#Autumn Hair Colors 2022
cannibalgh0st · 2 years
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My hair as of lately! Did a deep conditioning treatment and trim☺️💞
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buvkets · 2 years
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Cute lil fall inspired sim, fittingly named Autumn.
Debating on whether or not I should add CC links, but really I have no idea how I can backtrack and find it all??
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mutantthedark · 8 months
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OC: Halia "Sigma" Connors
Name: Halia Connors
Age: 23 (As of 2022)
Alias(es): Halie (by her aunt), Lia, Raven, Sigma, Corporal, Bravo 7 - 3
Gender: Female
Birthday: March 7th, 1999
Nationality: American
Place of birth: San Diego, California, USA
Languages: English (her mother language), Spanish.
Occupation/Rank: Senior Airman/Corporal
Affiliation: U.S Air Force (formerly), associate member of Task Force 141, JTF - Ghost Team
Hair color: Natural black
Eye color: Bright blue
Scars: None
Piercings: 1 (belly piercing)
Face claim: Emily Rudd
Height: 5’5 (165 cm)
Weight: 120 lbs (54 kg)
Build: Toned
Blood type: O+
Family: Unnamed mother (deceased), Unnamed father (deceased), Lala Connors (aunt), Ruby (German Shepherd dog)
Siblings: none
Personality: ISTJ, a quick thinker and has high intelligence, not wasting any time, gets a job done.
Friendly: not afraid to start conversation, likes to chat with people when not on the missions.
Serious: Serious, yet logical, she's beauty, she's grace, she'll break your knees.
Strong-willed: has a lot of determination and always tries to do what she can. FAVOURITES
Color: Toriquise
Season: Autumn
Food: Macaroni with cheese
Drink: Black tea with lemon, hot coffee and kiwi lemonade
Dessert: Coconut Yogurt
Hobbies: Singing, hiking, play tennis, spending free time with Ruby ABILITIES
Fighting style: Can rely on strength, speed, intelligence and stealth, but she's more into stealth type, can sneak attack enemies from behind, but she's brutal too while in combat.
Weapons: she's mastered firearms mastery, also very proficient with knives and in-field crafts.
Planes: a safe flyer, she only flies for air support if needed.
Sigma is a dog person.
While Halia is left to train in the Air Force, her aunt felt lonely. But in 2 years (2020) Lala bought a female German Shepherd to prevent loneliness. After Hassan's death, Sigma came back home to her aunt and she was greeted by Ruby in surprise, then she began to love her.
The "Sigma" callsign not only mean the eighteen letter of the alphabet, but also an cosmology. A property of galaxies used when trying to work out the mystery of galaxies and their supermassive black holes.
Sigma sometimes wears darkers gears and clothes on a missions. (stealth type)
She can drive. She started her driving lessons when she was 18, but still was in high school. Missed most of her classes, but did her school work in time.
Used to have a long hair. HATES PONYTAILS. Uncomfortable, tight, hurts her scalp, because it gives her a headache. While being in U.S. Air Force, she used a fishbraid.
Sigma never dyed her hair, because she wants to keep her natural black hair healthy.
Sigma is allergic to sunflower seeds.
Had a boyfriend once in high school, but it didn't worked out well.
Sigma is ambidextrous. Can work with both hands well.
Born and raised in San Diego, Halia’s parents were killed by the secret organization when she was 10 years old, they destroyed their home while Halia managed to run away safely. Until then, Lala, her aunt found her and adopted her.
Years passed by, when she finished high school when she was 19, Halia decided to join the U.S Air Force, living up to her father’s legacy, then she found her code name "Sigma" in the first place, passed every training with flying colors. Halia was intelligent and very active all those days while in training. She left her aunt too to live her normal and peaceful life.
Other than being in Air Force, Halia rarely contacted her, writing letters, had no time to rest for the training. She build her relationship with her aunt very well for years. Until then, she made her allies in U.S Air Force who could trust them.
When became an Senior Airman/Corporal, General Shepherd and Kate Laswell contacted her that she has a mission in Las Almas, in close air, to help Ghost, Alejandro and Soap to capture Hassan and work with Graves and his Shadow mercanaries.
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nonobadcat · 2 years
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A real world AU Gothic Romance - part 1/3
Pairing: Ghost Shigaraki X Fem!Reader
Rating: Chapter one is PG-13. The other two chapters will be for readers 18+ only.
Content Warnings: Dead dog mention, cannon typical parricide
Eventual Kinks: Toys, V/oy, relations with a literal ghost
Chapter One Word Count: ~3k, Ao3 Mirror
Part 2 ---❤--- Part 3
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Saturday October 15th, 2022
“So…?” gesturing like a vaudeville showman, you held out both hands towards your new house. “What do you think!? Great, right?”
Your best friend, Serenity, shoved her purple box-frame glasses up her wide, button nose and pursed her plush lips. Clicking her tongue, she curled her pointer finger into a loose coil of hair. Two tone sarcasm purred into her one word reply: “M-hmmm…”
Scratching the back of your neck, you glanced up at your new purchase just in time to watch one of the old tiles slip from the upper pitch of the dual-hipped roof. It bounced off the attic dormer, rolled past the mildew coated eaves, and slid across the mossy porch awning before tumbling a mere foot into the patchy, overgrown taxus bush. 
You forced a smile and pointed to the ancient, untamed yew. “Well, at least the roots are strong.”
Serenity pinched the bridge of her nose. "Please tell me you didn't use the realtor's home inspector."
"Oh come on Ren-Ren," you laughed, waving her off. Your eyes rolled to the side as your smile fell by one tooth. "I mean… I checked the plumbing myself, so…"
Brown eyes narrowed at you as your voice trailed off. With a deep, motherly sigh, she squeezed your shoulder. "Listen, you know I love you, right?"
You nodded.
She hooked her thumb over her shoulder. "It's a dump."
"It's a historical home!" You protested, crossing your arms. "It has good bones!"
Serenity eyed up the dingy, chipping brick and sun bleached slate tiles before shaking her head. "How many square feet?"
You fanned your hand across your chest. "3.5k with an acre of property plus a full attic and root cellar."
She blinked. "Hold up. That's like $400k+ most places! I thought you said your budget was $220,000?"
You grinned. "Yeah, and this was only $130,000 including closing costs. Crazy, right?"
Your best friend did a double take, staring at the ramshackle Second Empire with renewed interest. "Well… at least that covers the roof and siding." She thumbed her chin and cocked her head. "You're sure this thing has indoor plumbing?"
You shoved her shoulder. "Don't be a dick."
Serenity snickered into her palm. "Okay, so aside from having a friggen 'root cellar' and all the curb appeal of a haunted house, what else is wrong with it?"
You pointed to the far edge of the property where a line of grizzled pines swayed in the autumn breeze. "Busiest train tracks in the greater metropolitan area."
She whistled. "That's gonna blow."
"Literally," you agreed, massaging your temples.
She elbowed you in the ribs. "Still quieter than living with your ex."
