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Asmo dressing up as Ozzie
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clandestinemeeting · 1 year
No Asmo event? :(
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obey-my-headcanons · 2 years
Greetings, dear exchange students...
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Welcome to another Obey Me! Headcanon blog!
This blog is just a hobby of a college student, so don't expect some extraordinary posts or routine. Just some silly ideas about our favorite immortal beings. Probably this blog will have a lot of errors and mistakes because I'm not used to maintaining a blog but whatever.
Of course you can help this database of headcanon to grow, and that's why this post is here: to show the rules and the respective tags:
This is a friendly space, any type of discrimination or predatory attitude are prohibited.
No need to say this is a safe space to ANYONE in the LGBTQ+ community. And as a safe space, I have to make clear: NO LEWDING LUKE! Also, we don't accept demoncest headcanons.
This blog is headcanon focused, not a writing blog.
If you want to see a written scenario about your ideas, sorry. This is not the space. But if you send a small paragraph with a little scene, it's still possible to share here.
NSFW is still a debate...
Be mindful we're only having fun here
For the sinners out there who like some spicy stuff... it's still uncertain. If this blog gets open to accepting NSFW headcanons, this page will be updated stating such. For now, only suggestive stuff will be acceptable. (And carefully examined)
Remember there are minors in the Fandom!
I don't think I need to say this, but just in case: headcanons are not canon. It's just our beliefs about a certain character or media for fun or to grow empathy for a character. That's the whole point of this page!
No fighting or attacking other because of headcanons or because that info is not canon. This is called "headcanon database" for a reason.
Tag system:
Basic tags-
#Obey me!
#obey me! headcanons
Character focused tags-
Overworld tag-
#Three Realms
Owner talking tag-
#The Sheep Talks
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slayersins · 4 months
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i wanted him to eat cake on his birthday,sorry asmo….i'm abandoning this work and redo it later differently, but i'm putting on this failed attempt on my blog anyway because..i tried!! at least
Anyways, Asmo in this top…..that’s all that matters 💕
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Pspspspspsps do you have any HCs for IK babysitting the little guys
okay keep in mind i don't actually know what happened in that kid pop quiz, so this is the literal premise of "these got turned into little primary school boys".
how i imagine this happening: satan + solomon are brewing some dastardly potion and asmo + simeon come in to chat with/ask them about what's going on. lucifer walks in, gets highly suspicious and tries to intervene, solomon accidentally drops something into the cauldron, and then it's hiss, BANG, child
i'll put the boys at around 7 years old both physically and mentally - they retain their usual memories, but they're kind of vague and hand-wavey about what exactly they remember - so they recognise everyone they're meant to but don't know why in particular
the potion going BANG happens at the rad and prof baal is down the hall, so they (attracted by the sound of explosions, their one true love) quickly show up
when they open the door there are five little boys sitting around in various states of shock. solomon turns around and sees this crazy-looking adult in with big glowing goggles and spiky hair, and also has the distinct feeling he's done something wrong, and subsequently starts crying
this sets asmo off, which sets simeon off, which makes satan angry so now he's loudly scolding them for crying for no reason
lucifer just sits there silently, apparently trying to process everything in his now significantly smaller brain
prof baal can only do one thing. leave
and call diavolo
who calls ik because he can't get the boys to stop crying, and when asked for help barbatos just inadvertently made solomon cry more
eventually ik, reeling somewhat, gets them all calmed down and ascertains what happened
unfortunately the two main guys who would be able to figure out a reverse potion are little boys now. so diavolo takes the issue to wiz and ik continues to hang out with the kids
it's. fun?? it's also incredibly jarring
big news! wiz is going to need at least a weekend to analyse the remains of the potion and reverse engineer its effects! the kids are going to have to stay at the castle in the mean time!
so let's get to know them:
lucifer: very serious and earnest - tries to act mature and rein the others in, which is mostly ineffective. likes having his hand held but won't admit it. very particular about keeping himself neat and gets annoyed when he feels he's being talked down to. spends most of his time quietly following ik around.
satan: closer to 6yo and very energetic - runs around exploring things, crawls into whatever spaces he can fit into to. his lucifer-grudge manifests in one of those kiddie rivalries where he has to prove he's the COOLEST one. likes to be read to when he's calm, dislikes it heavily when lucifer is praised in front of him
simeon: just the sweetest little guy... very smiley and bright, seeks approval to an almost worrying degree, kind of clumsy. a little shy around the other boys but super outgoing with the grown-ups (and ik + luke), tries to help out even when he doesn't know what he's doing, and consequently breaks things
solomon: also very energetic, very loudly curious, asks a lot of questions but is moving too fast to actually hear the answers. one of those kids with grabby hands and very little sense of personal space. also keeps having magic accidents because he's not great at controlling his powers in this state
asmo: cheerful but also very blunt and honest with his words. cries quite easily but is also easily consoled; enjoys playing make-believe and dress-up, but very insistent that you do it HIS way. likes being carried around and gets a little crabby if he doesn't get attention for too long
the others are involved in looking after the boys as well but i'm just going to focus on ik for brevity's sake
ik has at least three of the kids surrounding her at all times
at any given moment, at least one of them wants to be carried. another one has something cool to give her. another one wants her to follow them and look at something. lucifer is probably still clinging to her hand the entire time.
