#going damn back in my day we used to threaten to shoot our bosses when they tried this crap!!
gingerswagfreckles · 1 year
Hot take we gotta start posting on Facebook more, especially in regards to class struggle. Every time I post about the crazy ways the rich are screwing us over on there I get at least a dozen boomers up in my comments going hey that's insane what the fuck!!!! And it's like hell yeah Deborah B. that is terrible isn't it!! Maybe AOfuckingC ISN'T such a crazy radical after all!!
Start posting about it to those who need to hear it lol. We're just preaching to the choir over here.
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loverhymeswith · 2 years
Request for the Enough universe, a story/drabble of us overcoming a moment of adversity in our relationship (a fight, an argument, or some other kind of conflict).
Catch Me If I Fall | Stephen Holder x F!Reader
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Enough Masterlist
Warnings: None
Word Count: 810 words
A/N: Thank you for the request @sociiallydiisoriiented . I hope you don't mind, but this was a very loose interpretation of "conflict". I'm starting a new job today, so it was very self indulgent 😂 Thank you @a-reader-and-a-writer for beta reading 💖
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“If you ain’t gonna open it, I will.”
Holder lunges for the envelope that’s been sitting on the kitchen table for the best part of two days. The unassuming white envelope that just so happens to contain your fate. Your future.
“Stephen, no!”
But it’s too late; the letter now balances between your partner’s thick and capable fingers as he holds it just out of your reach. You tug at his sleeve but to no avail.
There isn’t a trace of amusement to be found in Holder’s expression as he stares down at you, brows creased and lips drawn into a thin line.
“Stop bein’ a coward. What’s the worst that’s gonna happen? If you failed, just take the damn test again.”
You shake your head, nerves threatening to overwhelm you as you tear your attention away from the letter and focus on him instead. He doesn’t understand. And how could he? You haven’t exactly been forthcoming about your fears – not now, and certainly not in the past.
“Maybe it’s not failing that I’m worried about.” You risk a shy glance up at him.
Confusion is now written across his face, replacing the frustrated glares that he’s been shooting your way for the last day and a half. “What you talkin’ about?”
You take a deep breath. “If I passed the course and they promote me, everything is going to change. You understand that, right?” Gesturing between the two of you, you throw him a meaningful look. “We won’t be partners anymore. Best case scenario, I would be your boss. Worst case, they could move me to a different department... or a different precinct.”
Holder’s eyes soften with understanding and he lowers his arm slowly, until the envelope is back within your reach. “That what you’re worried about?”
Shoulders slumping, you cast your gaze to the floor. The beginnings of embarrassment prickle beneath your skin, warming your cheeks. “You think I’m being stupid.”
He drops the envelope onto the table and takes you by the arms instead. “Course not, baby. Makes perfect sense. But you’ve been workin’ for this your whole life. Don’t throw it away just cos of this face.” He flashes you a disarming smile. “Even if we don’t work together, I’m still gonna be the one you come home to every night, a’ight? You’re still gonna wake up beside me every mornin’. Ain’t gettin’ rid of me that easily.”
He tilts your chin up, until you have no choice but to stare back into his soft hazel eyes. “It don’t matter what that piece of paper says. Sergeant or not, I’m still gonna love you.”
His words hit their mark and your heart grows by at least one size. A timid smile tugs at your lips. You want to believe him; you do believe him. But there’s something else that’s bothering you. Something more insidious, eating away at your insides.
“What if I go back to the way I was before? Before us. What if the new responsibility is too much and I can’t separate between work and the rest of my life? What if I-”
You’re interrupted mid-sentence by a soft pair of lips crashing against yours. Holder kisses you firmly, thoroughly, his hands rising to cup your jaw, his thumbs skating over the swell of your cheeks. It’s the kind of kiss that pushes everything else to the back of your mind, leaving you with thoughts of nothing but this man and the depth of your feelings for him.
When he finally breaks the kiss, you find yourself breathless and bewildered. “What was that for?”
He grins wickedly. “I learnt a while ago that it’s the most effective way to shut you up.”
Blinking in surprise, you can’t even find it in yourself to be mad at him. Not when he kisses you like that. You’d probably have forgotten your own name if it wasn’t still staring up at you from the envelope in question.
Brushing a strand of hair from your eyes, he continues to watch you with love and pride shining on his beautiful face. Your heart swells even further and it’s all you can do not to melt into his arms.
“If you ever find yourself fallin’ down that hole again, I’m here to catch you, a’ight? We’re in this together and I ain’t lettin’ anythin’ happen to you. You feel me?”
You nod, fighting back the tears that threaten to fall, because surely you don’t deserve him. Surely, there’s been a mistake.
“I love you, Stephen.” All at once, it’s a promise and a plea. An affirmation. A mantra. He is the centre of your universe; the one thing keeping you in orbit. Without him you’d be drifting alone through space. “I love you, so much.”
“Good.” He releases you, only to hand you the letter. “Now, open the damn thing.”
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Joel Taglist: @a-reader-and-a-writer @babblydrabbly @yespolkadotkitty @skvatnavle @sociiallydiisoriiented @heresathreebee @mayhem24-7forever @edwardbaldwin @fairchildflag @bewitchedignition @immyownlittlebitch @s-u-t @kirsteng42 @katjnordstrom96 @lavenderluna10 @weallhaveadestiny
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lumosandnoxwriting · 4 years
Three out of Ten - Fred Weasley
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Title: Three out of Ten Pairing: Fred x Fem!Reader Summary: Fred loves having his girlfriend work at the shop, but some days are significantly *ahem* harder than others Warning: No explicit sexy times but there is some heavy making out and illusions to sex. A/N: the summary is shit but that’s pretty much expected from me at this point lmao. This is for an anon who wanted Fred’s girlfriend having a difficult time walking while working at the shop. Feedback is always welcome, and request are open! Tags: @feltondarling​ @pandaxnienke​ @raerae27​ 
“Good morning, beautiful,” Fred murmurs as Y/N starts to stir in her sleep. The sunlight is peaking in through the curtains in their bedroom, signaling that it’s time for them both to get up and start their day.
Y/N groans, snuggling further into Fred’s warm embrace. “Five more minutes, Freddie,” she pleads her lips brushing against the bare skin of his chest.
“Tired you out last night did I?” Fred teases with a chuckle. He watches as Y/N’s cheeks flush pink and he leans down to press a kiss to the top of her head.
“Eh it was alright. I’d give it a three out of ten,” Y/N jokes, pulling away so she can look up at Fred. She laughs when Fred’s mouth downturns into a deep frown, causing Fred to dig his fingers into her side and start tickling her.
“You wanna make jokes and laugh?” he asks, rolling them over so Y/N is underneath him. “I can make you laugh.”
Y/N giggles wildly as Fred tickles her, squirming to try and get away from him. “Oh,” she gasps suddenly when a pain shoots through her lower body.
Fred immediately stops poking at her sides and sits up, reaching out to cup her cheek. “What’s wrong? Did I hurt you?”
“No, Freddie,” Y/N chuckles, reaching up to smooth out the worry lines in his forehead. “I’m just a uh, bit sore from last night as all,” she admits with a blush.
“From only a three out of ten?” he teases with a cheeky grin, far too pleased with himself. “Can’t imagine what you’re like the night after a ten out of ten.”
Y/N rolls her eyes and pushes Fred off of her. “Considering that’s never happened I guess we’ll never know,” she jokes.
Fred slaps Y/N on the thigh lightly before pulling her into a brief kiss. “You’re going to regret that later.”
“Gonna try for a four out of ten tonight?” she asks with a laugh, rolling away from the pillow Fred tosses at her.
Fred watches with a smirk as Y/N creeps down the stairs into the shop a little bit later. It’s still a few minutes from opening, but Fred had escaped downstairs a tad earlier than normal to avoid watching Y/N limp around the flat as she got ready for work. Not only does seeing her struggle to walk from how hard he had given it to her the previous night make him proud, it also turns him on. He gets off on watching Y/N cry from pleasure as he ruins her every night, and to see the after effects of it the next day has left a problem in his trousers that is sure to scare customers away.
“You feeling alright, Y/N?” George asks as Y/N finally reaches the shop floor. She had let out a small noise as she stepped off the final stair, her hand gripping her side.
“She’s fine, Georgie,” Fred answers with a chuckle, sending his brother a wink. “Just a bit of a rough night, she didn’t get much sleep.” Y/N’s cheeks flush pink and she flips her boyfriend off.
George pretends to gag as he looks between the two of them. “I don’t even know why I asked. It’s you two of course it was some weird sex thing.” George grimaces as he heads away from them to unlock the front door.
“You’re going to traumatize your poor brother,” Y/N scolds as she shuffles over towards Fred.  
“It’s nothing he hasn’t heard before,” Fred says with a laugh, placing his hands on Y/N’s hips. He starts to massage them lightly, causing Y/N to let out a satisfied groan. “There was that time we forgot the silencing charm, remember?” he asks with a wink.
“Mm, how could I forget. Your first ever five out of ten,” she teases, pulling Fred’s face down to kiss him briefly.
Fred pouts, but it immediately turns into a smile when Y/N kisses him again. “You’re such a brat.” The bell above the shop door jingles as a few customers walk in and Fred gives Y/N a soft pat on the ass. “Take care of the till for a bit, yeah? You’ll be able to sit and uh, take a rest.”
“How gracious of you, sir.” Y/N giggles as Fred’s eyes narrow at her. She knows that it turns Fred on to no end that he’s her boss at work, and Y/N loves pushing that button when there’s nothing he can do about it. She presses one last kiss to Fred’s cheek before heading towards the register, making sure to add more of a limp to her step for Fred to enjoy as he watches her walk away.
“How much longer until we close?” Fred groans, his eyes following Y/N’s every move. Her walking ability has gotten better throughout the day, but her knees still quiver, and her legs still shake every few steps and Fred can’t look away. Y/N reaches up to put something back on a shelf and Fred has to hold in a moan as her shirt rides up her back.
“Keep it in your pants,” George teases. “We’ve still got three more hours until closing.”
Fred sighs, placing his head in his hands. “Is this what it feels like to be tortured? Just put me out of my misery, Georgie. Please.” Fred winces when George slaps him on the back of the head. “What was that for?” he asks with a glare.
“It was for you being an idiot,” George answers casually. “Watching you drool over your girlfriend is one thing, but I draw the line at pining. Now go do something useful, maybe the day will go by faster if you actually get some work done.”
Thankfully for Fred the store is a bit slow, and their other floor employees are able to handle the few customers roaming around, making it easy for him to follow Y/N into the back storeroom. He creeps in behind her and shuts the door, grinning at her when she turns around in surprise.
“Merlin Freddie you scared me,” Y/N scolds, playfully smacking him in the arm. “I didn’t hear you come up behind me.”
“That was kind of the point,” he muses, wrapping his arms around Y/N’s waist. He pulls her into his chest so he can kiss her hard.
“We’re supposed to be working, Fred,” Y/N reminds him with a gasp as his lips bite and nip at her neck. She lets her hands tangle in his hair, moaning as Fred starts to suck on her sensitive skin. Fred’s hands start to travel up the back of her shirt, and Y/N has to take a deep breath to keep focused. “I’ve got whizbangs to restock,” Y/N pants as Fred’s hands threaten to creep under her bra.
Fred kisses Y/N deeply, digging his fingers into her back. “I’ve got a whizbang for you handle,” he suggests with a wink. Fred grabs one of Y/N’s hands and starts to bring it to his crotch when the door to the storeroom slams open, causing both of them to shout and jump apart.
“Sorry if I wasn’t clear before, Fred,” George starts as he grabs the color of Fred’s suitcoat. “But when I told you to do some actual work, I meant restock some shelves or help a customer, not shag your girlfriend in our storeroom!”
Fred grins at Y/N as George drags him out of the small room. “We’ll continue this later!”
“Fucking finally,” Fred sighs in relief as he leans on his bedroom door.
“Long day?” Y/N teases from her spot on the bed, not bothering to look up from the copy of Witch Weekly she’s flipping through.
After George had interrupted their storeroom make out session he kept a close eye on Fred to make sure he stayed on task, much to Fred’s disappointment. Business in the store picked up towards the end of the day, and Fred barely got a chance to look at Y/N, let alone admire her as she worked. Y/N ended up grabbing dinner with Hermione and Ginny while Fred and George worked on some administrative stuff after the shop closed, and they had still been at it when she arrived back home. Y/N had just barely gotten changed into her pajamas and into bed when she heard the front door close behind Fred and George.
“Longest day in the bloody world,” Fred responds as he starts to loosen his tie. Y/N watches from the corner of her eye as Fred gets undressed, her eyes traveling over every inch of skin that he exposes. “No thanks to you, by the way. You’re too damn sexy, Y/N, it’s distracting.”
Y/N laughs and finally tosses the magazine away as Fred crawls up their bed towards her. He’s in nothing but his boxers and her hands run down his bare back as Fred settles on top of her. “Sorry, love. I’ll try and be less sexy from now on.”
“Don’t you dare,” Fred growls, kissing her messily.
Y/N moans against Fred’s mouth, her nails lightly dragging down his back. She lets Fred’s tongue in to explore her mouth as his hands shove the bottom of her shirt up so he can grip her sides. “Too bad George interrupted us earlier today. I was aching for you, Freddie. It was so hot thinking about the fact that the whole store was just outside the door while we were in there.”
“Holy hell,” Fred groans, pulling away so he can look at Y/N. “Are you feeling better?” he asks, squeezing her sides. When Y/N nods Fred grins wickedly. “Good, because we’re shooting for a ten out of ten tonight.”
When Y/N’s eyes flutter open the next morning Fred’s laying on his side, head propped up so he can look down at her. “You’re such a creep,” Y/N teases as she stretches her limbs out. Her bottom half is significantly sorer than it was yesterday, and she bites her lip to hide her pain.
“So? What’s the verdict?” Fred asks before leaning down to give her a peck.
Y/N looks up at him, a mischievous grin on her face. “I’d say a solid three and a half out of ten. Better luck next time, Freddie.”
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just-a-creep-babe · 3 years
Work Pest
(Habit x Reader)
Commissioned again by @selfshippinglover thank you so much bby, I love this mans 💖👄💖 I hope you like it <3
This ended up having a lot more plot than I initially planned, so I hope that's alright :”) Also I’ve never worked at a grocery store so I hope this isn’t too inaccurate 😅
~Requests are closed~
Masterlist: x
“Hey, (y/n). Hope you’re ready to work a lot today—we just got a shipment twice as big as we’re used to”
You hold back a groan as you set your things down at your spot in the employee’s room
You haven’t even started your shift yet and you’re already dreading the monotonous, repetitive work you’ll be doing for the next eight hours
“And the new person we hired just bailed on us, so you’ll be on your own for a while…” she reluctantly continues
This time, you don’t bother quieting your disapproval
“Crap, really? I thought they liked it here”
“Yeah, well, apparently they didn’t… They said something about the boss being too demanding before leaving”
You sigh
While it is true that your manager orders you around a lot, you don’t think he‘s too overbearing
It is his job, after all—he does what he has to in order to keep things working
“Alright, well, any more problems I should be made aware of?”
You give your coworker a teasing smile, trying to lighten the mood
Despite being the bearer of bad news, you know none of this is her fault, and she’s just trying to make end’s meet
In fact, between the two of you, even though she does have a higher position, you’re probably in a better financial situation than she is, thanks to a certain powerful entity that’s on your side 
“I think that’s it,” she answers, clearly relieved that you’re not upset with her
“And, hey, after our shift is over,” she adds, “how ‘bout we go out for some fast food? On me”
“That sounds good,” you hum, “I could go for some curly fries”
“Great! It’s a date,” she giggles
And before you can pipe in again, she’s gathering her things and heading out to the front
You shake your head, chuckling
She knows you have a boyfriend—and a very possessive one at that—but it never stops her from being flirty
If anything, she finds it funny
If only she knew what she was messing with…
Releasing another sigh, you shake the thought away and ready yourself for the day’s plentiful work
The first half of your shift flies by without a hitch
You lose yourself in your work, mind zoning off to the familiar daydreams that always keep you company
It’s only when you finish stocking the fourth aisle that you realize you might not get everything done today
You hate knowing your boss will ask you to stay overtime, but you tell yourself it’s not your fault
You’re doing everything you can with the time you have—this just wasn’t meant to be a one-person job
Still, you try not to let it get to you as you stack cans of food together in neat little rows
Just as you begin pushing your trolley of now empty shipment boxes back to the storage room, you’re suddenly forced to a halt as you bump into a shopper you hadn’t noticed
“Oh, shoot! I’m so sorry, I didn’t—Habit?”
Surely enough, your one and only possessive lover is standing in front of your cart, his hand outstretched to stop you from hitting him, with that damn grin on his face
He tuts playfully
“You should watch where you’re going, little rabbit~ You could’ve seriously injured little ol’ me”
He flashes his pearly white canines, his lips playfully curling back
“H-habit, what’re you doing here? I have a ton of stuff to do today, I can’t get distracted”
His smile falters, but only for a second before quickly returning
“Aww, c’mon, little rabbit, don’t be like that”
He makes his way around the cart, casually sauntering up to you
You’re forced to step back a few paces as he presses closer into you—all the way until your back’s hitting the shelves and he’s got you cornered
Two strong, thick arms cage you in
You pray to god that no one—especially not your boss or coworker, walk in on you in such a predicament
“Don’t try to tell me your work isn’t boring. I’m just trying to help out by spicing things up a bit~” he practically purrs as he leans in even closer
“Besides, I’ve missed my little rabbit,” he admits, “I haven’t had nearly enough time to spend with you recently. I’m just trying to make up for that”
He’s so close
The distance between the two of you is nearly nonexistent
His eyes keep flickering to your mouth and you can tell he wants you to kiss him
You want to kiss him too
You really, really do
But just as you’re about to lean in, you manage to snap yourself out of it
There’s no way you’ll be able to resist giving in if you press your lips to his
He’ll have you wrapped around his finger if you slip up and you both know it
So, you press your hands to his broad chest and gently push him away, despite already missing his closeness as soon as you do so
“H-Habit, no—stop-stop trying to distract me,” you stutter
He “hmphs,” narrowing his eyes, almost challenging you to change your mind
But you don’t back down—you won’t
You cross your arms and quirk your brow, trying to look as set and confident in your decision as you possibly can
And, surely enough, a few moments of staring each other down, he gives up, sighing grumpily
“Fine. Can you at least finish early today? The house feels so empty without you,” he pouts, and you have to stifle your laughter because here he is, this all-powerful being, acting like a spoiled child because he wants to spend time with you
“I’m sorry, I can’t,” you apologize, “I think I’ll have to work overtime tonight”
You intentionally leave out the part where your coworker asked you out on a date, because even though it is platonic, you know damn well he wouldn’t react too kindly to the news
He groans
“You’re gonna be the death of me, (y/n)”
After Habit leaves, you’re left to return your focus and attention back to your work without any more distractions
Or at least, for the moment, anyways
You fill out more shelves, meticulously restocking every product so that they look as appealing as possible for customers to buy
Back and forth, you move between the back room and the open aisles more times than you care to count, lugging box after box full of fresh, new supplies to place in their designated spots
You’re a little over halfway through the shipment when you get to the breakfast section
Half empty shelves of granola bars, oatmeals and cereals attract a few customers that absent-mindedly compare labels
Maneuvering through them, you spot what needs to be refilled and begin getting to work
You push the few boxes that remain to side to make room for the new ones
And, lo and behold, when you look back through the now open space in the shelves, you’re met with a signature grin from the other side
“Who’s this little cutie? Fancy meeting you here~”
“Habit!” you cry out his name, voice escaping much louder than you expected
You can feel the customers simultaneously all turn their attention to you—like you’re a madwoman for exclaiming his name to yourself
Your face flushes beneath their inquisitive gazes
You lean in, trying to ignore them to talk to the man on the other side
“Why are you still here?” you urge, torn between wanting to keep your voice down and being too surprised to control your volume
“Awh, you aren’t happy to see me again, bunny?~” he teases
Seeing him again does lift your spirits, but you know if you admit it, he won’t let it go
“You know that’s not the case,” you sigh, “I just have a lot to get done today”
A customer passes by behind you, and you watch as Habit’s face tenses and he almost snarls when they linger to give you a strange look
But then they move away, and his eyes snap back to you, carefree grin returning like nothing happened in the first place
“Well, don’t let me distract you. I’m just doing some grocery shopping. Why else would I be here? Certainly not because the enchantingly beautiful employee won’t get out of my head…”
You almost want to look mad at him for tempting you away from your work—again—but his grinning is contagious
And he looks so charming with that playful, mischievous look in his eyes that you’re utterly powerless to stop the smile from spreading to your face
You shake your head, and it seems like his demeanor relaxes a little, seeing that he’s made you smile
“You’re ridiculous, you know that?”
