memchiix · 5 months
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He’s like completely taken over my brain
Im losing it
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nonbinaryaubrey · 2 years
hi i love photobomb omori *throws up and dies forever*
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butchdykekondraki · 1 year
well that was fun . im in peril
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sarchasmmm · 5 months
I have extremely normal feelings about the new robin trailer.
Hhfjdkdjskdjdjd the siblings... I love them sm.....
Also. Robin's dream being to perform on stage WITH Sunday? The child's drawing of his boss form?
I am going to bash my head into a wall (/pos)
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nijigasakilove · 8 months
Another really fun episode with some great Maomao moments.
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Creepy one eye glass dude from last week is back and looks like he’s taken an interest in Maomao after overhearing some people talking about her exploits.. really bad vibes from him.
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“People naturally pay attention to stories that are interesting” “you always cut me off mid sentence” 😭 man why Maomao always gotta do my boy Jinshi so dirty. No wonder he get insecure about her lol.
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The pufferfish poisoning case was really interesting and still relevant today. In many parts of SEA it’s still eaten as a delicacy and very much runs the risk of severe illness or death. Just a couple of months ago, my mom was telling me about a lady who went to a restaurant and ended up dying from eating it. Why you’d risk your life for some food I have no idea, but it is a thing
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Love how Maomao just tests the potentially poisonous seaweed with absolutely no hesitation whatsoever. She’s a riot
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Speaking of stupidity, killing your brother over inheritance stuff is also a tale as old as time and looks like the case was as open and shut as that. As soon as Basen and Maomao got there and the young master got all suspicious, I knew it had to be him.
Case might have been predictable, but Maomao’s faces and antics during this episode made it great. Jinshi bashing his head up against the wall because of how cute Maomao’s maid cafe style greeting was.. don’t blame him at all lol.
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Yea, this Lakan dude is a POS. Bragging about considering raping a courtesan because she didn’t want you, and “lowering her value” what a scumbag. The courtesan shown in the flashback almost seems like she could be Maomao’s mom with the same coloured hair, similar personality etc… I wonder.. I doubt the inheritance puzzle he wants her help with is as simple as he’s made it out to be too.
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Next episode should be really interesting
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rosewaterandivy · 1 year
Something like that? PLS
Love you <3
Wow, thanks so much for the request! I tweaked it a bit to fill one of the prompts from here, hope that's okay. Love you 💜
83. “Stay there. I’m coming to get you.”
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When you told him what you and Eddie would be up to Saturday night, Steve groaned so loud you could swear the couch vibrated.
You can’t be serious. And leaving me at the mercy of the gremlins?
“Yes,” you grin, “I’m sure the Harrington babysitting service can handle it.” And then you’re off to get ready for the party. “Knowing you, you’ll probably have some hot date booked for after you’ve dropped the gremlins off.”
It’s not that Steve worries, really he doesn’t, because you’ll be with Eddie and Robin will show up at some point, so at least you’ll be safe. But Saturdays were for movies with the party, taking full advantage of Steve and Robin’s (five-fingered) employee discount at Family Video and hanging out.
Recently, it’s been the only time when he can see you—busy with work and classes and helping Eddie with his GED. All your free time was accounted for, used up, leaving nothing left for him.
He tried (and failed) to be accommodating about it.
This resulted in frequent calls to your house, which your mother or father usually answered with thinly veiled annoyance (Sorry Steve, she just left. No, I don’t know when she’ll be back), interrupted study sessions at Forest Hills (Eddie’s exasperated, ‘Dude, what the fuck. You’re infringing on my right to an education here.’), and drop-ins while you were working at the diner.
In short, it was becoming a problem.
So when you mentioned, last minute mind you, that Eddie needed a hand dealing for a party this weekend and you’d agreed to help out, Steve took it about as well as could be expected.
Which is to say, not at all.
It’s bad enough that he’s making them watch Rocky IV, according to Dustin. But Steve pays him no mind and pops the tape into the VCR. The kids grumble and complain, but otherwise occupy themselves by half-watching the saga of Rocky and Drago.
