#Romy fanfics
roguegambitweek · 6 months
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Rogue/Gambit Week 2024
Hey y’all!
It’s time for what y’all have been waiting for—Rogue/Gambit Week 2024. We’re looking forward to a great week celebrating our favorite Southern couple. Here’s the information you’ll need to participate.
Rogue/Gambit Week 2024 will be held June 16-23, 2024. Yes, that’s right, we plan to have eight days of full of Romy goodness.
Day 1 - Sunday, June 16 - Alternate First Meeting | Robin Hood AU
Day 2 - Monday, June 17 - Roof Top | Steampunk AU
Day 3 - Tuesday, June 18 - MojoWorld | Merfolk AU
Day 4 - Wednesday, June 19 - Rogue and Gambit are physically separated | Fantasy AU
Day 5 - Thursday, June 20 - Legacy as a Concept or Character | Noir AU
Day 6 - Friday, June 21 - Space Adventure | Pirates AU
Day 7 - Saturday, June 22 - Reunion | Power/Role Swap or No Powers AU
Day 8 - Sunday, June 23 - Free day!
Alternate Prompts
Alt 1 - T-shirt Collection
Alt 2 - Hair—Braiding/brushing/cutting/etc.
Alt 3 - Vow Renewal
This is a celebration of all things Romy! Your fanworks may cover any point of their relationship—from their early flirtations to their life together as an old married couple, from friendship to lovers.
Rogue and Gambit do not need to be in a romantic relationship (friendship is great too!), but their relationship should be the primary focus.
Feel free to draw inspiration from any medium which they appeared (the comics (any corner of the Multiverse), the animated series (XtAS, WatX, Evo), the movies, etc.)
Please tag your posts #rogue/gambitweek2024 or #rogue/remyweek2024 within the first five(5) tags so they can be easily found and re-blogged on the Rogue/Gambit Week blog. You may also tag our posts @roguegambitweek . (This often makes finding posts easier).
Fanworks are not limited to fanfic, fanart, and fanedits. However you create, that is also a part of what makes a fanworks week successful. Yes, fic, art, and edits are the most common, but I’ve seen amazing fanworks accomplished in other ways. In our fist year a short video was shared concerning what Gambit keeps in his pockets. In another fandom, I’ve seen someone share why a particular musical score reminded them of the couple. I’ve seen people make text conversations between characters focused around that day’s prompt. Handcrafts, music, photography, cosplay, and countless other creative ventures can also be part of a fanworks week. Have fun creating. Please feel free to share your talents and Romy-love with us.
The fanworks you share should be created by you.
Any NSFW content must be placed under a ‘read more’ break, otherwise it will not be re-blogged.
You don’t need to post something for every day/every prompt. Feel free to participate in as many days as you you feel inspired. If you have created something, but are unable to post it on the assigned day, please post it when you can. It will still be re-blogged.
You may combine days (as in cover two or more prompts with the same entry).
‘Regular’ prompts may be set in an AU universe. ‘AU’ prompts could be set in a canon universe. Let your creativity run wild and have fun with the prompts.
Have fun. Try something new. Create something new for an old favorite. Remember, the goal here is to share the Romy love and create more Romy content for all of us to enjoy.
If you have any questions, please feel free to send an ask.
Have fun creating!
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gimpyhair · 8 months
Stupid prompt/drabble to the universe:
Levi receives a report on his desk, signed Hange Zoe-Ackerman. He decides to confront Hange about it, banging on their door "Yo, four-eyes, what's the meaning of this!?".
Hange opens the door, kinda awkward, and responds "oh, I didn't mean for you to find out this way-" Levi sees a ring on their finger and is super confused (did he fucking married Hange without realizing it). Hange then happily screams "-but I'm your new aunty!❤️"
Kenny comes out of nowhere and fully kisses Hange on their lips. Levi is speechless, under shock, does not compute, error 404
Kenny gives Levi pocket money and tells smugly him to go buy an ice cream or something to "give the grown ups some alone time". Hange giggles in a very ooc way, then playfully smacks Kenny'ass
Levi immediately wakes up, screaming (a la Kakyoin screaming meme). Hange, who is laying on the same bed, is like "babe, what's wrong, titans again?". Hange is ready to go full comfort-mode like every classic levihan fanfiction. But Levi refuses to talk because of how fucking stupid that nightmare was.
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base-and-co · 1 month
considering that I left the link to here in Untouchable, I wanna give y'all who came from there a little, just itty-bitty fun-fact.
that "line" on Rogue's forehead that Remy sees when he wakes up in the third chapter - it's a scar. it's a scar from Genosha.
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Kurt has one too, on his right shoulder blade, there's a scar from the burn he got when he teleported Rogue and Magneto away.
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and we all know where Remy's scar is.
so yeah. have fun with that info ahaha it will play some role in XIII
imma give you more little bits as I write things, but hopefully won't spoil anything big hahah
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rogue-gambit-fan-zine · 6 months
X-Men'97 got you craving more Rogue and Gambit? Come check out Home & Harbor, a charity Romy fanzine! Preorders are still open!
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applejacks1552 · 6 months
#Fanfics on Ao3 for Erik Lensher/Rogue: 78
#Fanfics on Ao3 for Remy LeBeau/Rogue: 1066
The people have spoken @marvelentertainment
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ludi-ling · 6 months
Prompt 1 - Heroes
I knocked out prompt 1 like a rabid little plot bunny. 🐇 Thanks @lovethelebeaux for your suggestion!
