#Assistant U.S. Attorney Paul D. Lochner
URGENT URGENT U.P. Breaking News Bulletin – 1-29-17 6 a.m. ET – Marquette County Jail officials accused of conspiracy not to giving mail to inmates – $75  million in damages sought – URGENT
  $75 Million Dollars Sought in Damages:
The 35-page, seven-count federal civil law suit against Marquette County Jail officials, turnkeys: The Mail Stops Here
Former inmate accuses jailers of conspiring not to allow inmates to get mail including from attorneys and information vital to the prisoner’s defense
Lawsuit calls county jail – “Marquette County Prison”
Deputies, jail bosses accused in conspiracy to allegedly withhold mail from inmates – including from their attorneys
By Greg Peterson U.P. Breaking News Owner, News Director 906-273-2433
A Sault Ste. Marie man – whose explosives case made international headlines and sent him to prison – has now tossed a legal bomb charging bosses and deputies at the Marquette County Jail of violating his civil rights including withholding all his important legal mail.
He is seeking $75 million dollars minimum in actual and punitive damages.
This unsatisfied inmate had his case compared in international stories with having more than the Oklahoma City bomber.
John Francis Lechner was arrested by federal agents including the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) on On Sept. 21, 2011 “for alleged felony violations” including “illegal possession, storage and transfer of explosives,” the suit states.
A jury convicted John Francis Lechner of multiple counts of explosive related offenses, and he was sentenced to four years and three months in prison – aka 51 months incarceration – followed by three years supervised release.
He is suing the bosses and unknown turnkeys at the Marquette County Jail – but because of the way the legal system works – the suit also names the entire Marquette County Board of Commissioners – and the U.S. Marshals Service
John Francis Lechner federal civil lawsuit filed on Jan. 9, 2017: Entered into court records this week on Thurs., Jan 26, 2017 and released publicly Saturday.
“The defendants overall conduct” was “so outrageous that it shocks the moral and legal conscience of the community,” the lawsuit states. “This outrageous conduct resulted in’ Lechner’s “shameless and brazen denial” of his civil rights and resulting in his “malfeasant incarceration in a federal prison.”
“The manner, method and design” of those employed in the Marquette County Jail “amounted to cold, callous and premeditated abuse of legal authority,” the suit alleges.
The “defendants regularly acted maliciously, unjustifiably, vindictively and deliberately designed to cause” Lechner “mental and emotional harm, humiliation and denial of effective assistance from counsel, denial of a fair trial and knowingly withholding exculpatory evidence” from Lechner and his attorneys.”
The lawsuit states that there have “been previous incidents” involving other inmates who are also alleged victims of the non-delivery of legal mail.
Lechner alleges that Marquette County officials “committed a conspiracy” to not deliver his legal male, states the lawsuit under the “facts and allegations.”
The federal lawsuit says those name allegedly violated Lechner’s rights under the First, Fifth, Sixth, Eighth, and Fourteen Amendment amendments to the U.S. Constitution.
Lechner alleges he suffered “immediate and irreparable injury” and “ultimately causing wrongful incarceration in federal prison.”
Lechner “experienced extreme emotional distress, mental anguish, humiliation, degradation and severe emotional anguish.”
Count 1:
Deprivation of civil rights
Count 2:
Conspiracy to interfere with civil rights
Count 3
Neglect or failure to prevent conspiracy
Count 4
Failure to adequately train and supervise deputies
Count 5
Negligent hiring, retention and failure to discipline or take necessary correction action
Count 6
Tort Outrage (common law)
Count 7
Intentional infliction of emotional distress
While in the Marquette County Jail, Lechner states he was housed in an “eight (8) man cell block” where he ate three times daily, laundry was cleaned three times a week, and he was allowed to use the commissary once a week.
However, Lechner was not happy with mail delivery – or lack thereof – no delivery of legal papers, the lawsuit alleges. The lawsuits accused jail officials of “sporadic, random, erratic and inconsistent delivery of inmate male by the staff of the Marquette County Jail.”
The lawsuits alleges the non-delivery of the legal correspondence from Lechner’s attorneys amounts to a violation of his constitutional rights. Marquette County jail officials “regularly, deliberately, unjustifiably and maliciously” interfered with Lechner’s First and Fourteenth Amendment Rights.
The undelivered mail involves legal paperwork from defense attorneys, that the suit describes as “intended for delivery on the same day.” Lechner alleges he did not find out about numerous legal mailings from his attorneys – all addressed to the Marquette County Jail – for 10 months beginning in Oct. 2011.
Lechner says his legal mail was discovered ‘by happenstance” when he was transferred on July 17, 2012 to the Chippewa County Jail. Alleging he did not received mail from his attorney while in the Marquette County Jail
Brought by ATF agents to the Marquette County Jail – suit describes it as the “Marquette County Prison”
Legal Mail at issue:
