#BC Humanist Association
in-sightpublishing · 5 days
Rossland rejects Catholic Church tax exemption
Publisher: In-Sight Publishing Publisher Founding: September 1, 2014 Publisher Location: Fort Langley, Township of Langley, British Columbia, Canada Publication: Freethought Newswire Original Link: https://www.bchumanist.ca/rossland_rejects_catholic_church_tax_exemption Publication Date: September 10, 2024 Organization: British Columbia Humanist Association Organization Description: The…
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semiotomatics · 10 months
BC Humanist Association has a petition to allow Humanists to perform marriages (like other religions are allowed to), i'm not expecting to get married but i am humanist and in bc so i still figured i'd share, they're aiming for 1000 signatures and they're at 817, so close!
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rose-tinted-kalopsia · 4 months
what theories did you use!! for your xavier post!!!
ooooo anonie 👁 do you want a list i can give you a whole plethora of psychological theories i associate with xavier 😭✋
from the post i made;
identity status theory (identity foreclosure) - james marcia
humanistic perspective - carl rogers & abraham maslow
gestalt psychology - fritz perls
paradox of freedom - erich fromm
++ an additional that isn't expanded on in the post but would be a fun read bc i also associate it with him;
individual psychology - alfred adler
(specifically on inferiority and superiority complexes !!)
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ledenews · 1 year
West Liberty University Nursing Students Receive Their White Coats
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Several West Liberty University nursing students received their ceremonial white coats on Thursday, September 7th in Kelly Theater.  Seven of them have already received a BA or a BS and have returned to earn their BSN. Dean of the College of Sciences, Dr. Karen Kettler, explains the importance of the ceremony, "Receiving the white coat is an important milestone in the journey of a nursing student, as it represents their readiness to work with patients in clinical rotations. The ceremony means that students have met the challenges of rigorous prerequisite coursework, and will focus entirely on nursing coursework, developing valuable clinical critical thinking skills. As students wear the white coat, it will be a reminder that they are now training to be part of a profession where integrity, caring, and knowledge are at the core." West Liberty University President Tim Borchers took part in the ceremony alongside the Keynote speaker Kelsay Garvin, MSN, RN, FNP-BC, and chair of the WLU Nursing Department Barbara Kulpa, MSN, RN. Kulpa adds, "The West Liberty University Nursing program is very excited to welcome our incoming junior nursing class as they take their first step towards becoming a nursing professional. The white coat ceremony is held for nursing students as they begin their clinical rotations.  The ceremony emphasizes the core values of nursing, which are humanistic holistic care, meeting not only the physical needs of the patient but also the psychosocial, spiritual, and emotional needs as well.” The BA/BS to BSN degree Class of 2024 includes a class of 7:  Jennifer Brooks, Moundsville, WVa.; Jenna Davis, Wheeling, WVa.; Stuart Lim, Princeton, WVa; Madison McReynolds, Colorado Springs, CO.; Haeleigh Martin, New Cumberland, WVa.; Blair Mitchell, Sugar Grove, WVa. and Nelly Fiberesima, Lynchburg, VA. The Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree Class of 2025 includes a class of 13 students: Taylor Bolinger, Benwood, WVa.; Kayla Gandy, Washington, PA.; Kaylynn Hall, Triadelphia, WVa.; Claire McElwee, Wheeling, WVa.; Kelsey Michael, Paden City, WVa.; Jessica Miller, Moundsville, WVa.; Mara Pendergrast, Follansbee, WVa.; Avery Ray, Katy, TX.; Charles Rose, Benwood, WVa.;  Adriana Schellhase, Wheeling, WVa.; Sierra Sears, Richmond, OH.; Abigail Stuart, Charles Town, WVa. and Savannah Turner-Davis, Wheeling WVa. In his closing remarks, Dr. Tim Borchers reminded the students of the important role they will play in healthcare, “I offer my congratulations on reaching this day.  You have chosen a profession that will be even more important in the years ahead.  You have my best wishes as you complete your degrees and enter the workforce.” WLU’s nursing program is housed in the Campbell Hall of Health Sciences and offers the accredited Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree for high school graduates, the BA/BS to BSN degree and a RN-to-BSN degree program for Registered Nurses with an associate degree or diploma who are currently licensed or eligible for licensure and want to earn a bachelors. For more information, please visit westliberty.edu or call the nursing department at 304.336.8108. Read the full article
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sarcasticcynic · 6 years
Blasphemous libel is a specific form of criminal libel, consisting of the publication of material which exposes the Christian religion to “scurrility, vilification, ridicule, and contempt,” and which has the tendency to “shock and outrage” the feelings of Christians. It is not exactly compatible with countries whose governments claim to value freedom of speech.
Canadian Criminal Code § 296(1) provides: “Every one who publishes a blasphemous libel is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years.” There is a supposed “good faith” provision protecting any opinion on religion expressed in “decent language”:
“No person shall be convicted of an offence under this section for expressing in good faith and in decent language, or attempting to establish by argument used in good faith and conveyed in decent language, an opinion on a religious subject.”
Despite that exception, this is the law under which, for example, an Anglican clergyman tried to prosecute the Canadian distributor for the film Monty Python’s Life of Brian and the owners of a movie theater showing it.
In June of 2017, a proposed bill was introduced in the Parliament of Canada that would:
“amend, remove or repeal passages and provisions that have been ruled unconstitutional or that raise risks with regard to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, as well as passages and provisions that are obsolete, redundant or that no longer have a place in criminal law,”
Section 30 of the bill reads: “Section 296 of the Act and the heading before it are repealed.” It passed two days ago. Today it received “Royal Assent,” making the repeal official.
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atheostic · 3 years
Christian Privilege (11/?)
In its long-form census, completed every 10 years, Statistics Canada asks Canadians what their religion is “even if no longer practicing.”
This has the effect of creating an inflated impression of religious adherence and practice in Canada.
Independent surveys typically find a greater percentage of Canadians do not identify with a religion.
E.g. According to Statistics Canada, 44% of British Columbians had “no religion” in 2011 but when asked whether they practice a religion or faith, 69% answered No to a 2016 survey by the BC Humanist Association and Insights West.
