#Artificial Grass for Pool Areas
grasscarpetdubai · 5 months
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blackangelene · 1 year
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Pool Hot Tub Example of a mid-sized minimalist backyard concrete paver and rectangular hot tub design
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randomshyperson · 2 years
Beach Weekend - Wanda Maximoff x Reader
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Summary: A chaotic and disastrous weekend with your lovely family and group of friends has some issues: Steve Rogers should not be left to take care of the accommodation, everyone has lost their jobs and Wanda is a very jealous wife. || Based on a Brazilian movie.
Warnings: (+16) attempt at humor, chaotic domesticity, lots of cuteness and jokes, established relationship, mentions and innuendo of smut and mentions of homemade artificial insemination, explicit language (cursing) || Words: 6.004k
A/N: I was talking to abimess about the lack of Brazilian representation in basically everything, and she had the brilliant idea of a special collection with stories with a Brazilian Reader. However, none of us would have the time to do it, still, I plan to write some loose stories about it. This story for example is based on a very famous Brazilian comedy film, hope you all like it.
General Masterlist | AO3 | Wattpad |
Being an adult usually had only two meanings: Not having the time or not having money. And both could happen simultaneously.
Yet, with the mass resignation of the Bishop Security Company after the owner's exposure of felony evasion, you and your co-workers and closest friends, Maria Hill and Steve Rogers, decided that the insurance money would be a good opportunity to have decent summer vacation for once in your life.
Convincing your wife would be the tricky part.
"Absolutely not." Wanda spoke with an indignant expression as soon as you finished counting. "We need to save money, Y/N. You still haven't received any feedback on the resumes you sent out, and we're not going to waste our savings because Rogers wants to have beers on the beach." Wanda declared seriously, but at that moment, the twins were coming down the stairs, and Tommy let out an excited exclamation.
"Are we going to the beach?" 
"No, Tommy-"
But if there was one thing Wanda had a problem doing, it was saying no to her boys' puppy dog eyes - and coupled with your kisses - she rolled her eyes and eventually agreed.
So, you left New York in a pickup truck with your family headed for the seashore.
"Who took care of the lodging?" Wanda asked from the passenger seat - she looked, in your humble opinion, stunning in her sunglasses. 
You turned down the radio a little to answer her.
"Steve. He said something about an old friend who had a boat and a beach house." You answer and Wanda hums in agreement, half distracted with her cell phone. You look through the rearview mirror at the twins, also focused on electronic devices, and sigh. "You know, it would be nice if we tried to disconnect a little from the Internet this holiday, don't you guys think?"
No one even hears your question, and you roll your eyes before turning the radio back up.
You stayed on the road for almost three hours because of the traffic, but everyone was very pleased when the sea became visible. The joy lasted only for the next 20 minutes.
"Are you sure we are at the right address?" Wanda asked with a grimace as soon as you parked the car in front of an old gate, a considerable amount of moss covering the bricks, and grass growing everywhere.
You were equally confused, and got out of the car with some hesitation, looking around. It was a somewhat isolated area from the rest of the houses, but the yard led to the beach. From the beam of the gate you could see that there was also a swimming pool.
Taking your cell phone, you dialed Steve's number while your family waited in the car - Wanda leaned into the back seat to calm the twins who were already starting to get restless.
"Rogers, I think we missed the entrance or something. Are you here yet?"
"No, I'm about ten minutes away. Send me your location and I'll pick you up."
But apparently, you were in the right place. And when Steve Rogers parked his car next to yours, you were just as annoyed as Wanda.
"You said you were going to take care of the lodging!" You accused the blond who held up his hands in surrender. 
"Hey, I said I knew the owner, that's different!" He defended himself. "Sam said the place is nice, you haven't even been in and you're already making judgments." He argues. "And stop yelling at me in front of my fiancé, it's bad luck." He whispered the last part, taking advantage of Bucky getting out of the car, and you rolled your eyes impatiently.
The place was not nice. It was a surprise that it was actually standing. 
You only didn't choke Steve because Maria arrived on a motorcycle with her girlfriend and she looked like she was going to do it first.
"Rogers, I promised her an incredible weekend and you put us in this hole!" Maria grunts between teeth as the three of you are supposedly checking out the kitchen, your families waiting for you in the living room.
"Look, the value was really good! I had no idea the place was in this condition." Steve defends himself. "Sam told me it was his family's house, and that they haven't been here in a few years..."
"More like a few centuries." You retort rubbing your forehead. You can hear Wanda's voice asking the kids not to touch anything, acknowledging that pitch of anger, and you can already imagine the lecture. And honestly, she's right.
"I'll call Sam." Steve says, sounding like he's more about running away from the discussion than solving something.
To add to Wanda's irritation, you had also suggested that she invite Pietro and his family, figuring that your friend would have picked a really nice place. So when the twin arrived with Monica and little Luna, you knew that the thin ice had burst.
Pietro let out a laugh when he saw the state of the room.
"It looks like a hurricane came through in here." He commented dropping one of the suitcases on the floor, his wife holding her daughter as if afraid she would catch some disease from the floor. "Well, I'll take the larger room!"
Pietro's sentence caused a commotion. You shuddered at the look Wanda threw you before she ran to catch up with the boys who went to dispute the room with their uncle, and you sat down on the old couch with a grunt, a migraine forming.
"Sam said he'll be here in fifteen minutes." Steve informs you and Maria as he returns to the living room with a cell phone in hand.
Apparently, it was the housekeeper's fault. Sam was a nice guy, and really didn't know that the house wasn't being taken care of properly. It took him almost 30 minutes to arrive however because he brought several pieces of cleaning equipment to help improve the appearance of the house.
"Amazing, guys! I go to the beach with everyone who has nothing to do with the choice of lodging and the rest of you are left in charge of cleaning." Wanda declares to the room and no one has the courage to contradict her.
And so you spend the rest of your afternoon trying to get mold out of the inside of a pool.
"Natasha seems nice." Steve tells Maria a few hours into the cleanup when the three of you are taking old bottles out. 
"She's amazing." Your friend retorts with an excited sigh. "I was a little unsure about this open relationship thing, but we're doing fine."
"Wait, does that mean you two can sleep with other people?" Steve asks surprised, and Maria giggles, shaking her shoulders as the three of you make your way back inside, at least three rooms with plenty of cleaning to be done yet.
"If we are in agreement, yes." Answers the brunette. 
"Damn I could never do that." Steve comments and you hum in response.
"Just the thought of Wanda sleeping with someone else makes my skin itch." 
"I didn't know you were the jealous type, Y/N." Maria comments and you give a short laugh, your hands busy moving the pillows to dust them off.
"Have you seen my wife, Hill? No, wait, don't look at her like that." You joke making all three of you laugh. "I'm not really, just truly monogamous. Believe me, Wanda is jealous of this relationship."
Steve laughed in agreement. "Oh, I recall that. Before you joined the company, Maria, Y/N trained a new girl, I think her name was Carol or something. Wanda looked ready to rip someone's head off every time her name was mentioned."
"I thought it was cute." 
"It was scary." Steve contradicts making you laugh. 
You get back to cleaning the house between conversations about work and side scares, and as the place gets cleaner, the anger about the inconveniences eventually takes a back seat.
Wanda and the others don't return until late afternoon, the kids running in dirty with sand and making a huge mess in the shower.
You are testing the waters calmly, but realize that a day at the beach with the twins seems to have relaxed Wanda a bit. You try to improve things a bit by promptly offering to take care of the twins, cleaning up all the mess and making sure they were in their pajamas and ready for dinner without delay.
Wanda smiled at you in thanks before heading to the kitchen and that made you sigh with relief.
"She's mad." Tommy warns you as you dry his hair and you look at your son with a grimace.
"Are you sure?"
"She smashed the volleyball." It is Billy who answers, and you sigh with slight panic.
"Boys do you have any suggestions?" You ask them, going to dry the other's hair. 
"A new house." Tommy mutters taking an elbow from his brother.
"Foot massage, mommy. And you could buy some chocolates too." Billy suggests and you smile at them.
"You two are the best." You say kissing the head of each before letting them run into the kitchen.
Everyone was tired from the trip and the beach, so plans for the barbecue and pool would be left for the next few days. The children were put in one room, and you, Wanda and Maria and Natasha in the other, while Steve and Bucky took the couches. The hammocks for Pietro and Monica.
"Did you girls get to know each other well?" Maria asked when the four of you were in the room. You were sitting cross-legged on the bed, waiting for Wanda to finish drying her hair and get into bed, while Natasha was grabbing bath items to use after Maria who had just left the shower.
Wanda and Nat exchanged gentle smiles. "Yes, Natalia is a sweetheart." Your wife commented, causing Maria to smile. "She mentioned that you guys almost went to St.Petersburg, but ended up choosing the beach. I imagine the regret must be bitter." Wanda joked, and although Maria and Nat laughed, you knew it was a warning that she hadn't forgiven you yet.
