ao3screenshotss · 1 year
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bat-the-misfit · 8 months
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kafkasdiariies · 2 years
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The Bibliostasion In the eastern part of the building, there was a series of rooms. The central and biggest of them is considered to be the “Bibliostasion”; that means the place were the books were kept inside niches with wooden cupboards (armaria). Ιt is debated whether the great eastern hall was the actual library or a hall adorned with statues of the imperial family dedicated to the cult of the emperor. Quite possibly, both functions were housed in the same space. Reconstruction of Hadrian’s Library in Athens (ca 132 AD)
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mistiskie · 1 year
Mimi, como você acha que seria os meninos do Nct dream ou nct 127 no dia dos namoradinhos? Na minha cabeça, o Jeno e o namorado que compra tipo, um perfume ou uma lingerie, algo para você usar mesmo. Já jaemin, faria uma puta cesta com flores e tals, aí aí.
Minha irmã começou a namorar há um mês e o namorado dela é fofo( brega). Fofo do tipo, quer fazer uma surpresa no dia dos namorados, decorar o quarto dela e todo dia leva chocolate pra ela lá em casa. Brega do tipo, marca ela naquelas fotos bregas de namorado no insta sabe? Aquelas fotos com duas crianças e coloca “esse é o futuro que eu quero com você”. E é muito hilário pq a minha irmã e hiper seca, do tipo, ela odeia abraço, não gosta de beijinhos, não gosta que encostem no cabelo dela e ele é super de toque físico sabe? Cada panela tem sua tampa
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Adorei esse tema que você mandou aqui porque eu sou uma boiola nata pra pensar nessas coisinhas envolvendo o nct em geral, então seu pedido foi eu ganhando na loteria totalmente! E sim, eu concordo muito com essa sua análise do Jaemin e Jeno. (O jaemin inclusive seria MUITO o namorado da sua irmã!!!)
Sobre sua irmã e o namoradinho dela KSKSKSKSKSKSKSKS eu confesso que achei fofo, fiquei rindo lendo esse relato porque eu me vi nesse relacionamento, só que eu era a pessoa que era muito marrentona e sem toques, mas quando eu tava no secreto com meu ex eu me transformava KKKKKKKKK e realmente é muito bonitinho, ele é a outra metade da laranja dela! ( agora vamos para o que eu acho! )
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Jeno, yuta, taeil ; seria o tipo de namorado que te compraria alguma coisa, não é do tipo de surpresa brega, mas eles fariam algo especialzinho e comprariam algo que muito provável gostaria de te ver usando. (Não necessariamente lingeries ou coisas assim)
Johnny, Jaehyun, Doyoung e Renjun ; faz uma surpresa chique, na maioria das vezes é super conceitual ou algo que só vocês entenderiam, o dia todo de dates e seu presente no final te deixaria feliz pelo resto do mês. Não precisaria ser algo grande, eles acreditam que as memórias que fizeram naquele dia é o presente maior, mass eles comprariam no intuito de você lembrar deles sempre que ver.
Jungwoo e Mark ; seria o tipo de namorado que passaria a semana toda fingindo que havia esquecido só pra te ver desacreditada (isso até o dia dos namorados.) E no final montaria uma surpresa legal pra os dois se divertirem igual bestas (parque de diversão, um dia todo naquele salão de jogos de shopping sabe?) O presente seria algo que os dois usariam juntos COM CERTEZA, eles gostam dessas boilisse.
Taeyong, Jaemin, Haechan ; é o namorado mais brega que existe, ele faz tudo de clichê que tem direito e no final ainda arruma uma surpresa bem brega pra você. (O haechan chegaria na beira de contratar aqueles carros de som com correio apaixonado!) Te mimaria tanto, compraria tantas coisas e até se declararia pra você nesses momentos, iria parecer o primeiro mês de namoro, sabe? Quando os dois se empenham em algo brega pra dar.
Jisung e Chenle ; seria o primeiro dia dos namorados dele e os bichinhos ficariam apavorados com certeza, passaria o mês todo pensando em algo pra te dar ou uma surpresa pra fazer. No caso do jijico ele armaria uma surpresa toda bonitinha com um presente algo que você queira muito, a surpresa não daria muito certo porque ele ficaria nervoso demais, o que não impediu de ser fofo e de vocês aproveitarem. No caso do Chenle, ele não faria surpresas porque acha "cringe" mas o cara é RICH, ele compraria tudo o que visse pela frente e lembrasse você, seriam TANTOS presentes que você entraria em choque.
