theroomfloor · 1 year
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I think I'm getting addicted to doing this lol
Note: the twins are saying "your mom" to each other
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Ft. My next generation
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Why does the guy in the second photo look like my uncle?
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Race to the Edge season six spoilers
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sarnai4 · 3 months
Emergency Contact
In a modern fic I'm writing, I brought up Dagur's list of people he would contact in case of an emergency. I started thinking way too hard about this, so I might as well share (it's sad how this is also how most of my fics begin).
Hiccup is the first one on the list. He's known Dagur the longest and has already seen the good and bad, so having to get called to a jail because Dagur beat up a rude bartender isn't even a surprise. Is he going to still scold him? Yes, but Dagur's heard it enough that he already has several speeches ready.
Mala's next. She hasn't seen all the bad from Dagur, so there's a part of him that wants to keep her from knowing how deranged he can get. Still, she's reasonable and takes care of business, making her a perfect person to call. If he's actually in trouble, he knows she'll probably kill someone for him too which he finds cute.
Heather is third because Dagur trusts her. He doesn't want to be a burden, though, so she's not as high on the list as she could be. He knows her temper isn't great either, so it might just end with them both being in holding cells if worst comes to worst. If he doesn't contact her after both Hiccup and Mala were unavailable, she'll fuss at him, so whatever he does is a calculated risk.
Fishlegs is probably next because he's responsible. He doesn't get called for arrests. He would be too scared to be around the other people, so this is a "somebody blew up my car, can you give me a ride?" or another issue along those lines (because I'm convinced at least one person has tried to kill Dagur)
Snotlout because Dagur's not really sure if he'll make it better or worse. It's a coin toss. He prefers his Snothat time to be fun, but he still knows Snotty can hold his own. So, if he's about to go somewhere and needs backup, then Snotlout gets pushed up to the first place. It's just anything else that makes Dagur wary.
I'm almost not sure if Astrid is on this list. I feel like she has a similar problem to Heather with also being so angry. This could cause more problems than it fixes, but she'd probably be okay if he was stranded somewhere and needed a ride and Fishlegs wasn't around.
Ruff and Tuff are not on this list. There is 0 chance that Dagur's calling them for any kind of emergency. They're his prank buddies. If something is wrong, he doesn't trust that they'll turn the silly mode off and be helpful.
No one else is on that list either because he either doesn't know them very well (Atali, Gobber, and Minden), knows he would cause him to die somehow (Gustav), or still isn't sure if they're cool (Stoick).
Here is the story that made me think about this. I will admit that it's ridiculous, but it was also so much fun to make.
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dragonnnfly · 2 years
*Snotlout is talking about his past*
Snotlout: I guess it was that day I came home to a cold house, devoid of light and love, and I knew then that my sorrows would only grow
Minden: Snotlout, this is the saddest life story I have ever heard! And you haven't even covered the teen years!
Atali: Oh, I'm sure it gets better
Snotlout: Ha! No, at eleven, things really took a turn for the worst
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died-of-feels · 1 year
My Httyd Next Gens Pt. 1
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Name: Oswald
Eye color: Green
Dragon: Eruptodon (doesn't ride)
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Age: 23
Parents: Dagur and Mala
Weapon of Choice: Sword
Relationship status: Just married to Solvig
Occupation: Eruptodon protector
Personality: Quiet and tends to keep to himself and stay out of people's way and problems. Likes to tease his younger siblings especially Baldur about Zephyr.
Misc: He made a vow to never ride a dragon again after he gave up his position as first in line for the throne to devote all his time to the eruptodon effectively passing the throne to his younger sister Eula.
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Name: Solvig
Eye color: Green
Dragon: Eruptodon (doesn't ride)
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Age: 22
Parents: Throk and Atali
Weapon of Choice: Katana
Relationship status: Just married to Oswald
Occupation: Eruptodon protector
Personality: She is very friendly and always willing to help those around her. She is just as courageous as both her parents and is quick on her feet.
