#At least my classes are easier
dark-raven-feathers · 2 years
Plague Doctor posting will be pushed back a couple of days due to yours truly filling its Feburary schedule to the brim. If you really want to know: -Instrument repair tmmr -Concert performance and robotic comp this Saturday -ID replacement next Tuesday -AIBF on the 25th -Side project I need to finish by the end of the month -This stupid 9/8 measure I can't friggin figure out -Another smaller side project +weekly marching band meetings Also I'm just tired. Satan made school and we are the victims.
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snipstheskeleton · 10 months
i have adrino brainrot right now (do people even say brainrot anymore?? i don’t know but i can’t think of another word for it) and i want share how i view them because i haven’t read fanfic or seen anything else that’s similar enough to this
so adrien and nino are dating and they haven’t told anyone (maybe nino has told alya and adrien has told chloe (i love her and she and adrien are friends shut up) but marinette can’t know for this to work) they have multiple reasons for why they are staying silent the main ones are gabriel, nino thinks adrien doesn’t want to come out, and adrien doesn’t want nino to be bombarded with reporters, paparazzi, fangirls, homophobes/fangirls who want to date adrien (i say fangirls but i mean anyone not necessarily girls),etc if nino becomes popular he wants it to me for who nino is and what he does not because he’s dating a famous model/gabriel’s son and they like their relationship being just between them but that also means having to make sure that they are alone before they can do anything together which is a lot harder than it seems to be so nino goes up to ladybug at one point when he’s carapace(if adrino has revealed their identities to each other) to ask ladybug if it’s ok that if he and chat noir can publicly date because they’re actually dating but they have to keep their relationship secret and ladybug agrees but is a little hurt nino hasn’t told her (marinette) that he’s dating someone and that feeling comes and goes because she wants nino to be able to tell her this stuff but also doesn’t want to know chat noir’s identity and a little less publicly chat noir will flirt or tease nino when carapace is not needed (but only around ladybug/rena or when they think they can without causing a lot of attention so people don’t suspect nino is carapace) and carapace can’t really do the same with adrien (at least around rena and ladybug like chat noir does) but it’s very obvious to people close to adrien that he has the hots for carapace and has made jokes that if carapace wasn’t with chat noir maybe his celebrity status is enough to woo carapace and at times chat noir will ask for the turtle miraculous when he sees ladybug so him and nino can spend time together when they may not be able to as their civilian selves until nino gets the turtle permanently and even after adrino come out publicly they’ll still have dates as chat noir and carapace partially so people don’t think they’ve broken up but mainly because even if they could go do something together without at least one person coming up to them being able to chill with your boyfriend in places most people can’t get to is so much better than going to your typical date locations and the views are so much better (not that they usually look away from each other long enough to notice)
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Based on a Singer Sargent painting
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mittenlady · 8 months
chapter 15 of CAYA is finally finished. unfortunately i will not be posting anything until i finish chapter 17 <3
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transannabeth · 23 days
hi. for people who saw gatsby: an american myth. do you remember mckee asking nick for lunch. and then gatsby in like the next scene inviting nick for lunch. because i remember.
#not pjo#chitter chatter#when gatsby was like 'we should do lunch' i was like. hello. fucking. hello. are we. hello.#gatsby really said we just met literally 5 minutes ago. come meet my father figure. normal normal thing to do jay.#to be clear gatsby also asks him to go to lunch in the book. but like. there's a time skip. and also#in the show after mckee asks they immediately start making out on the couch. none of this ... nonsense#so the vibes are a LITTLE different in my brain.#i saw a few people say they didnt think gatsby and nick flirted enough and like while i do think that think part of it is we're#in nick's pov but not his HEAD#he DOES start singing about gatsby's smile for no reason until jordon is like. alright buddy. lets talk about daisy.#like nick was just Doing That. pull it together carraway.#but i got the vibe (JUST my take) that gatsby was like. kinda into nick. zero reason to be leaning into his space like that sir.#however when he actually MET daisy again he became kinda singularly focused on her again#i mean he built his whole lifeup to this moment#he says it at the end. he murdered pieces of himself to bring himself here. for DAISY.#him snapping back to daisy mode makes sense to me but he still reaches out for nick as a comfort in the sense that hes like#nick do NOT leave please stay with us. daisy does the same. and ofc part is that theyre really. fucking awkward. but like.#LET ME HAVE MY OWN NONSENSE INTERPRETATIONS. HES TRAPPED BY WHITENESS AND CLASS AND HETEROSEXUALITY.#hes already so much of an outsider trying to fit in. (i also think he loves daisy or an ideal at least. and she's EASIER to love. safer.)#nick inherently has more freedom even as a gay man in the sense that hes richer and white and an ivy league dude i mean you understand righ#right????????#even if its in the book i do wanna point out the parallels between those moments. im choosing to see it as deeply intentional <3#this show had a lot of repetition and parallels (see daisy and myrtle in a lot of songs and scenes)#(one i LOVE is tom giving myrtle a necklace and daisy later giving TOM her necklace in case he sees anyone he knows. idk love that shit)#im...gonna queue this#im embarrassed to talk about this show so much. so. into the queue it goes!!!#all the worlds a stage#so like. anyway. thats where i think nick's mind immediately went when gastsby asked him for lunch. personal headcanon <3#gatsby after one convo: we're doing lunch // me and nick immediately: oh ok! guess that's a date then!