His leg won’t stop bouncing as he reclines against the couch. It continues for the whole movie. When the film concludes with Apollo’s tragic demise, Max starts sorting through the rest of the tapes.
“What else is in here?” Throws out a few titles as she sees them, The Color Purple, 101 Dalmations, Out of Africa—
Steve nearly hip checks Lucas in his haste to wrestle the tape from Max. They grapple for a bit, nearly coming to blows but Steve’s not about to hit a child and a girl at that. This sense of chivalry does not stop Max from smacking him upside the head, but he’s victorious in the end.
“And why can’t we watch that particular one?” Dustin ventures with a curious glance to Lucas before Steve settles back on the couch between them.
“I’ll, uh,” he stashes the tape behind the sofa, wedges its case against the wall. “Tell you when you’re older.”
Dustin and Lucas continue to eye each other warily.
Then El pipes up, “Friends don’t lie.” And before Steve can stop her from what will inevitably be an embarrassing calamity—
“It’s a … sad movie,” she continues, “The last time he watched it, he cried.”
Oh. Shit.
He wants nothing more than to bash his head against the wall, but can’t risk another concussion according to the doctors and literally everyone else. Maybe the earth could swallow him whole instead? Anything to end this humiliation.
“Didn’t you watch that with—” Mike begins, because he is an asshole.
“Oh yeah,” Dustin confirms, “They watched it like, a few weeks ago. I mean, her crying I get,” he turns to Steve, an incredulous look on his face, “But you—”
“Robert Redford is a good actor, okay?” He rushes to defend himself, “Very convincing.”
“Okaaayy,” Max drawls.
An uncomfortable silence ensues. The kids settle on watching Clue while Steve takes an opportunity to refill drinks and snacks. Tries to ignore the furtive whispers from the living room. Tries to focus on the popcorn in the microwave and not imagining what you may be up to at the house party with Eddie.
“Why don’t you just ask her out already?” Will says when Steve returns from the kitchen. 
The group falls silent, awaiting his response. Keep your cool, Harrington. He sets the bowl of popcorn on the table, doing his best to ignore Will’s probing question. Is almost successful until—
“Steve, you’re literally in love with her.”
He scoffs at Lucas’ blatant betrayal. Helped the kid practice everyday after school leading up to tryouts and this is how he’s repaid? 
“No,” he says with a tone to convey the end of this conversation. “We’re friends, just friends and that’s it.”
A beat of silence as everyone pretends to watch as Tim Curry greets the six strangers upon their arrival to the mansion.
Dustin coughs. “Friends don’t look at each other the way you look at her, Steve.”
“Oh my god.” Max looks like she wants to brain herself on the edge of the coffee table at the stupidity of it all. 
“Fuck off.” Steve huffs in annoyance, “Like I’m gonna take advice from a bunch of high schoolers.”
“We’ve saved the world.”
“Like, multiple times.”
“And,” El annoyingly points out, “It’s good advice.”
Thankfully, Steve is saved by the bell. The phone trills its ring from somewhere beneath the couch cushions. Unable to find the cordless, he’s forced to answer it in the kitchen.
“Harrington residence.”
There’s music thumping and cross chatter down the line as he tries to make out who’s calling.
“Rob, that you?”
A laugh, “Yeah, s’me. How you doin’ babe?”
Her voice has taken on that light, dreamy cadence it gets when she’s tipsy or high and, knowing her, it’s probably both.
“Uh, fine.” He turns to check on the kids in the living room, “Watching Clue. Did you need something?”
“Oh my god,” she rasps, “I love that movie!” A hiccup followed by a chuckle. “Nah, I’m good babe. I’m calling for someone else.”
He doesn’t know what to make of that.
“Rob, you know you called my house, right? The kids are here, if you wanna talk to them but—”
“Nonono Stevie,” she says in a rush, “M’callin’ about your girl.”
“My… girl.”
The sounds of the phone being handed off to someone else. A few breaths and then, “Hi Steve.”
And oh.
Your voice is low and breathy through the phone, he can hear you giggling about something to Robin as you pull the speaker away from your mouth ‘I’m on the phone Buckley.’
