#Armored core vi
thetremblingroofbeam · 10 months
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demilypyro · 1 year
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you can use a masking layer on decals to simulate battle damage
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hkcomplex · 1 year
“weird how corps will hire you for missions right after you kill a bunch of their own soldiers for their rivals, like do you think they know?”
bro that’s so crazy it’s almost like capitalism alienates us from the product of our labor so in a future where murder is sanctioned under capitalism nobody would even think to hold you accountable when you murder their friends and comrades because it’s “just a job, 621” and it’s literally not your responsibility, you didn’t make the call, you don’t have any agency, you’re just the unlucky dog who did the job and assumed all the risk and put your life on the line bobbing and weaving through enemy artillery and also paying for all your own ammunition and mech repairs cause they don’t even give you that cause you’re an independent contractor, it’s just a job, it pays the bills, specifically the bills from when you literally lobotomized yourself to become an inhuman killing machine for the sake of your career advancement. it’s like nobody holds you accountable because
under capitalism nobody even sees you as a human
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noneoutofnone · 1 year
Getting whiplash going back to Armored Core VI after playing Starfield
Starfield trips over itself letting you know all of the quests are chill and good actually. The choices in dialogue range from doing a good deed to doing a good deed… for money😈. The only way to join the Space Pirates is to be offered the chance to go undercover first, making sure you see the Pirate but you’re a good guy option. If a persuasion check with someone fails, leaving you only with the prompt [Attack], your companion will say something to the effect of “woof, that was rough. But you did what you had to do.”
The most recent mission I finished in Starfield was for the United Colonies. You stand in front of a council of bureaucrats trying to convince them to hand over banned archival weapon data. This could help stop a small but growing danger to the galaxy. The council argues that it could also lead to that weapon falling into the wrong hands - It was locked away for a reason. It’s a great moment because it was the first time a character in starfield stood up and said to me No, you are in the wrong here, your research could lead to the weapon data leaking, civilians will be put it danger. ALERT. oh no. ALERT. Just as this conversation is happening an entirely contained but also extremely dire attack occurs. ALERT. You rush out and save the day. The threat is proven to be real and the data is necessary. No more questions about is it the right thing to do. Forget about all that other stuff we brought up, you were right. The whole council apologizes to you profusely. Here, take the nuclear launch codes, and here’s a thousand credits as an apology for insinuating that you weren’t the galaxy’s goodest bestest boy.
Mission 1 of Armored Core 6 is called “Illegal Entry”.
In mission 4 “Destroy the transport helicopters” the helicopters are just that. No weapons. Trying to run from you. The rubiconians who stand between you and the helicopters are defending their families. During the fight the enemies bark about you being the bad guy. After the mission your Dad calls you and says “It’s just a Job 621. All of it.” Throughout the entire game you are flooded with voicemails, calls, voices in your head, that all have an opinion on whether what you’re doing is good or bad or just a job.
Starfield is telling you not to think about it too hard. Armored Core is telling you to think about it. A lot. Screaming at you to think about it. What are you doing. It’s not just a job. The game is talking about your actions through all sorts of different lenses.
It’s stepping out of a lazy river and then immediately riding down Niagara Falls in a barrel. Sometimes literally. You see the same safe boring landing cutscene a million times in Starfield. Twice 621 has packed themselves into a barrel and yeeted it into danger.
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koyoriin · 1 year
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"...Raven. I'll...support you."
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hiiiiii :)
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xenidraws · 1 year
Some of the writing in this game is kinda weird... 🎸🏳️‍🌈
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pins-pin · 10 months
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Received a message that inspired BTR x AC6. and I didn't expect BTR to fit into other From Software works after Bloodborne😆
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bug66 · 4 months
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prokopetz · 1 year
It feels like there's been this very particular subset of the Pacific Rim fandom who were into it specifically for how its central conceit blurs the line between intimacy and codependency, but felt constrained by the fundamental optimism of the source material – like no matter how fucked up they made it, there was something basic and structural embedded in it that meant it could never be fucked up enough.
