Your (Slightly Moist) Envy Demon 🧡
⚠️ Warnings:
• Lots and lots of fluffy cuddles<3
• Levi being a pervert incel but nothing actually happens
• Leviathan x GN!MC
• Cussing
• Mention of Mammon
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It was night in the Devildom. The pitch black serving as a picture perfect backsplash for the millions of stars painting the vastness of the sky, the blood red moon glowing impossibly brightly, sending beautiful rays through your window, dyeing your sheets a deep scarlet.
You felt comfortable. Warm. Safe.
You were surrounded by your family. Surrounded by your protectors.
Even in the dreary hell scape that was the Devildom, you felt safer than you did in your home land.
You felt loved.
Your soft blankets, freshly washed courtesy of Beel, hugged your body perfectly, shielding you from any imperfections in the world. You were so at peace.
That was.. except for the soft (and incredibly cold) pressure on your thigh that you knew couldn’t be from any inanimate cause.
Your eyes fluttered open, you softly yawned and stretched before leaning up slightly to catch a glimpse of tonight’s invader to your space.
Blue hair and a curled up body was all you could see.
The poor boy must have been having a rough night. That, or he just hadn’t slept in a while due to some new game he was speed running.
Either way, he was here now.
You wondered why he didn’t just ask for cuddles instead of intruding and nestling his face dangerously close to your ass, but this was Levi. Of course he didn’t ask.
You reached your hand slowly towards him, massaging his head and fondling his hair which was—
Well, that explains the cold.
Goddamn it Levi, did you really have to get in my bed after getting out of your fish bowl?? Your bed is going to smell like algae for a while now… and Beel just washed your sheets the other day too!
You sighed in annoyance before sitting up, his head now in between your thighs. You pet him softly, running your fingers through his sopping wet hair. Suddenly you wished you hadn’t opted not to wear your signature pajama pants tonight, although you did feel bad about returning the boxers you borrowed from Mammon moist.
Oh well. They were comfortable anyways, and maybe he’d let you keep them now?
Levi opened one of his eyes slowly, looking up at you, but not making eye contact. His long fingers squeezed your hips lightly as he repositioned himself to be nuzzled into your stomach, rather than your… well. You know.
He meant well, you knew. But you could see a soft blush dusting his features. It beautifully complimented his dark blue hair, and you were glad you got to see it as often as you did.
You tousled his hair once again, before leaning back, letting yourself flop onto your pillows. Your eyes closed softly as you felt Levi’s soft breath on your bare stomach, which was revealed from all the movement causing your shirt to roll up.
You felt awfully exposed, but this was Levi. What was he going to do to you, other than blush and stutter when you called him out on accidentally being a perv?
You sighed, and decided you’d deal with it for now. You just hoped he wouldn’t be gone in the morning, like a fleeting dream that only lasted a few seconds.
The soft rays of the moonlight and the warm breath of the envy demon on your torso combined with the freezing cold of his soggy self, was incredibly comforting as you let your eyes slip closed and your conscious leave you.
It seemed you were doomed to sleep sopping wet.
You just hope you don’t catch a cold later.
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Craving Affection
A/N: I’m sick again for the 5th time this year so have some fever induced cuddles from my baby gurl 🫠
• Cuddles
• GN!MC x Lucifer
• The grammar in this may be sucky, I’m sick and this isn’t proofread, sorry :(
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It was a nice afternoon, the cold Devildom air seeping in through your window. You sat in your bed and watched one of your favorite rom-coms from the human realm, basking in the soft clatter coming from the kitchen which was either Beel searching for snacks, or whoever’s turn it was making dinner.
The movie slowly came to a close, and as the protagonists kissed you felt undeniably lonely. Maybe..
No. You couldn’t just ask him to hang out with you.
You had always felt close to Lucifer, and you couldn’t deny that you craved his affection, sometimes even subconsciously. But he was busy. He’s always busy.
To be fair, every time you had built up the courage to ask him for some kind of affection he didn’t deny you. He put his work down immediately, if not a few minutes after you asked. And even then he’d let you sit in his lap while you waited. You wouldn’t expect his lap to be so comfortable actually. It was kind of surprising how soft he was. You couldn’t help but fantasize about him.
You hardly noticed your hand reach for your phone and open up your message app.
“💙Lucify💙” your contact read, a candid picture of him asleep at his desk that you had taken above it.
It would be okay just this once… right?
After staring at your DDD screen for a good minute, totally clueless on how to ask without sounding needy. What were you supposed to even say?? “Hey Lucifer, want to come and cuddle with me because I feel lonely right now?” You sighed and put your phone aside, succumbing to the overarching feeling of dread.
There was a sudden knock on your door before it clicked and the hinges creaked softly. You heard the tapping of someone walking on the wooden floor, stopping when they reached your bed.
You opened your eyes to see the tall demon before you, his arms were crossed and a soft glint of amusement in his deep crimson gaze. “You called?”
“Luci..” you felt your face light up at the sight of the avatar, before moving over to make room for him.
He got under the blanket with you and wrapped his arms around your waist, softly pushing the t-shirt you were wearing up slightly to lay a hand on your bare back. You let yourself melt into him, snaking your hands up to touch his hair. He rested his chin on the top of your head, the light pressure making you feel dizzy.
You buried your head into his chest, the white button-up he was wearing undone just enough for you to feel his warm skin on your face. You pressed sweet kisses to his neck and sternum, as you breathed in the whiskey-esque smell of demonus which had permanently stained his clothes.
You were almost certain that you were getting drunk off of it, although it may have just been his otherworldly aura. Either that or the overwhelming love you felt for him in this moment. He moved to leave a peck on the top of your head, his lips lingering there for a minute as you slung a leg over his hip, your way of ensuring he doesn’t leave you.
His hand lightly rubbed your back, and he moved a leg so it was overtop of yours that wasn’t in use.
You felt yourself drifting off to sleep, feeling warm and fuzzy inside. Even then, your heart felt like bursting. You forgot you were ever lonely in the first place as he held you, a feeling of bliss that only Lucifer could induce.
Huh. Looks like you accidentally pressed send.
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Mammon is needy. I mean, he didn’t earn the title of ‘Avatar of Greed’ for nothing.
Tonight, at 3:33 AM, you’re awoken to the sensation of a puddle of sweat beneath you from spending hours intertwined with a certain demon, and the smell of amber and sandalwood assaulting your senses, sending your subconscious spinning uncontrollably.
Soft, clammy fingers danced across the small of your back hypnotically, desperately, as you dizzily drifted in and out of consciousness.
Sweet smelling hair tickled your face and nose as it brushed up against you euphorically. You couldn’t hold some whispered gasps as the owner of said hair trailed soft kisses up and down your neck, lingering on the spots that got the best reaction from you.