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strawberry-milkbunny · 7 months
New obsession is this fanfic series where Senju Tobirama is dropped into Game of Thrones pre- Robert’s rebellion and saved by Ned Stark inadvertently creating an Industrial Revolution in the North. Very much crack with politics, food descriptions, and a cute romance between Tobi and Ned. 10/10 recommend!!
This got me thinking about how the other founders would work in this situation and Tobi is 1000% the most well adjusted to ASOIAF universe LOLLL
Like Madara would commit regicide and INSTANTLY take over as King. Nobody would say anything bc: 1) he’s terrifying and has the power of a God 2) he’s actually very competent and takes his job seriously. The smallfolk are terrified but genuinely love him bc he cares about them and improves their lives. The nobility are also terrified but respect him bc he’s promoting infrastructure and he’s pretty fair, small council meetings have never been so productive bc he just glares away the arguments. Since he controls fire everyone also thinks he’s a bastard Targaryen which he HATES bc he’s the Uchiha Head and knows EXACTLY how much incest is required to preserve a bloodline limit hence is disgusted w/the sibling marriages (Rhagaer is screaming and thinks that he’s PTWP, and Rhaella personally crowns him). He does like the dragons tho and appoints Daenerys as his heir which is not helping the Targaryen allegations.
Hashirama on the other hand would brute force his way into a smallfolk revolution (tbh good for him). Since he’s THE Tree Man, everyone believes he’s the avatar for the Old Gods which inadvertently makes a lot of ppl convert. The smallfolk love him. The nobility obviously hate him but can’t do anything bc it’s HASHIRAMA. Omg the Citadel is SCREECHING bc he’s also a terrifyingly good healer. The North has mixed feelings bc they’re not trying start a religious war/still wanna keep their nobility status but they’re also happy bc they have more food than ever and he’s literally an avatar for the Old Gods so they leave him alone. Bloodraven is TERRIFIED of him and the Children of the Forest are confused but worship him.
Mito would ironically also pull a Madara and instantly takes over as Queen and introduces gender equality laws and infrastructure. Since it’s MITO everyone loves her/Good Queen Alysanne reborn. Smallfolk, Dorne and Lyanna worships the ground she walks on. Everyone thinks she’s a Tully but she confused them by saying she’s from an island making ppl think she’s an Ironborn 😭😭 (once finding out about the Ironborn culture she terrifies them into submission by instantly murdering half of them)
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armariafm · 1 year
Who: @harleyhua Where: Mutual Friend's House Party
Mars should have known better than to think she was ready for this. When an old high-school friend had mentioned a party, she hadn't thought it would be like it was in way back when. Maybe some games and snacks, some light beers. This was chaotic. A two story beach house cramped with bodies enough of them familiar that it almost felt like she was back in her senior year eight years ago. It wasn't that she didn't enjoy being around people anymore, Mars had always been social enough. Affectionate with friends and family and friendly to those she didn't know. What bothered her was that with all the faces old and new milling about she couldn't get a grip on her own space. Everything felt claustrophobic. Armaria tried to smile through the panic, greeting old acquaintances with a small smile. Eventually it became too much. Her grip tightened on the red-solo cup full of room-temperature beer as her eyes desperately scanned for the nearest exit. There. The deck. There were still more people than she felt comfortable with but the openness of the sky helped to ease the burgeoning panic. She squeezed her way to the rail as tears began to leak out of the corner of her eyes. Why couldn't she just be normal again?
That's when she saw him.
Harley Hua. High school sweetheart and best friend; though she supposed the latter should have been former best friend. An ache tugged deep within her heart. He was beautiful. Dark brown hues watched as he mingled with mutual friends on the expanse of private beach below the deck. Harley had always been pretty, even before he had transitioned, but after having been away from him for so long, longer than any other time in their life from when they'd met, tonight he looked ethereal. A figure shrouded in dreams and wants and desires. Armaria had longed to talk to him. Missing him the moment she'd sent him away from her hospital room in a sea of misplaced anger and rage. It wasn't his fault. She had been in so much pain and the way they communicated took more than just words. Mars regretted her decision the moment she made it. But the depression had been too deep, the anger and her wounds too raw to see the real consequence of what she was losing. Then his eyes lifted, as though he could sense her watching him.