"I don't know, Wanda, trading thick coats for the chance to see this goddess in a bikini seems like a good game." Natasha flirts with her girlfriend, stealing a kiss on the way to the bathroom, and as soon as the door closes, Maria grunts with excitement, ignoring the giggles from you and Wanda.
"God, that woman is going to kill me." Hill said. 
"Doesn't it make you want to keep her all to yourself?" You tease just to torment her, and Maria chuckles, raising her middle finger at you. Wanda watches the scene with confusion.
"What do you mean?" She asks, and Maria quickly tries to explain about them being in an open relationship. "Wow, that's... modern."
You give a short laugh, which Maria follows. "Come on Maximoff, you can say you think it's a crazy idea. Steve does."
But Wanda shrugs her shoulders, a soft laugh escaping her lips. "No, I think it's nice. If it works for you, and it's something you like, then I really don't see why it would be a problem. In fact, it sounds interesting, I imagine you guys must never get bored."
Maria laughs, commenting that boredom has never been a problem, but you frown in hesitation. 
"In fact, girls, I think Nat forgot her soap and I would never want her to have her bath marred by that little triviality..." Maria says a moment later, ignoring the rolling of your eyes to run to the bathroom and you turn your attention back to your wife lying on the bed beside you.
"Hey, pretty girl, since when do you think an open relationship is cool?" You ask, moving to the edge of the bed without delay, your hands finding Wanda's feet to place them in your lap. She gives a confused giggle.
"What, I'm not allowed to?" She retorts half sarcastically, the irritation over the events from earlier still fresh in her mind. 
You sigh. "You can think whatever you want, Wanda. I was just surprised. And that talk about being bored..." Your voice grew a little unsure, causing Wanda to frown in curiosity. "It wasn't about us was it?"
Wanda giggled incredulously. "By God, honey."
"What? It's an honest doubt." You defend yourself with flushed cheeks, and Wanda bites back a smile. She would like to be irritated with you for more than a few hours, but you make the job so difficult.
"Baby, we have sex almost every day."
"Yeah, but you could be getting tired..." You mutter upset, your fingers massaging Wanda's feet and she grunts softly.
"I promise I'm not." 
"So you wouldn't want to open our marriage?" 
"Babe, don't make me kick your pretty face." Wanda warns causing you to chuckle. She closes her eyes to enjoy the massage better and you smile affectionately as you watch the soft sighs that leave her lips in appreciation of the touch.
You lick your lips a minute later, stopping your movements to lean down and kiss her thighs, making Wanda open her eyes.
"What are you doing?" She asks almost tense, her gaze going to the closed door. You only press a hand to her stomach to get her to lie back down, and the other pulls the comforter over you.
"Making sure there's no boredom." You retort, fingers climbing up into her nightgown as your mouth kisses the inside of her thigh and up, making Wanda shudder softly.
"Baby, the girls could be back any moment..." She reminds you with the last remaining bit of sanity, but you only laugh softly against her skin.
"Adrenaline makes everything better, don't you think?" It is your last comment, and Wanda will not argue any further.
The second day is infinitely better than the first. Apparently, one orgasm is enough for Wanda to forgive you for a bad weekend, and when you join everyone on the beach, it's really fun.
The only inconvenience is Pietro mistaking sunscreen for suntan lotion and turning all the kids into shrimp, which stresses the mothers out to a considerable degree.
You end up going back early because of this, and you offer to go to the pharmacy to get some ointment for them, being joined by Natasha in the car as the woman also wanted to buy some items. 
You chat a bit on the way, she has a sarcastic humor but is pleasant company. She also flirts a lot with the natural way in which compliments escape her, and the interaction leaves you feeling a bit awkward. 
The problem is that for your wife, you arriving with easy smiles and a flushed face with a beautiful woman like Natasha is not exactly the best thing in the world. So her passive hostility from before returns and you have no idea why.
You focus on soothing the burns of the three naughty children on the couch for the moment though.
Wanda, on the other hand, is quite interested in finding out why you arrived laughing with Natasha, and once the redhead joins Steve and Bucky in preparing the barbecue, the shorter one is trying to sound as casual as possible.
"[...] your wife is really very nice, that's all." Natasha assures amiably, her hands busy grabbing a cold beer. "I told her about not knowing New York very well, and she told me that with the company's trainee program she ended up getting to know the city like the back of her hand and that if I were in Queens sometime, we could schedule a coffee. She is very helpful."
Wanda forces a smile. "Yes, very helpful. Lovely." She commented, the sarcasm being missed by Nat, who wasted no time in continuing the conversation.
You didn't understand any of the murderous looks you received from Wanda every time she took a sip of beer while talking to Nat, but honestly, you were afraid to ask.
The barbecue gets livelier as Pietro gets the radio and speakers working, and you proudly fill the pool that you have successfully cleaned.
While the kids are playing in the water, you approach Wanda from behind, hands on her waist, but when you go to kiss her, she turns her face away and you end up just brushing up against her cheek.
She takes a long swig of beer, prologuing the lack of explanation and causing you to raise an eyebrow. 
"What's wrong?" You ask in a whisper, holding her by the waist while the others are busy dancing and talking.
"Nothing." She retorts between teeth, returning the bottle to the counter in front of her, leaning her ass against you. 
"Wanda." You insist, appreciating the warmth, but worried about the way she is acting.
Your wife just turns her face to you, an innocent expression that doesn't match the way her eyes are shining. "It's nothing, honey, I just heard about you being the best tour guide in New York."
You frown in confusion. "What...?"
But Wanda slips your hands away as she spins her body around, hands finding the collar of your shirt. "So helpful with other people's girlfriends."
You sigh as you understand. "Wanda, I was just trying to be nice..." You try, but she leans her face against yours, brushing your lips together and making you lose your line of reasoning. Wanda kisses you softly and suddenly bites your mouth just on the limit so as not to hurt, the gentle pain being a clear reminder of her annoyance, and you grunt softly as she pulls away. " No need to be mean."
She gives a naughty little laugh, licking her lips and attracting the immediate attention of your eyes. 
But your interaction is interrupted when Steve announces that the couple he befriended on the beach earlier was at the gate. Tony Stark, his wife Pepper, and their daughter Morgan had brought more food and drinks for the barbecue, and you whispered that you were going to be as friendly as ever just to tempt her.
The barbecue continues throughout the day. Everyone gets to know each other, and around three, you decide that you would also like to join the pool, and having gotten busy you were not yet in your swimsuit.
You went inside to change and found the bathroom empty. Since everyone was outside and you were only going to put your top on, you didn't lock the door. As soon as you took off your shirt, someone came in. 
Nat closed the door and turned around, surprised to find you without clothes.
"Oh, sorry, my bad." She apologized without any shame, just regret that she had intruded. The problem is that when she went to open the door, the old doorknob made a noise and fell to the floor. "That's not good."
You put on your T-shirt in record time, moving to the door as well.
"Shit." You grumbled, trying to push the door open but to no avail. You immeasurably started to knock, but the loud sound muffled it. "No, no, no."
Natasha gave a confused giggle at your reaction. "Look, that sucks, but I promise I'm not the worst company to be locked up with." She jokes, a little unsure, after all, she was the girlfriend of one of your close friends and just wanted to make a good impression.
You gesture to her quickly. "Oh, no, it's not you. I just need to get out of this bathroom before my wife dreams that I ended up in a small space with a beautiful woman."
"Well, thank you." She retorts and you grunt in embarrassment, but Nat seems to be finding the whole thing amusing. She leans on the wall next to the door, pulling out her cell phone and you sigh impatiently, trying to slam the door again.
Shortly after, you hear footsteps and knock harder.
"Hey, we're stuck!" You warn.
"Mom?" it's Tommy's confused voice, and you sigh in relief.
"Yes, honey, Aunt Nat and I got stuck in the bathroom, try calling Uncle Pietro without alerting anyone and-"
"MAMA! MOMMY GOT STUCK IN THE BATHROOM WITH AUNT NATASHA" Tommy shouts into the hallway with a mischievous laugh, and you feel your body freeze. Even Nat laughs softly at your reaction.
Wanda moves so fast out of her seat that the pillows hit the floor. She reaches the door in a rage and starts knocking hard.
You shudder, taking a step away. "Wanda, honey, the lock broke..."
Another loud knock. You heard other footsteps, and the music slowed, so it wasn't hard to deduce that the whole group was in the hallway.
"What happened people?" Pietro asked confused.
"Pietro, Natasha, and I got stuck in here." You replied from the other side and wanted to dig yourself a hole for giggles.
"Everyone out now." Wanda speaking tapped her foot, and you heard footsteps and giggling children, signaling that the children all ran to the pool again. "Y/N, open this door right now!"
You sigh wearily, looking around. Natasha moves as well, grabs a toothbrush, and pats you on the shoulder to make room for her.
"Maybe if we shove this in here..." She comments but is interrupted by a loud exclamation and laughter from the other side.
"SHOVE IT IN? WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?" Wanda questions explosively, and you grunt softly.