Fangs grazed your skin, oh so gently. Biting down on your jaw, nibbling a little and making your breath hitch a bit. That only urged him to continue, as he snaked his legs around your waist and tangled a hand in your hair. He whined in that familiar way, the vibrations of which sent shivers down your spine.
You knew what he wanted. Slowly, you reached up to his head and lightly tugged on each strand of stark white hair, making him almost want to start purring in your arms.
He kissed a trail up to your ear, licking the shell and making sure to let you feel the piercing on his tongue. If you have piercings, he absolutely will circle around them with his. It’s kind of gross, sure, but this boy has eaten horse shit for money, and I’m sure he’d do it again. This was one of the less disgusting things he’s ever done.
After leaving soft pecks on your temples, he moves to your eyelids, and then your nose. He nibbles on it a bit to make you giggle. So cute. He thinks, as he moves on to your cheeks, and soon your lips. You’re sure you’ve been thoroughly drenched in kisses by now as he unceremoniously shoves his sugary-sweet tongue into your mouth.
That was something weird about demons. Morning breath isn’t really a thing for them. They just have this sappy, sugary taste about them. Almost like a long forgotten taste from your childhood, like cough medicine or some liquid antibiotic you had to take once.
He molded his tongue with yours hungrily, taking whatever you would give. His hands pulling you closer, almost like he was trying to crawl into your mouth and merge with you.
And honestly, that wouldn’t be too bad.
You both took a long breath, before he buried his face into your neck again, starting right over again.
Oh well.
Such close contact from your favorite demon was worth the tiredness in the morning.
In the morning, he’d surely deny everything, but you knew what happened. And you knew to anticipate the same experience the next night, and the night after. And the night after that, for
All Eternity.
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Lucifer’s Little Lamb 💙
— self deprecation
— panic attacks
— implied romantic but can be read as platonic
— GN!MC you/yours
— fluffy comfort with no plot
A/N: im writing this at 3am when im sad so if this is bad pls excuse me;; anw i have to get up in the morning so enjoy, and goodbye
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You had been in the Devildom for a few months now, and everything was going well. That is… you’d like to think it was.
You really wished everything was fine, but it was a new environment with new people- er.. demons. And you were scared out of your mind. It didn’t help that people tried to kill you left and right down here either… that and the fact that you had anxiety. BUT it was fine. Usually. You opted to just hide away in your room most of the time. To avoid lashing out at anyone, that is. Or.. having an episode.
But you had to go to school, unfortunately. And today was not a good day.
You weren’t sure what exactly set you off, but it wasn’t a good day regardless. You felt incredibly out of place and jumpy all day long, almost like you were in another person’s body… if that makes any sense.
By the time school ended you wanted to collapse and start crying, but you knew you couldn’t. You knew you had to get somewhere secluded fast, but you were so overwhelmed that you just ran out of the building. Your instincts led you most of the way as your overwhelmed brain distorted your sense of direction.
Your legs ached with every harsh step you took as you ran, your head a blur like some little kid just shook you up like you were a snow globe.
You came across a lake out behind what you would later recognize as the Demon Lord’s Castle. You collapsed suddenly, your legs throbbing and the adrenaline that currently held your brain at gunpoint not going to stop anytime soon.
You curled in on yourself, breathing in the cold Devildom air as you waited for the attack to fade. You felt warm tears pool on your cheeks and stain your eyes a shameful shade of red, displaying to the rest of the world how much of a disgrace you were. How stupid and sensitive you could be.
You were only human, how could you survive in hell? You weren’t strong. You’re just a stupid little human with no sense of self preservation. The tears fell faster at that thought, the sensation of water rolling down your flushed cheeks was almost too much to bear as you grit your teeth and breathed as hard as you could to get a grip on your emotions, inadvertently causing you to start hyperventilating and thus making everything worse.
You watched the water in the lake ripple as you dug your nails painfully into your palms, the soft skin becoming marred and bruised. The lake seemed to cry with you, and maybe it did as the water glowed with a soft pink from the large moon in the sky.
You could felt the wind hard on your back, as you succumbed to your tiredness and laid on your side, your knees to your chest. The cold dirt below you was a harsh reminder that this was real. It was grounding, and yet oh so impossible to bear.
You felt yourself shaking violently and had to bite your inner lip to stop from whining. Your eyes burned from the never ending flood of tears, and your throat was seemingly on fire. You could hardly breathe out of your nose anymore so you resorted to letting hiccup-ey gasps out through your sore throat.
The lake distorted some more. It rippled and shook along with you, it’s black and almost pink hue a reflection of your sorrow. And also a reflection of… wait. Is that a person-!?
The reflection of a tall man loomed over you, and you knew exactly who it belonged to. The eldest brother, Lucifer.
You held yourself tighter, hoping he would go away if you just ignored him. To have the Avatar of Pride see you like this… you felt pathetic. Why did you have to be like this?
You heard him cautiously step around you before he sat effortlessly next to your crumpled body, looking out towards the lake. He didn’t say anything for a while. It almost seemed like you were sitting there for an eternity before he started to talk,
“Belphie used to come out here when he was younger,” he started, his voice calm and slow as he spoke. “When we first fell, I think it was the hardest on him,” he paused, considering, “I would come out here in the pouring rain looking for him, only to see he had fallen asleep right where you’re sitting now,” Lucifer said with a breathy chuckle, the sadness evident in his voice from the memory. He didn’t look at you, and you didn’t look at him. You just looked at the lake, sharing this moment of solitude.
After a few moments of quiet, you looked up at the demon, his black-silver locks curling perfectly around his beautiful face. They really didn’t call him the Avatar of Pride for nothing. “Why are you telling me this…?” You asked, you could hear your voice cracking pathetically throughout. You didn’t have the strength to even talk properly.
“I thought it might help,” he stated, “My younger brothers always liked me to tell them stories in times like these.”
You looked up at him in awe, then. You could feel your eyes glazing over with a fresh set of tears at that; he wanted to help me…?
“Can you… t-tell me another one?” You squeaked out, your voice barely above a whisper.
You could see him smile slightly as he closed his eyes, his perfect lashes complimenting his pale complexion perfectly. His soft voice echoed through the expanse of space for what seemed like hours, telling tales of himself and his brothers.
He had never shown anyone this side of himself before, at least no one outside of his immediate family. So he wasn’t sure what exactly came over him that night, but he remembered that it ended in him picking up your exhausted body and holding you close, as soft snores fell from your mouth. He took you back to the HoL, being sure to give many a death glare to anyone who so much as glanced in your direction.
When he arrived at your room, he laid you down gingerly on your bed and covered you up in a soft blanket. He almost felt his heart melt when you snuggled into it and smiled slightly. He was happy he was able to make you even a bit more comfortable in the Devildom. He leaned down and placed a soft kiss on your forehead, lingering there for a few seconds before pulling back.
He had never expected to become to attached to a human, much less one such as yourself.
