#As Cruel as School Children
purgatoryfm · 1 year
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wednesdaythesecond · 3 months
What Gym Class Heroes album should I listen to first, having only heard a few scattered songs before?
okay, okay. good question. personally? i would listen to them all in chronological order (The Papercut Chronicles, then As Cruel as School Children, then The Quilt, then The Papercut Chronicles II) to see the change and growth of the band as a whole cuz that's kind of what i did. but if you wanna do a vibes based approach, i'll give you the rundown on all the albums.
if i had to clearly define each album as a singular vibe i would say they are Sad, Sexy, Experimental and Cunt.
The Papercut Chronicles (February 22nd, 2005) - SAD
angst on angst on angst. there's suicide, addiction, self harm, breakups, self loathing, homophobic violence, addiction, depression, shitty relationships, addiction and did i mention addiction? you've got Cupid's Chokehold and Make Out Club to add a little fun and sexiness but it's a lottttt of heavy shit. Travie's not fucking around on this, he's getting in! to! it! my favourite song right now would probably be To Bob Ross with Love but you should listen to it straight through, in order the first time.
As Cruel as School Children (July 25th, 2006) - SEXY
in an interview, Travie was asked to describe As Cruel as School Children using one word and he picked "sexy." i agree with him, this is a sexy ass album. are you feeling sexy? would you like to feel sexier? Clothes Off! fucks severely and makes me fan myself like a victorian man seeing an ankle for the first time. you want horny romance? you got that. you want student/teacher? you got that. you want ye older internet romance? you got that. you want sex and addiction? you got that. you want sex as a metaphor for addiction? you best believe you got that!! also the sloppy love jingles? hawt <3 my fave song right now would probably be Shoot Down the Stars.
The Quilt (September 8th, 2008) - EXPERIMENTAL
there's a wide variety of genres and themes in this one. there's drunk sex, there's legal trouble, there's father-son bonding, there's a really excellent and non offensive trans joke, there's so many pop culture references, there's infidelity and there's a whole bunch of disses that i think go really hard. like i know in my heart that Travie could rip Drake a new one. the album opens up with fucking JAZZ, then there's fabulous rap and hip hop of course, with some Pumped Up Kicks kind of pop (happy music, dark lyrics) and some seriously sick ass guitar (thank you Disashi <333). my fave song right now would probably be Guilty as Charged
The Papercut Chronicles II (November 11th, 2011) - CUNT
CUNT is a mixture of confidence, sexiness, no fucks given and talent wrapped up in 11 bad bitch tracks. 14 years of Gym Class Heroes came together into this fucking beauty of an album. i'm just saying, if your fave album is so good, how come it didn't get a sequel? we've got back to back bangers that are not afraid to reference or not reference old Gym Class Heroes lore and they all do what they do fucking beautifully. there's confidence, there's vulnerability, there's religion, there's metaphors coming out of everything, there's fucking SICKENING guitar and beats, there's fight songs, there's love songs, there's grocery shopping, there's dinosaurs, there's breakups and there's dollar signs instead of S's. my fave song right now would probably be Martyrial Girl$
so yeah, that's my take on every Gym Class Heroes album <3 listen to them in order tho
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trippercrazy · 11 months
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Travie McCoy from Gym Class Heroes
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akwardlyuncool · 4 months
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Sitting To Know Your Collection March Roundup
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Sitting To Know Your Collection: Week 10! (March 3rd - March 10)
Album: Tall People Have No Feelings by The Vanilla Milkshakes Play Count: 3-4 ish times Top 2 Tracks: - We Sound Shitty So Spin Will Like Us (Track 11) - Deez Boots (Track 3) Yay! We made it to 10 weeks!
Doesn’t the title give the same energy and Randy Newman’s “Short People Got No Reason To Live?” 😂
Back in 2019 I went and saw a Green Day cover band and these fine folks were opening for them. At that show I’m pretty sure I got a free copy of this week’s album and if it wasn’t free then I just paid for it like an upstanding human lol. Anyway this is a solid, cheap punk record and I had fun listening to it. The repetitive lines (inside of songs) that come with a lot of punk music were some of my favorite parts, especially because when I’m binging ish, I’m drawn to anything that I can latch onto. So, it doesn’t take too long for me to attach myself to lines like “I annoy myself with my misery. I annoy myself with my misery. I annoy myself with my misery….” lol.
If y’all want some sh*tty but good and easy punk to dabble in and have fun with, go check them out. I don’t think they’re on Instagram anymore, but there’s BandCamp and Spotify and wherever else you consume music.
PS: Just like no sealed tapes, I unsealed this one cause, no sealed CDs either lol.
