#dark loola
loola-a · 1 month
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return of the tween durge
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distraughtlesbian · 3 months
can i speak my truth ? can i keep it real ? there shouldve been more in-party conflict in blades 2. like obviously mc should’ve gotten to cuss mal out in particular when he was like You Dont Know What We’ve Been Thru as if getting kidnapped and forced into a magically induced coma and getting your blood stolen and having constant benadryl nightmares is a walk in the park lmfao, and also just gotten to talk more about what they went through and how it’s impacted them
but also there should’ve been way more beef between the other party members. like girl if i’m nia and i’m spiralling scorning sleep and food constantly hunting for a way to free MY GIRLFRIEND (!!) from the clutches of some goth elf cunt on top of making the fantasy catholic church christlike again and repressing my inner shadow demon and one of my friends is like “hesdeadjim.png give up also fuck you” and then fucked off to be an alcoholic pit fighter, i wouldve actually just thrown hands when we saw each other next. no magic no nothing just me and my nasty little fingers (covered in paper cuts from all the arcane shadow tomes ive been reading) coming straight for her eye sockets. staff of silverlake should’ve been nia’s weapon and she should’ve leapt into the pit in chapter 4 and clocked imtura in the skull with it.
like you bitches should be CRAZY!!!! you should all have DISORDERS!!!! you should be begging ravens perched on busts for RESPITE AND NEPENTHE from your memories of me !!!!!! the moon should never beam without bringing you dreams of ME and the stars never rise but you feel MY bright eyes. tyril should be half-mad with grief and stress he should be mumbling to himself and seeing mc’s silhouette in dark corners. nia should be clearly and obviously off her fucking rocker and constantly on the verge of self destructing and taking us all out with her. imtura should be constantly blind drunk so she doesn’t have to feel her grief or anything at all really. mal should have been in the wind the second it started looking like mc wasn’t coming back and nobody’s heard from him in months. kade should be in a bottomless pit of grief bc when he was stuck in the shadow realm we never gave up hope and we went to rescue him but now that the tables are turned he’s slowly losing hope and day by day and night by night we recede and he becomes more faithless. threep and loola should be inseparable sleeping in a pile together never beyond a wing-length from one another and keeping obsessive tabs on all the other party members no matter how far-flung across morella they are because they’ve already lost everyone and everything they knew to the shadow court once and they’ll be damned if they lose anything else. also kade and aerin should’ve built up a weird semihostile rapport bc once everything fell apart and everyone went their separate ways it was just the two of them in the whitetower palace and kade would go to his cell and sit out of arm’s reach to vent about his time in the shadow realm and his grief and hopes and fears. they both knew and loved mc, in their own ways, despite how aerin hurt them, and now they’ve both lost them, maybe for good. maybe one day aerin starts talking back
where is the SPICE where is the FLAVOUR? where’s the DRAMA where’s the OOMPH where’s the PANACHE? you cannot look at me and tell me these dysfunctional bitches wouldn’t fall back into their worst habits once the one person who held them all together up and vanished into the void. why am i not ending each chapter feeling like i’ve just gotten punched in the dick bc the love is so obviously still there and that’s why it hurts so bad. they should’ve put their whole budget and pussies into forcing the party to fit themselves back together even though they’ve all grown new sharp edges and keep cutting each other up. they should’ve gone full dark no stars about it. grief is an amputation but hope is incurable hemophilia you bleed and bleed and bleed, plants that are split down the middle dont heal they die, you are a language i am no longer fluent in but still remember how to read, what lived and died between us haunts me still, if someone asked me at the end i’d tell them “put me back in it”, i care what ghosts think of me, come back even as a shadow even as a dream, someone has to leave first this is a very old story there is no other ending to this story, etc, etc, you get it you understand. also the mc should’ve come back WRONG.
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askloolalamb · 3 months
I was just wondering what you accept as asks, I just wanna know so that I don’t accidentally ask anything that makes you feel uncomfortable in any way
Hello anon, thank you for asking! I really appreciate the consideration and concern. But... I would say that any question related to Loola or the rest of the Smiling Critters is pretty much okay as long as it doesn´t involve problematic stuff like NSFW for example, as I view them all as minors in their cartoon versions. Although this blog might contain some dark or scary stuff given the nature of Poppy Playtime and how it is, well, a horror game, I wouldn´t like to cross any boundaries when it comes to the content I post. Also this isn´t a roleplaying account but if someone were to make a question about their OC interacting with Loola, of course, I wouldn´t mind making a lil´doodle! As long as people don´t take advantange of it and the entire askbox is filled with indirect art requests xD
I´d also like to mention that I intend on adding a bit of lore among some of the asks, so I might not consider the order the question in which the asks were sent at times, but if they might fit the context in order to stablish some sort of continuation (except for the ones that are filling and not lore related ofc)
And I would say that is pretty much it, this isn´t something I have thought too much about tbh and just had basics in mind: - No hate - No NSFW - No spam - This isn´t truly a rule but just in case, it might take me a while to answer some of the asks as I make drawings for most of them and sometimes they will take longer to get done, so I also ask for patience 🙏 I hope I managed to answer to your question, more or less! If any of y´all have anymore questions lemme know. Thank you so much and I hope that you have a nice day 💖
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twilightprince101 · 2 years
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This piece is by far one of the biggest ones I've ever made, both in terms of raw size and composition. Me and my friends in a Bugsnax server took part in a gigantic RP thing together involving the Grumpinati being more involved with the expedition team, and this piece was made to memorialize that whole thing!!!
The Bugsnax fandom has, in the past year and a half, really helped improve my life. I'm trying to be more outgoing with how I approach people, I have much more fun with how I express myself and my creative drive has boosted significantly!! It's not an exaggeration to say that, if I didn't join this fandom, I likely wouldn't be who I am today. So this piece is dedicated to my friends in the fandom, and to Bugsnax at large for its overwhelming creativity!
Artfight as well this year was an experience. In terms of attacks I didn't do too many, but the fact that I managed to do more than one art piece this month is a god damn miracle. Really helped me get out of my creative rut, and I wanna continue making more even after this!!
So to everyone in the fandom and who has been making stuff alongside me, thanks for being you! You're all a blessing, and it's an honor to freak out over gay muppets with all of you <3
Crisp Busterfun (Brown grump), Maizel Mudwig (Lime green grump with brown jacket), Morfus Evenprestige (dark purple grump with labcoat and goggles) and Amberg Grandmark (orange grump with sword), alongside the fanmade bugsnax Beheamoth (ice cream cake with horns) belong to @bustersnax
Lazloo and Loola Morrowell (Hunched over grump looking at an ant farm and light blue grump with necklace) along with fanmade bugsnax Taffurm (Pink strings with squares) belongs to @basedsnax
Lazloo and Loola Morrowell (Hunched over grump looking at an ant farm and light blue grump with necklace) along with fanmade bugsnax Taffurm (Pink strings with squares) belongs to @basedsnax
Iethiko Costapese (black coated grump in the center) and Vylsia Stickdrop (light blue grump with black jacket) belongs to my friend Vyn, who does not have a tumblr account
Bamton Swansong (brown grump with jacket and large stolen lightning staff) and "Smitmore" (yellow grump with trenchcoat and sunglasses) belongs to @soulthefunnyman
Frankley Baffletap (fully snakified grump with a raspberry horn) and Aliara Witgoal (Purple grump with black coat) belongs to @emeiandstuff
Rupyne Loupdaze (Large black grump sitting cross legged), Maltah Mailstrife (green grump offering a protein bar) and Sharkley Crownshine (golden sweater grump holding a remote) belongs to @ennet
Lusile Sunnyfunny (faded pink grump that Gramble is reaching towards) belongs to @strabbyshortcake
Suey Choppingblock (red grump in a grumpinati cloak) and Jaymie Slumberlamb (light purple grump in a white T-shirt giving the bird) belongs to @vaperroreon
Seris Sadgrey (grey grump with glasses and tie, running a paw through their hair) belongs to @hyper-fixator
Mayya Copperbell (yellow grump in orange hawaiian shirt), Oliander Copperbell (Orange-yellow grump with eyepatch), Aximia Rosebuttons (Purple grump in sweater hugging Mayya), and Rodelia Rubyheart (red grump in cloak drinking wine) belongs to @mayyak
and finally…
Bonga Binglebangle (cyan grump with purple hair), Anion Scattacone (dusty purple grump with cloak), Cation Tearyeyes (dark purple grump with purple cloak in the corner), Ion Scattacone (dark purple grump with bowling alley carpet-style scarf) and Cerula Ethrel (blue ghost coming from Anion's head) belong to @icyrose-cat
whew!! Lots of OCs there, over 30 of 'em!! Highly recommend you go check these guys out, they rock and are awesome to hang with!!
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Below is the character information of Noodle from the Booba (TV Series) and Booba: Food Puzzle (TV Series) produced by 3D Sparrow. The information provided combines canonical and personal details, including characters and scenarios not present in the original source material. For solely canonical information about the character, visit boobapedia.miraheze.org/wiki/Noodle. Over time, there will be changes and additions to the below. Keep checking back to see what has been updated.
Name: Noodle Gender: Male Species: Caterpillar Eyes: Brown Exoskeleton: Green Friends: • Booba • Loola • Mr. Beak • Rachel • Spike
Info: A small, mischievous green caterpillar who frequently troubles Booba and his friends. However, in the end, Noodle learns to show kindness to others. He appears in Booba (TV Series) and Booba: Food Puzzle (TV Series).
Appearance: He is a small, green, limbless caterpillar with 8 segments and “spiracles” (small red breathing holes) along his body. Noodle is the smallest in the main group of Booba’s friends. He has a face resembling a man's, with two large, brown eyes, a protruding nose, and a wide mouth mostly filled with gums and 3 teeth (two on top and one at the bottom). Dark green freckles are located beneath his eyes.
Similar to Booba, he has two antenna-like protrusions extending from above his eyes, arched over each resembling eyebrows.
Like the others, Noodle rarely wears clothing, occasionally donning an outfit to suit the occasion, such as a tricorn pirate hat in the episode “Crazy Golf”, a Batman-inspired mask and cape in the episode “Kitchen Adventures”, and a hard hat in the episodes “Music Shop” and “Detective”.
