#At least this year it's not Will drawing sleeping people haha
lil-grem-draws · 4 months
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One year later
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fruitytiff · 6 months
I Just Finished Princess Peach Showtime And I Have A Stupid Theory
It has been established in the game that Grape, the main villain, can indeed survive without a "body" as shown through her mask-face thingy. Her attire is mainly purple, she has no legs, and she also have an confusing hair growth.
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Now which other villain do we see possess these kinds of traits?
That's right, Antasma
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Now here me out
I theorize, that Antasma and Grape are both the same species, or at least, different variants of it.
You see, Grape is very theatrical, and she likes to make a soul-crushing tragedies that draws the viewer to their knees, she is a glutton for such heartbreaking moments, and her motive in the game matches that. However she wanted a bigger audience, a bigger theater that affects not just the people watching the show, but the people playing in the show as well.
But it is also somewhat implied that Grape is very jealous of Peach's spotlight, which in turn, made her into a very sour person, (haha get it? sour grapes?) And because of it, she desires to take revenge on the theater by making every play miserable to the audience and the actors/staff members, aka the Theets and Stella.
Now, where do we see the theme of revenge and the gluttony of mental depravity again?
Antasma was hungry for nightmares and power, he wanted to conquer the world and put it into an eternal sleep, so it would only churn out nightmares for him to feast forever.
This plan was obviously stopped early on a thousand years ago by the Pi'illos who managed to trap him into the Dreamworld, but not before when the bat crushed the Dark Stone and petrified the Pi'illos along with him too.
And when Luigi finally sets him free, he immediately beelined towards Princess Peach to steal her power and take revenge on the Pi'illos for trapping him in the Dream World for so long.
Of course later on Antasma would team up with Bowser, but that isn't really important.
The important part is that both Antasma and Grape shares a similar design theme, similar field of motives, and somewhat similar demeanor.
Grape is a Nightmare who is a big theater nerd and enjoyed screwing people up in plays rather then terrorizing them in their sleep.
*cough cough* I'm going to bed now
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jazzyblusnowflake · 4 months
mini update yay-
so lets see, ill start off apologizing for being dead- exam season is around the corner and the only good thing about that will be that i will no longer have to teach or design papers- so i can probably draw a bit again, hopefully at least- so i WILL get back to the requests yall have sent me i promise uwu💕
tho bad news comes in the form of my school principles and viceprinciples bullying me because im a newbie, saying im not good at my job and putting their shortcomings as my fault because who wouldnt like to blame someone else for something they werent able to do- and i feel like the abuse im taking in this toxic environment is convincing me slowly to quit my job and start risking less stable jobs even if it means being my daddies little house girl again for a while. 🙄 at the very least even if im leaching off my parents i still actually HAVE somewhat decent parents and thats not something alot of people could say and im greatful for that.
the audacity was well shown when the principle went on the teachers meeting and was like "some of the teachers here who i will not name dont know how to do their job-" and then told me that i only got my job cuz my dad is rich [which yeah sure my daddy studied 4 years of uni and then credited me sure mmhmm makes sense.] and honestly i feel like im surrounded by 50 year old toddlers-
overall, learning to adult is difficult and im glad some people are helping me figure out how to put together a resume and apply for jobs and all that.... but i guess the next bad news comes in the form of us leaving for russia. i dont hate seeing other countries but having my life uprooted immediately after work ends and summer starts and selling off the car and putting stuff in boxes and yeeting ourselves via plane to live somewhere else for the next 4 years in pure isolation is not something my mental health is gonna be haha about. esp since im gonna have to talk to my therapist and doctor to give me enough meds for me to be able to search for another doctor while im there to give me similar treatment. ughhhhhhh.
overall i feel like i have reached a lovely level of ✨️no longer giving a shit about existance✨️ and thanks to some friends i was convinced juuuuust enough to reconsider ending myself :) in my defense, google was getting annoying for only bringing up hotlines =_=
my eyes cant see well anymore due to constant crying and emotional numbness has taken over me, so i apologize if i may seem out of it or a lil blunt at times when im talking lol i no longer have the energy to PRETEND and hold a mask to seem SOCIALLY appropriate and in this last month of school im gonna be making it everyone elses problem at school.
but other than that im looking forward for school ending so i could just sleep for a while without waking up BEFORE my alarms at 5am.
ok lets see what else uhh... my bday is on 19th and i pray to lord nobody makes a surprise party for me here, the anxiety of being in crowds is already kicking me in the ass im not ready to pretend to have a social battery ugh.
okay thats it mostly, i think.
i actually made this update MINI get it? :D
...ill show myself out...
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atopvisenyashill · 1 year
do u remember the characters who were complimented the most by their beauty in the books?
off the top of my head (and keeping in mind i’m still on asos and haven’t reread feastdance at least since the show ended so like 3-4 years) characters who get complimented most often for beauty are -
jaime (not joking, he doesn’t get called handsome, he gets called beautiful. think more brad pitt and less george clooney)
joffrey (similar to jaime, altho tbf most of the comments on his beauty come from sansa)
characters who are less complimented mostly due to them not being in every book but still notable beauties include-
catelyn & lysa - i’m like 80% sure people comment on lysa being beautiful when she’s younger & less so now, but don’t quote me there. i know people comment on cat being hot af when she’s younger, and multiple people remark on her hair so she clearly still Has It, she’s just not in a position where men are throwing themselves at her feet in the series given, ya kno, the war
roslin frey
margaery’s lady’s court - her girls, taena, and alerie are all described at some point or another as being beautiful
taena of myr - wanted to mention her specifically, people tend to think of her as striking
val the wildling
ygritte the wildling - notable that this is incredibly conditional bc jon only starts referring to her as beautiful after they start sleeping together BUT the wildlings consider her beautiful bc of her hair
rohanne webber
characters noted to be beautiful by people who are clearly fishing for a compliment to pay her (aka, She Is Beautiful To Me, I Understand Her)-
jeyne westerling - i want to add her bc you have cat, robb, and jaime all acknowledge she’s “pretty enough” but are won over by her after talking to her, which probably speaks more to how she carries herself than her actual looks. but as a westerling stan, it’s notable To Me haha
brienne - i need to include this bc the “she could almost be a lady she could almost be a knight” is one of my favorite lines in the series, it makes me crazy and i think any post about beauty that doesn’t include brienne isn’t complete. that brienne gets the “brienne the beauty” moniker bc she’s ugly even as jaime keeps thinking about how she’s beautiful in some way or another is, imo, notable in how george sees & defines beauty (very much in the eye of the beholder, and that love can make you search for beauty in someone who is objectively not beautiful according to The Societal Standards)
arya - ned compares her to lyanna (and obviously ned isn’t gonna tell his daughter “you’re an uggo my sister was hot as fuck tho”) & gendry & edric both get a lil flustered over her
ellaria sand - noted that she’s not strictly beautiful but “something draws the eye” which seems like jeyne it’s about how she carries herself than her actual looks
jeyne poole - i mean. lots of comments about how she’s pretty ish and they’re clearly meant cruelly, almost as a way of tormenting her (no fancy last name, no wolf’s blood, not even pretty enough to get someone to rescue her)
pre-asoiaf mentioned in the main series for their beauty include-
lyanna stark
ashara dayne
missy blackwood
barba bracken
rhaegar targaryen
and pre-asoiaf characters noted to be beautiful in twoiaf or f&b-
rhaenys targaryen (the conqueror)
nymeria of ny sar
rhaena the lesbian
alyssa velaryon
jocelyn baratheon
viserra targaryen
rhaenys velaryon
rhaenyra targaryen - notable that she’s considered beautiful as a child but less so as an adult (bc westeros is full of fucking weirdos)
helaena targaryen - described as being more beautiful than alicent and that’s really it
daenaera velaryon - ditto on westeros being full of weirdos lol
jaehaera targaryen - again. she is like 12 when she dies but half the realm is commenting on this beautiful child. i hate these people so much.
