#Averys random rat ramblings
umbraticstickerz · 9 months
The way Veneer grabs Velvet just looks so fucking funny to me istg
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laugtherhyena · 2 months
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@ninjagirlstar5 YEAH‼️Mary is straight up one of the nicest people in our cast i think? She's outward friendly to most of the characters as you can see in this silly chart.
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Ramblings under cut tho maybe check out the cast post so that you know who I'm talking about (made by the same dude that made this chart template, hi avery)
So a thing about Mary is that she's really not that shaken with the whole termina festival thing? The horrors are the horrors but she's been struggling by her whole life to the point that she's desensitized to a lot of things + the insanity of the situation in Prehevil is a little beyond her comprehension, so even tho there are fucked monsters and crazy cultists running around while the moon tries to morph them into twisted versions of themselves she's watching that and sorta just going "Damn that's crazy" before continuing focusing on staying alive herself long enough so that the train passes by and she can leave (1st round survivors leave Prehevil by hopping on a cargo train wagon as it passes by the town)
She is one of the characters that keeps their cool through a majority of the festival and only moonschorches on day 3 morning after some nasty stuff happens. So pair that with her just being a nice person in general and you have Mary!
The worse people get in her chart is neutral + avoidant and that's because she's got a gut feeling that something's off about John and Hilda but she doesn't want to fuck around and find out so she just keeps her distance from them.
The other 3 she avoids are all people Mary does like quite a bit but none of them want to be around her for one reason or another; Damian and Claire are both rather reclusive people who have their minds set on escaping Prehevil alive and their own personal goals while Addison is kinda of a paranoid dude which makes him avoid a lot of people through termina in general. So Mary sees that and steers away not wanting to bother them (she is used to people avoiding her out of being disgusted by her presence seeing her as a filthy, stupid and untrustworthy street rat so this isn't anything new for her. None of these opinions applies to the dudes I just stated tho), which is kinda sad because she does like these people quite a bit. She is impressed by Claire and Addison's professions and would love to know more about those and has never been around a journalistic photographer or actor (She's seen tvs once or twice in random gigs she got over the years and was just absolutely mesmerized on how that little box has people on it), and she's heard a lot of good things about Damien from his brother.
She would have avoided Lola for similar reasons, she's nice to everyone but she's a bit of a cleaning freak so Mary's appearance bothers her quite a bit, but because Lola is not much of a fighter and is terrified of the situation they're in Mary sticks by to help. It's in the same vein as her being around Anatol and Ebba even tho they don't care much for her, she's seeing these 20 year olds with a lot of life ahead of them stuck in this hell on earth and takes upon herself try helping them even if she is aware of what they think of her.
Kit is a buddy tho, they're both people who grew up in the outskirts of society (albeit in wildly different settings) so they had a pretty harsh life which in turn means they got quite a bit in common :] she also chats and hangs around Matyas even tho she can't understand half what he's rambling about.
The 3 people left are the closest to Mary out of the whole cast, so much so that if certain events aren't prevented at least one of these people being alive is a requirement for her to make it out alive.
Mary and Amos both come from the orphanage, while they weren't necessarily friends back then, they did know each other during the time Mary still lived there, tho she can't remember that due to blocking out pretty much all her memories from her time in the orphanage out of trauma. What she can recall is really vague and hard to understand and the thought of setting foot there again terrifies her, this stuff is also the reason why she's afraid of the dark priests but she isn't scared of Amos due to the familiar feeling he evokes even if she can't remember knowing him prior to termina. They grow closer out of shared religious trauma and sorta look out for each other in a way.
As for Catherine and Leslie they're both people she's only met during termina that surprised her a bunch because she's so used to people with big important carrers like them to just ignore her existence entirely, so to see a doctor of sorts and a lawyer not only be unbothered by her presence but straight up like and treat her nicely it's just,, wow! "I never talked to someone so smart before!" Or "I never had someone take care of me before!" And I think she cherishes their company a lot through the festival.
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umbraticstickerz · 10 months
Honestly I really don't get how people find "HomeWrecker" situations funny like
Cheating is genuinely devastating(as someone who's had a partner thats cheated on them) and isn't really funny.
Like I've seen some people joke about "Homewrecker Louie" and its just...why-? Like I get it, dudes a troublemaker through and through but there's a difference between clumsy aloof troublemaking(that in some cases is more justified *cough cough* Pikmin 3 *cough cough*) and actually full on malicious troublemaking that is done to essentially ruin someone else's life.
Maybe its just that I can't get the joke from it due to me experiencing it, or its just not funny, or my autistic ass just doesn't understand.
