maddies-chronicles · 7 months
my family - boiling isles DR
mum (deceased) | father | dad | uncle eber | auncle raine (apparently i didn't script anything for them??) | jazmine | azabel | grant
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arata-is-a-dunce · 3 years
Pairing: Azazel/Belphegor
Prompt: Upon finding out the reason Azazel's former love can't come back is in part due to her never having 'existed' as the human he knew her for in the first place. And or, let's play with the idea of a gender swapping Belphegor like the myths suggest ;)
Well, I—no, this is why we can’t have nice things. I have found my calling as the angst queen in our little group. I do love you, but enjoy shedding tears.
Enough is enough. This had gone long enough and Belphegor has become bored with this prank, especially now that humans have arrived on their own account in their prison home. They figured that it’s best to just get this millennia prank over with. They’re surprised that the former angel lasted this long. The demon watches as the fallen angel paces, thumb in between teeth. It’s always like this after failures. Aggressive pacing and mumbled words in his Enochian tongue.
Azazel never fails in this aspect like he fails in everything else. Really, his tenacity has always been a problem, probably one of the reasons why they started this little prank in the first place. They had wondered how long and far the fallen angel would take it and is still trying. The humor is still there.
It won’t ever not be funny to see him struggling and watching that wretched soul be awakened. They two of them are friends, don’t get them wrong! This is what friends do after all, prank each other! It wasn’t just that, either. Of course there’s more to this little prank but they won’t be getting into that.  
Watching him pace, grows tiring and they finally step forward. “Belphegor! I need you to find me a new vessel.”
“Azazel,” they speak, voice filled with faux concern and worry. They aren’t the best liar, but they know well enough how to fake emotions. “You must stop this. It’s been a millennia. You’ve proven nothing to me.”
“No! I won’t stop! I can do this!”
“Honestly, this tenacity of yours is very problematic.” Azazel’s lips pull into a scowl at their comment. “Don’t look at me like that, old friend. Don’t forget you have things to do,” they continue, walking past him and leans down to study the soul. “Poor soul, you’re starting to fray.”
“Wha-What?” Panic leaks into his yell as he rushes forward, taking a better look at the unfortunate soul. “No! No! This shouldn’t be right!”
“Azazel, what did you expect to happen? You’ve put that poor soul through so much torture for the past millennium.” Belphegor smiles an unkind smile, reaching out with clawed fingers, grasping his chin, and forcing the fallen angel to look up at him. “My dear friend, let me ease your troubles. That soul doesn’t even belong to your loved one.”
“What are you talking about, Belphegor?” Azazel doesn’t try and force their hand away, knowing that they wouldn’t let go. “Belphegor, what do you mean? What did you do?”
The demon allows a grin to cross their face. “I didn’t do anything, Azazel,” they say and pull away. “Azazel, my dear friend, what is something that I can allow myself?” Their head tilts, the sardonic smile not moving a centimeter. “It’s not anything I did but something you did, of course. You’ve been my friend for how long?”
“Azazel! Who do you believe that woman was? Why is it that whenever you bring her back, there’s a part of you that doesn’t recognize?” The demon side steps at the sudden attack. “Azazel—“
“What did you do?” he yells, lunging towards the ancient being. “Belphegor!”
“Azazel!” they shoot back. “I did nothing. You’re the one who fell in love with someone that never existed.”
They enjoy the slow dawn of realization as their appearance shifts. 
“Who am I?” she asks, her hair slipping over her face.
“Now, Azazel, speak your words clearly,” she teases, hiding her smile being a slim hand.
This seems to anger the fallen angel further whose face grows dark, pupils constricting. “You! You bastard!” His words morph into Enochian speech as he yells, yet Belphegor knows what is being said.
How could you lie like this?
How could you stand by and watch him make a fool of himself?
How long would you have gone along with this?
