also wrestles with Torgal when no one’s around to stimulate the pup and build their bond.
Favorite sayings: “Time is the longest distance between two places.”
Secrets: When faced with her own mortality, she begrudged Hydaelyn for pushing her so far but was instantly regretful. That night she stayed locked in her room praying to the Goddess and sobbing at her moment of weakness.
Regrets: She regrets that she never confessed her love for Haurchefant before he sacrificed himself for her. Her heart clenches every time she remembers holding his bloody hand as he passed away in Aymeric's arms.
Accomplishments: Kadenza has an extensive list of accomplishments as Warrior of Light, but a personal accomplishment she acknowledges is carrying on her father’s legacy as a Bard. She always comes home to her mother and father recounting the tales of her journey through song. Her village looks to her as their precious jewel.
Memories: She remembers her sister, Kara. Never once forgetting her face or cries when she was captured. It’s been so many years, she can’t even remember her bio parents that well but she remembers Kara as clear as day. It’s a haunting memory and she longed to be reunited with her. 
Other notes: Kadenza and Kara were reunited during the Dragonsong War, where she learned that Kara had been watching over her since the moment she came to Dravania. Kadenza had learned that Kara had been shipped away to Kugane and was nearly sold as a child bride but was liberated by an Au’ran tribe who took her in as her own. Kara had later been betrothed to the son of a renowned Au’ran Warrior within the tribe. She became the matriarch of the family and constantly returned to Dravania to look for traces of Kadenza’s survival. Her appearance came during the invasion of the Holy See where she fought side by side with Kadenza to bring down Nidhogg and his fleet of wyrms.
Languages known: Although her first language was the Common Language, it was quickly forgotten when she was taken in by her adoptive Elezen family. Elezen became her most fluently spoken language to the point that whenever she speaks the Common Language she has a heavy accent. She is constantly learning Amalj’aan and Sylphic and with the reunion with her sister she’s learning bits and pieces of Au’ran language. She prefers Elezen because it comes more naturally to her and constantly gets confused by certain Hyuran terminology to the point that Thancred pokes fun at her in mock disbelief. She usually has to look to the twins or Urianger to explain (in Elezen) certain sayings in the Common Language.
Preferred communication methods: Speaking and through Epics
Accent: To other races she has the Elezen accent but within the Elezen hierarchy, she sounds a bit unrefined since she grew up in a village. Many scattered Elezen villages share a certain way of speech distinct from City-State Elezen so they are able to identify she’s from a village.
Style and pacing of speech: Her style of speech sounds elegant and concise. She speaks a bit with a drawl but most people think it's charming.
Pitch/tone: She has a warm tone for being so small. It’s neither high nor low.
Laughter: Her laughter is actually deeper than her voice. It’s huskier and radiates warmth like a single ember in a fireplace. Many people say it feels comforting hearing her laugh and usually makes others smile.
Smile: Her smile radiates from her eyes normally but it’s wide and cheerful when she’s singing and dancing. That’s where her smile is the most genuine.
Use of gestures: She usually gestures more when she’s trying to figure out the proper way to say a phrase in the Common Language. Usually scratching her head or rubbing a hand on her cheek when she’s thinking how to express her words.
Facial expressions: Much of her emotions are displayed and noticed through her eyes first. She’s fairly expressive when her emotions are high.
Verbal expressions: She’s known for audible gasps when shocked or sighs when deep in thought.
𝒮𝓉𝓇𝑒𝓃𝑔𝓉𝒽𝓈, 𝒲𝑒𝒶𝓀𝓃𝑒𝓈𝓈𝑒𝓈, 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒜𝒷𝒾𝓁𝒾𝓉𝒾𝑒𝓈
Physical strengths: She has excellent stability, focus, and hand eye coordination. Balancing and having a sturdy core is another strength of hers. In order to wield a bow, she was put through tough trials by her father.
Physical weaknesses: She developed a mild case of insomnia when her soul was 8 times rejoined. Many of her dreams consist of lives from the other souls merged with her but her most vivid ones come from Ardbert.
Intellectual strengths: She is wildly creative and enjoys learning about new instruments from other cultures. 
Intellectual weaknesses: Arithmetic is a struggle for her and she leaves it to Tataru to handle the numbers side of things.