Misc: She just like her father has always had a strong connection with the eruptodon and vowed to always protect it. Also made a vow to never ride a dragon once she became the protector.
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Name: Eula
Eye color: Green
Dragon: Baby Razorwhips
Age: 20
Parents: Dagur and Mala
Weapon of Choice: Wingmaiden spear
Relationship status: Single
Occupation: Wingmaiden
Personality: She is very well spoken and a great debater. She prefers to be off of the island she grew up on but makes sure to visit her family as often as possible.
Misc: She was always so fascinated and amazed by Atali’s story of being a Wingmaiden that when she was old enough she decided to pass her claim to the throne of Defenders of the wing to her younger brother Baldur and become a Wingmaiden herself.
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Name: Baldur
Eye color: Green
Dragon: Skrill named Bolt
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Age: 18
Parents: Dagur and Mala
Weapon of Choice: Long sword
Relationship status: Dating Zephyr
Occupation: Dragon rider
Personality: He tends to get very fixated on certain things and start to disregard the things happening around him. He is also very stubborn and will treat people the very same way that they treat him
Misc: He is currently first in line for the throne of the Defenders of the Wing and has no plans to give it up. He has every intention of marrying Zephyr and making her Queen of the Defenders of the Wing.
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Name: Ericka
Eye color: Blue
Dragon: Changewing named Novax
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Parents: Eret and OC named Greta
Weapon of Choice: Spear
Relationship status: Single
Occupation: Dragon rider
Personality: She inherited her father’s fierce loyalty but is very naturally aggressive like her mother. She is a very skilled warrior and plans to one day join the Berkian Guard
Misc: She loves to cook and make her friends treats to cheer them up when they are sad so now she knows what all the riders favorite sweets are and can bribe them into doing patrol or other chores. Her best friend is Zephyr.
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Name: Zephyr
Eye color: Blue
Dragon: Nightlight named Dart
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Age: 18
Parents: Hiccup and Astrid
Weapon of Choice: Sword and Battle axe
Relationship status: Dating Baldur
Occupation: Dragon rider leader
Personality: She has a very similar personality as in Homecoming just more mature and willing to listen to what the older vikings are trying to tell her before jumping to conclusions. She is also the most knowledgeable about dragons out of all the children and is willing to do whatever it takes to protect them to the point of often having to be dragged away by her friends for her own safety or even Dart refusing to cooperate with her anymore
Misc: She enjoys reading the book of dragons and training with her mother. She also got her father's ability to create useful inventions. Her best friend is Ericka
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Name: Nuffink
Eye color: Green
Dragon: Nightlight named Pouncer
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Age: 15
Parents: Hiccup and Astrid
Weapon of Choice: Battle axe
Relationship status: Dating Thyra
Occupation: Dragon rider
Personality: Very similar to his personality in Homecoming but more mature. He is still very rambunctious and likes to try all of his father’s aerial tricks that he was told about as a young kid. His favorite pastimes are flying with Pouncer and annoying Zephyr.
Misc: With the very real possibility of his sister marrying Baldur he is most likely to become the next chief of Berk.
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Name: Thyra
Eye color: Purplish Blue
Dragon: Monstrous Nightmare named Ember
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Age: 15
Parents: Snotlout and Ruffnut
Weapon of Choice: War hammer
Relationship status: Dating Nuffink
Occupation:Dragon rider
Personality: Thyra is very confident in her abilities and is willing to spar with anyone who offers. Unlike her dad she isn't afraid to not take first (breaking generational trauma from snotlout). She tends to spoil her dragon and treat her as the most important living thing in the world.
Misc: She is the most competitive of all the children and likes to follow Hiccup around and annoy him until he is quite literally just chasing her away.