Before he can say anything else and further distract you, you replace the hole in the shelf with a box of cereal, effectively cutting off your opening for conversation
Hearing him grunt from the other side has you snickering
You don’t know what’s gotten into him today, but you do know he’s not gonna make this shift easy for you
Admittedly, can’t say you aren’t thankful for it, though
Finishing the shelf you’re currently on, you move onto the next portion of work ahead of you
You manage to finish up the whole aisle with relative speed and ease, thinking about Habit the whole time and how he‘s probably still lurking around the corner, waiting to surprise you
You bring your cart back to the storage room, unpack the empty boxes, heave on some loaded ones, and return to the front once more
You’re about to finish stocking up the next aisle when you feel a tap on your shoulder
You shake your head, smiling
“Habit, at least let me finish these boxes…”
When you turn around, instead of being faced with who you expect, you find your coworker, her brow quirked expectantly with her lips tugging into a smile
“Crap, I’m sorry, I thought you were someone else,” you laugh awkwardly, your face warming
How many times are you going to embarrass yourself today?
She laughs along
“Yeah, no kidding. I saw your boyfriend, though. He was chatting up the boss... more like threatening, actually. Just figured I should let you know,” she explains with a shrug
“Crap. I shouldn’t have told him I’d have to stay behind tonight,” you groan, smacking your face into your palm
“Hey, it’s no big. Maybe the boss will stop understaffing us if he scares him good enough. Here, why don’t you go check up on them?” she suggests, gently nudging you in the direction of his office, “I’ll finish this up for you real quick”
“Thanks. Really, you’re a lifesaver”
“Oh stop, it’s nothing,” she reassures you, laughing again
“We can reschedule our date, too. I don’t wanna face your guard dog’s wrath,” she teases
If you could sweat-drop like an anime character, you’d be doing that just about now
As much as you love her, she really has no idea what she’s messing with when it comes to Habit
“R-right, thanks again. I’ll try not to be too long. I’ll be back to pick up on the next section!” you call back over your shoulder, already heading to your boss’ rescue
But right as you’re turning around a corner, you bump into something hard and solid
The impact would have knocked you on your ass, if it wasn’t for the warm pair of hands wrapping around your hips to keep you upright
“Easy now, little rabbit. Didn’t I say you should watch where you’re going? You could’ve hurt yourself”
“J-jesus fuck, you’re gonna give me a heart attack one day!”
You press your hand to your chest, trying to calm your frantically beating heart
He chuckles, the sound smooth and husky, as he pulls you in closer
“Relax, bunny. You know I’d never let anything bad ever happen to you~”
You groan, stuffing your face into the crook of his neck as he rocks you back and forth
“You’re an absolute pest today, you know that?”
“Yeah, I know,” he snickers, “But, hey, on the bright side, your manager just had a sudden change of heart and he won’t be making you work overtime. I think he might even let you leave early. Isn’t that great news?”
He’s not even trying to hide the fact that he just threatened the person you work for
You groan and push away from him
“Habit, what did I say about threatening people?” you ask, admonishing him like you’re disciplining a new puppy
His smirk falls
“Not to,” he begrudgingly grumbles
Your mouth quirks into a smile
He’s so adorable, you can’t possibly stay mad at him
“Alright, it’s ok. All is forgiven. But I’m still finishing my shift for the day, m’kay?”
You gently pat him on the cheek, hoping he’ll agree without further argument
But, of course, him being him, he doesn’t drop the matter so quickly
“Why?” he huffs, “You don’t even have to work. I can give you all the money—all the crap you could possibly ever want. Why don’t you let me spoil you?”
He purrs out that last part, his voice splitting
You look off to the side, contemplating how you should word your next sentence
“Habit…” you hesitate, not wanting to hurt his feelings, “I just… I feel like I need to do this. It makes me feel productive, like I’m helping out. I don’t wanna sit around and just do nothing all the time, you know?”
“You wouldn’t be doing nothing all the time, bunny. You’d be keeping me entertained~”
He croons the last word in his true voice again, gently taking both your hands in his and pressing them to his chest, that playful expression never leaving his face
You roll your eyes, fighting off a smile for the umpteenth time today
“I have to get back to work, Habit. My coworker can’t cover me forever”
He groans when you pull away—again
“My shift’s almost done, I’ll see you in a few hours, m’kay?”
Without waiting for his reply, you turn the other way and start making a beeline to the next portion of stock that needs to be refilled
You feel his eyes on you the whole time that you’re walking away
After what feels like way too long, you reach the second to last section you need to refill
You’ve skipped over a quarter of the work you’ve had to do, telling yourself you’ll just have to suck it up and do it on your next shift
But, for now, you have about an hour and a half to finish whatever you can
You think for sure Habit’s left the store by now
There’s no way he’d stick around that long just to mess with you
But you’re quick to realize you’re deeply mistaken as a familiar voice croons “missed a spot~” right near your ear as you’re stacking cans of soup
“F-fuck!” you swear loudly, jumping in surprise, hands fumbling with the can you’re holding until it slips from your grasp and onto the floor
But before it can hit the ground, with reflexes faster than you can keep up with, Habit snatches it back up like it’s nothing
Your whirl around to face him, only to find him inches away from you
His mouth, curled up into that same damn smirk, is unbearably tantalizingly close
“Careful, little rabbit,” he chuckles, “you almost made a mess. This could’ve burst open”
He throws the can up in the air as he speaks, then catches it back into his hands, toying with it
He’s so smug
“You scared the shit out of me! What’re you still doing here?”
He steps back, holding his free hand to his heart in mock offence
“I stay with you at your work, trying to make your day brighter, and this is the thanks I get? Unbelievable,” he shakes his head, tsking
As silly as it is, knowing he’s stuck around such a boring place for this long—just for you—has you feeling all kinds of warm and fuzzy
"Come on, you know I didn’t mean it like that,” you laugh, trying to bargain with him
It’s all it takes for him to drop the act
“I know,” he winks, “besides, I knew I had to keep an eye on you. You’re so clumsy~”
You decide it’s your turn to fake offence
“Oh yeah? And who’s fault is that?” you ask, sassily placing your hands on your hips
“Mine,” he proudly admits, voice splitting for a moment
You’re torn between wanting to smack that smug grin off of him and wanting to kiss him
Deciding the latter is probably better, you lean in
But just as your lips are ghosting over his, you hear a surprised “oh!” from down the alley
You pull apart immediately to find your coworker standing a few feet away
Her face cracks into a huge grin as you make eye contact
“My bad, didn’t mean to bother you! Carry on, lovebirds~”
Before you can stop her, she’s turning on her heels and speed walking into the opposite direction
You’re mortified
You’re about to chase after her, but Habit wraps his arms around you and pulls you flush to him once more
“Ah ah ah,” he chastises, “no you don’t. I’ve been waiting all damn day for a kiss and I’m not letting you go until I’ve had it”
“B-but Habit—“ you whine, squirming in his hold
Unsurprisingly, you’re helpless to escape him
He’s so much stronger than you; he doesn’t even budge
“No buts! Only kisses,” he insists
You still want to head after your coworker, but how could you possibly resist that lopsided grin?
With an exaggerated defeated sigh, you give in
“Well… I suppose if I don’t have any other choice…”
“You don’t~”
He takes your hands and wraps them around his neck, making you hold onto him so that you can press your nose to his
“In 47 minutes and 56 seconds, I’m gonna get you out of this place and we can go watch some cheesy movie—your pick,” he hums
Your lips twitch into a smile
“I’d like that. But you’re still gonna owe me for distracting me so much today. My shift isn’t even over and you’re making me slack off as if I’m not on the clock”
“Yeah, well, about that…”
His grin widens, and you immediately recognize that look; he’s done something you wouldn’t approve of
“Oh no,” you groan, pulling away, “what did you do?”
He shrugs, snickering to himself
“Your boss thought you were working so damn hard lately that you deserve a break. So he’s been so generous as to give you the day off tomorrow”
“What!? But there’s so much work to be done!”
“Yeah, well, I managed to convince the fucker to hire someone else—someone who won’t bail on you and who’ll actually help out from now on. Tomorrow’s their first day, so you’ve no need to come in”
You look at him, beyond incredulous
“What? How did you manage to get him to do that on such short notice?”
“I have my ways~ Now. If I’m not mistaken, I believe I’m still owed a kiss. Two now, I’d say, since I saved your ass from having to do all this work by yourself”
You roll your eyes
Quickly leaning in, you give him a peck on the cheek
He quirks his brow, expecting more
And when you go to kiss his other cheek, he turns his head and your lips finally connect
You hum against him, savoring his warmth pressing against you, lingering for a moment before parting
“You’re an absolute pest,” you remind him again
“Don’t worry, little rabbit, I know~” he chuckles, “and you love it”
“You’re right, I do,” you agree, as you move back in to connect your lips to his one more time
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riofann · 3 years
Rio Random 4
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Things got a lot better after that, to your surprise. But you had both decided that you were basically going to do a redo and actively  work on your relationship. It was a bit difficult at first. But you felt better when you saw Mick removing drugs from your house. He also got you a security system that you could look at from your phone to see who has been in and around the house. You didn’t smell Beth around your house as often either. You actually didn't hear much about Beth, as far as you were concerned things were being dealt with.   
Rio would stop by two times a week at least on top of dates breakfast, lunch, brunch, dinner, or dessert. He was a romantic at heart actually, you would find flowers at home or at work sitting on your desk. He often used to look at you and smile which made you blush. You also met Marcus and Rhea one night at a state fair. Rhea was like Rio, hard to read you could see why the two ended up together. All together your relationship was far from perfect but you could honestly say you were happy. 
One late afternoon you rushed home from work. Rio had sent you a text saying he had left a present for you. He often did this when he found lingerie that he liked and wanted you to wear it. Some dates he had dressed you from head to toe, others he provided the undergarments. Not that your taste was bad but he enjoyed doing this. 
When you open the door to your home you hear voices coming from the bottom of your house before you could turn around and walk away you come face to face with a strange woman. 
“Uh hi” Ruby greets uneasily 
“Who are you?” You ask 
“Uh Krystal”
Quickly Beth comes around the corner “Oh Y/N I was just ummm....”
You close your door now pissed, what are you doing in my house. Mick had moved all the drugs from your home, Rio had promised you nothing was left in your house. You looked around to see your house in disarray before turning your attention back to Beth  and these other women.
“Oh well Rio wanted me to drop off something”
“Did he? Inside my house? He doesn’t even have a key, so how’d you get in?” 
“Well Mick helped with that” “Okay what are you dropping off” 
“Uh,” “Right let me just give him a call I’m sure he would love to hear about this”
“NO! Let's not bother him you know he is busy right Be... be be because he wouldn't like that right Krys?” Annie interjects
“Or should I call the police?”
Without warning Beth pulled out her gun and pointed it at you
“What are you doing?” Ruby asked in horror 
“Alright Sit” she says motioning with the gun 
“Are you gonna tell me what you're doing here in my house Elizabeth?”
Instinctively the two women looked at her as she looked shocked as well “How did you?” 
“Elizabeth Boland, you have  5 children with your ex husband Dean right? Used to be a stay at home wife? Did I get that right?” 
“SIT!” she demands “No, what are you gonna do? shoot me?”
“SIT!” she turns to look at Annie and Ruby before turning her attention back to you “Who told you?” 
“Oh uh Mrs. Doubtfire...  Yea i was stopping by to give you that book i borrowed and she said there was no such thing as Krystal had no idea what i was talking about then she told me everything”
“That damn woman” 
“NO!  If you're gonna point a gun at me then I expect you to shoot.” 
Ruby tugs at her arm “Beth lets just go” “NO ITS HERE” she yells while yanking her arm back  “you think you are so special, that's what he does you know. Make you feel special then he just dumps you like you're nothing!”
“But I’m not you Beth, and i'm not Rio, so whatever you're looking for its not here and whatever beef you have take it up with him”
“I'm not deaf i don't know why you're yelling” 
“Beth” Annie tries to calm the situation Beth with a bewildered look turns to look at Annie “NO!”
“This is bad” Ruby comments 
“You can't just threaten her life because of some guy....Beth” Annie states  
“I am not all I need her to do is sit Annie!....I know that it’s here it just has to be...” 
As they argued within themselves you felt like it was the perfect opportunity to sneak away as you got close to the door. You turned abruptly to open it when you heard commotion followed by  sharp pain on your side, you looked down to see blood seeping through your clothes. You slowly fall to the floor back resting against the wall. 
“OH MY GOD BETH!” “SHE WAS GETTING AWAY” she defends “HE IS GOING TO KILL US” Annie states looking at her sister like she had 5 heads “I’M SO SORRY Y/N” she says rushing towards you 
“YOU BITCH” You kick her in the chest causing her to fall back, you groan and hold onto your side 
“This isn't good please don't kick me none of this was supposed to happen” Ruby says slowly crouching down next to you
“Put pressure on it” Annie instructs
“I need towels!” 
“It's gonna be okay” Ruby tries her best to sooth you “I can't believe you” 
“I didn't” Beth says while holding onto your wound
Annie rushed back with towels in hand
“Uh guys we have to take her to the hospital” You don’t know when it happens but you start to fade away “Y/N! Can you stand?” “Y/N!” Annie calls your name “she's not... Y/N stay awake 
“What's wrong with you?” Ruby scolds
“What? Ruby..” 
“Why are you trigger happy”
“It was an accident, help me get her in the car!” 
“Well we can't go out the front door”
“Then help me get her through the fucking back door Annie”
“Oh my god” Annie says throwing her hands up 
When 30 minutes pass Rio is beyond infuriated with you. You were not picking up his calls or answering his texts and from what he knew you were at home.He doesn’t  know why you flaked on him, he thinks you were in a drunken slumber wondering how you got back into it, you had shown signs of improvement. 
When he gets to your house however he opens the door, he hears Coconut’s barking and he immediately spots the pool of blood by the door
“Go find her is all he needs to say to Mick”  
He walks through your home, there were multiple holes cut in your walls, holes in the cushion seat on the couch, furniture overturned. When he walks into the bedroom everything is in disarray just like the living area. Carefully he walks down the steps and spots your bag. He thinks you were ambushed. His mind goes into overdrive and is thinking of who would have the gull to do such a thing as far as he was concerned everyone knew enemy wise especially in this line of business that children and wives/girlfriends were out of the question. So whoever had the gull to do such a thing was bold and he’s wondering who it could be. He makes a few calls before he’s sitting in front of your laptop trying to log in. another phone call and he’s given the password. When he looks through the security footage nothing but rage takes over. 
After pacing the floor in silence Ruby explodes with emotion “He is going to kill us!” 
“He doesn't know where we are” Beth counters
“I have a child Beth and I need to call Stan and let him know what’s going on!” 
“So do I Ruby, I have 5 to be exact,  he wont do anything she's just a placeholder anyway”
Ruby looks at her in disbelief “Are you kidding me he broke up with YOU to be with HER she is no placeholder”
“She's not special he can find another woman  like her anytime soon” Beth states dismissively 
“Beth i don't like this you need to call him and tell him it was a  mistake” Annie jumps into the conversation 
“Relax he doesn't know where we are he’s not stupid plus Dean will throw his ass in jail”
Putting her hands up Ruby states “I can’t believe you” before she walks away A brief moment of silence before Beth’s phone starts ringing
When they all look at the phone only unknown flashes through the screen after the 5th time the screen is black for good
“Elizabeth please for our sake just tell him” Ruby pleads “we can’t be hidden forever” 
“NO! Now shut up and let me think!” 
“Or what you're gonna shoot me” Ruby expresses frustrated 
“It was an accident!” 
Ruby scoffs, “Like shooting him too? I'm starting to think you’re trigger happy”
“Don't start accusing me you shot someone in the foot!” 
“That was an accident! We all know it was, but you just can't let this life go huh. You can't let this power go so whoever stands in your way you're gonna get rid of them” 
Beth walked up to Ruby looking at her right in the eye “You're right so move out of my way” she didn't have time to be arguing with her so if that meant intimidating her she would. 
Annie quickly got between the two and separated them. “Guys i cant right now please not now, i can't deal with this, we just need to stick together” 
Beth was right Rio couldn't locate them at first but he had found you. You were in the surgical icu stabilizing after your surgery. Because you were considered a Jane Doe no one was really allowed to see you, but Rio had his connections and he walked in to see you fast asleep before walking out. He says nothing as Mick drives him over to Beth’s house. Nothing was out of the ordinary except Beth was missing. He also had other cars posted outside of Ruby’s house and Annie's. 
“Aii bet” he hangs up the phone irritated that no one could locate Beth, she had become a protégé, so good at hiding things from him now. 
"You gon’ have to get rid of her” Mick states before looking at Rio,  “She shot you, planned your assassination," he scoffs "stolen, sabotaged, lied, how much more you gon let her get away with"
“I cant get rid of her, if i do i gotta deal with the other 2, not to mention the stupid ass husbands that's almost 10 kids in foster care, too much heat its bad for business now anyway, plus I'm still under the microscope cuz of Turner” 
“Both can’t co exist  though, so you either with Beth or you with Y/N.”
“Fuck me”
“Gotta make a move boss”
“Ima figure something out” 
It takes 2 days but he finally locates them. Abruptly woken from their sleep and thrown in a van they find themselves in an unknown place, kneeling in front of him, with plastic bags underneath them. 
“Please i have children” Beth tries to plead her case 
Rio’s shoulders roll back before he speaks “Nah see you can’t keep doing that mama, you can't keep provoking me and asking for mercy cuz you got kids.”
“I'm a mother, they need their mother!”
“Please Rio” Ruby interjects 
“See that's the problem, I hoped you being a mother, you would actually be more careful but I get it now. You just wanna be reckless and use me as your cover. Shoot me 3 times it's my fault. Steal my fault, lie my fault, plot to kill me my fault" his shoulders roll "what was Y/N’s fault why you shoot her?" Already knowing the answer he wanted to see what she would  say 
"She knows my name I know you told her"
"She's my girl"
"Right just like I was but unlike her you can't replace me you need me!” 