He melts, just a bit. Because he knows that tone very well— when you fall asleep leaning against his shoulder during movie nights or take a brief nap sitting shotgun in his car, all raspy and sweet. 
“Hey honey,” he coos, voice incredibly fond. Steve turns, closing himself off from the din in the living room. “Y’doin’ okay?”
“Mmhm, tired though.”
“Is that right?’
A yawn. “Yeah,” he can hear the pout in your voice, “Rob doesn’t wanna leave yet and Eddie went upstairs with someone like, forever ago.”
Steve’s already grabbing his keys from the counter. “Stay with Robin, okay? I’m coming get you.”
“Thanks Stevie,” you sigh prettily, “You’re the best.”
Dustin (unhelpfully) advised him to get flowers before he left, so Steve put Max in charge, out of spite. Which unfortunately broke the levy for a barrage of romantic advice from literal children: hold the door, make eye contact, give her your jacket and be on the left side of the sidewalk.
It’d be endearing if it wasn’t so tragic.
He rolls up to the house to find not only Robin, but Eddie too, at your side seated on the sidewalk. He crosses the hood of the car as you stand with a soft smile, “Sorry Steve,” you say, less sloshed since the phone call, but still tired. “Didn’t mean to ruin your night.”
“C’mon honey,” he scoffs, “There’s no way you could ruin my night.” He ushers you to the passenger seat, arm around your waist. He can smell the beer from the keg and stale cigarettes on you, laced with the comforting scent your perfume. 
He shuts the door after reminding you to put on your seatbelt and turns back to Eddie and Robin. They look like they’re up to no good— Eddie’s smirking and got that glint in his eye that says he’ll be a problem, all the while Rob has a dopey grin on her face.
“She’s had water and we took the drinks from her a while ago,” Eddie says, waving back at you from the sidewalk. “Try to have her eat something.”
Steve rolls his eyes. Like he needs advice from a dungeon master on how to deal with a drunk.
Robin blinks owlishly, “Ooh, Hardee’s, get her that.”
Steve laughs as Eddie shepherds Robin away. Says something about not fucking it up and using protection. He can’t bring himself to care as he slides back into the car. The radio kicked on as he starts the car, David Byrne rhapsodizing about a girl as she was. 
He watched as you bop to the song in your seat, bringing an affectionate smile to his face— eyes closed, hair whipping back in the cool night breeze as you sing along. The axels squeak when Steve pulls into the drive-thru lane.
Try as he might to keep his gaze on you, to watch you a little longer, the intercom sputters to life—a young boy’s voice greeting mechanically but trying nonetheless to adhere to Hardee’s hospitality best he can.
The burger you’d gotten—medium, double meat, bacon, all toppings between—has completely fallen apart in a splat back onto the wax paper in your lap.
“Here, honey.”
He fumbles for napkins. But you wave his worries away, licking your fingers before diving in to deconstruct your food.
“Sorry—I promise I have my shit together.” Another giggle, “Not doing well here. Makin’ a mess your car and everything.”
“I, uh, I think you’re doin’ great.”
The words slip out before he can catch them and around a mouthful of fries, you thank him, and then you take a breath, and he can literally see you winding up for another enormous bite.
“Sorry,” you pause sheepishly, “M’ starving—skipped lunch on accident.” You take the enormous bite he saw coming, and then, “Also doesn’t help—mm—nervous.”
Steve chews on a fry and slurps his soda, driving with ease. “Nervous ‘bout what?”
You swallow and steal his drink, “Weren’t you on a date?”
He blinks.
You blink.
He blinks again.
“No, I was watching movies with the kids.”
His face is so hot that he thinks someone must have thrown a fire into him. Should he have just gone along with it instead? It’s old news by now that King Steve had turned in his crown for a walkie-talkie and chauffeuring a bunch of teens around.
A beat passes and he tries again, now at the end of the meal and the stain on your shirt starting to sink in and spread, heavy enough to dip toward the skin beneath. “Do you want to take your shirt off?”
You choke on soda and add another splatter down your chest, “What?”
“You can wear my jacket,” he clarifies. “Give it back later. I mean, if you…” He frowns. “Uh. Um.”
