#Architectural Glazing Shop Drawing
caddraft1 · 1 year
High-Quality Glazing Shop Drawing and Fabrication Drawings Services
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Get cost-effective and high-quality Glazing Shop Drawings and Fabrication Drawings Services for architectural, structural, MEP, millwork and integrated shop drawings. We work with glass and glazing shop CAD drawing work with door window elevations, door window tags and sections. Chudasama provides outsourcing of all types of architectural work such as CAD drafting, beam modeling, 3D rendering, structural steel detailing, Scan to BIM conversion, Revit family creation and CAD to BIM services in USA, UK, Australia and Canada.
Visit Our Site: https://caddraftingservices.in/services/glazing-shop-drawings.html
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uniquescadd · 2 months
How Shop Drawing Services Serves as Blueprint for Construction Project
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In the construction process, technical drawings serve as blueprints for contractors, manufacturers, and fabricators. Shop drawing services help curate different technical illustrations to ensure the design intent aligns with actual construction. Understand the importance of the shop's drawing services in detail.
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armoreddragon · 7 months
how did you first get into making this stuff? do you enjoy it?
There's a lot of possible answers here.
For a couple years after college, I worked at a laser engraving and cutting shop. Leather was a material we knew we could cut, but nobody ever asked for it, so I looked up some basic info and put together some masks as demo pieces. Then I got fired for unrelated reasons, but decided to keep going with the masks on my own. A decade later, I’m still going.
I've always enjoyed making things. The focused calm of working a craft, the challenge of finding the problems that need solving, followed by the satisfaction of holding in your hands something that hadn't exited before. It’s hard to beat that feeling. If you haven’t done it for a while, I highly recommend making a habit of it.
Sometime in college I realized that if I kept making things just for myself, I would eventually run out of both space in my closet and money in my bank account. So I took the best photos I could of what I had, and started posting it up on Etsy.
In high school ceramics class, I had an idea to try and make a flexible dragon skin out of little bits of clay, all glazed differently. I had no idea how to do this. A friend of mine was like "Yo it sounds like you want to look up how to make chainmail for that." She was right.
I work in architecture by day, and the decision to do that was unrelated but definitely related to my crafting obsession. Designing a kitchen, a café, a house, takes months or years of work, most of which is tedious details like picking tile patterns or looking up exactly what order to layer different sealant tapes to make sure the walls are watertight. Designing a crafting project gives me a creative outlet that is immediate. I can sit down for an afternoon and take an idea from a sketch on trace paper, to a final mask formed up out of leather. There's an excitement to that. A reminder that, yes, I can make cool stuff quickly, without needing to sink two years into a project.
For a while I worked to teach myself to draw. I managed to get pretty decent at sketching from life, with a moderate understanding of anatomy and perspective. I liked art, so I thought I wanted to make art. But I struggled with it. If I was drawing something from my imagination, no matter how well I managed to put the lines down on the paper, I would ultimately look at it and just be sad that it didn't exist in the real world. So eventually I gave up on the drawing part, and focused on the part I seemed to actually care about.
I can't envision a version of myself that doesn't make things. I think on some fundamental level, I measure my worth as a person based on what I put forth into the world. I don't know what else to do.
When you decide to turn a hobby into a business, it of course takes some of the delight away. It's no longer something you do when you want to relax and have some fun. It becomes an obligation, to make and ship orders on time, to pack up your stuff and bring it to craft fairs, to track your expenses and file your taxes, to stay on top of the constantly changing social media landscape. But it also lights a fire under your ass. You can't just keep making the same thing you made three years ago–you have to keep making new stuff, keep improving your techniques, keep reaching for new ideas that have never been made before. You lose some of the joy, but you gain a lot of satisfaction.
All through my childhood I filled my closet with little handicrafts kits, that I got as gifts or that caught my eye when following my dad to the art store. Calligraphy, wood carving, weaving looms, boondoggles, spirographs, knitting, crochet, fancy nautical knots, sculpey, and more that I can't remember. After all those different things, I’m so glad that I found a couple specific crafts that really grabbed me, that take enough work to develop expertise, that have expansive enough applications and possibilities, that I could devote a decade or more of my time to focusing on them.
I’d been interested in the furry fandom ever since little fantasy reading teenager me tried looking for stories where the dragons were the main characters, and I found people online who were doing just that. There’s a powerful do-it-yourself attitude that’s baked into the core of the fandom: The world isn’t giving us the art that we want, so we’re going to make it ourselves. I keep having ideas for things that I want, that don’t exist yet. If I want them to exist, I have to be the one to make them.
My dad was a photographer, and I spent many childhood afternoons with him in his darkroom in the basement, delightedly washing negatives, turning them gently over in their canisters of chemicals, sitting still in the dark as Dad unspooled the sensitive film, squinting in the red light as the projected images magically re-emerged on the clean white paper. What could be more amazing, more normal, more right, than having your own little space to work such magic for yourself.
In about 2008 or 9 I ordered my first batch of metal scales, with the idea of trying to make a dragon tail in time for Halloween. It took probably a couple weeks to figure out how to make it, and within a week I had thought of how to do it better and disassembled the entire thing. By the 3rd or 4th time I'd rebuilt it, I thought that it was probably good enough that I wouldn't feel embarrassed to post it online and see if someone might want to buy it.