"Look, sestra, from the sounds of it it must be good stuff." Pietro sneers, and you hear a slapping noise and another chuckle. 
Natasha seems to be having a hard time holding back her laughter, offering you a frown by Wanda's reaction, but all you do is sigh and sit down on one of the little stools by the door.
"Wanda, relax, I'm sure it's fine in there." Steve tries to reassure her.
"Yes, I'll go look for a screwdriver." It is Bucky who speaks and you hear his footsteps getting away.
"Of course, it's fine, by the way, it's a great opportunity for a bonding hour." Pietro teases getting another chuckle, but you sink your face into your own hands, grumbling in frustration. "Wow, I think they've even started."
The snickering makes you blush with embarrassment, but soon you jump in fright because Wanda gives another loud knock on the door.
"Y/N, I swear to god if I hear any more strange sounds..." She warns between teeth, and you swallow dryly, not even daring to breathe too loudly. 
Natasha gives up trying to open it with her toothbrush, seeing that it wouldn't work and leans back on the wall.
"I don't know about you, Wanda, but sometimes silence can even be worse." Monica joins in the tormentors, and you hear Pietro laughing as well. "who knows what the mouth is doing other than talking"
"Y/N!” Wanda calls immediately with her voice trembling with rage. “Speak! Now!"
You roll your eyes and Natasha answers for you, "Guys, stay calm, everything is under control in here."
"Yes, Wanda, we're just waiting." You say.
"Yeah, Y/N, keep talking!" Your wife warns.
"What's the use of talking, we don't know where her hands are..." Pietro adds making Monica laugh. You place a hand over your face in disbelief.
Wanda's shaky voice calls out to you again. "What are you doing with your hands? Clap them!"
"My god, that's ridiculous." You mutter.
"Clap.Them." Wanda repeats between teeth, her voice laden with irritation, and you sigh impatiently before obeying. "That's it, keep going. I better know where your hands are!"
"Wanda, I won't be-"
"I swear to god Y/N-" She interrupts you and you don't have to command again before you clap your hands again. "That's it, good. Now speak, or sing."
Fuck this.
Pietro and Monica start laughing, and Natasha also gives up on holding in her giggles. Luckily, Bucky comes back with the screwdriver. 
About ten minutes later, the door opens, and you only have time to stare at Wanda in confusion before the woman leaves in a rage and dragging her feet away.
"If she kills me, I will haunt you both." You warn Pietro and Monica, who just laugh at your distress before you follow the same path as Wanda.
Although it is not really your fault, you feel very bad to find your wife on the verge of tears, with her arms crossed and sitting on the sand, a few meters away from the house.
You sigh softly, making noise with your steps to announce your arrival before sitting down beside her.
"Sorry." You murmur and Wanda shudders, keeping her gaze on the ocean. "I should have, um, locked the door before the doorknob broke."
"I'm not mad." She grumbles. "I know it wasn't your fault."
You look at her with concern. "Then...why are you crying?"
"I don't know." She answers with a soft sniffle, wiping her tears away quickly. "It's stupid."
You sigh, moving one of your fingers to give the strap of her shorts a gentle tug, "Come on, talk to me." You insist sweetly, and Wanda takes a deep breath, her gaze on her own feet.
"I just... it's stupid, but sometimes, I have these thoughts. About you, finding someone cooler or I don't know, hot. Someone who does things more fun than cleaning the carpet or preparing kids' breakfasts. Or I don't know, some of the incredibly interesting people you meet every day who actually go places instead of spending the day writing about it." Wanda blurts out, and you sigh deeply. 
She has never said these insecurities to you. Not since college at least. And because you were so sincerely in love with her, the possibility that Wanda might feel insecure never crossed your mind.
"Hey, come here." You call out to her, bringing your hands to her hips. "Where did that come from?" 
Wanda hides her face in your chest, her cheeks burning. "I don't know, it just did come." She mumbles against your skin. 
Before, when you were younger and more hesitant, you would often reassure her. But after marriage, god, after children, you just assumed Wanda knew she was the love of your life. But she apparently still let her insecurities get the best of her. And it was okay.
"Sometimes I think you'll meet a super literature genius and forget about me." You confess to her as you hold her, and Wanda gives a confused little laugh. 
"Mm-hmm." You mutter. "Remember when you won that writing contest last summer, and that handsome professor came over to ask for your number?"
"And I said I was married?" Wanda asks raising her gaze to you.
"Yep, that's the one." You say. "I was so insecure all night because all my head could think about was you moving on with someone far more intelligent and well resolved."
"That's ridiculous, I love you."
"I know, that's exactly my point." You retort with a chuckle that she accompanies. "Besides, that night you couldn't even wait for us to get out of the car so you obviously were crazy about me-"
Wanda smacks you in the ribs, laughing along with you. "Idiot." She says, sliding her arms around you.
"Sorry for making you clap your hands." She asks then, and you laugh softly. 
"It's okay, baby." You say. "Do you want to go back inside?"
"Can I get a kiss first?" She asks with a pout raising her eyes to you. 
"Hmm, as many as you want." You whisper back, leaning in to meet her mouth and feeling her smile against your lips. Wanda slides her tongue against yours slowly, and you move your hands down to squeeze her ass, pushing her against your hips and getting an affected sigh. "Just for the record, Maximoff. You are the hottest woman in the world." You compliment with your eyes ajar, smiling at the way that although she rolls her eyes, her cheeks turn pink.
The last day of the weekend had everything to be perfect, so it was the most disastrous of all.
Someone - you prefer not to accuse, although everyone knows who sleeps in the living room takes care of those things - forgot to close the windows, and the early morning rain got half the appliances on the countertop wet and damaged. Pietro was quite grumpy without his coffee.
The children have become even more energetic in the last day, and almost impossible to keep up with. You lost sight of Tommy for the fourth time and were trying to help Billy get his arm out of a jar when you heard the sound of something falling.
The whole house heard it, actually, and in record time, it was the whole group outside, where Tommy had just fallen off an old ladder trying to climb the fence.
"What are these kids taking?"  Steve asks half startled, but you are busy going to check on your son who has apparently twisted his wrist.
"Mommy's hurting." Tommy whimpers as you sigh nervously, grabbing his arm to check.
"It doesn't look broken dear. Come on let's put some ice on it." 
Aside from Tommy's injury, apparently, Wanda couldn't decide whether to stay on good or bad terms with you this weekend. As soon as she finished checking for the tenth time that her son wasn't forcing his injured hand, she sent you one of her angry glances on the way to the bathroom and you sighed in confusion, the sound attracting the attention of Monica, who was preparing lunch next to you.
"Everything okay there, Y/N?" She asked gently, and you forced a smile.
"Yeah, it's nothing." You mumble, but meet Monica's gaze and sigh. "It's just Wanda."
"Are you two going through a crisis?" she teases but you widen your eyes.
"What? Why, did she say something?"
Monica gives a confused giggle, "No, Y/N, I'm just teasing you." She assures you still smiling, and finishes throwing some of the vegetables into the pot. "Is this about the house? Cause it all turned out to be fun."
"God, I have no idea." You gasp softly in frustration. "She keeps having these mood swings, one minute we're in paradise and the next she looks ready to jump at my neck."
"Oh, but that makes sense for someone in her condition." Monica mutters and you frown in confusion. Seeing your face, the other woman hesitates.
"What condition?"
Monica gives a nervous little laugh, shaking her head. "I meant, I imagine she was nervous about the dismissal from the company and-" She starts to reel, but you cut her off:
"Monica, what condition?"
The woman sighs in defeat. "Sorry, Y/N. I didn't know Wanda hadn't told you yet." She says twisting her fingers. "She found out she's pregnant."
You give a short laugh, thinking it's a joke. But Monica's face doesn't have a trace of humor in it. 
"B-but we haven't been trying for months and-" you stammer but shut up when you realize that the possibility is quite possible. Because you had tried, a lot, to increase the family a few months ago with the whole homemade insemination and donation sperm, until the layoffs at Bishop started happening and as the tests kept showing negative, you and Wanda left the idea for later. But, apparently, it had worked. 
"I'll get you some water." Monica says as she sees your pallor, but you turn around, shaking your head.
"No, I'm fine. I need to talk to my wife." That's what you say before you drop the food knife and leave the kitchen.
Wanda is packing the boys' bags in the last room when you run into her. Everything would be fine if she weren't sniffling softly.
You close the door gently, sighing so she won't be startled, and she quickly wipes her face.
"Hey, sweetheart." You greet her by moving closer and sitting down next to her on the bed, knee to knee. "Why are you crying?"
Wanda gives a tearful laugh. "I have no idea." She replies making you smile affectionately, one hand moving to intertwine with hers in her own lap, and Wanda smooths out one of Billy's t-shirts with the other. "I was just packing up the boys' things and it occurred to me how fast they grew up, and before I knew it, I was crying."