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Name: Tove
Eye color: Purplish Blue
Dragon: Deadly Nadder named Attor
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Age: 15
Parents: Snotlout and Ruffnut
Weapon of Choice: Spear
Relationship status: Flirty with Skjor
Occupation: Dragon rider
Personality: She is extremely girly and likes to focus on how she looks over fighting the other kids. She wants to be a healer like her mother (yes I headcanon Ruff as the healer after Gothi)
Misc: She and Attor like to look in the reflection of shields to preen. She tends to get distracted while fixing her hair or grooming her dragon and will miss important details in a conversation. She is still very useful in a battle and will take down enemies in style. She and Astrid have bonded over having Nadders and she has learned a few tricks from her.
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Name: Skjor
Eye color: Blue
Dragon: Razorwhip named Wingnut
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Age: 15
Parents: Fishlegs and Heather
Weapon of Choice: Double ended axe
Relationship status: Likes Tove
Occupation: Dragon rider
Personality: Skjor is the perfect mix of both his parents with his father’s love of learning and dragons and his mother's survival instincts. He loves adventure and journaling.
Misc: He met Wingnut when he got stuck on a random island and used the survival skills his mother taught him. First in line to be chief of Berserker Island.
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Name: Vivika
Eye color: Green
Dragon: Triple Stryke named Suvi
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Age: 14
Parents: Dagur and Mala
Weapon of Choice: Sword and Blow darts
Relationship status: Single
Occupation: Dragon rider
Personality: Vivika is the most patient out of all the children and always willing to hear a multitude of answers to one problem. She is the peacekeeper between her siblings and on the island.
Misc: She enjoys sitting under the shade of the trees with Suvi to read and be away from her responsibilities for awhile. She really looks up to her aunt Heather.
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Name: Lagertha
Eye color: Green
Dragon: Gronckle named Lapis
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Age: 14
Parents: Dagur and Mala
Weapon of Choice: Battle axe
Relationship status: Single
Occupation: Dragon rider
Personality: Lagertha is a born warrior that is always ready to take on anyone and anything that will try to pick a fight with her. She likes to boss people around and get the island people to do tasks for her.
Misc: She likes to get up with the sunrise and fly around the island with her dad. Her favorite pastime is whittling long sticks into spears.
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Name: Noma
Eye color: Blue
Dragon: Hideous Zippleback (Gas) named Calothosk
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Age: 10
Parents: Tuffnut and OC named Friva
Weapon of Choice: Mace
Relationship status: Single
Occupation: Jr. Dragon rider
Personality: Noma is a free spirit who usually does whatever sounds fun. She is curious of the world around her and can often be found taking a walk around the island. She and her cousin Leahlout are attached at the hip and if they aren't doing their own thing they are always together.
Misc: She likes to help her father in the forge (I headcanon that Tuff begins to help Gobber in the forge now that Hiccup is to busy as chief) or helping her mother cook and bake in the great hall.
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Name: Leahlout
Eye color: Blue
Dragon: Hideous Zippleback (Spark) named Thevren
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Age: 10
Parents: Snotlout and Ruffnut
Weapon of Choice: Daggers
Relationship status: Single
Occupation: Jr. Dragon rider
Personality: She is the most calm out of all her siblings but still enjoys causing a ruckus on the island especially for Gobber and Spitelout. 
Misc: She likes to follow her dad around while he is training the Berkian guard (I headcanon that Snotlout is the captain of the Berkian guard) and likes to train with them herself.
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Name: Bjorn
Eye color: Green
Dragon: Gronkle named Fishmeat
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Age: 9
Parents: Fishlegs and Heather
Weapon of Choice: Bow and Arrow
Relationship status: Single
Occupation: Jr. Dragon rider
Personality: He is sweet and gentle much like his father but tends to make up his mind and become fixated on his decision and refuses to listen when people try to tell him the opposite.
Misc: Bjorn is a pacifist so he prefers to find nonviolent solutions to problems and stay out of fights for as long as possible until a dragon or someone else is in serious danger of being badly hurt.
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Name: Ingrid
Eye color: Green
Dragon: None yet
Age: 5
Parents: Fishlegs and Heather
Weapon of Choice: Teeth
Relationship status: Single
Occupation: Baby
Personality: Ingrid likes to act sweet and innocent especially around her parents (they know she’s not) but she is a feral child and will bite when she feels like it.