Personality: Noodle is a mischievous character, causing trouble and teasing Booba and his friends. Stealing a lollipop from Booba and Loola and pulling his signature silly face (looking at the person, winking with one eye closed, mouth open, tongue out covering the upper corner of the top lip, and shouting a taunt) is just one instance of his pranks. He also tends to chuckle whenever Booba's antics outsmart him. Despite his playful nature, Noodle has shown acts of kindness and is ready to share with others.
History: Noodle's origin remains a mystery to us. One day, he mysteriously emerged from an apple that Booba had taken a bite out of in the episode "Farm". Noodle and Booba engaged in a brief dispute over the apple, which resulted in Noodle swallowing the core that Booba had in his mouth.
In various episodes featuring Noodle, he can be observed relaxing either high up in a tree on a spider's web, as seen in the episode "Firefighter", or perched atop a refrigerator in a bowl of fruit while wearing a facial mask, as shown in the episode "Kitchen Adventures". On both occasions, Booba's antics quickly disrupted the peaceful moments.
Despite Noodle's small, limbless body, he has demonstrated the ability to move swiftly, jump, and send objects flying with a whack.
Booba – Noodle's first meeting with Booba occurred in the episode "Farm". They had a minor disagreement over an apple, which resulted in Noodle eating the remaining core from Booba's mouth. They often engage in these small conflicts. Despite this, Noodle and Booba do not seem to harbor any animosity towards each other. Similar to many of Booba's other friends, Noodle can get frustrated with Booba at times, such as when he destroyed his building block structure in "Detective" and disrupted his spa routine in "Kitchen Adventures".
Rachel Gardner – Nothing negative can be said about the bond between Noodle and Rachel. They first crossed paths when Rachel rescued him from Zack's jaws. Since then, Noodle has harbored feelings for Rachel and frequently competes with Mr. Beak to win her admiration. Rachel tends to feel a bit flustered by the caterpillar's efforts, sometimes becoming embarrassed when the spotlight is on her. Despite this, she holds a deep affection for him and they quickly form a close friendship.
Zack the Goblin – Zack enjoys munching on bugs, with nothing more delightful than a plump green caterpillar named Noodle. Many feel uneasy around Zack, and Noodle is no exception. He often finds himself ensnared within the jaws of the goblin who attempts to consume him. Nevertheless, Noodle swiftly extricates himself from Zack’s grasp unharmed. Despite these predatory encounters with Zack, Noodle has grown accustomed to his presence, occasionally joining forces with him, along with Roofie the Goblin and Rachel Gardner, to repel opposing threats.
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watatsumi-island · 4 years
So I did a thing...
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The shadow court F! Elf MCs! I use the three of them in different Playthroughs and I was bored so I decided to draw them as members of the Shadow Court. My main MC Elmira in the middle-front, then Aelene to the right and then Alvara to the back-left. I call them the Nightheart sisters! I hope you like it! 😁😁😁❤
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blightarts · 4 years
Blades of Order & Chaos
Chapter Title: 1 - Awakening
Previous Chapter: Prologue
Word Count: 4375
Disclaimer: All rights belong to Pixelberry. This is my version for the upcoming sequel of Blades of Light & Shadow. I am not claiming this to be the canon story of the book. This is only written to increase the hype for the actual sequel.
MC/Pairing: Kite (Blue Elf Male MC) / Kite x Nia
Taglist: @princessstellaris @mechaspirit @brightningstar @cal-north @mahariel-theirin @lxdy-starfury @tyrils-star @imturaxamara @kelseaaa
Everyone in the throne room stare in awe as the last surviving member of the Shadow Court, Sir Laundsellyn, reveals his true identity.
Sir Laundsellyn: Well, if you must know… My real name… is Lucius Nightbloom.
Kite grits his teeth, equipping the Bow of Gal’dariel in hand and drawing an arrow towards his supposed relative.
Kite: As if I’d believe such a superstition!
He lets the arrow loose as it rides the wind, making its way towards Laundsellyn’s head, but the shadow knight quickly parries it with the Blade of Light.
Sir Laundsellyn: You’re quick on your hands, I’ll give you that…
He smirks maniacally.
Sir Laundesllyn: …But not quick enough…
Laundsellyn brandishes the Blade and coats it with darkness, transforming it back into the Blade of Shadow, again leaving everyone appalled.
Mal: After all of Nia’s efforts of purify that thing…
Tyril: …Gone, in an instant…
Kite and his friends seethe in rage.
Imtura: Okay, that’s it!
Imtura charges forward, followed by Mal and Tyril. King Arlan’s guards do the same, but Laundsellyn remains unfazed. He sighs and snaps his fingers, letting his hovering swords loose. While Laundsellyn clash with Kite’s friends, his swords fly across the room and towards the guards. The swords easily pierce through their armor and their hearts, killing them instantly. As the dead soldiers collapse on the floor, the swords make their way towards King Arlan next.
Kite: Not on my watch!
Kite quickly stands in the way between the swords and the King while equipping the Blade of Sol and the Shield of Castiel. One by one, the elf parries and shatters the hovering blades, but unsuspectingly, one bolts past his face, leaving a wound on his cheek, and pierces through King Arlan’s heart.
King Arlan: Ack!!
Meanwhile, in the prisons of Whitetower, Aerin clutches his chest and crouches down, as it starts paining.
Aerin: What… is… this…?!
He turns to the barred window in his cell, showing the castle under attack, and wonders anxiously.
Aerin: Father…
Back in the throne room, as King Arlan collapses, Kite quickly runs to his aid.
Kite: NOOO!!!
Mal, Tyril and Imtura turn for a moment to witness what Laundsellyn had just done. They then face him with deadly glares.
Mal: You bastard!
Tyril: You’ll pay for that!
As the three recklessly attempt to land a strike on the shadow knight, who just yawns at them, Kite gets on his knees and tries his best to help the King.
Kite: Your Highness, it’s okay. You’ll live.
King Arlan coughs up blood and gives Kite a reassuring smile.
King Arlan: It’s… too late for me now, Kite…
He reaches for the elf’s hand and grips it tight while both men are in tears.
King Arlan: Save the Realm… Save every… one…
The light fades from the King’s eyes as Kite grits his teeth in pure rage. He closes Arlan’s eyes and gently lays him on the floor, before turning to Laundsellyn with a glare.
Kite: I’ve had enough…
Channeling an Orb of Light in his hand, the elf stands up and walks towards the shadow knight, who knocks back Mal, Tyril and Imtura with a blast of Shadow magic from the Blade of Shadow.
Kite: Laundsellyn!
Laundsellyn notices Kite approaching him and smirks.
Sir Laundsellyn: Oh, are you approaching me? Instead of running away, you are approaching me. Even though with your allies incapacitated and your strongest weapon now in my possession, you still muster the courage to face me, the most powerful Shadow being?
The Orb of Light in Kite’s hand glows brighter as he gets closer.
Kite: I cannot slay you without getting closer.
Laundsellyn chuckles.
Sir Laundsellyn: Oho! Such foolish bravery. Then come at me as close as you like.
He approaches Kite at the same pace. When the two are only a meter apart, Kite drives one of his open hands, surging with Light energy, towards Laundsellyn. However, the shadow knight dodges in time, gets behind Kite and hits him on the back with the hilt of the Blade of Shadow. The elf gets knocked down on the ground.
Sir Laundsellyn: Too slow! Even with the power of the Light on your side, if your speed cannot match mine, you have no chance against me. You would’ve been dead by now.
Kite persistently stands up and faces Laundsellyn once more.
Kite: Are you sure you want to give pointers to an opponent?
Laundsellyn shrugs.
Sir Laundsellyn: Weaklings bore me. I’d like to have a challenge, and seeing how you’re the strongest among your friends, I figured you’d at least entertain me. But you’re just as disappointing as them.
Having enough of the shadow knight’s insults, Kite channels another Orb of Light in his right hand and Cleansing Fire in his left hand.
Kite: You have no need the right to talk anymore.
He clasps his hands together, fusing the both magical spells together into a more powerful one, which surprises and almost blinds everyone else in the room.
Tyril: Amazing! Kite is performing Coalescence Magic.
Mal: What is that?
Threep: A rare concept of magical where two spells are fused together to create a stronger spell.
Imtura: That’s awesome!
Loola: What makes it rare is that it requires two or more mages with incredibly high magical affinity to perform such magic, but since Kite is able to perform it on his own makes him a very powerful magic caster.
Kade grins and raises his fist up high.
Kade: Go get ‘em, brother!
While Kite’s friends cheer him on, Laundsellyn smirks and claps.
Sir Laundsellyn: Yes, that’s it! You’re growing so quickly. Now…
Laundsellyn puts his left hand forward, channeling Shadow Magic on his palm.
Sir Laundsellyn: Let’s see how strong you really are.
Kite turns to his friends while continuing to channel his spell.
Kite: Get everyone else behind me!
Mal, Tyril and Imtura nod in agreement before splitting up. Mal helps Kade carry Nia, Tyril and Loola use their magic to transport the guards’ corpses, and Imtura lifts King Arlan’s corpse and taking him behind Kite. Cleared of casualties in front of him, Kite is ready to fire his spell.
Kite: It’s time!
Laundsellyn grins.
Sir Laundsellyn: Nothing holding you back now, eh? Well, if you are giving it your all, perhaps I should too.
The shadow knight opens his hand wider, channeling Light Magic along with his already channeling Shadow Magic, astonishing everyone.
Loola: How can that be?!
Tyril: Light and Shadow Magic should not be able to coalesce with each other, since they erase each other when channeled together!
Laundsellyn laughs at the comments made.
Sir Laundsellyn: Did you fools forget that I am the descendant of the one who can channel both Magics together?!
The Light and Shadow energies merge into a far stronger type of magic while Laundsellyn continues his explanation.
Sir Laundsellyn: When the Light and Shadows become one, they create the most powerful type of magic that has ever existed; Chaos Magic.
White and black sparks begins to surge across Laundsellyn’s arm as he is ready to release his spell.
Kite: Brace yourselves!
Both Kite and Laundsellyn unleash their magic.
Kite: Coalescence Magic: Blinding Brilliance – Radiant Inferno!
Sir Laundsellyn: Chaos Magic: Rejection Pulse!
Kite thrusts his hands forward, releasing a wave of bright, yellow flames towards Laundsellyn, who in turn, quickly clenches his fist, unleashing a shockwave, infused with both Light and Shadow Magic. Both spells clash furiously, while both casters maintain their stance to keep their spells intact. However, Kite is struggling to keep himself standing.
