#Autumnal Asks
Autumn Asks
frost, lantern, bonfire
frost - if you could give some advice to your younger self, what would you say?
1. Let Mom teach you how to dance. It's not silly, she knew what she was doing, and you would probably have felt far more confident on the dancefloor and not as insecure about dancing now.
2. Tell your aunts and your cousin to go fuck themselves and to get the hell out of your house (when they came to stay while Mom was in the hospital) when you were 17. Ignore Mom's need for peace and 'getting along and staying quiet to keep the peace' because she was in the hospital as it was, not at the house dealing with their cunt-ass attitude, and they needed to be told off. This will teach you to set boundaries that will save your life and your self esteem in years to come.
3. Fuck high school. Drop out, get your GED, find a job you enjoy, and skip college for a year or two while you're figuring out what you want to do.
4. While you're at it, push for your sister to sell the house and move the hell out of Texas before 1993. First off, you'll be the hell far away from Texas and won't ever have to live there again, and second, you'll still have your brother around.
5. Granted, you'll hopefully be out of Texas by this point, but if not (or even if you are), do NOT go out with this one dude EVER. Don't date him, don't live with him, don't marry him. Use those boundaries you figured out with your relatives to tell that gaslighting narcissist to fuck off and die.
6. Don't be an English major if you do go to college. Definitely take creative writing workshops and classes, but don't major in literature. You can happily keep reading whatever you want without having to write dumbass papers that are nothing more than vomiting up other people's theories to back your own up. Fuck that. Go into parapsychology and creative writing. Or fuck academia altogether and just get your career as a tarot reader going from an earlier point. Take creative writing classes for fun.
lantern - how did you meet your best friend? What were your first impressions of each other?
I have a few best friends, and we each met in different ways.
First best friend was childhood best friend who is still a friend but less 'best' now than before. Still, we met through two of our brothers, and I was like...5 or 6, so I think my first impression was that she was cool as hell, but I'm not sure what her impression of me was.
Best friend that lives on the East Coast - we met through a now-defunct site called WitchVox. She emailed me because of the group/coven listing I had up and asked me questions. We emailed back and forth for a week or two, and then we met for coffee at Kettle. She was married at the time, I was married at the time, and our dudes turned out to be douchebags. We kept each other as besties in the divorces. I know one of my first impressions of her was that "Holy fuck, she's tall!" And she reminded me a lot of my mom but with a much more in your face bitch attitude. I'm not sure what her first impression of me was.
Welsh Bestie - We met through the guestbook (yes we're old) of Isaac Bonewits' website because I saw that he called himself a chaotician, so I messaged him. We emailed and IMed, and we've been friends since January of 1999. Haven't met face to face yet. My first impression was that he was cool. Not sure what his first impression was of me. @chaotic-hypnotic-erotic
Jewish Michigan suburb bestie - We met through the Jay and Silent Bob slash yahoo group back in like...what? 2000? 2001? We read each other's fics first, chatted, I'm sure, through the actual groups, and then one night, @kleenexwoman IMed me because I was awake. I thought she was a weird and fun little 18 year old, and I gave her all manner of advice on how to hoard as much food from the student center as she could in her dorm since the student center closed at a certain time of night. She didn't have a car at the time to leave campus, and being stuck in a dorm that didn't allow hot plates, I made suggestions on how she could keep snack type food around. Eventually, I sent her an electric kettle because she could have that, and she could make ramen or mac and cheese in it as well as heat up water for tea. I know I liked her a lot and thought she was weird and funny and fun. No idea what her first impression of me was. I've talked to her on the phone in the past but still haven't met face to face.
Bestie that I run three bingos with - I think we met through here/AO3 (fics and comments), and right away, I liked @scottxlogan because she's sassy and funny and creative and imaginative. We share fandoms and cheerleader each other on through writing and life's bullshit. Still not sure what her first impression of me was, but mine was that she was awesome, and I have a blast running the bingos with her. We make a really good team, and I can't wait to meet her in person because I think we'll get into some really weird but creative trouble together.