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incurablehumanist · 4 years
Humanism and SPN: a match made...on Earth?
so i think it’s time i explained this blog’s whole idk theme. it’s raison d’etre, if you wanna get fancy abt it. like, it’s prolly pretty obvious (it’s literally in the name) but i still wanna break it down and make sure people really get where i’m coming from. this is also something i wanna talk abt a lot during my Great Rewatch so i think it would help to have something to refer back to when this topic inevitably comes up in future. let’s dive in, shall we?
despite Supernatural being a show about, obviously, the supernatural, I wholly believe that it is, at it’s core, a story about Humanism (the philosophy). or it’s a show based on the same foundations as Humanism (the philosophy). or it’s just very, very, Humanism (the philosophy) friendly. either way, as a humanist it gives me ALL the feels and I really, desperately want to talk about it, so that’s what i’m gonna do!
to get specific, I’m talking about modern Humanist philosophy, frequently referred to as “secular humanism”. you can find a good overview of what that means on the American Humanist Association’s website, especially their 3 Humanist Manifestos (available to read here, here, and here. the last of those is the current manifesto as accepted by the AHA, but all of them provide good context of what Humanism means as a whole). this is as opposed to Renaissance or Religious Humanism, which have notable differences, though tbh a case could be made for religious humanism bc of the whole “god is canonically real in SPN” thing. When I talk about Humanism though I’m almost always gonna be talking abt modern “secular” Humanism. also i can literally never decide whether humanism should be capitalized or not so expect lots of waffling on that. now tbh I'm not super educated on Humanism as a philosophy beyond the manifestos and what can be found with a cursory google search, so I'm gonna be learning more abt it as I go, but i understand it enough (and have considered myself a secular humanist for long enough) to have Opinions. I’m hoping that as I examine the show through this lens i’ll both gain a better understanding of Humanism as a philosophy as well as how supernatural relates to it. no promises that anything good or coherent will come of it but I'm excited to see where it leads me! also if you too have Opinions on this topic I would absolutely looooooooove to hear them. seriously. hit me up. finally, for context, i’m gonna include some quotes about Humanism which I think best exemplify its ideology and will hopefully give people unfamiliar with it an idea of where I'm coming from/why I think SPN is such a perfect representation of it. I also highly recommend reading the manifestos on AHA's website, since they’re basically the horse’s mouth when it comes to the modern (Western) Humanism movement. beyond it’s relevance to SPN as a narrative, it’s also just a beautiful perspective on life, and it always makes me happy to read about it. like you’re about to do right now! here we go: "While there is much that we do not know, humans are responsible for what we are or will become. No deity will save us; we must save ourselves." – Humanist Manifesto II (1973) "Humanism is the light of my life and the fire in my soul. It is the deep felt conviction, in every fiber of my being that human love is a power far transcending the relentless, onward rush of our largely deterministic cosmos. All human life must seek a reason for existence within the bounds of an uncaring physical world, and it is love coupled with empathy, democracy, and a commitment to selfless service which undergirds the faith of a humanist." – Bette Chambers, former president of the AHA "Humanism is an approach to life which encourages ethical and fulfilling living on the basis of reason and humanity, and rejects superstition and religion. The most immediate impact of living as a Humanist is that we believe this life is all there is - so what we do and the choices we make really count." – Stephen Fry "Humanists recognize that it is only when people feel free to think for themselves, using reason as their guide, that they are best capable of developing values that succeed in satisfying human needs and serving human interests." – Isaac Asimov "Does religion fill a much needed gap? It is often said that there is a God-shaped gap in the brain which needs to be filled: we have a psychological need for God -- imaginary friend, father, big brother, confessor, confidant -- and the need has to be satisfied whether God really exists or not. But could it be that God clutters up a gap that we'd be better off filling with something else? Science, perhaps? Art? Human friendship? Humanism? Love of this life in the real world, giving no credence to other lives beyond the grave?" – Richard Dawkins "There is nothing new about humanism. It is the yielding to Satan's first temptation of Adam and Eve: "Ye shall be as gods." (Gen. 3:5)" – Billy Graham, Christian evangelist (lol)
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Herodotus, Hippocrates, and Epilepsy
Epilepsy: A way from Herodotus to Hippocrates
S.J. Baloyannis
“The term “Epilepsy” is derived from a Greek verb epilambanein (επιλαμβάνειν), meaning to seize, take hold of, or attack. Epilepsy therefore means “a condition of getting over, seized, or attacked.” People in Homeric Era used to believe that Epilepsy was induced by gods, and it is therefore a sacred disease. In Homeric times, medicine and religion gradually were established in the temples of Aesculapius, which became centres of faith healing. Alcmaeon of Croton (6th B.C.) was the first of the Greek physicians to ascertain that the brain is the organ of ‘hegemonicon’ (ηγεμονικόν), the source of mental faculties, and that epilepsy is a brain's disease. Democritus of Abdera (5th B.C.) wrote a book on epilepsy (Περί επιληψίας) insisting that the brain is the centre of the soul and cognition is a capacity of the brain. Herodotus, the “Father of History,” used to travel during his lifetime, describing the different people and cultures he met. He worked for many years on his History, which was the first true history of the ancient world. In the third book (Thalia) of his nine-volume History, Herodotus described in many details the epileptic phenomena of the Persian King Cambysis the II, son of Cyrus, who suffered from the “Sacred illness” and behaved as a mentally ill tyrannical despot with much cruelty and impiety. Hippocrates, the “Father of Medicine” and the predominant physician of the Greek classical period (480–323 BC), believed that diseases are derived from nature as opposed to from the gods. For Hippocrates, Nature was “the teacher of all teachers”. Hippocrates dissociated facts from myths, histories from tales, healing art from philosophy. The attitude of Hippocrates towards his patients was dictated by human concepts and by the ethical principle “benefit and do no harm to the patient.” Hippocrates denied that epilepsy is a sacred disease, stating that he did not believe that the sacred disease is any more divine or sacred than any other disease but, on the contrary, just as other diseases have a nature from which they arise, so epilepsy has a nature and a definite cause. Thus, this so-called sacred disease is due to the same causes as all other diseases, each disease having its own nature. In all forms of epilepsy, it is the brain which suffers. There are signs of the onset of a seizure, which only the patient is aware of: the aura. Men believe only that it is a divine disease because of their ignorance and amazement. The physician should understand and distinguish the real cause of epileptic phenomena in order to treat the patients properly and efficiently. Hippocrates, by stating that epilepsy was a brain's disease and not a sacred one, made one of the most important and original contributions to the history of medicine. Associating the real medical knowledge with ethics, Hippocrates shaped the very existence of the scientific and humanistic profile of Medicine.”
On line source: https://www.epilepsybehavior.com/article/S1525-5050(12)00182-5/pdf
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palmett-hoes · 4 years
jewish jeremy knox???
damn this is a good take. hadn't thought about it but this is so good. esp with rromani jean moreau. jewish/rromani solidarity is 👍
but like also,, just on his own, jeremy knox is such a good jewish character. captain sunshine really embodies like,, gemilut hasidim, tzedakah, tikkun olam,, which are all very jewish but not the things most people associate with judaism
now imagine,, kevin day (+ neil and andrew, obviously) goes to visit USC. he's gonna check up on jean, get the low down on the Trojan's drills, maybe do a little recruiting at some LA high schools.