"Humor me Beth, are you jealous?" 
Beth scoffs “of what?"  
She scoffs again "you wish! You probably get off knowing 2 women want you" 
He licks his bottom lip and smiles. It takes a minute before he speaks “So what should i do with you, all of you? I know I’m tired of this game, we’ve been playing it for too long. Aint y’all tired of wondering if im gon kill you?” He asks addressing Annie and Ruby
“Please I promise to walk away” Annie offers 
“Annie shut up!” Beth scolds 
“Annie I’m trying to....” Before she can finish she stops after she hears her phone ringing  
Rio looks down at the phone “Talk it out I gotta take this call” he says before walking away 
The girls don’t say anything but look at each other. When they see him return Beth comments “I got this let me speak.” waiting for him to sit down before she begins “You can’t kill us and you know it. So you can run back to your little girlfriend and kiss her wound and tell her she's special and I'll go back to doing my thing” she says snidely Both Annie and Ruby looked at her shocked.
“She is, it could have been you but the 3 bullets kinda changed my mind”
“OH MY GOD! Can you let that go!”
“I did then I found out you hired a hitman and some kid to shoot me. Things change all the time between us,  you know this”
“So what are you gonna do? Because we have work to do”
“I know.” He nods at the men behind them. The zip ties are cut before he walks away “I’ll see you around yea?”
When he leaves they all look at each other shocked that he even let them walk away. They remain in that position until all the men leave. 
“See I told you!”
“I can’t do this Beth you need some serious help and I’m not willing to wager my family as collateral for it”  Ruby states “It worked” “For you! Not for us, you think it's just a one woman show where you do everything? Like your actions don’t have any effect on our lives'' “Ruby it worked I don’t know why you’re being such a baby about it” “Yea well better that than you” 
Annie interjects once again  before things get heated “Guys can we just figure out how to get home”
“So what now?” Mick asks frustrated with the whole thing. “She still working for you?”  he knew the pattern all too well Beth would do something to get back at Rio 
“Nah we moving, leaving Michigan, getting new headquarters. She wanna run the business? Cool, but no protection, no muscle, no supply of weapons, no connections, yea she can print money but she can’t operate or deal, not without me. Make sure everyone knows if they entertain her they are dead. I don’t care what it is if I find out I’m putting a bounty on your head. She right though I can’t kill her but i can kill her business” 
It took a few days but when you regain consciousness in the hospital you see one of Rio’s men at least you’re assuming he is sitting by you. You two don’t speak and you go back to sleep. The next day police stop by to question you about your shooting, you tell them the story Rio’s guy told you, a home invasion gone wrong. They leave satisfied with the explanation. Rio comes to visit a few days after  you have been moved to a step down unit that was more private.
The door opens and you watch as he walks in “Rio”
Hey mama he approaches you with hands behind his back and as he gets closer a cute teddy bear that has ‘get well soon on it’ 
“How you feeling?”  he asks taking a seat next to you on the bed 
“I got shot” you state factually
“You got shot” he says moving the hair from your face 
“Where have you been? The cops came to see me”
“I know they stopped by, I was handling something. Did you tell them what Honcho told you to say?”
He smiles and looks at you with a face you can’t quite read
“So where is she?” 
You were hoping he would say dead in a ditch somewhere or something along the lines of ‘you never have to worry about her’ but what he said made you more angry
“At home”
“She's alive?”
You roll your eyes, was she gonna be thorn on your side for the rest of your life with Rio? “But she won’t bother you” “Yea said that last time and now i have a bullet hole on my side that says otherwise” “Nah she won’t be able to reach you this time cuz we leaving, after you get discharged” 
“What? You want me to move?” 
“Yea,we can...”  You interrupt "There's no we anymore, you're like a bad omen. In less than a year since  i met you I get shot and now i have a bullet wound because of your unhinged ex that you couldn't keep in check and you still think there's a 'we' " 
“I told you,” he runs his hand down his chin “i asked you to be patient” he speaks softly 
“Be patient, meant with you! So you could change not ‘be patient, my crazy ex who i can't control will shoot you months from now but i still need you to understand” you say sarcasm laced in your tone 
“Y/N” “You told me to treat you like any other guy on the street, so I am. We are done!” 
“You can't stay here” he stresses “Why not?” “Beth isn’t my only enemy, and once she finds out my plans she will go to them for revenge” 
“So where are we going? I have a career here! Aunt Brenda and Mia, my parents, I visit their graves often”  
“They can come visit you, You can always get another job, it’s not safe for you here Y/N”
“Was it ever safe? Didn’t you have enemies before? Was I not in danger then” 
“This is different, Beth is vengeful I can’t risk it” 
“Where are we going?” 
“I can't tell you, not now I’m still figuring that out” 
“Typical” “Listen i'm packing up your house I’m gonna get you a new place in a new city you'll get a job” 
“Rio are you kidding me you want me to just up and leave?” “Yea,” he stands up and looks down at you  “it’s non negotiable, i gotta protect you, after you get discharged we leaving” 
“Protect me? From who? The only person I need protection from is you. Rein que le diable (nothing but the devil)” 
He stares at you for a moment  “get some rest” he says before kissing your forehead. He didn’t care about how you felt in the moment protecting you, Marcus, and Rhea were his top priority and he knew that always came with push back no matter who he was talking to.
A/N: as always tell me what you think. Not really a fan of this chapter didn’t know how to go around it. 
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Okay because we just watched Bloodsucking Bastards together....how about some smutty Max goodness with him turning the reader 👀🧛🏻‍♂️💋 pretty please with a cherry on top
I told you last night @justanotherblonde23 I was going to write something with Max Phillips and you gave me the perfect excuse you angel. :D Thank you for the request! 
Pairing: Max Phillips x F! Reader 
Warning: 18+ ONLY NSFW Oral (M & F receiving) Sex
Taglist: @josepedropascal @oldstuffnewstuff @justanotherblonde23 @heythere-mel @yespolkadotkitty @mrschiltoncat
My Masterlist 
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It Started at the Copy Machine 
“Stupid...fucking...thing,” you kick the copier as it beeps and groans before pushing out more blank paper. “Ugh how the hell am I supposed to do my job if I can’t even get the fucking copier to work!?” You aim one more kick at the damn thing before walking towards the bosses office. 
You bang on the door not waiting before you let yourself in. The smug bastard grins at you from his chair, feet resting on the desk and texting on his phone. “Mr. Phillips,” you shout before he’s already talking over you. 
“Max. I’ve told you to call me Max cupcake,” he shoots his stupid finger guns at you and you roll your eyes groaning. 
“Mr. Phillips I cannot do my job without the proper equipment. That,” you point towards the devil box, “piece of shit machine doesn’t work anymore. How the hell am I supposed to build ‘dreams’ if I can’t even make a copy!?” You huff and cross your arms. 
“Baby-girl if you would just let me turn you. You would be able to go use any copier in the building in seconds,” he stands before coming over to you. 
“Oh ho ho no, no, no. You are not turning me into one of those night of the living dead,” you wave your hand wildly toward the darkened office humming with his drones. 
“Well then how about you just let me take you out sometime?” his tone surprises you and you do a double take at the smile on his face. For a moment he seems actually charming...not a complete asshole. 
“Are you doing that freaky hypnotizing shit on me?” you blink furiously and shake your head. 
He scoffs, “no, that shit only works on the weak minded.” 
“What are you a fucking Jedi?” He bursts out laughing. 
You sigh, “I guess you're not completely horrible and I do like free dinner. So why not?” Your smile pales in comparison to the blinding light of his own. 
“You won’t regret it,” he reaches around you and pulls your phone from your back pocket, coping a feel in the process, “Here’s my number,” he puts it in and slides it back into your pocket. 
You move to leave but change your mind as you quickly realize something, “Uhm Max…” 
“I’m not the dinner right?” 
He laughs again before going back to work, “No, not this time.” 
“This time?” you hesitate in the doorway. 
“One day you will beg me to change you sweetheart, and that is the day where you will be my appetizer, dinner, and desert. But I won’t taste you before then.” His phone rings and he answers it in that fake salesman voice of his and you shudder. How can he so calmly threaten to one day eat you and then just take a phone call? 
Oh...that’s right because he’s a fucking vampire. Maybe this wasn’t worth the free dinner. 
It was worth it. Everything and more. That night alone with Max Phillips and every subsequent night you spent with him alone outside of that office was magic. Yes, he was an asshole, workaholic, sexy as fuck bloodsucking bastard. But, he was also protective, faithful, and loved you beyond a shadow of a doubt. 
He kept good on his promise and never fed from you. Till tonight. 
You readjusted the blood red tie around your neck. Looking over your reflection in the mirror. Wearing a solid black thong, one of Max’s grey vests, and his tie, nothing else. You reapply your red lipstick, and run your comb through your hair before stalling long enough. Opening the door and going into the bedroom. 
“Mr. Phillips?” you coo. Grey pajama pants, white t-shirt, and reading glasses perched on his nose, he looks up from the file and drops it onto the floor. Using that vampire speed he is standing before you, running his hand over the curve of your ass. 
“What’s the occasion? Did I miss our anniversary?” he croons. 
“No,” you chuckle breathlessly, “Nothing like that...I want...I want you to turn me.” His hands freeze their path and his eyes snap to yours. 
“Say that again,” he commands. 
“Max Phillips. I fucking love you. I want to be with you forever, will you change me into a vampire?” 
“I recall you once telling me you would never want to be one of the night of the undead,” he teases, pulling you back towards the bed before tossing you onto it. You bounce as you peer above at him through your lashes. He throws the glasses aside, his shirt and pants following. Until he stands before you naked. 
You lick your lips. The view of him naked would never grow old. The sharp lines of his body, his slightly bulging arms, and god his cock; thick and pulsing, curving against his waist. He grabs your ankle and you squeal as he pulls you to the edge of the bed. His hands digging into the waistband of your panties as he slides them down, throwing them aside. He rips the vest apart. Buttons flying in all directions and you gasp as he slides the vest off your shoulders only leaving the tie. 
He stands above you admiring his work, “Fuck I love it when you wear my clothes,” he takes a hold of the tie and pulls you up so your kneeling on the bed before him. He lets go digging his fingers through your hair and tugging lightly. He kisses you passionately and you breath him in. The lines become blurred of where you end and he begins as he makes love to your mouth. His tongue licking against your bottom lip and begging entrance. 
“Lay back on the pillows,” he commands against your mouth and you shiver. Kneeling back and laying against the pillows your legs dropping open, pussy on display. “God I love this cunt,” he moves down and places gentle kisses to your thigh. 
“But I don’t want to eat you just yet...well not there.” He pushes your knees together and lays down beside you, running his fingers gently over your cheek, pushing your hair behind your ear. “Do you really want this?” his voice takes on a seriousness you’ve only heard once before. The first time he told you he loved you. 
“Yes,” you exhale, “I want to be with you forever, this is my choice Max. I choose you.” 
He trembles and breathes deeply, “It’s going to hurt for a little while honey, but I promise I will do everything to make this experience memorable for you. I want to be with you forever too. I fucking love you.” 
Your eyes shine with tears, and he smiles back tilting your head back gently. He puts a kiss on your eyelids, cheeks, forehead, and ear. Getting closer and closer to the pulse point on your neck. You hear the small click as his fangs descend and he places one more kiss on your neck before you feel his fangs dig in. 
The skin breaks and the warm blood dribbles down your neck. You hear the sound of gulping as he inhales deeply. The pain is indescribable and you open your mouth to scream but no sound escapes. He unlatches and you wither on the bed as sweat begins beading on your brow, and you gasp clawing at your neck. 
Max quickly moves lower and pulls your legs apart going in to devour your pussy. His fangs retracted, he sucks hard on your clit. The pain from your neck dimming as the pleasure in your lower belly grows. He pulls back and spits into your pussy before he licks a broad strip flattening his tongue. He takes two fingers and shoves them to the knuckle inside you setting a furious pace. Your neck still burns but you almost forget about it as your orgasm crashes over you. Max never stops, working you through it rubbing tight circles on your clit. 
His mouth glistening, blood smeared on his chin, and that smug smirk on his face. You feel your strength begin to soar. Your eyesight becomes clearer, your senses heightening. The pain fading until all that’s left is the pleasure of Max spearing his tongue into your aching cunt over and over again. The second orgasm rolls over you in waves and doesn’t stop; more intense than ever before.
You grab him around the neck and pull him to you, kissing him. You taste yourself on his tongue and it’s even sweeter than before. “Max I want to fuck you,” you beg and throw him off you. He flies backwards with force into the wall and you are on him like a cheetah. Nipping at his chest, before dropping to your knees and shoving his cock all the way into your mouth. 
“Oh fuck,” his head hits the wall as he runs his hands through your hair and you bob on his cock. Your tongue working over the tip, your other hand coming up to massage his balls. “Baby, I’m gonna cum,” he pants. 
You pull off with a pop gazing up at him, “Then cum inside me Max, I want to taste you.” He moans as you resume sucking his cock. You hollow your cheeks and take him as far back as he will go before ropes of hot seed come pouring down your throat. You swallow every last drop before pulling off and opening your mouth to show him. 
“My good girl,” he praises, pulling you from your knees and digging his face in your neck. Nipping and kissing at his bite. 
“Get on the bed Max,” you command, stepping away and he does as he’s told. He kneels on the bed and crawls to the top looking over his shoulder. 
“Are you checking out my butt?” he teases and you giggle before nodding. 
He turns and sits resting his back against the headboard. “Come to daddy baby,” he coos using one finger to beckon you forward. 
You’re on him in a second grabbing for his still rock hard cock sliding down him in one go. You let his glorious cock stretch you before you can’t wait any longer, rocking against him. “Max, Max, Max…” you chant his name like a monk in a monastery. 
He plants his feet on the bed and begins pounding up into you his thumb drawing tight circles on your clit as you feel yourself getting closer. Your hands reach up to the headboard and you hold yourself above him. He shoves his cock inside you over and over again as you clench as tight as you can. He moans loudly and your hands tighten on the headboard. The wood begins to splinter and crack as you cum on his cock screaming. 
“Fuck baby,” he roars, cumming inside you. Your hands unclench from the wood and bring them down to his chest as you both pant to regain your breath. 
“I think I broke the headboard,” you giggle and he chuckles kneading your ass with his hands. 
“That you did my little vampire,” he scoots down the bed and lays down flat still inside you. Pulling your head down to rest in his neck. One hand still holding your ass, while the other trails up and down your back. “I love you,” he whispers, placing a kiss on your forehead. 
“I love you too Max,” you snuggle into his neck and plant a kiss there. 
“Did you mean it?” he asks, “About being with me forever?” You raise your head and cock your eyebrow. 
“What part of making me a vampire and I love you didn’t you understand?” you tease. 
His eyes take on that same serious look and your stomach drops, “oh fuck...are you…are you breaking up with me?” 
“NO! No, fuck no! I’m...shit I’m messing this up…” he reaches toward the nightstand and comes back with….with a printer cartridge? 
“Max...why do you have a printer cartridge in our nightstand?” 
“You remember that day I first asked you out?” you nod, “Well you only came to my office to yell at me to get a new copier. Well after you left I went and checked it and turns out you just needed to change the ink.” 
“You told me you bought a new one! You lying bastard!” you snarl and he shushes you. 
“That’s not the point! The point is this printer cartridge was the start of our relationship and I’ve been saving it for this day...open it,” he places it in your hands and you shake it putting your forearms on his chest and you open the case. You swear your undead heart beats again at the ring set with a ruby and surrounded by diamonds. 
“Max,” you whisper looking into his dark brown eyes. 
“I imagined a more romantic setting then turning you into a vampire and laying in bed with my cock still inside you but for us this almost seems perfect. I love you. I have loved you from the minute you called me out in the office. I love your eyes, body, mind, and the fact that you don’t take any of my shit. You don’t need me but I am so thankful that you choose to be with me everyday. Will you be with me forever?” 
You feel the blood trail down your eyes and onto his chest. “Yes,” you whisper. He places the ring onto your finger before running his fingers over your cheeks smearing the blood and licking it off his fingers. 
“Holy shit,” you look down at the ring chuckling, “Are you sure, you really want to be tied with me forever?” 
He smirks, “Forever and ever, doll.” 
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piracytheorist · 3 years
Since the first thing that strikes me about re8, story-wise, is that it seems to be all over the place? Again, I’ve no idea how it ties to previous games but it feels like this parental/mother-child theme is just hanging there with no resolution at all? I mean yes, Ethan saved his daughter, presumably breaking some sort of abuse cycle, yay, congrats, but what about his wife/gf? Isn’t she supposed to be like the main protagonist of the story of a mother bereaved to the point of tyrannical madness
Or rather, this specific story is not the right choice for his character since there’s SO many ethical and philosophical issues and questions implied but never properly explored because of Ethan’s ‘fuck you, idc’ attitude (which is completely understandable in those circumstances but adds virtually nothing to the plot and arguably even ruins it a bit). Heisenberg could’ve been an excellent ally with fascinating grey morality (provided the writers wouldn’t push him to the point of absolute insanity and let freedom, not power-hunger be his main goal and motivation for rebellion).And again, aren’t the lords supposed to represent child development stages? In which case Ethan what? Kills the possibility of some evil version of Rose? Or his own chance to experience fatherhood throughout all of those stages? Either way, it seems a bit… weird to have a Parent destroy multiple people whose main relevance to the plot is that they’re children of an abusive antagonist in a storyline so extremely focused on parent/kid relationships.
I feel like the main theme of re8 is not just parenthood/motherhood, but the relationship itself of the parent to the child. There's a lot of mentions to "children being used". Miranda kidnapping people, experimenting on them and mutating them and then treating them like they're her kids; Miranda kidnapping and practically killing Rose; Dimitrescu making daughters out of reanimated corpses she experimented on; Heisenberg wanting to use Rose's powers, etc etc.
And it's important that Miranda is at the center of this. There's something very interesting she says to Ethan in her boss fight:
"Why do you interfere? Surely you have no need of Rose now, so close to death?"
And that's where her mistake was. Ethan wasn't doing all that because he needed Rose herself. He was doing it to save her, fully aware that he wasn't going to be a part of her life cause he knew he was dying. Miranda was way too dependent on her love for Eva - and like, I honestly get it that losing your child can devastate you (if anything my fear of that is one of the reasons I don't want to have kids) - so much that her life literally revolved around her child. Once Eva died, Miranda wanted to die. Once she found the Megamycete and discovered she maybe had a chance to bring Eva back, she dedicated her entire life and ruined multiple others to do just that. Her one and biggest need was to get Eva back. It wasn't a simple want or wish. It was a need. She'd get her child back, damn everyone else - including other people's children.
Miranda had no-one to blame directly; Eva had died from the influenza, it wasn't like she had any chance to change things. Ethan's case was different; he had people to blame, particularly, the one who kidnapped Rose and dismembered her, and her lackeys who kept said parts and fought him for trying to take them back.
So on one end, you have a parent who lost her child due to a tragedy, and ended up destroying other - innocent - lives in order to get her back. On the other, you have a parent who lost his child due to a crime, and ended up going after the criminals responsible in order to get the child back. Like, it wasn't even revenge, and it wasn't that he "needed" Rose in his life. He simply wanted to save her and ensure she'll be alright.