Kite: I can’t… hold it… much longer…!
Mal, Tyril and Imtura immediately rush into his aid by placing their hands on his shoulders and back.
Mal: We got you, kit!
Tyril: Keep fighting!
Imtura: Show that coward not to mess with us!
Kite turns to his friends.
Kite: Everyone…
The elf nods with a grin before turning back to Laundsellyn. Together, the four scream with determination while the shadow knight smiles.
Sir Laundsellyn: Ah, yes. The power of friendship… how admirable. However…!
Laundsellyn thrusts his spell-casting arm forward, adding more force into the push of his Chaotic Pulse, causing Kite’s flames to be driven back.
Sir Laundsellyn: It’s all for naught!
In a panic, Kite and his friends push further and yell their hearts out louder, but it is all a waste as Laundsellyn’s spell eventually reaches them, throwing everyone back. Kite lands and skids across the floor while Imtura crashes against the wall, before landing on the ground, unconscious. While Mal is thrown back, Tyril collides with him, rendering both unconscious as they collapse on the ground.
Kade: Guys!
Kite struggles to stand up but is unsuccessful. Laundsellyn shrugs and shakes his head.
Sir Laundsellyn: My goodness, that was really tiring. As much as I love a good challenge, I really don’t want to stay in a fight for too long, or else it would get very dull.
He then turns to Kade, holding an unsconscious Nia in his arms.
Sir Laundsellyn: Now, hand over that elegant priestess, if you please? She’s worth more than what the Dreadlord believes.
Kade grits his teeth and glares at Laundsellyn while Threep and Loola gets in between them.
Kade: You won’t get near Nia. Not again, you Shadow Court scum!
Threep: She has been through a lot. Leave her alone!
Loola: We won’t allow you to harm our dear Priestess anymore!
Laundsellyn sighs and swings the Blade of Shadow, letting out a strong force to ward off Threep and Loola. They land next to Mal, Tyril and Imtura.
Sir Laundsellyn: This is boring me. Will you just hand me the priestess? It will be easy for everyone.
Kade looks around and spots one of the guards’ swords. He grabs it and points it towards Laundsellyn.
Kade: S-Stay back…!
With a flick of a finger, Laundsellyn easily disarms Kade before kicking him on the face, causing a nosebleed and letting the bard’s grip on Nia go as he is thrown back by the sheer force of the kick. Kite despairs at the sight of his brother’s pain.
Laundsellyn marvels in his victory before crouching down beside Nia. He starts to reach for her but not before being struck by a fireball at his back. He turns to Kite, annoyed. The elf has his hand out, just finished casting Cleansing Fire at the shadow knight.
Sir Laundsellyn: You’re starting to get in my nerves, boy!
Laundsellyn hurls the Blade of Shadow and it pierces the ground, just right in front of Kite. The floor starts to crack then collapses, causing Kite to fall bellow.
Sir Laundsellyn: Tch! Good riddance.
With no further interruptions, Laundsellyn reaches for Nia once more, however…
…Nia’s eyes burst open, glowing brightly, as overwhelming amounts of Light energy surges through her, taking Laundsellyn by surprise as he steps back.
Sir Laundsellyn: This is…!
Nia raises herself from the ground, beginning to hover, before turning to Laundsellyn with rage in her Light-filled eyes. The shadow knight grins.
Sir Laundsellyn: Well, well, well… It’s been two thousand years… Priestess of the Light.
Laundsellyn takes a stance, ready to face Nia while she starts speaking and behaving like someone else entirely.
Nia: Lucius Nightbloom, you have done enough. Prepare to repent for your sins.
Laundsellyn pulls his swordarm back, preparing to stab Nia.
Sir Laundsellyn: Not planning too, milady. I’d rather slay you a second time.
More knights of Whitetower enter the throne room.
Knight 1: Halt!
They spot King Arlan, dead on the carpet.
Knight 2: The King is dead!
Knight 3: Slay the shadow dweller!
The knights begin to charge towards Laundsellyn but he was more focused on Nia as he dashes towards her, thrusting the Blade of Shadow forward, but the priestess evades the attack in the nick of time. Laundsellyn cannot stop his momentum as he continues to advance forward.
Nia: History shall not repeat itself this time, foolish deserter.
Nia blasts Laundsellyn with a large Orb of Light, propelling him outside the castle and into the sky. She then turns to the knights.
Nia: Tend to the wounded. I shall handle Laundsellyn myself.
The knights nod in confusion and do as they are told while Nia follows Laundsellyn outside.
Sir Laundsellyn: Ah! That hurt a lot!
Unfazed by the painful attack, Laundsellyn stops his trajectory by conjuring wings made with Shadow Magic and hovers in the air. Nia follows him and floats in front of him, putting her hand forward, ready to blast him once more.
Nia: Surrender and face punishment, Lucius. You have nothing else to do.
Laundsellyn chuckles and pretends to lay down, like he’s on a hammock.
Sir Laundsellyn: I would rather not. Besides, you are not my only goal here. What’s more important to me is reclaiming this.
He brandishes the Blade of Shadow as it hovers in front of him. Nia, realizing what the Blade can do, fires another Orb of Light towards Laundsellyn, who easily evades it this time.
Sir Laundsellyn: You cannot stop fate, Priestess, especially when it’s the return of the “Fateseeker”!
Laundsellyn channels Shadow energy in his hand.
Sir Laundsellyn: Shadow Magic: Relinquish!
He then snaps his fingers, fueled with Shadow magic, creating four duplicates of the Blade of Shadow.
Nia: I won’t let you!
Nia advances forward, trying to reach out to Laundsellyn with an Orb of Light being conjured in her hand.
Sir Laundsellyn: Too slow!
Laundsellyn uses the original Blade to block Nia’s attack while he hurls its duplicates in different directions.
Nia: NOO!!
The first duplicate Blade flies to the north, beyond Morella and towards the snowy mountains. The Blade lands on one of the peaks, breaking a seal, causing it to crumble and summoning a blue beam of light which pierces the sky. From the debris, a figure walks out, with the body of a human, the head of a hawk, and large feathered wings on his back. The figure takes a deep breath and spreads his wings, as if he’s waking from a very long nap.
Winged Figure: Millenia had passed… How are you faring after all this time, my love…?
The second Blade ventures to the  distant west, past Flotilla and toward the uninhabited volcanic island of Kel’Dhana, the former home of the orcs. The Blade plunges itself in the core of the volcano, breaking its seal, causing an eruption and summoning an orange beam of light which cleaves the sky. From the mouth of the volcano, an abnormally large orc clad in obsidian climbs out. Steam escapes his nose as he attempts to speak.
Obsidian Orc: It has been… too long… I crave for some destruction!
The third Blade glides to the far east, past the poison fields then towards the ruined and cursed city of Necropolis, home of the vhampyrs which is surrounded by a magical barrier. The Blade pierces through the barrier, shattering it, and opening the world to the city and its inhabitants. Each coffin inside the city bursts open, letting out the imprisoned monsters, and their leader, the Beast of Blood.
Beast of Blood: Hungrrryyyyyyy….
The fourth and final Blade flies to the south, in the barren wastelands of Zaradun. The Blade buries itself in the sand, searching for something underneath. Soon, it reaches the treasure room of an ancient dungeon and plunges itself in front of a decrepit machine. A seal breaks and a yellow beam of light drills through the ceiling and the sand before finally reaching the sky. The machine begins to move but then collapses, leaving some sort of golden cocoon in its debris. The cocoon then cracks open and from inside, unveiling a short woman inside with a sadistic smile.
Woman: My, my… after thousands of years… I’m finally free.
She fiendishly licks her index finger before spreading her arms wide. Golden webs begin to shoot out from the tips of her fingers, latching onto the walls of the dungeon.
Woman: I wonder what marvelous treasures the future has brought for me!
The women pulls the webs and the dungeon begins to collapse in on itself.
Back in Whitetower, Nia notices the four beams of light in all directions before turning to Laundsellyn.
Nia: What have you done?!
Laundsellyn pulls out a devilish grin before quickly floating upwards, avoiding Nia’s attack. The priestess glares at the shadow knight.
Sir Laundsellyn: Unleashed the Lieutenants of the Empire upon this realm!
Laundsellyn aims the Blade of Shadow towards Nia and hurls it at her, but she quickly evades it.
Nia: You cannot kill me again, Lucius!
Sir Laundsellyn: Who says I was aiming for you?
Realizing that the missed attack was intended, Nia turns to the Blade which is currently opening a portal to the Shadow Realm. Before she could act, Laundsellyn swiftly zooms past her, entering the portal and closing it immediately.
Nia: This cannot be…
Nia looks back at the beams of light in despair as they vanish.
Nia: The Empire… has returned…
The glowing light in her eyes start to flicker while the aura surrounding her begins to fade slowly.
Nia: This vessel’s companions… They are the key…
As Nia hovers towards the castle’s throne room, she speaks to herself through telepathy.
Nia: Nia Ellarious, your friends. Protect them. They are essential to the Empire’s defeat.
Once she reaches the room, she uses her Light magic to heal everyone who is still alive while lifting an unconscious Kite from the hole that Laundsellyn made. The knights, on the other hand, mourn the death of King Arlan and their fellow soldiers while they kneel by their corpses.
Nia: Protect Kite Nightbloom most of all. He carries the blood of the one who once defeated the ‘Fateseeker’.
Once Nia completely heals her friends, she gently lands on the ground and returns to her former self.
Nia: Huh? Where am I?
She turns to her friends groaning and coming back to their senses.
Nia: Everyone!
The priestess tends to each of her friends, making sure they are okay, especially Kite, but sees that the wounds they sustained during the battle against Laundsellyn were all gone.
Kade: Urgh… what happened…?
Mal: Did we win…?
Loola: I’m afraid not.
Tyril: My head hurts…
Imtura: My back hurts…
Threep: My stomach hurts… I’m famished…
Kite sits up and looks around for Laundsellyn.
Kite: Where’s that bastard?!
Nia gently and worriedly grabs Kite’s arms while she thinks back to what was said to her when she was not herself earlier.
Nia: Kite, it’s okay. He’s gone.
Kade: Like “dead” gone?
The priestess shakes her head in disagreement, disappointing the others and Kite most of all.
Kite: He stole the Blade of Light, and turned it back into that blasted Blade of Shadow.
Tyril: We have to reclaim it.