Misc: The first person she bit was Dagur. Her other targets include Hiccup, Snotlout, Skjor, and strangely Astrid
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Welcome Home
Summary: Written for day 16 of Augusnippets 2024. Set in a Modern AU, Sci-fi AU. Mind Full AU. Hiccup finds himself back in the warmth of his mother's wings.
Warnings: Child Abuse, implied/referenced humiliation, dehumanisation and conditioning
Rating: Teen and Up
Dead Dove: No
Words: 340
Prompts: Humiliation, Dehumanisation, Conditioning
Fandom: How to Train Your Dragon
Characters: Hiccup, Valka, Atali
Pairing: /
Author's Notes: Valka herself finally makes an appearance in this AU! You'll be surprised just how warm and loving of a person she is! /s
“I told you, men simply cannot understand,” Atali says something like that, but it’s actually meant to help. Trans or not, Hiccup chose his side and they should respect that. Whether it’s the wrong one or not.
Valka paces up and down the room, occasionally shooting a glance at her son through the one-way window. He sits cuffed to a table, skin still discolored where there used to be sunburns.
When she watched the footage of the warehouse he meant to protect and saw him collapse followed by being found by the enemy, she was so worried. But there he was, with the Defenders and completely fine. Now he sits there and he hasn’t said a word.
So they treated him like they would any enemy. They stripped and searched him and burned his clothes and anything he brought back with him, including a notepad, pencil and an eraser. Who knows the bugs they must’ve placed amongst his stuff. His dragons he won’t be seeing for the foreseeable future.
But they aren’t completely cruel, they do care about him. They gave him a fresh pair of underpants, jeans and shirt to wear.
“ He should’ve known better,” Valka’s tone is soft, but angry.
There’s no way he can hear them and yet, he sags apologetically. She can feel that he’s sorry. Because what them bonds to dragons bonds them to each other, too. He knows he should’ve known better. They have a mission and he’s the tool they wasted millions on. His drugs and implants weren’t cheap. They aren’t even on the market.
With a deep sigh, Valka realizes she has to dive back into her plans for him. There is one she never hoped she would ever have to use.
Atali watches her go while she stays and keeps an eye on their Dragon Whisperer for a moment longer. Hour by hour, she watches him slip away until Hiccup disappears behind a wall of thoughts and feelings that don’t belong to him and their Dragon Handler is all that remains.
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do-not-go-gently-42 · 2 months
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my worm off the string my pet mold spore
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theroomfloor · 11 months
Yes, I will draw them. Someday… I promise
I'm starting from the idea that the 4 nations aren't completely divided, and that benders of the 4 elements live together, as in the case of Berk, although the most common are firebenders. It's become a big mix and that's why it's harder to know who will be the next Avatar
Hiccup: The Avatar. However, when he was born, apparently, He didn't bend any of the elements, considered a nonbender, until find out he's the Avatar.
Astrid: Waterbender. Yes, again using the blue outfit as justification, but I also think water suits her. She and Katara would be besties.
Fishlegs: Earthbender. What I like about earthbending is that it's a completely opposite element to his personality, he's a kind and adorable guy, while earthbending is hard and offensive. But it completely suits him too, because he's protective and strong, and he likes gardening. Bonecrusher likes it for sure
Snotlout: Firebender. Do I really need to explain about this?
Tuffnut and Ruffnut: Airbenders. They're both airheads, so. But seriously, I think the air really suits them, how much they would mess around. Just look at Tenzin's children, or even Aang himself.
Heather: Nonbender. For me, she would be like Asami (and Astrid could be Korra, I'm just saying). Strong and powerful without needing to bend. She would be good with weapons but would also use technology.
Dagur: Firebender. Honestly, it's the most offensive element and it can create lightning, do you want more explanations? But also, I like the idea of him being a Nonbender like his sister. Like, being an heir, they expected him to be a powerful bender, but he ended up disappointing his family and people. So he went through such heavy training that it ruined his psychology.