oh, and
🥰👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨♥️hang out with jeremy knox♥️👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨🥰
no biggie
now kevin is PSYCHED. it's just gonna be him, 🥰👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨♥️ jeremy ♥️👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨🥰, and the three surliest assholes known to man. kevin is going to look like a goddamn SAINT next to them
so they get there and it's a shitshow, immediately. jean and andrew are circling each other like alley cats about to brawl. neil's trying to prevent a fight but he can't actually look at jean and that's making the whole situation worse. then, the tension is stressing neil out, and when neil gets stressed he gets mean
so basically everything is going according to plan and kevin is foaming at the mouth to be a good polite boy who 🥰👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨♥️ jeremy ♥️👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨🥰 will like
now 🥰👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨♥️ jeremy ♥️👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨🥰 is going over some potential plans for while they're in town to get the most out of their visit, like "... on Thursday we're having a morning practice 😁 if you guys wanna come watch 😁 or join 😁 whatever you want 😁 you're totally welcome 😁 then that night we can go to Santa Monica Pier 😁 get some food 😁 go on some rides 😁 walk along the beach 😁"
(what kevin wouldn't give to hold 🥰👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨♥️ jeremy ♥️👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨🥰's hand and walk along the beach go for a manly run across the beach with 🥰👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨♥️ jeremy ♥️👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨🥰 at sunset)
"nothing's scheduled for friday 😁 so we can just walk around the city 😁 maybe do some shopping 😁 i'm gonna have to dip early tho 😁 i like to go to friday night shabbat when we don't have games-"
and neil kinda mumbles, "i haven't been to synagogue in years" in his voice that means he's thinking about his traumatic backstory or whatever. kevin doesn't care right now, neil, he's just trying to learn more about 🥰👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨♥️ jeremy ♥️👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨🥰's calf workout
only 🥰👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨♥️ jeremy ♥️👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨🥰 stops in his tracks and shrieks " OHMIGOSH YOU'RE JEWISH TOO!!! you HAVE to come with me!!! i'll introduce you to my rabbi!!! she's the sweetest!!! oh it'll be so much fun!!!!!!!!!!"
and neil's got that look on his face that means someone's doing something nice for him and he's really grateful but he doesn't know how to express it and instead just says "that'd be,, really nice, jeremy... thank you" all sincere and cute and sad with his big dumb eyes and he doesn't even know he's doing it but kevin's seen this before and he KNOWS this means he's about to lose 🥰👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨♥️ jeremy ♥️👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨🥰 to neil for the entire trip
which leaves him,,
with jean and andrew,,
who are going to start a knife fight with each other as soon as they're out of neil's direct line of sight
he's gotta find a way out of this, he doesn't wanna be turned into minced meat in the crossfire
he coughs. "so what about the rest of us-"
and 🥰👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨♥️ jeremy ♥️👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨🥰 cuts him off, "oh don't worry about it 😁 jean can show you two around 😁 he knows all the best spots in the city by now 😁"
not. good.
kevin tries again. "are you sure you don't want us to tag along?" meaning 'please for the love of god don't leave me alone with them'
but 🥰👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨♥️ jeremy ♥️👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨🥰 doesn't seem to notice this and just says, "that's sweet kevin 😁 but neil-io here and i will be fine on our own 😁 and we wouldn't want to bore you 😁"
so the next day just feels like a count down to war. for kevin at least.
🥰👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨♥️ jeremy ♥️👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨🥰 has latched onto neil and they're having a grand old time. neil's telling him about some of the old jewish towns and synagogues he saw in europe, 🥰👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨♥️ jeremy ♥️👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨🥰's bringing neil up to date on some of the intricacies of the newer branches like reform and humanistic, etc. bc neil's parents were both from more conservative roots. and kevin is biting his nails at the rising storm cloud behind them, where andrew and jean are tailing them, silent, eyeing each other, waiting for the opportunity to strike
finally it's late Friday afternoon. they're in jean and 🥰👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨♥️ jeremy ♥️👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨🥰's room, and 🥰👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨♥️ jeremy ♥️👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨🥰 and neil are getting ready to head out. kevin has tried every method in the book to tag along, and been stopped at every junction. finally neil just gave him A Glare™️ that scared him back into a corner and at that point he gave up and accepted his fate
so neil and 🥰👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨♥️ jeremy ♥️👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨🥰 wave goodbye, shut the door, and immediately from behind him kevin hears andrew say, "so let's talk about the nest..."
he's going to die
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ishtiaq-official · 3 years
Platinum: Platinum is a dense, stable, and rare metal. It is more expensive than gold which is often used to look like its attractive silver. It is also used in medical, electrical, and chemical applications due to its other chemical and physical properties. About 250 metric tons of Platinum is supplied every year. Most of the Platinum produced in the world comes from South Africa and Russia. Known as Platinum Silver White. However, it was once known as white gold. It is a very soft and corrosive metal. This metal is not oxidized and is not attacked by ordinary acids. That is, Platinum is one of the metals. Non-metallic atomic structures mean that they can easily bond with other elements. It is best known for its use in jewelry production, but its main applications are catalytic converters, electrical communications, pacemakers, drugs, and magnets.
 Origin of Platinum: Archaeologists have found traces of Platinum in the gold used in ancient Egyptian cemeteries up to 1200 BC. For example, a small box was found in the tomb of Shepenpet II, decorated with gold-platinum hieroglyphics. However, the extent of the early Egyptians' knowledge of metal is unclear. It is possible that they did not recognize that the gold contained Platinum. 
 Near Esmeraldas in Ecuador, Colombian Americans use metal to make white gold-platinum alloy. Archaeologists generally associate the platinum-working tradition in South America with the La Tolita Culture (circa 600 BC-AD 200), but the exact date and location are difficult, as most platinum artifacts from the area were purchased secondhand instead of antiquities directly by archaeologists. To make metals work, they would combine gold and platinum powder by sintering. The resulting gold-platinum alloy will then be soft enough with the help of the instrument. The Platinum used in such materials was not a pure ingredient but a naturally occurring alloy of the platinum group metals with small amounts of palladium, rhodium, and iridium.
 European Discovery: The first European reference to Platinum appears in 1557 in the writings of the Italian humanist Julius Caesar Scaliger as a description of an unknown gem found between Darian and Mexico, "which has not yet been able to liquefy any fire or any Spanish craft." 5]] From their first encounter with Platinum, the Spaniards generally viewed metal as a form of impurity in gold, and so it was considered. It was often removed, and there was an official decree to ban gold adulteration with platinum impurities.
In 1735, Antonio de Ulloa and Jorge Juan y Santasilia saw Native Americans digging Platinum while the Spaniards were traveling through Colombia and Peru for eight years. Ulloa and Juan find mine with white metal pulses and take them to Spain. Antonio de Ulloa returned to Spain and established the first Mineralogy Lab in Spain, and he was the first to study Platinum in 1848. Ullah also expected the discovery of a platinum mine. After the report was published in 1748, Ulloa did not continue to investigate the new metal. In 1758, he was sent to Juancavelica to oversee a mercury mine. In 1741, Charles Wood, [54] a British metallurgist, found various samples of Colombian Platinum in Jamaica, which he sent to William Brownrigg for further investigation.
In 1850, after studying the Platinum sent by Wood, Brownrigg presented a detailed description of the metal to the Royal Society, stating that he had not mentioned it in any previous description of the mineral. [55] Brownrigg also noted the extremely high melting point of Platinum and disobedience to borax. Other chemists across Europe soon began studying Platinum, including Andreas Sigismund Marggraf, Thorburn Bergman, Johns Jacob Bargelias, William Lewis, and Pierre McWarr. In 1752, Henrik Schaefer published a detailed scientific account of the metal, which he referred to as "white gold," including a description of how he had succeeded in fusing platinum ore with arsenic. Schaefer described Platinum as less flexible than gold but similar to corrosion resistance.