Interpersonal strengths: Kadenza shows empathy even to those who, in the eyes of others, don't deserve it. She often thinks how she’s not so different from her adversaries who also believe their causes are noble.
Interpersonal weaknesses: She easily internalizes all of her negative emotions and takes on the emotions of others too. She often overwhelms herself and has to step away to recenter.
Physical abilities: She’s a master bowman and never misses a target due to how well her focus and concentration are.
Magical abilities: Her magical abilities work in tandem with healers and tanks. With either the strum of her harp or the whistle of her ocarina she can remove ailments during battle and create strengthening buffs for herself and allies. 
Physical illnesses/conditions: NA
Mental illnesses/conditions: 
She has imposter syndrome and depression due to being Hydaelyn’s Champion, and having to be the bearer of all burdens of the realm and its citizens.
Her PTSD comes from the death of Haurchefant taking a strike meant for her, and only worsens the more she is sent to the front lines of war.
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Partner(s)/Significant other(s): Aymeric de Borel
Lover(s): Haurchefant (relationship unconfirmed; deceased)
Lucienne Amadea-Leonis (adoptive mother)
Yves Amadea-Leonis (adoptive father)
Children: NA
Grandparents: She considers the elders of her village to be her grandparents and only refers to them in endearing terms due to how close their small village is.
Grandchildren: NA
Kara Valdisdottir (biological sister)
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Ty'rion Amadea-Leonis (adoptive brother)
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 Lucienne and Yves Amadea-Leonis (adoptive parents)
Amitra (dragon)  - Amitra is not exactly her family but a dragon bond she formed during the Dragonsong War when the Ishgardians made peace with the Dragons. Midgarsommar blessed the bond and charged Amitra with being Kadenza’s guardian.
Vani (white ferret)
Lavitz (chocobo companion)
Torgal (wolf)
Best friends: Alphinaud and Alisaie, Tataru, Svea and Aatos, Kys'eel Eralis, Contessa Scientia
Friends: G’raha Tia, Estinien, Ysayle (deceased), Atoirel and Emmanellain, Moenbryda (deceased), Krile, Riol, Zero, Erenvile
Rivals: Silvairee of the Archer’s Guild
Enemies: Zenos yae Galvus and Lahabrea
Colleagues: Members of the Scions, Soldiers of the Twin Adder, Members of Haus de Leonis
Mentors/Teachers: Jehantel Fointeaume & Midgarsommar
Idols/Role models: She looks up to her father Yves. To her, he is the greatest man she’s ever known.
Followers: Alphinaud, Alisaie, G’raha Tia, and her Squadron
Public perception of them: She is hailed as the Realm’s Hero, Hydaelyn’s Chosen, and Feller of Gods
𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓇𝒶𝒸𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒢𝓇𝑜𝓌𝓉𝒽
Character archetype: The Seeker "The Seeker is a force to be reckoned with. This archetype embodies the inner rugged individual who is willing to brave loneliness and isolation in pursuit of new paths"
Character arc: Merging souls with Ardbert has helped her in realizing that she is not alone and that through it all there is always someone standing beside her. Although she is still plagued by mental and emotional anguishes, she’s learning to open her heart more. Not to mention how moved she was at Alisaie’s outburst, she knew then that there were people who cared about her regardless of the fact that she is Hydaelyn’s Champion. Alphinaud and Alisaie choosing to walk beside her along with Ardbert had been what she needed for so long, as she only felt that most interest in her was as nothing but a weapon sharpened for war.
Core values: Remaining as true to herself as possible and shaping her own future the way she sees fit.
Internal conflicts: Allowing herself to be more vulnerable and asking for help when she falters
External conflicts: She struggles with everyone’s over reliance on her and still trying to find balance while not breaking under pressure.
Goals: She’s unsure of her goal right now as she’s constantly pulled in many directions, but she knows that she wants to bring harmony and peace to the realm.
Motivations: Protecting the ones she loves is her motivation and knowing that she is the only one who can do it.
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sakurajjam · 1 year
Após cut você vai encontrar 102 opções de nomes masculinos, todos foram tirados de textos que já li e alguns de imagens do pinterest, infelizmente, não encontrei créditos em nenhuma delas. As opções não seguem qualquer tipo de aesthetic ou localidade, apenas são nomes que achei bonitos e interessantes, e espero ajudar alguém! 