It’s hilarious and she allows a small bit of laughter to cross her lips. “Come now, Azazel. I told you, didn’t I? A marriage with a human is impossible. When did I lie? I don’t favor lying. I just omitted the truth. I never gave you a name yet you still allowed your feelings to cloud your judgement. I didn’t know how far this prank would have lasted and I did try talking you out of it.”
“Why now?” he whispers, anger slipping out of his body. Dark eyes slowly rising to look at her instead of his feet. “Why now after so long?”
“You dragged humans into this. I was fine with it before but that was then, when no human had the chance of venturing in. Well, other than Orpheus but he was dimwitted enough that he didn’t listen to the simple rules.” She strides to the makeshift bed, sitting on it and gazes towards the trapped soul. “You’ve punished this soul enough that you transformed it into one of us despite it fraying so.” Belphegor laughs. “Just kidding!” She snaps her fingers and the cage opens. “Welcome back, Lamasthu.”
The demon goddess nods and turns to the fallen angel who’s dropped to his knees at her appearance with a snide expression before leaving with boisterous laughter following her wake.
“Belphegor,” he whispers, horror painted on his face. “Why?”
“Because it was funny.” She walks back over, caressing his cheek. “A prank between friends, hmm?” Her expression grows serious. “Now, now, my sweet friend, don’t fret.”
They shift back to their original form, long hair cascading like green waterfalls over their shoulders, standing to their original height and bringing him up with them. “We’ll look past this and laugh one day. And don’t worry, my dear, I won’t tell Lucifer about you ignoring your duties.” They lean down and press their lips against the distraught fallen angel’s forehead. “Do be careful next time and don’t bring us more trouble.”
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sirveltic · 5 years
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azabel when sabirah comes back home tbh
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I was really proud of this one so I thought I’d share it here too. This is an adoptable for sale over at my DA Aza-adopts.deviantart.com You can contact me over there or here if you’re interested in buying. They’re for sale for $20.
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nebularobo · 7 years
Hey I look forward to seeing your art! Don’t be down, there are plenty of people who look up to you and your art they’re just shy. You’ve got a really cool coloring style and it doesn’t look cheap at all no matter what shortcuts you took to make it or how you speed up the process. Art is art, a long process isn’t always better. Tons of super famous artists use super quick tricks to make fast art and meet deadlines. I’m so yeah, I think your stuff is awesome.
Thank you, that’s a really kind message ^^ I really appreciate it!
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bingsoobean · 7 years
Imagine Jeanne calling Azazel ‘Azabel’ all the time, even when he got mad and corrected her, she still did it because she’s trolling him and it’s funny to see him get all worked up, and the rest all soon started to call him that as well, even Mugaro.
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luminousalicorn · 3 years
What does Azabel's anticipating_night nickname mean?
It’s a line from the Vienna Teng song “The Tower” but has no other particular significance; I wasn’t feeling especially brilliant that day.
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mattibee · 7 years
Viola is a female bug type specialist...
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This is the first one chunk build challenge that Ive completed! I built this one based on a pallet that my lovely girlfriend @azabelle-the-ampharos picked out for me. the blocks were Birch wood planks, pink terracotta, smooth quartz, and stone bricks.
I love how it came out. Feel free to send me a block pallet or a theme to base a one chunk build on!