Rest assured, MC. You will never have to go through any hardship alone again. Not now that you’ve weaseled your way into his heart, and obtained the title that came with it. Now, you were;;
Lucifer’s Little Lamb.
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simeon/mc fluff,  “aw, sweetheart you know you don’t have to ask...come here.”
"Anything for you, Angel.”
Thank you for requesting :) I realize this is very heavily implying MC asking for a hug, but I decided on changing it up a little lol. Hope you enjoy~
Simeon x MC
Mentions of MC having a bad day
Only a teensy tiny bit of angst at the very start
Mostly fluff<3
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You loved it here. You loved the Devildom, you loved the demons, the angels, and even the human sorcerer. But sometimes things just got to be too much. Sometimes you needed a break, despite wanting to be the best. Being the best... It was something you had strived to be from the very minute you were born. 
You weren’t a neglected child--but you always needed the limelight. You longed to be in charge even when there was no need for a leader. Some people would say you were an attention seeker, and others... They would agree. And so did you.
All your life you had imagined people looking down on you, even though they weren’t. And when you were thrown into the Devildom against your will, surrounded by people who were above you in rank--hell, even above you on the food chain. You hated it.
You guessed that was why you were so nosy in the first place. So desperate to make something of yourself that you ended up actually succeeding. At least.. You wished it was that way. You had pacts with the 7 demon brothers, sure. But sometimes... It all just feels.. Useless.
Why would you go to all this trouble for people who have tried to kill you over and over... and over.... and over... You knew they loved you. They said it all the time, and you loved them back. But sometimes… you had
Today was a particularly bad day. You had felt fidgety and out of focus the whole morning, eventually opting to skip breakfast and head to RAD a couple hours before everyone woke up.
You wanted to walk over by yourself, but you knew the brothers would protest if they knew. That’s why you snuck out the window. And maybe it was a bad idea.. but you felt safer knowing that you had all the 7 demon brothers ready to save you if things got out of hand. No lesser demon, no matter how stupid, would mess with you.
You walked down the cobbled streets, the puddles from the nightly Devildom rain illuminated by the soft lamplight. Where you’d expect to hear crickets in the human realm, you could hear the squeaking of bats or the hissing of some kind of insect in the Devildom.It was unsettling when you first came, but you got used to it as time went on. 
The cool Devildom breeze carried fallen leaves across the ground and around your feet. The wind fondled your hair and calmed your nerves for the time being.
Why didn’t you do this more often?
As you approached the school you could hear the conversations of loitering demons hanging out with their friends before classes started. You stepped up to the door of RAD, noting the lesser demons shuffling to get out of your way.
This was a normal occurrence of course, but it kind of threw you for a loop now you were alone. You had always assumed they were getting away from whichever brother you were with, not you.
You swung the large rickety door open before being hit with the smell of dust and what you could only describe as “old building smell.” It was almost comforting.
Walking the mostly empty halls, you decided to camp out in the library. Maybe I can get extra work done, You thought as you turned your phone light on for some guidance. The most annoying, and yet endearing part of the Devildom is that they didn’t use lightbulbs for whatever reason.
You would have to conjure fire somehow to light one of the many candles, which you felt too drained to even attempt, let alone succeed in doing. Man, did you wish you had bought one of those lighters you saw when Mammon had taken you out shopping.
You had pointed them out because of the dollar pattern on them. They were perfect for him, but he didn’t smoke and knew enough magic to conjure a fire of his own even if he did, so you ultimately decided on not getting them.
Suddenly, you saw your DDD screen light up, almost blinding you in the dark room.
Has anyone seen MC? -🐍
You sighed in annoyance at Levi having discovered your disappearance. You supposed it was about time, seeing as they should all be up and ready to have breakfast in a few minutes..
No, are they not in their room? -🐱
Just looked. I’m on cooking duty today and went to wake them up for breakfast.  -🍔
“Awh, Beel..” You cooed at the sweet demon.
MC’s missing?! - 💄
Looks that way. -🐱
They aren’t in the attic either. -💤🐄
Wait, Belphie, what are you doing awake at this hour?! -💄
First of all, it’s 8:00, and second of all, how could I sleep with you guys spamming the chat like this? -💤🐄
I haven’t seen them either. Mammon’s practically hanging off of them at all times, have you asked him? -🍷
Oh good idea lolol. -🐍
Speaking of, where is Mammon? He’s been suspiciously quiet this whole time. -🐱
He’s probably asleep ROFL. -🐍
“What idiots… They’ll probably take a good several hours to find me..” You thought aloud. You yawned as your eyes started to feel heavy. It was warm in the library, and you had waken up at the break of dawn—well, it would be if the Devildom had a dawn. You felt yourself slowly fall asleep to the rhythmic buzzing of your silenced DDD. The vibrations on the table pulling you deeper into slumber……
“Hey, MC.” 
Your eyes flickered open, vision still blurred from sleep. The previously pitch black room now had a soft candlelight glow, which illuminated the soft smile of a certain Angel that had woken you.
“Simeon…?” You mumbled, recognizing the face.
“Mhm,” he hummed, “Everyone’s been looking for you.” He explained with a sweet voice, he spoke softly if you were fragile and could shatter with one wrong word.
“Oh…” You blinked your eyes tiredly, remembering the brothers’ conversation earlier. “Ugh…” You groaned in annoyance, “I don’t wanna go to class..” You pouted, earning a chuckle from Simeon.
“School is over for the day, darling.” He let himself smirk slightly at how your eyes widened at that. You looked away for a moment, seemingly in thought.
“Mm.. Simeon..?” You asked quietly, still too tired to really be considering what you’re saying.
“Yes, Angel?” He replied, waiting for you to continue.
“Can we go back to Purgatory Hall? And can we m-maybe… cuddle when we get there..?” You asked shyly, praying he wouldn’t decline.
His small smile seemingly doubled in size, “Aw, sweetheart,” he cooed, “You know you don’t have to ask. Come here.” He picked you up bridal style, chuckling slightly at how you squeaked as your cheeks flushed.
“I wasn’t expecting you to pick me up.” You giggled.
He smiled again, laughing along with you.
“Anything for you, Angel.”
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hello i saw your requests are open. can we have some simeon/mc fluff? simeon: "why are you staring at me?” mc: “you’re pretty...”
"Because You're Pretty"
This is adorable!! Thank you so much for requesting!~ I tried my best with this so I hope you enjoy :)
-Simeon x MC
-MC is Gender Neutral
-Slightly suggestive at the very end~ (I had to haha)
-Luke being a precious chihuahua
-Maybe slightly ooc (sorry!)