Of course I love working on these things I make. But I don't think that's exactly why I make them.
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A birthday fic. Set before Muse is released from the Deck and they're reunited. Jacks is dork.
Jacks hated coming here. All these people, they filled him with hate. The temple district was full of them and this area particularly he couldn't stand; those who groveled before the fates and begged them for favors. 
When the fates were unbound and ran freely, he remembered the favors they'd bargain for and the arguments they spit to break them. Not that he never enjoyed making them writhe, but it got rather annoying sometimes when it wasn't his own doing.
Now those people only spoke to empty buildings who's masters were paper scraps. Except for himself, of course; but anyone stupid enough to visit his church wasn't anybody he wanted to actually associate with. He saw it now; empty, lonely, and cold, it held no light. Nobody, least of all himself, has spent any effort in its continued upkeep. But he wasn't there for his own temple. 
He rarely went to his temple. He was more interested in the place sat next door. It was colorful, its architecture spiraling and jutting in ways that should be completely ridiculous yet danced together to be a marvel, and it shouldn't have but it felt warm and it invited him inside. It wasn't meant for him, that warmth. It was for the Muse. Another scrap of paper collecting dust in the deck.
He pushed open the charming little door, he'd tell her it looked tacky. The inside was just as improbable as the exterior. There was no surface painted just a single color; each and everything here was a kaleidoscope. He knows this was designed by someone else, but he'd hand it to the creator that they captured the Muse's incessantly whimsical personality. 
He eyed a few individuals who gave no attention back to him spread throughout the room. Dedicated artistic talents often came here to work on their projects. They claim their ideas come quicker and better in this spot. Jacks claims that's ridiculous.
The centerpiece of all of it sits in the center of the whole layout. A statue of the Muse expertly constructed and made with precise detail, and it looked nothing like the real version.
Not the way he knew her, not truly. Physically, it was fairly accurate; except his sister was not cold stone and unmoving features. His sister was noise and mischief and expression, she was paint splattered on the kitchen table and animals snuck into their homes and hidden traps in his bedroom, she was his friend and his tormentor and his burden, and she was held now within a card in a deck he had yet to get and she wasn't that statue and she wasn't there.
Jacks straightened his posture, shoulders rolling back and chin held high. Useless circling.
The statue waited. Hands wrapped around a staff with a pen tip on the bottom and a gem on top. People say the real gem could show someone their greatest inspiration, their true loves, and whatever they want to view. He wouldn't confirm if that's truth or a fanciful story. He does know this gem isn't real. He couldn't see his sister there. He only saw her in cheap replications right now.
Standing on its platform, she'd tease him for the way he had to crane his neck back to look at the face. Where was his jabs about their height difference, or the like. She annoyed him always. A true thorn amidst the roses. 
She reminds him she thinks the exact same. Everything he does is a bother for her. From his voice to the day he was born. The day before her, she'd grumble, how incredibly selfish. She'd never quite forgiven him for that. He did point out he hadn't decided the day he'd been born but she wouldn't care in any fashion.
He reached inside his jacket, to a white bag with the delicate logo of a simple bakery. Not the royal kitchen, not a famous baker, she likes the lesser known spots; the cute little shops you'd have to step inside and actually try to know if it's at all tasteful. He draws out a sweet bun, it's glaze reflecting the soft light, and it's sweet vanilla smell filling the space. It wasn't from a place he'd choose to visit and it wasn't anything he'd want to eat, it isn't for himself.
He stares at the dessert. Then, he sets it gingerly on the platform sitting before her. "Happy birthday, Gillian."
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future-crab · 2 months
fanfiction wip game: heart 🥰
Thank you! 🥰
SOMEHOW despite the fact that I feel like I use the word "heart," if anything, *way* too much, I couldn't find it in a single one of my actual fanfiction WIPs. But it does show up in a few of the fake fanfics I'm writing for Dead Storage, so I'm gonna pretend that counts.
From my "artist AU" wip:
She couldn’t say it to Olivia when she was barely able to admit it in the privacy of her own heart.
From my "legally-distinct-buzzfeed-unsolved AU" wip
She didn’t seem to be taking the “relax” advice very much to heart, but, judging by how she’d acted during the Q&A, Claire had to concede that she might well be following the “be yourself” part.
From my "Gothic AU" wip:
As it was, her heart quailed at the sight, and her stomach gave a nauseous lurch of dread, but she ignored them both, because ghosts weren’t real, and neither were bad omens, but unemployment was.
Ariadne tried to pay close attention to the route they took as she followed Claire to the drawing room, and she was forced to conclude that Marlowe House was built by someone with an incredible eye for aesthetics and an abysmal eye for architectural design. More than that – they seemed to hold true contempt in their heart for the idea of a straightforward, traversable floor plan.
Ariadne did her best to ignore the noise and focus on her book, but that was not an easy task. It was a dreary little romance, all long looks and stolen glances that might have been affecting if the two leads weren’t so bland, and it must have been the third or fourth time she read the phrase, Eloise’s heart fluttered, that Ariadne’s eyes began to glaze over.