Oct. 23, 2011
From Lisa Honeycoutt
4441 I-75 Business Spur
Sault Ste. Marie, MI
Oct. 24, 2011
Attorney Charles W. Mallette, Esquire
651 Bingham Ave. Apt. 1
Sault Ste. Marie, MI
Nov. 6, 2011
Audrey Plastino
1418 Hyde St.
Sault Ste. Marie, MI
Nov. 21, 2011
Attorney Charles W. Mallette, Esquire
651 Bingham Ave. Apt. 1
Sault Ste. Marie, MI
Dec. 19, 2011
Attorney Charles W. Mallette, Esquire
651 Bingham Ave. Apt. 1
Sault Ste. Marie, MI
Dec. 26, 2011
From “Dooley” family
Jan. 2, 2012
Attorney Charles W. Mallette, Esquire
651 Bingham Ave. Apt. 1
Sault Ste. Marie, MI
Jan. 28, 2012
Audrey Plastino
1418 Hyde St.
Sault Ste. Marie, MI
Feb. 7, 2012
Ken Lechner
1901 Delta Road
Bay City, MI
March 8, 2012
Ken Lechner
1901 Delta Road
Bay City, MI
March 15, 2012
Ken Lechner
1901 Delta Road
Bay City, MI
May 10, 2012
Ken Lechner
1901 Delta Road
Bay City, MI
May 28, 2012
Ken Lechner
1901 Delta Road
Bay City, MI
July 17, 2012
Ken Lechner
1901 Delta Road
Bay City, MI
  Inmate John Francis Lechner
2:17-cv-00020 Lechner v. Marquette, County of et al
Date filed: 01/26/2017
Date of last filing: 01/26/2017
Case Summary
Filed: 01/26/2017
Nature of Suit: 550
Cause: 28:1441 Petition for Removal
Chippewa County
Related Case: 17-55349-CZ
Marquette County Circuit Court
plaintiff: John Francis Lechner
defendant: Marquette, County of
defendant: Marquette County Board of Commissioners
defendant: Gerald O. Corkin
defendant: Debbie Pellow
defendant: Steve Pence
defendant: Paul Arsonault
defendant: Bruce Heikkila
defendant: Gregg Sippanen
defendant: Scott Erbisch
defendant: Marquette County Sheriff’s Department
defendant: Jack Schneider
defendant: Unknown Parties
defendant: Unknown Parties
Defendant: United States Marshal Service represented by Carolyn Ann Almassian
Phone: (616) 808-2028
Federal Criminal Case Summary
2:11-cr-00049-GJQ-1 USA v. Lechner et al
Date filed: 10/04/2011
Date terminated: 12/03/2012
Date of last filing: 12/07/2016
John Francis Lechner (1)
Office: Northern Division (2) Filed: 10/04/2011
County: Chippewa Terminated: 12/03/2012 Reopened:
Magistrate Case: 2:11-mj-00041-TPG
Count: 1 citation: 18:842i.f offense level: 4
18:842(i)(1), 18:841(d)(f)(1), 18:844(a)(1), 75 fed. Reg. 70,291 ship or transport explosive material interstate; possession of explosives while under indictment
Count: 2 citation: 18:842a.f offense level: 4
18:842(a)(3)(a), 18:841(c)(d)(e)(f)(j)(m), 18:844(a)(1), 75 fed. Reg. 70,291 importing explosive material; transportation of explosive materials
Count: 3 citation: 18:842b.f offense level: 4
18:842(a)(3)(b), 18:841(c)(d)(e)(f)(j)(m), 18:844(a)(1), 75 fed. Reg. 70,291 distribute explosive material
Count: 4 citation: 18:842d.f offense level: 4
18:842(d)(2), 18:841(c)(d)(e)(f)(l), 18:844(a)(1), 75 fed. Reg. 70,291 distribute explosive material to unauthorized persons;distribution of explosive materials to a convicted felon
Count: 5 citation: 18:842j.m offense level: 3
18:842(j), 18:841(c)(d)(e)(f), 18:844(b), 75 fed. Reg. 70,291, 27 c.f.r. 555.201 et seq. Not conforming to storage of explosive material;improper storage of explosive materials
Count: 6 citation: 18:1001.F Offense level: 4
18:1001(a)(2) statements or entries generally; false statement to law enforcement
Count: 1s citation: 18:842a.f offense level: 4
18:842(a)(3)(a); 18:841(c)(d)(j)(m); 18:844(a)(1); 18:2(a); 75 fed. Reg. 1,085; 75 fed. Reg. Importing explosive material – transportation of explosive materials
Count: 3s citation: 18:842j.m offense level: 3
18:842(j); 18:841(c)(d); 18:844(b); 75 fed. Reg. 1,085; 75 fed. Reg. 70, 291; 27 c.f.r. 555.201 et seq not conforming to storage of explosive material – improper storage of explosive materials
Count: 4s citation: 18:842i.f offense level: 4
18:842(i)(1); 18:841(d)(e)(f)(1); 18:844(a)(1); 75 fed. Reg. 70,291 ship or transport explosive material interstate – possession of explosives while under indictment
Count: 5s citation: 18:1001.F Offense level: 4
18:1001(a)(2) statements or entries generally – false statement to law enforcement
Count: 6s citation: 18:842a.f offense level: 4
18:842(a)(3)(a); 18:841(c)(d)(j)(m); 18: 844(a)(1); 75 fed. Reg. 70,291 importing explosive material – transportation of explosive materials
Count: 7s citation: 18:842d.f offense level: 4
18:842(a)(3)(b); 18:841(c)(d)(j)(m); 18:844(a)(1); 75 fed. Reg. 70,291 distribute explosive material to unauthorized persons – distribution of explosive materials
Count: 9s citation: 18:842j.m offense level: 3
18:842(j); 18:841(c)(d)(e)(f); 18:844(b); 75 fed. Reg. 70,291; 27 c.f.r. 555.201 et seq not conforming to storage of explosive material – improper storage of explosive materials
Count: 8ss citation: 18:842d.f offense level: 4
18:842(d)(2), 18:841(c)(d)(1), 18:844(a)(1), 75 fed. Reg. 70,291 distribute explosive material to unauthorized persons; distribution of explosive materials to a convicted felon
Defendant custody status: released
Flags: appeal,closed,jurytrial,sealeddoc(s)
plaintiff: USA represented by Joel S. Fauson
Phone: (616) 456-2404
plaintiff: USA represented by Maarten Vermaat
Phone: (906) 226-2500
Federal News Releases:
Related info:
April 20, 2012
MARQUETTE, MICHIGAN — U.S. Attorney Donald A. Davis announced today that Kenneth Ageed Kassab, age 53, a resident of Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan, was arraigned on April 19 in U.S. District Court in Marquette on charges of unlawful transportation of explosives and possession of explosives by a convicted felon. The superseding indictment (Link) alleges that these offenses took place in November 2010. Both charges carry a maximum penalty of up to 10 years in federal prison.
Kassab was listed in the superseding indictment (Link) as a co-defendant with John Francis Lechner, age 65, also a resident of Sault Ste. Marie. Lechner was originally the sole defendant in an explosives case stemming from the discovery of 4,200 pounds of a mixture of ammonium nitrate and fuel oil, commonly known as “ANFO,” and various other explosive materials, in September 2011. The superseding indictment, which replaces the original charges, repeats Lechner’s original charges and also adds charges relating to his possession of ANFO with Kassab in November 2010.
Lechner had been set to be tried on the original charges on May 21, 2012. With the addition of Kassab as a co-defendant, the trial date is likely to be rescheduled for later in the summer.
An indictment is merely an instrument to put the defendant on notice of the charges against him. The defendant is presumed innocent unless and until found guilty by a jury of his peers.
Second Michigan man arrested in explosives investigation
Suspected of possessing more than two tons of bomb-making materials
SAULT STE. MARIE, Mich. – A second man suspected to be involved in an explosives investigation was arrested Thursday by special agents with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI), the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) and deputies with the Chippewa County Sherriff’s Department.
Kenneth Kassab, 53, of Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., was taken into custody without incident Thursday on charges related to the unlawful transportation of explosives and possession of explosives by a convicted felon.
Both charges carry a maximum penalty of up to 10 years in federal prison.
Donald Davis, U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Michigan; David McCain, ATF special agent in charge in Detroit; and Brian M. Moskowitz, special agent in charge for HSI Michigan and Ohio, announced the arrest.
Kassab was listed in a superseding indictment as a co-defendant with John Francis Lechner, 65, also a resident of Sault Ste. Marie. Lechner was originally the sole defendant in an explosives case stemming from the discovery of 4,200 pounds of a mixture of ammonium nitrate and fuel oil, commonly known as “ANFO,” and various other explosive materials, in September 2011. Lechner was arrested last September and remains in custody.
The superseding indictment repeats Lechner’s original charges and also adds charges relating to his possession of ANFO with Kassab in November 2010.
Lechner had been set to be tried on the original charges May 21, 2012. With the addition of Kassab as a co-defendant, the trial date is likely to be rescheduled for later in the summer.
An indictment is an accusation. A defendant is presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty
“Marquette County Prison” accused of not giving legal mail to inmates: Federal lawsuit against bosses, deputies in Marquette County Jail – is the latest legal bomb tossed by a Soo man convicted in an explosives case that made international headlines – Suit seeks $75 Million in Damages URGENT URGENT U.P. Breaking News Bulletin – 1-29-17 6 a.m. ET - Marquette County Jail officials accused of conspiracy not to giving mail to inmates - $75  million in damages sought - URGENT…
1 note · View note
URGENT – U.P. Breaking News Bulletin – 1-29-18 – 2:22 p.m. ET
Separate federal heroin distribution cases set for jury selection next week in Marquette followed by separate trials – cases involve selling lots of heroin in Marquette and Chippewa counties
Read the actual in-depth heroin sales/distribution records, and audio/video tapes just released by federal prosecutors – a five hour read at least
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27-year-old Joseph Gideon Gravelle of Colorado Springs, Colorado  and Sault Ste. Marie, MI: Just pleaded guilty and will testify against Tobias next week
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Set to stand trial 30-year-old Jessica Lynn Tobias of Sault Ste. Marie, MI
By Greg Peterson U.P. Breaking News Owner, News Director 906-273-2433
(Marquette, MI) – Its the federal court version of who will blink.