You grinned. "No kidding!" With a wave of your hand, you beckoned her around the side of the building. "Wanna see the cool part?"
"Your definition of 'cool' is sus."
You grabbed the sleeve of her caramel colored duffle coat and tugged. "Just come on!"
Across the clover riddled lawn, Serenity trudged behind you in her knee high, slouch boots. She wrapped her arms around herself and rubbed to fight off the cool October wind. You pulled to a stop beside a massive old swamp oak and opened your purse. A wax coated paper sack appeared from the depths of your handbag. Scrawled in inky cursive were two words: "Doggone Delish".
You squatted low, and reached between tumbling roots. Gently brushing the leaf litter aside, you unveiled a carved piece of lichen encrusted soapstone. Time had worn the words smooth, but they were still legible.
"Mon: 1885?" Serenity murmured the text out loud before her eyes fanned wide. "Don't tell me that's a—"
You laid the oatmeal biscuit on the gravemarker and patted it fondly. "He was a Corgi. I found an old picture in one of the drawers." Rising to your feet, you brushed your hands on your jeans and grinned at her. "I always wanted a pet Corgi, and now I've got one."
Serenity eyed the long, dark branches of the towering giant above you. Their bare, grasping fingers crawled at the breeze. "Yeah well, hate to tell you this but your new dog is up the stump and fattening the squirrels by now." 
You scoffed and flashed her a playful smile. "So? Ghost dogs are cheaper than live ones."
"Freak," she teased, kicking your heel.
You stuck out your tongue and wiggled your fingers at her.
A low rumble tumbled in on the wind. The train's whistle shrieked out in the distance. Serenity covered her ears and grimaced. You shrugged and pointed to the house. She nodded, trailing behind you.
When they spotted the biscuit upon the gravemarker, the pair of crimson eyes in the upstairs window wrinkled with delight.
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After a brief climb up the sagging porch steps and a short war with the new latchkey, your party arrived in the entryway. Pastel grey and tar black tiles arranged in geometric patterns lay just before the lanky old staircase. To the right, sunlight streamed through the bay windows of the empty, blandly colored front parlor. As Serenity handed you her coat, she examined the silk rose print wallpaper of the foyer. 
"The previous owners have all tried to renovate, but all of them had to stop the repairs before completion for some reason." You patted the yellowing flowers. "So a lot of it is still the original turn of the 20th century decor."
"Okay…" A puff of dust fluttered through the air as your companion tapped one of the old gas landliers in the entryway. With a grin, she turned to face you. "This place is kinda old-timey cool."
"Keep your shoes on," you told her, shuffling her coat onto the hanger. Tucking it into the cedar-lined hall closet, you toed the chipped porcelain tiles. "I haven't finished sweeping yet."
Serenity rolled her eyes. "Nobody’s got time to clean this much house by themselves!" She huffed and crossed her arms. "Why do you think my trunk looks like I scrubbed Mr. Clean’s bubbles?"
With a squeal of happiness, you flung your arms around her shoulders and crushed her against your chest. "Marry me, Ren-Ren."
"Keep that talk up and Marcus's paranoid self is gonna blow my phone up with his 'Baby, where you at?’-s," she laughed.
You released your friend and toed her boots. "You sure keep that boy under your heels."
"Mistress Ser knows what he likes,” she agreed, using the sleeve of her hubbie's hoodie to wipe the dust off the flecked glass of an old, gilded mirror. Tracing the ornate brass with the pad of her finger, she turned to you. “I’m loving this. Where’d you get it?”
“Came with the house.” You nodded to a cabriole legged, mahogany console just below the looking glass. Though the deep auburn shellac had silvered with sun damage, crystal knobs and burled wood spoke to its posh pedigree. A square shaped water ring in the dead center hinted at the old flower vase which must have once graced the hall. “Anything fabric was mouse eaten, but I saved the bedroom set.”
She wrinkled her nose. “You’re gonna sleep in some dead person’s bed? Gross.”
“Don’t make that face, Ren. I’m changing out the mattress.” You sighed. “Besides, this is legit heirloom stuff. When will I ever be able to afford fancy antiques on a my salary?” 
Serenity patted your shoulder. “Long as you don’t go banging a ghost or something.”
You shoved her down the hall. “You're really gonna go putting those thoughts in my head?!”
“You love it,” she teased back, running her hand over the dusty glass shades of the wall bracket lamps. “Are these oil?”
You shook your head. “Natural gas with an open flame. The seller said they capped the lines years ago though. Apparently, they caused a huge house fire back in the day and killed everybody except the little boy who lived here. After that they switched to kerosene and candles.”
“Open flame?” Serenity pulled away from the light as if it had teeth. “Small wonder the place went up.”
“Yeah,” you agreed, cupping your elbows. “Sounds like the people who owned it in the forties tried to repair the damage to the gas when they added the electricity. Supposedly the lines were sound, but the gas never worked right. The flame was always going out, leaving the gas running unchecked. They think it was low pressure or something. It made them annoyed so they sold it.”
As you walked, your companion eyed the soaring twelve foot ceilings and ornate transoms above the massive box doorways. “Well duh. If you make your walls friggin fifty foot tall, of course you’re gonna have pressure problems!”
“Yeah, but the water pipes work fine,” you pointed out, grabbing the round brass handle to the empty parlor. Chantilly parquet floors creaked below your feet as you strolled to the old coal burning fireplace and rested a hand on the chipped marble mantle. In the center of the elaborate plaster medallion, a dusty teardrop crystal chandelier hung above your heads. You flipped the wall switch. The light flickered to life with a painful click, illuminating faded scarlet walls. “The electrician says the wiring is safe, but it still sounds sketch to me.”
“Like it’s grinding or something.” She pressed her ear to the peeling, geometric patterned paper before shaking her head. “Well, at least I don’t hear any bees. Marcus’s mom had them in her walls one summer and Memorial Day turned into a horror movie real fast.”
You strolled to the old pocket doors on the far wall and pushed them wide. Beyond the thick walls, worn stain and gouged wainscot welcomed guests to the formal dining room. Ready for eight, the solid mahogany table stool proudly on hand carved, reeded legs. Beside the bay windows, a matching buffet complete with a wide, oval mirror and rosewood inlays awaited crystal bottles filled with port and brandy. Between twin hall doors, the empty hutch cried out for platinum-edged bone china and silver candlesticks to fill the empty shelves encased in its diamond mutins.
“I had to strip the cushions from the chairs,” you explained, resting your hand on the glossy table. “But the wood cleaned up nice with some mineral spirits and paste wax.”
Serenity shot you an incredulous look. “You've been watching too much ‘This Old House’.”
“It’s only $10 a quart at the hardware store. Way cheaper than a new table.”
Your companion rolled her wrist and beconked you to her. “Show me your hands.”
You cringed, holding out dry, peeling fingers.
Her eye twitched. “That’s it. After we finish this tour, I’m gonna drag your scaley self to Sally's Beauty.” She ripped her phone out of her pocket, furiously thumbing the keyboard. When the signal lit up with one bar, she snarled. “If there even is one in this podunk town.” 
