baaldigital · 11 months
"Wenn es dir nicht gut geht dann komme einfach nach BAYERN. Dann geht es dir zwar nicht besser, aber du bist dann immerhin in BAYERN!" Gestern in der City Galerie auf eine Postkarte entdeckt B.A.A.L.
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electrosquash · 3 months
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This album came up on the train today ^.^
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mouldymp3rotations · 7 months
I haven't been too inspired, lately, so i just went and picked one of the premade upload i prepared a few months ago.
Song titles link to individual mp3 file download
All 5 songs can also be downloaded together in a zip file from the link at the bottom
Seems like we are focusing on japanese electronic units with female vocals, this month !
Aural Vampire - Preservative Woman
I think that track might have been my introduction to Aural Vampire, hmm Preservative Woman was released on Vampire Ecstasy in 2004 (excellent album btw)
べスパ☆くまメロ (BESPA KUMAMERO) - Totem Pole
Oh that's the song that got me hooked to bespa ! Totem Pole was found on Romantic Waves, released in 2007
KiLHi+ICE - Empty Eyes
You know, i dont remember why i chose this one specifically, but i guess kilhi+ice doesnt always sound electronic or goth-ish and this one does lol, so it matches the vibe XD Empty Eyes appears on Le 7e Art, from 1997
SUPPURATE SYSTEM - affekt pendule
oh ok i went there, huh ! :) shitty quality mp3 too lmao enjoy~~~ affekt pendule was one the (affekt pendule) cassette tape released in 1999 :)
妖精帝國 (Yousei Teikoku) - Valkyrja
This song is an earworm to me lmao Valkyrja was on Gothic Lolita Propaganda, released in 2007
And i'm gonna add a bonus to this because how could i not :
U-tarou deserves a crown for coming up with the username hellectrowitch tbh Vermin was on Territory of B.A.A.L which was released in 2006
(shit i didnt even know there was a clip for this lmao)
zip file HERE :)
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corneille-moisie · 1 year
ok so the mp3s i still had are the territory of b.a.a.l, i just got shurado from bandcamp, so i only have religion 616 left to find
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ossidae-passeridae · 2 years
tagged by: @ankahikoibaat​ & @laciefuyu​​ tagging: @mid-nighttiger @thegreencarousel @noneedforbloodpressure and whoever else wants to rules: put your On Repeat playlist on shuffle and list the first 10 songs that play; tag a few people while you’re at it. 
How I Get Out (Cellmod Remix) - The Crystalline Effect
Euridyce - Cruxshadows
Flood on the Floor - Purity Ring
English Summer Rain [Freelance Hellraiser Remix] - Placebo
The Crow - Dessa
Pretty When You Cry - VAST
Bâtard - Stromae
Bruise Pristine - Placebo
Burnt Sugar - Felicity
B.A.A.L [Deliver Me] - Grendel
Truly quite impressed that there’s no Depeche Mode or She Wants Revenge on this list considering how many of those songs I listen to on repeat.
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evelinamox · 4 years
Ghost Stories ft. Belphie, Beel, and Mammon
This is loosely based off of an experience myself and three friends had roughly four years ago.
TW: violence and possession.
🧟‍♀️ 👻🧟‍♀️👻🧟‍♀️👻🧟‍♀️👻🧟‍♀️👻🧟‍♀️👻🧟‍♀️👻🧟‍♀️
"This is a terrible idea!" MC groaned, not fully agreeing with Belphies idea to use a ouija board on Halloween in a haunted classroom.
"You scared?" He teased. "We could bring others."
"That isn't my problem. Isn't disturbing spirits bad? On Halloween of all days??!" MC was nearly shaking at the idea.
"Do you really think a spirit is more intimidating than a few demons?" He was almost astonished at how MC was acting about the idea.
After pondering it, MC felt he made a sound argument. "Fine. I already know Beel will probably come with you, I'm bringing Mammon."
"Why would you invite scum like him?" A small growl escaped as though punctuating his question.
"Because if nothing happens we can still have fun by scaring him!" 
A devious grin replaced his disgusted scowl when listening to MCs idea. "Cute and smart. Deal. We'll all meet fifteen before midnight tonight at the classroom, I'm going to go nap."
MC's cheeks reddened a little while nodding to his words. "Sweet dreams, see ya tonight!"
"Ya sure they're coming?" Mammon asked as he picked the lock to the infamous classroom.
"It wasn't my plan, so I'm pretty sure." MC peered over Mammon's shoulder to watch him. Before long he managed to unlock the door, hesitantly pushing it open.
Stepping in, their eyes fell upon Belphie napping across a few desks pushed together, while Beel was on what looked like his sixth bag of coven sized chips.
"When the hell did you get here?" MC asked, surprised that they weren't first.
"Belphie sometimes falls asleep in class and doesn't wake, so they just lock up all doors and let him rest." He explained before emptying every single crumb into his mouth.
"Why didn't ya let us in then!" Mammon snapped at the twins, causing Belphie to sit up. 
"It's fun making you actually work." The youngest brother quipped before pulling the ouija board out of a backpack.
Not wasting time MC pulled Mammon towards the group, taking a seat between Belphie and Mammon, Beel sitting across.
Mammon took out a lighter and lit a white candle that MC brought, then set it next to the board.
They all placed two fingers on the planchette before Belphie spoke up. "Is anyone there?"
The planchette began moving, all the guys and MC looked at each other accusingly.
"Very funny Belphie!" Mammon nervously laughed.
"I'm not moving it." Belphie whispered, gaping at the moving piece reaching the corner that had yes written on it.