I fully agree it could have been Mia as the protagonist in re8, and that it was a wasted opportunity to simply fridge her and have her in the sidelines angsting over her husband. But whether it was Mia or Ethan as the protagonist, I feel like the theme that I explained above does offer a resolution, showing the opposites of Miranda and Ethan, and ending Miranda's tyrrany of her "need" to have her child back through Ethan's determination to ensure his child's safety and happiness - even if he doesn't get to be a part of any of that later on. Miranda showed obsession; Ethan showed dedication.
And this is how I see the abuse cycle breaking and the resolution is reached; an obsessed parent hurt a good parent's child to bring their own child back - the good parent's dedication stopped the former, allowing the former's tyrrany to end and their child to grow up safe.
Seeing as this is a horror game, I don't tend to focus on the morality issues (if I'm interpreting your second message correctly). Like, the developers are making a grant effort to put us in Ethan's shoes, first-person POV, plain character protagonist and all; our child got kidnapped and practically murdered, and we have the chance to bring her back. We'll absolutely raise hell to the people who are responsible for it and we will get our child back, fuck any moral dilemmas we might have. When someone is threatening your life, you have the ability to kill them to defend yourself. In the case of a caring parent, that ability may multiply by a lot when the threat is towards their child. And I feel that this is what the game explored in the end. Though the whole survival issue is taxing on Ethan, he doesn't give a damn about who he has to kill if it means saving his daughter - but again, it's only the responsible parties. We see how watching all the people at Luisa's house die affected him, and even before Elena died, he wanted to ensure her safety before he went searching for Rose; he is sympathetic and morally rational, but also capable of cold-blooded murder if someone is threatening his child. To a lesser extent, we saw that in re7 too. With his life on the line, he killed Jack (multiple times) and Marguerite, and at the end he recognized how they were actually victims of Eveline. But they were still actively trying to murder him so he wasn't given the chance to help them. With Zoe, he promised to send help, and he did, even wanting to talk to her once she'd been rescued by her uncle and Chris. The same applies to re8, but as I said, it's multiplied since it's his daughter who's in danger, and the end of re8 proves he cares for her safety more than his own.
Now, all that said, I think it's important to note how it's stil a Resident Evil game. I haven't actually played or watched any playthroughs of other games, but the basic concept in these games, from what I understand, is that the player shoots zombies; ex-human beings who have lost any human mentality and will just come for your throat if you don't kill them first. They're not humans anymore, they can't be reasoned or sympathized with. It's not really an issue of morality, ethics or philosophy. Your life, and the life of your child in the case of re8, are in danger. You don't give a shit. You just start shooting and hope for the best. Again, I don't know if the morality issue is explored in other RE games, but to be honest... Resident Evil doesn't sound like the kind of franchise that's thematically into going super deep into the morality of shooting zombies to save your life.
I have to admit I haven't thought of the Lords being representative of child development stages. I think they could be put as Moreau being a toddler, fully dependent on their parent - funnily enough, the Greek word for baby is "moro", pronounced almost exactly the way "Moreau" is pronounced in the game - Donna as a child, Heisenberg as a (rebellious?) teenager, and Dimitrescu as a late teen/young adult (if anything, Dimitrescu seems to behave like the eldest child of the bunch). But I'm not sure the connection that has to Ethan as a father, if anything because the bosses are fought in complete random order of age, if my analysis is correct. Like, I understand the symbolism behind the Lords' behaviours, maybe as you said they represent the obstacles Ethan had to overcome. In one single day and with his life on the line, instead of in the course of Rose's entire childhood and adolescence, but that's exactly why he hated being a protagonist of a horror game, lol.
Anyway, yeah. All in all, I don't think Resident Evil is a franchise where we should expect to sit down afterwards and ponder whether we were right to shoot the zombies that were trying to kill us. Again, I'm not the right person to ask this, since I don't know anything about other RE games, but that's the conclusion I'm making in a meta-thinking way.
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honeypiehotchner · 4 years
i knew you (Bucky Barnes soulmate AU) -- part four
This one is a little shorter than usual, so I wanted to go ahead and post it. It’s mostly a set-up for what’s about to happen (eek). We’re officially in the Civil War timeline now!
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two years later
You meet Steve and Sam at Heathrow airport. The first thing you do is wrap your arms around Steve’s neck. 
“I’m so sorry,” you whisper. You have no idea how badly he must be hurting. To be taken away from his soulmate, thrust 70 years into the future to find her still alive, only to have her taken away from him again all too soon. You don’t know how he hasn’t collapsed from the pain. 
Steve hugs you back tightly, sighing into your shoulder. “Thanks.”
The funeral is quiet, not like you were expecting it to be anything but. 
The biggest shock of all comes when Sharon Carter reveals her relation to Peggy. Steve had mentioned Sharon in passing to you, something about her being a cute nurse that lived across the hall from him. You later found out that she was an SHIELD agent, but now she works for the CIA. 
Afterwards, when you’re standing with Steve, keeping him company in the church now that everyone has gone, he starts talking about Peggy. 
Anything and everything he can think of. Some of it inaudible from his tears, but he gets it all out and off of his chest, which is what he needed. He’s a mess, holding onto the church pews for stability that he knows he’ll never feel again, not with Peggy gone. 
You gather him in your arms again, fingers splayed at the back of his head, holding him close. Moments like this make you miss Bucky even more. Not only is he your soulmate, but he’s Steve’s best friend. The person who, alongside Peggy, is who Steve needs most right now. 
The good news is that Bucky’s feelings have been relatively normal lately. He hasn’t been the Soldier since he left D.C. that day. You would’ve felt it, and what you’re feeling, is nothing like before. 
Exiting the church, you see Sam standing under a tree, his phone pressed to his ear. You know he’s talking to your best friend, that’s for sure. She wasn’t able to come because of work. You also see Sharon glancing over at Steve, so you quietly slip away to join Sam, giving Steve the chance to talk to Sharon like you know he’s been dying to do. 
Sam continues talking to your best friend and you try not to eavesdrop, but mostly, you’re just feeling.
You think it’s because Bucky hasn’t been himself — without the Soldier’s mindset — in a very long time, but for the past year or so, you’ve had moments like these where all you can do is feel. Take it all in. 
You haven’t felt any overwhelmingly happy emotions from him by any means, but you’ve felt...peace. He’s anxious almost constantly, which you understand, and you desperately wish he was here for you to help him. Right now, he seems to be at peace. You’re not sure what caused it or how, but you hope, if anything, that he’s sleeping. 
In your most recent dream of him, that’s exactly what he was doing. Sleeping peacefully next to you. And when you shifted, he woke, only for a moment, to wrap his arm around your waist and pull you closer. Nuzzling your neck with his nose, he fell back asleep, but not before placing a kiss there. 
You woke that morning with sweaty palms and a stupid smile on your lips. 
“Are you signing it?” You vaguely hear your best friend ask through Sam’s phone.
You blink, tuning back into their conversation. 
Sam shakes his head. “I don’t like it. Steve doesn’t like it either.”
“What? What’s going on?” You ask, patting his arm to get his attention.
“The Sokovia Accords,” Sam explains lowly. “We wrecked shit—”
“I heard,” you grimace. “Not a good look for you guys.”
“Yeah, the Secretary of State didn’t think so either,” Sam scoffs, arms crossed over his chest. “Anyway, they slammed us with the Accords and it’s— They want us to sign our rights away, basically.”
“What?” You nearly yell. “You’re serious?”
“Deathly,” he nods. “Rhodes thinks we’re being dramatic, Tony too.”
“Great,” you groan. “Who else is signing?” 
“Natasha. Vision. I think that’s it.” Sam shakes his head. “Steve and I seem to be the only bastards with our heads on straight, but obviously they don’t see it that way.”
“That’s...I’m sorry,” you groan. “What’s this about, anyway? You took the bad guys down in Sokovia, wasn’t that the point? I know there was a lot of collateral damage, but...that happens no matter what. Avengers being there or not.”
“It’s not just Sokovia,” Sam sighs. “New York, too. And others. The guy had a whole damn presentation.” He shakes his head again, clearly torn up about it all. “They want to oversee us. Control us, basically. Tell us where we can and can’t go. And I just— I can’t do that. If I feel like someplace needs our help, we have to go. But if we sign that, then the government can tell us not to — or arrest us if we do. It’s not right.”
“I hear you,” you assure him. “I wish there was a way to amend it. They didn’t let you talk about it?”
“Nope,” he says. “Just slapped the book down on the table and said we had until today to figure out what we’re going to do. But basically said if we don’t sign, we’d be going to prison.”
Your eyes widen. “Prison?”
“If we go somewhere, which is inevitable. They’d be able to get us with anything. Probably bring up old charges just to get a headstart.”
“Fuck, Sam,” you say. “This is shit.”
“You’re telling me,” he mutters. He says goodbye to your best friend, her break from work ending way too soon for his liking -- you can tell by the frown he wears after he hangs up. “Anyway. Want a drink?”
You shake your head at his sudden subject change, and the fact that it’s still the early afternoon, but you agree nonetheless.
The drink doesn’t happen. Well, you make it to the bar, but when you do, you’re met with the onslaught of news stations reporting a freak bombing in Vienna.
“Shit,” Sam cusses. “Where’s Steve?”
“He was with Sharon,” you explain, trailing behind him.
You share a worried look before starting to jog, back to the hotel they’re all staying at. He finds Steve by the elevator with Sharon -- interrupting a moment, by the looks of it, which you feel bad about, but you shove it away, reminding yourself of what’s just happened.
Sharon paces in her hotel room, on the phone, trying to get some answers. The TV screen shows a scene fit for nightmares. The UN Complex was bombed. The same complex that the signing of the Sokovia Accords was supposed to occur in today.
“Officials have released a video of a suspect, who they have identified as James Buchanan Barnes, The Winter Soldier.”
Your heart stops. 
You stumble backwards, nearly falling on your ass if it weren’t for Sam reaching out to steady you. 
“That’s impossible-- It-- I would’ve felt him turn,” you swallow around the lump in your throat, the bile threatening to rise. “I-- That’s not him. I don’t know who that is, but it’s not him.”
“It’s his face,” Sharon says quietly, not intending to be rude at all, you hope, but that’s how you take it.
“I know my soulmate,” you argue, shaking your head. “That’s not him.”
The room is quiet. Steve glances your way, but you don’t meet his eyes. He doesn’t believe you. You know he doesn’t. Why would he? The proof is clear as day, right there on the TV screen. It’s obviously Bucky’s face.
But it’s not him. You don’t know how, but it isn’t. You’re sure of it.
You knew it was him two years ago in D.C. You have to trust yourself again.
“I have to go to work,” Sharon breaks the silence, looking at Steve. “I imagine you’re coming too?”
“Yeah,” Steve nods, then looks at you.
You glare right back at him. “I’m coming. Don’t argue with me.”
He doesn’t.
An hour passes and lands the four of you in Austria. Sharon takes off to work while Steve, Sam, and you figure out your plan.
Steve talked with Sharon and made a deal. She’s going to give you the best head start she can, but she said she can’t promise anything. 
You and Sam find a random cafe to fall into, ordering something to eat to blend in while Steve talks to Natasha.
He comes back ten minutes later, looking less than pleased.
“She tell you to stay out of it?” Sam asks.
Steve is quiet. That’s a yes.
“Might have a point,” Sam shrugs. You almost hit him.
“He’d do it for me,” Steve replies firmly.
“1945, maybe.”
“Sam,” you warn, giving him a fierce look.
“I just wanna make sure we consider all our options,” Sam defends. “The people that shoot at you, usually wind up shooting at me. And since we’ve got a tagalong--”
“Shut it, Wingman,” you do hit him this time on the back of the head. “I’m coming. You act like I don’t have any gear on me right now.”
Both men turn to look at you.
You give them an incredulous look back. “Come on. After what happened in D.C. you really expect me not to walk around with a bullet proof vest on?”
“You got a gun?” Sam asks, taunting.
“Snuck right past airport security,” you mutter, tapping your hip with his leg so he’ll feel it. “Shut up about it.”
“You’re the one who brought it up.”
“Because I’m tired of you acting like I’m some fourteen year old. I’ve been taking daily self-defense and combat courses for the past two years. I had to take care of myself somehow. I’ll be fine. And I’m coming with you. End of story.”
Both men share a look before shrugging, admitting defeat. Finally.
Out of the corner of your eyes, you see Sharon walking into the café. 
She steps in next to Steve at the bar, talking straight ahead to not draw any attention. “Tips have been pouring in since that footage went public. Everyone thinks The Winter Soldier goes to their gym. Most of it’s noise. Except for this.” She gently slides him a pack of papers. “My boss expects a briefing, pretty much now, so that’s all the headstart you’re gonna get.”
“Thank you,” Steve says quietly.
“You’re gonna have to hurry,” she whispers, avoiding your eyes. “We have orders to shoot on sight.”
Chills run down your spine and spread out through your hands and toes. Fuck.
“We have to go,” you say evenly, not looking at Steve or Sam.
We have orders to shoot on sight.
Not if you can help it.
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doomfisthero · 4 years
Dads for Deku: Day 1
Prompt: Hugs or Headpats (Hound Dog, Shishido, Selkie, Gang Orca, other Mutant Heroes)
Setting: Mutant!Izuku AU
As soon as the doors to the banquet hall opened up, Izuku could tell that Gang Orca had spared no expense in assembling everything. The lights high above cast the walls into a golden glow, settling gently upon the darkly decorated room in which Heroes of so many aberrant shapes congregated. The soft classical music that lilted through the air, combined with the sharp dress code that every guest was expected to abide by, firmly established the event as “high-class.”
Izuku shuddered in his tuxedo, struggling not to mumble or run his fingers nervously through his hair. His first Mutant Homecoming – he'd expected to wait much longer, if he was ever so lucky. He'd almost declined Nedzu's offer, but having Hound Dog and Power Loader-sensei with him took away some of the edge.
Still, they'd refused to answer his longstanding questions about the event, admitting that there was something of an unspoken agreement among the Heroes not to spoil it for anyone.
Power Loader noticed Izuku's stress and gave him a firm pat on the back. “Breathe, kid. This is something you should try to enjoy,” he said. “You might just be the youngest guest of honor we've ever had. Lot of people here are excited to meet you in person.”
Izuku swallowed. “W-what if they're disappointed? Or-or if they don't want me here?”
“Then they can keep quiet,” Hound Dog growled. “Orrr else they'll be chased out.”
Izuku tried to take some comfort in that as his teachers guided him inside. The air was cooler on his crimson scales in here than outside; he tried not to shiver, either from the temperature or from the dread of running into whoever recognized him first.
It was quick when it happened – the Lion Hero Shishido appeared from thin air and engaged Hound Dog in prodding banter, then glanced downward from the corner of his feline eye and caught the little lizard standing next to him. “Say, Inui, no one said you'd be bringing a student along. Going soft, old dog?” He said, flashing Hound Dog a wicked, fang-filled grin.
If Hound Dog's hackles raised at all, he didn't show it. The Hunting Hero merely snorted and patted Izuku softly on the head. “Idiot. Didn't anyone tell you who the guest of honor was tonight? This student of mine is Midoriya Izuku.” He glanced down at Izuku. “You know Shishido, I assume?”
Izuku's mouth went dry as he nodded, then remembered a moment later to bow low. “Y-yes! I'm sorry I didn't say anything. It's a pleasure to meet you, Shishido-san! You're--” Izuku cut his babbling off before either of his teachers could do it.
Shishido's wild expression turned to surprise, and then his terrifying smile slid open again. “You're Midokage, kid?” He asked, using the silly name that Izuku had created for himself long ago – his surname plus hitokage, meaning 'salamander'. He didn't look annoyed as Izuku expected, or disinterested or disapproving or like he thought the high schooler before him was a 'fake Mutant'.
It was a little hard to tell, but as Izuku met his gaze, the Lion Hero looked...almost happy. The loud guffaw he let out as he descended upon Izuku didn't help.
“Damn, it's really you, huh?! You're a little guy, ain'tcha?” Shishido growled, tussling Izuku's hair with a gruff but affectionate paw. “Here I thought Nedzu was just shooting shit!”
As the cavalcade of fellow Heroes slowly took notice and descended upon Izuku, Hound Dog and Power Loader stood back and watched with tickled expressions – as tickled as either of their irritated demeanors ever seemed.
Centipeder slipped through the crowd and took Izuku's hand in a glove. “I hope you're doing well, Midoriya. I never expected to see you as tonight's guest!”
Iida Tensei rolled up in his chair and gave Izuku a weary but warm smile. “I'm really happy to see you tonight, Izuku! Tenya wouldn't stop talking about you. He sounded like he was proud, but I think he wishes he could have come too. Either way, it's good to see you!”
Gunhead gave Izuku's hand a delighted shake. “Wow, I can't believe it's really you, Midoriya! I still remember the first time you wrote to me, when I was starting out on my own. You just made me feel so seen. I still have all of your messages!”
Selkie lifted Izuku off the ground and crushed the boy to his chest. “Hah, you kept us all waiting, you damn tease! Can't believe I almost skipped this year, when I could've missed ya!”
Uwabami looked Izuku from hair to shoes and back again. “Well, you've certainly got your boyish cuteness down pat. You'd provide some excellent name recognition for my Mutant Collection, you know? Give me a call sometime.”
One of Hawks' sidekicks – attending on his behalf – told Izuku that his boss was proud to meet another promising young Mutant. It took the green-haired lizard several moments to come back down to Earth.
Godzillo knelt down and patted Izuku's head with a claw so large it covered him entirely. “It's always good to meet a fan, especially one as prevalent as you. I'm glad I had the chance to speak with you while I was here.”
Takahiro, young as he was, bounded forward and hugged Izuku tight. “Hey, you don't know how much it's helped having you cheering me on. Sometimes it feels like it's just me against the world...But you make me feel like the greatest Hero in Japan. Let's rap together sometime, okay?”
As the night wore on, Izuku's attitude slowly shifted from fear to excitement to a calm engagement with the Heroes around him. So young, and yet already so much of the Mutant community was embracing him. It made Hound Dog and Power Loader quietly pleased to see him so comfortable in his own skin.
(Scales, as it were.)
As if timing his appearance for the greatest impact, Gang Orca himself didn't engage Izuku until well into the night, when it was finally time for the boy's formal acknowledgment. He waited until the night's guest of honor walked anxiously onstage and then the Killer Whale Hero loomed suddenly over him. Even with how many people he'd met tonight, Izuku's stomach couldn't help but flutter as he looked up into that villainous face.
“Midoriya,” Gang Orca began, Izuku's chest vibrating from the rumbling bass. “I'm sure you're well-versed in my career by this point. You know how difficult it's been for Mutants like me, like many of us, to progress against a society that sees us as monsters.”
Hesitantly, Izuku nodded. “Yes...but it's gotten better, hasn't it? Especially because of you. You...you've paved the way for other Mutants to become Heroes just like you.”
Gang Orca hums, arms still folded across his bulky chest. “It has improved, you're correct. But there are still too many people who cling to those outdated views of humanity. They persist on causing pain and dragging the world back to what they deem is acceptable.” He paused, as for effect. “That's why we chose to have you, Midoriya. There isn't a Mutant Hero or sidekick in this room that you haven't given support, be it in their first steps or their darkest hours.”