(Yes I am calling myself out in that excerpt. I gotta stop having people's hearts flutter it's probably a bad sign for their cardiovascular health)
And finally, from my "Fake Dating (also Margot and James are alive) AU" wip, there's:
She spent most of the morning in the gift shop with Sunil and Ezra, but when they struck up their unique method of flirting – namely, Ezra talking at length about the history of doorknobs while Sunil gazed at him with hearts in his eyes and occasionally reassured him that no, this was fascinating, keep going – she couldn’t help but feel like a third wheel. She excused herself to the lobby, and the other two hardly seemed to notice she was leaving, as Ezra had just gotten started on skeleton keys, and that was, apparently, where things got really interesting.' Claire was happy for them. She did wish one of them would make a move so that they could get past the talking-about-doorknobs stage, but she was happy for them.
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dubaihomes · 8 months
NSHAMA Grove On The Park: Fusion of Elegance and Comfort
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Nshama's newest residential development, Grove on the Park, is located in Town Square Dubai. It brilliantly captures an entirely new aspect of lifestyle, and everything has been thoughtfully designed to allow the occupants to fully experience it. Grove on the Park provides residents with an opulent lifestyle in a superb location, emphasizing quiet facilities that artfully blend comfort and beauty. Admire stunning views from a prime position, as well as peaceful amenities for a comfortable and elegant lifestyle.
Alluring for Investors
With its spacious living areas, kitchenettes, and stunning designs, the apartments cater to both practical and luxurious needs. DubaiLand's Town Square appeals to investors due to its affordable one-bedroom homes, which start at AED 770,888, and its handy location. This offers a better level of living in addition to a tempting capital potential.
Beautifully Designed Architecture
One example of tasteful modern architecture is the exterior. The outside is characterized by clean lines and a traditional design that is arranged to optimize residents' enjoyment of the gorgeous park views. This architectural wonder enhances the visual delight of every outdoor experience by facilitating the seamless blending of architecture and environment.
With its vast views of the park and lush surroundings, each property is a testament to the seamless integration and understated elegance of the surrounding area. Every unit has a neutral color scheme, tastefully chosen elements, and a well-planned design. Every area is well-designed, featuring a gorgeous open living area, glazed porcelain floors, tastefully decorated rooms, built-in wardrobes, and fully functional kitchens.
Beautiful Green Environment
A masterfully designed community Town Square Dubai establishes a new benchmark for planned developments. With 154,000 square meters of parks, community gardens, and a vast path system, it offers a kind of city living that was previously unthinkable. The property offers an elite address, great opportunities, and prices that are affordable for professionals and families looking to rent.
Flexibility in Payment On the day of booking, a 10% down payment is required per the property's payment schedule. The remaining 40% is then due from the first to the fourth instalment throughout the building period. After 100% completion, 50% of the total sum owed must be paid at the time of transfer.
Strategically Placed at Town Square
With its prime position in Town Square, Dubai, it provides you with the finest value. Parks, movie theatres, golf clubs, and beaches are just a short distance apart from one another. With Al Qudra Road D63, contact is maintained as a result.
An abundance of facilities
Residents can enjoy fitness and recreation with our fully equipped gym, football pitch, Town Square Park, basketball courts, and swimming pool. You can lead an active lifestyle with access to tennis and squash facilities, a mosque, bicycle routes, and jogging trails. Our neighbourhood is great for families and features a dedicated kid's play area. Discover convenience at your door with these surrounding shopping establishments.
Layout Design Grove on the Park, a ten-story residential building, is situated in Town Square, Dubailand, Dubai. The floor drawings also show the redesigned layout for the development. With the project's contemporary interior design and style, you may live a completely luxurious lifestyle. lets you create the space of your dreams. Nshama's newest project, Grove On The Park, features fitted kitchens and entirely remodelled interiors. Apartments with one, two, or three beds are available for incredibly low prices, with one bedroom costing AED 0.7 million, two bedrooms costing AED 1.08 million, and three bedrooms costing AED 1.7 million.
Final Thought
In Town Square Park, Dubai, Nshama Grove on The Park provides the perfect fusion of elegance and practicality. With a prominent location, it presents an enticing investment prospect. Therefore, the residential complex is going to be a great option whether you are a buyer or an investment.
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PropCASA: Where Architectural Brilliance Meets Luxurious Comfort in Samridhi Luxuriya Avenue
PropCASA Samridhi Luxuriya Avenue, situated in the coveted Sector 150 of Noida, this residential marvel by Samridhi Group seamlessly combines opulence and comfort. Boasting world-class architectural expertise, the development promises to redefine the skyline while enriching the lives of its residents.
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Nestled amidst the lush greenery of Sector 150, Samridhi Luxuriya Avenue is strategically designed to offer a harmonious blend of residential tranquillity and easy access to a range of facilities at PropCASA.
Architectural Brilliance
Samridhi Luxuriya Avenue stands as a testament to architectural brilliance, featuring an earthquake-resistant RCC frame structure designed to the highest norms. The property is equipped with high-speed lifts and wide staircases with easy steps, ensuring both convenience and safety for its residents.
Luxurious Interiors
Experience luxury underfoot with vitrified tiles in drawing, dining, and bedrooms, complemented by wooden flooring in one of the bedrooms. The kitchen boasts a granite top working platform, a stainless-steel sink, and ceramic glazed tiles, providing both functionality and aesthetic appeal.
Elegantly Designed Bathrooms
The bathrooms feature anti-skid ceramic tiles, ceramic tiles up to the door level on the walls, and CP fittings from renowned brands like equivalent. The interiors are finished with POP punning and OBD, contributing to a sophisticated living environment.
