#Author: AppleJacks1552
fanfictionalrogue · 5 years
But Here We Are by AppleJacks1552 (AppleJ)
Title: But Here We Are and over AO3
Author: AppleJacks1552 and AppleJ
Fanfiction Author ID: 11453600
Summary: A What If story: Rogue is uneXpectedly eXpecting, but nothing is ever THAT simple in the life of an X-Man. What secret will Gambit discover that complicates their happily-ever-after? MANY thanks to the very wonderful and gracious Ludi for her insightful beta read! Disclaimer: These characters are the property of Marvel. This is actually a multi chapter brought over from Ao3.
Rate: M
Fanfiction ID: 13219592
Universe: X-Men and X-Men (Comicverse) also X-Men - All Media Types
Characters: Dr. H. McCoy/Beast/Hank, Remy L./Gambit, Raven D./Mystique, Anna Marie/Rogue
Genre: Romance/Mystery
Additional tags: Angst and Fluff and Smut Family Feels Fluff and Humor Suspense the fluffiest fluff that ever fluffed Cute Kids Pregnancy Fights Blood and Violence Birth Cats Romance Dialogue Heavy Canon Compliant What-If Marvel 616 References X-Men References Mystery Time Travel Cross-Posted on FanFiction.Net Mr.&Mrs.X X-Men:The End X-Treme X-Men - Freeform Extermination
Status: Complete.
Published: Feb 26, 2019, over AO3 was published in Feb 24 same year.
Word Count: 33,988 in oneshot over FF.net and 30 chapters on AO3.
Content/Author Notes: Extrapolated to take place after the events of Mr&MrsX 2018 by Kelly Thompson. Inspiration taken from characters introduced in Extermination 2018 by Ed Brisson and also by the theme of the 2015 Spiderwoman by Dennis Hopeless along with several excellent CBR forum discussions and Chris Claremont's X-Men:The End & Extreme X-Men. This is a type of story I don't think Marvel would do right now for these characters or maybe ever ... at least not for quite a while anyway. And I am very okay with that! However, for some of us impatient old-timers it is fun to wonder "What If" and also if Ed Brisson is totally trolling us right now. So Ed, this one's for you! ; ) Even if you'll probably never read it. I also added a few little Easter eggs for some fellow Romy friends to enjoy. This is very fluffy and angsty, but hopefully also funny with just a touch of romance and smut (hard to avoid with these two characters). It picks up with some action and hopefully suspense about halfway through. Rated mature mainly for the little bit of smut, some strong language, and a few intense moments and depictions of violence. Just an FYI, the chapters are very short! This is attempt #2 at writing fanfic, so hopefully I learned a few things along the way. MANY MANY thanks to the very wonderful and gracious @ludi-ling for her insightful beta read!!!
Disclaimer: These characters are the property of Marvel. I'm only jumping in the sandbox to play with their toys. Not for profit!
I recommend this because @applejacks1552 is a real fan on the Romy fandom, probably you have read some of her letters on R&G and MMX and all the insight she does over Twitter. This fic is another proves of a dedicated fan doing her good research and filling the blank spaces that Marvel probably will never fill.
@mr-and-mrs-lebeau did a perfect post about all this. You can read it here. 
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dayenurose · 4 years
What If...Excalibur had Rebelled?
For the suspicious, it is obvious that Krakoa is not the Paradise it appears to be on the surface. It’s time for someone to do something about this. Enter Rogue, Gambit and Excalibur.
(This story, while inspired by a comic panel from Excalibur #16 was written before the issue was released. There are a few references to things which happened during 'X of Swords.' But, I did not read XoS, so I don’t actually know how these things took place. If you don’t have a vague sense of what is happening in 'Dawn of X,' then I suppose there are a few spoilers. Even then, this is all pretty much speculation in the spirit of the old ‘what if’s...’--just with a happier ending.)
Read on [ao3] or [ff.net]
This is a bit of an odd piece for me. A couple of weeks ago @applejacks1552 shared a preview panel from Excalibur #16 on the Romy discord. In the panel, Rogue appeared to be taking a leadership role and she appeared to be annoyed with someone other than Gambit. Both of these observations garnered a general interest from the group and a hope this might lead to some better in-comic characterization.
The preview panel sparked this idea in my head. I wanted to know who was Rogue annoyed with? Were Rogue and Gambit finally working as a team like they’re meant to be? Would someone finally stand up to this nonsense? So, I scribbled out this piece and shared it in the forum, where it quickly got lost in the general conversation, probably unread.
Then, a couple of days ago, CodeAliasWave posed the question, why don’t authors share ‘fragments’ like artists share ‘scraps’. Little pieces that don’t really belong anywhere, complete enough to stand on their own, and may or may not lead to a completed work in the future. After some discussion, Code put out the challenge for writers to do that, post their fragments. And while I’m not certain most of the ‘fragments’ in my WIP folder would work as stand alone pieces (most of them are future chapters of stories I intend to finish), this one did fit her description. So, Code—here is my attempt at sharing a fragment.
Also, a quick note to @angel-gidget. Gidge, you said if I posted this piece, you’d post your Amethyst story—which I believe is a better story and the world seriously needs more Amethyst fics, so please share.
Rogue crossed her arms and huffed loudly. She stared down the people in charge. “All right, Ah’ve had enough. Ah’m—we’re—done.”
“Chère?” Gambit wasn’t questioning her decision, only confirming the action needed without giving away their plans.