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Today wasn't the best. You didn't really have much of a reason as to why that was, but it was a bad day nonetheless. The day was tainted from the beginning, you supposed. You sighed as you practically tossed your things into your bag, ready to go home and crash-
Well, then again... If you go back to the HoL one of the brothers are sure to come and harass you or disturb your much needed rest. Maybe you could just stay at RAD and nap in the library? No.. Satan is sure to be there among plenty of lesser demons that might try to eat you or something. Staying at RAD is a bust... so..
"MC!" Exclaimed an unmistakable voice that surely belonged to your favorite little angel. Luke ran towards you waving before hugging you tight, almost knocking you down.
"Hey, Luke." You greeted him, already feeling a bit better from the hug.
"Wanna come to Purgatory Hall with me? I'm going to make cookies and I want you to try them when they're done!" He smiled widely. Perfect! Purgatory Hall is sure to be quiet, and no one will bother you there! (Unlike the brothers, the angels are considerate of humans)
"Sure, I'd love that." You replied, with the first semi-genuine smile of the whole day adorning your face.
You watched as the young angel's face practically lit up with excitement at your answer "Good, come on!" He grabbed your hand and dragged you along, almost ripping your arm in two in the process.
You soon arrived at Purgatory Hall (after sprinting the whole way there). He opened the door and let go of your hand, letting you catch your breath before happily skipping over to the kitchen to start baking the cookies.
You smelled the lingering scent of baked goods and let the warmth of Purgatory Hall consume you. You made your way over to the couch in the common room and set your stuff down and listened to the soft sound of a baking show Luke was watching in the other room as you drifted off to sleep.
You opened your eyes groggily a while later to realize your head was on... Someone's lap? You turned your head slightly to investigate and was met with your favorite (adult) angel's warm smile. You could feel your face heating up a little at the sight. "H-Hi," you stammered out.
"Hi." Said the angel almost in a whisper, "If I had known you were coming I would've greeted you sooner."
"Sorry," You apologized, only half serious, before the smell of freshly baked cookies assaulted your senses.
"They're done!" Luke smiled brightly after seemingly appearing out of thin air, carrying a tray of steaming hot cookies.
"Those are-"
"Chocolate chip. Barbatos had the ingredients imported so Luke could make them for you," Simeon assured you. You felt your face flush again at his voice, realizing how close you were to him.
"Try some," Luke encouraged you. They were amazing, just as you had expected. They were warm and chewy-but not too much.. Like the melt in your mouth kind of chewy. The chocolate was still gooey too. You felt like you had died and gone to the Celestial Realm.
With his baking abilities it was hard to believe he was really 10 years old, though you guessed it did make sense considering that he was being taught by the best pastry chef in all three realms.
"Oh, I almost forgot!" And with that, the little angel disappeared as quickly as he had appeared to grab something he had left behind. Leaving you with Simeon (who's lap you were still laying on by the way)
You looked up at the angelic figure who was eating one of the cookies Luke had given him. It was almost like he radiated light and goodness.. Which you supposed made sense considering he was an angel. You carefully studied his face, taking in his deep complexion.
"W-Why are you staring at me?" He stuttered nervously, a light blush dusting his soft taupe skin.
You were a bit shocked by his question, not realizing you were staring. "You're pretty..." You replied bashfully, staring deep into his aquamarine eyes. You watched as his eyes widened, the blush that was previously there noticeably deepening.
"You shouldn't say such things... You may make me do something I'll regret."
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-Lucifer x MC Who Has Trouble With Talking Too Much-
Ok so I have insane problems with talking too loud or too quiet or too much and it bugs the shit out of me (and others) so I never talk because of it (┬┬﹏┬┬)
So instead of wallowing I decided to make a hc/small fic abt it. Enjoy<3 (I hope I’m not the only one with this problem omfg)
Gender Neutral MC
MC is described as gentle and soft
MC calls Lucifer Lucy, and he calls them Lamb at some point (’Lamb’ is a purely self indulgent nickname im so sorry lmfao)
Hurt/Comfort (?)
MC has flashbacks to being talked down to in the past (not by the obm boys)
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MC, come to my room.
He put his DDD down after messaging you, waiting patiently for you to arrive. He hadn’t spent much time with you after you had returned to the Devildom and thought it might be nice to spend some time just talking and enjoying each others’ company. 
A few minutes passed before he could hear your gentle knocking on the door. Patient, kind, considerate. The doorknob clicked, swiftly followed by the creak of the door’s rusty hinges. 
Your head popped out from behind and he was soon met with one of your trademark smiles. Bright and sincere. You stepped over to one of the chairs opposite his desk and plopped down.
 “MC. It’s good to see you,” he greeted you. You could see the sincerity in his deep red eyes. Something you greatly appreciated from the Avatar of Pride himself. 
“You too,” You started, “I’ve missed this.”
“Do you mean to say you’ve missed us brothers?” He teased, earning a glare from you.
“Of course I have, Lucy. You said it yourself, remember? We’re practically family now.” Your quick remark caught the demon off guard for a moment, but his composure was quickly regained. The mischievous glint in your eyes evident but not obvious, only noticeable by the most keen of observers. Luckily for the Avatar, he fit those requirements perfectly.
“I’m sure you’ve had quite the eventful break, haven’t you?” He started; able to tell with just a glance you were itching to tell someone about everything you had on your mind. “Tell me everything.”
And so you did. Soon enough hours had passed and you had gone on and on about your vacation. He found it quite soothing to listen to your voice--that is why he asked after all.
“So I was just sitting in my bedroom and Solomon appears right behind me! Like what the hell?!” You giggled at the memory. “And then he dragged me into some weird portal and I ended up landing right on Satan’s head--” You paused abruptly, suddenly realizing how long you had been talking. 
Lucifer looked up to see what had made you stop, and was met by you looking down at the floor with an almost regretful look on your face. You glanced at him quickly before returning your gaze to the floor, noticing him staring.
“S-Sorry.. I didn’t mean to ramble on for so long...” You apologized, leaving Lucifer puzzled. You hugged your sides, self-conscious. You felt a gloved hand under your chin lifting it up to--a now directly in front of you--Lucifer. Your eyes met his big, rubies. They say the eyes are the window to the soul, you could have sworn that his were the window to several thousand.
“You have nothing to apologize for, MC,” He assured you. “I find your voice quite soothing. Besides, I wouldn’t have asked to hear about your time away if I didn’t want to hear every detail.” 
You could feel your eyes start to water at that, your whole life you have been told;
“Don’t talk so loud”
“You’re too quiet”
“You talk too much, shut up will you?”
“You never talk anymore, what happened?”
“You never shut up do you?”
“Can’t you use your inside voice?”
You hugged your demon, holding him as tight as you could.
“Thank you, Lucifer.. I needed to hear that.” He patted your head softly;
“Of course, but I was only saying the truth. Sure you talk a bit more than the average person, but you’re special because of it. You value details and don’t leave anything out. You speak your mind and you should take Pride in that.”
 Can you do that for me, Lamb?
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💙In Love With a Beast
! Part of the Master!MC saga/series !