Delicate Exteriors
The exterior of Samridhi Luxuriya Avenue is adorned with a superior paint finish, enhancing the overall aesthetic appeal of the development.
Variety of Living Spaces
Samridhi Luxuriya Avenue offers a range of living spaces to suit different needs. Choose from 2 BHK + 2T apartments spanning 1165 sq. feet priced at ₹89 Lac, 3 BHK + 3T residences covering 1495 sq. feet priced at ₹1.18 Cr, and 3 BHK + 3T homes with an area of 1690 sq. feet available at ₹1.34 Cr.
Thoughtful Facilities
Residents are privileged with an array of amenities, including car parking, CCTV surveillance, 24/7 soft water supply, an air-conditioned banquet/party hall, badminton and basketball courts, convenient shopping areas, a cricket net practice area, a jogging track, modular kitchen, swimming pool, gymnasium, and a clubhouse.
Thrilling Features
The residences are equipped with copper wiring in concealed P.V.C. conduits, MCB-supported circuits, ample light, and power points, and provisions for DTH connection, telephone, and internet points in one bedroom.
Samridhi Luxuriya Avenue is not just a residence; it's an embodiment of elevated living, offering a peaceful yet upgraded atmosphere for its discerning residents. Welcome to PropCASA a world where architectural excellence meets luxurious comfort. To find your dream home please click at www.propcasa.com or call +91 9582-211-311, and get more information about the Price List of Samridhi Luxuriya Avenue.
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glassaround · 1 year
Storefront shop drawings
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Storefront shop drawings are detailed, scaled drawings that provide information about the design, dimensions, and specifications of storefront systems used in commercial buildings. Storefront systems refer to the exterior facades of buildings that contain windows, doors, and sometimes curtain walls, often in a retail or commercial context. These drawings are crucial for coordinating the design, fabrication, and installation of storefront elements.
Here's what you might find in storefront shop drawings:
1. **Layout and Dimensions:** Detailed plans and elevations that show the layout of storefront elements, including windows, doors, transoms, mullions, and panels. These drawings provide accurate measurements and dimensions for each component.
2. **Materials and Finishes:** Specifications for the materials used in the storefront system, including frame materials (aluminum, steel, etc.), glazing materials, finishes, and any other required components.
3. **Section Details:** Cross-sections that illustrate the vertical construction of the storefront, showing how different components are connected, the arrangement of glazing, and how the system interfaces with the building structure.
4. **Elevations:** Elevations show the vertical view of the storefront system, indicating the placement of windows, doors, and other features relative to the building facade.
5. **Hardware and Accessories:** Information about hardware components such as handles, locks, hinges, closers, and any other accessories that are part of the storefront system.
6. **Glazing and Sealing:** Details about how the glazing is incorporated into the system, including gaskets, seals, and weather stripping to ensure proper insulation, water resistance, and energy efficiency.
7. **Anchoring and Support:** Instructions for how the storefront system will be anchored to the building structure, including details of fasteners and attachment methods.
8. **Code Compliance:** Annotations indicating how the storefront system meets building codes, safety regulations, and other relevant standards.
9. **Installation Guidelines:** Notes and guidelines for proper installation, alignment, and sealing of the storefront components.
10. **Bill of Materials:** A list of components, quantities, and sizes needed for the storefront system, often organized by location.
Storefront shop drawings are essential for ensuring that the design and installation of storefront systems align with the architectural intent, meet industry standards, and address building code requirements. They facilitate effective communication among architects, engineers, contractors, manufacturers, and other project stakeholders.
These drawings are typically produced by experienced drafters or engineering firms specialized in architectural detailing and are reviewed and approved by the design team before fabrication and installation begin.
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High-quality Glazing Shop Drawings - Chudasama Outsourcing
Chudasama Outsourcing offers the best Glazing Shop Drawing Services, with the help of their shop drawing experts. They have a great deal of experience with shop drawings in the construction, architectural, and industrial sectors. We offer distinctive shop drawings for storefronts, curtain walls, all-glass entrance systems, glass railing systems, and aluminium panel walls for the glass and glazing industry.
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caddraft1 · 1 year
Architectural 2D CAD Drafting | AutoCAD Drawing Services - COPL
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Chudasama Outsourcing is a leading Architectural CAD Drafting company all over the world. Architectural CAD Drawings are a necessary aspect of today's architectural business. We have the best team members of architects, engineers, and AutoCAD drafters who are well-trained and experts in CAD Drafting Services. We provide our services at a very reasonable price such as 2D CAD drafting, 3D CAD Drawing, BIM modeling services, laser scan point cloud to BIM, structural steel detailing, glazing shop drawings, and architectural rendering services. For more details, visit our website https://caddraftingservices.in/services/cad-drafting.html
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uniquescadd · 4 months
Enhance Your Construction Projects with Shop Drawing Services!
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Shop drawing services play a crucial role in connecting design and construction in the AEC industry. UniquesCADD provides exceptional solutions from a team of specialists proficient in industry standards and advanced technologies.
