#Aurora data recovery
Aurora data recovery is made easy with Qubex Data Recovery. Our expert team specializes in recovering lost, deleted, or corrupted files from all types of devices. Whether it’s a hard drive, SSD, or mobile device, trust us to restore your critical data quickly and securely. Choose Qubex Data Recovery for reliable and affordable data recovery services in Aurora.
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qubexdatarecovery1 · 2 years
Data Recovery in Aurora
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Flash drives and hard drives make it more convenient to transport large amounts of computer data, but they are also prone to errors. It can get damaged very quickly, causing data loss. Data loss in a flash drive can be due to: physical damage, liquid or heat damage, or data corruption. Read More:- Data Recovery in Aurora
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exactlycleverpirate · 7 months
Love and Deepspace: The Story So Far Part 2
A summary of everything that has happened in the main story thus far. Obviously, spoilers below the cut.
See Part 1. Part 3. Part 4.
5 months after the explosion: Lumiere (Xavier) destroys a number of protocores in the N109 Zone, throwing the area into chaos.
6 months after the explosion (about early January):
Day 1 (Wednesday): 
MC is at HQ. She has been overworking and not sleeping well. Tara and Captain Jenna are worried about her. (MC gets an appointment reminder call. Her cell phone shows it is currently 10:45 on Wednesday). MC goes to a doctor's appointment at Zayne's office. He has an emergency cardiac surgery. She falls asleep while waiting and remembers when she gave Caleb the necklace before he left for Aerospace Academy in Skyhaven. She wakes in Zayne's office. After discussing her recovery from the explosion, Zayne gives her a lockbox that contains a letter from Grandma. A Wanderer then appears in Zayne's office. After they fight it, Zayne's arm is frozen stiff. After MC leaves, Zayne remembers a conversation with Grandma. He told her her condition was serious and she said her time has come. She asks Zayne to look after MC as he promised, saying that by helping her he helps himself. That night, MC opens the letter and learns that her heart was fused to an Aether core in experiments her Grandma participated in. She calls Zayne to confirm and he tells her her former doctor, Dr. Noah, might know more.
Day 2: 
MC meets up with Zayne while waiting for transportation to Snowcrest in the Arctic where Dr. Noah lives. After helping fight some Wanderers, they acquire transportation. They make it to Snowcrest and meet with Dr. Noah. They discuss the Aether Core and MC learns one of the researchers joined Onychinus. The rest have died or disappeared. Later Zayne and MC watch an aurora and talk. She learns that he lost someone he worked with on Mt. Eternal. That night, MC goes through the data and realizes that the protocore she found in the No Hunt Zone has the same frequency as her heart, indicating it was modified by Onychinus using an Aether core.
Day 3:
The next day, MC returns to Linkon, while Zayne heads into Mt. Eternal for research.
Day 4 (Sunday, per MC's Phone (likely January 3rd or 10th of 2049)):
Back in Linkon, MC begins researching Onychinus and the N109 Zone at UNICORN HQ. That night, she runs into Xavier on the subway. She realizes she hasn't seen him in over a month. They soon realize they are stuck in a loop on the train. A Wanderer that uses mirrors and glass, a Tezcatlipoca has trapped them. They fight it, and MC gets the protocore. They go out for food and MC asks if Xavier is Lumiere, but Xavier says Lumiere should be about 40 by now. As they walk home, they discuss Lumiere and what it would take to get into the N109 Zone. Then they discover they live in the same building. Xavier says he moved in over 6 months ago, implying he has lived there longer than MC. They agree to meet up the next day and part ways.
Day 5:
MC and Xavier meet at his apartment the next day and discuss the Aether core and N109 zone. MC admits she wants to look into it because of her family and wonders if eventually she and Xavier will be enemies. Distressed, he decides to prove that he is on her side by giving her 24 hour highest level Hunter access. Xavier tells her he hopes she finds the truth. They part ways so MC can use her new access to figure out how to get into the N109 Zone. Returning to Her apartment, MC searches the Hunter Database for information. Then she connects to someone sketchy who has information about an unsolved murder 2 years before. MC thinks the murder is clearly Onychinus’ doing. The man was connected with Ever Pharmaceutical. As she wraps up the conversation, the man asks if she would like to pursue a bounty. The wanted poster is for Rafayel, dead or alive.
Continue to Part 3.
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starwrighter · 1 year
I am not a baby!! (Yes you are,)
(Prompt) (Previous part) (Next) (Masterpost) (Ao3)
(Part four peoples!!!)
Either something went wrong with that transmission or he was going to be stuck on this planet for 99,999 hours. Both options didn't bode well for him but one was clearly better than the other.
Ancient's how long was 99,999 hours? With a number that big he was looking at spending around ten years waiting for a rescue team to show up and help them. If everyone wasn't dead by that point they'd probably have built a super cool society with Deepsea bases and nuclear power that they'd have to give up. In ten years he would've figured out what the heck was going on with him and brought them home himself. Though, ten years would give him an excuse for why he was still around the same age he was when he left. Wipe the PDA's data beyond recovery, blame the most annoying creature or plant as what shrank him, and refuse to elaborate any further.
A transmission error was more likely than his brilliant hypothetical scenario. When a spaceship as big as the aurora crashed there was bound to be some interference. Whether that interference be artificial or not was still unclear much to his dismay.
At least he had a scanner, that was a big step for him in his progression. A lot of the actually helpful blueprints were corrupted in the crash and supposedly the scanner could help recover them. Scanning fragments of salvaged tech would be the quickest way of recovery all things considered. Destroyed beacons, singed seaglides, and trashcans were scattered all throughout the shallows, pollution likely reaching farther than what he'd explored. With a crash, this big damage likely extended much farther than what was visible to him.
Not only did their ship crush who knows how many creatures and plants, the regular and radioactive pollution would screw over future generations of fish! It was the intergalactic equivalent of a catastrophic oil spill and he was an unwilling participant in it. Something deep inside him ached at the thought of him being a participant in a planet's destruction.
Chunks of broken spaceship were bad enough for the environment on its own. Batteries, trash, fuel, and hundreds of pounds of manmade resources that'd take hundreds if not thousands of years to decompose. Every scrap of metal, every piece of plastic trash no matter the size was something to poison, choke or kill the local wildlife. Sam would be furious, this wasn't a case of natural food shortages or extreme weather, this could very well be an extinction event! Nuclear power was the default for Alterra's larger ships, and if it wasn't already, the aurora was soon to start leaking radiation all over the place!