 Platinum Features:
 Symbol- Pt
Atomic number- 78
Group- 10
Stage- 6
Block- D
Electron Formatting- [Xe] 4f14 5d9 6s1
Atomic  mass- 195.064 (9) g / mol
Physical  condition- grayish-white
Chemical  class- absurd element
The  number of electrons in each energy level- 2,6,16,32,16,1
Density- 21.45 g / cm6
Melting  point- 18.3 C
Footnote- 3725 ° C
Heating  capacity- 25 ° C
Oxidation  conditions- 2,3,4
Atomic  radius- 135 pm
 Uses of Platinum: Platinum is a precious metal. It is used in many different ways. It is used to make catalyst converters, laboratory equipment, electrical contacts and electrodes, platinum resistance thermometers, dentistry equipment, and a variety of jewelry. Platinum is also used for computer hard disks and thermocouples. Platinum is also used in the chemical industry as a catalyst for the production of nitric acid, silicon, and benzene. It is also used as a catalyst to improve the efficiency of fuel cells. Platinum is also used to make optical fiber and LCD, turbine blades, spark plugs, pacemakers, and dental fillings. Its compounds are also important chemotherapy drugs used to treat cancer. Platinum is also used for many other purposes.
 Platinum in human culture:
Medal- The Platinum Prize is not as prestigious as the Diamond Prize, but it is more prestigious than the Gold, Silver, or Bronze Prize.
Credit Cards - Platinum credit cards have higher credit limits and lower interest rates than regular credit cards; They can only be had by those with good credit ratings.
Literature - The financial unit of the Galactic Empire depicted in Isaac Asimov's Foundation Series is the Galactic Credit, which is exchangeable with pure Platinum and has a certain standard.
Wedding - The 70th wedding anniversary of a married couple is called their platinum anniversary. The 70th anniversary of any important event can be referred to as the Platinum Jubilee, although the term is rarely used.
Music - Platinum album is an album whose sales figures reach a certain amount. The amount varies from place to place; a platinum album in the United States is an album that has sold at least 100,000 copies.
How and where Platinum is mined
Platinum is a rare element in the Earth's crust. This is clearly due to its rarity and great features, which can explain its high cost. The main platinum mining sites are copper deposits и nickel ... from them, along with other materials, precious metals are mined. Ultrabasic rocks contain small amounts of Platinum. Natural ores with a high platinum content (up to 75%) are very rare. In deposits with Platinum, metals of the platinum group are often found, which is still considered its "satellite."
Also, different rocks may contain different materials with precious metals:
·         Snake;
·         Chromite;
·         Magnetic;
·         Chrysotile asbestos;
·         Olives;
·         Rhombic pyroxenes;
·         Corundum;
·         Gold;
·         Diamonds;
·         Chocopyright.
 There are two types of platinum deposits:
Ultrabasic - Located in the Urals, South Africa, Colombia, and Alaska. Not only Platinum but also copper, nickel, osmium, iridium, and iron are found here.
Copper-Nickel Sulfide - contains ores used to mix platinum-type metals with bismuth, sulfur, arsenic, and antimony. Silver, gold, and palladium are also mined in such deposits.
There are several leaders in the world in the field of platinum mining. This includes the following countries:
Republic of South Africa - 80%     of the world's native platinum reserves are mined in South Africa, as it     has the richest deposits of precious metal.
United States и Russia;
Platinum mining in Russia began     in 1824. At some point, the royal aristocracy even issued coins from this     material.
Pure Platinum is not found in nature. Metals form alloys with other substances:
Platinum group metal.
Platinum ore is not homogeneous but contains valuable Platinum that looks like small granules.
Only those "pieces" are called native metals, which contain about 70-90% pure platinum. However, platinum nuggets, which are 90% platinum, are very rare. PT is mainly mined in the form of ferrous Platinum, which contains about 20-50% iron.
Iron-only platinum is not present in nature. The nuggets are classified according to the ore which other elements are included in the ore. There are several options:
Palladium - About 40% in a combination of palladium.
• Nickel - about 3-5% nickel.
• Rhodistaya - about 5% rhodium.
• Caproplatinum - Contains 10 to 15% copper.
Detective: Platinum or stainless steel
However, it is almost impossible to distinguish Platinum from stainless steel. The fact is that both substances do not react with most substances in today's chemistry. Externally, the metals are so similar that they cannot be separated from each other. A pair of steel wedding rings will cost about 500 rubles, and the same platinum jewelry will cost 20 or 30 thousand. To separate Platinum from stainless steel, you can use one of three methods:
• Weight ... PT is about three times heavier than steel. However, to use this method, you need to periodically hold jewelry of the same size from different materials. Use gold jewelry if there are no examples of two metals. Gold is always heavier than stainless steel but slightly lighter than Platinum.
• Hardness ... Stainless steel is stronger than Platinum, so it will be harder to cut. But this way, you run the risk of ruining the product, especially since the difference is subtle.
• Test confirmation method. All types of platinum samples must have this mark. If there is no print, it is vague or fake - in front of you, most likely, it is a fake.
Platinum costs
Platinum prices change every day. Between 2001 and 2016, its value increased from 600 per troy ounce in 2019. Thirty-one grams per ounce is a measure and is used to measure precious metals. One kg contains 32.15 ounces. This follows from the fact that the price of Platinum per gram has also increased. It is considered to be the most profitable metal to invest in.
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in-sightpublishing · 5 months
Launching legal action against the City of Parksville's council prayer
Publisher: In-Sight Publishing Publisher Founding: September 1, 2014 Publisher Location: Fort Langley, Township of Langley, British Columbia, Canada Publication: Freethought Newswire Original Link: https://www.bchumanist.ca/launching_legal_action_against_the_city_of_parksville_s_council_prayer Publication Date: April 12, 2024 Organization: British Columbia Humanist Association Organization…
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biproroy · 3 years
Graphics Design
Graphic design is a profession whose business is the act of designing, programming, and create visual communications, generally produced by industrial means and intended to convey specific messages to specific social groups, with a clear purpose. This is the activity that enables graphically communicate ideas, facts and values processed and synthesized in terms of form and communication, social, cultural, economic, aesthetic and technological. Also known as visual communication design, because some associate the word figure only to the printing industry, and understand that visual messages are channeled through many media, not just print.
Given the massive and rapid growth in the exchange of information, the demand for graphic designers is greater than ever, particularly because of the development of new technologies and the need to pay attention to the human factors that are beyond the competence of engineers who develop them.
Some classifications are widely used graphic design: advertising design, editorial design, corporate identity design, web design, packaging design, typographic design, signage design, multimedia design, among others.
Graphic Design History
The definition of the graphic design profession is rather recent, in what concerns their preparation, their activities and goals. Although there is no consensus on the exact date of the birth of graphic design, some dating during the interwar period. Others understand that begins to identify as such to the late nineteenth century.
Arguably specific graphic communications purposes have their origin in Paleolithic cave paintings and the birth of written language in the third millennium BC. C. But the differences in working methods and training required auxiliary sciences are such that it is not possible to clearly identify the current graphic designer with prehistoric man, with xylograph fifteenth century or the lithographer 1890.