You shrugged. “It’s a well water and septic world out here.”
Gripping her head, Serenity groaned. “I’m buying you a Brita filter. Asap.”
Heading down the long foyer, you made a sharp turn onto a narrow, walnut trimmed staircase. The dark, hand carved banister wobbled in your grip. You frowned at the loose fourth baluster. Not another one! Stupid Victorian hide glue! The original carpenter did some beautiful dovetail joinings but that stuff could not handle the humid summers in this area. More and more, the only dates you seemed to go on were with Norm Abram, Titebond and wood clamps. Now… the question was should you Amazon Prime some of the original stuff for authenticity’s sake or go with the stronger, cheaper wood glue you could get at Milton’s Hardware?
Cheaper probably. Considering the cost of Mansard roof repairs, cheaper was about what you could afford.
Leading her to the creaky upper hall, you bypassed the largest of four bedrooms on the south side of the house. Serenity paused, peaking through the crack in the old, tilted door frame. You shook your head and jerked your thumb down the landing.
“I got stuck in there last week. The house shifted so much over the years that it jams on humid days. I have to sand and rehang it before next summer.”
“Stuck? With cell service this bad?” She glanced out the far window at the long, overgrown expanse of forest which blocked any sight of your neighbors. A shiver rippled down her body. “Creepy.”
You paused, shaking hand rattling the old brass knob to the northern bedroom. “Tell me about it. I’ve left a crowbar and one of those fire escape ladders in there ever since.
Past the solid, double hip door sat a time capsule to the late nineteenth century. The original oak floors had yellowed with age but even the home inspector was impressed by their lack of seam gaps. Overlooking the front of the property, late 2000s double hung bay windows (a testament to the seller’s half-finished remodeling) encircled a small sitting area near the original coal burning fireplace. After hours of fighting with cast iron grating and a stubborn chimney flue, you’d managed to seal out the worst of the draft. The elegant brass chandelier surrendered its tarnish after two hours of polishing, leaving it capped with a luxurious glow every time the sun peeked through the gauzey Walmart curtains. Unlike the worn examples downstairs, dark wallpaper with golden peony blooms looked untouched by the years. 
You flopped onto your new, plastic wrapped mattress and stretched your hands wide. “Behold! Antiquey expensive stuff!”
Serenity’s jaw dropped as she took in the six part, solid mahogany bedroom set. As lovely a red as the day it was made, each piece of satin smooth craftsmanship testified to its owner's fortune. Capped in gothic embellishments and trimmed with burr wood inlays, the queen sized bed looked more like a cathedral than a sleeping space. A marble topped, tiered dressing table with dangling pewter drawer pulls stood ready for silver backed, boar bristle hair brushes and ambergris scented perfumes. You could hide four bodies in the massive armoire. Deep dresser drawers would hold six full skirted walking costumes with ease. Loveliest of all, the free standing, body length mirror reflected your companion’s flabbergasted gawking.
She pointed to the tall, narrow door. “Ho-how’d they even get this stuff in this room?!” 
You snickered, rising to your feet. “That era was all knockdown furniture,” you explained, turning the dressing table around. Tracing the dovetail seam between top and bottom, you tapped your temple. “Not like they wanted to haul all this stuff up the stairs anymore than we would.”
Serenity whistled. “Smart.”
“Oh! I almost forgot!” You dashed across the room to the six foot tall secretary desk and pulled down the writing table. In the center cubby, a luscious painting of olde English foxglove, Narcissus, and Lily of the Valley graced the Purpleheart inlays. You turned the small brass key in the latch and extracted a yellowed, black and white photograph of two children and a pudgy Pembroke Welsh Corgi. “Meet Mon, Tenko, and Hana Shimura.”
Your friend studied the picture. Hana, decked in high pigtails, stood solemnly in her dark pinafore and pristine, lacey apron. Tiny lips smashed in a thin line hinted at her efforts to control her smile. Under a messy flop of black hair, Tenko’s bright eyes gleamed with delight as he forced the Victorian portrait frown while clutching his new puppy. 
“Hold up,” Serenity demanded, tapping the picture with her long, lavender nail. “Aren’t those Japanese names?”
You nodded, returning the old photo to its hiding spot. “I think so.”
She crossed her arms. “Japan had its borders forced open by Perry in 1854. We’re supposed to believe some super rich Japanese family just packed it up, moved to Gilded-Age America, learned the language, and built a mansion in the middle of Podunk, USA just a few decades later?” Jabbing an annoyed figure at the elaborate plasterwork around the chandelier, she added: “Possible, but unlikely much?”
You shrugged. “Deus ex machina?”  
Serenity clicked her tongue and rolled her eyes. “I guess, but it’s a terrible one, even for a smutty fanfic.”
“Eh… it’s Halloween. Gotta get our fix somewhere,” you replied, kicking the cotton batting. “Help me get this on the bed?”
Bustling to your side, your companion tore through the thin plastic. “So… which one of the Shimuras burnt the house down?”
“I think it was the dad,” you explained, hefting the edge of the mattress above the bed frame. “Might have been rich, but rumor has it he was a perfectionist and family beater. According to the librarian, local gossip was that, after he killed the kid’s dog, the wife tried to take them and leave.”
Serenity grunted as she swung her side up and over. The mattress flopped into place with a woosh before sinking down into the platform base. “Yeah, bet a man like that doesn’t take too kindly to his favorite punching bags up and walking away.”
You scoffed. “Anyone who hurt Mon-chan deserves to burn.”
All at once, your hackles rose. Pricked ears caught the tail end of a distant cackle. You whipped around scanning the room.
“What’s up?”
Rubbing the back of your neck, you shook off the feeling like a wet dog. “N-nothing. Just swore I heard a…” Your voice trailed off as you fixed your gaze on the old looking glass before glancing to the window. “Weird…”
“Hey!” Serenity grabbed your shoulder. “Don’t be pulling that ‘I thought I saw something’ nonsense when I’ve gotta sleep here tonight!”
You laughed and threw up your hands in apology. “Sorry, sorry. Just caught a glint of sunlight in the mirror. That’s all.”
Inside the glass, body shaking with laughter, Tomura’s pale hand clamped tight over a skeletal grin.
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Part II coming Saturday October 22nd, 2022
@THE-LADY-WRITES-WHAT @wonwoosbestbuddy @OCEON6  @dabisqueen @shig-a-shig-ah-ah @feral-creep @bat-eclecticwolfbouquet-loveuet-love @smilinghowever @imaginedheroine @CLOUDS-NO1-FAN @MOONTHECREATOR @HARLEYWRITESFANTASY @MANJIROSGIRL @vamperilous @MADDY-HAT @cakernofakers @builtd-different25 @kurtasim @shiggyniggy @koreluvsspring @smilee-spooks @beware-thecrow
@m0nim0ni @minnieplier-blog @blehitsriot @moonwad @saikis-seceretcoffeejelly @nainainairi @bakuhoe37 @un-deadinsomniac @nonominchan @utena-akashiya @molita111 @nekolover93 @pimp-in @slaughterbat777 @chxrryvibes @blackchemicals @coldsaladpiecop-blog @flamme-meuf2-shiggy @aphorditeslust @just-yer-average-key @rekoii @justnothingguys
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blouisparadise · 2 years
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There are so many amazing bottom Louis fics that were posted or completed during the month of December. We’re entering a new year feeling incredibly grateful for the amazing fics we got in 2022, and excited for the many we’ll get in 2023! Happy reading!