baela targaryen
lady sam hightower
something that’s notable is that george makes a continued distinction between “pretty” and beautiful - alysanne targaryen is considered pretty but not beautiful, for example. so there’s people like jeyne westerling who are “pretty enough” as in, not ugly, not plain, but not, as jaime puts it “beautiful enough to lose a kingdom over” as in they are drop dead, model, helen of troy type gorgeous.
that’s also why i wanted to include the “fishing for compliments” type girls bc these women are very aware that they’re not pretty enough and often wind up carrying themselves differently as a response to this - if they can’t be gorgeous they’ll be so disarming, so striking, that people will spin back around to beautiful. ygritte is the biggest example of this imo because how jon perceives her beauty is very tied to how his relationship with her develops - he purposefully conflates her beauty with her violence bc he wants to find her violence beautiful bc that would make his life infinitely easier, and after she dies he’s very clear headed that she isn’t that pretty but she is TO HIM, she is beautiful in his memory because of his feelings for her. it makes him very wary of melisandre & val as a result - because he conflates beauty and violence in ygritte, it makes him wary of other harsh & beautiful women. or take lyanna, who is remembered often as being beautiful yet in ned’s memory, this beauty is part of what dooms her and he is outwardly hostile whenever people mention her beauty - to ned, that beauty brought only horror so he doesn’t dwell on it.
there’s lots of commentary here on what “beautiful” actually means from person to person, so while i would say the first group are more objectively beautiful, it’s also important to think about context - who is thinking they’re beautiful, why they’re thinking this, and what their relationship is.
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Writeblr interview tag
Tagged by @tragedycoded [here] 💕
I thought I was going to sleep a little longer this morning, but looks like I'm up for good, so off we go. Good time to answer this.
Short stories, novels, or poems?
Novels (working on one) or poems (used to write a lot of them). I'd love to try my hand at short stories, though!
What genre do you prefer reading?
I am not a voracious reader. I used to be, I'd like to be that again, but right now, I am not. Those posts that are like 'if you want to write you need to read'? Those are about me.
When I do read fiction, it's usually detective fiction. Easy to digest, no greater emotional investment. I also love horror, but haven't read much of it in the past few years.
Most of the things I read nowadays are nonfiction, generally medical or political (or a Wikipedia article in the middle of a conversation to clear up a question), though I also love reading about monsters and fables.
Are you a planner or a write as I go kind of person?
I go back and forth on this question. I'm a planner in that I know what I want from a novel or a chapter, and then a write as I go-er when it comes to getting there.
What music do you listen to while writing?
Less of a specific genre and moreso just songs I know in and out so I don't pay too much attention to them! Often on repeat. This is even more extreme when I draw. I drew those chibis I posted the other day to the living tombstone's cat song, lmfao.
Favorite books/movies?
I love horror comedies. Beetlejuice, death becomes her, little shop of horrors. Things like that. Nope was also incredible and has stuck with me, but that's not a comedy.
Any current WIPs?
Just Reburial :) I like to focus.
If someone were to make a cartoon out of you what would your standard outfit be?
Oversized black T-shirt, grey jeans, black converse. Phone in hand, headphones always either around the neck or being worn. I'm boring 🤘
Create a character description of yourself:
Jules stands at average height, their blond hair reaching down to their back, their face caught in a permanent expression of mild worry. They talk too fast, always fidgeting.
Do you like incorporating actual people you know into your writing?
Archetypes and ways of speaking/thinking/acting, yes. Whole people, no. I always mix and match traits I've gotten to know in others and myself, and I pay close attention that I don't write 'in attack mode', meaning portraying certain mindsets as negative after someone annoyed me.
Are you kill happy with your characters?
I'm not! Side characters die in Reburial, but I don't enjoy killing characters I like if it means that I can't use them in the same story again afterwards.
Coffee or Tea while writing?
I'm a tap water kind of guy ✌️ Caffeine gives me heart palps.
Slow or fast writer?
Medium? I don't make an effort to write fast.
Where/who/what do you draw inspiration from?
The majority of my horror comes from things that I personally find scary. When I get scared of something, I start reading, thinking, and talking about it, trying to understand it from all angles. And then sometimes, that also includes writing about it to see what exactly makes that fear tick, where it comes from, and which components are important to elicit the emotions. Fear based special interests, hahaha.
If you were in a fantasy world, what would you be?
Some kind of imp or a puss in boots type of creature.
Most fav book cliche:
You know what, I have no idea. Nothing comes to mind.
Least favorite cliche:
I am, however, a little hater. There are a lot of romance clichés on this list, which is a genre I tend to avoid. (I'm fairly greyro ace and would count myself as that if I wasn't also engaged.) If I do read A Romance, it's always with something else going on, and even then I get annoyed often, haha. I want two or more characters to be profoundly, boundary blurringly weird about each other. I don't want to read that they locked eyes across the room and now I'm supposed to believe that they should be partners for life because they find each other attractive.