Nia: That is not our main concern now.
The group turns to Nia.
Mal: What do you mean, priestess?
Nia: I don’t know what happened but… when I was facing Laundsellyn…
The whole group was surprised that Nia had to face off against the shadow knight alone.
Imtura: Wait, you fought him while we were out cold?!
Mal: And you even sent him packing. Nice work, Nia!
Nia’s friends praise her for fending off Laundsellyn, however, she looks down, more concerned with what he has done.
Nia: That’s not important right now…
Kite notices uneasiness in his beloved’s eyes to which he responds by wrapping his arms around her.
Kite: What did he do, Nia?
Nia gulps and looks into Kite’s eyes.
Nia: He has unleashed the Lieutenants of the Empire…
Silence fills the room as Threep and Loola’s furs stand and shivers run down their spines.
Kade: Who are the Lieutenants?
Loola hovers on top of Kade and sits on his head.
Loola: The Lieutenants are considered to be the strongest soldiers of the Empire of Ash and the most trusted associates of the “Fateseeker”. After the Empire’s fall, they were sealed away, frozen in suspended animation.
Threep sits on Nia’s shoulder and helps Kite in comforting her while explaining who the Lieutenants are.
Threep: They are a total of four Lieutenants, but with Laundsellyn serving the Empire, you could say that he is now the fifth Lieutenant.
Everyone tries to process everything that just happened to them ever since the night before.
Tyril: This is just…
Imtura: …a lot to bear…?
Tyril nods at what Imtura said. Everyone turns to Kite.
Mal: What do you think we should do, kit?
Kite gulps, struggling to think of a plan, before looking at Threep.
Kite: Where were the Lieutenants sealed away?
The nesper shakes his head.
Threep: I am not certain, but they were imprisoned outside the borders of Morella; one in the north, somewhere in the mountains; another is in the east, in the cursed city of Necropolis…
Tyril is surprised at the mention of Necropolis.
Tyril: The home of the vhampyrs?
Threep: Yes.
The elf thinks back to his dream about his ancestor, Farin Starfury, facing off against her supposed brother and leader of the vhampyrs, the Beast of Blood. Threep continues to tell the group where the other Lieutenants were sealed away.
Threep: As I was saying, the third is located south of Morella, somewhere in the Zaradun Wastelands. This Lieutenant was sealed by the dwarves in an ancient dungeon but it costed them their lives, which ended with the dungeon being buried in the sands.
Mal freezes at the mention of an ancient dungeon underneath the Zaradun Wastelands. He speculates and worries if that was the same dungeon he explored prior to his retirement a few years ago. Threep goes on.
Threep: And lastly, the fourth is sealed deep within the volcanic island of K’ell Dhana, the former home of the orcs. Whoever was sealed there was believed to be the cause of the island’s destruction, prompting the orcs to relocate to where Flotilla is now.
Imtura recalls her nightmarish vision, regarding Flotilla’s destruction, and starts to wonder whether its linked to whoever was sealed in K’ell Dhana. Kite notices the disturbed expressions of some of his friends.
Kite: You guys okay? You’ve been having the same anxious faces since this morning.
Mal, Tyril and Imtura look at each other, understanding that each of them had seen something horrifying the previous night. They all turn to Kite and the rest of their friends.
Mal: Well, you see, kit…
Imtura: You weren’t the only one who had a weird dream about something related to the Empire of Ash.
Tyril: I believe that what Mal and Imtura are saying… The three of us must’ve dreamt or seen something related to each of the Lieutenants.
Kite is about to ask them about what happened but the acting leader of the knights approach the group.
Knight Leader: Brave heroes, the King is gone and the citizens are panicking because of the appearance of the shadow dweller and the beams of light that occurred in the horizons. We must act quickly. What do you suppose we should do?
The group turns to Kite.
Kite: What?
Kade: We trust your intuition, Kite. What should we do?
Kite shakes his head.
Kite: No, no, no. I may be the best among us, but I’m not a leader.
Nia: Well, we trust you in these situations because you’re the bravest among us as well.
Mal: Yeah, you were still the only one to keep pissing off Laundry Boy when he was about to abduct Nia and the one to receive the “drop you down the floor” treatment.
Tyril nudges Mal for ruining the moment.
Kade: Point is that we’ll follow you to the bitter end.
Imtura: Aye!
Kite looks at his friends and nods at them with determination.
Kite: Alright, I’ll think of something.
He turns to Threep and Loola.
Kite: Which do you guys think is the closest Lieutenant to Morella?
Loola: We believe it is the one sealed in K’ell Dhana.
Kite then turns to Imtura.
Kite: Imtura, get a ship ready. We sail as soon as possible.
Imtura: Spoken like a true captain, landrat!
Kite grins as Imtura points to one of the knights.
Imtura: You!
Knight 3: Eek! Y-Yes, ma’am?
Imtura: Take me to your harbor!
Knight 3: U-U-Understood!
The knight frantically runs and leads the orc towards the Whitetower Harbor. Meanwhile, Kite turns to the knight leader.
Kite: Keep the citizens safe in one location. If we do not return in a day, evacuate the whole city. As of now, we are dealing with a threat far worse than the Shadow Court.
The knight salutes in understanding.
Knight Leader: Understood.
He signals his underlings to move out as they carry King Arlan and their comrades’ corpses. Kite and his friends hurry to the port. Nia smiles at him.
Nia: That was amazing, Kite.
Kite: Thank you, Nia.
The group reaches the harbor with Imtura and the knight readying one of the ships. She spots her friends.
Imtura: Ah, just in time!
The knight gets off the boat while the group gets on it.
Knight 3: Fortune favor you, brave heroes. May the Light be with you.
Kite nods at the knight as he and his friends set sail towards Flotilla.
Imtura: Next stop, Flotilla!
The group stares into the vast ocean, bracing themselves for what’s about to come.
Meanwhile in the prisons of Whitetower, Aerin sits clumsily in his cell, still clutching his heart while screams of panicking citizens flood his ears.
Aerin: What… What is happening? Why is my chest still paining?!
He jumps in surprise when a portal to the Shadow Realm opens on front of him. Laundsellyn steps out of it.
Sir Laundsellyn: Ah, there you are.
Aerin recognizes the shadow knight and glares at him.
Aerin: You!
Sir Laundsellyn: …Was it something I did?
Laundsellyn shakes his head.
Sir Laundsellyn: Doesn’t matter.
Aerin clenches his fist and attempts to land a punch.
Aerin: Stay back, heathen!
But Laundsellyn catches his fist and knocks him unconscious with the hilt of the Blade of Shadow.
Sir Laundsellyn: We have much to discuss, Prince Aerin. I hope you are willing to listen.
The shadow knight drags the prince towards the portal, entering the Shadow Realm, before it closes.
––––– END OF CHAPTER –––––
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six-of-woes · 4 years
The Clown and the Potato Sack (Aerin Valleros x MC)
Chapter 1/? : ...What Now?
Paring: Aerin Valleros x MC
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/24533863
Word count: 2381
Summary: Now with the Dreadlord defeated and her friends out of Whitetower, Cassia Nightbloom, is bored. Extremely bored. She wants to do literally anything, but she doesn't know what. Her solution? Try to get some answers from a certain corrupt prince. Unfortunately, that leads to a wacky yet angsty adventure involving a potato sack, a wooden spoon, and A LOT of clowning around.At least she's doing something...right?
Authors Note: Hi so this is my first time posting fic on Tumblr so if I’m doing something wrong feel free to tell me just be nice about it because my ego is fragile Anyway! I hope you guys like it, I thought we clowns could use some content until book 2 comes out. Idk if i’ll ever continue this, i meant for it to be a one-shot but I couldn’t really get my whole plan into one chapter. So. Hopefully there’s more. No promises tho lol
@what-do-you-mean-theyre-evil @theclowneryqueen @findmeafterlife @0oi-io0 @thatgirlbuhle @mirabelle-choices @souhmhey @king-erzsebet @vlastomilsworm @diamonds-and-decorum @xsweetnspookyx
Cassia watched from the castle balcony as a raggedy caravan rolled out of Whitetower. They’re really gone now, she thought, turning her back on the city. There was a new kind of…emptiness inside her now that Mal, Nia, Tyril, and Imtura were all gone. Maybe they’d only known each other a few months, but to someone who barely had any family to call their own—it struck a certain chord with Cassia to see them go.
She sighed and noted the setting sun—her reminder that she should probably get to dinner. Not that Cassia wanted to spend yet another dinner answering the pointless questions of all those stuffy nobles, but she felt obliged to as Morella’s hero—at least until she figured out where she was going to go from here.
As Cassia walked through the towering corridors, she thought some more about where she wanted to go. Kade wanted to go back to Riverbend(but only after he’d exhausted the library), not in any particular mood to experience any more danger than he already had. Of course, Cassia couldn’t blame him. If she’d spent months in a realm of pure darkness being tortured, she would want at least a break as well.
But that was the thing: she hadn’t been in the Shadow Realm and she wasn’t like Kade. Cassia always thirsted for adventure and as much as she loved Riverbend, she spent twenty out of the almost twenty-one years of her life there. There was so much more out there and if her nightmare had any shred of truth, Cassia knew she had to be there.
But where? She’d already decided against going with any of the others when they left—Cassia’s injuries would make intense sailing with Imtura or any of what Mal had planned painful and difficult, and she wanted to give Nia the room to figure things out on her own. The idea that seemed most plausible for her was going undercount with Tyril. It would’ve been a prime opportunity to learn more about where she came from, after all. Yet…she still felt awkward going there—Cassia knew almost nothing of the elven societal cues and would feel a little useless when trying to help out Tyril with her duties.
She shook her head as she reached the doors of the dining hall. “Never mind all that.” She muttered. “I made my decision.”
“Finally!” Called a voice. “You had me thinking you were going to bail!”
Cassia looked up to see Kade, sitting on one of the corridor benches. He held a new book in his hand, different from the one Cassia had seen him reading at breakfast.
“Sorry,” she muttered, leaning against the closed doors. “Just wanted to make sure the others made it out of town safely.” She swallowed the knot in her throat and nodded toward the dining hall. “Let’s just get to dinner.”
Kade raised an eyebrow, but nonetheless followed Cassia into the hall.
When they entered, Cassia was surprised to see only King Arlan, Threep, and Loola sitting at the table. None of them looked particularly cheerful—not even Threep, who just stared at his dinner plate with a somber expression.