1) Far From Reality | Explicit | 1138 words
Note: The main pairing is Louis/Henry Cavill.
Henry and Melissa looked like the perfect couple. Nothing could be further from the truth.
2) Honeymooning In Italy  | Not Rated | 2386 words
Honeymoon sex.
3) Poisonous Ivy | Explicit | 3241 words
Louis is a starving man.
He craves many things in his life. Mainly of those things that he is hungry for are things that had been deprived off of him.
4) Flame Colored Paradise | Explicit | 3282 words
Note: The main pairing is Louis/Mads Mikkelsen.
A side smirk widened Mads’ lips. He looked like a sight straight from heaven in his dark three-piece suit, hair in perfect place, a relaxed look on his face, as if he hasn’t had a hard-on for the last half an hour. Louis loved how Mads was always perfectly composed, never a single strand of hair out of place. He could have his whole cock buried in Louis, with the boy falling to pieces in front of him, but not a single drop of sweat would dampen his face.
5) Alpha Heater For Sale | Ten & Up | 3626 words
He passed by the bulletin board in the hallway, as usual, flyers about open mics, dorm events, and the like. This time though, he stopped when a flyer caught his eye. The words “alpha” and “heat” calling out to him.
Louis tilted his head at the flyer curiously.
It read: Alpha heater for sale! Winter weather got you down? Call Harry for your warm, furnace-like needs!
6) Unspoken | Explicit | 5175 words
Harry and Louis broke up when they were nineteen. They see each other after six years.
7) You're The (Devil In Disguise) | Explicit | 5179 words
Louis is, in appearances, the perfect omega. Small, graceful, docile, polite and very sweet. At least, until the rebellious side of him comes out, which sends alphas running away.
8) Little Minx | Mature | 5514 words
Harry’s new flatmate Louis seems to have a growing problem…literally.
9) Down Comes The Night | Explicit | 5974 words
Note: The main pairing is Louis/Pedro Pascal.
A love story set in the 18th century. Pedro is a painter, commissioned to create a wedding portrait of Louis, a young man who has just left the convent. Louis is a reluctant spouse to be and Pedro must paint him without his knowledge.
10) Our Stained Skin | Explicit | 6019 words
When Louis' 8-year-old daughter shows up with a tattoo on her arm Louis needs to get to the bottom of it. That may or may not involve him tailing someone. But at least he has a good reason for it. Sort of.
11)  Forever Is Composed Of Nows  | Not Rated | 6598 words
There was one time of the year that Louis loved more than any other. It came on the heels of autumn, slowly at first in frosted blades of grass and misty mornings and then swept over the countryside in sheets of freshly fallen snow glinting in the sunlight. With its arrival came the glow of multi-colored strings of lights strung from the eaves of every home and a magic in the air that filled the lungs of awe-inspired pups craning their necks to take in the festive displays.
Harry and Louis spend Christmas Day together.
12) Can We Please Get Back to Fucking? | Explicit | 8370 words
Harry and Louis have had a toxic back-and-forth relationship since they hate fucked at freshman orientation. Now in their senior year, they’ve lost count of how many times they’ve broken up and gotten back together. This is a smutty one-shot from when Louis makes Harry jealous at a club. Harry takes back what is his, and they fuck in the bathroom.
13) Singer And Photographer | Not Rated | 15361 words
Harry Styles: singer, songwriter, alpha
Louis Tomlinson: photographer, omega
What if you get invited by one of your best friends to join him and his band on tour?
What if you are photographing the tour?
What if you're slowly falling in love with a special alpha?
14) Here Where You Should Be | General Audiances  | 19497 words
When Harry, an anxious alpha, found himself panicking over last minute Christmas shopping, he found comfort in the kind omega shop assistant, Louis. He wasn't meant to invite the omega home for Christmas when he found out that he's spending Christmas alone. He wasn't meant to catch feelings. Hell, he wasn't even meant to be able to go home for the holiday. It was shaping up to be a Christmas full of surprises.
15) Under The Rain Or Under The Snow | Explicit | 20667 words
“I don’t think I understood.” He shakes his head and closes his eyes, as if distancing himself from the situation. “Harry? What the fuck are you doing here?”
“Your mum invited me, also, how could I say no to her superb roast potatoes?”
16) 12 Days of Courting | Explicit | 22709 words
They're friends with benefits and Louis' heat is scheduled for Christmas.
17) The Evenness I Fake | Explicit | 26385 words
Harry doesn’t do relationships. He has a perfectly enjoyable friends-with-benefits agreement with a perfectly lovely omega, and he doesn’t see the need to change that anytime soon. The small fact that Louis giving his attention to another alpha makes Harry want to put his head through a wall isn’t nearly as much of an issue as everyone’s making it out to be.
18) Something Along The Lines Of ‘An Office Love Story At Christmas’ | Explicit | 43148 words
Harry hadn't planned on seeing Louis again, not after that night. When he finds out his only competition for a very desired promotion is Louis, he spirals into a mess of trying to be a better coworker and person right before Christmas in hopes that he can outdo Louis' effortless effect on his office. If he manages to get his head out of his ass along the way, it’ll be a holiday miracle.
19) All I want For Christmas Is You | Not Rated | 43253 words
Christmas AU in which a soft alpha with gorgeous green eyes and an even prettier smile moves into Louis' apartment complex and turns the omega's world upside down during his most favourite time of the year - featuring christmas decorating, christmas markets, cookies in the making, and copious amounts of mulled wine (and kisses).
20) Your Gift is Wasted On Me | Not Rated | 54472 words
“He had a partner for a long time, and he says that he was too dependent. He doesn’t want an alpha, at least not right now. But he’s got a pretty severe case of touch deprivation. So it’s … not great.”
“Is there anything …”
“He doesn’t like to be touched. There was an incident a few weeks ago and he just … he can’t bear human touch.”
21) Now I'm Begging for Footnotes In The Story of Your Life | Explicit | 80742 words
Harry and Louis are engaged, but a few months before the wedding Louis realises that they don't like each other, so instead of ending the engagement two of them go head-to-head in an all out prank war.
In the battle of who will end the engagement first.
22) You Sunshine, You Temptress | Explicit | 88148 words
A story about a forbidden love 
& secrets that come to light.
Eyes as green as the forest And eyes as blue as the lake When they met a love began
Stronger than the tide And wilder than a river Fearless Despite the ban
Fairy and wolf Together one
23) My Kind Of Love | Explicit | 108178 words
Harry marries Louis for one year. Louis has no choice other than marry Harry fucking styles. There is a reason behind Harry’s sudden marriage with Louis and Louis has no idea about that. Maybe Harry married Louis for revenge.