You hum in understanding, moving your face to kiss her on the cheek as Wanda closes her eyes for a minute, trying to control her own emotions. "I'm sorry." She murmurs, and you shake your head, playing with your fingers.
"Don't apologize." You whisper back. "I would never be angry with you for that. I would never be mad at you for anything."
She lets out a soft laugh, turning her face to you. "Not even for accidentally recording Bewitched over your The Office?"
"The keyword is accidentally." You retort good-naturedly, making her laugh as well. Wanda leans against you, and you drop her hand to slip an arm around her shoulder, kissing the top of her head. "Baby, is there something you wanted to tell me?"
Your question makes Wanda tense up, but your gentle caresses with your fingers along her arm make her sigh and relax eventually. It takes a few minutes, but she finally says:
"I found out last week." She confesses, and you sigh softly. "Who told you?"
"I'm going to kill her." You laugh, and so does Wanda, pulling away to look at you.  "I'm so sorry-
"Stop apologizing, Wanda." You interrupt her tenderly, rubbing your noses together affectionately for a moment. "We both wanted to and did it together."
"But that was before-"
"I know." You cut in with a soft chuckle, using your other hand to tuck loose strands of Wanda's hair behind her ear, meeting her worried emerald eyes. "We're going to be fine, darling. I know it's a scary time, but we'll manage. We always do."
Wanda sighs, looking at you for a second. "I love you."
She confesses, making you smile affectionately.
"And I love you." You assure, resting your forehead against hers. Wanda breaks the distance to give you a sweet kiss, smiling against your lips. When she pulls away, you exchange passionate glances. "How many weeks?"
Wanda gives a short laugh. "Almost four months, darling."
You gasp in surprise, pulling back. "No way!" You comment, moving your hands to her blouse, and lifting it up making Wanda laugh at your enthusiasm. You place your hands on her belly. "She's been hiding..."
"Oh, yes, definitely a girl. I can feel it." You murmur, moving your hands to Wanda's hips, who raises an eyebrow at the sight of you adjusting to lay her down on the bed and be on top. "I wonder when we made her..."
Wanda bit back a chuckle, feeling you fit a leg between hers. "Well, four months ago, I was working from home every day."
"Hmm, so I guess it was right on your desk, sweetheart." You retort to her as you lower your lips to her neck, and Wanda gives a soft little laugh, remembering all too well how many times you almost broke her office desk. Your hands are coming down dangerously, but the sound of the children outside makes you sigh in frustration against her neck. Wanda feels hot and shares your dissatisfaction at having to stop. "We need a vacation for just the two of us, Wanda."
"I agree." She comments with a smile, kissing you more tenderly.
You knew things were going to be okay. You had Wanda. And it would only take a week for you to get a call from Eternals Inc, and another two for you to get back to work. And less than a month later, booking tickets for a cruise on your anniversary.
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teafuelledwriting · 5 months
An Uncommon Witness
[Inspired in a big way by a larger project idea that's crawled out of the quagmire. Barely edited and written in one sitting. Enjoy. TW for blood and inferred gore.]
Detective Harper arrived on scene damp and annoyed. Three days of heavy rain had flooded enough streets to clog up traffic, making travel a miserable affair. Even now it rained, the air heavy, humid, and stifling in the early morning, heavy clouds hanging low overhead as they threatened to drown half of Southbank. 
At least he didn’t have to stand around in it, like the poor bastards guarding the scene's perimeter from absent crowds.
Ducking under the white and blue police tape, Harper nodded in greeting to Constable Myles, huddled in her raincoat, moisture trickling down her dark tan cheek. 
“Another one?” Harper asks, loud to be heard through the rain, and Myles nodded, lips twisting.
“Same M.O., same symbols,” She said and they walk off path, sodden grass sucking at their boots. “Tourists found the victim on the walkways by the 88’ Pagoda, preserved. Whoever did it hung up a bunch of tarps to keep it clear from the rain.” 
“They want us to see, you think?”
“Haven’t been shy so far,” Myles shrugged a shoulder, the walkie crackling with chatter, barely audible over the din. “Maybe they wanted the rain off while they worked. Either way it’s the same. One victim, killed on scene in a ritualistic manner. Area around the body painted in blood, presumably coming from this and previous victims if the patterns consistent.”
“We know who it is?” Harper asked as they climbed broad stairs leading to the pseudo tropical-rainforest and wooden walkways meticulously maintained by the grounds crew. A popular spot in the sprawling parklands, it was a little respite from the sun and heat, nestled between the oversized ferris wheel and a whitewashed block of overpriced restaurants. If the rain hadn’t kept the tourists and locals inside, the horror on display would be plastered all over social media.
“Yeah. Mark Cooper, forty-five years old, an IT specialist, works across the river in the CBD.” Myles flipped over a water splotched page in her notepad. “Like the other scenes, his clothing and possessions were left folded neatly to the side, wallet included, three hundred in cash plus credit cards intact.” They head up a concrete ramp and step under the cover of trees, the scent of rich soil cutting through the smell of rain and metal. Their boots thunk on the wooden walkway that twists and winds between ferns, trees and over a flooded artificial stream. 
Harper spotted the tarps immediately, four of them arranged to direct rain away from the naked, ruined body posed with terrible care. One leg laid straight, the other bent, foot behind the knee of the first. The arms were stretched overhead, palms upwards and carved into a bloody mess. Cooper’s skin had been painted with dull blue bands around his limbs and torso, framing the symbols cut into his skin. His face they left alone, eyes open, covered with a strip of hand woven cloth, his expression eerily at peace.
Around him, the dark, damp wood was marked with candles burned to nubs, the white wax pooling through the gaps of the walkway, stars in a constellation of dark bloody lines encircling the murdered man.
Forensic techs went about their work like plastic garbed ghosts, snapping photos, taking samples, hunting for prints, fibres, a scrap of something to give them a foot up.
Harper paid them no mind as he studied the tableau. The same pose, the same set up. A lot of work went into whatever ritual was being performed, a lot of care which took time and effort, likely more than one participant, even if Cooper had been drugged out of his mind like the other three victims. Some of the symbols had been recognised, letters a combination of runes and various occult symbols, the body itself laid out like the Hanged Man from tarot.
Despite the humid warmth, a chill enveloped Harper and he shivered.
“And no one saw anything,” he muttered. “Four scenes like this in a public space, hours of work at least and no one saw a god-damned thing!”
Myles opens her mouth as the radio on her shoulder crackles, the voice garbled and hard to hear.
She sighs and clicks the handset. “They’ve been fritzing all day. Repeat that, over.” She says and the walkie crackles again. Harper picks out one word from the noise. Witness.
“Where?” He demanded. 
Down the slope, towards the churning brown of the Brisbane river, a trio of constables shift, looking anywhere but the woman standing in the rain with a broad black umbrella. Tough boots, jeans, and a grey jacket, she stood still, patiently waiting as Harper paused by the officers. 
“We have a witness you said?” He asked Buckler, the oldest, a tall, broad shouldered man with a fishers tan. He grimaced. 
“We think we might,” He said with a pointed look at the youngest, his fresh out of the academy partner, Mae, a slight lean man of Asian descent. “Tell the detective what you told me.”
Mae’s Adam's apple bobbed as he licked his lips. “She turned up while we were securing the scene, didn’t ask us what was going on until we were done, just asked to speak to the detective when they arrived. She’s been waiting ever since.” Mae glanced at the woman, and cleared his throat. “Might just be a freak wanting a look.”
“Or maybe she saw something,” Harper said. “I’ll go have a chat, thanks Buckler.”
“No worries, Detective.” Buckler jerked his thumb and he and Mae head along the taped perimeter as Harper ducks under the tape again.
Outside the cordon, the air felt lighter, the sound of the rain sharper on the boardwalk. 
“You asked to speak with a detective?” he called and the woman’s umbrella tilts, showing a pale face framed by short choppy brown hair, eyes bruised and shadowed from lack of sleep, but clear and piercing, examining him as he approached. Mid-thirties, Harper guessed, no make-up, pierced nose, and clean. Not a vagrant, and if she used, she was sober for the moment.
“I did. Thank you for coming to talk with me, detective…” She trailed off and Harper nodded, pulling out his notepad and a pen.
“Harper. You are?”
“Anna Franklyn. With a ‘Y’.” Her gaze flicked past him. “Another ritual murder.” It wasn’t a question. 
Harper gave her a sharp look. “You know anything about this incident? Did you see anything?”
“I know what I’ve been told,” she said, voice blunt. “I didn’t see it, but I know who did. I’m here to help them talk to you.” Anna nodded her head towards the wooden Pagoda. 
Harper’s brows rose. “Help? You’re a translator?”
Something flickered in her expression, a flash of amusement that came and went.
“Of sorts. I don’t know how long he can hold on for so, shall we?” She started walking and frowning, Harper followed her, lengthening his stride till he caught up. 
“Just a few questions before we get there Miss Franklyn, what’s your relationship to the witness?”
“Known him for a few years, more of an acquaintance than anything else. When I heard the ritual took place here, I came to see if he saw anything.”