Key Benefits of Shop Drawing Services:
Unmatched Accuracy: Reducing errors and ensuring detailed documentation
Skilled Professionals: Experts with extensive industry experience
Cutting-Edge Technology: Leveraging the latest tools for optimal results
Efficient Processes: Streamlining workflows between design and construction
Transform designs into reality with precision and expertise through UniquesCADD’s shop drawing services.
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chcadd · 4 years
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Architectural Glazing Shop Drawing Services
Chudasama Outsourcing provides high-quality Architectural Glazing shop Drafting Services to Glazing Contractors, Architects, Builders, and contractors. We work with glass and glazing shop CAD drawing work with Door Window elevations, door window tag, and sections. We need architectural CAD Drawings/Pdf from the Architect side. We accurate and complete storefront shop and fabrication drawing service to our clients.
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chudasama · 2 years
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Architectural Shop Drawings Services in USA– Chudasama Outsourcing Chudasama Outsourcing provides accurate Architectural Shop Drawings services in USA. We also offer Glazing Shop Drawings, Steel Fabrication Shop Drawings, Millwork Shop Drawings at an affordable price. Our shop drawing services are of premium quality, made with precision and dedication. We make accurate shop drawings from the given set of construction documents complying with the project standards. We usually use Revit software for generating detailed shop drawings to help the clients on-site installation and fabrication procedures. For more details, visit us https://www.chudasamaoutsourcing.com/services/shop-drawings.html
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🕯 Anon said: I can hardly ever find someone who writes for Moblit? Could we have some more relationship headcannons? Hes one of my favorite characters yet hes so underrated! 🕯
Moblit relationship HCs
{ Moblit x reader | tw:none | fluff | modern }
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{ "Garden in the Wachau" by Hugo Charlemont 1850 - 1939 }
His weakness is puppy eyes and honey glazed words, will tremble and his logic stops whenever you play the role, guaranteed to work 99.9% of the time.
Very fun to poke at, tease and fluster, will get defensive in an instant and tries to play it off but you can clearly see him huffing. Don't worry deep down he enjoys it.
Amazingly good at sketching and art in general, even with a number 2 pencil and the cheapest sketchbook out there, he will create a masterpiece.
Really good at shading, lining and having strong stable lines. Pretty good at mechanical designs and even architectural floor plans. On top of that he can draw faces and anatomy, sketches people a lot as practice when he's bored.
Speaking of that, whenever he's working on paperwork or making a work sketch, he finds himself drawing parts of you at the corner of each page surrounded by little hearts.
He also draws you a lot in general, would just glance up at you and study your features for a good meeting before getting to work, he finds it so relaxing that he uses it as warm up when his brain won't cooperate.
Really thankful and smiley whenever you get him art supplies since he runs out of them pretty quickly, will give you the most heartwarming smile you've ever seen just because you brought him a new sketchbook on your way home.
Pretty good at eye measuring stuff, can accurately point an objects dimensions without a measuring tape. It's a really useful skill when furniture shopping.
Listen to him when he says that couch is too big for your living room, he knows what he's talking about.
Will reluctantly help you move it if you still decide to buy it, but will be all huffy about it.
Will also be grumpy the next day when he has to move it again so you can return it because it turned out it really was too big for the living room and you kept accidentally hitting your leg against it.
Despite his grumpiness and "i told you!" Attitude, he will still help you without hesitation or for you to ask.
The trick is to give him a small "thank you" kiss and that will shut him up, he'll instantly forget what he was even complaining about and just immediately be wrapped around your finger again.
No matter how long you've been together, he still gets surprised whenever you kiss or hug him. He blinks for a few seconds as he process what just happened.
It's probably because his mind still hasn't caught up to the fact he now has someone to be intimate with, having always thought he'd end up one of those guys married to work.
So whenever you remind him that, hey you're actually here and still with him, he still gets that warm and fuzzy feeling each time like cotton filled his brain and he can't think about anything beside you and how the clouds wouldn't compare to the softness in his heart when you call his name.
Since you came into his life, the colours have been a lot more vibrant and the chaos that is his constant overthinking brain finally began to calm down a lot more.
The type to give you his, scarf, jacket, gloved and even hat if you show any sign of being cold, he'll just do it without question and takes your hands in his to blow a warm breathe on them.
Also the type to take whatever you're holding and carry it for you instead, no matter how heavy or light, he'll just continue the conversation like it's nothing.
Whenever he's tired, he doesn't like to talk about it, he just buries his head in your shoulder and takes a small nap as he vents to you about his worries.
Plays multiple instruments actually, doesn't like bringing it up because he thinks it's not that impressive. 
He's genuinely a very artistic person by nature, yet chose the path of experiments and mathematics.
Sometimes he will think which will sound better, if he took your last name or if you took his. He has these thoughts a lot throughout the day but doesn't bring them up.
Quick reflexes. Can and will catch anything you dropped, catch something before it spills and knows when to save a document before the app crashes. 
Really really likes it when you come for him for help, even for mondaine stuff. It doesn't show much but inside he's beaming, he actually even expects it and will get pouty if you don't.
Has a hard time asking you or anyone for help though, you'll have to subtly initiate it first.
Gets nervous if someone watches him while he's drawing, will mess it up, especially if it's you.
Doesn't...get hints or Flirting much, for someone so smart he sure is oblivious. It isn't that he doesn't understand it but it's more he doesn't think that's the way you meant it.
Yeah, romantically he's very awkward.