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.:One-Shot:.  A moment of peace
How long had it been since she last had a moment of peace? Too long, if you ask her. Not since Malthael had been found, not since... Sabirah gripped the handle of her scythe tightly, eliminating the thoughts of her demise. Well, trying her best to. Her mind hadn't been clear since she's found Wisdom- or, his physical body. That was no longer Wisdom, he was Death now. She had to remember that. No longer could she find comfort in him; he would turn her away, tell her to go make him stronger. And she did. Every time he would shoo her away, she would leave for Sanctuary and do as she was told, comfort but a distant memory. She had taken so many lives already; doubting in the back of her head. Maybe they were innocent, she would think. Maybe they had no part in this war, she would reason. But then, as if Death could read her thoughts, they would consume her again, remind her of what they are, what they have done through all of their existence. Mortals were monsters, oddities of nature. Murderers. After all, had it not been them who took Ramma's life so mercilessly? Sometimes a soft breath would escape her; a pitiful attempt at a miserable laugh. She would laugh at her outcome, wonder if her vow had been the one to lead her here. Unable to speak despite it being the only option, having to accept her master's every word in fear of his ire. His words that once promised safety now brought tyranny. But oh was he charismatic. The others would deem him as the Wise One, their master who their loyalty would lead them to their deaths. All but her. Sabirah, the skeptic. She, who's wings still shone brightly, the one who begun to doubt Wisdom's words. Wise as she may be, Sabirah knew Malthael could do whatever he wished to do with her. She could not tattle, she would have to take her own life if she did. Such is the vow. With wisdom, comes eternal silence. If a death is needed, then so be it. The maiden once more shook her head free from those thoughts, illumining the ground underneath her as she landed. There she stood, scythe in hand, wings messily folding back, paranoia seeping her every thought. So many lives she had taken, so many begged to be spared. None of them had been spared. Her gaze fell upon the clearing. Grass who was once a dull green now a dark blue, tips painted white by the light of the moon. The trees, eerie as they were, brought her a feeling of safety, if only just a little bit. Though she may be here to find a victim to claim, she always wandered back in this spot, where she had perfect view of the sky. Slowly, the angel took a seat on the ground, gently setting her satchel down next to her. Disturbed by the sudden pressure, the feline poked its head out from the flap and chirped. Sabirah's wings fluttered, the air around them warming up. Sanctuary could be harsh at night and a feline as frail as her companion was needed all the warmth it could get. Even though she was sure its messy fur did that job just right. She pulled back the flap of the satchel and slid her hands inside, hooking them under the cat's belly. Though it lacked much fur there, she was sure it would grow back one day. The feline chirped, its ears perked up as they were settled onto the death maiden's cold lap, her arms holding it close to her abdomen. The tendrils of her wings parted, snaking by her sides to form a sort of cocoon around herself and the cat. Though she couldn't feel it, the cat seemed plenty happy with the heat it was receiving and; as one would expect it to do, it yawned and continued on with its nap. Once again, Sabirah was left alone with her darkening thoughts. tiredly, she lifted her gaze up to the night sky. Was home still an option at this point? She wondered how a dear friend of hers was holding on. Azabel. A follower of Hope who she seemed to interest. He used to pester her until she would finally take a break from the scrolls she would write, the wisdom she would lay in words. No matter how many times she had kicked him out of her office, he would always find a way inside. The times she had deemed him an annoyance were too many to count. Yet despite her harsh feelings for him, she'd grown to appreciate his thoughtfulness. ________________________________________ "Sabirah." The stern voice of the healer resonated within the walls of her residence. The mute still kept her focus on the words she wrote, merely lifting her head up to watch the ink drop from the quill as she dipped it in the bottle. An armored hand waved in front of her field of view, of which she ignored and returned to her task. Again, the hand returned, this time snapping its fingers to distract her. Her wings flared up and she slammed both hands on the desk in frustration. She turned to look at the angel besides her. "Don't give me that look, Sab." She kept glaring. Azabel simply chuckled and fluttered his wings. They were of a pink-ish hue, the tendrils never truly staying