The beemer comes to a stop in front of he Harrington house. Lights still on in the living room signalling that the party is still there. 
You changed out of your shirt, ducking down in the front seat bashfully (“Look away, damn it.”), your old t-shirt in a crumple inside his pocket. His jacket hung a bit loose, but zipped up all the way and it was a good enough cover for a while.
There’s a smear of grease on your cheek from the burger and Steve knows it’s just a personality trait at this point. He laughs when you stick your tongue out, trying to find exactly where it is before giving up and asking him to wipe it off.
He shoves his hands in his pocket afterwards, thumb jammed inside his fist like a souvenir, keeping it there the rest of the walk up the drive, all the way up to the front door of his house before he wonders if he should have been trying to hold your hand.
Maybe not.
“I missed this,” he says, brushing his shoulder against yours.
You hum, knocking your hip against his. “Thanks for dinner,” you say, looking up at him.
“Yeah, of course.”
“And picking me up.” A beat passes. “And the jacket, too. It’s really nice… comfortable and, uh, smells… good. Like, cinnamon and… nice body wash and… trees.” You make a queasy face and close your eyes for a second, pinching the bridge of your nose uncomfortably as Steve looks on.
Oh, he realizes. You must be woozy.
Oh, he realizes. You’re gonna hurl.
“Steve,” Your voice is small and tight, and you look like you’re struggling to take steadying breaths. “I gotta sit down.”
“Right,” he replies. You laugh, rubbing the back of your neck before he turns and unlocks the door.
The kids are passed out on the sofa and reclining chairs in the living room. He locks the door and sneaks you upstairs, hands politely on your waist to steady you on your feet. Guides you to the left toward the guest bath and flips on the lights. 
“You alright?”
The fluorescents cast you in a hazy yellow glow, squinting at the bright light. You paw at the countertop for something, water? You turn to open a drawer and find a spare toothbrush— the blue one, yours, a freebie from a check-up and gloop some toothpaste on the bristles. With a nod in response, you begin to brush your teeth, faucet running as you fill a cup of water. 
Steve leaves you with a clean washcloth and towel, should you need them, and goes to check that his room isn’t a complete disaster. Bed sheets are clean-ish and he doesn’t have time to run them through the wash, though there’s always one of the guest rooms…
He startles slightly, not hearing you walk in. You’ve toed off your shoes by the door and are looking sheepish, lip pulled between your teeth. “Can I borrow some clothes?”
“Yeah, sure.” 
Steve pulls open some drawers, rifling through for something for you to sleep in. Throws your top into his hamper while he’s at it. He turns back to you with a ‘Hawkins Athletics’ shirt that’s seen better days and a pair of flannel pajamas. Shoves them toward you awkwardly and then promptly turns around to let you have some privacy while you change.
He makes a strangled noise of confirmation and clears his throat. “No problem.”
Hearing the rustling of sheets, he turns back around and catches sight of your bare leg as you hunker down in his bed. Heat rushes to his cheeks when he spies the pajama pants neatly folded and placed on his nightstand. You turn on your side, burrowing and fluffing the pillows to your liking.
Steve makes quick work of brushing his teeth and getting ready for bed. Shoes by the door next to yours, jeans shucked into a pile by his desk, keeps his shirt on for the sake of decency, and slips in next to you. 
“I appreciate you coming to get me, y’didn’t have to do that.”
His arm drapes against your shoulder while you snuggle into him, casual affection being the norm between you two. He swallows thickly, tries to regulate his breathing when your hand rests against his chest.
“What’re friends for?”
“Hmm,” you consider for a moment. “Friends may not be the most accurate term.”
Steve bristles at that. 
“What do you mean?” He turns toward you, heart racing— did you not want to be friends anymore? Did he do something wrong?
Your face is impassive, blank. Steve couldn’t even begin to guess at what you’re thinking, is afraid to even try.
Then, you smile.
Fuck. That smile.
“S-so, not friends then?”
Steve is not a religious man, but he prays that your smile means what he thinks it does. Slowly reaching toward you, he brushes a lock of hair from your face, fingers grazing your cheek. 