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older-is-better · 1 year
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Jean-Yves Archer.
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goldenteaset · 9 months
…So I finished La Salut…there were things I really wanted to enjoy but couldn’t, and things I didn’t enjoy at all (sometimes things don’t need explaining!). And then suddenly the emotions worked again and I actually cried, repeatedly! I now have even more thoughts about “divine mantles” and how various characters in Virche learn to embody or discard them…but 0 coherence. ^^;
That said, I couldn’t get into Adolphe that much. I felt for him, but it’s the same feeling as from a distant acquaintance that you see sometimes on his way to Job at Location. There's a lot of implications to him that are interesting: how he's structured his whole life around Ceres and what that means for his sanity, his horror at Relivers, etc., but the writers are so committed to him being Normal (tm) that those aren't touched on as much. This is what happens when you put Ankou and everyone else right next to him. Poor guy…his more snide faces are extremely good though. Hopefully later playthroughs will make him more endearing!
...Actually I do have more thoughts, oops. First the "aw man :(" and then the "YAAAAAY" under the cut:
The "Aw, Man :(" which isn't "bad" so much as disappointing:
Please imagine with me a version of this story where Ankou is the God/Watchman of Death he proclaims himself to be. Imagine everyone else, terrified of dying, suddenly being able to ask about the Afterlife, even if the answers are vague. (Can't have everyone get too hyped to die!) Wouldn't that have been unique and gothic-ly fun? I still like the actual answer on some level, but I wanted this too.
On that note, an actual dislike: I viscerally hate Ankou being embarrassed about acting the part of Watchman of Death. It felt born from a place of love for the Drifter, Yves and Ceres, so for him to feel so negatively toward it? Awful.
Less awful and more confusing: Ankou says he uses "smoke bombs", but none of his previous exits imply smoke. All the more reason to pretend it's only canon here!
The "Queen's genes" (ha, rhyme) thing really did amount to nothing, huh? I don't understand why it's here and that rankles.
Every time some variant of the line "Ceres is a plant/lycoris" comes up I feel like the Six-Fingered Man from The Princess Bride while Inigo Montoya does his revenge speech ad nauseam. "STOP SAYING THAT!"
Seriously though, I can handle Ceres being like a lycoris, akin to, etc. But something about "is a plant" is so inherently funny/brain-breaking that I'm no longer thinking of all this as a metaphor, but an actual, physical part of her, and it just doesn't gel. ;_;
It feels like there were two plots going on in this route: The Royal Family and Adolphe VS Ankou, and frankly I wound up more invested in the former. This isn't the first time it's happened, it won't be the last, but I still was drumming my fingers a little waiting for things to switch back.
I was really hoping the bouquet confession would lead to an option to choose Adolphe or Ankou (or both), because it felt like Adolphe was passing the baton over to Ceres in that moment. But nope! :(
Yves and Lucas' mini-endings in this route's Salvation ending were so wonderful I now have 0 desire to play their actual Salvation routes. Oops!
The "YAAAAAY", which I hope is self-explanatory:
Dahut's reveal? Literally iconic, as was the final scene between him and Salome. Loved his revenge, loved his friendship toward Nadia, loved how he unwittingly gave Lucas the hope he needed to make his first steps toward freedom, etc.
All the love interests working together to save Ceres! Also self-explanatory.
Adolphe and Ankou's banter and arguments, down to their voices being similar, was so funny and also sad post-reveal. It reminds me a lot of Archer and Shirou in F/SN's Unlimited Blade Works route, but better crafted I think. YMMV.
Capuchine KABOOM! (I find him rather morbidly cute, so his frustrated scream pre-explosion gave me both catharsis and a weird sort of cuteness aggression. Again, Scien, again!)
On a more serious note, Scien and Lucas having to interact and him being able to help Lucas on the road to recovery was really sweet. They were both great in this route.
Hugo/Yves are my OTP now, actually. That love realization from Hugo was just too good, ditto them traveling together. Please let there be scenes of their road trip in the fandisc!
The aforementioned inconsistency and embarrassment aside, Ankou being revealed as Adolphe was masterfully done. Loved the Drifter planting those stories of him in the past and then those stories helping to keep Ceres alive in the future. The images of him collapsing among the ever-growing lycorises along with the voice acting made me cry!
