#Autumn Darcelle
ventrue-rosary · 4 years
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Made some Queens in picrew
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dungeonqueering · 5 years
For the dnd tarot: Her name is Amaranthe Darcelle, a half-elf Order of the Profane hexblade blood hunter. She's the Queen of Evermeet, mostly retired after surviving Barovia and marrying a tiefling barbarian she met there by the name of Balthazar. She's the mother of two sets of twins: Winter and Autumn, Spring and Summer. Intelligent and compassionate, she is a fair ruler of her people, but is always up for some mischief and fun!
Your first card is The Devil. This typically denotes a greedy, materialistic, selfish person. One who has disregard for others. Beware of someone who tries to control you. You may be caught in an unhealthy situation. This may represent sexuality in a negative way, or otherwise impulsivity. On the other hand, however, it may be wise to judge by values, not by appearance.
Your second card is The Chariot. This is the card of success, of confidence, of determination. This represents victory over all your problems, be those enemies or illness or finances, etc. Your goals are achieved through self control, willpower, and discipline. Take satisfaction in these accomplishments, but guard against arrogance. This is where respect is earned and reputation is established.
Your final card is The Star. This is the card of inspiration, insight, and hope. Your dreams for the future will come true. You may establish contact with someone who will dramatically change your life. You may find, or reinforce, strong love. Share your good fortunes.
Taken together, with what you’ve given me, I see a darker past. Personally I would suspect this had something to do with how you came to your powers. Or Barovia. Still, it ended well. You triumphed over your troubles, and gained more than you thought could possibly have. Your prosperity will continue, your relationships will flourish, and you must share this good will with those around you.
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needlesslycryptic · 5 years
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OC Autumn Darcelle for @pyschoticbiotic!
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eluari · 6 years
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Autumn Darcelle | Dungeons & Dragons | Complex Portrait
@pyschoticbiotic was the lucky winner of my xmas portrait giveaway. Here is her lovely barbarian tiefling Autumn Darcelle. It was a total pleasure to draw her.
*commission info*
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opheliasang-blog · 7 years
GETTING TO KNOW THE MUN. repost, not reblog !
* NAME:   alice / ali. * GENDER:  cis fem. * EYE COLOUR:  brown. * HAIR COLOR:   black / with hella gross brownish streaks rn bc i had blue streaks but i let them fade out ‘cause i aint’ got money to redye them. * RELATIONSHIP:   lonely.mp3 * ZODIAC:   gemini. * FAVOURITE COLOUR:  everything between green & blue. * FAVOURITE SEASON:   autumn. * FAVOURITE FLOWER:   mmm lavender, probably. * FAVOURITE PLACE:  a road in my town that i know perfectly well where it goes but somehow it gives me a sense of the infinite, like there could be a huge open space just around the corner. * FAVOURITE HOLIDAY:  christmas ? . * FAVOURITE VIDEO GAME:  ...uh i’m not much of a gamer but i love the sims? i just bought the 3rd one again bc it was on sale n i lost mine so? * FAVOURITE BOOK:   the melancholy of mechagirl, jane eyre, wuthering heights. * LAST SHOW YOU WATCHED:  agents of shield ( i’m rewatching everything after s1 and guess what i would still die for d.aisy johnson ) * WHAT’S YOUR HONEST OPINION ABOUT YOUR MUSE?:  honestly ? a year ago i would have told you morgan was literally the worst ever but she’s grown so much and i couldn’t live without her ? there’s no shame in admitting your character has grown tbh i used to think you were only a Serious Writer if your characters were universally bad but ? she can be good even being flawed as shit n i love her * WOULD YOU DATE YOUR MUSE?:   ...you know what, i don’t hate myself enough to do that. * WHAT ARE YOUR FAVOURITE KINDS OF THREADS?:  anything that comes after lots of plotting regarding to the ship / dynamic. i have a thread going on that’s hella long but there’s so much plotting behind it it just flows naturally and i love it. * ARE YOU A SELECTIVE ROLEPLAYER?:   i am tbh. i get extremely anxious if i’m forced into something that doesn’t inspire me so i tend to only follow people i really wanna interact with. * DO YOU HAVE A FAVOURITE MUSE (IF YOU HAVE MORE THAN ONE)?:   god i have ? so many ? but my real favorite ones will always be morgan ( the most tbh ), margaret, darcel, robin. * WHAT MADE YOU DECIDE TO JOIN THE FANDOM?:  ??? ??? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? * DO YOU SEE YOURSELF STAYING WITH THE FANDOM FOR A LONG TIME?:   ????????????????????????????????