“In the whole country!” Someone shouted from the crowd. People laughed. Even Gang Orca's lip quirked.
“Regardless...” Gang Orca said, quieting everyone. “Midoriya Izuku. Midokage. For over a decade you've shown exemplary support for the Mutant community and proven yourself an essential pillar toward civilians and Heroes alike. Tonight, we are all honored to have you with us and express our gratitude to you firsthand.”
Izuku barely heard the applause as Gang Orca shook his small hand in a far larger grip. Even though the Killer Whale Hero famously resembled a Villain, in that moment his proud eyes and genuine, warm smile made him seem like the greatest Hero in the world.
“And thank you from myself as well, Midoriya,” Gang Orca added softly. He released Izuku's hand and – to the boy's surprise – rested his massive palm gently upon his head. “To all of us, you are our Hero.”
And as Izuku struggled not to cry, even as his grin threatened to light the night singlehandedly, his teachers watched on with their own gratitude borne close to their hearts.
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popquizhot-shot · 3 years
You’re not him-Chapter 2
( How do I put links?) 
Italics are reader's thoughts
"Um, Miss, who are you?" Loki's voice dragged you out of your thoughts.
"Uh-I'm I'm an agent! here! in the TVA!" you say a little too enthusiastically.
Eyeing you worriedly, Loki replies, " Oooook, now Mobius." he says, looking at the man, " where will I be staying?"
" Y/n will show you your quarters Loki, and you'll have your own cubicle, where you'll be taught by Miss Minutes about the TVA" Mobius replies walking Loki out of his office, shooting you a sympathetic glance.
Following closely behind, the reality if the situation suddenly hit you like a train. A variant of your  your soon-to-be husband, who died, was here
Should you tell him? Should you not tell him? All the sadness and depression which you tried so hard to push away and bottle up was surfacing, leaking out drop by drop.
"Y/n? Y/n! Earth to Y/n!" you heard Mobius say your name, his hand waving in front of your face, he was looking at you sadly, knowing what you were going through.
" Sorry yeah?" you say, a little out of breath.
" Take Loki to his room ok? The staff quarters." He said.
" Yeah! Sure! Please follow me Mr. Laufeyson." you say heading towards the staff quarters.
Loki looks at Mobius before following you.
After a while of walking in complete silence, Loki tries to make conversation,
"I don't believe I've gotten your name madam" he says.
" Huh, well I thought, you already heard it multiple times, given how many times Mobius had shake me out of my thoughts, I'm Y/n. Nice to meet you." Again.
" Heh yes, well I'm Loki-"
" of Asgard, Yes, I'm aware of that Mr Laufeyson, I bet everyone knows who you are." you say.
It suddenly dawned that you might have not made a good first impression.
" I'm sorry, I don't mean to be rude, It's just everyone's on edge today." Yeah! particularly me! Well what am I supposed to do when I see a variant of my dead fiancé? Kiss him? Tell him the truth? No you idiot!
" Well, I doubt they have a runaway variant everyday." he says chuckling lightly.
" You'll be surprised, Mr Laufeyson." you say smirking at him.
Heading to a door, you unlock it with a keycard and show him inside. It's a fairly large room, with a bed, a Tv, a mini-fridge, with an attatched bathroom.
" This is your room, and so is this keycard, your uniform is in the cupboard and your work begins tomorrow. Good Luck Mr.Laufeyson" you say smiling lightly while simultaneously crying and sobbing on the inside.
" Thank you, Ma'am, and please call me Loki." he says smirking at you.
"Only if you call me Y/n."
"Alright then, Thank you Y/n"
" You're very welcome Loki, I'll see you tomorrow." you say walking out.
As soon as you leave and the door closes, you immediately sprint to Mobius's office.
"Y/n Liste-" Mobius begins,
"No no, this is where you zip it!" your eyes glowing a shade of orange . That's all that would happen, the only indication that you had magic, you're eyes would glow when you were  you were really emotional.
" Picture yourself in my place, you're getting married, you're fiance is killed before you're eyes, then after a few years you see them again, but they don't know you, how would you feel? Think about that Mobius!" you say, tears threatening to spill out your eyes.
"Y/n, I understand that, but we need him, he's the key to ending this, lots of minutemen, Jamie, Cassandra, Damon, Stefan! All dead! We need him, and we need him to be focused, after the mission is over, then you can tell him whatever you want, but please for the love of the time-keepers above, please don't tell him, you'll be accompanying us on missions from now on. You know Loki almost better than he knows himself an we need both of you. Please." Mobius pleads.
Sighing, you nod and try to glare at him, but ended up sadly smiling, you couldn't help it, you couldn't stay mad at Mobius, he was like an elder brother, or your best friend.
Smiling Mobius gets up and hugs you tightly, making you feel a bit better.
That night, you weren't able to sleep, thinking about every good memory you had when Loki-well OG Loki was still alive.
You and Loki baking, him dabbing frosting on your lips, before kissing it off, the boops, the damn boops that made you feel so warm and fuzzy on the inside.
When you first met- 2013
It was a normal day at Avengers Tower, you had just gotten back from a long undercover mission, you had heard about the new resident staying, God of Mischief.
Throwing your duffle bag on the carpet in the room and immediately showered, trying to scrubbing the blood and grime off, before you went downstairs to surprise the team.
Being a dramatic bitch, you decided to make an awesome entrance.
*Steve in the kitchen*
" Hey, Tony?" Steve said
"Yeah capsicle?"
"Why do  I hear boss music?" Steve says looking worried.
Suddenly the door's are kicked open, startling everyone.
" I'm BACK bitches!!!" you say while holding your arms out.( like how Loki does it)
Shriek and laughs and smiles later, you gather your courage and go up to Loki,
"Hi, I'm Y/n. Nice to meet you." you say smiling,
" Loki, of  Asgard, nice to meet you too." he says, taking your hand and kissing your knuckles.
And that was the day you fell for Loki Laufeyson.
"- and what happens when a nexus event branches past red line?" Miss Minutes asks Loki.
Loki ignores her, reading Mobius's jet ski magazine.
"Come on Loki!" she says frowning
Sighing Loki looks at her before saying, " It's when the Tva, can no longer reset the nexus event." smiling smugly.
" and the collapse of reality as when we know it." she finishes.
"Can you here me? Are you a recording, or are you alive?" he asks.
"Uh--sorta both!" she answers.
Mischievously, he rolls up the magazine and starts swatting at the mascot, causing her to go back inside the computer.
Looking at him, from you're cubicle, you can't help but smile softly, it had been years since you had last seen that beautiful smile and you're heart was melting.
From his cubicle, he spotted you and waved, eyes slightly softening, he liked your company, you put up with his bullshit and you were fun at the same time.
Waving back, you can't help but blush when you realize he caught you staring, your blush made him smile more.
Suddenly Mobius appeared behind him, talking to him and giving him a jacket, before he called you over, to talk about the mission.
" Y/n there's been an attack, we need you to come with us." he said hurriedly.
"We've grabbed enough temporal-aura to know it's our Loki variant, but we don't know which kind." Hunt says.
"The lesser kind, just to be sure." Loki butts in, making you snort.
He seemed pleased that he almost made you laugh.
" Ok, here's the deal, when we get out on the branch, we're not looking for a time criminal; we're looking Loki, a variation of this guy." Mobius says pointing to Loki, while projecting imaged of other Loki variants, each one getting weirder by the second.
"Apparently you won the Tour de France." you say nodding towards the hologram.
"Apparently." Loki says smiling.
"Not so slight, different powers, though powers include-Shape shifting, Illusion projection and Mind contr-" Mobius began.
"Duplication casting." You and Loki say in sync, turning to look at each other in surprise before looking back at the confused team.
"Illusion projection."
" No, they're two completely different powers." you began
"How Y/n?" Mobius asked.
" Professor Loki, would you like to answer that or would you like to answer?" you say, smirking at him
" You answer first." he says smirking back at you
"Illusion projection involved one depicting a detailed image from outside oneself which is perceptible in the external world." you began, Loki seemed impressed.
" While Duplication casting entails recreating an exact facsimile of one's own body in it's present circumstance which acts as a true holographic mirror of it's own molecular structure. But you already knew that." Loki finished.
" Not bad, Laufeyson." you said.
"Not bad yourself." He smiled.
" O-ok take a breath. Noted. Ok let's go. Everyone gear up" ( sometimes, I'm not going to follow the lines well, cuz i don't remember them.
Stepping out of the dressing room, you felt amazing, it had been a while since you wore gear and you didn't realize how much you missed it.
You also drew the attention of a certain blue-eyed, raven-haired god.
He couldn't take his eyes off you and you didn't know whether to feel happy or awkward.
Both is good.
Happy and Awkward.
After everyone was geared up, you headed to your destination.
Oshkosh, Wisconsin, Year 1985.
After reaching there, Loki went up to Mobius, and they started discussing things about the Tva, stuff you honestly did not give a crap about.
Headed towards a tent, Loki and Mobius were having a conversation. Loki seemed to trust Mobius and that's weird, he never trusted anyone except you.
"Ok stop, this is not your Loki ok, this is someone different, don't screw the relationship you have with this guy"
After all you went inside, you instantly spotted a TVA helmet.
Someone was taken hostage. Hunter C-20
"He's taking hostages." Hunter began
" He's never taken hostage before." Mobius mused.
" Maybe's he upping his game" Hunter said
"or he pruned her." you interuppted.
" A Loki couldn't have taken the jump on C 20." Hunt said.
" I think you underestimate-" Loki began
" Fan out, search for her and hurry up because we're at three units until red-line." Hunter ordered.
"Come on Loki." Mobius began. You follow him. Looking back, you see Loki staring at the helmet.
" Wait." Loki calls out, everyone stopping dead in their tracks and looking at him.
" If you leave this tent, you'll end up just like them" he continues.
As Loki explains, you zone out again, focusing on his eyes, ocean blue, with specks of green and gold, making them look like the most beautiful ocean ever.
"Did you know, you have beautiful eyes?" you say, stroking Loki's cheek while staring into his eyes.
" Oh, I have beautiful eyes?" he smirks
" The most beautiful." you whisper before kissing him softly.
Pulling away, Loki looks into your eyes.
"Darling, you complement my eyes, when yours are clearly superior!" He said
1, " But Loki, they're brown, they're so plain, what do you mean they're pretty.?"
"Darling, you're eyes are so beautiful, they remind me of a glass of ale, the mud that makes the earth, your eyes represent earthquakes, that bring the biggest of the biggest mountains to kneel for them. I love your eyes, they make me feel home."
( sorry about that, that's for people with brown eyes, cuz I have brown eyes, and I don't see them appreciated enough, pls ignore if you don't have brown eyes)
"Y/n, Y/n snap out of it! Come on, we're going back." Mobius said, walking out, you follow him, slightly smiling at the fond memory.
After you come back, you immediately head to your room, shower and take a nap.
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The Great Madripoorian Snake Off - ch. 2
Fandom: The Falcon and the Winter Soldier Pairing: Sam Wilson/Bucky Barnes Rating: E Chapter count: 2/2
Read ch. 1 on Tumblr.
Chapter two summary: Sam and Bucky get tossed out of Selby’s bar and it’s the perfect (more or less) opportunity to discuss their kiss.
Sam sincerely believed that, between the three of them (including Zemo with his pompous swanning and Bucky with his identity a single glove away from being revealed), he wouldn’t be the one to mess this up. But there goes his phone, ringing away in his jacket pocket.
He reaches in and presses a thumb to the screen, swiping desperately as his heart rate climbs. Selby’s eyes on him are nasty things; she doesn’t rise from her seat and yet it feels like she’s bobbing and swaying, hypnotizing him how a snake would. The thought provokes a nauseated rumble from Sam’s stomach and maybe Selby hears that now that his phone is silent. Or maybe she doesn’t, what with the ominous sound of the handful of armed men in the room adjusting their grip on their guns.
“Answer it,” she orders.
Sam extracts the phone from his pocket and holds it up to show that the call’s already been declined.
“Well,” Selby says, unswerving gaze on his face, “call back.”
“I don’t think I better…” Sam hedges nervously.
“Listen to me, Smiling Tiger. I don’t trust you and my tolerance of your presence is really beginning to wear thin.”
“I know what you mean,” Bucky mutters, standing next to Sam.
“What was that?” Selby asks.
“I said, uh, don’t be mean. To him.” After an awkward pause, Bucky lifts an arm (thankfully not the Vibranium one, though based on how badly this encounter is going, Sam wouldn’t have been surprised) and wraps it stiffly around Sam’s shoulders. “My husband.”
What Sam would like to do is call Bucky an idiot, but what he does is lean slightly into Bucky’s hold. On the inside, he’s cursing Bucky to Steve’s rumoured moon base and back. This is how you do it, he thinks. This is how you exorcise your feelings about what a bonehead your associate is without running your mouth in front of the person clearly itching to shoot you.
“Call back on speakerphone,” Selby instructs, ignoring Bucky because she doesn’t seem to consider his fumbled response worth addressing. “Now.”
Sam redials Sarah. He better not be sweating. He can just fucking imagine a bead of sweat dripping from his forehead while he’s bent over his phone, visibly splashing the surface. Bucky’s shared anxiety is obvious in the way he hugs Sam more securely to his side. Not really a hug though. Feels more like Bucky preparing to yank them both to the floor when this terrible cover story goes to hell and the bullets start to fly.
By what honestly feels like a miracle, Sarah does the thing she always does, which usually irritates Sam, but today he loves her for it. She ignores his call. They’ve been doing this forever. It’s a subtle sibling fuck you to the other person whenever one of them returns a call only a minute or two after being called. It says, Oh, so you were close enough to your phone to call me back fast, but couldn’t bother answering it when my name popped up? Knowing Sarah, she’ll be standing in the same spot she was when he dismissed her call, staring down at his name on her screen, with that damn expression of sisterly superiority.
To Selby, Sam shrugs and pockets his phone when Sarah fails to pick up.
“I really have had enough of you. You too,” Selby says, looking pointedly at the pain in the ass who has his arm draped around Sam. “Get out of my sight while I have a discussion with Baron Zemo. In fact, get out of my bar. Someone’ll show you the way.”
“Easy,” Sam says in a low voice when a member of Selby’s security team puts a hand on his shoulder to hustle him towards the back exit. The guy does it to Bucky too, but Bucky says nothing. Sure. Being manhandled by an employee he could easily drop? Silence. Hearing a comment made by the boss and not even directed at him? The perfect opportunity to insult Sam. Bucky’s such a dick.
“Yeah, we got it,” Bucky finally says after Selby’s guy has the door to the alley propped open, prepared to shove them through it.
The guy backs off, but Sam and Bucky still step outside quickly to avoid the closing door.
Sam glances up and down the alleyway, then up the grimy walls. No sign of cameras and only one end of the alley is open to the street a dozen yards away. The other dead-ends at a hulking dumpster. With this very un-luxurious, private place to talk won at the cost of them pissing off an extremely dangerous player in a game to which Sam is still fumbling to open the rulebook, Sam rounds on Bucky. He jabs a finger towards his chest without actually touching him because he doesn’t actually want Bucky to feel threatened. Also, the last touch he instigated between them was firm contact between his palm and Bucky’s ass. So. He doesn’t really know what to do about that, or his hands, or Bucky standing before him in what’s seriously too narrow of an alley. Who designed this place?
“You can’t act like that,” Sam says. “Are you trying to get us killed? This is a mission.”
“You think I forgot? I’m not confused, Sam,” Bucky contends with a frown. “I know I didn’t accidentally go on vacation to fucking Madripoor, ok?”
“Well, then you better prove it by watching your mouth.”
“I was thinking about your mouth!”
The words erupt from Bucky and Sam nearly backs into a wall in surprise. He only stops himself because he remembers the expensive suit and that keeping up appearances is the best they can do at this point, since their acting as soon as they speak is a disaster.
“Now?” Sam asks when annoyance overtakes shock. “When I said we’d talk about it later, I was thinking hours, maybe days. Not while we were still on the premises!”
He motions at the wall, but Bucky cocks his head, looking unconcerned.
“We’re beside the premises, if you wanna be technical about it.”
“I don’t.”
“Too bad. Say what you wanna say,” Bucky encourages with a wave before planting both hands on his hips. “About us kissing.”
“I don’t have anything to say about that either.”
Despite the straight length of wall at his back, Sam’s feeling cornered. He wasn’t expecting Bucky to be the one willing to introduce a dialogue about this. He didn’t really think Bucky would have anything to say about the kiss period. But now the asshole has decided that the best way to spend their time exiled from Selby’s is to talk about their act of intimacy. With his face flooded by blue neon light and his stance sexy in how self-possessed it makes him look. They kissed and now Bucky Barnes—world champion of menacing, wordless staring—wants to talk.
The thing is that they kissed while Bucky was pretending to be his husband and Sam was forgetting to pretend anything. It felt too good. He’d wanted it too long. He wants it again, now, still, with Bucky against a backdrop of dirty bricks, dipped in light so blue it almost vibrates Sam’s eyes. Bucky looks like he’s trying to sell Sam designer cologne and Sam shouldn’t feel drawn in by this, but he wants to buy the danger this cologne model is selling. He wants to get a good grip on Bucky’s black jacket and hear him whisper “Madripoor Pour Homme” in his ear on a warm exhale.
“You gotta go first,” Bucky insists. “You’re the one who wanted to talk about it.”
“Because I thought you would want to explain yourself.”
“We’re supposed to be married, you looked like you were gonna upchuck looking at that snake, I ran interference in a way that seemed appropriate for our cover.”
Bucky’s method of laying it out so straightforwardly is absolutely infuriating.
“To stop me from throwing up,” Sam clarifies angrily.
“If you were really worried about that, you wouldn’t have kissed me.”
“Why not?”
“’Cause you woulda been afraid that I’d throw up all over your face.”
“So what are you saying?” Bucky demands. “That I was hoping you’d throw up on my face?”
Sam laughs.
“God, I hope not. Just that your reasoning is bullshit and you must’ve kissed me for some other reason that you haven’t said.”
Bucky’s gaze flicks to the ground, then back up. His face is angled slightly differently and the blue light does his bone structure favours that it was already too beautiful to ever need to ask for.
“Like what?” he asks softly. And the noise of the people talking and shouting on the street at the end of the alleyway dims below the volume of Sam’s heart thudding in his ears.
Sam doesn’t get a chance to answer; the door they came through bangs open—a hollow clang as it hits the wall and the security guy sticks his head out to check on them, looking the wrong way first. Rougher than he was at the bar, Bucky grabs Sam’s face. Sam closes his eyes as Selby’s man glances towards them, cutting off sight to be hit all the harder by the urgent feeling of Bucky’s mouth moving against, then with, his own. It’s a mess because Bucky kisses like he’s being awarded on most vigorous performance, his tongue prodding eagerly between Sam’s lips in a motion more commonly seen in bullet extractions.
By the time he hears the door shut again—without the guy bothering to even try to interrupt (meaning Selby must not want them back in the negotiating room that badly)—Sam feels as if he’s had his mouth more thoroughly fucked in thirty seconds than the rest of him’s ever been.
Bucky’s even gotten him against the wall and Sam acts like he’s pissed about that, shooting Bucky a look as he gently pushes him back and brushes at the sleeve of his jacket. His first breath free of that kiss is a pant.
“Man, do you only know one way to solve a problem?”
Bucky looks back challengingly.