Check out our other fic rec lists by category here and by title here.
You can find other monthly roundup fic rec lists here.
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itsaugust-loverson · 1 month
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[ rudy pankow, cis man, he/him ] — whoa! AUGUST LOVERSON just stole my cab! not cool, but maybe they needed it more. they have lived in the city for TWO YEARS, working as a FLORST @ DAHLIA & DAFFODILS. that can’t be easy, especially at only 28 YEARS OLD. some people say they can be a little bit OBSESSIVE and IMPULSIVE , but i know them to be CREATIVE and ENERGETIC. whatever. i guess i’ll catch the next cab. hope they like the ride back to QUEENS! —
full name: august loverson
nickname(s): auggie, gus
pronouns & gender: he/him, cis man
sexuality: homosexual
age: twenty-eight
relationship status: single
birth date: october 31, 1995
birth place: beaufort, south carolina
time in town: since february 2022
occupation: florist @ dahlia & daffodils
parents: dillon & maria loverson
siblings: dillon loverson jr, gabriella loverson, jacqueline loverson
personality: obsessive, energetic, impulsive, & creative
pet: none at the moment
celebrity doppelgänger: rudy pankow
height: 6'0"
hair color: blonde
eye color: ocean blue
color: burnt orange
non-alcoholic beverage: celsius 
alcoholic beverage: high noon watermelon
season: autumn
candle scent: macintosh apple
book: perks of being a wallflower
video game: spyro; save the last dragon
tv show: rupaul's drag race
animated tv show: bob’s burgers
movie: anything marvel
animated movie: the iron giant
holiday movie: the grinch who stole christmas
disney movie: frozen 2
pixar movie: toy story 2
disney original movie: halloween town
candy: twizzlers
chocolate candy: snickers
Fruit: pineapple 😉
Vegetable: garlicky green beans
cuisine to eat: jambalaya
cuisine to make: anything on the grill
genre of music: country
artist: luke combs
song: beer never broke my heart by luke combs
Being the southern golden boy is always something that August will be known for. He was the miracle child that Dillon and Maria were never expecting. After their first three children which all happened to be daughters, the two didn't plan on having anymore and they didn't even think that they would be able to. But for Christmas 1994, Maria had surprised her husband and children with the fact that she was going to be having another child. They were ecstatic that they were going to have one more and once they found out that it was a boy, they were even happier because they were going to have the son that they always wanted. 
Once August was born, it was like all the attention was on him because he was the son that they longed for. And even though August tried his best to get along with all his sisters, some of them didn't really care for the attention that he pulled from the others. At the same time, Dillon and Maria were leaving the girls to babysit August whenever they wanted to go do things, which was always. The Loverson's were not well off by any means but they didn't live poorly either. And whenever August wanted something, they would try their hardest to ensure that he got it while his parents would tell their daughters that they needed to work for it. 
From a young age, August was always obsessed with flowers and he was always bringing them home and ripping them apart to make things like crowns, jewelry, and other things that most boys weren't worried about. He liked to make things look pretty and sometimes that got him bullied in school but he never let it get to him. Speaking of school, August was your average student who slid by with some B's and some C's and didn't care about graduating at the top of his class. He didn't even care about going to college at all. 
Although he wasn't worried about school, he did pay attention in some business and art classes to ensure that he was being the brightest when it came to opening up a business of his own one day and learning different era's of art to come off knowledgable to a wider range of age groups. August was no dummy and if he cared about something enough then he was willing to put in the work. He did the best that he could in his hometown to try and create a business for himself and he was doing great at first but then business seemed to slow down that he turned to TikTok and was able to sell some things quite fast.
While selling things online were nice, he felt like he could do more if he went somewhere that was bigger. He decided that in the beginning of 2022 that he was going to be moving to New York to appeal to a different clientele (well that and there were many many more gay boys like him). While his business in New York was trying to grow, he wasn't making enough on TikTok to live so that's when he found a flower shop called Dahlia & Daffodils were hiring florists and he decided to do that along with his business on the side.
August has begun to make a name for himself and he has started to rake in some money that he never thought was possible. He has been able to send money back home to his parents for helping him get to where he was. He feels like some of his sisters are still judging him for being so close with their parents and he tries not to hold it personally as he wished he had more of a relationship with them because regardless of what they think of him he has always loved them. 
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starfilled-galaxy · 4 months
I forgot that I was really good at poetry Anyway here's some poems I've written before bc they're fun
Dying alive my Heart is cut by emotion Mind reeling, I'm fine
- Haiku; November 2nd, 2022
Wind blowing The leaves flowing A petal drifts by The ash stained Land strained By the fire from long ago Rebuilding, regrowing Though the process is still on-going It has gone back to its roots once more The Earth is resilient Let’s just hope we don’t overpower it
- Date written unknown
Stars high above Infinite light A breeze blowing the grass The differently colored daisies twirling Everything as delicate as a butterfly’s wing Infinite light From stars high above
- January 9th, 2023
Laying under the pink and orange hues of the sky What's left of the sunset light shining throughout Outlining the purple flowers of different shades A light breeze passing through your hair A petal from your flower crown drifting away Hands held, we lay Us The trees nearby rustle in the wind The familiar sound of nature Cotton candy clouds move across the sky A blue butterfly lands on my empty hand A match to the cool tones of my sweater Together, we rest Us
- December 5th, 2022
Gentle frost Sweet cold Withers her garden Solitude love A lonely moon shines The ancient garden awaits blossom Sacred winter The sanctuary of night
- December 15th, 2022
I twirled around, leaves cracking under my feet Messing around as leaf after leaf fell The sound of the snapping filled my ears Leaves got stuck in my hair, but I didn’t care I could see them staring One of the oldest girls in our class Acting like this, huh? I don’t see the point Make-up and perfume and faking your life Faking your personality and happiness To fit in? Be childish,  Play in autumn like you would when you were in 1st grade But I see the price to pay Outcast Not fitting in makes you an outcast It’s not fun, I can tell you that much But at least I’m me And I’m free
- November 28th, 2022
K: The pencil in my hand O: An extension of the arm projecting creativity K: Letters forming more than words O: Graphite roads connecting time and generations K: It only took one piece of paper O: A paper that connects people K: Through knots and ties of emotion O: With writings that can bring people together K: One person, one paper, and thousands of ties O: Deep gashes coming and going like the pencil from the paper K: The sea of salt water burning them in a way no one understands O: A burning the only the artist can feel K: The price to pay for other’s enjoyment O: Bringing long dark windy clouds with only the warmth of the art K: Careless and cold, I write O: Masterpieces
- Poem collab, my lines were K and my classmate's lines were O; October 17th, 2022
The music It fills my ears Swallowing my emotions in a wave of sound I’m at peace At least right now All the pain and sadness Gets washed away Oh, I know tomorrow it will go back Go back to the same old, Same old But right now I can just lay Lay with my back to my bed Plush in my hand Staring out my window As the music plays The music plays
- October 12th, 2022
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angelsdevils · 2 years
Flufftober: Day 11 ❤️
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Title: Perfect Day Word Prompt: Walks in Forest October 11, 2022
Flufftober Masterlist
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Tag list: @omakeomuomu @thisbicc @galactict3a @chuuberrysworld @sattosugu @pinksilk @penguinlovestowrite
If interested in joining my tag list feel free to click here. And fill the form out.