The diversity of opinion reflects the fact that some see as a product of graphic design and all other graphical demonstration only those that arise as a result of the application of a model of industrial production, those visual manifestations that have been "projected" contemplating needs of different types: productive symbolic ergonomic contextual etc.
A page from the Book of Kells: Folio 114, with decorated text contains the Tunc dicit illis. An example of art and page layout of the Middle Ages.
The Book of Kells - A Bible handwritten richly illustrated by Irish monks in the ninth century CE-is for some a very beautiful and early example of graphic design concept. It is a graphic demonstration of great artistic value, high quality, and that even a model for learning to design-for even surpasses in quality to many of the current-editorial productions, and also from a functional point of view contemporary This graphic piece responds to all needs presented the team of people who made it, however others believe that it would be graphic design product, because they understand that their design is not adjusted to the idea of current graphic design project.
The history of typography-and by transitive, also the history of the book-is closely linked to graphic design, this may be because there are virtually no graphics designs that do not include such items graphics. Hence, when talking about the history of graphic design, typography also cited the Trajan column, medieval miniatures, Johannes Gutenberg's printing press, the evolution of the book industry, the posters Parisian Arts Movement and Crafts (Arts and Crafts), William Morris, Bauhaus, etc.. "
The introduction of movable type by Johannes Gutenberg made books cheaper to produce, and facilitate their dissemination. The first printed books (incunabula) scored the role model to the twentieth century. Graphic design of this era has become known as Old Style (especially the typefaces which these early typographers used), or Humanist, due to the predominant philosophical school of the time.
After Gutenberg, no significant changes were seen until the late nineteenth century, particularly in Britain, there was an effort to create a clear division between the fine and applied arts.
In the 19th Century
First page of the book "The Nature of Gothic" by John Ruskin, published by the Kelmscott Press. The Arts and Crafts intended to revive the medieval art, inspiration in nature and manual labor.
During the nineteenth century visual message design was entrusted alternately two professionals: the artist or the publisher. The first was formed as an artist and the second as a craftsman, often both in the same schools of arts and crafts. For the printer as art was the use of ornaments and selecting fonts printed in his compositions. The artist saw typography as a child and paying more attention to ornamental and illustrative elements.
Between 1891 and 1896, the William Morris Kelmscott Press published some of the most significant graphic products Arts and Crafts Movement (Arts and Crafts), and established a lucrative business based on the design of books of great stylistic refinement and selling them to the upper classes as luxury items. Morris proved that a market existed for works of graphic design, establishing the separation of design from production and the fine arts. The work of the Kelmscott Press is characterized by its recreation of historic styles, especially medieval.
First Vanguards
Poster for the Moulin Rouge in Paris. Made by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec with color lithography in 1891. Thanks to Art Nouveau, graphic design and visual clarity gained by the composition.
Isotype of the Bauhaus. Founded in 1919 by Walter Gropius, is considered the birthplace of the graphic design profession.
Given Poster for Matinée. Made by Theo van Doesburg in January 1923. The free font organization, expresses the spirit of the Dada movement, irrationality, for freedom and oppose the status quo and visual expressions of the time.
Corporate identity design for Lufthansa, by the Development Group 5 of the HFG Ulm. Ulm School was an inflection point in the history of design, since there is outlined the design profession through scientific methodology.
Current pictograms design for the National Park Service of the United States. The idea to simplify the symbols forms developed during the 1950s.
The design of the early twentieth century, as well as the fine arts of the same period, was a reaction against the decadence of typography and design of the late nineteenth century.
The interest in ornamentation and the proliferation of measurement changes and typographical style one piece design, synonymous with good design, it was an idea that was maintained until the late nineteenth century. The Art Nouveau, with its clear desire stylistic was a movement that contributed to higher order visual composition. While maintaining a high level of formal complexity, did so within a strong visual consistency, discarding the variation of typographic styles in one graphic piece.
Art movements of the second decade of the twentieth century and the political turmoil that accompanied them, generated dramatic changes in graphic design. The Dada, De Stijl, Suprematism, Cubism, Constructivism, Futurism, the Bauhaus and created a new vision that influenced all branches of the visual arts and design. All these movements opposed to the decorative arts and popular, as well as the Art Nouveau, which under the influence of the new interest in geometry evolved into the Art Deco. All these movements were a revisionist and transgressive spirit in all arts of the time. This period also publications and manifestos proliferated through which artists and educators expressed their opinions.
During the 1930s developed for the composition interesting aspects of graphic design. The graphic style change was significant because it shows a reaction against eclecticism ornamentalist organicism and the time and proposes a more stripped and geometric. This style, connected with Constructivism, Suprematism, Neoplasticism, De Stijl and Bauhaus exerted a lasting influence and inescapable in the development of twentieth century graphic design. Another important element in relation to professional practice, was the increasing use of visual form as communication element. This item appeared mostly in the designs produced by the Dada and De Stijl.
The symbol of modern typography is the sans serif font or serif, inspired by industrial types of the late nineteenth century. Highlights include Edward Johnston, author of the font for the London Underground, and Eric Gill.
Design Schools
Jan Tschichold embodied the principles of modern typography in his 1928 book, New Typography. He later repudiated the philosophy presented in this book, calling it fascist, but remained very influential. Herbert Bayer, who dirigó from 1925-1928 the typography and advertising workshop at the Bauhaus, created the conditions for a new profession: the graphic designer. He put the subject "Advertising" in the education program including, among other things, the analysis of advertising media and the psychology of advertising. Notably, the first to define the term Graphic Design was the designer and typographer William Addison Dwiggins in 1922.
Thus Tschichold, Herbert Bayer, László Moholy-Nagy, and El Lissitzky became parents of graphic design as we know it today. They pioneered production techniques and styles that have been using later. Today, computers have dramatically altered production systems, but the approach that contributed to experimental design is more relevant than ever dynamism, experimentation and even very specific things like choosing fonts (Helvetica is a revival, originally a Typography design based on the nineteenth-century industrial) and orthogonal compositions.
In the years following the modern style gained acceptance, while stagnated. Notable names in modern design midcentury are Adrian Frutiger, designer of the typefaces Univers and Frutiger, and Josef Müller-Brockmann, large poster of the fifties and sixties.
The Hochschule für Gestaltung (HFG) in Ulm was another key institution in the development of the graphic design profession. Since its founding, the HFG distanced himself from a possible affiliation with advertising. At the beginning, the department concerned was called Visual Design, but it quickly became clear that his current goal was to solve design problems in the area of mass communication in the academic year 1956-1957 the name was changed to Department of Visual Communication, modeled Visual Communication Department at the New Bauhaus in Chicago.2 3 In the HFG Ulm, decided to work primarily in the area of persuasive communication in the fields such as traffic sign systems, plans for technical equipment, or visual translation of scientific content. Until that time were not systematically taught these areas in any other European school. In the early '70s, members of the Bund Deutscher Grafik-Designer (Association of German graphic designers), unveiled several features of their professional identity, as in the case of Anton Stankowski among others. While in 1962 the official definition of the profession was directed almost exclusively to the advertising, now extended to include areas located under the rubric of communication visual.4 corporate images produced by the Development Group 5 of the HFG Ulm such as those created for the firm Braun or airline Lufthansa were also critical to this new professional identity.