Yet very easy to read once you catch on to a couple things, his body language and voice tone almost makes him an open book.
If you mention something you like or show him something you're interested in, he will save that information in his brain till an occasion arrives.
He remembers everything, every single thing.
Will get you that thing or something related to the Internet in the span of a few weeks. His logic is that if you want something surely it is his job to get it isn’t it? 
Likes to provide, a lot. 
Is pretty good at cooking, terrible at baking. 
Makes a lot of small sacrifices for you throughout his day without mentioning them.
Like getting the kind of chips you like instead of his, making your favourite food for dinner instead of his, picking candles in your favourite scent instead of his, getting things in your favourite colour, etc.
Will jump in your defence without a second thought if he saw you being uncomfortable, literally pushes himself in front you.
Doesn't wear ties because...he's terrible at them, they always end up messy, too loose or too tight.
Hange 100% teases him about it, even though they don't know how to tie one either.
If you do it for him, he will actually melt into a puddle on the floor and end up on his toes the whole day.
Will secretly intentionally untie it just so you can fix it for him.
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architectnews · 3 years
Karrinyup Shopping Centre, Perth
Karrinyup Shopping Centre, Perth Building Project, Australia Architecture Photos
Karrinyup Shopping Centre in Perth
4 May 2021
Karrinyup Shopping Centre
Design: Hames Sharley
Location: Perth, Western Australia
In responding to the brief and AMP Capital’s vision for Karrinyup, design firms Taylor Robinson Chaney Broderick and Hames Sharley, working together as joint venture design collective TRHS, have developed an overall design narrative for the redevelopment of Karrinyup Shopping Centre. This design narrative draws inspiration from the local context – primarily the natural coastal context, but also the surrounding bush and urban settings – to create a truly unique shopping and entertainment offer.
The shopping centre, by nature of its functions, comprises of several precincts with distinct characteristics, but linked together by common design threads they present a unified and cohesive narrative.
For the new north fashion mall, the aim is to provide a fusion of nature and organic architecture. Clean contemporary lines, natural materials and a sinuous sweeping skylight form draw inspiration from the smooth curves of wave-forms and boat hulls. Light, bright and sandy tones form the base of the palette. Access to big skies from within is the key to the success of this mall.
The first-floor dining terrace similarly has a coastal expression with soft curved lines and a relaxed ambience created by a palette of natural materials and soft colours. Bringing the outdoors in is a key design objective, with plenty of natural light and a glazed east wall taking in the vista to the CBD and the hills in the distance.
The south mall is the new fresh food marketplace. It has a more urban, vibrant, street market ambience in the layout of tenancies and kiosks and the selection of materials and colour palette. The coastal influence still runs through however with wave-form timber batten ceilings referencing boardwalks through the dunes.
The western external dining and entertainment precinct is the new community heart of the centre. It is the new ‘backyard’ in the truest beachside lifestyle tradition. It is welcoming and relaxed with attention to detail, materials, colours and textures to give it a human scale. Protection from the elements is integral to the design and landscaping and water, like in all good backyards, are vital to the success of the space.
Karrinyup Shopping Centre is the premier shopping centre north of the Swan River in Perth, Western Australia. The proposed redevelopment by AMP Capital and UniSuper will on completion, be approximately 115,000m2 comprising new retail, food and beverage, entertainment, commercial space and residential apartments. The inclusion of large-format international retailers and a fresh food precinct will be the salient features of this redevelopment.
The key design themes which inform the design are: Sea + Sand Blue gold Coastal Bush Urban/suburban
The architectural expression of organic forms and natural materials are informed and defined by these overarching themes throughout the exterior and interior of the centre. The layering of familiar textures and materials within the centre reflects an understanding and recognition of the local context. Open volumes, access to daylight where possible and providing shelter from the elements where necessary are crucial to providing a sense of openness and understanding of space – aiming to achieve an amazing sense of light and airiness reflecting the coastal cool lifestyle that is unique to the Perth coastline.
Karrinyup Shopping Centre in Perth, Western Australia – Building Information
Interior design: Hames Sharley
Developer: AMP Capital Joint venture: Taylor Robinson Chaney Broderick
Images © Hames Sharley
Karrinyup Shopping Centre, Perth images / information received 040521
Location: Perth, Western Australia
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Optus Stadium Architects: Cox Architecture / HASSELL / HKS photo : Peter Bennetts Optus Stadium Building in Perth
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brideofedoras · 5 years
The Loft: Redemption
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Disclaimer: the usual...  I only own my OC.  Photo found on google.
Word count: 2300+
Warnings: Allusion to past abuse and being triggered
Link to Chapter 2 (with Ch. 1 link)
Monday morning rolled around faster than Sam would've liked.  She felt her stomach churn at the prospect of not having Linda there to talk to. 
She headed to the office early with a quick stop at the bakery along the way.  Armed with fresh donut holes (plain glazed, cookie dough stuffed, cinammon sugar sprinkled, and maple glazed) and a toasted white hot chocolate, she halted in her tracks when she reached the door to the office suite. 
"What the...  When the hell did he have this done?"
Her grey eyes began to burn as she studied the frosted glass of the door. 
VMS Architecture, LLC. Vincent M. Stevens, NCARB Samantha Monroe, Administrative Assistant
She stared at her name, beautifully scripted in gold lettering on the glass. 