tagged by:   i stole it by a literal angel known as @theimpalpable ♥ tagging: you!
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ventrue-rosary · 4 years
Enchanted Adventures
A commission for @theravensprince featuring their OC Kevir and my OC Autumn! Thank you for commissioning me, and your patience <3
Like what you read? DM for your own commission
A peaceful morning of bird songs and sunrays gently rouse Kevir from his sleep. He rolls over, reaching for Autumn but his hand lands on a vacancy in the bed. A paw lightly taps his face, which he swats away with a groan.
'You should rescue your girlfriend from the kitchen,' Que remarks through their telepathic bond.
The sizzle and pop of hot oil is chased by a yelp.
'Or save the kitchen from her.' Que scrambles up onto his shoulder as he exits the bedroom into their open-plan kitchen and living room.
Autumn hovers anxiously over a steaming pan, her right forearm wrapped in a damp tea towel. 
'Are you hurt?' Kevir asks with a frown.
Autumn turns slowly, shoulders creeping up to up her ears with the look of a cat caught with the cream. 'I didn't think you were awake.'
'Let me look.' Kevir gently urges, peeling back the towel. 
The skin is slightly raised and a few shades darker. He gently blows on the wound, summoning his innate magic to manifest as a cool breeze. Her skin returns to it's normal, beautiful lilac colour.
'I'll never get used to that…'
Kevir lightly nudges her away from the hob. 'I saved you, now let's see if I can save breakfast.'
Peering into the charred remains he couldn't even begin to identify, it would be a miracle if he could recover the pan, let alone the breakfast.
'Your mother teach you to cook?' He asks with a grin as he fetches a fresh pan.
Autumn pouts, stealing Que and hopping up on the counter.
'She certainly learned fire safety from her.'
Autumn rubs Que's cheeks, cooing softly to her as Kevir takes over breakfast, none the wiser to her remark.
'By the way, I have a gift for you. Or, well, us.'
Autumn nods, beaming. 'Wait here!'
Kevir mentally slaps himself to pay attention to their bacon as his mind wanders through various, wonderful scenarios.
She returns with an impish grin, hands behind her back. 'Ta-da!' She presents two pink and white polka dot tickets with a flourish, the words "Enchanted Adventures" printed in elegant cursive.
'I finally managed to score tickets to that new theme park! Isn't that exciting?'
'Yes...exciting…' His stomach rises to the back of his throat. The very smell of the bacon knots his guts.
Kevir smiles his way through breakfast and the bus journey, nodding along to Autumn's animated chatter. There is only one thing he would rather not do than go to an amusement park, and that would be to disappoint her.
They arrive after a long journey that passed by too quickly. Crowds of people pour in through the gates, surging en-masse to the attractions. Autumn grabs his arm, marionetting him to face away from the park and towards her outstretched phone. 'I want to commemorate this day!'
Autumn's beautiful smile is much more convincing than his in the photo, but she seems satisfied as she posts it to Instagram. 
'Come on, let's go!' She leads him by hand into the park. As the name suggests, the theme of fantasy touches everything. Were he not nauseated with nerves, he might find it charming.
'Where should we start? The dancing mushrooms? Luna Lake? Oh, I know!'
Kevir stares up at the ride she leads him to, having to crane his neck higher the closer they get. Beneath a fake mounted dragon head with glowing red eyes that roars at the line of eager riders reads "Flight of the Dragons". Red, orange and yellow streamers arranged to look like fire dance on the breeze on either side. Hearing the cart rush past along with the excited shrieks threatens to eject the minimal contents of his stomach.