Got a prompt? Post it in the replies of this post.
Happy Easter everyone! 🐤🐰🐥🥚
The prompt:
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The story:
               It’s a beautiful night.
               Warm, and sultry, like the woman he’s just spent it with.
               He slings his trench coat over his shoulder and whistles a dissonant little tune as he heads up the grassy incline to the mansion.
               He’s jumped the walls. He prefers not to trigger the cameras. His indiscretions are his own. In any other place, he wouldn’t care. But he does here, in this place where there are responsibilities, and truth, and justice.
               He doesn’t fit in. He knows this already. He won’t ever.
               I’ll be sad, if you go, Stormy tells him. But if you must, you must.
               I ain’t cut out for this, he replies. I ain’t like all’a y’all.
               And she raises a gentle eyebrow at him, says; After all we have seen, all we have been through together, you can still say such a thing?
               We had some fun, p’tit, he concedes with a grin. But look at ya now. Ya all grown up, Stormy. You’re an X-Man. And I’m still just a thief.
               He’s worse. But no one here has to know that, and he doesn’t want them to know, not ever. Guilt is a heavier burden, in a place like this. You weigh your soul against the goodness of others. Stormy figures he can find some sort of redemption here. But she doesn’t know the sins he must one day atone for.
               Earlier that day, he’d started packing. But he hadn’t been able to resist one last hurrah before hitting the road once more.
               He’ll go back to his room, have a shower. Sleep what little he can, before a new day rises.
               Then he’ll bid his adieus and be gone.
               He skirts by the lake, and as he does, he hears a nearby splash of water. Once, twice.
               It’s too early in the morning for birds. He pauses. He steps around the dense trunk of the cedar tree and follows the sound.
               He stops when he sees her.
               Floating on her back in the water, eyes closed, her silver and cinnamon hair fanned out like a halo around her.
               She’s never like this.
               Rogue is brash and loud, and when she’s silent she’s sullen… sometimes sad. But she’s never like this. Calm. Peaceful. At home with herself.
               He looks aside a moment, feeling like he’s encroaching on a moment, and not knowing how to extricate himself from it.
               Truth be told, he doesn’t want to.
               He’s been avoiding her. Not because he doesn’t like her, but because he likes her too much. She’s a reason to stay, and yet a reason to go. He wants to touch her, but he can’t. He doesn’t stay for things he can’t touch, he can’t steal. What’s the point in stealing a heart from a body you can’t touch, after all?
               He hears her splash again, and his eyes move back to her.
               She’s standing waist-deep in the water with her back to him, her hair a coppery sheen down her back. She lifts her arms and wrings the water from her locks.
               She’s naked.
               His heart is thudding in his ears.
               He knows a thing or two about beauty, but something about hers stirs him every time, in places he doesn’t know could be stirred.
               He slinks back into the shadows of the tree, and when he hears her begin to the leave the pool, he turns aside and quickly leaves.
               He feels as if he’s intruded on something he shouldn’t have seen, that she would never have let him see. The sentiment has never stopped him before, but he tells himself this is self-preservation. If he sees her and she sees him, it’ll invite him to break a boundary he doesn’t dare articulate. After Belle, after Marissa, after all the women he’s fallen for, there’s too much at stake.
               There’s too much.
               He marches up the slope to the back entrance. He’d thought he’d worked out all his urges and then some tonight, but she stokes fires in him without so much as even throwing a look his way. Tugs at him with the memory of her kiss, one he can’t ever relive again.
               He reaches the flagstone steps, and walks up onto the veranda. The need hasn’t gone, and so he pauses in the doorway and lights up a smoke to calm his nerves. He closes his eyes and breathes. When he opens them again, he sees her walking up the hill towards him, dressed in nothing but a blue, terry-cloth robe, her feet bare. She ascends the steps, oblivious to his presence, and when she sees him in the shadows, she starts.
               “Gambit,” she almost exclaims.
               “Rogue.” He steps forward a little, into the porchlight. “I’m sorry. Didn’t mean t’startle ya.”
               She says nothing. For a moment they stare at one another, a little awkwardly, a little something more. He hasn’t spoken to her for about a week now; but he’s sensed her eyes on him, sometimes, across the dinner table, or from the other end of the Rec Room. He’d pulled away from their banter and light flirtation because he’d slowly been coming to the conclusion that it was better to leave, but here, now… he doesn’t want to go without saying some sort of goodbye to her first.
               Maybe he's even tempted to steal another kiss from her, her powers be damned.
               “You’ve been out late,” she breaks the silence first, noting his trench coat and his unbuttoned dress shirt. She’d been aiming for flippant; but the words are a little self-conscious, a little defensive, as if she knows, instinctively, what he’s been up to.
               “Looks like you’ve been too,” he responds quietly.
               She colours a little, tugging the robe tighter around her, as if suddenly aware of her nakedness beneath it.
               “I went for a swim, down at the lake,” she explains, almost in a rush. “It’s safer to do it now, when no one else is about. Don’t gotta worry ‘bout absorbin’ anyone.”
               “Hm.” He nods. “Bet it reminds you of splashin’ round in the Mississippi durin’ high summer too, neh?”
