#Aurelia Nightbloom
mechaspirit · 4 years
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Anyone wants to make Tyril blush with a kiss on a cheek? 👀💞💕
Featuring my Blades MC, Aurelia Nightbloom. ❤️💕
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watatsumi-island · 4 years
So I did a thing...
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The shadow court F! Elf MCs! I use the three of them in different Playthroughs and I was bored so I decided to draw them as members of the Shadow Court. My main MC Elmira in the middle-front, then Aelene to the right and then Alvara to the back-left. I call them the Nightheart sisters! I hope you like it! 😁😁😁❤
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enchantedliving · 5 years
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We wanted to introduce you to Melissa Herold, fantasy author and herbal alchemist, and her debut fantasy novel Heaven’s Silhouette: Iyarri Chronicles Book 1, which just came out this week and which you can find on Amazon, Apple books, Kobo and more. Though if you order directly from Melissa's etsy shop NightBlooming or her Patreon, you'll also get some exclusive gifts which are always, always good.
Anyway, look at this gorgeous cover:
And you can take a sneak peek at Chapter 1 right here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/heavens-chapter-26704265 Not to mention a trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C2RaaXf7_ok
And a little more about the book:
“When I was little, other children called me a monster. A painting proved them right.”
With lyrical prose and atmospheric world building, Heaven’s Silhouette tells the story of a young woman’s search for her heritage--and in the process she finds herself.
Amid a tempest of feathers, magic, and blood, Aurelia is drawn deeper into the heart of a millennia-old struggle. If she’s not careful, the consequences will tear her body, her heart, and the Iyarri in two.
We asked Melissa a few illuminating questions below:
What’s at the heart of Heaven’s Silhouette? Aurelia is a character that exists in the gray spaces, in between the halves of her world. The larger inspiration for Heaven’s Silhouette and the series of The Iyarri Chronicles became an exploration in what happens when halves and pieces, real and perceived, get torn apart and pushed back together.
Do you have more books planned for the series? I do—the second book, Mourning’s Dawn, will be out next fall, and I’m already in the process of drafting the third book in The Iyarri Chronicles. For those readers who are antsy about years-long delays in between books, I have a progress tracker that shows where I’m at in the process for each book—you can see the one for Mourning’s Dawn at the bottom of its page. I’ve also planned a prequel and bonus content for my Patrons on Patreon, like an illustrated guide to the Iyarri.
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mechaspirit · 4 years
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So I found a base reference in Pinterest and despite still being summer, I decided to create some Blades Pairing in scarves. My MC (Aurelia) is with Tyril, and the male elf! MC is Kite, who belongs to both @blightarts and @princessstellaris​ ! ❤️❤️❤️
I might create more of those in the future and maybe opened to more suggestions 😁❤️
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mechaspirit · 4 years
Know When Your Opponent is Not Playing Fair
Author’s Note: So I got a request from a Discord Member from a BOLAS/Blades server and she requested a TyrilxMC fic from a kiss prompt. I’m still open for requests if anybody want me to write them something. Until then, hope you enjoy. 😁
Also, make sure to read the bonus at the end. 👀
Disclaimer: Pixelberry is the owner of the book Blades of Shadow and Light and the characters. I don’t. And I’m sorry if they were out of character at the end. 😅
Tagging: @scgdoeswhat, @princessstellaris, @blightarts, @itsagoodluckkiss, @sophie-summer, @xo-endlessmayhem-xo, @endlessly-searching-for-you, @brightpinkpeppercorn, @daniela2510, @mysteli, @sceptilemasterr, and @kamilahsayeet
Prompt: A kiss that is leading to more, but is interrupted by a third party.
Summary: Back at the Starfury’s estate, Aurelia and Tyril are enhancing their sword fighting skills for an upcoming battle against an enemy of a Shadow Court during the masquerade. But what happened during their practice?
It was the night before the masquerade, and it would be usually the time to plan out the outfits and other stuff. For the gang of five adventurers and a nesper, that’s a different story. Some of them are sharpening their weapons. Others might be practicing their magic. What all of them have in mind is that they need to prepare themselves for the worst in order to face Kaya (or rather the person from the Shadow Court disguising as Kaya) at the masquerade and get the Onyx Shards.
Ever since Aurelia obtained the Blade of Sol from the Starfury’s Ancestral Crypt, she decided to use the time to enhance her swordsman skills and getting used to the magical powers stored within the blade. Out of everyone else in the group, Tyril is very much a formidable sparring partner to go up against.