Mischievously, you lean in, touch him soft on the lips and every beat of his pulse seems to be seeking out the sweet plush of your mouth. “If we were just friends, I shouldn’t wanna kiss you so bad, but we both seem to be … not good… at following decorum, so…” Your eyes light up teasingly, “What d’ya say?”
Steve makes a noise like a whimper. Wow. Babysitter extraordinaire with a bat of nails under his bed and it’s your smile that does him in.
You kiss him again, longer than the last, giggling softly and tugging on his bottom lip like you could pull his entire body toward you with just that. “I’m sure we could find a few more rules to break.”
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tex-now · 3 months
Ranking every kasa ship let's gooooooo (excluding saki ofc)
18. Toyakasa
No. No. No. No. Ew. No. No. How amatonormative do you have to be to ship these two. Fuck off if you ship them. Please. Im begging you
17. Ichikasa
I would probably block you if you ship this not because I think it's weird but more so because I despise it so much. Ew. But like. Do what you want. I don't wanna see it tho.
16. Honakasa
WORLD'S NUMBER ONE ROMANTIC HONAKASA HATER HERE!!! but I love them platonically so they go higher I guess.
15. Shihokasa
Ew if we're taking it seriously but shiho having an unrequited crush on tsukasa and wanting to bash her head into a rock anyone. Anyone. And then it turns out she was comphet and actually attracted to saki the entire time so she latched onto the boy most like her. Anyone. Anyo-
14. Ankasa
Ew. Just ew. Ifk what it is but I hate the idea of an and tsukasa dating. Makes me sick. I hc an as bisexuality so that's not the issue here I just hate them romantically
13. Harukasa
I've read one harukasa fic and it was cute but not enough for me to really like them. She would Not date him
12. Akikasa
I actually used to like them but then I grew an aversion to them idk why.... keep this away from me
11. Mizukasa
I like these two! They have a fun dynamic and tye idea of them dating is realky funny to me. It's my crackship if you will
10. Kanakasa
They are QPR. no they don't kiss or go on dates or any of that but tsukasa joins honami in visiting kanade and they go shopping with mafuyu and sometimes tsukasa braids kanades hair for her to keep it out of the way okay. Don't look at me
9. Minokasa
I. Don't look at me. The fucing first anniversary conversation they had. Look at it. Read it. The April fools event. Crawling into a hole and dying
8. Kohakasa
Yes it's going to get worse. These two I actually ship romantically so burn me at the stake I deserve it
9. Airikasa
Okay so basically. I had a thought one day. I love platonic aisaki. I love the tenma siblings. I love the idea of big sister airi to saki. And. Tsukasa and airi interacting because they both care about saki and then at one point they start holding hands
7. Enakasa
I'll be honest I just like them. They're so silly. T4T. Transmasc ena and his loving wife. I love them. No thematic shit just my sillies
6. Mafukasa
Me and the bad bitch I pulled by being autistic I fucing hate them/pos
5. Shizukasa
The beautiful bride and the ugly groom core... pandemonium changedtye way I think about these two I fucing love them actually. They're so silly.....
4. Emukasa
THEM!!!!! THEM!!!!!! THEY!!!!!!! MY PREVIOUS FAVORITE SHIP!!!!!!!!!! THE SILLIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3. Nenekasa
I hate them so much I hate them. They make me fucing sick o hate them. They kiss and I scream and rip and tear at the walls I HATE THEMMMMMMMM/pos
2. Polysho
... I'm so normal about them. Grips seat.