the other boys play. lucifer reads a little bit, tries to tell them off, then spends the rest of his time walking around and looking for ik so that she will hold his hand. nevertheless he will look away when asked about this and insist it's nothing
solomon spends a not insignificant amount of time trying to cause as much trouble for barbatos as possible - he's clearly conspiring with some of the little ds as well - and forces ik to go on constant tours around the castle with him so that he can ask her questions at a billion miles per hour
he keeps pointing at things and accidentally making them explode or erupt into flames, or trying to conjure pretty lights and instead summoning bats
he walks into the kitchen with a massive rat in his hands and barbatos almost bodily hurls him out of the window
satan can sprint around the entire castle (including up and down the towers) before he exhausts himself, and he is the bane of lucifer's seven year old life because he will not stop BOTHERING him
satan can theoretically still read at his usual level but he 1. can't sit still long enough do so and 2. now lacks the neural power to comprehend super complex paragraphs, so when he tuckers himself out, he makes ik read him super morbid history books from the castle library
(lucifer is there too, sitting cross-legged and listening solemnly. when satan gets squeamish or spooked he looks at lucifer and reminds himself that he MUST get a better grade in scary stories than him)
(inevitably satan falls asleep and ik will let lucifer pick a book to switch to. when satan wakes up he is inevitably very mad about this)
asmo REFUSES to exert his little legs on the castle steps, so ik has to carry him, never mind the fact that she is also not very well equipped to be taking those stairs
ik plays house with him and pretends to be a little old grandpa, which delights asmo to no end
ik brushes out his hair and he insists on returning the favour, and then tangles a bunch of ornaments in her hair because he thinks it'll look pretty
sometimes he walks into things and cries even if it didn't hurt at all because he likes being fussed over
simeon's just happy to be here!
he tries to help the little ds with chores but mostly just undos their progress (and trips himself down the stairs in the process)
he likes being doted on but doesn't know how to express that, so instead he'll follow ik around, looking at her with these really big hopeful eyes
the boys like to play tag or hide-n-seek in the castle gardens, though the grounds are so extensive that they will inevitably get lost
lucifer has a knack for finding them - he'll silently slip off while ik and barbatos are wondering what to do, and come back with everyone in tow like a border collie herding sheep
when he's finally persuaded into joining their games, satan pushes him into a pond and then immediately tattles on himself because he feels bad
ik gets them to hold hands until they've made up (and barbatos takes a picture that both satan and lucifer will hunt him down for once they're back to normal)
they make fairy cakes together and asmo's decorations are 1. a flower, 2. himself, 3. a cat, 4. himself again, and 5. someone getting their head chopped off????
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mallowdarling · 4 months
Happy birthday, Asmobaby!
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Gotta love him <3 Love him right now. Not asking.
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ryminsteddiesashanne · 9 months
Rating Obey Me character's Devilgram usernames
Incredibly boring but informative 1/10
Kinda funny 6/10
It looks like the name of a kpop group 31/10
Stupid, I love it 5/10
I'm glad he's aware of how baby he is 7/10
Better than Lucifer's 3/10
As bad as Lucifer's, but i like belphie more 2/10
I hate it 0/10
The abbreviation of his name is cute 6/10
Pretty good for his dysfunctional relationship with technology 4/10
He's adorable (platonic) 7/10
Is it like Han Solo, or is he just weird? 6/10
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daytaker · 9 months
The Boys Roleplay As Themselves
mammoney: (This is a CLOSED scenario for me and my bros! Y'all can read it if you want to though. I'm gonna kick things off! @Lucifer @L3V1 @stn @AsmoBaby @Beelzeburger @Belphie) 8 ♡ DDSimeon and 7 others
mammoney:  It was 11 PM, and the Devildom was sparkling. Thousands of demons were lined up outside the hottest club south of Antarctica: Mammonteque. At the front of the line stood six of the most powerful, most intimidating, and most attractive demons you’ve ever seen, and even though the club didn’t open until midnight, the bouncer stepped aside and let them in.
“What? That’s so unfair!” shouted the demon behind them. 
But the bouncer shook his head, unmoved. “Orders from the top,” he said. Then, smirking, he added, “Clearly you didn’t recognize those guys. Must be embarrassing for you.”