Harper’s frown grew as he jotted down a note. “How did you hear about it?” 
“After the first two, people started paying attention,” Anna said as they turned off the walk to climb the wide shallow steps leading to the hand carved pagoda, a relic left over from Expo 88. It was a narrow, spindly thing a few levels high, no steps leading up, no purpose save for decoration. “No one does that much work, with that much detail unless it’s building to something.”
“And you know something of these kinds of…” Harper trailed off, hoping for a bite. The more people said the more they gave away.
Anna glanced at him. “I know a lot.” She paused on the top step, and dug a hand into her jacket. “Detective, whether you accept it or not, the ones doing this believe in it. And your only witness needs your belief.”  From her pocket, Anna pulled out a small, squat jar, glass, the brassy top giving it away as a repurposed pot of Tiger Balm. She held it out to him, expectant.
Harper looked at the jar, then her, and then to the Pagoda, the doors usually locked for the night standing open. It was dark, a dim warm light glowing within. Another shiver crawled up Harper’s back.
“What kind of belief, Miss Franklyn?” He asked, looking past her. The closest constable was back the way they had come, and over the rain… Any trouble would be heard but he didn’t like distance.
“The hasty kind.,” Anna said, frowning herself. “Put this on your eyes and ears or you won’t get a damn thing. Waste time and you won’t get his account.” 
Harper narrowed his eyes at her. “I’m gonna need more information before I smear an unknown substance all over myself.”
Anna’s eyes flicked upwards, reminding him strongly of the popular girls in high school, forever impatient with his clumsy attempts to chat them up. 
“It’s oil, olive oil from Greece infused with rosemary and grave dirt. It washes off.” Anna said, opening the jar and with her fingers, dabbed a small amount around her eyes, over her lips and her ears. The jar was thrust towards him, Anna’s sharp gaze pinning him in place, not a hint of mischief or trickery on her face. “Consider, you have no fucking idea what’s going on and you want to know more. I want to help. If shit goes sideways you can arrest me. How's that?”
Harper blinked. She was dead serious. 
Glancing again at the Pagoda, the familiar structure somehow more ominous in the dim morning and the rain, looming above them like a silent sentinel, Harper considered. No harm in going along for some information, right? Back up was close by and the woman was a fraction his height and weight. He had good chances if it came to violence. Still, something in his gut worried at him.
“All right.” Harper took the jar, and dabbed his finger into the oil. It didn’t smell all that bad, felt a little gritty as he applied it to his skin and it tingled, warm and steadying. “Where’s my witness?”
Anna cocked her head to the side and beckoned, leading Harper towards the Pagoda, folding down her umbrella as she stepped inside.
“Oh good, you’re still here,” she said to the empty space. There was a wooden bench to one side where a black bag sat slumped to one side. A small candle on a tin dish burned, the flame flickering once. “The detective, Harper-” She paused, glancing back. “Inside, detective.” 
Harper scowled. “You know I can charge you with interference with an investigation, right?” He growled, stepping over the low wooden threshold. “There’s no one…” He trailed off, blinking against the dark. “Here?”
On the bench sat a man, wiry and thin, bony arms leaning on bonier knees, his neat shirt ruined by a single dark splotch dead center of his chest. He looked up from his hands, skeletal and long fingered, eyes milky, face gaunt. Solid and real but everything in Harper knew he wasn’t. He couldn’t be. He hadn’t been!
“Tadaaa,” his voice rumbled, felt as much as heard and Harper gaped. His stomach had gone cold, like he’d swallowed a ball of ice, and inside his layers of rain coat and button down and vest, his skin prickled like he stood in a static field. 
“Wh-What the f-” Harper started and Anna gave him a hard look.
“Your witness. You have until the candle burns down. Fifteen minutes,” she said and looked at the man with an apologetic expression. “Cops.”
The man on the bench nodded as if he understood. “I saw. I saw it all. They called us to witness. Will you listen?” He asked.
Harper’s jaw clicked as he closed his mouth. “Everything?” He asked and the man on the bench nodded again.
“Alright, uh… Sir…” Harper licked his lips and flips to a new page in his notepad. “I’m listening.”
The dead man spoke. Harper took his notes. 
Finally, he had a lead.
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autumnalwalker · 9 months
Thank you for the tag, @druidx. This looks like a fun new one.
Passing the (entirely optional) tag to @rickie-the-storyteller, @on-noon, @yourlocalboredprocastinator, @ghost-town-story. @broodparasitism, @itusebastian, @void-botanist, and an open tag for anyone else.
Rules: Search your your writing for the colours of the rainbow and post the excerpt
Red: Empty Names - 14 - Down Low
When Ashan finds her some ten minutes later with a satiated smile on her face and watching the spider pull in their stygian catch from the lake, the cut on Eris’s forehead has already healed.  None of the blood painting her new armor red is hers.
Orange: The Archivist's Journal, Day 78
As long as I’m writing, I suppose I ought to take a moment to describe the landing area.  It was another jutting cliff with an arch on the end, like Siren Overlook and the one we encountered to the west.  Twice could be a coincidence, but three times and I’m convinced the whole formation is artificial, not just the arch, columns, and pool.  It wasn’t nearly so overgrown as the western dock – if anything the columns were in better shape than at Siren Overlook – but whereas Siren Overlook was mostly covered in short grass with the occasional tiny white flower or stubborn shrub this was a veritable field of bright orange flowers broken only by the water lily filled pool running down the center.
Yellow: The Archivist's Journal, Day 60
Doffing my boots and carrying them in one hand, I waded in a short ways as I walked the perimeter of the spring.  It’s curious how unafraid the fish and turtles swimming the shallows were of me.  Most I could practically get within arm’s length before they darted away, and if I stood still for a few minutes, small schools of finger-length yellow fish would congregate in my shadow.
Green: The Archivist's Journal, Day 9
Hurrying to catch up with my young companion I pushed my way through the crooked door only to nearly trip over her.  The morning light had transformed the interior space from a surreal void to an awe-inspiring expanse.  Light filled the central nave.  As green leaf-filtered streams on the high side windows.  As vertical golden rays replacing the prior night’s columns of rain from holes in the roof.  As an iridescent wave coming in from the bare remains of a curved stained glass window backlighting the statue of the Reader.  All this reflected off the broad leaf and moss-filled puddles that stretched across much of the floor, still not evaporated days later.  The side aisles were a tangle of roots from the trees above, quite possibly doing as much to hold the structure up as the pillars separating aisle from nave.
Indigo: Witch's Testament: The Fighter
Weapons are raised and aimed.  The crowd begins to back away.  Someone above cracks a joke about how they should have just skipped to waving guns around if it was going to be this easy to solve the problem.
The crowd only backs off so far though, most that made it through the outer gate are still on the inside of it.  Those still stuck beyond push one another over the wall so some might get a better view.  A lone figure left behind by the receding sea of people remains standing in the middle of the reef of broken and smoking drones, tens of meters from the protesters behind him and the forces before him.  His dark clothes are long and billowing.  His pointed hat is wide brimmed to hide his face.  His serpentine familiar, assembled from scavenged and stolen parts, coils up one arm, over his shoulders, and down the other.
Someone in the line of hired guns makes an incredulous remark under his breath about cosplaying wizards.
The man corrects him to say that he’s a witch and his voice echoes through every loudspeaker, portable device, and auditory implant in the building.
The witch strides forward, his eyes glowing indigo from the shadows beneath his hat and matched by those of his slowly uncoiling familiar.
Someone gives an order to fire and an electrified dart wizzes past the unperturbed witch.  Six more darts miss.  Rubber bullets are loaded and combat implants lock in firing trajectories.
To the eyes of the security personnel, every shot should be a hit but impossibly passes through their target and out the other side.  To the eyes of the protestors the witch is walking through a hail of bullets that are all miraculously going astray.  To the eyes of the witch, every implant-assisted firing solution coming from the soldiers before him is being outlined in indigo and nudged to exactly where he wants it.
The witch has already crossed the security line and is on the steps of the building behind them by the time someone catches on and spins around to aim and fire manually.  His familiar rears up and hisses.  The shot goes wide as the entire security contingent seizes up, spasms, and falls to the ground.
The moment the witch crosses the threshold, every light in the building goes out, every door unlocks save for those to the roof and underground garage, and every camera becomes a witch’s eye.
Violet: A Dream About Purple
We are all too busy watching the game to notice anything wrong until a third team tries to take the field.  Their uniforms are purple and their hair appears to be dyed to match.  All of them wear the same vacant smile that crawled its way out of the uncanny valley and speak with offputting singsong voices. 
It is only then that we all look up and see the storm rolling in, stretching across the horizon with clouds of that same unnaturally vibrant violet.  Eerie music rides the wind ahead of the storm, heralding its imminent arrival. 