               She smiles then, a genuine smile.
               “Yeah,” she says. “Sure does.”
               Silence falls. She swallows. His heart is still crashing in his ears.
               He can’t stop thinking about their kiss.
               He guesses she can’t stop thinking about it either.
               “Listen,” she blurts, after a moment, “I was wonderin’… Wolverine and I gotta trainin’ session tomorrow mornin’. You wanna join us?”
               He’s surprised.
               “Heh. You want me to hand your ass t’ya again, chere?”
               She almost colours again – it’s less the ass-handing that bothers her, and more the kiss that had come afterwards.
               “Naw. Ya just been lookin’ so sorry for y’self lately, I figured you could use a distraction.”
               He laughs softly.
               “Thanks but no thanks, chere. Three’s a crowd. And I know Wolverine don’t like me much.”
               She quirks a small smile.
               “That old grump don’t like no one.”
               “He likes you.”
               She looks aside, reflecting on that a moment.
               “Well… I protected someone he loved. And in return… he gave me the gift of life.” Her voice had become quiet. “Before that… he hated me. Everyone here did.”
               He’s surprised to hear that.
               She darts a look at him, awkward again.
               “Didn’t Storm tell ya?”
               He says nothing, and so she continues; “I was with the Brotherhood. I… I did a lot of bad things. To the X-Men. To other people. To innocents.”
               She clutches the robe tighter around her, as if to shield herself from her shame.
               “I nearly killed Ms. Marvel – someone who’s a real hero. I stole everythin’ that belonged to her – her powers, her mem’ries – everythin’ that made her her. Her mem’ries ate at me. Drove me nearly t’madness. She was so strong. So strong, I began to fear I’d lose myself. So I came here. Hopin’ against hope that the Professor could help me. And he did. Just not the way I was expectin’.”
               The words seem to take something out of her. She sits on the balustrade, still clutching the robe around her.
               “When I first came here, everyone hated me. I couldn’t blame them. I’d tried to kill them, hurt them, countless times. But I had nowhere else to go.”
               “And you earned their trust,” he finishes the story for her. “You became like them. A hero.”
               She smiles up at him faintly.
               “Everyone who comes here… somehow… we all end up heroes. Of one stripe or another.”
               He laughs self-deprecatingly and grinds out his cigarette with his heel.
               “I ain’t no hero,” he mutters.
               “You seem to be doin’ pretty well so far.”
               He shakes his head and moves to sit on the balustrade beside her. Close… but not close enough to risk brushing against all the naked skin she’s exposing right now.
               “You’ve moved on from your past, chere,” he mutters, rubbing his long fingers together. “Maybe I ain’t ready yet t’move on from mine.”
               She stares at him. There it is again. Her gaze, like fire on his flesh, in his gut and lower.
               “Nothin’ you’ve done can be so bad it’s irredeemable,” she says.
               There’s certainty in her voice. She believes it. Everything she’s experienced here, with the X-Men, has taught her to believe it. But he doesn’t. He knows what it is to stain his hands with blood.
               “Would ya say the same to the Shadow King?” he asks.
               She says nothing for a moment, and he thinks he’s caught her out – but she doesn’t take the bait.
               “Y’know somethin’, Gambit,” she begins softly instead, “for the longest time I wasn’t sure whether I’m here now, fightin’ the good fight, because it was Ms. Marvel’s mem’ries, her personality, her goodness and sense of justice, that brought me here. Hell,” she exhales a heavy breath, “I still don’t know. Scratch the surface, scratch away all the psyches I’ve ever absorbed… when you get to the core of me, the real me, who is Rogue? Is she a murderer and a terrorist, who became a ‘hero’ because she absorbed a hero? Or was she a good person from the get-go? I genuinely don’t know anymore. Since I was thirteen, all I’ve ever had is other peoples’ personalities layerin’ over mine, over and over, buryin’ me under.”
               She braves a look at him.
               “Sometimes I get scared that… I’ll wake up one day, and discover the real me that’s been hidin’ underneath all that shit. I get scared I’ll kill everyone in their sleep. That I’m not – and never really was – a hero.”
               Her eyes her greener under the porchlight. There’s an earnestness in them that tugs at him more powerfully than her body.
               And he can answer her question. Because he knows it. Because it’s been self-evident to him since he first laid eyes on her.
               “You’re a hero,” he assures her quietly. You’re somethin’ I’m not. He touches the sleeve of her robe because he can’t touch her hand, and he adds: “You’re a good person, Rogue.” He rubs the fabric between his fingers, because he can’t rub her own. “And… you’re beautiful.”
               The earnestness doesn’t leave her eyes. She doesn’t look away.
               “I think the same things about you,” she says simply.
               She puts a hand on his knee, and he feels the warmth of each finger through the fabric of his pants. His heart is crashing in his chest. A touch has never felt so intimate. He leans towards her, and, Dieu, she’s brave enough to lean back towards him. He wants to kiss her so badly, he thinks he might chance it. He thinks he might chance oblivion, and all his ugly secrets being ripped out into the open, to kiss and be kissed by this sweet creature who swears she’s no angel, yet is nothing but to him.
               For a few short, lingering seconds they remain there, a breath away from a kiss. She draws away first. He doesn’t know it now, but in the years to come, it will always be her who will draw away first.