Blades clash against each other as both competitors lock on their opponents’ forms and positions, looking for any signs of openings to target. Elven senses are heightened so that they can be more aware of their surroundings. From the eyes of the amateurs, it would look as though the two elves were evenly matched. However, Aurelia’s fighting stance appeared to be off since she was still getting used to the sword. And that actually caused her blade to easily be ward off by Tyril’s, ending this round with a sword close to her throat.
“Another hit,” the male elf pointed out as he withdrew his sword so Aurelia can recover and pick up her blade, “Your form is still slightly off. You need to be on guard at all times as well as agile enough to strike your opponents. And speaking of that, don’t just focus on their openings for targets. Watch their blades as well, so you’ll know when and where they may be attacking you next.”
“Right. Keep on forgetting that this isn’t archery,” Aurelia joked, but then noticed that his lips were forming a thin line. The blueish-purpleish elf had figured that Tyril is still distressed from the fact that a member of a Shadow Court killed his best friend, and that him leaving the Undermount had caused the elven empire and his home to be in a terrible estate. Part of another reason why Aurelia pulled him aside for practice is because she figured he could use a distraction.
“Again?” Aurelia asked as she reformed her stance. Tyril gave out the silent nod and did the same.
Both elves circle around each other on the field, waiting for a perfect opportunity to strike. Seconds later, Tyril quickly charged at Aurelia, swinging his blade right above her head. The female elf managed to block it with her sword, and use her strength to guide her opponent’s sword downward to avoid letting it hit her. Tyril reacted in time and raised his sword swiftly to strike her again, only for Aurelia to parry his attack. Including when he tried to repeat the circumstance by aiming at her neck, to which she ward it off, almost successfully knocking his weapon aside. Keyword “almost”.
“Not bad. Better,” Tyril remarked, only for himself to strike Aurelia again, to which the latter held her blade up in time, causing their blades metal-grind each other forming an “X”, “But you still need to-”
“Watch the blade. I know,” The female replied, but then started smirking, “But I also have a lesson for you, Milord Starfury…
...It’s to know when your opponent is not playing fair.”
While the male elf scrunched his eyebrows in confusion, he got knocked backwards with a yelp and fell to the ground, losing the grip of his sword. It didn’t help that he felt a weight on top of him and that he could hear the sword piercing the ground just inches to the side of his head. He managed to regain his senses and saw that Aurelia was actually on top of him, hand still holding on the hilt of the blade, and pinning him on the ground victoriously. It took him seconds to realize that the female elf knocked him down to the ground by using the back of her leg and took advantage of the situation, much to this guy’s embarrassment.
“Looks like I’m not the only one who needs to work on their form,” the female elf grinned mischievously. It was only then that Tyril managed to crack a smile and gave out a light chuckled, to which Aurelia did the same.
As soon as they catch their breath, Tyril finally manages to sit up straight, his blue eyes locking with her green ones. There was that same electric spark that the two elves felt everytime they were alone together, and often caught into a moment where their affections for each other lead to something more. This time isn’t any different.
All of a sudden, Aurelia leaned in and planted her lips onto Tyril’s, who tensed a bit before slowly melting into her kiss. Lips started moving in sync, and the female elf slowly and gently held her hands to the both sides of Tyril’s head, and then slowly entangled her fingers into his long dark hair. And whatever tension she had felt from him earlier, and whatever emotional pain he may be feeling, seemed to have dissipated a bit.
Unfortunately, their make-out session is interrupted by someone clearing their throat and got the two elves' attention, much to their shock.
It appeared that the male nesper had been sitting there the whole time, looking bored and rather unamused at what they’re doing.
“...I understand that elves would often share “Dinvali” at a certain point when they reach maturity, especially you, Aurelia, since you’re younger, but keep in mind that we’re still in the middle of a-AAAAHHH!!!”
Threep was cut off by a fire blast and a sword flying at him, to which he screeched and jumped back, noticing the angry look on the elves’ faces.
“GET OUT!” Aurelia screamed while Tyril prepared another fireball at the bat-winged cat who took the sign and flew away.
At the dinner table, Mal came by just to get a snack after snooping around the Starfury Estate where he noticed Aurelia sitting at the table with her face blushing different shades of violet, staring at her plate of what supposedly is leftovers from lunch earlier. Though it appeared she hadn't touched anything from them. The human rogue smirked and sat across from her.