THE BOUQUET. All that subtle build-up over the routes (this one included) culminating in that one gorgeous CG. Ankou choosing of his own accord to take up the mantle of Watchman of Death, fulfilling that now-old fairytale and closing the cycle for good. ;v;
Hearing Lucas' voice post-ending also made me cry, but happily this time. He's alive and well! He's free! Nadia has a cane now! AAAAAA
Scien ripping up the time travel research letter. Yes. YES. I don't know how to explain it, but something about the way he's written, whether antagonistic or anti-heroic, just gives me such joy.
Ceres flustering Adolphe at the end, and their kiss. Again, I still don't quite buy their romance, but like Ankou I'm glad she's able to smile from the bottom of her heart.
...And that's it! Now to choose whose Salvation route to do first, Matthis or Scien's.
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taylorjohnson · 1 year
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i am nothing. but still in that, i wanted to be loved. becoming light, erica jong / before sunset, dir. richard linklater / love poem, anne sexton / bag of bones, stephen king / my mother dwindles, margaret atwood / the archer, taylor swift / fleabag, dir. harry bradbeer / sugar apple, yves olade / the dialogue of desire and guilt, j.d. mcclatchy; birthright, george abraham / waiting room, phoebe bridgers / letters to benvenuta, rainer maria rilke / butch is a noun, s. bear bergman / work song, hozier / black bear, dir. lawrence michael levine / mothers, daughter / two, sleeping at last / georgia, phoebe bridgers / please, please, please, let me get what i want, the smiths / i want to look out a window, jenny slate / untitled, teenbeachmovie3 / did you know that there's a tunnel under ocean blvd, lana del rey / all about love: new visions, bell hooks / a lover's discourse: fragments, roland barthes / the long and short of it, richard siken / body of water, florence welch / untitled, rbhvleo / untitled, giovanni gasparro; sunlight, hozier / litany in which certain things are crossed out, richard siken / untitled, silas denver melvin; wolf hall, hilary mantel / phantom pain, caitlin conlon.
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unrealitybymeg · 2 years
dear future character
ambrose, ambrosia, amity, anna, answer, arcadia, archer, archibald, archie, arlo, artie, atlas, atticus, august, austen, barbie, barlow, barnaby, bea, beatrix, beckett, bee, benedict, bernard, beto, billie, birdie, bright, brody, bronte, bruno, buffy, cadence, callista, carson, cassia, castor, catherine, charity, charlotte, cheryl, cisco, clara, clio, constance, cordelia, cressida, cymbeline, cyrus, daphne, darcy, dharma, diego, dolce, drusilla, eabha, edmund, eero, eleanor, eliza, elliot, ellis, eloise ,ephraim, evangeline ,fabiana, ford, francis, fuller, george, georgiana, gideon, gigi, ginny, goya, guinevere, hale, hardy, harry, helena, henry, hermione, hero, hestia, honey, honor, hopper, infinity, iris, isolde, ives, jana, jasper, jenna, jensen, joliet, jude, justice, kahlo, kiefer, kimball, kirby, laurent, laurie, lavinia, leonora, liv, livia, logan, lorelai, lorelei, loren, lorne, lou louisa, louise, lucius lucy, lydia, maeve, magdalena, magdelene, manon, marian, marin, marlowe, matilda, max, maxima, mercy, merrit, milo, miranda, monday, monroe, moxie, nora, olive, ophelia, pace, patience, perry, phoebe, poppy, priscilla, prudence, prue, raina, reina, reuben, rigby, romilly, romy, rosalind, roscoe, royal, ruby, rufus, rupert, rusty, sheridan, silas, sonnet, sumner, tamsin, theodosia, titus, tobias, true, tudor, tully, turner, violet, vivien, whimsy, wild, wilder, wilson, winnie, wyatt, yves
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apaneladay · 2 years
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Yves Swolfs Durango Series published by Edition des Archers, Dargaud, Alpen Publishers and Soleil Productions (1980-2008)
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Technical Information
Name: Yvonne Cryos
(Former: Yvonne Leroy)
Japanese: イヴォンヌ・クリオス (Ivu~on'nu kuriosu)
Quotes: "Rich and Fool, two choices to one. I'll be fool but rich, just for a plan."