Sitting To Know Your Collection: Week 11 (March 11 - March 17)
Album: Metro Station (2007) by Metro Station Play Count: 3-ish times Top 2 Tracks: - California (Track 9) - Seventeen Forever (Track 1) We visited 2007 for the second time during this year of albums and let’s just say I love 30 minute-ish albums. They’re just so digestible. Back in the day, like back in high school, I remember standing in Walmart and trying to decide whether to get this album or Taylor Swift and 17 years later you could see what kind of teen I was and thus part of the elder “emo” I grew up to be. The album came on and I immediately knew every word. I haven’t listened to this one in a while, but it came back like it was yesterday. There was only like one or two songs that needed to get to the chorus before I got it, but I still got it. We still got it. That being said the scene although it still gives good memories, gives me some pause as well lol.
Sitting To Know Your Collection: Week 12 (March 18 - March 24)
Album: As Cruel As School Children (2006) by Gym Class Heroes Play Count: 4 Top 2 Tracks: - 7 Weeks (Track 7) - Shoot Down The Stars (Track 2)
It’s fun coming back to this album when I do cause for the most part there still are some good vibes, however this time I caught somethings I hadn’t before and will say that not all vibes are good vibes. Maybe I just missed every time it came on previously, but the song about the affair with the teacher was not it bruh. And we all love Clothes Off, but we don’t have to take them off to have a good time. Now I’m not trying to trash the album or anything like that, I’m just realizing what I’ve been singing for many years now. Look up them lyrics y’all lol. Anyway it was still fun, just had to pause a little bit.
Sitting To Know Your Collection: Week 13 (March 24 - March 31)
EP: I Try Not To Think About The Past (2018) by Zach Frost Music Play Count: 4 Top Track: You Can’t Go Back (Track 2)
I usually avoid EPs with these listens cause they’re so short, however due to #NoSealedCDs and this one being special I made an exception.
A few years ago the very kind Zach Frost sent me a some merch and a few CDs after I talked about a band he used to be in that I really loved. I never opened the cd because I never found the right moment and just listened to him on Spotify. Anyway I finally cracked it open and gave it a few official physical listens.
My opinion is that this sounds like it could have been a Ska record. Maybe it’s because I’ve been listening to like one Ska Punk artist or the catchy lines in You Can’t Go Back. Anyway I had fun with this one and wish I would have gotten more than 4 listens in cause it was so digestible. (I honestly just kept forgetting to press play after it was over.)
What was your favorite from March or what would you check out?
Stay Tuned For April!
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willthespy · 9 months
Me on the 20th: No, ma’am. I can’t have a debate about whether Jennifer (17) deserves the same rights as Bob (86). The first pjo episodes are about to drop ! !
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tired-fandom-ndn · 9 months
Glad that ao3 has block and mute buttons now so that I never have to see people who write RPF about school shooters.
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inthecarpets · 2 months
Hey, as someone who was unschooled, please don’t say that parents “do not care” to teach their children. It has nothing to do with not caring, in fact in my experience, parents of unschooled children care far more than those of schooled children. Are there bad apples? Absolutely! But unschooling is not out of a lack of care. My parents did not put me in school because they thought I’d struggle there, and frankly I do not think I would have survived school. I am much happier with the way I was raised than any of my friends who were sent to school are.
I also know many, MANY people who were unschooled like me that have successful careers and lives. Please don’t fall for the “well they didn’t go to school so they’re failures as adults” thing.
I wrote those tags written quick without bigger thought, my bad i apologize.
That being said if you happened to watch the video i mentioned in the tags, you'd hear how the youtuber mentions how much parents care, mentions the safety of schools with the shootings, the state of US education, and however how much said care can also ruin child's life sometimes. There might be plenty of children who ended up successful but also plenty who ended not successful. There are even comments under the video. (once again, a video by Kasia Baba)
Everything in life is nuanced. But like, I never said anything about "well they didn’t go to school so they’re failures as adults" since literally homeschooling exists and people can get schooling in individualistic ways? And very specific cases exist aswell.
It's simply absolutely wild to me that it's legal to not even teach your children Basic Math or Reading in the US. Because stuff like that in my country is Illegal. It's illegal. It's simply illegal here so Yes i'm going to think it's Wild. Education was boiled really deep in us bc education meant a job for decades.
Teaching basic math and reading should be mandatory no matter what. That's also why homeschooling in my country requires some kind of tests every now and then.
Like honestly, every child is different but also there still needs to be some kind of system in place bc most of normie parents couldn't Ever handle something like "unschooling".
In my non american eyes It's a very special kind of upbringing which should be reserved Only to very individual cases. There are children who'll learn how to read on their own and count on their own. But it's not all of them. I know that if it were me? I'd be ruined as hell because i was a slow kid.
Please note i'm seriously, Not American so it's natural such concepts would surprise.