“Hey there, Kit! I just heard from a certain bat-kitty that you and elf boy were alone in the training room and got on with-”
“Mal. Shut up.”
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mechaspirit · 4 years
Chillin’ with a Random Question (Modern BOLAS/Blades AU)
Author’s note: So here’s a funny thing. I was DMing with @princessstellaris​ about some head canons and ideas for Modern!Blades and it turned into a conversation to which character would more likely or least likely to see this particular movie/tv show. Which also lead me to write this fic. 😆
Originally, this part was meant to be part of the Truth or Dare fic I have in mind, but I decided to make it separate fic because it ended up being too long. Don’t worry, you can expect the Truth or Dare one to come up after this. Think of this one as a prequel. 😂
Thank you @lxdy-starfury​​ for starting this Modern!Blades AU movement, and thank you, V ( @princessstellaris​) for this great idea. Hope you guys will enjoy this. Here’s my first ever Modern BOLAS/Blades AU fic. 🤣❤️
Pairings: TyrilxMC
Disclaimers: I do not own any of the characters from Blades of Light and Shadow. Also, this fic isn’t meant to offend any Marvel fans out there, but I’m sorry if I did. That was never my intention. I actually love some of their movies and tv shows. 😅
Also tagging, @scgdoeswhat, @princessstellaris, @blightarts, @itsagoodluckkiss, @sophie-summer, @xo-endlessmayhem-xo, @endlessly-searching-for-you, @brightpinkpeppercorn, @daniela2510, @mysteli, @sceptilemasterr, @tangel96 , @findmeafterlife , @huntress1024,  @justageeklover, @astridvolari, @tyril-nia-kaya​, @itsbrindleybinch​, and @kamilahsayeet. Let me know if anyone else wants to be tagged. ❤️
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Night falls all over the buildings of Morella City. And the gang decided to spend a Friday night by having dinner at a popular restaurant and then head back to the apartment (owned by Kade, Nia, and Aurelia respectively) to chillax and have drinks.
They ended up having conversations either about their works, their interests, and/or lives in general up to the point where Kade decided to ask this random question.
“So, if any of you were able to date one of the characters from the movie, The Avengers, who would it be?”
Nia’s eyes gleamed as she continued to brush Loola’s fur, “Oh! Well, it’s kinda hard for me to choose, but I wouldn’t mind picking Captain America/Steve Rogers.”
Mal smirked once he thought of an answer, “For me, it’ll be between Black Widow and Gamora.”
“Isn’t the latter from Guardians of The Galaxy?” Kade pointed out.
“Eh. She’s still in The Avengers series. It counts. Wouldn’t hurt to pick her. Besides, I’m not too picky to date anyone in there as long as they’re hot.”
“I’m with you on Gamora,” Imtura declared, receiving a high-five from Mal, “And I’m also into Black Widow and Thor. What about you, Rela?”
“Definitely Black Widow or Loki,” Aurelia grinned.
“Yeet!” Kade did a fist bump with his adopted sister, since they both share similar taste in people.
Nia quickly turned to the last member of the group, who has not answered yet.
“What about you, Tyril? Which characters in The Avengers would you rather date?”
“Hmm?” Tyril blinked and neutrally responded, “I don’t know. I never watch that movie, really.”
Everyone else stared at him in shock and disbelief as if he just told them that he kicked a puppy (He wouldn’t do that, but it’ll be a travesty if he did).
“Dude, you serious?!” Imtura yelled at him.
“Tyril, how could you?” Nia started crying. Seeing these reactions from his friends, all Tyril stared back in utter confusion.
“Wait, why is everyone so worked up over this? I was only telling the truth!”
“That’s the thing, elf boy*! That truth literally kills us!” Mal retorted.
“And The Avengers is the greatest movie of all time. Especially The Infinity War! How could you not watch it?!” Kade mourned.
“I...well...I’m honestly not into those superheroes genre,” Tyril admitted and quickly averted his eyes.
“Wait wait wait,” Aurelia interrupted her boyfriend after realization hits her, “So when Kade and I invited you to see some of the Marvel movies a few times, you claimed that you still have work to do. Was that an excuse to not see them?”
“What?! Rela, no. I really did have to work at those-”
“And when I lend you the movie, Thor, for you to watch and never got it back, does that mean you haven’t watched it, yet?”
“Well...there’s a reason for-”
Aurelia silenced him with a glare and continued darkly.
“Oh, and come to think of it, every time we watched S.H.I.E.L.D. together on Netflix, you keep on falling asleep. Care to explain that, dear?”