There are also countless fantasy tropes on this list. Chosen one stuff, holy wars against pure evil, stories with 'good kings', the list goes on. You have to be REALLY good to make me read fantasy.
Favorite scene to write?
I just really like writing dialogue. Banter, arguments, confessions, etc.
Reason for writing?
It's fun. 👍 I daydream about putting Reburial on Itch for free when it's done, illustrated and type-set, but that's as far as my publishing aspirations go.
Tagging @cowboybrunch @marlowethelibrarian @gioiaalbanoart @paeliae-occasionally @writingrosesonneptune + open !!
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wingsonghalo · 9 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by @cnnmonbimee! Thank you for the tag!! Read her awesome answers here!
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 66! More than I thought were on there tbh!
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? Uhhh apparently it's 684,757! Less than I thought!
3. What fandoms do you write for? In order of most fics to least: Ace Attorney, JSHK, My Hero Academia, Mob Psycho 100, Homestuck, Hunter x Hunter, Phineas and Ferb, and Supernatural. I've also written a lot of Pokemon stuff, but somehow that has escaped Ao3 despite it being my longest fandom LOL. Working on a Pokemon SV one currently though 👀
4. What are your top five fics by kudos? Project: Matchmakers (shocker, I know), Sleep (Too) Tight (It's always been slowly but steadily popular), Force of Habit (bit of a surprise there honestly), Project: Matrimony (less surprising), and The Stuff of Dreams. So what I am seeing here is that no one leaves kudos on my JSHK or MP100 or MHA fics :') Some of these fics are one-shots, so it's kind of surprising! I wish PlayWright had gotten more attention; that fic killed me while I was writing it. I'm not giving number of kudos because I'm not comfortable with that and it makes me feel bad about myself haha,,,
5. Do you respond to comments? I try to! I've fallen behind on responding to them in the past 2 years or so because life has been so busy, though…
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Probably A Practice, For Now?? LMAO it's also my first JSHK and the one with the most kudos HMM COULD THIS FANDOM BE ADDICTED TO ANGST PERHAPS??! I don't write angst a lot!! What can I say, I'm a sucker for a happy ending.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Almost all of my fics end happily, LOL. Pick any of them that actually has an ending.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Not commonly. I've gotten anon hate before about them on tumblr on rare occasions, but usually my comments on ao3 stay pretty nice.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I do sometimes, but I'm so shy about it that I rarely ever post it /)//w//(\ Usually I just share it among friends, haha!
10. Do you write crossovers? Nope, and I never will!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Yes. Someone tried to run Project: Matchmakers through a translator to hide the word matches and sell it as an ebook on Amazon, but they only bothered to hide it for chapter 1 so someone reported it to me and then in retaliation I started actually selling it on Amazon for the lowest price I could because the thief was trying to sell the shittier version for like 7 dollars LSFJ;AKLD. Read about the whole debacle here.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Yes, quite a few! People have been great about asking me for permission! 💖
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Yes, here and there! Usually it's either fics where I have written one part and someone else has written another scene, or someone had me look over something they'd written and I added so much commentary or threw additional ideas at them so much that the story ended up changing and I somehow became a co-author, LOL.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? Oh my god don't make me answer that ;alskdjfl;k. If I wrote a fic for them ever, they're my favorite. I have so many favorites that I've never written fics for, too.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? THE UNDERCOVER FIIIIIC [sobs] and also Left on Read hnnngh
16. What are your writing strengths? Emotions!! I'm super good at those! I'm also really strong at dialogue and banter, and making my writing kinda witty/funny.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Describing settings ;w; I write my scenes like I draw my art: in Descriptionless Blank Voids lkas;dlkf. I also struggle with the flow of action scenes sometimes, though I think they usually turn out okay if I spend enough time on them. I also probably use too many adverbs and adjectives, but y'know what? Fuck it I like my descriptive words thank you very much
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? As long as you're checking that it means what you think it means, or possibly asking a native speaker if you're unsure about context or need a sensitivity reader, I think it's fine. It annoys me if I have to check a footnote every other line, but if you can mostly understand it without a translation in context, it can be kinda nice! At least it says you're trying more than phonetically spelling out an accent, which--remember, kids!--is always cringe! 👍
19. First fandom you wrote for? On Ao3, it was Homestuck. On the internet in general, it was Animal Crossing and Pokemon, LOL.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? Don't make me cHOOSE BETWEEN MY BABIESSS 😭 I dunno man! Project: Matchmakers is my magnum opus, but the PlayWright is lowkey kind of a masterpiece, I love so many of my JSHK fics to bits and pieces, a lot of my MP100 and MHA fics are very special to me, I've been trying to write a HxH one for YEARS and have poured my heart into making it beautiful, just UGHHH every single one of my fics I have vivid memories of conceptualizing and working on and most of them are my favorite to some degree!
I tag @carochinha, @kittykatz009, @toastytoaster22, @ittybittytoostormy, and anyone else who would like to answer these questions!!
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meirimerens · 11 months
cleaning out this account of last night's ruckus because posting when sleep-deprived & going along with (even gentle) egging is Not productive and frankly did not do much beyond rallying people to heehee and haha and feel a sense of moral superiority which was not something i meant to & should have fostered by continuing to engage, cos that was not going to give us anything.
i do apologize firmly and fully for last night's mess and noise. i should have cut it short, should have said less, should gotten my ass to bed because I was in no state of mind to attempt cool-headed discussions, and it is my fault for not having had the discipline to sleep on it. it wasn't then, and it is not now, any kind of witch-hunt. i did not name names and i did not show anything on purpose, but i should have said even less, for one of my tags, which did not strike me as potentially too identifying for comfort when sleep-deprived, made them pretty identifiable, and i firmly reiterate my apologies for it should not have happened. people deserve to be left alone to do some reflecting and growing, and i have repeated it as such. this thing should be talked about as a wider problem and not be pinned on individuals, even if it easier. from what i had remembered, the artist/s had already been made aware of how unsavory the depictions were, and had just kept going, but this is something i should have checked for myself. I didn't, and for that I'm sorry.