"Who is it?" MC asked, curiously.
The piece began moving again, Beel was now also anxious. "Mammon this isn't funny!" He whispered in an annoyed tone.
"S'not me!" He yelled back. Everyone watching the piece move over each letter.
"Baal.." Belphie whispered in shock. 
Beel shook his head in disbelief. "Baal went missing a thousand years ago when Anat.. died.."
Mammon freaked out took his hand off and stood up. "This isn't a cool prank guys!" He yelped before realizing he let his cool exterior down. "Look at MC! You guys are scaring them!"
Belphie let out a groan. "You weren't suppose to take your fingers off without saying Goodbye!"
Suddenly a unexplainable wind passed through the room, blowing out the candle flame.
MC instantly collapsed to the floor, unable to move, a strange ache throughout her body.
In the same time Beel let out an uncharacteristic growl before jumping ontop of Belphie, strangling him while he was trying to kick Belphie off.
Mammon tried to step forward at his brothers to pull Beel off, but then Mammon was suddenly thrown across the class against the chalkboard by an invisible force.
Belphie was quickly losing his battle when MC regained the ability to move, and in quick thinking took the white candle and relit it with Mammon's lighter.
All at once the positive energy from the candle caused Beel to stop and unexpectedly pass out.
Mammon stood and carefully pushed Beel off before helping Belphie up. "Ya okay?"
Belphie stood and carefully rubbed around his neck. "That wasn't Beel..." he look down at his passed out brother.
"What do you mean?" MC asked, feeling confused at Belphies words.
"He was possessed. Those eyes weren't his, they belonged to Baal." Belphie held his head in his hands, shaking in disbelief.
"No way.." Mammon gasped. "You're saying he died here?"
Belphie bent down and shook Beel awake waiting for Beel to sit up before answering the older brother. "He did go a bit crazy before his disappearance. Remember him attacking a couple students until he was relieved of his job?"
Beel rubbed the back of his neck while looking up at everyone standing around him. "What just happened?"
"You went completely crazy and-" Mammon's words were cut off before he could tell Beel everything that happened.
"I was scared when the candle blew out and I accidentally hit you with a book!" MC lied, not wanting to worry him over his unexpected attack on his twin. "I think I may have done it too hard because when we finally had light again you were on the floor. I'm sorry!"
Beel stood, unintentionally towering over MC. He gave a soft smile before ruffling their hair. "You're stronger than you look." He laughed.
"Heh, thanks." MC wearily answered while glancing over to Belphie whom was mouthing the words thank you.
MC flashed him a sweet smile. Even though the three of them were now keeping a secret from Beel, they knew it'd be better than making him feel guiltiest for things outside his control. 
Authors note: In my experience this happened in my apartment. The guy in role of Mammon was thrown back by a invisible force against a fridge. According to what I gathered it was a husband, wife, and child that all died in that apartment. The father often abused and eventually killed the son, which in turn he killed the wife then himself. My friends there and I theorized that the guy renamed to Beelzebub was taken over by the husbands ghost, then he attacked the guy renamed to Belphegor as though it were his son, and the guy that was renamed to Mammon was thrown back to stop him much like the wife probably once was. It is also believed reason I was unable to move during it all was because I have a witches protection charm tattooed on my arm not some Supernatural series tattoo,so I couldn't be touched from anything but at the same time I couldn't get involved.
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e-cdysis · 6 years
Spotify Tag
Tagged by: @honeymoonphantasmagoria
Rules: Put Spotify - or iTunes! - on shuffle and write the first ten songs.
The Morningstar - Draconian
B.A.A.L (deliver mix) - Grendel
Equally Destructive - After Forever.
Radioactive - Marina & The Diamonds
Freeeeze !! - Aural Vampire
Von den Elben - Qntal
Ghosts (primitive race) - Front Line Assembly
Birth-Marked - Oceans Ate Alaska
Resonance - Front Line Assembly
Benzaiten - Oceans Ate Alaska
What a random mix XD!
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fhear · 6 years
Grendel - B.A.A.L. (Deliver Me)
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patrickschroedter · 4 years
B.A.A.L. (Erhan Kesen & Nika Remix) by k-paul
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baaldigital · 11 months
"Gott schmatzt (Godsmack), was? Gott schmatzt? Schmeckt?
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electrosquash · 3 months
Can't believe there's no rip of Territory of B.A.A.L bigger than 128K anywhere
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zombieheroine · 7 years
F, U, Y
Well hi there, Anon! It’s never too late with these, heh.
F- favorite song?
I have so many favorite songs and they come and go. For the sake of answering something, let’s say Grendel - B.A.A.L.
U- 3 biggest wishes?
1. More ink. 
2. A puppy 
3. That the Autumn will be short and windy and the winter after that long, cold and snowy.
Y- your last hug?
Probably my roommate who’s currently working in another city. We crossed paths at a mutual friend’s birthday party a week ago.
Send me a letter? 
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somnolenz-blog-blog · 11 years
Freiheit im Herzen und das Glück der Welt pulsiert durch meine Glieder. Ein Lächeln, das durch nichts erschüttert werden kann.
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kiyomei · 11 years
Baal - vermin
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cyborgkoala · 11 years
Grendel- B.A.A.L (Deliver Me) 
 (Biomechanic, automatic AI Life form) 
I'm now in the mood for some cyberpunk music
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baaldigital · 11 months
"Ein alter Spruch besagt:...wie oben so auch unten, wie unten so auch oben! Träumst du noch von unendlichem himmlischem Frieden? Dann lesen das obrige noch einmal!" B.A.A.L.
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