⚠️ Warnings:
• Blood + gore.
• Panic (Lucifer)
• Lucifer x GN!MC
• Hc that demons can smell human emotions
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“Lucifer!” Screamed a voice. A voice that Lucifer had known all too well. His head shot up from his desk and before he knew it he was running- no. Flying towards the voice in question.
The air around him seemed to bow down and whisper to itself at his very presence. It was deafening, assaulting his ears as he flew towards you at an ungodly speed. Demons around him did the same, staring in awe at how he moved perfectly, the only thing on his mind was his human. His Master. You.
He was almost annoyed at how you didn’t bother to summon him properly, and instead opted to scream his name. You thought of it as a game, he assumed. ‘How Fast Can Lucifer Get To Me Before I Do Something That Will Cause My Untimely Death Or Injury?’ It irked him that you thought it was acceptable to toy with him in such a way. To play such frivolous games with the Avatar of Pride himself, but that was your appeal after all. What kind of a servant would he be if he didn’t entertain his master?
After a seemingly excruciatingly long sprint (which had only amounted to a few minutes), he found you. He had followed your scent, almost like a dog. You smelled like raspberries with a hint of lemon and sugar. Like a refreshing lemonade that was the only thing keeping him from melting in the blistering hot human world sun on a summer day. It was the smell you took on when you felt a certain emotion; playfulness.
‘So you do think of it as a game,’ Lucifer thought to himself, feeling the dark skin under his eye twitch with the realization.
You were stood next to some lesser demons, much closer than Lucifer would prefer you to be. He looked you up and down quickly, your knees were covered in… dirt? There was some red substance on your face and—
The smell of pennies.
Coming from you.
You were bleeding.
Suddenly Lucifer felt a fire burning inside of him he hadn’t felt in a long time. He felt pure unbridled wrath boiling inside him, a raging inferno so hot it would take at least a thousand years to put out.
Before he could stop himself he ran towards the lesser demons surrounding you, bearing his fangs like a beast, his demon form flashed; sending a blinding light through the area. A deep red liquid squirted from the lesser demons head like a fountain as he dug his perfectly manicured nails, curtesy of Asmodeus, into his skull.
The demon went limp and his cries went quiet, but he kept going. He ripped him limb from limb, destroying every piece of him. He did the same for the others, blood further imbedding into his gloves.
He stepped back for a moment, admiring his handy work, before looking to you.
Oh fuck.
Lucifer messed up.
‘You were a human. You weren’t supposed to see these kinds of things. You were sensitive. What kind of damage could this do to your psyche? You could be irreversibly changed from this. Shit, why wasn’t I more careful?’ Lucifer thought, his mind racing.
That was until he felt a hand on his shoulder.
“Luci, you ruined your coat,” you said, pouting. He glanced over to where you were looking, before seeing a large red stain there, on his coat. “We have to go home and wash it before it’s stained.”
You looked up to him, awaiting his response. Your gaze was the same as always. A soft glow in the dark abyss. Your smell had changed slightly. Now it was more bitter, sickening. It made him want to cry like chopped onions. You were… disappointed? About… his coat..?
He cupped your face, moving so slowly as to not scare you. You didn’t move away. You didn’t even flinch. In fact, you leaned into his touch. Completely content with the fact that he was holding you.
The one who brutally murdered— butchered these demons in front of you.
He sighed hard, letting his eyes close for a moment.
“Master,” he started, “You really are a strange human.” He let himself crack a grin as you looked up at him with a sly glare.“Come along now,” he picked you up bridal style and positioned you to be more comfortable. “Now, what exactly happened here?”
You leaned your head on his chest, nuzzling into the soft fabric much like a cat. Undoubtedly from the fact that he had put on that cologne you liked this morning. “Hmm..” you moaned lightly, situating yourself in his arms. “I fell and scraped my knee. They were trying to take me to the nurse I think,” Lucifer felt his eyes widen at that statement, “They probably would have taken my lunch money or something though, so I can’t be too sure. I just hate that you ruined your weighted blanket for nothing,” you tousled the fabric lazily with your hands.
“Weighted blanket?” He let himself chuckle a little at your analogy.
“Yeah, look at how it’s stitched too! It’s totally a blanket,” you argued.
“It’s a coat,” he stated, “I would sooner accept you calling it a cape.”
“Cape my ass.”
“Language, Master,” he said with a faux-intimidating glare.
“Okay, mom,” you rolled your eyes playfully, giggling a little. Soon enough, you yawned and your eyes felt a little heavier. The smell of roses hit Lucifer’s nose. The smell of infatuation. Love.
Love for him.
He would never understand you.
How could you be…
In Love With a Beast?
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hello, if it's okay, may I request a shy female mc who has a crush on Solomon?
“Humor Me, Will You?”
Thank you for requesting! Apologies for the late response, Christmas has disabled me horribly lmao- I’m more a fan of the brothers than the side characters/dateables, so I hope this isn’t too terribly out of character! Enjoy :)
(I’d also like to note that I made this with a female MC in mind, but I ended up not using any pronouns for MC 😅 I hope that’s alright!)
-Solomon x Shy!MC
-Mammon is described as MC’s best friend (I’m sorry I couldn’t resist working my first man in there somehow)
-Was made with Female MC in mind but can be read as gender neutral
-Ending may seem abrupt, I was trying to get this out quick so I deeply apologize for that 🙏
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(this was the only adequate gif I could find anywhere im sorry but look how cute he is omg sparklesparkle man khrjwklrjskngka)
 You had always felt closer to Solomon.
 From the first time you talked something just… clicked. You had brushed it off as him just being the only other human in the Devildom for a long time.
 The others were all amazing, but they were demons.. or angels. It’s not unexpected for you to be closer to the only other being of your kind. You are both human after all.
 But as time went on and you continued talking, you discovered it was much more than just that. You had fallen hopelessly for the one they call the ‘shady sorcerer’, and it showed.
The only problem.. you couldn’t bear to tell him. It was almost more than you could handle to look in his direction, let alone confess your love! You almost decided to just keep your feelings to yourself. That was until it happened.
You sat with your legs gingerly crossed on a checkered blanket. The sky was a bright shade of light blue, and the grass green and alive, unlike in the Devildom. Across from you, was Solomon. ‘Your lover’. He had originally planned on making lunch for the two of you, but you took the liberty instead considering his reputation with cooking.
His dark eyes met yours as he reached for your hand. His palm was warm and welcoming, unlike the demons you were used to being touched by. He used his other hand to fondle your hair, his movements slow and gentle.
You could feel your face heat up, but you didn’t shy away like you normally would. You practically melted into his touch as his palm cupped your cheek. He pulled your hand up to his mouth and kissed the back of it, his eyes never leaving yours.
You felt the urge to look away, but he was too alluring. He was like a magnet to your eyes, all you could do was give in to his soft kisses and fleeting touches.