i do very much stand by the fact that only drawing the one non-white guy like Wreck-it-Ralph when he canonically is profoundly average beyond being tall, while all the white characters get to have normal proportions (if comically smaller than him) is, at the very least, "sus", and worth interrogating even within the context of heavy stylization, because it's not like stylization has never been used to racist extents. this is an opinion i hold and am not particularly inclined to budge on. i do not believe it is conscious, or comes from a will to harm. but i think it's real silly and deserves reflection. this is a trope i've seen spanning fandoms, that every fandom with a white guy x nonwhite guy popular ship has to reckon with at some point, and every time you got people who think it's sus as fuck, nonwhite people who take the time and effort to explain how and why, and people, including nonwhite people themselves, who think it's not a big deal. i have both my own personal opinions on caricature (which are that you can do so while still not falling into racialized depictions) and no power nor desire to change anyone's minds. those two opinions can and do coexist, and even people who will relate to burakh on the same basis will have varying degrees of tolerance for this, and their opinions on the matter. let's just say there's room for everyone.
discussions from indigenous russian &/or central/east asian people on how the fandom treats artemy as the one nonwhite guy in one of the most popular pairings have been going on for years: i was coming across them before i even got here. but my personal experience of 4 years of seeing such depictions and reading them be criticized by people it affects and my personal exasperation towards mischaracterizations bordering on racism developed from seeing a constant stream of them, and them being identified as such, is not the experience of people who just got here, and a discussion spawned from a "woe the hounds be upon ye" imgflip meme does not particularly lend itself to 4 years, tens of posts, tens of threads and more strewn-around discussions of nuance.
I reiterate my apologies for the noise, the ruckus, and for the pointedness that had no business being here, especially considering how long stuff like that has been going on for; it was uncalled for and callous for it to fall on specific people when it is more productive to talk about it as tropes and a wider fandom problem than to point fingers. I should have had the discipline and the discernment to cut it out and go to bed. i didn't, got way in over my head, and truly and fully fumbled. i apologize for making a circus out of this. thank you for reading, and hope you're well.
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ceciliadreamson · 2 months
Rattling the bars of my enclosure rn I’m having self shipping thoughts
(Under the cut is just my thoughts about LOR and Limbus characters again haha it’s gonna get hella long)
I want to meet Gebura, Binah, and Zena in LOR SO BADLY ARVHAGSHAHA Their voices are so nice to hear. I took a sneak peak at some of the dialogue videos cause I wanted to hear them, AND AAAAAA- I was expecting Gebura to sound rugged or a bit rough but her voice is surprisingly soothing? It has the same feel as Outis and Ryoshu which is really nice!
On the top of Outis and Ryoshu, I wonder what it’s like to do all the cute couple stuff like hand holding. I’m not really a PDA person (idk makes me feel nauseous when I think about doing it with someone irl) but I think it’d be nice with the female sinners.
Ishmael would probably hug me lightly at first but they become tighter over time. Her body might be on the harder side tbh. I’d love to think of a soft Ishy, but her body must be really toned from those years on the ship + she’d probably work out to maintain that strength. Oh well I can be the squishy gf for her then. I also think that when sleeping with her, she’d unconsciously cling onto me with a tight yet secure grip as if she’ll lose the person she loves in a heartbeat. Even when awake too, that girl has a firm grip. She doesn’t mean to, but I feel like she’s scared that I’ll disappear. Cause,,,you know,,,canto 5. I won’t say more :)
Outis would also be in the same category as Ishmael or maybe have the most muscular out of all the female sinners. She’d definitely make me feel save in her arms though. The gentlemanly type who’d pull me towards her whenever there’s a heavy crowd, always on the left so I’m farthest from the road, stuff like that! In private, Outis would probably let some walls down and allow herself to be a little more cuddly. Hugs from behind while she rests her head on my shoulder or waltzing to the music softly playing from the radio
Don my cute knight! Probably the squishiest out of all of them but can lift me up with ease. A lot of PDA with her like hand holding, hugging, cuddles, playing with each other’s hair, stuff like that. Don would probably grab my hand and lead me to her newest discovery and I’d be totally cool with it. She’d also be extremely warm to the touch which is really nice for winter! I also think the bus is kind of chilly, so she’s like a portable heater haha.
Ryoshu,,,,her type of PDA definitely isn’t going to be as cutesy as Don’s. I feel like things would be more intense and passionate? Suddenly being pulled long kisses that makes my head spin, guiding me by the waist, making sure I’m as close as possible to her. That kind of passionate. There’s a one shot ao3 fic where Ryoshu painted on the reader’s back and I went “yeah she’d probably do that if she wasn’t able to slaughter people.” I’d give her a washable pen and let her doodle on my arm.
Rodya my beloved she’s probably tying with Don on who gives the most PDA. Her touches linger a little more and are caring and soft. Rodya would hold my hand a lot and brush her thumb on the back of my hand as a way to say “hey I’m still here.” It’s a cute gesture! A lot more face kisses too, maybe when she wants to fluster me a bit. I might be smothered by her since she’s 6’0” and I’m barely 5’2” haha
Faust would probably have the least PDA moments which I’m ok with! Everything with her is a lot more subtle yet meaningful. You know those drawings where a couple links pinkies? Yeah that’s her. Brushing my hair out of my face to get a better look, sometimes a hand over my own if we’re sitting next to each other, simple words of encouragement. She’s always observant and would do little things to make me feel a little better. She’s a show not tell kind of gal!
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whumpty-dumpty-doo · 3 months
Whumpmas in July 2024 - Day 1: (Re) Introduce Yourself!
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This post is part of my participation in the 2024 @whumpmasinjuly event!
Howdy, folks! I'm Deedoo! I've been a whump enjoyer for as long as I can remember, though I didn't know there was a term or community for it until somewhere in mid-2023, when I somehow stumbled across a whump fic, found the terms and tags, and the rest was history.
I'm a professionally trained artist who almost never draws (woops), though I sure do like to think about it. I got bitten hard by the writing bug a few years back, and that's been my main creative outlet for a while. I write all kinds of things, and am currently working on a (non-whump) fantasy series that I daydream about potentially publishing one day.
In terms of whump content, I have a WIP whump fic called "We Are TroubleD"! Right now there are several entries up, but they're miscellaneous entries written for a previous whump event that may or may not eventually find their ways into the proper canon story. I'm just having fun with it for now while I write the main story!
Here's a little more about me for those who might be interested:
❤️ Name: Deedoo
💚 Pronouns: she/her
🤍 Favorite season: Fall probably... I love the leaves, the colors on the trees, and of course Halloween! ... But ahhh, spring is so good too because you can go outside after a long cold winter and the flowers are blooming... It's so hard to pick just one season!
❤️ Average amount of sleep: 8 hours hopefully! My sleep schedule is all kinds of goofed up though haha
💚 Dream Job: Something where I can make art (or something that makes me feel creatively fulfilled), pays me well, and doesn't drive me into the ground due to exhaustion and/or long hours (beyond what I can handle).