“Your majesty,” Cassia breathed, dipping into a curtsy. “It’s a pleasure to be in your—“
“Oh hush, Cassia,” Arlan said, shaking his head. “There’s no one else here and you’ve more than cemented yourself as a friend of the crown.”
Cassia coughed and straightened up. “Right…Is there any particular reason for the ah—grim mood and significant lack of nobles?”
Arlan cleared his throat and eyed the nespers. “Well…there’s news.”
Cassia felt her heart catch in her throat. News? It can’t have anything to do with what that hooded being said in my dream, could it? No, of course not. It was just a nightmare…right?
“Is something wrong?” Kade piped, eyebrows already creasing with worry.
The king shared a look with Threep and Loola, who looked back at Kade and Cassia.
“Aerin’s awake now,” Threep said, stretching his wings. “I saw him myself in the dungeons—he’s still very much corrupted, but—“
“He’s quiet,” Loola spoke. “All he’s done is hug his knees and stare at the wall.”
Kade scoffed. “Sounds to me like he’s scheming. Want me to punch him again?”
Cassia elbowed her brother (lightly) in the side. “I’m sure it’s fine. Even if he was scheming, there’s really nothing he can do. His cell is surrounded by guards 24/7, there’s a magical barrier around it, and besides, if for some reason he gets out—“ she gestured to the three weapons of legend she had strapped to her body. “I’ll have it handed.”
“Sure,” Kade said, rolling his eyes as he took a seat at the table. He went to drink from his goblet, but a playful smirk graced his lips. “You’re just saying that because you kissed him.”
Cassia grumbled as she took a seat next to Kade at the table. “We don’t have to keep bringing that up,” she whispered through gritted teeth. “That was like, a month ago—before he was you know—evil.”
“Whatever you say,” Kade taunted, still smirking as he took a sip from his goblet.
The rest of dinner was relatively low-key. Cassia filled Arlan in on what the others were going to do now that they were gone and Kade entertained them all with wild stories from the deep corners of his mind.
Once dinner was over, however, and Kade, Loola, and Threep all returned to their previous business, leaving Cassia to do as she pleased. Problem was, Cassia didn’t really have anything to do.
She found herself standing in the middle of the corridor for what was longer than considered usual—even for Cassia.
“Dammit!” She cried, hours later. “I’m bored as all hells!” In a fit of rage, Cassia kicked the solid gold leg of a nearby bench. Solid. Gold. Promptly after kicking it, Cassia let out a pained yelp and brought her foot up to her arms.
After a few more seconds of hopping on one foot and whisper-shouting an array of curses, Cassia collapsed onto the bench and buried her face in her hands.
“Gods…” she groaned. “I really need to get out of here and do something more dangerous than stubbing my toe.”
But, what was there to do? The most dangerous place Cassia could think of was the Nooks and Crannies—but the real danger was really the guards and Cassia wasn’t interested in picking fights with them right now. She and Mal had already informed Arlan of the corruption, there was no need to escalate a situation that was already under control.
She thought back to visiting them with Mal…and how they got out of their scuffle with the guards.
Unconsciously, Cassia ran her fingers over the ring Aerin had given her. She still hadn’t taken it off, even after the betrayal. It was a reminder of their night at the lake.
She let out another groan. There were so many things about that night that didn’t make sense. Why would he save the unicorn? Sure, it could’ve been to defy Baldur, but…the character he’d been playing didn’t seem like the kind to do that kind of thing. And besides—it was a living thing. Cassia kinda figured the shadow realm had a thing against them—as long as they weren’t a part of their little posse. So why? Why would he do it?
And as a matter of fact, why did he actually not not want to be with her when she “pretend” (as she liked to tell herself) flirting with him during the final battle? That was weird. For someone with such a cold and hardened heart he certainly seemed pretty open to still having her be with him. Were her seduction skills really that good?
Well, to be fair, she did seduce a giant bug. So maybe they were.
So many questions and no way to get answers. Unless…?
He’s awake. Cassia thought. You could go down there…I’m sure the guards would let us—a hero of the realm—go see him. Maybe you could get some answers. Only answers though. You don’t like him anymore, remember? He kinda tried to kill you and all your friends. Also tried to take of the world. So only answers. Nothing else.
She thought about it for a few minutes. No one other than the guards would have to know, right? Not Threep, not Loola, not Arlan or Kade…and especially not Mal. The snitch.
“Godsdammit,” Cassia groaned, looking up at the ceiling. “I can’t believe I’m this bored.”
And with that, she got up and headed toward the dungeons, against her better judgement, yes, but even if she didn’t want to admit it…
…Cassia was a horny bitch.
Aerin had been put at the lowest level of the dungeons, about four stories below ground. Why the castle need that many floors was beyond Cassia, but nonetheless, she continued her journey down. Down. Down. Down.
Aaaannnnd it turns out walking down stairs for what feels like an eternity is just as boring as standing in the middle of the corridor. Only difference is the corridor is WARM!
“Do you hear that?” Echoed a guard’s voice.
Cassia stopped in her tracks.
“Yeah. Sounds like footsteps. Probably Woodworth and Highmourn coming to relieve us early. Let’s just get going early, tonight’s my anniversary and I don’t want to have to make it up to the ol’ husband again.”
“What about the prince? Weren’t we given strict orders to not leave him alone?”
“Ack, who cares? I mean, look at him—what’s he gonna do, cry about it?”
There was a bout of hearty laughter followed by the clanking of armor. Thinking fast and remembering Mal’s trick, Cassia dodged out of the guards sight and held her breath until they passed. Once she was sure they were long gone, she sprinted the rest of the way down the stairs until she reached Aerin’s cell.
At first glance, it looked like any other cell—dark, damp, and decrepit. But when Cassia got closer, she could see the gold haze of the magical barrier keeping him in. Well, if nothing else, he should at least have a hard time getting out of that. Cassia thought, slowing down to a tip toe the closer she got.
Finally, she reached Aerin’s cell. Unsure if whether or not he was aware of her presence, Cassia just stared. He looked so small. Of course, before all of this, Cassia still had maybe a few inches on him, but then, he wasn’t absolutely helpless. He wasn’t wearing the brilliant red and gold suit he wore the whole time they knew each other, instead wearing a brown tunic and pants that looked more like poorly-stitched together potato sacks than actual clothes. Even in the dark, Cassia’s elven vision could see that he was still grey. Many of the dark veins had gone, but he was still very much corrupted by the shadow.
What do I even say to him? She thought, slipping the Gauntlet of Pain on and off her wrist. Obviously, I’m just here to get questions, so like, just ask him a question. Duh. Easy. Don’t make it awkward. It’s not like you kissed him or anything—oh wait.
“Ahem—“ Cassia started.
“—I already said, I don’t want any food, Highmourn. Now please, if both of you could shut up while I brood I would much appreciate it!”
Cassia coughed. “Sounds like somebody didn’t get their beauty sleep.”
Aerin gasped and whipped around, scowl deepening when he saw Cassia standing over him.
“What are you doing here?!” He spat, rising to his full height(which unfortunately for him, didn’t really look intimidating to Castalia). “Are you here to rub it in? To gloat? Where are all your friends? Am I just not worth their time?”
Cassia sighed and rolled her eyes.
“Calm down, Aerin. I’m not here to antagonize you—you’ve already done that enough—“
“—You just antagonized me! You lie!”
Cassia raised an eyebrow. “…And you’re a drama queen. I’m just here to ask you a few questions and I’ll be out of your hair.”
Aerin scoffed and turned his back to her. “What reason could I possibly have to answer to you? You won, Cassia. You got everything you wanted and I have nothing. Why do I have to give you anymore?”
A few seconds of silence passed. Cassia tried to deny how much that stung, but the tears that started to well up in her eyes proved otherwise.
“Fine,” she snapped, voice wavering. “I’ll only ask you one thing. Then I’ll leave you alone for the rest of your miserable life. Is that enough for you?”
Aerin’s shoulders hunched. “Only if it’ll get you to leave.”
“Alright.” Cassia’s hands balled into fists. “What happened?”
Her words echoed through the dungeon. Seconds passed where the only movement was that of the salty, salty tears rolled down Cassia’s cheeks.
Eventually, Aerin’s shoulders relaxed. “Why do you want to know?”
“Because you were my friend, Aerin. And I want to know why you could so easily go from someone sweet, kind, and compassionate to literally trying to take over the world.”
“Easy,” he spat. “I’ve been corrupted by the shadow court and had a damn good way of hiding it. Can you go now?”
Cassia sighed. “But that night at the lake…you saved that unicorn. If you had such a hatred for human life, why would you save it?”
“That’s more than one question.”
Gods, is this who he really is? Incredibly difficult?
“Fine,” she sighed. “I’ll leave. Have a nice life.”
Cassia wiped her face and turned to leave. Of course she wasn’t gonna get the answers she so desperately wanted. They were right there. What was the point of coming down there anyway?
She stopped.
“I’ll tell you what happened, Cassia. But…it’s a long story.”
Cassia turned back around and saw Aerin, grasping the bars of his cell with the same vulnerable, hurt, look she remembered from the Deadwood.
She walked back over and took a seat on the ground.
“I have time.”
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storyofmychoices · 4 years
Plan B: Once a thief...
[Mal Volari x Daenarya Masterlist] [Mal’s Orphanage Series]
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Characters: Mal Volari, Daenarya (F!MC, human), Rayden (OC), Lydo (OC), Vayne (OC); Threep, Loola
Warnings: brief allusion to child endangerment; some violence (adult/adult)
Setting: Mal tried to rescue Lydo through negotiation; Vayne, the leader of the Thieves Guild said no. This is Plan B.
This follows Welcome Home
(This is the fifth part of Rayden & Lydo’s story.)
Synopsis: After failing to rescue Lydo, Mal regroups and comes up with a new plan. With the help of Daenarya, Threep, and Loola, can he succeed?
☆  ☆  ☆  ☆   ☆   ☆   
“Wait!” Threep scoffed, holding his paw over his chest, feigning offense. “You invited me as… a distraction… As if I were bait?”
Mal pretended to consider it a moment longer, his fingers stroking his beard. “Yup! You’re really only here because we need your girlfriend.”