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You and Kazutora were walking hand in hand, on the cool autumn evening. The sky held the prettiest of colors, and the sound of the leaves crunching underneath your guy’s feet was satisfying. This was something normal that you both did when it got just a tad bit colder throughout the year. It was peaceful and had no obligations to see people you knew and talk. Just you and him enjoying each other’s company.
Kazutora was happy that you gave him a second chance, the moment he got out of jail. You made him feel like a better person, always encouraging him and looking at him for him, not his past. He couldn’t describe how lucky and happy he was with you. The way you smiled at him always brightened his day.
He glanced down at you, watching as you looked around at your surroundings. He bit his lip slightly before leaning down and kissing your cheek. You turned to him with your tilted head and he smiled.
“You missed,” you pouted. He laughed slightly before you both stopped walking.
“Did I?” He teased and you nodded your head. He let your hands go and cupped your cheeks. He leaned down and pressed his lips against yours which caused you to smile against his lips. You gripped his jacket and stepped closer to him as you both made out in the middle of the forest.
He moved his hands from your cheeks down to your waist to pull you closer to his chest. After a few minutes, he parted and leaned his forehead against yours.
“I love you so much…” he mumbled and you nudged your nose against his.
“I love you too Tora~ always have since we were in elementary school.”
“I am so glad you stayed by my side despite everything I have done. I am so thankful for you, you always help me when I need you the most. Even when you think you are doing nothing. Your existence just makes me so much happier.”
“You are so cheesy,” you laughed and his cheeks turned red, “but I will always be here for you. You have my heart always.”
“Now look at the cheesy one…” he poked your side before wrapping his arm around your shoulder. You leaned against him slightly as you both continued to walk.
“Should we head back?” You asked, and he thought about it for a moment.
“Are you cold? Or do you want to go back?”
“A tad bit, it’s getting late. It can get dangerous at night, and I kinda wanna cuddle under blankets.”
“Then let’s go back.” He kneeled on the ground and you looked at him confused before he motioned you to get on his back. You smiled and hopped on and he carried you back.
“You are so warm… and smell good.” You nuzzled his hair and he laughed.
“Well if you fall asleep I will keep you safe.”
“Mmm, okay…” You laid your head on his shoulder, burying it in his neck. He walked back in silence. Today was the perfect day for a walk in the forest.
© [@angelsdevils] all rights reserved. none of my posts or stories should be modified, reposted etc. I do not own the character, but I own the plots to these stories.
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atolua · 2 years
𖥻  COLORS ˒ 𝐞𝐭𝐚.  autumn  of  2022
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EDITION .. look at how pretty jealousy is with their new color!
FEATURING .. lua's secret love interest
CW(S) .. special appearance from the green eyed monster  &  everyone loves cha eunwoo
MONA SAYS .. episode three of cupid tuesday hell yeah!
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he didn't know jealousy could come in a shade of blue. then again, he's never felt so much worry churning his stomach until this very moment.
stuck on one of the mall's benches, he has to watch lua converse with the stranger who approached her right after she exited the washroom. she might not see it, yet it's obvious that they're hoping to get more than a conversation from her. he knows because they're wearing the same look that he used to wear around the oreo haired girl before coming around to realize how deep his feelings actually were: infatuation.
the angel on his left shoulder encourages him to enter the picture, get the date back on track so he can take her out on many more. but the devil on his right is sewing doubt, pricking him with seemingly valid points. the stranger's good-looking, almost on par with cha eunwoo, and despite the mask concealing her face's lower half, lua appears to be having a lot of fun talking to them, so why should he ruin it for her?
he fidgets some more with the ends of his sleeves. and then he decides to take the necessary steps forward. whether it's to let her know that he'll head home, or to turn her attention back to him, he hasn't figured out that part yet.
but it becomes obvious that he doesn't need to when he hears lua say, “sorry but i've already got my eyes set on someone else. in fact, he's waiting for me so i have to go now.”
suddenly glued for a second time, he watches her turn around and look for him. it doesn't take her long to find him, and before he can budge, she's holding his hand and giving him the smile that looks like it's been sculpted out of moonlight.
“sorry i took so long. some person tried to ask me out, but i rejected them.” she explains, completely unaware that he already knows.
“it's okay, don't worry about it.” he returns her expression with a shyer version and leads her to another shop. “i actually planned plenty more to make sure that this will be the best second date ever.”
“really? you didn't have to. being able to spend this time with you already makes it the best for me.”
no matter how hard he tries to control himself, heat rushes to his cheeks. the mask is clearly no help, not when lua giggles at the sight, inevitably darkening his blush. but he doesn't mind, not when he can see that she's having a good time.
who cares if a cha eunwoo lookalike fancies her?
(obviously, he did, but that's in the past.)
(actually it was a few minutes ago but okay.)
it's him who has the chance of taking her out again, and again. and he'll keep doing it if that's what she wants.
as long as he's around her, he'll always know the color of happiness.
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❑ TAGLIST  ..  @stealanity @ateezivy
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ghost-in-the-hella · 2 years
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Coms are open and 20% off through December 31st 2022! Treat yourself or a friend to the gift of fanart. Use this link or code GIFTART20.
I mostly draw fanart for the Life is Strange franchise, the Locked Tomb book series, SPoP, Shoujo Kakumei Utena/Revolutionary Girl Utena, and Arcane, but I am open to all fandoms as well as OCs!
[Image ID: 1. Digital illustration of Rachel Amber from Life is Strange: Before the Storm. She is shown from the shoulders up wearing her Prospera costume and makeup. A small halo hovers above her head. The background is a pan pride flag. 2. Digital illustration of Lux and Jinx from League of Legends/Arcane replicating the famed "You're hot, cupcake" Caitvi pose from Arcane. 3. Digital illustration of Kate Marsh and Chloe Price from Life is Strange dancing on Chloe's bed. Chloe is dressed in her usual attire except for a blue rose embroidered on her beanie. Kate is wearing a pastel punk outfit and has her hair down. She is tugging on Chloe's suspenders. Background is an abstracted version of Chloe's bedroom wall. 4. Digital illustration of Gideon Nav and Camilla Hect from the Locked Tomb book series shown from the waist up and underwater, about to kiss. Gideon is apparently naked, though tastefully covered by Camilla's body and elbow, while Cam wears a gray bathing suit. 5. Digital illustration of Charlotte Harmon from Life is Strange: True Colors roller skating and dressed for roller derby, wearing a green helmet with the logo for the Silver Dragon dispensary and rainbow socks. 6. Alex Chen and Steph Gingrich from Life is Strange: True Colors shown from the waist up, lying head to head in a bed of golden leaves and wearing autumnal clothing. Steph is wearing Alex’s yellow denim jacket and Alex is wearing Steph’s dragon necklace.]