Inside the club, the demons, who were all dressed in suits with boas, sunglasses, and fedoras, looked around. Just as they expected, this place was opulence itself. Golden fountains spouting gold-flake infused water. A gold disco ball hanging from the ceiling. Even the floor was made of intricately carved gold tiles.
“Obviously, Mammon is even wealthier than last time we stopped by,” said the oldest demon, looking around over his sunglasses. He quickly put them back on because the glow from the gold was too intense for him to handle.
“Wow, I never would have guessed Mammon would be as good at interior design as I am, but he proved me wrong!” said another of the demons. He was wearing heart-shaped sunglasses and a bright pink feather boa, and his fedora was covered in sequins.
Another of the demons was already stuffing his face at the buffet. Luckily, the wily Mammon had seen this coming and installed a machine that pumped out an unlimited supply of cheeseburgers.
“Seeing how successful Mammon is makes me proud to have him for a big brother,” said a demon with blue hair and a Ruri-chan body pillow.
“And speak of the devil,” the oldest said, smiling as he looked over at the entrance. 
A stretch-limousine painted gold pulled up to the front of the club. Demons began to scream and cheer as the door opened. Out stepped Mammon, who looked even more handsome than usual. You-Know-Who was clinging to his arm, staring up at him like he was the greatest being in all three worlds.  6 ♡ AsmoBaby and 5 others
stn: As Mammon approached the entrance to his club, the six demons in attendance greeted him with the coolness one might expect from Hell’s most corrupt oligarchs. The identities of these demons were as follows:
Lucifer: former angel, Avatar of Pride, traitor to the Celestial Realm, now the right-hand demon to and a massive simp for Diavolo: former ruler of the Devildom; magnanimous and crafty, with a tendency to act far stupider than he truly is Leviathan: gamer, miserable to be out in public, suffering a migraine and angry that he’s missing the latest episode of his favorite magical girl anime Asmodeus: party devil, narcissist, and self-proclaimed cutest demon in the Devildom Beelzebub: gluttonous gym rat with a heart of gold and a stomach of lead, and Belphegor: who was asleep.
Mammon himself was the Avatar of Greed, and as such, he lacked any ability to control his need to amass material wealth. This being the case, he had recently upset the political order of the Devildom with a massive coup, ousting the far more competent Diavolo from autocratic power in favor of the corrupt cabal now gathered together in this gaudy anteroom.
Mammon looked at his guests while You-Know-Who wandered off, searching for somewhere, anywhere, that didn’t hurt to look at.
“Somebody’s missin’,” observed the club owner.
“A very astute observation, Young Master,” said Mammon’s butler, Barbatos, condescendingly. He had come with the deed to the Demon Lord’s castle. “You may have forgotten, but your dear brother Satan declined your offer to participate in your sham of a government, citing the proven incompetence of yourself and your brothers as the reason.”
“Oh, right,” Mammon said with chagrin. “Damn that Satan, always stickin’ to his principles instead of sellin’ out like the rest of us clowns. Hey, where’d You-Know-Who go?”
“Ah,” said Barbatos with the nod of a man forced to act as the bearer of bad news. “That noble personage appears to have fled. It seems your company became too odious to tolerate.”
“That can only mean one thing,” Mammon said, his eyes widening as the realization struck him. “You-Know-Who ran off to find Satan, since he’s obviously the better catch.” 2 ♡ LordDiavolo and Belphie
L3V1: Or so he thought. Little did Mammon realize that You-Know-Who wasn’t remotely interested in Satan. Instead, the unassuming third-born got a message on his DDD. Stealing away from the crowd, he opened up the text. It read:
“Levi, I think you know who this is. I’m so sorry it’s taken me so long. But you know it was always you. Come find me where we shared our first kiss.”
mammoney: (What the hell do you mean your first kiss???) 4 ♡ Belphie and 3 others
L3V1: (I didn’t interrupt you, asshole!)
Levi gripped his DDD with newfound resolve. He had no interest in the political machinations of his brothers and Diavolo. That part of the plot was boring and honestly too high stakes for what was supposed to be a story about a nightclub. So, slipping away from the others, Levi sneaked out through the back exit and ran for the field of flowers where he and You-Know-Who had shared a few stolen moments of tenderness. 1 ♡ LordDiavolo
Belphie: Poor Levi. He didn’t even realize that the text was sent by Solomon, who was out to troll him. As Leviathan ran off to meet with his only true love (the bitter feeling of disappointment), the youngest of the brothers yawned and looked around, assessing the situation. 
He was at a luxurious club, owned and operated by his scummy brother Mammon. He was in the company of his brothers, minus Satan and now Levi, and Diavolo and Barbatos were there too. You-Know-Who might have been there for a minute or two, but they were long gone by now, and there were hundreds of screaming demons in line, hoping for entrance to the club.
“Maybe we should have our political talks somewhere less noisy,” Belphie suggested. It was a very reasonable suggestion, so none of the other demons could really argue with him.