A soft sob caught in her throat as their gazes met for the first time in almost a year. Her heart stopped. She signed the one thing she knew by heart, his name. "Harley," A sign unique to him that her fingers would never forget the pattern of. Having not used it in a long while her memory of sign language had faded considerably. But even before she'd learned to sign they had been able to communicate without words. Mars brought her hands up to her heart, pressing them hard against her chest. Tears began to fall in earnest now, creating lines of waves along her make-up free cheeks. I miss you.
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glitchylaptop · 4 months
JAJAJA tan real. Yo ahi toda nice y viene Bibi a decirme "Hey, J que lees-" y me ve leyendo un comic de yo, V, y N hechandonos a Uzi las tres a la vez-J
Me imagine todo el escenario alv, tremendo desmadre se armaria
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rhianna · 7 months
I find such agencies supplied in the first place by the scribes of the Roman Church, the organisation of which had replaced as a central civilising influence the power of the lost Roman Empire. The scriptoria of the monasteries rendered the service formerly given by the copyists of the book-shops or of the country houses, while their armaria, or book-chests, had to fill the place of the destroyed or scattered libraries of the Roman cities or the Roman villas. The work of the scribes was now directed not by an Augustus, a Mæcenas, or an Atticus, but by a Cassiodorus, a Benedict, or a Gregory, and the incentive to literary labour was no longer the laurel crown of the circus, the favours of a patron, or the honoraria of the publishers, but the glory of God and the service of the Church. Upon these agencies depended the existence of literature during the seven long centuries between the fall of the Western Empire and the beginning of the work of the universities, and, in fact, for many years after the foundation of the universities of Bologna and of Paris, the book-production of the monasteries continued to be of material importance in connection with the preservation of literature.l
Books and their makers during the Middle Ages : A study of the conditions of… http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/71536
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sostanqs666 · 10 months
Já é 25 de novembro, mas quero contar um pouquinho sobre o meu dia anterior desperdiçado novamente.
Eu faltei a escola; algo que não é novidade. Eu não gosto de ir à escola. Quando entro naquela sala, tudo parece tão vazio, mesmo com tantas pessoas ao me redor e falando de forma tão barulhenta. Meus ouvidos são sensíveis e meu fone não ser à prova de ruídos, tantos os gritos e as movimentações repetinas da pessoas me fazem querer gritar á qualquer momento, sem sentido nenhum.
Novamente: desperdicei mais e mais comida. Meu armaria está com um cheiro podre quando se abre a porta por conta do cheiro da comida podre que eu não posso comer quando estou naqueles jejuns restritos e viciantes. Eu não consigo aceitar que eu já sou magra, sempre quero mais & mais.
Fui ao psicólogo hoje, e não aconteceu nada demais. Nem sequer posso chamar aquelas doutoras de psicólogas, não sei quem elas são e qual cargo elas ocupam dentro da clínica. Elas somente me perguntaram coisa extremamente básicas e minha necessidade por remédios, respondi com sinceridade desejando sair dali o mais rápido possível. Minha mãe atrás de mim ouvindo tudo e eu já sabendo o que iria acontecer em casa me assustava mais ainda — e eu estava certa — afinal, conheço meus pais e minha irmã;
meus pais ficaram extremamente agressivos com minhas tentativas passados de parar minha vida ali mesmo e minha irmã apenas ficou magoada porque eu não quis conversar com ela por chamada. Eu simplesmente não consigo conversar por chamada. Eu posso me esforçar, mas so pelo fato de abrir minha boca e transmitir algum som é assustador para mim.
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velhojupiter · 10 months
Calor da peste, armaria 🔥
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444names · 1 year
Names generated from French forenames and Greek islands, excluding the letter "S"
Adionie Agone Agoulan Agricori Agrine Alaine Aleiki Alorieta Aloulin Amarna Amicher Amvier Anaxi Andel Andra Andreta Andrinara Andro Aneri Angéri Anikaël Aniquette Anlorpale Annevie Annicte Annimorice Anniquert Antil Antine Anuette Ançoi Ardiamiene Arhieu Arine Armaria Aropotheli Athizandra Atilinetta Atouguy Atrie Auréloïc Avane...