Bestie who spent far too long holding the bowl for a dick who didn't appreciate her the way she deserved - I met @raevynlokidottir through LJ way the hell back, and I can't even remember what community it was through. Firefly, maybe? Some pagan community? But that was probably getting close to 20 years ago maybe. Maybe not quite that long, but it's been a long time. It took a little bit to get the engines really revved on the friendship, but she was there for me through the divorce, and by the time I graduated grad school, her daughter was calling me Aunt T, and we were pretty much family. First impressions fuzzy because it was so long ago, and I've slept since then. If my sister and I can get the fuck out of Texas, we'll get to meet because she relocated to a state close to the one we're going to live in.
Work Sister-Bestie - I met her last year when I went to work at a small retail food-new age shop here in the small-ass town I live in. I worked closer to full-time, and she worked two days a week for three hours a day. She'd been working there longer than me, but from the moment I started, we hit it off so much that, aside from actually having to work, we talked from the moment she walked through the door to the moment she left, and we text quite a bit, too. The job was great (aside from not paying quite enough) - how often can you say that you love 99.9% of your customers in retail? Not often. But out of all of that really awesome experience, she is by far the BEST thing to come out of that job. I know that my first impression of her was that she was nothing like I thought she'd be when I first started working with her and that she's so far away from being as conservative as she looks. @missrobbie73 swears and has one of the best dirtiest minds. I think her first impression of me was that she thought I might not like her because I was loud and weird and that I might not get her at first. (She's not active on Tumblr most of the time, but I talked her into joining because I fun that stone blog on here.)
bonfire - describe your dream house.
Dream house would either be on the beach or within a short walk to the beach - obviously not in Texas. Preferably east-northeast. Single story, as I'm getting older and stairs can be a bitch on my knees and ankle. Big wrap-around porch with one part of it facing the beach if possible. 3-4 bedrooms, 2-2 1/2 bathrooms. Big bedrooms, bathrooms, big ass kitchen - maybe open concept kitchen-livingroom-dining room. Tile floors. Living room doesn't have to be huge but cozy enough for guests. I've actually dreamt about this house (or ones like it) for shit...30 years maybe? Wouldn't need a pool but a hot tub would be nice. Maybe a nice outdoor kitchen as well as the big indoor one? Definitely plenty of space to grill and have a firepit on the beach. Doesn't need to be fancy but nice, cozy, sweet. A haven.
Autumnal Asks.
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lokisgoodgirl · 9 months
Cider, Amber, and Spice cuz I know how you feel about ghosts 🤣
Don't you bring up how I feel about ghosts!!!🤣🤣🤣
Listen, I've answered Cider already so I'm going to sub in one I feel like answering instead, I hope that's ok. Don't spank me.
Cider fog - how well do you think you’d do in a zombie apocalypse scenario?
I think I'd do alright, you know. I'm not saying I'd go full Neagan but I think I'd be able to get a good band together (my neighbours actually have some pretty impressive skills) - I can fight, I can climb, I'm pretty fast, pretty resourceful. Don't mind getting my hands dirty. I don't gross out easily which will come in handy with all the smooshing and the brains. Only thing is, I would 100% be taking my dog around in a lil apoco-papoose initially. So she'd just be hanging on for dear life. My fluffy boo ain't no snack. In time, I would fashion her an armoured jacket with big ol spikes. spice - have you ever encountered a house that you believed to be haunted? Not a house, however let me tell you my spookiest story.
I was camping on Mount Rogers with a bunch of people from my university in the states. There were some other campers around the little site, it was dark, fires on. I went to get something from the tent, and on my way back I heard this thundering noise. Must have been a dozen fully grown wild horses ran through the camp, down the middle path. It was LOUD. I just stood there, amazed and then made my way back to our firepit. I said, "did you see the horses?! that was amazing...but kind of scary, someone might have been standing there."
No one had heard a thing.