Linda hadn't even had that honor.
Her hand trembled as she unlocked the door and stepped into the office.  My office.
As she flipped on the light and started toward her desk she paused again, startled to find her name beautifully engraved onto a walnut name plate settled on the corner of the desk, next to a matching business card holder complete with a stack of cards with her name, extension and email. 
A ceramic flower pot sat next to the computer monitor at the opposite corner of the desk with an artfully planted variety of small cactus plants.  She let out a watery laugh at the wording on the pot: Free Hugs.  She knew the cacti were from Linda, an inside joke between the two of them based on something Linda had told her earlier in the week.  Vincent will come off as prickly for a while, but he will eventually warm up to you, Dear.  Give him time, give him space, occasionally make sure he eats and drinks if he has a very busy day.  One day he will surprise you.
A gift bag and a card were placed on the center of the desk.  Sam shook her head as she set her cup and the donut holes down, busying herself with putting her purse away and hanging her jacket on the coat rack next to the door.
She had just finished starting the coffee and setting the box of breakfast goodies on the refreshment table when she heard the door open.  She turned around and offered a warm smile when Vincent shut the door behind him.  "Good morning, Mr. Stevens," she greeted him.  "Thank you for..." she gestured to the desk set.
"Don't mention it," he frowned at the desk.  "Ready to start your first official week?"
"Yes, sir," she nodded.  "The coffee should be ready in five minutes, and I picked up an assortment of donut holes," she made her way to the window and the cords for the wooden blinds.  "I wasn't sure what you would like so I picked four different kinds."
"I know Linda told you I have a sweet tooth," his tone was wry as he made his way to his office.  "I'm sure whatever you got is fine."
Sam made her way back to the desk.  As she waited for the computer to start she picked up the card propped up against the small gift.
Sam-- Our Vincent struck gold when he hired you to take over the office.  You will do just fine as his new assistant.  Don't let his prickly demeanor get to you, it's become his default setting ever since that happened.  And don't forget, you can decorate your office however it suits you, you can bring stuff in to keep in the bathroom, you can listen to your music, and you can dress however you feel most comfortable as long as you still look professional.  And if Vincent ever treats you wrong, don't be afraid to call me.  I might be moving out of state, but I can always make a trip back to knock some sense into that thick skull of his.  You can also call me anytime you want, keep me up-to-date on the gossip.  I'll miss everyone there, and even though I'd only known you a short time, I've come to view you as another daughter.  You take good care of our Vincent, spoil him with breakfast sweets and good coffee.  Make sure he eats, make sure he goes home to get some rest when the project consumes him (and it will, I've come in many a morning to find him sound asleep at the drawing board or on that damn couch.  He's a real bastard when he doesn't get enough rest, but don't let that scare you off).  Keep in touch.-- Love, Linda. P.S.- Don't forget, I left you a set of "How To Care For Your Architect" instructions tucked away in the second drawer to your left.  It includes a list of everything I know he likes, hotels and airlines he prefers, restaurants he uses for business dinners.  His favorite color is steel grey, he's a sucker for Hershey Hugs, and if he misplaces his pen, you'll find it on your desk.
Sam dashed away the tear that had slipped down her cheek as she set the card aside.  She had grown to love Linda as a second mom and already missed her.  She smiled as she reached for the gift bag and nearly cried when she pulled out a black resin cat paper weight.
She set it next to the phone on the left side of the desk before turning to the computer to log in.
 Sam settled into a routine.  Up at five, out the door by six-thirty, stop by the bakery for breakfast and for that yummy hot chocolate, arrive at the office by seven-thirty, have coffee ready by seven-forty-five, lunch anywhere between eleven and one-thirty (depending on Vincent's schedule), out the door whenever Vincent finished up for the day, home within half an hour, in her pajamas and eating a quick supper, in bed by ten-thirty.  Wash, rinse, repeat.  By her third day Vincent tried telling her she could leave at four-thirty if she wished, there was no need to stay passed office hours.  She declined.  "I was hired as your administrative assistant, Mr. Stevens.  I leave when you leave."
She found an old-fashioned candy bowl at a flea market one weekend and brought it in to place on her desk with Hershey Hugs.  She had also found a few other things she wanted to bring in, but hesitated on personalizing the office.  She worried Vincent would not appreciate finding a framed blueprint of the USS Enterprise NCC-1701 or a replica of the Death Star plans data chip.
She feared they would clash with that hideous knock-off Jackson Pollock painting that hung on the wall behind her desk, above the shelves.  She hated that painting.  Why it hung in an architect's office she had no idea.  It was the only thing out of place in the office suite.  Vincent's office proudly displayed his degrees, certificates and licenses, a few framed blueprints and a framed crudely-drawn blueprint of the Castle Grayskull.  "I grew up on Masters of the Universe, had all the action figures and the castle.  I was home sick for a week with chicken pox, miserable as hell, bored out of my mind and missing my friends.  Dad came home early from work one afternoon with a bag full of crayons, coloring books and a sketchpad, gave Mom some cash and told her to go shopping, go eat, get out of the house and enjoy herself for a while.  I sat down on the floor after Dad cleared off the coffee table and we colored for a while.  Then I started drawing.  I'd always been fascinated by the design of Castle Grayskull and wanted to build one of my own.  I was seven years old when I drew that.  That's when I knew I wanted to design and build things."