Gui Bonsiepe and Tomas Maldonado were two of the first people who tried to apply the design ideas from semantics. In a seminar held at the HFG Ulm in 1956, Maldonado proposed modernizing rhetoric, classical art of persuasion. Maldonado Bonsiepe and then wrote several articles on semiotics and rhetoric for Uppercase English publication and Ulm magazine that would be an important resource for designers to that area. Bonsiepe suggested that it was necessary to have a modern system of rhetoric, semiotics updated as a tool to describe and analyze the phenomena of advertising. Using this terminology, could expose the "ubiquitous structure" of a message publicitario.5
The idea of simplicity and good design feature continued this for many years, not only in the design of alphabets but also in other areas. The tendency to simplify influenced all means at the forefront of design in the 1950s. At that time, developed a consensus that simple, not only was the equivalent of good, but was also more readable equivalent. One of the hardest hit areas was the design of symbols. The designers raised the question of how they could be simplified without destroying its informative function. However, recent investigations have shown that the shape simplification only one symbol does not necessarily increase readability.
Second Vanguards
Reaction to the sobriety growing graphic design was slow but inexorable. The origins of postmodern fonts back to the humanist movement of the fifties. In this group highlights Hermann Zapf, who designed two typefaces today ubiquitous Palatino (1948) and Best (1952). Blurring the line between serif fonts and sans serif and reintroducing organic lines in the lyrics, these designs served more to ratify the modern movement to rebel against him.
An important milestone was the publication of the Manifesto, first things first (1964), which was a call for a more radical form of graphic design, criticizing the idea of design in series worthless. He had a massive influence on a new generation of graphic designers, contributing to the emergence of publications such as Emigre magazine.
Another notable designer of the late twentieth century is Milton Glaser, who designed the unmistakable I Love NY campaign (1973), and a famous Bob Dylan poster (1968). Glaser took elements of the popular culture of the sixties and seventies.
The advances of the early twentieth century were strongly inspired by technological advances in photography and printing. In the last decade of the century, technology played a similar role, but this time it was computers. At first it was a step back. Zuzana Licko began using computers to compositions soon, when computer memory was measured in kilobytes and typefaces were created by dots. She and her husband, Rudy VanderLans, founded the pioneering Emigre magazine and type foundry of the same name. They played with the extraordinary limitations of computers, releasing a great creative power. Emigre magazine became the bible of digital design.
David Carson is the culmination of the movement against contrition sobriety and modern design. Some of his designs for Raygun magazine are intentionally illegible, designed to be more visual than literary experiences.
Present Times
Today, much of the work of graphic designers is assisted by digital tools. The graphic design has changed enormously because of computers. From 1984, with the appearance of the first desktop publishing systems, personal computers gradually replaced all analog in nature technical procedures for digital systems. Thus computers have become indispensable tools and, with the advent of hypertext and the web, its functions have been extended as a means of communication. In addition, the technology also has been noted with the rise of telecommuting and special crowd sourcing has begun to intervene in work arrangements. This change has increased the need to reflect on time, motion and interactivity. Even so, the professional practice of design has not been essential changes. While the forms of production have changed and communication channels have been extended, the fundamental concepts that allow us to understand human communication remain the same.
Job performance and skills
The ability to design is not innate, but acquired through practice and reflection. Still, it remains an option, one thing potentially. To exploit this power is necessary continuing education and practice, as it is very difficult to acquire by intuition. Creativity, innovation and lateral thinking are key skills for graphic designer job performance. Creativity in design exists within established frames of reference, but more than anything, is a cultivated skill to find unexpected solutions to seemingly intractable problems. This translates into design work of the highest level and quality. The creative act is the core of the design process manager but creativity itself is not an act of design. However, creativity is not exclusive graphics performance and no profession, although it is absolutely necessary for the proper performance of the design work.
The role that the graphic designer in the process of communication is the encoder or interpreter works in the interpretation, organization and presentation of visual messages. His sensitivity to the form must be parallel to its sensitivity to the content. This work deals with the planning and structuring of communications, with its production and evaluation. The design work is always based on customer demand, demand which eventually established linguistically, either orally or in writing. This means that the graphic design transforms a linguistic message in a visual demonstration.
The professional graphic design rarely works with nonverbal messages. At times the word appears briefly, and in other texts appears as complex. The editor is in many cases an essential member of the communications team.
The design activity often requires the participation of a team of professionals, such as photographers, illustrators, technical illustrators, including professionals with less related to visual message. The designer is often a coordinator of various disciplines that contribute to the production of the visual message. Thus, coordinates its research, design and production, making use of information or specialists in accordance with the requirements of different projects.
Graphic design is interdisciplinary and therefore the designer needs to have knowledge of other activities such as photography, freehand drawing, technical drawing, descriptive geometry, psychology of perception, Gestalt psychology, semiology, typography, technology and communication.
The professional graphic design is a visual communications specialist and his work is related to all steps of the communication process, in which context, the action of creating a visual object is only one aspect of that process. This process includes the following:
Defining the problem.
Conception of communication strategy.
Schedule Production.
Monitoring Production.
This process requires the designer to possess an intimate knowledge of the areas of:
Visual communication.
Visual Perception.
Management of financial and human resources.
Assessment techniques.
The four guiding principles of graphic design are variables that graphic design professional should consider when facing a project, these are:
The Individual: conceived as ethical and aesthetic unit that integrates society which is part and to whom the visual space is uniform, continuous and connected.
The advantage: because it responds to a need for information and this is communication.
The atmosphere: because it requires knowledge of physical reality to contribute to the harmony of the habitat, and the reality of other contexts for understanding the structure and meaning of the human environment.
The economy: it encompasses all aspects related to the study of the cost and streamlining of processes and materials for the implementation of the elements.
For graphic design services visit here.
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stellarcluster · 4 years
smth I’ve been thinking about since leaning more to non theism is the distinction between humanist vs naturalistic pagan and I think I’ve kinda figured out why I personally prefer humanist pagan/witch to naturalistic
while nature in and of itself is what guides my spirituality, I find people who talk about centering nature even in supposedly science supporting spaces often falter to the appeal to nature fallacy. the naturalistic paganism website itself even positively discusses the idea of “gmos are bad”, smth there just.... isnt convincing evidence for.
the reason I decided to just fully move over to non theistic is bc while I do enjoy ritual and the “aesthetic” of magic, I heavily dislike making claims without evidence. I can talk about my own experiences all I want, but none of those are evidence of anything.
& while nature is definitely a profound and beautiful source of spirituality, and i hold a great respect for it, I reject the idea that humans are inherently a damaging force to the earth + the associated idea that science is a source of evil. I don’t believe in good or bad as concepts, only material harm
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non-sequitura · 4 years
I hope you all are ready for more psychology
Chapter 11: Personality 
one of my favorite subjects, personally. Personality: What it is and how it's measured Describing and explaining personality - = an individual's characteristic style of behavior, thoughts, and feelings. -Hard to describe bc individuals get different impressions -Described in terms of prior events (life experiences that shape a person)/anticipated events (hopes/fears) 
 Measuring Personality 
-Self-report (generally questionnaires or interviews). Flaws: people unconsciously go for "desirable" answers; there are things people don't know about themselves. (MMPI) 
-Projective tests (interpretations of ambiguous items). TAT tries to evaluate personality based on storytelling. Pretty controversial. 