This was one of the few life-bearing planets humanity discovered! Hundreds upon hundreds of planets have been discovered within humanity's years of space exploration but life existing without human intervention was still rare. Metal, rock, and gas were what were all that were usually brought back in the beginning. As humanity's technology advanced, they went farther into space, with more habitable planets being discovered and an uptick in thriving alien life. There was always a continuous stream of new discoveries in their universe, alien floras and fauna being discovered as often as they went extinct. Even so, it'd be a cold day in hell before he shared responsibility for any aliens going extinct.
Genetic mutations, Birth defects, and massive amounts of death were the first things that came to mind when radiation was brought into the picture. Radiation was the biggest issue so far, the melted spaceship could be recycled, no matter what Alterra's stupid rules told him he could and couldn't do. Trusting a corporation to clean up their own messes was like asking a toddler to clean up their toys; it would only lead to a conniption fit and a half-assed job. It was unclear how long he was going to be here and if when he met up with the other survivors, the need for materials would only increase as time went on.
Scanning and salvaging would have to wait until the next morning. Darkness shrouded the ocean outside his life pod, making it twice as dangerous to be out there tearing wrecks apart. Bioluminescence wasn't a skill he could put on his resume just yet nor was any kind of night vision. It would be both dangerous and annoying to swim around aimlessly in the dark when he had a perfectly good life pod he could relax in.
Standing in the safety of his lifepod, Danny ran the scanner up and down his body, the tech lighting him up a brilliant blue.
"Performing self-scan. Vital signs follow continuous pattern; no adverse effects identified. Detecting tracing amounts of foreign bacteria. Continuing to monitor,"
The PDA chimed and if Danny were an actual infant like the stupid tablet insisted he was he wouldn't have understood a word of those sentences. But since he wasn't a baby he could properly understand that there were alien germs in his body that really shouldn't be there.
Yeah, That seemed like a problem but it wasn't the reason his powers were short-circuiting. Before they even entered the atmosphere his powers were going wonky. Everything felt the same as it did before he came in contact with this "Foreign bacteria" There were no physical symptoms to complain about so maybe it was just his PDA's way of warning him he was coming down with an alien cold?
Whatever it was, Danny bet fifty bucks the metal muncher was what gave it to him. The creature had a face that screamed "Hey! look at me, I have all the diseases!" Now he was no marine biologist but scrap metal and electrical wire didn't exactly seem like the healthiest snack to chew on. Although, with the resemblance it had to crocodiles back home, one could only wonder if it swallowed metal to help with digestion?
Jagged teeth like the ones on the metal muncher weren't exactly suitable for grinding up food. Finding out the Metal muncher's stomach was full of rocks would be the least surprising thing that's happened today. Metal salvage from the Aurora was way too big to work as a stomach stone so it was more likely the creature just liked chewing on metal. It seemed just as interested in the titanium deposits as it was with the salvage so maybe it was a natural way to file down or sharpen their teeth? Hopefully, the metal munchers were smart enough to avoid chewing on wires that were actively sparking.
Opening a note function on his PDA, Danny began scribbling down everything he'd learned from his encounter with the metal muncher. Easily distracted, aggressive, territorial? Deciding everything he’d seen today was their normal everyday behavior would be stupid. There were new variables in the creature’s environment that could impact its behavior. Continued observation would be helpful as would scanning the animal in the morning. If Danny was going to be stranded on an alien planet you bet your ass he’s going to be studying the local wildlife while he’s here.
“A proper sleep schedule is imperative to the physical and phycological development of young children, " A chime played on his PDA closing the notes app without any warning. A repetitive string of Z’s overtook his screen making it impossible for him to navigate through the applications. Cheeks burning Danny turned the thing off and on again stomping with a huff when the same thing happened when it booted up again.
Taking a deep breath Danny sulked over to the storage unit. It was the only flat surface in this Lifepod he could lay down on and one could only pray to the ancients that the lid wouldn’t cave underneath him. Sleeping on the floor was out of the question. biohazardous goo coated the floor, still liquid enough to slosh around with the erythematic motion of the sea. Naturally, due to preferences, Danny decided to curl up on a surface that didn't have his melted organs on it.
Slithering through a barren seabed that once flourished as well as one could in a dying ocean. Mourning the lives that were lost today, he'd failed all over again. His youngest had been the one to see the precursors building raise into the sky this time. A blast strong enough to shake the island that it was built on shot out into the sky. They'd expected something to crash into the water soon after but what they hadn't expected was the size of what hit the waters.
Miles of the seafloor was torn up, and thousands of animals were dead. Jason said it was ironic, even after the precursors wiped themselves out they still found ways to destroy the planet. Bruce thought it was just cruel. It was by sheer stroke of luck that none of his kids had been close to the reaper's breeding ground at the time of impact. All of them managed to remain relatively unharmed when flames and giant pieces of rubble fell from the sky.
Surviving reapers flocked to the sight of the impact, shielded, unseen through the cloud of upturned sand and rubble. It wasn't until they caught a reaper with a familiar-looking creature locked in its mandibles, red blood spilling into the waters as it once had a decade ago that they realized it was happening again.
Nearly all who they'd found near the impact site had been unresponsive, charred, or mangled with their organs strewn out through the sea. In the clutches of the predators now circling the site dying in their arms no matter how quickly or carefully they managed to pry them from the brutal maw of the reapers. Within minutes of the impact, they'd already had a death count in the dozens. It was horrific, little bodies so much like his and his children's more vulnerable forms, dulled claws of younglings that had not yet grown old enough to hunt for themselves. Worst of all was looking into their dying eyes and seeing the agony and confusion of a sentient creature facing a brutal death just as their lives had begun. But that was the death count before the others landed.
Eggs with metallic shells and odd patterning landed all throughout the crater some even landing in the cold darkness of the void where they couldn't be retrieved. Their landings had been much gentler than the initial impact. Immediately the little ones began crawling out of their shells, confused and scared, physically weak. It wasn't uncommon for the precursors to deform the unborn, kidnaping and experimenting on children who lived and died in agony. Malformities ran rampant in this batch of younglings. Instead of soft faces and the vibrant, expressive eyes, they'd come to associate with these children, there were pitch-black, featureless heads smoother than sandstone but solid as titanium. There were points when a child that looked perfectly healthy would go limp for seemingly no reason and never move again. A sped-up gestation period was known to cause problems, let alone a hatching that was induced by precursor technology. As much as it killed him to admit, these younglings, while more abundant were sicklier than the small batch of three that'd fallen years ago.
Most if not all the healthier young ones died from the elements before they could reach them. It was devastating for Dick to find the youngling he'd been guarding in his territory, covered in the luminescent cysts that foreshadowed a certain death. The children got scared when they tried to protect them and when these children got scared they had a tendency to die from it.
