vitalphenomena · 5 months
MADDIE REGARDS BEN SKEPTICALLY. It isn't his fault. It's something that's come over her, recently. It's a fear instilled in her of the outside world, of young men who don't treat her like Kieran, like Cain.
Also, Ben is tweaking.
"If you need a warm place to stay," she says reluctantly, "I'll see what I can do, but I don't want to make any promises, now..."
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valend · 4 months
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paranoid-artist · 2 months
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No because this is how they would literally eat one
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I drew the US Presidents ⁉️⁉️
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Constructive criticism is not allowed ⁉️⁉️(Because I only draw for fun lol, not mad or anything tho)
I couldn't tag anymore presidents 💔💔
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jabberamongthetrees · 5 months
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Archetypes in Your Friend Group
(American Revolution Edition, Part Two)
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deathzgf · 9 months
shout out to horrible histories founding fathers . gotta be one of my favourite genders
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+ ? ? ? screenshots i took lol
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on-partiality · 7 months
Okay, so I'm absolutely curious:
I don't know if you've been asked this already, but how would you rank the Founding Fathers (from the ones you like the most to the ones you really don't)?
Sorry for taking forever I got sick and then I had school camp but here's how I'd rank them:
1, Alexander Hamilton: I've studied him the most out of the main founding fathers so I've grown rather attached to him. I still acknowlege his flaws like the fact that the trading charter he worked for when he was younger also sold slaves, the fact that he was sexist just like the typical 18th century man and that he did cheat on his wife. But even with all of those, he's my favourite of the bunch.
2. James Madison: when creating this tier list type thing I realised that I really don't know much about Madison that's why he's higher in the list (because I've studied him so little compared to the others, I don't know as much about his flaws and problematic actions as I do the rest of the bunch) I've read a lot about him doing silly things and supposedly being a good husband but the fact that he got along so well with Jefferson throws me off because I really don't like Jefferson. So yeah, I'd say I'm pretty neutral with Madison.
3. John Adams: I haven't studied him as much as the other founders (still more than Madison though) so I find it difficult to have too strong an opinion on him. I like his stance on slavery and the fact that he never owned any, however, I don't like his thoughts on women and men without property (and just generally the requirements he wanted to make on who should and shouldn't be allowed to vote) and I don't believe he was a very good father from what I've read about how he treated his oldest son, I also don't like his personality.
4. Benjamin Franklin: I know that no one is going to agree with me on this one but something about him just grosses me out, probably because I'm semi-sex-repulsed and hearing about the way he was with so many women makes me want to gag. Additionally, the comment he made about old women being the same in the dark grossed me out heaps. I get that he technically wasn't that bad and he freed his slaves and invented so many things but his personal life throws m
5. George Washington: Look, he did some HORRIBLE things, he owned many slaves, his treatment of Native Americans was terrible and I completely disagree with most of his political views... But I really like him as a military commander and a soldier and I like his personality a lot and that's why he ranks higher than the next person on this tier list, I don't agree with most of his actions. I don't support racism or genocide. But also I have far more fun studying Washington than I do the next founding father on this list.
6. Thomas Jefferson: child rapist, owned more slaves than any of the other people on this list (I think) and was really weird with his pets. He advocated for religious freedom and he was smart, I'll give him that but I don't like his personality, I don't like his political views and he was very hypocritical. Really, with his views, he wouldn't have even liked himself and he didn't do enough to make me like him. He's still interesting to study but I find it far harder to empathise with him than I do the men listed above because I really just can't see him as anything but vile.
Bonus!: I would put Aaron Burr between Adams and Madison because while I agree with most of his views and he's really fun to study, I like Hamilton a little bit too much to rank the man that killed him higher than 3rd.
(note: I wrote this on like an hour of sleep, this may be the worst amrev take ever)
Edited, 24th of February: Got reminded of this post's existence thanks to a comment by @c0ckmuncher pointing out how inaccurate one of these takes was and checked it again and safe to say I'm never posting anything late night ever again, the rankings have now been changed to better suit what I actually think of these men
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aideu2you · 2 years
he might be dead but he means everything to me
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silliestcolressfan · 7 months
A silly lil photodump from me ^_^
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I love making this genre of image >_<
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skyeluv-ao3 · 1 year
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I think they turned out swell
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macaron-n-cheese · 1 year
Jefferson, Hamilton, Madison (alleged), and Franklin all have affair scandals.
Washington (alleged) and Adams (premarital) have affair scandals in 18th century terms.
Monroe...? Idk about him.
So, if we don't count James Monroe (he is only half a founding father since he didn't join the club until later) and confirm Adams and Washington as having had affair scandals, ALL OF THEM HAD AFFAIR SCANDALS.
They'd be proud of Bill Clinton /j
It's just really weird to think...all of the founding fathers...
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Who is truly the worst of the worst?
Who said you can't pit bad bitches against one another?
Get ready to cast your votes for the founding fathers that most make you want to build a time machine just so you can punch them in the face.
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The rules are simple- vote for whomever you like least out of the two contestants. Use whatever criteria you want for your hatred.
*note: I used a very loose definition of "founding father" for this and I do not care if you don't consider some of these people founding daddies fathers
Polls will be active for 24 hours, so make sure you vote and reblog when you see it to make sure your voice is heard!
All information given on the poll posts will be pulled from wikipedia because I am too lazy to write entire paragraphs on all of these men myself.
Happy voting!
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naphzu · 1 year
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I don't really think I have a "type" but you could try guessing
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daikenkki · 1 month
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soraskyecinema · 5 months
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Night Shift // Benjamin China & Paul China // 2023
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