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It's crazy how for the first few years of my life I only spoke Arabic and now my language skills are, in English, being about to write anything from technical reports to poetry and, in Arabic, being able to write "the boy went up the hill to get the ball :)" sentences.
What's more is this isn't even true because I don't actually even know the word for hill in Arabic.
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shivunin · 1 year
Ohhhhh oh how about "One talking to the other when they think they're asleep" for Maria and Fenris pretty please?
Thank you for the prompt! <3 I had to ponder this a bit, but I am happy with the results c:
("Sharing a bed" prompts here; I am still open c:)
(Also, please forgive my rusty Latin; it's been eight years since I've had to actually use it for anything more than a party trick. I've also fiddled with the translation below for flow. Apologies to the memory of Catullus)
Tuus sum: I am yours
Corpus animaque: Body and soul
Placideque quiescas: Rest well and peacefully
Fenris/Maria Hawke | 1,138 Words | No warnings
Corpus Animaque
"Let us live, my Lesbia, and let us love, and the rumors of rather stern old men let us value all at just one penny! Suns may set and rise again; for us, when once the brief light has set, an eternal night must be slept. Give me a thousand kisses, then a hundred, then another thousand, then a second hundred, then yet another thousand, then a hundred; then, when we have performed many thousands, we shall stir them into confusion, so that we might not know, and in order not to let any wicked person envy us, when he knows that our kisses number so many." ---Catullus 5*
“Say something in Tevene,” Hawke had murmured to him perhaps half an hour ago. 
Fenris, who was now well versed in what Hawke sounded like when she was trying to force herself to stay awake, had obliged. He’d taught her hello and goodbye, then described the room at length in disinterested tones, all the while allowing his voice to grow ever quieter. Maria slept deeply now, her cheek pillowed on her arm atop the pillow, and Fenris let his head rest on its side so he could watch her. 
It had been strange to speak the tongue of his birth with her—odd, like two halves of his life twining when he’d expected them to be forever as water and oil. There was something, though, in speaking to Maria when he knew she could not understand him. Fenris pondered this for a time, listening to the crackle of the fire at her hearth and the soft whistle of her sleeping breath. 
“Cor mea,” Fenris murmured after a moment: my heart, a simple enough endearment.
Hawke did not stir. She’d rested her hand near his shoulder, as she often did, and he’d obligingly twined his fingers with hers. Fenris set his other hand over both now, cradling her hand between his. 
There were things he ought to say to her. He knew that. But even now, when he was certain there would be no leaving her, words of love refused to slip easily from his lips. Not in the common tongue; not even in the one he’d spoken for most of his life. 
Not his own words; perhaps the words of others would come to him more easily. 
“Vivamus, mea Maria, atque amemus,” he murmured, feeling the pulse at her wrist where it pressed against his, “rumoresque senum severiorum onmes unius aestemimemus assis.”
Maria pulled her hair back in a red silk scarf when she slept. It prevented her hair from tangling too badly in the night and kept either of them from rolling onto her bounty of curls while they slept. Now, a small curl had snuck from its confines just below her ear, threatening to tickle the sensitive skin and wake her. Fenris lifted one hand and tucked it back with the rest, moving slowly and carefully. Hawke did not stir, for which he was grateful. There was more yet to say. 
“Soles occidere et redire possunt;” Fenris went on, “nobis, cum semel occidit brevis lux, nox est perpetua una dormienda.” 
An eternal night indeed; they had, both of them, seen enough of death to last several lifetimes. Her pulse thrummed steadily against his own, as if in sweet answer to the unspoken undertone to the words. They were alive now, the two of them; whatever rest they might share tonight was not that long rest, but the blink of an eye in the span of their days.
There will be other nights, she’d told him once. He dwelled too heavily on dreadful possibilities now. While she still slept…let him finish this, at least. 