Every single death felt like a personal failure. It's like nothing they could do would ever stop the hurt that the precursors continued to cause a thousand years after their extinction.
"Hey... B?" Dick's voice echoed in his mind a reassuring reminder that his son was safe and close enough to contact them. However, the emotions that came in with his son's words were anything but reassuring. Stomach filling with dread he settled on the sea bed just preparing himself for devastating news.
"We've searched the entire crater- none of them survived," A wave of grief hit him like a tsunami when Dicks words sunk in.
"Not the entire crater, there's still the one that landed in the shallows," Tim chimed in.
"We watched that egg for three hours and nothing crawled out of it," Steph groaned and Bruce could almost hear the dramatic way his daughter threw herself into the sand.
"Plus it was smoking and smelled of rot," Duke added somberly, slowly gliding through the impact site by his side.
"Geez, none of them even survived long enough to start building this time!" Dick exclaimed a mournful edge to his usual cheerful tone.
"Tch, pitiful," Damian finally decided to chime in, disappointment clear in the juveniles voice
" Who's pitiful? The babies who died today or the precursors who set them up for death?" Jason questioned, a dangerous edge seeping into the bond.
"I think it's obvious who I was talking about Todd," Damian spat.
"Considering how obsessed you are with what the last group created no, it's not obvious demon spawn," Jason sneered.
"Guys!" Dick snapped. "Arguing with each other isn't help and it sure as the lava zone is hot isn't going to make you feel better for long," Murmurs of agreement rang throughout the bond.
" One of us should still keep an eye on the egg in the shallows," Bruce clutched a piece of metal in pitch-black claws, gills flaring as he swam underneath an egg floating upside-down on the ocean's surface. "Maybe they're just late bloomers?"
"I guess it's possible,"
"Not likely,"
"Tch, if it's already rotten getting our hopes up is pointless," Damian added to the chorus of replies.
"Try saying that when we have new baby siblings swimming around," Dick beamed.
"I will not because it isn't going to happen," His youngest argued pointedly.
"Awwwww, someone's worried they won't be the guppy of the family anymore!" Dick cooed much to Damian's dismay and everyone else's entertainment.
"I am not!" Damian snapped his voice louder than Dick's despite him being the farthest from the impact zone. "If anything I'd be glad someone else would be the victim of you people's constant smothering!" Damian spat, his words lacking any true venom.
"Whatever you say kiddo,"
"Shut up Grayson!" Laughter rang out through the bond followed by teasing and cooing. A reminder that despite everything Bruce still had living children and he hoped it would stay that way long after he passed.
( @avelnfear @meira-3919 @thought-u-said-dragon-queen @hugsandchaos @blep-23 @zeldomnyo @bytheoldwillowtree @justwannabecat @shepherdsheart @starlightcat04 @stargazing-bookwyrm @pupstim )
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markwatsonsbooks · 1 month
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AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate (SAA-C03) Exam Guide by SK Singh
Unlock the potential of your AWS expertise with the "AWS Solutions Architect Associate Exam Guide." This comprehensive book prepares you for the AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate exam, ensuring you have the knowledge and skills to succeed.
Chapter 1 covers the evolution from traditional IT infrastructure to cloud computing, highlighting key features, benefits, deployment models, and cloud economics. Chapter 2 introduces AWS services and account setup, teaching access through the Management Console, CLI, SDK, IDE, and Infrastructure as Code (IaC).
In Chapter 3, master AWS Budgets, Cost Explorer, and Billing, along with cost allocation tags, multi-account billing, and cost-optimized architectures. Chapter 4 explores AWS Regions and Availability Zones, their importance, and how to select the right AWS Region, including AWS Outposts and Wavelength Zones.
Chapter 5 delves into IAM, covering users, groups, policies, roles, and best practices. Chapter 6 focuses on EC2, detailing instance types, features, use cases, security, and management exercises.
Chapter 7 explores S3 fundamentals, including buckets, objects, versioning, and security, with practical exercises. Chapter 8 covers advanced EC2 topics, such as instance types, purchasing options, and auto-scaling. Chapter 9 provides insights into scalability, high availability, load balancing, and auto-scaling strategies. Chapter 10 covers S3 storage classes, lifecycle policies, and cost-optimization strategies.
Chapter 11 explains DNS concepts and Route 53 features, including CloudFront and edge locations. Chapter 12 explores EFS, EBS, FSx, and other storage options. Chapter 13 covers CloudWatch, CloudTrail, AWS Config, and monitoring best practices. Chapter 14 dives into Amazon RDS, Aurora, DynamoDB, ElastiCache, and other database services.
Chapter 15 covers serverless computing with AWS Lambda and AWS Batch, and related topics like API Gateway and microservices. Chapter 16 explores Amazon SQS, SNS, AppSync, and other messaging services. Chapter 17 introduces Docker and container management on AWS, ECS, EKS, Fargate, and container orchestration. Chapter 18 covers AWS data analytics services like Athena, EMR, Glue, and Redshift.
Chapter 19 explores AWS AI/ML services such as SageMaker, Rekognition, and Comprehend. Chapter 20 covers AWS security practices, compliance requirements, and encryption techniques. Chapter 21 explains VPC, subnetting, routing, network security, VPN, and Direct Connect. Chapter 22 covers data backup, retention policies, and disaster recovery strategies.
Chapter 23 delves into cloud adoption strategies and AWS migration tools, including database migration and data transfer services. Chapter 24 explores AWS Amplify, AppSync, Device Farm, frontend services, and media services. Finally, Chapter 25 covers the AWS Well-Architected Framework and its pillars, teaching you to use the Well-Architected Tool to improve cloud architectures.
This guide includes practical exercises, review questions, and YouTube URLs for further learning. It is the ultimate resource for anyone aiming to get certified as AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate.
Order YOUR Copy NOW: https://amzn.to/3WQWU53 via @amazon
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Pick Your Perfect Match: Aurora vs RDS - A Guide to AWS Database Solutions
Now that Database-as-a-service (DBaaS) is in high demand, there are multiple questions regarding AWS services that cannot always be answered easily: When should I use Aurora and when should I use RDS MySQL? What are the major differences in Aurora as well as RDS? What should I consider when deciding which one to choose?
The blog below we'll address all of these crucial questions and bring an overview of the two database options, Aurora vs RDS.
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Understanding DBaaS
DBaaS cloud services permit users to access databases without configuring physical hardware infrastructure, or installing software. However, when figuring out which option perfect for an organization, diverse factors should be taken into account. They could include efficiency, operational costs, high availability and capacity planning, management, security, scalability, monitoring and more.
There are instances when, even though the work load and operational demands appear to perfect match to one solution however, there are other factors that could cause blockages (or at least require specific handling).