In Marquette federal court, prosecutors have just filed a gigantic amount of information about two unrelated heroin distribution cases – one suspect in Marquette County and the other from Chippewa County.
Its either on the brink of blink – or both go to trial.
Those set federal court trial beginning next week are 42-year-old Derrick “Bam” Garrel Samuels of Gwinn, MI and followed by the trial of 30-year-old Jessica Tobias of Sault Ste. Marie, MI.
In the past week, federal prosecutors flexed their muscles by filing hundreds of pages of information including cell phone records, wire recordings and much more in the cases.
In the Tobias case, the prosecutors have released a “voluminous” amount of information including heroin drug deal telephone records. The various motions against Samuels and Tobias to show they are serious – and ready to go to trial.
Both cases are slated for jury selection next week – followed by separate trials in Marquette, MI during the first week or two of February 2018.
In fact, a co-defendant in the Tobias case just pleaded guilty – and that ups the prosecution hand. Just last week guilty plea from 27-year-old Joseph Gideon Gravelle of Colorado Springs, Colorado – and Sault Ste. Marie, MI. Gravelle will testify against Tobias.
One reason its a who will “blink” first situation is both suspects face likely harsh sentences if convicted – and federal time is hard time – no early parole. Prosecutors are likely open to plea deals – but will go to trial if required.
Prosecutor prefer plea deals for many reasons including the huge costs of a trial. Trials are very expensive and involve many witnesses and lawyers on both sides – so that’s why so many plea bargains are reached with prosecutors.
Time is running out for an early resolution – because the selection two juries in the separate trials are set to start on (a week from today) Mon., Feb. 5, 2018 at U.S. District Court in Marquette, MI.
The potential jury pool for both trials have been told to show up at 9 a.m. on Mon., Feb. 5, 2018.
Tobias is accused of one count of dealing heroin in Chippewa County from October 2011 to November 2012.
Samuels is charged with five heroin distribution related-charges in Marquette County.
In fact, the only record we are not releasing includes lot of secret undercover information (do not want to put cops lives in jeopardy. That record names all the people who helped him deal heroin in Marquette County. Additional federal indictments are expect against those named and soon more arrests.
The Gravelle/Tobias indictment accuses the pair of “knowingly and intentionally combined, conspired, confederated, and agreed with each other, and others, known and unknown to the Grand Jury, to distribute and possess with intent to distribute heroin.”
The pair were indicted by a federal grand jury on June 2017 on one count of conspiracy to distribute heroin in Chippewa County. Gravelle pleaded guilty last week and is set to be sentenced in April – and faces up to 30 years in prison and a one million dollar ($1,000,000) fine.
Of the gigantic amount of information released prosecutors said:
“In this case, law enforcement officers obtained telephone records as part of their investigation. These telephone records are voluminous, consisting of hundreds of pages. Government agents have reviewed these records and produced summaries based on these records.” Both Tobias and Samuels cases have numerous federal witnesses testifying for the government.
On January 18, 2018, the government filed a notice of intent to call an opinion (expert) witness against Tobias on drug distribution methods and organizations, to help explain the records. The defense objected, but the judge ruled for the prosecution.
Derrick Garrell Samuels is represented by Marquette defense attorney Karl Numinen.
The federal prosecutors in the cases are Assistant U.S. Attorney Maarten Vermaat and U.S. Attorney for Western District of Michigan Andrew Byerly Birge
 Instead of making this story longer – here are a couple dozen links labeled on each case and the records are available for you to read or download:
United States District Court Western District of Michigan Northern Division
27-year-old Joseph Gideon Gravelle of Colorado Springs, Colorado – and Sault Ste. Marie, MI
27-year-old Joseph Gideon Gravelle of Colorado Spring and Sault Ste. Marie, MI: Just pleaded guilty and will testify against Tobias
Joseph Gravelle
27-year-old Joseph Gideon Gravelle of Colorado Spring and Sault Ste. Marie, MI: Just pleaded guilty and will testify against Tobias
Federal witness and confessed heroin dealer
27-year-old Joseph Gideon Gravelle of Colorado Springs, Colorado – and Sault Ste. Marie, MI
Confessed heroin dealer working with prosecutors testify and help convict Tobias:
Gravelle is scheduled to be sentenced at 4 p.m. ET on April 11, 2018 in Marquette, MI before U.S. District Court Judge Paul L. Maloney. Faces up to 30 years in prison and a one million dollar ($1,000,000) fine.
Gravelle was convicted on state felony charges in Kent County, MI on May 20, 2015 and sentenced on Sept. 5, 2015  to one to six years in prison.
Gravelle pleaded guilty to operating a motor vehicle with presence of a controlled substance and Possession of a narcotic – Cocaine < 25 Grams 
Count 1: Conspiracy to Distribute and Possess with Intent to Distribute Heroin Maximum penalty: Not more than twenty years and/or $1,000,000 fine Supervised Release: Not less than 3 years and up to life
Count two: Distribution of Heroin Maximum penalty: Not more than twenty years and/or $1,000,000 fine Supervised Release: Not less than 3 years and up to life
Count three: Distribution of Heroin Maximum penalty: Not more than twenty years and/or $1,000,000 fine Supervised Release: Not less than 3 years and up to life [18 U.S.C. ‘ 3583] (Class C Felony, 18 U.S.C. ‘ 3559) Probation of not less than one nor more than five years
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Conspiracy to distribute heroin indictment returned against both on June 20, 2017 by a federal grand jury sitting in Marquette, MI
Charge: Conspiracy to Distribute and Possess with Intent to Distribute Heroin
Gravelle signed a plea agreement with federal prosecutors on December 21, 2017. Agrees to testify against Tobias.
Gravelle pleaded guilty on January 22, 2018
Jury trial for Tobias jury selection set to begin on February 5, 2018 in Marquette, MI on the one-count indictment
Jury trial for Samuels begins with jury selection on Monday, February 5, 2018 in Marquette, MI on the five-count indictment
30-year-old Jessica Tobias of Sault Ste. Marie, MI
Set to stand trial 30-year-old Jessica Lynn Tobias of Sault Ste. Marie, MI
Set to stand trial 30-year-old Jessica Lynn Tobias of Sault Ste. Marie, MI
Count 1 – Conspiracy to Distribute and Possess with Intent to Distribute Heroin Maximum penalty: Not more than twenty years and/or $1,000,000 fine Supervised Release: Not less than 3 years and up to life. Probation of not less than one nor more than five years – Submitted on June 20, 2017 by federal prosecutor Paul D. Lochner in Marquette
June 20, 2017 Indictment Penalty Sheet Joseph Gideon Gravelle and Jessica Lynn Tobias
June 20, 2017 Indictment of Joseph Gideon Gravelle and Jessica Lynn Tobias
Jan. 4, 2018 Gravelle plea agreement
Jan. 4, 2018 Gravelle plea agreement
Jan. 11, 2018 Judge sets Samuels, Tobias jury selections, trial dates
Jan. 11, 2018 Judge sets Samuels, Tobias jury selections, trial dates
Jan. 19, 2018 – Judge order on Tobias, jury selection Feb. 5, 2018
Jan. 19, 2018 – Judge order on Tobias, jury selection Feb. 5, 2018
Jan. 24, 2018 Proposed Verizon Business Records Certification
Jan. 24, 2018 Heroin phone records, summaries of voluminous writing
Jan. 24, 2018 Heroin phone records, summaries of voluminous writing (1)
Jan. 24, 2018 Heroin phone records, summaries of voluminous writing (2)
Jan. 24, 2018 Proposed Verizon Business Records Certification
June 20, 2017 Indictment of Joseph Gideon Gravelle and Jessica Lynn Tobias
June 20, 2017 – Indictment Penalty Sheet Joseph Gideon Gravelle and Jessica Lynn Tobias
June 20, 2017 Indictment of Joseph Gideon Gravelle and Jessica Lynn Tobias
June 20, 2017 – Indictment Penalty Sheet Joseph Gideon Gravelle And Jessica Lynn Tobias
42-year-old Derrick Garrel Samuels of Gwinn, MI
Photo not available – please send us photo
Derrick Garrell Samuels a/k/a “Bam” Indictment:
Maximum penalty for each count if convicted is not more than 20 years in prison on each count and a $1,000,000 fine. Supervised Release: At least three years and not more than life.