-Can use technologically-enhanced techniques (for example, measuring how many words ppl speak in an hour.) 
-"people who post about computers and Pokémon cards also score high on introversion" WHAT THE--
The Trait Approach: Identifying Patterns of Behavior Traits 
-Gordon Allport pioneered trait theory (= personality being a collection of relatively stable, consistent behaviors in variety of settings) 
-Traits describe but don't provide reasons 
-Core traits/factors of personality (hierarchical structure) include big five. Tend to remain stable. 
-20s more conscientious, 30s more agreeable, neuroticism decreases over time in women. 
Traits in biology 
-Brain chemistry/damage can affect personality. Similarity in genetics also tends to result in more personality similarities (identical vs. fraternal twins) 
-Male and female personalities differ, but it is unclear if this is genetic or cultural 
-Hormones can affect personality (and are easily tested) 
-Speculation that extraversion depends on reticular formation (regulates alertness). Introverts tend to be more sensitive to physical sensations - all sorts of stimulation. 
-BAS (behavioral activation system) expects reward vs. BIS (behavioral inhibition system) expects punishment. 
-Extroversion -> reward, neuroticism -> sensitivity to threats, agreeable -> processing others' emotions, conscientiousness -> self-regulation
Psychodynamic Approach Id, Ego, Superego 
-Thanks for this one, Freud. Id = drives present at birth. Aggressive wants, needs. Superego = cultural rules learned from family/society. Middle is ego = practical mechanism that decides which to do. 
-Defense mechanisms = unconscious coping mechanisms that reduce anxiety from unacceptable impulses. Freud's psychosexual stages (I don't believe in this one) 
-Fixation = being stuck and thus overly focused on a stage 
-0-1.5 = oral stage (greed) 2-3 = anal stage (control) 3-5 = phallic stage (jealousy) 5-13 = latency stage (focus is on developing skills) 13 and onward = genital stage (developing healthy sexuality)
Humanistic-existential approach: personality as a choice 
-Tendency for people to 'realize inner potential' (at top of hierarchy of needs) 
-Associates flow with peak happiness 
-Personality associated not with goodness, but with ongoing choices given context of life and death 
-Agreed that accepting the pain of existence is better than avoiding it
Social-cognitive approach: personalities in situations 
-Personality can be determined by situational factors 
-Walter Mischel argued that personality rarely predicts individual behavior 
-Some situations result in similar reactions regardless of personality (funerals, earthquakes) 
-Interpretations of personality can reveal more about the interpreter than the person
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riviae · 5 years
oh RIGHT so like we all know regis is a self taught barber-surgeon in book canon (tw3 canon is separate & in that universe i specifically see the humanist teaching regis how to do medicine-adjacent things... but the humanist was also self taught so kind of the same vibe, ya know?), which begs the question: how did he teach himself human anatomy? 
vampires in the witcher series are basically the fantasy equivalent of aliens so assuming their underlying anatomy is different despite similarities in structure/form, then we’ve got quite a mess™ i’m sure he knew the basics of what kills humans bc, well, he very much killed ppl in his youth, but healing requires a more robust understanding then ‘oh, humans can’t regenerate heads. or arms. & are liable to die if they bleed out too much. how much? idk like 3 wine bottles worth i suppose?’  all ramblings aside, having regis associated w/ crypts & graveyards is both ironic & hilarious bc odds are, after getting his drinking under control, regis probably grave robbed so he could dissect & study human anatomy w/o distractions. cue some poor soul who just wants to leave flowers on a loved one’s grave & instead comes face-to-face with an elderly looking gentleman dressed in all black casually slinging a corpse over his shoulder, whistling, eyes shining eerily in the dark.
his cover? “oh, i’m a grave-digger! haha :-)” 
“yes but sir that doesn’t explain your eyes???” 
“....wait humans’ eyes don’t shine in the dark?” 
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tammarafranze · 3 years
studiooneconcept: History and Origins
Graphic Design A profession that designs, programs, and creates visual communications. These communications are generally made by industrial means. They have a specific purpose and are intended to communicate specific messages to certain social groups. This activity allows you to graphically communicate ideas and facts. It also helps to synthesize communication forms, whether they are social, cultural or aesthetic. Visual communication design is also known as graphic design. Some associate the term figure with the printing industry. However, they understand that studiooneconcept  visual messages can be channeled through many media other than print.
The demand for graphic designers has increased dramatically due to rapid growth in information exchange. This is especially true because of the advancement of new technologies and the need for attention to human factors that go beyond the capabilities of engineers.
Among the many categories of graphic design that are used is advertising design and editorial design as well as corporate identity design, corporate web design, corporate branding design, web design packaging design, typographic, signage, multimedia design and other.
History of Graphic Design
In terms of their preparation, activities, and goals, the definition of graphic design is quite recent. While there isn't consensus about the exact date, some dates it to the interwar period. Others believe that graphic design began to be identified as such in the late nineteenth century.
Specific graphic communication purposes may have their roots in Paleolithic cave painting and the birth of written studiooneconcept English in the third millennium BC. C. However, the differences in work methods and training required auxiliary science are so great that it is difficult to identify the current graphic designer with the prehistoric man with the xylograph fifteenth Century or the lithographer1890.
This diversity of opinions is due to the fact that not all graphic designs are created equal.
Folio 114: A page taken from the Book of Kells. It contains decorated text and the Tunc dicut illis. A page layout and example of art from the Middle Ages.
The Book of Kells is a Bible written by monks from Ireland in the ninth century CE. It is a beautiful example of graphic design. It is an artistic demonstration of high quality and artistic value. This graphic piece can be used as a template for learning how to design. However, others think it is a graphic design product because it is not adapted to current graphic design projects.
Graphic design is closely connected to the history of typography. This may be because almost all graphics designs include these items. When discussing the history of graphic design, typography also mentioned the Trajan column and medieval miniatures, Johannes Gutenberg’s printing press and the evolution of the book business, the posters Parisian Arts Movement and Crafts Art and Crafts, William Morris, Bauhaus, and others.
Johannes Gutenberg introduced movable type, making books more affordable to produce and facilitating their distribution. Incunabula, the first printed book, was a role model for the 20th century. This era is known for its graphic design, especially the typefaces that these early typographers used, or Humanist because of the dominant philosophical school at the time.
The late nineteenth century saw no significant changes after Gutenberg. In Britain, however, there was an attempt to make a clear distinction between the applied and fine arts.
In The 19th Century
The Kelmscott Press published the first page of "The Nature of Gothic", a book by John Ruskin. The Arts and Crafts was created to revitalize medieval art, inspire in nature and labor.