“I only need one way if it’s the best way.”
Sam attempts to ignore Bucky’s gaze dropping from his eyes to his lips as he says, “Based on what criteria?”
“Selby’s guy left us alone, didn’t he? That means Zemo’s in there flailing without us, without being able to… to rip the rug out from under me by telling her who I really am—”
“—or blowing your cover to see what kinda information she’d give up in exchange for an Avenger.”
“And kissing me was the best way to accomplish that.”
“Well… yeah,” Bucky decides. But his expression is squirrely, so Sam narrows his eyes at him.
“We coulda left the neighbourhood if you wanted to leave Zemo high and dry after flying all the way out here.”
“We still need him to help us get answers on that serum. If he didn’t think we were around, he’d go to ground. Wouldn’t be hard to find him again, just a waste of time.”
“You’re just… committed to our story then,” Sam tests.
“It’s not difficult for you.”
“Obviously,” Bucky agrees.
“Better or worse than having to take on everybody in that bar with your bare hands?” Sam asks. When Bucky just stares at him, he goes, “What? You know that’s what Zemo would’ve wanted from you if you’d consented to play the part of the Winter Soldier.”
Bucky exhales heavily and nods.
“Yeah, this is better.”
“Just the lack of violence or having to make out with me?” Sam pushes, grinning.
“I don’t have to.”
“Oh, so you want to then.”
Sam’s trying to be playful, finding loopholes in the slack rope of Bucky’s words, trying to make room for some humour, some levity, between these filthy walls and the beam of neon from above. There is something in Bucky’s eyes right then. Something understanding, something kind. Whatever it is, Bucky immediately shores it up with a metric tonne of intensity. His look now could pull Sam from a burning building while simultaneously being that burning building. It’s almost physically disorienting. The temperature rises inside Sam’s suit like the heat’s being trapped at every seam.
“So what if I do?” Bucky fires back.
“You don’t.”
Sam says it almost angrily, too warm and too confined in his Smiling Tiger disguise. At least the guy he’s impersonating isn’t into weighty coats with ostentatious fur collars like some barons Sam knows. Still, it’s too hot—the suit and Bucky’s stare.
“I don’t?” Bucky asks.
“I don’t think so,” Sam confirms, though he’s dizzy now. Needing to remove a layer of this suit, needing Bucky to step back to let him breathe.
“Why would you think that I wouldn’t want to make out with you?”
“Because you’re… you!”
“That explanation sucks.”
“Because,” Sam tries again. Bucky lifts his chin in a questioning gesture and Sam just wants to propel him back into the far wall and kiss his neck. “Because you’re an asshole.”
“Since when am I an asshole?”
“Birth, probably, but I wasn’t there when it happened three hundred years ago, so I can’t say for sure.”
“I was born last century, same as you, and you know that!”
“Can’t confirm it. Wasn’t part of the backstory.”
“Now who’s the asshole?” Bucky gripes. “You’re not supposed to know my fake birthday because you’re my fake husband, you’re supposed to know my real birthday because you’re my real friend.”
“I do know your real birthday,” Sam promises, taking a step closer regardless of the flush of heat he feels to be moving towards Bucky’s rigid posture and pinning stare.
“You my real friend?”
“Something like that.”
“Something like that,” Bucky repeats, quieter, barely looking away from Sam’s mouth now.
“We’re not telling the story out here,” Sam says. He glances up and down the alley again. “No witnesses.”
“Good. I don’t wanna pretend.”
Sam’s shoulders relax—not in relief but in disappointment—because that sounds like it’s the end of that. After all that talk, culminating in a short debate of which one of them’s an asshole: pretty much peak flirting, Sam would say, measured against their history of interactions. But then Bucky takes a step too soft for Sam to hear and hits him with a look too soft for Sam to misinterpret.
“Or we could say it was the snake drink’s fault if we want an excuse later on,” Sam offers.
Bucky quickly wets his lip with his tongue.
“We could.”
Sam’s hand goes to the buttons on his suit jacket. It’s a motion of self-consciousness, grasping the overlap of fabric between the buttons, but Bucky knocks his hand away with an easy backhand that skims over Sam’s fingers. Eyes locked on his, Bucky undoes the buttons while Sam’s arms hang tensely at his sides. Although the jacket wasn’t restricting his breathing, Sam inhales fast—a swimmer breaking the surface of a pool between strokes.
When he slowly guides Bucky in, hand on his hip, the open jacket doesn’t make a hell of a lot of difference in what’s separating them. That’s what Sam thinks. Bucky’s cyborg brain has evidently done some data-crunching and come up with a different assessment; there’s more than just the length of a knife in the front of Bucky’s pants now as he presses up against Sam.
“You undid one button,” Sam teases. “Is that indecent by forties’ standards? That why one button’s enough to get you going?”
“Let’s see how you feel about one button.”
Sam’s abs seize when Bucky’s hands go—abruptly and confidently—to his belt. He’s as efficient getting it open as Sam’s seen him when dismantling and reassembling an assault weapon or tugging the straps on a tac jacket to secure his knives. Following the jingling and the slap of leather, Bucky opens the button of Sam’s dress pants with a single, silent tug. Sam’s cock jerks.
“Ok, I get it,” he says, breathing too hard over the way Bucky’s chosen to make his point.
He smiles and clasps Bucky’s shoulder, smoothing up to the back of his head, ready to pull him in for a kiss, but Bucky raises a hand between them. A hand concealed by a leather glove. As Sam watches, Bucky bites the tip of the glove’s middle finger between his teeth and pulls his hand out. It comes easily, the Vibranium experiencing little friction against the lining of the glove. He then retrieves the glove from his teeth and jams it into the back pocket of his pants, out of Sam’s line of sight.
“Keep going?” Bucky asks in a rough voice.
Is his tone sexy despite or because of it being choked with desire? Sam can’t decide, but he can nod and provide a “Yeah” while longing for Bucky to just press his hips closer.
Continued eye contact is too fucking much to deal with, so Sam does pull Bucky in now, angling his mouth to meet his. The kiss isn’t anything wild. It’s steady and apparently allows Bucky to concentrate on untucking Sam’s shirt from his unbuttoned pants. Sam’s cradling the back of Bucky’s neck, rubbing his thumb up and down behind his ear (after almost immediately discovering the way it makes Bucky subtly shiver) when the Vibranium hand slips up under his shirt to touch his skin.
The initial surprisingness of the texture is enough to reinforce how unexpected this whole thing is and Sam breaks the kiss. It’s like waking up from a really lifelike dream, except he opens his eyes to see Bucky’s right in front of him. Around them is an alley, a bar where Zemo’s trading money and ass-kissing for super-soldier secrets, and the terrifying lawlessness of Low Town, Madripoor. This is where they had to be for Bucky to look at him like that.
“We’re not done,” Sam states.
“Thought maybe you…”
Sam shakes his head.
“I want to too,” he assures Bucky. “Even if you are a bad husband.”
“What? I am not!”
“You didn’t get me out of swallowing a piece of snake.”
“And I’m damn sure we agreed that you forcing me to join you evened the score. You can’t decide now that it wasn’t enough.”
Sam squints at him, slowly blinking half a minute into the eye contact to prove that it’s not a staring contest. (If it were, he would’ve won.)
“Maybe you didn’t really drink it,” he says.
“Like hell I didn’t drink it. I know you can taste it on me.”
“You know what?” Sam says, fingers rubbing against the grain of Bucky’s hair as they skate up from his neck. “It’s fucked up that I still want to kiss you after you said that.”
“You want me to find a place to buy mints first?”
Bucky’s huffing a laugh as Sam leans in to kiss him. His mouth smothers the sound and by the time their lips part again—both Bucky’s hands up Sam’s shirt as far as his burgundy vest will permit—a quavering groan slips out. Sam wants to attribute it to Bucky, but he can’t be sure. Kissing him harder, Sam puts his free hand squarely on Bucky’s ass, bringing his hips in snugly, feeling the assertive swell of his erection.
“They’re gonna come looking for us again,” Bucky warns, forehead pressed to Sam’s as he pulls his mouth away to speak. “We probably only have a few minutes.”
Sam breathes, listening to the noise from the street, before saying, “How would Smiling Tiger’s husband spend them?”
“Since he’s not a real guy,” Bucky starts, “and I’m just making him up… I’m pretty sure he’d do this…”
His hands come out from under Sam’s shirt, only to settle on his fly. Bucky unzips him and Sam’s head falls back with a laugh of disbelief because they’re not doing this. No way, not here. But this bold motherfucker convinces Sam he’s serious when he pulls the front of his pants and briefs down; Sam looks downwards, alert and aflame, to watch Bucky crouch with one knee on the pavement, eyes level with his exposed groin.
“This seem in character to you?” Bucky asks nonchalantly, forehead wrinkling with the question as he looks up at Sam.
“As if I’m gonna start critiquing,” Sam says while grabbing the waist of his pants with one hand to keep his ass covered as he rotates to put his back to the open end of the alleyway—and the door, if anyone else comes through it.
Bucky repositions to be in front of Sam. His hand’s gliding up Sam’s thigh when Sam speaks again.
“Remember, the story is that you do this so well that I’ve postponed wearing a wedding ring.”
“No pressure then, huh?” Bucky checks in a tone full of complaint.
“It was your story!”
Bucky’s mouth is abruptly too occupied to shoot off a retort. All the air goes out of Sam’s chest with the warmth of Bucky’s mouth around him, his tongue making Sam fight not to twitch his hips forward and sink deeper. Glancing down, yeah, it’s not tough to appreciate the deal Smiling Tiger struck in that story of Bucky’s. This is not a sight Sam hates. He thinks it could only be better if Bucky would look at him while bobbing his head forward and back, but, first of all, being on the receiving end of a Bucky Barnes stare in this moment might actually be more than Sam’s ready to handle and, second, Bucky with his eyes closed in apparent pleasure is a damn nice view.
The door slams open behind them just as Sam’s raising a shaky hand to scrape his fingers through Bucky’s hair. Bucky freezes and Sam straightens, hand aching with how tightly he’s suddenly holding onto his pants.
“James? Sam?” Zemo calls out. “You’re going to need to— What are you doing?”
“I dropped my… glove,” Bucky shouts back, looking up into Sam’s eyes in unfamiliar panic.
“Yeah…” Sam says, too slow but consistent with his subpar ability to lie. “…his glove. He lost—”
“Found it!”
“He found it.”
Sam glares at Bucky as he gets to his feet and withdraws the glove from his back pocket, waving it out to the side. He leans around Sam and gives Zemo a nod. Sam doesn’t turn his head far enough to get Zemo in his peripheral vision—and doesn’t turn his body at all because the only way he could hate Zemo more is if he had to live with the knowledge that he’d seen his dick, shining with Bucky’s saliva—but he’s plenty aware of the long silence the Baron does not fill following the delivery of the lie about the glove.
Eventually (and the wait is excruciating), Zemo says in a smug little voice, “Well, gentlemen, I await your return,” and closes the door. Sam doesn’t trust the Baron to have shut the door, but he does trust the sag of Bucky’s posture. They’re alone.
“Zemo’s gone,” Bucky says, returning the glove to his pocket, “and he knows.”
“Of course he knows, Buck! Did you just forget how to lie?”
Clearly floundering, Bucky motions to Sam’s cock with both hands. It’d be easy, and truthful, for Sam to admit that he was also too distracted to react well, but he’s not gonna throw Bucky that kind of lifeline.
Sam hitches his briefs up at the front; the discomfort of the band pushing against his shaft is worse than the awkwardness. Thinking about how many hours it might be until he and Bucky have an opportunity to continue this in a more private, Zemo-less space makes Sam want to do something really stupid, something Bucky would do, like punch the brick wall in aggravation. Problem is that Bucky’s Vibranium fist would go clean through while Sam might break his hand.
“Sexually frustrated?” Bucky asks bluntly.
So the punch-the-wall plan must’ve shown in Sam’s face.
“I’m fine,” Sam lies, belt buckle clinking as he starts putting his clothes in order.
A steady hand lands on his wrist and Sam glances up and into Bucky’s eyes. He swallows. Rather than help—refastening what he undid before—Bucky worms his hand into Sam’s briefs and wraps warm fingers around him. No, not again. Sam is not going to be the only one standing here with his dick out a second time. He runs his hand over Bucky’s chest and presses, turning them so Bucky has his back to the wall. Bucky’s hand stays loose on his cock until Sam grips him through his pants. Then, Bucky’s pumping away as Sam’s jerking his belt open—the material a sharp, ropey weave like Bucky’s tac straps in contrast to the buttery leather of Sam’s belt. Hastily, Sam gets into his pants, stretching and pawing, twisting his wrist to reach in and smooth his palm down Bucky’s length.
Their eyes meet and it’s holding hands in the car all over again.
It’s a race to the first grunt, the first groan, the first involuntary buck of the hips. Bucky’s zipper scratches at Sam’s forearm but that’s nothing, not worth letting go when he can see the glistening sweat at Bucky’s temple. Sam adjusts his grip to make a firm fist, completing long, merciless strokes that rip a rough gasp from Bucky. Of course, then he’s gotta retaliate and Sam can barely keep his shit together when Bucky pulls his hand out only to spit in the palm before thrusting it back into Sam’s pants.
“We can’t,” Bucky grits out.
“I know.”
But they keep going, Sam mentally crossing his fingers and his toes that Bucky won’t get to watch his knees wobble or his legs fold. He could swear he has Bucky on the ropes when that idiot starts pulsing his grip, tensing and relaxing his hold. His eyes are dark and unblinking as blue light seeps over them.
Sam’s overwhelming desire is to come all over Bucky’s hand, but the more responsible part of him reminds him that he’s going to have to walk back into Selby’s bar to somehow assist Zemo with the information negotiation and letting Bucky jerk him off in these expensive pants won’t help him accomplish that. He doesn’t want to bring what’s happening out here back in there, doesn’t want this thing between them reduced to part of Smiling Tiger’s fiction.
“Fuck, ok, stop!” Sam blurts.
Bucky stills immediately, not hiding his smirk when Sam takes his hand back. Bucky’s stays down the front of Sam’s pants until it’s in the way of Sam tucking his shirt back in. He clenches his teeth as he fixes his underwear, zips his pants to strain over the bulge he was so close to letting Bucky take care of. He catches Bucky with the same look on his face.
“The serum,” Sam says, attempting to refocus them both.
“Yeah. Maybe Zemo’s coaxed a lead out of Selby by now.”
Sam can’t contain his laugh.
“You better hope he has or else the only thing you achieved by breaking him out of jail was having him as a witness while you blew me.”
Bucky turns away from him so quickly that Sam knows he’s not mad; he has to be hiding his own smile. They stand there, shuffling in place for a couple more minutes. Right when Sam’s about to propose that they head inside, the side door flies open for the third time and Zemo staggers out, chased by the rapid, overlapping pops of several guns.
“Are you serious?!” Sam demands. The three of them sprint down the alley, heading for the crowded street.
Bucky channels his annoyance into a wordless shout at Zemo.
“I don’t know what went wrong,” Zemo yelps when Sam grabs his arm, hauling him around the corner as they emerge onto the street. “People usually find me very trustworthy, very persuasive.”
Sam glances at Bucky, who looks away guiltily.
“I don’t know…” Zemo pants. “…how to make this small… misunderstanding… up to you.”
“Just run!” Sam suggests. Feet pounding alongside Bucky’s as they dart down a side street, he says, “You think it’s time for you to use that knife?”
“Oh yeah,” Bucky says, like he only just remembered he has one.
Without breaking his stride, he slides the knife from his pocket, half-turns, and zings it backwards. Sam doesn’t turn to look, but he’s satisfied when the closest source of gunfire cuts off abruptly.
“This isn’t so bad,” Bucky says when they take a quick right, Zemo straggling slightly behind.
Bullets chase the three of them around the corner, ringing as they strike a fire escape and shatter a sign. Raising an arm over his head to protect himself from falling shards of glass, Sam glances at Bucky incredulously.
“I want a divorce!”
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tonio-dawson · 4 years
A crossroad
Antonio x Halstead!Reader
Word count: 1,783
Summary: AU where Antonio stays in the unit until season 7 (because I don’t like how he got written out :)). He found himself at a crossroad where he thinks he isn’t the right fit for the team anymore. Reader is Jay’s sister working as a Detective at another precinct.
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Antonio walked up to your place, you could hear his footsteps even before his keys reached your apartment door. “It’s not lock-” you screamed from your kitchen but he already made his way inside. He took off his boots and his jacket, and made his way to the fridge and pulled out a beer.
You looked at him, he hadn’t said a word but he glanced at you finally recognizing your presence. “Sorry babe, thought you’re still at work,” he said while taking a swig leaning back to the fridge. His jaw clenched, his eyes were filled with fire, as if he’s ready for a fight.
“Woah, I’d say welcome home, but what happened? Rough day?” You turned to him, spatula on your hand. “Something like that,” he sighed.
“Wanna talk about it over this Arroz con Pollo once it’s ready?” You asked softly.
“I guess,” he gulped his beer this time.
“And maybe give your girlfriend a kiss before you go shower and change?” you walked toward him this time, pursing a smile.
His gazed softened as he reached his arms out to you and pulled you into a hug, “I’m sorry. It’s been really tough at the office today. And we’ve promised each other not to let work gets in between us.” he mumbled on your shoulder. You can feel that something is weighing on him.
“And you did not. Not yet anyway.” you pulled away and kissed his cheek, “Now go shower and we can have dinner,” he nodded and made his way to the bathroom.
Antonio was much calmer after his shower, much more after he filled his stomach with food, “This is soooo good, almost as good as mine.” he smiled. Usually you’d throw a napkin or anything within proximity at him but knowing he had a rough day you just chuckled, “If that’s your way to say ‘thank you my beautiful girlfriend, food is delicious’ I say you’re welcome,” you smiled.
“Of course I meant thank you, ‘almost as good’ is the highest of compliment,” said Antonio while finishing his plate. His expression changed to a tired face as he let out a sigh, “You don’t know how much I need this after today,”
“What happened? Ruzek picked a fight with you again?” You asked.
“Hmm.. yeah, he was on my list of problems today. But…” He trailed off and left his word hanging.
“But what? I’m sorry, it must have been a very hard day.” you looked deeply into him.
“Yeah, I don’t know if this is right… but I’m thinking to quit Intelligence.” he was hesitant at the beginning however his raspy voice was loud and clear when he mentioned about quitting.
You’re at loss for words, trying to control your expression. You didn’t even know whether to stop him from doing it or to support his thinking.
“I…are you, are you sure?” You stuttered.
Antonio sighed even longer this time, “That’s the thing, I’m not sure.” He grabbed another beer from the fridge and took a seat on the couch after clearing up the table.
You’re still sitting at the dining table, frozen, running different words to say to him.
“Babe?” He glanced at you.
You snapped back to reality and made your way to the couch, sitting next to him. “I’m sorry. I’m at loss for words. Don’t know what to say.” you said honestly, “I thought you love working at Intelligence,” you gazed softly at him.
“Yeah, I do. I like working the case. Our cases are always the toughest one, we put away the evil of evil and make the city safer. That’s what I love about being part of the team.” Antonio explained, you sensed a but coming.
“But…you know how Voight and the unit works. It’s not always conventional,” he continued.