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Speculating the gym types in Scarlet and Violet
We all already know that one of the gyms will be Ice type, but what of the others? We've had no word on them, but recently, IGN posted pics from an upscaled version of the Paldea map, where we can make out much more detail, including gyms. Gyms seem to be broken into two parts. A tall tower, and an outdoor arena. This is a common trait among all gyms, as revealed by the upscaled map.
So, first we have the square town just to the west of the main city.
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This town has 2 arenas. One looks fairly standard while the other is more elaborate and seems more important. We can see some kind of circular structure near it that seems to have a lot of foliage around it. If it wasn't for another town later on in this post, I would say this was the grass-type gym Lots of pools in this town too. Must be hot here.
To the south-west of this town, up in the cliffs, we have another gym
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This gym's arena is underneath some kind of large structure with an elaborate, artistic looking top. The arena is raised above the town and sits atthe end of a long, coiled walkway. Just to the west of this town we see a cave, which is surely filled with rock and ground pokemon. Pokemon games like to position pokemon with type advantage outside of gym towns. For example, in gen 1 when digglet cave was right next to the town with the electric gym, or even in gen 8, where you can capture the electric-type Chinchou in the town the water gym is located within. With that in mind, its possible that this gym could be steel type, or maybe flying type. But the elaborate tower makes me want to say psychic for some reason.
Next we have what I am sure is the water-type gym
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This city is located in a small desert and seems to heavily incorporate water into the city's layout. At the center of the city we can see the gym arena, blue and surrounded by water.
This next location isn't a gym, but it is still interesting
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This area is located just east of the big crater. We see some kind of building either built into or straight up carved out of a rock formation, a pokemon center, a couple buildings, and an arena sunken into the ground. If there was a gym building I'd swear this was a ground type gym.
Next we have what I call Bridge city, as the city really seems to act as an elaborate bridge
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And here we have another gym! The gym building is nestled among other buildings on the main street leading into town, and the arena seems to be that large circular area at the city center. Or rather the smaller circular area inside the large circular area. With how modern this city looks, with its tall buildings, I think this could be a steel-type gym. It could also potentially be a flying type gym, but I'm putting my money on steel.
This next location is interesting, just because it looks like a fun town
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There seems to be a circular hedge maze, a marshy area with raised wooden walkways, and a very large pool. Large enough that I would even call it an artificial lake. At the town's center we have a gym arena on a raised platform. Next to it is a windmill. We've actually seen this town in the trailer, by the way.
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Here, we get a closer look at the town itself! VERY flowery place, and Sunflora seems to be this town's mascot, as there are multiple statues of the pokemon here. I think this is our Grass-type gym.
Next we have the main city of the game
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And there actually doesn't seem to be a gym here. No tall gym tower. It has a blue arena, which I think are like public use arenas, and it also seems to have a more significant looking arena at its center. The massive building at the back, which people believed to be the pokemon league when the first trailer dropped, is actually the academy.
Perhaps more curious than the main city lacking a gym is whats behind the main city. Directly west of the academy is a mountain. If we look just south of the mountain we can see that there is a cave entrance. The cave exit just to the north. And what it leads to is a road. And at the end of that road?
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A lone, but large building. On its roof, an arena. Underneath the arena, a large decorative circle divided into quadrants. One green, one yellow/light brown, one red, one light blue/gray. This, without a doubt, is Paldea's Pokemon league.
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ncmarbleandpavers · 2 years
Business Name: NC Marble and Stone Pavers
Street Address: 6747 Sierra Ct Suite J
City: Dublin
State: California (CA)
Zip Code: 94568
Country: USA
Business Phone: (510) 725-7805
Business Email: [email protected]
Website: http://ncmarbleandpavers.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Ncmarbleandstonepavers/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ysd8qhVKQC8
Business Description: Family owned since 1995, serving the Bay Area and San Joaquin County areas, we take pride in our high quality Interlocking and cement Installations. 100% customer satisfaction guaranteed.
Google My Business CID URL: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=16522793158707275870
Payment Methods: Cash Visa Master Discover Amex
Services: We specialize in paver driveways, paver pool decks, paver patios, stamped concrete driveways, sidewalks and patios, artificial grass for your backyard, sideyard and frontyard. We don’t just install beautiful hardscapes, we make memories for years to come!
Keywords: paver driveways, paver pool decks, paver patios, stamped concrete driveways, sidewalks and patios, artificial grass for your backyard, sideyard and frontyard
Service Areas:
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finchbolt22 · 2 years
Natural Pond Installation Can Change The Eco-Friendly Nature Of Your Home
A natural pond is indeed an excellent addition to virtually any garden. Water features produce favorable microclimates, homes for many valuable species and provide moisture to the roots of nearby trees and plants. If you wish to make your house space more eco-friendly, you can plan for a natural pond installation in whistler with the help of the west coast natural pools website.
Why should you install a natural pond in your backyard?
A pond is typically anything you anticipate finding in the center of a grassland, concealed by thick grass and shrubbery or an opening in the woods. But instead, these modest water bodies have historically provided inspiration and peace.
First and foremost, adding a pond to the landscaping around your house will reduce the amount of grass you have to cut. You'll save time and money by not mowing, fertilizing, or watering your lawn. Ponds can operate as carbon sinks, i.e., to absorb atmospheric carbon dioxide and store it in the richness of aquatic and terrestrial plants that flourish in the wetland ecosystem. Ponds are frequently recognized as ecologically diverse areas. It has been demonstrated that even a little artificial pond can significantly enhance the number and variety of flies and other helpful insects.
Your home may benefit from the energy efficiency benefits of a pond ecosystem if one exists in your yard. By reducing heat, the moisture vaporizing from the pond's surface acts as free outdoor air conditioning. You and your family will likely spend much time outside in comfort if a small body of water is placed beside an outdoor living space close to your home. This will lessen the need to operate the air conditioner during the sweltering summer days.
Researchers have found that even being close to water can support relaxation, wellness, and general mental health. So it would help if you considered natural pool installation in North Vancouver, keeping the above points in mind. This can increase the eco-friendliness and biodiversity of your place, along with many other benefits mentioned above.
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artificialgrassblog · 11 days
Embracing the Green Revolution: The Art and Science of Artificial Grass Installation
n the realm of modern landscaping, artificial grass installation stands as a testament to human ingenuity and environmental consciousness. Gone are the days when homeowners and businesses had to endure the hassle of constant mowing, watering, and fertilizing to maintain a lush green lawn. Today, synthetic turf offers a sustainable, low-maintenance alternative that promises beauty without the burden.
The Rise of Artificial Grass
The rise of artificial grass sydney can be attributed to several factors, chief among them being the growing concern for environmental sustainability. Traditional lawns demand copious amounts of water to stay green, contributing to water scarcity issues in many regions. Additionally, the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides poses risks to both human health and the environment. As awareness of these issues has grown, so too has the demand for eco-friendly alternatives.
Moreover, the advancements in technology have led to the development of synthetic turf that closely mimics the look and feel of natural grass. Innovations in materials and manufacturing processes have resulted in products that are durable, UV-resistant, and non-toxic, making them suitable for a variety of applications ranging from residential lawns to sports fields.
The Art of Installation
While the concept of laying down artificial grass may seem straightforward, achieving optimal results requires careful planning, skillful execution, and attention to detail. From site preparation to final touches, every step in the installation process plays a crucial role in ensuring the longevity and aesthetic appeal of the synthetic turf.
1. Site Assessment and Preparation
Before commencing the installation, a thorough site assessment is conducted to evaluate factors such as soil condition, drainage, and existing landscaping features. Proper drainage is essential to prevent water buildup, which can lead to mold and mildew growth beneath the turf. Any existing vegetation is removed, and the ground is leveled to create a smooth, even surface.
2. Base Construction
The next step involves constructing a sturdy base to provide stability and support for the artificial grass. Depending on the specific requirements of the site, various base materials such as crushed rock, decomposed granite, or compacted sand may be used. The base is carefully graded to ensure proper slope and drainage, with special attention paid to areas prone to pooling water.
3. Edge Installation
Edges are critical for creating clean, seamless transitions between the synthetic turf and surrounding surfaces such as concrete, pavers, or garden beds. Flexible, non-corrosive edging materials are used to define the perimeter of the turf area and secure it in place. Proper edging prevents the turf from shifting or buckling over time, ensuring a professional finish.
4. Turf Installation
With the base prepared and edges in place, it's time to lay down the artificial grass sydney. Rolls of turf are carefully measured and cut to fit the dimensions of the installation area, taking care to minimize seams and waste. Special attention is paid to the direction of the grass blades to achieve a natural, lifelike appearance.
5. Infill Application
Infill is a crucial component of artificial grass installation, providing stability, resilience, and proper drainage. Materials such as silica sand, rubber granules, or a combination of both are evenly distributed across the turf surface and brushed into the fibers to enhance support and prevent matting. The amount and type of infill used may vary depending on factors such as foot traffic, climate, and intended use.