Four federal felony counts of delivery of heroin and one count of attempted delivery of heroin
Samuels is accused of distributing heroin from 2012 to  June 29, 2017.
June 12, 2017 Samuels penalty sheet
June 12, 2017 Samuels penalty sheet
July 18, 2017 Three-count heroin indictment filed against Samuels
July 18, 2017 Penalty sheet for three-count heroin indictment
July 18, 2017 Three-count heroin indictment filed against Samuels
July 18, 2017 Penalty sheet for three-count heroin indictment
Sept. 20, 2017 Superseding Samuels indictment that adds two more charges
Sept. 20, 2017 Penalty sheet for superseding Samuels indictment, two more charges
Sept. 20, 2017 Superseding Samuels indictment that adds two more charges
Jan. 3, 2018 – List of government expert witnesses against Samuels
Jan. 3, 2018 – List of government expert witnesses against Samuels
Jan. 21, 2018 Motion in Limine #1 and  #2
Jan. 21, 2018 Government’s motion to admit certification of Samuels lack of IRS filing records
Jan. 21, 2018 Memorandum of law in support of government’s motion to admit certification of lack of record
Jan. 21, 2018 Certificate in accordance with local criminal rule 12.4 and admin. Order 15-rl-78
Jan. 21, 2018 Memorandum of law in support of government’s motion to admit certification of lack of record
Jan. 21, 2018 Government’s motion to admit certification of Samuels lack of IRS filing records
Jan. 21, 2018 Certificate in accordance with local criminal rule 12.4 and admin. Order 15-rl-78
Jan. 23, 2018 Government’s proposed voir dire for Samuels jury
Jan. 23, 2018 Government’s proposed voir dire for Samuels jury
Jan 27, 2018 Government’s proposed preliminary Samuels jury instruction
Jan 27, 2018 Government’s proposed preliminary Samuels jury instruction
Jan. 28, 2018 Government’s Samuels trial brief
Jan. 28, 2018 Proposed Samuels Jury Instructions
Jan. 28, 2018 Government’s Samuels trial brief
Jan. 28, 2018 Proposed Samuels Jury Instructions
Jan. 28, 2018 Government’s preliminary exhibit list against Samuels is 10 pages
Jan. 28, 2018 10 pages Government’s preliminary exhibit list
The exhibit list includes:
Heroin allegedly sold by Samuels
“Baggie containing a chunk of heroin” and baggie of heroin.
Copies of “buy” money – record of cash made before and after purchase
Drug packaging material
Undercover surveillance notes
Photos of text messages from undercover informant aka “CI” (cooperating informant
Numerous transcripts of audio tape recorded of Samuels during a “buy” and “attempted buys” using undercover agents /CI – recorded purchasing heroin with a “wire.” Video and audio of attempted buy
Numerous videos and audio of Samuels allegedly selling heroin
Photos in Samuel’s residence immediately after agents raided his home with a of search warrant
Photos from traffic stop when Samuels was arrested on July 11, 2017
Business records
GPS tracking video
Digital scale
Security system
Seized cell phones “flip phone” belonging to Samuels and others plus the phone downloads with lots of data including photos
Copy of Samuels prior felony conviction
  Two big heroin cases set to be tried in Marquette federal court with jury selection next week – You won’t believe the tons of heroin dealing records just released by federal prosecutors as they prepare for trial next week in Marquette for two separate heroin distribution cases in Chippewa and Marquette counties – More arrests expected in the case of “Bam” the alleged drug man URGENT - U.P. Breaking News Bulletin – 1-29-18 - 2:22 p.m. ET Separate federal heroin distribution cases set for jury selection next week in Marquette followed by separate trials - cases involve selling lots of heroin in Marquette and Chippewa counties…
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Upper Peninsula Glam Sham Couple never had sex or kissed - but federal prosecutors say they were crafty as a TSA officer was part of the plot
Upper Peninsula Glam Sham Couple never had sex or kissed – but federal prosecutors say they were crafty as a TSA officer was part of the plot
Honolulu Nguyen: Sham Marriage in eastern U.P. Leads to arrest of a fake glam couple
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By Greg Peterson S.E. Social Justice Breaking News News Director/Co-Owner 906-273-2433
(Marquette, MI) – An initial appearance date in Marquette federal court has been set for a glamorous couple with all the Thanksgiving trimmings – but the feds say it was all a sham.
As if out of the pages of Vogue, 227-year-old…
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Federal prosecutors in Marquette continue their crackdown on domestic violence that happened on tribal nations located in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan
Federal prosecutors in Marquette continue their crackdown on domestic violence that happened on tribal nations located in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan
Baraga County man faces justice after allegedly pummeling his girlfriend twice on KBIC lands
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By Greg Peterson Upper Peninsula Breaking News News Director/Co-Owner 906-273-2433
 (Marquette, MI) – Federal prosecutors in Marquette continue their no-nonsense stance on domestic violence as Baraga County man charged in federal court with twice assaulting a Native woman from Keweenaw Bay Indian…
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Legend Steps Down Today: Larger than life, tough, and feared by the state's most vicious drug dealers and pornographers - and yes - and even controversial - We honor U.S. District Court Judge Robert Holmes Bell - We Bring You His Honor's Final Sentencings
Legend Steps Down Today: Larger than life, tough, and feared by the state’s most vicious drug dealers and pornographers – and yes – and even controversial – We honor U.S. District Court Judge Robert Holmes Bell – We Bring You His Honor’s Final Sentencings
As unusual and independent as the Upper Peninsula where he ruled with an iron fist for 3 decades – Today and Tomorrow are Officially The Final Days for His Honor – The Honorable U.S. District Court Judge Robert Holmes Bell Plus we hope to hear today about the future of Eastern District of Michigan Federal Prosecutor Barbara McQuade A new top federal prosecutor took the helm last week in the U.P.…
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Major federal environmental crimes unit part of U.P. Illegal Fishing and Packaging Probe: Major Federal Fishing Fraud Case in Upper Peninsula of Michigan
Major federal environmental crimes unit part of U.P. Illegal Fishing and Packaging Probe: Major Federal Fishing Fraud Case in Upper Peninsula of Michigan
URGENT URGENT – U.P. Breaking News Bulletin – Major federal environmental crimes unit part of U.P. Illegal Fishing and Packaging Probe: Major Federal Fishing Fraud case in U.P.  1-20-17  8:10 p.m. ET – Scaling the crooks
Arrests Begin: Washington, D.C. top cops specializing in major cases is involved in an Upper Peninsula of Federal Fishing Crimes Probe Feds File Fishing Fraud Labeling Case in…
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Federal Tribal Fishing Busts: The Arrests Begin
By Greg Peterson Owner, News Director Upper Peninsula Breaking News www.UpperPeninsulaBreakingNews.com [email protected] 906-273-2433 (hm office)
The first criminal charges have been filed in a two–year federal undercover operation into illegal fishing in the northern Great Lakes that the feds pulled the plug, an Upper Peninsula Breaking News investigation shows.