“Yes, but you already know that.” you replied and he nodded at your sentence, “Most of the time it worked to our benefit. But lately, every one is trying to be like Voight, you know? Using any means necessary to solve a case. Maybe, except your brother. But Jay’s also has his way of letting things happen. And I can’t. I can’t do it. Not anymore.” he shook his head.
Antonio went on explaining how the last few years went down for him and the team. How they dealt with Al’s murderer - how Ruzek blamed him over not standing up for Voight though it wasn’t the case, how Voight handled Lopez, how Burgess let Q brought a gun to a sting and ended up killing the target, how Upton took care of Vanessa’s mess by planting evidence, the list goes on. And Antonio always got caught in the middle not wanting to condone their actions though not condemning either. But because of that, he was seen as the enemy of the team.
Beyond from short stories that Jay and Antonio shared with you, you didn’t actually know about how the Intelligence team works. As Jay’s sister and Antonio’s girlfriend you have good relationships with the team outside of work. You’ve known them to be good people and solid cops. But getting all of this new information, you can only feel for your boyfriend. You know that Antonio is the boy scout cop who does everything by the book. So these questionable methods that the team uses really challenge his ethics.
“I don’t care how Voight runs his shop. He brought me in to the team knowing already how I handle cases, and we always know how to work with each other despite our differences. But the rest of the team? I’m not sure anymore. These young folks think that Voight’s way is the only way forward. That doesn’t sit right by me.” he complained.
After Jules death, Lindsay’s departure, and Al’s gone, you suspected that Antonio’s feelings towards the team has changed. Team dynamic and roles have shifted and you’re not sure where Antonio sees himself within the team, and how the team positions Antonio. 
Your suspicion only grew stronger after he told you what happened today.
A patrol officer got killed under Intelligence assignment to do a search at a suspected drug dealer’s home. But it was the wrong house, the officer came in hot and drew his gun already when coming inside. Much to everyone’s surprise, they only found a couple who are eating their lunch. Things got real bad, real quick when the husband - an ex-marine - panicked seeing a gun pointed at his direction and pulled his gun from under the table. In a matter of seconds, multiple shots were fired. The first officer died at the scene, the ex-marine is clinging to life at Med, the wife and the officer’s partner got several GSWs albeit not lethal.
The problem? They didn’t have a search warrant. It was an intel from a CI, a real bad one. Ruzek rushed it because a suspected drug dealer has been threatening Michele Sovana, Al’s only remaining daughter. With Ruzek now being questioned by Internal Affairs, the team turned to Antonio to pull in favor from ASA Peter Stone to issue a back dated search warrant to get Ruzek out of trouble.
“I think Jay’s against this. A fellow soldier got shot over a bad police misconduct? But he didn’t say a word.” Antonio’s eyes were filled with concerns, “The thing is, not only the warrant didn’t come through, but an officer shouldn’t draw their gun to a civilian unless necessary.” he sighed and remembered his almost altercation with Ruzek earlier today.
“They thought they’re walking to a lion’s den for fuck’s sake!” Ruzek yelled at him, “Well they weren’t, were they? Now you got two civilians injured; one of them served to protect the country!” Antonio yelled back.
“You always do this, man. A brother is killed and you’re worried about some political correctness? He worked patrol for 10 years, sacrificed HIS LIFE and one simple mistake you wanted to��strip from his honor?”
“YES! Because that’s what we do! We sacrifice our lives as cops! Not only him. And because we’re the police we should be held to a standard. All the fucking time. You think you can knock on someone’s door and starts shooting?!” Antonio was boiling, in fact he was so close to hit Ruzek, but Voight broke them off and told people to go home and pick it up tomorrow.
“So, what are you going to do?” you asked.
“I figured I’d do what they say one last time and maybe…hand in my transfer letter the next day.” He replied.
“Wanna transfer to my unit?” you asked cheekily.
He laughed, “Only if I got to boss you around,” as he snuggled to you.
“Not gonna happen!” you threw a light punch.
“I honestly don’t know, you think transferring out is a bad move?” he asked.
“Well, I think working for Voight in the first place was a bad move. Same thing I said to Jay,” you scoffed, “But who knew you guys could go this far and rose to be a unit with the highest solving rate in the department. Whether or not you enjoy it, that’s for you to say.” you smiled this time.
“Hmm…” he hugged you closer and placed his head on top of yours.
“But whatever you decide, I’m behind you. One thing I know is that you’re a damn good cop don’t matter in which unit you work at,” you continued with a proud girlfriend tone.
“Thanks for always having my back. I love you,” He cupped your face and kissed you long and deep, “I love you too,” you replied as you pulled away. He leaned in closer for another kiss, more heated this time. His touch was more intense and you let out a soft moan. His hands traveled inside your shirt as he nipped at your neck. You both were all cozy until his phone rang. You both stopped and looked at the caller ID, “Your brother’s timing is impeccable. You sure he didn’t put a nanny cam around here?” he raised his eyebrows.
“Ugh. You have to answer him?” you asked.
“Actually I do. So tomorrow I don’t have to explain myself why I missed his calls. I’ll be quick,” Antonio replied and got up to answer the phone. He stepped outside to your balcony while you turn on the TV.
After three minutes or so, he stepped back in with a much brighter face. “Why are you so happy?” you asked. Whatever it was that Jay said on the phone has put Antonio at ease.
“I know I’m sure about one thing. That I always can count on a Halstead.” he smiled, pulled you in and continued where he left off.
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fatesdeepdive · 3 years
Entry 12: All Hail Takumi
Castle building time! I built a giant dragon statue that heals units during invasions, which is nice I guess, and also an arena so I can make my soldiers fight to the death and bet on whether they perish! Unfortunately, when I went to use the arena, the dumb clerk said I couldn’t use it yet. Meanie.
Support: Hinata/Oboro
C: Hinata’s hair is too long, so Oboro cuts it for him. He requests she make him look like Takumi, because apparently one dude with a pineapple haircut is too few. The duo reflect on their mutual admiration of Takumi, their desire for his coolness to rub off on them, and their rivalry over who is more loyal.
B: Hinata offers to cut Oboro’s hair and she rejects him, saying that he will mess it up because he’s Hinata. The two of them continue talking about how cool Takumi is and how much they want to be like him.
A: Hinata and Oboro discuss the fact that they only bicker because they respect each other. Also, Takumi is cool. All hail Takumi.
S: The two of them get engaged, talking about Takumi throughout their proposals.
Review: Holy crap you two, shut up about Takumi. He isn’t even cool. They have good chemistry, but all they talk about is how much they love Takumi.
Support: Azama/Hinoka
C: Azama makes fun of Hinoka’s hair, clothes, and clumsiness, despite the fact that she’s a goddamn member of the royal family and probably could have him executed on the spot. She threatens to stab him and he brings up the fact that he’s only her retainer because he saved her life once.
B: Hinoka is sad over the deaths of innocent soldiers and Azama gives no sympathy because people die every day. She questions why he saved her when she was a child and he says he did it because she looked furious and he thought saving her would be interesting. She points out that he’s a horrible person, but says she respects his confidence.
A: Hinoka begs Azama to save a dying man and Azama says it isn’t worth the effort. When pressed, he says the man will die anyway. Hinoka orders him to do his damn job and he begrudgingly tries to save the dying man. He dies anyway, and Azama tells Hinoka that she should have just let him die peacefully, telling her that her kindness will be her downfall.
S: Azama goes up to Hinoka and tells her that they’re engaged. Hinoka kinda just goes along with it after Azama lists his good qualities.
Review: I actually kinda liked this one, oddly enough. Azama’s dickishness went so far that it looped around and made him likeable. This conversation touches on the horrors of war in a way that most conversations don’t and I do enjoy Azama teaching Hinoka that there are limits to her kindness. I just wish that Azama’s lackadaisy attitude was a facade, a la Hawkeye Pierce. The two of them, like most couples in this game, have little chemistry. Still, Azama going up to a member of the royal family and declaring the two of them engaged is so audacious I respect it.
Support: Corrin/Mozu
C: Mozu is lugging around some heavy boxes full of vegetables, because she is a strong little girl. This leads to a conversation about Mozu’s village; Corrin asks if Mozu misses her old life, Mozu says not to worry, Corrin says she’ll probably never stop worrying about Mozu.
B: Mozu talks about hunting as a child. Apparently she fought bears, because Mozu is a god of death.
A: Corrin decides to give Mozu a basic education, which Corrin is in no way qualified to do, considering that she has consistently shown herself to be the dumbest person in our army. Corrin says some stuff about the army being Mozu’s new family and Mozu cries. It’s sweet.
S: Corrin says he used to pity Mozu, but now has nothing but respect for her for her courage. The two of them get married.
Review: Corrin’s interactions with Mozu are very sweet. The S-Rank, again, doesn’t really work, but then again few S-Rank’s do. Overall, a very charming support line, if a bit bland. Also Mozu killed a bear with her bare hands because she is a terrifying death god disguised as a little girl.
Support: Hinoka/Setsuna
C: Setsuna makes Setsuna a cup of tea so bad it’s almost poisonous. The two of them discuss the fact that they both suck at cooking and decide to team up to become better chefs.
B: Hinoka and Setsuna try to make eggs. It does not go well.
A: The girls finally make a good meal by working together and decide they can do anything if they put their minds to it. Setsuna gets stuck in the pantry.
Review: This was a fluff support line, which is okay, I guess. I would have liked it to have a bit more meat, perhaps an explanation of why she made the walking disaster that is Setsuna her retainer, but I will admit that it was a fun read.
Birthright Chapter 10: Ninja Village
The party travels through Mokushu, the ninja country from Kaze and Saizo’s support conversation. Kaze says that he isn’t worried about the people of Mokushu being conquered by Nohr because of their sick martial arts prowess. Zola sneaks up on the party because...wait, hold on, they didn’t tie him up? We weren’t shown him escaping, so I guess that means they just let him go after he tried to kill him. My god, Corrin gets dumber with each passing moment.
Zola surrenders and begs for amnesty. Corrin asks why they should trust him and he says that they really shouldn’t, cause of the whole attempted murder thing. But, he doesn’t have an army anymore, which means he isn’t a threat. He says that he can be of assistance and Corrin decides to bring him along, ignoring objections from the smart people in the party. To be fair, she does say Hinoka will kill him if he acts suspicious, but seriously just leave him in Mokushu he’s obviously going to betray you. Want to know how I know? Because he didn’t join our army.
Suddenly, someone throws a shuriken at Sakura. Kaze identifies it as belonging to a Mokushu ninja. Zola speculates that Mokushu might have an alliance with Nohr. The daimyo of Mokushu, Kotaro, shows up and says that Mokushu has an alliance with Nohr. Then the battle starts.
The map is filled with spike traps that activate as we step on them. We can use the Dragon Veins to spring them on the enemies instead. At the start of turn two, Takumi just kinda wanders into the battle and starts shooting Hinoka, which is weird because she isn’t one of the sisters he hates. Also he keeps muttering kill and is labeled an enemy, which is probably bad. He also whines about his inferiority complex, which is why he’s way lamer than Ryoma.
Azura sings to him and breaks his mind control. What can’t singing do?
During this map, I was reminded that Takumi is an unstoppable death god who can kill everything with ease. I paired him up with Corrin and waltzed through the woods, one-shotting ninjas left and right. I did hold them back and let Saizo kill the boss, though. Because, you know, he killed Saizo’s dad, something only told in an optional support conversation. Saizo actually has unique dialogue with him where he does the whole Inigo Montoya thing. Although, it was technically Hinoka who did the finishing blow, because Saizo doesn’t hit hard enough to kill.
Overall, this map was fine, I guess. The spikes were more a nuisance than a serious game changer. I did get good healer HP, though. Speaking of healers, there’s one stationed in the top right of the map who watched as I killed every other member of the army and slowly approached her before putting an arrow between her eyes. We’re the good guys!
After the battle, Hinoka and Sakura cry over how happy they are that Takumi isn’t evil anymore. He explains that he and Ryoma were separated after being attacked and that he ended up falling into the bottomless canyon. Then he woke up mind controlled and attacking us. I’m sure that’s not something we need to worry about.
At the end of the chapter, Takumi is finally nice to Azura because she saved him. Also Azura starts coughing, which means she is definitely going to die at the end of the game.
Kaze returns with Kagero, Ryoma’s ninja retainer who was imprisoned in Kotaro’s cellar. She tells us that Ryoma went to Cheve to fight Nohr. And didn’t look for his brother ever, I guess.
Overall, this chapter was okay. The stuff with Zola was dumb and could have been handled last chapter, and the fact that is completely sidelines Saizo is kinda frustrating, but Takumi got some cool character development and there was some foreshadowing about the bottomless canyon.
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Love Overcomes Anything
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This is my first Mob! Tom story. 
Warning: angst and a bit of argument. Fluff in the mix.
              Lately, Tom has been very busy with meetings and spending less time with you since he is the strongest mob leader in London. He always makes it a point to come to bed and cuddle you to sleep but in the past few days he has been coming into bed at 3 in the morning, slightly disrupting your sleep but you always let him pull you close. Tonight, is no different except that you had reminded him that date night was today, and he had a stress full day at work, so it slipped his mind. The day started with your excitement waking you up since it has been a while since it has only Tom and you are alone and no work.  The day was spent pampering yourself from painting your nails and putting on a new outfit you have saved just for him knowing he will go crazy when he sees it. As you were doing your hair you heard footsteps coming towards the bedroom and saw Tom walking so you ran into the restroom to hide. The door is slightly open, and you see Tom sitting on the bed with his face in his hands.
           At that moment you realized that he was stressed, and you see Harrison rush in making you suspect it has something to do with an important situation. Tom growls at Harrison, "Please give me a damn moment of peace, I wish Y/N was here to calm me down." Harrison shakes his head annoyed as I am the problem in the situation, do not get me wrong Harrison is close but when it comes to business, he is too serious. Tom suddenly shoots up with a realization look and looks at his phone "I am forgetting something; I just cannot put my finger on it. Maybe I should call Y/n and ask." Harrison was getting impatient and was about to say that it can wait when you heard a crash sound, causing him and Tom to run in that direction.
          After they both left the room you finish off your look and see the time, smiling giddily that only in a few hours you will be able to make Tom feel better. You were now sitting in the living room listening to podcasts when you decided to text a reminder to Tom just in case he forgets because sometimes that happens not purposely though. You heard a ding in the bedroom, so you went to go check what it was and saw it was Tom's phone. Deciding to be a good girlfriend and to deliver it to him in person. On the path to where he was you saw Harrison walking towards you with a panic look and it suddenly changes as he sees the phone in your hand. As he says, "Thank you", he looks at my outfit and I forgot at that moment I am in my date outfit. Harrison puts it together that it is date night and smiles as he compliments me" You look beautiful as always, I am glad you are finally spending time together. Tom needs to relax." I smile back blushing at his compliment and tell him "Please remind Tom about the date." "I promise I will have a wonderful day," Harrison calls out as he walks towards Tom's office.
Tom's POV:
        Harrison comes with my phone that I sent him on a chase to find. The noise that caught our attention was the enemy trying to escape from his chair and got himself even more hurt in the way the chair fell. Harrison had a smile on his face and Tom was stressed how His best friend and the second man is acting like this in a moment of crisis. He then speaks up and is about to tell me something as I look down to see if I have any new messages and calls then we hear and see Harry run into the room panicking mumbling about something. I rush up to him and shake his shoulders to get his attention, "What is it Harry, what is going on?" Harry looks at me with sweat forming as he says, "The other gang got a hold of our supply and threatened to mess with it if we do not meet them tonight at the dock." Tom immediately goes to Harrison, "What did you want to tell me?", as he packs up his bag and sends the message out to the members for the plan for tonight. Harrison ways the situation and decides to what is best for you both and says" It is nothing important, let us go tell those guys who are the bosses." Tom smiles and nods his head, ready to get it over so he can come back to his princess.
           It is the time for the date, and you have been waiting at the restaurant where you were supposed to meet. The waiter keeps filling up the wine glass and the third trip to the table she says, "Do not worry about the tab on the drinks, it is on the house." I smile graciously and bid goodbye to her and take the car home. The truth is you are kind of tipsy from those glasses of wine and over the night so when you get home, you had a plan to change and go to bed. However, that plan was changed when you entered the house and saw the members surrounding Tom in the living room and you smell a musky smell that is not necessarily pleasant. Tom had not noticed me as I entered the room, but Harrison did and received a look that would hurt if looks could kill.
           Tom noticed the room quiet down and looked in the direction where his men were practically drooling. He then makes eye contact with me and checks me out with a lustful look in his eyes. Tom calls me over, but I stay in place daring him with a sharp look, "I was waiting for you at the restaurant while you are here celebrating with the gang about something." Tom takes a deep breath and says bitterly, "Well, Darling I will say that you look beautiful.  Something important business came up and we won the battle so a congratulation is in order." I stand still, surprised about how he was acting in front of his men towards. I then say sarcastically, "Congratulations Master, should I reward you with a dance?" and Tom's expression turned from slightly amused into a dark and annoyed expression. I walk away after that moment and hear mummers like wow, she is a boss woman. I smile to myself and go get ready for bed, calming down, and realized that you should be happy for Tom's achievement.
               I am settled into bed as I hear Tom enter the room and go to the bathroom, he is humming to himself meaning he is happy. Curiously to see if he still annoyed with me, I decided to play a game with him to see if he would react. I wait for him to join me in bed and when he is settled and looking at emails before going to bed, you cuddle up to him so your head is on his chest and kiss up to his jaw. I see him turn his jaw slightly giving me more room to get to his sweet spot, as I get to his sweet spot, he closes his eyes letting out a sexy moan. He leans back more giving more space to move my hand under the blanket but before I could get to the destination, He grabs my wrist and pulls it out from under the blanket, "Princess, what you did was not what a good girl does and so as a punishment you will not get to make me feel good." I yank my hands out his grip, "Excuse me, you forgot our date and your saying I misbehaved. You are in the wrong here, I am not one of your men who you can command." Tom then sits up turning towards you with an astonishing look and says in a dark tone, " You will listen to me, I know how you tick and what you like, dislike and hate. So do not tell me off in front of my men again or it will be a real punishment and one you will not like." I gasp offended but not before he reaches over gently yet harshly at the same time kisses me passionately that I kiss back harder and when he pulls away a little whine comes from my mouth unwillingly, he just smirks "See princess I am in control even if you want to be." Then he gets serious, "I am sorry about missing our date especially if you looked like that for me. I will make it up to you I promise." After we lay down next to each other, he wraps his arms around me and pulls me close. He mumbles, "love you" quietly and I smile knowing he will always be soft for me.
          The next few days go by and things between you two have decent, he is now coming to bed on time. The conversations have been short and blunt since every time you are telling a story, he would be looking at you at first and when he would think you are looking away he would go back to check his email. It did not bother you at first and you even let it slide except today was a stressful day for you since you were getting grief from your family about being with Tom and you had to rant about it to someone, but you knew he would not listen only let it go through one ear and out the other. As you settle in bed next to him, he is already in his usual actions on his phone, you roll your eyes hoping he notices you and says something but like usual he does not.