Fenris spoke the rest of the words—give me a thousand kisses, then a hundred, then another thousand—meaning each of them as he spoke. They were not his words; they were borrowed from someone he’d never met. Even so, they seemed intended for something like this: a room that held only the two of them, an unusually clear night in Kirkwall which showed the stars clearly through her bedroom window, and the gradually softening light from the fire that kept them warm. Such words should be exchanged in whispers and the touches of hands, intended only for a lover’s ears.
It felt wrong to end with the poem, but Fenris didn’t have to cast about for something to end with. There were other words he’d told her before, words he’d conveyed in a dozen different ways if not a hundred. He’d seen her concern when he’d said them the first time—I am yours—as if she was worried about why he might say that. As if she thought he’d somehow conflated her with those who would have owned him once.
The whole of it was too much to explain, too strange to say aloud: if I may at last choose what to do with my life, I choose to give it to you. I would give all of myself to you if I could, because you would never ask me to, because you have insisted on seeing me as a person from the first moment we met. 
Too formal. 
Too many possible hidden meanings, when he’d first said the words to her in those bruised days after that disastrous night together. Fenris had chosen the easiest ones instead of the explanation, willing to risk her concern in exchange for some level of understanding. 
It was easier now; he could say them with more affection, and she’d returned the words more than once. They meant something different when Hawke said them, but that had never bothered him. 
“Tuus sum,” Fenris told her now, the words feeling firmer in this language, more binding—though the weight of them was a comfortable one, words and bonds he’d chosen rather than ones that had been chosen for him. 
“Corpus animaque,” Fenris finished, his voice hardly more than a whisper, “placideque quiescas, cor mea.”
It seemed fitting, somehow, to dip his head and kiss her hand then. If he were less tired, he may have considered why such an implicit vow had felt necessary. Matters had passed tense in Kirkwall weeks ago and slid unstoppably toward some imminent danger. Fenris could not smooth her way; he could not fight her battles for her. 
But he could hold her hand in the night, and whisper to her of kisses and days to come. He could stay by her side as long as she would allow him. 
As long as there was strength in his arms, as long as he could stand with her, he believed he would see her safe. He had never been an optimist; if pressed, he would not wager on their odds. 
But Hawke—he believed in her. If anyone could navigate them out of this disaster, it was her.
“Mea cor,” he said one more time, setting her hand back over his chest with exquisite care. 
The time for words had passed. It was past time for rest. Fenris looked at Hawke once more before he closed his eyes, tracing the shadows of her face, the softness of her eyelids, the unfading smile lines on either side of her mouth. When he’d looked his fill for now (only for now; it could never be enough for forever, as he knew well), Fenris closed his eyes at last. 
It was much longer before his focus slipped from the steady pulse in her wrist and Fenris fell asleep at last.
*Base source for translation: Wikipedia
(I know, there are prettier versions elsewhere, but it's nearly one am and i don't want to look)
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40steps · 3 months
hey i’m a mutual who dropped out in 7th grade and i just want u to know that things will be ok. i’m going back to school this year and like you can just stop either temporarily or permanently. i promise u it will be ok
:((( thank u so much this means a lot to hear . my plan has been to drop out for like two years at this point but i never really expected it to feel this much like a huge change even though it was always going to be. and my mother asked me if i just wanted to drop out when i told her i didn't want to go in today and it's sent me on a downward spiral. sorry for putting this on your dash board whoever is online and whoever saw it.
#ugh whatever sorry these tags r going to be so whiny don't look at them if u dont want to see that.#UGHHHEH its just so much. because at least having the option to have somewhere to go every day even if i never take it has been like.#almost some sort of comfort to me. because i don't want to sit around every day if it's not my choice to be doing so.#but i've never had a job. i don't know how to write a resume i don't know how to answer interview questions i don't know anywhere that#would take me that i can get to on my own since i can't drive. but if i don't get a job. i'll be sitting around broke and miserable until#applications for the course i want open up. and i don't know how to do that. the more i think abt it today the more dropping out feels#like the best option but it doesn't make it feel less like the huge step i know it'll be. i don't have a life without school. it's the only#place i ever see my few irls. it's my one source of human interaction every week. what do i do if it's not there for the next#half a year. assuming i passed the test i needed to pass and also get into the course i want. i don't know.#and everythings in my favour!! everything is going for me!! i have it easier than so many kids at my school!#my mother is a teacher and she gets me so many of the things i need because she knows the system. literally two weeks ago she got it set up#so that i don't have to go to one of my classes because it was making me miserable and i was complaining abt it constantly.#and i just feel bad that all of her effort will have gone to waste? i know she's done everything she can but it still hasn't fixed my#hatred for the school system and i feel so bad. I DONT KNWO WAHT TO DO!!! IM GOING TO KILL MY SELF!!!#whatever what ever. i;m overreacting it's what ever
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army-of-bee-assassins · 9 months
finally got my full clinic and work schedule. i am preemptively so tired.