Understanding DBaaS
DBaaS cloud services permit users to access databases without configuring physical hardware infrastructure, or installing software. However, when figuring out which option perfect for an organization, diverse factors should be taken into account. They could include efficiency, operational costs, high availability and capacity planning, management, security, scalability, monitoring and more.
There are instances when, even though the work load and operational demands appear to perfect match to one solution however, there are other factors that could cause blockages (or at least require specific handling).
What we need to compare are those of the MySQL and Aurora database engines that are offered through Amazon RDS.
Download our ebook, “Enterprise Guide to Cloud Databases” to benefit you make better informed choices and avoid costly errors when you design and implement your strategy for cloud.
What is Amazon Aurora?
Amazon Aurora is a proprietary cloud-native, fully-managed relational database service created through Amazon Web Services (AWS). It supports MySQL and PostgreSQL and its automatic backup and replication capabilities, it is built to offer high performance as well as scalability and availability to support the requirements of critical applications.
Aurora Features
High Performance and Scalability
Amazon Aurora has gained widespread praise for its remarkable performance and scalability. This makes it a perfect solution to handle the demands of high-demand tasks. It efficiently handles the write and read operations, optimizes access to data and reduces contention which payoff in rapid throughput and low delay for you to assure that applications run to their desirable.
Aurora offers a range of options for scaling, such as the ability the addition of up 15 read replicas within one database cluster and the auto-scaling to read replications the development of read replicas across regions for disaster recovery, and enhanced read performance across different geographical locations, and auto-scaling for storage that can handle growing data without needing continuous monitoring.
Support for MySQL as well as PostgreSQL
Aurora provides seamless compatibility to MySQL and PostgreSQL that allows users and DBAs to use their database abilities and make use of the latest capabilities and improvements.
If you have applications developed using MySQL or PostgreSQL moving to Aurora is an easy process with minimal code modifications, because it works with the same protocols, tools and drivers.
Automated Backups and Point-in-Time Recovery
Aurora offers automated backup and point-in-time recovery that simplifies the management of backups and protecting data. Backups that are continuous and incremental are created automatically and then stored in Amazon S3, and data retention times can be set to satisfy compliance requirements.
The point-in-time recovery (PITR) feature enables the restoration of a database to a specific time within the set retention period, making it easier to roll the application back to a specific state or recover from accidental/purposeful data corruption.
Automated features lessen the workload on DBAs as well as organizations with their efforts to protect data by easing backups of databases and recovery.
Multi-Availability Zone (AZ) Deployment
Aurora’s multi-availability zone (AZ) deployment provides remarkably high reliability and resilience to faults by automatically replicating information across numerous accessibility zones together it’s distributed storage system to remove single point of failure. The constant synchronization between replica and primary storage ensures continuous redundancy. In the event of an interruption occurs within the main, Aurora seamlessly switches to the replica using automated failover to ensure continuous availability.
What is Amazon RDS?
Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) is a cloud-hosted database service that offers diverse database options to pick from, such as Aurora, PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, Oracle, and Microsoft SQL Server.
RDS Features
Managed Database Service
Amazon RDS is a fully-managed database service that is provided by AWS and offers a simple approach to manage and maintain relational databases hosted in the cloud. AWS manages the essential administrative tasks such as database configuration, setup backups, monitoring and scaling. It makes it simpler for companies to manage their complex databases.
By delegating these administrative duties by delegating these administrative tasks to AWS, DBAs, and developers are no longer required to devote time to tedious tasks such as software installation and hardware provisioning, giving them time to focus on more business-oriented processes while also reducing expenses.
Multiple Database Engine Options
Amazon RDS supports various database engine options, such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle and SQL Server. This gives organizations the freedom to select the appropriate engine for their particular needs. With these choices, Amazon RDS empowers developers to adapt your database architecture to meet the unique requirements of their apps performance requirements, performance expectations, and compliance requirements, while ensuring that the database is compatible and efficient across all businesses.
Offering a simple method of migrating databases that are already in use, RDS allows for a variety of migration options that include imports of backup data from existing backups, and using AWS Database Migration Services (DMS) to enable real-time data migration. This flexibility lets businesses effortlessly move their databases into the AWS cloud without causing significant disruptions.
Automated Backups and Point-in-Time Recovery
Amazon RDS offers an automated backup feature to ensure the integrity of data and offers reliable protection for data. It takes regular backups, and captures small changes from the previous backup without affecting the performance. Users can choose the time frame for these backups. This allows the recovery of historical data in the event an accidental loss of data or corruption. Point-in-time recovery (PITR) permits users to restore the database at any time within the specified time. This is a great feature in reverting back to a prior state, or to repair damage caused by data or other occurrences.
Its RDS automatic backup as well as PITR features ensure that data is not lost and protect against system failures, providing the highest level of availability and performance, while making backup management easier for developers as well as DBAs.
Scalability and Elasticity
Amazon RDS offers several scalability options to allow organizations to adjust resources to accommodate changing applications and workload requirements. Vertical scaling permits for an increase in compute and memory capacity by upgrading to higher-end instances that are perfect for handling large demand for processing or traffic and horizontal scaling entails creating read replicas that distribute the workload across different instances, increasing the read scalability of applications that are heavy on reading.
RDS additionally simplifies the process of automatically scaling depending on demand for workloads by adding or subtracting replicas in order to efficiently divide read requests and decrease cost during periods of low demand. It also allows auto-scaling of storage and compute resources, adjusting capacity dynamically in accordance with the chosen thresholds for utilization to improve performance and decrease cost.
The ability to alter resources in response to changing demands gives organizations the capability to react quickly to fluctuations in demand without having to manually intervene — while still optimizing performance and decreasing costs.
Examining the similarities between Aurora vs RDS
If you compare Amazon Aurora and Amazon RDS It is clear that both provide advantages in time-saving administration of systems. Both options let you get a pre-configured system ready to run your apps. Particularly, in the absence of special database admins (DBAs), Amazon RDS offers a wide range of flexibility for different processes, such as backups and upgrades.
Amazon Aurora and Amazon RDS both Amazon Aurora and Amazon RDS offer continuous updates as well as patches that are applied by Amazon without interruption. You can set maintenance windows that allow automated patching to take place within these time frames. Furthermore, data is constantly stored on Amazon S3 in real-time, protecting your data without visible effect on performance. This means that there is no necessity for complex or scripted backup processes and defined backup windows.
Although these shared features provide significant benefits, it’s crucial to take into consideration potential issues like vendor lock-in, and the potential issues that result from enforced updates as well as client-side optimizations.