When Tyril couldn’t answer to any of that, Mal smirked at his reactions and pat the dark hair woman on the shoulder.
“Oof. It’s okay, Kit. None of us will blame you if you break up with pretty boy over this,” he told her, which caused Tyril to glare at the rebel.
“Do NOT give her that kind of idea!” Then he turned back to her, not realizing that she had her hand raised slowly at him, “Aurelia, listen, I never meant-!”
A twenty minute coaxing and a slap in a face later…
After everyone in this room managed to cool down (while staring at the red hand mark on Tyril’s face), Kade looked at the dark hair woman nervously.
“...Sis, you good?”
Aurelia smiled as she relaxed on the couch, leg crossed over another, and stroked Threep on top of his head, like how a typical villain boss would do with his cat. “Yep. I’m good. Just as long as Tyril promises he won’t lie to us like that ever again.”
The dark hair man nodded, “I won’t.”
His girlfriend grinned at him, approvingly, “Good. Because you have a lot to make up for.”
Her smile suddenly turned into an eerie one. The one that can send chills to anyone’s spine.
“A LOT.”
*Extra note: Oh, if anyone asked why Tyril is still called “elf boy” by Mal in this AU, I HC that the whole gang played an online game that has a similar concept to Blades, and Tyril played as an elf. As usual. Hope that clears it up. 😅
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mechaspirit · 4 years
Just another Goose
Author’s note: I was suppose to be working on something else. A different prompt actually, but my mind went to something else and I created this fic instead. Hope you enjoy. (I need to stop watching some Tangled scenes in youtube). 😆
Extra note: My BOLAS/Blades MC is a female elf.
Disclaimer: Pixelberry created Blades of Light and Shadow and the characters.
Pairing: Slight Tyril x MC. You’ll see why. 
It was just another night on their way to Undermount. The gang decided to set up another camp and gather around the campfire and tell stories, like they usually do. The good ol’ normal times when they don’t have to fight monsters and just chill out.
Mal was in a middle of telling one of his adventures of how he tricked the bandits into giving him a royal crown that was worth a high price when all of a sudden, there was a rustling sound.
“What was that?!” Nia whispered, a little freaked out now.
“Sounds like it came from those bushes,” Threep pointed out.
The rustling grew even louder. Everyone either grabbed their weapons and/or ready their magic as they faced the rustling bush. Once the source has finally come out of the said bush, the gang just stared blankly and looked on with disappointment.
“Oh great. It’s just another goose.” Imtura groaned.
“HONK!” The goose cried out, not so certain why these people were staring at him.
“Aw, it’s actually pretty cute,” Nia, on the other hand cooed and kneeled down to pet him.
“Hey, where’s elf boy?” Mal asked.
Threep pointed to the direction behind them, where the gang saw Tyril LITERALLY in the arms of Aurelia trembling in front of the goose, and mumbling some profanity at the bird that sounded like, “I hate geese...by the Light, send their existence back into the darkness.”
...or something like that.
 All the female elf can do is sweat drop and try to comfort him.
“Stay calm. It can probably smell fear.”
Bonus: 👀
Seconds later, Aurelia is still struggling to carry the male elf.
"Tyril, can you get down now? I'm not an orc like Imtura and you're getting heavy!"
"Ah. Apologies, Aurelia!"
He finally got down, much to Rela's relief, and face turned different shades of violet due to embarrassment. He still kept his distance from the goose, though.
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mechaspirit · 4 years
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Underneath the Starry Night
Inspirations of the art I made comes from chapter 9, where MC (Aurelia in my case) and Tyril have a moment alone at night and looked at the stars. Sharing their favorite constellations and forget their worries. Just each other. ❤️💙
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mechaspirit · 4 years
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Commissions from @lxdy-starfury and they’re both gorgeous! Thank you so much! 😍❤️💖💙❤️😍💖💙💜
On the left, we have my Blades MC, Aurelia Nightbloom, in a special ranger (ish) outfit for her adventure (would love to see an upgraded on in the 2nd book). 💖💙❤️
And on the right is my Sailor Moon OC. I haven’t thought of what she would be called in her Sailor Guardian form, but her civilian name will be Mika for now. 💙💜🌙
Anyways, you should check out @lxdy-starfury artworks because they’re amazing! Especially if you’re into Choices Blades of Light and Shadow. And I’m not sure if she’s still doing commission or not, but either way, spread the word and support her! 💖💜😁
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mechaspirit · 4 years
Blades Modern AU Headcanon (Animal Lover)
Author’s Note: So thanks to @lxdy-starfury​ and @garlickk​​ with their Modern AU arts and headcanons, I decided to hope in and decided to create a headcanon of the same them with my BOLAS/Blades MC, Aurelia Nightbloom. It mostly describe what she would be like instead of an elf adventurer in the book. Hope you enjoy. And thanks you two for the inspiration. Hope you’ll continue to work on them. ❤️
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In the book, Aurelia has an ability to communicate and handle wild animals/exotic creatures. In this AU, she is studying to become a veterinarian.