Three northern Michigan fish markets and their fishing operations were raided by special agents with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Law Enforcement Division (LED) plus angents raided an international fish distributing company in Northeast Wisconsin.
More arrests are likely expected – in a fishing fraud case in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula that is a joint state and federal probe into illegally sales, distribution and labeling of fish.
The investigation dating back four years – and is receiving the attention from the justice department’s top levels in Washington, D.C.
The case is the largest undercover probe in U.P. history – but so far has resulted in only four class A misdemeanor charges against one of the owners of the Peterson’s Fish Market in Hancock, MI.
The probe involves to the illegal fishing and distribution operations in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula – including Lake Superior, Lake Huron and Lake Michigan. One of the country’s top U.S. Justice Department fishing crimes attorneys filed the case.
Federal charges have been filed again Christopher James Peterson, 46, of Hancock, MI – who is named in a four-count Class A Misdemeanor Information. He is co-owner of Peterson’s Fish market in Hancock,. MI
The federal sting led to allegations – but not formal charges – against ten people across northern Michigan and northeast Wisconsin in the winter of 2015. It included long-term informants, wires and the closing of businesses.
The charges against Peterson involve the alleged false labeling of fish during Dec. 2012 and March 2013.
  This is the kind of case that – based on history – is more than than charging of this one fish – as it date backs to events in the winter of 2012 and 2013.
Plus the top state and federal prosecutors are part of the case – not likely if only misdemeanor charges were planned.
The feds allege Peterson in 2012 and 2013 “knowingly made and submitted a false record and label for, and false identification of, fish that were intended to be transported in interstate commerce.”
Count 1: Falsely Labeled Fish (December 17, 2012)
Count 2: Falsely Labeled Fish (December 26, 2012)
Court 3: Falsely Labeled Fish (March 10, 2013)
Count 4: Falsely Labeled Fish (March 16, 2013)
The prosecution team is a list of heavy hitters:
United States Attorney Patrick A. Miles, Jr. (Left), Western District of Michigan federal prosecutor in Grand Rapids, MI
Assistant U.S. Attorney General John Cruden (right) of the USDOJ Environment and Natural Resources Division.
U.S. Justice Department Washington, D.C. illegal fishing trial attorney Joel La Bissonniere, trial attorney (prosecutor) with the U.S. Justice Department Environment and Natural Resources Division’s Environmental Crimes Section
Two U.P. federal prosecutors – Asst. U. S. Attorney Maarten Vermaat and and Asst. U.S. Attorney Paul D. Lochner (federal prosecutors in Marquette, MI) – plus State of Michigan prosecutors
This is a class A misdemeanor criminal information that was filed by federal prosecutors in January 2017 at federal court in Marquette, MI.:
      Federal Tribal Fishing Busts: The Reasons
The probe focuses on the illegal trafficking of nearly all edible species of fish from the Great Lakes – where Lake trout populations have been dangerously low due to over–harvest and the invasion of sea lampreys that prey upon those lake trout. The feds have spent millions trying to increase Lake Trout numbers including lamprey removal, and strict trout harvest quotas.
In the documents, federal officials said the investigation demonstrates the illegal commercialization of lake trout and other fish species from Lake Superior and nearby Great Lakes.
The “extensive undercover operation” investigated the illegal trafficking and false reporting of fish harvested from Lake Superior, northern Lake Michigan and western Lake Huron.
U.P. Breaking News has obtained all of the federal search warrants and criminal complaints filed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service LED and federal prosecutors. (Scroll down to read search warrants/all documents)
Federal Tribal Fishing Busts: The Who
The sting was run from a bogus fishing company on tribal land in Baraga County that was used to buy fish from those under investigation. The bogus Upper Peninsula North Fish Company was located on U.S.–41 in L’Anse – in a building with a history of being a fish buying business – and located on the Keweenaw Bay Indian Community reservation.
Targets include members of numerous tribes in Wisconsin and Michigan – including the Keweenaw Bay Indian Community, the Red Cliff Band of Chippewa Indians and the Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians. Non–natives were also investigated.
The investigation involves millions of pounds of illegally caught fish on the Great Lakes including Lake Huron, Lake Superior, and Lake Michigan.
The probe involved the illegal sales and packaging of sturgeon, Lake Trout and Walleye.
Federal Tribal Fishing Busts: The Raids
Peterson’s Fish Market in Hancock plus two 50–foot fishing vessels owned by the Petersons – the Three Suns and the Charleen (above).
  The Beaver Island Fresh Fish Market in Beaver Island whose owner – George “Skip” Duhamel – died this past July during the probe, according to federal search warrants.
Agents raided the John Cross Fish Market in downstate Charlevoix – owned and operated by John Cross and his son, John “Jack” Cross III. Agents raided an international fish distributing company doing business under several names in the Sturgeon Bay, WI area.
Agents raided Dan Schwarz’s business – Dan’s Fish, Inc. at 152 Jib St. Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin. Dan Schwarz operates Great Lakes Gold (GLG), Dan’s Fish, Sturgeon Bay Cold Storage (SBCS) and has a sister company Seafood International (SI) in Estonia
All four entities function as different aspects of a seafood buying and exporting business, federal agents stated in their warrants.
Federal Tribal Fishing Busts: Top Ten Facts
Lengthy federal probe by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) into improper fish sales from Lake Superior, Lake Huron and Lake Michigan most are tribal fish markets in MI/WI under The Stacy Act. Feds bring charges in undercover tribal probe
Probe into multi-million dollar problem of “illegal trafficking and false reporting of fish harvested from Lake Superior, northern Lake Michigan and western Lake Huron”
“Covert business” set up by feds – with cooperation from KBIC – was named “Upper Peninsula North Fish Company (UPNFC)” on tribal lands along US-41 near L’Anse, MI
The building had a fish buying past – and the feds re-equipped it to look legitimate while making undercover buys posing as crooked wholesalers
The sting operation at UPNFC “primarily bought and sold fish wholesale” but also sold fish to drop-in retail customers
For more than a year, the feds were kept busy with buying illegally sold fish from the Great Lakes fish operations out of the front fish processing facility
Undercover agents opened the facility in August 2012 – and like all good stings – the feds had the placed wired – video, photos and sound. The operation closed in November 2013
“The UPNFC fish processing facility was equipped with audio and video recording equipment in order to document transactions occurring there,” the federal search warrant states
Undercover officers acting as employees of UPNFC made over 550 purchases of fish at this location. Approximately 400 purchases involved fish that were illegal in some manner
Although the UPNFC fish processing facility was closed in November 2013, undercover officers acting as employees of UPNFC continued to make some purchases of fish for the UPNFC until approximately September 2014
Allegations made in late 2011 in Baraga area, Undercover sting began in August 2012
Federal Tribal Fishing Busts: Agents/Agencies:
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Law Enforcement Division (LED)
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service LED
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
The undercover agents and other law enforcement involved::
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) Special Agent Chris Aldrich (Chris Albright was the undercover name of Agent Aldrich)
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) Special Agent Matt Martin
Federal Tribal Fishing Busts: The Tribes
Red Cliff Band of Chippewa Indians
Keweenaw Bay Indian Community
Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians
  The investigation also includes non–natives
Results of sting at Upper Peninsula North Fish Company on U.S.–41 in L’Anse on Keweenaw Bay Indian Community reservation
Involves millions of pounds of illegal Great Lakes fish – including sturgeon, Lake Trout and Walleye from Lake Huron, Lake Superior, and Lake Michigan
Fed Tribal Fishing Busts: The Targets – who dealt with undercover agents from Upper Peninsula North Fish Company (UPNFC), sting operation business:
Ten Suspects, one died, one charged
Four Businesses
Peterson’s Fish Market and Employees:
Christopher Peterson
Licensed by tribe as a commercial fisher
Pictured above are Patricia Ann Peterson, and her husband Gilmore Francis Peterson
Gilmore Francis Peterson “appears” to assist in running of Peterson’s Fish Market
Licensed by tribe as a commercial fisher
Went to Bayfield High
Lives in Hancock, Michigan
From Bayfield, Wisconsin
Patricia Ann Peterson
Gilmore Peterson’s spouse
Ran Peterson’s Fish Market “during the time period of the investigation”
“Wrote checks to pay for fish purchases, managed employees of Peterson’s Fish Market, and received” UPNFC invoices for fish the (undercover agents) “sold to Peterson’s Fish Market.”