Aurora RDS RDS The key differences
In this article we will examine the distinct features and characteristics in Amazon Aurora along with Amazon RDS in addition to shedding light on their efficiency, scalability and pricing strategies, and so on.
Amazon Aurora is an open-source, relational closed-source database engine that comes and all the implications that it brings.
The RDS MySQL can be 5.5, 5.6, and 5.7 compatible, and provides the choice to select between minor versions. Although RDS MySQL supports numerous storage engines with different capabilities but not all are designed for recovery from crashes and long-term data protection. It was until recently an inconvenient fact to the extent that Aurora wasn’t compatible only with MySQL 5.6 however, the software is compatible now with MySQL 5.6 and 5.7 too.
In most instances, no major application modifications are needed to either of the products. Be aware that some MySQL features, such as those of the MyISAM storage engine aren’t available in Amazon Aurora. The migration to RDS is possible with the comprinno program.
For RDS products Shell access to the operating system in question is blocked, and access for MySQL user accounts that have access to the “SUPER” privilege isn’t allowed. To manage MySQL parameters or control users Amazon RDS provides specific parameters, APIs and other procedures for the system that are utilized. If you are looking to allow Amazon RDS remote access, this article can benefit to do it.
Considerations regarding performance
For instance, because of the requirement for disabling in the case of InnoDB changes buffer in Aurora (this is among the key components for this distributed storage system) and the fact that updates to secondary indexes need to be write-through, there’s an enormous performance hit when heavy writes which update the secondary indexes is performed. This is due to the method MySQL depends upon the buffer to delay and combine second index update. If your application has frequent updates to tables that have primary indexes Aurora speed may prove low. As you might have seen, AWS claims that the query_cache feature is a viable option and does not have issues with scalability. Personally, I’ve never had any issues with query_cache and the feature is able to greatly rise the overall performance.
In any event it is important to be aware that performance varies based on the schema’s design. When deciding to move, performance must be compared against the specific workload of your application. Conducting thorough tests will become the topic of a subsequent blog article.
Capacity Planning
In terms of storage under the hood Another factor to take into account is Aurora storage, there is no requirement for capacity planning. Aurora storage will grow automatically by a minimum of 10GB to 64 TiB in increments of 10GB without affecting the performance of databases. The limit on table size is only limited in relation to the volume of Aurora database cluster, which can reach an maximum capacity size of 64 Tebibytes (TiB). Therefore, the maximum size of a table for a table within the Aurora database will be 64 TiB. For RDS MySQL the maximum allocated storage limit limits the table’s size to a maximum that is 16TB when with InnoDB tablespaces that are file-per-table.
In the case of RDS MySQL, there has recently been added a brand-new function, known as storage autoscaling. Once you have created your instance you are able to enable this option which is somewhat similar to Aurora’s features. Aurora provides. More details are available here..
In August 2018. Aurora offers a second opportunity that does not need provisioned capacity. It’s Aurora Serverless.
“Amazon Aurora Serverless is an on-demand, auto-scaling configuration for Amazon Aurora (MySQL-compatible and PostgreSQL-compatible editions), where the database will automatically start up, shut down, and scale capacity up or down based on your application’s needs. It allows you to manage your database on the cloud, without having to manage all instances of your database. It’s an easy, affordable feature for occasional, irregular or unpredictably heavy work. Manually managing the database’s capacity can consume time and could result in inefficient utilization of the database’s resources. With Aurora Serverless It is as easy as create an endpoint for your database, indicate the desired capacity range, then connect your applications. The cost is per second basis for the capacity of your database that you utilize as long as the database is running and you can switch between serverless and standard configurations by a few clicks from the Management Console for Amazon RDS.”
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ethanleonel · 3 months
Discover Mobility and Freedom with the Karma Aurora 5 Wheelchair
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Recovering freedom and mobility can life-change. The Karma Aurora 5 wheelchair is intended to give comfort, usability, and dependable execution. This inventive wheelchair is ideally suited for those looking for a top notch mobility arrangement.
Elements of the Karma Aurora 5 Wheelchair
The Karma Aurora 5 wheelchair is loaded with highlights that settle on it a standout decision. It's lightweight, which makes it simple to move and ship. The aluminum outline guarantees sturdiness without adding pointless weight. With its foldable plan, the Karma Aurora 5 can be handily put away or conveyed in a vehicle.
Comfort and Ease
Comfort is a main concern in the plan of the Karma Aurora 5 wheelchair. The seat and backrest are ergonomically intended to help your body, diminishing the gamble of tension injuries. The customizable footstools and armrests give customized comfort. This wheelchair additionally includes breathable upholstery, which is both comfortable and simple to clean.
Security and Strength
Well-being is principal with regards to mobility aids. The Karma Aurora 5 wheelchair incorporates a solid slowing mechanism to guarantee secure stops. The counter tip configuration adds an additional layer of strength, giving clients inward feeling of harmony while exploring different territories. The strong, cut resistant tires are worked to handle various surfaces, giving a smooth ride without fail.
Simple to Utilize
Ease of use is another vital component of the Karma Aurora 5 wheelchair. It is easy to overlap and unfurl, making it advantageous for movement. The push-to-lock brakes are not difficult to work, giving fast and secure halting. The wheelchair's plan considers easy moving, even in restricted spaces.
Ideal for Different Clients
Whether for brief recovery or long haul mobility needs, the Karma Aurora 5 wheelchair is reasonable for many clients. Its flexibility and usability settle on it an incredible decision for seniors, individuals with inabilities, and those recuperating from a medical procedure or injury. The wheelchair's plan obliges different body types, guaranteeing a comfortable fit for most clients.
A Brilliant Speculation
Putting resources into the Karma Aurora 5 wheelchair is a savvy decision for those hoping to upgrade their mobility and freedom. It consolidates sturdiness, comfort, and wellbeing, offering brilliant benefit for your cash.
Where to Buy?
For those keen on buying the Karma Aurora 5 wheelchair, Medi Aid Xperts offers a dependable and trusted source. They give definite item data and remarkable client assistance, guaranteeing you pursue the best decision for your mobility needs.
The Karma Aurora 5 wheelchair is an extraordinary mobility aid intended to work on the personal satisfaction for its clients. Its mix of comfort, wellbeing, and usability goes with it a top decision for anybody needing a solid wheelchair. Investigate the advantages of the Karma Aurora 5 and recover your autonomy today. For more data and to make a purchase, visit Medi Aid Xperts.
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sophiamerlin · 11 months
Seamless Transition: Migrating Your AWS Infrastructure in Real Time
Migrating your AWS applications, data, and databases in real time can be a complex process. However, with careful planning and the right approach, you can achieve a seamless transition while ensuring minimal downtime and data integrity. We will walk you through the step-by-step process of migrating your AWS components in real time.