And then Armored Core VI came along.
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groxglitch · 1 year
Walter: Got a job for you, 621. This one comes from me personally. There's exactly one Wendy's left on Rubicon, and they just brought back the Baconator. I don't know about you, but both myself and the rest of the crew are tired of living off Coral mealworms and smuggled-in combat rations.
Your job is simple: Insert, make your way to the Wendy's drive through and place the order. Once it's ready, pick it up and make your way to the rendezvous point for extraction. I've forwarded everyone's orders, as well as the needed COAM, to your account.
Intel suggests Balam already has a token force on-site to claim the Wendy's for themselves, including a reinforced MT squad and that one Redgun that keeps sending you hate mail, Iguana or whatever his name is. They're not mission-critical targets, but I can throw a little extra in for every hostile destroyed. That should send a clear message to Balam that the Wendy's is neutral ground.
Don't let us down, 621. This one's for the guys who keep putting your AC back together after every sortie. Ayre: Raven, can... can we get spicy nuggets? It should be an option in the Four for $4 and you know I love spicy food. I don't have the COAM on hand but I live in your head anyway, so... y'know.
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ashinaisshin · 5 months
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Looks like you made a friend of your own. But it's good to make a choice. Sit on the fence, and you make no enemies… or friends. ARMORED CORE VI: FIRES OF RUBICON (2023), dev. FromSoftware
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gee0man · 1 year
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You're talking about The Wallclimber, The Wormkiller. The only G13 who's managed to live this long! Until the LIGER TAIL deploys, the odds are NOT in your favor.
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partikron · 1 year
I keep thinking about the Dafeng test pilot that you take down in the first chapter of Armored Core VI.
In any other mech storyline, this kid would have been the protagonist. Bright-eyed and hopeful, he would have been the poster child for youthful determination in the face of corporate war profiteering, either finding a cool trick to defeat 621, or being saved by the sudden arrival of other plucky young pilots.
But we both know that no one comes to save him.
The universe of Armored Core is fantastical by any definition, but in this one moment it is at it's most brutally realistic.
"I'm...keeping up with a real merc!" he says, "My training is paying off!"
Reality sets in as the tide turns abruptly in your favor. He is outmaneuvered, outgunned and outfought by the "merc who only kills for credits".
"I can't die like this!"
But he does. All the tenacity of youth couldn't save him from you, and he dies alone and afraid, lamenting his little dream of having his own callsign, his life amounting to the meager credits transferred to your account after the mission.
He would have been the protagonist anywhere else, but here on Rubicon he is a reminder that, in a warzone, no one comes to save little boys.
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moiderahart · 1 year
About the Warships in Armored Core 6
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I'm basically repeating what I said on cohost here because I actually kind of love the designs of the PCA's ships in Armored Core 6.
Now much ink has been spilled about how they're "too weak" and "I wish they were harder :(" which is more just people saying they wish they had more setpiece levels like the STRIDER which, to be honest, same; I'd love that. But the warships are actually gigantic. They're like 300 meters long; comparable to a container ship or a carrier than a warship. But more importantly they have an exposed bridge and pretty rudimentary defenses uptop. The bulk of their defenses are all localized on the bottom. Lasers designed to scour the earth. A bay to deploy LCs and MTs, and a full wing of drones to keep you down. Some units even have railguns on their underside, some have missiles uptop to try and counter the weaknesses of the deck side of these warships, which to be fair, probably would have worked if the Karman Line level didn't give you infinite energy.
Arquebus doesn't really know how to handle these warships. Because they keep on throwing them at you as though they're traditional air-to-air war machines.
When you attack the PCA, they're either flying over the majority of your forces or their ships are outright docked.
Basically what I'm saying is these ships aren't designed for a fair fight. They fold like paper when they're faced with something that gets on the deck.
Because they're subjugation machines.
They are designed to bully a population into submission.
The PCA aren't a normal military force, they're fucking space cops.
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koyoriin · 1 year
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Malenia-...uh...IB-01: CEL 240 // ARMORED CORE VI
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