“It’s time, sugah. Ah’m done playing along. Ah don’t want to pretend anymore, Ah want to speak my own mind again.”  Rogue didn’t look behind her. She didn’t need to. She knew her husband had her back and that was enough.
“D’accord.” His voice echoed the same grim determination she felt. She almost wanted to smile (thought that would ruin her ‘don’t mess with me’ demeanor) as she heard him mutter under his breath. “‘Bout time.”
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pastellarts · 4 years
17 things
Tagged by @whatsherfacewrites​ to answer some questions about myself.
Tumblr media
Nicknames: pastella comes from a wrongly pronounced greek word
Zodiac: Scorpio
Height: almost 5’8”
Hogwarts house: Hufflepuff
Last thing I googled: Foods for Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Wanted to see if pop corn is OK
Song stuck in my head: Eurythmics - Thorn in my side. Was listening to it on the drive home from vacations
Amount of sleep: A lot and mostly good thanks to anxiety treatment meds
Lucky numbers: 3
Dream job: Researcher with good working conditions
Wearing: a Cotton Strappy Nightdress
Favourite instrument: electric Guitar
Aesthetic: easy clear with ergonomic features
Favourite song: Too many to write
Favourite author: Albert Camus, Malvina Karali
Favourite animal: Horse
Favourite animal sound: The cicadas in summer
Random: I am afraid/strongly dislike the butterflies
Tagging @applejacks1552​ @jehilew​ @bustedflipflop​ @ssferret​ @txpeppa​ @karmasworlds​ @ludi-ling​ and any of my 500 followers who wants to play!
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dayenurose · 3 years
First Line Memes
@lettersfromn0where Thanks for the tag. This was a fun reflection. :)
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!) See if there are any patterns. Choose your favorite opening line. Then tag 10 authors!
In case any of the first lines intrigue you, all stories can be found on ao3, most can be found on ffnet.
1 - Trust Me (Romy, Rogue/Gambit Week 2021 - 5+1, T)
In the privacy of her room, Rogue curled up in the chair beside the window and rested a book on her lap.
2 - Rum Runner (Romy, Rogue/Gambit Week 2021 - Prohibition Era AU, T)
Over the last half hour, the wind had changed direction, blowing in from the north.
3 - At The Seams (Romy, Rogue/Gambit Week 2021, T)
4 - To Carry My Heart (Romy, Rogue/Gambit Week 2020, T)
It was early enough in the evening that the majority of the X-Men present at the Mansion hadn’t yet managed to drift into the den to catch an episode or two of television or a game of pool before drifting off again to whatever activity filled their evening.
5 - Snowbound (Romy, Romy Holiday FicExchange, T)
The grandfather clock in the front room struck noon and the resounding chimes echoed through the lower level of the Mansion.
6 - Meine Schwester (Romy, Rogue-Kurt siblings, T)
There was no sign of the others as Kurt ‘bamf-ed’ onto the front lawn of the Mansion.
7 - What if…Excalibur Had Rebelled? (Romy, What-if, T)
Rogue crossed her arms and huffed loudly.
8 - Mishaps and the Multiverse (Peter Parker, Gwen Stacy, T)
His spider sense tingled.
9 - Risk and Reward (Romy, 6+1+6. T)
“Gambit, Rogue, you’re on Team A.”
10 - The Stuff of Dreams (Romy, there was only one bed, T)
Rain poured from the sky in sheets.
11 - Indigo (Zutara, T)
Katara stormed through the palace.
12 - Back To You (Romy, T)
Rogue laid on her side facing the window with her back to the rest of the room.
13 - Moving On (Dick/Babs, fanart inspired, T)
The gala was in full swing.
14 - Prologue - Love Is… (Romy, Rogue/Gambit Week 2020, T)
Remy studied his reflection in the mirror of the guest bathroom.
15 - Dreams of This (Romy, Rogue/Gambit Week 2020, T)
Remy noiselessly slipped off his boots, holding in the grunt of pain precipitated by the simple motions.
16 - Suspicions of Paradise (Romy, Rogue/Gambit Week 2020, T)
With the long suffering sigh of the truly exasperated, Remy tossed his phone on the couch.
17 - From Almost to Always (Romy, T)
Gambit had been too busy keeping the encroaching ground forces at bay with a series of charged playing cards to notice what appeared to be a minivan sized boulder hurtling towards him.
18 - Defiance (Tim Drake, Tam Fox, fanart inspired, G)
Tam stared in mute horror as Tim—No, not Tim.
19 - The Drying of Tears (Romy, fanart inspired, G)
Checking his watch as he entered their apartment, Remy grimaced.
20 - Sick Day (Romy, fanart inspired, G)
“Remy Etienne LeBeau, what are ya doing out of bed?”
It would appear in my first sentences I usually try to set the mood of the piece/chapter through either character or setting descriptions.
I’m really enjoying the start of “Dreams of This.” Or, maybe it’s because it reminds me of where the story leads. Happy Romy moments. :)
Bonus Thoughts:
- I was greatly amused when I was reminded that one of the prompts for “Snowbound” was ‘as the clock struck midnight’ and I began the story with the clock striking noon. (Don’t worry, we did get to midnight as well).
- How did I manage to get the shortest sentence (1 word) and the longest sentence (48 words) next to each other?
Tagging: @angel-gidget , @codealiaswave , @mieteve-minijoma , @clerati , @chellerbelles , @sandmansraven , @applejacks1552 , @octobertown , and anyone else who wants to play.
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