               “I… I should go. Gotta get up early for that trainin’ session tomorrow.”
               She slips off the balustrade. He is still holding her sleeve, and somehow he can’t let go. She glances up at him.
               “Will ya be joinin’ us?” she asks hopefully.
               “What time?”
               He thinks about it. He’s been planning to be long gone by then.
               “A’right,” he says.
               She smiles. He loves her smile, because she doesn’t smile enough, not like the way she is right now.
               “Great. I’ll see ya then.” She pauses, adds a little shyly, “Goodnight.”
               He relinquishes her sleeve, and she pads up to the door in her bare feet, throwing him another smile over her shoulder before she leaves.
               He heaves out a pent-up breath.
               His senses are burning. She consumes him like the sun. She doesn’t need to touch him to do it.
               He gets off the balustrade and goes inside. He climbs the lonely stairs and heads back to his room. He stares at the bag on his bed, the bag he’d packed only just this afternoon.
               He thinks of his words. Words so painfully honest he’d never meant to say them until he’d said them.
               You’re a hero. You’re a good person, Rogue. And you’re beautiful.
               Her hand on his knee. The warmth of its imprint.
               I think the same things about you.
               He wants to be the person she sees.
               He doesn’t know if he can be. But he wants to be, for her.
               He makes up his mind.
               Slowly, methodically, he begins to unpack.
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Rogue / Gambit X-Men ‘97 - Fix it Fic!
Canon divergence, mutual pining, near death experiences, grief, fluff, love confessions, angst, jealousy, rivalries, sleep deprived Rogue
“Some things be deeper than skin, chère.” - “Not this.”
Rogue sat beside Gambit’s hospital bed in the mansion, her gloved hand holding his limp, and bruised hand. She’d been there for days, ever since that night where he nearly sacrificed himself. The night she rejected him, the night she broke his heart. She sat next to him, eyes swollen and red from tears, hair tangled and greasy, wearing clothes she hadn’t changed in days. Anna barely left Remy’s side.
Anna watched the monitors, waiting for brain activity, hoping the line showing his heart rate wouldn’t change, waiting for him to wake up.
“Rogue, go get some rest, take a shower, get a proper meal. You need to take care of yourself.” Jean said as she sat next to her, and rubbed her palm up and down Anna’s back.
“Ah can’t stand t’ be away from him.” Rogue said quietly, Jean sighed.
“I know you’re hurting, but you need to eat, shower, change your clothes, you’ve barely left the med bay in days. Go take care of yourself, I’ll look after him. Okay?”
Jean was right, Rogue knew it. She needed to take care of herself to take care of Gambit.
“You’re right… thanks sugah.” She gave a weak smile and exited the room. She passed Remy’s room on her way to her own and slowly opened the door. She layed on his bed and hugged his pillow, taking in his scent and crying.
She wasn’t sure when she’d fallen asleep but she awoke an unknown amount of time later surrounded by Gambit’s smell, she sat up, went to his dresser and pulled out his favorite pink shirt. She held it close to her as she walked to her room to shower. She felt empty, like a ghost. She was fourn through the motions but she wasn’t really there.
She dried herself off and dressed herself in sweatpants and Remy’s shirt. She was still drying her hair as she went down to the kitchen to make coffee, she didn’t care how late or dark it was.
“Midnight snack?” Magneto’s voice said behind her.
“Yeah.” She sighed.
“You’ve been avoiding me.” He accused
“I’ve been looking after Gambit.” She snapped at him, grabbed her cup, shoved past magneto and walked back to the medical bay.
Jean was no longer there, instead replaced by Beast who was reading a book in the corner by a small lamp.
“Ah Rogue! I assume you’re back to look after him?” He walked past her and patted her shoulder “it’s going to be alright.” He gave a sympathetic smile and left her in peace with the unconscious Cajun.
“I’m so sorry, Remy. I need ya t’wake up sug, I can’t do this without’cha.” She sat down in her chair, put her gloved hand to his and laid her head on the blanket that covered him and closed her tear filled eyes…
Anna sat on a love seat couch, book in hand, tea next to her, blanket covering her legs, with Remy’s arms wrapped around her as he sat behind her.
“Y’ enjoyin’ de book chère?” He ran his fingers through her hair
“No.” She leaned to the side a bit and tilted her head back on his shoulder to look at him “It’s boring.” She smiled. “I love you.”
He chuckled and stroked her cheek. “An Remy love you, Mrs. LeBeau.” He tilted his head to kiss her…
And then the sun shone in her eyes, waking her from her sweet dream, and she groaned as she lifted her aching neck and rubbed her tired eyes.
“Y’look good wearin’ m’ shirt, chère. Maybe y’should keep it.” A familiar, Cajun drawl said.
“Remy!” She shot up from her chair and wrapped her arms around him, careful not to let her skin touch his. She was all but sitting on his lap when Hank walked in with a glass of water for Gambit.
“Thank you, mon Ami.” He said as he drank the full glass, one arm still wrapped around Anna’s waist.
“Your vitals are stable, there’s no internal bleeding, scrapes and bruises and a rough concussion but otherwise you seem to have made it out alright, but it’s best to keep resting.” Beast explained
“Yah’ll get no complaints from Gambit ‘bout resting.” He groaned as he layed back down on the pillows. Beast nodded and again left the two of them alone.