still. If anything, she could associate them to the leaves of one of the Weeping Willows in the gardens of Hope. His armor a warm bronze, white cloth decorated with various patterns of flowers hid most of it though. He always seemed calm and upbeat, even after a tragic loss; he would always be the first to try and lift the mood of his brothers and sisters. The maiden of Wisdom let out a silent sneer, reaching over to the quill- only for it to be taken from her at the last second. "You know Wisdom won't be too happy if he finds out you've been cooped up here since the last Lightsong." He mused, holding her at bay with an arm while his other arm held the quill out of her reach. No matter how much she would struggle, she wasn't getting anywhere. Flying didn't help either, he was as flexible as he was annoying. Azabel very well knew that, as wise as Sabirah was, he was almost twice her size and very well could snatch the quill right back out of her hands. She really wasn't hat strong. Or tall. Of course, he would use that to his advantage. Sabirah gave in after a few moments, landing back on the floor with her fists clenched at her sides and a foot tapping on the darkened marble of her already dark office. Her wings flared and stiff, her aura accusing. He was the cause of her oh so dramatic misery. Azabel set his hands on her hips and leaned down towards her. "Just a few minutes outside and I'll be out of your wings, got it?" He hummed, waving the quill in front of her. Sure, he wouldn't be out of her wings forever, but every moment without him pestering her to 'be healthier' was a moment of peace. The maiden glared at him for a moment longer before her shoulders slumped and her head tilted down, wings going limp. Fine. She gave in. White flag. She yielded. Azabel clasped his hands together and pulled her close to him, an arm draping around her shoulders as they left the office and, in turn, the Pools of Wisdom. "Come on, you'll love the new flora that popped up near the Willows." ________________________________________ She didn't know how he did it, but every time he would get her out of her office, it always ended up with him braiding her hair. Well, hair, it was more like a mass of light resembling hair. All maidens had them, so they set apart from their fellow angels. Odd, but she had grown used to it. Sabirah lifted the cat up and nuzzled the side of her head against its fur, earning a confused meow. She didn't answer, her mind going back to her dear friend. He was probably worried sick about her.  Or maybe, her hope would argue, just maybe he was busy with tending to the flora that grew in the gardens. Maybe even getting stuck in a tree too. Like that time Sabirah had to untangle his wings from a branch. Tsk. The idiot. 
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sirveltic · 5 years
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sabirah and azabel from A moment of peace
look man I love azabel but his wings are hell to draw
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pickleepunks · 6 years
Who does Azazel hate? And. "Azabelle" - Raphael. Was this a nickname?
Azazel hates Heaven. Azabelle was Raphael’s nickname for Azazel. No one else calls him that.
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the-4-kings-dnd · 3 years
Azabel(Amira): Du'Ruk, why is Atheed in the tree?
*Atheed sticking out of a hole in a tree*
Du'Ruk: she saw something shinny and ran in, but her horns got caught.
Piere: I was gone for five minutes.
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bunshima · 7 years
what r ur favourtie ships??
if u just mean snb its obv azanina, favakai, azafava, azabel, sofijean, jeanazel (and jeanazelsofi tbh)… and some obscure ones like lucegoribel, azagori, lucebel, etc
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mikanrulz · 7 years
I cant wait to see Jeanne reaction when she confirms that Azazel, an old enemy/demon saved her child *-*
lol I also actually kinda dreading this after ep10, but then the preview kinda blows my mind bcs holy shit aren’t you two already getting along so well gimme back my worry omg
Jeanne’s lack of reaction when Nina mentions Azazel’s the one with Mugaro is also interesting? I can’t read her there; I wonder if she doesn’t remember Azazel despite literally destroying everything he had lmao or if she just chose to process that for another time bcs there’s more pressing concern right now. Also, Nina does mention that Azazel’s a demon and the demons’ve been victimized by the time Jeanne gets captured, so maybe it really doesn’t matter to her as long as Mugaro/El gets saved and alive somewhere.
…actually, it’s totally possible that she doesn’t even know Azazel’s name and only knows him as that one demon who got Amira and attacked Anatea ten years ago orz
(pls god staff-san director-san you can’t make her forget Azazel that would be too cruel on azazel lmao)
Idk where the show’s gonna take them, but personally, I think they could be the best of friends.