The seven demons piled into the golden limo outside the entrance and drove away to a less obnoxious scene. 2 ♡ stn and Beelzeburger
AsmoBaby: Except, oh no!!! The limo ran over a bunch of tacks and the tires deflated before they could get very far from the club! They had no choice but to come back. Besides, Asmodeus hadn’t gotten the chance to greet the crowds, and who knows what kind of chaos it would cause if the people learned their idol had left without offering them so much as a wave and heart fingers?
“Asmo! Asmo! Asmo!” chanted the crowd as the demons climbed back out of the limo.
“Hello, everyone!” cried Asmo with an adorable grin, waving back to the demons. They cheered more wildly than ever! Some of them even fainted when he made heart fingers. Demons all over were pulling out their DDDs and snapping photos of the most beautiful demon to ever walk the streets of hell. 2 ♡ LordDiavolo and mammoney
Beelzeburger: Beelzebub was still eating at the unlimited cheeseburger machine. He was enjoying himself. Every time I swallowed a cheeseburger, another one appeared in my hands and I ate that one too. They had relish and pickles and tomatoes and onions and mustard and ketchup on them, and I drooled just thinking about it. But not for long, because I didn’t have to think about it for more than a second or two before another cheeseburger materialized in my hands. I kept eating the cheeseburgers for the rest of the night and well into the morning. 1 ♡ Belphie
mammoney: (Beel, this was supposed to be in the third person!) 1 ♡ L3V1
Beelzeburger: (Oh, right. Sorry. I got a little caught up in my character.) 1 ♡ Belphie
monSOLO: After pulling that prank on Levi, Solomon met up with You-Know-Who at their planned rendezvous point. 
“It looks like the Devildom is entering some pretty politically tumultuous waters,” Solomon said with a chuckle. “Perhaps we’d be better off returning to the human world for the time being.”
Having agreed to this, Solomon and You-Know-Who clasped hands and vanished from the Devildom for at least the next six months or so.
mammoney: (??? What? This was a brothers only event!)
monSOLO: :) 
mammoney: (I’m retconning that whole bit. Somebody else go while I figure out how to delete it.) 1 ♡ stn
stn: Meanwhile, at the House of Lamentation…
Satan assessed the political machinations of his brothers as logically as he could. He knew that Mammon had no real interest in power; he wanted the glamor, not the responsibility. So who could possibly be the mastermind behind the acquisition of power by the second born?
It was all too obvious.
Lucifer had been playing everyone for fools–the contract lawyers of the Devildom, his brothers, even Lord Diavolo himself. Only Satan, ever wary of Lucifer’s intentions, was able to see past his lies.
Gathering together the power of all thirty-nine of his cat familiars, Satan stood at the window facing the Mammonteque club and uttered a curse so foul and forbidden that I dare not repeat it here. And at the nightclub several miles away, Lucifer dropped to the ground, an empty husk. 2 ♡ Belphie and L3V1
Belphie: “Lucifer, no!” cried Diavolo. Giant tears flooded down his face as he clutched the body of his beloved advisor and probable traitor.
“Rip,” said Levi, who had returned to the club after realizing no one was waiting for him at the field of flowers. “Rest in pieces, big bro.”
“Who could have done this?” sobbed Lord Diavolo.
“I have no idea,” said Belphie, who had an idea. But he wasn’t about to sell out his fellow Anti-Luciferian. 2 ♡ Beelzeburger and stn
Lucifer: How long do you intend to embarrass yourselves like this?
AsmoBaby: (OOC comments are in brackets, Lucifer~) 3 ♡ Belphie and 2 others
Lucifer:  Why have I been killed off after being implicated as the mastermind behind a coup to remove Lord Diavolo from power?
Belphie:  (¯\_(ツ)_/¯) 2 ♡ stn and monSOLO
stn: (I didn’t realize creativity was forbidden in this home.)
stn: (I suppose it’s my own fault for not assuming my writing would face unfair censorship.) 1 ♡ AsmoBaby
mammoney: (Okay, listen, I’ve been real tolerant of you all bunglin’ around and makin’ this whole damn activity a laughing stock, EVEN after I went out of my way to make all your characters look cool, but Lucifer, are you really gonna torch this whole thing just because of somethin’ like that?) 4 ♡ L3V1 and 3 others
Lucifer: A one month ban from Devilgram for all of you seems like a reasonable punishment. 1 ♡ monSOLO
Belphie: Are you serious?
AsmoBaby: This is so unfair! I didn’t even write any of the seditious stuff! 1 ♡ Beelzeburger
L3V1: Lmao I hate this family… 3 ♡ stn and 2 others
stn: @Belphie, would you meet me in the observatory? I have something I’d like to discuss with you. 1 ♡ Belphie
Lucifer: If I catch any of you on Devilgram within the next thirty days, I will suspend your account indefinitely. @mammoney @L3V1 @stn @AsmoBaby @Beelzeburger @Belphie 1 ♡ monSOLO
LordDiavolo: What a shame. I was enjoying the story.