🤍 Blog established date: Nov 23rd, 2023! Or at least that's when I reblogged my first ever post on here. I'm not quite sure how to check when I actually made this blog!
❤️ Username/blog meaning: I originally wanted to call my self "Whumpty-Dumpty" like "Humpty Dumpty", but that name was already taken, so I went with "Whumpy-Dumpty-Doo" like "Scooby-Doo", and specifically the show "Scooby-Doo, Where Are You!"! That theme song frequently plays in my head because of this blog. That's also why the line in my profile asks "Who whumped you?". Now you can sing along with me!
💚 Hobbies: Drawing, crafting, writing, playing video games, watching youtube, and walking!
🤍 What you love about whump: The power dynamics, the struggles, the vulnerabilities, the comfort and care (I ultimately want the whumpees to have happy or at least neutral endings!), and the journey that the whumpees take to overcome, hold on, and survive their traumas. Things can get so emotional, and sometimes it's through the deepest and darkest horrors that you can see the brightest lights at the end of it all.
Plus, the community is so creative!! I love how so much of the whumpsphere is made up of original stories, characters, and art. So many people churn out consistently amazing stuff, and it blows me away.
... Also I'm a sucker for any character who is bound and gagged. It's a freaking weakness. Sue me lmao.
❤️ Anything else to add: I hope that everyone who reads this has a nice day!
Please note that my blog is meant for an 18+ audience. There are things that I post and reblog that are mature in nature and can sometimes be NSFW and not suitable for minors.
Tags: @whumpmasinjuly-archive
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rou-luxe · 3 months
okay I have time to answer this now
YIPPEE (this ask game)
❤️ "Who is the most important person to your character? To what lengths would they go to protect this person?"
I'm gonna be real honest right now... Elsie's most important person is herself. She has a strong sense of self-preservation. When she's in danger, she goes into a fight or flight situation. She'll do anything to live...
💔 "Who has your character hurt most? Physically or emotionally? How did it feel? Do they regret it?"
This is an interesting one because I can't really see her hurting anyone 😭😭
But she did harm one person (in both ways) in the past who deserved it... and she doesn't regret it one bit.
🌹 "What does your oc find attractive in other people? Are these traits found in their friends and/or romantic partners? Are they found in themselves?"
well her friends are Harry and Liam and she has a crush on the one and only
If I were to draw a line between all of them, they're all hiding a secret burden in their hearts. She wants to help alleviate that burden, at least a little. I wouldn't say "attractive"... but if we're talking about attractiveness, maybe outward confidence (?)
🍒 "Does your character have a best friend? How long have they known each other? What do they like most about each other? How did they meet?"
If I remember correctly, Liam is a fairly new actor to Scala... so by the time Liam gets there, Elsie has been working as a seamstress there for a year or two. She has to take his measurements and Liam makes small talk. Elsie is drawn to his gentleness and he just wants her to feel comfortable in the world 😭😭
then Victor drags her to the castle after she let her ability slip
🥩 "Does your oc have any coping mechanisms? Healthy or unhealthy?"
sorry this took so long I came home, took a nap, woke up, and I'm about to go to sleep again 😔
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ambrosialdesire · 5 months
pork soda by glass animals is such a fitting song for cacoëthes and i've been thinking about the lyrics sm that i want to draw it out (i'm awful at anatomy + a solid art style and i can't animate for shit LOL) LET ME EXPLAIN MY THOUGHT PROCESS OK SO I CAN GET IT OUT MY SYSTEM
so it's specifically this part: Five thousand footsteps in your wet dress Back to the house with your arms round my neck We drank pork soda with tangled legs I won't forget how you looked at me then
I know I'm no sweet prince of love Those times that we got drunk Maybe Jamaica rum Maybe some Johnny Dub Maybe you still think of us Phone buzz, and still I jump Why don't I say it then? I want you all the time
Why can't we laugh now like we did then? How come I see you and ache instead? How come you only look pleased in bed? Let's climb the cliff edge and jump again
okay basically what i'm think was that "five thousand footsteps in your wet dress, back to the house with your arms round my neck" this is literally the whole first half of pt 3 where reader was running around, trying to escape from reiner but only to end up back in their house and the arms around her neck was literally him choking her.
"we drank pork soda with tangled legs" that's them FUCKING, ik that pork soda is pork soda but i feel like it could allude to the fact that it was animalistic, completely unhinged for the two of them.
"i won't forget how you looked at me then" could indicate reiner thinking about how reader used to look at him with complete admiration back when they were still in the corps OR during reader's act as his loving wife OR EVEN how reader looked at him when she drugged him with the sleeping pills before she escaped.
"i know i'm no sweet prince of love" reiner is completely aware that he's not a good person, completely flawed and rotten to the core as i mentioned in the beginning paragraphs of the series and sorta reiterated in the end of the third part. he's definitely not the best romantic obviously even when he tries haha
"those times that we got drunk, maybe jamaica rum, maybe some johnny dub" not really drinking related but instead back in the corps when the both of them were supporting one another, like those kind moments where reader saw him as an older brother figure. happy times can make you feel like it's never going to end and when it does, you feel like shit y'know.
"maybe you still think of us" cut to reader staring at him in that green shirt that reminded her of the corps days AND THE MANY TIMES SHE MISSES HER IGNORANT CORPS DAYS WITH REINER BEFORE THE REVEAL AND KIDNAPPING
"phone buzz and i still jump" idk it could be him fighting in the marleyan wars and how he jumps out of the blimps lol or the fact that he keeps jumping the gun on decisions that should be mutually agreed with one another
"why don't i say it then? i want you all the time" yk how reiner is and his yandere shenanigans lol
"why can't we laugh like we did then?" it could apply to the both of them since they aren't the same people as their corps trainee days. she never was quite the same during her move to marley because she basically had to constantly motivate herself to keep up an act for three years. he wants for things to be the same despite it never going to be because of the many things he's done and said to reader.
"how come i see you and ache instead?" this is in the reader's pov since all she can see and feel with reiner is constant anguish and hurt, mourning of what once was.
"how come you only looked pleased in bed?" LITERALLY THE WHOLE NSFW PART OF PT 3 IS ABOUT HOW READER ONLY WILL LOVE REINER THROUGH FUCKING, IT'LL NEVER BE REALLY TRULY GENUINE (before the baby comes in at least, then it's sorta more genuine now lmao)
"let's climb the cliff edge and jump again" how i interpret this is like let's try again if you take the effort to change the outcome and the foundations of how they met, how he marries her, quite literally everything in their relationship.