1. Ruikasa
They fake up my mind every minute of every day and I can never stop thinking about them. I've filled three notebooks with drawings of just them I have so many wips of them. I hate them. I love them. They've ruined me in a way I never thought possible. Fuck
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boosaot · 5 months
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Their height difference makes me wanna eat rocks like are you fucking kidding me rn /pos
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This fuckign look,, im going to pass away
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"You are my new favorite sin"
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siffrin-enthusiast · 8 months
hello designated isat mutual. i have decided that ten thousand (exaggerating) interests is not enough and i need to know everything about all of my mutuals' brainrots so i can share with them this joy. and also probably make more intentionally bad ms paint art
anyways the subject of this post: ultrakill. i know nothing about it and do not know where to start but i know... two people who like it (one being you and the other not being on tumblr to my knowledge). how would you recommend a silly such as myself to begin interacting with the game(? i assume it's a game. all i know is there's a dude, a certified guy even, named gabriel. and lore. i do not know the lore)
ofc please render this entire ask moot if you do not feel up to answering, i will feel no offense if you would rather not for whatever reason. pinky promise. thumbs up emoji
so. if you want to go in blind? go to the steam page and download the free demo. it lets you play the first layer for free to see if it's something you'd enjoy. while ultrakill hasn't triggered any seizures for me, it has been known to trigger people's motion sickness. it also features a...LOT of death (you killing hellspawn), blood (can be turned off though!!), and LORE!!!! i would recommend at least being a little bit familiar with dante's inferno to appreciate everything the game does with it (following it normally, following it too literally, completely subverting its meaning at times, just playing around with it!!)
ultrakill is designed to be a very hard, skill-based, bash your head into the wall for a few hours kind of game. there are assist settings to make it more accessible but you need to know if you play this game that you are SUPPOSED to suck ass at it for the first several hours until you learn how everything interacts (pro tip: learn how to use the coin gun properly. that thing has CARRIED me).
looking at letsplays (markiplier's is a personal favorite but also the VA of gabriel playing ultrakill in-character is incredible) and staring at all the art of these very queercoded robots and watching the insanity of ultrakill speedruns is also very funny, but obviously, spoilers.
go!! get into ultrakill!!! spread the gay robot and angel propaganda!!!!!!!
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dbloodmarch · 4 months
Sorry to anyone whose f/o doesn’t have a canon voice. Personally, when I listen to Damien’s voice lines I wanna bash my head through a wall /pos
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stranger-rants · 2 years
"His mother's departure allowed Neil to gain full custody of Billy and abuse him even further, turning him into a cruel violent bully. After Neil remarried a woman named Susan Mayfield, Billy abused and took all of his anger out on his stepsister, Max, who he blamed for his mother's departure."
Look at this golden bullshit that's on Billy's mom's page. Whoever made all these pages is a biased pos. Like seriously, anyone's page who mentions billy only has bad things.
He absolutely didn't blame max for everyone and abuse her right when his mom left. Literally, there's no nuance or anything. Makes me want to bash my head against the wall
The people who write these things have no comprehension when it comes to abuse survivors. Max wasn’t even around when Billy’s mom left. They possibly blame each other for moving to Hawkins. That’s it. Even when it comes to Neil Hargrove’s page, it’s so tame and bare bones. They state his “goal” is to turn Billy into him… but that’s not what abuse is about. His goal is to keep power and control over Billy, and it is this fundamental lack of understanding that this is what abuse is about that prevents people from understanding Billy’s actions which are for the most part a response to that trauma and/or an attempt to survive that trauma which is ongoing. They don’t recognize that either - that Billy is still being abused.
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rocksandmirrors · 8 months
The Kindergarten episode is one that has stayed with me throughout SU's entire run. I think it was one of the first ones that really hit me with emotions because it made me realize Amethyst isn't just the jokester of the Gems, she had a lot of unresolved feelings she needed to vent.
I think that was around the same time shows I was watching began to teach me what trauma was.
YES!!!!! it's the episode that made me love Amethyst so much. so far i just found her funny (especially bc of her interactions with Pearl), but to see her so vulnerable for the first time felt SO GOOD. the way she just lashes out on Pearl, and their fight, and how things are resolved makes me want to bash my head against a wall /pos
this is one of SU's best episodes idc what anyone says!!!
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feathergail · 1 year
he's so sweet he's got me blushing and kicking my feet while simultaneously bashing my head into the nearest wall (/pos)
ALSO LER!LADY D WHAT IF I-[train runs me over] she makes me feral
CARAMEL ANON U ARE SO GODDAMN RIGHT (i saw ur other ask LOL) both miguel and lady d can kill me actually
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ntaras · 1 year
“i’ve commanded no finer soldier” “i am what you made me, sir” proceeds to bash my head against the wall /pos
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