“Remy… I’m so sorry.” Anna said after a few moments. Remy lifted her gloved hand to his lips and kissed her knuckles and held her hand to his face.
“When Gambit was out,” he kissed her palm “he dreamt we went t’ Paris together.” He kissed her wrist “Dreamt ah got t’ hold ya.” He kisses the knuckle of her thumb. “Dreamt’ y’said yah love Gambit…” he kissed the top of her hand. “dreamt y’ married me.” He held her hand. “Gambit could never be mad at ya chère… love yah too much t’be angry.”
“I love you so much, Remy. I’m so sorry I didn’t tell ya sooner, I’m sorry I waited til I almost lost ya.” Tears fell down her cheeks, Gambit used a corner of his blanket to dry her eyes
“S’alright chère… I gotcha now.”
“Yeah… Y’got me now, sugah.” She sniffled with a small smile and rubbed her govef thumb over his cheek.
Magneto peaked into the medical room, watching as Rogue confessed her love to Gambit. He felt bitter watching them. He was so close to having her and there she was, back in Gambits arms.
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dayenurose · 3 months
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I know this is a bit late in coming, but it is here (at last!). For @roguegambitweek Day 3 - MojoWorld.
I decided to do something a bit different this year for my annual Romy fic rec list. Instead of simply making a list, I decided to write a fanfic fic rec fic. This layers within layers effort was certainly a stretch of creativity, but I think it turned out rather well. I hope you enjoy!
TGIRomy by DayenuRose
Rogue and Gambit receive a mysterious invitation to a movie night. Will the accept the invitation, or is it a trap? Will Rogue, Remy, Jubilee, Kitty and Logan agree on what to watch? And, why is no one paying attention to the commercials? Find out all this and so much more when you tune in for TGIR!—Thank God It’s Romy! Fridays at 8/7 Central.
(Read on [ao3])
And now for the main feature…
T.G.I.Romy - A MojoVerse Fic Rec List
The premise of this rec list is relatively simple–fics which could be a show on Mojo-verse TV. Most of these are some variety of AU or crossover, although a few are a bit more ‘canon compliant’. I’ve broken the list into two. The first half are the ones which appear in my fic rec fanfic. The second are those fics which fit the topic, but I wasn’t able to include in the fic. I hope you enjoy these fics.
Reality TV
Beauty and the Geek, X-Men Style by Chellerbelle @chellerbelles [ao3] [ff.net]
Rating: T | Universe: Evo | Words: 73,969 | Status: Complete
Summary: AU: The cast of X-Men Evolution does the reality TV show Beauty and the Geek. Can ten beautiful women and men, and ten intelligent men and women learn to become a whole lot more?
Notes: Chelle created a fun opening credits of the show. There’s a link in the first chapter “Notes.”
Sitcom/Holiday Special
Everyone Loves ROMY! - HOLIDAY SPECIAL Episode by NicoPony @nicopony79 [ao3] [ff.net]
Rating: G | Universe: Comics | Words: 12,610 | Status: Complete
Summary: It’s Christmas Eve on Krakoa with Mr. & Mrs. X. What holiday surprises are in store for our favorite couple and their family? It’s up to one merry Elf to make the season bright! Guest appearance by the Man in the Red Suit!
Notes: Written in script format.
Hallmark Movie
Chapter 5 - Day 4: So Close to Reaching That Famous Hallmark End of Fourteen Ways to Fall for You by lettersfromnowhere @lettersfromn0where [ao3] [ff.net]
Rating: G | Universe: X-Men | Words: 2,549 (Chapter 5) | Status: Complete
Summary: Day 4: this is why you should never give aliens access to TV movies - you’ll probably end up with a simulation somewhat like this over-the-top royal-and-commoner AU straight out of a Hallmark movie.
Notes: Each chapter is a different ‘genre.’ Chapter 5 focuses on our Hallmark Movie theme, though the whole story is a fun read. While the chapter begins (and ends) with a framing device which is part of the greater story plot, the chapter does work as a standalone.
Gambler’s Bounty by Sandmans_Raven @sandmansraven [ao3]
Rating: T | Universe: X-Men | Words: 31,150 | Status: WIP
Summary: Shady things are afoot in Colorado. Who is Dr. Millbury and what does his miracle elixir actually do?
Notes: All of Sandmans’ fics are a great read. I highly recommend all of them.
Lebeau’s Eleven by IlargiKat @ilargikat [ao3]
Rating: G | Universe: Comics | Words: 14,182 | Status: WIP
Summary: Planning a heist is not easy, especially when you need special skills to pull it off. The luck of being an X-Men is that the skills are within reach, maybe not people willing to commit a heist.
Notes: While the G Rating is fine for the majority of the story, Chapter 5 is really more of a M rating.
Sci-Fi - X-Files
Strange Encounter by Valerie J [ff.net]
Rating: T | Universe: Comics | Words: 16,662 | Status: Complete
Summary: When a strange woman falls out of the sky without being harmed, Mulder and Scully are sent to investigate. X Men X Files crossover.
Faith and Dreams by Valerie J [ff.net]
Rating: T | Universe: Comics | Words: 64,232
Summary: Sequel to Strange Encounter. Dana Scully never really expected to see the mutants again. But when tragedy strikes, Dana finds herself embroiled in an alien conspiracy that threatens not only her world. But the Xmen’s as well. X Men X Files crossover.