Soon, he slipped one of his hands under your chin and pulled you in closer. Your lips were inches away from his. He had a soft blush to compliment his cool gray eyes and white locks. The gap between your lips closed and he started violently shaking you… wait- what??
You jolted out of your fantasy to be met with.. Mammon??
“Wake up, idiot, Lucifer’s starin’ right at ya.” He growled, voice just below a whisper. You glanced at Lucifer, who was staring daggers at you. Oops.. You were supposed to be in a council meeting, but you had gotten too lost in a daydream about your crush to care much.
“Well, MC? Diavolo asked you a question.” Lucifer was looking right through you like he could see exactly what you were thinking. It made you flush at the thought.
“Don’t be so serious, Lucifer!” Diavolo (thankfully) intervened causing Lucifer’s death glare to die down. “So, MC. How would you feel about working with Solomon to make a presentation for the….”
Working with who??! Your heart started pounding out of your chest at the thought.. Just imagine staying the night at Purgatory Hall, losing track of time and falling asleep together, waking up cuddled up with each other and— wait, what had Diavolo said again?
“Well?” Diavolo waited for your answer.
“Yes!” You said a bit too enthusiastically, and a bit too loud. “Uh- I mean.. I would love to,” you remedied, smiling awkwardly.
“Wonderful! Meeting adjourned, then.”
You let out a sigh at that, thankful that it was finally over. That entire experience was horribly overwhelming.
“Hey, MC, what was that?” Mammon quipped with a playful nudge to your arm.
“Leave me alone, Mammon,” you sarcastically glared his way. He had appointed himself your best friend a while back, and you always walked to and from the HoL together. ‘I’m responsible for ya, after all’ he had labeled it as.
“Whatever. Stupid humans and their fantasies,” he insulted with a smirk as you each grabbed your stuff out of your lockers, which were (thanks to Lucifer assigning him as your ‘protector’) right next to each other. You closed your locker after getting your bag, only to be met with a face behind the door?!
You jumped rather characteristically, almost bumping into Mammon and taking him down to the floor with you. Luckily, the mystery stalker had caught you. Your faces a few inches away from each other, his hand positioned on your lower back to balance you. You could feel your face flush as you realized the close proximity.
His soft pale features also turned a warm shade of pink at the realization, causing the white haired sorcerer to pull back and clear his throat in an attempt to dispel the red hue on his face. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,” he chuckled. So it was only Solomon.
“Oh! Uhm, it’s okay. I don’t mind,” you had meant to reassure him, “I mean- it’s not a big deal, I wasn’t really that scared.” You smiled and looked down at your feet. You could feel your hands clamming up and your face getting warmer. Oh my Diavolo, why do I have to be so awkward??!
“Wha’da ya’ want Solomon?” Mammon, inquired all too harshly, naturally suspicious of anyone who got to close to you.
“Well me and MC are partners for the human realm’s portion of the project, aren’t we?” He explained, making eye contact with you hoping for your assurance. You nodded excitedly, earning a glare from the demon.
Solomon smirked slightly at your enthusiasm, “So, since we’re partners, you wouldn’t mind walking back to Purgatory Hall with me? I think Luke was planning on making cupcakes.” Your could have sworn your heart skipped a beat.
“Y-Yeah!” You agreed, “I’d love to!”
“Wait just a second,” Mammon scolded before leaning closer to you; “Are ya’ sure ya wanna go back with this guy?” He looked into your eyes, he was worried about you, sure. But couldn’t he let you have a life once in a while?
“I’ll be fine, Mammon. Don’t worry so much.”
“Great,” Solomon reached out for your hand, which you happily offered. “We’ll be seeing you, Mammon.” You glanced back at the Avatar of Greed, who was leaning against his locker with a suspicious look adorning his face. You almost felt bad for leaving him like this, but you had greater matters to attend to. You were holding hands with Solomon!! You were so excited you could almost scream!
“So, do you have any ideas?” Solomon asked, attempting to make small talk.
“Huh?” Oh right, the project. “Oh, uhm.. I was hoping you would.” You giggled nervously, the close proximity making your head spin.
“I guess we’re both lost then.” Solomon chuckled. His eyes wondered in thought, you thought he looked gorgeous with the way the soft lamp light of the Devildom reflected off his fair complexion. “You know,” he started, “I’m glad we were chosen to be partners.”
He looked over at you, your eyes meeting. In his eyes you could see nothing but sincerity. “It’s been a long time since I’ve been able to be this close to another human. Thank you for that.” He smiled, and you could almost catch a glimpse of sadness in his eyes. “How about we go out together instead of going back to Purgatory Hall? I know a good coffee shop that’s within walking distance.” He offered with a nod towards the direction of your destination.
You could feel your face light on fire at the thought. “What about the project?” You asked.
“It’s not due for another month or so, it’s not a huge priority right now.” Solomon responded, looking for any excuse he could belt out to make you say yes,
“Come on, humor me, will you?”
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In the new Nightbringer trailer it shows chibi belphie whacking the Ruri-Tunes obstacle with his pillow
…So now I can’t stop thinking about belph using his pillow as a weapon—
Lucifer exists? WHACK
Mammon wakes him up trying to take his credit card information? WHACK
Levi wakes him up with his anime fanboying? WHACK
One of Satan’s cats bothering him while he’s trying to sleep? WHACK
Asmo’s mirror reflecting light into his eyes? WHACK
note: this doesn’t apply to beel
note 2: no cats were harmed in the making of this post
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12:00 AM
Happy birthday Asmo! I love you so much my sweet sweet boy<333
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It was the dead of night, 12:00 AM on the dot, when Asmo’s door creaked and he could hear the soft tapping of socked feet on the carpet of his room. No one would dare to bother Asmodeus in the middle of the night in fear of getting mauled for ‘disturbing his beauty sleep.’ …All except for one person.
A meddling human who knew all too well that Asmo had a soft spot for them deep in his hardened heart. Actually, scratch that. Asmo’s entire heart was a soft spot for them. His entire being, even. And now this little human was sneaking into his bedroom at midnight on May 15th, to wish him a happy birthday.
The tapping subsided softly beside the Asmo’s twin bed. The softest bed that you would ever be graced with the pleasure of laying in. You softly nudged Asmo’s shoulder, who sputtered softly before groaning and turning over to meet whoever was disturbing him. His voice was as soft as silk and only a little pitchy. It got much deeper when he was sleepy, due to him not having the energy to keep up the cutesy high voice that was seen by most people as his regular pitch.
His eyes softened when they met yours, the flecks of yellow sunlight dancing amidst the pool of bright orange. “MC… Mmh..” he mumbled, and you almost thought he fell back asleep before he flipped over and made grabby hands at you.