         For once that night, Tom was the one who had a story to tell about what happened during work that day. An idea popped into your head decided to pay him back and show him what it is like to be ignored. In bed you turned slightly and listened for the first few minutes then noticed as he was getting into it, he talked with his hands so at that moment you took out your phone to write the email. He was still talking, and I had already sent the email, and then I heard in an accusing tone, "Really Y/N, you are on your phone when I am talking to you?" I straighten up in bed and sass back, "You do this to me every night so do not give me an attitude. I wanted you to realize that you seem to not be noticing me and it upsets me." He is quiet for a moment and I wait for a scolding instead I get a scuff and he finally says, "Well my work is more important than your social life stories, so sorry if I work hard for you to enjoy the life you live." I snap back a bit harshly, "This is no way to live where my boyfriend only talks to me when he feels like it." He stills angrily and gets out of the bed pacing in front of the bed, "How can you say that you sound like an ungrateful brat. I forgot one date now you are accusing me of not appreciating you."
        I sat in bed watching your Tom turn into a different man and not the one you fell in love with. "That is not the point, first it is a date. Then you will start to forget our anniversary and other important events. And for your information, I did text you about it and reminded Harrison to tell you about it." He is about to rebuttal but looks at his messages and sees a message from me and then hurts me with what he is saying, "I never thought you would be clingy and needy otherwise I would have not approached you." I mumble to myself not purposely knowing it bothers him, he stands in front my side of the bed. "What is that?" he angrily, I look him in the eyes and blurt out, "Maybe my family is right I shouldn't be with you." And at that moment, I regret it because he looks at me with hurt and pain in his eyes and storms to his side of the bed to grab his pillow and a blanket. I quickly get up to try to stop him from leaving. I grab his wrist and he looked over at me and growls "Let me go before I say something I regret. I will be sleeping in the study. I will come to you when I am not so angry" and walks out I just lay back down and cry myself to sleep.
       That morning you wake up to an empty cold bed and decided to apologize to Tom and hopefully resolve the past few days. An hour later at breakfast, you had a plan on how to make him forgive, he could never stay upset with you for long. As you were getting ready for the plan, you had put on his favorite outfit playing music in the background. The song No Control by One Direction was playing in the background and since you were in the bathroom, you did not see Harrison walk in enjoying the music and singing. Harrison was sent to get some items from the bedroom and came to apologize to you. You sit down on the bed and pat the bed for him to sit down next to you. "I am sorry I did not remind him; the case is now over because of that night. I want you both to be happy and I will do anything to protect you. And as always you look beautiful and he will love that outfit. Let us get him to be happy again." He looks at you and sees a smile on your face and sighs a breath of relief and leans over and kisses your cheek causing you to blush. You then explain what you want to and you both start the plan, where you will call Tom and give him sass just to get him to cancel the meeting and call you in and then he is back to your Tom that you love.
         The plan started at exactly one o'clock, you called Tom, and when he answered with "Answer or behave." I answered with a sassy attitude, "What are you going to do, Spank me?" I heard him grunt before hanging up and knowing Harrison, the next second he sent a thumbs-up message to me, knowing that part worked it now to the next part. You get a text from Tom saying to come to the study, now to make him forgive you. You walk out of the bedroom and pass Harrison on the way to the study and he winks at you as to say it is good to go. I walk in and sit down directly facing him, his chair is turned around. I took a deep breath but as soon as he turns around in his chair, I gasp, he has tears in his eyes and looks sad. I speak first, "I am sorry for being so clingy and needy, it is just last night my sister was harping on me being with you and she is just jealous that you choose me over her. I am the luckiest person and I hope you can forgive me" as you finish your speech you are directly in front of him gently cupping his face. He lets me sit on his lap and wraps his arms around your waist pulling into a hug with your face nuzzled into his chest. "I am sorry as well; I will be more connected with you. The last few weeks have been stressful; and I took it out on you, and it is not fair. I love you; I forgive you. Please forgive me." I smirk and move to  straddle him, and his hands move to my hips and mine to his neck.
           I look him the eyes with lustful eyes and lean down whispering in his ears, "You can show me who is the boss. Make me feel wanted as you know how." His demeanor changes from sad to his dominant side and crashes his lips to mine with such passion it makes me grip his neck and grind down on his lap making both of us groan. He starts to control my hips with his hands and meets my core with his thrusts while we make out hardcore in his study in his chair. It got so heated as we started to move faster against each other while Tom pulls away and kisses down my neck finding my sweet spot. You pull on his hair as he kisses down your chest and back up to your lips and grinds deeper into you making you both release endorphins together. You fall limp into his arms enjoying the moment and kisses that you are receiving from him.
        After you both are cuddling on the couch in the living room, you hear Harrison come into the living room and sit down far from you are cuddled. I look at Tom with puppy dog eyes and he nods with a smile adorning his handsome face. "Come on Haz, join us," I say and in a second, he is cuddled up to me. "My big mob boys, I Love you both." Tom pouts, "But you are my favorite" and lean over and kiss him sweetly which turns hot proving that you are his. When you both pull away, Haz is smiling, and then in unison, they say, "I love you as well." Both Tom and Harrison kiss your cheeks on both sides causing you to laugh and pull them closer, spending the rest of the night in a cuddle party with your boys.
@littlekidsteve​ @peachyxholland @tom-holland-is-spiderman @follow-tom-holland-is-spiderman @parkerpeter24 @frenchfrostpudding @osterfieldnholland  @fanficparker @mymoontom @marvels-blue-phoenix @holytingle @petertiingz @peachyxholland
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Day 19: Rules Change - Javier Pena
Day 19: Rules Change- Javier Pena 
November Writing Challenge Masterlist 
Day 18: Her Husband - Marcus Pike 
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“You do understand that by getting yourself into this situation...we are going to have to send you back stateside?” 
You nod. 
“Do you have anything you would like to say before we finish today? After this meeting you will need to go to your apartment and pack your bags, your flight leaves out of Columbia at 9 AM.” The ambassador glared at you from his high back leather chair. 
“No...I have nothing to say to you. Only this, I don’t regret a damn thing.” 
“You’re excused. Now get out of my office and go pack your bags.” He dismisses you with a wave of his hand and promptly ignores you. 
You slam the door behind you on the way out and walk over towards your desk. You can feel the eyes of your co-workers on you as you pack your small box of personal belongings from your desk. You reach toward your cactus plant on the corner of your desk and it falls to the ground, shattering. 
“Fuck,” you bend down to begin picking it up when a pair of dark sun-kissed skin move into your line of sight, you look up at Javier Pena, your boss. 
“Thank you,” you whisper. Picking up the remaining shards and placing them in the trash. You notice he has a small white paper cup in his hands and he carefully places the cactus in the cup. 
His arm grips your elbow gently, pulling you to your feet. You feel braver with him near and you take a moment to look into his eyes. A storm of emotion is boiling in them and it takes your breath away, “this is fucked up,” he whispers harshly, “I should be the one sent home, not you. I’m your boss...I’m supposed to protect you.” 
You chuckle darkly, “well maybe if we both used protection we wouldn’t be in this situation,” you rest your hand over your slightly protruding belly, “I have to go pack...will you come over tonight?” 
He hands you the plant and you place it gently in the box. “Do you really have to ask?” he whispers. You go to lift the box before it is quickly removed from your hands. 
“Daniel...I can lift a damn box,” Van Ness smiles at you before shrugging. 
“I can also lift a box, isn’t that funny? Let’s go, mama, time to get you home.” 
You cringe, avoiding the eye contact of the office gossips. Only a select few knew why you were leaving and those that didn’t could guess. It was the watercooler gossip of the week. Javier Pena had knocked up one of the Embassy secretaries. She was being fired and sent home in disgrace while Pena stayed in Columbia to take down the Cali cartel.
You didn’t blame Javier though. He wanted to leave with you and threatened to quit. But after the chance to take down Escobar was ripped away from him you knew he had to finish the work with Cali. It had caused many an argument between you but it was a fight he wasn’t going to win. Your one concession to Javi was that you were going to Texas to live with his father. 
You had no family left of your own and when you both sat down and called his father he was ecstatic about becoming a grandpa. Your shook from your thoughts when Daniel nudges you toward the door and Javier’s hand slips from your elbow watching you leave. 
At your apartment, you’re surprised to find Chris Fiestl there and packing your books into boxes with the label already written out. Tears spring to your eyes and you reach out for both of them as they engulf you in hugs, “Don’t cry y/n, you don’t wanna upset the baby.” Daniel reaches forward and gently rubs your stomach. 
“I’m just really happy to have such good friends,” you tell them both pulling away to wipe at your eyes. Daniel and Chris came around the same time you did and you instantly clicked. The three of you would go out drinking and dancing. 
When you started sleeping with Javi, the boys were there for you as you navigated the waters from casual hookup to a full-blown relationship. 
“I’m really going to miss you guys,” you hug them both tightly. From behind you the door unlocks and Javier comes in. Seeing you all embracing he sighs before walking to the small kitchen for a drink. 
The boys give you one final hug before they go, letting you and Javier be alone. You walk to the kitchen and see Javi nursing a whiskey and cooking some dinner. He wasn’t the greatest cook but since you found out you were pregnant and got sick at random smells he’s taken over cooking for you both. You hug him from behind and he leans back onto your shoulder, kissing your cheek. Putting down the spatula he turns and holds you tight. 
“I don’t want you to leave. I don’t want to be away from you...I love you so fucking much,” he nuzzles your neck placing soft open mouth kisses. 
You pull away and scratch your nails through his scalp he groans at the feeling. “It’s not forever, just until you put those Cali bastards away. Then you can come home to your dads and we can raise our daughter and have a life together.” 
“...Daughter?” his voice is hoarse as he looks at you with glassy eyes. 
You can only nod, your own filled with unshed tears. “I found out a few days ago at that last appointment. We’re gonna have a baby girl Javi.” 
He drops to his knees before your belly and lifts your shift. His hands rough and calloused trace patterns over the small bump. He kisses your stomach lightly “I love you mija, I will always be there for you,” he gazes up at you, “for your both.”  
5 Years Later 
“You have got to be kidding me! That’s a BULLSHIT CALL!” 
“JAVIER!” you shoot up from your lawn chair and pull your husband back down, “SIT THE HELL DOWN! You are embarrassing us!” 
Your father in law is cracking up beside you in his own chair, watching his granddaughter run unsteadily across the field. 
“But baby, she was clear and he called her foul! That’s my little girl out there and you better believe I will kick any honky white ass referee who tries to stop her!” Javier shoots up from his chair again pacing. 
You snort watching the man who helped take down Pablo Escobar and the Cali Cartel down get mad at a children’s soccer game. But that was Javier as a father. 
After that night he promised he would always be there for her he meant it. Every doctor appointment, hair cut, toddler tumble class, story time at the library, and recently soccer game he was there. His office walls covered in her artwork and always wearing a bracelet she made him at preschool out of macaroni and string; like it came from Tiffany’s. 
“Honey you need to calm down, she is doing great! Those are just the rules of the game, the ref didn’t do anything wrong.” 
“Rules change baby, and that guy needs to change his damn rules so he doesn’t foul my daughter,” Javi huffs and you rise pulling him towards you for a kiss. 
“She is so lucky to have you as a daddy Javi. We all are…” you rest his hand over your stomach and his eyes nearly fall out of his head.
You nod and he shouts before kissing you. The whistle blows and your daughter who is the spitting image of her father comes running up. Javi picks her up, blowing raspberries against her cheek as she giggles, pulling you both into a tight hug. Despite the rocky start, you wouldn’t change your family for the world. 
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tk-productions · 3 years
Mystic Sisters- Ch.18 On the Run
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Hikari's Pov
I sat next to Yua on the train headed towards Yokohama. We left the church early this morning. Neither one of us knew where we were going. We decided to go somewhere so we can figure out what to do. We just had to be away from our parents. That night after everything that happened Yua still tried to reason with Dad.
"Dad" Yua pleaded, grabbing his shirt sleeve. "I just want you to listen to me for once. There's weird things happening to Hikari and I-."
'Go to bed. I'm too tired to deal with this." He deadpanned, snatching his shirt from Yua's grip. There was no emotion on his face and no sincerity in his voice.  I watched him walk past her up to his bedroom.
"Too tired to care about your kids huh? It's like you don't want us here." Yua whispered.
"It'd be easier wouldn't it?" He snapped from the top of the stairs. Maybe things would be easier if we didn't adopt you two. You were suspicious about living her since day one. If it wasn't for you mom I would have given you back."
I shook Yua, waking her up from her slumber. She opened her eyes and yawned. The train stopped and we quickly got off the train. We found a small hotel nearby that was next to a convenience store. We stopped there first to stock up on food and water. Getting back to our room I plopped down on the bed. I took my phone out and stared at the wallpaper. There were no new messages or missed
"No calls or texts?" Yua asked, laying down next to me. I shook my head tossing my phone beside me.
"We left yesterday and our so-called parents don't even care. I would say I'm shocked but I'm really not."
Yua and I ate breakfast that consisted of juice and pancakes. After we ate I took a shower. I took off my jacket and shivered because of how cold the room was. I pulled off my beanie and tossed it in the pile of my clothes on the bathroom floor. Something about it felt off. I quickly turned back and picked the beanie up. This wasn't mine. It was Akio's. I guess when I was packing I grabbed his hat and not mine. I shook my head, placing Akio's beanie on the bathroom counter. Yua isnt gonna let me hear the end of this is she?  When I came out of the shower Yua was under the blankets snoring loudly. There was a chair by the window so I decided to sit there and read for awhile. Well attempt to read over my sister's snoring. The sky was gray and cloudy. It looked like it could rain or maybe even snow. A few minutes later it started to rain. I watched the rain fall down and leave droplets on the window. I ran my fingers over the cold glass turning the water into frozen ice. Placing my palm on the window it started to heat up and immediately melt. The window turned hot making me move my hand back. What don't tell me I have fire powers now? The room was cold so I grabbed a blanket off the bed and wrapped myself in it. Before I knew it I had fallen asleep.
Yua's pov
I sat at the edge of the lake watching the ducks take a late night swim. The moonlight beamed down on the water beautifully.
"Yua you're gonna freeze" Haru said from behind me, making me jump. He wrapped his jacket around me and sat beside me. He was still dressed in his training gear meaning he must have just gotten back.
"What are you doing out here anyways? It's late."
"Feeding the ducks."  I told him handing him the bag of bread crumbs. He tossed a hand full and the ducks gathered around. It was silent between us but it was a comfortable silence. The only sound came from the ducks happily eating.
"Still thinking about what your mom said?" Haru finally said. I nodded bringing my knees to my chest.
"It's a lot of responsibility. Taking care of my sister and one day taking over the kingdom. I don't know if I'm ready for that yet.
"Well I know once you fully turn you'll be ready. I can already see it when we train?
"Yeah?" I questioned turning to look at him. He nodded. "Your parent's see it too. You've already learned so much. Don't stress about it. When it's time you'll do fine. Plus you have Hikari and I." He smiled.
"Yeah but you're the only one that Will remember any of this" I laughed. "Even when I do see you again I won't know who you are."
"You'll remember one day too. Once you get your memories back you'll remember everything. Including this moment now.  that part was true. One day we'll all be able to come back to the castle. There won't be people coming after Hikari and I. Well if they do we'll be ready for them.
I woke up to the sound of rain hitting the window. It was pouring rain. Checking the time on my phone it was 4:52pm. I closed my eyes trying to process the dream I just had.
"Hikari?" I called out. She didn't respond so I sat up and noticed she wasn't in bed with me. I saw her sleep in the chair with the blanket falling off. I picked the blanket off the floor and wrapped her in it. She stirred a little in her sleep mumbling something.
"Hm?" I asked.
"Akio..." she mumbled again.
"So first you steal his hat and now you're having dreams about him" I smirked.
I laid back in the bed starving up at the ceiling. This dream was just like the last one. This time everything was more clear. Maybe what I was seeing was a memory. Everything about it seemed real. Plus Haru and I talked about me not being able to remember. What wouldn't I remember? That night? Or was there more? The last time I tried to talk to Haru about it he got defensive. Maybe that's why. He mentioned that I would start to remember. Did he not want me to? I knew then but now I know he's not telling me something. It would make sense with the way he's been acting lately.
"I knew he was lying."
"Who?" Hikari asked. I opened my eyes and she was standing over me. I grabbed the pillow next to me hitting her in the head with it.
"Why are you watching me sleep?"
"Why'd you hit me?" She pouted.
"Why are you having dreams about Akio?" I shot back.
I cocked my head to the side grinning at her, she rolled her eyes and picked up the pillow hitting me with it. After hitting me she sat down across from me. I sat up while Hikari stared at me.
"Why are you staring at me?"
"I'm hungry" I signed, grabbing my phone. "You're always hungry
"Sushi"? She nodded smiling happily.
Riyoshi Pov
"Where the hell are they?!" Haru growled giving Akio and I a death glare. He tried his best to be intimidating but he wasn't. Honestly I don't know what Yua sees in this guy.
"We told you we don't have them.'' I said, stepping closer.
"I don't believe you. Now tell me or get your ass beat."
I chuckled and looked back at Akio. "Do you hear this guy."
"Yea he's pretty delusional and persistent." The younger one said in an annoyed tone.
"Aye! I'm right here and I can hear you." Haru walked up to me grabbing my collar. "Tell me where they are." he demanded.
"So you're like the bodyguard? You suck man, Like legit who trained you?"
I must have pissed him off as his face scrunched up and he launched me as far as he could but his throw had no aggression whatsoever. I landed on my two feet easily. "Now you pissed me off."
"Yo Riyoshi we are really wasting our time on this dude. I kicked his ass like a week and a half ago so imagine what you could do."
I sighed in irritation. "Don't ruin this man I need to let off a little steam anyway." Akio put his hands up and backed up as if I needed more space.
"Ahh lil tough guy huh. Your mommy teach you that?" Haru taunted.
"What are you 11." I said as I pulled at least 5 daggers out of my weapons belt "Any Last words buddy?"
"Yea. I'm not your buddy" Haru spat.
"That attitude makes me wanna shoot you instead but I have no wooden bullets for you today."I sucked my teeth mad at myself. "Too bad you'll die slower I guess." I shrugged then launched all 5 daggers at him.  He dodged a couple of them but since I'm savage I threw a few extra that he didn't see. Hitting him in both legs,his Right ankle, his chest and face.
These hits weren't fatal but he won't realize that till later. I ran up and kicked the dagged further into his chest and watched him fall to the ground groaning in pain and eventually passing out. "Damn that was quick"
"He might get back up, he had more fight in him when I was up against him."
"You didn't launch 5 daggers into his pressure points though. And the one in his face will definitely leave a scar.
"Did that one for fun."
"You really scare me sometimes man." Akio said with a straight face "he's not dead tho. I thought you were gonna kill him."
"Nah I really wanna shoot him so he'll have to wait till I finish carving bullets for that."
"Why do you wanna use weapons so bad?"
"Because I cant use them on Levi and I really wanna shoot him."
"Makes sense." Akio nodded in understanding and turned his attention to the knocked out vampire.
"That is just sad. Imagine being that weak Amelia would have our head for a failure this bad."
"You're thinking about Amelia, I'm thinking about our big boss, imagine that."
"You're right. That's worse."
"Let's go find those girls. It's about time we get your favorite hat back." I told him in a stern voice.
"Why is your anger suddenly directed at me?"
"No reason. But if you fuck this up just remember." I motioned my arms as if they were around his neck. "Remember this?"
Akio gulped "That's not right."
I tapped him on his shoulder. "You make the final decision so don't be scared yet." before walking away like I didn't just threaten to put him in a death hold while he stared at me in disbelief.
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