Amber: Another unpopular opinion The internet has impeded people's critical thinking skills. Also, there will always be someone to agree with you online, via Google or otherwise. It doesn't mean you are correct.
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quinloki · 9 months
Q U I N 🎃 hi! c:
Let's do cinnamon & spice for the ask game 🍁
cinnamon - if you had to live in a time period different than the present, which would you choose and where?
I'd say the 42nd century. If there's still humans around I'd be interested to see what we're up to. If there isn't it'd be nice and quiet, and with any luck I could have a nice quiet few years of life before I go XD
I don't know, there's just not much of a past I'm interested in. I'd be neat to see some of the stuff of older cultures and what not, or go back into the 70s and 80s and actually end up owning a house or something. But I guess I'd really just like to see the way way way tomorrow of tomorrow ^_^
spice - have you ever encountered a house that you believed to be haunted?
Oh yes, twice.
My mom's house before she moved had a little old lady ghost. I remember her, she was sweet. She'd stand at the edge of the bed and just... exist really. It sounds creepy, but it was always really relaxing, every time I'd see her I'd have the best sleep.
Then there was a place I lived with my first spouse. He was a real shit of a human being, but I swear he was cursed or something. There was just so much wild shit going on. The upstairs would thump when no one else was home, faces came out of the walls, I had recurring nightmares about an old man trying to eat my soul - and I had to tell him he could, and there was a tall man in a duster and hat who would stand at the edge of the bed sometimes.
He was... kind of kind? The least scariest bit of everything else honestly.
Got divorced, moved out, never had another nightmare or bad vision.
Oh! Some weeks after, I gave said ex a lift somewhere. My brakes went out on a back road, and I limped my car to his mom's - with the intention of then limping it to my dad's (who is a mechanic), as soon as the ex got out of the car the brakes worked fine.
So yes. I believe in ghosts and haunted spaces.
Autumnal Asks
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zombiequeenblog · 8 months
Maple, spice, and quilt for the autumnal asks? 🍂🍁
autumnal answers
maple - is there a hobby/skill that you've always wanted to try but never did?
there are so many, and such little time, but I'll say that I wish I knew how to play electric guitar, and perhaps I'll try learning how to draw one day
spice - have you ever encountered a house that you believed to be haunted?
I've been in a heritage house several times, built in the 1860s, which was said to be haunted by various ghosts, including at least one child. When I was standing on the stairs once I felt a distinct tap on the top of my head, like a child was leaning over the railing just above me and giving me a playful poke. I was very unnerved, but I didn't feel any hostility in there.
quilt - how do you take your tea (or coffee)?
I love both tea and coffee (caffeine) and I like tea with milk and coffee with cream. Everything's better with cream :))))))
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sheisraging · 9 months
quilt - how do you take your tea (or coffee)?
Coffee: Iced, usually as espresso shots or cold brew, with skim milk and one artificial sweetener (preferably Sweet'n Low).
Autumnal Asks | Ask me!
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randomfoggytiger · 9 months
Maize and Cranberry!
Thank you for the ask! :DDDDDDDD
maize - share the weirdest encounter you’ve had with a stranger on the street.
Not on the street but one day my dad took me and the sibs to a park to play; and there was a tourist and her child playing there, too. I, being the kid who likes to throw rocks, picks up a rock, meaning it to yoink into the ocean. ...It does not yoink into the ocean. It hits the kid right on the head. Dad had to smooth things over pronto; but the woman was super nice even if peeved at first, and I don't remember the kid's reaction. So that was that.
cranberry - what’s one physical feature that you get complimented on?
My hair-- it's long, has a lot of body, and is the color that everyone likes around here (brown but a certain type of brown.) I like it shorter; but the horror in other peoples' eyes at the thought of me cutting it is both funny and touching to see.