'Hey, are you ok?' 
His mind once again focuses on Autumn and her words.
'Your hands are really sweaty.'
'Just a little hot under the collar, dajy. That's what happens whenever you wear those denim shorts.'
Autumn rolls her eyes. Kevir untangles their fingers to wipe his sweaty palms on his jeans. 
Their turn arrives. He is not nearly prepared for this. He wants nothing more than to flee, but he continues forward, movements robotic. Autumn is beside herself with glee, failing to notice her anxious wreck of a boyfriend. The bar slams down with a thud, drawing a whimper from him.
'Kevir?' The cart begins it's slow crawl, though he knows it won't last. 'Are you ok?'
His pulse echoes across his throat. He nods.
'Hey…' She takes his hand. He tightly squeezes hers. 'It'll be fun, you'll see.'
The cart begins its ascent of the first hill. There is the calm at the summit as the dangle above the long, dreadful drop.
Then comes the storm.
Fast, way too fast, the roaring of air in his ears deafening him to his own terrified screams and the overjoyed yells of the other passengers. He doesn’t even register a pair of fingers interlocking with his. There is only his own absolute terror, the overwhelming rush of speed threatening to ravaging his intestines threateningly to spill upwards. Tears form at the corner of his eyes but whether they are a product of the cold air whipping every inch of his face or his own cowardice is impossible to tell.
Soon, mercifully, the ride comes to an end. Kevir's legs are reduced to rubber, jittering with residual adrenaline as he hurries away from the ride, wiping away the moisture from his eyes with his sleeve.
‘Hey,’ Autumn softly rests a hand on his shoulder.
‘Sorry,’ he says, turning to face her, thoroughly ashamed.
‘You should have told me…’
‘You seemed so excited for it. Didn’t want to rain on your parade.’
‘This was supposed to be as much for you as it is for me. Come on, let me make it up to you. I’ll win you one of those black cat plushies! They kinda look like Que…’  
Kevir perks up, now back on solid land and seeing the throwing game she mentioned. ‘You know those things are fixed, right?’
Autumn winks, stretching out her interlocked hands in front of her, flexing non-existent muscle. ‘Don’t underestimate how far I’ll go to cheer my boyfriend up.’ 
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ventrue-rosary · 4 years
Bored and procrastinating my so here are a few of my OCS rated on how good they are at being a wingman:
Amaranthe: honestly doesn't want the job. If pushing you in their direction and goading you into talking to the them doesn't work she herself will march up to them, jab her thumb in your direction and say 'X is interested in you but lacks the courage to admit it. 2/10
Autumn: her heart is in the right place but she doesn't really understand what the job entails. Instead, she ends up being your distant, secret hype-man, offering thumbs up and vague hand gestures behind their back from a few feet away. Who knows, maybe that's the boost you need. 4/10
Rosary: the lady can flirt...which would be good, but now they are more interested in her then you. You end up being a miserable third wheel, right until she asks them 'Mind if X joins us?' So not only did you get to hook up with your crush, you hooked up with your sexy glam vampire friend. Yay? 8/10
Camilla: spends the entire time chatting them up about how wonderful you are. You think maybe you are in for a shot with them now, hurrah! As soon as she leaves to buy another round, your crush leans in. 'Wow, she sure has the hots for you, huh?' Before you can argue, she returns and they decide to give you private time. 0/10
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ventrue-rosary · 4 years
a letter from your OC to their love interest Autumn?
Thanks anon!! Ok, here we go:
Hello, dajy! 
We both know I can often stumble and struggle with words, so I thought putting pen to paper might help--you can’t stutter writing a letter!! It’s still pretty early in our relationship, but I know you love me--you don’t need to say, it shows the way you look at me, or how you always surprise me with small gifts. And I’m writing this letter to tell you I feel the same way. Everyday, you find new ways to make me smile and feel genuinely happy and safe in a way I haven’t since...well...I don’t think I need to say. I don’t want to to ruin this with bad memories. Instead, I want to think ahead to the happy memories we will share in the future. Anniversaries, birthdays, dates, parties...I can’t wait to experience them all with you.