Baphel Bapine Belphaëlle Beramenne Bergo Beriaega Berice Berio Bricte Brine Béathérice Calia Channine Channy Chard Chera Cherah Cherianne Chine Chlovront Chrart Chriaphale Chrick Chrie Chrinaou Chrine Clada Claigalki Clain Claza Cléme Clémice Clémicie Clérômed Coleirgue Colorgia Crenria Crentzed Céate Cécie Cécienni Céciline Cédra Cédérichel Célia Célolia Célène Dakra Dangélia Davine Detta Dettolie Didille Dienne Dilber Dilberrey Dionaval Dondilde Donicorie Donie Donieno Dourélie Dovrofi Drakarie Elamvoli Elleia Ellevi Ellone Elloémilo Elontitri Emmada Emmade Emnoît Encierick Fabie Fadakia Falia Faline Fardi Flougra Flovry Fopoi Foporgia Fraki Frani Frannic Fravia Gabel Gabri Ganck Gange Ganue Gavine Gavitrah Gaétalieu Gette Ghilio Giakloni Giammon Giantia Gille Ginada Girochoi Glamilon Glampra Grina Grince Gylle Gyllineia Gylvatrone Gylvine Gélie Haloule Hanne Harko Helle Heronice Hette Hteria Hugraki Hugraymoud Hurenne Héliann Hélèneand Ikyti Iopoutro Irane Irizo Itolenny Itrine Jacquel Jeance Jeancieu Jeand Jeande Jeandio Jeandro Jeane Jeanice Jeann Jeant Jeantia Jeançoi Jenie Jocelice Julia Julienée Julouranne Kalben Kalegana Kaline Kalora Kalymira Kamoni Kamou Kance Kanina Kardie Karen Karice Karichoule Karie Karioi Karlongel Karna Karobene Katikiann Katrizafi Kavalien Kavra Kaëlle Kereta Kerimi Kerma Kerryont Kertittel Kevythoni Klorgence Kondraki Kouda Kouti Kyntia Kyroine Kyrovalivi Kythaël Kytherre Kythria Kythydokoi Kytince Kytte Kytto Ladia Laegavgo Lafone Lagoni Laigil Laigirada Laine Lamorie Lanien Lannea Lauda Laudelorin Laurey Laurlo Laximno Lefabria Leille Letildera Letina Lickale Lique Lokimi Lolam Lonaniette Loula Louriel Lucalie Lucaminck Lucargalia Lucatra Lucia Luciliquel Lucin Lucine Lyanetta Lydra Léanoît Lémed Lémina Maden Madilemard Madinic Madra Magrie Maine Maini Makondi Makoula Mancla Mande Mandel Mandi Mandrako Marce Margo Marienn Mariette Marinea Marinia Marinoît Marko Marlia Marloé Marna Marone Maronie Marpadi Matithizo Matrie Matrientoi Matrine Maulantia Mavdou Megangette Megani Mezaki Michera Micorgo Mikara Mirgo Moloé Morgone Morietter Morine Mykolile Mélie Méline Mélène Nathen Niechacha Nielie Niette Niquenée Ochio Ochire Océantza Odioi Omvirgiria Othéo Oxeirganne Palamio Palle Panevitie Panick Parichada Parmathrah Partia Pathanne Pathilette Pathine Pathri Patrine Pauda Paudanmaki Paura Paure Paurien Pauronia Pauropaul Paurémia Paxavali Perafon Perge Peria Permathone Petaki Petallia Pettalia Pette Pettel Petterna Petterrey Pheranoé Piendia Pioni Pitroline Pitte Plaurence Polia Ponia Ponieu Prandi Prania Prathno Praymona Radanck Raginette Randra Rarna Reirguent Reliani Reniandia Renne Revine Rharichria Rhaël Rhoulie Rolette Rolexa Romio Régire Rélia Rémia Réminon Tharce Tharopor Therie Thertia Thianne Thourégine Thrichrine Thélia Toutia Tramia Vaith Valle Valone Vanie Vatian Vatroneann Vierine Viretalie Vitrinieu Vièleria Volaudra Volaxa Vrantorgo Vérène Wilinerre Xandrarc Yaine Yalbelle Yalique Yalougo Yantoudani Zafon Zaraklien Zarlette Élarle Éliont Élionti Élioutia Émille Érandere Éravdonia Érôme Étali Étine Étite Éveria Éverrette
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aurorabayrpg · 1 year
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Welcome to Aurora Bay [DUCKY, ANGIE, AND ZEO]! We hope you enjoy your stay! Please send in your accounts within 24 hours to secure [BRUNA MARQUEZINE, TATI GABRIELLE, AND LILI REINHART] as your faceclaims, and please be sure to review our checklist and make sure you read our guidelines!