They both have this very serious personality (azazel’s even more than Jeanne; she at least could understand a joke)
they both were once saints (well azazel was an angel but i digress) worshipped by ppl, now fallen from grace (azazel’s probably by his own fault, but again, i digress)
already calling each other by nicknames (Azabel/Bell & Jeannety)
death to Martinet and Belzebub (the same guys who make their lives difficult in S1)
honestly what happened between them in is S1 is technically not personal since they both only doing their jobs at the time.
(she still destroyed his castle and his lower horns tho)
both getting saved by their better halfs (Lucifer & Michael respectively) during Bahamut fiasco (if we count Favaro’s narration as canon that is)
I like to imagine how Azazel could try to get jeanne riled up about the whole angels/demons/gods relationship thing and every time instead of ignoring him she earnestly mistakes his intentions, and it riles *him* up instead
much like in the ep11 preview, he can’t decide whether she’s genuinely mistaken him or if she actually makes fun of him, so he ends up seriously trying to correct her
she keeps making it worse from his correction and he can’t do a thing about it other than growling at her silently
this is how their beautiful grudging friendship begins
after some time much like Rita, Jeanne also starts treating Azazel like some angry elementary kid who keeps getting hurt from fights (except she’s less obvious about it than Rita)
they bond over taking care of Mugaro (or getting taken cared of, in azazel’s case, bcs let’s be real here)
they avoid talking about how Mugaro might be secretly Michael
they totally, completely, avoid talking about how Mugaro may and may not have a tiny crush on Azazel
they also (secretly) bond over how Nina actually has bad taste in men bcs charioce xvii maybe a gentleman but he’s still charioce xvii yo (jeanne secretly includes Azazel in this category)
they both get drunks from time to time and complain about their better halfs and how powerful angels leaders (fallen, in Lucifer’s case) are maybe cool but the mysterious aura is getting tiring and how they’re so hard to understand and also how they’re absent most of the time like wth
Hamsa and Bacchus while also drunk mostly can’t decide if it’s okay for them to hear all these personal things about Lucifer and Michael bcs hello leader of fallen angels army and an Archangel respectively, so once Azazel and jeanne’s drunken talks starts mentioning Lucifer and Michael, they leave them alone.
comes morning Mugaro would find them and float them to each of their own bed.
what gets discussed in drunken stupor would stay in drunken stupor
jeanne kinda hates azazel a little every morning after bcs with his stupid angel/demon power he could avoid getting a hungover and he preens at her while jeanne has to suffer
Favaro is totally baffled by their sorta friendship while kaisar cries bcs everyone getting along is beautiful (now if only azazel and jeanne could include charioce xvii in their friendship, it would be perf– “only if bahamut rises,” azazel retorts, while jeanne only conveys that with her piercing gaze.)
Nina, who hears that from a distance, perks up. she just has this brilliant idea.
(let’s not forget that azazel once calls her a small bahamut)
(Odin help them all)
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azjeong · 5 years
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It's really glad to start this blog! This is Azabell Jeong, and I am the person who really like reading books that have all kind of genre, and their different writers. As I start this blog, I want to have more interaction with everyone about various style of books.
First of all, all I will have to do on this blog is to introduce some kind of certain books that you might like, and recommend you the books with the reason why those are good for you as I explain with the good reason I think. Through I keep introducing the new books, I hope you do like what I introduce and be interested in what I introduce to you.If you are very interested in my recommendations, I will be more active by them.
In addition to introducing or recommending books, I also review books that I have been read during in my life. What I will do in my book review, I will write the review of the books that I have been read since I was a child to nowadays, so some books might little bit familiar to your eyes. Although the books will be familiar to you, I hope you underderstand with your broad mind, and please just read my book review for fun in your hearts.
What I want to say is, I want to introduce, recommend, review books on this blog, and also meet a variety of people who like to read books to share good information with me.Let’s communicate and share about our favorite books!
Picture from: https://www.freepik.com/free-photo/book-turning-pages-cup_908465.htm
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