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umbraticstickerz · 1 year
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I have been spending hours meticulously recreating the neighborhood in vanilla minecraft and I still have 4 homes to make and then surround the place with trees
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umbraticstickerz · 2 years
I literally don't know why but apparently one night I was so tired I can't even remember why or it even happening but I cropped screenshots of(mostly Kevins) hands
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I'm questioning my very sleep deprived self
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umbraticstickerz · 2 years
Ya know I have to ask
Why do people always treat Patty as a Doctor/Nurse in the sm fandom, I've seen that a lot. She's a mortician and Coroner(saying both since she's depicted doing both things as they're not the same job although a mortician can be called to do Coroner work if they do not have a coroner so that might be the case with Patty.) not a doctor/nurse. She's, yes, shown in the hospital once but she's in the hospitals morgue having probably just gotten done with a body or preparing for one, she is seen in the New Grounds ending for sm 5 to be writing a autopsy(which on closer inspection is that autopsy on Dexter) and had done an autopsy on Bob. Theres nothing stating or showing she is a doctor in anyway only that she's a mortician and coroner.
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umbraticstickerz · 9 months
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Anyway I'm working on a semi ig comic for V and stuff. Just struggling with the anatomy. It'll be done probably sometime today.
Edit: finished
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umbraticstickerz · 9 months
Would y'all yell at me if I shipped Creek x Chaz 👉👈
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umbraticstickerz · 2 years
Honestly I do not get people getting so fucking mad or act all disgusted with Dexter x Bob aka RatMeat🐀🥩. The amount of people I've seen on tiktok and YouTube acting this way was ridiculous.
Theres legitimately nothing wrong with RatMeat 🐀🥩, hell most have more issue when it's specifically Dexter Doll x Bob. Which is just silly (especially with him being based on Chucky who literally is in a relationship with Tiffany who for a period of time is and was a human)? There's no difference.
Both characters are full grown adults, there's nothing wrong with it in any way.
Like its fine to dislike it but bruh leave people who ship it alone if you don't, it's a completely normal ship.
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umbraticstickerz · 1 year
Tbh i just really wish people didn't refer to any mlm ships just straight up as Yaoi. Like, can we maybe
Not call a gay ship a type of hentai made specifically to fetishize gay people? Please?
I get some say it as a joke but I don't really care, it's very uncomfortable
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umbraticstickerz · 11 months
Anyone else remember that one scrapped playable character design from Pikmin 3(not Character D) that literally looked like Blonde Olimar.
I can't be the only one that remembers whoever the fuck that was gonna be
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umbraticstickerz · 1 year
Just to remind the Welcome Home fandom
If you see a ship you personally do not like such as Eddie x Wally, just leave it alone. You do not need to comment saying you don't like it, you don't need to send the person death threats, you don't need to send the person insults, and you certainly do not need to harass the person. I'm saying this because of the pure amount of harassment and death threats I've received at times over a ship in this fandom. You only harm someone by doing that.
Literally just recently I got ganged up on and harassed over a ship I have for literal comfort, and while you may not realize it your actions can literally cause people to have break downs as well as panic attacks and so much more.
No one should have to change their ship because you don't personally like it, of course I am not talking about problematic ships which are genuinely issues but even then harassment and death threats aren't okay.
They're ships, fictional ships, let people have fun. Its not the victims fault, its the people going after them. And if you see someone being harassed DO SOMETHING, even if its small like making sure they're okay after. Letting the bystander effect happen does not do anyone good
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umbraticstickerz · 1 year
I just really like to call Eddie x Frank x Wally like
DearFranklyDarling cuz its like writing the beginning of a letter hehe.
Same with
DearDarling (Eddie x Wally)
DearFrankly(Eddie x Frank)
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umbraticstickerz · 1 year
Doodle Dump!!!
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this image of Eddie was based on the Eddie's big lift audio hehe
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Quite old doodles of Frank in a dress I made
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Candy Puppet!
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Cooking Companions!Eddie
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This was the original sketch work for my Frally Comic! Its honestly best if I draw them down on paper first then make them digital. I do actually have more content involving Frally in mind!
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There was also a written version of it but it was mostly just describing the scenes, note as advice to someone wanting to make comics and stuff make scripts before you get to the drawing stage!
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umbraticstickerz · 9 months
"Just use parentheticals instead of tone tags!!"
No. Something I think those who say that forget is that there's people who need screen readers. Why do I say this? Because screen readers don't read out parentheticals, they completely ignore parentheticals.
Screen readers though read out Slashes.
Parentheticals are already can be convoluted when used in place of tone tags but that mixed with screen readers not acknowledging them makes things extremely difficult to understand and nonsensical. Mostly difficult to understand because people really like to put the parentheticals in the middle of sentences.
This makes tone indicators a more inclusive and better choice as it allows those that need screen readers to properly read it.
I'm saying this as someone who uses screen readers to be clear.
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umbraticstickerz · 10 months
Hey just a reminder that if you repost my content please credit me!!! I don't feel comfortable with people reposting anything I've made without credit!!!
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