[cisfemale and she/her] Welcome to Aurora Bay, [ARMARIA "MARS" DIAS]! I couldn’t help but notice you look an awful lot like [BRUNA MARQUEZINE]. You must be the [TWENTY-FIVE] year old [KEEPER AT AQUATICA AQUARIUM]. Word is you’re [AFFECTIONATE] but can also be a bit [RECKLESS] and your favorite song is [DO YOU WANT IT BY SEVYN STREETER]. I also heard you’ll be staying in [AURORA BAY DRIVE]. I’m sure you’ll love it!
[female, she/her] Welcome to Aurora Bay, [INGRID STONE]! I couldn’t help but notice you look an awful lot like [TATI GABRIELLE]. You must be the [TWENTY-SIX] year old [MAKEUP ARTIST]. Word is you’re [CREATIVE] but can also be a bit [FICKLE] and your favorite song is [JUNGLE BY TASH SULTANA]. I also heard you’ll be staying in [OCEAN CREST APARTMENTS]. I’m sure you’ll love it! 
[cis-female and she/her] Welcome to Aurora Bay, LORELAI LEWIS! I couldn’t help but notice you look an awful lot like [LILI REINHART]. You must be the [TWENTY ONE] year old [STUDENT AND TIDAL WAVE ATENDEE]. Word is you’re [INTELIGENT] but can also be a bit [ARROGANT] and your favorite song is [WILDCARD BY MILEY CYRUS]. I also heard you’ll be staying in [AURORA BAY DRIVE]. I’m sure you’ll love it!
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mis paredes blancas o celestes desteñidas la penumbra tosca de las pocas luces me acompañan noche a noche alla tras los vidrios la oscura infinidad y estrellas y silencios porfiados y tal vez una luna me armaria de silencios si no se hicieran eco de tantas ruinas ggf
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pandatalks · 2 years
pandora, eu queria muito dar um relato pessoal aqui. eu nao sou de acompanhar talker e nem nada, mas achei que aqui por ser novo seria um canto para eu desabafar sem que isso me traga mais dor e tristeza
já deixei de jogar rpg de twitter faz mais de um ano e fiquei nos meus 1x1 da vida com amigos de outros tempos e até fiz amizades novas.
eu saí pq tinha uma amizade com alguém do rp que é famosa por ser toxica e narcisista, ser cancelada e achar que é dona de tudo: de plot, da razão e ate da minha vida ic e ooc. eu era cega e nao via o quanto esse alguem fazia mal pra mim e ajudar esse ambiente de rp a ser tóxico.
eu sempre fui a pessoa mais amigavel dentro da nossa panela, mas toda vez que eu interagia com alguem vinha a dita cuja falar mal da pessoa por motivos ridiculos. eu fechei ship uma vez com uma pessoa muito legal e ela me infernizou a vida até eu nunca mais falar com a ooc desse ship, botando defeitos na coitada da ooc que sempre foi um amor de pessoa e ate hj me arrependo de ter perdido a amizade dela :(
no fim, eu acabei sendo odiada no rp por proximidade. não posso mais entrar em cmm nenhuma e nem participar de rpg com personagens q eu gosto pq ou ela vai estar la e me perseguir, ou entao vao achar q ainda somos amigas e serei perseguida junto por proximidade.
vim aqui pq eu de verdade penso em voltar e não sei o que fazer porque ou serei perseguida por esse ser humano desprezivel, ou então todo mundo vai me isolar pq acha que ainda faço parte da panela
Na parte do "mais dor e tristeza", confesso que meu coraçãozinho murchou e até fez um fuõn, igual cartoon.