If you want to advance your career at the AWS Course in Pune, you need to take a systematic approach and join up for a course that best suits your interests and will greatly expand your learning path.
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Step 1: Assess Your Migration Requirements: Begin by thoroughly assessing your current environment. Identify the applications, data, and databases that need to be migrated and evaluate their dependencies. Consider the complexity, criticality, and compatibility of each component to devise an appropriate migration strategy.
Step 2: Choose the Optimal Migration Method: AWS offers various migration methods to suit different scenarios. Evaluate options such as AWS Database Migration Service (DMS), AWS Server Migration Service (SMS), or AWS DataSync. Each method has its own strengths and considerations, so select the one that aligns with your specific needs.
Step 3: Plan for High Availability and Scalability: Ensure high availability and scalability of your applications during the migration process. Utilize AWS services like Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling, Amazon RDS Multi-AZ, and Amazon Aurora Global Database to maintain optimal performance and handle increased traffic. Implement redundancy and failover mechanisms to minimize potential disruptions.
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If you are searching for the AWS Certification Online, I recommend exploring the official AWS Training and Certification website. They offer a wealth of resources, including study guides, practice exams, and training courses that cater to different learning styles.
Step 4: Establish Real-Time Data Replication: Real-time data replication is crucial for maintaining continuous availability during migration. Leverage AWS services like AWS DMS or utilize third-party tools to enable bi-directional data replication between the source and target environments. This ensures that data changes are synchronized in real time.
Step 5: Implement a Comprehensive Cutover Plan: Develop a detailed cutover plan to smoothly transition from the source to the target environment. Include steps for final data synchronization, DNS updates, application switchover, and post-migration functionality verification. Test the plan in a controlled environment to identify and address any potential issues before the actual migration.
Step 6: Monitor and Optimize Performance: Monitor the performance and health of your applications, data, and databases throughout the migration process. Utilize AWS Cloud Watch to track key metrics, set up alerts, and ensure optimal performance. Continuously optimize your AWS resources by right-sizing instances, optimizing database configurations, and leveraging services like AWS Lambda and Amazon Cloud Front.
Step 7: Test and Validate Post-Migration: Thoroughly test and validate the functionality of your applications, data, and databases in the new environment. Conduct comprehensive testing, including functional, performance, and security testing, to ensure everything is working as expected. Monitor the post-migration environment closely to identify and address any lingering issues.
Step 8: Establish Disaster Recovery and Backup Strategies: Ensure robust disaster recovery and backup strategies are in place. Implement automated backup mechanisms, leverage AWS services like AWS Backup, and regularly test your disaster recovery processes to ensure business continuity and data protection.
Migrating your AWS applications, data, and databases in real time requires careful planning, a well-defined strategy, and meticulous execution. By following these step-by-step guidelines, you can achieve a successful migration with minimal disruptions.
Remember to assess your migration requirements, choose the right migration method, establish real-time data replication, and thoroughly test and validate the post-migration environment. With proper planning and execution, you can seamlessly migrate your AWS components in real time.
Don’t miss this opportunity to advance your career in the dynamic field of cloud computing!
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cloudinnovations · 1 year
What is Amazon Aurora?
Explore in detail about Amazon aurora and its features.
Amazon Aurora is a fully managed relational database service offered by Amazon Web Services (AWS). It is designed to provide high performance, availability, and durability while being compatible with MySQL and PostgreSQL database engines. 
Amazon Aurora, a powerful and scalable database solution provided by AWS, is a fantastic choice for businesses looking to streamline their data management. When it comes to optimizing your AWS infrastructure, consider leveraging professional AWS consulting services. These services can help you make the most of Amazon Aurora and other AWS offerings, ensuring that your database systems and overall cloud architecture are finely tuned for performance, reliability, and security. 
Here are some of the key features of Amazon Aurora: 
1. Compatibility: Amazon Aurora is compatible with both MySQL and PostgreSQL database engines, which means you can use existing tools, drivers, and applications with minimal modification. 
2. High Performance: It offers excellent read and write performance due to its distributed, fault-tolerant architecture. Aurora uses a distributed storage engine that replicates data across multiple Availability Zones (AZs) for high availability and improved performance. 
3. Replication: Aurora supports both automated and manual database replication. You can create up to 15 read replicas, which can help offload read traffic from the primary database and improve read scalability. 
4. Global Databases: You can create Aurora Global Databases, allowing you to replicate data to multiple regions globally. This provides low-latency access to your data for users in different geographic locations. 
5. High Availability: Aurora is designed for high availability and fault tolerance. It replicates data across multiple AZs, and if the primary instance fails, it automatically fails over to a replica with minimal downtime. 
6. Backup and Restore: Amazon Aurora automatically takes continuous backups and offers point-in-time recovery. You can also create manual backups and snapshots for data protection. 
7. Security: It provides robust security features, including encryption at rest and in transit, integration with AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM), and support for Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) isolation. 
8. Scalability: Aurora allows you to scale your database instances up or down based on your application's needs, without impacting availability. It also offers Amazon Aurora Auto Scaling for automated instance scaling. 
9. Performance Insights: You can use Amazon RDS Performance Insights to monitor the performance of your Aurora database, making it easier to identify and troubleshoot performance bottlenecks. 
10. Serverless Aurora: AWS also offers a serverless version of Amazon Aurora, which automatically adjusts capacity based on actual usage. This can be a cost-effective option for variable workloads. 
11. Integration with AWS Services: Aurora can be integrated with other AWS services like AWS Lambda, AWS Glue, and Amazon SageMaker, making it suitable for building data-driven applications and analytics solutions. 
12. Cross-Region Replication: You can set up cross-region replication to have read replicas in different AWS regions for disaster recovery and data locality. 
These features make Amazon Aurora a powerful and versatile database solution for a wide range of applications, from small-scale projects to large, mission-critical systems. 
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espressothegoat · 1 year
We now return to your regularly scheduled loreposting.
Netjacked Lore
The Blackout of '84
The Blackout of '84 was one of the most - if not the most - influential events of the 21st century. No other singular event was so impactful - not the rise of corporatocracy, nor the effects of the climate disaster, nor the overpopulation crisis and the resulting famine.
There was ample warning, of course. Astronomers had noticed the warning signs years in advance. But between overpopulation, food shortages caused by accelerating climate collapse, and the corporate takeover of most aspects of daily life, no one paid much thought to the handful of scientists going on and on about a growing magnetic disturbance in the sun. They had more pressing problems.