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lesbianjudasiscariot · 9 months
orchard, bonfire, quilt!
hiii kestrel ♡
orchard - I want it to cool down!! also hopeful for a lot of rain. non weather related aspirations i wanna practice my editing skills and take more videos!
bonfire - something small but still 2 stories, around nature, old, i hate the way houses that are renovated to be sold have no character. something i do in my free time is look old churches and schoolhouses for sale and dream of buying one and fixing up.
quilt - with tea i'm really basic simple green tea and honey. for coffee i never drink it but when i do i go for like a dessert coffee ya now like a caramel frappe or something, so american of me.
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meatballlady · 9 months
amber and orchard for the autumnal asks :)
Hi @somerubberband !
amber - share an unpopular opinion that you may have.
Ooh let's make it autumn themed! I don't like apple or pecan pies 😅
orchard - share one thing that you’d like to happen this autumn.
Well the easy answer is a gos3 announcement! Otherwise, our potatoes are about ready to harvest, so I'm hoping for a lot of potatoes!! 🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔
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mariekavanagh · 8 months
18 for the autumn asks :)
18. Films to watch during autumn?
The Harry Potter films, of course. Particularly Prisoner of Azkaban, it has such a gorgeous earthy, autumnal feel and soundtrack.
I'd say Halloween films but there's not many that I actually like. No particular reason why not, I just never ended up watching them much when I was a kid, I guess.
I can't actually think of any more specifically autumnal-feeling films. I am not a great person for movie recs, clearly xD If anyone had any suggestions, please let me know.
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Lantern, Orchard, Ghost
lantern - how did you meet your best friend? What were your first impressions of each other?
I think maybe I'm getting that kind of Old where "best friend" just...doesn't work for me anymore. All of my friendships are so different it doesn't feel right to compare them. I have a handful (literally like...3-5) of friends who I consider my inner circle, as it were (your wonderful self included). And all of those current dear friends have been met through Fandom Shenanigans online. I do not socialize irl unless I'm being paid to. 😂
orchard - share one thing that you’d like to happen this autumn.
Hmmm. I'd like to have the guts to actually go to some local queer-friendly Halloween do. I don't know that I'll get there. See above, I do not socialize. 😅 Buuuutttt...Idk, I've recently somehow tripped into a few local LGBT+ contacts and I'm tempted to poke my toes into whatever socialization is going on out there. I've heard tell of some spooky themed drag shows and such. So...maybe. Or maybe next year. I feel like I'm at least getting closer to coming out (lol) of my shell.
ghost - is there someone that you miss having in your life?
My college bestie (from back in the day where "best friend" did work for me.) She was like a sister to me, but I never told her I was queer, and by the time I felt like I knew her well enough to trust her with that we were so close that I worried she'd think I was in love with her or something, and how could she trust that I wasn't when I'd been hiding something so big for so long? I fled from the place and subculture we'd met in, and she more or less stayed, though definitely got waaaay more moderate over the years. We drifted apart, as college besties do. We still talk every once in a long while and every time we click right back together, but there's still always that veil between us. Maybe someday we'll be able to reconnect with full honesty.
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lokisgoodgirl · 9 months
Harvest and cinnamon, please!
Thanks sweet thing! :D Ahhh..ok. Harvest: what fictional character do you most identify with? Why? Oh god this is really hard. I think a lot of people will identify with this, but good ol' Samwise Gamgee springs to mind. I think there's a little bit of Samwise in all of us, feeling like we're the side character to our friends story at times but supporting them (or telling them to STFU) as appropriate. But in the end, Frodo wouldn't have made it far without Sam. A little reminder that even if you feel like your actions don't matter at the time, they do. Cinnamon: if you had to live in a time period different than the present, which would you choose and where? Let's be honest, if I lived in any time period other than this one I'd catch cholera in about 10 minutes and expire. However, I would REALLLLLLY love to be: - A fancy lady in ancient Greece (or actually, man would be ideal) - Ancient Rome, around the rule of Augustus. Looks fun as hell. - Also just the early 1800s in England, I studied all the writers and poets of that time in uni and it just seems...idyllic. I know it wasn't, but it seems right up my street. I'd need to infiltrate the right groups, but I think I could do it.