Já joguei 1x1 no passado. Foi a forma que consegui ter meus plots com meus amigos e amigas sem que a gente precisasse estar em comunidade. Criamos nosso próprio nxn e foi bem legal. Até hoje ainda interagimos e temos turnos no nosso mundinho. Fazer amizade nova é tudo de bom, eu particularmente adoro ficar combinando plots e criando headcanons.
Não estou caminhando com os seus sapatos, como diriam os americanos, então só posso imaginar o quanto deve ter sido difícil para você passar por isso. Já passei por amizades tóxicas e abusivas, apesar de não termos passado pelo mesmo, um pouco posso entender e sentir empatia. Pessoas assim são difíceis de lidar, mesmo virtualmente e só posso dizer a você que uma hora o destino vai cobrar esse alguém.
Sinto muito por você ter perdido contato com alguém que gostava por conta de terceiros. Mais ainda pelo terceiro só ter fazer mal.
Esse cancelamento por amizade eu não acho que seja algo justo, real. Tem gente que não gosto de interagir por problemas no passado, mas nem por isso deixo de falar com os amigos da pessoa. Eles não tem culpa das atitudes podres de quem se relacionam, isso porque alguns ser humaninhos estão cagando e andando para qualquer esporro de amigo e persistem nos erros. O que podemos fazer nesse caso? Ou continuar a amizade ou se afastar.
Claramente, Bambi... Você não é a sua amiga. Não deveria estar pagando pelos erros dela, muito menos deixar de fazer o que gosta e te faz feliz. Tudo isso por causa de um ser humano que não merece ter essa importância na sua vida. Se realmente fosse sua amiga, não tinha te causado todo esse mal. Amigos deveriam ser a família que nós escolhemos e não a origem da nossa dor.
Não sei se você quer um conselho ou só desabafar, mas no seu lugar eu iria fazer um teste e voltar. Se a ser humaninha viesse dar show, eu só falaria
"Desça do palco que a Xuxa é loira, amada".
E ainda levaria a perseguição para moderação, armaria o maior barraco, afinal se a pessoa quer palco, vamos montar um pra ela.
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armariafm · 1 year
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Name: Armaria "Mars" Dias
Pronunciation: 'are-mar-ee-ah'
Age / D.O.B.: 25- November 23, 1997
Gender, Pronouns & Sexuality: cis woman - she/her - bisexual
Birthplace: Aurora Bay, California
Current Home: Aurora Bay Drive
Languages: English & Portuguese
Height: 5’7”
Relationship Status: Single
Children: None
Positive traits: Dependable, Easy-Going, Humble, Affectionate
Negative traits: Untidy, Reckless, Melancholic, Restless
Aurora Bay born and bred; her father a mechanic at a local auto-shop, Armaria had a wonderful childhood. The only blip on the otherwise happy radar the year when her mother left them. She had been five and while she had cried at the time Armaria never found herself missing her after the fact. Her father filled in for all parent-required activities, active and engaged in his daughter's life. It was more than a lot had and she was grateful.
Her father's job as a mechanic gave her an early fascination with cars. By the time she was thirteen Armaria could change a transmission almost completely without help -the heavy parts still required assistance from dad- and could recite the names of the world's top drivers each year running. Car magazines littered her bedroom and when combined with her tom-boy style often meant that she was teased by her classmates. Not that Armaria cared. A loving father and a shop full of mechanics who adored her raised a confident young woman.
With dark hair and tanned skin from her Brazilian roots Armaria or Mars as her few friends had taken to calling her, was a knockout. If anything her constantly grease-stained fingernails only leant further credence to her good looks. It wasn't until high school that boys began to want her attention. Sure they were okay looking and fun to talk shop with, but they never captured her interest for long. The person who would catch her interest didn't appear until her sophomore year.
Harley Hua was Armaria's first real crush. His (he had not yet transitioned at this time) features were nice to look at but more importantly Mars felt like she could be herself around the other teen. No one outside of their close circle of friends new about the relationship, it was a secret per Harley's request. This could have led to resentment on her part but Mars liked that they were their own little world. To the outside they were simply best friends but within the confines of their own space they shared a love and understanding that went deep.