6. Grooming and Finishing
Once the turf and infill are in place, the final step involves grooming the grass blades to achieve a uniform appearance and remove any wrinkles or imperfections. Specialized grooming equipment is used to fluff up the fibers and distribute the infill evenly throughout the turf. Any excess infill is brushed away, leaving behind a pristine, manicured lawn that is ready to be enjoyed.
Benefits of Artificial Grass Installation
The benefits of artificial grass synthetic turf fake installation extend far beyond aesthetics, offering a host of practical advantages for homeowners, businesses, and communities alike.
1. Water Conservation
One of the most significant benefits of artificial grass is its ability to conserve water. By eliminating the need for regular watering, synthetic turf helps reduce water consumption and alleviate strain on local water supplies, especially in drought-prone areas.
2. Low Maintenance
Unlike natural grass, synthetic turf requires minimal maintenance to keep it looking its best. Say goodbye to mowing, fertilizing, and watering – artificial grass stays green and vibrant year-round with little more than occasional brushing and debris removal.
3. Durability and Longevity
Artificial grass bunnings is designed to withstand heavy foot traffic, harsh weather conditions, and prolonged exposure to sunlight without fading or deteriorating. With proper installation and maintenance, synthetic turf can last for up to 15 years or more, making it a cost-effective investment in the long run.
4. Allergy-Friendly
For allergy sufferers, artificial grass bunnings offers relief from pollen and other allergens commonly found in natural grass. By eliminating these allergens from the environment, synthetic turf provides a cleaner, healthier outdoor space for individuals with allergies or respiratory sensitivities.
5. Versatility
From residential lawns to commercial landscaping, playgrounds, and sports fields, artificial grass can be tailored to suit a wide range of applications. Its versatility makes it an ideal choice for virtually any outdoor space, regardless of size or shape.
In a world where sustainability and convenience are increasingly valued, artificial grass installation represents a paradigm shift in landscaping practices. By harnessing the latest technology and best practices in installation, synthetic turf offers a viable alternative to traditional lawns that is both environmentally friendly and aesthetically pleasing.
Whether you're a homeowner looking to upgrade your outdoor space or a business owner seeking to enhance your property's curb appeal, artificial grass offers a solution that ticks all the boxes. With proper planning, preparation, and execution, the art and science of artificial grass installation can transform any outdoor area into a verdant oasis that stands the test of time.
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ahlandscapemy · 1 month
Top 3 Exciting Ideas For Your Kid With Artificial Grass Landscaping In Kuala Lumpur
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Artificial grasses are one of the most popular things in today's generation. Not only the adults but also the kids are also preferring this fake grass landscaping. Due to its vibrant color combinations, kids find more attraction and interest in the grass landscaping things. Aside from the colors, there are also a lot of different types of material also available. Depending on the prices the quality can differ. As you are looking for fake grass exclusively for your kid, make sure the quality is always top-notch. Otherwise, it will not only harm your kid but also the grass will never last for a long time.
Here in this blog, we will be having a brief discussion regarding 3 exciting ideas for artificial grass landscaping in Kuala Lumpur. We hope the discussion will impress you and your kid will start to enjoy the ideas with 100% safety. However, aside from these 3, you will get many other ideas as well, but for that, you need to spend some time in research first. So without wasting any further time, let's have a quick look at the below-mentioned points.
Making A Tiny Pond For Your Toddler 
Having a toddler in the house is such a big blessing for every member of the house. But being a responsible and the best parent you have to do a lot of things to take the best care for them. Starting from ensuring good health to their psychological growth, you have to take care of everything. Using the green artificial grass you can truly have both benefits. Before everything, consult a professional landscaping company if you have a bigger property. And after that ask them to design a tiny pool for your baby using the fake grasses. It will attract more guests to your house due to good looks, and your kid will be equally happy and healthy.
A Small Play Area
If you have a small property that does not mean you can't make something interesting in your property. In today's generation with the help of technology, we can do miracles, right? So why not hire the best professionals for artificial grass landscaping in Malaysia. As per what we understand, they can give you the best suggestion and give your kid an ideal play area just the way your kid wants it to be. But remember the professionals are proficient and experienced enough.
A Study Area
To make a study area you have to consider your inhouse area. Using green artificial grass, if you design a study room or study corder for your kid, she/he will be enjoying their study time. On the other hand, it will be extremely beneficial for their mental growth.
Aside from the kindergarten babies you can also design many things using artificial grass for your teens or adults and give them a big surprise. If it sounds exciting to you, start your research immediately and find the best professional artificial grass service provider available near you.
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Artificial Grass Deodoriser – Pet Urine & Stain Remover
Artificial Turf and Synthetic Grass Outdoor areas
Outdoor Pet Areas, Dog  Parks, Play Areas
Public Pool Bathrooms and Change Rooms
Health Care – Hospitals, Dental Surgeries, Nursing Homes, Medical Centres
Veterinary Surgeries, Vet Hospitals
Private Home
Mobile  &  Private Dog wash  areas
Pet Grooming Center
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artificialgrassopedia · 2 months
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Discover how artificial grass can transform your Charlotte pool area into a low-maintenance, stunning oasis. Read more on our guide.
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rkrdozerservice · 2 months
What Are The Secrets Behind Successful Pond Construction?
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Imagine your backyard transforming into a vibrant ecosystem where water mirrors the sky and life thrives in sync. Building a pond can turn this vision into reality, offering a tranquil retreat for both you and local wildlife. Whether for aesthetic pleasure, agricultural benefit or ecological balance, creating this aquatic haven promises endless rewards. Yet, the journey from concept to completion demands expertise, especially when it caters to livestock. Here, you'll grasp the essentials of livestock pond construction, setting the foundation for a flourishing water feature on your property.
Clearing Green Water
Implementing specific strategies that focus on nutrient reduction and oxygenation proves effective in combating the issue of green water in ponds, which results from excessive algae blooms. Green water, while partly beneficial, can become problematic with sudden algae overgrowth. Here's an expert guide to maintaining clear and healthy pond water:
Nutrient Management: One effective method to manage nutrients is through strategic planting. By allowing a buffer zone of longer grass or vegetation around the pond, you can intercept nutrients from fertilized areas before they reach the water. This natural barrier helps to minimize nutrient influx that fuels algae growth.
Recommended plants for nutrient absorption include: Rushes Sedges Water mint Meadowsweet
Oxygenation Through Plants: Enhancing the pond's oxygen levels can also be achieved with the help of specific aquatic plants. These plants not only contribute to the oxygen supply but also play a crucial role in maintaining the ecosystem's balance.
The top picks for oxygenating plants are: Hornwort Mares tail Spiked water-milfoil Water starwort
Maintaining Balance: Preserving a natural balance within the pond ecosystem is crucial. Experts suggest keeping about 50% of the pond's surface free from vegetation is ideal. This can be accomplished by periodically thinning out plants during the warmer months, ensuring that the pond does not become overrun with vegetation, which can adversely affect its health and appearance.
Adopting these measures not only helps in controlling green water in livestock pond construction but also applies to maintaining clarity in natural swimming pools. The emphasis on natural plant solutions underscores the importance of ecological balance in creating and sustaining healthy water bodies.
The Role Of Pumps In Pond Health
Incorporating a pump into a pond is not always necessary. With the correct mix of indigenous plant life, a natural balance can sustain the pond without mechanical intervention. Nature's ponds thrive without artificial circulation, indicating that with patience and the right ecological setup, artificial pumps might be unnecessary. Initial years might see algae growth as the plant ecosystem establishes itself. That said, pumps can add visual appeal and functional benefits to pond environments. Adding a water feature, such as a fountain, can enhance the sensory experience of a garden pond, creating a visually appealing focal point while also aiding in water aeration. Should the decision to use a pump be made, choosing one with an adequately fine filter is imperative. This precaution is essential to protect aquatic life by preventing them from being drawn into the pump mechanism, ensuring the safety and health of the pond's ecosystem.
Building A Safe Haven
Ensuring the safety of sunken ponds is paramount, particularly in environments with children or pets present.
Traditional safety measures include fencing, which, while effective, might detract from the natural beauty of the livestock pond construction. Another common solution is pond covers, which, although practical, can limit the visual appeal and restrict access to wildlife.
An alternative approach involves the installation of a pond grate. This method employs a discreet plastic grid positioned just beneath the water's surface. This grid provides a safeguard against falling in, as it prevents sinking while allowing easy access for wildlife due to its perforated design.
The integration of this grid system does not interfere with the pond's ecosystem or aesthetic appeal. After adding water and plant life, the grate becomes virtually undetectable, merging seamlessly with the pond's natural environment.
Inviting Wildlife To Your Pond
Understanding livestock pond construction is crucial for integrating wildlife into your landscape. Whether opting for a compact water feature in a container or a grander scale pond amidst your greenery, such bodies of water rapidly transform into sanctuaries for diverse wildlife.
Wildlife instinctively locates water sources, often arriving unexpectedly at new ponds, drawn by the habitat's promise of sustenance and shelter.