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kasumingo · 10 months
Not to be bitter and old but all the "Humans are inherently good" posts never got through me, especially seeing how people online act, how do most act when given the opportunity to be cruel and what is happening in the real world currently in general
i know it's a nice sentiment but it doesn't really
nor does it have any reflection of what's happening when you start paying attention
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louisdelac · 11 months
just got off work, and i'm literally at home and don't have any readings or homework to do at all... life is so crazy
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pisshandkerchief · 1 year
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barnbridges · 10 months
my most education major take is that people don't want you to parent your children anymore. people don't want mothers (and fathers) to give any sort of life-advice or care to their children. people have become so therapy-obsessed and the whole "intergenerational trauma" craze has made it so that you should actually pass nothing onto your child. you should just take your child to therapy and feed them baby formula until they're 18 and at that point, they're on their own. it's cruel and inhumane and the way people want to de-involve society at large in the raising of children, down to that they shouldn't even be parented anymore.
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bilal-salah0 · 2 months
Our lives before the genocide were not perfect, to say the least, but we were happy and hopeful. Our dreams were and are still bigger than the walls, barbed wire, and tanks surrounding us but today we find ourselves in a situation where hope keeps being dimmed by constant humiliation and unprecedented injustice. The adults in my family are barely holding on.
They're doing their best but what is our children's fault? What did they do to deserve such unbearable suffering at a very young age? When will this nightmare end? Will I be able to see them all someday safe, sound, happy and thriving like all children should? Such cruel neverending questions keep haunting me night and day. What we seek, above all, is not only to live in safety but also with dignity which is a basic human right we have always been denied.
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whenever I see Omar and Salah's pictures in our beautiful home that was leveled to the ground, I can't help but compare them to the state they're in now; struggling to survive in a flimsy, airless makeshift tent surrounded by rubble, all sorts of disease-carrying insects, the stench of sewage floods and garbage, and the smell of death everywhere only made worse by the sweltering summer heat. The newborns' and the children's innocent faces amidst such misery won't leave my thoughts. They fill me with grief and rage because of how helpless I am. Seeing the kids smile and hold their heads up high, despite all the suffering and fear their little hearts have to go through every single day, is pure torture. Their childhood games have been replaced by waiting in long lines for food and water and carrying containers, sometimes heavier than their fargile malnourished bodies. Most of their playgrounds, kindergartens and schools have been reduced to dust and rubble, and the ones left are still being bombed allowing them no respite or refuge from
the horrors of the war.
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For almost ten months now, our little angels have been enduring hardships beyond their years; ripped from the safety and warmth of their home and everything they knew and loved and forced into a life of pain and peril where only the unknown awaits them. Your support is our only ray of hope amidst such a dire and bleak situation. My family and especially our children need you now more than ever as the airstrikes, starvation, and water and health crises are only intensifying and we are being further humiliated and annihilated. I never wanted it to come to this. I used to think I could handle everything myself but I truly have no choice but to ask for help now. Please help me protect my family and bring them closer to the life of safety and dignity they deserve as all humans do, wherever they are.
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bunnyboylyricbot · 4 months
this is what you wanted, right? how many nights were spent pouring out your guts, dummy? how many punishments endured for fuckin' up in school? how many teachers proved wrong by writing songs instead? [my point exactly.]
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pansyboybloom · 7 months
as a teacher, reading about nex makes me fucking furious because I've seen that hate in the students I've taught. people who say young people aren't bigoted and once the old fucks die off the world will be perfect have no idea how cruel children can be when influenced by society's bigotry. while working with 8th grade, i had multiple situations of children harassing lgbt students, screaming slurs at black students, and mocking disabled, especially autistic, students. i was misgendered and degendered by these kids daily without them even knowing i was trans or gay, just that i was a feminine man. i had to dress hyper-masculine to have a smidgen of respect, and god forbid i let my disability show.
but what sticks with me the most when thinking about nex is when i had to intervene when a child proudly announced that she would murder her baby if they were trans (specifically nonbinary) because nb people were freaks, fully aware the person sitting next to her was trans. when i tried to intervene, i was disciplined because i was 'teaching my personal politics'.
this is what our schools look like. when people say they cant believe these girls could do this, i shake my head because, to me, it's no wonder nex is no longer with us. nex was a child with intersecting minority identities. our society is cruel and bigoted, and it is influencing our children. we HAVE to fix society because until we do, kids will stay cruel and kids will keep dying
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bastardgoblinwolf · 6 months
gettin pissed at myself because i dont like The Quilt so far. like mannn im just not feeling it. Papercut Chronicles is peak for me
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batri-jopa · 10 months
Brooks Gibbs - How to Stop A Bully
This is sooo awesome I had to share! Please watch it, it's both funny and very important!
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