A party was thrown in Mars' honor when it finally came time to get her license. The test was passed with flying colors and her father had even gifted her a car they'd spent the past year working on together. Everything inside the engine had been upgraded and customized. Her first time driving it down the coast is when her need for speed began. Like an addict Armaria took the car out as often as she could. In the beginning the races were just against other high school kids, but a youtube video that got around made its way to another type of club in a city outside of Aurora Bay. Her fist forray into true street racing.
Invited to an event Mars dragged Harley along, ignoring their protests about safety the entire time. Everything would be fine. It was just a little race. Though plain Armaria's car placed her in first by a landslide. She was hooked. Her racing became a constant argument between her and her father. He worried about the crowds she hung out with, the potential for being arrested, and most importantly her safety. Street racing was regulated like the pros, there was no protection, just a driver and their car. So when the opportunity to go pro presented itself as she was about to graduate, she jumped at it. A chance to earn money doing what she loved in a way that would please her father.
The downside? She would have to leave Harley. He still had another year of high school to finish and she would be busy in LA and on the circuit trying to make a name for herself. The breakup was perhaps the hardest thing she had ever done. Harley was her heart. But the alternative wasn't fair to either of them. After the initial wounds of the amicable breakup had healed, the two stayed in contact. And as Mars' fame grew, Harley began to receive invites to events and other racing related activities, his stay covered by the money she made from sponsors.
At age 24 she was a formula one racecar driver, having earned the title two years before. The beginning of the height of her career.
Crash. Fire. Pain.
Somehow Amaraia managed to walk out but everything for the next two weeks after was a blank slate. A defect in her racing suit had caused the flames to eat at her skin, the flesh of her side a large, painful burn. Combined with whiplash and a broken clavicle, Mars' career was put on indefinite hold.
At first Harley was there for her through the bandage changes and painful debriding. Even morphine wasn't enough to help the pain. Her friend's smile was a comfort... until it wasn't. Two months into her recovery Mars banished Harley. A screaming match of epic proportions that left her throat raw and chest heaving. Nothing mattered other than recovering enough to get back behind the wheel of a car. Some six months later and the physical injuries had healed to a point where she could function. She was ecstatic to get back into the driver's seat.
Only to find she couldn't. Overwhelmed with panic and fear, PTSD her therapist would later say, Mars couldn't make herself go. With enough help and a lot of golf-cart lessons she could finally manage to drive her fathers Hyundai but even then anything over 40 set her on edge. Her career was over. Ruined before it had truly had a chance to begin and Armaria was left empty. LA only held reminders of what could have been. What she needed now was home. The town in which she had grown up.
Her father had moved to LA with her at the start of everything. Now he had a booming business he could not leave and a new-wife that made him beam. Mars knew she could never ask him to leave and so decided to head out on her own. It was her last night in LA that the bomb dropped. She had a brother. Before her mother had married her father she had been in a relationship with another man and had a son, Jake. For her sake her father had kept track of her brother's movements through the years by way of private investigator. He was now in Aurora Bay. Her father urged her to seek him out, so that she might have family in her hometown once again.
It has been two weeks since she moved into town on the heels of a hurricane. The home she had purchased for herself in Aurora Bay Drive had been destroyed, leaving her stranded in a hotel as she began her job at Aquatica Aquarium. Being around the animals helped to relax her, and the sometimes necessary swimming that was required helped with her still aching muscles, a pain that never truly went away. As settled as she can be in the face of everything, its time to seek out her friend to make amends and introduce herself to a brother she's never met.
Mars suffered burns on her side as a result of the accident. While many people would be ashamed of their burns she doesn't try to hide them. They're a reminder of the life she loved and secretly hopes she can one day get back to.
Driving is difficult for her. She secretly sits behind the wheel of her car sometimes and just cries because she misses racing so much.
Has only had once serious relationship (Harley) her entire life. After high school she became consumed with her career. Several others tried to get her attention but she only finds attraction when there is that spark of a deeper emotional connection.
Loves the water. A lot of her physical therapy included laps in the pool to help ease the pain in her shoulders and neck. As a kid she loved the beach and now as an adult post-accident she finds the same comfort in it that she did as a child. Her house on Aurora Bay Drive backs right up onto the beach.
@jake-hudson Is her half brother that doesn't know she exists
High school relationship and best friend @harleyhua
Fans: Anyone who supported/watched Mars when she raced. They could have followed her from the beginning when she street raced or started to watch her after she went pro.