To enhance the appeal of your pond to wildlife, consider the following strategies:
Incorporating plants is an effective way to attract wildlife. Covering approximately half of the pond's surface with vegetation helps maintain cooler water temperatures and reduces algae proliferation. Choosing a variety of plants is key, focusing on those that provide nourishment for pollinators and offer shelter or food for insects, amphibians and small mammals. It's crucial to steer clear of invasive plant species that might overwhelm the pond ecosystem or physically harm its structure.
Beyond the ecosystem benefits, integrating water features can significantly boost a pond's allure for birds and other wildlife while adding auditory and visual charm to your garden. Water features vary widely, from aerating fountains equipped with pumps to solar-powered models that elegantly float on the surface, enhancing the water's oxygen levels and overall movement. By employing these strategies, your pond can effectively support and attract a vibrant array of wildlife, enriching your garden's biodiversity and beauty.
Location Considerations For Livestock Pond Construction
Livestock pond construction is feasible in various settings, including small gardens, where a portable pond may be a more suitable choice than a fixed installation.
Selection of the pond's placement is crucial, with an ideal exposure to sunlight ranging from four to six hours daily. Nonetheless, establishing a pond in a location with less than ideal sunlight exposure is preferable over not having one.
The water source feeding the pond significantly impacts the choice of location, ensuring the sustainability and health of the pond ecosystem.
Livestock Pond Construction Mastery
Ready to enhance your property with a sustainable and beautiful livestock pond? RK&R Dozer Service is here to turn your vision into reality. Specializing in livestock pond construction, we bring expertise, precision and a commitment to quality to every project. Whether aiming to boost your agricultural productivity or create a thriving ecosystem, our team is equipped to deliver outstanding results. Connect with us today and see how we can elevate your land with a professionally constructed pond that stands the test of time.
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auzzieturf · 3 months
Tips And Advice To Choose The Best Artificial Turf Service
Are you looking for tips to choose the best Artificial Turf Ballarat? If yes! Then you have to consider some important tips and advice to hire professionals from the best artificial turf services. Artificial turfs are pet-friendly and comparatively need lower maintenance than natural grass. By hiring a professional from artificial turf services, you can eliminate your partially finished yard from week to week and get the work done within a short period. Though artificial turf is a big investment, you can obtain value for money with the help of the best artificial turf services. Here are some important tips and advice for choosing the best artificial turf service for your home or commercial buildings. 
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Research The Company
When you are researching the Artificial Turf Ballarat service, you can able to get information about the installation procedures, pricing, and period of installation from their quotation. It is important to check whether the professionals from artificial turf have been doing these services for a longer period or not. By analyzing their portfolio, you can able to predict whether they are recognized installers or not. You have to make sure they are using the latest technologies and methods to install artificial turf in your home or commercial buildings. 
Read Reviews
The easiest way to find the best artificial turf installer is by reading the reviews of the customers. Whenever you read the reviews of artificial turf services, you will find out their reliability and quality of work in the installation process. The artificial turf installers will post their testimonials in their portfolios, to get an overall idea about the installation. Online customer reviews also play a vital role in selecting the best artificial turf service by considering their warranty period.  
Fair Pricing     
You may go through high pricing from the artificial turf services for your home or commercial buildings. There is nothing wrong with collecting many quotations from the different artificial turf services to choose the best one. Once you receive the quotations, you can compare their product quality with their pricing details. You have to choose the best artificial turf service that meets your expectations at a reasonable price. Some companies may often quote the lowest price to obtain the customer but provide poor-quality installation. You have to choose wisely the best artificial turf service that offers fair pricing according to your needs and demands. 
Provide Proper Maintenance
Another important tip for choosing the best Artificial Turf Ballarat is to consider their maintenance. Proper maintenance is needed for artificial turf to increase the life expectancy. The professionals from the artificial turf services should offer periodic maintenance for the installation procedures. In addition to this, the professionals from artificial turf services will regularly remove leaves and debris from your lawn and provide weed killers to prevent weed growth. The professionals will have different chemical substances that are often used for cleaning the hardened spills in your lawn. Skilled professionals are also using different techniques for cleaning the artificial turf in swimming pools and play areas. You can also get significant tips and advice for how to maintain your lawn based on different climatic conditions from professionals. These are some of the important tips or advice that needs to be followed when you are choosing the best artificial turf services for your home or commercial buildings. 
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abigail55 · 3 months
Unveiling the Lush World of Turf: A Comprehensive Guide
In the realm of landscaping and outdoor aesthetics, one element reigns supreme: turf. From sprawling sports fields to cozy backyard lawns, turf has become an integral part of modern landscapes. Its lush green appearance and myriad of benefits make it a desirable choice for homeowners, businesses, and sports facilities alike. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the world of turf, exploring its types, benefits, installation process, maintenance tips, and much more.
Understanding Turf: Types and Varieties Turf comes in various types and varieties, each suited for specific purposes and environments. Here are some common types:
Natural Turf: Derived from real grass cultivated in fields, natural turf offers a vibrant, authentic appearance. It's ideal for residential lawns, parks, and recreational areas.
Artificial Turf: Made from synthetic fibers, artificial turf provides a low-maintenance alternative to natural grass. It's popular for sports fields, playgrounds, and high-traffic areas where durability is crucial.
Hybrid Turf: Combining the best of both worlds, hybrid turf blends natural grass with synthetic fibers to enhance resilience and performance. It's commonly used in professional sports stadiums and golf courses.
Specialized Turf: Tailored for specific applications, specialized turf includes options like pet-friendly turf, putting greens, and rooftop turf designed for urban environments.
The Benefits of Turf Turf offers a myriad of benefits, making it a preferred choice for landscaping projects:
Enhanced Aesthetics: With its lush green appearance, turf instantly transforms outdoor spaces, adding beauty and charm to any environment.
Low Maintenance: Unlike natural grass, turf requires minimal maintenance. Say goodbye to mowing, watering, and fertilizing, and hello to more leisure time.
Durability: Whether it's enduring heavy foot traffic or withstanding inclement weather, turf proves resilient in the face of adversity, maintaining its pristine look year-round.
Water Conservation: In regions prone to drought or water restrictions, turf offers a water-efficient landscaping solution, reducing the need for irrigation while preserving water resources.
Versatility: From backyard play areas to commercial landscapes, turf adapts to diverse settings, offering a versatile flooring option for various applications.
Installation Process: From Groundwork to Greenery Installing turf requires careful planning and execution. Here's a step-by-step overview of the installation process:
Site Preparation: Begin by clearing the area of any debris, rocks, or existing vegetation. Ensure proper grading to facilitate drainage and prevent water pooling.
Base Installation: Lay down a sturdy base material, such as crushed rock or decomposed granite, to provide stability and drainage for the turf.
Turf Unrolling: Roll out the messiturf10 across the prepared surface, ensuring proper alignment and minimal overlap between seams.
Trimming and Shaping: Trim the edges of the turf to fit the designated area, using a sharp utility knife for precision.
Securing the Turf: Anchor the turf in place using landscape staples or adhesive, ensuring a secure and seamless installation.
Infill Application (for Artificial Turf): Spread infill material, such as silica sand or rubber granules, evenly across the turf to enhance stability and cushioning....see more.
Watering and Compaction: Lightly water the turf to settle the infill and promote root growth. Use a roller to compact the turf and ensure uniformity.
Final Inspection: Conduct a thorough inspection of the installed turf, addressing any imperfections or discrepancies for a flawless finish.
Maintenance Tips for Long-lasting Turf Proper maintenance is essential to preserving the beauty and functionality of turf. Follow these tips to ensure your turf remains in top condition:
Regular Cleaning: Remove debris, leaves, and pet waste from the turf surface to prevent buildup and maintain cleanliness.
Grooming and Brushing: Use a stiff-bristled brush or power broom to groom the turf fibers and prevent matting or flattening.
Watering (for Natural Turf): Water the turf deeply but infrequently to promote deep root growth and drought tolerance. Avoid overwatering, which can lead to fungal growth and root rot.
Weed Control: Keep an eye out for weeds and promptly remove them to prevent competition for nutrients and space.
Pest Management: Monitor for pests such as grubs or insects that may damage the turf, and apply appropriate control measures as needed.
Regular Inspections: Periodically inspect the turf for signs of wear, tear, or damage, addressing any issues promptly to prevent further deterioration.
Professional Maintenance: Consider hiring professional landscapers for periodic maintenance tasks such as aeration, fertilization, and pest control to ensure optimal turf health.
Conclusion: Embracing the Beauty of Turf Turf stands as a testament to the marriage of nature and innovation, offering a sustainable, aesthetically pleasing landscaping solution for residential, commercial, and recreational spaces. Whether you opt for the natural allure of real grass or the convenience of synthetic turf, the benefits are undeniable.
By understanding the types, installation process, and maintenance essentials, you can unlock the full potential of turf, transforming ordinary landscapes into lush green sanctuaries of beauty and relaxation. So, embrace the verdant allure of turf and embark on a journey to elevate your outdoor space to new heights of splendor and functionality.
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