Hobbies include video games (fantasy is her favorite genre), reading fairy tales, stargazing, jogging to the park, and archery. Became archery champion in high school.
Likes: coffee, ice cream, cakes, street fashion
Dislikes: spiders (yes, she has at least one animal that she dislikes), assholes.
Both she and Kade were adopted.
They later got an apartment of their own and live together.
Kade is a writer.
He visits his sister at work and sometimes brings her lunch if she forgets it.
Also, share interests in fantasy movies and books.
Used to work in a coffee shop before she was given a job at the clinic.
Along with Kade, Nia is also their roommate.
Nia was studying medicine. Possibly to become a doctor and pharmacist.
Aurelia hangs out with Nia in the morning. And sometimes will do some shopping.
Nia is a better cook than Aurelia so dinner is handled by the former and Kade.
It was Aurelia’s and Nia’s ideas to get a pet. Well, two actually.
They managed to adopt two cats, named Threep and Loola. (yes, I’m making them real cats in this AU).😆
Loola is the most behaved one out of the two. Threep keeps meowing for food.
They still have to deal with cat furs and dirty litters.
Don’t worry, they loved them.
I’m thinking about having Rela first meet Mal when he is either looking for a dog or takes his dog to the vet she was working at.
Short note, she and doggo became best friends.
And of course, Mal too. He’s her drinking buddy and hangs out with her at night. Sometimes with the other gang.
When giving advice on how to take care of a dog, Mal goes to Aurelia. Doesn’t care if she’s not the owner of the clinic. He only trusts her with his dog.
Aurelia first met Imtura in a self-defense class. What? The former sometimes work late at night. You think she’s gonna get herself in danger? Probably get robbed or something worse? HELL NO!
Imtura gave her tips in her fighting.
It may be just me, but I have a feeling Imtura might be more into sea animals. I mean, she’s a pirate after all. She would be more fascinated if she saw a shark or stingray. Or maybe an octopus.
Well, they both have to go to an aquarium to visit them. Aurelia hasn’t got a chance to work with aquatic animals much.
And like Mal, Imtura is Aurelia’s other drinking buddy. Wouldn’t mind hanging out the bars with Aurelia watching Imtura arm wrestle with the other dudes.
So how Aurelia met with Tyril...let’s say there was a coffee incident. She was in a rush and accidentally bumped into him, spilling her coffee onto his outfit. How embarrassing. He didn’t make a scene thank god, but he is a little rude to her. Guess he’s more irritated that Aurelia got in the way instead of ruining his shirt. Still, Aurelia called him a jerk out of ear sight.
I think @lxdy-starfury​ mentioned somewhere in her headcanons that he does horse riding. Idk, I forgot. And could be wrong. But assuming he does horse-back riding, he does have his own personal horse he takes care of. Everyday, he would be the one to groom the horse himself after a ride. Wouldn’t allow anyone else to take care of him. (Maybe except Adrina).
Something went wrong with the horse, possibly illness (he turned out to be fine later. Don’t worry). And the boss at the clinic got a call from the Starfury’s estate that their horse needs help. So the boss brought Aurelia as his assistant because she is the best co-worker in the clinic and has worked with horses a couple of times.
And look how small the world is, because Aurelia and Tyril met again at his estate. And poor Aurelia had to hold herself back from chewing him out.
But don’t worry, they eventually got along better. After Tyril sees how well Aurelia handles his horse. And they got to hang out after each check-up. A tour around the house. Sometimes offering to teach her how to ride a horse.
She and Adrina got along pretty well. Often the latter teases them of liking each other more than friends.
Tyril later got added to the gang. Though not much of a people person tbh. Hard to get him to do something outside of his comfort, but just mention the name “Aurelia” and he’s in.