On January 11th, 2048, the massive magnetic disturbance finally snapped, and colossal storms of magnetic energy blasted outwards across the solar system. The first of these storms struck Earth on January 12th, unleashing unfathomable destruction.
Across the planet, technology failed catastrophically. Screens died. Displays shot sparks. Power plants and fusion reactors exploded or stopped dead. Hyperplanes and satellites fell from the sky. Trillions upon trillions of dollars worth of infrastructure failed and burned beneath the most vibrant and powerful auroras in recorded history, seen all the way to the equator.
Human lives were not spared. Untold millions died instantly as cheap, unshielded cybernetics cooked their brains from the inside or fried their nervous systems. Many millions more were electrocuted by malfunctioning tech, burned alive in the resulting city-wide infernos, or were lost in the chaos and turmoil that followed. Estimates vary, but put the global death toll somewhere between 1.5 and 3 billion people over the next five years.
Another casualty of the Blackout was the internet. Recovery efforts in the following years would find that almost all internet data was corrupted beyond salvaging, erasing over a century of information in an instant. As the recovery efforts continued, smaller, localized "datanets" became the norm, though some people still sift through corrupted "oldnet" archives, hoping to recover something of value.
The Blackout also caused a sudden and dramatic shift in technological progress. Fusion power replaced nuclear facilities. Computing power was moved off of personal devices and into the datanets. Rapid advancements in cybernetics (properly shielded) made augments so common that today not having any is seen as peculiar.
The years following the blackout were filled with turmoil and strife. Old governments fell and new ones took their place. Corporations collapsed, merged, and fought for control of resources and land. Many countries in the former third world were less affected by the devastation. Their leadership in the recovery effort made Brazil, the African Union, and the recently-formed Arabian Pact into global powers.
Meanwhile, the Resource Wars tore across Europe, and the United States broke into several smaller countries, severely damaging their influence on the global stage.
On the plus side, if there can be any plus side to so much destruction, the Blackout did effectively end the population crisis, and the ash put into the sky triggered a period of rapid global cooling, buying enough time for massive climate control machines to be brought online in the early 2100s. Unfortunately (for many), the Blackout did not end corporatocracy. If anything, corporations have gained even more power.
The scars of the Blackout are still very much visible in 2128. While the glimmering megacities and their surrounding regions have been rebuilt, much of the vast Wastes between them remain desolate and sparsely populated, making travel difficult. The recovery effort has mostly stalled, as corporations and governments look to their own internal affairs. Rebuilding the planet is simply less profitable than it used to be.
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Qubex Data Recovery offers local data recovery in Aurora CO with a focus on efficiency and security. Our team of skilled technicians has extensive experience in recovering data from various storage devices. Using state-of-the-art technology, we can retrieve your lost data quickly and effectively.
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joycegriggs · 1 year
Managed service provider Chicago
Shartega is a leading provider of IT solutions and managed services based in Chicago. The company offers a wide range of technology services to businesses of all sizes, including managed IT services, IT consulting, and IT support. With a focus on delivering exceptional customer service and support, Shartega has established itself as a trusted partner for businesses looking to optimize their technology infrastructure. As a managed service provider Chicago, Shartega offers comprehensive managed IT services designed to help businesses streamline their operations and reduce costs. Their team of experienced technicians provides 24/7 support to ensure that all of their clients' technology needs are met promptly and efficiently. Whether it's network security, data backup and recovery, or cloud computing solutions, Shartega has the expertise to provide customized IT solutions that meet each client's unique requirements. In addition to managed IT services, Shartega also offers IT consulting services to help businesses stay ahead of the curve with the latest technology trends and advancements. Their team of consultants can help clients develop a technology roadmap, implement new solutions, and provide ongoing support to ensure that their technology infrastructure is always up-to-date and optimized for performance. For businesses in the Naperville and Aurora areas, Shartega also offers managed IT services that are tailored to the specific needs of these communities. With a deep understanding of the local business landscape, Shartega can provide customized solutions that help businesses in these areas stay competitive and efficient. Overall, Shartega is a top choice for businesses in Chicago and the surrounding areas looking for expert IT solutions, managed services, and IT support. With a focus on customer service and a commitment to excellence, Shartega has established itself as a leading provider of IT services in the region.
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moremedtech · 2 years
Wrist-wearable devices can spot pain, sleep and anxiety outcomes after trauma
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Wrist-wearable devices can spot pain, sleep and anxiety outcomes after trauma. Results from the largest perspective study of its kind indicate that 24-hour rest-activity characteristics from wrist-wearable devices predicted adverse symptom outcomes in the 8 weeks after traumatic stress exposure. In a diverse group of individuals, variability in 24-hour activity based on wrist accelerometry reported greater pain severity. During the 8 weeks after trauma, changes in several rest-activity measures were also associated with changes in pain, sleep, and anxiety in this group of patients. Additionally, simple thresholds for these biomarkers identified individuals with good recovery for pain, sleep, and anxiety with high predictive value. Wrist wearables with accelerometry are easy to wear and commonly used among consumers, and this research, published in the JAMA Psychiatry, suggests that 24-hour rest-activity characteristics obtained from these devices might identify those who will recover from trauma in high-risk populations. "These findings are important both to identify specific individuals who are vulnerable to pain and mental health problems after trauma, and to test potential treatments focused on reducing these problems for individuals who have recently experienced traumatic events," said lead author Laura Straus, Ph.D., staff research psychologist at the San Francisco VA Medical Center and assistant professor of psychiatry at UC San Francisco. This research is part of the national Advancing Understanding of RecOvery afteR traumA (AURORA) Study. AURORA allows researchers to leverage data from patient participants who enter emergency departments at hospitals across the country after experiencing trauma, such as car accidents or other serious incidents. The ultimate goal of AURORA is to spur on the development and testing of preventive and treatment interventions for individuals who have experienced traumatic events. AURORA scientists have known that only a subset of trauma survivors develop long-term pain and mental health difficulties, and that this is especially true in individuals from socioeconomically disadvantaged backgrounds. No objective assessment methods or biomarkers are available to determine who will recover from trauma versus who will develop long-term symptoms. To examine the question if any candidate biomarkers could be identified based on wrist-wearable data, participants wore a study watch for 8 weeks, beginning in the emergency department, and completed periodic smartphone-based assessments of neuropsychiatric symptoms. Straus and her colleagues derived and validated rest-activity characteristics that were associated with specific self-report symptom domains at a point in time, and changes in symptom severity over time. "We found that several rest-activity measures were associated with changes in pain over time. We also found that objective sleep/wake fragmentation was associated with changes in pain, self-reported sleep problems, and anxiety," said Thomas Neylan, a senior author on the paper and professor of psychiatry from UC San Francisco. "These findings highlight a potential use for wrist-wearables in identifying who may need further evaluation and support after a trauma." "These latest findings are very exciting because they suggest objective biomarkers from wearable devices could be used as screening tools to help patients and physicians identify whether symptoms are improving or worsening post-trauma," said McLean, a senior author on the paper. "Studies focusing on the early aftermath of trauma are critical because we need a better understanding of how adverse symptoms develop so we can prevent and treat them." Source: University of North Carolina School of Medicine Read the full article
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qubexdatarecovery1 · 2 years
Apple Data Recovery
Need Apple Data Recovery in Aurora, Colorado? Visit Qubex data recovery; they can help by keeping their data recovery costs affordable. If your Apple device creates some data loss issue or suffers a hard drive failure, you may need our Apple data recovery expert to restore all essential data.