“She’s not my girlfriend.” Threep puffed out his chest. “And, I’ll have you know I—”
Mal cut him off. “Your girlfriend has ice magic, Daenarya has light magic, and I’m a legendary outlaw and hero who knows that complex better than anyone else. Remind me again what you do beside deliver mail.” He chuckled to himself, “drink milk?”
“Why you!” Threep hissed, the fur on his back standing up, his claws extending, ready to pounce. 
“KITTY!” Rayden popped in the room, rushing toward the nesper. 
Threep tried to move away from the child, but Rayden scooped him up, pulling him closer. “Hey, watch it!”
The light glistened off of Rayden’s widened eyes as his mouth fell open. “You can talk?”
“Of course! I’m a nesper, an ancient being of noble ancestry that should be worshiped and—oh, that feels quite nice. Oh!” 
Rayden scratched between Threep’s ears as the nesper’s eyes closed stretching into the child’s warm embrace. “Cute magic kitty!”
“I am quite adorable!” Threep nestled further against Rayden enjoying his pets, blocking out the Rogue’s deep guffaw.
“Can we keep him?” The boy turned to Daenarya hugging Threep snuggly. 
She knelt beside him. “He’s not a pet, sweetheart. He is a special creature who deserves to be free.”
Rayden’s lip quivered slightly as he looked down at his new friend. “But I love him.” 
“I know.” She caressed his cheek. “I’m sure Threep will come to visit some times, won’t you?”
The nesper purred contentedly, “It would be my honor.” 
“Oh, great! You mean we have to see more of the mangy cat?” Mal scoffed. 
Daenarya shot him a look, before turning her attention back to the child. “Rayden, we need Threep to go rescue your brother. So, I’m going to need you to put him down.”
“Aww,” the boy and the nesper whined almost simultaneously. 
“Oh, Threep. Have a little respect for yourself,” Loola rubbed her paw over her eyes. 
“Let him stay,” Mal shrugged. “We can do without him. Besides, babysitting sounds far more his speed.”
“Threep, what do you want to do?” Daenarya questioned.
“I’ll go where I’m appreciated. Since that is not with you lot, I’ll stay with the boy!” Threep shifted under Rayden’s touch. “A little to the left. Right there. Ahhh.”  
“Be careful! And, don’t let him leave the house,” Daenarya instructed.
“I think we will manage just fine,” Threep purred, looking up to Rayden. “Got any cream cakes?”
“Loads!” Rayden nodded, carrying his new favorite friend off to the kitchen.
☆  ☆  ☆  ☆   ☆   ☆   
The dim light they carried flickered against the rough, stone walls of the underground tunnel. The path turned and curled deeper into darkness, the cold of the earth prickling at their skin. Daenarya shuddered, her heart beating faster with each step they took. It wasn’t as though this was their first adventure, but they had been so focused on fixing up the orphanage, that adventuring sort of fell away. Her stomach tightened, hoping this plan would be enough, she couldn’t bear the thought of going home without Lydo, Rayden would never understand. He had already set aside some of his things for his brother. A smile crept across her face, hidden by the shadows. She hadn’t known Rayden long, but she loved him dearly. 
“Okay, this is it.” Mal held up his hand.
Loola fluttered softly landing on his shoulder. 
“Remember the plan. You find Lydo and bring him back here. Loola and I will buy you as much time as we can. You got this, Kit,” he reassured her, before turning out their only source of light. “Meet back here in 10 minutes!”
“Mal?” Daenarya questioned, stopping him for a moment. Despite the darkness, her lips found his softly, her fingers tangling in the hair at the base of his neck. “Please, be careful.”
“Always,” he brushed a kiss on her forehead before turning away. The old latch on the door creaked and clanked, the noise echoing through the abandoned tunnel behind them. “Good luck!” 
The door opened into a small room, stuffed with what could only be described as junk. They had to shove it, pushing away a pile of broken furniture, to even make enough space for them to slip in.
As they reached the next door, Mal motioned Daenarya to the left, as he and Loola turned right. 
Daenarya took calculated steps, careful as she turned corners, staying close to the wall in the unfamiliar space. She had memorized the directions Mal had given her, now she just had to hope the kids still stayed in the same room they did ten years ago.
“Vayne! I know you’re here.” Mal called, as he made his way through the building. He opened any door he passed by giving him multiple escape routes for his retreat, or at least, letting them think he could be in any one of them. It would buy him a little time. There was actually only one room he needed to make a quick detour to.
His voice grew louder and more urgent. “VAYNE! Come out and fight, old man.”
Loola fluttered safely above the Rogue, near the high ceilings, keeping watch and ready for his signal.  
The heavy footsteps of guards from all over the compound headed in their direction, exactly where he wanted them. 
“Come and get me.” Mal challenged, his fingers already flirting with the hilt of his daggers, ready for whatever awaited him. 
Daenarya drew in a sharp breath ducking into an alcove as a guard rushed by. She counted to three, steadying herself. She was starting to wish she hadn’t agreed to let Threep stay behind. She wasn’t used to not having back up. 
Swiftly, she swept through the long corridor peering in each open room, to make sure it was safe before proceeding. She found the place she was looking for near the end. 
The large room revealed more than a dozen children sitting or lying around the room on scattered piles of dingy blankets and pillows. All of the children darkened with dirt, faces worn and tired, desperately needing more than they were getting. They quickly averted their gaze from the stranger, moving closer together for safety.
“Lydo. Lydo?”
A boy with the same shaggy dark hair as his brother caught her attention. From Rayden’s description, she expected the boy to be closer to twelve or thirteen, this child was less than ten, possibly only a year or two older than his brother. She knelt beside him. “Are you Lydo?”
He quivered, shifting away from her. “Yes.”
She held out her hand to him. “I’m here to get you out of here.” 
“I can’t,” he cried, his eyes welling up in fear. “They have my brother. They said if I left, they’d kill him.”
“Rayden? He’s safe. Come with me and I’ll take you to him.”
“They said you’d say that. They said they’d kill him,” he whimpered. “He’s all I have. I won’t let them hurt him.” 
Daenarya could easily grab the child and carry him out, but that would risk causing a scene. Her fingers tapped nervously at her side as she thought of a way to convince Lydo of the truth. “When it rains and there’s thunder, you sing a song to make it less scary for Rayden.”
“How do you know that?”
“He told me.” Daenarya held out her hand again. “I promise, if you come with me right now, I will take you to him.”
“Is he okay?” His face lightened, as he breathed fully probably for the first time since being taken all those weeks ago.
“Yeah.” She took his hand. “He just misses his brother.” 
“What about the rest of them?” Lydo questioned, his gaze shifting to the other children, who still turned away from them, knowing the punishment for trying to escape. 
A tear fell from her eye, knowing that the hard choice was the right choice. For now, they were safer there. It wasn’t a good life, but Mal had always said it was better than living and dying alone on the streets. “We’ll come back for them. I promise. We don’t have enough time or resources right now.”
She took his hand and guided him through the compound heading back to their meeting spot.
“Now then.” Mal quirked an eye and twirled his daggers, eyes trained on the two guards closest to him. 
With a flick of his wrist, the smaller one sailed through the air behind him, landing with a thwack in the guard’s leg, causing him to fall on the spot. He lashed out quickly in front of him, the larger dagger clutched tightly in his fist, pierced the guard’s side between his armor; Mal immediately kicked his weapon away. As more guards headed his way, he let a few further blades shoot through the air, each one easily finding its target.
“LISTEN TO ME!” He whistled loudly to get their attention. “You and I are no different. I was where you are once. I served Vayne every day as you do. And what do you get for it? Huh? Nothing. He promises you a better life, but he takes everything you have. Look around. Is this what you want? I am proof that you can leave this place. There is a world out there waiting for you. Why serve a self-appointed king. Take a stand today, and be a pawn no longer. What do you say?”
The men looked at each other, their weapons holding steady toward him, but none advancing.
A slow clap echoed behind the guards as Vayne moved closer. “Nice try, Volari, these men will not accept your lies. Unlike you, they have loyalties. Now, I believe I made you a promise?”
“A promise to return the gold you took the other day?” He countered, reaching behind him to grab a bag of coins from his belt. “Because, I already helped myself to your treasury. You really think you’d change the location after the last time.” 
“I’ve been waiting a long time for this.” The old man sneered. “Kill him.” 
“Wait! Just one moment.” Mal held up his finger. “It looks like this bag of gold does not belong to me. I guess you’ll be wanting it back. He threw the bag into the air above the guards’ heads, gold coins showering around them. Each thinking the same thing. “NOW!”
As the guards clamored around the fallen coins, Loola’s eyes brightened, flashing white as the floor beneath the guards turned to ice.
“He’s getting away!” Vanye yelled. “After him.” 
As Mal and Loola made their escape, they heard the cacophony of armor clashing against armor as the men slipped and fell over the ice. Loola left a few other patches of ice along the way, just in case any guards happened to make it off her skating rink. 
“I can’t believe you got rid of the gold,” Loola marveled.
“As if I only took one bag,” Mal smirked. 
☆  ☆  ☆  ☆   ☆   ☆   
Lydo barely got in the door before Rayden ran, jumping into his brother’s arms, almost knocking the frail boy over. 
“I thought I’d never see you again,” Rayden cried. His little arms wrapped tightly around his brother, refusing to let him go. “I was so scared.” 
Lydo held his brother equally as close, his eyes swelling with tears. “I’m sorry, Rayden. I shouldn’t have left you. I’m so sorry.” 
“Don’t ever leave me again,” Rayden sniffled into his brother’s shirt. “Please don’t leave me.”
“I won’t,” Lydo breathed, burying his head in his brother’s hair. “I love you, Rayden. I’m so sorry.”
“I love you, too, Lydo!” Rayden smiled, happier than they had ever seen him.
Mal wrapped his arm around Daenarya as she held back tears of her own. She knew better than most the love of having a brother, and what being separated from them feels like. Luckily for both of them, they were reunited with their brothers.