(Cross-posted on AO3.)
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asm0b4by · 22 days
asmobaby is the cutest username (≧◡≦) ♡
Of course it is, it’s me! And you are the cutest anon 💞
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delphi-dreamin · 1 year
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I Just Wanna Be (The Girl You Like)
[Stream 8]
It's time~
Characters: MC!Delphi, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Lucifer
Relationships: Delphi x Asmo, Delphi x Lucifer (mutual pining)
Word Count: 1.7k
Warnings: Series typical warnings
Notes: Guys, I'mma be honest, I don't feel like going through this again for warnings. It's nothing that y'all haven't already seen here. I was gonna wait to post this until I had the next chapter done, but I don't honestly know when that'll be. The big sad has hit hard, so...
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Saturday – Evening
OracleDelphi and AsmoBaby are online
“How are you feeling, darling?” Asmo asks, rubbing her arm.
Delphi sits at his vanity, her heart racing as Beel finishes up the last checks on their lights and cameras. It doesn’t help that the lingerie she chose for the actual stream is a sturdy corset. She’d worn it a couple of times to try to relax the fabric a bit, but it still does its job admirably. At the moment, it feels like its cutting off her ability to breathe. Or is that the nerves?
“I feel like I can’t breathe,” she admits, trying to adjust the corset.
“Do we need to loosen your laces?” the Avatar of Lust muses, his hands drifting to her back where the corset laces are tied in a neat bow.
Delphi shakes her head. “I don’t know if it’s the corset or the panic attack I feel like I’m going to have.”
She feels herself breaking out in a cold sweat, her stomach churning and her vision beginning to darken at the edges.
“Okay, the corset is coming off,” Asmo says, nimbly undoing the bow and beginning to loosen the ties. It takes more time than he’d like to get the garment loose enough to remove, but when she undoes the busk, he can feel her relax and slump beneath him.
“Is that better?” he asks, placing his hands on her shoulders.
“I think so,” Delphi replies, placing a hand over her chest. “I can at least get in a full breath now.”
“Take some deep breaths, okay, hon?” Asmo soothes, gently rubbing her back. “What do you need?”
She sighs, looking over to Beel who gives her a thumbs-up. She then turns back to Asmo and asks, “Do we have to do an intro? Could we just…start fucking and then start rolling? I think if I have to talk, I’ll puke.”
Asmo grins at her, taking her chin between his thumb and forefinger and tilting her head back to look at him. “I love it when you’re direct, darling. How about I record an intro that Beel can play at the start of the stream, and then he can go to the live feed after it’s finished?”
“But wouldn’t Beel have to be here during the stream for that?” She hopes her wavering voice doesn’t sound as uncertain as she feels.
“I don’t mind if you don’t,” the Avatar of Gluttony chimes in, giving her a kind smile. “I’m gonna be watching the stream anyway as a mod. I can stay and play Asmo’s intro, then leave after.”
“Aw, Beel!” Asmo croons. “Wouldn’t you rather have a front-row seat?”
Delphi watches with a sly smirk as Beel’s face reddens.
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Delphi sighs, violet eyes rolling back as long, slender fingers slide out of her and are replaced with the blunt, leaking tip of Asmo’s cock.
“Hi-hi! Asmobaby here! Welcome darlings, kittens, and new friends to the special collab stream between OracleDelphi and yours truly! It’s going to be a treat for you all! So grab your favorite toys and settle in! We love you all!”
She’s faintly aware of the soft tapping of Beel’s fingers on the keys of her laptop and the blinking of the red indicator lights on the cameras, but all she can focus on is the slow, sweet drag of Asmo’s shaft against her fluttering walls. He pushes into her so slowly that she can feel the pulsing vein that runs up the side of his thick cock.
She has goosebumps by the time he’s fully sheathed inside her, lowering onto his forearms to press a kiss to her forehead.
“Are you ready to put on a show, darling?” Asmo whispers next to her ear, grinning at her shiver.
“Oh, baby,” she croons, “let’s make it one they’ll never forget.”
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Almost by reflex, Lucifer opens his laptop and follows his desktop link to Delphi's stream. He puts away the document he was working on as it loads, completely missing the banner with his brother’s face on the page. He's ready to settle in when a loud moan catches his attention and his gaze flies to the screen.
There, in HD, is Delphi with her back to the camera straddling Asmodeus and riding him like her life depends on it. Heat floods his cheeks and Lucifer considers briefly closing the stream out and going to bed. But then there's a quiet click in the background of the video and she turns to face the camera. Her expression makes him throb.