He was so adorable, his hair not made up like normal, but instead splayed out on his pillow. And his face not adorned in layers of makeup, but rather completely bare. This was one of your favorite views, you thought as you lifted up the blanket next to him and scooted in close.
He wrapped his arms around you and buried his face into your chest, grabbing your hands and bringing them to lay around his shoulders. You leaned down and placed a chaste kiss on his hair, relishing in the smell of roses that he emitted.
He nuzzled your chest, and you almost swore you could feel him smile against your shirt. “I love you, MC…” he mumbled, just loud enough for you to hear.
“I love you too, Azzy,” you could feel yourself smiling uncontrollably. He was just too sweet, and smelled too good. He trusted you so wholly it was almost intoxicating, and he wasn’t even conscious enough to realize what he was doing to you.
“Happy birthday, my love,” you planted another kiss on his hairline, lingering there for a moment before resting your chin atop his head. His legs moved to tangle with yours, a thigh resting atop one of yours and nestling itself in between your legs, and another one wrapped around your waist. He nuzzled into you once again before his hand dug under your shirt, drawing slow circles into your back.
You hugged him tighter, his soft hair tickling your face as he hummed in contentment.
In that moment, he knew he loved you. And you knew you loved him, more deeply than anyone could ever comprehend.
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Now and Forever
I felt alr so i decided to write this to make up for not posting for a while^ it took like half an hour to write so forgive any mistakes/the story being kinda bad lmao- hope you enjoy :’)
Lesson 16
Belphie x GN!MC
MC is not so lovingly called a human several times
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The human was gullible. Naïve. Belphegor knew this, and yet.. 
The gleam in their eyes when they saw he had been freed from his cage… The genuine happiness. It was sickening. Almost unbelievable—it must be a ruse of some kind.
How could a human—a meaningless speck of dust in the grand scheme of things, expected to live at most 90 years, maybe more depending on how they spend their life—have such compassion towards demons? Towards him?
Belphegor saw the betrayal in their eyes. The fear. He watched as they begged. As they cried for him to let them go—for him to spare their life. And he hadn’t.
They—A being so young compared to him and his brothers—Had given their all, and ultimately given everything for his family.
They who his brothers had mourned. Belphegor watched as Mammon sobbed over the human’s dead body. As he pleaded for them to wake up.
Belphegor could sense the love they had for the human. How could his brothers pick the side of the vermin instead of him? He had at least expected Beelzebub to side with him… But Belphegor watched as his beloved twin stared in hatred, teary eyed, at the one who had murdered their beloved human.
That being… Belphegor.
His brothers all stared in hatred. In disgust at him. And when they took their final breath, when they closed their eyes for the final time in Mammon’s arms, he could see the pure unbridled rage in his eyes. Belphegor had taken something from him.
Belphegor had taken his MC.
They were his, not Belphegor’s to hurt. To kill.
They belonged to all 5 brothers who had made pacts with them; and had hoped to belong to a 6th as well. The brothers who had grown to love the human that seemed to bring light to the infinite darkness of the Devildom.
But now they were gone. In an instant they were lost. Like waking up from a pleasant dream. They’re gone forever. They’re never coming back.
Åńd įt’ś āłl ÿøûr fãult.
Belphie shot up, breathing heavily, his eyes shot around the room, as he slowly recognized the room as the very human’s who was splayed across Mammon’s lap dying seemingly minutes before.
“Belphie?” The sweet voice rang in his ears like a bell. He looked over to see the human sitting up next to him, eyes glazed in sleepiness and worry.
He reached out to cup their face with his palm, letting out a breath he hadn’t known he’d been holding in until now.
After what seemed like an eternity, (but really couldn’t have been more than a few seconds) they hugged him and combed their fingers through his hair comfortingly, while whispering sweet reassurances; plastering the occasional kiss on his jaw.
Belphie felt their shoulder getting wet with tears he hadn’t realized he had shed. He felt weak. He was weak. The human lovingly pet the avatar as he whimpered shakey apologies.
He didn’t deserve this. He didn’t deserve anything. He had brutally beaten and killed the very being that sat and held him, and yet they didn’t recoil. They didn’t make any indication that they didn’t want to be here for him.
“I forgave you years ago, Belphie.” The human smiled sweetly as they placed another soft kiss in the crook of his neck, aiming for the sensitive spot that always made him scrunch up. He felt overwhelmed by your love. It was unconditional. Intoxicating. Precious.
His eyes felt heavy after some time, swollen from crying. He finally understood his brothers’ love for you. Their precious human… You were here. You were safe. You were alive. And most importantly; you were his.
Now and forever.
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Chapter 1: And A Very Happy Birthday To You
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Wish Upon A Star is an Obey Me series where the player, AKA Yuki, is transported into the world of Obey Me on their 18th birthday.
• OC (they’re very heavily based on MC with some creative liberties taken on my part, I just couldn’t bare to make an entire series using you/your pronouns, sorry)
• They/Them pronouns, no mention of physical gender/privates lmao
• Mentions of main character being 18
• Bad parental figures
• Isekai AU
A/N: Hayy~ Idk what came over me but I suddenly had motivation after months of not having a single drop… Anyways, I’ve been working on birthday content for Asmo and will be posting several things for my darling tmrrw<3 Also, do you like the banner I made for this series? Idk if it’s bad or not, but I like it, so that must count for something, right? (⁎⁍̴̆Ɛ⁍̴̆⁎)
The young teen sat at their kitchen counter, smiling softly as they listened to their favorite characters sing their praises and happy birthday wishes. ‘Finally,’ they thought as they stuck a single candle into their chocolate cupcake with bright blue frosting. It wasn’t a fancy cupcake, just one they had bought for a few dollars from a local convenience store, but it meant the world.
Tonight, at exactly 12:00 AM, Yuki would blow out the candle and wish themselves a happy 18th birthday.
Today was the day Yuki would finally be rid of it all. They would finally be able to move out of the dump they called a home, or rather, their mother called a home. Yuki’s mother had never really been with them. They lived together sure, but they rarely saw each other. Yuki’s mother was unemployed and partied all night long on most nights. She depended solely on Yuki’s meager earnings from their job as a cashier at Burger Queen.
Yuki sighed and turned towards their phone, the dim light and soft music coming from the speakers brought a wave of comfort over them, pulling them back from their thoughts.
They glanced at the time quickly before lighting their candle and blowing it out, their light breath a soft whisper of hope amidst the ashes of heart break and betrayal the world Yuki lived in was littered with.
“I wish that I had a harem of demons, just like in Obey Me,” Yuki muttered under their breath, a sigh that was intended to be a small laugh but ended up coming out as a dejected moan escaping their lips.
In an act of desperation, Yuki pushed themself up and off of the barstool they were planted on, cupcake in tow, before unceremoniously tossing it into the open lidded trash can. ‘There goes my hopes and dreams,’ Yuki thought to themself before grabbing their device and trudging back to their room.