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inkthecat · 1 year
OC - Lark Penn
sometimes you impulsively make an oc at 2 am and then you keep turning them around in your head for the next few hours unable to sleep because theyre so skrunkly and suddenly its 6 am and you NEED to draw them. anyway this is my baby lark i love them very much
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pokemon oc if it wasnt obvious already dkfjlasdkjflasd but aaahhhhh theyre so baby aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
lark penn, they/them, 16 years old, from eterna city in sinnoh, so very tired. aspiring artist with a special love for sculpture. their parents are kinda busy 24/7 so they just kinda raised themselves (and they had really nice elderly neighbors who taught them how to cook and also how to do a mean right hook if anyone ever tried to hurt them).
more info under the cut if youre interested!
they wear loose, long sleeved clothing with less saturated colors, and almost always wear a scarf. when they were younger they believed the flowy ends could be wings. theyre emotionally and socially awkward (like me :D) and cant handle people being around them very well. they always put in earbuds with music when they go grocery shopping (also me afdbfasffhhfcgfbn)
they really really like flying types. they met ven the zubat in a cave somewhere while they were stumbling along looking for cool rocks. they didnt have any pokemon at that point so ven kind of maybe poisoned them a bit (there are a lot of humans that come through the ravaged path and a good percentage of them dont do anything good. flash bright lights, break parts of the walls, litter, etc etc) and lark was like. oh. that sure happened. and theyre like "hey mx. zubat? uh. do you know the way out? i get that you poisoned me out of a sense of self defense so ill see myself out but im kinda lost also i probably need medical help" and ven is like. bestie you fr right now and shows them out of the cave where they promptly collapse and ven kinda likes this human at this point so they go get help. long story short, woah its lark's first pokemon! theyre besties!
umbra the corviknight was brought to sinnoh as a rookidee by a rich galarian trainer on vacation. sinnoh is very much colder than galar (in my hc at least) and the baby bird's wings could not handle it. consequently her battling was severely hindered, so the entitled rich trainer shoved her off to someone else (who happened to be lark. they were just at the right pokemon center at the right time) and they were having none of it. then they realized umbra would be in a much better home if they accepted her. ven proceeded to leave the rich trainer with poison and a nasty bite on the ankle. umbra has been added to the party! she adapts to the colder climate gradually and with much care from lark
lark isnt a battler but ven definitely is. ven is a fast and bitey little menace who prefers staying unevolved because they love it when people underestimate a tiny zubat and then get obliterated. also they really like being small and sleeping in lark's scarf (and they are kinda scared to become a golbat. they saw a big one being a bully back in the cave and theyre scared evolution will make them meaner. it wont and they know it, but lark doesnt mind ven napping in their scarf for as long as they want to). umbra...umbra likes battling sometimes, but she doesnt like it when its too intense. reminds her of her old trainer. not good. she doesnt mind evolving- her evolution into corvisquire was out of something like fear that she wasnt good enough as a rookidee. lark figured that out, hugged her, and told her that no matter how strong she was theyd always love her. she evolved into corviknight with more love in her heart, and she loves being big enough to fly lark around and to curl around them as they sleep.
haha yup i am so normal about pokemon
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rozugold · 2 years
Hello friend!!
Apologies for the wait it took me to respond to you — I only just checked back in with my ao3 account and noticed your comment, and since you don’t have an account yourself I’m unsure if you’d see my reply. So here I am, plaguing your inbox with it instead! I do hope it isn’t a bother, haha.
I was really very happy to see your name again. Admittedly I’ve saved all the incredible artwork my fic received over the course of my writing it, but yours genuinely have a very special place in my heart as some of the first and last I ever received. I still recall opening my inbox and seeing the notification the first time; it was so surreal to me that people would draw anything based on my works. Your art of Tommy and Techno sitting back to back, as well as your art of the forest trio at the end, serve almost as mental book-ends for me; I return to them often just to admire it, and to remember how happy it all made me. I can hardly believe it’s been more than two years, goodness.
I was also shocked to hear you may be putting together a playlist—if you would be so kind, I would love to know what songs might be on it! At your leisure of course, and only if you feel like sharing it, the thought alone is more than enough <3 thank you kindly for all of your support, truly, and once again for your gorgeous art. The memories have gotten me through many a dark day.
- Que (WWHWI)
HELLOOO QUEEEE it’s so good to hear from you again :D!!!! And yeah I should really get on getting an account already, it would probably make things a lot more convenient. BUT account or not you’re always welcomed to plague my inbox :]
And waaa I’m happy that you still like the fanart I made! I’m glad it’s stuck with you as much as your writing has stuck with me. SPEAKING OF WRITING I forgot you had so much of it??? Once life settles down a bit im definitely gonna make my way through them, so don’t be surprised if you see my name in the comments later on eheheh
AND YES PLAYLIST!! OK if I’m gonna be honest, the reason I started making this is because of god of war sjshSJDHD Every time I get into new media it only gives me ideas for the old media I’m trying to escape /j Two years man, and still these blorbos live in my brain rent free
I’m gonna ramble about each song now >:D warning spoilers for if you hadn’t read the fic!
First is Cave by Cody Fry! I wanted an instrumental to start it off and a song to represent the explosion of Manburg; I think this song serves that purpose well!
Half-Mast by Branches is a song I use in my other dsmp related playlists to represent Doomsday but it works so well in this context
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^ this bit especially reminds me of Tommy and Wilbur ;;;;;
Casualty by Hidden Citizens & Tash is just absolutely perfect for Tommy. The scene of him screaming out in grief surrounded by the rubble that used to be his home- waaa it’s so good, both the song and scene
Sorrow by Sleeping at Last is for Tommy slowly learning how to live after the explosion (or at least learn how to function again :[ pobrecito..)
The Corner Dwellers by The Vocal Few is a Techno and Tommy song! It simply reminds me of them :’]
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To Forgive or to Kill by Bear McCreary was chosen mostly for the title and the fact that it was from the God of War soundtrack skdhdhdh Incase you’re unfamiliar with the game, this song plays during a scene where one of the main characters is debating on whether to forgive or kill another character but ultimately realizes that she can’t do either. So naturally I thought this song would be good for when Tommy saves Schlatt from Technoblade! I’d like to have more instrumentals in this playlist but we shall see,, I’m very picky when it comes to instrumentals skdjddj
Carnivore by Bear Attack! Ok I might replace this song with something else later since it reminds me of c!Tommy and c!Dream’s relationship more than Tommy and Schlatt’s from WWHWI. But it’s works for now! Something to represent their first argument chat after the whole getting locked up bit
Marble Floors by Vian Izak & Juniper Vale is here to sorta represent Tommy longing for his life before the explosion and when he still had Tubbo.