In the 19th century, visual message design was divided between two professionals: the artist and the publisher. The first was a skilled artist, while the second was a skilled craftsman. Often they were both from the same school of arts and crafts. The printer saw typography as art. He used ornaments to choose fonts for his compositions. Typography was a child to the artist, with more emphasis on ornamental and illustrative elements.
The William Morris Kelmscott Press published a number of important graphic products Arts and Crafts Movement, (Arts and Crafts), and built a profitable business on the design and sale of high-end luxury books to the upper class. Morris established the distinction between design and production of works of graphic design. The Kelmscott Press's work is distinguished by its recreations of historical styles, particularly medieval.
First Vanguards
Poster for Paris' Moulin Rouge. Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec created this poster in 1891 using color lithography. Art Nouveau is a graphic design tool that enhances visual clarity and graphic design.
The Bauhaus Isotype. Walter Gropius founded it in 1919. It is the birthplace for graphic design.
Given Poster for Matinee. In January 1923, Theo van Doesburg made this poster. This free font organization reflects the spirit of Dada, irrationality and freedom, and is opposed to the status quo.
Design of corporate identity for Lufthansa by the Development Group 5 at the HFG Ulm. Ulm School was a turning point in design history, as it established the scientific method of designing.
The National Park Service of the United States currently uses pictograms. The 1950s saw the development of simplified symbols forms.
The early twentieth-century design, along with the fine arts, was a response to the decrepit typography and design of late nineteenth century.
It was a concept that was cherished until the end of the nineteenth century. The growing interest in ornamentation, the proliferation and use of typographical style one-piece design and measurement changes, was synonymous with good design. Art Nouveau was a movement that promoted higher order visual composition with its explicit desire for stylistic. The Art Nouveau maintained a high degree of formal complexity but did so in a strong visual consistency. It eliminated the variety of typographic styles within one graphic piece.
The second decade of twentieth century saw dramatic changes in graphic design due to the political turmoil and art movements. The Dada, De Stijl and Suprematism as well as Cubism and Constructivism, Futurism and Futurism created a new vision which influenced all facets of visual arts and design. These movements were opposed to decorative arts, and popular, as was the Art Nouveau, which, under the influence from the new interest of geometry, evolved into Art Deco. All of these movements represented a radical and transgressive spirit in all arts at the time. This period saw the proliferation of manifestos and publications, through which educators and artists could express their opinions.
In the 1930s, graphic design was redesigned to highlight the most interesting aspects of composition. This was a significant graphic style shift. It shows a response against eclecticism ornamentalist organicism of the time and proposes something more minimalistic and geometric. This style was influenced by Constructivism and Neoplasticism, Bauhaus, De Stijl, and Bauhaus and played a significant role in the development and evolution of graphic design in the 20th century. The increasing use of visual forms as communication elements was another important aspect in professional practice. This feature was most prominent in the Dada and De Stijl designs.
Modern typography's symbol is the sans serif font. This font was inspired by industrial designs of the late 19th century. Highlights include Eric Gill and Edward Johnston (author of the font for London Underground).
Design Schools
Jan Tschichold was the embodiment of modern typography and published his 1928 book, New Typography. Although he later rejected the ideas in his 1928 book, New Typography, he was still very influential. Herbert Bayer, who oversaw the Bauhaus' typography and advertising workshops from 1925-1928, helped to create a new profession, the graphic designer. The education program included the topic "Advertising", which covered, among others, the analysis and psychology of advertising media. William Addison Dwiggins, a typographer and designer, was the first person to use the term Graphic Design in 1922.
Graphic design, as we know it, was born from the parents of Herbert Bayer and Laszlo Moloy-Nagy. These pioneers introduced styles and production techniques that we still use today. Computers have drastically altered the production system, but today's experimental design approach is even more relevant. It involves dynamism, experimentation, and even the selection of fonts (Helvetica, which is a revival of a Typography design that was based on the nineteenth century industrial) and orthogonal combinations.
The modern style was accepted in the years that followed, but it remained stagnant. Adrian Frutiger (designer of Frutiger and Univers typefaces) and Josef Muller Brockmann (large poster of the fifties & sixties) are two notable names in modern design's midcentury.
Another important institution was the Hochschule fur Gestaltung (HFG), in Ulm, which played a key role in the growth of graphic design. The HFG has been adamant about avoiding any association with advertising since its inception. The department was initially called Visual Design. However, it became apparent that the HFG Ulm was primarily interested in persuasive communication. This includes traffic signs systems, technical equipment plans, and visual translation of scientific content. These areas were not taught in schools across Europe. The Bund Deutscher Grafik Designer (Association of German Graphic Designers) revealed several aspects of their professional identity in the early 1970s. This included Anton Stankowski and others. The 1962 profession definition was primarily focused on advertising. However, the definition has been extended to encompass areas that fall under the category of communication visual.4 Corporate images created by the Development Group 5 at the HFG Ulm for companies such as Braun and Lufthansa are also important to this new professional identity.
Gui Bonsiepe, and Tomas Maldonado are two of the first to try to use the design ideas from semantics. Maldonado suggested modernizing rhetoric and the classical art of persuasion in a seminar at HFG Ulm, 1956. Maldonado Bonsiepe then wrote articles about semiotics, rhetoric for Uppercase English magazine and Ulm magazine. These magazines would be a valuable resource for designers in this area. Bonsiepe suggested the need for a modern system in rhetoric, semiotics that can be used to analyze and describe advertising phenomena. This terminology could be used to expose the "ubiquitous" structure of a publicitario message.5
This idea of simplicity and good design features has been a constant throughout the years. Not only did it apply to alphabet design, but in many other areas as well. In the 1950s, simplicity was a key feature of all design. Simple was considered the equivalent of quality and more easily readable. The design of symbols was one of the most difficult areas to hit. Designers asked how symbols could be simplified while still retaining their informative functions. Recent research has shown that simplification of one symbol does not always increase its readability.
Second Vanguards
The slow, but steady, reaction to the growing sobriety of graphic design was not only inexorable. Postmodern fonts date back to the humanist movement in the 1950s. This group includes Hermann Zapf who designed the typefaces Best (1952) and Palatino (1948). These designs blurred the line between sans serif and serif fonts, and introduced organic lines into the lyrics. They served to ratify the modern rebellion against Zapf.
The publication of the Manifesto first things first (1964) was a significant milestone. It called for a more radical style of graphic design and criticised the notion of design in series. His influence was huge on a new generation graphic designers and contributed to the creation of publications like Emigre magazine.
Milton Glaser was another notable designer in the 20th century. He designed the iconic I Love NY campaign (1973) and the Bob Dylan poster (1968). Glaser incorporated elements from popular culture in the sixties and seventies.
Technology's advances in printing and photography were a major inspiration for the technological advancements of the early 20th century. Technology played a similar role in the last ten years of the century. But this time, it was computers. It was at first a step back. Zuzana Licko started using computers to compose compositions shortly after the computer memory was measured by kilobytes. Typefaces were created with dots. Rudy VanderLans, her husband, was the founder of Emigre magazine, and the type foundry with the same name. They experimented with the incredible limitations of computers and discovered a tremendous creative power. Emigre magazine was the first to publish digital design.
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