☆  ☆  ☆  ☆   ☆   ☆  
Perma tags: @lilyoffandoms​​​​​ ; @raleighcarrera​​​​​ ; @mfackenthal​​​​​ ; @the-soot-sprite​​​​​ ; @virtuallytakenby​​​​​​ ; @zeniamiii​​​​​ ; @kaavyaethanramsey​​​​​; @choicesobsessed; @xjustin-ethansgirliex​​​​​ ; @caseyvalentineramsey​​​​​; @trappedinfandoms​​​​​; @anotherbeingsworld​​​​​ ;  @tyrils-star​​​​​​
Blades Tags: @princess-geek​​​ ; @brightpinkpeppercorn​​​ ; @missameliep​​​ ; @mvalentine​​​​; @walkerswhiskeygirl​​​ ; @nyastarlight​​
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loola-a · 3 months
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duke ravengard and his daughter
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choicesenthusiast · 4 years
Blades of Light and Shadow, Ch. 15 AKA I AM NOT OKAY
What happened this week:
After obtaining a sick set of armour from Your Majesty Bad Father, you and the party mentally prepare yourselves to enter the Shadow Realm, save Nia, and defeat the Dreadlord. One hell of a checklist. I’ve had a few weeks to mentally prepare myself  and I’m still not ready.
The Shadow Realm is a realm of shadow, who knew? As if that were not enough, the portal drops you right on an active volcano.
And if that wasn’t enough, the first thing that happens is you get attacked by a lizard-snake-scorpion-beast-thing. Worry not though, because you can totally flirt with it. Oh, if only that could happen in real life.
At least the Shadow Realm’s got a sick fortress, with sick booby traps. The only problem is we have to get through all of that. But hey, they got pretty good interior decoration.
Threep 2: The Sequel happens, because Threep sniffs out a long lost lady nesper. If you didn’t save it, then I bet you’ll be missing out on some great power dynamic in the future. I can’t believe I got emotionally attached to cat-bats.
Baron Vostrasz suddenly appears and with the power of friendship (and swinging weaponry), you’re able to defeat him. The power of friendship is really handy when it comes to the Shadow Court. First Xenia now Vostrasz.
KADE IS ALIVE. I REPEAT, KADE IS ALIVE. They beat him up real bad. Immediately the party decides to adopt him as their little brother too and I just...I die sometimes, okay?
That really motivational emotional moment where your LI declares their love and no regrets for coming on this adventure with you. Would you look at that. I died again.
DARK NIAAAAAA. DARK. NIA. Fellas when we predicted this I didn’t think it would actually happen but damn I’m happy it did. You’re doing amazing, sweetie. I love it. Everyone go home, this is the only thing I’m talking about forever.
This is hands down the best chapter that PB’s produced since… probably ever. The ES finale is a close second, but this definitely takes the cake. The skills game mechanics, phenomenal art, music, and 10/10 emotional moments (not to mention one hell of a plot) make it number one. Please try to convince me otherwise.
You know you have good writers when the vocabulary is *chef’s kiss*. We got “immense”, “spire”, “rivulets”, and “facade” all in one paragraph. I’ll take this over “sticky white liquid” any day, PB.
Can we take a moment and appreciate Threep Percivacurus Pompedorfin and Loola Coriandropolis Dupopodolis please and thank you. In case it wasn’t clear based on these names alone I would die for them.
One more round of applause for the Blades team because once again they deliver. Especially the art. So many artists have already created their own renditions of Dark!Nia and yet…? This happens. I’m genuinely baffled.
I…I’m still processing what happened. After weeks of lackluster writing taking in all of this at once is overriding all the coherent thoughts I had in my head before. Now I feel like a sputtering kettle.
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mechaspirit · 4 years
Chillin’ with a Random Question (Modern BOLAS/Blades AU)
Author’s note: So here’s a funny thing. I was DMing with @princessstellaris​ about some head canons and ideas for Modern!Blades and it turned into a conversation to which character would more likely or least likely to see this particular movie/tv show. Which also lead me to write this fic. 😆
Originally, this part was meant to be part of the Truth or Dare fic I have in mind, but I decided to make it separate fic because it ended up being too long. Don’t worry, you can expect the Truth or Dare one to come up after this. Think of this one as a prequel. 😂
Thank you @lxdy-starfury​​ for starting this Modern!Blades AU movement, and thank you, V ( @princessstellaris​) for this great idea. Hope you guys will enjoy this. Here’s my first ever Modern BOLAS/Blades AU fic. 🤣❤️
Pairings: TyrilxMC
Disclaimers: I do not own any of the characters from Blades of Light and Shadow. Also, this fic isn’t meant to offend any Marvel fans out there, but I’m sorry if I did. That was never my intention. I actually love some of their movies and tv shows. 😅
Also tagging, @scgdoeswhat, @princessstellaris, @blightarts, @itsagoodluckkiss, @sophie-summer, @xo-endlessmayhem-xo, @endlessly-searching-for-you, @brightpinkpeppercorn, @daniela2510, @mysteli, @sceptilemasterr, @tangel96 , @findmeafterlife , @huntress1024,  @justageeklover, @astridvolari, @tyril-nia-kaya​, @itsbrindleybinch​, and @kamilahsayeet. Let me know if anyone else wants to be tagged. ❤️
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Night falls all over the buildings of Morella City. And the gang decided to spend a Friday night by having dinner at a popular restaurant and then head back to the apartment (owned by Kade, Nia, and Aurelia respectively) to chillax and have drinks.
They ended up having conversations either about their works, their interests, and/or lives in general up to the point where Kade decided to ask this random question.
“So, if any of you were able to date one of the characters from the movie, The Avengers, who would it be?”
Nia’s eyes gleamed as she continued to brush Loola’s fur, “Oh! Well, it’s kinda hard for me to choose, but I wouldn’t mind picking Captain America/Steve Rogers.”
Mal smirked once he thought of an answer, “For me, it’ll be between Black Widow and Gamora.”
“Isn’t the latter from Guardians of The Galaxy?” Kade pointed out.
“Eh. She’s still in The Avengers series. It counts. Wouldn’t hurt to pick her. Besides, I’m not too picky to date anyone in there as long as they’re hot.”
“I’m with you on Gamora,” Imtura declared, receiving a high-five from Mal, “And I’m also into Black Widow and Thor. What about you, Rela?”
“Definitely Black Widow or Loki,” Aurelia grinned.
“Yeet!” Kade did a fist bump with his adopted sister, since they both share similar taste in people.
Nia quickly turned to the last member of the group, who has not answered yet.
“What about you, Tyril? Which characters in The Avengers would you rather date?”
“Hmm?” Tyril blinked and neutrally responded, “I don’t know. I never watch that movie, really.”
Everyone else stared at him in shock and disbelief as if he just told them that he kicked a puppy (He wouldn’t do that, but it’ll be a travesty if he did).
“Dude, you serious?!” Imtura yelled at him.
“Tyril, how could you?” Nia started crying. Seeing these reactions from his friends, all Tyril stared back in utter confusion.
“Wait, why is everyone so worked up over this? I was only telling the truth!”
“That’s the thing, elf boy*! That truth literally kills us!” Mal retorted.
“And The Avengers is the greatest movie of all time. Especially The Infinity War! How could you not watch it?!” Kade mourned.
“I...well...I’m honestly not into those superheroes genre,” Tyril admitted and quickly averted his eyes.
“Wait wait wait,” Aurelia interrupted her boyfriend after realization hits her, “So when Kade and I invited you to see some of the Marvel movies a few times, you claimed that you still have work to do. Was that an excuse to not see them?”
“What?! Rela, no. I really did have to work at those-”
“And when I lend you the movie, Thor, for you to watch and never got it back, does that mean you haven’t watched it, yet?”
“Well...there’s a reason for-”
Aurelia silenced him with a glare and continued darkly.
“Oh, and come to think of it, every time we watched S.H.I.E.L.D. together on Netflix, you keep on falling asleep. Care to explain that, dear?”
When Tyril couldn’t answer to any of that, Mal smirked at his reactions and pat the dark hair woman on the shoulder.
“Oof. It’s okay, Kit. None of us will blame you if you break up with pretty boy over this,” he told her, which caused Tyril to glare at the rebel.
“Do NOT give her that kind of idea!” Then he turned back to her, not realizing that she had her hand raised slowly at him, “Aurelia, listen, I never meant-!”
A twenty minute coaxing and a slap in a face later…
After everyone in this room managed to cool down (while staring at the red hand mark on Tyril’s face), Kade looked at the dark hair woman nervously.
“...Sis, you good?”
Aurelia smiled as she relaxed on the couch, leg crossed over another, and stroked Threep on top of his head, like how a typical villain boss would do with his cat. “Yep. I’m good. Just as long as Tyril promises he won’t lie to us like that ever again.”
The dark hair man nodded, “I won’t.”
His girlfriend grinned at him, approvingly, “Good. Because you have a lot to make up for.”
Her smile suddenly turned into an eerie one. The one that can send chills to anyone’s spine.
“A LOT.”
*Extra note: Oh, if anyone asked why Tyril is still called “elf boy” by Mal in this AU, I HC that the whole gang played an online game that has a similar concept to Blades, and Tyril played as an elf. As usual. Hope that clears it up. 😅
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aworldoffandoms · 4 years
(If you’re willing to write this pair): “can I kiss you” - Tyril x MC
Thank you for the ask! Hope you enjoy, @brightpinkpeppercorn! I had fun with this!  Prompt from here and is in bold. 
Sunset Kisses 
Vasati and Tyril wander around the town of Whitetower, basking in the ambience of their victory over the Dreadlord. Vasati knows that she should feel a certain way, perhaps a sense of completion, the elation that they had finally destroyed the Shadow Court after so long being poisoned by its influence, and the fact that her quest was done, she can return home now. She has her brother back and she couldn’t be happier. She and her brother can return to Riverbend. 
But did she really want to? The adventures she’s been on has shifted something inside her. She feels there is more... to explore and uncover, to change and to make the realm a better place, she’s had a front-row seat to all of that. Then, she finally understands: she doesn’t want to go home. She doesn’t think she ever wants to. 
She has a family now. Mal, Nia, her brother, Threep, Loola and...Tyril. 
Tyril, the powerful mage who was a pleasant surprise despite their less than welcoming first meeting. 
Just as she thinks his name, he gives her hand a squeeze, ripping her attention away from another peaceful day winding down and a beautiful orange sun setting on the horizon. 
“Something on your mind, Vasati?” 
Vasati grins, giving Tyril her trademark smirk which he raises an eyebrow at. 
“You,” she says, her tone nothing other than suggestive. 
Tyril blanches for a few moments, his cheeks warming a soft violet before he clears his throat. 
“Really, Vasati. Must you always turn the charm on whenever someone speaks to you with less than suggestive connotations and who simply just wants to spark a conversation?” 