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^ also just,, this bit.. Ow
Drown by Seafret is for when Tommy gets blown up by the creeper. Just that scene where it starts off as a dream sequence then slowly twists until he’s suddenly shocked back into reality— GOSH it’s so good. And then the crisis he has afterwards when he bandages himself up, it’s probably my favorite scene. It’s so well done and makes me feel so much ;;;;;
Battling Life by The Dunwells is for Technoblade!! (And a little for Tommy too, now that I’m looking at the lyrics again) Gosh, the man gets injured but he doesn’t let that stop him from taking care of things and taking care of Tommy. You captured his perseverance and stubbornness perfectly :’]
Blood Upon the Snow by Hozier & Bear McCreary! Here I go, to shamelessly smoosh two of my interests together again skdhdj This song is also for Technoblade but more for his exhausted god-ness you characterize him with. (Atleast I think he’s a god in WWHWI? Or is he just a well known champion? Immortal? My memory sucks, I’ll have to find out when I reread it) This song is just super cool and reminded me of technoblade and is part of the reason why I started making this playlist skdjdjjd
Brother by Kodaline… what is there to say? They’re brothers :’’] BUT ALSO WHILE SKIMMING CHAPTER 15 EARLIER I FOUND THIS LINE: “"Stay here," he said to the man who'd long since become his family…” HELLO?? EXCuse me while I go sob
Sirens by Oliver Daldry, I may be wildly misinterpreting this song for this playlist but SCREW IT it reminds me of them okay
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This repeating lyric serves as a little nod to the fact that this is an au. How Techno, Tommy and Schlatt would have all been strangers in this world if certain circumstances didn’t lead them to eachother
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This bit reminds me of Schlatt @ Tommy, I don’t think he ever outright asks for forgiveness but in time they both find some peace with eachother.
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All three of them are so different from eachother but they still care for eachother :’]
The Cave by Mumford & Sons acts as a sort of summary of this story to me! I imagine the first verse is from Techno’s pov, the second is from Tommy’s, and the last is from Schlatt’s.
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This bit changes meaning depending on the pov. For Techno it’s him taking care of Tommy, ‘changing his ways’ yknow, or atleast adding the family role to his list of titles.
For Tommy it’d be him taking care of Techno, “finding strength in pain” and learning to move forward despite everything that’s happened
And for Schlatt it’s for him rushing out to help Tommy and Techno during the final battle. Man doesn’t even hesitate :’D
Gosh and just the line “I’ll know my name as it’s called again”. All three of them grew into people they never thought they’d be!! And despite a huge part of their lives is shaped from tragedy they’re okay in the end. It was far from easy but they’re okay. And that’s just so comforting yknow? This story is so comforting and beautiful and raw and I just love it with all my being ;;;;;
Wow that was long and a little all over the place lol!! I’m still working on this playlist as I go but that’s all I have so far :]
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hai :3 kenji or ritsu?
first impression: ohhh gosh lucien dodge is his va... nothing against lucien dodge, he just voices m*hito so like... what will this kid be like... (i just have such an intense hatred for m*hito lol)
favorite moment: ijhgfcghjkoijhgf this is SO HARD bc like. they're all my favorite moments. ummm but i think i just really love the fight between kenji and tecchou and how kenji didn't even HESITATE to offer his help to tecchou and then when he went into rage mode??? oh my god CHILLS I LOVE HIM!!! and just his whole backstory GOD. i also love in s3 when he's with jun and yosano and they're heading into the pm headquarters and he's just getting HIT by SO MANY bullets and just goes "owowoowowo that really stings :(" oh bby boy you are so silly wAIT ALSO THE SCENE WHEN HE'S LIKE TELLING THEM THE STORY ABOUT THE TEN YEAR HARVEST!!! AND HOW HE GOT FOOD FOR EVERYONE BUT SAID HE COULDN'T EAT ANY OF IT BC OF HIS ABILITY :(
idea for a story: GOD I HAVE SO MANY??? most of my fics include kenji oops- anyways i want to write another 5+1 (ik... dangerous...) where it's like... 5 times kenji befriended an enemy (or someone who very much so is like "i'm not here to make friends") and one time they befriended him something like that just to like. explore how kenji makes friends and his inherent kindness and how impactful it is ough
unpopular opinion: he's a relevant character and should be in the show/manga more- ummm i mean... i think his ability is lowkey one of the most tragic and should be explored so much more? and i suppose it isn't fair to talk about abilities like who's is the most tragic bc that's not fair and you shouldn't compare, but his also just hits hard bc he's so YOUNG and i feel like people ignore his ability a lot bc he's the happy one and there are so many other characters we like more. also. kyouka and kenji are Not in love lol
favorite relationship: all of these are non-romantic! kenji and jun'ichiro!!! THEY ARE SIBLINGS!!! i demand that jun adopt kenji as his brother (and kyouka as his sister lol). but also kunikida and kenji bc there is NO WAY they would be like "okay kyouka is a child so she needs to room with someone but uhhh kenji yeah go live by yourself that's fine" especially when he's never really been around technology before and canonically doesn't really know how phones work super well (there's that lil drawing of fukuzawa showing him how to use the phone), so he lives with kunikida and they have a close bond bc of that <333 also kenji and tecchou for Obvious reasons lol
favorite headcanon: kenji with ts!!! if i have to have ts, so does kenji, sorry bby at least you aren't alone tho! i gave it to higuchi too!!! n e ways. also he has sleeping and eating troubles due to his ability and also that he lives with kunikida <333 oh and that he eats tomatoes and onions like apples <333
first impression: oooooooough max mittelman is his va!!! haha what if ritsu is my favorite just for that? and then grace gave me a Look like do Not. and then grace telling me: "ritsu might be your favorite, he has an inferiority complex" and then it was suddenly. oh no.