Sea-Friends: A connection with another character who has a vast love of the water. They could explore and study the ocean together, go on sea-creature saving missions, whatever seems fun!
Trauma-Bonding: Your character and Saylor bond over their respective traumatic incidents. The way they meet and what leads to the bonding is totally up for discussion. Will take more than one connection for this
Anything else we can think of!
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Flora Marina
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E S P E C I E S M Á S C O M U N E S : INTRODUCCIÓN Las magnolias y margaritas marinas son dos tipos diferentes de plantas. Las magnolias son árboles y arbustos que pertenecen al género Magnolia, que comprende alrededor de 210 especies. Las magnolias son conocidas por sus grandes flores de colores brillantes y fragantes, que pueden ser blancas, rosas, rojas, púrpuras o amarillas. Estas flores suelen ser solitarias y tienen una forma distintiva, con numerosos pétalos grandes y gruesos que a menudo están dispuestos en espiral. Las magnolias son originarias de Asia y América del Norte, y se cultivan en todo el mundo como plantas ornamentales.
Por otro lado, las margaritas marinas son plantas perennes que crecen en el agua salada y pertenecen al género Armeria, que consta de alrededor de 120 especies. También se les conoce como "hierba de oveja del mar" o simplemente como "armarias". Las margaritas marinas tienen hojas estrechas y puntiagudas que se agrupan en rosetas, y producen pequeñas flores de color rosa, rojo o blanco en racimos globulares en la parte superior de largos tallos delgados. Se encuentran naturalmente en las regiones costeras de Europa, Asia y América del Norte, y se cultivan a menudo como plantas ornamentales en jardines costeros. — - M A G N O L I A S — - — - M A R G A R I T A S — - ASTER TRIPOLIUM ARMERIA MARITIMA LIMONIUM VULGARE CAKILE MARITIMA
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DATOS Las magnolias marinas son árboles o arbustos que crecen en zonas costeras y pantanosas de todo el mundo, especialmente en climas cálidos y húmedos. Algunas de las especies de magnolias marinas más comunes se encuentran en el sureste de los Estados Unidos, América Central, Asia oriental y el Himalaya
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" E s i m p o r t ant e t ene r en cuent a que l a a bund anc i a d e e s t a s p l ant a s pue d e v e r s e a f e c t a d a p o r f a c t o r e s a m b i ent a l e s y hu m ano s , c o m o l a p é r d i d a d e há b it a t, l a c ont a m ina c i ón y e l c a m b i o c l i m á ti c o . P o r l o t ant o , l a c ons e r v a c i ón y e l m onit o r e o d e e s t a s e s p e c i e s s on i m p o r t ant e s p a r a g a r anti z a r su sup e r v i v enc i a y p r e s e r v a r su p a p e l en l o s e c o s i s t e m a s l o c a l e s ."
htt p : / / w w w .f a m i l y f a r m ing c a m p a i gn.ne t / fi l e s / g a l e r i a /Al i m ent a r _ e l _ m und o 2 . p d f) FAO: Al i m ent a r e l m und o . p d f ( pub l i c a c i ón) . CONABIO. LA BIOD IVERS I DAD EN MÉXICO. Ca p it a l na tur a l d e Mé x i c o ( v i d e o ) htt p : / / w w w . c ona b i o . g o b . m x / Re v i s a d o htt p : / / c a m b i o c l i m a ti c o . c onanp . g o b . m x / d o cu m ent o s / ind e x / anp s _ s o luc i o ne s _ f r ent e%2 0 a l _ c c . p d f" C. ( s . f. ) . ¿Cuánt a s e s p e c i e s ha y ? Bi o d i v e r s i d a d Me x i c ana . htt p s : / / w w w . b i o d i v e r s i d a d . g o b . m x / e s p e c i e s / cuant a s e s p Ma gno l i a s , Ma r g a r it a s Y P a r i ent e s ( D i c o ti l e dÃ3ne a s ) (Cl a s e Ma gno l i o p s i d a ) . ( s . f. ) . Na tus f e r a . htt p s : / / s p a in. ina tur a l i s t. o r g / t a x a / 4 7 1 2 4 -Ma gno l i o p s i d a
Autor: Elena Franco
Fecha de publicacion: 24 de Febrero del 2023
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