Tammie M. Peterson
Christopher Peterson’s spouse.
Ran the “Four Suns Fish n’ Chips” restaurant during investigation
Patricia’s Peterson’s assistant
Beaver Fish Market aka Beaver Fresh Fish Market
George Duhamel, owner died during probe
Dominique Halpin
Larry Koon
John Cross Fisheries & John Cross Fish Market
Downstate Charlevoix, MI
John Cross (owner)
John “Jack” Cross III (son)
Dan’s Fish, Inc.
Dan’s Fish, Inc.
52 Jib St.
Sturgeon Bay, WI
International fish distributing company doing business under several names in the Sturgeon Bay, WI area.
Dan Schwarz businesses:
Great Lakes Gold (GLG)
Dan’s Fish
Sturgeon Bay Cold Storage (SBCS)
Seafood International (SI) in Estonia (sister company)
All four entities maintain a relationship with each other, functioning as different aspects of a seafood buying and exporting business, federal agents stated in their warrants.
Federal Tribal Fishing Busts: The Reasons for Probe
Illegal trafficking of nearly all edible species of fish from the Great Lakes
Lake trout populations have been dangerously low due to over–harvest and the invasion of sea lampreys that prey upon those lake trout.
The feds have spent millions trying to increase Lake Trout numbers including lamprey removal, and strict trout harvest quotas.
Probe demonstrates the illegal commercialization of lake trout and other fish species from Lake Superior and nearby Great Lakes.
The “extensive undercover operation” investigated the illegal trafficking and false reporting of fish harvested from Lake Superior, northern Lake Michigan and western Lake Huron.”
  Fed Tribal Fishing Busts: The Investigation
  Beginning in August 2012, the USFWS led an undercover operation that investigated the illegal trafficking and false reporting of fish harvested from Lake Superior, northern Lake Michigan and western Lake Huron. This investigation was in response to: (a) reports from numerous sources that lake trout, lake sturgeon and walleye were being illegally harvested in large numbers; and (b) five undercover purchases of contraband lake trout and lake sturgeon by USFWS SA Chris Aldrich, in the Baraga, MI area in late 2011 and early 2012.
As part of this operation, the USFWS established a covert business – named the Upper Peninsula North Fish Company (UPNFC) – that held itself out as a business engaged in the purchase and sale of fish.
  The UPNFC’s facility was located on US Highway 41 in L’Anse, MI, in a building that had a history of being, and was thus equipped to be, used as a fish buying business. The building was located within the boundaries of the Keweenaw Bay Indian Community (KBIC) reservation.
  UPNFC primarily bought and sold fish wholesale. However, the storefront also included an area within the building where they sold fish on a retail basis to customers. USFWS SAs Matt Martin and Chris Aldrich operated the facility in an undercover capacity beginning in approximately August 2012. The UPNFC fish processing facility was equipped with audio and video recording equipment in order to document transactions occurring there.
Undercover officers acting as employees of UPNFC made over 550 purchases of fish at this location. With respect to these purchases, approximately 400 purchases involved fish that were illegal in some manner.
Peterson’s Fish Market in Hancock
Two 50–foot fishing vessels owned by the Petersons – the Three Suns and the Charleen ——- Beaver Island Fresh Fish Market
Beaver Island
Owner George “Skip” Duhamel died (July 2014) during the probe ——-
John Cross Fish Market
Downstate Charlevoix
Owned and operated by John Cross and his son, John “Jack” Cross III
Dan’s Fish, Inc.
152 Jib St.
Sturgeon Bay, WI
International fish distributing company in the Sturgeon Bay, WI area.
Dan Schwarz’s businesses:
Great Lakes Gold (GLG)
Dan’s Fish
Sturgeon Bay Cold Storage (SBCS)
Seafood International (SI) in Estonia
Businesses each function as different aspects of a seafood buying/exporting business
After the raid, the company released this statement to papers in the Green Bay area:
“Yesterday Dan’s Fish, Inc. learned it may become part of an investigation by the Department of Natural Resources, involving scores of companies in three states, of potential violations of regulatory issues.”
The company “takes great pride in the way it has always openly and honestly conducted its business, and is in full compliance with all state and federal laws.”
“No local restaurant or wholesale buyer is part of this regulatory issue. We will continue to serve our community and the environment for many years to come.”
Fed Tribal Fishing Busts: Federal Prosecutor
U.S. Attorney Patrick A. Miles, Jr. in Grand Rapids, MI
Chief federal prosecutor for the Western District of Michigan including the Upper Peninsula
Assistant United States Attorney Maarten Vermaat
Assistant United States Attorney Paul D. Lochner
“On Nov. 5, 2014 , U.S. Fish And Wildlife Service agents executed search warrants at various locations in northern Michigan and Northeastern Wisconsin (that are or were holders of) holding wholesaler records of fish taken from lakes Michigan and Superior.
The searches are pursuant to an investigation into potential violations of the Lacey Act.
Representatives of the Justice Department Environment and Natural Resources Division are communicating with state, tribal and fed. law enforcement representatives and look forward to working with them as partners in maintaining and safeguarding a healthy fishery.”
“Given the ongoing nature of the investigation, no further comment will be offered at this time.”
  Assistant U.S. Attorney John C. Cruden was confirmed by the U.S. Senate on December 16, 2014 as the Assistant Attorney U.S. General (AAG) for the Environment and Natural Resources Division (ENRD).
U.S. Justice Department Trial Attorney Joel La Bissonniere, trial attorney (prosecutor) with the U.S. Justice Department Environment and Natural Resources Division’s Environmental Crimes Section
Here are other cases by U.S. Justice Department illegal fishing trial attorney Joel La Bissonniere, trial attorney (prosecutor) with the U.S. Justice Department Environment and Natural Resources Division’s Environmental Crimes Section
Fed Tribal Fishing Busts: The Laws
The Lacey Act:
Federal conservation law that prohibits interstate trade in wildlife – such as fish – that have been taken, possessed, and transported or sold in violation of a federal, state or tribal law,” the statement said.
Lacey Act “prohibits making false statements or records regarding fish and wildlife that are to be shipped in interstate commerce.”
These businesses hold wholesaler records of fish taken from Lakes Michigan and Superior and the investigation involves potential violations of the Lacey Act.
“The Lacey Act is a federal conservation law that prohibits interstate trade in wildlife such as fish that have been taken, possessed, transported or sold in violation of a federal, state or tribal law,” the statement continues.
“The Lacey Act prohibits making false statements or records regarding fish and wildlife that are to be shipped in interstate commerce.”