She had been shocked that he had so willingly shared that childhood memory with her.  And his smile.  She'd seen ghosts of smiles before, but a full-blown smile displaying dimples had left her weak in the knees.  He looked ten years younger with that smile, and she couldn't help but smile back.
But ever since that rare moment of camaraderie he'd thrown up a wall once again, bringing their working relationship back to strictly professional, and borderline cold.  She knew he could be an easy-going man to work for, she'd witnessed the banter between him and Linda multiple times during her trial week.  She just wished he wasn't so cold toward her.
 Vincent had a meeting across town and would likely be gone all afternoon.  As he set his briefcase and suit jacket on one of her guest chairs and tossed his steel grey tie around his neck, he leveled his patented stern look on her.  The Look (TM) was supposed to be intimidating, and it used to scare the hell out of her the first few times she'd seen it (usually directed at someone else, but she'd been caught in the crosshairs a couple of times).  Unfortunately she (for some weird reason she couldn't explain) had begun to find that frowny glare to be sexy as hell.  "Ms. Monroe, if I'm not back by four-thirty, lock up shop for the day and go home," he turned toward the bathroom.  "You don't need to be pulling ten hour days because of me."
She smiled despite the blush staining her cheeks from The Look (TM).  "As I've said before, Mr. Stevens, I'm your administrative assistant, and it is my job to be here for you should you need me."
"I don't recall contracting you to work ten hours a day, Monroe," he turned away from the mirror as he finished his impeccable Windsor knot.
"Technically I'm only working nine," she pointed out as she leaned back in her chair.
"You eat at your desk half the time, Monroe," he walked out of the bathroom.  "I've seen you working through lunch."
"Only when I have a deadline to meet for your meetings," she shrugged.  "I need to finish putting together the portfolios for Thursday's meeting."
"Today's Tuesday, you have all day tomorrow."
"I'll be setting up the conference room and inventorying supplies so I know what you need."
He snorted.  "Remind me again why I hired such a stubborn assistant?"  He grabbed his jacket and shrugged into it.
She scooped a small handful of Hugs from the candy bowl and held them out when Vincent approached her desk.  "At first I thought you were very impressed with my resume, then I suspected for my looks... but now I honestly believe Linda probably threatened you into hiring me."
"Your resume certainly clinched it, Monroe.  And Linda did hound me."  His face darkened a little as he carefully took the offered chocolate from her hand.  "You're going to spoil my lunch, Monroe."
"No, I'm not," she denied, watching him slip the Hugs into the pocket of his jacket.  "I know you would have snuck a handful on your way out, to go along with the handful that's likely already stashed in your briefcase."
His head snapped up.
"I had to refill the bowl, Mr. Stevens," she leaned back in her chair.  "I'll definitely need to work longer hours to afford the chocolates and the breakfast sweets."
"Use the company card, I'll figure it into the expenses," he narrowed his eyes at her.  "Refreshments for clientele."
She nodded.  She didn't mind buying the chocolate or the morning sweets, but she knew better than to argue with him on it.  Arguing had always gotten her into serious trouble when she was a teenager.  Do not go there, Sam.
"All right, I will," she agreed softly. 
"If you still have receipts, bring 'em in, I'll make sure to cut you a check to reimburse you."
"That's not necessary, Mr. Stevens," she shook her head. 
He shot her a glare.  "Yes, it is.  I can't keep allowing you to pay out of pocket for pastries and candy that my clients and associates are eating." 
I can't keep allowing you...  Sam stiffened at his words.  She quickly tore her eyes from his.  "I...  I didn't think it was that big of a deal, I'm...  I will find those receipts and bring them in," she flinched when Vincent moved toward the door.
That flinch was not lost on the architect.  He turned to look at her.  "Monroe, are you all right?"
Sam drew in a breath before nodding.  "I'm fine," she kept her eyes glued to the cat paper weight in front of her.
"Monroe, look at me."
The sudden and uncharacteristic softness in her boss' tone drew her eyes to him.  The look on his face told her he didn't believe her.  He took a step toward her and it was all she could do to not flinch away.
His frown morphed into one of worry.  "Monroe, don't worry about it," he took a step back.  "I just don't want you spending your money on things benefiting the company's clientele and associates."  He turned toward the door.  "Why don't you take your lunch, lock up the office and get some fresh air somewhere.  You don't have to stay in here when I'm out, let the calls go to voicemail.  They can wait."
She nodded.  "Okay."
"I mean it, Monroe.  Leave the office for an hour."
With that, he was gone.
Sam's eyes slid shut and she drew in a slow, shaky breath.  She exhaled heavily, shaking off the fear that had gripped her for a moment.  He won't hurt me.  He's not a predator.  He's not Terrance.   
But those words echoed in her head, words her stepfather had used quite often when she had disobeyed him.  Words he had whispered so smoothly, so silkily, as he forced her to her knees or forced her over his desk.
"Don't go there, Sam," she ground out.  "He won't hurt you anymore."
She shifted in her seat, angling her chair to face her computer more comfortably, saving the proposal she was drafting for Vincent before closing out open programs and putting the device to sleep.  She reached for her phone and dialed her cousin's desk extension.  "Hey, I'm getting ready to head to lunch, wanna join me?"
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