Age: 17 y.o
Birthday: September 9th
Star sign: Virgo
Height: 172 cm
Race: Fairy-hybrid
Species: Ice Fairy
Melodie Kingdom (born; formerly)
Sakura Imperial (currently)
Daniel Leroy (Biological father; haven't seen)
Demeter Harvest (Biological mother)
Pandora Aiko (Stepmother; haven't seen)
Matthew Cyros (Stepfather)
Unseen step-siblings
Riordan Cryos Leroy (Older brother)
Alessia Cryos (Younger sister)
Mitsu Cryos (Younger sister #2)
Rico Cryos (Younger brother)
Nicknames / Aliases:
Evie (by her family and friends)
Dame de neige (by Rook Hunt; means "Lady of Snow", due to her sparkling eyes inspiring his painting of winter scenery)
Mullet (by Floyd Leech; because of her appearance)
Herbivore / Peacock (by Leona Kingscholar; as he described her as the female version of Vil due to being very nagging)
Beauty (by NRC random students who flirting her)
Monster (by her biological father)
Loser's daughter (by her step-mother)
Vixen (by those envious girls)
School Facts and Fun Facts
Best Subject: Magic History |Machinery
Worst Subject: Linguistics
Favourite Colors: Salmon Pink, Orchid Purple and Beige
Favourite Food: Dumplings | Apple
Least Favourite: Junk Food
Likes: Knowledge, books, adventures, discovery, her step-family, simple romantic date, quiet, sakura viewing, mechanical inventions, her mother's homemade foods, motion videos, happiness, peace, preppy fashion
Dislikes: Wrong answers, nonsense, her cheating biological father, a third wheel, cheap gifts, forced to speak, being flirt, fake romantic novels, fighting, bully, her family being mistreated, haters, mocked, gothic
Hobbies: Inventing, playing chess, reading, babysitting, chatting with Sophia on phone
Talents: Mechanic design, navigation, archery, fencing, strategic, problem-solving, inventory, babysitting, ice manipulation, the transformation of ice fairy
Idol Stat
Performance: Coloratura soprano and suitable for some opera classics. However she can only sing in bass now because her throat problem and a few coughs.
Choreography: Combination of ballet and martial arts, Yvonne's bones are a little soft and easily bend, but sometimes need full recovery. She occasionally showing with elegant hand gestures.
Shimmery Wings outfits: Classical • Quirky
Idol Brand
Winter Princess (冬のプリンセス)
The brand that feature on the Snow Princess of the blizzard realm. The outfits has fur coat and the color palette of the brand are blue to white. It even allowed to use other colors to fit on the stage background. It is Yvonne's preferred brand.
Shimmery Wings: Quirky • Classical
Yvonne is a female given name. It is the feminine form of Yvon, which is derived from the French name Yves and Yvette. It is from the French word iv, meaning "yew" (or tree). Since yew wood was used for bows, Ivo may have been an occupational name meaning "archer". Yvonne/Ivonne is also a Spanish girl name.
Cryos is a word of combining form meaning “icy cold,” “frost."
Character Inspired
Yvonne was inspired by
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Timmy (Winx Club series)
Bea Spells-a-lots (Lalaloopsy)
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ameymeti2001 · 2 years
Europe Lipid Ingredients Market for Cosmetics Worth $3.60 billion by 2028
According to this latest publication from Meticulous Research®, the Europe lipid ingredients market for cosmetics is expected to record a CAGR of 3.9% from 2021 to 2028 to reach $3.6 billion by 2028. The growth of this market is expected to be driven by the factors such as rising investment for the development of innovative/customized lipid ingredients, growing consumer demand for cosmetics with nutrient-enriched vegetable oils, rising demand for natural cosmetic ingredients, and increasing demand for skincare products in the region. However, the availability of substitutes such as mineral oil can hinder market growth. In addition, the limited availability of some lipid ingredients places challenges for the lipid ingredients market in Europe.
The Europe lipid ingredients market for cosmetics is mainly segmented on the basis of source, application, and geography. The study also evaluates industry competitors and analyzes the market at the country level.