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markwatsonsbooks · 3 months
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AWS Ultimate Guide: From Beginners to Advanced by SK Singh
This is a very comprehensive book on AWS, from beginners to advanced. The book has extensive diagrams to help understand topics much easier way.
To make understanding the subject a smoother experience, the book is divided into the following sections:
Cloud Computing
AWS Fundamentals (What is AWS, AWS Account, AWS Free Tier, AWS Cost & Billing Management, AWS Global Cloud Infrastructure (part I)), IAM, EC2)
AWS Advanced (EC2 Advanced, ELB, Advanced S3, Route 53, AWS Global Cloud Infrastructure (part II), Advanced Storage on AWS, AWS Monitoring, Audit, and Performance),
AWS RDS and Databases (AWS RDS and Cache, AWS Databases)
Serverless (Serverless Computing, AWS Integration, and Messaging)
Container & CI/CD (Container, AWS CI/CD services)
Data & Analytics (Data & Analytics)
Machine Learning (AWS ML/AI Services)
Security (AWS Security & Encryption, AWS Shared Responsibility Model, How to get Support on AWS, Advanced Identity)
Networking (AWS Networking)
Disaster Management (Backup, Recovery & Migrations)
Solutions Architecture (Cloud Architecture Key Design Principles, AWS Well-Architected Framework, Classic Solutions Architecture)
Includes AWS services/features such as IAM, S3, EC2, EC2 purchasing options, EC2 placement groups, Load Balancers, Auto Scaling, S3 Glacier, S3 Storage classes, Route 53 Routing policies, CloudFront, Global Accelerator, EFS, EBS, Instance Store, AWS Snow Family, AWS Storage Gateway, AWS Transfer Family, Amazon CloudWatch, EventBridge, CloudWatch Insights, AWS CloudTrail, AWS Config, Amazon RDS, Amazon Aurora, Amazon ElatiCache, Amazon DocumentDB, Amazon Keyspaces, Amazon Quantum Ledger Database, Amazon Timestream, Amazon Managed Blockchain, AWS Lambda, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon API Gateway, SQS, SNS, SES, Amazon Kinesis, Amazon Kinesis Firehose, Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics, Amazon Kinesis Data Streams, Amazon Kinesis ECS, Amazon Kinesis ECR, Amazon EKS, AWS CloudFormation, AWS Elastic Beanstalk, AWS CodeBuild, AWS OpsWorks, AWS CodeGuru, AWS CodeCommit, Amazon Athena, Amazon Redshift, Amazon EMR, Amazon QuickSight, AWS Glue, AWS Lake Formation, Amazon MSK, Amazon Rekognition, Amazon Transcribe, Amazon Polly, Amazon Translate, Amazon Lex, Amazon Connect, Amazon Comprehend, Amazon Comprehend Medical, Amazon SageMaker, Amazon Forecast, Amazon Kendra, Amazon Personalize, Amazon Textract, Amazon Fraud Detector, Amazon Sumerian, AWS WAF, AWS Shield Standard, AWS Shield Advanced, AWS Firewall Manager, AWS GuardDuty, Amazon Inspector, Amazon Macie, Amazon Detective, SSM Session Manager, AWS Systems Manager, S3 Replication & Encryption, AWS Organization, AWS Control Tower, AWS SSO, Amazon Cognito, AWS VPC, NAT Gateway, VPC Endpoints, VPC Peering, AWS Transit Gateway, AWS Site-to-Site VPC, Database Management Service (DMS), and many others.
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kilopniche · 2 years
Aurora hdr 2018 installation writes files then erases them
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That’s right, Aurora HDR, is the world’s leading HDR photo editor. The Pay What You Want 2018 Super Mac Bundle – Realize Your Mac’s Potential with WhiteSmoke, Aurora HDR & 8 More Top-Rated Apps From Some of the Industry’s Best Developers
Some random fixes in multiple Disk Drill modulesĭo you need to recover deleted files in Mac OS X, such as critical business documents, music, photos or videos? Have files or whole partitions gone missing from your Mac? Are you having trouble accessing an external USBdrive or camera card? We can help.
Recovery session management for APFS drives.
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Our English writing software solutions are built in a flexible proprietary software program that is deployable on Mac-based and Windows-based personal computers.Īccidents happen, which is why it’s critical to have a data recovery system at your disposal. As a result, our software goes beyond providing relevant grammatical and typographical corrections, but also improves the style, tone and clarity of our users’ writing. Our solutions involve Natural Language Processing, or NLP technology, involving rule-based and statistical algorithms, which are used by our software to scan thousands of user-generated text passages and user emails regularly to “learn” the way the human mind works in the process of writing. Our software serves a large and growing market of both native and non-native English speakers and provides our users with an effective, easy-to-use way to enhance their English writing and generate clear, concise and error-free English language content. We believe that users that have little or no experience with WhiteSmoke software can use our solution to quickly begin writing, editing, translating and enhancing their English documents. Our software is activated in a single click from any text application and browser, pointing out potential errors for consideration and offering suggestions for improvement. We produce an all-in-one English writing tool that provides grammar, spelling, punctuation and style checks.
Full text translator & dictionary for over 50 languages.
Includes writing tutorials, document & letter templates.
Includes spelling, grammar, punctuation, style & plagiarism checker.
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Works w/ Microsoft Word & Outlook to proofread your emails and documents.
Checks for potential plagiarism w/ its huge database.
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Rated as the #1 solution for English grammar, style, spelling & punctuation.
Whether you’re writing on mobile or desktop, this versatile, easy-to-use software is compatible with all browsers, includes a translator for over 50 languages, and lets you perfect your writing virtually anywhere you do it. Using advanced technology, WhiteSmoke checks your work for grammar, spelling, punctuation, and style errors – so you never send off a flawed work email again. Whether you fit that mold or you’re an awful writer altogether, you’ll find your solution in WhiteSmoke.
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