Her violet irises are rolled back, her usually neat brows pinched, and her swollen lips parted as whines and moans slip from them, honey-sweet to his ears. The way she rolls her hips, the jiggle of her ass as they meet his brother’s, the way her shoulders squeeze together as she holds Asmo’s hands where they’re kneading at her breasts, it’s mesmerizing. And as much as he hates himself for it, as much as it churns his stomach to do, he finds himself settling back in his chair, his hand resting on the buckle of his belt.
“Oh fuck, baby,” she moans through his laptop speaker, and Lucifer can’t help the choked groan that rises in his throat.
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Beel snaps his fingers as quietly as he possibly can, just trying to get her attention as subtly as possible. Delphi disguises the look over her shoulder by throwing her hair back and running a hand through it. She smirks when he gives her a thumbs-up, her eyes rolling back and a moan spilling from her delicate throat.
The sixth-born sits back in his seat, the flush rising in his cheeks and spreading its warmth down clear to the pit of his stomach. With the message passed on that Delphi’s mystery admirer is watching, his job is done. He runs his hand down his chest, fingers toying at the waistband of his joggers. He hadn't been sure if Asmo had been joking about the front row seat, but actually being in it?
Her moans echo through the room, going straight to his cock. He doesn’t think as he undoes the drawstring of his pants and slips his hand inside.
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“Oh, fuck-! Baby I’m gonna-“
“Come for me, beautiful,” Asmo breathes into her ear, dragging her earlobe between his teeth with a soft growl.
She cries out his name as she’s blinded by white-hot pleasure coursing through her veins. And it doesn’t stop. He continues his agonizing pace, caressing that spot deep within her that sends sparks shooting through her every nerve, lighting her synapses on fire as the waves of her orgasm only intensify. She reaches back for the headboard to steady herself, but Asmo catches her wrists and pins them above her head, angling himself so that he can snake his other hand between their bodies and circle her puffy clit with one long finger.
The force of her multiple orgasms brings tears to her eyes and she arches into his touch as they roll down her cheeks. She can barely catch her breath, she can’t even form words through the haze of bliss.
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Lucifer growls deep in his chest, disgust and shame roiling hot in his belly as he fists his cock to the sweet sounds of her ecstasy echoing through his otherwise quiet office. But he can’t look away. He’s completely absorbed in every little sound Asmo pulls from her, cataloguing and filing away what he did to cause each one.
Lucifer so desperately wants to be the one making her make those sounds. He imagines it’s his lips on her neck, kissing and biting her until she’s writhing and begging for more. He pictures the glow of her skin in the firelight in his room, the warmth of her body beneath his hands, the way her lips would form a little pout as he brings her to the very edge of bliss only to deny her release. He can see the shimmer of tears on her lashes, the wet glisten of her lips.
She cries out once more and he’s spilling all over his fist, his release nearly scorching as it splatters messily on his abs and slacks. He rests there for a moment, catching his breath, until the warmth turns to bitter regret on his tongue. He closes his laptop, his hands shaking slightly.
He shouldn’t have done this. He should have left when he said he was going to. He should have cancelled his subscription, deleted his account, and blocked the streaming site in his browser. He runs his other hand through his hair, dragging it down over his cheek and neck. He should have done a lot of things.
Instead, the memory of her moaning his name in the shower echoes in the back of his mind.
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The indicator light for the camera goes off and Asmo collapses onto Delphi, both of them giggling like schoolkids. He peppers her face with kisses, squeezing her tighter when she squeals and tries to get away. He rolls her over onto her side, falling into bed behind her and holding her close.
“That was amazing,” Beel mutters. His eyes are dark with hunger and he pulls his hand out of his waistband, cheeks burning.
Delphi grins over at him. “Did you enjoy the show, Bub?”
He shrugs, a dark smirk on his lips. “I’m not the only one. You more than doubled your combined view counts and the tips are still coming in.”
“Holy shit,” she giggles, turning to glance back at Asmo. He has a serene smile on his beautiful face as he nods.
“Did we hear anything from Delphi’s admirer?” he asks.
Beel’s smile falters. “No comments, no DMs. But he did watch the whole stream.”
Asmo nods. “That’s about what we expected, right, hon?”
“I guess,” she agrees, curling into the blankets. “Still stings, though.”
“I know, my darling,” Asmo croons, gently stroking her cheek with a single knuckle. He kisses her shoulder and squeezes her just a little tighter.
“Maybe it’s time to be more direct?” Beel suggests. He’s chewing on this thumb with his brows furrowed. “Maybe you should just…ask him about it? Who he is?”
“I can’t do that,” Delphi sighs, pulling a pillow to her chest. Her heart races and she feels a cold dread rise in the back of her throat at just the thought of confronting Wolf. She buries her face in the pillow with a frustrated groan.