Notes: Here’s two episodes for the price of one.
Special Features
Heist - Round 2
Counting Drinks by Sandmans_Raven @sandmansraven [ao3]
Rating: T | Universe: Comics | Words: 2,092 | Status: Complete
Summary: It’s a hot one at Gus’s Saloon.
Notes: If I could choose the way Rogue and Gambit the live action universe, it would be in a Leverage-esque series where Rogue and Gambit pull off heists and cons in order to help those who get taken advantage of by the rich and powerful. From time to time, they are joined by the Thieves Guild and their closest friends—Storm, Nightcrawler, Wolverine (Laura and Logan). When I read this fic, I felt like it would be a perfect episode of this show.
Bonus Heist Non-Fic
Playing for Keeps by NickBateman [YouTube]
FanFilm: (no summary on site) - Gambit is invited to an exclusive poker game featuring the worst of the worst. When the stakes are this high, did anybody actually expect this to play out differently?
Note: Who said all fan creations must be fanfics? Enjoy a fanfilm. This heist/con would also fit for an episode of my imagined series.
Sci-Fi - Matrix
Chapter 4 - Real Love of Threads by Ludi_Ling @ludi-ling [ao3] [ff.net]
Rating: M | Universe: X-Men | Words: 11,176 (Chapter 4) | Status: Complete
Summary: Whilst on a mission Rogue and Gambit become stranded in a world where the very reality of their love is tested. Movie-crossover.
Notes: Like “Fourteen Ways to Fall for You,” each chapter is a different universe. This was also another fic I read early in my Romy journey. It introduced me to many different worlds where we might find Romy (some worlds are comics adjacent while others are created out of whole cloth for this fic).
Quick content warning for the Matrix chapter - there’s some Rogneto and cheating. The OTP is definitely Romy, but Rogue is ‘technically’ in a relationship with Magneto, so your mileage may vary.
Sci-Fi - Pacific Rim
Compatible by DayenuRose @dayenurose [ao3] [ff.net]
Rating: T | Universe: Comics | Words: 2,891 | Status: WIP
Summary: Rogue is a former Jaeger pilot who has no interest in finding a new drift-compatible partner. Gambit is a potential Jaeger pilot who is unable to find a drift-compatible partner. Sparks fly–both figurative and literal–when these two meet. She wants nothing to do with him. He wants to understand her. WIll Rogue and Gambit be able to help each other gain control of their powers and reach their full potential in time to help save the world?
Sci-Fi - Star Wars (Clone Wars)
A Long, Long Time Ago: X by Seagull18 (crossoverqueen9703 on ff.net) [ao3] [ff.net]
Rating: G | Universe: Evo | Words: 22,928 | Status: WIP
Summary: “Routine missions” are a joke to anyone remotely connected to a Skywalker, but if really shouldn’t include Anakin and Ahsoka getting caught by pirates and escaping with the master bounty hunter that caught them in the first place.
Or: Remy Lebeau, better known as Gambit, had never been one for subtlety; when he wants something, he rarely lets petty things like laws and common sense get in his way. If common sense said kidnapping Jedi and selling them out to pirates after siad pirates tried to kill him for cheating at gambling was a bad idea, he had no intention of listening to it.
Or: The only people with worse luck than the Skywalker lineage are X-Men. Rogue planned on spending her week freeing prisoners, test subjects, and slaves from a bunch of lame space pirates. The plan did not work.
Or: Post X-Men: Evolution Gambit and Rogue in Clone Wars.
Notes: This fic appears to end at Chapter 17, but the fic is marked as a WIP. Take that as you will.
War Film/Period Piece
Uncanny X-Men 1943 by stellarose [ao3]
Rating: M | Universe: X-Men | Words: 44,114 | Status: Complete
Summary: X-Men AU. Emma Frost runs Division X, a classified squad within the secretive Special Operations Executive based in London. It isn’t their job to win the war, only to save those they can. Emma’s squad of Psylocke, Angel, Logan, and Fantomex set out [to] rescue three mutants trapped in occupied and increasingly hostile France. But when the mission takes a turn for the worse, Emma and the team must decide if they cut their losses, or fight twice as hard to bring everyone home.
Notes: Romy is a secondary couple in this fic, but I do enjoy and highly recommend it. I read this early on in my Romy journey and this fic has always stuck with me.
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himbosuplex · 5 months
Bon Ton Roulet [R18+ MMF X-Men fic]
Bon Ton Roulet
Explicit - Remy LeBeau/Erik Lehnsherr/Rogue
It's the day after Remy came to Magneto about his proposition for polyamory and spent the night. Rogue's come home from a trip to find them in the same bed, and she's not upset...
b/c Rogue deserves to get in on the fun, too, gotdangit!
[Link to the fanfic on AO3] ⬅️⬅️⬅️
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ilargikat · 7 months
It was their first Valentine’s Day together. The previous years there was always some drama that made the day a disaster or disappointing. Or simply the superhero’s life barred them from doing anything meaningful.
And she didn’t even know if Remy likes this type of celebrations. Maybe he thought it was stupid. Valentine’s Day was never her thing, just a sad reminder of what she couldn’t have. Why would the untouchable girl celebrate the day of love? So she convinced herself it was just a a dumb day made up by the stores to sell roses and heart-shaped nonsense.