That’s about it. I may add more to it later. But hey, feel free to leave an ask if there’s anything else I have in mind for this. 😁❤️💜💙
Also Tagging these people to see this: @scgdoeswhat , @princessstellaris​ , @queenaryn , @itsagoodluckkiss,@sophie-summer , @xo-endlessmayhem-xo , @endlessly-searching-for-you , @sceptilemasterr , @blightarts and @daniela2510 and @mysteli !
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watatsumi-island · 4 years
Me and my sister's Blades MCs (+ Nia cuz I miss her, as always 🤧)
oN CRACK- 🤡 *cough* sorry I mean as vines/memes-
(The Red-haired Orc is Irilia and my sister's MC djdjdjjdjd.)
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I don't know what this is or why I spent almost 4 hours on this shitpost but umm...enjoy? 😆😅😅😅😅😅
(Yes there will be a part two with the LIs if you're wondering skskskksksksk)
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mechaspirit · 4 years
Hi! For the fluff alphabet, any oc you want to write for: L U V ^^
LUV questions. Nice! Absolutely! I’ll do it all for all my MCs listed. 😁❤️
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
From The Arcana
Iris: It’s already canon, but it happened when Iris is still stuck in the Arcana Realm and couldn’t get back to her body just yet. And Asra manages to summon her from the fountain in water form so he could talk to her properly. However, after three years of waiting and holding back, she manages to confess her feelings to Asra. And you have no idea how much of that weight in her chest has been lifted. And how much happier she was when she found out he felt the same way.💙💜
From Choices
Yurika (Endless Summer MC): Jake was the one who confessed to Yurika that he loves her at the campsite before heading to MASADA. And then almost immediately, she replied back that she loves him too. They were inseparable since then and couldn’t imagine their life without each other.💗
Sydney (Bloodbound MC): Well, technically Jax told Sydney he loves her first, only for her to “die” and then turned into a vampire so she didn’t get to hear it until later when she uses her vampiric psychic abilities to look into the past and found Jax admitting to their friends about his feeling for her. Then when they went to Tokyo to find a way to defeat Rheya and went on a date, she admitted her feelings for him and that made him happy. Guess he was worried that she didn’t feel the same.💞
Aurelia (BOLAS/Blades MC): This definitely has not happened in canon yet, but I’m gonna assume that she and Tyril will confess their love for each other in a life or death situation. Maybe when they have to face a more powerful foe of the Shadow Court. We’ll see when book 2 comes.😁❤️
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
From The Arcana
Iris: She and Asra both share a heart, so Iris is able to tell what Asra is feeling and what’s troubling him, vice versa. Nevertheless, she was the one who told Asra that it’s okay to take risks when necessary and put his faith on other people too, like Nadia and Julian.
From Choices
Yurika (Endless Summer MC): Jake trusts her when he was dealing with his emotional issues involving his past. And Yurika is the one who comforts him when needed. And they were able to connect because they appear to be more alike than they thought.
Sydney (Bloodbound MC): Sydney likes to poke fun at Jax whenever he’s showing his soft side. And she can understand how much he had to go through when running a clan full of vampires. Jax, on the underhand, understands how much pain Sydney is going through after she was turned because he remembered the time when he was also turned into a vampire as well.
Aurelia (BOLAS/Blades MC): Aurelia can tell whenever Tyril is moody, so leave it to her when trying to coax him. Also to keep in mind, they’re both elves, but they live in different lives. Aurelia is raised by humans at Riverbend while Tyril is born and raised by other elves in the Undermount. And the former realizes how much more different elves live than she had imagined and how that affects Tyril personally. Perhaps that was part of the reason why she was able to grow close to him.
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it worth in comparison to other things in their life?
From The Arcana
Iris: From hell and back, Asra giving up part of his heart to revive Iris, and Iris rejecting The Devil’s deal of paradise to get back to Asra on her own, I’ll say their relationship is hella worth more than anything else in their life. It’s true love.
From Choices
Yurika (Endless Summer MC): She and Jake are soulmates. That much is very explained in every timeline over 1,000 times. If that doesn’t explain how much their relationship is worth compared to everything else, idk what else does.❤️
Sydney (Bloodbound MC): Very important. She finally lets go of the power of the First Vampire to prevent herself from going out of control and hurts everyone around her thanks to Jax’s help.
Aurelia (BOLAS/Blades MC): If Aurelia didn’t take a chance to go on an adventure and find the shards to save her brother, then more likely, she wouldn’t have met Tyril. And she was grateful for that, and wouldn’t change anything.😁
Hope you enjoy. Thank you again for the ask. 😊❤️
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