Vasati’s mouth lifts at Tyril’s words but she shrugs her shoulders and pulls Tyril to a stop while giving him a warm smile, tightening her grip on his hands. 
“The only one I’d turn the charm on is for you.” 
A hint of smile tugs at his lips but instead Tyril rolls his eyes at Vasati’s ease and mischievous ways to catch him off guard. If she didn’t drive him crazy in a good way, he’d have moved on from her stars ago. 
“How can I forget your unique way of making me blush?”  
Vasati giggles, her arms wrapping around his waist. “It’s a favourite of mine.” 
Tyril grumbles but he tightened his hold on her, his palm smoothly travelling down her back and up again in an absentminded gesture as if it was second nature to casually give affection to another. A thrill flew through her at the thought.  
It’s quiet for a while, both just soaking in the last of the rays of the day, the atmosphere of the town before Vasati sighs, tucking her head underneath Tyril’s chin. 
“Since your leaving tomorrow for Undermount... I just want to let you know that I’m coming with you.” 
Tyril stiffens, pulling Vasati away to look her in the eye. His eyes hold disbelief but there is an emotion that strengthens that initial feeling...relief and excitement. 
“Did I just hear you correctly? You want to accompany me to Undermount?” Tyril says, his voice rising in his joy. He frowns. “This isn’t just a spur of the moment thought is it?” 
Vasati shakes her head vigorously. “No, it’s not. I want to go on my next adventure and I want it to be with you.” 
Tyril’s heart does a giddy jump in his chest at her words but concern mars his face as he thinks clearer, his mind slowly coming out of the fog her words had brought him to. 
“What about your brother, Kade?”
Vasati waves away his concern and shoots him a reassuring smile. “Kade is happy to stay here at Whitetower while he recovers. Mal’s heading back to Riverbend to tie up some loose ends and I more or less made him promise to take Kade back with him when the time comes.” 
Tyril raises a perfectly sculpted dark eyebrow. “And by ‘made’ you mean you threatened him?” 
Vasati laughs, leaning into Tyril’s embrace once more. “More or less. Being blessed by the Light comes in handy sometimes.” 
A rumble begins in Tyril’s chest that sounds like a chuckle. “You amaze me, Vasati.” 
Vasati leans back and regards Tyril with soft eyes, her heart constricting in her chest at the handsome sight of him. 
“I’d like to say the same.” 
Tyril glances down, meeting Vasati’s eyes and gives her a warm smile, his features enhanced by the sun shadowing the lines of his face. Vasati could stare at him all day if she could but her heart stutters behind her ribcage when his hands cup her jaw in a tender caress, his thumb traces the line of her lips. 
The air between them becomes heavy and Vasati’s lips tingle in anticipation, despite Tyril’s intoxicating touch. 
Another laugh escapes her at Tyril’s next words. 
“Can I kiss you, Vasati?” 
“You know you never have to ask, Tyril. My content is freely given to you. Kiss me whenever, wherever you like.” 
Tyril rolls his eyes once more at Vasati’s teasing but he doesn’t waste time and smothers her giggle when his mouth moulds to hers, both of their eyes closing at the crackle of electricity pulsing between them as they melt into each other. 
The soft glow of the setting sun shines upon them as they both relish in one another’s embrace as they look forward to their next adventure. Together.
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yourehereyourereal · 4 years
(long rambling post about the finale ahead)
I simply have no words. @playchoices this book is FREAKING GOD-TIER and I LOVE IT SO MUCH and I don't say this lightly. I can honestly be singing praises to Blades until the end of my days. I fell in love with it at first sight but it was aging like a fine wine with every chapter and becoming even better. I really hope book 2 will be equally powerful and I believe in the writers and the team, they've got to deliver. I don't even mind for them taking the time, even though I will miss the book so much. It was my greatest quarantine joy and made the first half of my 2020. Here are my messy thoughts about the finale because I have finally found something new to nerd out about and Blades deserves all the love in the world.
First, the fight was epic. The Shadow Court lady was gorgeous, even though we had to end her. Nia the Dreadlord was SO ICONIC. The way she wanted to break through the darkness, how she controlled it, and her self-sacrifice. Speaking of which, I really regret not letting the timer run out, because, from the experience of Bloodbound, I knew there had to be something interesting, but I didn't have much time to think and kinda assumed that if you don't kill Nia she just kills herself or the Dreadlord does it or something. But I saw screenshots of everyone dying and... wow. It especially hit me how Tyril fought until the end, even when he was already stabbed - characters with that much inner passion and determination are my everything, and it was so sad and definitely how he didn't deserve to go. I'm kind of a sucker for dark endings that show "what could have been" and aren't actually canon or can be avoided (like in It Lives series), because they have a lot of depth and this alternate reality makes you really appreciate the times with your LI and friends.
The Nia art was AHHHHHHH. How come this book blessed me with such amazing, epic LIs and I'm supposed to choose between them??? I adore all of them, but I have a special soft spot for Nia and Tyril since their stories are truly god-tier. I romanced Nia from the very first chapter (and then Imtura a bit), but switched to Tyril recently, and I don't regret it one bit because he's amazing and incredible and I love him so much. But during these scenes where MC told Nia to resist darkness I was constantly thinking of how it would hit differently if I romanced Nia until the end, because I'm a MASSIVE SUCKER for tropes when someone's pure love breaks the spells or darkness in the other person. It kinda reminded me of the Bloodbound finale when the LI did it for us. I just have to replay one day and romance Nia, even though it will be sooo hard for me not to flirt with Tyril.
I knew the fandom would explode at the option of flirting with Aerin. I myself am not a huge fan of romancing him but I chose the seduction option anyway because I was curious, and it failed me because I didn't have history with him which cracked me up so much 😂 Then Kade punched him and it was truly something - you go, Kade! I wonder what consequences will it have in book 2, I was almost debating setting him free so we could see him again. He was a good villain. I also laughed at the "sack of potatoes" line.
MC with the Blade of Light was just... I FELT that writing. Like there was fire inside them. Like they were fire. Speaking of which, the writing in the finale was so, so good, I can't remember when it was that good for the last time. It was worth all the hiatuses.
THE SCENE WITH MEDALS GAVE ME SUCH A HUGE STAR WARS A NEW HOPE ENDING VIBE. I was so proud of the squad, they've come so far and reached a better understanding of themselves on a personal level.
I played a 30 diamond scene with Tyril and I'm speechless. I honestly don't know where I can ever find someone like him because he raises my relationship standards so highly. It was wonderful to go on a real date with him and have some relaxed fun as a couple. He said "my MC" and oh my freaking God that was awesome. Their romantic exchanges are always the best. They are cute, poetic, sincere and don't feel forced. There were so many indications of true love between them, and it's like PB wanted to feed us Tyril stans well today because the scene was simply neverending (I was playing it for such a long time, it seemed endless) and they just kept professing their love for each other and that's how you write satisfying, amazing diamond scenes that you don't regret buying and would buy all over again (take note, Witness). I'm a huge Damien Nazario stan and finally I found a LI with diamond scenes that are just as epic and emotionally charged as his. I feel like Tyril and MC's dynamics even remind me of Damien and MC's a little bit (and the two do have some similarities, but I'll probably make another post about it someday)
And the sex!!! I'm not a huge smut fan because I'm ace/demisexual and those things are not very relatable for me (that's also why books like The Nanny Affair are a bit cringe to me, just not my piece of cake), but I LOVE good sex scenes where the two characters have a strong emotional connection and genuine love for each other (totally a demisexual point of view). I was smiling and giggling like a little girl, especially when they were talking about making sounds and doing it in public (again, I somehow thought back to the Eiffel Tower scene with Damien/Dames and it made me laugh). And then he said those beautiful things like "you complete me" and ahhhh... Tyril loves us so much. We love him so much, too. MC just wants to be with him and assures that he grew as a person, even if he always doubts himself. It's true, he had the most amazing character development.
I will have to fully stick to romancing Nia on the next replay, I'm curious what her diamond scene was like. I have a feeling it's just as adorable and wholesome and has a lot of complexity. God, I really felt for a second like she's gonna die, PB gave me a scare as it did feel final and I was like "did they really just...?". I don't know much about other LI scenes but I heard Imtura's was cute (and you could shout "that's my orc girlfriend" which itself is great), and Mal wanted to open the orphanage and wow I'm so proud. On a related note, it's freaking great that they give all LIs similar scenes but don't copy-paste their dialogues like in some books, there are clear differences as they all have a unique distinctive personality. And, I forgot to mention that Threep and Loola are the best bat-kitties! (even though they wouldn't approve of this term)
I was on my second hour of playing that chapter (yeah, it was like, the longest one ever! Maybe it's because I was excitedly sharing screenshots with a friend and freaking out the whole time) when the book finally seemed to be coming to an end. I love how my MC fell asleep in Tyril's arms and then we had this nightmare that foreshadowed book 2. I'm glad they gave us a glimpse of what to expect (imagine if we didn't know it will have a sequel, plus the finale had a bit of a standalone feeling, and then boom! Surprise). I fully hope this book will have a book 2, book 3, and a Christmas special 😂 It's just so, so incredible, and this universe deserves expanding like no other.
I hope PB knows how we all collectively love it, and I also hope they'll learn from the success of Blades and will write more books where the funny banter and serious moments are balanced, the friendship group feels natural and like a family, the plots are breathtaking and the LIs are god-tier. It's obvious how much heart Andrew and the crew put into it, and I'll be patiently waiting for book 2, however long it takes. Hopefully, not too long, but like they said, masterpieces take time to create!
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watatsumi-island · 4 years
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Well looks like my MC finally had enough of not being a proud Aerin (🤡) Stan or a Nia babe and joined the darkside. (Let me just apologize in advance I'm so sorry Tyril bby 😔 I really am)
(Also sorry if it sucks I'm trying to improve 😖🤗😶😶😶)
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maceandthings · 4 years
Chapter 15.
I... I don’t know what to say.
Well, I’ll start off by saying SPOILERS!!!!
1) We have a new companion! Loola! I love her, but I feel so bad after what she has been through.
2) Nobody is going to talk about the fact that MC flirted with a CREATURE????
3) Seeing Kade hurt made me die inside. I legit felt a knot in my stomach, I want to give him a little hug.
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4) Since Mal is my love interest, I love how we had a little moment. He has changed so well and I love how far he has come. His mother would be proud.
5) Dark Nia. Should I say more? I don’t think so.
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