Fed Tribal Fishing Busts: The Links
Our other stories:
Federal Tribal Fishing Busts: The Federal Documents:
Beaver Island Fish Store Search warrant
Beaver Island Search warrant app info (1)
Beaver Island Search warrant app info (2)
Beaver Island Search warrant app info (3)
Beaver Island Search warrant app info (4)
Beaver Island Search warrant app info (5)
Beaver Island Search warrant reciept
John Cross Fish Market search warrants info (1)
John Cross Fish Market search warrants info (2)
John Cross Fish Market search warrants info (3)
John Cross Fish Market search warrants info (4)
John Cross Fish Market search warrants info (5)
John Cross Fish Market search warrants info (6)
John Cross Fisheries warrant receipt
Peterson Fish Market Hancock search warrants (1)
Peterson Fish Market Hancock search warrants (2)
Peterson Fish Market Hancock search warrants (3)
Peterson Fish Market Hancock search warrants (4)
Peterson Fish Market Hancock search warrants (5)
Peterson Fisheries Search warrant info app (1)
Peterson Fisheries Search warrant info app (2)
Peterson Fisheries Search warrant info app (3)
Peterson Fisheries Search warrant info app (4)
Peterson Fisheries Search warrant info app (5)
Peterson motion to seale Peterson search warrant appl.
Peterson unsealed motion
Three Suns Seizure Info
Peterson’s Fish Market:
Today, Gilmore and his wife Pat run the business while their three sons, Chris, Joel and Matt, ply the waters and the rest of their family members work at the Peterson’s Fish Market in Hancock, Michigan and the adjacent Four Suns cafe.
Pat & Chris Peterson, Red Cliff Band of Lake Superior Chippewa
Avid fishermen for subsistence prior to European settlement, the Lake Superior Chippewa quickly found Gichigami’s (Ojibwe word for Lake Superior) fish to be a valued trade item once explorers penetrated to this inland sea. Tribal fishermen traded fish harvested from birch bark canoes, using gill nets made form twisted and knotted strips of willow bark.
Christopher James Peterson, 46, the latest generation of a fishing family becoming true elders
Peterson’s Fish Market
Quincy Hill
49813N U.S. Hwy. 41
Hancock, Michigan
(906) 482-2343
United States District Court Western District Of Michigan Northern Division
United States Of America, Plaintiff
Christopher James Peterson, Defendant
Class A Misdemeanor Information
The United States Attorney charges violations of federal laws:
16 U.S.C. § 3372(d)(2)
16 U.S.C. § 3373(d)(3)(B)
COUNT 1 (Falsely Labeled Fish)
On or about December 17, 2012, in the Western District of Michigan, Northern Division, the defendant, Christopher James Peterson, “knowingly made and submitted a false record and label for, and false identification of, fish that were intended to be transported in interstate commerce.”
COUNT 2 (Falsely Labeled Fish)
On or about December 26, 2012, in the Western District of Michigan, Northern Division, the defendant, Christopher James Peterson, knowingly made and submitted a false record and label for, and false identification of, fish that were intended to be transported in interstate commerce.
COUNT 3 (Falsely Labeled Fish)
On or about March 10, 2013, in the Western District of Michigan, Northern Division, the defendant, Christopher James Peterson, knowingly made and submitted a false record and label for, and false identification of, fish that were intended to be transported in interstate commerce.
COUNT 4 (Falsely Labeled Fish)
On or about March 16, 2013, in the Western District of Michigan, Northern Division, the defendant, Christopher James Peterson, knowingly made and submitted a false record and label for, and false identification of, fish that were intended to be transported in interstate commerce.
    NASA image acquired August 28, 2010 Late August 2010 provided a rare satellite view of a cloudless summer day over the entire Great Lakes region. Caption by Mike Carlowicz. Instrument:  Aqua – MODIS Click here to see more images from NASA Goddard’s Earth Observatory NASA Goddard Space Flight Center is home to the nation’s largest organization of combined scientists, engineers and technologists that build spacecraft, instruments and new technology to study the Earth, the sun, our solar system, and the universe. Follow us on Twitter Join us on Facebook
Feds file first charges two years after pulling plug on biggest under undercover sting in Upper Peninsula history: Probe into illegal fish sales from Great Lakes – most are tribal fish markets Federal Tribal Fishing Busts: The Arrests Begin By Greg Peterson Owner, News Director Upper Peninsula Breaking News…
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Federal heroin distribution suspect busted tonight at Crossroads in Marquette County
Federal heroin distribution suspect busted tonight at Crossroads in Marquette County
Crossroads in Marquette County, MI: Federal Heroin Suspect Busted
By Greg Peterson U.P. Breaking News Owner, News Director 906-273-2433
(Marquette, MI) – Police tonight swarmed a car at the Crossroads in Marquette County that a drug agent in an unmarked car spotted a woman wanted on a sealed federal felony charges for alleged conspiracy to distribute heroin and possibly other drugs.
And another…
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Feds use all tools to stop domestic violence on U.P. Native American lands – one of most recent attacks shows brutality and serious injuries suffered by two victims
Facebook Photo: 2015 photo of David Baldwin, now subject of assault probe
EXCLUSIVE: FBI search warrants target DNA on clothing, bodily fluids, and document massive injuries to victims
At least two victims, two crime scenes discovered by feds as they use DNA search warrants to follow the blood trial
By Greg Peterson
Owner, News Director
U.P. Breaking News
(Watersmeet, MI) – FBI agents combed two crime scenes and on Tuesday gathered more DNA evidence in a pair brutal beatings involving different weapons that left two Lac Vieux Desert tribal members seriously injured and a third jailed.
Two crime scenes have been identified in the search warrants that seek evidence of the alleged violent crimes of 45-year-old David King Baldwin:
The victims identities – and any connection to the suspect – are being withheld by U.P. Breaking News and are identified only by initials in federal documents:
Apartment of the male victim A.J.J.:
E23905 Transfer Station Road, Unit 2, Watersmeet, MI
A second residence where female victim – J.P.B. – was allegedly assaulted and suspect restrained by occupants:
Daniel Green residence
Unit 25 Circle Drive
The DNA search warrants are the latest examples of federal prosecutors in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan take a no tolerance approach to domestic violence inside Native American nations or on treaty lands – rejecting outdated and false notions it is just part of the culture.
Across Michigan, federal prosecutors have been upholding the rights of female and male domestic violence victims as they throw violent offenders into prison.
U.P. Breaking News is the only U.P. media that has been reporting on these prosecutions – as the media all but ignores federal court – unless they get a federal news release.
Witnesses named in the court records include Jenny McGeshick
Law enforcement officers assisting in the probe are FBI Special Agent Mark W. Hoff of the Detroit Field Office stationed in Marquette, MI; LVD Tribal Police Officer Graser.
Feds Native American DV Probe (2)
Feds Native American DV Probe (1)
DNA #2 (1)
David King Baldwin Assault Lac Vieux Desert Criminal Complaint (1)
David King Baldwin Assault Lac Vieux Desert Criminal Complaint (2)
David Baldwin wins snowmobile at LVD casino
Baldwin is jailed on federal charges he seriously beat another man with a candle jar, fists and a kitchen chair in the victim’s apartment on Lac Vieux Desert treaty lands.
The feds are gathering evidence in what they call a probe into a “violent physical altercation.”
45-year-old David King Baldwin has been arrested by the FBI for allegedly brutally assaulting another man and is a suspect in the beating of the female victim.
In addition to the victim’s injuries, the FBI investigated the incident because it happened on treaty lands and the three people involved in the incident – two men and a women – are Native American, according to the federal complaint.
The victim – identified only as male with the initials A.J.J. – was assaulted “with a dangerous weapon” that investigators identified as a chair.