“Lucifer,” a voice muttered, echoing through the large chamber where they stood.
“Hm,” the silver haired man hummed in acknowledgement.
“It’s their birthday today,” rang out the voice.
“I’m aware.”
A short silence overtook the two before Lucifer spoke again, “You don’t think this will be overwhelming for them, Diavolo?”
Lucifer heard a chuckle from the red haired demon, followed by the tapping of footsteps on the hard tile. “Worried about them, are you?” He asked, “How very unlike the Avatar of Pride.”
Lucifer hummed yet again, his voice bounced off the large hall in a low purr, “Humans are fickle creatures. I wouldn’t want to send them into shock,” he said bluntly.
“Of course. You’re not the only one who cares for them, you know?”
“Yes, I know.”
Diavolo smirked and placed a hand on his friend’s shoulder before looking out onto the lake from the window they were stood in front of. “They say that a star falls every time a human makes a wish,” he started, and a bright light shot across the sky, illuminating the water and causing ripples to shine within it. It was so bright it could almost serve as the Devildom’s own personal sun. “The brighter it is, the stronger the human’s desire.”
Lucifer thought for a moment before turning to lock eyes with the red haired demon, “Why are you saying this?”
“Because that star was Yuki’s.”
Yuki plopped down on their bed, their head resting briskly onto their pillow. They opened their phone yet again and were met with the soft purr of their favorite boy’s voice as the game loaded, and they let out a sigh of relief. The corners of their lips curled up into a smirk before they let themselves close their eyes.
Listening to the title music always made them so sleepy… And Lucifer’s voice certainly wasn’t helping. They held their phone to their chest, letting the soft tune lull them to sleep.
Beep Beep Beep
Yuki woke up with a start as their alarm blared right in their face. They quickly moved to shut it up, wiping the stream of stray drool from their chin before checking the time: 7:50 AM. Oh shit. They were late to school! Yuki jumped out of bed, scrambling to find some clothes to wear. They settled on a comfy oversized shirt and some baggy sweat pants. They really didn’t feel like dressing up today… Not that they ever did.
Yuki noted the bus pulling up at the stop across the road before they grabbed for their favorite ring, picked up their bag, and made off for the door.
“Mammon! Get up dumbass, we’re gonna be late!” Shouted an exasperated sloth who always hitched a ride with his older brother since he was unable to take a drivers test for himself since he fell asleep every time, along with a certain glutton that rode with them as-well because Mammon never failed to have snacks nestled in between the seat cushions of his car.
“Okay, okay!” Mammon shouted through the loud pounding on his door. He picked up his DDD, glancing at the time: 7:50 AM. Shit.
Mammon scrambled to throw his uniform on, grumbling angrily as he struggled to get all the complicated buttons and straps settled comfortably on his body before he grabbed his bag and headed out the door.
Yuki sighed as they sat down on the bus, close to the front so they didn’t have to deal with anyone unsavory. They always liked to grind Obey Me in the mornings, and it was hard when they had other people making fun of them for playing a silly dating game.
They tapped the screen idly, grinning at Lucifer’s grumbles about ‘not being a morning demon.’
They dragged an apple from the gift menu to give him, mirroring his soft smile upon receiving the treat.
“Hey, mind if I sit here?”
Yuki could feel a migraine coming on from the question. They really didn’t have the energy for this today.
“Uh, sure,” they answered, picking their bag up off the seat next to them and placing it on the floor before glancing back at their screen at the blushing Lucifer eagerly awaiting more pets and gifts. Yuki heard the shuffle of the other person sitting next to them, and they could feel unease plague their emotions as they felt themself being stared at.
“So, Lucifer’s your favorite?” The voice asked, effectively pulling Yuki out of their trance. Their eyes stayed fixed on Lucifer as the surprise guest ended, and they watched the screen fade back into the game’s Home Screen.
“Oh, uhm. I guess you could say that,” they answered, “I didn’t know anyone who went to this school played Obey Me.”
“Ah, my apologies. I don’t actually play the game myself, I just happen to know Lucifer personally.”
Yuki looked up, flabbergasted at the strange response. They locked eyes with the person and studied his brown eyes. That with his pale skin and white hair, mixed with the black vest and undershirt with a cream colored jacket to top everything off.
“Woah,” they muttered, almost inaudibly. “So you don’t play the game, and yet you’re still a cosplayer?” They remarked skeptically.
“Cosplayer? Oh, this,” the all too obvious Solomon ‘cosplayer’ hummed. “I hate to break it to you, but this isn’t a cosplay,” He grinned mischievously.
“Sure, sure. Man, you even have the poses down,” Yuki said, completely in awe of the detail on the ‘costume.’
Solomon glanced at his hand that Yuki was staring at which was in the air in a wave.
“Whenever Sol does that pose in game, I always think he wants a high-five,” Yuki giggled, looking back fondly on the memories of tapping Solomon’s hand lovingly.
“Sol? What a cute nickname. I have to say I’m honored to receive one from you, Yuki,” Solomon said with a smile.
“…Huh?” Yuki blinked at him before glancing outside of the bus for a moment, attempting to make sense of this situation. “Sorry, how do you know my name?”
Solomon chuckled lightly before answering, “It’s merely something I picked up in passing.”
“Oh. Okay…?” Yuki looked down at their phone screen again, noting Lucifer’s pouty face. ‘Are you neglecting me on purpose so I’ll pine for you?’ It read, and Yuki immediately felt bad for leaving him for so long. They tapped his shoulder softly and his pout turned into his normal resting face as he prattled on about Diavolo. ‘Typical,’ they thought.
“He’s rather cute on the little screen like that,” Solomon noted, “He looks so vulnerable standing there.”
‘Oh right, this guy’s still here,’ Yuki thought annoyedly.
“Mind if I tap him?” The sorcerer asked with a grin. Truth be told, Yuki didn’t really like other people to touch their stuff, but it was just one tap, right?
“Oh, uh.. Sure?” They answered.
Solomon reached over and lightly poked Lucifer on the shoulder, just as Yuki had done earlier.
Just as he had done that Lucifer’s head fell and his eyebrows furrowed, as he prattled on about how untrustworthy Solomon is.
Yuki held in a laugh at the message, glancing over at Solomon to see his reaction.
Classically, he looked rather taken aback, unsure what to think about it.
“Seems he isn’t very fond of you, huh?” Yuki laughed, and Solomon merely glared playfully at the teen.
‘Maybe this guy isn’t so bad after all…?’
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Small tip: filter/search “#asmotheavatarofhornytm” on my blog to only see longer fics/etc... <3
also; all my mini fics/hcs (under 1000* words) will be tagged with: “#asmoshowerthoughts”
and all posts where i just talk with the lovely people who send me messages will be tagged with “#asmolovesyou”
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AST Masterlist {coming soon}
Req Rules
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