Mala: She and the entire Defenders of the Wings tribe are Nonbenders. A tribe that lives isolated and without any benders, having a certain repudiation for them, until they meet the Avatar and his gang.
Atali: She and the Wingmaidens are also Nonbenders, but they would be more like the Kyoshi Warriors. Or they could also be like Gliders, so they could "fly".
Now some that I'm just going to throw here and won't comment on
Stoick, Spitelout and Gustav: Firebenders
Gobber: Non or Earthbender (especially Metalbender)
Gothi: Waterbender
Viggo: Non or Waterbender (especially Bloodbender. Thanks @reallyprofoundkryptonite for the idea)
Ryker: Earth or Firebender
Krogan: Fire or Nonbender
There're a lot of characters missing, but I can't think of anyone else right now. The main ones are here. Feel free to give your opinions and headcanons.
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mageofspacemultiverse · 7 months
okay okay hear me out hidelord in that pin b3 outfit....
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Sometimes the hunters of the Safari are likely to steal the clothes of slaves if they like them enough. Other times they hang onto clothes for their sheer hilarity, which end up getting worn after the result of haphazardly drunken bets.
While The Hidelord is an exceptional hunter in his own right, it seems even he isn't immune to some bad decisions. Parting with his great coat for any period of time is the bigger shame than anything, though. Then again, despite ruining the shirt forever he's slaying for the time being, so...
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Ft. some of my next gen
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What is your FAVORITE EP from RTTE?? My favorite RTTE ep is bad moon rising cause of all the Tuffcup moments!
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(It can from season 1-6)
Also what is the most unique HTTYD rare pair ships you ever seen
Oh goodness… I’m not sure. I’m inclined to say Enemy of my Enemy because I love Dagur. Buffalord Solider is also a good episode. Gone Gustav Gone is a fun one. I’ll just go with Enemy of my Enemy for now. I’m not sure about what the most unique ship I’ve seen is. I suppose maybe Atali X Mala. I’ve seen a few people ship them together, despite them not interacting at all. Honestly, I ship it.
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sarnai4 · 4 months
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: How to Train Your Dragon (Movies) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Characters: Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, Astrid Hofferson, Snotlout Jorgenson, Fishlegs Ingerman, Ruffnut Thorston, Tuffnut Thorston, Dagur the Deranged, Heather (How to Train Your Dragon), Stoick the Vast, Gobber the Belch, Mala, Atali, Eret (How to Train Your Dragon), Minden (How to Train Your Dragon), Throk (How to Train Your Dragon), Valka (How to Train Your Dragon) Additional Tags: Action/Adventure, Friendship/Love, Family, Family Drama, Drama, retellings, cross-posted on ffn, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence Summary:
What if the series was all canon? If every friend, foe, and experience the Berkians had along the way followed them to the second and third movies? Maybe they would be able to change their future for the better. Maybe certain fates are out of their control.
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dragonnnfly · 2 years
Atali: Do you have anything you want to say to women?
Snotlout, crying: I'm sorry women.
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died-of-feels · 1 year
My Httyd Next Gen names and their meanings
This is what happens when I get bored guys. I make unnecessary lists instead of being productive
Oswald: Divine Power
Solvig: The strong house or daughter of the sun
Eula: Well-Spoken
Baldur: Prince
Ericka: Sole ruler, forever powerful
Zephyr: West Wind
Nuffink: Nothing
Thyra: Thunder warrior, follower of Thor, and Thor's battle
Tove: Peaceful, Beautiful Thor; God is good
Skjor: Fragile
Vivika: Life
Lagertha: Warrior Woman
Leahlout: (Leah specifically) Delicate or Weary
Noma: Northman, Fate, Resembling someone, Mercy, Pity
Bjorn: Bear
Ingrid: Fair
Buffnut: Nickname for a violent aggressive person
Rollo: Famed Wolf
Gunnar: Fighter
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