But this year was different, away from the X-Men. Living a quiet life in Valle Soleada was the perfect occasion to do something different. Something just for them.
Remy had Guild business to attend, but he would arrive tonight. When they spoke, he didn’t mention any special plans. Maybe he didn’t even remember what day it was. So she planned to surprise him with a candlelit dinner, a nice dress, and sexy lingerie.
Hopefully, if Remy wasn’t a big fan of Valentine’s Day, he wouldn’t be too overwhelmed.
Despite all the doubts, she felt stupidly happy. The night before she cooked Remy’s favorite meal and adorned the dining room with candles and flowers. Even made pecan pie.
She bought an expensive wine too, the same wine they drank on their first proper date. The memory of that day warmed her heart. The night was so sweet and romantic. Remy’s tender words made her believe it could work. But after a bunch of heartbreaks, of thinking that all was lost for them... Fate had given them a new opportunity. On Valle Soleada, all those dreams of love were coming true.
Before going to work, Rogue left everything ready. So after arriving home, just had to shower and make herself pretty for him.
Rogue saw the house at the end of the road and picked up her pace. Even if Remy wasn’t home, she cherished the feeling of arriving at her little haven. Everything there reminded her of how happy she felt.
As soon as she walked in, she realized that the bathroon light was on. Cursing her bad memory, she went over to turn it off.
But she didn’t expect to find the tub full of bubbles, candles, small lights tangled in the furniture, and petals. There was a bottle of white wine cooling in an ice chest and behind her, the deep voice of Josh Turner sang Your Man.
Rogue suppressed a giggle and felt Remy’s hands wrap around her waist and his lips trailing kisses from her neck to her ear.
“I’m home,” he whispered, kissing her head.
“Welcome,” Rogue whispered back, caressing his arms.
“So you’ve made a surprise dinner, uh?” Remy said with a smile in his voice.
“I tried, but it seems impossible to surprise you, sugah,” Rogue came back, smiling too.
“I love it, nice food and wine. But I figured you’d come home from work tired, and that you wanted a hot bath first,” Remy replied, turning her around. Then he grabbed her hand, and danced with her around the room.
“That sounds fantastic, but only if you join me,” Rogue added, letting herself be carried away by the rhythm of the music.
“Did you doubt it?” Remy caught her by the waist and let her go down into his arms.
“No, never,” she replied, cupping his face to kiss him.
“Bien,” said Remy, barely parting his lips from hers. “Happy Valentine’s Day, Mon cœur.”
“Happy Valentine, Remy.”
It was very late, Remy was sitting across from her, his hair tousled, naked and looking at her so lovingly that Rogue could barely look up from the strings of her guitar.
“I’m warning you, it’s just a stupid little song,” she murmured, feeling her cheeks burn.
“No one has ever written me a song before. I’m sure it’s magnificent,” he responded, so soft, so sweet. This rare miracle of a man was hers. And she couldn’t love him more.
So she sang
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roguegambitweek · 3 months
Romy Discord FanFic Rec List
In honor of Rogue/Gambit Week, some of the writers from the Romy Discord wanted to share some fics that we’ve written. 
With so much Romy love to share, we hope y’all find a new favorite or rediscover an old one. 
💚💖 Thanks for reading! 💖💚
Takes Two To Tango (or take down a Wild Sentinel) @aldreantreuperi by AldreanTreuPeri [ao3]
Rating: M | Universe: XtAS’97 | Words: 1,521 | Chapters: 1 | Status: Oneshot 
Summary: A battle is as much a dance as anything achieved on a dance floor…and having the proper partner can literally keep you alive… Episode 5 fix-it fic.
But Here We Are by AppleJ @applejacks1552 [ao3] 
Rating: M | Universe: Comics | Words: 32,978 | Chapters: 30 | Status: Complete 
Summary: They never thought this would be possible, but Rogue is uneXpectedly eXpecting. Yet nothing is ever THAT simple in the life of an X-Man. What secret will Gambit discover that complicates their happily-ever-after?
AppleJ says: Hmmmm ... why I wrote that fic in particular: First, because I wanted to make the fan theory that the twins (Maxime & Manon) were Romy kiddos real. Second, because I KNOW it will be a cold day in hell before Marvel ever gives Romy kids in the main 616 (like maybe long after I'm dead & they're out of storylines & they've already split/reunited them 5 times over?), so it seemed like fertile ground (pun intended). And third, because they say to write what you know & I wanted a pregnancy/birth story that reflected the reality that it isn't all sunshine & rainbows & certainty for many of us & that's okay too.
Mighty Thin Ice by Cajun_Hawk @cajunhawk [ao3] [ff.net]
Rating: E | Universe: Comics | Words: 138,942 | Chapters: 11 | Status: WIP 
Summary: Rogue is working hard to get her powers under control while she and Gambit have decided to take their relationship to the next level, in hopes of having something normal very soon. 
The Legacy of Dark Cerebro by Chellerbelle @chellerbelles [ao3] [ff.net]
Rating: T | Universe: Movies | Words: 45,064 | Chapters: 12 | Status: Complete 
Summary: What if X2 had ended differently? What if the X-Men hadn’t gotten to Professor Xavier in time and all the humans had died? Takes place 5 years after this alternate ending (exception of the prologue). 