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seaofreverie · 3 months
Wanted to start working on projects for my part-time school this weekend but instead all I have the energy to do is lay in bed and play mario kart or lay in bed and listen to music
#i started taking meds two days ago and over those two days i've felt even more dead energy-wise than before. if that's even possible#i hope this passes sooner than later because the semester's almost over#and i want to prepare something better to pass this course with than those projects that everyone did in class#and then it will finally (or rather already. time feels fake) be summer and no more obligations of such type. for now#altough i'll admit these last few months were rather easygoing#in terms of stuff i had to do for a set deadline and such#it would have been a much harder time for me otherwise#at least i'm getting this stuff sorted at last. slowly but surely#and enjoying my time gaming and listening to 4-5 albums a day on average as of the last two days#maybe 2024 is the year when my mental health problems finally caught up with me#but then with some dedication and direction i can also start getting out of it for once and for all#like i actually want to be proud of what i've done this year. because it's a lot#and it's things i wouldn't have found myself capable of just a few months ago#like. making this blog and actually sharing my feelings and thoughts somewhere#years of being your own only confidant really messes with your brain and ability to function as an adult it turns out#but yeah i hope i can get this sorted now and the meds help and make it easier to go about my previous plans for making myself feel better#i'll try not to post about this too much but i really needed to get this out today#i know many people vent on tumblr anyway but my brain will always make me feel bad about anything and everything i do lol#vent tag
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rozaceous · 1 year
i'm going insane, october is going to make me collapse
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gingerswagfreckles · 1 year
Hot take we gotta start posting on Facebook more, especially in regards to class struggle. Every time I post about the crazy ways the rich are screwing us over on there I get at least a dozen boomers up in my comments going hey that's insane what the fuck!!!! And it's like hell yeah Deborah B. that is terrible isn't it!! Maybe AOfuckingC ISN'T such a crazy radical after all!!
Start posting about it to those who need to hear it lol. We're just preaching to the choir over here.
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kohakhearts · 10 months
cons of going to a “good schoolTM”: insane workload, unbearable classmates, next to no support when you have any kind of extenuating circumstances Including literal hospitalization, etc
pros of going to a “good schoolTM”: the 9-5 lifestyle is genuinely a major improvement
#taylor.txt#the extenuating circumstances point was not me btw. i know someone who had his degree delayed an entire year because of two weeks in psych#we’re in a co-op program or else maybe it wouldve just been one semester but. lol#i hate it here…i hate it#but hey…at least i have the world’s shittiest health insurance!#some of my classmates say they dont feel like working full-time is easier than going to school full-time but it so is#for me. anyway. even when i fumbled my time management bad on the field and make no mistake i was incredibly busy plus i chose a field#notorious for Unpaid Overtime and Taking Your Work Home. even then. it was still easier than this#i would never do undergrad again. i loved everything i learned. i took interesting and awesome classes#but i would never ever do it again. miserable overworked spent most of it friendless until i got on the field#i have a friend who keeps being like idk how you did 4 physics classes this sem and im like girl we are education students…thats an average#semester for a physics major. how must THEY feel#also i have to say just you know. generally. ive worked full-time while living with my parents#AND while living alone. and 50 hours a week was incredibly manageable in the former arrangement. i even wrote and edited an entire novel#in the beginning stages of a pandemic while working 50 hours a week of retail and fast food hell. 40 hours full-time with weekends off#while living alone though? thats hard. i still managed to go to the gym almost every day#currently? i cant get out of bed in the morning. i am putting in 12 hour days and then goinng to bed unable to sleep because im so stressed#i have dreams about school. tangentially theres a really good marxist poem i read last year about this phenomenon in workers#ANYWAY. i have just 8 more days 4 exams 1 research paper and video project#i think i can pass and then thats it. my next semester is hell but just because scheduling the actual classes will be easy#and then i get to go back on the field and actually want to wake up every day. lol#and 8 days from now i will have my christmas shopping done and my apartment will be clean and i will be a fanfic writing machine#also my friends and i booked a demolition room so im sure that will be beneficial kfldjfldndks
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ayakashibackstreet · 7 months
Ye boiiiii, got my Japanese grade for last semester and it's a 5, woooooo
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avalon821 · 11 months
Good news is I only need 18 more potsherds on Tyr, bad news is that I have no idea what’s up with the last boss of the middle route.
Monroe will need 27, but I only want to get the hair for her for now.
Time to live in the variant dungeon for days. Route after route until my fingers fall off
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quaalussy · 7 months
working like 25 hours this week and next week im so fuckin tired
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