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Bonfire, Quilt, Moonlit! (I am totally not planning our someday mansion with our two wings....)
thank you darling :"D
bonfire - describe your dream house. Ah...it would be somewhere with lots of trees so I could see birds, and have lotsa natural light cuz artificial light hurts my eyes, and a stone fireplace, and many many bookshelves :D
quilt - how do you take your tea (or coffee)? Both black! I've considered trying honey in dark coffee, tho
moonlit - are you a neat or messy person? Is your room / house orderly? I try to be neat...but i don't have the executive function to keep up with it for very long D: My bookshelves are pretty neat tho
Link to the ask game if you want to play!
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quinloki · 9 months
Hey Quin! ✨️
For the autumnal asks: What about fog - how well do you think you’d do in a zombie apocalypse scenario?
Assuming I'm not part of the living dead at the start of things (I get sick so easily and if it's an infection or something I am so screwed xD ) I'd say my chances are fairly decent.
I've been homeless before, but my chances would be better with others around. I'm good at organizing and coordinating people. I know some basic first aid, and I'm not a bad shot, but none of these things are areas of expertise. I know how to can, salt, smoke, and dry a lot of stuff - I'm useful.
I'm just not great on my own XD I need people to look out for to really help me focus, otherwise I wouldn't do well. Anxiety would get me without anyone else around to focus on.
That said, I doubt I'm making it to the end of the movie xD
Autumnal Asks
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sheisraging · 9 months
cinnamon & fog :)
cinnamon - if you had to live in a time period different than the present, which would you choose and where?
Maybe Italy during the renaissance? Basically any excuse for me to just be in Italy and artsy fartsy.
fog - how well do you think you’d do in a zombie apocalypse scenario?
Not well at all.
Autumnal Asks | Ask me!
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ginzloveslife · 9 months
Autumnal ask! Orchard, Cinnamon
Thank you for the ask! Sorry it took me a bit to get around to answering this.
orchard - share one thing that you’d like to happen this autumn.
There's a few things coming soon that I'm looking forward to, like my birthday, my cousin's wedding, and the solar eclipse! But I guess the way the prompt is phrased, it's not really about things that you have planned, but something you hope for. So I'm gonna say I hope this autumn I can make new friendly connections and/or rekindle old ones I haven't been nurturing. That would be wonderful. <3
cinnamon - if you had to live in a time period different than the present, which would you choose and where?
I'm not sure if this is a valid answer, but to be honest, other than the present, I would only choose the future. I think it'd be awesome to see how different things are in, say, 100 years from now or something. It'd be cool to see what progress we've made socially and technologically. I feel like we live in an era where we feel like the world is burning, but I believe there's a lot of good things in motion too. I wonder what those will result in. And as for where: right here, where I am.
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Harvest, Fireside (w/pics for reference?), and Orchard for the Autumnal Asks :) *hugs and runs away*
-chases down and hugs tight and gives chocolate and blankets and books and more hugs-
Harvest - what fictional character do you most identify with?
I'm glad I get another go at this one since I don't have a solid satisfactory answer lol. But here I'll just say, if you mashed up early seasons Rory with early seasons Luke from Gilmore Girls.... that's definitely a vibe that I vibe with. XD Tilt Rory's academics towards the arts and there we are. XD
Fireside - if you had your dream wardrobe, what would it look like?
So take a heaping ton of northwestern / pacific northwest aesthetic in clothing (brown boots, jeans, sweaters, long jackets, scarves, beanies and caps) and throw in a lil business casual punk and that's my sweet spot. Throw in some extra natural/jewel tones like purple and green. My wardrobe leans toward that but it's never cold enough here to fully embrace. Here are some pics I grabbed off pinterest real quick:
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Orchard - share one thing you'd like to happen this autumn.
I'd like to visit a pumpkin patch or apple orchard or corn maze... one of those outdoors autumn things. I haven't done that in years. 😊
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