Based on source, the Europe lipid ingredients market for cosmetics is mainly segmented into plants, animals, and novel lipid sources. In 2021, the plants segment is estimated to account for the largest share of the Europe lipid ingredients market for cosmetics. The large share is mainly attributed to the rising demand for plant-sourced lipid ingredients in the cosmetics market, the growing need for organic and natural beauty products, and consumer demand for non-toxic and non-irritating cosmetics. Further, plant oil is widely adopted in cosmetics products as an alternative to mineral oils.
Based on the application, the lipid ingredients market is mainly segmented into skincare, haircare, and other applications. The skincare segment is expected to command the fast growth of the overall Europe lipid ingredients market for cosmetics during the forecasted period. The segment's fast growth is mainly attributed to the shift in consumer focus towards anti-aging skincare products and acne-reducing solutions, growing demand for natural skincare products, and increasing demand for luxury skincare products. Furthermore, rising skin problems are also fueling the demand for skincare products in the region.
Based on country, the lipid ingredients market for cosmetics is segmented into Germany, France, U.K., Poland, Netherlands, Switzerland, Austria, Czech Republic, Belgium, Finland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Baltic Countries, and the Rest of Europe. In 2021, Germany is estimated to account for the largest share of the overall Europe lipid ingredients market for cosmetics. This country’s prominent position in this market is primarily attributed to the largest consumer market for cosmetics in Europe and major production centers for conventional and natural cosmetics. For instance, Beiersdorf is the most important cosmetics company. Important natural and organic cosmetics companies include Lavera, Logona (L’Oréal), Dr. Hauschka, and Primavera Life. The Swiss natural cosmetics company Weleda also has a manufacturing facility in Germany.
Some of the most important cosmetics companies operating in Europe are L’Oréal S.A. (France), Unilever PLC (U.K.), The Procter & Gamble Company (U.S.), Beiersdorf AG (Germany), Coty Inc. (U.S.) Avon Products, Inc (Subsidiaries of Natura & Co, Holding S.A.) (U.K.), The Estée Lauder Companies Inc. (U.S.), Revlon Inc. (U.S.), Shiseido Company, Limited (Japan), Colgate-Palmolive Company (U.S.), Johnson & Johnson (U.S.), Kao Corporation (Japan), L'Occitane International S.A. (France), LVMH Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton (France), and Sally Beauty Holdings, Inc. (U.S.). Important natural and ethical cosmetics companies are Weleda (Switzerland), Neal’s Yard Remedies (U.K.), Léa Nature (France), Lush (U.K.), Yves Rocher (France), and The Body Shop (U.K.).
The key players operating in the Europe lipid ingredients market for cosmetics are KONINKLIJKE DSM N.V./DSM (Netherlands), Archer-Daniels-Midland Company (U.S.), Stepan Company (U.S.), Cargill Incorporated (U.S.), BASF SE (Germany), Croda International PLC (U.K.), Merck Group (Germany), NOF Europe GmbH (Subsidiary of NOF Corporation) (Japan), Neptune Wellness Solutions, Inc. (Canada), ABITEC Corporation (U.S.), Lipoid GmbH (Germany), Polaris (France), Sonic Biochem Extraction Pvt Ltd. (India), Nordic Naturals Inc. (U.S.), and Solutex GC Sl (Spain), among others.
𝑺𝒑𝒆𝒂𝒌 𝒕𝒐 𝑨𝒏𝒂𝒍𝒚𝒔𝒕: https://www.meticulousresearch.com/speak-to-analyst/cp_id=5206?utm_source=Product&utm_medium=Social&utm_campaign=Product&utm_content=30-12-2022
Scope of the report
Lipid Ingredients Market for Cosmetics Production, By Source/Type
Vegetable Oil
Nuts Oil
Fruit Seeds
Other Plant-sourced Lipid Ingredients
Fish Oil
Other Animal-sourced Lipid Ingredients
Novel Lipid Sources
Lipid Ingredients Market for Cosmetics Production, By Application
Skincare products
Haircare products
Lipid Ingredients Market for Cosmetics Production, By Country
The Netherlands
Czech Republic
The Baltic countries
Rest of Europe
𝑫𝒐𝒘𝒏𝒍𝒐𝒂𝒅 𝑺𝒂𝒎𝒑𝒍𝒆 𝑹𝒆𝒑𝒐𝒓𝒕 -https://www.meticulousresearch.com/download-sample-report/cp_id=5206?utm_source=Product&utm_medium=Social&utm_campaign=Product&utm_content=30-12-2022
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💙💜💖 Bi Books Out April 2024
💖💜💙 I planned a few too many posts for April! Sorry about that, bookish bats. Still, I couldn't mentally focus on math without one of my favorite lists! Here are all the bi books that came out in April! Which are you adding to your tbr (or which did you read and love)?