favorite moment: i think we all know. the "suffering... and more suffering" or, as they say it in the stage play: "pain... deep pain". aka, the cactus scene!!! i lhave literally written analyses about that scene in both the manga, anime, and stage play. but like also "i've been reborn as a fool" and also "dimPLEEEEEEE IT WON'T BEND!!! ;-;" oh bby boy oh honey ilysm
idea for a story: i wanna write another oneshot about ritsu and gulit, but different from the other one i wrote. i kind of want to like... idk i have Such a good ritsu-fic title ("the tiniest life boat full of people i know") about him during the big clean-up arc. i also have a oneshot started that's about ritsu with ts and the incident that made him suppress to the point where no one actually knows that he Has ts until shige just offhandedly mentions it and everyone is ??? and then they intervene and are like bestie you are Hurting yourself... stop suppressing
unpopular opinion: lol i ship riteru more than ritshou although ritsu has grown on me more
favorite relationship: see this one is so unfair bc like... ritsu & shige bc complex sibling relationship, but then also ritsu & reigen bc they are actually super similar and despise each other for it, but then ritsu & teru bc like... look at they!!! they are so silly!!! and then ritsu & shou is also a great dynamic bc it's shou helping ritsu be more free and being super honest with him and ritsu helping shou deal with his emotions
favorite headcanon: ts ritsu!!! but also that ritsu has an immense guilt complex and that during and after the big clean-up, all he wanted was for someone to tell him that he was a bad person. and also he suppresses his tics hardcore to the point that nobody knows he has ts and also that he likes the sensation of falling🥰
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ladykailolu · 11 months
I’m just imagine Godot flipping through Mia’s old scrapbook for Marigold. Mia was always very good at cataloging things and info
So there little pictures baby Mari crawling around and exploring with cute captions from Mia or her just sitting there all cute
A picture of smiling Mia holding baby Marigold with the caption saying “Guess who just took her first steps”
There are various pictures of Phoenix and Marigold, where he’s holding her for the picture, playing with her, and some funny ones where a baby/toddler keeps tryna eat Phoenix’s hair
One where she even tries to eat his new badge with Mia’s silly caption “all that hard work and for what?”
One picture where Phoenix is sleeping with Marigold in his arms and Mia captioned it with “sleepyheads”
And Phoenix (who Mia also trusted with this) added a picture of Mia asleep and went “look who’s talking”
There’s one where baby Marigold’s trying eat Mia’s empty coffee mug, and Mia’s caption says
“You don’t need Coffee kitty, you already don’t sleep ❤️”
Other pictures of Marigold doing random toddler things or pictures with her mom or uncle Nick
Last picture Mia got to put in was “Uncle Nick’s first trial :D” where Nick is holding 3 year old Mari and Larry is awkwardly standing in the background
The scrapbook went mostly abandoned for the next few years as Morgan didn’t have it, nor did she want it and she didn’t document anything Marigold did.
But after she was brought into Maya’s care, she started updates again from 6-11 when she was transferred over to Godot
He missed a lot but seeing it makes him at least get to somewhat appreciate it
Godot would be very somber while looking through the scrapbook. He's happy to see snapshots of his child growing up, but it's also depressing because he wasn't there to experience any of it. Plus, once again, he's seeing only shadows of Mia. I figured that sometimes, he would have dreams of Mia doing mundane things, of speaking to him or to other people, dreams of simply seeing her again, even if she doesn't say anything. It haunts him even years later because he expects to wake up next to Mia...only he doesn't.
Then he looks over at Marigold and remarks that she's grown up so much. In many ways, she's like her mother. Of course, it goes without saying that Godot and Marigold continue the scrapbook together. There's pictures of Marigold in her fancy dress when she turns 15, pictures of her dancing with her father, and then a picture of her passed out in her bed after a night full of dancing haha. And sometimes she helps Godot in his cafe, so there's a few pictures of her in an apron learning how to brew the perfect cup of coffee.
I figured that they would keep this scrapbook up until Marigold turned 18 where they have a few final pictures of her dressed in her best and ready to take on the world. There might be a few things after that, such as vacations and important events, but it mainly focuses on the first 18 years of her life (minus the 3-6 age gap). When she becomes an adult, she takes care of the scrapbook mainly by herself.
Going back to her childhood, Mia might have also saved a lock of Marigold's hair when she got her first haircut, and she put this lock of hair in a plastic baggie and stapled it to the scrapbook page next to a picture of Marigold in her new haircut. And if Marigold made art in daycare, Mia would also put the drawing in the scrapbook. Marigold drew a crude drawing of herself holding hands with Mama Mia and Uncle Nick and labels them as such. Years later when Godot sees all this, it irks him a little bit because it reminds him that Mr. Trite took his place as Marigold's father figure for a time.
And maybe when Marigold grows up and gets better at drawing, she'll go back and draw herself with her mother Mia, father Godot, Uncle Nick, and Auntie Maya around her with the words "Thank you" written in larger letters above them.
Are you working on drawing these pages as a little comic? It would be cute to have Godot stumble upon this scrapbook when Marigold turns 18 and he flips through it, recounting the memories of his kitten growing up.
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blu3b3rryj4mp1r3 · 2 years
Heard you got art block and that you don't feel well. It stinks that you got sick, hope it doesn't stick. Maybe you feel like putting up a video instead? Not that you must do either if you don't feel like it.
hehe that rhymed! ^^ thank you, and yeah maybe, who knows! :) there's a lot of things I'd like to do but maybe the best thing would be to take a break from everything, although I'm not sure if I have the willpower to get myself to do that
I think I have that thing people call impostor syndrome? I don't ever see the things I do (no matter what they are) as good enough, I think I have a lot of problems that i can't solve on my own, I'm in queue for therapy but it's taking so long to get there and I guess I just have to come up with some way to help myself until then, I'm pretty lost
every day I wake up, try to draw (or do anything else creative), have so much self doubt that I inevitably fail, go to sleep and then it repeats, it's like groundhog day or sunset's backstage pass haha
and the problem is I don't know how to take a break because when I'm not drawing it feels like I'm not being productive and making myself more of a failure than I already feel like I am for being me (I have a lot of internalized homophobia and ableism)
like I see the problems, but I can't solve them, it's december now, but it might as well be any other time of year, it doesn't feel magical, I don't really feel excited, my default emotions are fear and sadness, trauma dictates my whole life
I feel very stuck and like I don't know where to go from here, but I'm greatful for ponies for keeping me alive, I'm trying to find some way to end this unnecessarily long text but I have no conclusion so yeah, I don't know if that was oversharing or just being honest
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this is a bit of a sad post and since I can't come up with anything positive to say I think we should end with some cute pony screenshots to look at instead, how about that? :)
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that makes me feel a little better at least 🥰
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