The victim was assaulted in his home in Watersmeet Township – shortly after a female – identified only as J.P.B. – dropped by his residence. Five minutes after the women arrived, the suspect – Baldwin – “banged on his (the victim’s) door.”
Federal prosecutors are deepening their probe into the incident as they requested at least two special search warrants that cover DNA evidence like bodily fluids, blood, and hair. Federal prosecutors have not stated the reason but it appears they are looking evidence to prove whether there was an additional victim or victims.
The search warrants were signed by U.S. Magistrate Judge Timothy P. Greeley.
The federal search warrant includes “items identified by witnesses” such as “improved weapons” allegedly used by Baldwin including “cellular telephoners, glass jars, knives, chairs, and club-like objects”
Damaged clothes and broken furniture were among the household items specified in the search warrant.
A.J.J. opened his door “and Baldwin struck him in the face,” the complaint states in explaining the victim’s account.
“A.J.J. tried to defend himself,” the complaint states, adding the suspect then attacked the victim with a candle jar “that had been atop the table.”
“Baldwin then hit A.J.J. on the side of the head with a glass candle jar,” the complaint states, adding the attack was not over.
“Baldwin next picked up a kitchen chair and hit A.J.J. with it,” the complaint states.
The victim was hit “upon his arms – as he tried to fend off the blows,” the FBI interview revealed.
The victim managed to escape and at 3:13 a.m. arrived at the Lac View Desert Tribal Police Department to report the assault. Two minutes later LVD officers respond to the scene.
Baldwin and J.P.B. were found “seemingly unconscious” laying in the yard “outside the apartment building,” the officers reported. Baldwin “had what appeared to be blood on the upper right portion of his shorts, as well as, his gray t-shirt and legs,” the complaint states.
Baldwin “woke up” and asked the officers several questions before being placed in handcuffs.
“What’s going on,” Baldwin asked.
Where am I,” he said.
The victim invited tribal officers into his apartment to show the evidence of the assault including the broken chair.
A.J.J. suffered numerous injuries including “a large lump on both of his forearms, a scratch on the left side of his neck, and a reddened cheek.” The victim was treated for arm injuries at the Ministry Eagle River Memorial Hospital, where medical records state he “suffered blunt trauma to the right forearm and had a deep tissue contusion.”
Citing a doctor’s addendum, the complaint states, “it was noted that the patient reportedly sustained the injury during an altercation with another person.”
“The patient stated the person was trying to hit him over the head with the folding chair and he defended himself with his hands/arms,” the doctor wrote in an addendum – the complaint states.
The attack occurred at the victim’s apartment on Fri., Aug. 12, 2016 at E23905 Transfer Station Rd, Unit 2 in Watersmeet, MI “in Indian Country” inside Gogebic County “on land held in trust by the United States for the use of the Lac Vieux Desert Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians,” according to a criminal complaint filed in federal court at Marquette.
The charges are the result of an investigation by two FBI agents, Lac Vieux Desert Tribal Police and the LVD tribal prosecutor. The complaint was presented to a federal judge by Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Special Agent Mark Hoff, who investigated the assault.
The complaint alleges Baldwin committed the attack “with the intent to do bodily harm without just cause or excuse,” according to the criminal complaint filed in U.S. District Court in the Western Division of Michigan
The felony criminal complaint was signed on Fri., Aug. 26 by U.S. Magistrate Judge Timothy P. Greeley in Marquette, MI.
“This affidavit does not set forth all matters discovered during the course of this investigation,” Agent Hoff stated in the complaint.
Groups Fighting Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Against Native Women (and Men):
Uniting Three Fires Against Violence
Michigan’s Native American Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Coalition
(906) 253-9775
Save Wįyąbi Project
Decolonizing the Anti-Violence Movement
National Indigenous Women’s Resource Center
Violence Against Women National Online Resource Center
Family and Youth Services Bureau –
California Bar Journal: Protecting Native American women from violence is an uphill battle by Diane Curtis/Staff Writer
David King Baldwin
First story on case: http://upbreakingnews.com/DNACollectedLVDAssaultCase
Lac Vieux Desert Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians
Gete-gitigaaniwininiwag in the Anishinaabe language
  Lac View Desert Tribal Police Department and Prosecutor’s Offices
LVD Tribal Police (906) 358-4313 Captain Richard Burke
Looking for General Manager Job Description
2001 CDC and National Institute for Safety and Health Federal Report about health hazards at LVD Casino
Federal Bureau of Investigation
FBI Special Agent Mark Hoff
Former Kincheloe Resident Tommy Alan Cain Sentenced for Sexual Assault of a Minor
U. S. Attorney Patrick A. Miles, Jr., announced that Tommy Alan Cain, 62, a former resident of Kincheloe, Michigan
Wisconsin Man Sentenced in Keweenaw Bay Indian Community Child Sexual Abuse Case
Douglas Emil Kugler, Jr. , 34, of Eagle River, Wisconsin, was sentenced to 71 months in federal prison for abusive sexual contact with a child under twelve years old
Baraga Man Jacob Charles Maki Sentenced for Assault by Strangulation
Jacob Charles Maki, 35, of Baraga, Michigan, was sentenced in U.
Sault Ste. Marie Man Convicted in Federal Court of Sexual Assault and Witness Tampering
U. S. Attorney Patrick A. Miles, Jr. , announced today that Lynn Michael LaVictor, 44, of Sault Ste. Marie, MI
Wilson Man Sentenced to 60 Months for Domestic Assault by a Habitual Offender
Ministry Eagle River Memorial Hospital
U.P. Breaking News Exclusive/Warning: Graphic photos and two victims as we follow the “blood trail” on the Rez – Crackdown continues against wanton domestic violence on Indian Nations – FBI and federal prosecutors seek DNA on bloody clothes, bodily fluids, probe two crime scenes on Lac Vieux Desert reservation in western U.P. Feds use all tools to stop domestic violence on U.P. Native American lands - one of most recent attacks shows brutality and serious injuries suffered by two victims…
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Bobby Lee Jones, Jr. accused in federal court of assaulting a women he was dating on tribal lands in Menominee County, MI
Bobby Lee Jones, Jr. accused in federal court of assaulting a women he was dating on tribal lands in Menominee County, MI
A domestic assault on tribal lands in Menominee County leads to federal charges against the suspect who allegedly assaulted a Native American woman he was dating
Bobby Lee Jones, Jr. Class A Misd Federal Information
By Greg Peterson
Owner, News Director
U.P. Breaking News
(Marquette, MI) – A domestic violence assault this weekend on tribal lands in Menominee County has resulted in…
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Editorial: Pure Michigan Campaign not only a lie but also sick joke - U.P. BREAKING NEWS DEMANDS that RICO charges be filed against Michigan Governor Rick Snyder, and several administration lackeys plus members of the Michigan Natural Resources Commission for the ongoing rape of the environmental and doing unspeakable crimes against children.
Editorial: Pure Michigan Campaign not only a lie but also sick joke – U.P. BREAKING NEWS DEMANDS that RICO charges be filed against Michigan Governor Rick Snyder, and several administration lackeys plus members of the Michigan Natural Resources Commission for the ongoing rape of the environmental and doing unspeakable crimes against children.
U.P. Breaking News Editorial: Pure Michigan Campaign Tour of U.P. is Final Straw – as Media lays down likes pigs on teat – throw this gov guy and his co-conspirators in prison on federal RICO charges
Federal RICO is only way to handle unrepentant Snyder – crimes fit the Racketeering and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) Hath Michigan Governor Rick Snyder No Shame? Hath The U.P. Media No Shame?
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