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cannibalgh0st · 2 years
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Here's my hair in natural light! I'm really happy how it came out! It's darker than I usually have it but it's going to be easier to maintain while letting it grow out☺️💜💗🌞
My roots are extremely black so a darker color really helps to blend them in🥺
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foreveralwaysanauthor · 7 months
Naomi's Basic Info
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Name: Naomi Seika Sato
Now, I know Naomi has only appeared maybe three times in my writing (the winter stories from 2022), but I have plans on adding her to some of my future stories, so I figured I might as well make a board for her. Again, this was surprisingly easy, and the only one I had any difficulty finding was an actress from the 60s as there weren't a ton of well-known Asian actresses. Anyway, in the 60s, we have Irene Tsu (How To Stuff a Wild Bikini); the 80s, Cherie Chung (An Autumn's Tale); the 90s, Nicole Bilderback (Bring It On); and now, Momona Tamada (Avatar: The Last Airbender).
Nicknames: Mimi, NayNay (by very few people), and Koneko (a Japanese term of endearment that means "kitten". Only her grandparents call her that, and it's mostly her grandfather)
Age: 17
Date of Birth: September 29
Zodiac: Libra
Birthstone: Sapphire
Nationality: Asian-American
Sexuality: Asexual, but don't tell her grandmother that. The woman desperately wants grandbabies, and Naomi has no interest in ever giving her any. Her parents and grandfather know and don't care so long as she's happy, but they all know better than to tell her grandma.
Birthplace: St. John's Riverside Hospital, Yonkers, New York
Current Residence: Park Street, Rockland, Maine
Occupation: High school junior, professional figure skater, junior medical assistant at her parent’s office
Talents/Skills: Acting (mostly in high school or town productions), making flip books, animating short videos
Birth order: Only 
Parents: Kyoya Jin Sato and Hina Mai Suoh
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Height: 5’1”
Race: Japanese-American
Eye Color: Dark brown, almost black
Hair Color: Brown
Glasses or contact lenses: Glasses for reading, contacts for fun
Distinguishing features: A birthmark on her hip that looks almost like a cherry blossom, a scar on her inner right calf from a skating incident, and a single dimple on her left cheek
Mannerisms: Bopping her head to music, mumbling to herself while working on projects, and keeping the tip of her tongue between her lips when she’s deep in thought
Health: Chronic migraines, Type-1 Diabetes, and POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome)
Hobbies: Gardening, baking, watching anime and Chinese historical dramas, playing cozy games, scrolling Pinterest, writing fanfictions, and cosplaying 
Greatest flaw (in their opinion): How everyone still sees her as a child/childish. As the only child/grandchild in her family, Naomi is often babied by her family members. Her father was an only child, and her mother was the only daughter of four kids and was the golden child, leading to Naomi feeling more like a toddler as anyone who came to visit would treat her like a little doll. She appreciates their love and care, but all she really wants is for her family to see her as the near-adult she is, not some naive little girl in need of shelter from the outside world. In a way, that was the reason she and Lexi became friends. She needed someone in her life who treated her like an actual person, not a child.
Best quality (in their opinion): Her determination to succeed in everything she does. While she doesn’t fear failure or disappointing her family, she strives to be the best version of herself she can be. Whether it’s working hard at her family’s practice, learning new skating skills, or trying out a new recipe, Naomi puts her whole heart into all she does. She is a very determined individual, but that doesn’t stop her from taking breaks now and then or spending time caring for herself. 
Biggest fear: Losing her sense of self for the sake of others. Naomi is fairly confident in who she is as a person - an intelligent, pink-loving, figure skater who wants nothing more than to help her parents run their practice. However, she fears that someday, if she were to find herself looking for a different job or maybe falling in love, those people would try to change who she is for the sake of professionalism and maturity. She has taken the time to grow into who she is and finally loves herself just as she is; the last thing she wants is for someone to try to change her to meet their needs. If they can’t love her for who she is, Naomi knows it isn’t worth it, but she knows she wants love sometime down the road, and the thought of giving up her style and personality for someone to see her as a mature human being is something that deeply terrifies her. Real life is nothing like the books or movies she loves so deeply, after all, and she knows this. That is why she keeps many potential friendships/relationships at a distance until she knows they won’t try to change her.
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Favorite ice cream: Strawberry mochi
Favorite color: Pastel pink
Favorite number: 2, as the number represents balance and harmony in Japanese culture
Favorite songs: ballad of a homeschooled girl by Olivia Rodrigo, ALICE by PEGGY, and Platonic Love Song #1 by Lauren Bird
A place they want to visit: Forbidden City, China, or Bunkyo City, Japan
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xxsycamore · 2 years
—𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘐, 𝘈𝘮𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘍𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘯 𝘓𝘦𝘢𝘷𝘦𝘴
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Lili and Dante walk back home.
▍dante x liliana  ▍rating: G ▍tags: Tooth-Rotting Fluff; Childhood Memories; No Spoilers ▍wordcount:  569
▍a/n: Aha! I bet you didn't expect this, @chaosangel767 ! Another little gift for Chaya, who has a birthday today! Ever since you told me Dante is your first otome love, I couldn't help myself - and certainly not after checking out your Pumpkins & Fireplaces 2022 challenge once again. It's a great one and it inspired me greatly! I'm glad I could participate while also gifting you another fic ❤ Hope you enjoy!
▍Prompt: Crunching Leaves while walking
((no spoilers for Dante's Episodio 1926 route - at the moment of posting this fic I haven't read it myself yet!))
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It's another Wednesday morning, and just like always, Liliana accompanies Dante on his visit to the church.
She's not sure when their "always" exactly started, but somewhere along the way so did their "forever". The seasons changed and then changed some more; it’s autumn again. Unlike the grayish colors of the autumn of 1925, Liliana now can see the full colors of the world again, from the safety of Dante's arms.
Albeit only morning, everything is dyed in warm orange - the lines of tall ginkgo trees outstretch as far as the eye can see and make a veil over their heads.
Having just exited the church, such change of scenery makes Lili gasp. She's moved by occasional pretty sights in their ordinary life - their now shared, same ordinary life - and Dante knows that. A discreet gesture to the men in suits following behind them is enough - they won't disturb the couple for the rest of their walk.
In her stunned, starry-eyed daze, Lili forgets to take the shawl from off her head after exiting the church. It's a surprise she walks without tripping, Dante notes, and keeps holding her hand firmly to guide her. They walk in deeper and deeper into the tunnel made out of shades of yellow, orange and red - until they're seemingly far from everything else but one another.
Dante calls for her, and Lili turns. His gloved hands are gently pushing the shawl back from her head, admiring the sight of blonde hair bobbing at the sides where the shawl restricts it. Lili is still while Dante undoes the knot for her, smiling and averting her eyes just because.