Chelle says: After much indecision, I decided on The Legacy of Dark Cerebro. The opening scene had a special place in my heart, and New Sun vs Phoenix was on my fanfic bucket list for a long time. 🙂Also, this story seems a bit more “new reader” friendly than some of my other favourites, haha.
Risk and Reward by DayenuRose @dayenurose [ao3] [ff.net]
Rating: T | Universe: Comics | Words: 47,518 | Chapters: 13 | Status: Complete
Summary: There’s an old adage that goes, the greater the risk, the greater the reward. As a thief, Remy LeBeau know full well that oftentimes the greatest risks come with the greatest rewards. When he starts to fall for the enigmatic Rogue, Remy must decide if the risks are worth the possible reward. 
Rose says: This was one of the first Romy fics I’ve written. It was a real entry into Romy fandom for me. Everyone was so welcoming and kind in the comments. And during the process of writing this, it helped me come to a better understand of Gambit, Rogue, and their relationship. 💜
LeBeau’s Eleven by Ilargikat @ilargikat [ao3]
Rating: G | Universe: Comics | Words: 14,182 | Chapters: 6 | Status: WIP
Summary: Planning a heist is not easy, especially when you need special skills to pull it off. The luck of being an X-Men is that the skills are within reach, maybe not people willing to commit a heist.
Once. Now. Before. Always. by lovethelebeaux @lovethelebeaux [ao3]
Rating: M | Universe: Comics | Words: 10,179 | Chapters: 4 | Status: Complete
Summary: Four vignettes from four different time periods over the course of Rogue and Gambit’s relationship. 
Lovethelebeax says: Heehee I've only written like four things so this will be easier for me than most 😅 it's this one, my first in 20 years
The Tailor & The Seamstress by Ludi_Ling @ludi-ling [ao3] [ff.net]
Rating: M | Universe: X-Men |Words: 58,659 | Chapters: 13 | Status: Complete
Summary: Remy LeBeau is the creative lead at a waning fashion house in 1910 New York. Over the street is his employer’s rival, where a pretty and talented seamstress happens to work. Romance ensues, of course - in-between a friendly rivalry, that is. 
Ludi says: It was a tough call on which fic to choose, but I settled on this one because the last fic I write is always the one I'm most proud of, and this is the last one I completed! Last summer @narwhallove challenged me to write a Romy fic that played on my love of both them and of historical fashion. She threw some ideas at me, and I wrote nearly an entire chapter. Then, X-Men '97 starts, and I read back on what I wrote in July '23, and suddenly the rest of the story unfolds before me. I had a blast writing it! And I hope you have fun reading it too 😉
But I Can’t Trace Time by Sandmans_Raven @sandmansraven [ao3]
Rating: T | Universe: Comics | Words: 8,998 | Chapters: 1 | Status: Oneshot 
Summary: After a battle with the time-traveling mutant-hunter known as Ahab, Rogue is sent into the future. To get back, she must rely on old friends and put a stop to Ahab’s plans. 
Toys by Spaceorphan @spaceorphan18 [ao3]
Rating: T | Universe: Comics | Words: 1,619 | Chapters: 1 | Status: Oneshot 
Summary: Romy catches Remy playing with toy action figures of the X-Men. Shenanigans. Set in the 616 verse, but some fun meta-y references to XM97.
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romyaudiofics · 3 months
In Production!
Our first one shot audiofic is in production!
What are some of your favorite Romy fan fictions that you’d like to have as an audiofic? Let us know in the comments!
Be sure and follow us for updates and release dates!
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officialtrashbin · 3 months
To Kingdom Come [1/2]
“You weren’t dere when de earth took me,” he says, “but I feel you holdin’ me still. Your voice. Fire. You’re beautiful, even when you’re sad. Who do dese memories belong to?”
“You. Your name is Gambit,” Rogue replies. He can hear the tremor in her voice. “Don’t you remember it?”
Or, Gambit becomes Death, defies Death, and lives with the consequences.
Read on A03!
A/N: Happy Romy week everyone! I didn’t quite have time to do any particular prompts or multiple entries, but then my contribution got out of hand anyway, so…here’s a 2-part Death!Gambit AU fic that was supposed to be for Free Space Day LOL. @roguegambitweek
Rating: Mature to be on the safe side for the implied sexual content in chapter 2, descriptions of death and violence, and dark themes involving grief, coping, and trauma.
X-Men '97 (Cartoon 2024) // X-Men: The Animated Series (Cartoon 1992)
Tags: Canonical Character Death // Death!Gambit // Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence // Canon-Typical Violence // Implied Sexual Content // AKA: Gambit see dead people chere // Angst and Hurt/Comfort // Co-Starring: Survivor’s Guilt and Bad Smoking Habits…And Magneto
Words: 4,132
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dominimoonbeam · 11 months
...the Milo/Darlin fic that might turn into a Milo/Darlin/Asher/David fic NO ONE ASKED FOR, just hit 4k.
My other 5+ fics are all glaring at me.
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Physical zines are sold out at this time, but we still have digital zines that can be purchased for self print and also some physical merch still available! Leftover sales will remain open through at least August 30th!
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spartasghost15 · 5 months
Aight, Fanfic readers of the X-men community!
I have just gotten my AO3 account active again and the first fic I am considering is either these 3
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