Kisses and love,
Send me OC Codex Prompts!
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ventrue-rosary · 4 years
7: Gives the best hugs? oc ask game
Probably Autumn? She's gives really tight squeezey hugs and she's tiny so will fit nicely in your arms
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ventrue-rosary · 4 years
7-8 oc asks (the birthmark and talking one)
Thank you!!
Does your OC have any markings, such as a birthmark or a scar?
Rosary: A beauty spot beneath the left side of her mouth
Lacey: A crescent moon birth mark on her right shoulder
Amaranthe: A burn mark marring her left eye, which reduced her sight out of that eyes, and the scars adorning her left-forearm from activating her rite
Autumn: None whatsoever
How does your OC talk/what does your OC’s voice sound like?
Rosary: Deep, sultry, seductive (I try but I can’t replicate with my vocal chords what she sounds like in my head Dx)
Lacey: Somewhat sophisticated, but with the New Orleans twang
Amaranthe: Sweet, accented (basically that accent everyone associated with Barovia. You know the one) , middle-pitched
Autumn: High pitched and energetic, similar accent to her mother
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ventrue-rosary · 4 years
27 for all ur ocs oddish OC asks
Thanks nonny!
Do they find it difficult to try new foods?
Amaranthe: Having travelled a fair bit in her life she had to adapt her pallet to try and accept new cuisine. Besides, anything beats rations...
Autumn: Whenever possible, she prefers to eat food reminiscent of home
Nix: She enjoys trying new foods, but all there is in the Underdark is mushrooms! What she wouldn’t give for familiar food
Send Me Odd-ish OC Asks
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ventrue-rosary · 4 years
8 & 9 oddish OC asks for Autumn
How do they cope with losing a friend? How do they cope with losing a lover?
Answering these in one cuz it would pretty much be the same. Silence, grief behind closed doors, self-destructive tendencies
Send Me Odd-ish OC Asks!
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ventrue-rosary · 5 years
Both the Darcelle women are such broody bitches lmao
But Amaranthe only has four children bc I imagine Balthazar has an easier time putting his foot down with her than Kevir does with Autumn lol
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ventrue-rosary · 5 years
🥀 How would your OC decorate a notebook or journal? What kind of things are written in there? Could you give an example of a nice entry? Autumn?
I'm too lazy to write an entry, but as for the rest if it:
Autumn would have a really pretty leather-bound journal, no doubt pink and engraved with a cute design. She wouldn't really keep up with it day to day, but journal important events that she would like to remember. Her entries would look really artsy, with doodles combined with text and keepsakes like pressed flowers inside
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ventrue-rosary · 5 years
🌿 What way does your OC show that they care without using words? What way do others show your OC that they’re cared about without using speech? For Autumn?
Hmmm...I guess by just being present? Like available , y'know?? Carving out time to spend with them, taking time off work if needed.
For someone showing it to her--physical affection, I suppose? She is just babey, after all
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ventrue-rosary · 5 years
🍁 Where does your OC go when they need to have some time to themself? Would they ever have their own “comfort corner” filled with all the things they like? Do they have a favourite spot outside that feels like its theirs and theirs alone? For Amaranthe & Autumn?
Amaranthe's favourite spot was always the water fountain in the palaces rear courtyard. Though its not completely devoid of ppl there (gardeners, patrolling guards, foreign signs etc) she was always more or less left untethered there. The beautiful scenery and the sound of the trickling water helps put her mind at ease, and in the harsh summers the waters always nice and cool--perfect to dip your feet in or trail your hand through!
As for Autumn, there is a spacious window seat in her chambers--padded comfortably, and has blankets and cushions for maximum comf. Obviously her own room is private. She can list watch the world through her window, and not have to participate for a few, precious moments
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