And Dante uses the chance to tug on the ends of the now untied shawl. Having slightly leaned down, he is at the perfect height to meet her lips with his own as she's pulled in.
Their kiss is short but sweet.
"Dante!" Lili protests upon withdrawal, not expecting that he'd use her shawl for something like that. It's rare for him to use dirty tricks but it's worth noting that he is good at those when he does.
"Forgive me. I couldn't help myself."
His apology is genuine yet she has a feeling he might be holding the self-satisfactory smile on his face, she won't check for now. They continue their walk in content silence.
Some of the leaves underneath them crunch, and Lili feels silly for not minding her step. As soon as Dante notices she's trying to avoid them, as if to reassure her, he steps directly on the leaves as well.
"Haha, what are you-"
"This brings me back."
Keeping up with the slightly speeded-up step of Dante while he keeps holding her hand steadily and thus dragging her along, Lili looks at him in question.
"I used to do that as a kid. It was hardly considered worth the scolding so I could get away with it pretty often."
The image of that bright little kid plays in Lili's mind, and her heart nearly melts with the adorableness of it. It turns out her tall and serious Dante used to be a little bit on the naughty side sometimes, just like every other kid.
She laughs sincerely and Dante knows without asking that she's not laughing at him - and as she takes the lead through all the crunchy leaves along the path back home, he finds that she's laughing with him.
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(taglist under the cut)
Taglist: @arsnovacadenza @ale-teodora @kimi00twin @otomelady @privilegedpancake @g-kleran  @thehappycat123 @pumpumnnnp @thesirenwashere @theuwuisunreal @ravenarld @kyokirigiri-22 @kimmy-banana @devonares @animeworldsposts @randomanimatedhusbandoseeker @galaxyprison @trishtori @sadshaxk @starshards26 @pro-cat-stination @acethephoenix256 @ikevamp-shrine-2 @nad-zeta @crystal13unny @keen19thcenturygoatsstudent @lordsister @ikemen-banshou  @themysticalbeing @canaria-blackwell @otome-scribbles @rhodolitesrose @fun-ghoul-neela @salty-fed-up-bitch  @coornn @cilokgoang​ @kpop-and-otome @queen-dahlia @kisara-16 @chaosangel767 @ikemenlibrary @queengiuliettafirstlady @aurora-morning @aquagirl1978 ​ @ikemenlover24 @violettduchess @mcofthemansion @tiny-wooden-robot @joy-the-reader Let me know if you want to be tagged/untagged!
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eastwesthomeisbest · 2 years
2022 Tumblr Top 10
1. 104 notes - Aug 22 2022
Meet me where the sky touches the sea...
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2. 103 notes - May 13 2022
-Why won’t you leave me alone...
-Then I’d be alone, too...
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3. 102 notes - Aug 23 2022
How you turn my world
You precious thing
You starve and near exhaust me
Everything I've done
I've done for you
I move the stars for no one...
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4. 97 notes - Jun 3 2022
The darkling gently folded me in his arms. He pressed a kiss to the top of my hair 'I will strip away all that you know, all that you love, until you have no shelter but mine...
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5. 72 notes - Oct 9 2022
Autumn Colors...
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6. 59 notes - Oct 1 2022
Why did you go to her?
Because with her he was human again. . .
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7. 59 notes - Feb 15 2022
Happy Valentine's Day!
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8. 57 notes - Dec 25 2022
When I was kissing on my baby
And she put her love down soft and sweet
In the low lamp light I was free
Heaven and hell were words to me
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9. 56 notes - Dec 29 2022
Merry Christmas
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10. 56 notes - Dec 26 2022
Santa Baby... 🎅
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Created by TumblrTop10
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sifasdt · 11 months
SIFAS Daily Theatre Classic: 2022-11-05
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(Transcription after the break.)
[Image transcription:]
SIFAS Daily Theatre for 2022-11-05
Autumn Stroll
Kotori: Eek, it's cold~ Rina: There's a chilly wind blowing...... Rina-chan Board says, "Brrr." Kotori: We should have worn winter coats, not autumn coats. Rina: Scarves and mittens would be nice too. ......Ahh! Kotori: That was a strong breeze~! Oh, Rina-chan...... Rina: ? Kotori: Fufu, a leaf flew into your hair. It kinda looks like you're wearing a hairpin...... Here, Kotori took it off for you. Rina: Ooh, what a pretty maple leaf. It has a nice shape and color. Kotori: Kotori thought it wouldn't be fun when it started getting cold, but now Kotori feels happy from seeing the beautiful autumn leaves. Hey, why don't we go see that avenue with the trees? Rina: Sure, let's go. This leaf will be a souvenir from today. I'm going to take it home.
[End transcription.]
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raplinenthusiasts · 1 year
Get to know me - bold the ones that apply to you
thank you @epiphanytear 💐@cordiallyfuturedwight 💐 @btscontentenjoyer 💐
Blonde hair // I prefer loose clothing to tight clothing // I have one or more piercings // I have at least one tattoo // I have dyed or highlighted my hair // I have gotten plastic surgery // I have or had braces // I sunburn easily // I have freckles // I paint my nails // I typically wear makeup // I don’t often smile // I am pleased with how I look // I prefer Nike to Adidas (couldn’t care less xd) // I wear baseball hats backwards
I play a sport // I can play an instrument // I am artistic // I know more than one language // I have won a trophy in some sort of competition // I can cook or bake without a recipe // I know how to swim // I enjoy writing // I can do origami // I prefer movies to tv shows // I can execute a perfect somersault // I enjoy singing (but I have no voice to do it 😂)// I could survive in the wild on my own // I have read a new book series this year (new to me, but it’s not 2022/2023 new // I enjoy spending time with friends // I travel during work or school breaks // I can do a handstand
I am in a relationship // I have been single for over a year (more like forever) // I have a crush // I have a best friend who I’ve known for ten years // my parents are together // I have dated a best friend // I am adopted // My crush has confessed to me // I have a long distance relationship // I am an only child // I give advice to my friends // I have made an online friend (looking at you people 🌻) // I met up with someone I have met online
I have heard the ocean in a conch shell // I have watched the sun rise // I enjoy rainy days // I have slept under the stars // I meditate outside // the sound of chirping calms me // I enjoy the smell of the beach // I know what snow tastes like // I listen to music to fall asleep // I enjoy thunderstorms // I enjoy cloud watching // I have attended a bonfire // I pay close attention to colors // I find mystery in the ocean // I enjoy hiking on nature paths // autumn is my favorite season
I can fall asleep in a moving vehicle (exactly opposite, I won't sleep in those no matter what) // I am the mom friend // I live by a certain quote // I like the smell of sharpies // I am involved in extracurricular activities // I enjoy Mexican food // I can drive a stick shift (in theory! I passed exams with it!) // I believe in true love // I make up scenarios to fall asleep // I sing in the shower // I wish I lived in a video game (animal crossing pls 🙏 // I have a canopy above my bed // I am multiracial // I am a redhead // I own at least 3 dogs
tagging whoever read that and want to do this 🫣
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