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Taglist: @sassykattery @bite-sized-devil @sparkbeast20 @kyungjoon-do @attic-club-sandwich @rensphilia @consolationblog @yourboyhack @syren201 @flemmingbamse
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moimel · 1 year
Obey me as Undertale/Deltarune songs
There will be probably more parts
Feel free to add more
(sorry if there are errors, english is not my first language)
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For him, it's either Heartache or A Battle Against a True Hero (specially the part in the middle-end of the theme)
But, A Battle Against a True Hero it's really emotional (at least that's how I feel about it) so maybe it would be better if that was his fighting song (like, when he nearly kills mc lol). So, Heartache it is!
(BONUS: Inside his study (as if we were on an RPG, and we could move freely) I think the track in the background would be The Legend)
rude buster, rude buster, rude buster, rude buster, rude buster, rud-
BIG SHOT! Would be a great fit for him too. Ya know, it's because he is a big shot and greed...
(BONUS: Also, as an Honourable mention: Spear of Justice)
Berdly's theme would be a great fit for him as his “normal” theme.
Meanwhile, Smart race (which uses the same sample, but it's speed up) would be the track that sounds when he's fighting / arguing with Mammon, or overall whenever he's being more “emotional” (angry).
(BONUS: Any of Lancer's themes, I was actually in between Berdly's and Lancer's. Also, the theme that would sound in his room would be: A CYBER'S WORLD? )
Ruins would fit him. Although maybe it sounds a little out of character for some people, personally I think that it's a great match.
But just in case, here I present some other alternatives:
A Simple Diversion and It's Pronounced “Rules” and Powers combined if you perceive him as more "angry".
(BONUS: just because. For his room: My Castle Town. It fits the vibe, the song is really calm and chill, and a bit nostalgic)
What other than the most iconic theme: Death by Glamour.
But because this song it's too obvious, I'd like to add some other. Like Dating Fight! and Queen's Theme.
Ghost Fight, I can't explain, source: trust me bro.
(BONUS: For Beel and Belphie's room: Home (Music Box), since it would be pretty comforting.)
The Circus, Empty Town, Quiet Water too.
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That's all. Feel free to reblog with your own matches, I'll love to read them :)
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Lover (Asmodeus' Version)
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oh-boy-me · 2 years
Obey Me! Devilgram Posts and Comments: Doll Time/I Kid You Not
So apparently I actually had this one done and I just never posted it lol.  I made sure nothing looked horrendously wrong, but besides that I just left it my translation from back in... *checks doc history* November of 2021.  I can’t comment on this one really bc I don’t remember translating it lmao
日本語は私の第三言語ので、時々間違えます。日本語話者、間違いを見たら教えてください。 (Japanese is my third language, so I make mistakes sometimes.  Japanese speakers, if you see a mistake, please tell me!)
The full transcript is under the cut as always!
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Animal Tea Party (1)
Beelzeburger: I’m excited for the cupcakes
ButlerBarb: You were able to bake them to look delicious
Lucifer: I hope you’ll clean up properly after this
AsmoBaby: You have good taste!
#Cupcakes #TeaParty
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A Walk with Everyone!
LordDiavolo: Please take good care of Barbatos
Belphie: Mammon’s being a proper big brother
stn: Even Mammon is helpful once in a while
DDSimeon: Luke’s come to rely on you
#Walk #Childcare
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Let’s Play with Puppets
Mammoney: It doesn’t look like me at all!
LordDiavolo: If only there were a puppet of me too
L3V1: That reminds me, you gotta return that game
DDSimeon: Solomon is clever (2) even though he’s very young
#Puppets #Handicrafts
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Diavolo’s Self-Indulgent Day
ButlerBarb: Be careful and have a good day
stn: Please inconvenience Lucifer more
monSOLO: Little Diavolo is a freewheeler
Angeluke: I understand why you gave sweets
#Shopping #Balloon
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Got It! (3) Your Heart!
LordDiavolo: That game looks interesting!
stn: Isn’t my face weird?
L3V1: That was pretty good so (4)
Mammoney: Don’t go doing bothersome shit (5)
#StuffedToys #CraneGame
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Let’s Make Stuffed Toys!
AsmoBaby: That’s some surprising concentration!
ButlerBarb: Oh my, is this my influence?
Lucifer: I’m better at sewing (6)
Beelzeburger: I’ll always keep this stuffed toy with me
#StuffedToys #Handmade
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Together Forever
Angeluke: That’s a big stuffed toy
DDSimeon: Should we (7) make one for Luke next time?