💖 Truly, Madly, Deeply - Alexandria Bellefleur 💜 Dear Bi Men - J.R. Yussuf 💙 Darker by Four - June C.L. Tan
💖 Saint-Seducing Gold - Brittany N. Williams 💜 The Last Love Song - Kalie Holford 💙 Moon Dust in My Hairnet - J.R. Creaden
💖 What Is Love? - Jen Comfort 💜 Playing for Keeps - Jennifer Dugan 💙 Finally Fitz - Marisa Kanter
💖 In Universes - Emet North 💜 Of Blood and Aether - Harper Hawthorne 💙 Rough Trade - Katrina Carrasco
💖 Off With Their Heads - Zoe Hana Mikuta 💜 The Boyfriend Fix - Lee Pini 💙 Call Forth a Fox - Markelle Grabo
💖 She Came for Blood - Darva Green 💜 Calling of Light - Lori M. Lee 💙 Something Kindred - Ciera Burch
💖 All the Hype - S. Bolanos 💜 I'm The Same - James Ungurait 💜 Good Mourning, Darling - Azalea Crowley 💙 Hearts Still Beating - Brooke Archer
💖 Even If We're Broken - A.M. Weald 💜 Rainbow Overalls - Maggie Fortuna 💙 Lights, Camera, Passion - Isabel Lucero
💖 Smile and Be a Villain - Yves Donlon 💜 Harley Quinn: Redemption - Rachael Allen 💙 Aubrey McFadden Is Never Getting Married - Georgia Beers
💖 Court of Wanderers - Rin Chupeco 💜 The Devil to Pay - Katie Daysh 💙 Every Time You Hear That Song - Jenna Voris
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yvsstlabouff · 2 years
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𝖄𝖛𝖊𝖘 ・ 𝕸𝖆𝖙𝖍𝖎𝖊𝖚
( boy name — french origin )
Yves meaning  "archer", is an unusual, catchy name with the energetic impact. Matthieu is a given name. It comes from french Matthieu, which is from Latin Matthaeus, derived from Greek Ματθαῖος (Matthaios) from Hebrew מתתיהו (Matatyahu), מתיתיהו (Matityahu), meaning "gift of the lord; gift of yahweh"
Primeiro filho de Charlotte Le Bouff, nasceu de uma gravidez difícil e despertou um sentimento de super proteção por parte dela, o que fez com que ele se tornasse um pouco rebelde. É bonito e sabe disso, usa de sua aparência para conseguir manipular bem a situação a seu favor, o que resultou em muitas relações não duradouras. Ele preza pela sua liberdade, a ponto de ser muito desapegado, exceto pela sua família no qual ele é bastante super protetor e tenta ao máximo manter uma boa relação. Após receber a sua habilidade, se tornou um bom aluno, se esforçando ao máximo para estar entre os melhores e, principalmente, ter algum domínio sobre sua habilidade. Quando mais novo, ainda causando dúvidas em sua família sobre o seu desapego sentimental, Yves quase morreu ao tentar salvar uma criança castigada que acabou sofrendo um acidente nos lagos de Zootopia, isso causou uma lesão auditiva que é gradativa, mas ainda não é um problema para ele. Se for resumir quem é o Yves, a maneira correta é dizendo que ele não é o melhor exemplo para ninguém, o golpe tá aí, cai quem quer.
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theogmissg · 21 days
My name is Yvonne Marie Dixon
Yvonne is a feminine given name, the female form of Yvon, which is derived from the French name Yves and Yvette. It is from the French word iv, meaning "yew" (or tree). Since yew wood was used for bows, Ivo may have been an occupational name meaning "archer".
Star of the sea. Meaning:Star of the sea; Wished-for child; Rebellious; Drop of the sea. With this name, baby won't just be the starring role in your home. Marie, a gender-neutral name, means "star of the sea" and is the French version of the Latin name Mary.
Son of man.
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