Beelzeburger: I carried around the stuffed toy too much
monSOLO: Maybe I’ll try making one too next time
#StuffedToys #EmergencySurgery
1. All the card titles for the event cards are written entirely in kana!  I think this is to make it more childlike, since young children don’t know that much kanji. 2. This could also mean “skilled”. 3. So literally this is “get!” rather than “got it!”, but in Pokemon, Satoshi says this after he’s caught a pokemon, so I think the general implication is that you already got it lol 4. A lot of the time, Japanese will end colloquial sentences with things like けど (but) or し/から (so), and the rest of the sentence is implied.  We do the same in English!  Sometimes I cut it and sometimes I leave it in.  It’s really based on whether I think the character would say it, because it’s more acceptable (けど more so than し) in polite conversation in Japanese than it is in English. 5. In my absence I have gone feral.  Mammon is now allowed to curse whenever I see fit 6. I am not sure who is better at sewing (going with the localization for now, but if anyone has the card and has context let me know who it is!) but they’re better at sewing than they are at something else, not better than somebody else at sewing. 7. I’m using “we” because I don’t know who made the toy
Beelzeburger: カップケーキ楽しみだ ButlerBarb: 美味しそうに焼けましたね Lucifer: あとでちゃんと片付けるように AsmoBaby: いいセンスしてるね! #カップケーキ #ティーパーティー
LordDiavolo: バルバトスをよろしく頼むよ Belphie: マモンがちゃんとお兄ちゃんしてる stn: マモンもたまには役に立つな DDSimeon: ルークがお世話になったね #散歩 #育児
Mammoney: 全然似てねーし! LordDiavolo: 私のパペットもあればいいのに L3V1: そういやゲーム返してもらわないと DDSimeon: ソロモンは幼くても器用だね #パペット #工作
ButlerBarb: お気をつけていってらっしゃいませ stn: もっとルシファーを困らせてくれ monSOLO: 幼いディアボロは自由奔放だな Angeluke: お菓子をくれた理由がわかった #買い物 #風船
LordDiavolo: そのゲーム、面白そうだね! stn: 俺の顔、おかしくないか? L3V1: なかなか筋が良かったし Mammoney: めんどくせえことしてんなぁ #ぬいぐるみ #クレーンゲーム
AsmoBaby: そんな集中力あるの意外! ButlerBarb: おや、私の影響ですか Lucifer: 裁縫の方が才能あるんだな Beelzeburger: ぬいぐるみ、ずっと持っておく #ぬいぐるみ #手作り
Angeluke: 大きいぬいぐるみかぁ DDSimeon: 今度ルークに作ってあげようか? Beelzeburger: ぬいぐるみ、持ち歩きすぎた monSOLO: 俺も今度作ってみようかな #ぬいぐるみ #緊急手術
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spir1tfar3r · 2 years
@ my friends that have me on discord i changed my name to “asmobaby” so if you’re confused on who that is, hello GAJSGAB
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journey-to-the-attic · 8 months
I think one of my favorite background details is that the HOL group chat is named 'house of lament-eight-tion', because obviously there were only seven of them before IK, so one of them must have changed it after Belphie came home... I'm guessing Asmo, but in my heart of hearts Lucifer did it in secret.
Also! In the chat about Satan hearing a 'ghost' from downstairs, was he hearing IK having a nightmare? Because if so </3
levi came up with it, but yes asmo was the one who actually changed the name! though i do like the idea of lucifer stealing his phone so that he can make his dad joke without getting made fun of...
and yes, you're right! that's why belphie discourages the others from going to check the noise out - he's the only one who's noticed thus far, and he doesn't want ik to have to deal with any potential questioning when she's clearly not ready to talk about it yet
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sakura-chan-25 · 2 years
wahahha welcome to tommi makes chats of the famILY + Sakura {I literally had to make up a user for Sakura n Norman}
-the best famILY + Lucifer’s stupid girlfriend-
sakuratree: okay questions! 1, what is Norman’s username.. and 2, who named the gc THAT?
Stn: He named himself that because people keep comparing him to Lilith, he’s honestly gotten sick of it.
L3v1: also @/l1lthbutbetter did that
asmobaby: can confirm! @/l1lthbutbetter
l1lthbutbetter: FUCK. Why would you say that??!
Lucifer: Norman. apologize to Sakura, You cannot speak to my Love like that.
Sakuratree: awh luci<33
L1lthbutbetter: YUCK! literally go get a room
Sakuratree: oh shut up, you’re gonna be like this when you’re older
L1lthbutbetter: jokes on YOU. I’m not getting a girlfriend! and or boyfriend.
Mammoney: I bet you 1000 grim you’ll have a girlfriend or boyfriend when you’re 18!
L1lthbutbetter: DONE.
Lucifer:.. Norman go apologize. mammon stop trying to make bets with my son. WHO IS YOUR NEPHEW.
Mammoney: Gross
L1lthbutbetter: yeah dad that’s gross
Sakuratree: at this point they love messing around with you 😂
L1lthbutbetter: you shut up, you’ve done nothing but steal my dad when you got here
Sakuratree: what? Are you jealous?
L1lthbutbetter: YES.
Norman is a confirmed daddy’s boy {I love teasing him}
I'm glad I changed her character so much after S1😂 (my excuse: she literally lives with demons)
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